Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 12 2018

We put a pan on the fire. We add oil and let it heat up.

We add the longaniza.

Let fry for a period of 10 minutes.

We add the onion.

We add the cuaresmeño chile.

We integrate.

We add salt.

We add pepper. We integrate.

We cover the pan. We leave on fire for a period of 10 minutes.

We reserve.

We put a casserole in the fire. Add a little oil and let it heat up.

We add the longaniza with chiles and onion.

We add the Oaxaca cheese.

We cover the pot.

We left on fire for a period of 15 minutes. Until the cheese is melted.

Ready! Bon Appetite.

For more infomation >> Cast Cheese with Longaniza and Rajas - Duration: 1:25.


Reciben con protestas al fiscal general Jeff Sessions en su visita a Nuevo México - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Reciben con protestas al fiscal general Jeff Sessions en su visita a Nuevo México - Duration: 2:18.


Arrestan a indocumentado acusado de atropellar a un motociclista en Florida tras un altercado - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Arrestan a indocumentado acusado de atropellar a un motociclista en Florida tras un altercado - Duration: 2:17.


POLÉMICA: ¡El Real Madrid, a semifinales gracias a un penalti muy dudoso! - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> POLÉMICA: ¡El Real Madrid, a semifinales gracias a un penalti muy dudoso! - Duration: 3:50.


CHEAT DAYS | THE HARSH TRUTH 🍕🍦🍔🍩🍫🍟 - Duration: 5:53.

hey guys it's Bailey and today we're going to talk about cheat days so we'll

talk about the benefits the downside and my take on that so let's get into it and

I'm gonna give you a couple of examples why cheat days are great and then why

they aren't at the exact same time the first thing I want to say that's a

benefit to some people is that they find it gives them more motivation and

willpower during the week a lot of people see a cheat day as a good

opportunity or like the light at the end of the tunnel where they can deal with

having salads and like crying into a kale salad all week long as long as it

means on the weekend they got to eat pizza ice cream burgers french fries

whatever it's sort of like okay well if I can get through this this whole week

without eating ice cream then on the weekend I can really just like treat

myself and I can eat a whole tub of it but then on the flipside of that is it

can also mean that you're not really being in tune with your actual hunger

and your actual cravings and you're getting in more of a deprivation mindset

it can be really hard for people to actually just go every single day eating

this strict meal plan when really all they want is like a piece of chocolate

and then it causes them to really overdo it on the weekend when they do have

their cheat day so they end up binging and a binge is not the same thing as

a cheat and it's really not a good like restrict binge sort of mindset to get

into what I say to do and this is my personal preference between the two of

those is to think of the 8020 rule but make it more like 70/30 which is more

realistic which means 70% of the things you're gonna eat are going to be healthy

like Whole Foods good for your body and then the other 20 or 30% are gonna be

good for your soul like things you're craving so know yourself you can either

do this by eating healthy during the week if you know you can stick to a

healthy diet for 70 son of the week and then on the weekend

indulge a little more or do it everyday like eat healthy and then let yourself

have that little 3 p.m. piece of chocolate or after-dinner piece of

chocolate or something that you crave so it's just I'm more for finding balance

than having a day devoted to shoving your face with food so the next little

thing is that having a cheat day can be scientifically proven to boost your

metabolism because if you are cutting things like carbs calories fat your body

goes into this almost like starvation mode and it's like I'm not getting

enough food slows down your metabolism so when you have a cheat day or a cheat

meal it tells your body oh my god I'm not starving and it will actually kick

your metabolism up a notch for the next like 24 hours so that's one benefit but

on the flip side I always think you should never be reducing your calories

or or reducing any food groups in general just because again it's very

restrictive in my opinion what we want to do is not focus on eating less but

focus on eating better balancing our blood sugar eating more nutritious meals

every time we have a chance to you know eat something so it should never really

be slowing your metabolism down in the first place I think that cheat days a

lot of times just turn things into a more restrictive mindset so they don't

work for everyone and then they tend to lead to binging or you know when you eat

healthy all week and then you eat something unhealthy it hits so much

harder because your body isn't used to a when you have a big sugar crash or

something your blood sugar is all over the map you're bloated you're retaining

water from eating extra salt like all that nonsense so I think it's better to

aim to treat each meal like an opportunity to have something healthy

I'm all for not having cheats but having treats so as they come up life is too

short to be missing out on anything because of having a diet if all of a

sudden randomly you're on your way to the gym and I'm saying this example

because this happened to me like two days ago and you run into

girlfriends who are getting happy hour drinks and you haven't seen them in a

while go for it and also like twist my arm would I

rather do a five kilometer run or drink a 5 ounce skinny margarita we all know

what won - or sometimes you're just exhausted and you want to sit on the

couch and you want to watch a chick flick and you want to have a glass of

wine and you want to eat a pizza do it like give your soul what it needs and

sometimes what it needs is a pizza and there's nothing wrong with that it

doesn't matter that things don't go to plan all the time because they're not

going to and it's life that they don't but then the next day get right back on

track the next meal whatever and take each time you eat as an opportunity to

nourish your body feed it the foods that make it feel the best and it won't you

know hit as hard as a cheat day or a cheat meal thanks so much for watching

my video on cheat days that's just my take on it let me know in the comment

section below if you're a cheat day person I'm definitely interested in

knowing what works for you and yeah please subscribe if you haven't already

and I'll see you soon

For more infomation >> CHEAT DAYS | THE HARSH TRUTH 🍕🍦🍔🍩🍫🍟 - Duration: 5:53.


Muy seria a su llegada a Madrid , María Lapiedra - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Muy seria a su llegada a Madrid , María Lapiedra - Duration: 3:14.


Toluca, tras los pasos de Chivas - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Toluca, tras los pasos de Chivas - Duration: 4:06.


{MMD\Friends\Self} Test 653 BTS - DNA ||| HAPPY BIRTHDAY IARA!!!!! XDDD - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> {MMD\Friends\Self} Test 653 BTS - DNA ||| HAPPY BIRTHDAY IARA!!!!! XDDD - Duration: 1:35.


FIT FORNESLos alimentos chinos de preparación rápida pueden tener muchisima sal - Duration: 4:57.

Chinese fast food might give you high blood pressure; it can have the same salt content

as TEN bags of chips

Monday, April 09, 2018 by: Zoey Sky

An investigation has revealed that Chinese fast food, which contains "harmful amounts

of salt," should come with a health warning.

Campaigners in Britain revealed that favorites like sweet and sour chicken and egg fried

rice are some of the worst offenders.

Action on Salt, the group of specialists that carried out the investigation, urged health

authorities to set "tough new targets, make warning labels mandatory, and slap hazard

signs on restaurant menus."

The group's analysis revealed that a whopping 97 percent of take out food from six independent

restaurants in London's Chinatown had two grams (g) of salt or more per dish.

Over 50 percent had more than three grams of salt per dish, which is already half the

maximum recommended daily intake in just one portion.

The saltiest take out main dish with a rice/noodle side dish had 11.50 g of salt, which is the

same as five Big Macs.

This amount is dangerously close to acute toxic levels of salt.

Meanwhile, in the supermarket, the saltiest Chinese ready meal was Slimming World's

Chinese Style Banquet Rice which has 4.40 g of salt per 550 g pack.

This is already more salt than two store-bought Pizza Express margherita pizzas.

Other dishes had more salt than 11 bags of salted crisps.

Out of the 141 ready meals surveyed, 43 percent had a high salt content of more than 1.5 g/100

g or 1.8 g per portion.

Per the campaigners, these foods should receive a red warning label on the front of the pack.

Sonia Pombo, a member of Action on Salt, explained that since their data revealed that food can

be easily reformulated with lower salt levels, it's strange that not all companies are

starting to act responsibly.

She continued, "The lack of front-of-pack color-coded labeling on branded products makes

it incredibly difficult for consumers to make healthier choices and that is simply unacceptable."

Last March, the campaign group called for Public Health England (PHE) to take immediate


Action on Salt said that every time salt is reduced by one gram, at least 7,000 deaths

are prevented in Britain.

At least 4,000 of these deaths are premature (e.g. caused by strokes and heart disease).

The average adult shouldn't consume more than six grams, or one teaspoon, of salt daily.

But according to recent studies, most individuals consume at least twice the amount.

Foods rich in salt include common items such as bread, breakfast cereals, cakes, and cheese.

Consuming foods rich in salt may cause high blood pressure, and people with high salt

levels are at least three times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.

In Britain, high blood pressure affects over one in four adults.

The condition is caused by age, weight, and high salt consumption.

Dr. Alison Tedstone, PHE's chief nutritionist, concluded that while salt consumption in the

country has gone down over the past 10 years, a lot of food products still have a high salt


The best thing to do would be to urge manufacturers to cooperate and reduce the salt levels of

their products.

Healthy snack alternatives for your salt cravings If you're craving something salty, skip

the Chinese fast food and try some of these healthy snacks instead:

Edamame — Eat some edamame with a very light sprinkling of salt for a quick protein boost.

Hummus and carrots — Hummus is made from chickpeas, which are full of protein and antioxidants.

You can make your own hummus and eat it with some carrots for a crunchy and savory snack.

Kale chips — Eat some kale chips instead of reaching for a pack of potato chips.

You can even make some kale chips at home by baking the versatile leafy green vegetable.

Nuts — Another source of protein, nuts are also a great snack.

Snack on some almonds, cashews, or walnuts instead of Chinese fast food.

Olives — Olives contain iron, and it also has cardiovascular benefits.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNESLos alimentos chinos de preparación rápida pueden tener muchisima sal - Duration: 4:57.


Zinc enhances stature and health - Duration: 7:42.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Zinc enhances stature and health

The amount of zinc absorbed daily, is essential to maintain a healthy body.

Zinc increases the reproduction of cell division, especially in fetal stage, school age, adulthood.

Causes of zinc deficiency due to unhealthy diet, due to zinc degradation, gastrointestinal disease, and sometimes by medication that interfere with zinc absorption.

Zinc affects the process, growth and development of the body.

Studies have shown that zinc plays a role in regulating nucleic acid metabolism, affecting cell growth and scar formation.

Regulates the metabolism of hormones such as insulin, gustin, neurodevelopmental substances.

Regulate blood cells.

Regulate the activity of the prostate, so when zinc deficiency, children with sexual dysfunction, adults are infertile.

Zinc helps the eyes look better, so when zinc deficiency, eyes look less.

Zinc affects the central nervous system, the comatose zinc deficiency.

Zinc has an important effect on growth hormone, sex hormones, and so on.

Children lack zinc, bones are not developed, not as high as their peers, sex development is slow, easy to fracture when the injury.

Zinc interfere with the growth of the body.

Zinc plays a role in restoring, enhancing digestive function, immune function, reducing the risk of infection, and so on.

Zinc in the body, mobilizing mechanisms to protect the body against stress, adapt to the environment, circumstances.

Eat more zinc rich foods.

Know your body's lack of zinc.

Zinc deficiency, increased susceptibility to infections, or diseases, such as ear, nose and throat disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, dermatitis, nausea, or slow growth, and lesions white, dry skin.


Children lack of zinc deficiency, dwarfism, delayed puberty, mental retardation.

Men with zinc deficiency reduce fertility.

Pregnant women with zinc deficiency, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, increased complications, such as decreased infant weight, increased risk of preterm birth, psychiatric disorders in children very high.

Elderly zinc deficiency contributes to increased bone density and muscle wasting.

In general, zinc deficiency is a loss of appetite, decreased appetite, poor digestion, hair loss, visual disturbances, osteoarthritis, impaired immunity, and so on.

3. Zinc supplementation by age and physiological status.

From 1 to 9 years old need 10mg / day.

Between 10 and 12 years is 10 to 15mg / day.

Toddlers and adults are 15mg / day.

Pregnant women are 20mg / day.

Breastfeeding is 25mg / day.

According to the National Institute of Nutrition:Our country has about 30 to 40% of children and women, during childbirth are zinc deficiency.

To overcome zinc deficiency, zinc supplementation for pregnant women and nursing mothers, children with delayed appetite.

People with gastrointestinal disorders, ulcerative colitis, chronic kidney disease, or short bowel syndrome, will have a harder time absorbing and retaining zinc from food. .

People with sickle cell disease have lower levels of zinc, especially for children, because zinc absorption is more difficult.

Alcoholics, half of those with alcohol dependence, have low zinc levels, because they can not absorb nutrients, suffer from intestinal damage from drinking too much, or because more zinc is secreted through the water. sub.

Men in adulthood are also very in need of zinc, because zinc is important in the production of semen.

Up to 5 mg of zinc is lost during ejaculation.

Zinc deficiency in men can lead to decreased sperm count and sexual frequency.

Regular ejaculation can lead to zinc deficiency.

Losing a small amount of zinc can make men lose weight, lose their sexual ability, and may develop infertility.

Zinc is found in many foods of animal origin.

Plant-based foods often contain less zinc, and have low biological value, which is difficult to absorb.

Foods rich in zinc are from animals such as oysters, oysters, beef, chicken and lean pork, milk, eggs, fish, shrimp, crab, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, cocoa and chocolate, especially nuts, mushrooms, beans, almonds, apples, green tea leaves, and so on.

Zinc can be fortified with zinc supplements, especially milk.

In addition, to increase the absorption of zinc, regular vitamin C supplementation.

Zinc is essential for the body.

However, zinc supplementation for zinc excess body, also affect health.

Zinc excess can be seen in some manifestations such as:bitter taste, metallic taste in the mouth, headache, nausea and vomiting, digestive disorders, bowel movements.

High levels of zinc in the body, can also reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, and other drugs.

Therefore, it is not advisable to buy zinc without treatment.

If there are signs of zinc deficiency, you should go to a nutrition clinic for advice, and appropriate treatment.

National Institute of Nutrition has ranked, zinc content in 100g of food, calculated as:

Peas:4mg, Soybean:3.8mg, Egg yolk:3.7mg, Mutton:2.9mg, Pork meat:2.5mg, lean meat:2.5mg, Ổi:2.4mg, sticky rice:2.3mg, beef:2.2mg, sweet potato:2mg. Chicken meat:1.5mg, Vegetables:1.48mg.

Some of the best sources of food include:oysters 6 medium to large = 76.7mg zinc, cooked crab 84g = 6.5mg zinc, beef tenderloin 112g = 6.33mg zinc, steamed shrimp, boiled 112g = 1 , 77mg zinc.

Dr. Bui Thi Nhung.

The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Zinc enhances stature and health - Duration: 7:42.


Tour por la Luna HD (Sub-español) - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Tour por la Luna HD (Sub-español) - Duration: 4:58.


Cuales son las secciones de steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 5:35.

if you want to learn a little to handle steam and know what are the

functionalities and the sections that you offer today you pause a little

this topic about the sections like for example the store the library the

community we will start with the most basic which is the store since it can be accessed

easily by default since you create your account shows us latest news

launches best titles offers it even personalizes a bit with your

latest game downloads for offer you the games that are most

related to your taste to be able to pay We will use the sting world or wallet

steam or also for web money follow accounts

of this after acquiring the game it is added automatically in our

own library if you want to give it a gift of your friend you can buy

sting cards or gift card to be able send them to your friends who also

have an account on the same platform now the steam coupons that is another

way to buy or to make discounts in games is quite beneficial because

You can get better prices but they only serve for one game at a time

I recommend that you use them when there games that seem too expensive or that

have just left or have just been published how they get

distributors the developers and even the sting itself usually offer the

during festivities likewise you can exchange between users

right here we can access the news where they let you know

the latest news of the games Recommended games according to your choices

the statistics on the number of connected users the number of

users who are playing the same thing that you and the most commonly used games

in case your interest now it's up to the library that is the

section where are our list of games that we bought in the

store validated as a code or in the If you already have other games in your

PC allows you to add the styles but without the services that this one offers you

the third section is the community that started as a forum of opinions and little

little evolved until having several sections like for example the start

where are the latest updates of content that other users upload

as your example screenshots adwords videos achievements and game guides

that this will help us a lot in the case that you're stuck in a game

and you need to pass it on to others users also upload it and so everyone is

help the discussions that is the second part of the community where each

user gives his own opinions does questions brings information to others

then there is the workshop that I think one of the most important and most important parts

interesting from the community because the users download content that others

users have created for games specific as for example objects

the downhill most basically are updates that other players and

that are quite accessible

greenlight is the other section is the other part of the community that is also

quite influenced because it's a system in which the community of

users is the one that decides what games they're going to include this in the sting store

it helps the developers a lot to know what is the opinion of the

players and that makes closer the evolution of the developments of the

games because people can give their opinion and according to that surveys are formed to know

what games do you like the most? people are basically where your opinion

it is heard and it is asserted the market because the market is very easy

to understand here the simplest simply buy and sell objects that

other players have done or got and the user that sells them is the one

decides the price of these objects at same time that steam takes a

commission for this but beware that this is not can be done in free accounts of

games must have bought or spent a minimal amount on some

previous transaction or there must be bought some good town so the

video brothers, I hope you have them liked that it helps them to know more

about how steam works what things has for you that you can use inside

of your account if you already have it or why reason should an account be created later

We'll talk about how to create an account and see you guys later please, if you

like the video like it and do not know forget to crush on the bell

youtube if you want to receive more of this Content type with notifications

directly to your cell phone

For more infomation >> Cuales son las secciones de steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 5:35.


송선미 남편 고우석 살해범에 징역 22년 구형! - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 송선미 남편 고우석 살해범에 징역 22년 구형! - Duration: 3:06.


¿Suministramos un exceso de complementos dietéticos a los niños? - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> ¿Suministramos un exceso de complementos dietéticos a los niños? - Duration: 7:02.


ChuChu TV Baby Shark ABC ...

For more infomation >> ChuChu TV Baby Shark ABC ...


XXXTentacion is Suing the Woman He Was Filmed Punching in the Head - Duration: 1:29.

What up guys, Frazier here for Complex News.

XXXTentacion has reportedly taken legal action against the woman who recently accused him

of physical assault.

According to TMZ, the 20-year-old Florida rapper filed a lawsuit against the alleged

victim this month, shortly after she publicly addressed a video in which X was filmed punching

her in the head.

The woman in the video, which was reportedly shot in 2013, claims she didn't feel comfortable

coming forward with her story until after the footage surfaced online.

QUOTE CARD - @lilbcupp via statement "For those who are questioning why I didn't

come forth earlier was because I was terrified for my life.

Imagine someone doing that to u unprovoked?

At 16?

Let alone the people he associates himself w/?

Truth of the matter is I would still be holding on to this secret if it wasn't leaked."

X's legal team insists the video was not as severe as the woman claims, and that she

and her family are simply trying to make a quick buck with threats of defamation.

Sources told TMZ that the woman's grandparents contacted X's team shortly after the video

went viral and allegedly asked "what they'd be willing to do to 'make everything good.'"

According to the suit, the grandparents also accused XXX of hitting their granddaughter

with a BB gun in a separate instance, and allegedly asked the rapper for $300,000 in

exchange for the woman's silence.

X is suing the woman for fraud and defamation.

XXXTentacion is currently awaiting trial for a domestic abuse case in which he faces charges

for aggravated battery of a pregnant woman, domestic battery by strangulation, false imprisonment,

and witness-tampering.

For updates on how his various legal situations play out, subscribe to complex news on youtube.

For COmplex I'm Frazier.

For more infomation >> XXXTentacion is Suing the Woman He Was Filmed Punching in the Head - Duration: 1:29.


YU BHI TO NIKALTI HAI HASRAT | Superhit Sufi Qawwali | YU BHI TO ZIYARAT HOTI HAI - Duration: 13:46.


For more infomation >> YU BHI TO NIKALTI HAI HASRAT | Superhit Sufi Qawwali | YU BHI TO ZIYARAT HOTI HAI - Duration: 13:46.


ДЛЯ ЛЕВШЕЙ. Вязание крючком. ТУНИКА. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА - Duration: 23:03.

For more infomation >> ДЛЯ ЛЕВШЕЙ. Вязание крючком. ТУНИКА. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА - Duration: 23:03.


Giải mã bí mật cây đa biết di chuyển quanh miếu tại Ninh Bình - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> Giải mã bí mật cây đa biết di chuyển quanh miếu tại Ninh Bình - Duration: 13:21.


{MMD\Friends\Self} Test 653 BTS - DNA ||| HAPPY BIRTHDAY IARA!!!!! XDDD - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> {MMD\Friends\Self} Test 653 BTS - DNA ||| HAPPY BIRTHDAY IARA!!!!! XDDD - Duration: 1:35.


NOT MESSING AROUND: Nunes JOLTS Comey's Cronies With A Shocking Ultimatum. - Duration: 10:52.

NOT MESSING AROUND: Nunes JOLTS Comey's Cronies With A Shocking Ultimatum.

Devin Nunes threatens to IMPEACH Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray.

Also, he will move to charge the DOJ and FBI with contempt of Congress if they don't

turn over the documents by this evening.

The information was subpoenaed in August of 2017.

And, it appears, Rosenstein does not want the American people to see them.

Specifically, it is a two page document that "opened the counter intelligence investigation"

which led to the special counsel.

No wonder Rosenstein is afraid to turn it over.

Sara A.Carter reports, "Chairman Devin Nunes, R-CA, told this reporter Tuesday night that

the "Electronic Communication" is a central piece of information necessary to their ongoing

investigation into the FBI and related matters."

Additionally, Nunes was on with Laura on the Ingraham Angle last night when he said in

no uncertain terms:

"I can tell you this.

We are going to get the document.

We are going to get the two pages.

So they can either cough them up now or it will get really complicated starting tomorrow

night (Wednesday, April 11).

And we will have to take all the steps necessary to get the document."

Also, Nunes, who is the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

(HPSCI), clearly is NOT messing around!

He wants to see the documents on how the special counsel was formed.

And according to him, because the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling and slow walking, it

news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget

to subscribe Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> NOT MESSING AROUND: Nunes JOLTS Comey's Cronies With A Shocking Ultimatum. - Duration: 10:52.


ये तो ख्वाजा का करम है | YE TERA KARAM HAI KHAWAJA MERI BAAT JO BANI HAI | ख्वाजा ये तेरा करम है - Duration: 21:53.


For more infomation >> ये तो ख्वाजा का करम है | YE TERA KARAM HAI KHAWAJA MERI BAAT JO BANI HAI | ख्वाजा ये तेरा करम है - Duration: 21:53.


Best Attitude Boys Special | Kadak Attitude Status VIDEOS - Duration: 0:32.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Best Attitude Boys Special | Kadak Attitude Status VIDEOS - Duration: 0:32.


¿Suministramos un exceso de complementos dietéticos a los niños? - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> ¿Suministramos un exceso de complementos dietéticos a los niños? - Duration: 7:02.


강한나: 순수의 시대, 이건 강한나의 에로 영화다| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 강한나: 순수의 시대, 이건 강한나의 에로 영화다| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 4:58.


프로듀스48 akb48 멤버 입국, 에이스 가득? 혐한에서 태세전환한 멤버도!| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 프로듀스48 akb48 멤버 입국, 에이스 가득? 혐한에서 태세전환한 멤버도!| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 5:00.


Massive weight-loss, transge...

For more infomation >> Massive weight-loss, transge...


4 Things I Wish I Knew About Chicago Before I Moved Here - Duration: 5:29.

What is up guys? (sung) It's been too long/since you've been gone/feels good when I'm with you. - So um I'm in Chicago, yeah, yeah. I'm here now. This video is basically

some things I wish people told me before I moved here

now I love Chicago guys don't I don't want to see anyone in the comments

talking about "April you should know this." No boo boo, no.

I just want to introduce myself back to you guys, have a relationship again

shall we begin so here are four things that I wish I knew about Chicago before

I moved here! So the first and most important one is that Korea will not

prepare you for Chicago boo boo I actually have more culture shock here in

Chicago than I did in Korea I lived in Seoul for a while and it's like okay so

has 10 million people Chicago does not had a many so we do know I can survive

here. No boo boo no boo boo. There are no crackheads in Korea. There are crack heads out here! And the thing

that's really like saddening is there a lot of people with mental illnesses and

there's a lot of people of color with mental illnesses so it really just

bothers me that there's so many people that need help that are on the street

but for the ones that like harrass you on the subway like I literally had some

luggage and I get on here and this chick comes in and she's like I could see your

Bra through your shirt and I'm just like lord have mercy I was going through

something my bag she's like yeah you need a close that bag I suggest you close

that bag. And she had to tell me about this battery charge that her ex-wife had

on her so I literally had to call miss Girl Davis, shout out to my girl from

Jinjja Cha podcast all the way in London to have her call me on the train in

Chicago and I'm like "Girl can you fake like you're on the other train so I can

run off and I got all my luggage and I literally

ran off and ran to to the other train and then I hid in the corner for the night the next 30

minutes but I was not prepared. Alright number two is don't listen to people

especially if the folks haven't lived in Chicago for a long time because things

change over the years So I had a family member tell me that

your car got inspected before you could get your license plate. They tole me that

because I had a have crack in my windshield look oh my gosh I have to get my place

within 30 days I found a place you know they have four and five star reviews I

get there I park my car I'm waiting and then I hear some shuffling. Everybody

gets up and they go to the entryway you know you know I'm just sitting there like you

know I ain't trying to get in nobody's business but apparently there was a brawl and then someone

got shot ya'll everyone's like looking at the

doorway like what's going on what's going on. And I'm looking like

at the floor and there's only like a bathroom. I'm like you supposed to duck

that's what I learned is you duck so I'm looking like where's the exit like

where can i get out? I heard on TV that sometimes you could be shot and you

don't know it so I started like touching myself like who am i shot like sometimes

adrenaline you even don't know. Then this lady who was sitting across from me she's

like I knew I shoulda came out here and I'm like where is out here she was like

girl you ain't from here, this the South Side And I said "Oh Lord have Mercy!"

I'm like but this place got like four and five star reviews on Google. And let's just say I mean they fixed my windshield

nice you know, but I might lose my life there. You

know so I told him I am from the suburbs of Kansas City. I don't know nothing about

this okay? That was scary. Funny in hindsight but when I was there my

life my heart was just like (2PM song ) "Can you feel my heart beat it's waiting for you!"

So with all that I came to find out that Chicago has not done the inspections for

your car for the last 15 years so I didn't need to go get my life put on the

line. Or at least I need to talk to somebody that's lived here within the last five years.

Toll boots will be the death you. I think I paid at least over $300

y'all these, that what the heck like I get it but I need my coins for

like snacks and stuff like little goodies I can't be giving you all my

change and the last one is (BTS song ) "Did you see my bag/ did you see my bag/ hella trophies

and it's hella thick hella thick hey!"

okay unfortunately it's not full of trophies, it's full of stress but no one told

me that you got to pay like seven cents for a small bag fourteen cents for a

large bag in Chicago. But I get here and they're like oh yeah you like a bag then

you trying to add that on like y'all need to stop and then it's like seven

eight ten cents for some water bottles but then you can't drink the water and

the faucet and you charging me for the clean water but I can't drink water

because y'all water too nasty out the faucet. I'm confused and then when I first

got here they had the Cook County sweet tax so it was just like I can't get

no juice I can't get no water I gotta give ya'll my coins so I can't get no snacks

so anyway guys subscribe I'll see you guys next video and I'm so glad to be back

see you guys

For more infomation >> 4 Things I Wish I Knew About Chicago Before I Moved Here - Duration: 5:29.


Chick-Fil-A Sauce & Polynesian Sauce Copycat ~ Homemade Restaurant Favorite ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 7:30.

Hi everybody welcome back to my kitchen and today we got a special treat for you

We're gonna be making copycat versions of two of our favorite chick-fil-a sauces we're going to start with

Chick-fil-a sauce and we're gonna move on to Polynesian sauce let's go see how these all come together

Okay today, we're gonna make

copycat versions of our two favorite

chick-fil-a sauces which are the chick-fil-a sauce itself and the Polynesian sauce

We love chick-fil-a our girls love chick-fil-a and like last night Rick

And I had eaten lunch out and it was a little bit later

and we didn't really want dinner so the girls went to chick-fil-a and they came home and Molly was distraught she

Says I hate it when I ask

For certain sauces and they only give me enough for one person


It's easy to make these at home, and you don't have to be distraught you already have what you need in your refrigerator

Most likely in many cases maybe not for the Polynesian sauce but you do have what you need

For the chick-fil-a sauce did you even know chick-fil-a sauce was a thing because I didn't know it was a thing

for a really long time until

Molly's leg get chick-fil-a sauce I'm like what the heck is chick-fil-a sauce turns out

chick-fil-a sauce was an accident and it's like a combination of honey mustard and

Barbecue sauce and it is delicious, and if you've never had it or never knew about it

I suggest you learn about it and give it a try because it's really good, so we're gonna start with the chick-fil-a sauce

You're gonna start with a half a cup of mayonnaise, and this is enough you know

For a lot of chicken nuggets, and then it's really great on sandwiches

You can dip your fries in this so if you're gonna you can

Adjust the recipe if you only want to make a little bit you can have it. It's no problem

so half a cup of


quarter of a cup of

Prepared mustard this is just regular yellow mustard quarter. Cup. Oh, honey

So there's your basics

like for honey mustard if

You want to make honey mustard this is where you stop you just you got honey mustard right there going on

So there's honey mustard right there now. We're gonna take it up and we're gonna turn this into

chick-fil-a sauce we're gonna add two tablespoons of lemon juice which is like this secret ingredient and

2 tablespoons of barbecue sauce

And you have chick-fil-a sauce easy stuff all right our next sauce we're gonna make is

Polynesian sauce this is my personal favorite

I love Polynesian sauce there really is no substitute, but we're gonna make our own homemade version now

This is a half a cup of

French dressing you can use Catalina or country style French you don't

Want the creamy style you want the red it what you want it to be like a nice deep red sometimes?

They're like creamy lookin. You don't want that kind ok so that's 1/2 a cup of

French dressing or Catalina dressing quarter of a cup pineapple juice that was 2 tablespoons of honey

And a tablespoon of all things prepared yellow mustard get a whisk in here

Looks like Polynesian sauce

Smells like Polynesian sauce

That's pretty good, it does taste like it

Ok now we're gonna get some chicken nuggets and we're gonna give them a taste all right, so we have some these are

chick-fil-a chicken nuggets

Not gonna lie didn't make them ran up to the chick-fil-a, which is literally two blocks away from my house, and we got us some

Chick-fil-a nuggets, and we also got some of this sauce right because Michael wanted some for lunch

So we're gonna go ahead and compare why not right now

It is not my intention to make a specifically exact and accurate sauce it is only my intention

To make a sauce that is comparable in

Flavor that you can throw together on the fly and make for yourself because we have all of these ingredients on hand

You may not always have pineapple juice I always have pineapple juice in my fridge because I drink it every

Morning, so if that's something you don't usually have like I said

You know you can buy it in those little cans and keep it in your pantry and who doesn't love pineapple juice

I mean, maybe you don't but I do here. We go look there's almost

the exact same color

Almost this one original a little bit lighter this one doesn't look

It looks a little bit different, but I'm okay with that because different doesn't mean bad

It just means just different oftentimes homemade versions of things from restaurants are not gonna look the same you ready

Okay, what do you want to start with to place?

Okay, this is the chick-fil-a sauce from the restaurant right you know what that tastes like and here is mine

- smokier

The restaurant one is smokier


Well, then they could be using a different kind of barbecue sauce who knows

Alright, now. Let's do the Polynesian


Let's break one in half

Well just break it and we'll take a piece of one okay, this is the restaurant version

Of course that one's thicker, and it looks like it's almost like a sweet and sour sauce

like that you get

When you go to Chinese?

Okay, and here's ours

Which doesn't look the same?

but tastes pretty good tastes more similar in a restaurant this one is more similar to the restaurant one I

Need delicious. Yes. I do I think it's really really good

But it's just fun to be able to recreate those flavors that you have that you enjoy

It's not my intention to make an exact replica or anything

This is just my way of making a copycat recipe that everyone can enjoy that tastes very similar to the original

I hope you enjoyed the video, and I hope you'll consider giving me a thumbs up

And if you are new to my kitchen welcome, it's always a pleasure to welcome new people

Please hit that subscribe button and if you are tried in true member of the nerine's kitchen family

Please remember to go down below

And hit the bell notification button because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

I hope you give these copycat chick-fil-a and Polynesian sauce is a try

And I hope that you love them and until next time. I'll see ya

For more infomation >> Chick-Fil-A Sauce & Polynesian Sauce Copycat ~ Homemade Restaurant Favorite ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 7:30.


Episode 5.6 | Interview 4.1 : Ixaloa on Sexual Harassment (Part I) - Duration: 11:24.

Yo welcome back, so it's Eris here

Finally finished editing the interviews for the sexual harassment series

Hope you've already seen the first four videos that I made where I talked about the

issue, but of course I have no experience -or real experience - with the issue so I wanted to interview some women because I'm woke.

So here's the first interview, and I think I'm gonna... Yeah. So enjoy leave your feedback whatever. Let's go.

Look at the camera.

And so the green screen - what are you going to put after ?

You're going to leave it green or...?

Uh... I don't know, yet.

Ah because watch out because I have green eyes. So, if you put a background... I'll have scintillating eyes.

I look white. That's funny.


Oh, and also...

Fast forward to the end to see her opinion on...

on dating and this whole bullshit that we do...

A quick little comment

that she makes which I'll throw at the end.

Uh so this is going to be in French because it'll be easier for me to do the subtitles in English

Also because my English is not super perfect.

No, but it's super cute, though.

So maybe I'll have you start in English

Oh gosh.

I'm a dancer. I'm a salsa dancer.

I dress like a salsa dancer, so I wear like...

dresses, red dresses, with high heels... very -- a lot of make-up...

hair, everything.

But in my every day life, I don't do it actually.

I just wear the clothes I want.

I don't like dressing with short clothes because I don't feel...

- Comfortable?

Comfortable in it... in them.

Do you try to avoid sexual harassment by choosing a particular outfit ?

Well, yeah. Of course I know that if I wear a dress like this I am guaranteed to get more attention.

than if I wear all black or something.


In the morning, while getting ready, at no point do I think "Oh, no, I'm not going to wear this because I know that..."

In fact, being a woman, I own it completely.

I am sure of myself as I walk down the street.

And if someone makes a comment...

Well, so be it. I ignore him. I'm not going to think "Oh, no, he said that because I'm wearing a skirt."

No. It is what it is.

It doesn't bother you too much - or a lot - to be--

-- To attract...

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, so, I want to note something.

For me, sexual harassment...

is when someone comes to talk to you repeatedly...

Like relentlessly and continuously....

to compliment you or to say things that may be a bit nastier.

But someone who approaches me in the street to say, "Hi, miss. I think you're really cute..."

I don't consider that harassment. It's definitely awkward. I never know how to respond...

But it's not harassment. Harassment is, like we were saying earlier...

Someone who approaches you every day, who follows you, who insists...

Beyond that... Actually I had an experience last week.

I was on the train. I was listening to music.

I had my bonnet, my scarf... I wasn't especially attractive -- at least, I don't think so.

And a gentleman approached me. He must have been at least 50 years old. He was with his son, who was about 15.

And when I was about to get off the train, they came over to me. They said -- very politely:

"Excuse us, miss. Sorry to bother you. Before you get off, we just wanted to tell you that we find you very attractive and beautiful."

I was pretty caught off guard. I wasn't sure what to say.

But it was phrased so politely... It wasn't in any way degrading...

It wasn't... I didn't feel affronted or harassed.

And so I just responded, "Thank you," and I left.

So, that kind of situation happens. And we have to distinguish between that...

and someone who comes up to you asking for your number and whatever, whatever...

They're really two very different things.

Okay, so complimenting you is not an act of harassment...

No, I don't think so.

However, if the guy had then asked you for your number after... Is that harassment ? Even if he doesn't insist ?

So, it depends on how it's done.

I would never approach someone to ask them for their phone number. That's for sure.

I put this in black and white because I find it a particularly interesting take...

...on the act of asking someone's number in the street.

Why would you never do that?

We're going to see another interviewee talk about it...

I would never... walk down the street and verbally compliment - "compliment" - someone on how they looked.

And she really presents it as this really... bizarre...

sort of imposition.

It's definitely 100% annoying and I understand that, which is why I have stopped doing it since I started this project.

He did not stop doing that.

But... why is it *so* absurd?

And I think that my reluctance to accept its absurdity...

...relates to what Ixa is going to talk about about the idea of community and...

the "importance," if you will, of stranger interactions.

On the other hand, I think it's a way of speaking. In other words...

There are people... Men, in the context of sexual harassment toward women...

who will impose themselves... In other words, they come over...

They feel superior as one human being relative to another...

After all, it's two human beings who are interacting.

And because this sense of superiority, they're going to carry themselves a certain way.

They'll position themselves like this, against the wall...

They'll take on a strong posture before the woman.

And women are often a bit shy, holding themselves like this.

And the guy says, "Go on, give me your number."

That is clearly harassment.

If the gentleman on the train had said, "Hi, could I please have your number?"...

Well, clearly, that'd be inappropriate. I think we can agree that you don't ask someone's phone number, particularly not a young woman on the train...

But I wouldn't have experienced it as an act of agression.

For years, I've been looking for my soulmate. So, I admit that I have found myself asking for a stranger's phone number in the street...

So, I think... Well, it's interesting what you say there because...

Alright, here's the bit I was referring to earlier.

Indeed, if no one ever talked to each other in the street, there wouldn't be a society.

Actually, I study urbanism. We study public places...

the fact that in cities, there are these encounters between different people

and so, absolutely, I am for interpersonal interaction.

But to ask someone their phone number

that's a question of their privacy.

That means that you can call them at noon, at 8 PM, at 4 AM,

So that's really an intrusion into her personal life, her privacy.

So, if I were you -- well I wouldn't personally do it because personally, I don't really like --

--But give the phone number, instead.


"Give the phone number"?

So, what I think is that if someone...

A young man who sees a young woman or whatever...

who is interested in the other, could ask that person to go for a coffee.

To talk, to get to know the person.

And then after, maybe, they can progress to the exchange of phone numbers.

But to start off immediately-- I don't want someone to be able to contact me at all hours.

There's a lot less than there was...

Well, damn. Well, you should have told me!

I mean, I don't care. But, yeah...

It's good now.

Have you already approached -- "reproached"?


Reproached a man who tried to pick you up out in these streets?

Yeah, absolutely. So, I go out dancing...

Even if I don't go out to romance, it is indeed a social setting we attend to dance, to strut our stuff

So for someone to come up to me to flirt with me is to be expected, because... well, yeah.

However, when it's Sunday night and I'm out and about to get some bread, wearing my pyjamas...

it's really annoying

because I have other things to do

and I'm not necessarily in the state of mind to think about how I'll need to respond to men's various approaches.

Speaking of which, this is another thing that happened to me last week.

I was having a really rough day and it was raining.

So, that night, I was super tired. I had taken the train and there were disruptions etc.

And as I approached my building -- well, around the corner

these guys started to talk to me.

They were all, "Come with us, girl. Come on. Let's party. Let's go out."

Usually, when guys approach me like that, I say, "No, I'm not interested," and I go my way.

But that night, I was so, so tired that

I was totally exhausted. I didn't even have the strength to respond and to be mentally tuned in.

So I just said

"Guys, please. I'm tired. Just leave me be. I just want to go home and go to sleep."

Then they started to follow me and insist, etc.

Eventually, I sought refuge in a Pizza Hut near my place and they left.

We are forced to always carry a shield.

And there are some days that we don't have our shields, for whatever reason.

Maybe we're grieving or are sick or whatever.

But when we don't have our shields, we can feel week or small

facing the intrusion of this stranger who... you know.

By the way, it kind of relates to this conversation about meeting people.

I think we need to stop -- it's the 21st century where we have all these quick, powerful social networks

We need to stop being so coy.

If I like someone, I'm just going to go up to that person and say,

"Look, I'd love to chat sometime. I like you. Would you like to grab a coffee?"

We'll get a coffee. If something develops, great. Otherwise, no biggie.

But we need to cut out all these techniques and the ambiguities to... It's draining and ends up leading nowhere.

Totally. That's another conversation, but...

Yeah, but...

I totally agree.

We agree.

For more infomation >> Episode 5.6 | Interview 4.1 : Ixaloa on Sexual Harassment (Part I) - Duration: 11:24.


What Am I Riddles | 8 Riddles and Answers - Duration: 3:27.

Number 1:

I can never be stolen from you.

I am owned by everyone.

Some have more, some have less.

What am I?


Number 2:

I turn everything around, but I cannot move.

When you see me you see you!

What am I?


Number 3:

I am enjoyed by some, despised by others.

Some take me for granted, some treasure me like a gift.

I last forever, unless you break me first.

What am I?


Number 4:

Born in the ocean and white as snow.

When I fall back to water I disappear without a trace.

What am I?


Number 5:

When you take away the 'whole' from me, there is always 'some' left.

What am I?


Number 6:

I am a mother from a family of eight.

Spins around all day despite my weight.

Had a 9th sibling before founding out its fake.

What am I?


Number 7:

I have three eyes and only one leg.

Obey me or you will be sorry.

What am I?

Traffic Light

Number 8:

I dance on one foot and know only one shape.

Someone with same name as me is very good with directions.

What am I?


How many have you got right?

let us know in the comments.

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Thank you for your support.

See You...

For more infomation >> What Am I Riddles | 8 Riddles and Answers - Duration: 3:27.


Why Haven't I Uploaded Recently - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Why Haven't I Uploaded Recently - Duration: 1:03.


Life in London: Visiting an art gallery - Duration: 18:09.

- Hello.

I'm Gill at engVid, and today we're doing something a little bit different for our lesson.

We are going to be visiting a place in...

Seven miles away from Central London, the Artful Pelican Art Gallery, which is a small

art gallery and shop.

And if you visit or if you're in the U.K., or if you visit a U.K. city you will probably

see places like this, so this lesson will help you to find out what to expect if you

go in one of these places.

It's also an opportunity to hear two native English speakers, that will be me and David,

the owner of the shop, speaking, having a conversation in English, so it's an opportunity

to hear an English conversation between two people.

Okay, so...

And also we'll be seeing what kind of thing to expect if you visit an art gallery like

this; pictures and sculptures.

And so, we'll be seeing pictures of London, pictures of famous people who you may have

seen in films, so let's go in and have a look.

- Hi, Gill.

- Oh, hi, David. - Hey. It's nice to see you. - Hi. Nice to see you. How are you? - Excellent.

Thanks. - Oh, good. - You too? - Fine, thank you.

Thank you for letting us come in... - Hey. - And have a look around. - You know you're always welcome.

- Oh, that's really nice. Well, thank you.

- This has always been one of my favourites, this charcoal. Amazing art. - That's lovely. Lovely detail.

So, David, so you've been here for a while now, haven't you?

- Yes. - I remember the place gradually being decorated and open. - Yeah, well, we met

I would imagine sometime around about May 2015. - Yes. - And we opened in July in 2015.

- Right, that sounds about right. Yeah. - Yeah. - So that's nearly going on two years?

- We're getting on for two years, aren't we?

- Yeah. - I think you came to our opening, didn't you? - I did.

- When we had Sir Ian McKellen here. - Yes. - And a big crowd. - Wow.

You could hardly move. - No.

It was... - The place was packed, wasn't it? - It was good.

It was a nice, fun evening; and very well-supported. - Yes, it was really nice.

And to get Sir Ian McKellen to come and...

- Quite a coup. - Open the place was a real coup, wasn't it?

- Yeah, and it went very well. - And it was so nice to see him so close.

He was about, you know, where that chair is away from me, and I thought: "My god, that's Sir Ian McKellen."

- "It's really you", yeah.

- And I'd first seen him on the stage in the 1970s, and been really knocked out by his...

- Oh, good.

- He was in the Shakespeare play, Richard II, so that was when I first ever saw him.

- So we fulfilled a wish, then, you got to meet him.

- So all those years later, there he was. - Oh, good. - Slightly nearer.

- He was very good with everyone that came, yeah.

- So that was great, that was great because he cares a lot about the charity.

- He cares a lot about homelessness. - Yes.

- He has two pet likes, which is homelessness, which is what we're all about.

- Yes. - And AIDS, they're his two main... main things.

- Right. Yes, yes. - So the homeless thing... - Yeah. - He was very keen to help.

- Yes, yes. So you... This is an art gallery, obviously, but you have this sort of fundraising element for charity?

- Well... Yes, of course, it is an art gallery, but it's a non-profit art gallery. - Right.

- So no one earns a salary in here.

Every penny of the profits gets plowed back into the gallery or at homeless projects, Street Souls.

So we help homeless people street-level.

- Right. - And in particular homeless artists through the art gallery.

- Ah, so some of the artists, some of the art we'll be seeing here today...

- Is by homeless people. - Has been drawn by homeless people.

- Yes, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. - Yes. Okay. - Yeah.

Some of it made in our studio at the back, which I'll show you in a little while.

- Oh, that's lovely. Look forward to seeing that. - Yeah.

- So, do you...? Do you help the homeless people with food and clothes, and...?

- Yes, food, clothes, sleeping bags, toiletries. You name it, we do it.

- Yes. Yes. - Advice. Been doing it now for about 12 years, and this is the latest iteration.

- And are you sometimes able to get them somewhere to live? - Oh, yes.

Oh, yes. On occasion.

The biggest thing for me is when we've helped them and they come back and help us, and they

volunteer with us, which that means quite a bit.

It's lovely. - Lovely. Excellent. Great.

So, let's have a look at some of the art. - Let me... Let me show you around, shall I?

- That would be lovely.

I mean, this... This is an amazing sculpture.

- This is a lovely sculpture.

It's modern, and it's recast from the original by the lost-wax method.

So if I lifted this up and shook it, you'd hear the wax inside.

- Okay. It looks very heavy. - It's quite heavy. - Yes.

- This one weighs just over 12 kilos. - Wow. - It's a lovely piece.

- I love the way the hair... - Yeah. - Is sort of flowing, and as if the wind is blowing through the hair.

- Yeah, and I think, as you mentioned to me once, it would look nice on top of a grand

piano or something. - Oh, it would. If... If only I had a grand piano.

- Or if you had a music room.

- I... I would want to buy that to put on my grand piano.

- Yes. It is lovely. This is one of our personal favourites, is this here, which is probably the finest charcoal

work I've ever seen.

- That's charcoal? - That's charcoal.

330 hours' work that was. - Oh, that's amazing.

- A wonderful piece.

- So that's the London... The picture of London, the Houses of Parliament.

- Yeah, the Houses of Parliament, yeah.

- And Big Ben there with the clock on it.

- Yeah, it's quite special, that piece.

- So that's amazing.

- Then basically everything in here, percentage, 30% or more goes to the homeless.

- Right. - Some of the work in here I own outright.

- Yes. - And any profit I make on it, the entire profit goes to help the homeless.

- Okay. - So, you know, if I buy something for 200 pounds, sell it for 400, then 200 pounds goes

in the pot. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, that's fantastic.

- Let's go for a wander, shall we?

- Yeah, let's have a look, shall we?

Okay, so we'll follow you around, David.

- Yeah, please. - If you want to point out any...

- Some of my little favourites are these book carvings here.

- Oh, they're lovely, aren't they?

- They're done by a young lady who's on the autistic spectrum.

- Ah, okay.

- They're fantastically popular, particularly with American people; they seem to love them.

- Yes. - We've sold a lot to Americans visiting. - Gosh, can you imagine transporting one of those across the Atlantic?

- Well, one lady... One lady bought six of them from us, and she called me when she came back and said: "Five

of them made it in one piece."

- Oh my goodness. - And she thought she could fix the other one, so she did really well.

- Wow. Because they're really fragile, aren't they? - Some of them are very fragile, yeah.

- I mean that would be hard to transport just around the corner. - Absolutely. - Never mind across the Atlantic.

- Yeah. These are lovely pieces, these glass pieces. - Nice.

- These are glass, and this is fired nine times to get the colour in it.

- Golly. - It's quite a... Quite a piece of work. - That's amazing.

So there's a very wide range of styles.

- Yeah. We have no particular genre. - No. - It's anything. - Anything, yes.

- You know, so we got this piece, for instance, by one of the world's best stencil artists, John Feenan, Mr. Feenan.

- Wow. And that's Jack Nicholson, isn't it?

- That's Jack Nicholson from The Shining.

- Yes. - The pattern on the back is in the carpet of the hotel, if...

If you remember the movie. - Oh, yes. - Yeah.

- So, Jack Nicholson, if you've seen that film, The Shining. - That's from The Shining, yeah.

- That's a horror film, isn't it?

- That's a horror film, quite a creepy one.

- Horror film, if you like horror films.

- Yeah. - There we are. - Right. - And this is... - That's David Bowie. - David Bowie there.

- That's a limited edition print. We had ten of those, and that's the last one remaining.

- Yes, amazing. - That's quite a nice work.

- We've got Superman up there.

- Yeah.

- So there's a lot of influence from...

- That's by a Mexican artist, Rodolfo Reyes.

Yeah. - So there's a lot of influence from American films.

- Oh yes, very much so. - And American culture.

- Yeah. - Here, and some nice...

- This is the only piece in the gallery that's not for sale.

- Oh. - This is Sniffer John, he's a real homeless person from Milton Keynes.

- Oh, wow. - And this was done by Ruth Eales.

Ruth is, you know, an artist we have here all the time.

- Yes. - That was the first picture she sold commercially. I bought it and I won't sell it.

Yeah. - Oh, right. Yes, I remember seeing that, I've seen that... - I love that piece.

Yeah. - I've seen that every time I've popped in I remember - He's there looking over us.

- Oh, that's nice.

- So keep... Keep coming through. - So that's... Oh, lovely.

Oh, here's a good one of Tower Bridge. - Yeah.

- So another London scene, here, Tower Bridge over the River Thames, with some red London buses going across.

- That's by a well-known artist called Colin Ruffell.

That's a limited edition giclée.

- That's really nice. I like the sort of texture. - Very nice. - On the surface there. - And it's good work.

He's a very, very popular artist.

- Nice colours, too.

Very interesting. That's great.

Okay, so this is quite a big place, because you've got different levels.

- I refer to it sometimes as a TARDIS.

- The TARDIS, yes. - For any Doctor Who fans.

- If anybody knows Doctor Who.

- A TARDIS, yeah. Yeah.

- So, some people I've talked to have never heard of Doctor Who because if they're from

a different country, if they're not from the U.K., they may not have heard about Doctor Who, so...

- These two works up here I point out, actually, one of Yoda from Star Wars and David Beckham.

- Right. - Made by an artist by the name of David Hardy.

David was the catalyst behind me starting this gallery.

When I met him, six or seven years ago now, he had just been made homeless and was in a very, very dark place. - Oh dear.

- And I managed to get a work of his into the Lloyd's of London Art Exhibition, and he won the best newcomer prize.

- Oh, brilliant. - And basically that was the catalyst...

- Yeah. - That sent him on the road to recovery. - Oh, that's wonderful.

- We've sold a lot of his works here and he's had commissions from here, but now he's in

a very nice flat. - Nice. - And he's, you know, making his living as a professional artist.

He's done really well.

Hopefully we can do more for other artists like that. - Because the detail is amazing, isn't it?

- Yeah, he's got a lovely touch.

These pieces over here are by homeless artists.

Don Pollard, he's done these. Unfortunately he's developed Parkinson's. - Okay.

- And he's not at all well.

But I sold a piece of his work to a fellow who pulled up to have a cup of tea next door,

and I said: "Come in here, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Only cost him 400 pounds!

He bought a piece of Don's work and he was thrilled.

What was particularly nice, I met Don up for one of our soup run evenings, gave it in an

envelope, said: "This is for you, 400 quid." And he nearly cried.

He'd never received so much money.

And the nice thing was the next time I saw him he had new boots on... - Yes. - And a new jacket, so his money was very wisely spent.

- Oh, that's good.

- Which was great.

- That's good. - And he's a lovely man. Lovely man. - Yes.

Oh, it's good to hear of people...

- Let me show you out here. It's a little bit of a mess at the moment.

- Oh, yes, the studio, let's have a look at...

- I don't... I don't apologize, actually, because all of this stuff over here is things for homeless people.

- Right. - There's shoes, and cosmetics, and everything else.

And normally these desks would be out over here, there's desks there. - Yes.

- And a homeless artist can come and work.

- So shoes and things? - Yeah.

We were given by, you know, a company. - Oh, brilliant.

- I've got more stuff coming in from the same company.

- Food tins. - Yeah, so lots of different stuff. - Yes. - We have toiletries and everything.

- Marvelous. - And this cupboard here, the artists are allowed to help themselves to whatever they need. We have... - Oh, right.

- You know, acrylic paints, oil paints, canvasses, boards, easels, everything.

- Excellent. And do they...? Do they stay here and do a bit of art? - Yes, yes, exactly.

- On the premises?

- And sometimes we have tutors come in, you know.

- Oh, you have tutors in as well?

- Yeah, sometimes.

- Oh, that's great.


- This is my playground, this is where I play. - You play. Oh.

- My current thing is doing casts of hands and things.

- Oh, so do you make these yourself?

- Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - Oh, wow. Gosh.

- This is just a base for a new idea I've got, so...

- Right. Wow, that's amazing.

- So that's my playground.

- And you've got cans of spray? - Got a few types of paints, yes. - Graffiti paint, there, spray... Spray paint.

- Yeah, we're currently trying to get permission to do the sideboard of the Tigers Head Pub,

which would be fun if we get the okay to do that.

- Oh, the one on the corner here?

- Yeah. - Which has been closed for... - Yeah.

It would be a great, great, huge mural.

- That would be wonderful because something needs to be done. - Yeah. - It doesn't look good at the moment, does it? - No, it doesn't.

We have a relationship with some of the best graffiti artists in Britain, so...

- Well, there we are.

- If we get them in there doing that, it would become quite a talking piece. - It would be a big improvement. - Yeah. - Yes.

- But you may think it's all over, but it isn't.

There's one more floor. - Oh, there's more to see? Excellent. Okay.

- After you, Gill, you know where you're going. - Okay.

Okay, then, so down the stairs here? - Down the stairs. - Oh, there's...

- There's Amy Winehouse, yeah. - And Chairman Mao.

That's an interesting combination, there. - This is an interesting piece.

This is a Japanese artist called Tadanori Yokoo.

This is a... This is a self-portrait called...

I think it's called Landscape No. 16, if I remember right.

And this was from his first-ever major exhibition in Tokyo in 1967.

It's a five-layer screen print, and this is number one of five.

This was gifted to us.

And Christie's have valued it at 8000 to 10,000 pounds, and that was given to me for the gallery,

so that was really nice.

- That's amazing. So it's a screen print. - Yeah. It's a multi-layer screen print. - Yeah.

- So there's a thick Perspex-type stuff, and then four or five layers of acrylic underneath it.

- Right. - This is a shrine to the dead for the show.

- That looks very sort of... Oh, what is the...?

The Day of the Dead? - The Day of the Dead, yeah.

- Is it in South America they have the Day of the Dead, don't they?

- It's in Mexico.

- Mexico. - Mexico. Mexico, yes.

- It just so happens we have a Mexican here with us.

- Who knows much more about it than I do.

Thank you. - This artist covers most of this wall, he's a fellow by the name of Gary Orford who's

an immensely-talented artist.

He's a recovering heroin addict doing really, really well, but he's a hugely-talented artist.

- Yes. Amazing. I love the birds. - They're nice. They're all done by fingertips. - Really?

- Both of the birds are just done by fingers; no brushes used at all on those two paintings.

- Wow. Amazing. - Yeah. - Oh, they've really got a sense of movement in them. - Yes. Yeah, they're brilliant.

- Don't they? Sort of fluttering. - Yeah. - Wow. It's lovely.

That's an interesting sculpture in the corner, there.

- Yeah, that was done by a homeless fellow, but before he became homeless, but the fellow

who did it is a Bulgarian, Tomen Enov, and I met him a little over a year ago, and I

said: "Well, you can come and stay underneath my office"-which is, you know, is an office

in itself-"for a week or two", and a year later I had to ask him to move on.

But he's an immensely talented artist.

- Yes, it's very interesting.

- Yeah. - Wow. I like the geometrical design... - Yeah. Very spiritual.

His work is very spiritual. - Yes. Wow. Okay.

Oh, and that looks familiar. - That's Downing Street.

- Yeah, that's Downing Street.

- That's called Plebgate. - Plebgate. - Yeah.

- Ah, so this is Downing Street where the prime minister lives, and at some point in

the recent past they put some gates up.

There didn't used to be gates there at one time and people could just walk up Downing

Street, but then at some point they put some gates up to stop people going in, and now

they have police at the gates to check who people are going through, so...

So that's why it's called Plebgate.

- It's called Plebgate because one of the MPs allegedly called the policemen a "pleb"

because they wouldn't let him cycle his bike through the gate.

- Yes. - Yeah. - Yes, and there was a big... - And there was a big to-do about it.

- Yes, there was, wasn't there? I remember now.

So, to call somebody a pleb is a little bit rude.

- Yeah, it's a bit insulting.

- It's a bit... A bit snobbish.

- So, David, thank you so much for showing us around.

And as you know, these videos that we're making are designed for people who are learning English

as a foreign language.

And there may be people who are already in the U.K. or in some English-speaking country,

or they may be in another country and they're perhaps planning to come here to the U.K.

to work or to study. - Right.

- So we wanted to show them what it's like in an art gallery like this, and to encourage

them to just come in and look around, and not to be scared. You know?

Just it's an interesting place to have a look, and the person, the owner will be friendly

and will show you around.

So what would you say?

- Yeah, I'd say please don't ever find an art gallery intimidating.

99 times out of 100 you'll receive a warm welcome.

I don't know anyone personally who wouldn't give you a warm welcome.

I'd love you to come here, then I can explain to you what we do and why we do it.

We're a little different, we're non-profit, and look to help people through selling art

and providing art.

But you'll receive a warm welcome here.

Just don't be afraid. Come on in!

For more infomation >> Life in London: Visiting an art gallery - Duration: 18:09.


Meghan Markle MUM's Plans For Royal Wedding Revealed - Duration: 2:17.

Meghan Markle's workaholic mum will take only a short time off from work for her daughter's

big day, it has been claimed.

As Meghan and Prince Harry jet off on a luxurious honeymoon after exchanging vows on May 19,

Doria Ragland will head straight back to Los Angeles and dive in to work.

Doria, 61, "will be returning to work immediately" after taking only eight days off, according

to reports.

The therapist, who sees patients at a nonprofit mental health clinic "has a full caseload

and often works 14-hour days," according to US

It had been Doria's "lifelong dream" to become a counsellor and is believed to

have got her social worker licence only in 2015.

Her dream was finally realised when 36-year-old Meghan used her acting money to help send

her mum back to school, claimed the source.

"Meghan is very close with her mom," a friend said.

However, it still remains unclear who will give Meghan away on her big day.

Kensington Palace is yet to confirm the details but Thomas Markle, who split from Meghan's

mum Doria when Meghan was six, could be the one walking her down the aisle.

This comes as Thomas was snapped clutching Images Of Britain, a book featuring Meghan

and Harry's wedding venue Windsor Castle.

The bride's estranged dad, 73, is said to be nervous about appearing before royalty

and the eyes of the world.

Royal watchers last night saw the book as a clear sign Thomas will walk the actress

down the aisle.

The £20 AA guidebook gives the lowdown on Britain's important sites, including other

royal residences.

Retired TV lighting director Thomas was seen brushing up on Brit trivia in Rosarito, Mexico,

where he lives.

A royal fan tweeted: "I'm under the impression that Thomas Markle will walk his daughter

down the aisle."

Another added: "Is Meghan's father swotting up on UK before the big day?"

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle MUM's Plans For Royal Wedding Revealed - Duration: 2:17.


Top 10 Things to DO in ASAKUSA Tokyo | WATCH BEFORE YOU GO - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Things to DO in ASAKUSA Tokyo | WATCH BEFORE YOU GO - Duration: 12:46.


XXXTentacion is Suing the Woman He Was Filmed Punching in the Head - Duration: 1:29.

What up guys, Frazier here for Complex News.

XXXTentacion has reportedly taken legal action against the woman who recently accused him

of physical assault.

According to TMZ, the 20-year-old Florida rapper filed a lawsuit against the alleged

victim this month, shortly after she publicly addressed a video in which X was filmed punching

her in the head.

The woman in the video, which was reportedly shot in 2013, claims she didn't feel comfortable

coming forward with her story until after the footage surfaced online.

QUOTE CARD - @lilbcupp via statement "For those who are questioning why I didn't

come forth earlier was because I was terrified for my life.

Imagine someone doing that to u unprovoked?

At 16?

Let alone the people he associates himself w/?

Truth of the matter is I would still be holding on to this secret if it wasn't leaked."

X's legal team insists the video was not as severe as the woman claims, and that she

and her family are simply trying to make a quick buck with threats of defamation.

Sources told TMZ that the woman's grandparents contacted X's team shortly after the video

went viral and allegedly asked "what they'd be willing to do to 'make everything good.'"

According to the suit, the grandparents also accused XXX of hitting their granddaughter

with a BB gun in a separate instance, and allegedly asked the rapper for $300,000 in

exchange for the woman's silence.

X is suing the woman for fraud and defamation.

XXXTentacion is currently awaiting trial for a domestic abuse case in which he faces charges

for aggravated battery of a pregnant woman, domestic battery by strangulation, false imprisonment,

and witness-tampering.

For updates on how his various legal situations play out, subscribe to complex news on youtube.

For COmplex I'm Frazier.

For more infomation >> XXXTentacion is Suing the Woman He Was Filmed Punching in the Head - Duration: 1:29.


5 Step Tutorial: WORKING WISHING WELL -Polymer Clay - Duration: 7:13.

Ever wanted your own working wishing well? Today we're making one! Hi, I'm

Serenity from Wren Around The Moon. Please, come craft with me. For today's project

you'll need the following materials. You can, also, find these listed in the

description below. use your condition white clay to form a flat disc and you

want it to be about a quarter to an eighth of an inch thick somewhere in

there then take your granite and roll it with

a piece of the gold twist those together and keep rolling them until you have a

look that you like then pull off pieces of it and for the stone just little

chunks like you see here you'll condition another piece of the granite

and pull off chunks for stone again then you'll condition the last piece of

granite and pull off a little bit of the white clay roll it into a snake and then

twist it into the granite again once you have it the way that you want it to look

go ahead and pull off those pieces

you'll take your first piece and roll it into a sort of circular shape for the

stone any shape that you come up with is fine just press it into the base of the

clay you'll continue that all the way around when you have the first layer

done you're going to smooth it into the base and the stones into each other just

on the inside and you'll do that for each layer until you have the full piece


when the well itself is finished go ahead and roll out two snakes of clay in

brown they should be about even size and a little bit thicker than the stones

you're going to take a piece of wire and you're gonna measure it against the clay

and against the well so that you have a little bit extra left at the end because

you're gonna push that down into the well and you're gonna push the brown

clay onto top onto the top of the wire and then clip that off roll it out again

so it's got that shape that you want and then use your multi needle tool to give

it the wood look these are gonna be your well posts when you have it ready just

push it into the stones of the well you'll repeat that process on the other

side of course and you can use your multi needle tool to give some dots

along the top if you'd like then you're gonna pull off another long piece of 18

gauge wire and you're gonna run it between the posts but you want some

overhang because that's gonna become your handle so just push it through the

first one and then through the second take the wire out before you bake I'm

sorry my camera didn't record this I rolled out a snake of brown clay push

the wire that I had cut before through it put a bend a small one in one end

then made a bigger bend in the next end and bent it a third time so that I would

have the handle when that was done I did use the multi needle tool to give it a

wood look I conditioned my silver clay that I used my ball tool to hollow out

the inside pressing the edges thin just going around and around until I was

pinching it with my face I did press it down onto the table to

make it flat on the bottom then I cut off a piece of the 18 gauge wire for the

handle so I bent one side and pushed it through the clay once I had it in I bent

the other side and pushed it through the other end of the clay and that formed a

pretty good handle I did use my belt hole to cover any seams I did check the

bucket against the well to make sure that the size would work I cut off about

12 inches of beige twine I tied it into a knot at the top of the well I made

sure the knot was pretty secure then I wrapped that twine around the top then I

tied it of course to the bucket with another pretty good knot when I was sure

the twine was secure I did check it by using the handle to run it on and off of

the top of the well to me it looked pretty cool once I was sure that it was

working properly I did cut off the excess bits of twine on the end after

they were cut off and I disposed of the pieces I used glue to secure the knots I

didn't want them to come apart so I glued them pretty well

then came the mixing of the resin and of course it's the two-part resin so I had

to mix it in equal amounts and I stirred it thoroughly according to the package

directions when I had it pretty well stirred I decided that I didn't want to

paint the inside of the well so I added a drop of blue to the resin and the drop

turned out to be bigger than I had wanted it to be I wanted a really small

one so I kind of had to go with what was there and I stirred it fairly thoroughly

once it was completely mixed I did dump the whole thing into the well and of

course it's going to have to sit for a while but I ended up liking the dark

blue color I really enjoyed making this well and I hope you did too if you want

to see more tutorials please subscribe if you liked it please give me a big

thumbs up you can ding the notification bell so you know when the next tutorial

comes out and of course please feel free to share thank you so much for watching

today take good care of yourself bye bye

For more infomation >> 5 Step Tutorial: WORKING WISHING WELL -Polymer Clay - Duration: 7:13.



For more infomation >> OVERWATCH RETRIBUTION - Duration: 12:06.


ASMR Scalp Inspection 😴 GigiASMR - Duration: 29:18.

ASMR Scalp Inspection


For more infomation >> ASMR Scalp Inspection 😴 GigiASMR - Duration: 29:18.


ADD A DAD (New Series): FIGHT CLUB - Duration: 1:06.

- Okay, yeah, I'll get more diapers on the way home.

- [Tyler] Gentlemen.

- Hold on.

- Welcome to Fight Club.

- Okay, I gotta go.

Fight Club's gonna start.

- The first rule of Fight Club is

you do not talk about Fight Club.

- Okay, it's not a Fight Club.

It's a book club.

Gotta go, love you (kissing).

- Second rule of Fight Club is

you do not talk about Fight Club.

- Okay, so that's,

that's for me, right?

Cuz I just...

I told.

- Third rule of Fight Club

someone yells stop, goes limp.

- Goes limp?

- Fourth rule: one fight at a time, fellas.


- (laughs) Is this a joke?

- Sixth rule: no shirts, no shoes.

- No service!

- Final rule:

if this is your first night at Fight Club,

- Whoop whoop!


- You have to fight.

- Wait, what?

No, no, no!


Awww, c'mon!

For more infomation >> ADD A DAD (New Series): FIGHT CLUB - Duration: 1:06.


#1YOSI Making a Puppet - Duration: 1:01:38.

For more infomation >> #1YOSI Making a Puppet - Duration: 1:01:38.


NOT MESSING AROUND: Nunes JOLTS Comey's Cronies With A Shocking Ultimatum. - Duration: 10:52.

NOT MESSING AROUND: Nunes JOLTS Comey's Cronies With A Shocking Ultimatum.

Devin Nunes threatens to IMPEACH Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray.

Also, he will move to charge the DOJ and FBI with contempt of Congress if they don't

turn over the documents by this evening.

The information was subpoenaed in August of 2017.

And, it appears, Rosenstein does not want the American people to see them.

Specifically, it is a two page document that "opened the counter intelligence investigation"

which led to the special counsel.

No wonder Rosenstein is afraid to turn it over.

Sara A.Carter reports, "Chairman Devin Nunes, R-CA, told this reporter Tuesday night that

the "Electronic Communication" is a central piece of information necessary to their ongoing

investigation into the FBI and related matters."

Additionally, Nunes was on with Laura on the Ingraham Angle last night when he said in

no uncertain terms:

"I can tell you this.

We are going to get the document.

We are going to get the two pages.

So they can either cough them up now or it will get really complicated starting tomorrow

night (Wednesday, April 11).

And we will have to take all the steps necessary to get the document."

Also, Nunes, who is the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

(HPSCI), clearly is NOT messing around!

He wants to see the documents on how the special counsel was formed.

And according to him, because the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling and slow walking, it

news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget

to subscribe Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> NOT MESSING AROUND: Nunes JOLTS Comey's Cronies With A Shocking Ultimatum. - Duration: 10:52.


EFT tapping for lack of motivation - Duration: 2:48.

Hello Everyone, I'm Joe Pantaleo founder of Tapping For Freedom.

In this video, we're going to tap on lack of motivation.

Sometimes we find ourselves sitting on the couch and thinking about all the things that

we need to get done, but we lack the motivation to get started.

Give these feeling a number on a scale from 0 - 10

0 being the lowest and 10 being the highest in intensity.

now focus on this feeling you get as we start tapping.

Let's take a deep breath

Now start tapping on the Karate chop point and repeat after me.

"Even though I don't feel motivated to do anything, I deeply and completely accept myself"

This lack of motivation

I Don't feel motivated

I just want to sit here and do nothing

I don't want to get started

If I had the motivation I could get started

I cant find the motivation

I do this all the time

I get excited but then I lose all motivation

Now Take a deep breath.

How do you feel?

Check the intensity again on the 0 - 10 scale and write that number down?

let's do another round of tapping "

Even though I don't feel motivated to do anything , I deeply and completely accept


I know I can do this

I really believe I can

I chose to dig deep and find that motivation

There are things that I should be doing

There are actions I want to take

I don't want to sit here anymore

I'm going to get things done

I chose to find the motivation

Take a deep breath

Check in with yourself after each round.

Did you feel a shift?

Did anything else come up?

If something came up write it down and you can tap on that later.

After each round Check the intensity level on the scale from 0 -10. and write the number


So now continue the tapping process until you get the relief you're looking for.

REMEMBER consistency is key!

If you like this video hit the like button below, share it with your friends and be sure

to subscribe.

THANK YOU for watching and I'll see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> EFT tapping for lack of motivation - Duration: 2:48.


12 astuces pour éliminer la poussière chez vous - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> 12 astuces pour éliminer la poussière chez vous - Duration: 8:33.


A good play by Zander and an equally bad play from Croak - Yarışmacımız Yaşar, Battlerite Uyarlama - Duration: 0:36.

Yes, competitor Yaşar is walking...

Yaşar's getting ready...

A wonderful jump.

For more infomation >> A good play by Zander and an equally bad play from Croak - Yarışmacımız Yaşar, Battlerite Uyarlama - Duration: 0:36.


10 Signs You Might Miss That Say You Are An Old Soul - Duration: 6:54.

10 Signs (You Might Miss) That Say You Are An Old Soul

An Old Soul is someone who has lived many lifetimes and has evolved spiritually during

that time.

While most of us have lived lives prior to this current one, some have evolved faster

than others.

To evolve we need to absorb the lessons life throws at us.

For example, if there are 100 people in a room who face the same obstacle � a certain

percentage will lose their way, some will overcome it but become angry or bitter in

the process.

But, a small few will overcome the challenge and thrive, perhaps even go on to inspire

others to do the same.

The small group of souls who not only overcome but then go on to apply their lesson to life

are on a 'fast track' to spiritual evolution � they are what I mean by Old Souls.

Being an Old Soul doesn't mean you have to be perfect.

Far from it!

Old Souls are still human and make mistakes.

They just have an ability to 'sense' the bigger picture, and 'know' they are meant to overcome,

learn and lead a purposeful life.

Old Souls strive to make their life matter, in small ways as much as big.

Here are 10 Signs (You Might Miss) That Say You Are An Old Soul:


Have a strong sense you�ve been here before

Old souls know this is not their first life.

They experience flash-back memories, usually triggered by a person or event.

For example you meet a stranger and instantly feel a connection.

You read a book, travel to a location, or see something on TV that makes you think �I

know this place, or I�ve read this before�.

You may experience vivid dreams of a past-life, usually the most traumatic lives are the ones

most easily remembered (they leave deeper scars).

You may �need� to live somewhere, a town, or country because you �feel� you belong

there, although you have no obvious connection to the area.


Playing New Roles With People In Your Life

Old Souls know who in their current life was present in their last.

For example, your mother in this life could have been a sister or daughter in a previous


You may have a child who you, when you looked in their eyes at birth, sensed was a �returning�

soul � you knew instantly you had met before.


Wise And Secretive

You keep secrets and somehow, even strangers �know� this and unburden themselves on


People seek you out for advice, you don�t need to say much, but what you say has impact.

You are no longer surprised when older, sometimes much older people, also defer to you (socially

and at work).

An Old Soul has a bright light, and others �sense� it, like being with a Seer or

Wise One.


Adult Time

You attract friends of all ages, but gravitate toward older people.

As a child you were just as happy hanging around adults as kids.

Childhood was an important time for you, it is where you first �reconnected� with

the spiritual world, so you would have enjoyed alone time, creating your own world.


Eyes Are The Doorway To The Soul

You need to look in people�s eyes when you talk to them � although you may have learnt

to avert your stare because you know it makes others uncomfortable.

The eyes are the window to the soul, you read people�s soul through their eyes.

It has all the information you need.


Earth�s A School

You sense that earth is a school and not a final destination.

The �real� world is on the Other Side in spirit form.

Your spirit (soul) has entered a psychical body to experience some lessons in this place

called earth.

Always at the back of your mind is the thought �this isn�t it, earth is just a playing


This knowing helps keep �Life� in perspective and allows you to maintain a sense of humor.


Alone Time

You need time alone, to �hear yourself think�.

In other words, your mind needs to stay connected to your soul, because your soul is the one

guiding you, and giving you directions.


Ethical: Being A Good Person

You strive to be a �good� person � that means being honest, kind, not gossiping or

giving way to jealously.

However, you are not perfect, and instantly know when your actions do not align with your


You are your own Judgment.


Money, Money, Money

You are not driven by owning �things�.

Money is important in so far as it gives you the freedom to pursue your dreams, but that�s

where the relationship ends.

You don�t need to own several homes or cars� quite the opposite, you feel it would weigh

you down.


Deep Not Shallow

You are attracted to deep relationships � friends or partners that you can talk to for hours.

You�d rather be alone than with a group you don�t feel connected with.

Old Souls tend to avoid big groups, loud bars and concerts � they operate much better

one on one.

For more infomation >> 10 Signs You Might Miss That Say You Are An Old Soul - Duration: 6:54.


양세형 양세찬 암 투병 사실이 뒤늦게 알려지면서 주위를 안타깝게 했습니다.''굉장히 놀랐고 겁이 났다.'' - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 양세형 양세찬 암 투병 사실이 뒤늦게 알려지면서 주위를 안타깝게 했습니다.''굉장히 놀랐고 겁이 났다.'' - Duration: 5:26.


Quem é o mais falso no BBB18? Está difícil saber, mas analisamos cada um deles II ANDY - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Quem é o mais falso no BBB18? Está difícil saber, mas analisamos cada um deles II ANDY - Duration: 4:46.


Festa "Latina" começa com vídeo do grupo Orishas e brinde especial - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Festa "Latina" começa com vídeo do grupo Orishas e brinde especial - Duration: 1:51.


CHEAT DAYS | THE HARSH TRUTH 🍕🍦🍔🍩🍫🍟 - Duration: 5:53.

hey guys it's Bailey and today we're going to talk about cheat days so we'll

talk about the benefits the downside and my take on that so let's get into it and

I'm gonna give you a couple of examples why cheat days are great and then why

they aren't at the exact same time the first thing I want to say that's a

benefit to some people is that they find it gives them more motivation and

willpower during the week a lot of people see a cheat day as a good

opportunity or like the light at the end of the tunnel where they can deal with

having salads and like crying into a kale salad all week long as long as it

means on the weekend they got to eat pizza ice cream burgers french fries

whatever it's sort of like okay well if I can get through this this whole week

without eating ice cream then on the weekend I can really just like treat

myself and I can eat a whole tub of it but then on the flipside of that is it

can also mean that you're not really being in tune with your actual hunger

and your actual cravings and you're getting in more of a deprivation mindset

it can be really hard for people to actually just go every single day eating

this strict meal plan when really all they want is like a piece of chocolate

and then it causes them to really overdo it on the weekend when they do have

their cheat day so they end up binging and a binge is not the same thing as

a cheat and it's really not a good like restrict binge sort of mindset to get

into what I say to do and this is my personal preference between the two of

those is to think of the 8020 rule but make it more like 70/30 which is more

realistic which means 70% of the things you're gonna eat are going to be healthy

like Whole Foods good for your body and then the other 20 or 30% are gonna be

good for your soul like things you're craving so know yourself you can either

do this by eating healthy during the week if you know you can stick to a

healthy diet for 70 son of the week and then on the weekend

indulge a little more or do it everyday like eat healthy and then let yourself

have that little 3 p.m. piece of chocolate or after-dinner piece of

chocolate or something that you crave so it's just I'm more for finding balance

than having a day devoted to shoving your face with food so the next little

thing is that having a cheat day can be scientifically proven to boost your

metabolism because if you are cutting things like carbs calories fat your body

goes into this almost like starvation mode and it's like I'm not getting

enough food slows down your metabolism so when you have a cheat day or a cheat

meal it tells your body oh my god I'm not starving and it will actually kick

your metabolism up a notch for the next like 24 hours so that's one benefit but

on the flip side I always think you should never be reducing your calories

or or reducing any food groups in general just because again it's very

restrictive in my opinion what we want to do is not focus on eating less but

focus on eating better balancing our blood sugar eating more nutritious meals

every time we have a chance to you know eat something so it should never really

be slowing your metabolism down in the first place I think that cheat days a

lot of times just turn things into a more restrictive mindset so they don't

work for everyone and then they tend to lead to binging or you know when you eat

healthy all week and then you eat something unhealthy it hits so much

harder because your body isn't used to a when you have a big sugar crash or

something your blood sugar is all over the map you're bloated you're retaining

water from eating extra salt like all that nonsense so I think it's better to

aim to treat each meal like an opportunity to have something healthy

I'm all for not having cheats but having treats so as they come up life is too

short to be missing out on anything because of having a diet if all of a

sudden randomly you're on your way to the gym and I'm saying this example

because this happened to me like two days ago and you run into

girlfriends who are getting happy hour drinks and you haven't seen them in a

while go for it and also like twist my arm would I

rather do a five kilometer run or drink a 5 ounce skinny margarita we all know

what won - or sometimes you're just exhausted and you want to sit on the

couch and you want to watch a chick flick and you want to have a glass of

wine and you want to eat a pizza do it like give your soul what it needs and

sometimes what it needs is a pizza and there's nothing wrong with that it

doesn't matter that things don't go to plan all the time because they're not

going to and it's life that they don't but then the next day get right back on

track the next meal whatever and take each time you eat as an opportunity to

nourish your body feed it the foods that make it feel the best and it won't you

know hit as hard as a cheat day or a cheat meal thanks so much for watching

my video on cheat days that's just my take on it let me know in the comment

section below if you're a cheat day person I'm definitely interested in

knowing what works for you and yeah please subscribe if you haven't already

and I'll see you soon

For more infomation >> CHEAT DAYS | THE HARSH TRUTH 🍕🍦🍔🍩🍫🍟 - Duration: 5:53.


YU BHI TO NIKALTI HAI HASRAT | Superhit Sufi Qawwali | YU BHI TO ZIYARAT HOTI HAI - Duration: 13:46.


For more infomation >> YU BHI TO NIKALTI HAI HASRAT | Superhit Sufi Qawwali | YU BHI TO ZIYARAT HOTI HAI - Duration: 13:46.


Como curar seus chakras - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> Como curar seus chakras - Duration: 8:53.


Do internetu trafiła pierwsza fotka ciężarnej Małgorzaty Sochy z zaokrąglonym brzuszkiem! - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Do internetu trafiła pierwsza fotka ciężarnej Małgorzaty Sochy z zaokrąglonym brzuszkiem! - Duration: 3:34.


Remédios caseiros para acabar com as incômodas aftas - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Remédios caseiros para acabar com as incômodas aftas - Duration: 4:33.


{MMD\Friends\Self} Test 653 BTS - DNA ||| HAPPY BIRTHDAY IARA!!!!! XDDD - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> {MMD\Friends\Self} Test 653 BTS - DNA ||| HAPPY BIRTHDAY IARA!!!!! XDDD - Duration: 1:35.


ये तो ख्वाजा का करम है | YE TERA KARAM HAI KHAWAJA MERI BAAT JO BANI HAI | ख्वाजा ये तेरा करम है - Duration: 21:53.


For more infomation >> ये तो ख्वाजा का करम है | YE TERA KARAM HAI KHAWAJA MERI BAAT JO BANI HAI | ख्वाजा ये तेरा करम है - Duration: 21:53.


Best Attitude Boys Special | Kadak Attitude Status VIDEOS - Duration: 0:32.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Best Attitude Boys Special | Kadak Attitude Status VIDEOS - Duration: 0:32.


FIT FORNESLos alimentos chinos de preparación rápida pueden tener muchisima sal - Duration: 4:57.

Chinese fast food might give you high blood pressure; it can have the same salt content

as TEN bags of chips

Monday, April 09, 2018 by: Zoey Sky

An investigation has revealed that Chinese fast food, which contains "harmful amounts

of salt," should come with a health warning.

Campaigners in Britain revealed that favorites like sweet and sour chicken and egg fried

rice are some of the worst offenders.

Action on Salt, the group of specialists that carried out the investigation, urged health

authorities to set "tough new targets, make warning labels mandatory, and slap hazard

signs on restaurant menus."

The group's analysis revealed that a whopping 97 percent of take out food from six independent

restaurants in London's Chinatown had two grams (g) of salt or more per dish.

Over 50 percent had more than three grams of salt per dish, which is already half the

maximum recommended daily intake in just one portion.

The saltiest take out main dish with a rice/noodle side dish had 11.50 g of salt, which is the

same as five Big Macs.

This amount is dangerously close to acute toxic levels of salt.

Meanwhile, in the supermarket, the saltiest Chinese ready meal was Slimming World's

Chinese Style Banquet Rice which has 4.40 g of salt per 550 g pack.

This is already more salt than two store-bought Pizza Express margherita pizzas.

Other dishes had more salt than 11 bags of salted crisps.

Out of the 141 ready meals surveyed, 43 percent had a high salt content of more than 1.5 g/100

g or 1.8 g per portion.

Per the campaigners, these foods should receive a red warning label on the front of the pack.

Sonia Pombo, a member of Action on Salt, explained that since their data revealed that food can

be easily reformulated with lower salt levels, it's strange that not all companies are

starting to act responsibly.

She continued, "The lack of front-of-pack color-coded labeling on branded products makes

it incredibly difficult for consumers to make healthier choices and that is simply unacceptable."

Last March, the campaign group called for Public Health England (PHE) to take immediate


Action on Salt said that every time salt is reduced by one gram, at least 7,000 deaths

are prevented in Britain.

At least 4,000 of these deaths are premature (e.g. caused by strokes and heart disease).

The average adult shouldn't consume more than six grams, or one teaspoon, of salt daily.

But according to recent studies, most individuals consume at least twice the amount.

Foods rich in salt include common items such as bread, breakfast cereals, cakes, and cheese.

Consuming foods rich in salt may cause high blood pressure, and people with high salt

levels are at least three times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.

In Britain, high blood pressure affects over one in four adults.

The condition is caused by age, weight, and high salt consumption.

Dr. Alison Tedstone, PHE's chief nutritionist, concluded that while salt consumption in the

country has gone down over the past 10 years, a lot of food products still have a high salt


The best thing to do would be to urge manufacturers to cooperate and reduce the salt levels of

their products.

Healthy snack alternatives for your salt cravings If you're craving something salty, skip

the Chinese fast food and try some of these healthy snacks instead:

Edamame — Eat some edamame with a very light sprinkling of salt for a quick protein boost.

Hummus and carrots — Hummus is made from chickpeas, which are full of protein and antioxidants.

You can make your own hummus and eat it with some carrots for a crunchy and savory snack.

Kale chips — Eat some kale chips instead of reaching for a pack of potato chips.

You can even make some kale chips at home by baking the versatile leafy green vegetable.

Nuts — Another source of protein, nuts are also a great snack.

Snack on some almonds, cashews, or walnuts instead of Chinese fast food.

Olives — Olives contain iron, and it also has cardiovascular benefits.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNESLos alimentos chinos de preparación rápida pueden tener muchisima sal - Duration: 4:57.


Cuales son las secciones de steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 5:35.

if you want to learn a little to handle steam and know what are the

functionalities and the sections that you offer today you pause a little

this topic about the sections like for example the store the library the

community we will start with the most basic which is the store since it can be accessed

easily by default since you create your account shows us latest news

launches best titles offers it even personalizes a bit with your

latest game downloads for offer you the games that are most

related to your taste to be able to pay We will use the sting world or wallet

steam or also for web money follow accounts

of this after acquiring the game it is added automatically in our

own library if you want to give it a gift of your friend you can buy

sting cards or gift card to be able send them to your friends who also

have an account on the same platform now the steam coupons that is another

way to buy or to make discounts in games is quite beneficial because

You can get better prices but they only serve for one game at a time

I recommend that you use them when there games that seem too expensive or that

have just left or have just been published how they get

distributors the developers and even the sting itself usually offer the

during festivities likewise you can exchange between users

right here we can access the news where they let you know

the latest news of the games Recommended games according to your choices

the statistics on the number of connected users the number of

users who are playing the same thing that you and the most commonly used games

in case your interest now it's up to the library that is the

section where are our list of games that we bought in the

store validated as a code or in the If you already have other games in your

PC allows you to add the styles but without the services that this one offers you

the third section is the community that started as a forum of opinions and little

little evolved until having several sections like for example the start

where are the latest updates of content that other users upload

as your example screenshots adwords videos achievements and game guides

that this will help us a lot in the case that you're stuck in a game

and you need to pass it on to others users also upload it and so everyone is

help the discussions that is the second part of the community where each

user gives his own opinions does questions brings information to others

then there is the workshop that I think one of the most important and most important parts

interesting from the community because the users download content that others

users have created for games specific as for example objects

the downhill most basically are updates that other players and

that are quite accessible

greenlight is the other section is the other part of the community that is also

quite influenced because it's a system in which the community of

users is the one that decides what games they're going to include this in the sting store

it helps the developers a lot to know what is the opinion of the

players and that makes closer the evolution of the developments of the

games because people can give their opinion and according to that surveys are formed to know

what games do you like the most? people are basically where your opinion

it is heard and it is asserted the market because the market is very easy

to understand here the simplest simply buy and sell objects that

other players have done or got and the user that sells them is the one

decides the price of these objects at same time that steam takes a

commission for this but beware that this is not can be done in free accounts of

games must have bought or spent a minimal amount on some

previous transaction or there must be bought some good town so the

video brothers, I hope you have them liked that it helps them to know more

about how steam works what things has for you that you can use inside

of your account if you already have it or why reason should an account be created later

We'll talk about how to create an account and see you guys later please, if you

like the video like it and do not know forget to crush on the bell

youtube if you want to receive more of this Content type with notifications

directly to your cell phone

For more infomation >> Cuales son las secciones de steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 5:35.


Star Stable-My super secret surprise! Speaking French! - Duration: 4:33.

Hello everybody you know how yesterday

Well, actually I'm posting this today, but it was yesterday that I filmed this so I'm gonna say yesterday

But you know how?

Yesterday. I said that I would be making a special video tomorrow, which is today I

Will be doing that very special video and

I'm actually kind of scared

Cuz like I was like kind of holding off for a little walks. I didn't know what to say

Hit it

So yeah as you saw the title um. Oh Jesus

I will be speaking in French. Yes. I have a hidden talent of speaking French

So I will have captions so if you have

You need to turn captions on because I don't really know how to like put it on you know I use


Sorry sorry Caroline doing a video right now okay anyway, so

Yeah turn captions on if you must

Yeah, sorry. I just tried to press to open chat, but I'm bad yeah and sorry if I make mistakes

I'm not the best. I'm not natively French so this is just what I've learned so far. I think this girl is like


Let's just let's move okay. I'm just gonna like maybe like run around more like while I do this

You know give me my mind is something too. I guess

I don't know alright. Sorry if I pause a little bit in the middle of speaking French

I have to like kind of like remember what to say and stuff so if you can see like pop pop songs over

I'm trying to remember what to say so yeah, so there is no back button to these so if I make a mistake

Then I guess that's that cuz I can't like go back in a paragraph or something

Why did I say paragraph, but anyways I'm gonna start speaking in French so yeah

Hello everyone!

so this is me speaking French

So this is all I've learnt

So far...

And no, I am not using a translator on this

and I don't know if I even pronounce that right

I don't even really know what else to say

My most highly recommended language learning program is called

Because I'm not natively French so I haven't learned that accent yet

But I'm working on my accent, so please don't sue me but anyways my most recommended um

Language learning program is um

duolingo calm you can get it on

actually, I'm gonna say this in French nevermind

You can use the program on an app on your phone

Or you can do it on the website

So yea

Sorry if you hear a dog barking it's my dog xD

There is also a youtuber that teaches French

But I don't know if I'm allowed to say her channel name or not

(I forgot what i was saying)

I'm sorry child

She is asking me an important question but I'm banned so i can't reply

So I think that is all for today

Goodbye guys and have a wonderful day!

Goobye!! <3

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