Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 10 2018

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 megacorporations lore video for you,

and today, we're going to talk about SovOil

Soviet World Oil Industries is one of the largest remain oil producers

and the eternal rival of Petrochem

SovOil sells crude all around the world, although the biggest part goes into the domestic Soviet

market, as this market is at the tail of the transition to more modern fuels, and gasoline-powered

automobiles are still common, although vehicles using CHOOH2™, the fuel extracted

from modified yeast invented by Biotechnica, are increasingly popular

The only area where SovOil cannot sell oil is the United States

as Petrochem has a monopoly there

Although SovOil still sells oil for fuel uses, it is also competitive in advanced petroleum chemistry

The company has large and well-budgeted labs where scientists conduct continuous research

on synthetics, pharmaceuticals, and other substances derived from raw petroleum

SovOil's petrochemical research and manufacturing divisions export thousands of products

Petrochem may be more advanced, with access to sophisticated new molecular engineering

technology, but SovOil moves much more product, and it's catching up technologically

Although, as I said before, the Soviet market has not yet caught up with modern fuels, SovOil

has a very big foot in the market of harvesting the modified yeast used to create

CHOOH2™ being a serious competitor of the main producer Petrochem

SovOil produces and sells about half the volume of CHOOH2™ that his American competitor does,

but has a strong share of the western European market

SovOils plantations are not as sophisticated, and a few of their farms are privately owned

and they are managed by republican governments

In life, it is important to be one step ahead

that how we created the fuel that moves your life

giving humanity hope

And we keep moving forward to a better future for humanity

Our constant investigation in Biotechnology,

genetic engineering, and biochemistry

helps us help you live a fuller life


One Step Ahead

After winning the Second Corporate War against its eternal Rival Petrochem, SovOil enjoyed

a long period of supremacy over the resources on the Pacific Rim, resources that came very

handy but they weren't enough when in 2021 the conflict known as the 4th Corporate war

provoked a fuel crisis

War takes a lot of fuel: modern war depends on rapid deployment and equally rapid response,

and obviously, nobody walks

And while most ground vehicles use CHOOH2™, air vehicles depend on a special

grade of the stuff, or on petroleum products

Both Petrochem and SovOil are the sources of most of the world AV gas and jet-propulsion

fuels, including the CHOOH2™ jet fuel

They've been producing great amounts of those fuels for long, but they never kept

much of a reserve stock, preferring to slowly and carefully milk their oil fields for every drop

At the beginning of the 4th Corporate war, both sides, Arasaka and Militech, bought most

of these reserves to put them in their reserves

But, then it stopped being a covert war and it exploded most megacorporations and most

governments of the world were involved, they all needed transportation and they all needed fuel

And they needed it now

And Petrochem and SovOil production weren't able to compensate for the demand for weeks,

and prices skyrocketed

The demand for fuel was insane

Because of this, the prices and the lack of fuel, war transport took a step backward so,

even though it started as the highest-tech war ever most analysts thought it may end

up being fought on bicycles

By July 2022, increased fuel production finally catches up with the demand, and the situation

begins to slip away from the "crisis" label, but inflated prices still remain the

same, which comes as a surprise for no one

So, guess who made a lot of eurobucks from 2022 to 2077

Well, folks, thanks for watching

Don't forget to take a look at our Cyberpunk 2077 lore playlist to know more about the dark future

See you in next videos and stay being amazing!

For more infomation >> SovOil - Cyberpunk 2077 Megacorporations Lore - Duration: 6:58.


Lo que aprendió Itatí Cantoral al interpretar a Silvia Pinal en su bioserie - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Lo que aprendió Itatí Cantoral al interpretar a Silvia Pinal en su bioserie - Duration: 2:27.


La princesa Charlotte hará historia si su hermanito en camino es niño - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> La princesa Charlotte hará historia si su hermanito en camino es niño - Duration: 2:27.


★ happy 18th. - Duration: 0:39.


hey, jenn, this is sunil.

alright, serafin's coming a little bit late

so we're gonna be late to your birthday party.

well, evan wants to talk to you.


oh, it's a message.

jenn, listen to me, bud.

happy birthday, just—

you're eighteen,

you're a young woman in the united states,

be free, be yourself,



so i'll see you in a little bit,

i'll see you at chando's.


i have to—


For more infomation >> ★ happy 18th. - Duration: 0:39.


Supervivientes 2018: La tórrida noche de bodas que no se vio entre Isa y Alberto - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Supervivientes 2018: La tórrida noche de bodas que no se vio entre Isa y Alberto - Duration: 3:51.


Mencanta Cantarte - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mencanta Cantarte - Duration: 0:42.


AVENGERS 3 | Tv Spot "Thanos chasquea los dedos & Starbucks" SUBTITULADO en Español (HD) - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> AVENGERS 3 | Tv Spot "Thanos chasquea los dedos & Starbucks" SUBTITULADO en Español (HD) - Duration: 1:48.


Oasis de Luz - 2018 - Duration: 4:26.

Orocovis, Puerto Rico. 5 months after Hurricane María.

This is the Ala de la Piedra neighborhood,

It's one of the town's

17 neighborhoods.

Today, March 2,

we still have no electric service.

That's been one of the hardest things

for the people in the neighborhood.

The construction of power lines across the island started in 1928.

However, it wasn't until after 1960 that remote areas were finally electrified.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Ricans in the mountains,

face once again a delayed electrification.

The National Institute for Energy and Island Sustainability presents

Oasis of Light

There are 4 interconnected panels

That could each, be producing

up to 200 watts.

Each Oasis offers access to a refrigerator and receptacles

to charge phones and other low consumption appliances.

I believe this alternative

brought by the University of Mayagüez

together with the town of Orocovis

is like an oasis, its name says it,

Because there's

many older people

and people with diabetes

that could use this refrigerator

to store their medication.

And the fact that people can charge their cellphones

and have access to electricity

I believe is an alternative

while we can solve

this situation with the energy system.

Professors and students at the University of Mayagüez,

together with INESI,

are bringing this space to other rural communities.

My name is Antonio Luna.

I'm the President of the

Amoldadero Neighborhood Association

Which is a neighborhood in La Plata borough.

We are here welcoming you

for the kind gesture

you are having with our community.

The project was brought by the Mayor.

He came with a group of professors

from the University of Mayagüez.

They were looking for a place

to install the panels.

They thought Amoldadero, our neighborhood,

was the most ideal neighborhood to do so.

Recent events make clear we find ourselves

in the middle of a new energy transition that requires

new ways of thinking, working and teaching.

You have the positive there

and the negative.

You have to check which one is the positive

and the negative over here.

The Oasis of Light offer students

learning spaces outside the classroom

and Puerto Ricans, the tools and support needed

to reimagine and redesign

a sustainable Puerto Rico.

We live in a tropical area,

hurricanes will continue to happen.

We continue to live in a remote area

and these situations can happen again.

I believe it's an alternative

for people to see it this way.

That this is useful,

current and relevant.

For more infomation >> Oasis de Luz - 2018 - Duration: 4:26.



For more infomation >> ¡5 SEÑALES DE BUEN USO DE LAS PANTALLAS! - Duration: 0:45.


Parque Típico en Holanda/Typical Park in Netherlands(English Subtitles) - Duration: 9:41.

look at the crow on my bike

they are taking my food

Hi! I´m Fabiana

as you may know from my previous vids I´m living in Netherlands

today I´m taking you to my favorite park in the city. I know you'll like it

is a very beautiful park, typically dutch, plenty of nature

with the typical dutch things as: water canals, animals

a lot of vegetation. It´s very beautiful and I know you´ll like it

I'm riding my bike and on the way you'll see the typical dutch street

and when I'll arrive in the park I will tell you

interesting things that I'm learning while living in Netherlands

following the dutch tradition I'm riding my bike

and I´m taking a bag with food

to do a picnic at the park

You may know that Netherlands is such a great country to ride bike

since Netherlands is relatively a small country

with relatively small cities

therefore places are at short distances

additionally most of the dutch territory is flat

in fact there aren't mountains in Netherlands

when the dutch travel abroad they are amazed by mountains

therefore since territory is flat it´s very easy

to use the bike as means of transport everyday to almost everywhere

another good reason is the weather

that isn't an extreme cold or hot weather

the only uncomfortable thing, from my experience is

that when is raining is very uncomfortable to ride bicycle

it feels like a torture

and here rains many days of the year (180 days approximately)

it's a cold rain, is very painful in your fingers

even while using gloves and coat

additionally the wind sometimes is in oposite direction to you

and blows very strong

falling off the bicycle or dragging you to the middle of the street

it has happened many time to me

Scheveningen Forest

Look at the "swans lake"

The Park's name is Rosarium

and Westbroek Park

due to the bicycle we can't see it very well

I just arrived to the park and I left and secured my bike over there

and came to this side to start showing you the beautiful things in this park

one of the things that I love the most in the Netherlands

and I fell in love with when I first arrived

is that here you are in contact with nature

I live in The Hague and is a relatively small city

where you can be in contact with nature day by day

when riding bike you are in contact with the trees

there are many parks like these

with canals and animals

that commonly does not exist in other cities in the world

which is very relaxing

is specially wonderful for children

because they can grow up in a city

surrounded by nature

and not just with buildings and urban concrete jungle

more cities in the world should be like The Hague

that allow citizens to be in daily contact with nature

today is a miracle that is sunny

the rest of the week was raining a lot

I even thought that I would not be able to make any video this week due to the rain

despite the sun I feel that I can't properly talk

my face is frozen and I can not move the jaw

that is another thing that you learn in The Netherlands

the sun does not heat

is almost a sun painted on the sky

because when we see the sun, there are not clouds on the sky

that help to keep the heat

therefore here sunny days are even colder than cloudy days

for that reason I don't know if I would prefer sunny and colder days

or cloudy days with bit higher temperature

look at the crow on my bike

they are taking my food

they are attacking my...

so crazy!!!!

they are attacking my scarf!

they are crazy

you're bad!

now I don't have scarf....noooo!

I had to put my bag on top of the scarf

to avoid the crows

why birds eat scarfs???

this bird...

"this bird" hahahaha, I'm traumatized

this park has this playground

so cool for children

now is empty since children are at school

and you can see it better

some weekends I bring my kids to this park

look at the zip line...

let's do it: 1, 2 and...

now is the beginning of spring

and they are starting to plant tulips

look at the tulips! so beautiful!

I love this park

since we are in contact with nature and animals

but also you find duck's poop everywhere

and after the shoes are full of poop

when you walk you find ducks and swans

the duck is complaining

what are you talking about buddy?

what are you talking about?

they are identified to take care of them and control them

it's very common to see in Netherlands a father with his kids in the park

in Netherlands fathers take care of their kids as much as the mothers

and I do love that

I do love that from this culture

since unfortunately is not common to see it in other countries

but in Netherlands you find many fathers with their kids in the park

this couple is like a terrifying clown

the terrifying couple

you can either walk or ride bike in this park

but I want to ride bike to show you the park with a dutch style

other fact that makes it easier to use bicycle in Netherlands

is the spectacular infrastructure to use bike

in 1.5 years that I have been living here

I never have seen an accident with bicycles

cars are very respectful

and drivers are careful to stop

and give priority to bikes to pass

one of the greatest thing to use bike

is how ecological it is

and how much flexibility provides you

to move wherever you want

you don't have to worry about car maintenance

additionally is very relaxing to ride bike

it's one of the things that I like the most about Netherlands

to be able to use bike everyday

look at the seagulls

those houses have an enviable view

in Netherlands there are many canals

as well as the beach

here in The Hague there is beach, in other video I'll show it to you

in Netherlands is mandatory that children learn to swim

to prevent accidental drowning if they fall into a canal

therefore is mandatory that they attend to swimming

lessons with the school

or sometimes parents register them in

lessons out of school

but is mandatory for children to pass a swimming certificate

to survive on water

excuse me but I'm hungry and I'll eat

my dutch picnic

that consist in cheese sandwich and fruit

I would love if you like this vid

comment what you like the most

and subscribe

see you on my next video

you can watch this video...

and this other video...

For more infomation >> Parque Típico en Holanda/Typical Park in Netherlands(English Subtitles) - Duration: 9:41.


Nightlife Roundup: Legendary Children, The Beat, and More! - Duration: 3:53.

What's poppin y'all?

Who's the non binary bitch that came to give you the low down from uptown to downtown

on events like Legendary Children and The Beat?

None other than Ya Highness, Da Qween, bringing the vibe and keeping you live with your weekly

Nightlife Roundup!

let's jump right in babes with thriftease down the rabbit hole.

thriftease is back with their spring collection "down the rabbit hole" in celebration of

springtime psychedelics, and secondhand wonderlands. all curated by the mona real.

if you don't remember how this works here's the short version it's an auction for clothes

you buy them right off the runway right off the bodies till there's only drawers so

whether you're buying or viewing i'm sure you're in for a whole show

so whose bringing the vibe? for our models we have steven dolan, mark gato, fox hampton,

kara phoebe, and katie powers.

your auction-queer is butylene o'kipple, and size queen & dresser is harlotte o'scara.

house sounds & trippy sonics by mmmelt, with magic sashes, trinkets & talismans by teflon

kook. tickets are $8 advance and $12 day of show.

there's limited bidding admission for the 1st 50 ticket holders so buy buy buy.

it's all going down at kremwerk this friday the 13th, doors at 7 show at 8.

next it's time to catch tens, honey.

it's time for legendary children, a late night of extravagant style that spotlights

all the gorgeousness of qtpoc communities.

this evening is where arts and social justice get intersectional, with qtpoc voices ringing

loud and clear.

enjoy live performances, hot djs, and the artistry of some of the pacific northwest's

most talented drag royalty and multi-talented live performers you might even see a certain

royal bitch up in there goin a lil something.

did i mention the public runway? did i mention a chance to see the new special exhibition

"figuring history", or the fact that this event is all ages and free ninety nine! consider

ya self invited to the ball baby! and get down to the seattle art museum 8 oclock sharp

this saturday april 14th. and for our final event baby dolls we got

the beat hosted by carlarans.

y'all know what this is.

my fellow queerspace zaddy carlarans is back with another live taping of the beat and we

need you to be our studio audience see these episodes before they air and get ya life!

who's rocking the beat this time?

none other than the lovely ancient mariner, psa, and son the rhemic. as always we do live

interview before we get down.

tickets are 0-10 dollars sliding scale and no one turned away for lack of funds.

and this time you can catch us at re-bar! wednesday april 18th! at 8 oclock!

this episode has been brought to you by translations: seattle transgender film festival, a 10-day

festival highlighting stories by, for, and about transgender lives on screen.

it's more than a film festival, it's a supportive community and safe place.

check out translationsfilmfest.org for tickets and more info.

well that's all the events i had for you this week babes and faves. as always remember

to check the description below for the link to dates times and locations.

thanks for joining me for this weeks nightlife roundup.

i'm da qween and i'll see yo face at the place peace!

For more infomation >> Nightlife Roundup: Legendary Children, The Beat, and More! - Duration: 3:53.


FIT FORNES El stress es contagioso Los instintos primitivos nos hacen tomar miedo y stress - Duration: 4:47.

Stress IS contagious: Primitive instincts cause us to pick up on other people's fear

and stress Sunday, April 08, 2018 by: Jessica Dolores

You're leisurely going about your day when you meet someone on edge.

Immediately, what was once peace and quiet becomes caught up in the stress and dissipates.

If this applies to you, then you've just been infected by the virulent stress bug.

It may be a figurative expression; nonetheless, science has proven that stress is contagious.

This was the focus of a study conducted by researchers from the Cumming School of Medicine

at the University of Calgary.

The findings of the study, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, may help explain

specific stress-related conditions, such as incidences where family members of soldiers

with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exhibit similar symptoms – even if they

have never been part of the military.

In the study, Dr. Jaideep Bains and his team at the Cumming School of Medicine looked at

how stress can be transmitted using pairs of male and female mice.

The team took one mouse from each pair away from the other and exposed it to mild stress

before returning it to its partner.

They found that the neural networks that regulate the brain's response to stress have changed

for both the stressed mouse and its naive partner.

Even more interesting was the fact that the networks were both altered similarly.

"There [have] been other literature that shows stress can be transferred — and our

study is actually showing the brain is changed by that transferred stress," according to

lead author Toni-Lee Sterley.

"The neurons that control the brain's response to stress showed changes in unstressed

partners that were identical to those we measured in the stressed mice."

Researchers also found that activated neurons release an "alarm pheromone," in the stressed

mouse – which his partner picks up.

It then alerts other members of the group.

"What we can begin to think about is whether other people's experiences or stresses may

be changing us in a way that we don't fully understand," explained Bains.

Another thing that his group discovered was that the effects of stress disappear in female

mice after a social interaction.

However, this was not the case in male mice.

The researchers believe that the results of the study may benefit personalized approaches

in treating stress disorders in people.

Beat stress effectively with these lifestyle changes

At the end of the day, beating stress isn't just a personal win: It also affects people

close to us and saves them from needless worry.

Here are some simple ways to beat stress naturally.

Eat anti-stress food.

Diets consisting of processed foods, grains, sugars, and artificial chemicals put a strain

on our bodies.

Opt for fresh food and lots of water – and steer away from stress-inducing coffee.

Avoid toxins.

Stress makes it hard for our liver and kidney to get rid of toxins, so be kind to these

vital body organs and steer away from plastic chemicals in household cleaners and deodorants,

processed food, and nicotine.

Sleep tight.

Sleep is one of the best ways to fight stress.

It clears the mind, beats fatigue and calms the body.

Just say no.

It's good to help others, but only to some extent.

Learn the danger of spreading yourself too thin, of not having enough 'me time' and

quality moments with the family.


This releases endorphins which help regulate insulin

and boosts hormone levels, as well as strengthen the immune system.

Load up on antioxidants.

Stress triggers adrenaline production which robs the body of vitamins and minerals.

This is why we have to load up on antioxidants.

Green tea, yerba mate tea, and peppermint tea are rich in antioxidants and vitamins

to help us deal with stress.

Psych yourself up.

Go ahead.

Tell yourself how confident and smart you are.

Remind yourself that there's nothing to be afraid of while admitting that yes, you

feel stressed.

Surround yourself with good vibes – family photos, greeting cards, souvenirs from an

out-of-town trip, anything that makes you feel great.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES El stress es contagioso Los instintos primitivos nos hacen tomar miedo y stress - Duration: 4:47.


Sing Along ABC Songs

For more infomation >> Sing Along ABC Songs





George Soros has suffered a rather humiliating defeat after pumping millions of dollars into

a Hungarian election he attempted to buy.

Soros, who was born in Hungary and desperately wanted a hardened fascist to win the election,

is now out millions of dollars as Viktor Orbán won with a whopping 70% of the vote.

Viktor Orbán is known as an "anti-globalist" painted with the same broad brush as president

Donald Trump.

Prime minister Orbán has also successfully cut illegal immigration to Hungary by 99%

after building his wall on the border.

With the votes counted, Europe Elects is sharing stats which show Fidesz, the party founded

by Prime Minister Orbán while he was a young anti-Communist dissident, has won not merely

a decisive majority but an outright super-majority, along with minor allied parties.

This will allow changes to the national constitution.

Hopefully, those changes will be for more the better of the people, and not the expansion

of liberty-trampling governments – something Soros has championed for decades.

The results will be extremely disappointing for top bureaucrats in the European Union

and activists working for so-called civil society NGOs funded by billionaire open borders

campaigner George Soros, who had been hoping for an upset defeat, or for Fidesz to lose

its super-majority, at least.

This is certainly a bloody nose to the globalists and elitists who want to control the entire


With Orban's success, Soros is likely reeling from his discomfort that his globalist control

over society is slipping, and quickly.

Orban has become increasingly popular because of his strong defense policies with regards

to his country's borders.

Unlike the open arms of Sweden and Germany that led to disastrous results, Orban successfully

all but stopped illegal immigration and the violence that has come with it.

It was a victory guided by a common theme pushed by Orban: "Stop George Soros."

And once again, Orban was successful and Soros is left licking his wounds with his tail tucked

between his legs.

Nothing is more comforting than seeing billionaire global elitist Soros take a loss.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: George Soros DEFEATED… LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO HIM!! - Duration: 2:31.


Tom Arnold Just Threw Co-Star Roseanne Under Bus With How He Really Feels About Her Trump Support - Duration: 5:20.

Tom Arnold Just Threw Co-Star Roseanne Under Bus With How He Really Feels About Her Trump


Fledgling actor Tom Arnold just threw his old co-star under the bus when he trashed

her in regards to her personality and support for the American President, Donald Trump.

Arnold had no problem stating how he felt about his ex-wife, Roseanne Barr, and attacked

her for simply being herself, which is someone that millions of Americans have fallen in

love with for the second time.

It's hard enough to be popular the first time, but then to make a comeback and have

sky-high ratings is simply amazing.

Tom Arnold was a former costar on the Roseanne show.

He stared in 20 episodes from 1989-1992.

He also helped write a few episodes, then later produced 100 more episodes from 1990-1994.

If anyone should know Roseanne pretty well, it's probably Tom Arnold considering he's

been around her from 1989-1994, a long enough time to get to know someone on and off the

set of a popular television series.

But as time goes on and people change, it wasn't much shock to see Arnold throw shade

at Roseanne simply for being herself.

She's patriotic, sarcastic, and likes to do things her way.

It's something that she's entitled to as an American and people have the right to

watch her show or ignore her entirely.

When Tom Arnold went after her with snide commentary, it wasn't that it was surprising

he would do something like that to a celebrity, but this was one of his co-stars and they

were very successful together.

It's a shame they couldn't have each other's back now.

TMZ reported more about the conniving comments: "Tom Arnold can't fathom how Roseanne

still has a job … but he says the least ABC can do is apologize for her insanity.

We got Tom at LAX on Sunday and asked him about his ex-wife, Roseanne, whose show reboot

has brought her new glory, but also scrutiny given she's a Donald Trump supporter.

Plus … she's also under fire for spreading conspiracy theories on Twitter … like when

she tweeted and then deleted David Hogg gave a Nazi salute at the March for Our Lives rally.

Roseanne also posed as Hitler back in 2009 for a Germany issue of the satirical Jewish

magazine, "Heeb."

Tom struggles to understand how Roseanne reached this level of nonsense."

Tom really wants ABC to apologize for Roseanne getting millions of viewers on their show?

I'm not sure that's how it's going to work out.

Tom Arnold, not to be confused with John Goodman, would be in his best spirits to be congratulatory

and welcoming of Roseanne and her new show, but he's not.

He went on the offensive and showed his darker side.

That's all good and dandy, also part of his American privilege to like and dislike

whom he wants, but what's the point in him attacking her like that?

Is it because Arnold is a stone cold liberal and Roseanne is a hot spitfire Trump supporter?

Can't they put politics aside and shake hands, maybe welcome Tom onto an episode since

he was a big driving force in her former success?

The biggest problem with Tom Arnold's comments is that they are divisive and split people

apart instead of bringing them together.

Roseanne's show isn't liberal, but Tom sure seems to be, and that's OK as long

as they both accept who they are as individuals.

Their politics shouldn't be the bane of their existence and stop them from being cordial.

Alas, this is the part of politics that everyone dislikes.

This is the part where everyone falls apart and refuses to be civil to each other.

There's no need for Arnold, whose career is failing, to attack his former co-star and


It would have been more respectful of him to congratulate her success and wish her the

best as they travel their own path.

But that's not his modus operandi.

Not Tom Arnold!

The comments on TMZ spoke unkindly about Tom Arnold and his attack on Roseanne.

"Faye • 7 hours ago I think Tom must need some attention.

If not for Roseanne, no one would have ever known who he was.

Pimpcessa • 6 hours ago Spoken by the guy that would be NOBODY if

not for Rosanne and her craziness.

This guy owes his whole career and livelihood to Rosanne.

Evo Shift Faye • 4 hours ago Tom is a jealous has been who' owes everything

he has to Rosanne.

Another loser suffering from anti Trump syndrome.

Enjoy the next 7 years, losers

TomAZUSA • 7 hours ago Rosanne should apologize for Tom Arnold.

If it wasn't for her we would never have to hear his annoying voice.

Thanks a lot.

TRM Dude • 7 hours ago he's a bit of an ingrate… get over yourself

self bro… thanks to her you don't have to get a real job

Frank Lea • in a few seconds Seems like she did right in 1994 when they


pmo • 5 hours ago tom arnold was an unknown, unsuccessful comic

who latched on to RA, married her, cheated on her, and got a 30 M $ settlement.

end of story."

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Tom Arnold Just Threw Co-Star Roseanne Under Bus With How He Really Feels About Her Trump Support - Duration: 5:20.


All you need to know about the Champions League semi-final draw - Duration: 2:02.

All you need to know about the Champions League semi-final draw

Liverpool booked their place in the Champions League semi-finals with a 5-1 aggregate win over Man City, with the draw set for Friday lunchtime.

An early goal from Gabriel Jesus at the Etihad looked to have set City on their way to a fightback, but Mohamed Salah and Roberto Firmino struck to calm the nerves and ensure the Reds progress.

Liverpool are joined by AS Roma in the semi-finals, with Bayern Munich currently leading Sevilla 2-1 and Real Madrid 3-0 ahead of Juventus heading into Wednesday nights clashes.

Marking a decade since their last appearance in the final four of the Champions League, Jurgen Klopps side will be setting their sights on a strong finish to their European campaign.

Before the visit of Bournemouth in the Premier League on Saturday evening, the Reds will be focussed on the semi-final draw.

It will be held in Nyon at 11am (BST) on Friday, April 13, to be shown live on BT Sport 2.

Champions League Semi-Final Draw.

AS Roma, LIVERPOOL, Bayern Munich (2) / Sevilla (1), Real Madrid (3) / Juventus (0)

For more infomation >> All you need to know about the Champions League semi-final draw - Duration: 2:02.


Natural remedy that work well for cough | Natural Health - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Natural remedy that work well for cough | Natural Health - Duration: 5:23.


Manchester City vs Manchester United 2-3 All Goals & Highlights 07/04/2018 HD - Duration: 4:42.

Manchester City vs Manchester United 2-3 All Goals & Highlights 07/04/2018 HD

For more infomation >> Manchester City vs Manchester United 2-3 All Goals & Highlights 07/04/2018 HD - Duration: 4:42.


HTC U12 (2018), FIRST LOOK, Release Date, Specifications, Price, Introduction! - HTC - Duration: 2:42.

HTC U12 (2018), First Look, Release Date, Specifications, Price ! - HTC

HTC U12 - First Look, Specs, Features, Price & Launch Date !


HTC u12 introduction!

HTC U12 design & specification details leak

HTC U12 and the still unrepresented flagship smartphone a list of features is published by the Network.

According to rumors, the release of the gadget should take place in May this year. This is written by GSMArena.

According to preliminary information, the smartphone should be equipped with a screen diagonal of 5.5 inches with a resolution of 2860 в 1440 pixels.

In this case, the device will receive a protective glass Corning Gorilla Glass 5.

The body of the gadget will receive full protection from dust and water according to the IP68 standard.

The frames of the smartphone will be sensitive. The gadget will respond to the compression of the enclosure and thus run applications or activate functions.

oth cameras will be dual (12 + 12 Mp and 8 + 8 Mp), with an optical image stabilization module.

For more infomation >> HTC U12 (2018), FIRST LOOK, Release Date, Specifications, Price, Introduction! - HTC - Duration: 2:42.


'17명 성추행' 이윤택, 재판장 황당 변명 정리(feat 실언)| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> '17명 성추행' 이윤택, 재판장 황당 변명 정리(feat 실언)| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 3:44.


양배추 효능 | 뉴스공장 - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 양배추 효능 | 뉴스공장 - Duration: 6:35.


Pharrell type beat

For more infomation >> Pharrell type beat


The Latin Sample Behind Cardi B's "I Like It" | Genius News - Duration: 1:08.

Announcer: Paying tribute to such wonderful legends like Pete "Boogaloo" Rodriguez.

Lisette: Yeah I got my own cubicle and everything.

Lisette: Mr. Price I wanted to talk to you about the marketing campaign.

Mr. Price: Marketing campaign?

For more infomation >> The Latin Sample Behind Cardi B's "I Like It" | Genius News - Duration: 1:08.


Cudeman Classic Knife Review. A cheap but good slipjoint for $30 - Duration: 6:24.

A few months ago this knife popped up on my Case Sodbuster review.

As usual I didn't look up pronunciation- and subscriber cyclist01222 said it's Koo-da-man.

Alright so Coo-da-man it is- no further research necessary.

basically someone could say it's pronounced ball sack, and I'd be like ok.

Sounds good bro.

So let's look at the dimensions of this classic slip joint known as the Cudeman Classic

or ball sack Classic.

Like the overall length and weight.

You say potato.

Blade length and cutting edge.

I say________.

Handle size and grip area.

It's not like I have a ballsack quota to meet.

Spine thickness and handle thickness.

Ok I'm trying to rebrand my channel to make it more relatable to the 12-17 male demographic-

where all the ad revenue is.


What are we talking about again.

Oh yeah running out of intro hooks.

The Cudeman classic is a budget friendly slip joint knife made in spain that features a

blade made from satin finished 420 steel.

Must resist.

The blade is a low profile clip point style with what looks like a hollow grind to me.

Out of the box the blade is sharp and very pointy, and with a pretty useable for me nearly

3 and a quarter inch cutting edge.

Since the knife is a slip joint it means it don't lock.

So it's a two handed opening and closing like our forefathers the reptilians were accustomed


Being a classic slip joint a word synomous with "No views" means that the blade is

held into place by a backspacing and you just push real hard to close it.

Some slip joints are easy like the case sodbusters, and some are like the Cudeman classic and

require very deliberate hard pushes close without your hand slipping and well getting

clipped for lack of a better word.

Owning this knife for several months I have found occasionally the pivot needs to be oiled

to keep it reasonable- otherwise it becomes almost unsafely stiff.

The handle is nice and comfortable- and according to the lying sack of shit amazon product description

is made from bull horn or ram horn or gnarwales- well mine clearly resembles the olive wood

version- so please understand that.

I don't know if the wood has been stabilized, to me it seems almost unfinished… it's

well sanded and smooth though.

The handle is long enough for my hand, if you have pretty large hands though- maybe


The whole blade is low profile, and you can get a very tight grip on it.

This traditional knife of course has no pocket clip, because of the time when these were

popularized pocket clips were deemed heretic or apparently human kind was too damn stupid

to figure out a knife might be easier to dig out of your pocket if it was near the top


Think of Spyderco as the first creature in the ocean to venture onto dry land.

Man think of all the patent money lost.

Umm… comparison part.

The cudeman… it's actually a very fine slip joint.

$20 ain't bad for a knife especially if you think pocket clips are for squares and

you live in an area where you can carry a fixed blade kitchen knife legally but for

some reason real good reason not a locking knife.

If I had to produce a complaint it's that the back spring is a little too hard for my

lilly livered hands.

Some people prefer those though- and I don't have much of a problem with that.

The Case full sized sodbuster… which I haven't patined any more because I have too many knives.

It's a pretty good example of a slip joint though, just like this one.

However that blade stains easier because it's carbon or some shit, and this one stains less

because of stainless enchantment.

Umm how about the Mercator?

This one locks, and is pretty nice.

I plan on reviewing this one soon, unless the government helicopter comes for me.

It's German, it's got a nice flat grind. and it's slicy.

And at this point someone somewhere probably subscriber bRad 1967 is like where's the

douk douk.

Here it is bro.

Also a stiffy.

Meaning a stiff back spring.

Not as stiff as the Cudeman, but still for slightly more advanced knife bros.

That's it.

Cardboard anyone?


Cudeman classic is fine.

I assume the main allure to this one is people who like collecting clip joints.

I'd rate it as a little too I don't want to say unsafe, but too hard to close for people

unfamiliar with strong back springs.

The clip point in combination with the back spring makes it poke the sweet meat of my

palm often during close- I try to keep that area nice and tender.

The fact that it's stainless means the blade uhh won't rust as easily however I'm not

sure how well this sort of wood handles prolonged exposure to water.

But if you need something that doesn't rust because you're a fish, also buy something

with a plastic handle.

Also since this knife has a liner and it snaps back hard, make sure you close it easy to

avoid dinging the blade.

I did not notice mine get dinged but I have seen quite a few slip joints that this can

happen to to.

If you like this review subscribe to my channel, give the video a thumbs up, leave a comment,

follow me on instagram or whatever.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Cudeman Classic Knife Review. A cheap but good slipjoint for $30 - Duration: 6:24.


Isola dei Famosi: quanti kg hanno perso i naufraghi? - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi: quanti kg hanno perso i naufraghi? - Duration: 4:26.


Online Advertising: Crash Course Media Literacy #7 - Duration: 10:32.

Have you ever been window shopping?

Just looking in the windows of stores...browsing?

Did anything from the store ever just...follow you around?

You're browsing for a new hat and see one you like, but pass it by.

Then in the video game store next door the hat is just...sitting on the shelf?

And in the clothing store after that.

Looking at you.

Following you.

Last episode we talked about advertising, and the long history of techniques for getting

us to buy things.

In today's episode, we're looking at what happens when those techniques move online,

where you might be followed much more than you think.

In the olden days, before online shopping, stores didn't know what you were looking at.

They couldn't track your shopping habits and then place advertisements for stuff you

like wherever your went.

Hats were just hats; they couldn't follow you around.

Traditional advertisements were contextual, they were put in specific places – or contexts

– where advertisers expected people to be.

Commercials during must-see TV, billboards along traffic-filled highways, pages in popular


Places with lots of eyes and people with nothing else to do.

Advertisers had to jam all of the persuasive techniques and logical fallacies they could

into expensive ads, and then HOPE the right people would see.

But that was before the internet.

And smartphones.

And social media.

And geolocation and cookies and pop-up ads and ad blockers and…


It's about to get scary.

[Theme Music]

Old-timey advertisers didn't know who would see their ads, and they also didn't really

know how well they were doing.

Put up an ad for soda right by a high school, and maybe they'd have a rough idea of who

walked by it everyday.

But they wouldn't know how many kids actually bought soda.

It wasn't a total guessing game, but it wasn't a science, either.

Because of this, advertisers targeted different groups of people, or demographics: teenagers,

older men and women, business professionals, families, white people, black people, Asian people.

Still, these groups are pretty broad.

You could place an ad with a TV show that drew mostly female viewers or a radio program

that had mostly teen listeners, but you couldn't get too specific.

So, ads had to be broad, too, and the products being sold were incentivized to be one-size

fits all.

Anything too niche for a wide audience couldn't afford to spend money on big, broad advertising.

Since the birth of mass media, advertisers have been looking for better ways to do this,

to make sure their ads hit just the right people.

Enter: the internet.

In the early days of the internet, the ad world, was still just like print or TV advertising.

Ads were created to reach as broad an audience as possible.

First came display ads – and like print ads, they'd just sit there on your screen.

And quickly advertisers tried to gussy these up: pop-ups (the worst) and animated ads.

Everything to get attention.

But the real innovation was turning ads into links.

What happens when an Ad is a Link?

It's convenient.

See an ad for a hat.


Bam – you're at hatstore.com.

But that also means hatstore.com can COUNT how many times that link was clicked.

Advertisers no longer had to estimate how many eyes saw their ads or what they did in


And for a while, the click-through was an unstoppable measurement tool.

This brings us to: the web cookie, which made these ads even stronger.

Cookies are like little breadcrumbs that websites and apps place on your device.

They follow you around the web and report back on your habits.

Suddenly advertisers could track who was clicking on those ads and where they'd go next.

Did they browse the site?

Did they download a coupon?

Did they – [gasp] – buy something??

They could figure out who those viewers were, their shopping habits, and even what their

life was like.

Pre-cookie, advertisers put their targets – that's you – in pretty broad demographic

buckets, but now they could narrow that immensely.

Ads can target just 18-24 year old women with an interest in science who live in Brazil

or 34-45 year old men who like soccer in Canada.

This is called addressable advertising, sometimes referred to as behavioral targeting.

Take a look around this video.

Are you seeing any ads?

If so, are they things you're interested in?

That might be because YouTube is using cookies to display what it thinks you want to see.

Your recommended videos work that way, too.

Every time you use your phone or computer, you're leaving data breadcrumb trails.

The websites you visit log your IP address a unique set of numbers used to identify your

computer as you browse the web.

There are other kinds of unique identifiers, too.

They can track what kind of device you're using, where you are, how fast your internet

is, who else you follow.

All kinds of stuff.

You may be thinking, "Isn't getting better music recommendations and seeing actually

relevant ads worth a few cookie crumbs?"

The problem is, the websites and apps you do trust to use your data trails don't keep

it to themselves.

Let's take a deeper look at this in the Thought Bubble.

When you open up a new app or website, or login to a social network, you'll often

come across some Terms and Conditions.

Sometimes they're called Terms of Service.

These are the rules of the road.

The company is telling you what you can and can't do in the app – like use it to commit

a crime, or share stolen work.

But they're also telling you what they will and won't do.

Most of the time when we create a new account like this, we just check the box to accept

the terms and conditions and move on.

But companies know we don't read those ridiculous documents.

Research even shows it would take us 25 days each year to read all the things we agree


So, more often than not, we're actually consenting to a lot of stuff we probably wouldn't

if we actually read the darn thing.

For example: Instagram.

You think you're using an app to share photos with friends and chat with them.

The app's Terms of Use say:

You can't post sexually explicit, violent, hateful, or discriminatory things on Instagram.

You can't steal someone else's login, or use your account for illegal purposes.

They have a right to kick you out if you break the rules, like spamming or threatening others

or stealing someone else's photos.

Ok, that makes sense.

But their Terms of Use also say

If they do want to kick you out, they can do so without warning.

And afterwards all of your photos and data and comments will no longer be accessible

through your account.

Despite their Community guidelines, they say they have no official obligation to take down

any Instagram content.

They don't own your content, but you DO grant them a "non-exclusive, fully paid

and royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license" to use your content.

In other words, they could use your photos however they want, including selling them

to third parties.

Doing so would be a big breach of trust, so they probably wouldn't.

But they could.

They use analytics tools that collect information sent by your device, including the web pages

you visit.

And they may use "device identifiers" on your phone to track your browsing habits

to serve you personalized content or ads.

With Instagram or any app you use, with the right clause hidden in all that legal jargon,

your info can be sold to third parties, over and over again.

Then, advertisers can sell you more, better targeted ads.

So when you absent mindedly check the box to accept god-knows-what terms and conditions,

you're often also signing away your right to privacy.

Right now, that info mainly goes to advertisers, but you can see how our ambivalent attitude

around privacy could make us vulnerable to bad actors.

Or, say foreign influence on things like...you know...presidential elections.

Thanks, Thought Bubble.

Data tracking isn't just used to serve you personalized ads, either.

It can actually determine what kind of content you see elsewhere.

When we browse Amazon or Netflix, they provide us with suggestions based on stuff we've

already seen.

These recommendation engines, in a way, are advertisements.

It's showing you one show or product over another and, by extension, hiding others.

The companies that use them certainly say they're just being helpful.

But these can actually limit our options, and keep us boxed into the things big corporations

want us to see.

There are many different kinds of these low-key ads.

But two really common ones are easy to overlook.

The first is sponsored content.

Sponsored content can mean anything from an Instagram post to a documentary, that an advertiser

paid to make and publish.

It may not be obviously selling anything – like an article about taking care of your car,

but paid for by a car company with its logo at the top.

Or it's that weird list of outlandish, tabloid-y articles at the bottom of a more reputable

site – like "you'll never believe how they died" with a picture of a celebrity

who is definitely alive.

These are particularly hard to pick out, because publishers like your favorite magazines and

websites, will place them alongside their own original stuff, the editorial content,

so they blend in.

First: Learn to distinguish between ads and non-commercial information.

Look for phrases like "sponsored content" "native content" "advertorial" or

"presented by brand name here."

Celebrities and media creators may say they're "partnering" with a brand – that means

they've getting money to promote that brand.

Even when you Google, scope out the tiny green "ad" in a listing that shows they paid

to be at the top of the list.

Second: if nothing else, remember this: when something is free, you're the product.

If you're sitting through ads to watch a video, or scrolling past them on Instagram,

that's the price you pay to share photos and make vlogs shipping Kate Winslet and Leonardo

DiCaprio IRL.

Check through all your online profiles and see how much info you're giving away.

Head to the settings on your phone and turn off geolocation features and microphone access

wherever you can.

And next time you create an account, think twice about handing over any personal info.

Create a dummy email address for that stuff if you have to.

Finally, know that nothing ever goes away online.

Sure, the internet may forget about your embarrassing photos and Snaps may "disappear," but

when you're online, you're being tracked.

It sounds scary because it is.

The best way to navigate this hyper-targeted media environment would be to, well, log off.


But we know you're not going to do that, that's why you're here with us today.

The next best thing is to be hyper vigilant about what information you share online and

minimize it whenever you can.

Be wary of anything that seems free, because chances are you're paying for it with your

attention and your life story.

Right now, the biggest internet and tech companies make the rules, and we all follow along because

we don't like to read long legal documents.

But, with any new technology, there are organizations and policies that try to reign in the power

of big players like Facebook and Google.

Sometimes they're successful, and sometimes...not so much.

We're going to learn all about that next time on Crash Course Media Literacy.

Until then, I'm Jay Smooth.

See ya!

Crash Course Media Literacy is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT.

It's made with the help of all of these nice people, and our animation team is Thought


Crash Course is a Complexly production.

If you wanna keep imagining the world complexly with us check out some of our other channels,

like Sexplanations, How To Adult, and Healthcare Triage.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series

at Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued


For more infomation >> Online Advertising: Crash Course Media Literacy #7 - Duration: 10:32.


Hyundai i10 1.0I I-MOTION BLUE AIRCO RADIO CD SPELER - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0I I-MOTION BLUE AIRCO RADIO CD SPELER - Duration: 1:01.


③ DoHwan ※ SooYoung (Joy) | WANNA SAY TO YOU - Duration: 3:21.

DoHwan (to Joy): I thought you were going to fall!

I still don't really know but when you look at me

I feel some kind of fluttering feeling, even now

You don't know how many things I want to tell you

How many things I want to hear

I love you, love love love in my heart

I want to walk on this path with you for a long, long time

And you, you, because of you

All of me is filled with you

My love

oh love is you oh love for you

always in my heart i`m falling in love

When I see you, I just get happy

Even your eyes, even your voice that calls me

I want to build a house with a blue roof

And live with you

I love you, love love love in my heart

I want to walk on this path with you for a long, long time

And you, you, because of you

All of me is filled with you

My love

There will be many hardships

But I will stay by your side

I will build a house that is you in my heart

And be with you forever

You're always spring

After summer and autumn passes

You're at the tip of winter

And you, you, because of you

All of me is filled with you

My love

oh love is you oh love for you

always in my heart i`m falling in love

Visit my page for more! :)

For more infomation >> ③ DoHwan ※ SooYoung (Joy) | WANNA SAY TO YOU - Duration: 3:21.


Hamster stuffing tissue packing performance is funny!【cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:29.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Hamster stuffing tissue packing performance is funny!【cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:29.


7 Fears 90% of Men in relationship Never Talk About !? animated video - Duration: 10:02.

7 Fears, 90% of Men Never Talk About.in this video, i'll show you also, 5 steps to

keep peace in your relationship.

welcome to lifestyle therapy channel, stay tuned.

No.1, Other men can be a threat.

When men are in a relationship, they are dismayed not to lose their girl, so they will be jealous

of any man, who talks to their girlfriend, Men's jealousy is not usually as obvious

as women's, however, it hurts their self-esteem just as much.

Your partner might show no signs of being worried, when you tell him about a male colleague

with a wonderful sense of humor.

But you should know this: he worries a lot, and he compares himself with a potential competitor.

To wipe out his fear, you should talk to him honestly, and explain that there is absolutely

no threat.

No.2, Little Experience in Relationships.

Something that causes men a lot of stress, is to think that their little experience with

women, will make the girls have no interest in them, because they will not know how to

handle any situation.

The image of the Perfect man, is every man's worst nightmare, because it makes them try

to look like experienced lovers, and lie about their previous relationships, and the actual

number of those relationships.

They are afraid of the same things as women are.

The truth is that there are many ladies, who prefer someone without so much knowledge,

because they can shape the behavior together, and create one of the best relationships they

have ever had.

One other thing, if you had many partners, your boyfriend will worry that you are more

experienced than him.

Talk about your past and explain that he is different, and possibly better than everyone.

If you support him and show him all the love he deserves, he will be more confident, and

he will use that love as a fuel, to be an even better boyfriend or a husband.

No.3, Height.

It's understandable that men should worry about their height.

Women are also valued for their height, but it matters more when it comes to men, because

one of the main features of "an ideal man", is being tall.

Maybe physical superiority is an analogy to superiority in other areas of life, which

is why men worry about this so much.

Or maybe they know that women will go for the taller one most of the times.

If women cared about height less, then guys who are not that tall, would have more chances.

Size doesn't matter if it's not about the size of his heart.

No.4, Money.

Social pressure makes men think, that in the future they must be the ones who provide the

money in the house.

Their financial status is the reason why they worry the most, besides that in most of the

world, men have the habit of paying for a dinner on the first date.

Many women do not care so much, that men have a bad financial situation when they are dating


And if your partner cares a lot about luxury, it is probably not worth going out with such

person, because it might be that she doesn't care about you at all.

However, economic stability is very important in adulthood, and when you start to create

a family.

No.5, Body. people think that women are conscious about

their body.

They are constantly trying to achieve the perfect figure, and From a very young age,

women are taught to think their body should be ideal all the time, They think they should

work out constantly and follow a diet.

There are no such stereotypes about men.

but this doesn't mean they don't worry about their physical shape, or compare it

with well-built men in magazines.

how else would you explain the rising fame of men fitness magazines.

However, what most people do not know, is that the percentage of men sweating out in

the gym, is greater than women.

Otherwise, why would men spend so much time in the gym?

Their worst fear is somebody mentioning their beer belly.

So, Men worry about their bodies too.

No.6, Hair.

The body hair has been a mark of a very masculine man, and the truth is that many do not know

if it is okay to have a lot, or little of them on their body.

Another big problem is hair loss, which actually is one of the most popular traumas, because

it happens increasingly early in life that young men are getting bald.

This is why the mentioning about such problems to your partner, would not be the best option,

this can make his self-esteem drop significantly.

Although many seem to not care so much, it is one of the biggest men's concerns today.

No.7, Expressing Emotions.

"Don't cry!

You are a man!", This is what men always heard as children.

Their parents wanted to make them strong, and able to protect their families, but we

think that's not such a good idea.

This is us telling them to suck up their emotions, and deal with them.

These same boys when they grow up, have a hard time expressing grief or their emotions.

They consider expressing their emotions as a sign of weakness.

We as a society need to stop pressurizing men, and allow them to openly express their

feelings, without humiliating them.

For more infomation >> 7 Fears 90% of Men in relationship Never Talk About !? animated video - Duration: 10:02.


2018 NCAA Cheerleading Competition Reaction Video | Part 2 - Duration: 14:37.

hi Cheerios my name is Cherita I'm the most positive person you'll ever meet I

guarantee it so I guess you guys really did miss my reaction videos I have a lot

of people asking me when part two three four and five what two three and four

are coming out for my NCAA cheerleading reaction videos so today I will be doing

part two and if things go as planned I will post a video tomorrow and the next

day what that being said this video is a reaction video if you guys are

interested go ahead and keep watching before I get started make sure you guys

join the cheerio squad by clicking the subscribe button I post videos almost

every Tuesday and Friday and some random videos

hence cherita is random and also do not forget to link up with me on my social

media all of that information will be down below in the description box so

let's get started so this is part 2 of the NCAA cheerleading and dance

competition reaction video and in today's video I will be reacting to EAC

generals Pep Squad and mapua cheer ping Cardinals they don't laugh at me I

probably butchered that completely soo I'm gonna start with EAC generals Pep


beautiful X out basket

bird front pretty

alright here comes a pyramid

oh my gosh this cameraman

all right let's go

beautiful x full baskets those are such pretty baskets when executed well like

that one oh yeah

Uh oh heel stretch

roundoff tucks

it's like an Arabian half they were clean

good level six discounts okay so one thing that I'm gonna comment on is I

it's just not aesthetically pleasing to see people cross Center when they're


bow-n-arrow basket doubles they launched the mess out of her


so much strength behind those pyramids but I really like that

front through oh that was like a tuck open umm full

x out

nice high toe touch

that's okay you're on dead floor y'all just did like 18 hours worth of cheerleading

scorp Wow I like that dismount it would be a

really good dismount if everybody perfected it that was really nice

yes double full baskets


pretty those shoulders are becoming really popular

oh wow

come on muscle man


so EAC that was a really good routine it was fun the only thing is I feel like a

lot of their skills were rushed and there are a lot of skills that not

everybody had perfected but they were still like hey it's difficult so let's

just kind of throw it in there another thing is to work on stamina working on

making sure that everybody can go through the routine without being

fatigued without being tired it was a really fun and entertaining routine I

loved their dance they had a lot of personality it was a good routine that

was a lot of fun they just need to work on cleaning up those skills and making

sure that everybody has them down perfect before they try to execute them

in a 5 minute routine but once again amazing routine their dismounts I think

I was really impressed with their level 6 dismount

that they did it was it was good routine good job EAC

so the next team is Mapua mapua cheer ping cardinals M-A-P-U-A they said

mapua mapua so i think that's I think that's what I heard

mapua go mapua go go mapua

yes for those basket was that like a kick quadruple

yes I'm loving this sign action and in the pyramids ya better switch it change

it rearrange it


as simple as that transition is I love it so much ball up to stretch

that back basket was kind of slow but the rest of those double fulls

were beautiful

Wow I don't think I've ever seen that like a front-flip up like you always

like back rewinds like that but that front flip wow mapua


so what I really liked about that pyramid is that it was like a like an

all-star the level 5 pyramid it had a lot of elements going on but obviously

there are level six College elements

I guess I could have said all-star elite club not just level five

wow rewind to stretch


they say back walkovers are the hardest skill but this team just did them

punch front kick full beautiful basket in the back she just kind of opened up a

little she

she didn't quite

oh no

they just twist it too early in those fulls nice double up nice layouts

Wow I was not expecting that pretty

see it just lots of elements just a lot of things going on I really like


uh oh that's okay

all right mapua that was a very well-constructed routine

the only thing is their tumbling elements so I don't know like I said I

don't know what the score sheet says or whatever but I know at worlds um using

the IASF score sheet tumbling does not count for a lot of points so I think if

they would have just kept basic skills and they would have been clean it would

have been more appealing and more pleasing to the eye and we wouldn't have

had so many like crashes or whatever but their pyramids and their stunting was

amazing like I there are a lot of things that I just wasn't ready for because a

lot of the times when it comes to level six or college they get prepped for

their pyramid you know it's like okay they get their knee up for their 2-2-1

or you know their one one one or whatever it is their a frame whatever

it is that they're going to do they prep for it but with this routine it was like

s kill after skill after skill and during the like during the ooh my tummy

me during the reaction I said you know these are like level five pyramids but I

didn't mean level five pyramids I meant like all star pyramids in general like

you know from from level one all the way up to level five there's a lot of like

just elements that are going during pyramids and it's not just waiting and

prepping like a lot of level six teams do that was exciting thank you guys for

putting me on to this NCAA thing because I would have never found it so

that is my video for today if you guys enjoyed it make sure you give it a big

thumbs up that helps me out a lot and also do not forget to share this video

we are on the road to 5000 subscribers by the worlds that I will be attending

that's in like two and a half weeks ah you guys I

Oh also if you guys think I should hold a meet-and-greet at Worlds

let me know because like I said before like I said I want to meet all of you

guys every single one of you guys thank you guys so thank you guys so much for

watching have a positive and love-filled today bye

For more infomation >> 2018 NCAA Cheerleading Competition Reaction Video | Part 2 - Duration: 14:37.


HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT - In Training For 009 - TRAIL RUNNING - Duration: 8:32.

Hello and a warm welcome back to Run Fredrik Run

The channel that still doesn't bring you the latest in running.

Or what I called it in the last video.

So happy to see you again, and that you are ready for another running video.

Spring is in the AIR!! almost

The snow is almost gone. And I was almost going to wear short thights today.

But to celebrate spring I brought my sunglasses.

Got a brand new pair of shoes. Time to try Salming Trail shoes.

Finally I can run again after some problem with my health.

Big plans are in the making for 2018!! BIG BIG plans :)

I will not reveal right away, but if you watch this video till the end I might tell you.

It's going to be long and hard.

But you know what they say about goals.

And this scares the **** out of me!

SO this means that I have to start training RIGHT NOW!

And what could be better than HILL REPEATS!

We are back in my favourite ski jumping hill!

The plan is to run this hill a couple of time and then we will head over to another place around the corner.

But I am so glad to see you guys again and SO happy to be running again. But now it's time to get going!

Oh my, I am so out of shape!

5 intervals done! And better start my training right now.

Because the BIG goal for 2018 will be longer than the Silver Trail. So over 64 km.

It will be 64km plus 26 more kilometers.

So now you can start guessing what I am going to do. :)

Leave a comment down below with your guess!

Now it's time to leave this hill alone and head over to another great place. Lets go!!

And just like that we are done!

So have you figured out what my goal for 2018 is?

If not here is another clue. It's one of the biggest races during winter.

Ah, I might just tell you. The race goes from Sälen to Mora.

So the race is Ultravasan 90km!

There you have it. My goal for 2018.

In august we will head out on a looong adventure. 90 kilometers!!

As I said before, it will be long and hard. But I am soo excited!!

I am already super stoked. This race is the only thing on my mind right now.

I will run together with Björn and together we will finish this race.

And I really got to get my training going now!!

And how did the new shoes feel? Well thanks for asking.

They felt....

You have to see them again!!

They felt so good. I really like them!!

This is the 1st time I am wearing them and they already feel like my favourite pair of shoes.

FANTASTIC!! Lots of grip and I really need that here.

I think that is about all for today.

Please consider subscribing, hit that button and don't forget the bell button. You know the drill! :)

By subscribing you will help me get even closer to 200 subscribers ;)

I still don't have any clue how we should celebrate. But we WILL celebrate!!

I need your help on this one. Leave a comment on how we should celebrate!!

But now I am done and it's time to head home.

Thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoyed it.

I hope to see you all again soon. Have a great day. Goooood bye!!

For more infomation >> HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT - In Training For 009 - TRAIL RUNNING - Duration: 8:32.


DPS Summer Academy Keeps Students Learning - Duration: 1:45.

(Teacher reads in Spanish)

With just two months until summer…

(Student gasps)

ECE students at Escuela Valdez

(Teacher reads in Spanish)

have never been more focused on getting smarter.

"I love the community, I love the kids and the families are very engaged and always present."

(Teacher asks question in Spanish)

It's an engagement – Alejandro Duflos says – many families carry into the summer…

by registering their students for the Denver Public Schools Summer Academy.

"It's targeted for students that need that extra push, and that we don't to go a whole

summer without any academic formal instruction."

The program is for kids learning English, as well as English speakers who could use

more time working on foundational skills in literacy.

"I think that the most important thing is just having them practice what they already

learned during school year."

(Class sings in Spanish)

And students who attend Summer Academy are prepared – enthusiastic, even – to learn

even more.

"And just being proud of the fact they already knew a lot of the things that they were learning

in the first few months.

They were already prepared for them."

Take it from Ms. Duflos:

(Spanish) "As a parent and as a teacher, I highly recommend

that you send your kids to Summer Academy.

It's an opportunity for them to learn, make progress and gain confidence in their ability

to achieve whatever they want during next school year."

The deadline to register for Summer Academy is April 20.

To sign up, visit ela.dpsk12.org/summer-academy And for DPS Features, I'm Ben McKee.

For more infomation >> DPS Summer Academy Keeps Students Learning - Duration: 1:45.


🔴 Subnautica | Lifepod 4? | live stream - Duration: 2:43:49.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Subnautica | Lifepod 4? | live stream - Duration: 2:43:49.


Parque Típico en Holanda/Typical Park in Netherlands(English Subtitles) - Duration: 9:41.

look at the crow on my bike

they are taking my food

Hi! I´m Fabiana

as you may know from my previous vids I´m living in Netherlands

today I´m taking you to my favorite park in the city. I know you'll like it

is a very beautiful park, typically dutch, plenty of nature

with the typical dutch things as: water canals, animals

a lot of vegetation. It´s very beautiful and I know you´ll like it

I'm riding my bike and on the way you'll see the typical dutch street

and when I'll arrive in the park I will tell you

interesting things that I'm learning while living in Netherlands

following the dutch tradition I'm riding my bike

and I´m taking a bag with food

to do a picnic at the park

You may know that Netherlands is such a great country to ride bike

since Netherlands is relatively a small country

with relatively small cities

therefore places are at short distances

additionally most of the dutch territory is flat

in fact there aren't mountains in Netherlands

when the dutch travel abroad they are amazed by mountains

therefore since territory is flat it´s very easy

to use the bike as means of transport everyday to almost everywhere

another good reason is the weather

that isn't an extreme cold or hot weather

the only uncomfortable thing, from my experience is

that when is raining is very uncomfortable to ride bicycle

it feels like a torture

and here rains many days of the year (180 days approximately)

it's a cold rain, is very painful in your fingers

even while using gloves and coat

additionally the wind sometimes is in oposite direction to you

and blows very strong

falling off the bicycle or dragging you to the middle of the street

it has happened many time to me

Scheveningen Forest

Look at the "swans lake"

The Park's name is Rosarium

and Westbroek Park

due to the bicycle we can't see it very well

I just arrived to the park and I left and secured my bike over there

and came to this side to start showing you the beautiful things in this park

one of the things that I love the most in the Netherlands

and I fell in love with when I first arrived

is that here you are in contact with nature

I live in The Hague and is a relatively small city

where you can be in contact with nature day by day

when riding bike you are in contact with the trees

there are many parks like these

with canals and animals

that commonly does not exist in other cities in the world

which is very relaxing

is specially wonderful for children

because they can grow up in a city

surrounded by nature

and not just with buildings and urban concrete jungle

more cities in the world should be like The Hague

that allow citizens to be in daily contact with nature

today is a miracle that is sunny

the rest of the week was raining a lot

I even thought that I would not be able to make any video this week due to the rain

despite the sun I feel that I can't properly talk

my face is frozen and I can not move the jaw

that is another thing that you learn in The Netherlands

the sun does not heat

is almost a sun painted on the sky

because when we see the sun, there are not clouds on the sky

that help to keep the heat

therefore here sunny days are even colder than cloudy days

for that reason I don't know if I would prefer sunny and colder days

or cloudy days with bit higher temperature

look at the crow on my bike

they are taking my food

they are attacking my...

so crazy!!!!

they are attacking my scarf!

they are crazy

you're bad!

now I don't have scarf....noooo!

I had to put my bag on top of the scarf

to avoid the crows

why birds eat scarfs???

this bird...

"this bird" hahahaha, I'm traumatized

this park has this playground

so cool for children

now is empty since children are at school

and you can see it better

some weekends I bring my kids to this park

look at the zip line...

let's do it: 1, 2 and...

now is the beginning of spring

and they are starting to plant tulips

look at the tulips! so beautiful!

I love this park

since we are in contact with nature and animals

but also you find duck's poop everywhere

and after the shoes are full of poop

when you walk you find ducks and swans

the duck is complaining

what are you talking about buddy?

what are you talking about?

they are identified to take care of them and control them

it's very common to see in Netherlands a father with his kids in the park

in Netherlands fathers take care of their kids as much as the mothers

and I do love that

I do love that from this culture

since unfortunately is not common to see it in other countries

but in Netherlands you find many fathers with their kids in the park

this couple is like a terrifying clown

the terrifying couple

you can either walk or ride bike in this park

but I want to ride bike to show you the park with a dutch style

other fact that makes it easier to use bicycle in Netherlands

is the spectacular infrastructure to use bike

in 1.5 years that I have been living here

I never have seen an accident with bicycles

cars are very respectful

and drivers are careful to stop

and give priority to bikes to pass

one of the greatest thing to use bike

is how ecological it is

and how much flexibility provides you

to move wherever you want

you don't have to worry about car maintenance

additionally is very relaxing to ride bike

it's one of the things that I like the most about Netherlands

to be able to use bike everyday

look at the seagulls

those houses have an enviable view

in Netherlands there are many canals

as well as the beach

here in The Hague there is beach, in other video I'll show it to you

in Netherlands is mandatory that children learn to swim

to prevent accidental drowning if they fall into a canal

therefore is mandatory that they attend to swimming

lessons with the school

or sometimes parents register them in

lessons out of school

but is mandatory for children to pass a swimming certificate

to survive on water

excuse me but I'm hungry and I'll eat

my dutch picnic

that consist in cheese sandwich and fruit

I would love if you like this vid

comment what you like the most

and subscribe

see you on my next video

you can watch this video...

and this other video...

For more infomation >> Parque Típico en Holanda/Typical Park in Netherlands(English Subtitles) - Duration: 9:41.


Tom Arnold Just Threw Co-Star Roseanne Under Bus With How He Really Feels About Her Trump Support - Duration: 5:20.

Tom Arnold Just Threw Co-Star Roseanne Under Bus With How He Really Feels About Her Trump


Fledgling actor Tom Arnold just threw his old co-star under the bus when he trashed

her in regards to her personality and support for the American President, Donald Trump.

Arnold had no problem stating how he felt about his ex-wife, Roseanne Barr, and attacked

her for simply being herself, which is someone that millions of Americans have fallen in

love with for the second time.

It's hard enough to be popular the first time, but then to make a comeback and have

sky-high ratings is simply amazing.

Tom Arnold was a former costar on the Roseanne show.

He stared in 20 episodes from 1989-1992.

He also helped write a few episodes, then later produced 100 more episodes from 1990-1994.

If anyone should know Roseanne pretty well, it's probably Tom Arnold considering he's

been around her from 1989-1994, a long enough time to get to know someone on and off the

set of a popular television series.

But as time goes on and people change, it wasn't much shock to see Arnold throw shade

at Roseanne simply for being herself.

She's patriotic, sarcastic, and likes to do things her way.

It's something that she's entitled to as an American and people have the right to

watch her show or ignore her entirely.

When Tom Arnold went after her with snide commentary, it wasn't that it was surprising

he would do something like that to a celebrity, but this was one of his co-stars and they

were very successful together.

It's a shame they couldn't have each other's back now.

TMZ reported more about the conniving comments: "Tom Arnold can't fathom how Roseanne

still has a job … but he says the least ABC can do is apologize for her insanity.

We got Tom at LAX on Sunday and asked him about his ex-wife, Roseanne, whose show reboot

has brought her new glory, but also scrutiny given she's a Donald Trump supporter.

Plus … she's also under fire for spreading conspiracy theories on Twitter … like when

she tweeted and then deleted David Hogg gave a Nazi salute at the March for Our Lives rally.

Roseanne also posed as Hitler back in 2009 for a Germany issue of the satirical Jewish

magazine, "Heeb."

Tom struggles to understand how Roseanne reached this level of nonsense."

Tom really wants ABC to apologize for Roseanne getting millions of viewers on their show?

I'm not sure that's how it's going to work out.

Tom Arnold, not to be confused with John Goodman, would be in his best spirits to be congratulatory

and welcoming of Roseanne and her new show, but he's not.

He went on the offensive and showed his darker side.

That's all good and dandy, also part of his American privilege to like and dislike

whom he wants, but what's the point in him attacking her like that?

Is it because Arnold is a stone cold liberal and Roseanne is a hot spitfire Trump supporter?

Can't they put politics aside and shake hands, maybe welcome Tom onto an episode since

he was a big driving force in her former success?

The biggest problem with Tom Arnold's comments is that they are divisive and split people

apart instead of bringing them together.

Roseanne's show isn't liberal, but Tom sure seems to be, and that's OK as long

as they both accept who they are as individuals.

Their politics shouldn't be the bane of their existence and stop them from being cordial.

Alas, this is the part of politics that everyone dislikes.

This is the part where everyone falls apart and refuses to be civil to each other.

There's no need for Arnold, whose career is failing, to attack his former co-star and


It would have been more respectful of him to congratulate her success and wish her the

best as they travel their own path.

But that's not his modus operandi.

Not Tom Arnold!

The comments on TMZ spoke unkindly about Tom Arnold and his attack on Roseanne.

"Faye • 7 hours ago I think Tom must need some attention.

If not for Roseanne, no one would have ever known who he was.

Pimpcessa • 6 hours ago Spoken by the guy that would be NOBODY if

not for Rosanne and her craziness.

This guy owes his whole career and livelihood to Rosanne.

Evo Shift Faye • 4 hours ago Tom is a jealous has been who' owes everything

he has to Rosanne.

Another loser suffering from anti Trump syndrome.

Enjoy the next 7 years, losers

TomAZUSA • 7 hours ago Rosanne should apologize for Tom Arnold.

If it wasn't for her we would never have to hear his annoying voice.

Thanks a lot.

TRM Dude • 7 hours ago he's a bit of an ingrate… get over yourself

self bro… thanks to her you don't have to get a real job

Frank Lea • in a few seconds Seems like she did right in 1994 when they


pmo • 5 hours ago tom arnold was an unknown, unsuccessful comic

who latched on to RA, married her, cheated on her, and got a 30 M $ settlement.

end of story."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Tom Arnold Just Threw Co-Star Roseanne Under Bus With How He Really Feels About Her Trump Support - Duration: 5:20.





George Soros has suffered a rather humiliating defeat after pumping millions of dollars into

a Hungarian election he attempted to buy.

Soros, who was born in Hungary and desperately wanted a hardened fascist to win the election,

is now out millions of dollars as Viktor Orbán won with a whopping 70% of the vote.

Viktor Orbán is known as an "anti-globalist" painted with the same broad brush as president

Donald Trump.

Prime minister Orbán has also successfully cut illegal immigration to Hungary by 99%

after building his wall on the border.

With the votes counted, Europe Elects is sharing stats which show Fidesz, the party founded

by Prime Minister Orbán while he was a young anti-Communist dissident, has won not merely

a decisive majority but an outright super-majority, along with minor allied parties.

This will allow changes to the national constitution.

Hopefully, those changes will be for more the better of the people, and not the expansion

of liberty-trampling governments – something Soros has championed for decades.

The results will be extremely disappointing for top bureaucrats in the European Union

and activists working for so-called civil society NGOs funded by billionaire open borders

campaigner George Soros, who had been hoping for an upset defeat, or for Fidesz to lose

its super-majority, at least.

This is certainly a bloody nose to the globalists and elitists who want to control the entire


With Orban's success, Soros is likely reeling from his discomfort that his globalist control

over society is slipping, and quickly.

Orban has become increasingly popular because of his strong defense policies with regards

to his country's borders.

Unlike the open arms of Sweden and Germany that led to disastrous results, Orban successfully

all but stopped illegal immigration and the violence that has come with it.

It was a victory guided by a common theme pushed by Orban: "Stop George Soros."

And once again, Orban was successful and Soros is left licking his wounds with his tail tucked

between his legs.

Nothing is more comforting than seeing billionaire global elitist Soros take a loss.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: George Soros DEFEATED… LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO HIM!! - Duration: 2:31.


Girlygamer Time Merch Products | Teespring - Duration: 0:43.

Guys I just leased some

Girlygamertime merch !I know like I'm gonna buy it, but you gotta try. I just it so it could be available

Pretty sure it's like April 19th

For 21 days and so it looks a very simple design

I do have

I do have shirts that that are actually eleven dollars

That don't have this back part

But the bump with the one one back is $13

The only description so

Yeah, hope you guys like it very nice


For more infomation >> Girlygamer Time Merch Products | Teespring - Duration: 0:43.


Ciężarna Marta Kaczyńska z ukochanym na obchodach 8. rocznicy katastrofy smoleńskiej - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Ciężarna Marta Kaczyńska z ukochanym na obchodach 8. rocznicy katastrofy smoleńskiej - Duration: 5:10.


Buckly_ asks Twitch "...have you heard this one before?" - Part 2 - Duration: 3:00.

What do you call a guy with a rubber toe?


Thanks Buckly

OK, so...

What do you call a hen looking at a lettuce?

chicken caesar salad.

Oh my god.


A pirate walks into a bar with a ships wheel on his belt buckle.

Bartender: "What's that on your belt?"

Pirate "ARRR, it's driving me nuts!"

Oh god.


Shout out to my grandma, it's the only way she can hear

Oh my god.

Banlish, what days are the strongest? Saturday or sunday...

... the rest are week days.



What do you get if you stand between two llamas?


What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

Beer nuts are about 49 cents and deer nuts are just under a buck.


I've heard that one.

I've heard that one, Buckly.


How are you dude?

Two peanuts were walking down the street...

..one was salted...

...one was assaulted.

Jesus Christ.

That's a good one Buckly.

That's a good one.

I just read a book on Stockholm syndrome, it was pretty bad at first but by the end I liked it.

I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week, I phoned her up for a date..

...but she popped her clogs.


I'll tell you what often get's over looked...

...garden fences.


Shit no!

Some one called you pretentious the other day?

I almost choked on my Latte!

By the way guys I just swapped our bed for a trampoline, my wife hit the roof.

What the hell?

Fuckin' Buckly!

Thank you for the 21 months.

A hurricane has just hit the main cheese factory in France...

...all that's left is de-Brie.

Holy shit are you in France?

Oh.. "de-Brie."

Never mind, let's scratch that!

What did the buffalo say to his little boy when he dropped him off at school?


My mate dug a hole in the garden and filled it with water...

...I think he meant well.

You don't like Atoms, they are liars, they make up everything..



Shit... that music right now!

Spoke to a guy from a helium factory today, I refuse to be spoken to in that tone of voice!

..what's up Buckly?

For fuck's sake dude.

What's up man? Good to see you bud!

For more infomation >> Buckly_ asks Twitch "...have you heard this one before?" - Part 2 - Duration: 3:00.


Opel KARL 1.0 ECOFLEX EDITION - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 ECOFLEX EDITION - Duration: 1:00.


Gleici tem ataque de sinceridade com Ana Clara e fala sobre possibilidade de voto no BBB18 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Gleici tem ataque de sinceridade com Ana Clara e fala sobre possibilidade de voto no BBB18 - Duration: 2:49.


Este Um Alimento Alimenta o Câncer! - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Este Um Alimento Alimenta o Câncer! - Duration: 6:07.


How to Plant Huernia Schneideriana or Red Dragon Flower - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> How to Plant Huernia Schneideriana or Red Dragon Flower - Duration: 3:07.




Zagraniczne tabloidy donoszą, że problemy nie opuszczają pięknej Shakiry (40 l.

W ubiegłym roku piosenkarka z powodu choroby zmuszona była do odwołania trasy koncertowej.

Wszystko z powodu poważnych problemów ze strunami głosowymi.

Pod koniec październiku podczas domowej rozśpiewki poczułam dziwną chrypkę, która uniemożliwiała mi śpiewanie.

Wówczas lekarze zalecili mi odpoczynek przed pierwszym koncertem w Kolonii.

Niestety, krwawienie strun głosowych nie ustało, a mój koszmar trwał dalej - napisała Shakira w specjalnym oświadczeniu.

Po kilku miesiącach przerwy jej stan zdrowia wyraźnie się poprawił i gwiazda zaczęła powoli wracać do koncertowania.

Wygląda jednak na to, że pech nie opuszcza żony słynnego piłkarza.

Jak bowiem donosi portal „Mujer Hoy , gwiazda ma teraz poważne problemy z włosami i grozi jej ich całkowita utrata.

Wszystko przez napięcie i stres, jaki towarzyszył w ostatnich miesiącach piosenkarce.

Zdaniem portalu Shakira cierpi na łysienie plackowate!.

Gwiazda ma obecnie przebywać w najlepszej klinice w Barcelonie, w której czeka ją zabieg mikropigmentacji.

To ponoć ostatnia szansa na uratowanie cebulek jej włosów. Trzymamy kciuki!.



O que é TechCamp - Duration: 3:02.

We have received 26 entries from State Secretaries,

so we have here managers from 26 states of the Federation.

We have teachers who went through a very difficult selection process,

because we received entries from all over Brazil,

so we have here 26 teachers from regular public high schools who develop innovative projects with their students,

and we have eight professors from federal institutes who also work closely with high school students.

For more infomation >> O que é TechCamp - Duration: 3:02.


Opiniões Sobre o STEM TechCamp - Duration: 3:53.

This first day was very valuable,

because of the broad range of topics that were addressed,

and mainly because of the participants; it is interesting to have the manager figure,

the teachers and the staff from the Institute, who have a researcher's approach.

The issues they face aren't always the same, but they are similar and make us think

about how to make all this become a reality for all schools.

So I think that the expectations about the next days are high,

and I am very excited, motivated and eager to go back to my state and share everything I am learning here.

TechCamp is a wonderful idea

where I can see many tools that will improve my work on STEM implementation in my school.

Sometimes it is difficult to organize one's ideas and work with large teams,

and the tools that are being introduced here,

like Design Thinking and Google's online collaborative tools among others,

will benefit enormously my work with others and their work with me.

And this will certainly help us broaden our STEM work at São Mateus campus.

I could call it a "shower of encouragement".

We arrived here today after an exhausting trip, just after the first days of school;

today is the first day of school in the State of Bahia.

And I am very happy to see that we are here to learn how to improve our current work,

how to invest on some aspects of our work that needed improvements.

Today, here, I can see that it is possible to take my work with the Ápice learning platform further in my State.

It is possible to take my plans of implementing Google Classroom in my State further.

I can do it better; I can do it in a different way;

and today many doors opened for me here,

not to mention the opportunity of exchanging ideas with people from other states.

I can share my work with my colleagues from all corners of Brazil,

teaching them how to do things that they wanted to do but didn't know how.

And I also listen to what they say and think "wow, I could do like that, that could work".

Not to mention all the specialists who are constantly giving us guidance and insights.

What we are creating here is a learning community;

a team of teachers and managers, together with a team from the academy

with the support from the Embassy and the + Unidos group

where we are going to exchange information on what is currently being done,

what is being done that need to be improved,

so we are going to share strategies and technologies that can be used to improve what is being done

and above all we are going to think ahead, about new and different ways to make it all get to any student, to any school, to any teacher.

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