Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 10 2018

Man I've been stuck in a fucking rut Addicted to nicotine, going nuts

So delirious, hella furious My mind's been so damn uncurious

I need to go back to the wild cuz I feel so whack and I act like a child,

ya and nothing here makes me smile

cuz I always feel drained like I ran the mile!

What if everyone who smoked tobacco smoked weed instead?

We'd all be way less likely to end up fuckin' dead!

But with all this pressure to always have a clear head,

Sometimes I think I'm better off just staying in my own bed.

I'm a crazy motherfucker in a lazy haze

Sometimes my life feels like Wandering in a fucking maze

Trying to find the way out of this cage

Like a character stuck inside the writer's page

Like Ralph when he gets in a rage

and he climbs up on the walls like a rodent sage

like "Fuck the system, I ain't no dumb mouse"

'til I get up there, I can't afford my own house

I just keep on hitting walls Though I know my duty calls

I keep on hearing it despite these pitfalls

tryna grow some fucking balls Develop some gall

When I was younger I just wanted to be tall

Well I got that wish I guess so now my mission's to address

all the rules that you do bless cuz you can't live life in a bullet proof


When you make a mess Learn from your mistakes unless

Your goal is to profess that you're ok with being less than your


We shouldn't need to put each other to the test

I'm done trying to prove that I'm better than the rest.

Don't make life about always being the best, Learn to be yourself, or we'll never leave

the nest.

For more infomation >> Careless Jules - Rut (prod. Xen) - Duration: 1:43.


Wheels On The Bus

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus


AL BANO E LOREDANA SI SONO LASCIATI, Il cantante furioso: "Sono single, ora penso a figli e nipoti" - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> AL BANO E LOREDANA SI SONO LASCIATI, Il cantante furioso: "Sono single, ora penso a figli e nipoti" - Duration: 12:52.


🔴 Eliana posta FOTO de sua Filha e Mensagem EMOCIONA o Brasil - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Eliana posta FOTO de sua Filha e Mensagem EMOCIONA o Brasil - Duration: 1:07.


Coloque 1 LIMÃO no Seu Quarto Antes de Dormir. O Motivo? Vai Mudar Sua Vida! - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Coloque 1 LIMÃO no Seu Quarto Antes de Dormir. O Motivo? Vai Mudar Sua Vida! - Duration: 3:04.


Ayrton recebe suposta mensagem da produção do BBB18 e levanta novas suspeitas - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Ayrton recebe suposta mensagem da produção do BBB18 e levanta novas suspeitas - Duration: 2:54.


Participantes do BBB18 fazem faxina e Jéssica se recusa a ajudar: "Ainda mais se eu sair" - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Participantes do BBB18 fazem faxina e Jéssica se recusa a ajudar: "Ainda mais se eu sair" - Duration: 3:11.


BBB18: Kaysar cai em "armadilha" de Breno e não consegue responder pergunta pessoal - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar cai em "armadilha" de Breno e não consegue responder pergunta pessoal - Duration: 4:28.


Gleici tem ataque de sinceridade com Ana Clara e fala sobre possibilidade de voto no BBB18 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Gleici tem ataque de sinceridade com Ana Clara e fala sobre possibilidade de voto no BBB18 - Duration: 3:27.


Flourless Chocolate and Banana Bread • Healthy cakes #9 - Duration: 1:11.

Flourless Chocolate and Banana Bread • Recipe of Healthy Cake •

In a blender let's add:

1 and 1/4 cups of tahini

3 large eggs

2 medium ripe bananas, already sliced

6 tablespoons of cocoa powder

1 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder

and a pinch of salt.

Then, pulse until smooth and creamy.

Grease a cake pan with coconut oil, covering it with baking paper.

Here I'm using a 20cm loaf pan.

Then add in the batter.

Preheat oven at 180°C (350°F) and bake it for 45 minutes. ⏰

Or until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean.



For more infomation >> Flourless Chocolate and Banana Bread • Healthy cakes #9 - Duration: 1:11.


Come parlare nella coppia||Vivere meglio con sé stessi e gli altri||How to talk in a relationship - Duration: 5:39.

Hi everybody, welcome back on my channel

How many times did it happen to you

that the people around you didn't understand your needs, even if they were obvious?

In the end of this video you'll learn a little trick to avoid this happen in the future

i start telling you a true story: a client came to me complaining about his boyfriend

who never spent the morning with her

he used to sleep with her and leave her early because of different commitments

and she was like "i would like to have breakfast with him

i don't know why he is going on fixing his appointments so early in the morning.

So i looked at her and I told her

but...if you desire to spend the breakfast time toghether...


She stared at me saying...obviously not! He had to understand it by himself!

no...he had not. So the point is

if someone around you, like a friend, a partner or a colleague do not do something that is important to you...

Did you tell him? [To ask what we need is the first step to obtain it!]

that the others undertand what matter to us is a pretense!

They might understanding our needs reading in our mind

impossible, right now, or if they were exactly like us, but

everyone is different! we can't expect that an other person

completely different from us for life experiences

different emotions and thoughts, may retain something important

as we do

so now that we finally understood that is important to ask what we need

let's see how to do it

first, how to not ask!

i'll give you three examples, sure that you've lived them at least once in your life

a frequently way of ask is..

"you never have breakfast with me"

Honestly, how do you think the conversation will continue? it's impossible to answer!

Second wrong way of ask

if you really cared for me, you would have breakfast with me

now, the fact that we retain something so valuable

does not mean that for him is the same

maybe, for this man, a gesture of love is to fix his appointments early in the morning

so he will be free to stay with her in the evening, we can't know this

those are just thing that we can discover talking clearly to each other

or we'll obtain just

a rupture in the relationship.

Third wring way to ask is begginf

like the result was totally on the other person hand

would you mind to have breakfast with me? [=do you love me enough?]

there's a better way

How to express our needs? Simple, a first sentence in which

we express clearly our need

what matter to us

and a second sentence in which

we ask for a compromise

for instance: the next time we'll sleep toghether, i'd like to have breakfast with you

how can we arrange it? you see? is completely different

the communication remains open!

This is an habitude you have to practice

Start today and i assure you'll stay much better

and you want feel misunderstood again

"why he does not understand me, why he does not do what i want..."

when you'll start you still might have some difficulties and continue to talk like you did in the past

at least, when you'll think about it ask yourself "which was my truly need?"

probably you'll be still in time to ask for it clearly


stop with that angry faces and sidesswipe

ask what you need

in this way you give truly an opportunity

to have it

thanks for whatching, subscribe to not miss any tips

and leave a comment

which are your typical sideswapes?

feel free to send me a message on facebook (Francesca Maria Beccu)

I'll be happy to answer

so, have a great day in a great week


For more infomation >> Come parlare nella coppia||Vivere meglio con sé stessi e gli altri||How to talk in a relationship - Duration: 5:39.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 10 aprile: Nicolò lascia il programma? - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 10 aprile: Nicolò lascia il programma? - Duration: 4:17.


Penedo - Nega - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Penedo - Nega - Duration: 1:49.



Playing baking soda on the mattress can something strange, but I knew it was a great

way to keep your mattress clean and free of mites?

Over the years, the mattress accumulates pounds of dust mite, and even parasites.

In the long run, this can lead to of allergies, skin and respiratory problems.

The best way to avoid this is by cleaning the mattress regularly.

So let's teach you in this video a very simple and quick way of maintaining the

Clean mattress.

The main ingredient of this tip is bicarbonate of sodium.

Baking soda showed that, in addition to of being an inexpensive and easy to find component,

is still usable in many functions in the daily cleaning.

Its bactericidal properties eliminate germs of all types of surface, organic

or inorganic, which makes it a disinfectant very effective.

Besides having an excellent deodorizing effect.

Ingredients - 2 glasses of vinegar - Cleaning brush;

- Vacuum cleaner - Sodium bicarbonate.

As do Place vinegar on the entire mattress.

Rub it well.

After scrubbing, vacuum the mattress to remove waste.

Now let the mattress dry.

When the mattress is completely dry, put baking soda all over the mattress.

Wait 30 minutes and re-aspirate the mattress.

Your mattress is clean.

Optionally you can put a few drops of lavender oil to stay smelling.

It is advisable to do a thorough cleaning like this on the mattress at least 2 times per


For more infomation >> WHY PLAY SODIUM BICARBONATE IN THE BED? DISCOVER, HERE! - Duration: 2:50.


5 Investigates: Seeking answers from former major of troop in overtime scandal - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 5 Investigates: Seeking answers from former major of troop in overtime scandal - Duration: 3:18.


Anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system - Duration: 13:55.

The female reproductive system includes all of internal and external organs that help

with reproduction.

The internal sex organs are the ovaries, which are the female gonads, the fallopian tubes,

two muscular tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus, and the uterus, which is the

strong muscular sack that a fetus can develop in.

The neck of the uterus is called the cervix, and it protrudes into the vagina.

At the opening of the vagina are the external sex organs, and these are usually just called

the genitals and they're in the vulva region.

They include the labia, the clitoris, and the mons pubis.

The ovaries are a pair of white-ish organs about the size of walnuts.

They're held in place, slightly above and on either side of the uterus and fallopian

tubes by ligaments.

Specifically, there's the broad ligament, the ovarian ligament, and the suspensory ligament.

And the suspensory ligament is particularly important because the ovarian artery, ovarian

vein, and ovarian nerve plexus pass through it to reach the ovary.

If you slice the ovary open and look at it (don't try this at home) there's an outer

layer called the cortex, which has ovarian follicles scattered throughout it, and an

inner layer called the medulla, which contains most of the blood vessels and nerves.

At birth, the ovarian cortex has around two million follicles - that's roughly the population

of Paris - and they're called primordial follicles.

Each primordial follicle has a single immature sex cell called the primary oocyte at the

core, and a layer of follicular cells surrounds this.

The primary oocyte has 46 chromosomes, but eventually it has to turn into a gamete with

only 23 chromosomes.

To do this, the primary oocytes have to complete meiosis 1, and in a person's lifetime only

about 400 successfully do that.

This process of oocyte development follows that of follicular development, which can

be broken into three stages.

The first stage lasts from infancy to puberty, and during this stage the primary oocyte remains

stuck in the prophase step of meiosis 1.

So, in other words, the cell is living, but not dividing.

Meanwhile, the primordial follicle turns into a primary follicle, meaning that the follicular

cells that surrounding the primary oocyte develop into granulosa cells.

The second stage of follicular development begins for a few lucky primary follicles with

the first menstrual cycle in puberty, and a few more primary follicles go into the second

stage with each subsequent menstrual cycle.

In the second stage, the primary follicles develop into secondary and eventually tertiary,

or graafian follicles.

In a secondary follicle, the primary oocyte is still in the prophase step of meiosis 1,

but now the follicle has additional layers of granulosa cells, as well as theca cells.

Theca cells make androstenedione, a sex hormone precursor, and granulosa cells use the enzyme

aromatase to convert it into estradiol - a member of the estrogen family.

In a graafian follicle, a central cavity called the antrum forms within the follicle, and

the granulosa cells secrete a nourishing fluid for the primary oocyte directly into that


The second stage takes roughly 70 to 85 days and results in a few fast-growing graafian


The third stage of follicular development starts when the graafian follicles are ready

and occurs during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.

So let's briefly switch gears and go over the highlights of the menstrual cycle to put

that follicular phase into context.

The menstrual cycle starts on the first day of menstrual bleeding, lasts 28 days on average

from then.

Assuming a 28-day cycle, the follicular phase makes up the first two weeks of the menstrual

cycle, and the luteal phase, the last two weeks.

These two phases are separated by ovulation, which is when the follicle ruptures and releases

an oocyte that is ready to be fertilized.

This usually occurs on day 14 of a 28 day cycle.

The menstrual cycle is ultimately controlled by the hypothalamus, which is at the base

of the brain.

Before puberty, the hypothalamus constantly secretes small amounts of a hormone called

gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH.

That GnRH travels to the nearby pituitary, which secretes two hormones of its own - follicle

stimulating hormone, or FSH, and luteinizing hormone, or LH.

Once puberty hits, the hypothalamus starts to secrete GnRH in pulses, sometimes more

and sometimes less, and pituitary FSH and LH make the ovarian follicles develop.

The amount of GnRH can be mapped out like a wave over time, and the frequency and amplitude

of the waves of GnRH determine how much FSH and LH get produced by the pituitary.

LH binds to LH receptors on theca cells and they make progesterone and androstenedione.

FSH binds to FSH receptors on granulosa cells and they make aromatase and, as a consequence,


Serum levels of estrogen and progesterone act as feedback for the command center in

the brain, which adjusts its hormone production according to the phases of the menstrual cycle.

During the follicular phase of each menstrual cycle, the few fast-growing graafian follicles

enter the third stage of development.

Pituitary FSH makes the follicles grow and the granulosa cells produce more estrogen.

In addition to estrogen, the granulosa cells also secrete a hormone called activin, which

stimulates FSH production, as well as binding to FSH receptors, and the activity of granulosa

cell aromatase as well.

So early in the follicular phase, a small rise in FSH, leads to a large increase in


However, estrogen acts a negative feedback signal – that is, it tells the pituitary

to secrete less FSH and LH.

Less FSH means that there is only enough left to stimulate one follicle.

The follicle that has the most FSH receptors hoards most of this hormone, and becomes the

dominant follicle.

It usually takes about a week for a dominant follicle to get selected, and after that happens,

the rest of the follicles regress and die off.

The dominant follicle keeps secreting estrogen for the rest of the follicular phase.

The steady increase in estrogen makes the pituitary more responsive to the pulsatile

action of hypothalamic GnRH.

When blood estrogen levels reach 200 picograms/milliliter, dominant follicle estrogen becomes a positive

feedback signal – that is, it makes the pituitary secrete a whole lot of FSH and LH

in response to GnRH.

This triggers the primary oocyte within the dominant follicle to finally complete meiosis

1, and turn into a secondary oocyte, which has 23 chromosomes.

The dominant follicle completes its third stage of development in a blaze of glory called


That's when the nearly 2 centimeter sized follicle ruptures and releases the tiny secondary

oocyte into the fallopian tube.

The secondary oocyte stops in metaphase of meiosis 2, and waits for fertilization as

the menstrual cycle transitions into the luteal phase.

The luteal phase makes up the second half of the menstrual cycle - week 3 and week 4,

of the 4-week cycle.

Right after ovulation, while the LH levels are still high, the remains of the follicle

turn into the corpus luteum, which is made up of luteinized granulosa and theca cells.

Luteinized granulosa cells secrete inhibin, which inhibits the pituitary gland from making


Without FSH, estrogen levels fall, and the amount of LH goes back to the level before


Luteinized theca cells respond to the low LH concentrations after ovulation by producing

more progesterone.

So, overall, this means that progesterone surpasses estrogen as the dominant hormone

during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.If fertilization occurs - meaning if a sperm

meets the secondary oocyte - then the corpus luteum continues making progesterone until

the placenta forms.

If fertilization doesn't happen, then the corpus luteum stops making hormones after

around 10 days, becomes fibrotic, and is called the corpus albicans.

After ovulation, the secondary oocyte makes a very quick journey through the peritoneal

space and lands in the fallopian tube.

The first part is the fimbriae which are the finger-like projections that surround the

ovary and guide the secondary oocyte into the fallopian tube.

Next is the infundibulum and then the ampullar region which is where fertilization typically

happens between the secondary oocyte and the sperm - this is the magical spot where they


which curves around the ovary, and finally the isthmus region, which opens into the uterine


On the outside, the fallopian tubes are covered by peritoneum, and supported by the mesosalpinx,

which is part of the broad ligament.

On the inside, the fallopian tubes have smooth muscle with an inner lining that has ciliated

cells that slowly sweep the secondary oocyte or zygote towards the uterus.

The uterus is a hollow organ that sits behind the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum.

The top of the uterus above the openings of the fallopian tubes is called the fundus,

and the region below the openings is called the uterine body.

The uterus tapers down into the uterine isthmus and finally the cervix, which protrudes into

the vagina.

The cervix has a superior opening up top, and an inferior opening down below, both of

which have mucus plugs to keep the uterus closed off except during menstruation and

right before ovulation to allow sperm to reach the secondary oocyte.

The uterus is anchored to the sacrum by utero-sacral ligaments, to the anterior body wall by round

ligaments, and it's supported laterally by cardinal ligaments as well as the mesometrium,

which is part of the broad ligament.

The wall of the uterus has three layers: the perimetrium, which is a layer continuous with

the lining of the peritoneal cavity, the myometrium, which is made of smooth muscle that contracts

during childbirth to help push the baby out, and the endometrium, a mucosal layer, that

undergoes monthly cyclic changes.

During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens in case fertilization

occurs, during the luteal phase, spiral arteries emerge to bring more nutrients to support

the thick endometrium.

If fertilization doesn't occur, the spiral arteries collapse, and the superficial layers

of the endometrium die.

During menstruation or menstrual bleeding, that dead tissue is removed or sloughed off

of the uterus through the vagina.

The vagina has a muscular wall and is covered by an inner mucosa with ridges that run along


The vagina is the passageway for the baby during childbirth, and it opens up into the


In childhood, a thin sheet of vaginal mucosa called the hymen partially covers the vaginal

opening, and it can break because of exercise, the use of tampons, or sexual intercourse.

The external sex organs, together referred to as the vulva, are the labia majora which

are called "the two greater lips", labia minora, or "the two smaller lips", the

mons pubis, or "the mountain of the pubis", and the clitoris, a small erectile organ that

develops from the same embryonic tissue as the male penis.

It is hooded by a skin fold called the clitoral hood.

Both the labia majora and the mons pubis become covered in pubic hair during puberty.

The labia majora cover the labia minora, and between the two labia minora there is a space

called the vulvar vestibule that includes, the opening of the vagina and the the urethral


All right, so as a quick recap: the female reproductive system comprises of internal

sex organs, such as the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus and the vagina, as well

as external sex organs such as the labia, the mons pubis and the clitoris.

The ovaries are the female gonads, and they produce the ova, as well as the female sex


Both the ovaries and the uterus are subject to the pulsatile hormonal activity of the

hypothalamus and pituitary glands.The uterus is where pregnancy develops, and the baby

comes into the world through the birth canal, or the vagina, that connects the internal

and external sex organs.

For more infomation >> Anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system - Duration: 13:55.


Ana Clara diz que prefere conviver com Jéssica do que com Kaysar no BBB18 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Ana Clara diz que prefere conviver com Jéssica do que com Kaysar no BBB18 - Duration: 3:12.


U2 With Or Without You Instrumental [String Quartet Version] Capela da PUC - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> U2 With Or Without You Instrumental [String Quartet Version] Capela da PUC - Duration: 2:14.


Top 34 Melhores tutoriais para unhas - Top 34 Nail Art Compilation The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> Top 34 Melhores tutoriais para unhas - Top 34 Nail Art Compilation The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas - Duration: 11:12.


KOREAN EATING BRAZILIAN FOOD | Sweety TV - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> KOREAN EATING BRAZILIAN FOOD | Sweety TV - Duration: 6:01.





Enfrentamiento estudiantil en Miamia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Enfrentamiento estudiantil en Miamia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:30.


Graham: Trump like Obama if he falls short on Syria - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Graham: Trump like Obama if he falls short on Syria - Duration: 5:31.


All the Small Things - The Project List - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> All the Small Things - The Project List - Duration: 11:10.


Careless Jules - Rut (prod. Xen) - Duration: 1:43.

Man I've been stuck in a fucking rut Addicted to nicotine, going nuts

So delirious, hella furious My mind's been so damn uncurious

I need to go back to the wild cuz I feel so whack and I act like a child,

ya and nothing here makes me smile

cuz I always feel drained like I ran the mile!

What if everyone who smoked tobacco smoked weed instead?

We'd all be way less likely to end up fuckin' dead!

But with all this pressure to always have a clear head,

Sometimes I think I'm better off just staying in my own bed.

I'm a crazy motherfucker in a lazy haze

Sometimes my life feels like Wandering in a fucking maze

Trying to find the way out of this cage

Like a character stuck inside the writer's page

Like Ralph when he gets in a rage

and he climbs up on the walls like a rodent sage

like "Fuck the system, I ain't no dumb mouse"

'til I get up there, I can't afford my own house

I just keep on hitting walls Though I know my duty calls

I keep on hearing it despite these pitfalls

tryna grow some fucking balls Develop some gall

When I was younger I just wanted to be tall

Well I got that wish I guess so now my mission's to address

all the rules that you do bless cuz you can't live life in a bullet proof


When you make a mess Learn from your mistakes unless

Your goal is to profess that you're ok with being less than your


We shouldn't need to put each other to the test

I'm done trying to prove that I'm better than the rest.

Don't make life about always being the best, Learn to be yourself, or we'll never leave

the nest.

For more infomation >> Careless Jules - Rut (prod. Xen) - Duration: 1:43.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Don't Let Others Determine Your Value - Ken Davis - First Baptist Orlando - Duration: 0:56.

Listen to this from Romans 12:2, "Don't let the world press you into its mold."

Don't let the world, if I can translate, don't let the world decide what makes

you valuable! Your value was determined on a Cross and confirmed by an empty

grave and you can't be discounted. The world can't discount you. Don't let the

world squeeze you into its mold, but "let God remold your minds from within so

that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all

His demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity.

For more infomation >> Don't Let Others Determine Your Value - Ken Davis - First Baptist Orlando - Duration: 0:56.


[EVENT REVIEW] Monthly and Seasonal rewards, MoonMillenniumon and more! - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> [EVENT REVIEW] Monthly and Seasonal rewards, MoonMillenniumon and more! - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 4:43.


Trump Gets The Last Laugh On Hateful Meghan Markle After She Kicked Him Off Her Royal Wedding... - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Trump Gets The Last Laugh On Hateful Meghan Markle After She Kicked Him Off Her Royal Wedding... - Duration: 5:39.


PART 2: WEIGHT LOSS Q&A - How I Lost 40 Lbs - Duration: 24:55.

Hey guys so for today's video we have part 2 not pop for part 2 / 2 of the

weight loss Q&A so I did this video like a week and a half ago you guys really

really loved it and I had so much fun filming it like I loved just sitting

here and chit-chatting with you guys I'm definitely gonna do more like chit chat

tip videos q and A's and everything like that but

for today I really wanted to do an extension of the last weight lock that

weight loss video because a lot of you guys had so many more questions that I

didn't even get to touch on I went through the comments section and there

were even more questions I asked you guys for more last night on Instagram as

well so I want to touch on the topics that we didn't touch on last time so

this is kind of like an extension so for those of you who haven't seen part one

please go ahead and check it out there's so many more questions on that video

like metabolism plateaus how I actually lost the weight a little bit of my

workout routine there's plenty more questions on there I will leave it on

the top I think you can never remember what sided I think it's this one here we

go from the top right hand corner for you guys to click on so just to go over

a little bit of basics in case you haven't seen part one yet and you want

to watch it after I've lost 40 pounds I currently weigh in at 136 pounds 136 I

don't know why I said 136 anyways 136 pounds and I started off at 175 and I

used to be around 40 to 45 percent body fat I don't have an accurate number

because my old scale used to be really inaccurate and I'm currently sitting at

29.2% body fat so let's go ahead and move into the rest of the questions

someone asked did you ever have a week where you cheated on your diet and you

ended up gaining weight if so how did you handle that I'm currently on my

weight-loss journey and it ended up binging a few days ago I wish I could

take it back and I can't and as a result I've gained three pounds definitely 100%

every single time I cheat I gain weight that just happens but listen to the key

word gained weight weight and fat are two different things

just because you gained weight does not mean you gained fat when you cheat

you're likely eating a lot more calories now when you're consuming a lot more

calories one your metabolisms not used to it so it's gonna take those extra not

that carbs are bad but it's gonna take the extra I think it's called I can

remember the exact word but anyways it's gonna take the extra carbs that it's

getting again not that carbs are bad for you they're

not bad for you at all it's just when you consume more carbs than usual your

body actually stores them for energy because your body is trying to keep you

safe so your body is storing them as energy and when your body is storing

that as energy you kind of go you ball up in water wait pretty much is what I'm

saying so yes you're gonna gain 3 pounds or 2 pounds I've even gained 5 pounds in

1 week before because the entire week I cheated guys I literally dropped that 5

pounds like three days later as soon as you go back to your normal routine BAM

the weights gonna fall I lost that 5 pounds of water weight in

3 days but oh my god did I lose 5 pounds in 3 days no because it wasn't accurate

it wasn't real pounds you're not saying those pounds are temporary I guess is

what I'm saying they're not real fat or muscle or anything it's just water

weight it's just your body holding on to it you will drop it as soon as you go

back to your normal routine don't feel guilty at all at all at all for cheating

trust me I get it sometimes to where I'm like oh I should have not done that but

you kind of gotta think listen like think of it this way there's literally

365 days in a year do you really think out of the entire year that one day that

you cheated is gonna be that big of a deal it's really not that big of a deal

actually a perfect example is in the month of March I've remained 136 pounds

I haven't lost any more weight in March and that's just because well it was my

sister's birthday and we kind of had like a cheat weekend I got four days of

cheating and then I kind of continued it I was kind of like you know f it I feel

like just staying on maintenance so for March I've stayed on maintenance for

most of the part I also got sick twice in March so I skipped the gym for two

weeks out of the entire March I've just been eating maintenance calories now

starting today I'm jumping right back into a deficit so I will lose weight in

April but in March I haven't lost any weight I've stayed in maintenance and

it's not that big of a deal you have to kind of take the emotions out of it so

that you don't develop you know eating disorders or bad relationships with food

and everything like that sugar baby seriously so the next question is

hopefully this isn't too personal but do you think going through a weight loss

journey has made you more hyper aware of your looks overall and even sometimes

causing slight body dysmorphia like you still see yourself as you were prior to

weight loss so I think I've always been very aware of my love

I think all of us like as a society or most of us I guess I can say are very

aware of our looks we're constantly looking in the mirror Kron say on social

media especially me being on like being a social-media influencer being a

youtuber I'm constantly you know editing my own videos editing my own photos

seeing myself so I've always been very aware of my looks

has losing weight made me more aware yeah actually um you know now that I've

lost like weight now I like a look at my body and see like I guess now that I

like have fitness goals I look at my body and see what else I want to do to

it like okay when I go to the gym I really want to

work on you I have hip tips for example that's an insecurity might I hate my hip

tips so that's made me more aware I never realized my hip tips before but

now that I've like you know that I know I can like build my butt and build my

hip dips a little bit better it's like fill them in now I know those things I

am more aware of my looks but it's also made me realize that you have to love

yourself at every stage I can't just love myself when I get to

my goal weight I have to love myself now and during the process because trust me

trust me trust me because I've been there if you don't love yourself now

it's almost like that you know that's going on around Twitter though what is

it not a meme isn't no it's like a little trend whatever anyways you know

paper saying if you don't love me at my you don't deserve me at my yeah like

literally if you don't love yourself at your worst you're not going to love

yourself at your best you're just not trust me cuz I've been there like I

thought that losing weight would be like the magic key and then I did it a few

years ago I lost all this weight and I still was so I was so insecure guys that

I remember crying because I cried and said I was too skinny when I literally

wasn't even too skinny I was the same weight that I am right now I wasn't too

skinny but I was so like like messed up in the head when it came to my body

image trust me losing weight is not the magic

key it's just not you have to love yourself now from within and on the

outside to love yourself after - do I see myself the same as pratas and where

pride or weight loss sometimes I do and then I just have to like believe my eyes

and be like no Amy you've literally lost 40 pounds you've transformed into a

whole new person you're still transforming wake up call here the way I

look at it is I'm 23 years old and my entire life I've been the chubby kid

the chubby teen I was always been a bigger girl

so that's what I was used to so how do you expect to lose 40 pounds and then

all of a sudden you're used to that I feel like now it's gonna take me another

chunk of years to get used to me being this person so the next question is I'd

like to hear your thoughts on accepting that it's a long process and not

obsessing over instant gratification this is huge this is so huge so a lot of

people want and trust me what I it's like if I could right now snap my

fingers lose the rest of my weight and get to my goal weight hell yes like I

still have around 20 pounds to lose would I snap my fingers and lose those

20 pounds yes I would but that's it's just not gonna happen that's just not

realistic this process is so much of a process like it takes time it doesn't

just happen overnight I think the biggest thing to realize is to take the

timeline out of it like what does it matter how long it takes you to lose the

weight if you are doing it for the right reasons and you're doing it to change

your lifestyle like if you're creating better habits to change your life like

listen to that word life like we're talking forever here for the rest of

your life what doesn't matter how quick you lose it what does it matter if you

lose the way by next week or by your wedding or by your vacation or by prom

or by that party or by your birthday what does it matter

it's not gonna be instant it's not gonna be easy it's gonna take work and it's

going to be hard but it's gonna be worth it so someone asked how do you keep up

with your diet and still eat rice good lord the amount of people that think not

that she's not that she said that or anything but just in general the amount

of people I think rice is not supposed to be eaten when you have to lose weight

is ridiculous but she said I was told by many not to eat carbs but I love my rice

laughing face I love my rice too girl so let me let's get this out there there is

not one single food in the entire world not one single food on the entire earth

that makes you gain weight it just doesn't McDonald's doesn't make you gain

weight Starbucks doesn't make you gain weight

rice doesn't make you gain weight milk doesn't make you gain weight that this

this nothing single-handedly makes you gain weight you gain weight when you

consume too many calories and when you're not moving enough so when your

energy balance is off so here's your

energy balance when you're maintaining your weight it's balanced you're eating

this amount but you're also working out this amount so your body is like okay

I'm cool I'm staying the same when I lose weight I eat less and I workout

more so now I lose weight so let's say you're working out less and you're

eating more now you're going to gain weight like that's just how it works it

all comes down to energy balance so there's not one food in the entire world

that will single-handedly make you gain weight you can literally eat let let's

say your calorie deficit which I will leave the calorie calculator down below

for you guys to see what your target is because every single individual on this

earth has a different calorie target so let's say you need to eat 1,400 calories

to lose weight you could literally and I'm not kidding you guys like I know

this sounds crazy but it's not a joke you could literally eat 1,400 calories

every single day of McDonald's or 1400 calories of rice every single day and

lose weight now I know there's gonna be those health police people that are like

no no no that's not true listen it's true it's scientifically a

fact that you will lose weight now do I recommend doing that no cuz it's not

healthy should you lose weight off of McDonald's no because actually Michael

Matthews has this said this once which I love this yes you can lose weight by

eating 1,400 calories of McDonald's every day but you're literally gonna

have a six-pack have your weight loss and you're gonna be on a hospital bed

with like diabetes heart disease and not like come on you like it's not just

about the weight and how you look it's about your health too but I want to say

that to make a point because a lot of people think eating healthy is the way

to lose weight listen it doesn't matter how healthy you eat it matters your

calorie balance I know a lot of people are like clean eating that's how I'm

gonna lose weight clean eating guys I could eat all of the brown rice all of

the quinoa on the earth all of the broccoli all of the chicken on the earth

and still eat too much quinoa too much nuts too much chicken too much broccoli

and in gained weight like it has nothing to do with what you eat it has

everything to do with how much you eat and I again I know there's people out

there that don't want to hear that because there's people out there that

force themselves to eat clean because I think that that's what's making

lose weight that's not what's making you lose weight it's coming down to your

calories but are you gonna be extremely healthy yes it's like of course clean

eating is very healthy like you want to eat healthier because it matters for

your health it matters for you know your body on the inside so if you're on a

weight-loss journey and you're craving let's say McDonald's fries right now go

get those fries and just fit it into your calories that's how this journey is

gonna be more sustainable like a lot of people will restrict themselves and

never get anything and just eat clean it's so restrictive that you end up

binging and then you end up gaining all your weight back so for me I eat clean

like 80 percent of the time and then I have my 20 percent dirty I guess you

would call it you know I mean so I fit things into my calories there are not

necessarily healthy but they're soul food okay they make me happy they keep

me alive in a way and you know they keep me going whereas I've done it before

Brian ate 100% clean and then it's just too restrictive and I literally end up

binging and gaining like 50 pounds back so I think a lot of people like we got

to get out of the hole clean eating trans like it's just it's way too

overhyped and again I know people like I literally know people who were like I

need to lose weight I gotta eat clean they ate clean for

like six months and didn't lose any weight why because they were still

eating too much food it comes down to your portions and your

calories the reason why clean eating like people will lose weight off of

clean eating without counting calories is because typically when people do eat

clean they will cut down their portions anyways and that's why you'll lose

weight cuz you're cutting down your calories I think a lot of people over

complicate the process of weight loss like I've been there and done that too

where it's like you think it's so complicated but listen weight loss is

actually super simple it comes down to how much you're eating versus how much

you're burning so don't worry about what you're eating and and and what order

you're eating it or what time you should eat it or this or that like don't

overcomplicate it don't overthink it just simply stick to your calories eat

what you love obviously keep your health in mind it's

super important to eat your veggies and your fruits and everything I also want

to make a quick mention that I know I'm saying it comes down to how much you're

eating you can eat up to 1400 calories of donuts like I'm literally trying to

make a point here because that's how true it is but what I will say is it's

hard to do that because those are empty calories like if you have 14

mcDonald's you're gonna be hungry after still because those calories are not

nutritious so you are gonna be hungry so it's gonna be hard for you to stick to

your calories whereas if you fill your calories with greens veggies fruits lean

like you know just good Whole Foods yes you will still lose the same amount of

weight as you lost with McDonald's but you'll have a more enjoyable experience

in a way because you're not gonna be hungry those foods keep you full they

keep you energized so I do do want to make a point when when I say that I

don't mean on the inside I just mean literally scientifically if you took

human a and human be fed them clean fed the McDonald's same amount of calories

they would both lose weight that's all I'm trying to say but you know obviously

those calories are super empty you're not gonna be full not very great protein

just eat what you like keep it in moderation everything is balanced I like

to do the 80/20 you know 80 clean 20 dirty so someone asked me have you ever

tried losing weight the unhealthy way what are your views on eating disorders

cool you guys I could go into this honestly probably in a weight loss

journey I've literally like gained weight and lost weight and gained weight

and lost it and gained and lost it my entire life and I've done so many

unhealthy diets I've battled my entire life with like a bad relationship with

food and I've had a little bit of a run-in with an eating disorder I'm gonna

go into like my story and everything in a weight loss story and journey video

but they're tough you know it's definitely tough I'm still struggling

with my food habits I want to have an even better relationship with food I

just have a really horrible relationship with food though before but now I have

like a better relationship with it it seems like your weight loss journey

started when you moved out to your own place do you think it was easier to stay

on track more when you have your own space my biggest problem are the

cupcakes my mom won't stop buying girl I hear you every time I go to my mom's

house there's literally chocolate chip banana muffins on the counter and I'm

like why like I don't know how my sister Steph does it I think it's because Steph

doesn't really like those types of food so it doesn't really tempt her but me oh

I would be so tempted but I will say I'm a firm believer and when you are focused

and you have your goal and you want something you'll do anything and you'll

be there and you'll get it because I've lost weight before on my mom's house and

there was all in the cupboards in the pantry when

you want something you know when you're ready to do it you'll do it is what I'm

saying like you can't force yourself into this pull weight loss process life

journey because you need to be ready because when you're mentally ready those

things won't really bother you so someone asked me what my goal body fat

percentage is so I don't really have like an exact number because the thing

is I don't know how I'm gonna look like every single body and everybody is

literally different you can't really compare bodies and you also can't say to

yourself okay I my goal weight is 120 cuz I don't know how I'm gonna look at

that stage but I can guess and I can estimate I think I'm going to like it

around maybe 18 maybe like like I know no less than 15 maybe like 18 ish I'll

probably like it around that stage I know for weight I'll probably like

myself around 115 120 again I'm only 5 foot 1 I'm a really small girl but I

also do have pretty big chest and I have a big butt so my weight is also to be

taken that into consideration you never really know how much you're gonna weigh

and how you're gonna like yourself so that's why my goals are kind of just

like estimates so someone actually just asked me we're just on topic of this

what weight do you feel you'll be happy with I'm nearly double your weight and I

feel that your weight now is great and a healthy weight just makes me think is my

goal weight still fat if yours is less than 10 stone don't at all want you to

feel like I'm being rude I'm just stuck no worries girl so I totally get that

like I actually get this question a lot a lot of you guys comment and you're

like please don't lose any more weight you look perfect how you are and then

some of you guys comment like oh my god your current weight is my goal weight so

it makes you question your go away and question if your whole way is too still

too big or but love but again this comes down to not being able to compare like

you could take two people even the same height who are 130 and 131 be her

because she gains it in her stomach but maybe this girl gains it in her butt and

she looks good you know what I'm saying so you really can't compare it because

the person who gains it in their stomach is not going to like being 130 they're

gonna want to be more like 115 and that's me

I hold weight in my tummy area and I also hold weight in my arms in my face

so X your weight doesn't look good I mean my

butt stays pretty like big like I don't really lose that much weight there so

I'm like good in that area but I'll that's why I like I like a lower lower

weight because I know that the lower I go it'll mostly come off my stomach and

come off my face so I know a lot of you guys tell me don't lose any more weight

but please keep in mind that like this journey is my own and I can only make

that decision for myself and I know a lot of you guys think like oh my god are

you gonna go ahead and become like a toothpick no but also you guys have to

keep in mind the photos that I post on social media when you post a photo on

social media it's your best angle you look your best in that moment but you

guys don't see me naked at the end of the day when I take my clothes off and

I'm naked and I look in the mirror I have a lot of extra fat on my stomach

and there's a lot like I have like that pouch at the bottom my stomach that's

like there that I still need to lose I have weight there to still lose my arms

are not horrible but as you can see here they're still like they're not horrible

but like there's still a little bit a little bit chunky you know again we all

have different preferences and different ideas and views when I count calories

should I focus on hitting my macros so focusing on hitting your macros is

excellent it's actually super awesome but I personally it doesn't work for me

not physically it would physically work for me but mentally it doesn't work for

me because it's a bit too not restrictive but a bit too detailed and a

bit too obsessive when I count macros it's like okay not only are you watching

your calories now you have to watch your proteins your fats your carbs that's

four things your girl's gotta count now like it's just too obsessive for me to

detailed and I end up feeling very restricted I end up feeling very

mentally drained and it almost gives me a little bit of like bad food habit

vibes like it doesn't work well for me mentally well I want to make the one

thing clear too when you count macros you are counting calories macros are in

calories what I like to do is I just count my calories and I watch my protein

so I keep a very mindful I on my protein make sure that proteins up and then

naturally the rest will fall into place so that's pretty much it for the

questions but I do have some topics that I want to touch on that I forgot to

mention last time and go over last time so I wrote down here tips on avoiding

plateaus so I did talk about plateaus in the last video it's really important for

you guys to watch part 1 because I go into why the body plateaus how you can

fix it so plateaus naturally happen to everybody

but I want to give you tips on how to like avoid it as much as possible it

will eventually happen but if you can prolong that process before you reach

there here's some tips so my favorite way is to do little calorie kicks that I

call these calorie kicks what I like to do is every two weeks or so what I do is

let's say like for example my calories is 12 to 1300 a day I'll throw in 1400

calorie days so just over eat by a little bit you know throw in a little

bit of extra calories in there then go back to 1200 for a few days and then

throw in 1400 in there and then I'll do that like twice in one month so just

like twice like not a lot but throwing in those extra little days you guys have

no idea how much it'll help you'll actually lose more weight now tell you

why your metabolism gets very comfortable when it's losing weight so

you want to almost make it shock it up a little bit you know spice it up like

throw it some throw it a little bit of extra food here and there to keep your

metabolism happy so that it doesn't stop so that I can lose more and actually on

those days when I eat 1400 calories and I weigh myself the next day those are

the days when I lose an extra pound another tip too is when I go to the gym

I like to switch up like my reps and my weights for so for example my typical

routine is I like to heavy weight lifts so what I do is I pick up the heaviest

weight that is challenging for me I only do 4 to 6 reps of that the next time

I'll be like you know what I'm gonna go a little bit lighter this time I'm not

gonna go heavier I'm gonna pick up a lighter weight but do higher reps this

time and then the next time I'll pick up an extremely heavy weight and just do

two reps I'll throw in a little bit of extra cardio one week a little bit of

extra weight lifting one week so I pretty much like to keep my workout

routine sporadic and different this helps to keep my metabolism guessing and

moving so that it's not always the same I've personally found that this has

really helped me lose more weight so I also wanted to go over this because I

get a lot of questions on this so a lot of you guys asked me when it comes to

calorie counting do you adjust your calories every day depending on how much

you workout no so when you calculate your calories through the calculator it

actually includes the amount that you work out till you stick to that number

you don't adjust it daily also I want to address under eating because I know that

a lot of people will eat on their calories just to lose more

weight now that can actually have the opposite effect not only is it bad for

your health you're really messing up your organs it's really bad for your

health you're also when you're under eating and you're losing to weight too

fast you're actually losing more muscle than you are losing fat so the goal is

to lose fat not muscle sometimes if you under eat too much or metabolism will go

into kind of like a shock to protect itself and you'll end up not losing any

weight at all I know a lot of you guys think overeating is like the culprit but

under eating can be just as bad as overeating you want to feed your body

the right amount to nourish itself but still be able to lose weight so the last

question I have someone asked me is what's been the hardest place for me to

lose weight oh my god you guys the hardest place for me to lose weight is

the weirdest place ever and it's my armpit fat okay I'm gonna show it to you

guys right now most of you guys probably notice it let's try to really get naked

here for you guys you see that right here oh my god and it's worse when I

wear a bra right now have like a little sports bra on and when I wear a bra it

does this and I have like that it's hard to show you guys but I have like that

fat little roll right here and honestly I don't know if that's ever gonna go

away so I might just be HAP might just have to be something that I can accept

because honestly I've seen people who are really slim and like lean and they

have that armpit fat and then I've seen people who are like chubby ER and just a

bigger girl and then they have smooth armpits and they don't have fat there so

my body just chooses to store fat there and it's been really hard to get off so

pray for me guys please say a prayer every single night that I eventually

lose this armpit fat thank you my face has actually lost a lot of fat

surprisingly I'm really happy about that because my face got so big at one point

you guys I wonder if I can grab a photo and put it here for you guys to see it

was so choake I naturally have like a very square shaped face but my cheeks

like right here get so chubby and bloated when I gain weight so actually

I'm really happy with how much my face has lost it actually continues to get

smaller every few weeks when I look at my face I can tell that it's gone

smaller so that hasn't been an issue for me at all so that's pretty much it I

hope you guys enjoyed watching a part two of the Q&A and I think that answered

like a lot of questions in the last one and in this

so you should be good to go like I see I feel like I covered almost everything

please don't forget to like thumbs up this video if you enjoy these kind of

chitchat Q&A videos also if you are not subscribed please don't forget to

subscribe and sign up for notifications by clicking the little bell icon that

way you can get notified for all my new videos because if that Bell notification

is not on you're not gonna get notified so please don't forget to do that other

than that you guys thank you so much for watching and of course I will see you

guys in my next video bye guys mmm say bye shake-a-baby say

bye bye guys

For more infomation >> PART 2: WEIGHT LOSS Q&A - How I Lost 40 Lbs - Duration: 24:55.


Anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system - Duration: 13:55.

The female reproductive system includes all of internal and external organs that help

with reproduction.

The internal sex organs are the ovaries, which are the female gonads, the fallopian tubes,

two muscular tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus, and the uterus, which is the

strong muscular sack that a fetus can develop in.

The neck of the uterus is called the cervix, and it protrudes into the vagina.

At the opening of the vagina are the external sex organs, and these are usually just called

the genitals and they're in the vulva region.

They include the labia, the clitoris, and the mons pubis.

The ovaries are a pair of white-ish organs about the size of walnuts.

They're held in place, slightly above and on either side of the uterus and fallopian

tubes by ligaments.

Specifically, there's the broad ligament, the ovarian ligament, and the suspensory ligament.

And the suspensory ligament is particularly important because the ovarian artery, ovarian

vein, and ovarian nerve plexus pass through it to reach the ovary.

If you slice the ovary open and look at it (don't try this at home) there's an outer

layer called the cortex, which has ovarian follicles scattered throughout it, and an

inner layer called the medulla, which contains most of the blood vessels and nerves.

At birth, the ovarian cortex has around two million follicles - that's roughly the population

of Paris - and they're called primordial follicles.

Each primordial follicle has a single immature sex cell called the primary oocyte at the

core, and a layer of follicular cells surrounds this.

The primary oocyte has 46 chromosomes, but eventually it has to turn into a gamete with

only 23 chromosomes.

To do this, the primary oocytes have to complete meiosis 1, and in a person's lifetime only

about 400 successfully do that.

This process of oocyte development follows that of follicular development, which can

be broken into three stages.

The first stage lasts from infancy to puberty, and during this stage the primary oocyte remains

stuck in the prophase step of meiosis 1.

So, in other words, the cell is living, but not dividing.

Meanwhile, the primordial follicle turns into a primary follicle, meaning that the follicular

cells that surrounding the primary oocyte develop into granulosa cells.

The second stage of follicular development begins for a few lucky primary follicles with

the first menstrual cycle in puberty, and a few more primary follicles go into the second

stage with each subsequent menstrual cycle.

In the second stage, the primary follicles develop into secondary and eventually tertiary,

or graafian follicles.

In a secondary follicle, the primary oocyte is still in the prophase step of meiosis 1,

but now the follicle has additional layers of granulosa cells, as well as theca cells.

Theca cells make androstenedione, a sex hormone precursor, and granulosa cells use the enzyme

aromatase to convert it into estradiol - a member of the estrogen family.

In a graafian follicle, a central cavity called the antrum forms within the follicle, and

the granulosa cells secrete a nourishing fluid for the primary oocyte directly into that


The second stage takes roughly 70 to 85 days and results in a few fast-growing graafian


The third stage of follicular development starts when the graafian follicles are ready

and occurs during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.

So let's briefly switch gears and go over the highlights of the menstrual cycle to put

that follicular phase into context.

The menstrual cycle starts on the first day of menstrual bleeding, lasts 28 days on average

from then.

Assuming a 28-day cycle, the follicular phase makes up the first two weeks of the menstrual

cycle, and the luteal phase, the last two weeks.

These two phases are separated by ovulation, which is when the follicle ruptures and releases

an oocyte that is ready to be fertilized.

This usually occurs on day 14 of a 28 day cycle.

The menstrual cycle is ultimately controlled by the hypothalamus, which is at the base

of the brain.

Before puberty, the hypothalamus constantly secretes small amounts of a hormone called

gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH.

That GnRH travels to the nearby pituitary, which secretes two hormones of its own - follicle

stimulating hormone, or FSH, and luteinizing hormone, or LH.

Once puberty hits, the hypothalamus starts to secrete GnRH in pulses, sometimes more

and sometimes less, and pituitary FSH and LH make the ovarian follicles develop.

The amount of GnRH can be mapped out like a wave over time, and the frequency and amplitude

of the waves of GnRH determine how much FSH and LH get produced by the pituitary.

LH binds to LH receptors on theca cells and they make progesterone and androstenedione.

FSH binds to FSH receptors on granulosa cells and they make aromatase and, as a consequence,


Serum levels of estrogen and progesterone act as feedback for the command center in

the brain, which adjusts its hormone production according to the phases of the menstrual cycle.

During the follicular phase of each menstrual cycle, the few fast-growing graafian follicles

enter the third stage of development.

Pituitary FSH makes the follicles grow and the granulosa cells produce more estrogen.

In addition to estrogen, the granulosa cells also secrete a hormone called activin, which

stimulates FSH production, as well as binding to FSH receptors, and the activity of granulosa

cell aromatase as well.

So early in the follicular phase, a small rise in FSH, leads to a large increase in


However, estrogen acts a negative feedback signal – that is, it tells the pituitary

to secrete less FSH and LH.

Less FSH means that there is only enough left to stimulate one follicle.

The follicle that has the most FSH receptors hoards most of this hormone, and becomes the

dominant follicle.

It usually takes about a week for a dominant follicle to get selected, and after that happens,

the rest of the follicles regress and die off.

The dominant follicle keeps secreting estrogen for the rest of the follicular phase.

The steady increase in estrogen makes the pituitary more responsive to the pulsatile

action of hypothalamic GnRH.

When blood estrogen levels reach 200 picograms/milliliter, dominant follicle estrogen becomes a positive

feedback signal – that is, it makes the pituitary secrete a whole lot of FSH and LH

in response to GnRH.

This triggers the primary oocyte within the dominant follicle to finally complete meiosis

1, and turn into a secondary oocyte, which has 23 chromosomes.

The dominant follicle completes its third stage of development in a blaze of glory called


That's when the nearly 2 centimeter sized follicle ruptures and releases the tiny secondary

oocyte into the fallopian tube.

The secondary oocyte stops in metaphase of meiosis 2, and waits for fertilization as

the menstrual cycle transitions into the luteal phase.

The luteal phase makes up the second half of the menstrual cycle - week 3 and week 4,

of the 4-week cycle.

Right after ovulation, while the LH levels are still high, the remains of the follicle

turn into the corpus luteum, which is made up of luteinized granulosa and theca cells.

Luteinized granulosa cells secrete inhibin, which inhibits the pituitary gland from making


Without FSH, estrogen levels fall, and the amount of LH goes back to the level before


Luteinized theca cells respond to the low LH concentrations after ovulation by producing

more progesterone.

So, overall, this means that progesterone surpasses estrogen as the dominant hormone

during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.If fertilization occurs - meaning if a sperm

meets the secondary oocyte - then the corpus luteum continues making progesterone until

the placenta forms.

If fertilization doesn't happen, then the corpus luteum stops making hormones after

around 10 days, becomes fibrotic, and is called the corpus albicans.

After ovulation, the secondary oocyte makes a very quick journey through the peritoneal

space and lands in the fallopian tube.

The first part is the fimbriae which are the finger-like projections that surround the

ovary and guide the secondary oocyte into the fallopian tube.

Next is the infundibulum and then the ampullar region which is where fertilization typically

happens between the secondary oocyte and the sperm - this is the magical spot where they


which curves around the ovary, and finally the isthmus region, which opens into the uterine


On the outside, the fallopian tubes are covered by peritoneum, and supported by the mesosalpinx,

which is part of the broad ligament.

On the inside, the fallopian tubes have smooth muscle with an inner lining that has ciliated

cells that slowly sweep the secondary oocyte or zygote towards the uterus.

The uterus is a hollow organ that sits behind the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum.

The top of the uterus above the openings of the fallopian tubes is called the fundus,

and the region below the openings is called the uterine body.

The uterus tapers down into the uterine isthmus and finally the cervix, which protrudes into

the vagina.

The cervix has a superior opening up top, and an inferior opening down below, both of

which have mucus plugs to keep the uterus closed off except during menstruation and

right before ovulation to allow sperm to reach the secondary oocyte.

The uterus is anchored to the sacrum by utero-sacral ligaments, to the anterior body wall by round

ligaments, and it's supported laterally by cardinal ligaments as well as the mesometrium,

which is part of the broad ligament.

The wall of the uterus has three layers: the perimetrium, which is a layer continuous with

the lining of the peritoneal cavity, the myometrium, which is made of smooth muscle that contracts

during childbirth to help push the baby out, and the endometrium, a mucosal layer, that

undergoes monthly cyclic changes.

During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens in case fertilization

occurs, during the luteal phase, spiral arteries emerge to bring more nutrients to support

the thick endometrium.

If fertilization doesn't occur, the spiral arteries collapse, and the superficial layers

of the endometrium die.

During menstruation or menstrual bleeding, that dead tissue is removed or sloughed off

of the uterus through the vagina.

The vagina has a muscular wall and is covered by an inner mucosa with ridges that run along


The vagina is the passageway for the baby during childbirth, and it opens up into the


In childhood, a thin sheet of vaginal mucosa called the hymen partially covers the vaginal

opening, and it can break because of exercise, the use of tampons, or sexual intercourse.

The external sex organs, together referred to as the vulva, are the labia majora which

are called "the two greater lips", labia minora, or "the two smaller lips", the

mons pubis, or "the mountain of the pubis", and the clitoris, a small erectile organ that

develops from the same embryonic tissue as the male penis.

It is hooded by a skin fold called the clitoral hood.

Both the labia majora and the mons pubis become covered in pubic hair during puberty.

The labia majora cover the labia minora, and between the two labia minora there is a space

called the vulvar vestibule that includes, the opening of the vagina and the the urethral


All right, so as a quick recap: the female reproductive system comprises of internal

sex organs, such as the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus and the vagina, as well

as external sex organs such as the labia, the mons pubis and the clitoris.

The ovaries are the female gonads, and they produce the ova, as well as the female sex


Both the ovaries and the uterus are subject to the pulsatile hormonal activity of the

hypothalamus and pituitary glands.The uterus is where pregnancy develops, and the baby

comes into the world through the birth canal, or the vagina, that connects the internal

and external sex organs.

For more infomation >> Anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system - Duration: 13:55.


Graham: Trump like Obama if he falls short on Syria - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Graham: Trump like Obama if he falls short on Syria - Duration: 5:31.


Pastor Marcus Gill ‒ Everybody Can't Be Trusted With Your Children - Duration: 3:20.

Pastor Marcus Gill ‒ Everybody Can't Be Trusted With Your Children

For more infomation >> Pastor Marcus Gill ‒ Everybody Can't Be Trusted With Your Children - Duration: 3:20.


Jimmy Kimmel Gets Very Bad News After He Picks The Wrong Time To Start A Fight With Trump - Duration: 6:21.

Trump-hater Jimmy Kimmel picked the worst time to start a fight with his recent bashing

of President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania, and Sean Hannity.

Now, the late show degenerate has gotten some bad news that should have him looking for

a new job.

After Kimmel mocked our First Lady for her accent and then made gay jokes about Fox News

host Sean Hannity and President Trump, he's finding out that there are times you probably

should keep your mouth shut.

Like other liberals, Kimmel loves drawing attention to himself.

Normally, that would be a good thing in show business, but for Kimmel, it seems to be having

the opposite effect.

Not only did Hannity take Kimmel to task over his recent mocking of Melania Trump's accent,

as seen in the clip below, but the late-night host got some more bad news, which is now

spreading across the internet, likely in light of his recent feud.

According to TV By The Numbers, Kimmel's current season ratings are at the bottom of

the barrel with only a measly 2.31 million viewers tuning in.

It would appear that for all his liberal jaw-flapping and Trump-hating, Kimmel continues to be a

massive failure.

Statistically speaking, Kimmel is

a flop.

It's hard

to imagine why a network would keep a guy like Kimmel on the air after he continually

turns out such low ratings.

With roughly 330 million people in the U.S., less than one percent tune in to watch Kimmel's

unfunny shtick.

In a contest between Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert, Kimmel comes in last.

Fallon reportedly averages 2.97 million viewers while Colbert grabs 3.89 million.

Colbert is nearly doubling the number of viewers Kimmel pulls in.

So, why does Kimmel still have a job if he sucks and how do most Americans know who he

is if less than one percent of the population watches his show?

The liberal owned and run media largely is to blame for Kimmel's unmerited and otherwise

unlikely rise to fame.

Like the majority of other late show hosts, Kimmel spews mindless insults at Trump and

conservatives while the corporate media props him up as a funny guy who is liked and loved

by America.

But, the numbers don't lie.

The truth is that not many people want to tune in to hear the latest from guys like


In my opinion, Kimmel wouldn't even be a blip on the radar if Trump hadn't become


Aside from the late show host's rants about what our President is doing, he lacks any

real ability to draw a crowd.

And, after his latest gay jokes about Hannity and Trump, Kimmel will have even lower ratings

due to the outrage from the viewers in the LGBT crowd who may have watched him.

A huge reason that ABC may want to start looking for new talent to replace Kimmel is the list

of shows that get better ratings.

That list includes Fox News' Hannity, Tucker Carlson Tonight, HGTV's Fixer Upper Special,

Family Feud reruns on various networks, and Jersey Shore: Family Vacation on MTV, according

to Breitbart.

It's really bad when reruns of old shows are leaving you in the dust, but Kimmel is

an important piece of the liberal media's propaganda war against conservatives.

The sad fact is that the left runs the show when it comes to what gets on the air and

what doesn't.

Because liberals aren't likely to stop enjoying a good Trump-bashing anytime soon, Kimmel

will likely survive a while longer.

The true talent in American late shows left the building a long time ago.

Guys like Johnny Carson and Jay Leno had a great following for one reason — they were


They didn't always agree with what was going on in the political world, but it rarely became

a reason to abandon their audience as so many other modern-day late show hosts have.

While many millennials aren't as familiar with Carson and Leno, there are tens of millions

of baby boomers who would tune in to watch reruns of those guys over Kimmel.

The latest round of attacks against our President and his wife and Hannity are just proof that

Kimmel only has one thing going for him — liberalism.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Gets Very Bad News After He Picks The Wrong Time To Start A Fight With Trump - Duration: 6:21.


Shrimp Food - Peas (2018) - Duration: 3:12.

Hi Let me tell you about one food that both our fish and our shrimp really like

a lot more than I thought with they would nuts peas green peas we started

giving peas to our betta fish bill because we thought it would be good

laxative because it's got a lot of fiber but he really likes his peas

I think it's maybe one of his favorite foods and then we started giving the

leftover peas because we always make more than like one or two peas anyway

there's more than enough for Bill so we gave the leftovers to the shrimp and

they really like the peas. Turns out peas are a much better source of vitamins and

minerals than I ever imagined they were they contain let me take a look at this

list vitamin A vitamin C vitamin K most of the vitamin B's except for b12

thiamine riboflavin niacin folate and then for minerals they have a decent

source of calcium iron magnesium phosphorus potassium zinc manganese and

copper now not enough copper to be a problem for the shrimp just enough to be

a really good dietary source

just look at these guys they really love their peas

I'm not sure exactly what it is about peas that drives them so wild

but with that list of awesome ingredients it's no wonder


For more infomation >> Shrimp Food - Peas (2018) - Duration: 3:12.


Democrats Rocked By Massive Arrest - Duration: 11:26.

Democrats Rocked By Massive Arrest

BREAKING: The liberals who organized last weekend's "March For Our Lives" were

just hit with a major blow that they definitely were not expecting.

Conservative Tribune reported that rapper Vic Mensa, who performed at the anti-gun rally,

was on probation for a firearms conviction in California last year.

Perhaps those who are calling for stricter gun laws should focus more on following the

ones that are currently in place!

Mensa reportedly plead guilty last summer to carrying a concealed weapon on a charge

stemming from a traffic stop in Beverly Hills in March 2017.

Though he had a permit for the weapon, it had been issued by another state.

Since he is a native of Chicago, many have guessed this state is Illinois, but that has

not been confirmed at this time.

In exchange for Mensa pleading guilty to the firearm charge, prosecutors dropped a charge

of carrying an unregistered loaded firearm.

This is just the latest example of the blatant hypocrisy that surrounds the entire stunt

of "March For Our Lives."

It should come as no surprise that Mensa has no respect for gun laws, as he has been outspoken

in his support for Black Lives Matter hoodlums and his contempt for then-candidate Donald


Last year, he also travelled to Israel and came back to slam the Jewish state in its

struggle with Palestinian terrorism

Twitter users quickly called Mensa for his hypocrisy after news of his gun conviction

came out:

Given the fact that California is widely known to have some of the strictest gun laws in

the U.S., Mensa more than likely knew what he was doing was illegal, he just didn't

expect to get caught.

This proves that the argument of the right is correct in that stricter gun laws will

only keep law abiding Americans from getting their hands on firearms.

What do you think about this?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

For more infomation >> Democrats Rocked By Massive Arrest - Duration: 11:26.


Trump Gets The Last Laugh On Hateful Meghan Markle After She Kicked Him Off Her Royal Wedding Guest - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Trump Gets The Last Laugh On Hateful Meghan Markle After She Kicked Him Off Her Royal Wedding Guest - Duration: 5:39.


My Oxy Story: Alex Waxler '18 - Duration: 1:59.


I was looking at a lot of smaller schools,

and it ultimately came down a lot to geography of where do I want to be afterward, and I liked the prospect of the

variety of jobs here as opposed to on the east coast for the theater business.

We're very involved with the city.

Every single one of my theater classes has gone to shows and plays in the city of Los Angeles. This past summer, I interned

at the Center Theatre Group, which is the largest theater nonprofit in the Los Angeles area and all of Southern California.

I got to talk to people throughout the entire organization.

I got to sit in on marketing meetings. At the same time, I was getting professional development help all summer from Oxy,.

Outside of campus,

I'm involved with one of the small theaters around here. The artistic director was my very first

director here at Oxy and that was a direct connection that I made from Oxy and is helping me

get connections and get experience in the small LA theatre world, which is its own unique experience

outside of any other theater community.

I got a lot of opportunities from Oxy, both here on campus and in Los Angeles, and

I know that there will be even more beyond that.

For more infomation >> My Oxy Story: Alex Waxler '18 - Duration: 1:59.


I haven´t learned a thing [multicouples] - Duration: 2:38.

We had an amazing time.

One of those ground-shaking,


knock-you-on-your-ass months...

I almost thought the kiss was real.

and I wish it could be more.

But this is...this is all I get.

Oh, that's right, just run away!

I wish I fucking could!

But I can't.

'Cause you're in here.

And here.

How many times are we gonna push each other away?

Until it sticks.

I´m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?

I think we should break up.

Why are you yelling at me?

I´m the only one here.

I didn´t ask you to be.

Nobody breaks my heart.

I love you

but I can´t be with you.

Can you please just open the door so we can talk?


or not at all.

Waiting for you

is like waiting for rain in this drought.

Useless and disappointing.

You looked me straight in the eye and lied.

You break my heart into a thousand pieces

and you say it´s because I deserve better?

You guys were right.

Chas would never go for me.

He's way out of my league.

That's not true.



None of this is true.

None of this is real.

This is just a fantasy.


none of this was real?

That´s not true.

Walk away.

Right now.

You and I, we can leave all this mess behind,

just start over.

Be new people, be better people.

I´m sorry.

Go home.

I'm sure that if we had slept together,

you'd be long gone by now,

because that's who you are, Colin,

and that's who you'll always be.

Whatever you say, Ally.

You obviously have it all figured out.


was the only thing

that could take me away from my crazy life.

It was my only hope.

And you crushed it.

For more infomation >> I haven´t learned a thing [multicouples] - Duration: 2:38.


[The Sims 3 Series] "The Dragon Gems" // Episode 2 [SNEAK PEEK] - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> [The Sims 3 Series] "The Dragon Gems" // Episode 2 [SNEAK PEEK] - Duration: 1:52.


Risa Wechsler: Cosmologists use data science to explain the origins of the universe - Duration: 18:36.

So I'm a cosmologist, so the title of my talk is

A Universe of Data Challenges. And so I have

the pleasure to get to talk to you about essentially trying

to understand the data of literally the entire universe.

So that's definitely, a big data problem. So

I wanna just start by giving you a sense of the kinds

of questions that we're trying to ask.

There we go, okay.

So the big questions that we're trying to get a hold of

are really big things like, how did the universe begin?

Can we understand the physics of the universe's earliest

moments? What is the universe made of?

Can we understand the dark matter that we think under,

makes up about 85% of the universe? And what is

accelerating the universe? So we think the expansion rate of

the universe is actually speeding up.

We wanna know is that some new energy component? Is it

constant with time, or is it a modification of gravity? And

we also wanna understand how the hundreds of billions of

galaxies in the universe form. So, what provides the seeds to

start them forming, and how do they form over time?

So, we actually have a really beautiful,

picture that describes almost everything we know

in the universe at large scales.

And amazingly, that's based on a few physical principles and

then a very small number about seven, actual parameters. So

the basic idea is that there's some moment in the early

universe which created all of the fluctuations in density

that later become galaxies that are able to floor,

form stars and planets. Gravity we think is,

is, described by general relativity.

And then the mass in the universe is dominated,

by something we call dark matter. And we're not really

sure what dark matter is,

but we know a lot about how it behaves.

And then we think that the universe is, accelerating.

So in this context, amazingly these are all like really

weird ideas, super weird. But almost everything we know

about this can be described by about seven parameters.

And, and four of those parameters just describe

the amounts of different kinds of material in the universe.

Two of them describe how big the fluctuations are and

how those fluctuations vary with as a function of scale?

And then the seventh one basically describes how

fast the universe is expanding.

So, in that context, we actually have a huge amount

of data. And, and, this, this data is really what has driven

a revolution in cosmology in the last 20 years or so.

So, that picture that I just told you, when I started

graduate school was completely different than it is today.

So it's been a really amazing couple of decades.

The first moment of the universe is described, by,

we actually have very precise pictures of it. So this is

a picture of the temperature fluctuations in the universe

just about 400,000 years after the Big Bang.

And these temperature fluctuations are what provide

the seeds that later grow into galaxies.

We can then look at what the universe looks like today, and

it's very structured. It's clustered essentially on all

scales. And that structure on all scales gives us a huge

amount of information about how the universe evolved and

what it's made of. So in this picture,

this is just a picture of the nearby galaxies.

And in this picture every single dot is an actual galaxy

whose positioned in the universe we know.

Now, of course, galaxies are actually a lot more complex.

And here is the deepest image ever taken of the universe.

This is the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. If you extrapolate

the number of galaxies in this image to the whole universe,

you get a number that's of order 100 or a few 100 billion

galaxies. So, and those galaxies are really complex.

They have interesting shapes and sizes. They evolve over

time. They're distributed in an nonrandom fashion.

And all of that gives us information. So this tiny

image is just about 2% of the size of the moon, so you can

imagine how much data we have if we extrapolate that,

over the whole sky. So, one of the things that I do is try to

understand how we got from that first picture to that

second picture. So that first picture essentially

provides the initial conditions for large computer

simulations we do. So we take those initial fluctuations,

combine them with the amount of material, turn on gravity,

and see what happens. And what happens is you get, as I said,

structure on a very wide range of scales that gives us

information about, about the contents of the universe and

how it evolves. And one of the reasons we

have that information is because of the size of those

simulations. So those simulations have grown really

rapidly in the last several decades. So, on the left

side you see a simulation done in 1985 with 32,000 particles.

On the right side, the most,

we did the first very high resolution simulation of

a trillion particles in 2014, which,

which took several tens of millions of CPU hours on one

of the largest machines, in the world. So the reason that

those simulations give you information is because what

you're trying to do is model what the universe does in

the nonlinear regime. And what you can see, in this set of

movies, it's not showing up great there, but,

but what you can hopefully see these, these are two different

universes which have different sets of sim, of,

of parameters. One of them actually has more matter,

and ends up with larger fluctuations.

So if we do these kinds of simulations and

then compare them to what we see in the universe,

we can get information about what the universe is made of.

So what is the kind of data that we get from the sky?

So we're really just on the cusp of a huge

explosion of data from large surveys. We've really

been very data rich actually for the last 20 years.

But we're about to see a big new explosion.

So one of the surveys that I've been involved in for

a very long time which is getting data now is called

The Dark Energy Survey. The next generation we're

gonna actually instead of just making a 2D map of images in

multiple colors, we're actually gonna get a third

dimension using spectroscopy which is essentially,

you know, of the full rainbow of light from a galaxy.

And then the next generation telescope which is actually

being built right here down the road at slack,

is called The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.

And each of these sets, basically every five years

we're almost increasing by an order of magnitude the,

the amount of data we have and the richness.

So the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope is the largest

digital camera ever built at 3.2 gigapixel camera.

It will take a picture of the sky essentially every three

days you will get a new picture of half of the entire

sky. And it will be about 20 terabytes

a night for the ne, for 10 years. And so we want to

figure out how to make the most sense of this data,

just to give you a sense of the improvement in the images.

Right now we have about a third of the sky imaged at

roughly this resolution. If you look, if you, if you can

compare these images, this is, an image from a new telescope

called the Hyper Supreme Cam Telescope. It's not getting

quite as faint as LSST. But if you squint, you can see how

many new galaxies appear there in the faint regions.

And so we're gonna have pictures like this of

literally the entire sky. So it's gonna be

a really rich dataset to try to make sense of.

So, my work is really in doing these simulations to

understand what dark matter does on the full range of

scales, from inside an individual galaxy to literally

the scale of the whole universe. Then taking those

simulations of dark, of the dark matter distribution and

trying to model how it will look on the sky. Trying to

make realistic predictions that are as close as possible

as the actual measurements we get from a large telescope.

And then we wanna take those measurements from large

telescopes and

infer the fundamental physical parameters of the universe.

So we're trying to take, you know,

those billions of galaxies and turn them in to those things

like those seven numbers that describe the fundamental

physics of our universe and also more complicated models.

For example, they tell us about how galaxies formed,

how stars evolved, and those kinds of things.

So, I hope I've already convinced you that cosmology

is a data science. It's a very interesting data science.

We have models and simulations that allow us to predict how

the universe works on a wide range of scales and

those models are of varying levels of accuracy

on different, different kinds of scales. And we use various

approaches including lots of, different kinds of statistical

inference including machine learning to combine those

models with training data from parts of the universe which we

can actually observe really well to make predictions for

what the universe looks like as a whole and

how to infer the parameters that that determine how it

behave. One of the things that's really intrinsic

to almost all of our work, is really large multi-parameter

infer, inference that combines both the models and the data.

And we have a lot of interesting challenges which

have I think both similarities and

differences with more typical aspects of data science.

So one of the challenges is the, the kind of computation

that we need to do. So we are actually often computation

limited, and that's because the range of skills that we

need to do to understand. You know how something,

what something like the LSSG is gonna measure is all

the way from the physics that determines

how an individual galaxy forms,

all the way to the scale of literally the entire universe.

So we have to be smart about picking which pieces of that

problem we solve and in what combination. A second

challenge is that we often have really limited training

data so we can't actually observe all of the galaxies in

the universe at the resolution or with the precision that we

like. Sometimes those observations are very,

very expensive with the world's largest telescopes, or

sometimes even impossible. And so we have to be smart

about how we use that limited training data and

combine it with models to, to do inference.

A third challenge is that we care a lot about error bars.

We're really trying to tell you what is the physics of

the universe, and we don't wanna get it wrong.

[LAUGH] So we care a lot about those uncertainties and

about correlated errors between underlying parameters,

which are really fundamental. And I,

I think that's something which probably has impacted lots of

areas of sci, of data science but is not always taken

with the same care. A unique challenge that we have

in cosmology is that there's only one universe.

[LAUGH] and so we can't, you know, we, we, we can make lots

of model universes and that's what I do.

In a computer I try to make as many model universes as I can

and see which of them are correct. But we only have one

that we can actually go out and observe. So when I just

spend a couple of minutes on these three examples to give

you some specifics on some of those, those challenges and

how we're trying to solve them. So I, I, I mentioned

that we have very expensive theoretical calculations.

So sometimes you know, the most expensive numerical

simulations that we run take tens of millions of CPU hours,

months of time on the world's largest machines. And so, and

we increasingly need to make very accurate predictions.

We're trying to, you know, predict given statistics

that's sort of the 1% level over very large areas of

the universe. And so we have to be smart about how we do

that and so a couple of techniques that,

that we've been using. One is smart emulation.

So we basically combine a way of effectively sampling

the underlying parameter space with then effectively

interpolating between that set of points.

And we're, we're working on those kinds of techniques.

I think they have a lot of promise for, for doing this at

the accuracy that we need. A second tool that we use is

essentially combining theoretical predictions from

different scales or with different levels of physics.

So, an example of how to do that is that in some of

the simplest numerical simulations,

we just are simulating gravity. And that works really

well on large scales, larger than the size of the galaxy.

But once you get down closer to the scale of a galaxy,

you actually care about the full hydro dynamics of

the problem. And so we have to come up with creative ways of

combining those kind of very expensive simulations that we

can do on small-scales with very large volume simulations.

So a second challenge that we have is really

limited training data. So one example of that,

of a really fun project we've been working on recently is

we're trying to identify galaxies like the Milky Way

and find the little satellites that orbit them.

So that turns out to be a very hard observational problem,

which has potential to tell us about the nature of dark

matter. And it's hard because there is a lot of,

there is a lot of objects and you are looking for something

like a handful of objects of, in of order of 5,000.

And we wanna do that for, for, you know, for many systems.

And the training data is very expensive to get.

So we spend about 50 telescope nights on this project so

far and we got about 30 real system. We have a lot of non

real system and that also helps us learn what we

don't need to look at in the future. So that's great but

we have to be smart about how we use that limited training

data along with physical models to try to make the most

of the data that we have. So that's just one example.

And then the last example I'll give is, is on the in

the context of understanding errors. So, you know, there's

many image analysis problems in data science. You wanna

learn whether something is a, is a cat or a dog. And in our

case we don't just wanna know whether it's a cat or

a dog, we also wanna know what's the height of the dog,

how old is the dog, you know what color is the dog's fur

and how did it grow over time, right? So, and we wanna know

what is the precision on those measurements. So we had a,

a with some post docs here recent set of papers,

the first one that they looked at,

applying this to the problem of something called strong

gravitational lensing to use simulated images to infer

the physical properties of those lenses. And then we used

a technique called variational inference to obtain

the posteriors of basial neural nets to actually get

error bars on the parameters of those strong lenses.

And I think that's that's something which probably has

applications outside where we could used it.

So, I know I'm running out of time.

So I'll just end here and say, you know, we're really just

beginning a new generation of galaxy surveys that are gonna

basically take beautiful measurements of almost

the entire sky at very high precision with, with billions

of galaxies. And hopefully if we do our, our work right that

will allow us to learn this fundamental questions

of what the universe is made of. And this is really very

interesting problem with very interesting, data challenges.

And part of the way forward is this combination of large

computer simulations, smart choices of which models to use

and which parts of the models we can actually train directly

with data from our universe. So thank you very much.


>> So we have time for

one question. So while you're thinking and the mic goes on,

I have a question for you. >> Yeah.

>> You're saying you're

making a lot of universes.

>> Yes.

>> So have you made some that

are better than the one we have right now?

>> [LAUGH] None of my

universes have Earths. [LAUGH] >> There is something wrong

with your models. >> [LAUGH]

>> Okay questions from

the audience? Yeah there's one in the back

there. >> It's absolutely amazing

to see all this work that's going on. I was wondering u,

for physics has there been any moves to citizen science or

raise people who aren't physicist and

can get involved in stuff like this?

>> Yeah, they're absolutely

have and there's been really interesting ways in which

citizen science projects have really improved our learning.

So the last large imaging survey called

the Sloan Digital Sky Survey did a number of very

large citizen science projects.

Starting with something called Galaxy Zoo.

Which actually now has become the label for a large range

of citizen science projects well outside of astronomy.

So, the original Galaxy Zoo project was focusing on

identifying galaxy morphology which is a problem that turns

out is much better so far done by humans than by machines.

Machines are actually basically caught up by now.

But that's largely based on that large amount of training

data that was generated by volunteers.

>> Great. Well, thank you so

much, Risa, for this wonderful addition to and

showing something a little bit different than an Airbnb or

an Uber, right, that we're gonna have later.

So thanks very much again. >> Thank

you. >> Yep.


For more infomation >> Risa Wechsler: Cosmologists use data science to explain the origins of the universe - Duration: 18:36.


DIVINE 5 RANKED DOTA 2 TOP 100 LION/VENGE 04/10/18 - Duration: 10:39:41.

For more infomation >> DIVINE 5 RANKED DOTA 2 TOP 100 LION/VENGE 04/10/18 - Duration: 10:39:41.


Special Report With Bret Baier 04/10/18 6PM | April 10, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:31.

For more infomation >> Special Report With Bret Baier 04/10/18 6PM | April 10, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:31.


Chicago Magazine Profile Draws Critics - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Chicago Magazine Profile Draws Critics - Duration: 1:38.


HSN | Healthy Innovations 04.10.2018 - 04 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Healthy Innovations 04.10.2018 - 04 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


New Bangla Short Waz | Apnader Sathe Jururi Kotha | Sheikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2018 [FHD] - Duration: 4:46.

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