Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 7 2018

*when love sets sail, it sails blindly*

*and is the one taking the helm*

*and when the tide rises to the heart, it knows that the wind blows in its favor*

*we can do nothing to change the course it set for us both*

Hi people! Sorry for the lack of a book video last week; my

router broke and I had to traver through the valley in search

of a new one, because tech support sent me to the world's butt and then I ended up

on a big shopping mall, and there I got a new router and now

everything works fine, I hope... Let's knock on wood.

You'll ask "Libertad, what's on your head?" See, the book we're treating today

is not only fitting for St Valentine's, but also quite

folkloric and Spanishy. So I've been rummaging all my house looking for a peineta

and a mantilla, but turns out we're not super folkloric in my family,

so I found no peineta or mantilla. What I did find

is a huge flower and a cute heart, so I just stabbed them to my head.

What book will we talk about today? Well, St Valentine's coming and

I still havent shown it to you properly, so today's the day.

I'll tell you about my romance novel THE LADY AND THE BANDIT (available in English). You'll see

it's signed as Adelina Rodríguez. It's still my name, technically. But this is

a pseudonym, because when I wrote it (it's my first

published novel), since there were PORRRNY scenes within, I was scared of people's reactions,

so, to keep it from mixing with my future fantasy novels,

I signed as Adelina Rodríguez, which I shouldn't have, because then,

after selling the book in my hometown and around, I realized

that elderly ladies don't really care it you write the dirtiest stuff,

as long as you don't use vulgar words.

And I was like "aaaah", but well, I'd already published it as Adelina Rodríguez, so

it stays that way. So we can differentiate Libertad's freaky fantasy novels from

Libertad's freaky porny novels. Beforehand, I'll give you a warning, since

some people aren't keen on this stuff. This is an erotic romance novel, but also

a parody of erotic romance novels; and if you don't like dick jokes,

don't read this book, or then it won't

be what you expected, you'll be morally and mentally offended, and then

I get your bad reviews on Goodreads or wherever, so I tell you beforehand:

this is not a serious book. I've said it a thousand times,

so don't be angry at me if you choose not to listen, okay? I'll read the synopsis: "WHAT DO I DO

WITH THIS RAGING LUST? Before being forced into a loveless marriage,

young Pepita Worthington manages to flee the church thanks to

a jinx that's haunted her since childhood. Rafael the Curly, a bandit,

finds her spread-legged and unconscious at the foot of a slope and, hoping to deliver her

in exchange for money, he takes her under his protection. During their journey

across Andalusian lands, both will discover the force of

a scorching, bodice-ripping passion that grows harder to ignore. Tragedy is after them,

though: Pepita's relatives have hired the

worst scum to find her and drag her back to the altar. Rafael's

nemesis, allegedly dead, has risen again and seeks revenge.

The memory of a bandit's loved one

stands between Pepita and Rafael. Will this Iberian romance

overcome so many obstacles, or will this turn into a Shakespearean bloodbath?"

The drama... Such passion, such lust... This is, briefly, the plot. Then

many more things happen, but I'd rather not go deeper into them, lest I

spoil the whole book for you; I'm terrible with that. Let's move onto the

protagonists, Pepita and Rafael. Pepita Worthington (actually Josefina Worthington)

was born from a British father and a Spanish mother, and has lived in England

her whole life. After becoming parentless,

she has no choice but to move to Spain for the first time,

(she'd never set foot in Spain, though she can speak Spanish) and

she's taken in by her aunt Eduarda, a total shrew, though

Pepita doesn't know that at first... So what happens? Eduarda

decides to marry Pepita to an eggplant-shaped idiot

thrice her age, so she can get access to the idiot's estate.

Sure, Pepita's like "Bitch you thought"

but she has no choice but to use her jinx. Pepita (She's adressed as Pepita,

though her name is Josefina) has a jinx

on her that makes her unable to be near anything "churchy". The moment she

steps into a church, strange things start happening: she begins to hear

satanic choirs in her head, Ave Satani and Rectus Dominus, and

stuff catches fire, stained-glass windows explode, candles fall off...

Pepita can't come near processions, effigies, priests,

churches... The poor girl would like to, but she can't. So, indeed,

they shove her into the church and something terrible will happen there that

makes her able to escape, but Pepita's wearing a wedding dress

four times her volume, so she trips off a steep slope and ends up spread-legged and knocked out.

And that's when our handsome Rafael enters the scene, and says "This girl's worth money.

I'll take her and see if I send her back to the ones looking for her."

We have a conflict right there, for she'll

try everything to escape back to England, and

he'll try to stop her, because the

girl has no idea about Andalusian lands or where she is,

and is capable of cracking her skull down a cliff as long as he loses sight of her.

Rafael, the poor man, thought that Pepita would fix some of his problems,

because he's starving, has no money;

he's too noble and doesn't want to kill people for money, at worst he

smuggles stuff , and he's alone most of the time, bored, feeling like

"GOD TAKE ME SOON screw my life", and now this crazy girl falls on top of it

to make things worse.

"She could hardly see her own feet. A whole collection of botanic samples

was caught in the skirts and the sleeves were so twisted that

moving her arms was near impossible. And yet she didn't stop even to get some air.

'Lord, I ask just one more thing of you today: don't let the corset blow up in this run

and the whalebones stab me like happened to my friend One-Eyed Mary.' Since her

pleadings were heard that day, it would've been more fruitful to pray for the

harshness of the land. Pepita slipped when a handful of dirt

collapsed under her heels, and, suddenly, she found her feet hanging above the edge

of a bank. Distant thunder clashed, announcing the end of her luck.

Frightened, she tried to step back to avoid the fall, but the sodding dress weighed more than

a drowned donkey. Even if that day the laws of logic had bent for her benefit,

she wouldn't be so lucky with those of

gravity, so Pepita plunged down the slope

rolling like a barrel out of control, gaining speed the longer she tumbled.

Weeds scratched her face, and her body shook with pain every time she

found a rock on the way. Unwillingly, she opened her mouth just when she was

rolling over a bunch of poppies. She swallowed half of them and

the other half snuck into her nose. The ground mercilessly hit the runaway bride

until a rocky, spiteful bump happily ran to meet her face.

A last thought tore fiercely through Pepita's mind before

the clash knocked her out: 'Spain, I curse you, including your hams and

potato omelettes!' Everything went pitch black."

As in any cheesy romance, we'll have gratuitous nudity,

disappearing shirts, clumsiness with erotic results, word

games, absurdly ellaborate metaphors to avoid saying "penis", clapping clams,

pulsating boners... Everything! All of it spiced with

a Spanish Andalusian air that I'm sure will delight the local readers...

and those who've never been to Spain, but want something different and funny. As you'll

imagine (said it many times, you're surely tired of seeing this book)

I made the cover, see? The back too... and there's also

an English translation, THE LADY AND THE BANDIT. Both can be found

on Amazon, or if you live close to me, just talk to me and I'll deliver it straight into

your hands, also signed. Since it's unlikely that you live that close to me,

yeah, Amazon's the best choice. I'll put the links here below, both

for English and Spanish versions; and it you're interested, what are you waiting for?

Get the book for Valentine's Day and enjoy it! I'm doing a giveway of this novel

on Twitter: if you follow me by @LiberLibelula, there you'll find the

pinned tweet. The prizes are a dedicated copy of THE LADY AND THE BANDIT,

plus 2 prints of Pepita and Rafael around the book's width

for you. Past 100 retweets, I'll extend the shipping to LatinAmerica, so if you're

Spanish-speakers and are in Spain or Latin America, go ahead!

Follow, retweet the post, and may the Luck be with you! And also the power

of ham and potato omelettes. There it is! I finally made a video of my book,

I can stop nagging you with it (I'll probably keep on nagging subtly,

because damn it, that's my only way to sell and a girl has to earn a living, right?)

Anyway, Happy Valentine's day, and if you don't like Valentine's day, well,

screw it! It's not really that cool of a celebration,

to be honest it's kind of tacky, everything's coated with those red hearts and lingerie

that people seem to find super risqué, and I'm like "No, it's rather plain, Victoria's Secret, don't fool me".

Anyway, enjoy Valentine's Day and if not, you can stay home eating ice-cream and

watching horror movies, which is a plan as cool as any other.

I hope you liked today's video. Remember, if you're keen on the giveaway,

jump on and come to Twitter. The link is below. And if not... well... buy my book?

I hope you liked today's video,

and see you next time! Thank you so much for watching. Bye-bye! :D

*When love sets sail ~~ *

For more infomation >> Satire / Romantica - THE LADY AND THE BANDIT (ESP audio | ENG/ESP subs) - Duration: 11:41.


Últimas noticias de Catalunya y Puigdemont: en directo - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Últimas noticias de Catalunya y Puigdemont: en directo - Duration: 1:05.


Este Remedio Natural Es Un Cuchillo Para Cortar De Raíz, Colesterol, Diabetes, Infecciones Y Más - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Este Remedio Natural Es Un Cuchillo Para Cortar De Raíz, Colesterol, Diabetes, Infecciones Y Más - Duration: 2:13.


Una pareja estadounidense tiene 13 hijos y el número 14 viene de camino - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Una pareja estadounidense tiene 13 hijos y el número 14 viene de camino - Duration: 2:23.


4 beneficios y usos de la berberina - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> 4 beneficios y usos de la berberina - Duration: 7:09.


Magdalenas de manzana y plátano - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Magdalenas de manzana y plátano - Duration: 1:56.


Minibocadillo de tahini, melaza y plátano - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Minibocadillo de tahini, melaza y plátano - Duration: 0:49.


Buñuelos de harina de espelta y trigo - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Buñuelos de harina de espelta y trigo - Duration: 1:42.


Bocadillo de paté de aceitunas y tomate - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Bocadillo de paté de aceitunas y tomate - Duration: 0:47.


INFONOMÍA, el nuevo valor del MARKETING en las empresas (CASO REAL) - Duration: 17:16.

the report can be defined as the

theory economic that treats data

as a new class of active

business generating a new framework

value for the company that allows taking

strategic decisions more efficient

or in other words we begin to base

business management in general and

particularly marketing data or not

we will all effective we can

to be

Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome to a new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

suscríbete ahora mismo a mi canal para

que te pueda avisar de los nuevos vídeos

que publicó diario

a día de hoy son muy pocas las empresas

que usan realmente los datos como su

principal activo y cuando hablo de datos

normalmente no me refiero a gran

cantidad de datos no sino empezar de

menos a más empezando por ejemplo por

una gestión eficiente de una base de

datos de e mails que te permita

gestionar y optimizar para

retroalimentar esa información como

hacemos hoy las campañas de marketing o

en la mayoría de los casos nos basamos

en aspectos subjetivos

es decir yo creo que puede funcionar

esto y esto y con ello hacemos un plan

de medios que sobre la marcha vamos

optimizando y eso sin mencionar que

muchas acciones de marketing se hacen o

se dejan de hacer porque algún mando

directivo de la empresa decide que así

sea sin estar totalmente capacitado para

tomar esa decisión pero seamos prácticos

y vayamos a conseguir soluciones porque

no mejoramos este proceso

la idea está en no hacer un plan de

medios basado en estas intuiciones no

sino en datos que ya desde un principio

nos acerque más al éxito de una campaña

cogiendo por ejemplo históricos

segmentados de anteriores acciones

realizadas para en base a ello crear

este plan de medios y ahora sí sobre la

marcha optimizarlo esta pequeña

diferencia de creación de acciones de

marketing puede suponer el éxito o el

fracaso de una campaña o la mejora en el

reino en el retorno de las inversiones

que realizamos

esto en sí podés decir oye no es nada

nuevo al coger datos históricos no es

cierto pero sí lo es

los nuevos datos que hoy en día tenemos

y la posibilidad de gestionar los de una

manera más eficiente

cosa que años atrás no teníamos quiero

contaros un caso real de mejora

progresiva en base a datos es un caso

que tuvimos para definir el plan de

medios digitales y su posterior

implementación de un congreso de

innovación muy potente que se realizaba

en un país de latinoamérica y donde se

estaba llevando a cabo un plan de medios

quedaba bajo red

estados el proceso consistió en analizar

tanto el online como offline y el porqué

de esos datos no viendo toda la cadena

de captación del usuario y proponiendo

con ello un nuevo plan de medios que

consiguió multiplicar por más de un mil

por ciento las conversiones y donde con

una inversión inferior a 10.000 dólares

se consiguió una repercusión a nivel de

brandy muy potente y se aumentó la base

de datos del evento con la captación de

593 lits cuyo índice de calidad superó

el 75 por ciento

pero ahí no quedó la cosa sino que

analizamos a posteriori el por qué

ciertos usuarios no compraron o no

estaban interesados no y las

conclusiones fueron personas que no

sabían de temas relacionados con el

congreso personas que no tenían tiempo

para los dos días por permisos en la

oficina personas que por el precio no se

animaron personas que tenían reuniones

esos días y se les complicaba por el

horario y luego otras personas a las

cuales se les realizó el seguimiento y

al final no confirmaron la existencia

con todos estos datos y analizando

distintos factores de impacto de marca

es decir parte cualitativa y


los resultados demostraron una campaña

digital con una alta rentabilidad y que

además nos ha permitido tener unos datos

que de cara al próximo año se usarán

para segmentar de manera más precisa el

potencial de la audiencia y con ello

mejorar el retorno de las inversiones

digitales pero aún quedan más datos para

añadir en este proceso no y ese análisis

de la audiencia que hicimos que

participó a tiempo real el evento a

través de un hashtag y para ello

analizamos el sexo la edad la profesión

el lugar el idioma y estos son los datos

que obtuvimos no lo que se está

mostrando en pantalla donde podemos ver

que había una gran audiencia en un

idioma distinto al español y que la

mayoría de ellos serán de marketing

seguidos de creativos el cruce de todos

estos datos es una información muy

valiosa de cara proyecciones de

marketing futuras no a conocimiento del

cliente y por lo tanto a mejorar el

desarrollo de un negocio pasa

no nos en datos que transformamos en

insights para tomar mejores decisiones

en las campañas de marketing pm

encontrado con situaciones donde una

persona aparentaba por sus

comunicaciones ser algo y luego al

ponerse a trabajar con ello un auténtico

desastre es decir como que era bueno en

una cosa en eso que hacía decir pero no

le saques de ahí porque madre mía es un

auténtico desastre no entonces creo que

al final el mundo influences un mundo

complejo muy amplio hay muchos tipos de

influenza lo más pequeñito luego los top

top pero al fin creo que son a nivel de

marketing son muy rentables y lo sabes

en enfocar enfocar bien creo que las

marcas lo hace muy mal a nivel general

porqué no hago más que ver lo que impone

quieren imponer ciertas cosas y que

ahora está de moda la influencia pues a

por esto que intentan hacer lo mismo le

pasa te dicen no tienes que hacer esto a

decir éste un briefing no te equivoques

es decir al final las bases que conectan

con su audiencia y sólo va a conectar

con su audiencia

si le dejas ser el mismo entonces deja

de ser él mismo es que esto es

publicidad empresa y las marcas ya creo

que tiene que hacer un cambio de

mentalidad creo que muchos de ellos

piensan a piensan a corto

las agencias sobre todo es decir ahora

hace esto para ver un retorno inmediato

en lugar de cambiar la palabra

influencer por de evolucionar nación

ambassador es decir alguien que sea en

el medio largo plazo que te alineas con

él y que tiene un beneficio al final lo

que buscan no sé dónde recorta decir en

serio de hacer una estrategia invertir

más de 1.000 lugar de coger 15

influencer coger dos invertir bien ellos

en una estrategia a largo plazo y

funcionará funcionará mejor

otra mala experiencia con marcas

esto fue con una hace unos tres años

gastarse dinero en hacer una campaña a

largo plazo y hacerla como el culo que

nos hicieron y el 75% de las acciones

planificadas y que ya están pagadas o te

puedo decir otra reciente con un cliente

donde se gastan unos 50 una gran marca

se gasta 50 mil euros aproximadamente en

crear un video desarrollar pagar

influencer todo lo que quieras y luego

el presupuesto para promocionar ese

video no llegaba a mil euros

creo que las marcas lo primero que

tienen que hacer

como ya han hecho grandes empresas como

bmw a que siempre digo gracias muy bien

es replantearse sus organigramas y de

quien depende qué decir porque mientras

siga estando en la toma de decisión

ciertas personas que no deben estar en

esas tomas de decisiones esto no va a

cambiar eso es lo primero de cara

influences yo creo que el tema es que

hay muchas que son muy jóvenes en tres

al final se están viendo en situaciones

donde les pagan una gran cantidad de

dinero por subir una foto por hacer

ciertas cosas y es comprensible no es lo

mismo cuando tienes 18 años cuando el

que cuando tienes 35 y creo que deben

pensar más a largo plazo porque al final

creo que muchos de ellos están ganando

dinero y quizá no lo están gestionando

del todo bien porque nada es para


hoy pueden tener pueden tener 23 años

muy buenos pero yo creo que realmente

influences fuertes que dure largo plazo

a haber pocos días están saliendo muchas

intermediarias de éstas que ponen en

contacto ct cederá al final pues mira

cosas que veo por ejemplo que intentan

no poner en contacto a la marca con el

influencer sin estar ello porque ellos

por medio lo cual es la mayor absurd que

existe porque porque es que es que es

fácilmente puente hables decir es que yo

sé quién es la marca yo puedo coger y

contactar esa marca o la marca puede

coger y fuente a la agencia que si la

agencia está es porque me ofrece a mí ya

la marca algún tipo de valor que se

merece la pena si no te la vas a

puentear es absurdo no sé si intentan

que no hables con el influencer incluso

me pasó en una campaña que he hecho yo

directamente para la cual contrate un

famoso youtuber y y la agencia no quería

quedarse con el youtube live y se

estaban complicando las cosas porque

estamos en el rodaje y estaban rodando

una serie de cosas y había unas malas

interpretaciones por las personas que

representaban a mí bueno porque yo no

estaba en ese momento allí al final lo

arregle tan sencillo como y no al

youtube decidió hoy a mirarles le

escribió por twitter le dijo oye sígueme

que quiero hablar contigo por de m

entonces claro me puente a eso pero le

point en ese sentido porque luego al

final yo todas la agencias lleva sus

comisiones y todo lo que sea pero averno

no pongas estén complicó porque le

estaban cobrando a él a mí me ha llegado

información te digo aquí vamos a hablar

tú yo y lo solucionamos con 8 tweets

privados final yo creo pero eso es un

poco la idea al final abierto

todo tiende a descender a deseen aquí

la intermediación vale todo al final lo

está lo estamos viendo en todos los en

todos los sectores está pasando ese tema

de desintermediación entonces se volverá

intenta intermediar y ganar así dinero

como modelo de negocio de pc un error

hay que buscar más inteligentes y

queremos buscar todo eso por ejemplo en

el tema también influencia positiva es

válido toda la parte de actores es otro

que es otro mundo le hace tres semanas

un mes un problema con una agencia de

actores donde tengo un video grabado

todas me estoy pensando en sacarlo no lo

tengo grabado y no sé si lanzar o no

pero tuve un problema con con ellos

porque al final lo mismo por intentar

preservar todo eso no se debe

probablemente al final del vídeo acaba

lanzando lograda hace un mes y estoy ahí

y lo lanzó pero bueno vale sí a ver

normalmente pues es decir al final

cuando buscas un influencer siempre

intentamos buscar a alguien que esté

alineado con cierta audiencia por para

para para algún objetivo no y

dependiendo el tipo de si se quiere

hacer un video es algo más o menos

visual pues uno u otro

una vez eso se llega a un acuerdo en

principio de los términos que van a

incluir todo eso y yo desde mi punto de

vista es total libertad es decir lo que

quieras como quieras siéntete libre tú

eres el que engancha con su audiencia

obviamente no hablen mal de la marca

pepsi es una campaña en ese sentido pero

siempre te libre porque cuando empiezas

a darle al final si nos vamos por

ejemplo antemano youtube son ellos los

guioniza dores los directores los

productores hacen todo es decir entre el

de halle libre haga lo que quiera es la

única manera que esto funcione

yo sí lo haría es decir yo yo tengo

implementa el mp desde hace más de un

año en mi blog en todos los contenidos e

entonces realmente el tema es que hay

muchas cosas de éstas que las montas y

luego no valen para nada

por ejemplo como a pasar instant

articles en facebook que también lo

tengo montado pero luego el resultado es

una mierda pero emt yo creo que sí pero

básicamente por una razón porque lo que

hace es que el artículo carga toda


entonces eso a google le interesa por su

habilidad usuario está potenciando yo sí

lo pondría en contenidos

yo sí lo podría escapar o tienes que

aprovechar cuando el contexto es bajo en

ese sentido es decir aprovecharlo porque

es lo único destacable decir si tienes

tu competencia que no lo hace bien es

que más fácil que eso es lo bueno eso es

lo que hay que aprovechar de todas

las cosas porque el pse o a mí que hace

depender de un tercero

y además ese tercero no controlas y

además ese tercero cambiar las normas

caos por tres según le da la gana

por lo que yo soy muy yo no mi objetivo

es posicionar porsche o nunca los iba ni

en mi texto ni me lo creo que el pse

está bien para ciertas cosas y tal no lo

dudó y es importante obviamente no pero

en youtube no en youtube

existe el seo pero realmente piensa una

cosa lo primero que el posicionamiento

sabes igual cambia por persona y que la

mayor parte de visualizaciones de un

vídeo no te van a llegar por búsquedas

que llegan por sugeridos siempre

entonces sí sin lugar a dudas siempre

por búsquedas haber de mediabase está en

un 15% de las vides de las virus

el resto la mayoría sugeridos y

básicamente al final se habla de

algoritmo en youtube

yo no creo que sea un algoritmo como tal

yo lo que hay detrás es un sistema de

inteligencia artificial que va

aprendiendo y eso no es como está no es

un algoritmo dinámicos otro tema al

final lo básico es contenido de es que

el posicionamiento para mí ahí depende

de los usuarios contenido de calidad

generar mucha interacción generar muchos

altos tiempos de visualización y muchas

visualizaciones y sobre todo paciencia

porque el algoritmo de youtube es muy

perro mucho más perro que el de google

porque tarda mucho en dar resultados

entonces súper desesperante porque hacer

un vídeo lleva mucho tiempo lleva mucho

esfuerzo y cuando mucha gente pues

empieza a subir vídeos con ganas pero

después de tres meses ve que no pasan de

80 a 100 120 views poder techa te quedas

como pues vaya mierda o dejar de hacer

esto es que lleva tiempo la marca para

mí la marca es lo más importante es

decir la marca 'significa relaciones

públicas con medios de comunicación que

es generar enlaces de calidad y eso te

hace que tu seo vaya vaya creciendo es

decir para mí es trabajar la marca todo

lo vas a que la marca su intangible que

tarda tiempo en convertir todas las

empresas la mayoría las pymes muy pocas

trabajar la marca desde el punto vista

en nota de prensa fiar muy pocas te lo

digo entonces pierden una gran potencial

ellos algo que llevo trabajando

muchísimos años desde mi primera empresa


en eso y los resultados son brutales son

muy buenos a muchos niveles

para mí tiene para mí no se le da

importancia pero tiene mucha más

importancia a lo que la gente se cree

para la marca al final lo es casi todo

una marcada credibilidad sólo han

dependido del producto es decir te

puedes ir siempre se habla lo típico

apple apple es pues una marca de coches

cuando te vas alta gama

al final un producto de apple no vale lo

que vale un bmw no vale lo que vale al

final tú pagas marca un bolso de buzzi

pagas marca un bolso de loewe pagas

marca es la marca genera confianza

genera credibilidad dependen del sector

la distinción dependiendo lo que sea es

para mí es lo que hace algo sostenible

en el tiempo pero cuando han visto los

resultados que estamos teniendo dos años

después con esta inversión que estamos


claro salimos en principales medios de

comunicación principales televisiones

pagando esto a esos medios de

comunicación que quiere estar y que les

haría porque realmente al final la

mentalidad siempre es tener a alguien

interno porque se tiene la percepción de

que trabaja porque le ves que está

trabajando porque está en un horario

porque tal y cual es muchas veces cuando

externaliza porque al final cuando las

absorciones terroristas todo es

económicamente suele salir mejor que

tener alguien interno en distintas

materias antes a lo mejor es buscar esas

debilidades que hacen ellos hacer es el

cambio de chip ganassi abaroa por un

cliente no le puedes dar esa sensación

esa percepción porque entonces las

desconfianzas es el tema y no se

justifica un precio y el resto

intentaría trasladarlo con alguna imagen

trasladar esos conceptos la esencia esos

conceptos que quiere es trasladar y

poner la llamada a la acción con alguna

con algún enganche que sea gratis y que

les ayuda a tener ese beneficio y en su

caso tenía se lo viene no lo encontrará

pero hoy es momento que tenían una

negrita grande y las otras tres palabras

las pones debajo en una letra un poco

más pequeñas separados por comas y

puntos suspensivos y su esposo el texto

pero es otro tipo de enfoque es cierto

enfoques a captar liquidez de este

enfoque va a ser más como el de mei

ching de empresas como jafp americanas


le estás viendo de su cerebro vale

fíjate en la estructura es decir lo

primero es una frase marketing

automation trata ahí sería la tuya de

edad debajo

un párrafo tan grande ponen las tres y

luego to call to action es decir lo que

sea consigue gratis lo que sé yo entré

en algo no veo todavía nada de contenido

está diciendo que me suscriba a que a

que me suscribo no dame algo primero y

hay manera de replantear eso pero pero

empieza con la frase por ejemplo

suscríbete entonces es como que me estás

obligando a mika que tuvo una opción

para ti es un tema de percepción

para mí es al contrario así que

transmita porque si un niño está

contento al padre está contento quiero

conocer tu opinión por lo que dejan los

comentarios con el hashtag infonomía si

crees que la mayoría de empresas

obtienen realmente valor de los datos de

los que disponen o por el contrario

infrautilizan toda esta información

entre todos los comentarios de los

videos del mes sortear en mi curso on

line de estrategia de marketing digital

si te ha gustado este vídeo dale me

gusta si quieres que siga haciendo más

vídeos como éste y que te avisé

suscríbete a mi canal y si quieres

descargarte mi último ebook gratuito

te dejo un enlace en la descripción del


woody allen pedro francke

For more infomation >> INFONOMÍA, el nuevo valor del MARKETING en las empresas (CASO REAL) - Duration: 17:16.


DIY How to make Valentine's Day squash card (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #450 - Duration: 2:42.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make squash card for Valentine's Day.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

First, cut all the hearts from template.

Next, cut the second template 3 times.

Apply glue on a square...

...and glue second part.

Apply glue on the next square and glue third part.

Now, fold the card along all the dotted lines by using ruler.

Fold the small hearts in a half.

Apply glue on a small heart...

...and glue it to the bigger heart on the card.

Fold the card. All the hearts should be inside the card.

Glue the big hearts to the front and back of the card.

Write "LOVE" on the front...

...and decorate the card by using rhinestones.

And it's done.

This card looks really impressive.

You can write some warm words inside, glue some stickers or draw something.

I invite you on my Facebook page and Instagram profile.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make Valentine's Day squash card (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #450 - Duration: 2:42.


Magdalenas veganas de maíz - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Magdalenas veganas de maíz - Duration: 1:43.


Sànchez descarta (por ahora) sustituir a Puigdemont: "No es momento de especular" - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Sànchez descarta (por ahora) sustituir a Puigdemont: "No es momento de especular" - Duration: 5:12.


Bocadillo de seitán con tomate - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Bocadillo de seitán con tomate - Duration: 1:15.


Sandwiches veganos - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Sandwiches veganos - Duration: 1:28.


Bocadillo de la huerta - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Bocadillo de la huerta - Duration: 1:03.


Bocadillo de espinacas - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Bocadillo de espinacas - Duration: 0:43.


Bocadillo de champiñones con espinacas al ajo - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Bocadillo de champiñones con espinacas al ajo - Duration: 1:06.


Galletas de coco - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Galletas de coco - Duration: 1:39.


Watch Fergie and 'The FOUR'...

For more infomation >> Watch Fergie and 'The FOUR'...


MONSTAR x VIRUSS - Ngẫu hứng 'BABY I TOLD U' Live (Piano Ver.) - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> MONSTAR x VIRUSS - Ngẫu hứng 'BABY I TOLD U' Live (Piano Ver.) - Duration: 4:19.


Avery Wilson - Riffs and Runs (Hard) - Lose To Win - Duration: 3:02.

(Piano playing)

For more infomation >> Avery Wilson - Riffs and Runs (Hard) - Lose To Win - Duration: 3:02.


Opel Insignia 2.0 CDTI ECOFLEX COSMO Bi-Xenon Navi Leer/stoelverw. Ecc Cruise Trekhaak 116dkm - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia 2.0 CDTI ECOFLEX COSMO Bi-Xenon Navi Leer/stoelverw. Ecc Cruise Trekhaak 116dkm - Duration: 1:01.


Baby Car | Tow Truck | 3D Cartoon Video Songs For Kids | Playlist For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 17:15.

Baby Car Tow Truck

For more infomation >> Baby Car | Tow Truck | 3D Cartoon Video Songs For Kids | Playlist For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 17:15.



We are in the princess bedroom

Rapunzel is asleep

The bedroom is full of pink furniture

Wake up Rapunzel!

It is time to wake up

Flynn tries to wake up the princess

Rapunzel does not want to get out of bed

The boyfriend will make breakfast in the kitchen

The kitchen is pink

There are cupcakes on the table


We get the food from the fridge

We open the door

We get the milk

We close the doors

We make breakfast

One cupcake

Two cupcakes

Rapunzel is still in bed

Come on! It is time to get up!

We get the princess out of bed

Rapunzel is awake!

The princess goes to the kitchen to eat breakfast

Breakfast is served!

The food looks very delicious

It is time to eat

We pour milk in the coffee cup

The coffee is ready

We serve strawberry cake

One coffee for Rapunzel

One coffee for Flynn

Rapunzel eats a cupcake

The boyfriend eats a cupcake too

The dolls finished their breakfast

Rapunzel drinks coffee

Rapunzel goes to her bedroom

Rapunzel has a lot of beautiful dresses in her closet

The princess will choose a dress

Maybe she will wear the pink dress

Or maybe she will wear this dress

This dress is very pretty!

Rapunzel looks great!

The princess likes the dress a lot

But maybe she will wear the purple dress

It is a great dress

Rapunzel looks beautiful

She will wear this dress today

The princess looks at her shoes

The princess will wear this necklace

She will wear purple heels

The princess chooses a blue handbag

The princess will put makeup on

We dry her hair

We brush her hair

Rapunzel looks great!

Rapunzel is ready!

The princess Disney looks beautiful

It is time to leave the house

I hope you enjoyed this morning routine with Rapunzel

Don't forget to subscribe for more videos with Barbie dolls

Thank you for watching this video with Disney princess



৩৫ বিঘা জমিতে সম্মিলিত কৃষি খামার করে কোটিপতি - Duration: 1:56.

acuaponics bangladesh

For more infomation >> ৩৫ বিঘা জমিতে সম্মিলিত কৃষি খামার করে কোটিপতি - Duration: 1:56.


Live Match: India vs South Africa 3rd odi 2018,Ind vs sa 3rd odi 2018,score,live score,highlights - Duration: 0:42.

Live Match:

India vs South Africa 3rd odi 2018,

Ind vs sa 3rd odi 2018,


live score,


For more infomation >> Live Match: India vs South Africa 3rd odi 2018,Ind vs sa 3rd odi 2018,score,live score,highlights - Duration: 0:42.


Mali Dom - film - Duration: 11:50.


Little Home - Zagreb, is a social welfare institution, founded by the City of Zagreb.

Which provides educational rehabilitation services, for children and young people with damaged sight,

and additional, multiple, affecting disabilities.

We actually started 20 years ago as a non-governmental organization.

And we started by answering the needs of children with damaged sight

and additional difficulties, for which there wasn't room in the existing system.

Up until now, 2,000 children have participated in our various programs.

Not only from Zagreb and Croatia, but from the region as well.

Our biggest satisfaction is when we see that the quality of life of the children and families

is much better than it was before they came to us.

Mark's improvement is evident because before he didn't speak or eat well.

They helped him a lot in that way, and us, psychologically.

And they educated us so that we could work with him a lot at home.

A typical day for one of our beneficiaries involves joining the group

where he takes his personal symbol, he checks in.

Later that symbol is used within activities.

The first activity is usually a group meeting.

Greeting each other, a taking of attendance, and discussing what we will do that day.

Today is? - Monday.

Monday. Well done! Here you go.

Shall we smell what day it is?

Let's sharpen our noses.

Those concepts of time are very abstract, so the appropriate support is given.

Whether it's the smell of the day, or symbols for weather.

What is the weather like outside?

Sunny. - It's sunny! Well done. Excellent.

That's why we announce what we will do during the day.

At which point individual communication systems of varying complexity are implemented.

So we use objects, parts of objects, signs, tactile symbols, photographs, pictograms...

And each beneficiary then takes part in a series of activities suited to him.

An individual plan and program is created for each beneficiary.

On the basis of the beneficiaries strengths, interests and needs, long-term and short-term goals are defined.

And we have specific educational rehabilitation and therapeutic treatments.

Which are implemented individually.

Which our experience has confirmed as the most optimal way of providing services.

Where you have an expert with the appropriate profile.

Who is present within a group of beneficiaries, and has a so-called advisory role.

And of course, participates in performing the activity.

But also makes a assessment with regards to that ecological approach.

We work in a natural environment. A natural environment here is a group.

Left, left...

Let's go back.

Follow, follow...

More, more...

Has the water reached your finger? - Yes.

And you mix the vitamin juice.

Well done.


Assessments that we offer in Little Home - Zagreb, is an assessment of functioning sight

An educational rehabilitation assessment, a physio-therapeutic assessment.

That is actually our base-assessment, where we try to uphold the principles of transdisciplinarity,

comprehensiveness, and we tailor the approach to every child and family.

The aim of the assessment is to find the child's strengths, which help us determine the guidelines

for how to move forward and what to do.

Most often an assessment is carried out by a team, with several therapists

each observing the child from their own area of specialty.

And searching for the child's strengths.

The parent watches the assessment and follows the child's reactions.

The assessor is explaining to the parent what is happening during the assessment.

So the materials we use are most often materials the parent can use at home

When working with the child.

So just by watching the assessment, they get advice and ideas on how to

alter a space so that is suits the child, how to approach the child,

what resources to use...

Early intervention can actually be defined as timely assistance to the family and the child

with difficulties in development.

As experts we try to influence the family and child so that the parents get their intuition back,

and become more responsible toward the child.

So that they support the child in it's optimal developmental outcome.

The rehabilitation specialist goes to the child's home once a week, for about an hour.

The goal will be defined by the family. So, the service necessary is individualized.

The results can be seen from the start.

I see that with every visit here, and to the center, there is a little improvement.

We follow her together, we watch her reactions, and what she needs to keep developing.

Early intervention is useful to any child, if it is timely.

The sooner the better, the closer to the child the better.

And there must be continuity.

So not when the child is a couple of months, and again when it is 2-years-old.

It must have continuity and direction.

The Educational center was created out of the need to create programs

as an answer to the challenges and needs of professionals

who work with children with difficulties in development.

We currently offer 12 programs of specialization, from various areas of developmental support

for children with difficulties in development.

From the assessment for sight rehabilitation, early developmental support, feeding skills,

occupational therapy fine motor skills, sensory integration,

the creation of an integrated educational plan...

We also create specific manuals from varying areas which help professionals create more appropriate

interventions for children with developmental difficulties.

The ultimate point of our educational rehabilitation work is generally preparation for the future, for life.

Our clients don't just go from program to program.

After finishing a program they should go on to have a life, with many layers.

So it doesn't only have education and social care.

We also offer recreation and sports activities.

The child is gradually prepared for life. They can transfer what they learn to life outside the center.

Our biggest achievement is when we truly see the child is participating in it's activities,

that it is happy and satisfied.

Like all of us, the child is happy and satisfied when it achieves something, overcomes something,

when it feels recognized, when it is a part of society.

Of course, such a child functions much better within it's family,

and so the family functions better in society.

For more infomation >> Mali Dom - film - Duration: 11:50.


Kazik Staszewski ma złe wieści dla Europy. Wizja "Kultu" lidera jest bardzo realna || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Kazik Staszewski ma złe wieści dla Europy. Wizja "Kultu" lidera jest bardzo realna || LVTplotki - Duration: 3:15.


Love Marriage in Islam Molana Tariq Jameel Latest Important Bayan 2018 || Islamic Stories - Duration: 19:05.

SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel For Daily Videos

For more infomation >> Love Marriage in Islam Molana Tariq Jameel Latest Important Bayan 2018 || Islamic Stories - Duration: 19:05.


Kompanija - 3. deo - špijunska triler drama sa prevodom - Duration: 1:31:06.

For more infomation >> Kompanija - 3. deo - špijunska triler drama sa prevodom - Duration: 1:31:06.


Minibocadillo de tahini, melaza y plátano - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Minibocadillo de tahini, melaza y plátano - Duration: 0:49.


L'isola dei famosi, minacce di morte shock contro Eva Henger: è bufera | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> L'isola dei famosi, minacce di morte shock contro Eva Henger: è bufera | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.


Isola dei famosi, si litiga per un rotolo di carta igienica | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Isola dei famosi, si litiga per un rotolo di carta igienica | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


Magdalenas variadas - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Magdalenas variadas - Duration: 1:52.


Kiya Aaj Ki Maa Chocolate ko is Tarah Istemal nhi kar sakti?? | Maulana Saqib Raza Mustafai | - Duration: 5:35.




For more infomation >> Kiya Aaj Ki Maa Chocolate ko is Tarah Istemal nhi kar sakti?? | Maulana Saqib Raza Mustafai | - Duration: 5:35.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


I like Indo food. | Aku suka makanan Indonesia. - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> I like Indo food. | Aku suka makanan Indonesia. - Duration: 12:55.


I became Anorexic for Instagram - Duration: 5:53.

"I am so jealous of you, everything always looks so good on you."

Is what friends often say to me. But you know what I've been through to get this body?

Follow me and I'll tell you my story.

I used to be the girl in school that nobody noticed. All the boys would just look pass me.

I wasn't even popular in my own group of friends. I was invisible.

I used to feel a little down about that,but it was my goal to get into the best university possible.

And when I set my mind to something, I do everything in my power to achieve it.

My priority was to first get into my dream college and then I could worry about my appearance.

I asked my parents for their permission to get cosmetic surgery if I was accepted into the university.

They agreed and gave me their blessing. So from that moment on, I focused all my time and energy into studying to pass the entrance exams.

Once I was accepted, they were so proud as they knew how much work I had put into getting there.

But I was still a long ways away from achieving my dream. There were two more obstacles I had to overcome.

First was my face.

So I had surgery to add an extra layer on my eyes, to raise the bridge of my nose, and to make my face into the V-shape.

All the things that seem to be what people consider beautiful. When it was done, I looked like a completely different person.

But now I'm left with the part that stressed me out that most: losing the weight.

Because even though my face was beautiful, if I'm still fat - no one will consider me beautiful.

This is the social convention, you have to be skinny to be beautiful.

It didn't help that most of the boys in the university liked to tease me. Chubby, they'd call me. Piggy, they'd tease.

They even joked around about my big arms and big legs.

My friends said they were just joking and not to take it seriously but as time went on, I had no more confidence and self-esteem.

So I had to be skinny. I watched clips online to teach me how to exercise and used the entire summer break to lose my weight

At first, I was so exhausted and everything hurt. I almost gave up

But I kept myself inspired by constantly looking at all the beautiful and fit girls on Instagram

If I could look like them, people would notice me, I could wear anything I want

But most importantly, I could finally show the people that teased me about my body that they were wrong.

Once university started, I was the center of attention. Girls looked at me with jealousy and so many boys kept asking me for my phone number.

Even my clothes were getting smaller. But it wasn't enough.

When I was nominated as the Queen for the Summer Ball, I started to worry even more that I wouldn't win

I still believed my body wasn't perfect yet. Exercising wasn't enough anymore.

So I started to control my diet. I ate less and was more picky about what I was eating. And I ended up losing weight even faster than I did from exercising.

People were telling me that I was too skinny but I didn't believe them.

"I'm not skinny, what are they talking about?"

Of course I won the Queen of the Summer Ball. I worked so hard for it.

Everyone was congratulating me, but all I could think about was that I had to work harder.

That I'm still fat and if I'm not careful, I could go back to being invisible again.

I had to exercise more and control my diet more. So I started to work out not just in the evening but also in the morning.

I didn't eat anything that had carbohydrates or fat.

For lunch I would only eat fruit or drink a box of milk and for dinner I would just drink a glass of water.

I was so obsessed with how I looked.

I really believed that if I missed a work out or ate more than I was supposed to.

I would go straight back to being fat again.

While I was obsessed with losing my weight, I was just ignoring all these other strange symptoms that were occurring.

My period had stopped coming for months. I was losing so much hair.

I was always cold. My skin was started to peel heavily. And I was struggling in every single class to focus.

My grades had dropped so far and so fast, no one could believe it.

A lot of people noticed the changed. I kept hearing that I was too skinny, I wasn't the same, I wasn't as pretty as I used to be.

I couldn't accept it and would just tell them that they didn't know what they were talking about.

I lost a lot of friends that time. I cried almost everyday. I didn't know what they were talking about, I really couldn't see what was skinny about me?

When I looked in the mirror, I still looked fat! They must have been just jealous...

"Hi honey." I woke up to see my mother standing next to me. She looked sad and concerned.

Then I looked around. Why do I have so many tubes in my arms? What's happening? The last thing I remembered, I was exercising.

I was diagnosed with Anorexia.

I couldn't believe it. But I knew my condition was serious when I could no longer feed myself as I had to be fed through tubes.

I was in the hospital for weeks. I had to drop out of school and my mom even had to quit her job to take care of me.

But it's been a year now and I'm fully recovered and finally back in university. I really learned how little value other peoples opinions have.

The most important things are the love you have from friends and family but even MORE important than that is the love you should have for yourself.

I am me. I am beautiful in my own way and I don't feel the need to have to follow society and trends about being skinny.

Why do I need people who only love me for how I look?

It's been a long journey getting here, I really hope that my story can help to warn people that are about to fall into the same trap.

For more infomation >> I became Anorexic for Instagram - Duration: 5:53.


MONSTAR x VIRUSS - Ngẫu hứng 'BABY I TOLD U' Live (Piano Ver.) - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> MONSTAR x VIRUSS - Ngẫu hứng 'BABY I TOLD U' Live (Piano Ver.) - Duration: 4:19.


Collare Radio GPS BS Planet Evomap Elite per i cani da ferma - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Collare Radio GPS BS Planet Evomap Elite per i cani da ferma - Duration: 6:43.


I am innocent, but I would turn myself in - IBB spokesman - Duration: 3:58.

The media adviser to former Head of State, Ibrahim Babangida, Kassim Afegbua, has absolved himself of any wrongdoing, after being declared wanted by the police, Premium Times reports.

Afegbua stated that he was prepared to fight his case in court; however, he stated that he would turn himself in to the authorities by Wednesday, February 7.

we gathers that following the reports that he had been declared wanted, Afegbua, on Monday, February 5, stated that he had not received any invitation from the police.

Afegbua had released a statement on Sunday night, February 4, in which Babangida had criticized the Muhammadu Buhari administration and advised Nigerians on the way forward. However, following the release, a counter-statement was released hours later, purportedly with the former leader's approval.

The situation created public confusion; and reports surfaced later on Sunday, that the police were looking for Afegbua.

However, Babangida himself also stated later, in a chat with This Day, that he had indeed authorized the original statement, and that it still stood.

Shortly after the police declared him wanted, Afegbua's lawyers absolved the long-time spokesman of the ex-Head of State of any wrongdoing. A statement from his lawyers, Kayode Ajulo & Co.

, read: "Mr Afegbua is a well-known journalist and was a cabinet member of Edo state Government with a known address in Benin, Edo state and Abuja, yet he is not on notice of the police invitation whatsoever, before the purported publication declaring him wanted.

"For the avoidance of doubt, there are spelt-out procedures for declaring a person wanted by the police.

The police or other law enforcement agencies can declare a person wanted if they find reasons to do so, particularly if the person is a suspect in the commission of a crime and is on the run.

"The public must know that our client, in discharging his duty to his principal, General Ibrahim Babangida, GCFR, cannot by any stretch of the imagination be said to have committed a crime that warrants such negative publicity.

Neither is he on the run.

"Our client, however, remains undeterred by the desperate efforts of some individuals to intimidate him and bend his will and rights against the Constitution provisions, framework of Nigeria Police Force Act and the laws of the land.

"The circumscription of his constitutional right to the dignity of self, freedom of expression and fair hearing denotes that there is a desperate attempt to scare him into submission.

Meanwhile, we previously reported that the Nigerian police finally confirmed reports that the inspector general of police, Ibrahim Idris, had ordered the immediate arrest of an aide to a former military head of state, Ibrahim Babangida.

The police said Kashim Afegbua was wanted for making false statements, injurious falsehood, defamation of character and for acts capable of inciting public disturbance throughout the country. Afegbua is expected to report to the nearest police station closest to him immediately.

For more infomation >> I am innocent, but I would turn myself in - IBB spokesman - Duration: 3:58.


Perchè mangiare aglio, cipolla e limone tutti i giorni - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Perchè mangiare aglio, cipolla e limone tutti i giorni - Duration: 7:32.


김홍주 색소폰 I will always love - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> 김홍주 색소폰 I will always love - Duration: 4:55.


2-Minute Neuroscience: Alcohol - Duration: 2:01.

Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or


In this installment I will discuss alcohol.

How alcohol acts in the central nervous system is still poorly understood.

Two of the best known effects of alcohol, however, are its actions on GABA and glutamate


Alcohol increases GABA activity at a subtype of the GABA receptor known as GABAa.

The mechanism by which this occurs is still not clear, but it is thought that alcohol

may act as a positive allosteric modulator, meaning it binds to a site on the receptor

that is separate from where GABA binds, and increases the effect GABA has when it binds

to the receptor itself.

The immediate effect of this action typically is the inhibition of neural firing.

Alcohol also inhibits the activity of glutamate receptors.

Again, the mechanism for this is not fully understood but because glutamate is generally

excitatory, inhibition by alcohol initially leads to the reduction of neural activity.

A long list of other synaptic actions have been linked to alcohol, including (but not

limited to): activation of serotonin receptors, enhancement of glycine receptor function,

inhibition of adenosine reuptake, inhibition of calcium channels, activation of potassium

channels, and modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function.

It's not clear, however, how relevant each of these effects are to the human use of alcohol.

There are also some large-scale effects associated with alcohol.

For example, alcohol stimulates dopamine transmission in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway--an action

thought to be associated with the reinforcement of alcohol consumption.

Alcohol affects motor coordination and balance, potentially in part through its influence

on neurons in the cerebellum.

And it inhibits long-term potentiation and other mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in

the hippocampus, which may contribute to its memory-disrupting effects.

For more infomation >> 2-Minute Neuroscience: Alcohol - Duration: 2:01.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i Image - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i Image - Duration: 0:41.


Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Prestige - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1i Ligne Prestige - Duration: 0:43.


I 10 migliori alimenti per combattere l'insonnia - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> I 10 migliori alimenti per combattere l'insonnia - Duration: 10:13.


Citroën C3 1.4 I PRESTIGE WEINIG KM! AIRCO/RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4 I PRESTIGE WEINIG KM! AIRCO/RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-I EXECUTIVE AUTOMAAT TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-I EXECUTIVE AUTOMAAT TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:00.


Ford Fiesta 1.25i 5-deurs Limited met Airco / Cruise Control / 1e Eigenaar. - Duration: 0:58.

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201 WILKA 5 PIN TUMBLER LOCK GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 9:58.

Hello friends, welcome back again the lock I have for you today is cool

is a Wilka tumbler lock

I had never had a lock of this brand

It is the first one that comes to my hands

it came whole,

but they come sealed with these closed rings

here you can see it

in this half

it's a closed ring and I have not managed to remove it

without breaking the cylinder and without breaking the ring

this is the ring

I will replace it later with a normal clip

It is five pinner lock

and I want to open it with you, take it apart

and see what it has inside

I know that it has at least one spool because I notice it when picking

this is what came as a key

it was broken inside one of the sides

let's insert it to see if it works,

there it is, it turns

so with it we can see the biting

is relatively good, the first is very short, the fifth is very short, fourth is a little longer

it does not present great difficulty

this half is more used,

that's why I'm not going to open this half, I'm going to open this one that is unused and narrower

the keyway, as you see, is very similar to Yale

these keyways are very bad for me, they turn out to be uncomfortable

let's try to pick it and if we get it, we take it apart

and we see what it has inside

I'm going to use this pick that my friend Michael sent me

fantastic one, by Sparrows

works very well

because it fits very well under the pins to lift them, with this form as a half Diamond

and it's a very nice short hook to work with, it's cool

I love these picks

and a homemade tension wrench made with wiper rod

Let's do it

a little zoom

from front to back, slight tension

first nothing

second nothing

third nothing

fourth, fifth, something I left I increase the tension a little

first nothing second

third one seems is binding

there it is, it makes a click

fourth is binding

has mede a click, fifth nothing

first is binding

setting the first, it falls in a false set

there you can see it

let's see

first is set

second one click

It gives counterotation, it is a spool

there it is, we set it, I go back to the first

do not

second, the third is binding

setting the third, the false set returns

first is set

second, third


I'm not sure if it's the fourth or it's the fifth

It gives ounterotation, it is a spool

there it has meke one click, something has fallen, the first one seems set

second is set third

I think it's the third

it has made a click



no, it was the second, I'm going now with the third

there it is,

first, the false set returns, the second one has fallen

and setting the second, which is a spool

give us the opening

well, it seems that at least there are two effective spools

let's take it apart

this is the one thatI had removed the ring

and we see what it has inside

I'm going to use the pinning shoe

there it is

five pinner

how nice!

a key pin with three serrations in the first chamber

with two in the second, very nice, I did not expect

a standard in the third


and fifth with one serration

I had never found a commercial cylinder with three serrations keypin

the chambers are smooth

It does not have anything special

we go with the drivers

Let's do it

the first one is a standard pin, it looks like steel

like the keypins, the second is a spool, very nice

very sharp, very well done,

very cool

the third is standard

fourth is standard

and fifth, which was the one that noticed, is another spool

It's a shame that it only have two, because with more spools it would give a lot, a lot of play

let's see the springs

there it is

we place a spring to make it look

They are all the same

well, with two springs worth

I bring you closer view so you can see them in more detail

let´s zoom it


there it is, I want the first pin to look good

I also think it's beveled,

I get that impression, but I do not see it well, you will see it better in the video

first keypin is a serrated with three serrations and I think that also bevelled, it's cool

very very cool

the second also serrated with two

third I think it's beveled or tapered

it's standard, the fourth is the same


fifth with a serration, very nice

and as for the drivers also made of steel, like the key pins

first, third and fourth are standard, all the same

the first one is slightly longer

and second and fifth are two equal spools, very cool

very well done, very sharp

It is a very nice lock

I did not expect those pins and it's very fun to pick, does not give anything for free

Well, this was the Wilka picking

five pinner

I hope you liked it, that it will be useful

and thank you very much for your time, bye

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