Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 11 2018

Facebook Busted In Who They've Been Paying To Secretly Take Down Conservatives On Their


The top news story of the day is that Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, is answering

questions before Congress about a data breach and possible censorship that his company has

been involved in.

While many consider this to be a fool's errand, and that the monster that is Facebook

will never change, it's also the responsibility of those in Congress to at least attempt to

get to the bottom of this troubling issue.

Despite the fact that Facebook has made their bias very clear in the way that they filter

the information that users see, they're attempting to maintain that they're only

a vehicle for the information and that users get complete control over what they see on

their own pages.

If believed, This accomplishes a few things, not the least of which is that they can continue

to filter content they don't like, without being branded discriminatory.

However, in order to understand if the company truly has a bias among those making the decisions,

the political affiliations of those people have to be factored in.

According to Breitbart News, the politics of many of those working at Facebook is clear,

not just by how they vote, but by who they've worked for:

"During his recent apology tour, Mark Zuckerberg notably failed to mention recent revelations

about the Obama 2012 campaign's, exploitation of the platform's weak pre-2014 data protections,

to harvest masses of data from non-consenting users.

The number of ex-Obama staffers on his payroll, according to Linkedin, might explain why.

The establishment media narrative on the Facebook data scandal hit a snag last month.

They hoped the story would be restricted to Cambridge Analytica, a data analytics firm

that they linked to the Cruz and Trump campaigns, and their alleged misuse of data.

But a bigger story soon emerged, linked to a longtime media favorite: Barack Obama.

By the admission of Barack Obama's former media analytics director, Carol Davidsen,

the former president hoovered up far more data without users' consent in 2012, when

Facebook's data policies were (as Facebook now concedes) far more vulnerable to exploitation

than they were in 2016.

Mark Zuckerberg admits that, prior to its strengthening of user protections in 2014,

Facebook made a critical error in allowing third-party apps to harvest data not just

from users who gave them consent, but from their non-consenting friends.

What he didn't mention was the digital campaigning tools developed by Obama for America were

among the apps that took advantage of this loophole.

In the words of Carol Davidsen, who oversaw data analytics at Obama for America in 2012,

the campaign was "actually able to ingest the entire social network of the U.S." Davidsen

made these comments publicly as early as 2015, but they received little attention at the


In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica story, Davidsen made another bombshell admission

on social media — that Facebook representatives visited the Obama campaign offices after the

2012 election and told them they were allowed to get away with it because "they were on

their side."

Conservatives, above everyone else, want business owners, Zuckerberg in particular, to understand

that they have a plethora of freedoms in their business.

The problem is that if Facebook truly is banning people and content over opinions that they

don't agree with, they're completely contradicting the doctrine of tolerance that they've preached

for so long.

What Congress needs first, is for Zuckerberg to be honest.

Before seeing the names and employment backgrounds of some of the top staffers at Facebook, have

a listen to what Zuckerberg said when questions by Texas Senator Ted Cruz about the political

affiliations of those who decide what gets deleted off the Facebook that you supposedly


Now, while not all of those tens of thousands of people have public backgrounds that can

be researched, there are plenty of high-level executives that do have public information

about them on the world wide web.

Many of which used to work for Obama and Clinton

After working for Obama, many of these employees returned to Facebook, some of whom now occupy

senior positions at the company, according to their Linkedin profiles.

If you'd like to see the whole list, you may do so here

"Nureen Ehab Khadr, Marketing Specialist, Middle East & North Africa.

Formerly an Organizing Fellow at Organizing for America.

Veronica Rocha, Contracts Administrator at Facebook.

Formerly Organizing Fellow at Obama for America.

Rachel Jamail, Site Lead at Facebook.

Formerly consulted with the office of FLOTUS Michelle Obama on "high-priority marketing


Formerly a board member of the Anti-Defamation League.

Brett Brownell, Content Strategist at Facebook, previously worked as Deputy New Media Director

for Pennsylvania in Obama's 2008 campaign.

Also worked for MSNBC and Mother Jones

David Ginsberg, currently Director of UX and Strategic Research at Facebook.

Formerly debate prep lead for Vice President Joe Biden in 2012.

Joel Cohen, Client Solutions Manager for Travel at Facebook.

Formerly Senior Manager for Digital Advertising at Hillary for America in 2016, and a Digital

Advertising Strategist at Obama for America in 2012.

In between the two campaigns, he also worked at Facebook.

Nellwyn Thomas, currently works in Data Science for Facebook.

Formerly Deputy Chief Analytics Officer at Hillary for America.

In total, we found 45 employees who had previously worked or volunteered with the Hillary campaigns,

the Obama campaigns, or the Obama White House and are now employed by Facebook, Facebook-owned

companies, or the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative.

This does not include Facebook employees who do not have Linkedin accounts or neglected

to mention past experience on their profiles.

Facebook's ties to the Obama White House are similar to that of Google, which also

appeared to have a revolving-door relationship with the former administration.

Andrew Breitbart once wrote of the 'Democrat-media complex.'

Clearly, there now exists a 'Democrat-Silicon Valley complex' as well.

Facebook denies Carol Davidsen's claim that the company gave the Obama campaign any special

favors in 2012.

A Facebook spokeswoman said, 'both the Obama and Romney campaigns had access to the same

tools, and no campaign received any special treatment from Facebook.'"

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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Hey Youtube Fam. It's ya girl Lia back again with another video and as you can see

from the title today's video is another vlog video. And today's vlog is my last

day at my job. That's correct. If you follow me on Instagram and Snapchat

you've been along with me on the journey. You know that I have been working up to

my two weeks. I have given my two weeks notice two

weeks ago today and today has finally come. If you don't follow me on instagram

please do lialavon899 everybody has been hitting my DmS like we feel like

we've been on this journey with you. I have been counting down the day. Who knew

that 10 business days 80 hours could last so long but now I'm finally on my

last eight hours. So I'm about to head into work. I dressed up today because one

I knew I was gonna be vlogging this thing I will look stupid and 2 because

it's like your last day I want them to remember how fire Talia was every day

when she stepped into that office. Now I've been getting a lot of questions

from everybody like are you leaving are you leaving a job to do YouTube

full-time is that what you're doing girl congratulations. So many people were hitting

the box. And I was like thank y'all for believing in me so hard that I could do

this thing full-time. Thank you guys out there but no I am NOT. I am leaving this

job for a better opportunity in the same field. So I'm still doing recruiting. I'm

still working in HR. I'm still you know the same boring HR girl that I was

before I'm just gonna do it in a different location. But I'm gonna roll

with you guys and take you through my day. Of course I can't show you

everything because my office is a very confidential office but I'm gonna walk

you through and show you my last. Let me I'm so sad I'm getting rid of this name

tag. I guess you guys can't really see it that good. I'll a insert a picture right

now, I was looking fire back in these days.

This wasn't my first day. They let me retake over my my badge photo because I

wanted to slay in my badge photo. I had in the Outre Bohemian curl hair. When

I first started this job I wasn't the crochet queen that I am now but they've

gotten used to my different styles and when I ease into my new job Imma have to

ease them into the Lia Lavon vibe because they're gonna know Talia right

off bat. But let me not ramble on I don't want to be

but what they gonna do fire me. Let's go

So I have now made it to the office and it's like weird because this in the last

day in my deck. Now one thing I will not miss is this uptown parking. Now I gotta

get my badge parking is like over 150 dollars uptown. I'm not gonna miss

having to pay them uptown parking prices but however I will miss uptown. Now I

didn't say this I'm not gonna be working in Charlotte anymore so sad face.

I'm gonna miss. I'll still live in Charlotte honey because I'm not moving

to the outskirts of Charlotte. I'm still a Charlottean

and if I'm going to live anywhere in North Carolina of course it was going to

be Charlotte. So I'm going to still live but where I work is a little bit outside

of Charlotte. Let me go in turn in my badge and have a good day but like I'm

going to miss this view. Like can we talk about this for a second. Let me get out

the car first. Let me go in to the job first honey. Like this view you wouldn't

miss this view.

So now my day is over. It is 5:17 p.m. They let me go home a little bit early. I

normally get off at 5:30 and I left at five but everybody was giving me my

congratulations and sending me off. So everything was good. I did cry a little

bit. I did cry. I'm a crier. When stuff changes in life like you understand like

some people out there you get it. It's not like you're sad crying but you're

moving on to a new phase of your life and if you work 40 hours a week

those people you spend more time with them a lot of times than your family

sometimes. So you do get a bond whether it's a good bond or a bad bond

you still get a bond with somebody and it's sad to let that go. But they did

give me little treats today. They gave me little gifts. They gave me wine so it was

a good send-off. It was a good thing and then I got messages throughout the day

today from people still thinking that I am leaving my job to do Youtube

full time. Again thank you guys so much for believing in me that I could do this

full-time but once again I don't think I would ever be a full-time youtuber. Like

I guess I don't .I don't know .I just couldn't imagine myself not being in the

corporate world. Like I know you're supposed to do something you're

passionate about as your full-time job and I'm really passionate about YouTube.

But it's just something about like this whole internet thing. Like I'm old-fashioned.

I don't know how long internet gonna be around and how long things are gonna

be things. I'm somebody who needs my 401K. I need my benefits . I need my medical

insurance. My life insurance. I need everything set up and you know how

employers make that all easy in one little benefits package. I'm gonna have

to figure out what that stuff out on my own. I gotta be my own person. Come up

with my own thing and I know people who are self-employed say oh I do that all

the time. But me I don't. I gotta figure. I would have to figure so

much stuff out but it's not off the table. It's not completely off the table.

I will never say never. But I as of right now cannot see me being a

full-time youtuber. So now I have made it home for the day. You guys be wanting to

see like a day of the life. They always be like vlog more Talia. Vlog

more we want to see more of your life. We want to be part invested and I'm

like y'all really think I got stuff going on. Y'all really think I'm like the

Jackie Aina Makeupshayla who has that kind of life.

I go to work. I work and then I come home and then I'm doing YouTube stuff most of

the time which is editing and all that. I'm like basically y'all be wanting to

see a day of my life but y'all lives are way more impactful and probably better

and more things going on than my life. I need to get out more. I need to be more

adventurous. I put that on my to-do list 2018 and now we are in March. But I did

at least do the new job thing. You can't do everything baby steps baby steps. I've

done a house tour before but if you guys. You guys always want to see more. You

guys with my videos are like what's beyond the stairs. Take us

beyond the stairs. Let's do a little beyond the stairs moment. You guys have

seen the living room those are the stairs of course you guys have seen this

before if you guys saw my last day in the life vlog. But very pristine and I

have to say my roommate is the reason why this is so pristine. Now we do have

our dining room table that I have literally never eaten at before.

Sometimes things are meant to be looked at and not to be you know utilized. Then

we have the kitchen. Typically this stuff isn't here but of course they gave me

gifts at work today and Dunkin Donuts and then they took me out to this Thai

restaurant. So that's. That this is my roommates little office space little

little office space she got going on right now. She keeps it so pristine. Next part

of my day is bringing my a dog outside and walking her. She kind of walks on her

own but we do this. So as soon as I get home from work I walk her. And I don't

ever feature fluffy on this channel. I've had her for five years but I feel

like am I a bad dog mom because I don't feature her enough or my good dog mom

because I keep her out of the limelight. I'm keeping her out of the

YouTube world getting her out away from other crazy. So yes this is fluffy

fluffy is 14 years old 14 I got her when she was 9 so I already knew she was a

senior citizen when I got her so another little thing they let me take home with

me was my name tag they let me take home my little name tag so now it is about

6:30 and I typically post around 6:30 to seven Monday Wednesday if you guys do

not but it's like 6:30 I think the video is

ready to go so I'm going to hit publish on it you guys get to see what goes on

behind the scenes of posting a video so this is it this is what goes behind the

scenes it's how I literally do I switch the video from and like I said it's like

6:30 7:00 it's somewhere between 6 I'm never on the dot and then I go from

private cuz of course you guys couldn't see it before to public then the next

thing I do I go on IG and I let you guys know I'm gonna do a better job that IG a

lot of times I feel like my IG is basically just telling you guys to check

out my new video on YouTube I pick my own self I paint my game I got to do

better with the Instagram thing I'm gonna show y'all what's really going on

in my life I do post a lot more on my IG stories I'm getting better at that but I

admit typically after I do this step I go on and post until you guys to check

me out every and typically you guys are good about it you guys are good some of

y'all guys are notification bells on I'd be peeping it turn them off so y'all can

be part of the family I know you two be playing games sometimes some people

don't get your videos some people do but if you got your bell on you always do

you always get it and this is pretty much my day like I'm gonna really chill

like today's a Wednesday so my last day is on a Wednesday and I don't start my

new jobs till Monday so I try to give myself a little bit of leeway like I'm

so excited for this next phase of my career like a YouTube is always what

makes me happy YouTube makes me happy on so many levels and I love talking to you

guys but my career is something that you know I strive for I went to school for

this I really I put a lot of money behind a lot of money is behind this

degree so I'm gonna make sure that it is really worth it I feel like this week in

terms of YouTube I'm not excited about the content that I put out truly I'll be

honest with you guys I'm gonna let you guys in a non secret the video I just

posted there's another wig review I love doing real reviews but of course I love

crochet I hear stuff more but I can't do it every single day you guys know

crocheting here's stuff I can't do like I've had this hair in for a while now I

have to keep crocheting here and for a while so sometimes my ideas get stale

and this week I'm be honest with you wasn't that fond of putting up this

video Monday's video was not Express halt I've been sitting on that

video if you guys see in that video I have one cozy deep I had that hair in in

January I filmed that video and November November I feel my clothing portion

January I film I sit down talking to you guys portion on my stairs and then two

on Monday March the whatever the end of March I posted the video so I just

really wasn't that keen on that video I'm letting you guys in a little bit of

love letter on the Lee love on a secret I wasn't that thought of that and I'm

not fond of the video I'm posting Friday I the hourglass foundation review I

didn't love that foundation but I didn't love that video either

oopsie but that comes out on Friday and if you can tell I have the main concept

beach curl hair in that video I haven't had that hair in since November that was

my birthday here and we are again in March so letting you guys know these are

videos that have been sitting on the shelf for a while that just because I've

been in transition from going to one job to the next job and trying to get ready

and trying to refocus and everything I'm just putting out kind of old content new

to you guys old to me that I've been sitting on so don't judge me too hard on

these videos but in April I'm coming with some fire I know I started a new

job but the video content that I got prepared for April now I could be so

disappointed and be like Oh everything was garbage but I got some fire coming

out ways just be on the lookout for the fire but that's my blog like I sit here

and then my night is basically uploading this video you know Buffy has been fit

for the night I'm gonna switch over maybe watch a show or two today's

Wednesday I gave up on Empire so watch that anymore

but I'll find something find something to watch and then I'm gonna be in bed

like y'all be wanting these vlogs but I'll start vlogging more when I have

more going on but when it's like Monday through Friday just know the girl behind

Leah Vaughn and the screen that you guys see in the videos that you guys see I

need I need a life let me know down below in the comments what do y'all do

like y'all are single in your later 20s mid to late 20s and you have a fun life

what do you do if you don't have kids or anything what do you do let me let me in

on that secret because I feel left out over here make sure that you're

following me on so Graham at Lamont 89 cuz you would

have been known everybody been shootin me and my DMS and like girl this has

been the longest two weeks of your life everybody knew about my two weeks notice

everybody would knowing about what's going on in my life you don't if you

don't follow me on social media make sure you're following me on snapchat I

do share some stuff on snapchat too so follow me there mister Lea 89 and I will

see you in my next video bye



I Love To Write ~ Positive Affirmations For Writing | Affirmations & Law Of Attraction - Duration: 30:21.

I Love To Write ~ Positive Affirmations For Writing | Affirmations & Law Of Attraction

For more infomation >> I Love To Write ~ Positive Affirmations For Writing | Affirmations & Law Of Attraction - Duration: 30:21.



To naturalne połączenie ma mnóstwo właściwości zdrowotnych: obniża poziom cholesterolu i ciśnienie krwi, zapobiega zawałom, miażdżycy, a także likwiduje takie problemy jak katar i grypa. 

Czosnek to idealne rozwiązanie dla ludzi, którzy cierpią z powodu powiększonego gruczołu krokowego, cukrzycy, zapalenia kości i stawów. Dodatkowo wzmacnia układ odpornościowy i oczyszcza organizm.

Jego właściwości zdrowotne można zintensyfikować jeśli zmieszamy go z miodem. To połączenie jest lepsze niż chemioterapia i świetnie oczyszcza organizm z toksyn.

Jeśli chcesz wykorzystać wszystkie korzyści zdrowotne płynące ze spożycia czosnku, powinieneś go zmiażdżyć i pozostawić na 15 minut.

Spożywaj tę mieszankę przed każdym posiłkiem, aby wykorzystać jej zalety w 100%. Po połączeniu miodu i czosnku otrzymasz całkowicie naturalny specyfik, który odmieni Twoje ciało.

Składniki.Ocet jabłkowy.Łyżka soku z cytryny.Łyżka imbiru (tartego).2 papryczki chili.5 ząbków czosnku.Sposób przygotowania.Wrzuć wszystko do słoika o pojemności ok. 350ml, zalej octem jabłkowym i dokładnie zamknij.

Stosowanie.Jedz dwie łyżeczki tego specyfiku, dwa razy dziennie, jeśli cierpisz z powodu przeziębienia, grypy, bólu gardła oraz aby zwiększyć odporność.

Zastrzyk energii.2-3  zmiażdżone ząbki czosnku.Łyżka miodu.Zmieszaj czosnek i miód oraz spożywaj dwie łyżeczki codziennie.



NEW Fantasy DISNEY Pin Unboxing! - Duration: 7:04.

hey guys welcome back to Coral joy travel today I'm going to be doing a

short video on a fantasy pin company that I found through one of you and

Julia you're one of my subscribers that shared with me

this small business attractioneerring trading company if you haven't yet

watched I did a pin unboxing I'll leave a link in the "I" above my friend Julia

shared with me this Mainstreet letters pin and I will is right there I don't

know if you can see it I had never seen that pin before I was fascinated now

again this is a fantasy pins they've created incredible pin so of course I

had to go to their company and I saw their shop and then I saw all of these

pins that I needed to have great prices super fast shipping I have other things

that I need to unbox but honestly this is the one I want to emboss this because

I'm dying to see what these pins are and what these pins look like the ones they

purchase now one of them happens to be a Haunted Mansion pin which Geeks me out

the other one was oh yeah the other one was a Magic Kingdom Cinderella Castle

pin with a crane in the back because I don't know about you but I've certainly

been creamed bombed in photos at the Cinderella Castle if you have a photo

with a crane in your castle give me a thumbs up okay because I know in that

alone I have a ton of photos with cranes and I thought that was so clever and

then the other one I picked up was an up inspired pin with the mailbox so I

cannot wait to see these oh sweet so first I have this postcard that is from

them ooh there's even a promo code whoo-hoo I'll even share the promo code

with you because then you'll get this promo code too but the promo code says

wildest ride and you'll say 10% you guys so hello and it says hey Coral we hope

you love your new cargo come on that's cute enjoy and it says the owners needs

alright I think I'm gonna show you oh my gosh the Haunted Mansion variety it's so

awesome I'll give you a close-up right now yeah

I'm absolutely in love with this it's kind of like a matte white and purple

and she's got her hatchet bad girl she's such a bad ride I mean anyone who's a

haunted mansion fan will need this pin trust me Thanks

okay I'm loving this what do they do with my oh here it is my telegram solar

alright next let's see what when I pick up Oh sick

I cannot get over how adorable this pin is and there's even this dangling

element with a Hidden Mickey head on the bucket of a crane and it says the most

magical crane on earth that kind of humor is my kind of humor and it's a

glittery on the bottom and the colors are perfection and the castle is

gorgeous it's like Cinderella's Birds the

Bluebird it's holding up the banner on the bottom let me show you a close-up of

this one you even have Tinkerbell on the backer card kind of putting some pixie

dust on this

okay you guys know you love this I mean I mean how cute is this it's cute so the

website is attraction Neri dot-com and I mean even the back of the card is

detailed when you wish upon a crane come on then it's just so funny and the last

one is the up one oh and this one was like a limited edition because I think

they have one of these but it's not glittery but when I have the option of

glitter glitter is good so I got the glittery one and it says

relationshipgoals with Carl and Ellie's handprints let me show you a close-up of

these I actually don't collect up pins but I needed this pin I don't know it

just spoke to me i i've been married almost 20 years okay I know hard to

imagine what is true and I think they really are relationship goals so I I

would be so happy to be like Carl and Nelly growing up all together and then

you know saving my funds for an adventure that sounds like my kind of

life and I think I'm kind of living that right now which is pretty cool so let me

show you a close-up of this one isn't the glitter on that just so cute

so these are the three pins that I picked up an attraction earring calm

thanks to my friend Julia without you Julia I would never have been introduced

to this company or maybe I would have been but it would be not as soon as I

was now so I like I said as soon as I saw that Main Street mailbox pin with

the hinge that opens up and you see an envelope I knew I would love this

you guys super impressed highly recommend you go visit them if you are a

Disney pin collector and you like fantasy pins as well these obviously I

can't trade in the parks but I don't want to trade them in the parks I just

want them for my own a Disney theme collection and obviously they're big

Disney fans because they have this sign of sense of humor they're right up my

alley I would definitely suggest you go visiting them and if you want to pick up

pick up a pin use that pin code I don't get anything from it I just want to help

save you some money so yeah listen let's save money when we can and then we can

save some extra money to go to Disney if you liked this pin unboxing please give

this a thumbs up share it with your Disney pin collecting friends and

introduce with this company to them and if you're not yet a subscriber to coral

joy travel please consider subscribing today I love to share my love of Disney

my tips tricks and my Disney unboxings with you until next time have a great

day coral joy travel a touch of magic sharing joy bye guys

For more infomation >> NEW Fantasy DISNEY Pin Unboxing! - Duration: 7:04.


WORKOUT With Everyday Objects In YOUR HOME | AT HOME FULL BODY WORKOUT!! - Duration: 7:36.

Working out we all work out or at least we should all work out

But a lot of us can't afford the overpriced gym equipment the overpriced gym memberships

I know there's a fugitive memberships that are pretty cheap, and you can get some cheap equipment, but that's not the point today

I'm going to be showing you how to workout with just a few objects around your house

Literally probably anybody has these objects might not have a few of them


It'll give you an idea of

What you can work with and what you can do to work out when you don't have the high priced gym equipment when you don't

Have a gym membership, or you're even too lazy to just go to the gym so stay tuned

I'm gonna show you a few things you can workout with without leaving the comfort of your home

Why spend all this money on this freaking equipment

Well this is yoga ball whoo we didn't use his younger balls anymore

Why use all that expensive stuff when you can just use stuff around the house?

So I'm gonna show you a few quick things that you can use around the house that are cheap and that you use every single

Day, let's get started

Also if you couldn't tell I'm in my garage here in my garage, it's messy whose garage isn't messy okay?

Let's be real with ourselves, but yeah, that's besides the fact okay, so the first thing that we can use around our house

Is some water jugs alright everybody has water jugs everybody has milk jugs if you don't have them

Why why don't you have get an empty milk carton fill them up with water you have almost ten pounds of weights right here in

Each hand that you can use for multiple different workouts first, then you can use it for some shoulder workout

Boom easy as that if you're weak like me you can even use them for some curls

You're weak again like me you can also use them for some hammer curls

I'm honestly already feeling the burn

And this is the first thing that we've used just one simple thing that you can find around your house

Let's move on to the next object the next object

We can use might be a little obscure, but I'm pretty sure almost everybody has this we can use it for squat

We can use it for deadlift can be used for a lot of things and it's a ladder

We can use a ladder for a lot of easy things like so put your hand in the hole and get your squat on

You can even use it for some military press if you want

If you want you can even curl it

Man come on a breath, this is actually really hard

The next object a lot of people might not have but I have it

So I'm gonna use a for an example and hopefully you can get any ideas from it, so what we got are some benches

So with these benches you can do some roads again some curls

You could probably definitely do some tricep workout too, so I'm just gonna do a few of those things as an example. Oh

Guys I'm not gonna lie to you it might look easy which it probably does look easy

But it's actually not that easy. This is pretty difficult. I'm breaking a sweat. You know I'm visiting home right now

I have a gym in my apartment back where I live

It's really accessible to just go upstairs and go right to the gym, but here at home

I don't just have a gym upstairs in my house the nearest gym like facility

That Gold's or Planet Fitness we went on pretty good ways away and that costs money, but here

We've got a lot of tags like this

That you can just get at home that are free

well free after you buy them and

Use them for other things

But you know what I mean

You can ease they use stuff around the house to workout with there's there's so many things. You just have to use your imagination

And come up with a workout that you can do daily weekly

There's so many things you give you guys you just have to use your imagination. Let's move on to the next workout

The next thing I'm pretty sure everybody has this I know I have

Like five or six of them, I don't know why but

It's a nice chest as ice tries to be used for many things what I'm going to use it for hey some deadlift

So you're gonna get the ice chest if you ever fill up with some of the most random

Heaviest things you could find and we're gonna deadlift it. Let's see what we could find

The first thing I'm gonna throw in there is the water jugs I use because why not

Alright now that we have all our objects in let's begin to lifting

Also guys with any of these things you can do calves

You can literally hold it and just do calf raises with any single one of these things. It'll work

I promise you I did calves yesterday, so my calves are actually on fire right now

And I just don't want to do calves again

So guys the best part about all this is you can get so creative with the weight with what you're doing how you're doing it

Because it's your stuff you dictate how much it weighs you dictate how much stuff you put in this ice chest so yeah

That's one of the best things about doing all of this

There's a bird that just flew by obviously we also have the stable things such as push-ups

Planks mountain climbers. I'll do a couple's right now

Let's get it

This is time

Doing those barefoot might not have been the smartest idea

But you get the point you can literally do anything you put your mind to okay my breath, but yeah

You can do anything you put your mind to you just have to be creative with it

I'm not gonna lie to y'all holding this camera as a shoulder workout in itself. Oh, man

There's so many other things

that I probably didn't think of that y'all can that you can do at home if you do an at-home workout like this and

You have other interesting ways that you do it tweet them at me

DM me on Instagram post them on Instagram do whatever you want, I watch it all like it all comes on it

I'll follow you I'll do all that, but yeah

This is obviously really fun to do because you know you're in the comfort of your own home

It's at your own expense. You can use whatever equipment you want. There's no other people not a crowded gym

It's literally just so much easier, so I told you with this video if you're gonna attempt this at home workout

If you just like me as a person or even if you don't go ahead and like the video subscribe

Comment what other workouts I can do cuz I know a lot of y'all are really smart have really good

Imaginations can think of really good things. I can do let me know about that. I'll see y'all next time

They go so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed peace out

For more infomation >> WORKOUT With Everyday Objects In YOUR HOME | AT HOME FULL BODY WORKOUT!! - Duration: 7:36.


Thomas & Teresa | Echo (+Spoilers TDC) - Duration: 1:50.


Do you still think about him?

I can help you with that those memories.

I want to remember.


Where are they taking her?

Is she okay?

You're not her.


- When the hell does it stop? - It stops when we find a cure.

- There is no goddamn cure!

I'm sorry.

I tried.

I know.


For more infomation >> Thomas & Teresa | Echo (+Spoilers TDC) - Duration: 1:50.


Hyundai i30 1.4 CRDi 5drs i-Drive Cool Airco/4seizoenbanden - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.4 CRDi 5drs i-Drive Cool Airco/4seizoenbanden - Duration: 0:59.


Seat Arosa 1.4i Nieuwe APK! - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i Nieuwe APK! - Duration: 0:44.


Hyundai i30 CW 1.4i Blue Drive Climate control/LM-velgen - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 CW 1.4i Blue Drive Climate control/LM-velgen - Duration: 1:00.


House Speaker Paul Ryan Won't Seek Re-Election | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> House Speaker Paul Ryan Won't Seek Re-Election | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:28.


How to Know if You've Married the Wrong Person - Duration: 8:48.

How to Know if You�ve Married the Wrong Person

By Christine Carter

When my first marriage failed, I wanted desperately to fall in love and start again.

I wanted to show my princess-obsessed little girls that lasting love was possible; that

their romantic dreams could come true.

That my romantic dreams could come true.

When I met Mark, the man who is now my second husband, I was optimistic.

He met my propensity for anxiety with a proclivity for deep calm.

He told me that he wanted to dedicate the second half of his life to romance.

I was sold.

Even better, no one was a bigger champion of me (or my work) than him.

In that first year together, he gushed over me in a way that only my grandmother had done


It felt great.

Four years after we met, we married.

It was something I had to talk Mark into; going through a divorce is hard, and neither

of us were eager to go through that again.

But I think I had a deeper agenda, one I couldn�t see then.

I think I wanted to marry Mark in part because I didn�t want to raise my kids alone.

It was so much more fun to have an adult to talk to at night.

I also married Mark�again, unconsciously�in an attempt to preserve those feelings of being

adored which are the hallmark of the early stage of almost every relationship.

Nothing could be more romantic than a wedding and a honeymoon; nothing, in theory, could

make our relationship more permanent than marriage.

This is obviously faulty logic.

There was, of course, no actual connection between the feelings I wanted to resurrect

and the institution of marriage.

Indeed, as Alain de Botton has so wisely written, we attempt to use marriage to �make nice

feelings permanent.� He continues:

Marriage tends decisively to move us onto another, very different and more administrative

plane, which perhaps unfolds in a suburban house, with a long commute and maddening children

who kill the passion from which they emerged.

The only ingredient in common is the partner.

And that might have been the wrong ingredient to bottle.

Marriage did move us onto a decisively different plane, complete with a move to the suburbs

and the ensuing long commute.

Three of our teenagers decided to live full-time with us (the fourth goes to boarding school).

This was a departure from the week-on, week-off custody arrangements we were used to.

Mark and I lost all the alone-time we had as a couple, but our family life blossomed.

I thrived in a house full of teenagers.

Without the time to ourselves we were used to�and with some significant family stressors

hammering away at us�Mark and I started operating a little more like middle-aged business

partners than twenty-somethings in love.

It became unclear to me how people with teenagers underfoot could ever have sex without the

constant (and libido-killing) threat of interruption.

An unending family feud about how to load our new dishwasher developed.

Recently, in the midst of the still-ongoing dishwasher feud, dozens of text messages deep

into an argument about why it is idiotic/wasteful to rinse dishes before loading them into the

dishwasher, I realized: Once again, I have married the wrong person.

Or had I?

Stop the world I know I�m not alone with my questions.

Do you, too, sometimes have a sinking feeling that you did not marry �the one�?

Perhaps you have married a person with whom the sex is not always frequent, passionate,

and surprising.

Perhaps your spouse�s blind adoration seems to be fading?

Do the two of you sometimes feel contempt or defensiveness in the face of each other�s

�helpful� feedback?

If that sounds familiar, you have likely married the wrong person.

That�s okay.

Here�s what I didn�t understand until recently: We all marry the wrong person.

Or, rather, we marry people for reasons that don�t really pan out over the long haul.

According to the brilliant de Botton, we mustn�t abandon our flawed spouses simply because

our marriages aren�t living up to childhood daydreams.

Instead, we need to jettison �the Romantic idea upon which the Western understanding

of marriage has been based the last 250 years: that a perfect being exists who can meet all

our needs and satisfy our every yearning.�

It�s no small feat for me to let go of this cultural ideal.

For many decades, it has housed my most cherished hopes and dreams.

In middle school, I started fantasizing about having a man to �stop the world and melt

with,� thanks to Modern English, and despite no lasting evidence that such a person existed,

I have never really stopped awaiting his arrival.

It�s not that I haven�t been in love: I have.

I am in love with my husband now.

But every time I wish he were different�every time I wish he would do, say, or be something

that he isn�t�it�s as though I�m expecting him to be someone else.

It�s as though Prince Charming could be just around the bend, if only�

It�s this gap between expectation and reality that generates all of life�s disappointments.

We human beings have a wonderful capacity to create rich fantasies.

But when we expect our reality to match a fantasy and life doesn�t deliver what we

imagined it would, it�s hard to feel anything other than cheated.

The truth is not very appealing: There is no prince in shining armor coming to save

me from my loneliness and anxiety, to rescue me from my feelings of inadequacy.

It begs hard questions: Can I consistently feel grateful for what I do have, rather than

disappointed in what I don�t?

Can I let go of my attachment to a cultural idea that is, quite literally, a fairy tale?

In truth, I don�t really want to let go of my romantic fantasies.

I like them.

They are like the promise of an amazing meal or unforgettable vacation.

And every once in a while, I do, in fact get one of those things.

Choosing imperfection As if he knew that I�ve been thinking about

all this, the other day in the car Mark asked me if I�d marry him again, knowing what

I know now.

Actually, he didn�t ask so much as he asserted, with good humor, that he knew I wouldn�t

marry him again.

�You�d marry someone more spiritual,� he declared.

�And more emotionally expressive.

Someone younger.�

�I would choose you,� I insisted, and not just because I don�t like to be told

what I do and don�t like.

In my heart I knew it was true: I would marry him again and again, even now that I know

that marriage is not necessarily easier or more pleasant than being alone, even accepting

that marriage does not have any power to transport us back into a state of romantic bliss.

I know now that no actual human being can ever measure up to the romantic fantasy of

a soulmate.

Mark might be imperfect (and imperfect-for-me), but I am also highly imperfect and, as such,

imperfect for him.

It�s such a fair match.

It�s clear that all along I�ve been asking the wrong question.

�Are you the right person for me?� leads only to stress and judgment and suffering.

Determining the rightness of a match between ourselves and another is a fundamentally flawed

enterprise, because nothing outside of ourselves�nothing we can buy, achieve, and certainly no other

person�can fix our brokenness, can bring us the lasting joy that we crave.

A more empowering�and more deeply romantic�question is: Am I the right person for you?

A more constructive (and potentially satisfying) proposition is to ask: Can I accommodate your

imperfections with humor and grace?

Can I tolerate your inability to read my mind and make everything all-better?

Can I negotiate our disagreements with love and intelligence?

Without losing myself to fear and emotion?

Am I willing to do the introspective work required of marriage?

Can I muster the self-awareness needed to keep from driving you away?

Do I think I am brave enough to continue loving you, despite your flaws, and, more importantly,

despite mine?

I do.

For more infomation >> How to Know if You've Married the Wrong Person - Duration: 8:48.



For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Cabrio 320I 320 I SUMMER NED.AUTO, XENON, LEDER, NAVIGATIE, ELEKT. STOELEN, LM-VELGEN - Duration: 1:00.


10 Progresiones de Jazz PART 1 - con subtitulos - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> 10 Progresiones de Jazz PART 1 - con subtitulos - Duration: 11:46.


Blockchain Technology For Video Creators | VIDGIV ICO REVIEW - Duration: 10:43.

what is going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today we

got another SEO review for you guys you guys have been loving the ico reviews

and the undervalued altcoin reviews so hopefully we continue and you guys do

enjoyed this one before we get started though guys if you guys are new to the

channel and you guys have no subscribe make sure you do hit the subscribe

button down below as well as the bell icon next but to get notified every time

we release a new video we have daily cryptocurrency market updates and news

videos as well as ico reviews and undervalued all coins almost daily not

daily but though the reviews are almost daily but anyways let's jump right into

this today's ico review is vid give I don't see a lot of people talk about

this one the website could be a little better honestly if I were to critique

them which I am doing an honest review if they are watching this then I

definitely would recommend upping the website just to give people a more you

know confident feeling when it comes to the actual investing however they do

have a video and we're gonna see what they're going to tackle they are

actually going against YouTube which is pretty big but let's see let's see what

they're gonna do apocalypse YouTube has continued to punish creators

for the mistakes of a few while ad revenues have continued to decrease year

on year it's time for a change vid give is an exciting new technology

that allows video creators to earn an income through the blockchain but it's

more than just cryptocurrency it's an entire ecosystem that give us a

decentralized currency and a decentralized video management system

all in one fans can tip creators using good gift

opens if you are a creator simply add your payment address to the video and

Vic handles the rest for you creators can

convert their bigoted tokens into Bitcoin or aetherium using atomic swaps

and vice versa welcome to the future of video sharing now I realize I already

messed up when I was talking what I meant to say isn't that they're

competing against YouTube they're competing against YouTube's system

alright so we let you guys finish there's no explain what I'm talking

about join our initial coin offering today we

have a limited supply at fifty four point seven million big gift tokens to

offer reserve yours now visit eyes don't know this youtube takes half so if i were to like

if whatever I get paid I technically made double up for YouTube they just

kept half of it and then I get the other half which makes sense as it is their

platform I'm not gonna argue with it too much I don't do this for the ad revenue

whatsoever however a lot of youtubers do and people you know try to create a

channel and they can't support their life yet because it takes so long they

have to earn so many views in order to be able to support their platform now

this integrates with YouTube and Instagram stuff like that as you guys

saw in the video and you can actually give tokens to people directly now one

of the issue that comes up pretty big to this so we see liked which people do

donations which is awesome if we can get that onto YouTube that would be cool for

their you know content creators that would be awesome

however what's going on right now is YouTube pays its pays its youtubers

right the ad revenue from ad companies so this is kind of talking about

something completely different this is going into you know customers are like

people watching viewers subscribers tipping that youtuber for the

information that give which is basically them giving their own money to the

youtuber which is different from the ad revenue and it could cause a little bit

of a hurdle now twitch does it and you know people donate a ton if you guys see

some of the biggest twist streamers like ninja they make like $20,000 a day off

donations so it's definitely possible when people definitely are there to

contribute and people aren't there to donate and

support the stream and support the channel whatever it may be but it is

tackling something that it it matters a lot if people actually do do the actual

donating right it depends on if you would actually donate to a channel such

as mine to you know help support it or whatever it may be now going over the

ICO if you guys want to join the ICO you would click right here what would happen

is you would get into this box you would click that you confirm everything put in

your email and they would send an email to you now if you are in the u.s.

unfortunately you cannot invest unless you are a u.s. accredited investor and

we're gonna go over that in just a bit when it comes to the white paper for now

I want to talk about the actual team they are a part of a bigger company

called ocular intelligence you guys can see if we go all the way down here vid

give is a product of ocular intelligence limited so I think I want to go check

out ocular intelligence definitely go over and check out what they're all

about this is I guess the parent company the bigger company that's doing the

actual ICO for this but I want to talk about the team first so if you click on

the team you guys can see the founder and CEO the head of design the head of

development and the coder now very small team I wish we had seen more people

maybe some advisors on the team as well I don't know exactly why there's only

four people as this is Nico and usually there's a few more people as well as

some other advisors if we look at the actual CEO right here the founder and

CEO he does have a LinkedIn some pretty good experience when it comes to the

technology aspect and the you know coding and everything have some

experience there if we look at Nancy who is the head of design again if you click

on each of their names it's gonna pop up with her LinkedIn as you guys can see

right here she does have a good amount of connections from London see where she

was where she did her education where she got her degree from where she where

she went to college whatever you want to call it and her previous work and same

thing with the head of development and with the coder now like I said pretty

small team I would like to see more the website is very plain I think the idea

is super super cool don't get me wrong I think the idea is cool and could be big

if it works out however I do think it is an uphill battle an easy battle and I

would like to see more of the team and more the advisors to see if I give them

an all-star quality to be the team that I think that could take

this to the next level if that makes sense now usually I don't go over white

papers but since there's so little information on their actual website I

went ahead and started trying to look through the white paper to find the

important parts that I wanted to share with you that we usually go over on the

other on the other videos and first of all is the ICO details so the the way

it's going to be distributed is 95% are going to the token holders 0% to the

founder team and 5% as a reserve so automatically you guys see that's a huge

amount going to the token holders more than we usually see users roughly like

70 percent and then the team gets maybe 15 20 and so on but this is 95 percent

and 0 percent of the founders team now 70 percent of that's going to be used

for maintenance development 10 percent for R&D and an administration 10 percent

for promotion advertising and 10 percent for unexpected cost buffer the end date

it's basically ongoing until they sell out is what I'm assuming and

restrictions for investors this what I was talking about so people in

compliance with the u.s. security laws holding a token is strictly limited to

three categories of investors so these are the people who can so if you do not

hold the US passport you are allowed if you are not in possession of a green

card you're allowed and if you have no restrict and no residence in the US then

you are allowed to invest accredited investors are also allowed to invest and

investors who live in Germany are limited to investing above 200,000 euros

which is a lot of money I don't assume any of you guys fall

under that category and if you do fall into a category I don't think you guys

are going to have the two hundred thousand to invest no offense but that

is asking for quite a lot of money now the road map is also very limited I wish

we could have seen more of this but they're planning for 2018 19 is

developed a test net launched the website second version which is good so

you guys see the website right now is lacking so I like to see that they're

going to launch a better version of the website develop the integration with

storage and in the 2019 2020 they're gonna launch the main net and go on with

that and try and build the platform marking it try and get more people onto

it so they do have a road map up to 2020 first again not super detailed

I would like to seen a little more but I understand overall what they're trying

to do the this is going to talk about why what the

issue is what they're tackling how they're gonna do it our approach see how

they're gonna do and this is usually why I recommend looking at the white paper

there's gonna be parts such as the architecture in the actual technology

part that maybe you're not going to understand well but reading over white

papers is definitely gonna help it's gonna be the best way to learn it's kind

of going over and over and over again and you'll be able to see they're using

Doug Polk crypto as in as an example and showing how their their integration

would look like it would just be a button right over the view count where

you would be able to click how much you would want to donate and there you go

and that is you supporting the chat the yeah the channel the the YouTube channel

now apparently it's gonna be not only for YouTube also Instagram and Facebook

and stuff like that which is cool again more integration they'll have a mobile

wallet and everything is looking pretty good so one thing I would definitely

recommend to them is to upgrade the website just to give a little relieving

people a little more security when it comes to coming in and feeling more

comfortable when it comes to reaching the website now another big thing you

guys know I'm big on the I'm big on the on the community aspect and one thing I

noticed is looking at their Twitter it is not the best only 250 following and

36 followers maybe they have more followers on the other account which is

the ocular that the bigger company account however for the ICO it's not

going to do very well if it doesn't have a good community backing it so again I

would like to make it more about I'd like to see it easier to actually find

the this because I had to search this on Google I didn't find it directly on the

website would be easier to find it and also like to see them post more often

because you see the last post is 25th of March like I see a post more often and

get and just get them a bigger community which is gonna help propel the the ICO

first and then the token when it gets released so guys hope you enjoyed this

video let me know what you guys think down below the idea in my opinion is

super super cool it's gonna come down to execution and I can't wait to see the

revamp website and see what it looks like get more details about it but yeah

hopefully you enjoy this ICO if you guys did leave a thumbs up if you have any

questions leave them down below in the comments or reach out to them directly

I thank you guys so much for watching again if you have any questions down

below if you enjoyed the video let me know if there's

any other ICS that you guys want me to go over or under vide all coins that you

guys want me to go over also leave them in the comments but guys thank you so

much for watching I will see you guys tomorrow

for another video

For more infomation >> Blockchain Technology For Video Creators | VIDGIV ICO REVIEW - Duration: 10:43.


Ford 6.0L Powerstroke White Smoke - Rich Pt.5 - Duration: 0:13.

Well there it is!

This one didn't have combustion gasses getting past the copper crush-washer or the bottom o-ring

It was going through the injector's failed internals.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Ford 6.0L Powerstroke White Smoke - Rich Pt.5 - Duration: 0:13.



I have to burp and I'm so scared wait

Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today I'm here with my cousin Sham and I asked you

guys on the YouTube community to give us phrases for the whisper challenge okay

so we're going to try to get huh oh you try it now come on I don't know what

you're doing all right so we're done the whisper challenge today our goal is to

maybe do five to ten phrases depending on how well we do this and each person

will have one minute to make the other person stay afraid while we're listening

to very loud music now we're doing it with a very spicy twist we've got some

scotch bonnet sauce and we've got a quarter teaspoon measuring spoon if the

person guessing the phrase does not say the phrase or s or sing it very close I

mean you have to have a window if you're close that's okay but if you're nowhere

near it you have to take perfect a teaspoon no trash around a quarter

teaspoon like taste of scotch bonnet sauce

are you ready good sir okay so can you see this time for our sales testing to

see if you can hear me okay Goldilocks picked along and ran into a Monday just

kept going

okay shrimp now okay shrimp every hour every now

so that was the testing round well we've decided to do since we were able to get

it if he's staying to me and I get it he has to take the sauce and he's saying it

to me and I don't get it I have to take the sauce and that's how we're gonna do

it like I can hear me I was like put that on my channel

wait that is Jimmy sang when got stupid fatties wait that is generally what

Kevin fellows Wow hello wait wait why wait wait wait that is Jimmy Fallon okay


okay thing we don't talk with well take a little tangle tangle Chupacabra way

Jupiter diamond crash you're like whispering right because I can't hear

anything clearly okay super diamonds super

diamonds super Simon

that's the truth okay

bagel got it

scotch bonnet pepper sauce do you know YouTube's on his way you to do to you

true to you

do you know the way do you know any way no just Oh common yeah a lot of people

sent sentence that sent in sentences to say I was like this my mom phrasing

you're right okay one two three

just business mistake cuz my spoon is weirder than his a little bit like a big

my ha my shoulder show shoe have much so

the bathroom is gonna be really tonight

it's not like bummin thing is like a choking it's like my face of water how

many tiny waist wrap I'm gonna try to take some water try to do this out

taking I'm drinking no don't beverage with this light okay your puppy

my puppy children to my puppy Sean into no started no turn my puppy should turns

heard turn Turkey my puppy charge yeah I was like

you're cool just put me on that turn yes I was

it's a bill that's the Scott ill that's disgusting pure hot sauce in that

burnoose work Gergely burger goalie

I'm still gonna put this on your wings after yeah okay we have some hot wings

right now we're at back we just passed the halfway point I had to take the

sauce three times so now we have three bow reborn Reaper Christ reaping Lucky's

Cream of Wheat

No rebo we diet

do you remember your name okay have like the clearest voice ever

- guys you are Peter I thought you're gonna take omega Nantwich okay then

check out my house alright fine

they come pick up hotter for visas now wait it's travelling up or down it's

going down oh no no no that's straight pepper right that's I but when I burn

feels like a girl a Barkerville yeah a broker I'm ready oh yeah hurts okay

no I can't seem to get my house well let's go to my P you know certain things

go do you feel like asparagus I've never had a hot sauce challenge to tell you my

opinion burned it does get checked I just saying it's not normal how they get

your pink fire you should definitely go to the doctor you have opinion you

painting fire before the challenge go now yes go now wh okay my hole like this

was gonna happen I'll go over you my fart smell that cool

maybe to a dying cow Oh

okay nice really cuz ya'll on oh yeah what yeah or even we tied we brace it

basically trying still essentially time we're gonna do as a tie-break

take a teaspoon full we've been able to survive I'm saying we're not like dying

it's been kind of a little bit of a bumpy road but we're not dying so all

right Cheers boom ting ting I shouldn't have to my


I'm good and hit ice cream anytime I say I'm good it comes back to play I'm here

bruh it's just there's a flavor I'm good so thank you guys for liking the video

watching this video all my subscribers and buddies and fans and the words

phrases friends to say yeah the phrases was doing very funny

no something else too long can I say yeah way to always just say it but

thanks for the phrase that you gave us if you liked this video if you'd like to

suggest another challenge first let us know down below

remember to subscribe click the notification button follow me on twitter

twitter and instagram i love you guys

don't shake buddies to go

For more infomation >> THE WHISPER CHALLENGE WITH SHAM - Duration: 22:18.


Is Fast Writing Good Writing? (Writer Wednesday) [CC] - Duration: 6:47.

Hello, Writer, and welcome back to my life. It's Writer Wednesday, the day where I give

you my tips and advice on the art and the business of writing, and tell you how I

do what to do as an indie author. Today's question comes to us from patron

Sam Reeves who asks: At what point did you realize that writing quickly could

produce good stories and what triggered that trust? I am warning you right up

front this is going to be a rambly video. It's gonna contain a lot of

thoughts that are not going to seem to be relevant to an answer to that

question, because I've been thinking about this a lot. I've gone through many

evolutions in my thoughts and thinking about what makes good writing and how

speed of writing plays into good writing. So it's said very often by multiple

different people and very successful people in the indie community, and this

is something that I have said in the past as well, that when you write fast

when you just get the words out as quickly as you can in your first draft,

you tap into a more natural voice for yourself. You write more naturally

and that is a benefit to your style. And I still believe that there is a lot of

truth in that, like, a lot, but it is something that cannot be taken for

granted and it is something that cannot be applied universally. There are a lot of

people who write very very fast and do not produce a good style. And then of

course there are so many writers who write slowly and turn out really great

and excellent works as well. Less of those in the indie community because

it's just, it's harder to build a career that way but certainly among traditional

authors. What made me realize it was possible was just doing it. My very

first book was written quickly. My, you know, literally hundreds of thousands

-maybe millions? I always forget - words of you know like random micro fiction and

fan fiction that I wrote in high school, I wrote that all really really fast and

I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the end product. So, that was never really a question for me.

But in the end what led to me producing books that I was proud of, not just good

but really proud of like, yeah, no, this is good, I want someone else to

read this, wasn't writing fast it was editing and it was learning more about

storytelling in general. I've said this before in Writer Wednesday: the more

you outline the less you need to edit, and vice-versa. And I really think that's

true. What makes my books something that

I'm proud of as my work is not that I write them fast. I don't think that their

quality comes from the fact that I write them fast, I think that I happen to write

fast. I think what makes me proud of them is that I have learned a lot about story

and I know how to tell a story that is exciting and good and pleasing to me and

that I can be proud of. And this is why my outlining process takes as long as it

does. And this is why I spend more and more time editing as well, like, my

outlining gets better but I also take more time editing, not because I have

more stuff to fix, but because I am refining my stories more. At this point,

and this might change this is a change from the past and it might change

again in the future, at this point my first draft is just a

kind of annoying roadblock in between my outline and a done book. I don't really

like writing first drafts! It's true, I don't! It's my least favorite part of the

whole process. I like coming up with the story and I like editing and refining

and getting it right down to, you know, the nitty gritty. At some point

during the editing process it becomes less fun, but I like the initial

editing, the initial going through and making the big changes that really start

to hone it down. And so more so than it's ever been my first draft is something

that I get through. It is just something that I get to the end of as quickly as

possible, and I think that it is a step towards a good book, but I don't think

that fast first drafts is what makes my books good and I think that's true for

other authors. Of course the whole write your first draft fast to get better

books is probably applicable to somebody who takes too long, right? This is just

something that I don't have a lot of experience with. Somebody who writes

their first chapter and then goes back and edit it or maybe

you know rewrites it completely and then, you know, stops in the middle of a

paragraph to go back and fix something, and everything like that. Like, knock that

off! That's just never gonna get a done book. But once you hit a certain level

where you are just able to go through a first draft from beginning to end you

are going to start getting better and better stories not from writing faster

but from learning storycraft better and from more editing. At least that's been my

experience and this is a different way of thinking about this than I've ever

had before, so I've been spending a lot of time thinking about it. I think that

there's something hopeful in that though - at least I hope that there is - because

if it was just based if it was just based on writing fast and, if you wrote

better the faster that you wrote, you would hit a cap at some point, you would

hit the point where your fingers could not move any faster and you couldn't get

a better keyboard. And same is true if you're using dictation you would hit

the limits of how fast you can talk and/or how fast dictation software can

understand you, and when you realize that, if you are keeping in mind the most

important thing that you can always improve in your craft, you realize that

you can't really base it off of mechanics and mechanical limits like how

fast you're going. So the simplest answer to your question, Sam, is that I

discovered that you can write good stories by writing fast by writing fast

and ending up with a good story. And that's the simplicity of how it happened

for me. But what I learned beyond that is, to me, much more important and that is

that you need to discover other new ways to make your storytelling better. To make

the foundation of your story structure good before you start writing, and then

to take something that you have finished writing and continue to make that better.

Because otherwise it's easy to get stagnant and nobody wants to

read a stagnant writer. Thank you, Sam, for the question. I hope that this answer was

not too far out of left-field and I hope that it was useful to everyone else as

well. Reminder for everybody else watching this video: Sam and my other $5

patrons are the only ones who are able to request topics for me to cover in

this video series and they also get these videos two weeks in advance of everyone

else. So if that sounds interesting to you check out my Patreon right over

there. You can also see the entire Writer Wednesday series right up there. Thank

you so much for watching and I will see you next Wednesday. Byyye!

For more infomation >> Is Fast Writing Good Writing? (Writer Wednesday) [CC] - Duration: 6:47.


The Crush Song - Yuri on Ice Victuuri (Animatic) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> The Crush Song - Yuri on Ice Victuuri (Animatic) - Duration: 1:14.


Kurokuma | BIG in Japan - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Kurokuma | BIG in Japan - Duration: 7:14.


Who are you from English for Children♪♬ 1-16 - Duration: 1:37.

Who are you?

I am David.

What are you?

I am a student.

Who are you?

I am Mary.

What are you?

I am a student, too.

Who is he?

He is Mr. Smith.

What is he?

He is a teacher.

Who is she?

She is Mrs. Wilson.

What is she?

She is a teacher, too.

Who are you?

I am David.

What are you?

I am a student.

Who are you?

I am Mary.

What are you?

I am a student, too.

Who is he?

He is Mr. Smith.

What is he?

He is a teacher.

Who is she?

She is Mrs. Wilson.

What is she?

She is a teacher, too.

For more infomation >> Who are you from English for Children♪♬ 1-16 - Duration: 1:37.


O QUE É NEXT DIMENSION? A CONTINUAÇÃO DE CDZ! (Saint Seiya) #SQS - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> O QUE É NEXT DIMENSION? A CONTINUAÇÃO DE CDZ! (Saint Seiya) #SQS - Duration: 8:12.


O FUTURO DA MARVEL É NO ESPAÇO: GUARDIÕES DA GALÁXIA VOL. 2 | Marvel 10 Anos #15 - Duration: 25:36.

The first Guardians of the Galaxy caught everyone by surprise,

and because of this, James Gunn had even greater creative freedom to build on the sequel.

It was now the responsibility of the director to find space to create secondary characters

and play on such deep topics that would eventually help his cast deal with personal issues.

This is Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

After the enormous success of Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel tried to confirm a continuation.

Gunn had given some loose ends, and because of that he wanted a sequence to take place only a few months after the original adventure.

That is, even after Avengers 2, Civil War, Ant-Man and Doctor Strange, this film is BEFORE everyone else,

especially because of important issues the director had to explore, such as the search for Star-Lord's father.

Gunn soon began to look for possibilities for the script and the character who worked most was Yondu.

His relationship with Peter Quill had stayed between the lines in the first film,

and now he wanted to show that the hero's true father was always the alien played by Michael Rooker.

But to do this, he needed to find a powerful and charismatic actor to live Ego, the movie villain and biological father of Quill.

Finding an actor like this is not easy and the filmmaker was having a difficult time defining a name for the role.

It was at this point that Chris Pratt suggested one of his idols: Kurt Russell.

The clash to define Quill's true father was clear to the filmmaker,

who decided at the same time to show how family relationships shaped each of the main characters.

Despite having a small role, Sylvester Stallone would be instrumental in Yondu's life,

playing a stern "father" in the beginning in order to finally realize the true value of his "son".

Gunn wanted Stallone's final scene to be quite warm and show how Stakar's vision changed in relation to Yondu.

So he asked the actor to use as a basis for his last speech a scene from Babe,

where the farmer finally accepts the animal as it is.

These parent-child relationships moved deeply Chris Pratt.

The actor had lost his father in 2014 while filming another blockbuster, Jurassic World,

and had never really gone through mourning since he was not very attached to him.

With the film, he says he was forced to tear wounds that were not yet fully healed and understood the meaning of his loss.

At the same time that Quill dealt with his parents, the Guardians had their own family problems, especially with Gamora and Nebula.

Their story was more explored in the film, revealing the troubled past between them.

Zoe Saldana and Karen Gillan were able to focus much more on their characters during the set especially because of the evolution in makeup.

Unlike the first film, where the actresses took hours to get ready,

the time reduced to about an hour and Gillan did not even had to shave all her hair as she had done in the original movie.

The makeup arrived at such a high level in relation to the first film that the young version of Kurt Russell was not CGI, as several fans were speculating.

In fact, everything was done on the set itself in a job that avoided the maximum use of computer graphics to rejuvenate the actor.

Another one that benefited from the evolution of the makeup was Dave Bautista, who plays Drax,

one of the characters that changed the most in relation to the first film.

But not physically and, yes, psychologically.

Drax was a breathing being and was looking for revenge, but in the sequel,

Gunn wanted to show a new side of the character and therefore completely escaped the comic,

something that surprised even Dave Bautista - who initially did not like what he read and was afraid to interpret this new version of the hero.

All of these changes from the first film aimed to show how the characters evolved and the most apparent change was, of course, in Baby Groot.

Vin Diesel returned as a voice actor and if in the first film he had dubbed the character in six languages,

this time the producers asked him to increase that number to 16.

As it was a children's version of the character, his voice was changed in post- production to be more like the little hero.

But that was the easy part because, on set, things got complicated.

Unlike the adult version, where it was possible to use a stand-in as a reference, this time the production needed another solution.

So they decided to create a doll about 25 centimeters so that the actors

and the photography had a sense of how the character would be on the big screen.

The character would gain prominence from the initial scene of the group, where the initial credits are displayed.

The scene took about two years to be planned, as it is a combination of CGI with scenes shot on the set itself.

Since he had a very clear vision of how Groot would dance, Gunn himself decided to serve as the basis for the animators.

Baby Groot is much more innocent and fragile compared to the original character, and recently

Gunn explained that the Groot of the first movie died and what the one we saw is his son.

So he does not know how to press the deadly bomb button

and has difficulty understanding simple tasks, treating Rocket primarily as his older brother.

Bradley Cooper came back to make the voice of the raccoon, and this time the production decided to use the actor's face as the basis for Rocket's speech.

In addition, Cooper managed to create a true connection with the raccoon,

understanding better the journey that Rocket went through and, therefore, found the voice of the character more easily.

All these changes were approved by Marvel, which gave Gunn complete freedom to mess with the characters.

Ego, for example, is not Quill's father in the comic books and the studio was so confident in the filmmaker's vision

that he entered into a deal with Fox to get the rights to the living planet.

The production supported Gunn's vision so much that even the participation of Stan Lee was different and he appeared alongside the Watchers,

justifying his appearance in all other movies of the producer.

However, not all of the changes were approved by those involved in the project.

Mantis co-creator Steve Englehart openly criticized the use of the character

and said he could even watch the movie if he turned off his brain to the fact that it was not his creation.

The character performed better than expected along with the other guardians, who introduced new worlds,

new races and soon in the first few leaves the audience excited,

especially with another special soundtrack selected by James Gunn. Sweet Fox's "Fox On The Run,"

first hit the top of the iTunes rock list after being shown in the trailer

and the director once again selected familiar songs and at the same time songs never heard by the general public,

creating a unique soundtrack.

The filmmaker was so excited about the track that he ventured to compose an unreleased song - "Guardians Inferno," which was composed alongside Tyler Bates.

To give life to music, the director remained true to the characters of the film

and called David Hasselhoff to sing, since the actor is one of Quill's childhood heroes.

In addition, he created an out-of-series clip inspired in the 80s with the participation of some of the production's actors.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 suffered the pressure to overcome the original film, but managed to deliver a movie as interesting and entertaining as the first.

The film got more than $ 863 million at the box office

and proved that the heroes could be one of Marvel's top franchises.

So much so that the third film is approved and the expectation is that Gunn creates a derivative of the universe of mercenaries,

who can even explore Adam Warlock, who was presented in one of the five post-credit scenes of the film.

After introducing Spider-Man in Civil War, Marvel finally has the opportunity to create a solo movie of the character in its Cinematic Universe.

The hero came from a series of disappointing movies

and many believed that the character was worn out to the public,

but Kevin Feige and the studio thought completely different.

It was like this, Spider-Man: Homecoming.

For more infomation >> O FUTURO DA MARVEL É NO ESPAÇO: GUARDIÕES DA GALÁXIA VOL. 2 | Marvel 10 Anos #15 - Duration: 25:36.


A Melhor PREVENÇÃO NATURAL Contra o CÂNCER A Mistura Dourada! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> A Melhor PREVENÇÃO NATURAL Contra o CÂNCER A Mistura Dourada! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:29.


BBB18: quem é o participante com maior número de seguidores no Instagram | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> BBB18: quem é o participante com maior número de seguidores no Instagram | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:03.


The Position You Sleep Can Affect Your Health - Duration: 5:15.

Who thinks that sleeping? it's good just to rest and recover the

energies, you are mistaken.

During sleep our body performs several important tasks, such as the release of

hormones, elimination of toxins, relaxation muscle and even the elimination of information


Research indicates that sleeping late and resting for a few hours can cause our

thoughts become more negative and pessimistic.

In addition, the quality of sleep can also affect important hormones that regulate

our hunger, which can affect even the diet and weight gain.

Since sleeping well is so important, you Do you know the best sleeping position?

Although each person has his preferred form of sleeping, the change of this simple habit

can make a big difference in your health.

See the benefits and disadvantages that each offers:


Left side Sleeping on the side is one of the most


Studies point to sleeping sideways left is one of the best positions for

because it brings innumerable benefits to Cheers.

The first is to promote the drainage of lymphatic system, which is dominant

side of the body.

This process helps in the expulsion of toxic to the body, prevents swelling,

and the accumulation of fluid in the body.

In addition, the pancreas and stomach are located on the left side of the body, which

facilitates digestion.

In this form of sleep, the head and feet the heart, which

circulation and promote good functioning of the body while sleeping.

It is important to choose a pillow that shoulder height so that you

do not sleep with your head tilted.


Right side Although the left side has more benefits

sleeping position, this position also allows correct positioning of the spine and good

functioning of the body while sleeping.

However, due to relaxation of the sphincter of the esophagus, this choice increases the

of gastric reflux.


From belly to Many believe that the belly up

is one of the best sleeping positions, as it relaxes the joints and prevents twisting

and pains.

But for this to happen, you must sleep with arms stretched and parallel to the body,

or resting on the abdomen.

It is also an excellent position to relieve the symptoms of those suffering from gastric reflux.

Another good reason to sleep on belly up is aesthetic.

In this position, we avoid putting the face on the pillow, which decreases the risk of onset

of wrinkles.

The bad part is that this position is little favorable for the spine, thus being fundamental

use a low cushion to align the cervical with the rest of the column.

If you do not, you may end up with pain in the back, neck and shoulders.

This position also such as snoring and apnea.


From belly to Although there is no consensus on which

the best sleeping position, this certainly not the best.

One of the main reasons is that position is very damaging to the spine,

forcing the lumbar and cervical regions, which can cause torticollis and back pain,

shoulders and neck. causing severe pain back pain, torticollis, shoulder pain and


In addition, because of the pressure exerted in the lungs, some respiratory problems

may arise.


Fetal position This position is quite common among


Although it is common, it can be harmful because it may cause tension and pain.

neck and back.

In addition, this position does not allow deep or diaphragmatic breathing, the

which is harmful to health.

The only advantage of this position would be decreased snoring.

And you, in which position do you prefer to sleep?

For more infomation >> The Position You Sleep Can Affect Your Health - Duration: 5:15.


dispara Jéssica sobre o que fez com Lucas no BBB18 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> dispara Jéssica sobre o que fez com Lucas no BBB18 - Duration: 3:10.


Chave Secreta para aumentar a energia humana de acordo com Nikola Tesla - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Chave Secreta para aumentar a energia humana de acordo com Nikola Tesla - Duration: 7:28.


Ayrton dá bronca em Ana Clara sobre roupa suja, ela revida e humilha o próprio pai no BBB18 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Ayrton dá bronca em Ana Clara sobre roupa suja, ela revida e humilha o próprio pai no BBB18 - Duration: 2:13.


Tokyo Ghoul:re Opening Full Cover Feat. 桿子 Drumstick (Español Latino) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Tokyo Ghoul:re Opening Full Cover Feat. 桿子 Drumstick (Español Latino) - Duration: 3:25.



For more infomation >> HINO 131 EM INGLÊS COM LETRA - Ó SENHOR GLORIOSO, DEUS DA PERFEIÇÃO - HINÁRIO 5 - CCB - Duration: 3:51.


Que tiro foi esse no shopping! - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Que tiro foi esse no shopping! - Duration: 2:59.


FIT FORNES Dolor de espalda - Duration: 7:18.

Low Back Pain

by Andrew Weil

What is low back pain?

"Low back pain" which can be acute or chronic, is literally pain or discomfort of

the lower lumbar region of the back.

Acute back pain usually follows some kind of injury, often related to everyday activities

such as housework, gardening, a sports-related injury or an automobile accident.

Back pain that lasts for more than three months is classified as chronic.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms are often described as muscle aches but can include shooting or stabbing pain,

limited flexibility and range of motion, or an inability to stand straight.

What are the causes?

Most cases of low back pain are due to strain on the bones, muscles, and ligaments of the


In some cases, however, low back pain can be due to such serious conditions as cancer

or structural problems of the spine, which can cause nerve damage.

Occasionally, lower back pain is due to a "slipped disk" (also called a herniated

disk), in which one of the disks of cartilage that separates the vertebrae in the spine

bulges out of place and presses on nerves.

Often, a disk "slips" as a result of twisting while lifting, but the cause may not be identifiable.

Simple preventive steps can help eliminate recurring back pain resulting from improper

body mechanics or from other causes of back problems that don't stem from injuries.

Exercises that tone the back and maintaining proper posture are especially helpful.

In addition, anyone with a tendency to develop back pain should learn to lift objects properly:

Bend your knees and squat to pick up an object Keep your back straight

Hold the object close to your body Avoid twisting

Choosing ergonomic furniture and tools at home and at work can also help avoid strains

on the back.

What is the conventional treatment?

Most acute back pain will resolve on its own within two weeks without medical intervention.

Whether lower back pain is acute or chronic, most cases are initially treated with over-the-counter

pain relievers to reduce discomfort and with anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation.

Sometimes, prescription drugs may be recommended for pain relief and to allow quality sleep.

Cold and hot compresses may help reduce pain and inflammation and allow greater mobility,

although they have not been scientifically proven to quickly resolve low back injury.

Bed rest is recommended for only 1-2 days at most, and patients are advised to resume

their normal activities as soon as possible.

Massage therapy can be very useful in cases of acute muscle spasm causing back pain and

problems with flexibility.

Exercise may be the best way to speed recovery and strengthen back and abdominal muscles.

Physical therapy may be recommended for more severe strains.

In the most serious cases that don't respond to other forms of treatment, and that involve

compromised structures in the spine, surgery may be recommended to relieve pain caused

by back problems or serious musculoskeletal injuries.

What therapies does Dr. Weil recommend for chronic low back pain?

Read one or both books on back pain by Dr. John Sarno, a physician and professor of rehabilitation

medicine at New York University.

Dr. Sarno believes that most chronic back pain stems from a condition he calls tension

myositis syndrome (TMS).

Myositis means muscle inflammation.

According to Sarno, TMS is a combination of muscle spasm and inflammation stemming from

an unbalanced pattern of nerve signaling to nearby muscles and interference with their

blood supply.

Dr. Sarno explains his theory in his books Healing Back Pain: the Mind-Body Connection

(Warner Books, 1991) and Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain (Warner

Books, 1998).

The treatment he recommends is aimed at changing patterns of thinking, feeling and handling

stress, all of which have contributed to the pain.

You also can try the following approaches:

Practice a relaxation technique daily: Options include mindfulness meditation (proven to

ease chronic back pain), breath work, guided imagery, biofeedback, progressive muscle relaxation

and hypnotherapy.

Try therapeutic yoga: The stretches can reduce muscle tension, strengthen the back and promote


Bodywork: Both the Alexander Technique and the Feldenkrais Method can change habits of

posture and movement that contribute to back pain.

You could also try Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy, which uses manual pressure to release muscle


Electrical stimulation: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) delivers low level

electrical pulses to the lower back (you can get a portable device for home use).

Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) works the same way but delivers the

pulses via needles inserted into the back rather than electrodes used with TENS.

Exercise: Both aerobic and strength training exercises can help.

Aerobic exercise includes walking, swimming or cycling, all of which can help strengthen

the back.

Aerobic exercise also burns calories and helps you lose any excess weight that may contribute

to your back problem.

In addition, perform strength training exercises at least twice a week to tone and firm the

abdominal, leg and buttock muscles that help to support the back.

Seek out proper instruction before embarking on a strength training program; using either

free weights or weight machines improperly can defeat the purpose.

Make sure you do some stretching or yoga for flexibility.

Chiropractic care: Dr. Weil believes that chiropractic care may be of benefit in the

treatment of back and neck pain.

Many chiropractors use a kind of manipulation called "dynamic thrust": a low speed,

high force movement often accompanied by a popping or cracking sound.

Others use a low-force, high-speed method, known as the Activator method (incorporating

a tension spring and plunger tool) that may be

a better choice for older patients who could be injured by dynamic thrust.

Acupuncture: Studies in the U.S. indicate that acupuncture can help to relieve several

kinds of pain, including low back pain.

Massage: Therapeutic massage can provide long lasting results, and bodywork can help patients

receive the maximum benefits from chiropractic adjustment

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES Dolor de espalda - Duration: 7:18.


Ford 6.0L Powerstroke White Smoke - Rich Pt.5 - Duration: 0:13.

Well there it is!

This one didn't have combustion gasses getting past the copper crush-washer or the bottom o-ring

It was going through the injector's failed internals.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Ford 6.0L Powerstroke White Smoke - Rich Pt.5 - Duration: 0:13.


BBB18: Após eliminação, Paula surpreende e elogia Jéssica: "Uma das mulheres mais guerreiras" - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Após eliminação, Paula surpreende e elogia Jéssica: "Uma das mulheres mais guerreiras" - Duration: 3:47.


BBB18: Breno toma atitude, se junta a Paula e detona Ana Clara e Gleici - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Breno toma atitude, se junta a Paula e detona Ana Clara e Gleici - Duration: 2:54.



Hi Sweet girls!

I am Vicky!

and today we have our second bag

if you don't know I am doing a Instagram polk...

where you can pick between 2 bags

This week was between number 1 and number 3

and number 3 won!

If you don't know! I am also hosting a super giveaway

super special!

that you can't miss!

you have all the information in the description box

you'll find also the giveaway video

so you can watch it!

you have to participate because it's incredible!

and it's super easy too!

so, don't miss it!

If you haven't do it yet, please subscribe!

It's super easy, just click the subscribe button bellow

and you will become part of my family

If you like this video please give it a thumb up

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and let's begin now!

Let's open our mystery bag!

Let's start with the first surprise

What is it?


A surprizamals

We have a long time that we don't open one

This is from serie 6

Let's find out who we have

so cute!

Look! we have a purple monkey

Look, what a cutie

Let's see his information

His name is David Spider Monkey

(translating to spanish)

He loves playing sports

his birthday is on October 16th

His favorite color is Lilac

Look at his tail, so cute!

..and he is a common one

He doesn't know how to sit

David, sit here!

Ok, sleep then!

Now, our second surprise!

What would it be?

We have a lil woodzeez

long time we don't see this one either

I love this one!

This is from serie 3

I hope we get a new one!

Look! we got a panda bear

I can't remember but I think we don't have this one yet

I think she's a new one

She's Paws Panda

So pretty!

Let's discover our third surprise!


We got a little sister

Let's see who we got!

This is our clue

We have seen this clue few times now

it says besties

Look at her shoes..

If I'm not wrong this looks like lil black tie

Let's confirm!

this is the keychain

I think one bag is missing

I was scared!

I just saw one bag.. I was asking where is the doll?

But the doll hided here!

Let's see her bag

I am sure she's black tie

Look at her bag

Look at her!

She's super beautiful but she's a duplicate!

Look at her bag, super cute!

For more infomation >> WHAT'S INSIDE THE BAG? THE BEST BLIND SURPRISES! - Duration: 8:58.


Jéssica vai ao Mais Você e fala o que realmente pensa do "berreiro" de Kaysar no BBB18 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Jéssica vai ao Mais Você e fala o que realmente pensa do "berreiro" de Kaysar no BBB18 - Duration: 3:19.



For more infomation >> SOLIDÃO #5 - TODO MUNDO SENTE SOLIDÃO - Duration: 1:02.




Nobody is here.

Did it start?

There are 14 viewers.

- Good. - I don't think it's portrait mode.

I think we look sideways now.

- Change it. - It should be this way, huh?

It's not working.

Should I do this?

You are shaking.

What should we go?

Let's hold it like this.

Let me hold it.

Like this.

- Good. - OK.

- Can you read it? - Yes.

- Wednesday... - "What are you doing"?

We are practicing now.

We are practicing now. Did you eat?

- Yes. - Yes, I ate. - I ate.

We ate.

I feel very drowsy today.

That's right.

- What are you doing? - "Jongdae, did you dye your hair"?

Yes, I dyed my hair.

What's the color?

This one?

It's brown but it looks red.

It's brown but it looks red.

Is it shaking now?

I think it's shaking.

Is it shaking now?

I feel so tired.

Me too.

I think it's because we used up our energy yesterday.

Did you have fun yesterday?

"It's like we're having an earthquake".

- "I like the songs". Thank you. - Thank you.

We performed the song for the first time yesterday.

- Yes. - Yes.

How was it?

Did you like it?

- "You look so tired". - The sound isn't working? - The sound isn't working?

- What? - Sound...

Can you hear us now? Sound.

Sound check, check.

Can you hear us now?

Hi, fighting.


"The sound is off".

It's on now.

- Is it working now? - It's because of this one.


Why did you plug that?

This one?



- What's this? - The selfie stick is weird.

"The choreography was so good".

It was so tiring.

My body was shaking.

I had foot cramps after the performance.

One fan said this.

Is this the diet dance?

- Really. - The dance which helps you to lose weight.

I have muscle on my hip.

We ate our lunch.

"CBX, I love you".

"The choreography is awesome".

Muscle pain?

It's 4:42.

We are so tired now. It's drowsy broadcast.

- In the afternoon... - Hold this for me, my arm hurts.

"Screen earthquake".

"Screen earthquake". Sorry, I was shaking.

I have no energy now.

- Let's just leave it on today. - Okay.

It's shaking too much, huh?

- Let me hold it. Let me sit over there. - OK.

I should do this...

Is it better?

Is it still shaking? Still the screen earthquake?

No, it's good.

Good? Jongdae is hold it now.

"I have car sick".

It's stable. Great.

"What will you eat for dinner"? Well...


- I... - Something that won't make me fat.

I don't usually go on a diet but I am on a diet now.

I have to eat chicken breast for dinner.

I have to eat something that won't make me fat.

I was so hungry last night so I ate crab stick.

- Crab stick. - Crab stick.

"You should eat". "No, you should eat".

- No. - "It's okay to be fat".

- It's hard when we dance. - Yes.

- "Eat something good". - So sleepy.

Isn't Wednesday when everyone pause to take a breath?

From Monday... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. You feel sleepy on Wednesday

and on Thursday, you wake up.

On Friday, you feel better because weekend is here soon.

On Saturday, things get fired up and on Sunday, you collapse.

And Monday comes again.

Yes, I dyed my hair.

What's the Wednesday track?

It's this...

It's Thursday.

- It's Wednesday. - It's Wednesday.

No, the Wednesday track lyrics is "Good night and see you tomorrow".

Tomorrow is Thursday.

We will appear on "M Countdown".

- So we will see you tomorrow. - That's right. - Yes.

Did you check out all the tracks?

I listened to them all last night.

My favorite was Thursday.

- My favorite. - The track? - Yes, the track.

My favorite was Thursday.

How did it go?

That one.

The Thursday track is this.


I heard that many fans like "Vroom Vroom".

- "Playdate" is a good one too. - "Playdate".

Did you think about it last night? The streetlamp?

- Did you think about it? - Nope.

Why... I thought about it.


"The shadow in the alley".

It's night time so the girl you like is working too.

So you can go pick her up. Am I right? No?

- Or is it me working? - I think it's...

I think the date was on Sunday.

Saturday is almost ending.

- Yes. - And the shadow is getting long.

It's late and the sun is going down.

And you will have a date on Sunday.

And you will pick up the girl you like on Sunday.

Or maybe the guy doesn't work until very late.

So we gets off around 4 or 5 when the sun is about to go down.

And he will meet up the girl later at night.

Having a date on Saturday night?

That makes sense.

- I think that's it. - Having a date on Saturday night.

The shadow in the alley...

- Until Friday... - I can't read the comments.

I guess I should put black cloth here.

Let me cover it for you.

- Can you see it now? - "Is your hat from Dubai, Baekhyun"? Yes.

Yes, you are smart.

Oh no.

What? "You look like a squirrel".

Today's V LIVE is so bad.

Drowsy broadcast.

We need to pre-record the show later but I feel so tired now.

We will pre-record a show later at midnight.

Those of you who will join us later...

- Thursday... - Will you join us today?

- I think so. - Yes.

- Yes. - Some will join us. - Right? - Some will join us.

You will have something to do on Thursday.


4 fans will join us today.

How many?


- 4 million? - 400.


400 of you will be there that late?

You will have work and school the next day.

Those of them who have school won't be there...

- I think so. - Right?

"Are you okay? Xiumin, are you okay"?

Me? I got a massage this morning.

I got a massage so I can perform well today.

I feel so relaxed now.

I feel so relaxed now.

- Yes. - Around this time, you get drowsy.

It's time to take a nap.

The sun is going down...

We have 7,7 million hearts already.

What should I do? I am so tired.

- It's okay. - I will go to sleep. - Should we take a nap with the V LIVE on?


Jongdae is sleeping with shaky arm.

I will concentrate.

Please read the comments. I can't read them.

- "Good night". - "Good night".


"Good night".

- "You look so tired". - I am tired.

We had V LIVE comeback show and

we also had other work schedule too.

We had to film something for the concerts.

We had to film it and

today, we're back at our practice studio.

It's dinner time soon.

It's dinner time for school too.

- Dinner. - Dinner.

What time do you get dinner served at school?

- It's... - 6?

I think it was 5:30.

When do you eat your dinner?

- It depends on your school. - Dinner.

I think lunch is at 12 and dinner is at around 5.

- Around... - When I was in school... - 6:30?

"6". "6:30".

That's when you eat dinner.

You know... Is it regular classes?

What do you call it?

You have about 7 regular classes and it ends at 4, huh?

- The regular classes. - 3:40.

It ends around 4 and you have after school class.

And you eat dinner. It's around 6 pm. That's right.

Period 8 doesn't really mean anything.

Regular classes...

You had a mock examination today?

Regular and after school classes.

You went on a school trip and... "I am in a class". You are?

Watch it with your teacher.

Someone had English listening and comprehension test.

Connect it to TV and watch it together.

- We have 10 million hearts now. - Awesome.

The number of hearts go up so fast.

It's been 14 minutes since we started V LIVE.

There are many viewers too.

107,610 viewers. It's going up again.

"My boss is absent today".

- What? - Someone said, "My boss is absent today".

"It's my birthday today". Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

"Recommend me a dinner menu".

- Dinner menu? - Yes, dinner menu.

- Dinner menu. - Dinner menu.

- Wednesday dinner... - Wednesday.

It's Wednesday...

- What would you recommend? - Boiled meat?

Wake up.

It's okay, Jongdae. You are doing a great job.

I am learning my lessons.

- For dinner... - What would you recommend?

Boiled meat.

- Boiled meat? - Boiled meat?


I want Short Rib Soup.

I love Short Rib Soup.

- That Short Rib Soup we had was so good. - Yes.

Short Rib Soup is so delicious.

Have some Short Rib Soup. What do you think?

- Short Rib Soup. - Short Rib Soup.

- I will have chicken breast and you can have Short Rib Soup. - Me too.

- I'll have chicken breast. - Go for large size soup. - Large size.

- Not the regular one. - The large soup from that restaurant was big.

But we had film something for our concert...

- Was it Bupyeon? - Bucheon. - Bucheon.

- We had to film... - The filming site was Bupyeong.

We filmed at Bupyeong and we were heading back to Seoul.

There was a Short Rib Soup place which Baekhyun recommended and it was really good.

So we ate there.

"Take a break if you are tired".

You feel sorry for us, huh?

We are taking a break now.

- Soon, we have to go practice. - Hello.

It's not EXO member. Don't worry.

"I want to go home". Me too.


I saw this comment saying, "Jongdae got Byungji's haircut".

I cut it off.

I'm done with the concept so I cut it off.

"Where is D.O"?

- D.O? - D.O?

Where is he now?

I don't know.

- Where is D.O? - Working maybe?

D.O is working.

What? I can't see.

Close up.

"Don't look for other members".

"When will you make your comeback"?


CBX will make our comeback...

- It's tomorrow. - Tonight.

- We will perform it at midnight but the show will air tomorrow. - It will air tomorrow.

It's our first music show appearance.

"Baekhyun, you should take a nap".

I have no energy now.

- You can see my facial hair now. - It's shaking.

My facial hair is growing. What should I do?

I should cover it.

The comments are moving super fast.

- What color is my hair? - "So tired".

What color is this? Should I call it red?

- It's... - Wine?

- Brown? - I think it's orange brown.

It looks orange with light.

Dark orange.

It's nice.


- I can't dye my hair anymore. - "Do you have facial hair, Baekhyun"?

- I don't really have any. - He doesn't really have any.

Among 3 of us, I think I have the most facial hair.

I shaved today.

My facial hair grows really fast.

- I think it grows 1 mm every 4 hours. - It wasn't like that for me before but

this year, my facial hair is growing faster.

It will happen to you soon.

It will happen to you soon.

- I don't have any. - You never know.

- Just wait for 6 months. - Yes. - Not me.

Mask... You want me to take it off?

Got it.

- I want to ride it. - What? - Subway.

- My fan... - The event from the fans?

I got this message this morning.

He got on the subway train by chance.

So he took a picture of it and sent it to me.


I want to ride it too.

Baekhyun, you are about to disappear.


"Take a picture with it".

- Of what? - I think she's talking about the subway.

Take a picture.

- Me? - I think so.

I don't know which one it is...

- The subway. - I don't know which one it is. I can't wait all day.

"Vroom Vroom" intro is so good. Thank you.

"Vroom Vroom". Is it this "Vroom Vroom" or is it this one?

"Vroom Vroom".

"Congrats on your commercial contract".

- We should get on the car later and... - We should have a nap V LIVE.

- Can you see my face? - Yes.

It's very pale.

It looks like Photoshop.

"Who sings the intro for Vroom Vroom".

What is the intro for "Vroom Vroom"?

- Isn't it Baekhyun? - Should we look it up?

- I can't remember. - How did it go?

What is intro for "Vroom Vroom"

I can't remember the song.

"Looking like a foreigner".

How did it go? The intro for "Vroom Vroom".

Let me look it up.


- I think she's talking about this part. - I don't think so.

Is this correct? Are you talking about this part?

Am I right?

Are you talking about this part?

No, I think she's talking about Baekhyun's part.

- She said, this part is it. - Really?

"Baekhyun is disappearing". Here he is.

I look so small.

It's... "No". What?

"You are right". "Right".

We're right.

It's a voice from the demo.

"I thought it was Do Kyungsoo".

It was Kyungsoo we would say, "Feat. D.O".

- It would be nice if he can feature in it. - It would be appreciated.

Sorry, I am so sleepy.

Go to sleep.

I didn't know but my hand was showing the whole time.

It's shaking.

It's 5 now.

We have to resume our practice now.

Yes, that's right.

Please say something.

Baekhyun is sleeping.

- Why do we feel so drowsy today? - Because it's Wednesday.

Good night and see you tomorrow.

Wake up.

Tomorrow, we will have our first music show appearance on "M Countdown".

- Out of nowhere. - As if nothing happened.

We will begin our promotion.

We want to make great memories with you.

Let's have fun together from Monday through Sunday!

- "Vroom Vroom". - "Vroom Vroom".

See you tomorrow.


We will have a sleep broadcast again tomorrow.


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