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Cuales son las secciones de steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 5:35.
if you want to learn a little to handle steam and know what are the
functionalities and the sections that you offer today you pause a little
this topic about the sections like for example the store the library the
community we will start with the most basic which is the store since it can be accessed
easily by default since you create your account shows us latest news
launches best titles offers it even personalizes a bit with your
latest game downloads for offer you the games that are most
related to your taste to be able to pay We will use the sting world or wallet
steam or also for web money follow accounts
of this after acquiring the game it is added automatically in our
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sting cards or gift card to be able send them to your friends who also
have an account on the same platform now the steam coupons that is another
way to buy or to make discounts in games is quite beneficial because
You can get better prices but they only serve for one game at a time
I recommend that you use them when there games that seem too expensive or that
have just left or have just been published how they get
distributors the developers and even the sting itself usually offer the
during festivities likewise you can exchange between users
right here we can access the news where they let you know
the latest news of the games Recommended games according to your choices
the statistics on the number of connected users the number of
users who are playing the same thing that you and the most commonly used games
in case your interest now it's up to the library that is the
section where are our list of games that we bought in the
store validated as a code or in the If you already have other games in your
PC allows you to add the styles but without the services that this one offers you
the third section is the community that started as a forum of opinions and little
little evolved until having several sections like for example the start
where are the latest updates of content that other users upload
as your example screenshots adwords videos achievements and game guides
that this will help us a lot in the case that you're stuck in a game
and you need to pass it on to others users also upload it and so everyone is
help the discussions that is the second part of the community where each
user gives his own opinions does questions brings information to others
then there is the workshop that I think one of the most important and most important parts
interesting from the community because the users download content that others
users have created for games specific as for example objects
the downhill most basically are updates that other players and
that are quite accessible
greenlight is the other section is the other part of the community that is also
quite influenced because it's a system in which the community of
users is the one that decides what games they're going to include this in the sting store
it helps the developers a lot to know what is the opinion of the
players and that makes closer the evolution of the developments of the
games because people can give their opinion and according to that surveys are formed to know
what games do you like the most? people are basically where your opinion
it is heard and it is asserted the market because the market is very easy
to understand here the simplest simply buy and sell objects that
other players have done or got and the user that sells them is the one
decides the price of these objects at same time that steam takes a
commission for this but beware that this is not can be done in free accounts of
games must have bought or spent a minimal amount on some
previous transaction or there must be bought some good town so the
video brothers, I hope you have them liked that it helps them to know more
about how steam works what things has for you that you can use inside
of your account if you already have it or why reason should an account be created later
We'll talk about how to create an account and see you guys later please, if you
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Box of Toys Toy Guns Spiderman
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what's poppin guys today we just wanted to sit down and get down to the nitty gritty of the
cost details this is what we spent and the purpose in making this video is
really just to show you a realistic idea give you a realistic idea of what you
might spend in it we just spent six weeks in Mexico as you might know it was
our first time to a foreign country other than Canada in the Dan I had spent
some time and foreign countries I knew a little bit about I mean what to expect
cost wise Aubrey had only been to places like Iceland Ken we kind of had a
feeling that there were gonna be some things like say the insurance or
whatever that would be particularly expensive and some things I'd be pretty
good cheap we wanted to fill you guys in on exactly what we've paid I don't know
these videos are always interesting to do because I just I'm a hard person
positive plenty of people are gonna tell us how much los trucos about this all I
just want to clarify this is what we spent over six weeks in Mexico you don't
have to spend us you could spend way more you spend way less and we don't
care at all I hope this is helpful content but I don't think this as we're
instructing you on how spin you're on a good process you have to get most
developing countries are much more cash based as you guys might know so it's you
know we didn't track every single expense so this isn't like being moist
down to the dollar breakdown I mean we know basically down to the dollar what
we spent but how that breaks down is a little bit rougher because it was we
were mostly just withdrawing pesos from ATMs it didn't matter if we the American
guards in Mexican cartel like it weren't a whole lot of places where you can use
your card especially if you were going to local places to eat her to get water
or whatever you're doing right was mostly with cash first things first we
might have already talked about this but just to reiterate it here half to a
third of our cost I'm not even gonna get into those my percentage they're a good
portion our cost just came from upfront insurances yeah for us and I think for
anyone I'm hesitant like it's your home you're traveling do it right so in my
opinion it is not worth risking your home I purchased a few hundred dollars
and insurance we went with sanborns insurance for five hundred dollars had
and one just liability it covered our car up to like sixty thousand dollars it
was really comprehensive at roadside it's all this kind of stuff a minute
back went with Baja bound but the cool thing is we didn't really at the end of
the day we haven't really need the entrance too badly and it back on the
other hand clearly desperately need to be insurance rate so thank you for
roadside assistance yeah would have been trending hundreds and hundreds of
dollars in towing cause it could be us next time let's say them right and that
was just a good reminder of you know ever anybody would ever say like
insurance is waste of money we didn't mean it this time too badly
but they just really needed it necessary entitlement we spend $500 on our car we
spend an additional five hundred dollars on health insurance so it included
health insurance and emergency evacuation insurance and insurance for
up to $3,000 per person of stolen items which was hugely important because we
have our equipment with us so computers and camera equipment and stuff like that
so we went with world nomads for travelers insurance it's hard because I
can't really tell you how the customer service was with both of these companies
because we never really had to tap into which is really nice but a perk um but
world nomads did seem like the best package for US citizens if you're not a
US citizen
anyway we spent a Grand Prix trip just on yeah right
as soon as we got into the country the first thing we spent on was our car
permit it was $440 but 400 of that was a deposit that you got back my love
country right so we had 180 days on our Shabbos visa which we literally just
filled out right there and then we had how many days was it on our car was it
90 or 180 I think it was the same probably but we had 180 days that we
have we didn't come and turn it back in we lose the 400 bucks right of course we
did got 400 stuff but um expect that because even if I didn't like their
cards weren't working for some reason and they had to scrounge together 400
Ogden cash um which was like kind of crazy right so just like expect that
going in it's not gonna be a big hit your wallet but it will be a deposit so
many wait we're about a thousand bucks in at this point and over the six weeks
we withdrew from ATM six times so once a week the total spent with $1,700 that
was always it's shown from ATMs and I looked through our card records and I
literally about we spent $10 on our card yeah here's how it broke down okay so
we've got again $500 traveler's $500 from our 1737 60-seconds do you want to
know to the penny how much we withdrew almost half of that was just diesel
costs we drove about 3,000 miles and again we only used cash because usually
they will only take cash and diesel stations I was about $800 so it was more
than we expected for sure because like I don't think it was really much different
than diesel and since there's more it was much more to us about $100 for a
full film maybe a but usually we would wait till it was halfway down because
you know we just you know don't really know where the Pemex stations are gonna
be when you're by a major city you're good we went through the mountains in
Oaxaca and we go six hours without singing the diesel station so we would
fill up pretty much Lambor we got to the halfway point so that was about 50 bucks
once we got to the halfway point eight hundred dollars went to diesel the other
major cost was tolls we had a couple of hundred dollars in tolls and again we
didn't keep every single toe because there were just so many some of them
were just one dollar five dollars six dollars some number 20 dollars
some of them would get up yeah yeah I mean they weren't much more than 20 or
30 but some of them were crazy tell em we're insane especially in
northern Mexico and then there was ones hole between Puebla and that basically
you didn't have to go through a bunch of holes so you had this neck stretch the
road and then you'd have this massive told ya we were surprised when we first
got into the country because by Monterrey there's really really
expensive holes we're talking about maybe like two
hundred pesos for 12 which is about ten bucks and then in the stretch over
Mexico City you're talking about almost four hundred pesos that's all like 20
bucks the tolls rack up oddly because usually you're making the decision to I
want to drive on day am I gonna put leave but I are that quarter I mean holy
mispronouncing second one I think but the libre de is the free road and it has
usually it's one lane a lot of potholes a lot of cars you know like one hug in
the side other cars right it's like crazy you don't wanna drive at night so
sometimes it we would definitely drive that when we were in an area to get to
know that we were going from point A to point B you've gotta come tolls and that
was just it out yeah it's about sudden under maybe more like a hundred dollars
a week that we spent
horrible timing bud Wow following a neighborhood classic where
we're about to roll out of this neighborhood he's not a neighbor start
ripping his mowers so sorry about that about 100 per week was just normal
spending you know a lot of that went to food and a lot of it went just like
activities we were doing with it spend the money on activities but you know
definitely money cure there or like sometimes we paid for parking right what
do you think of any other major major expenses that we had no it was like
really we just spent it on groceries and food and I mean you guys saw in some of
our videos we'd go to loot areas and we walk out with a massive bag of fruit and
vegetables her yeah so food really didn't cost that much blonde it was
amazing rum even like the expensive restaurants
when you'd go in there and it would be like we believed to have expenses we
were like oh my gosh so many pesos what are you doing to us so the big takeaway
if you're gonna be traveling to Mexico is if you take an eye thing this must go
for especially any like developing country where it's very cheap to be
there in one place is if you're staying still are going very slowly it is so
cheap to live there yeah it's so cheap if you're cooking your own meals it's
just wicked wicked cheap especially if you have your home with you I yeah if
you're moving around it adds up for sure moving around is what is expensive the
diesel just got at us everything else was totally fine I think that we spent
about as much as I thought much more on the fuel and the movement and the tolls
and much less yeah I would say for anyone who's interested in traveling to
Mexico there maybe isn't right I would absolutely recommend it
and if specially if you're in the u.s. it's so cheap to fly their fly to Mexico
City you can get a bus for 300 pesos essentially to anywhere in the country
right right so I would recommend definitely definitely travel there you
can find really affordable accommodation it's really affordable food I'm actually
really affordable ways to get there so you can find an air B&B for 30 bucks a
night fly for 100 bucks bus for I mean therapist is about 15 bucks
anybody country I mean you could really do it cheap if you want yeah so think
about it guys I think it would be awesome if we had more people traveling
to Mexico our country let's do it let's get some freaking Americans there dude
are all zeros man
anyways guys thanks for watching hope this was informative hope you don't feel
preached to like we're advising on how do your money we're not we're telling
you this weren't the dumb things that we did stay tuned we got more content
coming out about our experiences in Mexico and then very soon we're going to
have content coming out about our or redesign so please stay tuned
stay fresh and clean and we'll see you guys soon bye guys
Brand New Luxury Custom Gatormade Trailer Tiny House for Sale Under $30k - Duration: 3:54.
Brand New Luxury Custom Gatormade Trailer Tiny House for Sale Under $30k
Devin Nunes Warns FBI & DOJ To Come Clean, Unleashes Their Worst Nightmare. - Duration: 4:54.
Devin Nunes Warns FBI & DOJ To Come Clean, Unleashes Their Worst Nightmare.
President Donald Trump's wingman in Congress, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), just warned the corrupt
FBI and Department of Justice that they better come clean and turn over unredacted documents
or face serious consequences.
You don't want to miss what he said as he unleashed their worst nightmare.
Millions of American patriots have watched in frustration as deep state hacks in the
FBI and Department of Justice continue to skirt congressional authority and act as if
they are a complete and separate branch of our government.
Now, in the fight with the deep state to secure unredacted documents, Nunes told FBI Director
Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that their days are numbered.
Nunes' warning came during an interview on Fox News' The Ingraham Angle with host
Laura Ingraham on Tuesday, April 10, 2018.
"Our next guest is spearheading the effort to find out why the Department of Justice
opened the Russian collusion probe in the first place.
Surprise, surprise, the DOJ won't give us straight answers.
Joining me now exclusively, House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a Republican from California,"
Ingraham said as she started the segment.
"You've been trying to get documents for as long as I have been doing this show.
People have been asking why is it that you haven't yet held anyone in contempt of Congress.
It's a big deal to do that.
Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress as I recall over the Fast and Furious documents.
What gives here?"
Ingraham asked.
"We've been in a situation where it's trickle down documents.
So, we issued the subpoena in August.
We walked through piece by piece, every time we get a little bit more.
As you know, we had to get out the major information, which was the information on the warrant against
Carter Page, who was a Trump associate.
So, since that time we've been investigating the State Department and we especially have
an interest in this electronic communication," Rep. Devin Nunes replied.
"EC, which is the document that establishes the justification, correct?
For ultimately naming the special counsel," Laura Ingraham said.
Nunes corrected Ingraham and said that the EC document, which consists of two pages,
was responsible for opening the DOJ's counterintelligence investigation, which then led to the naming
of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Today, Mueller continues to conduct his witch hunt and waste millions of taxpayer dollars.
"I sent Chairman Gowdy (R-SC) over there to see it originally.
It was fully redacted, so they couldn't read anything.
I called back several times, had conversations with Rod Rosenstein and with Director Wray,
FBI Director.
Mr. Gowdy and the investigators went over there again and there were only a few more
things that were unredacted," Nunes told Ingraham.
"So, now we're at this point again.
We're at a boiling point where we need this.
What is only a two-page document, it's only a two-page, it's less than two-pages from
what I understand.
And, you know, if the record wasn't that every time they hide something from us, then
we find out it was really bad and they hid it from us for a long time," Nunes added.
When Laura Ingraham asked Rep. Devin Nunes about speculation that he was moving to hold
FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt of Congress,
Nunes said, "We are going to get the document.
We are going to get the two pages.
So, they can either cough them up now or it will get really complicated starting tomorrow
night, and we'll have to take all the necessary steps to get the documents."
Ingraham asked Nunes to clarify his threat.
"What are the chance you are going to hold Wray and Rosenstein in contempt of Congress?"
she asked, to which Nunes then said, "We're not only going to hold in contempt, but we
will have a plan to hold in contempt and impeach," according to Politico.
I could not agree more with Devin Nunes.
It's time for Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray to provide the unredacted documents,
which were eventually used to justify a special counsel.
In my opinion, both men should be held in contempt and impeached for behaving as if
they aren't accountable to our elected leaders.
Americans are tired of unelected deep state hacks like Wray and Rosenstein hiding the
It's time for heads to roll.
what do you think about this?
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Trump Just Signed MAJOR Executive Order Overnight That Has Libs SCREAMING Mad! TOO BAD! - Duration: 5:56.
Trump Just Signed MAJOR Executive Order Overnight That Has Libs SCREAMING Mad!
During Barack Obama's presidency, he created an entire generation of freeloading welfare
abusers across the country by making it easy for people to receive them.
However, not only did Obama make it easier for everyone in the nation to receive these
benefits, he also made it possible for illegal immigrants, and refugees to obtain them as
So, when Donald Trump campaigned for president, he promised that he would cut back on these
welfare programs and he is not about to go back on promises, as millions of Obama's
freeloaders found out this morning which has liberals screaming mad.
The purpose of welfare is help people who are struggling financially to get back on
their feet while going through hard times.
However, over the last several decades the role of welfare has become more of a lifestyle
choice than a stepping stone to something better.
Over the last several years, the number of people living on welfare only increased causing
financial issues for our country that needed to be resolved quickly.
After President Trump was elected, he began to implement several programs that would cut
back welfare programs on the Federal level, and of course, the left and lazy welfare recipients
have cried foul.
Now, in a new executive order signed by President Trump, he is asking federal agencies to enforce
work requirements to those who receive federal aid, and to review all of the waivers and
exemptions to those work requirements.
Programs included in this never before seen move is those who are on Medicaid, and could
potentially incorporate thousands of people who receive subsidized housing benefits.
The purpose of this drastic move is to help those in poverty lift themselves out of their
predicament by being productive members of society, and it is about darn time.
Here is more from CNN Money:
"Trump signed an executive order Monday directing federal agencies to promote employment
for those on public assistance.
The president called for enforcing work requirements that are already in the law, and reviewing
all waivers and exemptions to such mandates.
Also, the executive order asked agencies to consider adding work requirements to government
aid programs that lack them.
"The federal government should do everything within its authority to empower individuals
by providing opportunities for work, including by investing in federal programs that are
effective at moving people into the workforce and out of poverty," the order read.
The agencies have 90 days to submit a list of recommended policy and regulatory changes.
The move is the latest step in the administration's effort to require low-income Americans to
work for their federal benefits.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services earlier this year began allowing states to
mandate that certain Medicaid enrollees must work for the first time in the program's
history, while the Department of Housing and Urban Development is looking into the issue
for those in subsidized housing.
The Department of Agriculture also wants to strengthen the work requirements in the food
stamp program.
Currently, adults without minor children can only receive benefits for three months out
of every 36-month period unless they are working or participating in training programs 20 hours
a week.
However, states can waive that requirement for areas where unemployment is at least 10%
or there is an insufficient number of jobs, as defined by the Department of Labor.
Several states, particularly those with Republican leaders, have also been adding work mandates.
Kentucky, Indiana, and Arkansas have already received approval to require certain Medicaid
recipients to participate in community engagement programs, including working, volunteering
or job training, while several other states have applications pending before CMS.
West Virginia and Wisconsin recently tightened the work requirement provisions in their food
stamp programs.
The president is ramping up these efforts after Congress opted to punt on entitlement
reform with the midterm elections looming in the fall.
The order outlines nine "Principles of Economic Mobility," which are in line with longstanding
Republican ideals.
They include improving employment outcomes and economic independence, promoting marriage
as a way of escaping poverty, reserving benefits for those truly in need and empowering the
private sector to find solutions to poverty.
The order directs agencies to provide more flexibility to the states, which administer
many of these safety net programs.
Millions of Americans flocked to the nation's government assistance programs in the wake
of the Great Recession and the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
More than 74 million Americans are on Medicaid, while more than 41 million people receive
food stamps, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP."
Everyone in the country works to pay their bills and to provide food for their families
since we all know that nothing is free.
So, why in the world would it be free for anyone else?
Well, the answer is pretty devious, and it all boils down to control.
The global elite which is filled with leftists and some RINO's are working hard to destroy
our country and economy to push for a one world government.
If they can crash our economy, then it makes it much easier to force this sort of tyranny
upon the people, but those plans were thwarted the moment that President Trump was elected.
Now that Trump is in the White House, he is busy building our country back to its former
glory by cutting programs that only have harmed our nation and supporting state leaders for
doing the same.
It will take time for us to see positive changes but we are on the right track, and that is
all that matters.
What do you think about this?
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Rick Joyner ‒ Shocker At The UN - Duration: 11:47.
well welcome to today's rent and I am
still down to coast and just a few
things to share about them sports and
weather while we're waiting for the news
waiting for more people to join us live
that like to do that but we have
incredible weather down here I'm on the
North Carolina coast about 20 miles I
guess north of 20 to 30 miles north of
Wilmington well we have a beach retreat
and I love to come to here and get away
a few friends stay here with us but
we've had these hurricanes going off the
coast creating a lot of wind and much
rather be outside doing this but the
wind kind of makes what constant loud
noise in the background but anyway I
wanted to share about what I thought of
Trump's speech at the UN today remember
we've talked in the past about one of
the most clear and obvious evidences
that one has been delivered from Babylon
is clear speech Babylon is where the
languages were confused and I think you
know it is the root the Mystery Babylon
we see in the book of Revelation is a
root of a lot of the confusion of
nations we see today the confusion of
the sexes the confusion of just about
everything just massive confusion so I
thought Trump's speech at the UN was the
most clear and powerful powerfully
delivered speeches I've ever heard at a
UN speech yet immediately some of the
pundits were saying this was not only
Trump's best speech but maybe the best
speech ever delivered at the UN and some
of these some of that was coming from
former UN ambassadors and all they just
they were overwhelmed with how clear and
how direct and how powerful it was and
you know to me I may have to agree with
someone who said this is Trump's best
speech yet in the setting and what he
had to say what he addressed how he did
it it was remarkable no doubt about it
you didn't feel any political spirit
there he's just telling the truth the
hard cold facts he was challenging the
UN he was challenging globalism he did
it powerfully did boldly did it with
great clarity and he called the leaders
of every nation to put their nations
first they said that your first
responsibility as a leader of your
nation and and that when we have our own
people or secure and that beasts have a
vision for their own purpose and are
prospering because of it there's
security and everything else he said
then we can come into a unity of Nations
and and he wasn't he was making it clear
his vision of patriotism was not anti
other nations but it was every leader of
a nation as the responsibility put their
nation first and I thought he presented
about as well as he could when after
North Korea's everyone was expecting and
he called the UN help he said look there
I mean you know I'm saying this but you
know the the Armus it wasn't an
armistice but the ceasefire during the
Korean War was between North Korea and
the UN not the u.s. not South Korea
North and South Korea are still
technically still at war with each other
and but what is a UN done to resolve
this situation and Trump was just
calling them out he thanked the UN for
the recent resolutions he thanked Russia
and China for lining up in aligning with
the other nations for stronger sanctions
against North Korea
and but he made it clear this not a
tolerable situation that there has to be
a resolution of the North Korean
situation where North Korea no longer
maintains nuclear weapons he made that
very clear that is not a tolerable
situation and then he went after Iran
the same way he called out the he called
the Iran treaty that there's not really
a legal treaty because our Constitution
requires every treaty to be ratified by
us in it but he he the recent Iran
agreement with the Obama administration
he said was the worst deal ever ever
made by their nation he called by our
nation he called it embarrassing and he
said it's leading to another intolerable
situation basically very clear that this
has to change that we don't have a beef
with the Iranian people but with the
Iranian leadership who's taken the
Iranian people's resources and given
them to terrorist organizations and
funding terrorist organizations all over
the world that has stepped up since the
Iran agreement he said this is not
tolerable and basically said we're not
tolerating it he went after a radical
Islamic terrorists same thing and then
he the the fourth nation that he that he
addressed was Venezuela and here he said
some things that were absolutely
profound he said what this meltdown
that's going on in Venezuela where the
people are starving that the whole
nation is collapsing their orders
collapsing he called their leaders
basically criminals that have usurped
the that power and the authority of the
people and destroyed their democratic
institutions but he made a profound
statement when he said this is not
socialism being poorly implemented
but being implemented as eggs exactly as
it is intended with the the same results
it is it always brings when they try
when they tried to implement socialism
it collapses the country and here's
Venezuela one of the wealthiest
countries in South America one of the
wealthiest in the world and natural
resources include an energy and they can
feed their people now I mean the whole
there is an implosion of the entire
country and Trump is right this you we
have a track record this is what Marxism
does to every nation every nation that
where they try to implement and he
basically said Trump basically said
we're not gonna let this happen to one
of our neighbors you know we've got to
take care of our neighbors in our own
we're not gonna let this happen so what
does that mean it seemed like a pretty
clear call that he is going to intervene
in Venezuela if this doesn't change
really quick so anyway it was a coal to
patriotism around the world for people
not to lose their their culture their
tradition their histories and for every
leader of every nation to honor that
about their nation and their people and
to take care of their people first that
this is what he expected of every leader
and it of course it is the number-one
responsibility so it was a major shot at
globalism and right there in the heart
of it at the UN but many quote
claim to be and considered to be the
heart of Babylon and our times the
confusion I don't think that place has
ever heard such clear bold speech and it
was stunning it was just absolutely off
the charts I think is way beyond what
anybody was expecting even people who
were expecting him to deliver a good
address but it was like you remember
when he addressed all those
Islamic leaders of Islamic nations in
Saudi Arabia where it was just people
were shocked at how clear and bold and
direct he was on everything
those Islamic leaders loved it they eat
it up they responded and they've been
responding to that sense and he's doing
that again with right in the United
Nations anyway I thought it was a
powerful maybe even a prophetically
powerful speech at the UN so that's my
rant for today I left just being very
excited very thrilled at having a leader
that is I think taking every issue
direct head-on not trying to politicize
it not trying to be politically correct
but offering solutions at the same time
and even when he called out the UN which
has advocated its basic charter in many
ways for the last few decades he also
gave a call to hey if we can work these
things out and we can work together if
you're willing I mean he laid out a
clear path for the opportunity of the UN
to become what it was called to be what
it was chartered to be he basically said
if you expect us to keep paying our
share which the US base by far the
biggest year it's 100 almost 200 nations
in the UN the u.s. pays 20 that 22 to 23
percent of the UN budget he was in look
if the UN becomes what it was chartered
to be we would consider that a good
investment but if you're not he was this
was an unquestioned threat that he's
going to withdraw his support for the UN
he said if you're not gonna be that I
have to answer for the to the American
people for the way we spend their money
and he's basically saying you know it's
not a good investment we're not gonna do
that if you're not gonna be what you're
called to be so he gave the the carrot
and the stick
and did it in a powerful way I mean it
was it was just matter-of-factly spoken
that things are gonna change or we're
gonna change the way we relate to this
organization and anyway it was a talent
time to be very excited some reality in
and clarity is being brought to the
world stage and we have issues that is
desperately in need of that kind of
thing anyway thank you so much for
listening to the rant today and for
those of you share and like and pass it
on appreciate it very much
and I'll be talking to you again
BREAKING: Mattis Makes HUGE Announcement!!! LIBERALS ARE FREAKING! - Duration: 4:01.
WASHINGTON, DC – Defense Secretary James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen
Nielsen announced in a joint statement on Friday that the first 500 troops are moving
to the U.S.-Mexican border after Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared "zero tolerance"
for illegal crossings, followed on Saturday by a tweet from President Trump making clear
that these actions are part of an inter-agency response to seal the border, Breitbart reports.
Defense Secretary James Mattis on Friday night approved funding for up to 4,000 National
Guard troops for duty along the border with Mexico.
The Pentagon will pay for the operation through the end of September.
A Defense Department memo said the Guard members will not perform law enforcement functions
or "interact with migrants or other persons detained" without Mattis's approval.
It said "arming will be limited to circumstances that might require self-defense," but it
did not further define that, Military News reports.
The memo authorizes the use of Title 32 and Defense Department dollars for up to 4,000
National Guard personnel to support the Department of Homeland Security's "southern border
security mission while under the command and control of their respective governors through
September 30, 2018."
Arizona and Texas will deploy hundreds of National Guard troops to defend the U.S.-Mexico
Defense Secretary James Mattis has ordered up to 4000 troops as part of President Donald
Trump's plan to defend against illegal immigration and drug trafficking.
"We are sealing up our Southern Border," President Trump tweeted on Saturday afternoon.
"The people of our great country want Safety and Security.
The Democrats have been a disaster on this very important issue."
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said about 150 Guard members would deploy next week.
And the Texas National Guard said it was already sending Guardsmen to the border, with plans
to place 250 troops there in the next 72 hours as an "initial surge," according to a
Guard spokesman.
Two helicopters lifted off Friday night from Austin, the state capital, to head south.
Department of Homeland Security officials have said Guard members could support Border
Patrol agents and other law enforcement agencies.
DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said this week that guard members could "help look at the
technology, the surveillance," and that the department might ask for fleet mechanics.
Federal law restricts the military from carrying out law enforcement duties.
President Trump's Zero Tolerance policy has prompted the organizers of a caravan of
more than 1,500 Central American migrants traveling through Mexico toward the U.S. border
to request refugee status from the U.S. to call off their group expedition.
Illegal aliens scrambled across the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border between Ciudad Juarez
in Mexico and Sunland Park, New Mexico, Friday to taunt President Trump's tough-on-immigration
RWT Breaking News
The illegal aliens know that the National Guard units cannot touch them, detain them
or even impede them as they flood the border.
The Justice Department announced Friday that it is implementing a "zero-tolerance"
policy for prosecuting those attempting to enter the U.S. illegally — the latest in
a series of measures by the Trump administration to combat illegal immigration.
You can read the complete article as well as the Department of Justice "Immediate
Release: Attorney General Announces Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry" by clicking
The Arizona National Guard said in a statement Friday that it would "provide air, reconnaissance,
operational and logistics support and construct border infrastructure."
Chris "Badger" Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams Apr.11 NYT: Trump tried to fire Robert Mueller in December - Duration: 9:20.
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams:Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti: Trump's lawyers are weak - Duration: 8:52.
We're so hungry! | The Walking Dead | Part 5 - Duration: 41:07.
Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en
Welcome back to The Walking Dead. Let's continue this game
Let's start the episode two: starved for help
Food..! Water..!
Who is that guy?
Looks like a bird will be our meal
Me too
That's a bear trap
Hurry up, help him
There is no release latch
It doesn't work
We have no choice!
He is gonna die soon
Bleed to death. Cover it up! Wrap his leg!
Now, he is dead. Congratulations
Pay attention
Not my problem
The Walking Dead
You should give the food to kids
Clemintine and Duck
Oh, four food
I don't know what should I do
I should give the food to kids first
I will need to find her hat
Watch this show
Crackers and cheese
Give it to Duck too
Give it to someone else
I just gave food to him
That old guy needs to calm down or he will get a heart attack again
You wasted the bullet!
Ok, that's fine
Let's go to the dairy farm
Moo moo cow! Hello!
You're wasting the ammo
How many bullets did you use?
This is a dairy farm
hooray, we will eat a lot of food
Let's walk around
Which way should I go?
Let's go and help Andy to fix the fence
Where is he?
This place is pretty big
Of course, the farmland is huge, crops, and green
Is it safe to touch it?
Pull out the arrow
Another one
No arrow
I guess I have to cut both arms
All good
Be patient. We will eat dinner tonight
That's the third zombie. Move, go away
Wait, we need to move the zombie first
I know shh
Get down! Behind the tractor!
I see someone over there
There are three guys
Move the tractor
Let's move it
They have the unlimited c - - I mean arrows
They must be the saviors
Move zombie... Move
Come on, man. Really?
Almost there. The zombie is behind us... Really
Run for your life
And they forgot to close the gate. Congratulations
Hey old guy, you need to shut up and you don't know the whole story
Ok, let's stop for now. I will continue this game for the next video. Thank you for watching
Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams Apr.11 White House: We've been advised that Trump can fire Mueller - Duration: 3:30.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 04/11/18 8PM | April 11, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:35.
The Firelight Isle: A Fantasy Webcomic - Duration: 1:01.
In the beginning, the stars kindled heavenly flame.
And each star filled each waiting body...
...with breath.
Anlil and Sen... both carry a star of your own:
your heavenly journeys are woven together
as you walk your earthly paths.
But all paths must branch...
...all threads unwind…
....and all flames...
For ever the nameless dark waits... the shores of The Firelight Isle.
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams Apr.11.2018 Can Trump really fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller? - Duration: 6:46.
Amazing Andy's Argosy Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:34.
Máximo Ravenna - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito - Duration: 11:05.
I do with passion what I have to face, and I do not face what I am passionate about.
Because that makes you enter into the doubt of: what will be my passion?
-Sure -So, once I face anything, I make myself like it.
And what I don't like obviously I don't do it, I don't touch it.
I have to live in the tracks where the train passes, and the day that the trains did not pass
you asked yourself: what is happening?, what is this noise of silence?
Well, at first everything was wonderful, what I did was heoric
I was on the covers of all the newspapers, in the magazines... with the mediatic nonsense...
when Maradona underweight, or when Susana Jimenez underweight… and the press at that time said...
and logically, there was an obvious result from the 80s... let me clarify...
I was 5 years working with groups of models, and for the first time I managed to put together...
in Cormillot about 2000 patients by myself. I already had 2 or 3 keep-up groups...
and I worked every day... I started... Well, I thought: "The first time I go to Palermo...
on Saturdays and Sundays, and then another person goes". I started to go myself
organize by myself the work together with the patients to always go on the weekend
and always saying something that is elementary, that the patient when he eats something
some value is increased rapidly... when eat tasty things... Today we are talking about trigger foods...
such as sugar, flour, processed foods... Well, at that time there were the same foods
and the patient was allowed to eat these foods from time to time, which raised their values...
It's like I gave you a cigarette when you quit smoking, then you're smoking 3 cigarettes a week
and the day you had a fight with your girlfriend, you smoke a package.
So, the condition was that there were no allowed meals... because people understood by allowed foods
Which were allowed per day and then... -¡Yeah!, ¡yeah!
They waited on Thursday with much despair and then... It's no longer... the common thread was lost.
This brought me a very good feeling of having created something different
supporting me of course in everything I had learned over the years alongside very capable people.
-Square meter... -The adventure of the entrepreneur, I said...
-"it is very nice to feel encouraged..." -Feel encouraged, and also, go against...
The fact that you are empty and that you don't know how... and also there is little time...
The franchise. What did you feel at that moment?
With the franchise they all told me: "don't do it, you're going to get into trouble...
they're going to work badly, you're going to get into a lot of problems...
-The quality of the name. -We're going to work"... Of course.
but I said it was a way for people in other places to know that the method exists...
and that it can be achieved... There were a lot of things that seemed very good to me
and there I trusted Uruguay, in a psychologist who is the wife of "Negro Rada"
and who was a patient of mine, she was from Uruguay. I always go to groups in Uruguay.
Historically, long before starting this system, everyone always looked for me
when they found me running or trotting and they said: "please, let's meet a few days...
so that the diet doesn't escape", and well... then, It was there that it started.
I went every summer and I created groups for 15 days, then this girl stayed, Patricia...
And then a clinic was raised in Montevideo, then another in Uruguay
then this story was replicated in Rosario, then it was replicated in Madrid
Then the first one appeared in Salvador, Bahia. Which is in another language.
-in another language -in another language. And I was also a patient...
who told me that she was going back to Brazil, she had dropped between 50 and 47 kilograms of weight
and she wanted to take my system to Brazil.
So, I call it ... it's like the addicted person when he takes off from his addiction...
it works in a very normal way, like you, like me, like anyone
and I say it's similar to an intermittent psychosis, which is crazy...
Without having any level of addiction to work, which I don't have, in fact I love my job.
I would be a doctor and I would do the same or something similar
I am not saying that I could not live without fat people nearby but without people who might need me
and that I too could be nourished by them. And the reality is that everything I do with my work...
is so intense that it also helps me to realize in interpersonal relationships, in my own home...
I see a young boy who is a patient of mine, he tells me this and that...
and I am already thinking about what I can do... right away I seek to correct the mistakes I have.
A very nice relationships are produced, always keeping a distance, in addition...
-What things happened to me? -Passing, as many people say...
No, they passed very strong, all the life experiences were very strong...
-all stained with important losses... -It is the death of the father, the change of...
-The birth of new children, the emptiness that was made to me when I ended up divorcing...
I felt like... as Italian that I am... I felt like a black hole opening under my feet, and I said...
"How will I ever have something like that?" It was something I had in my family the 26 years, with my two children
and my dad suffering... you are going to lose your two children... and many more things...
Because, like all Italian families, they asked themselves: "What is happening?
Of course, but everyone understood everything that was happening, but well, that's how things happened.
Then I learned to fall in love again, I learned to love differently, with fewer conflicts...
probably with more friendship, with less competitive things that maybe dragged from youth and...
and you have a lot of fear, and you have to fight against those fears
Because to overcome fear is not to be suicidal, it's... it's vital. And we all have fear...
I always take the phrase that says: "the hero is the coward who decides to go forward".
It's a phrase I hear a lot in my life. And then, well, I have a bit of that epic thing to overcome difficulties
-that I'm very tired and I need to sleep and I have to continue... -let's go...
We can say that I like to get a lot of juice out of life, because I love life.
I feel very sorry that life has to end at some point. I'm sorry, I'm not saying that it depresses me
it makes me sad that something as beautiful as living, even when things have to suffer...
-It has to end. -It has to end sometime, right?
I have to start believing definitively that the soul exists...
and that the soul does the same things as the body with the soul.
"A thin line". Everyone says that he is the one who opens the mind.
-What can I do to make something... -Transcend
transcend in what I do? In addition to telling people. Write. I wrote my first book and...
someone told me: "I know the director of this publishing house, take him the book"
I bring the book to him written, so he can see it... and he says: "No, for this year we are closed...
we no longer receive... but leave it just in case". When he called me...
it was the same thing that I had already told you, the emotion that I had when he said...
"We are going to publish the book". Look, it's giving me chills right now. I could not believe it.
It was something incredible that launched my first book, it was something impressive.
And the second book that talks about what I was already seeing
which was eating as an addictive element adding obesity as a pathology.
But I always said: "If you do not eat without stopping, you will not have obesity as a disease".
-What a beautiful guitar you have... -You see what a beautiful guitar I have...
-You brought us two objects. -Actually I brought you two objects...
and a subject on a screen. This is a guitar, I played guitar...
-Let's see if... I just tune it but... -We were tuning it with an app...
-It's going to stay tuned -of a smartphone
I played guitar with a group of friends, we were 3 or 4 people sometimes, and we always sang.
There was a bongo, a drummer when we had it, two guitars.
And we played in all the parties of friends. Between the ages of 16 and 20.
And the best guitarist was Jorge, my friend who played the Falú style
he was very good at playing guitar and I accompanied him.
I managed it that way and because I managed it that way, at some point I stopped playing...
even though music is a very big thing in my life. All my memories are musical
they are not olfactory or anything like that, they are musical memories.
I listen to a musical note and I follow it. Then, recently I said to myself: "I would like to take up the guitar again"
because I thought: "I read, I live politics very intensely, the disaster there is"...
it takes me time when I speak angry with the TV for the things I hear that are not like that.
I get into a particular congress, in a tribune. Very passionately I said to myself...
"I would like to have something...", I am now doing courses in MindFullness as a professional
and as a person, which are very nice in everything that is meditation and...
in everything that suddenly became scientific. And I said to myself: "I would like to play the guitar again...
but I will not play it if I do not see that the fingers respond well, if so, I will take the classes"
And the father's day, my daughter, Lila, she says: "This is your gift". And I was cold...
because always for the father's day they always give you the usual nonsense, right?
Some cute little note, but this... I asked him: "What is this?"
She told me: "This is a Luthier, which my Friends and I know very well...
and I had the guitar painted by another friend, who painted it by hand...
which also made me feel very excited and obligated not to leave it aside
I mean, for the fact that you don't have to turn into something that "you said you were going to do"
-Now you have the guitar, It's on my desk -There are no more excuses
I already asked you for your teacher's number, because I know you play very well.
and it's a topic that... well, it has to do a lot with the affective and how effective music is...
and play guitar, if I can play it again
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