Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Feb 14 2018

Mom: "Before you go to bed, what do you do?"

Mom: "First, you...?"

Lily: "Brush your teeth?"

Mom: "Brush your teeth."

- giggles -

Mom: "Then after you brush your teeth, what do you do?

Lily: "Jammies."

Mom: "Get jammies on?"

Mom: "And then you -"

Lily: "Go to bed!"

Mom: "Go to bed."

Mom: "And in the morning -"

Lily: "Cherrios."

Mom: "And how to do you ask for Cherrios?"

Lily: "I




Mom: "Please. Good job!"

Mom: "And then after you eat your Cherrios, you say?"

Lily: "Thank you, Mom!"

Mom: "Thank you, Mom!"

Mom: "We're gonna do our Gemiini learning."

Lily: "Yay!!"

Mom: "You love Gemiini learning?"

Lily: "Yeah."

Mom: "And then we eat lunch and what do you like to eat for lunch?"

Lily: "Nachos."

Mom: "Nachos?"

Mom: "What kind of party are we gonna have tomorrow night?"

Lily: "I don't want to have a party anymore."

Mom: "You don't want to have a party?"

Lily: "No. I want Cherrios."

Mom: "Oh. You want Cherrios?"

Lily: "Yeah."

Mom: "You love Gemiini?"

Lily: "Yeah!"

Mom: "Say 'I love Gemiini!'"

Lily: "I love Gemiini."

For more infomation >> Let Lily Tell You About Her Day! - Duration: 0:59.


GTA IV underground стрим. - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> GTA IV underground стрим. - Duration: 3:01.




((( UHH, LET ME )))

((( UHH, LET ME )))



((( UHH, LET ME )))








((( UUUHHOOO )))

((( UUUHHOOO )))

((( UUUHHOOO )))

((( UUUHHOOO )))



((( UHH, LET ME )))



((( UUUHHOOO )))

For more infomation >> BETWEEN TWO LANDS - HEROES OF SILENCE (VERSION BY TMSC) - Duration: 3:53.


Jason Aldean - You Make It E...

For more infomation >> Jason Aldean - You Make It E...


Rocco Reveals Moving Reason for Wanting "Revenge Body" | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Rocco Reveals Moving Reason for Wanting "Revenge Body" | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:43.



For more infomation >> VOLTA ÀS AULAS! - CLIPE OFICIAL - KIDS FUN - Duration: 3:25.


Uomini e Donne, è amore tra due amatissimi ex corteggiatori: avvistati |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, è amore tra due amatissimi ex corteggiatori: avvistati |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:03.


Francesco Monte e Paola Di Benedetto: il commento di Cecilia Rodriguez | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte e Paola Di Benedetto: il commento di Cecilia Rodriguez | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:29.


THE KIRA JUSTICE - "Meu Recomeço" (Música Original) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> THE KIRA JUSTICE - "Meu Recomeço" (Música Original) - Duration: 2:49.


Uomini e Donne, Tina strattona e umilia Gemma: 'Tu sei proprio squallida...' |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Tina strattona e umilia Gemma: 'Tu sei proprio squallida...' |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:45.


Uomini e Donne: dopo che Lorenzo si è dichiarato, Sara va in esterna con lui |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: dopo che Lorenzo si è dichiarato, Sara va in esterna con lui |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:41.



For more infomation >> O ABDOMINAL MAIS PODEROSO PARA PERDER BARRIGA E DEFINIR ABDOMEN! Veja Como Fazer Esse Abdominal - Duration: 5:59.


Apresentação e Boas-Vindas! - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Apresentação e Boas-Vindas! - Duration: 1:37.


E' morto Reg E. Cathey, addio all'attore di House of Cards e The Wire - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> E' morto Reg E. Cathey, addio all'attore di House of Cards e The Wire - Duration: 3:13.


BBB18: Lucas reclama de Caruso após briga: "Passou por mim e nem falou" - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Lucas reclama de Caruso após briga: "Passou por mim e nem falou" - Duration: 3:07.


Estudiantes y maestros evacúan escuela secundaria en Florida por reporte de tiroteo - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Estudiantes y maestros evacúan escuela secundaria en Florida por reporte de tiroteo - Duration: 2:37.


Khloé Kardashian Has a Big Surprise for Rocco! | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Khloé Kardashian Has a Big Surprise for Rocco! | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:58.




are welcome to Crypton channel

investor always bringing the best

investment in currencies krypton my name

is money and today performs a tutorial

on the goal mesc so even if I target

Mexico is an extension of the gang is a

extension that you install on your google

chrome and you are somehow more

safe because I speak in a way

because nothing on the Internet you can talk

ô ô ô in the world today we can say that

is 100% safe to light because everything

depends on the way you use your

computer you if you get aa

attend increasingly questionable sites

click on any link you are

subject or to download a oo

application and that application which this p

It is have an album exploit any failure

security what will happen

you will are opening the doors of his

computer to someone you accessing

sometimes you do not even put

your data on the internet but if you have

an infected application on your

computer you open the doors this

person may be monitoring what you

You are typing in what you are writing

how you are using your computer

and this causes people to

copy your information and use of

way they want

recently there was even a video of a

talking guy who had had had been

stolen more than 15 thousand US dollars it

mael using milk it and the video

see what was the error he showed no

want the private key it the Maya

theologian and that was enough to

someone to a video copy

information pick up his wallet and

access and made the rock made the whole

transfer than he had in the

portfolio is as OLED mesc the goal it will

give greater security because I will

show you the way you will

you have to connect to enable

connect in the morning to milk the keys


when you use the method is if they

They are stored within the scope

within the application

amesc goal and this brings a certain

security but as I said it

you have control already on your computer

that the person is seeing that you are

typing was already you will be

committed yes

then why it is very important

you use a good antivirus

and recommends using room use

norton and there is if you can pay

by antivirus pay a proof version

so you will be safer than

best solution today that the video if you

want total security really for you

rest assured is an honor it is that is

a device called'm 13 and bring

It has an average

plus fernando I do not recommend more

by this fact in the last three

months she has had two failures

security and people had problems

led to

now belatedly since it launched not seen

some problem

what is the problem you shop there


right now they do not send to

the Brazil you want to purchase you will

need to buy a representative

official here in Brazil is paying well over

expensive is in the range of 1700 actual more

or so she rather around 1 110

dollars out there what so if you

do the conversion is only paying

almost double but you will have the

security I'm seeing a way of

It is sending to somewhere else

they're looking for us but I'm

looking for a bigger house that calls on

truth when they do this they

They make a direction of goods

I'm looking for one that is of

confidence and that the value does not get so

expensive so I get all

all right I'll make a tutorial

also how you are achieving the

his thesis a cheaper way but

He found who try and 40 50%

cheaper than you buy direct

here in Brazil today so I'll

explaining to you

antónio you should be using

this method mexico perfect time

as I explained in the previous video

the bad is it theoretical separated today then

tide lot it exists it is there toth

an okay team founders

They decided to separate

and this I do not think a good think not

very safe'm not saying that your

most are committed and will happen


I'm trying to tell

you is that I will start using the

mexico granddaughter now for a simple fact

prevent me ok as has already occurred as

since the morning of the separation lot pa

You have no way of knowing what level

What happened with the fight level

they had to be separated and now

they are competitors while

companies are competitors and have a

little hate not care

there is a great chance they would try

harm another and how both have

very important information on

ice watch platform can try

harming another exposing information

or exposing security flaws

then something happens to us

able to prevent

ah I'll do the tutorial and I'm

recommending goal messi now this

exact perfect time

come on guys then entered the site

morning which is always remember maestro hour

point you have to make sure

It is written here mayer ward and lss

crucible is closed not enter the

google and click the links because there will

give problem for sure you will be

directed by a fake fan site in case

simply to collect their

perfect information

as I have already explained to her

install security and expanded this

application here is an extension of Google

chrome is also called été is the rest


here you have the real sites

checked what you can be

accessing then you installed it clicks

here I always like only tomorrow

11 clicks it

click on it it will open in April gave

information here is connected via the aae

the team and gives pity

this extension is to Andrew Field

done they will install onetta mexico

where here the same site

official because they

they are now 1

1 someone was there and managed to get on the

the play that google is where you make

application of a beta installations mesc


ok then best way is here that

here's the perfect true then

I was there then come here correct mexico

will open this page

down here we will then open the extension

google the true goal he mexico

will open in April this one is a

task that the real mayor has

kitchen it here O pretty view

nearly one million users perfect

use google chrome install it

add the extension doing here 100%

with you is as it should be

procedure to be true to you

making the installation it is

checking now I know this video

It will get a little longer but is

better so guys because I'm

certinho explaining step by step to

everyone understand the best way

be perfect is all ready

now installed here has a kitchen

It seemed we going to do now is

very simple we click it here O

is talking to you accept that keenan

the terms will accept the term down here

the whole damn time in order to enable

for you to follow enabled click here

again to accept

here you will choose a password

perfect a password with at least eight 8

characters then make a password

I have spoken several times different guys

does not leave without safe on your computer and

circumstances disability your browser

their perfect passwords

write everything on paper made its agenda

and puts all your passwords on paper

perfect and never use the same password

wide else to connect to the pa

action anything else ever

a new password perfect

let's create this password

come on creating password can put

new here

perfect prontinho us what it is

here I am showing to you

because jean

I'm doing the video here so here I

I'll redo it again do not use

because it was in this way that one

guy who made the video that was metamat


so here are the two key words

that if you want to regain your

account you can ram is only insert

these keys and you can do there

one metamat account recovery that

Mayor then what I suggest to

you come here copy this information

let copied oops do not come here

leaving him with straight-laced jokes

Print this Print this

one crime that you not stay with her

stop on your computer

the effect and you can also save it

with a file you come here you can click

O save here is done both to

that where you saved as

file you also can not let her

the mayor puts a computer

stick backs makes two pen drives

as the same file leaves as backup

because it is your safety if you

will lose something is so you will

to recover

if you do not have this information you

lose uninstalled application whatever

who gave computer you stick lost


if you do not have this information and

then you need you will not

able to access but only when you will

lose if this ooo you team

are within your account

then save it leaving a pen

drive and coop so good mayor here

I've done it here click here clicked

opened the account can see that here already

an account with the account number 1 it already


it automatically creates a portfolio

within the internal network or if you click

here O

it is already here to this account that

Cover it just created the effect

with this account that she just

create you if you want to send some

thing you can have in perfect order

for example here you can also

export your proof that you are here

You can copy your address and here

you can also export superbike

you have full access to their

perfect portfolio because what makes you

have access to your wallet you and owner

if you want to do it to import it

then just get that then in April

He created a new account that has come here and

click here and export

Password is one password that you put

the beginning

O prontinho he gave here for you

copying only private equity is that number

here just click and copy and you also

You can save the file dim sum that has come

forth Mayor

good come here so that more now

is so let's assume that I want

create another account does not want to use


I want to create another account and come here

Click believe the cloud

ready've created a new account you

see here come to scan all ready ok

easy as another account can see

that here is an address of 30 is not

most of an account is already hospitalized here

another another address then already one

another perfect portfolio that we more

over there

Here we assume that you will get

do what

configure your tokens you can come

here you will be edited who clicked will

put the token of the contract the symbol

token the amount that most there is only the

ad or that I explained to you both

the historical account funded cna

others I've done in the tutorials is that

you can find on my channel there are

you look for the morning tutorials

Oil is the looting I also explain them

as you do is add a token

here we are with this information then made

that you go there and only the wedge and

prontinho you will have also added

pull error but now I wonder

in the accounts that I have already tide has

hour as I do

you have two options or transfer of the

the portfolio is so high that you already have

you go there and transfer to these new

accounts that were opened here these two

to open so you can pick up your

previous address, and transfer to it

from here

the you can make an import in case


and when I say information portals

to do what you will import

your wallet that you had in the morning

Today for example suppose I

I want to import

I already have this account here I O

I created the poor in rolling

she is 86 cents has nothing

here I put here for a token danced in

web simply to try to record

this video for you perfect

so what I'll do click here

here will be back to where mexico goal

which will be on your browser

then you'll click here and I will do

Next I come up here and come here

import account as I will import this

account or private equity or jackson


as I said I speak is the same as that comes

you do you open your your wallet

the half-hour

so come'll find it here and

here I put the password and will import

prontinho already imported here in case he

will he will not be looking 86

cents is just right here and here he

is not showing because token ok

because I need to sign contracts

touch and this is the downside of

the map ok master goal as I do

then treat the contract taking the

contract snows silva is very easy

find it is in the very own

transaction Rachidia here I did here

transfer was done then hires

so here O

this is the contrataque contract number

I will copy here leaves add a touch

optical pulled up the information

automatically just put the number of

contract already pulled the ad and symbol

prontinho the op so here already updated

itaqui here is scoring like I

UFRN had me but this is an echo of

question only of themselves more perfect

so this here is what I have I

have a circus was born in a token


ready now saw that is easy to

import could import from bad it's time

everything else perfect grandfather suppose

I want to make a submission as

do this in ways and will stay here

170 with light in your account ether

I will make sending here to do in 2011

I will do what

I put the address where I go

send the amount will only simulate the

It is made

let's put that I will send to

that other account than the previous

would come to this account I left

that this account here and I

transfer to this so here I come

send sent here will send me

0.0001 have 10 runs in half 00:00 5

on here

here is giving enough money to

to transfer it to us is not

5 05 not ready is now so here I

I will do what here I will

configure the aaa which are equal to us

seen here and will now set way

Standard gilmar mayor is around 20

he is there 21 20 note here O

so here I will just set

so here I put as much of a mistake

guess which leaves 20 as the cool

mexico he already here converting the

total amount that will be charged to

transaction the maximum and we

because I need to put here 30

he even says that needs to be above

21 Mayor

suppose put 30m costing 52


then grab it and complete the transaction

here is simply not working


O because I was getting more expensive than

I had to balance the perfect hosts

because I'm at 36 cents

here I went there I found the gil and only if

I did this so that transaction

this one

maybe she will go wrong it will

re going to fail you will be charged

normal rate because it has to send

simply will not reach

until the perfect destination and you come here and

the subject will be done to submit the

sending touch the mini moke is 12

then I click here it will make sending

Normal this transaction to simulate here

so you can see how it will be okay

31 cents is behaved with 40

cents still there at the end left

convinced I can walk 40 here

forty-one cents

will give to be with almost 10

the value of the account that will be charged

because I will be transferring


let's see let's see if this goes with


saying it is taking too're with

pending clicked there it will already open

Here Ottawa scan ether pending here

let's see I downloaded the gil I think

You will not be able to attract at least

20 ege here Gastau that 40,000 would

transfer of good will see it will have

formed here is good that more guys

basically I have shown how to

Do you guys are doing there is a

detail mega important you do not touch

can transfer tokens if you

want to transfer because you do not

You can transfer your trigger as

messi goal you will need

connect mostly have eyes to

you do to make the transfer of


I will explain here that it makes perfect

are thinking're thinking then that's right

day as I do for to access my

Marathon I might bring my


so I showed here but we will open

hit milk with ether Andres the camp

April opened here I want to send my

touches now I will not select

as previously kiss kiss Toya

jackson five or click mesc goal

click here amesc goal and I will give

ConnectU prontinho NESP goal has connected

Automatically connect because diego

automatically here is the main point

you are to see here I'm connected

people I'm connected to the mesc goal

leaves connected metamat and will only

leave it connected at the time you

you use because if by chance some

hacker broke into your computer and took

the control

he comes here and makes the transfer of

all that you have within your


he will clear his granddaughter mexico it will

clean all you have at the time the lot

Mayor because it is connected

time putz flu gave how do I

now solve very simple you will only

amesc connect when you were

transfer if you are not transferred

you will do the following come here O

click here click here in the three

bars and logout all ready now

no longer as access can see that

even left off one only looks that time already

He left off this is very nice

then you want to access click on

little fox puts your password

let's put your password put his


right now I can place

then you attack ever played here

then what you need to do always

when you are using you not long

will use more click here

this is very important and says that long

It is perfect basic

if you go into settings here he asks

here for you reveals the union they

there the two words beginning of words

more if I get out of here

for example the play that on my account

who wants to save the information I

I will make

I will support export the key here is

I need to put my new password

prontinho here's my key to

perfect private equity only copy it

and here is where I save the file that is

like the jackson five perfect

that's what I care

looks will only cut this account I just

putting what is already here actually

I think it will give up error

here O

Here I select that is the last to

Password her place here for a month will give

error but I think it will come out

O O already given here and says a failure

attack on the position

then there's no way I are importing the

pa oo the jackson five because it already

here today I said that I was

trying to import the same they

do not speak it has identified so it is

so you can import your account so

with the the hotel will see that while with

hodgson was perfect

guys I think that's going to

finish here so I went here I

send my perfect tocantins I have

a token here that I will want to send


then select come on let's do it


I entered here is already enabled show here

I went here to send e mails where I

click send meta master ConnectU

connected here I will select which

plays in which I want to send places

portfolio that you want to send

amount of toxic send regular

Here law that regulated the general and sends

that simple

then recapping all guys very

important to the finish line moves he keeps

all your information private actions

and then stay in the Mexico goal not

You will have danger at the time you were

access the bad is the oil you be

stolen perfect whittle tokens only

They are sent through the platform is

theologian or Crypton now I

I recommend still use oil mael

perfect then will send exactly does

as I explained here that you select

totems you will want to send the

mayor needs to take in account not

will be able to send anything perfect the

ether is that it is like a war there for

I pay you to do transaction

Another important point name is Tamek

ended use comes here and gives logout

not leave it connected

if by chance he has been hacked to

break into your computer it has control

of its portfolio amesc one goal and steals

everything perfect clean it more

reference that transaction that I had

made earlier transaction motto

this account here O

I had done I think it's raining

where I will find the history here

let me see

op was the last transaction all

transaction that you make name is're right

sic it will be recorded that this is

It was the deal I had made

mayor wants to remember here was O

completed because it was completed

because I increased his boss is that I

put 40 000

despite low bat law had

placed 12

I increased the ubs pa 40,000 and was the

enough this transaction which cost 22

cents the maximum amount that could have

cost was was 44 cents

it was 41 cents and I'm not mistaken

we have done the simulation in

mesc own goal but ended up costing 22

Perfect cents then made

certinho transfer and it worked

to import you will do the following

you click here O redondinho here

diego matter by the way because

is showing up as Luzzi why because

he did not pull all the information

tokens I had to set

Manually this is the bad point of amesc

whenever you were to add the

import a portfolio that it it does not

will pull the top is automatically you

You will have to come here and add the token

Manually this is the only point and has

care who's here in my

perfect book I believe is

it serves as security for those

q want it and I do not know if I will

use 100% this goal the medical collection

I wanted to show that here is a

Alternatively you also improve


for those who have not shielded computer

if you will not have a good butt

It has or does not have a good antivirus or you

It is on the back foot regarding the target

mexico this kind of vision

if you want you can be

using metalesp is thus well

simple it is safer because it

automatically connects No Matter What

then their private keys'm not

Jackson was staying is safe say

like this

guys who likes leaves her like a

Please help channel any doubt

I can say it will only leave the post on a

Review Video

for those who have not participated in the group

investor clip Telegram

the link is in the video description enter

there already we already have over 450

members in the clip Telegram group

the perfect investor hope you

helped good day and good business guys





For more infomation >> ACABE COM A FLACIDEZ EM CASA, SEM ACADEMIA E SEM ESFORÇO - Duration: 3:06.



For more infomation >> TUTORIAL: ETIQUETINHAS NOS STORIES DO INSTA | Luciana Levy - Duration: 7:52.


Persona || Cenas Memoráveis #01 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Persona || Cenas Memoráveis #01 - Duration: 2:00.


Hora de Brincar 1 - Salão de Beleza da Pinda - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Hora de Brincar 1 - Salão de Beleza da Pinda - Duration: 7:10.


Manhã Leve | Saiba detalhes sobre a Campanha da Fraternidade 2018! - Duration: 56:19.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Saiba detalhes sobre a Campanha da Fraternidade 2018! - Duration: 56:19.


Dynasty Warriors 9 - Lu Bu ENDING [LEGENDADO PT-BR] - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Dynasty Warriors 9 - Lu Bu ENDING [LEGENDADO PT-BR] - Duration: 1:39.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Let Lily Tell You About Her Day! - Duration: 0:59.

Mom: "Before you go to bed, what do you do?"

Mom: "First, you...?"

Lily: "Brush your teeth?"

Mom: "Brush your teeth."

- giggles -

Mom: "Then after you brush your teeth, what do you do?

Lily: "Jammies."

Mom: "Get jammies on?"

Mom: "And then you -"

Lily: "Go to bed!"

Mom: "Go to bed."

Mom: "And in the morning -"

Lily: "Cherrios."

Mom: "And how to do you ask for Cherrios?"

Lily: "I




Mom: "Please. Good job!"

Mom: "And then after you eat your Cherrios, you say?"

Lily: "Thank you, Mom!"

Mom: "Thank you, Mom!"

Mom: "We're gonna do our Gemiini learning."

Lily: "Yay!!"

Mom: "You love Gemiini learning?"

Lily: "Yeah."

Mom: "And then we eat lunch and what do you like to eat for lunch?"

Lily: "Nachos."

Mom: "Nachos?"

Mom: "What kind of party are we gonna have tomorrow night?"

Lily: "I don't want to have a party anymore."

Mom: "You don't want to have a party?"

Lily: "No. I want Cherrios."

Mom: "Oh. You want Cherrios?"

Lily: "Yeah."

Mom: "You love Gemiini?"

Lily: "Yeah!"

Mom: "Say 'I love Gemiini!'"

Lily: "I love Gemiini."

For more infomation >> Let Lily Tell You About Her Day! - Duration: 0:59.


GTA IV underground стрим. - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> GTA IV underground стрим. - Duration: 3:01.




((( UHH, LET ME )))

((( UHH, LET ME )))



((( UHH, LET ME )))








((( UUUHHOOO )))

((( UUUHHOOO )))

((( UUUHHOOO )))

((( UUUHHOOO )))



((( UHH, LET ME )))



((( UUUHHOOO )))

For more infomation >> BETWEEN TWO LANDS - HEROES OF SILENCE (VERSION BY TMSC) - Duration: 3:53.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Headed to the Habs game in Vegas? | Like A Boss #12 #AskGeoffCHC - Duration: 2:20.

This question comes from @Marieva180.

Several European sports teams are getting into eSports. Are you? And why?

Good question, thank you.

Yes, we're interested, and eSports is something we're going to continue to study, and follow its development.

I think there's also demand for it to be included in the Olympics, too.

So we're going to follow it closely. We're interested to see how it develops.

For more infomation >> Headed to the Habs game in Vegas? | Like A Boss #12 #AskGeoffCHC - Duration: 2:20.


What if my spouse and I don't agree on how to handle our child's substance use? - Duration: 1:14.

When a child struggles with substance abuse, communication can often

break down between the adults that love them.

Disagreements are understandable, but helping them

includes finding ways to collaborate with each other.

The first thing I'd recommend you do is find the things you do agree on.

And next, you want to tackle the issues that you don't agree on.

So something you might do for example is, say your husband believes that a

midnight curfew is OK for your child, but you think 11 p.m. is late enough,

you might consider trying it your husband's way for two to three weeks

and then evaluate it afterwards. If it doesn't work, you can try a different time.

Or say your wife doesn't think that your child's substance abuse is such a big deal, but you

think it is a big problem, you may want to ask them, "Well, what would it take for you

to consider it a problem?" and then allow them to share that and see where there might

be some examples of where that's already happening.

So if you still have trouble collaborating on your own, it's a good idea to seek the

help of a counselor to sort things out.

Just remember you're not always going to be a united front,

but being aligned is important to best help your child.

For more infomation >> What if my spouse and I don't agree on how to handle our child's substance use? - Duration: 1:14.


ENGLISH "Nandemonaiya (Present ver.)" Your Name. (Akane Sasu Sora) - Duration: 4:57.

"E-Excuse me!

Y-You and I...

We've met somewhere before.

Haven't we...?"

"I felt it too."

"It's nice to meet you!


Can you tell me...

...Your Name?"

I'd never been the type to call out to someone I think I know!

But today, I told her, "Hey!

I'll see you tomorrow!"

I guess it's okay to do or say that kinda' thing now and then...

'Cause you're here! You're by my side!

And you'll never leave again!

So just a little more... Maybe just a little more?

Can we stay together now?

As long as you like!

For however long you like!

'Cause we got time!

The rest of forever!

You and I, we're Time Flyers! I don't know!

when I first met you, long ago!

Was it days or was it lives?

Was it years or lifetimes?

When I never said...

Even if someday...

If you fade away...

I know that the world wouldn't end...

But if that day ever came,

I'll just say your name,

hum our tune for all of time, 'till you find me again!

I look to the sky!

I can feel that I

have found what I've been looking for all this time!

Smiling through the tears!

Finally, you're here!


You and I, we're Time Flyers! Here and now! (All this time, I have been searching!)

We're Time Climbers! I made a vow! (All this time, I have been searching!)

That no matter where you are, I... (Searching for someone or something...)

I'll find you again. (Searching for someone or something...)

Even now, you're a messy cryer! (This feeling, ever since that day...)

Even on that day, when I tried to wipe your tears away! (This feeling, ever since that day...)

You laughed and told me... (When the stars fell down, and took my heart away...)

That no matter what would happen, (When the stars fell down, and took my heart away...)

that you never would forget me! (When the stars fell down, and took my heart away...)

So I laugh when I mean to cry! (Now after all this time, and after all these years!)

You can't help the tears falling on your smile! (Now after all this time, and after all these years!)

I am yours for all time! (Now after all this time, and after all these years!)

I am yours for all time! (I found us!)

I am yours for all time! (I'm right here!)

Because you hold your heart in mine! (I'm right here!)

"Some mornings...

I wake up crying, without knowing why...

That sorta' thing happens, now and again..."

"Whatever dream I was having...

I can never remember it...


"But there's one thing I know."

"One thing I'll never forget."

"Your Name...

is Mitsuha." is Taki."

For more infomation >> ENGLISH "Nandemonaiya (Present ver.)" Your Name. (Akane Sasu Sora) - Duration: 4:57.


Cel Shading, Dessine Moi Un Jeu Vidéo - BiTS - ARTE - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Cel Shading, Dessine Moi Un Jeu Vidéo - BiTS - ARTE - Duration: 11:29.


Overcoming Envy and Dealing with Jealousy - Duration: 7:24.

Hi, my name is Father Mike Schmitz and this is Ascension Presents.

So, I was reading in the Bible the other day, the story of King Saul

and then when David comes along, right?

And David has been anointed to be the future king, defeats Goliath,

and they go into the city and the women come out and they praise.

They say, "Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands."

And then, the line after that says, "From that moment on, envy entered into King Saul's heart"

and this bitterness against David.

I've been reflecting on envy

because I think in some ways we can be like, "Well, you know, envy is not that big of a deal or jealousy."

Some people use those in two different ways.

I just want to put them together.

There's a wisdom in separating envy and jealousy, just to kind of get more precision.

I'm (pop chk clap) gonna smash them together

and call it env-elousy.

Wait that no— I'm just— call it envy or jealousy.

What is envy? What's jealousy?

It's what Saul had for David.

It's sadness at the blessings of another, right?

You can say I'm sad because you're happy.

Or on the flip side, it's I'm happy because you're sad.

I'm sad because you have a gift that I don't have. I'm sad because you have a status that I don't have.

I'm sad that you are someone that I wish I could be.

That's not the same thing as admiring someone and saying,

"Wow, that's an incredible car that you're driving. That'll be really cool to have that."

Or it's, "You play the violin so awesomely and you sit in first chair. I would love some day to sit in first chair."

I'm not sad at your blessings. I'm not sad at your skill. I'm not sad at your excellence.

I'm inspired by it. That's a whole different thing.

But envy, at its heart, is this sadness.

We have to realize that this isn't a silly sin, it really— it actually is silly. It's a silly sin. Why?

Because virtually every other sin gives us at least some moment of pleasure,

it gives us even some fleeting moment of happiness, right?

Think of any other sin that you or I choose to do on a regular basis.

We do it because, at least for a moment, it makes us feel good.

Envy is so weird because not even for a moment does it make us feel good

and yet some people can be so consumed by envy that they let that thing drive and guide their entire lives.

It's just remarkable.

That's one of the reasons why I think Dante— I read this a little bit ago— in the Inferno,

those who were in Hell for the sin of envy, they had to suffer in this very poetic way he was describing this,

they had to suffer in eternity by having their eyelids sewn shut with threads of metal wire.


Well, because that's kind of what the envious person— it's how they live now,

is I don't see my own blessings. I can't possibly, I'm blind to my own blessings

and I'm constantly looking for the blessings of others.

and to realize that the heart of this are two things at least:

One is an attitude of scarcity.

An attitude that is numbed to the fact that I have an abundance of blessings in my own life.

You have an abundance of blessings in your own life.

That's why Dante would say their eyelids are sewn shut

because they can't see the abundant blessings in their own life.

They see scarcity where there's actually abundance

and they're constantly looking and comparing themselves to others.

One of the remedies for that would be obviously gratitude.

So if you find yourself being an envious person, I would say take a moment, stop,

and actually count your blessings.

If King David— King Saul, I mean, would have done that— "What? what? Yeah, my thousands.

David, his tens of thousands but that doesn't take away from my thousands."

And that's the second thing.

In fact, the Catholic Encyclopedia has a definition of envy that I think is really, really enlightening.

"Envy is sorrow which one entertains at another's well-being"— we said that already—

"because of a view that one's own excellence is in consequence, lessened."

Basically, the idea that because you are blessed— because someone else has something,

that means that I have to have less.

And this is the crazy thing, that King Saul, he was anointed by God.

He was chosen by God.

Yes, at this point...

he was kind of on his way out as far as kings are concerned,

but he was gonna live out his kingship until the end of his life,

as David even says essentially, I'm not gonna strike down the Lord's anointed.

And yet Saul couldn't see

the fact that David's ascendancy, David's blessing didn't take anything away from him.

And this is the same thing—

the people around you: their gifts, their skills, the degree to which they are loved,

doesn't take anything away from your gifts, your skills, or the degree to which you are loved,

so gratitude is one of the remedies for envy

but there's a more profound remedy for envy.

And it isn't about willpower and it's not about writing out a list of all the blessings you have.

It's simply about grace.

I'm afraid that I'm less because you are more.

What do I need to do?

I need to go to a place...

where I can be reminded of my goodness

and you need to go to a place where you can be reminded of your goodness

and who can remind you more fully of your goodness...

than the Father?

I would say this.

More than gratitude, the remedy for envy is placing yourself under the gaze of the Father.

Place yourself in the presence of God the Father

and let him look upon you and that gaze that raises you up, the gaze that says,

"I claim you as my son. I claim you as my daughter. I give my only begotten son as a ransom for you.

That this is what you are worth."

What about other people? No, no, no. This is what you are worth.

To find your worth beneath the gaze of the Father,

to be given your identity beneath the gaze of the Father because that gaze...

the eyes of the Father resting upon you is what frees people from the bondage of envy,

is what frees people from this slavery to competition.

When you recognize that the way the Father looks at you is wholly and entirely and infinitely unique

because you are unique to him,

it frees us from any temptation to jealousy, any temptation to envy,

and any temptation towards this kind of weird competition.

My brothers and sisters, I just invite you.

If the enemy's been plaguing you, gripping your heart because you've seen like,

"I don't have enough. Everyone else has more. I'm less because they're better,"

not only be grateful for what you do have,

but secondly,

place yourself beneath the gaze of the Father and let him remind you

not only of who you are but even more importantly, who you are to him.

His son.

His daughter.

The one he loves.

That should be enough to be able to find joy in this world

and even joy in the blessings of the people around you.

From all of us here at Ascension Presents, my name's Father Mike.

God bless.


Be sure to like, subscribe

and do all those things that people do on the Internet.

See ya!

For more infomation >> Overcoming Envy and Dealing with Jealousy - Duration: 7:24.


Trump's Garbage Economy Is About To Come Crashing Down - Duration: 3:18.

If you listen to Donald Trump, or really, any of the republicans from Washington DC

tell the story, they're gonna tell you that the economy in the United States is doing


People are getting bonuses.

They're getting raises.

The stock market, depending on the day, might be doing great and breaking records, or it

might be breaking records by falling the most it ever has in one day.

But overall, trust us, no.

The economy is totally great according to republicans.

Well, according to economists and forecasters, and people who actually spend their time observing

the economy, things are about to get really, really bad in the United States.

The cost of consumer goods, in the month of January, grew at a rate that far exceeded

the expectations of economic forecasters in this country.

So what does that mean?

We had a zero point five percent increase overall, across the board, of consumer goods

in the United States.

While that may seem small, keep in mind that that literally happened in 31 days.

Point five percent increase in consumer goods.

Gasoline, shelter, clothing, medical care, food, everything that average American citizens

struggle to already afford.

And prices are going up.

At this rate, we could see overall increases of six percent by the end of this year.

And when you factor in that less than two percent of the population got those "tax cut

raises", we're looking at a real economic problem in the United States.

Forecasters are already warning us that inflation is right around the corner.

Prices are gonna go up, demand therefore, is going to fall.

Employment at that point, with demand falling and prices rising, is also going to fall.

More popple will lose their jobs.

The governments already decided to cut most of the benefits for people who lose their

jobs or who can't afford groceries and food.

So everybody's going to suffer.

It's gonna create a severe lack of demand in the United States, which then results in

a lack of labor.

The economy is on the verge of collapsing, and that is what these economic experts are

warning us.

If the current trends maintain, we're headed for a major crash in the United States.

While Donald Trump and his republicans whistle past the graveyard.

Telling us how great it is that corporations get massive tax cuts and you get a buck fifty

extra a week.

I'm sure that's gonna help pay for the rising cost of gas and shelter, and clothing, and

medical care, and the food you have to eat everyday just to survive.


A buck fifty a week is certainly gonna help as the entire economy comes crashing down

because republicans and Donald Trump know nothing about fiscal policy.

For more infomation >> Trump's Garbage Economy Is About To Come Crashing Down - Duration: 3:18.


Bad at love ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Duration: 3:02.

Back off

I'm starting to want you to make me

Sometimes I wish I could

No, you don't

No, I don't

You think you fight for us

I've seen the footage

The only thing you really fight is for yourself

Is fight for youself

At that moment I felt like

I felt like I was already dead

No, I won't accept that

That's why I

I love you

That's why I


You came

But at this time sources have confirmed that only minutes ago

Captain America was pronounced dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital

I lost someone special to me, too

I thought I would never get over the pain

But I did

But I don't wanna see you gone

We need you, Cap

I kinda hate you

For more infomation >> Bad at love ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Duration: 3:02.


How to Be Single and Happy on Valentine's Day - Duration: 4:13.

If you feel upset about being single on Valentine's day then this video is for you.

Here are some mindset swaps that will take you from feeling crappy to feeling just fine.


Valentine's day is just another day.

The only reason why it's a big deal is because the retail industry has made it a big deal.

It's really just another excuse to make people feel like they need to buy more crap:

This includes low quality chocolates, overpriced flowers and cheesy jewelry.

I'm just keeping it real.


While happy fulfilled couples do exist, you shouldn't assume that everybody in a relationship

is on cloud 9 because that's not the case.

So doesn't assume that anybody who has a significant other is better off than you.

This leads me to my next point:


Happiness doesn't have anything to do with whether you are single or in a relationship.

It's something that you create and experience.

So be sure that you have a mindset that is conducive to you being happy no matter what.

One of the ways that you can do this is by practicing gratitude for all the love that

you do have in your life including your family and friends.

And if you don't have many family and friends then it's time to start meeting new people

and start forging new meaningful relationships.


Unlike what everybody else tells you, don't try to feel better by bingeing on a bunch

of Valentine's day candy.

You'll only feel like crap after and it's so bad for you.

If you decide to have a few bites of something, ok, have it and have it on your terms but

after that, feel comfortable saying that's it.

That's enough.

Nothing you eat will ever really help with anything emotional in the long run so don't

fall into that trap.


If you want to do something special on Valentine's day than make it a "Love Myself" day by

treating yourself.

You could do this in a variety of different ways including: Working out, either by going

to the gym, doing yoga or going for a hike.

You could also give yourself a nice candlelight bath with some essential oils for aromatherapy,

maybe even go get massage.

Cooking yourself a really healthy dinner is also another great idea…


If you have other single friends make it a Happy single day.

Have all your single friends bring a dish, hang out, play games and maybe even rent a


Another option for Valentine's day is that you and all your single friends go out to

dinner on that day…

I do want to remind you that on Valentine's day, at least in LA, restaurants tend to get

really expensive since they offer special menus that include wine and such and on top

of that traffic is miserable.

One year my then boyfriend and I tried to get to West Hollywood from Santa Monica for

dinner reservations at a nice French restaurant.

Since it was a special day, they had asked that he reserve it with his credit card so

we were really hustling to get there.

Unfortunately for us, traffic was so horrible that we didn't even get halfway before we

had already past our reservation time and he had lost his money… so you may want to

think twice about going out on that day unless it's a local spot that isn't going to

gouge you.

Borrow these mindsets and you will find yourself in a much better mental space.

To sum it all up… we humans in general decide what we give meaning to.

Whether we realize it or not, it's us who decides.

Some things are worth focusing on and others, like this one day that is of no consequence

to you, really isn't, so realize that you have much more say in how you feel than what

you had probably realized.

Find my video helpful, if so then by all means, give it a like.

And if you haven't already done so make sure that you go to

and sign up for my newsletter because I'm going to be launching my new hypnotherapy,

coaching and more website that is going to include a program for singles.

The moment that it's ready, I'll email you to let you know that it's ready for you.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> How to Be Single and Happy on Valentine's Day - Duration: 4:13.


Top 10 Video Game Fan Theories That Have Been Confirmed - Duration: 8:30.

Who doesn't love a good fan theory?

It's easy to get caught up in speculation when it comes to the stories you love, as

we've seen multiple times in other forms of media in recent years - Star Wars The Last

Jedi, anyone?

Or perhaps Game of Thrones?

Video games are no different.

Since they started to become mainstream with home consoles, players have been theorizing

and questioning various plot points, character motives, back stories - you name it- for years.

And while not all theories necessarily pan out, there is the odd occasion where developers

confirm a theory's accuracy.

And it's the coolest thing EVER.

So today, we're taking a look at some of these speculative wins, with our list of the

top 10 video game fan theories that have been confirmed to be true.

10 The Baby Starting off with a more recent addition to

our list, let's talk about Outlast 2 and its odd ending.

Spoilers abound, friends.

So, at the end of the game, long story short, your wife who had been kidnapped by this uber

religious cult, somehow ends up 9 months pregnant and gives birth to a baby at the end of the


Many players were like whoa WTF?

But since its release, developers Red Barrels Studio have confirmed a theory that many fans

had about the baby, and some of the other strange unexplainable events that occur in

the game - the baby isn't real.

When your wife gives birth, she says "There's nothing there."

This led fans to speculate that the baby was a hallucination, a psychosomatic effect of

the Morphogenic Engine.

If Red Barrbels' confirmation isn't enough, fans of this theory have pointed out that

there's a ton of document collectibles in the game that support this.

9 Zero Killed the Mega Man Original Cast Here's a fan theory that was proven true

that disproves another fan theory.

If you're familiar with the Mega Man games, you'll know that their storylines take place

over several different generations over the course of the franchise.

There are different eras of Mega Man, each with their own unique protagonist in the key

role and antagonists.

Zero, a character that started off as a supporting figure in the Mega Man X series and was promoted

to the main protagonist in Mega Man Zero, and he's known for his cold and emotionless

attitude, despite having quite the wounded soul beneath all of that.

Fans had theories that the character was responsible for killing off the cast of character from

the very first Mega Man era, claiming that the games subtly hint to him being Mega Man's


This spawned a contrasting theory that Zero's character was not capable of doing such nefarious


And guess what?

They were right.

Keiji Inafune confirmed that Zero was not involved in any of the deaths of initial Mega

Man cast, saying that "according to the way I created him.

Zero is not such a person."

8 Jesus in Deus Ex Pretty much all of the Deus Ex games take

place in a dystopian cyberpunk future, and the very first, released back in 2000, features

a character by the name of JC Denton; a hero that is meant to help save humanity, despite

the hard decisions he's faced with by the end of the game.

Fans have speculated, that because of his position in all of this, JC is an allusion

to Jesus Christ.

And they weren't wrong.

Developers Warren Spector confirmed this theory, but it's origins actually come from a friend

of his - a sci fi author named Bradley Denton, who he calls one of the nicest most helpful

people he's ever met.

So helpful in fact that people often would call him out on how annoying his helpfulness

was, often saying the words, "Jesus Christ Denton!"

And when Spector borrowed his last name for the character, he decided to use the JC as


One of the game designers has also confirmed the theory, saying that the initial idea was

to have the protagonist be a descendant of the religious figure.

7 Fawkes Gender If you're familiar with the Fallout franchise,

you'll know that super mutants are created when humans undergo intense experimentation.

These experiments remove all signs of gender from the super mutants they create, meaning

they can only come into existence by artificial means and can not reproduce.

One of these super mutants is a character you meet in Vault 87 in call D624 named Fawkes.

Many fans of the game speculated that Fawkes was actually previously female; there's

a cell nearby with a terminal that states D624 was female.

Seems pretty obvious then, right?

But many fans still believed the way the character interacted meant Fawkes was male.

That is, until someone at Bethesda confirmed Fawkes was female, and that initially there

was content intended to go in the game that stated she was a security guard in Vault 87.

But all that was thrown to the wind when Bethesda's lead designed stated that Fawkes was in fact


6 Symmetra Blizzard's release of Overwatch comics really

opened up the world in terms of character development, giving fans more to relish over

outside of what the game provided.

Aside from the revelation concerning Tracer's sexuality, another character also gave fans

a bit of a surprise, and subtly confirmed a theory that had gradually grown concerning

her health.

Symmetra can be a deadly character in the hands of a skilled player who knows how to

properly make use of her traps and portals.

And in the digital comic that focused on her character, A Better World, fans noted that

there was something interesting about her dialogue - she spoke as if she were autistic,

and mentioned the spectrum.

This was later confirmed by Jeff Kaplan, the game's director, who responded to a fan

letter asking the question with yes, saying "She is one of our most beloved heroes and

we think she does a great job of representing just how awesome someone with autism can be."

5 Master Chief's M6D Generally speaking, in most FPS, your standard

pistol firearm is typically one of the weakest weapons in your arsenal.

But this wasn't exactly the case for Master Chief's M6D in Halo.

Fans speculated that the weapon was very over powered, and that the pistol had intentionally

been crafted that way.

It was eventually revealed that Bungie co founded Jason Jones had intentionally increased

the firepower on the weapon due to a balancing issue he believed the game had, and since

the developers didn't want to modify the weapon's data, he adjusted it in the code,

which would improve the pistols stats when a map was loaded.

4 Wolfenstein and Doom Connection Fans of these two Bethesda games had noted

the similarities between them, primarily between BJ Blazkowicz and Doomguy, which initially,

likely came down to the fact that they were both conceived on the iD Software prior to

Bethesda obtaining their properties.

While some theorists dived deeper into their connection, Bethesda put the two in the same

world in Wolfenstein RPG when the Harbinger of Doom appears.

After BJ defeats him, he says that he would continue to battle BJ's descendants in the

future, making the Harbinger the first Cyberdemon, which would later (chronologically speaking)

appear as an enemy in Doom that the Space Marine aka Doomguy would fight.

This has led many people to believe that the two are biologically related, with Doomguy

being a descendant of BJ's.

3 Termina is the Twilight Realm Sort of.

There's a lot of fan theories about the legend of Zelda.

So much so that we actually have two videos on them.

Worth checking out.

Anyway, back when Twilight Princess was released, there was a lot of speculation about the similarities

of the game to Majora's Mask.

Maps were very much alike and the Twili make appearances in both, leading fans to believe

that the Twilight Realm was actually Termina from Majora's Mask.

This was confirmed in Hyrule Historia, which was released by Nintendo, and provided an

official timeline of the whole franchise's series.

The theories have expanded and go much deeper than that to question narratively what occurred

between the times both games are set.

2 Michael Jackson & Sonic When Sonic the hedgehog 3 came out, players

noted the similarities between the soundtrack of the game and the King of Pop's musical


But he wasn't mentioned in the credits, so for years, rumours were abound that Jackson

had worked on the project but for whatever reason had abandoned it and was uncredited.

In 1993, Sega confirmed that Michael Jackson did in fact work on multiple tracks for the

game, but because of the allegations that were beginning to arise about his personal

life, his name was removed from the game.

While it's never been officially announced how much of the soundtrack he worked on, many

of the individual developers involved with the game have claimed that he didn't just

create a few of the tracks but rather the entirety of it, and that rather than due to

allegations, Michael requested his name to not be included in the credits due to how

the Sega Genesis processed sound; the quality wasn't up to his standards.

1 Super Mario Bros 3 Stage Play One of the earlier theories that eluded fans

of the Mario franchise for quite some time was whether or not Super Mario Bros 3 was

actually a stage play.

The evidence?

The game starts with curtains opening, there's shadows from the 'set pieces' cast on

the backdrop, blocks are bolted to the background, platforms hang from the ceiling and every

level ends with exiting stage right into a black area that appears to be the end of the


This was confirmed in 2015 by Miyamoto himself; he was asked during an interview about it,

in which he kept his answer short and sweet with "yes."

There we have it friends!

Were you on board with any of these theories before they were confirmed?

What theories do you have about other games that you think MUST be true?

Give us a shout in those comments below and let us know.

If you dug this video, as usual, please show us some love by hitting those like and subscribe

buttons, and hey, why not share this video with a friend?

We've also got a ton of other great videos on our channel, so take a look at our recent

uploads playlist and see if anything tickles your fancy.

In the meantime, thanks for watching!

I've been Kelly Paoli and this has been top t0 gaming.

Catch you all in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Video Game Fan Theories That Have Been Confirmed - Duration: 8:30.


The Secret Ways Animals Say I Love You - Duration: 3:36.

Humans show their love in many different ways: they kiss, they hug, they write poetry, and

the truly sick and twisted get joint Facebook accounts.

Animals, however, typically stick to one display of love per species, and some are downright


Here are some secret ways animals tell each other 'I love you.'


When two albatrosses love each other very much, they express it via elaborate dance,

and then via sword fight.

At various times, one albatross quits beak-fighting and talks to the other, with a rapid-fire

beak waddle that sounds almost exactly like a giant woodpecker going to town on its favorite


This continues until one of them gets excited enough to start the actual mating.

Albatrosses tend to mate for life and, no matter how long they've been together, when

it's time to mate, they perform this dance.

It's as adorable as your Grandpa taking Grandma out to dinner every Saturday night and presenting

her with a red rose every time.

Just with slightly more honking.



Birds aren't the only ones with weird mating dances.

Seahorses do it too, only when seahorses are ready to get busy, they change colors, link

tails, and swim in little circles around each other.

Eventually, the two will lean back and lock stomachs, with their snouts intertwining and

their bodies forming basically a heart shape.

The female then transfers her eggs to the male, and the Circle of Seahorse Life begins


How cute is that?!


You remember the Anglerfish, right?

"I'm gonna getcha!"

"I'm going to swim with you…"

"I'm gonna getcha!"

"I'm gonna be your best friend."

"Good feeling's gone…"

The male anglerfish is nothing more than a tiny, harmless blob of a tadpole, just one

fortieth the size of the female.

When one of these blobs finds a lady, he makes the first move in a big way—by biting the

female's side and literally attaching himself to her.

Then, he begins to absorb himself into the female's body, slowly dissolving into sperm,

until he's nothing but a tiny, baby-building lump, forever stuck inside an oblivious—and

very pregnant—girlfriend.

Hey, not every PDA has to look good on a goopy Valentine's Day card.


When two snails meet and hit it off, they need to first determine who's Mommy and who's

Daddy, because snails are hermaphrodites.

Luckily, they reach an easy compromise: both will be both.

After a long, slow, dance, where the two snails rub antennas together for anywhere from two

hours to half a day, each will stab the other with something called a "love dart" just to

make sure they've snared the right mate.

Between the two proud parents, this dart can produce up to 200 babies at a time.

If that isn't a house filled with love, we don't know what is.


The male frigatebird sports a large red pouch around its neck, which comes into play when

it's time to impress the ladies.

When the male is ready to court, he inflates this pouch to a cartoonishly large degree

and waits to see which ladybirds, if any, will fall for his heart-shaped neck balloon.

Ever seen one of those old cartoons where a guy sees a pretty girl and heart starts

beating out of his chest?

That's basically the Frigatebird all over.


Being perhaps the most emotionally complex creatures this side of human beings, it's

no surprise that elephants have countless ways to show their love for one another.

They use their trunks to caress one another, as a display of platonic love and friendship.

They're also huge on physical contact, always rubbing and touching one another or playing

with each others' ears and tails, as a constant reminder to the other elephants that they're

loved and appreciated, just like a couple of obnoxious teenagers.

And they've been known to mourn when a loved one dies.


Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Secret Ways Animals Say I Love You - Duration: 3:36.


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For more infomation >> Get Traffic to Your Niche Site FAST - 3 Easy Ways to help grow passive income - Duration: 6:42.


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For more infomation >> The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 02/14/18 2PM | February 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 40:39.


Tropix - Love You (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Gabrielle Puggi - Duration: 3:26.


For more infomation >> Tropix - Love You (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Gabrielle Puggi - Duration: 3:26.


Rocco Reveals Moving Reason for Wanting "Revenge Body" | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Rocco Reveals Moving Reason for Wanting "Revenge Body" | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:43.


Khloé Kardashian Has a Big Surprise for Rocco! | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Khloé Kardashian Has a Big Surprise for Rocco! | Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian | E! - Duration: 1:58.


US Skater Blames VP Pence For Ruining His Olympics – Immediately Regrets It. - Duration: 5:09.

US Skater Blames VP Pence For Ruining His Olympics – Immediately Regrets It.

The 2018 winter Olympics has arrived, and instead of it focusing on our athlete's

impressive skills in their sport it has become a three-ringed circus of social justice warrior's.

For the past several weeks, we have heard members of team USA publically bash President

Trump, the administration and ultimately embarrass our country instead of these world-class athletes

focusing on representing our great nation.

One of the loudest athletes on team USA to slam the leaders of our country is the gay

figure skater, Adam Rippon who has used his public platform to rip into VP Mike Pence.

Now, this arrogant athlete has taken his disrespect for Pence to a whole new level, by blaming

the VP for ruining his Olympic experience, but as soon he got those words out of his

mouth he immediately regretted it, and now he is singing a different tune.

There was a time in our nation's history that no matter who was in office the Olympics

would be a time for the country to band together as well hoped our country would be scored

number one in the world.

Entire families would get together to watch our nation's best and brightest athletes

compete on the world stage to bring home the gold, and it did not matter what their politics


However, that was before Obama was in office when people kept their opinions to themselves

and just focused on their sport, but not anymore.

Today we live in a world where everyone has to tell everyone how they feel and if you

don't agree with them, you are immediately labeled a racist or a bigot, and, of course,

our Olympic team did not disappoint.

The American people have witnessed disgusting behavior from our athletes but one athlete,

in particular, crossed the line and is now facing the repercussions of his actions.

Adam Rippon, the openly gay figure skater for team USA, has been attacking VP Mike Pence

for weeks taking jabs at the VP every chance he has got.

For instance, instead of Rippon focusing on his sport he has made it is his mission to

mock Pence on social media alongside openly gay American freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy.

It appears that Rippon thought that his comments would give him the edge with the Olympic judges

and they would factor into his score his virtue signaling, but that was not the case as he

soon found out.

Rippon has scored low throughout the competition and also seems that his teammates are not

too happy about the extra attention they are getting due to Rippon's inflammatory comments.

So, because of all that, Rippon is now back peddling on his bashing VP Mike Pence, but

it may be too little too late.

Here is more from Breitbart:

Despite taking shots at Mike Pence over his LGBT views, gay United States, Olympic skater

Adam Rippon said at a press conference in Pyeongchang, South Korea Tuesday that he did

not want his Olympic experience to be about the vice president.

"I have no problem talking about what I've said because I stand by it, but I think right

now the Olympics are about Olympic competition and the athletes involved," Rippon told


Rippon said his comments about Pence have resulted in extra attention to his teammates.

"I don't want to distract from their experience," he added.

"And I don't want my Olympic experience to be about Mike Pence."

Rippon has turned down an invitation to meet with the vice president in South Korea and

settle their differences and also said he would refuse to go to the White House to celebrate

any medals won at the Winter Olympics.

Hey, it's excellent that Rippon has come back down to earth and is now putting his

focus on the competition at hand, but it has come at a steep price for the gay skater.

Not only has Rippon embarrassed himself but he has humiliated the entire country over

a debate that Pence did not want to be apart of the whole time.

Pence did all that he could to bridge the gap between him and this angry little skater,

but as in true millennial fashion, he snubbed his nose at one of our nation's leaders

showing the entire world that he is just a petulant child.

Now, Rippon is learning that the real world does not care about your "protest" or

your social justice warrior antics, but just for you to do your job and do it well.

Maybe, this was just what Rippon and all the rest of those "resisting" needed to see

to smack them back down to earth.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> US Skater Blames VP Pence For Ruining His Olympics – Immediately Regrets It. - Duration: 5:09.


Star Trek and Philosophy: The Ultimate Guide (Part One: The Measure of a Man) - Duration: 13:46.

In 1986, William Shatner appeared on SNL.

"Before I answer anymore questions, there's something I wanted to say. I, uh, having received all your letters

over the years and I've spoken to many of you. And some of you have traveled hundreds of miles to be here.

I'd just like to say, get a life, will you? People?

I mean for crying out loud, it's just a TV show!"

Even though it was a comedy sketch, it reflected his true feelings at the time.

In later years he would come to better understand the fans and the franchise.

He later wrote in his book, also called 'Get a Life', quote, "That now-infamous sketch,

was for me, at that time, equal parts comedy and catharsis….

I bought into the Trekkie stereotypes.

In a nutshell, I was a dope."

Hey you fancy nerds!

I'm Jay and today we're going back to the final frontier with a broad overview of

some of the most interesting things Star Trek can teach us.

Is it more than just a TV Show? Let's find out. Engage!

Let's begin with a not so simple question.

Does Star Trek have an ideology?

What I mean by that is, does it present thoughts, notions, and concepts that are meant to form

the basis of economic and political theories?

And if so, does it aim to spread or advocate for those theories?

Well, I've stated before that Gene Roddenberry had an agenda.

He stated as much.

"Because it speaks to some basic needs that there is a tomorrow. It's not all gonna be over with a big flash and a bomb. "

"That the human race is improving."

He was a humanist who believed in cosmopolitanism and believed that dogmatism could be a dangerous

thing when taken to the extreme.

Before we get started, let's briefly explore a few of these ideas and try to put Star Trek

into context by exploring the mindset of it's creator.

Let's start with Cosmopolitanism.

At its core, this is the idea that all human beings are (or should be) citizens in a single


There are many differing versions of cosmopolitanism and each envisions the community in different


Star Trek shows us a future where people from all cultures, civilizations, and even planets

can agree on a shared set of values and unite together.

It manifests this early on in the form of a bridge crew that appears to have been

assembled without any regard to race, sex or nationality and it's worth noting that

this isn't presented as a plot point.

There's no episode where the captain has to argue the merits of hiring a woman or defend

the race of a crew member.

It's simply never questioned.

Everyone in the Federation is a member of the community and anyone with shared values

can join.

Next on the list, we have humanism.

Now, we touched on this topic in our discussion of ethics and the prime directive.

In short, Humanism came about in the Renaissance era and had a major influence on the founding

of the United States.

As a system of thought, Humanism attaches importance to humanity as opposed to supernatural

or divine beings and emphasizes a rational evidenced based approach to solving humanity's


So last but not least, we come to dogmatism, defined as a set of principles presented as

incontrovertibly true where little to no recourse exists to present evidence to the contrary.

Now, unlike cosmopolitanism and humanism, Star Trek isn't advocating for dogma.

Instead, Star Trek draws a line...

"The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!"

It says that extreme dogma can be dangerous and

gives us numerous examples of theistic, political, and militaristic dogmatism, both

within and outside the Federation.

Star Trek makes the case that anyone can fall victim to extremism so nothing should ever above


So long as one's arguments are based in evidence, we should hear them out.

In the somewhat lackluster second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, we find an

outstanding episode entitled "The Measure of a Man".

In just over 45 minutes the audience is asked to question exactly what it means to be sentient

and through that lens we explore not just the human condition but also philosophy and

civil rights.

In his 2016 video "The Trouble with Transporters" CGP Grey discusses how the transporter works

and the frightening repercussions that come as a direct result of using this method of


In short, although it's often described as taking your body apart and moving it to

a new destination for reassembly, this can't be how the transporter works because of cases

where a person was copied or merged with another person.

What this means is that the transporter actually breaks you down and then builds another you

at the destination.

That kinda sounds like being killed and replaced by a copy though… doesn't it?

There's not enough matter in your body to make two of you, the transporter is turning

energy to matter and matter to energy.

Is the you that arrived at the planet the same you that beamed down?

It seems so, the person who arrives on the planet is exactly like you right down to the

atoms and quarks but nevertheless there sits poor Riker, arguing with the other Riker about

which one is the real deal.

Sadly, the real Riker seems long dead, he was disassembled by the transporter, his matter

was turned into energy the first time he ever used it, long before this freak accident.

The two Rikers created in this rare transporter malfunction are both copies of a copy, many

times over.

So neither Riker is the original and their paths diverged the moment they were beamed

into existence.

Maybe, they were exactly the same for a moment, but after being created these Rikers clearly

became two individuals.

That bring us to King Theseus, alleged founder of Athens and the subject of a million nerd


The story goes like this, the citizens of Athens dedicated a ship to Theseus and over

the course of hundreds of years, as the ship was repaired, pieces of the ship were replaced.

If you remove one rotten plank and replace it, then most people would agree that it's

still the same ship, but what happens after you've replaced every single piece with an

identical replacement.

Is it still the ship of Theseus?

You are the ship and the very nature of your existence is change.

Your body, including your brain, loses and gains quarks, atoms, molecules and cells.

If you are made of entirely different matter than you were seven years ago, are you a different


Over that amount of time, even your collection of memories, opinions and personality traits

have changed.

If you're a different person than you were at age seven, at what point did you stop being

that you and become this you?

Is the real you, your consciousness or soul, for lack of a better word, entirely contained

in the biological structure of your brain?

Or is there some part of you that can't be copied?

This question is known as The Duplicates Paradox.

Let's say your brain was frozen, later on it's scanned down the quark and used to

make a new brain.

Would that new brain contain your consciousness?

What if they made two copies?

Can two identical copies of you both be you?

Do they stop being you once they each form their own separate new memories that you didn't


If so, are they sentient?

Well, if we're looking to judge who is or is not a sentient being then we should circle

back to "The Measure of a Man".

In the episode were given three criteria: intelligence, self-awareness and consciousness.

Let's begin with intelligence.

Can you acquire knowledge and skills and then apply them?

Congratulations, you are intelligent.

How intelligent, well that's not relevant to the discussion but I'm sure you're

great. I'm sure you're great...

Next, self-awareness: are you aware of your motives, feelings and desires?

Congratulations again!

You're self-aware.

Just one more hurdle to jump, consciousness.

Are you awake and aware of your surroundings?

Well, look at all you fancy sentient nerds!

Good for you.

Now, here's the problem.

You can easily judge these things in yourself, but can you tell the difference between a

robot that's built to emulate sentience and one that's actually sentient?

What about people 2000 years from now dealing with much more advanced technology?

To quote CGP Grey directly, "Did we not contain conscious brains ourselves, how would we know that other brains are conscious?

Truth be told, you can really only know that *you* are conscious... -- and it seems polite to give other people the benefit of the doubt.

But were a computer to claim that it was conscious, how would you know?

Back in 1965, Gordon Moore predicted, from careful observation, that computing would

exponentially and dramatically increase in power with a corresponding dip in cost.

This was called Moore's Law and it predicted that the number of transistors in an integrated

circuit doubles every two years and while we've recently slowed to about two and a

half years, according to Intel, this is still a breakneck pace when compared to other Industries.

Computer systems are now able to perform tasks that once required human intelligence.

Software bots can emulate visual perception to sort images, recognize and transcribe speech,

make decisions based on input, learn new behaviors and more.

This is artificial intelligence or AI and we briefly touched on it earlier in this video.

What we have today is known as weak or narrow AI.

This type of artificial intelligence already impacts your daily life.

You use it every time you ask Alexa to make a fart noise, tell Cortana to shut up and

uninstall itself or ask Siri to ask Google to translate something into another language.

Narrow AI is only concerned with doing one task (and doing it well).

It has no genuine intelligence, self-awareness or consciousness.

Any type of AI you interact with today, falls into this category.

An artificial general intelligence would be an AI that can successfully perform any given

intellectual task that a human being can perform.

It is essentially a simulation of one human person. * singing * That's a human person!

As Kyle Sullivan points out in Trekspertise's episode on Artificial Intelligence, Data was

designed to be a simulation of one human and, as a result, his development seems to be capped

at the general AI level.

He's sometimes more advanced than human beings, but only when it comes to things like

physical strength or computational power and these are traits that we see in other sentient

beings in the Star Trek multiverse.

He also comes up short in areas like emotional development or, oddly enough, the ability

to whistle.

However, he makes progress on these fronts and grows over the course of the Trek timeline,

showing that he does have the capacity to fully emulate one human being.

Unlike narrow AI, Data does indeed have genuine intelligence and seems to be perfectly self-aware.

As a result, consciousness is the determining factor of Data's status as a sentient being.

Again, we can really only know, for sure, that's we're conscious but Star Trek makes

the case that Data deserves the same benefit of the doubt that we give to other human beings,

and as a result, the same freedoms.

Most of these things hold true for The Doctor as well, the hologramatric life form featured

in Star Trek Voyager.

The Doctor, as a hologram, is closer to today's software based AI than Data.

Still, he is roughly equivalent to one human person * singing * That's a human person!

seems just as intelligent, self-aware and conscious as Data.

The difference, however, is that The Doctor can rewrite his own code while Data only seems

to be able to add to his software in the form of subroutines.

This gives The Doctor the theoretical ability to become what's called an artificial superintelligence…

but that is a topic for next time.

So Star Trek is indeed "just a TV show".

That doesn't mean that it has nothing worthwhile to add to the ongoing discourse within our


While we all flurry about tending to family, work, school and other matters of importance,

the need to settle down and unwind is ever-present.

If we can be entertained while simultaneously pondering many of the great philosophical

and ethical questions of our time, then I say that's a step in the right direction.

Next time, we'll finish up our two part video on The Life and Death of Superman by

exploring the philosophy and symbolism behind the character so ring the bell and you'll

be notified.

In the meantime, I'll be back on Comicstorian this week with another list of evil doppelgangers!

Last week I did 5 Evil Supermen!

Again, link in the description below.

And keep in mind, guys, comics, Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter or whatever you love: these things aren't

just totally normal, they're valuable.

They shape how we see the world and they shape our lives.

If we dig a little deeper, we just might find something profound.

I've been Jay and I'll see you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Star Trek and Philosophy: The Ultimate Guide (Part One: The Measure of a Man) - Duration: 13:46.




are welcome to Crypton channel

investor always bringing the best

investment in currencies krypton my name

is money and today performs a tutorial

on the goal mesc so even if I target

Mexico is an extension of the gang is a

extension that you install on your google

chrome and you are somehow more

safe because I speak in a way

because nothing on the Internet you can talk

ô ô ô in the world today we can say that

is 100% safe to light because everything

depends on the way you use your

computer you if you get aa

attend increasingly questionable sites

click on any link you are

subject or to download a oo

application and that application which this p

It is have an album exploit any failure

security what will happen

you will are opening the doors of his

computer to someone you accessing

sometimes you do not even put

your data on the internet but if you have

an infected application on your

computer you open the doors this

person may be monitoring what you

You are typing in what you are writing

how you are using your computer

and this causes people to

copy your information and use of

way they want

recently there was even a video of a

talking guy who had had had been

stolen more than 15 thousand US dollars it

mael using milk it and the video

see what was the error he showed no

want the private key it the Maya

theologian and that was enough to

someone to a video copy

information pick up his wallet and

access and made the rock made the whole

transfer than he had in the

portfolio is as OLED mesc the goal it will

give greater security because I will

show you the way you will

you have to connect to enable

connect in the morning to milk the keys


when you use the method is if they

They are stored within the scope

within the application

amesc goal and this brings a certain

security but as I said it

you have control already on your computer

that the person is seeing that you are

typing was already you will be

committed yes

then why it is very important

you use a good antivirus

and recommends using room use

norton and there is if you can pay

by antivirus pay a proof version

so you will be safer than

best solution today that the video if you

want total security really for you

rest assured is an honor it is that is

a device called'm 13 and bring

It has an average

plus fernando I do not recommend more

by this fact in the last three

months she has had two failures

security and people had problems

led to

now belatedly since it launched not seen

some problem

what is the problem you shop there


right now they do not send to

the Brazil you want to purchase you will

need to buy a representative

official here in Brazil is paying well over

expensive is in the range of 1700 actual more

or so she rather around 1 110

dollars out there what so if you

do the conversion is only paying

almost double but you will have the

security I'm seeing a way of

It is sending to somewhere else

they're looking for us but I'm

looking for a bigger house that calls on

truth when they do this they

They make a direction of goods

I'm looking for one that is of

confidence and that the value does not get so

expensive so I get all

all right I'll make a tutorial

also how you are achieving the

his thesis a cheaper way but

He found who try and 40 50%

cheaper than you buy direct

here in Brazil today so I'll

explaining to you

antónio you should be using

this method mexico perfect time

as I explained in the previous video

the bad is it theoretical separated today then

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an okay team founders

They decided to separate

and this I do not think a good think not

very safe'm not saying that your

most are committed and will happen


I'm trying to tell

you is that I will start using the

mexico granddaughter now for a simple fact

prevent me ok as has already occurred as

since the morning of the separation lot pa

You have no way of knowing what level

What happened with the fight level

they had to be separated and now

they are competitors while

companies are competitors and have a

little hate not care

there is a great chance they would try

harm another and how both have

very important information on

ice watch platform can try

harming another exposing information

or exposing security flaws

then something happens to us

able to prevent

ah I'll do the tutorial and I'm

recommending goal messi now this

exact perfect time

come on guys then entered the site

morning which is always remember maestro hour

point you have to make sure

It is written here mayer ward and lss

crucible is closed not enter the

google and click the links because there will

give problem for sure you will be

directed by a fake fan site in case

simply to collect their

perfect information

as I have already explained to her

install security and expanded this

application here is an extension of Google

chrome is also called été is the rest


here you have the real sites

checked what you can be

accessing then you installed it clicks

here I always like only tomorrow

11 clicks it

click on it it will open in April gave

information here is connected via the aae

the team and gives pity

this extension is to Andrew Field

done they will install onetta mexico

where here the same site

official because they

they are now 1

1 someone was there and managed to get on the

the play that google is where you make

application of a beta installations mesc


ok then best way is here that

here's the perfect true then

I was there then come here correct mexico

will open this page

down here we will then open the extension

google the true goal he mexico

will open in April this one is a

task that the real mayor has

kitchen it here O pretty view

nearly one million users perfect

use google chrome install it

add the extension doing here 100%

with you is as it should be

procedure to be true to you

making the installation it is

checking now I know this video

It will get a little longer but is

better so guys because I'm

certinho explaining step by step to

everyone understand the best way

be perfect is all ready

now installed here has a kitchen

It seemed we going to do now is

very simple we click it here O

is talking to you accept that keenan

the terms will accept the term down here

the whole damn time in order to enable

for you to follow enabled click here

again to accept

here you will choose a password

perfect a password with at least eight 8

characters then make a password

I have spoken several times different guys

does not leave without safe on your computer and

circumstances disability your browser

their perfect passwords

write everything on paper made its agenda

and puts all your passwords on paper

perfect and never use the same password

wide else to connect to the pa

action anything else ever

a new password perfect

let's create this password

come on creating password can put

new here

perfect prontinho us what it is

here I am showing to you

because jean

I'm doing the video here so here I

I'll redo it again do not use

because it was in this way that one

guy who made the video that was metamat


so here are the two key words

that if you want to regain your

account you can ram is only insert

these keys and you can do there

one metamat account recovery that

Mayor then what I suggest to

you come here copy this information

let copied oops do not come here

leaving him with straight-laced jokes

Print this Print this

one crime that you not stay with her

stop on your computer

the effect and you can also save it

with a file you come here you can click

O save here is done both to

that where you saved as

file you also can not let her

the mayor puts a computer

stick backs makes two pen drives

as the same file leaves as backup

because it is your safety if you

will lose something is so you will

to recover

if you do not have this information you

lose uninstalled application whatever

who gave computer you stick lost


if you do not have this information and

then you need you will not

able to access but only when you will

lose if this ooo you team

are within your account

then save it leaving a pen

drive and coop so good mayor here

I've done it here click here clicked

opened the account can see that here already

an account with the account number 1 it already


it automatically creates a portfolio

within the internal network or if you click

here O

it is already here to this account that

Cover it just created the effect

with this account that she just

create you if you want to send some

thing you can have in perfect order

for example here you can also

export your proof that you are here

You can copy your address and here

you can also export superbike

you have full access to their

perfect portfolio because what makes you

have access to your wallet you and owner

if you want to do it to import it

then just get that then in April

He created a new account that has come here and

click here and export

Password is one password that you put

the beginning

O prontinho he gave here for you

copying only private equity is that number

here just click and copy and you also

You can save the file dim sum that has come

forth Mayor

good come here so that more now

is so let's assume that I want

create another account does not want to use


I want to create another account and come here

Click believe the cloud

ready've created a new account you

see here come to scan all ready ok

easy as another account can see

that here is an address of 30 is not

most of an account is already hospitalized here

another another address then already one

another perfect portfolio that we more

over there

Here we assume that you will get

do what

configure your tokens you can come

here you will be edited who clicked will

put the token of the contract the symbol

token the amount that most there is only the

ad or that I explained to you both

the historical account funded cna

others I've done in the tutorials is that

you can find on my channel there are

you look for the morning tutorials

Oil is the looting I also explain them

as you do is add a token

here we are with this information then made

that you go there and only the wedge and

prontinho you will have also added

pull error but now I wonder

in the accounts that I have already tide has

hour as I do

you have two options or transfer of the

the portfolio is so high that you already have

you go there and transfer to these new

accounts that were opened here these two

to open so you can pick up your

previous address, and transfer to it

from here

the you can make an import in case


and when I say information portals

to do what you will import

your wallet that you had in the morning

Today for example suppose I

I want to import

I already have this account here I O

I created the poor in rolling

she is 86 cents has nothing

here I put here for a token danced in

web simply to try to record

this video for you perfect

so what I'll do click here

here will be back to where mexico goal

which will be on your browser

then you'll click here and I will do

Next I come up here and come here

import account as I will import this

account or private equity or jackson


as I said I speak is the same as that comes

you do you open your your wallet

the half-hour

so come'll find it here and

here I put the password and will import

prontinho already imported here in case he

will he will not be looking 86

cents is just right here and here he

is not showing because token ok

because I need to sign contracts

touch and this is the downside of

the map ok master goal as I do

then treat the contract taking the

contract snows silva is very easy

find it is in the very own

transaction Rachidia here I did here

transfer was done then hires

so here O

this is the contrataque contract number

I will copy here leaves add a touch

optical pulled up the information

automatically just put the number of

contract already pulled the ad and symbol

prontinho the op so here already updated

itaqui here is scoring like I

UFRN had me but this is an echo of

question only of themselves more perfect

so this here is what I have I

have a circus was born in a token


ready now saw that is easy to

import could import from bad it's time

everything else perfect grandfather suppose

I want to make a submission as

do this in ways and will stay here

170 with light in your account ether

I will make sending here to do in 2011

I will do what

I put the address where I go

send the amount will only simulate the

It is made

let's put that I will send to

that other account than the previous

would come to this account I left

that this account here and I

transfer to this so here I come

send sent here will send me

0.0001 have 10 runs in half 00:00 5

on here

here is giving enough money to

to transfer it to us is not

5 05 not ready is now so here I

I will do what here I will

configure the aaa which are equal to us

seen here and will now set way

Standard gilmar mayor is around 20

he is there 21 20 note here O

so here I will just set

so here I put as much of a mistake

guess which leaves 20 as the cool

mexico he already here converting the

total amount that will be charged to

transaction the maximum and we

because I need to put here 30

he even says that needs to be above

21 Mayor

suppose put 30m costing 52


then grab it and complete the transaction

here is simply not working


O because I was getting more expensive than

I had to balance the perfect hosts

because I'm at 36 cents

here I went there I found the gil and only if

I did this so that transaction

this one

maybe she will go wrong it will

re going to fail you will be charged

normal rate because it has to send

simply will not reach

until the perfect destination and you come here and

the subject will be done to submit the

sending touch the mini moke is 12

then I click here it will make sending

Normal this transaction to simulate here

so you can see how it will be okay

31 cents is behaved with 40

cents still there at the end left

convinced I can walk 40 here

forty-one cents

will give to be with almost 10

the value of the account that will be charged

because I will be transferring


let's see let's see if this goes with


saying it is taking too're with

pending clicked there it will already open

Here Ottawa scan ether pending here

let's see I downloaded the gil I think

You will not be able to attract at least

20 ege here Gastau that 40,000 would

transfer of good will see it will have

formed here is good that more guys

basically I have shown how to

Do you guys are doing there is a

detail mega important you do not touch

can transfer tokens if you

want to transfer because you do not

You can transfer your trigger as

messi goal you will need

connect mostly have eyes to

you do to make the transfer of


I will explain here that it makes perfect

are thinking're thinking then that's right

day as I do for to access my

Marathon I might bring my


so I showed here but we will open

hit milk with ether Andres the camp

April opened here I want to send my

touches now I will not select

as previously kiss kiss Toya

jackson five or click mesc goal

click here amesc goal and I will give

ConnectU prontinho NESP goal has connected

Automatically connect because diego

automatically here is the main point

you are to see here I'm connected

people I'm connected to the mesc goal

leaves connected metamat and will only

leave it connected at the time you

you use because if by chance some

hacker broke into your computer and took

the control

he comes here and makes the transfer of

all that you have within your


he will clear his granddaughter mexico it will

clean all you have at the time the lot

Mayor because it is connected

time putz flu gave how do I

now solve very simple you will only

amesc connect when you were

transfer if you are not transferred

you will do the following come here O

click here click here in the three

bars and logout all ready now

no longer as access can see that

even left off one only looks that time already

He left off this is very nice

then you want to access click on

little fox puts your password

let's put your password put his


right now I can place

then you attack ever played here

then what you need to do always

when you are using you not long

will use more click here

this is very important and says that long

It is perfect basic

if you go into settings here he asks

here for you reveals the union they

there the two words beginning of words

more if I get out of here

for example the play that on my account

who wants to save the information I

I will make

I will support export the key here is

I need to put my new password

prontinho here's my key to

perfect private equity only copy it

and here is where I save the file that is

like the jackson five perfect

that's what I care

looks will only cut this account I just

putting what is already here actually

I think it will give up error

here O

Here I select that is the last to

Password her place here for a month will give

error but I think it will come out

O O already given here and says a failure

attack on the position

then there's no way I are importing the

pa oo the jackson five because it already

here today I said that I was

trying to import the same they

do not speak it has identified so it is

so you can import your account so

with the the hotel will see that while with

hodgson was perfect

guys I think that's going to

finish here so I went here I

send my perfect tocantins I have

a token here that I will want to send


then select come on let's do it


I entered here is already enabled show here

I went here to send e mails where I

click send meta master ConnectU

connected here I will select which

plays in which I want to send places

portfolio that you want to send

amount of toxic send regular

Here law that regulated the general and sends

that simple

then recapping all guys very

important to the finish line moves he keeps

all your information private actions

and then stay in the Mexico goal not

You will have danger at the time you were

access the bad is the oil you be

stolen perfect whittle tokens only

They are sent through the platform is

theologian or Crypton now I

I recommend still use oil mael

perfect then will send exactly does

as I explained here that you select

totems you will want to send the

mayor needs to take in account not

will be able to send anything perfect the

ether is that it is like a war there for

I pay you to do transaction

Another important point name is Tamek

ended use comes here and gives logout

not leave it connected

if by chance he has been hacked to

break into your computer it has control

of its portfolio amesc one goal and steals

everything perfect clean it more

reference that transaction that I had

made earlier transaction motto

this account here O

I had done I think it's raining

where I will find the history here

let me see

op was the last transaction all

transaction that you make name is're right

sic it will be recorded that this is

It was the deal I had made

mayor wants to remember here was O

completed because it was completed

because I increased his boss is that I

put 40 000

despite low bat law had

placed 12

I increased the ubs pa 40,000 and was the

enough this transaction which cost 22

cents the maximum amount that could have

cost was was 44 cents

it was 41 cents and I'm not mistaken

we have done the simulation in

mesc own goal but ended up costing 22

Perfect cents then made

certinho transfer and it worked

to import you will do the following

you click here O redondinho here

diego matter by the way because

is showing up as Luzzi why because

he did not pull all the information

tokens I had to set

Manually this is the bad point of amesc

whenever you were to add the

import a portfolio that it it does not

will pull the top is automatically you

You will have to come here and add the token

Manually this is the only point and has

care who's here in my

perfect book I believe is

it serves as security for those

q want it and I do not know if I will

use 100% this goal the medical collection

I wanted to show that here is a

Alternatively you also improve


for those who have not shielded computer

if you will not have a good butt

It has or does not have a good antivirus or you

It is on the back foot regarding the target

mexico this kind of vision

if you want you can be

using metalesp is thus well

simple it is safer because it

automatically connects No Matter What

then their private keys'm not

Jackson was staying is safe say

like this

guys who likes leaves her like a

Please help channel any doubt

I can say it will only leave the post on a

Review Video

for those who have not participated in the group

investor clip Telegram

the link is in the video description enter

there already we already have over 450

members in the clip Telegram group

the perfect investor hope you

helped good day and good business guys




Lucy Lewis Can't Lose Season 2 Ep 3 of 5 - Duration: 7:18.

All I need to do now is convince the world's strictest principal to lighten up.


The dress code is totally unfair for girls.

It's totally working.

Zero Instagram bullying since its inception.

You're welcome.

It's the standard dress code across the entire country.

Including the South Island.

But it's punishing us for distracting boys

when it's up to them not to be ... distracted

It's keeping you safe from unwanted attention

with the added bonus of teaching you how to dress

like ladies with class, in class.

Shouldn't you just be teaching us the curriculum?

Shouldn't you just be accepting it and moving on?

The dress code is sexist and you should change it!


Does this look like the face of someone who changes her mind?

It certainly isn't the face of someone who changes her hair.

And if you come up with a little Lucy Lewis plan

to cause trouble, I assure you, it will die.

That went well.

(Whispering) Lucy!

Why are you in the boys toilets?

Why aren't you in the boys toilets?

Dave's had a brilliant idea!

He thought that he could protest the dress code by

dressing as a girl!

I don't know, does that even make sense?

I mean, I guess it's kind of funny

but it's pretty embarrassing for him, right?

David would look totally stupid in a dress.

Have you seen his legs?

It's cute that he wants to help and it would bring us a lot of attention...

... but shouldn't boys be able to wear what they want too?

It's all very confusing.

You're telling me.

I like the protest idea though.

Let's all think of a better one later.

You're totally owning that by the way.

Kia ora.

Yeah, I support you whatever, bro?





(Together) Bro.

We just need one good protest idea.

We do.


Just the one.

A public protest that'll really show the principal we mean business.

Like her hideous business suits.

And her hideous high heels.

Yeah, if she was a student she'd totally get dress code detention for those skirts.

Charlie! You wonderful glorious human being.

What did I say?

You just gave me a terrifying idea

that you're all going to hate.

Now all we need is a couple of cool kids to guarantee maximum media coverage.

Hey ladies.

I think you have us confused with someone else?

This new dress code is so lame, am I right?

My girl gang and I were thinking of um...

... like doing a protest? Word.

Are you still talking?

It's just now that we're all limited by the dress code

no one can stand out.

Well, it sucks but we'll be fine.

Well, if we're all dressed the same thing then

you can't tell who the cool kids are ...

Flaming tacos! You can't!

So I guess that means we're all cool?

No! But you're not Lucy.

You're not cool at all!

That's how you get the popularettes in on your protest.

(Chanting) No more dress code!

Well, this is a new one.

It seems a photograph of your little escapade

has made its way onto the interwebs.

Instagram dot com

backwards slash hills highs and lows

backwards slash hashtag emoticon

Hills Highs and Lows?

It's gone viral.

We just wanted to prove how unfair the dress code is to girls.

I mean, if our awesome principal doesn't even comply...

I admire your sucking up skills, Ms Lewis.

But not as much as I admire seeing you all dressed in such incredibly stylish fashion.

What's important is that the dress code is unfair.

Well, the interwebs obviously agree.

So, we win?


No more dress code?


I guess our principal's not so bad after all.

But I thought you never changed your mind?

I don't.

I just thought of something much better.

It seems that Hills High will now have to have a uniform.

I would never have thought of it

If I haven't seen you all looking so splendidly similar.

Thanks, Lucy.

What S word is this malarkey?!

I forgot my line.

I've forgotten my line.

For more infomation >> Lucy Lewis Can't Lose Season 2 Ep 3 of 5 - Duration: 7:18.


#ipsyLoveLetter feat. @jasminedefined + @ellanabryan | ipsy - Duration: 3:00.

Dear A-cups...

Dear thunder-thighs...

You know, I never had a problem with your size. That was everyone else.

I mean, I was hopeful at first that you would come along in a big way and make your presence known

so that I could one day wake up and scream to the world: I am a woman.

We've had a love-hate relationship, ever since I can remember.

I loved you, other people hated you and then I started to hate you, too.

I'm sorry about that. It's not your fault. People get uncomfortable around you,

especially in the summer when you want to show off.

Ah! Summer...sticky, sweaty summer and you. You, thunder thighs.

Most of my summer memories revolved around to you. Constantly thinking if you were only

smaller and you didn't rub together, how sweet that would be.

Another world would have me think that you were flawed.

If we had a dollar for every time we heard, "Have you ever thought about getting a boob job?"

We'd be chillin' topless poolside at our mansion in the hills.

It doesn't help that everybody and their mama is getting nipped and tucked nowadays.

Just when I think I found a flat-chested fashion influence she pops up and out with the new set of knockers.

Maybe it'll be easier for us if my hips and thighs weren't so wide.

If I was just one of those petite girls with fittingly petite boobs, but nope.

While you two budded slowly and meekly --- booty, hips, and thighs were all boom bam ka-pow!

So here I am, a pair.

Chafing, yeah that. I hated having to deal with the pain or always bring a backup outfit with leggings.

I tried so hard to make you skinny.

Skinny so that I could wear a sexy dress and not worry about my spandex showing underneath.

And rompers, cute adorable rompers. You never really fit into them, do you?

But it's okay, I still love you.

But not to worry A-cups because I appreciate you just the same. You have never gotten in my way.

No opportunity has been missed because of the gap in my bra.

It's funny, ever since I started treating you nicely you do so much for me.

You're mine and just the way you were meant to be.

We hike together, we bike together. Your veins flow with so much energy, it's incredible.

You are enough, we are enough. We are beautiful, we are sexy, we are absolutely flawless.

We are strong and sturdy together, yet soft and graceful.

No man, no magazine, no social media is gonna tell us any different.

To be honest, we actually make a hot couple and I can't imagine my life without you.

So stay up girls! We've got work to do,

to let the world know that there's nothing cooler than being unapologetically you.

Love, Ellana

Love, Jasmine

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