Thursday, April 12, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 13 2018

Hi, I'm Rachael and I worked with Mike McNeil on the example app for his JavaScript course: Ration.

So, neither Mike nor I are visual designers in any way,

but since we're on a small team we often end up having to play kind of that role,

especially when working with startups on like prototypes and MVPs.

So, since Ration kind of fits into that category,

we kind of decided to do the design ourselves

and, even if it's not the most beautiful app, at least it looks kind of deliberate.

So I wanna talk a little about the process that we used as non designers

to make a more deliberate looking app.

The first thing we did was we just sat in front of a whiteboard

and we just draw the ugliest possible screens, just laying out all of the features that we would need for the app

and after that we went on to making the real wireframes

and I used Adobe XD for that, a lot of times Mike likes to use Keynote.

You can really use whatever you want, just as long as you have something you can look at as you're building the app.

It just... even if it's not the most beautiful thing, it helps so much to know exactly what you're building beforehand.

And... so we decided to use Bootstrap 4

for just kind of the meat of the CSS.

And so, one of the important things I've learned when working with Bootstrap

is that you can't just throw it on a page and expect it to look better,

it usually doesn't. You really have to read the docs and familiarize yourself with the different components

and when you do that you can, even if you're not a designer, you can kind of recreate that in Keynote or XD or Sketch,

or whatever you're comfortable using

and you can make it look pretty nice.

And another thing that's pretty important for...

for, like, when you're working with Bootstrap but you want it to look like an app that has had some kind of design,

one of the tricks we use a lot is

coming up with like a nice color palette that's not just the default colors in Bootstrap.

So I like to use

it's like "colors" but "cool", I guess,

and I just go in there and you just... you just start slamming the space bar until you see something that...

that looks like it'll look nice on the page.

And I'm a fan of purple, so I like this one.

And then you just take those and you can...

well, Bootstrap 4 doesn't have a customizer yet like Bootstrap 3 did,

but you can still customize it.

We actually, in the example app, in the final code for it,

the <i>bootstrap.css</i> file has a link for how we customize our Bootstrap themes.

Other than that, I think the other trick that we use a lot is just...

just picking a nice font and just keeping it simple.

So, I hope next time you start building something new,

even if you're not a designer or don't have a designer on board,

that you'll really take the time to just like make some basic wireframes

and just think about what it is you're building.

Cause it really makes a huge difference at the end of the day.

Oh, look! A button! You should click it for more information because we've worked really hard on this course

and I think you'll learn a lot from it. It's a great way to build an app from start to finish.

Also, if you like this, you should subscribe to Platzi's channel for more content like this.

For more infomation >> JavaScript fullstack: diseñando el frontend de tu app con Bootstrap 4 - Duration: 4:05.


Pastor David Rodriguez ‒ Porque Muchos Son Llamados, Y Pocos Escogidos - Duration: 1:01:03.

For more infomation >> Pastor David Rodriguez ‒ Porque Muchos Son Llamados, Y Pocos Escogidos - Duration: 1:01:03.


11 bebidas y alimentos para personas nerviosas - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> 11 bebidas y alimentos para personas nerviosas - Duration: 10:18.


Descarados choques de protocolo de Letizia y el Rey!@ - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Descarados choques de protocolo de Letizia y el Rey!@ - Duration: 3:33.


Así es como Belén Esteban piensa destrozar física y anímicamente a Toño Sanchís - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Así es como Belén Esteban piensa destrozar física y anímicamente a Toño Sanchís - Duration: 3:59.


9 Sorprendentes Razones Por La Que Deberías Comer Un Plátano Todos Los Días - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 9 Sorprendentes Razones Por La Que Deberías Comer Un Plátano Todos Los Días - Duration: 4:47.


"Leo Messi no puede ganar él solo, tenemos que ayudarlo" - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> "Leo Messi no puede ganar él solo, tenemos que ayudarlo" - Duration: 3:13.


El dinero que pierde el Barça tras caer eliminado de la Champions - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> El dinero que pierde el Barça tras caer eliminado de la Champions - Duration: 3:40.


Rattlesnake Ridge News Update April 12, 2018 - Duration: 14:18.

hey guys this is Cindy with ezc productions welcome to my channel so I

am out here at the rattlesnake ridge wanted to show you guys because I

drove by this morning I noticed more stress areas or it looked more

pronounced here in this area.

so I wanted to come out here and create another video for you guys and also to

give you an update. So yesterday, April 11th 2018 the local news channel

reported that somebody went up to this Ridge and stole is

embarrassing someone with no shame, idjits,

went up there and stole at least $18,000 dollars worth of equipment and so the

sheriff is asking people if you're around here and you look up there and

you see anyone trespassing - police call the Sheriff Department. Again this is

important equipment, it's very expensive, important equipment that a normal person

does not need and there's a very small amount of people or a small group that

would actually be interested in this kind of equipment. It was very

frustrating and sad to hear that somebody went up there and stole

equipment. The equipment that's needed... there's monitoring equipment up here to

alert us if there's fast movement so this is really upsetting. I did post a

little bit on my blog last night at and if you want to check it out it's at

or (find it down here in the video details) but it's very frustrating and very sad that

somebody would go up there and steal. Okay (breath) so that's enough of that I don't

want to give more attention to that but I do want to point out that I'm still

out here I still drive by every day and I cannot help but look. My (everyday) conversations

are around the rattlesnake ridge and my poor friends are probably getting really

frustrated (tired). Oh and there's also another live cam

really good cameras that were set up by University of Oregon I

believe but I will go ahead and put that link down in details and you can find

that there they have about two cameras set up it's really neat you can see

live images which refresh I don't know every few minutes or

something. Alright so I think that's it for today, thank you guys and this is

Cindy with ezc productions. I love everyone that's come by stuck with me through

this whole journey and for the ongoing support thank you guys very much. For new

subscribers if you like my videos please remember to click like and subscribe.

Thank you very much and this is Cindy with EZ C Productions. I'd like to mention

that the Union Gap Canal has been repaired and the irrigation has been

running I believe since March so all that is done thank God right?

For more infomation >> Rattlesnake Ridge News Update April 12, 2018 - Duration: 14:18.


La bochornosa respuesta del ex marido de Letizia tras la brutal bronca con Sofía - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> La bochornosa respuesta del ex marido de Letizia tras la brutal bronca con Sofía - Duration: 2:56.


Paulinho Sampaio, objetivo del FC Barcelona, se deja querer - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Paulinho Sampaio, objetivo del FC Barcelona, se deja querer - Duration: 3:00.


Punto de corte entre dos rectas - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Punto de corte entre dos rectas - Duration: 10:17.


Serie de Luis Miguel cambia de horario por debate presidencial - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Serie de Luis Miguel cambia de horario por debate presidencial - Duration: 1:46.


A epic game in a Epic Games game (Fortnite) | Leandro Dreamer - Duration: 3:06.

everything is more epic with epic music

For more infomation >> A epic game in a Epic Games game (Fortnite) | Leandro Dreamer - Duration: 3:06.


Cuando NO cerrar una venta con Ray Marfil - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Cuando NO cerrar una venta con Ray Marfil - Duration: 2:37.


Medicamentos más comunes en el embarazo - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Medicamentos más comunes en el embarazo - Duration: 7:21.


Health benefits from walking for 30 minutes a day - Duration: 2:29.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Health benefits from walking for 30 minutes a day

Maintaining a 30-minute walking routine can bring you many health benefits, help increase your heart rate, improve blood circulation, control blood pressure, and so on.

1. Helps the heart to stay healthy.

Daily walking helps to increase heart rate, improve blood circulation, control blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

2. Improve metabolism.

Walking stimulates digestion and helps digestion digestion, assists digestion of food and speeds up metabolism.

3. Prevent osteoporosis.

Daily walk, strengthens bones and helps strengthen bones.

In addition, walking in the sun, also helps the body produce vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium.

4. Improve your immune system.

Walking helps strengthen the immune system, by stimulating the body, increasing leukocyte production.

People who often walk, have less colds or flu.

5. Good for the brain.

Walking helps increase the activity of brain cells.

Daily walking, known to help improve memory, and prevent diseases like Alzheimer's.

6. Dynamic.

Daily walks not only repel illnesses, but also help you stay active, both physically and mentally.

7. Improve mood.

Walk in the park, and listen to your favorite music, help reduce stress, improve mood, prevent depression, and bring you good sleep.

8. Extend life expectancy.

Research shows that daily walking combined with a healthy diet helps to increase at least 5 to 7 years of life.

Doctor:Phuong Lien, according to Boldsky.

The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Health benefits from walking for 30 minutes a day - Duration: 2:29.


Yoonmin Eternal Bond omegaverse - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Yoonmin Eternal Bond omegaverse - Duration: 2:29.


Zendaya o cómo hacer de la camisa de tu abuelo el vestido perfecto - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Zendaya o cómo hacer de la camisa de tu abuelo el vestido perfecto - Duration: 1:40.


Como crear una cuenta en steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 4:13.

hello Brothersillos as you are welcome to a new video to continue with the

series that we have about steam learn to use it and at this time

I will explain how to create an account it's very easy to enter or find the

page that we simply put steam come to welcome to steam we prick you

and we go to the top where it says start session talking about the part

higher do not forget that I have others more videos about this same series of

steam you are going to find two tabs in the upper right part of the video and

As we do not have an account yet, we are going to put in create account

ok now we have this data series that we are going to enter, I will create

an account to a friend because I already have one in stream and here I have the one

they commissioned me in the notebook and I'm going to paste it here, I put it

anny_medina 5j and this to choose the

password I suggest you put a bit long

one that but that you can remember especially give him numbers so that

make the account more secure

that already after we've written twice now I will proceed to put you

the mail told them that the most important is not in itself the mail

electronic this what will serve is to verify the account the most

important is that they remember the name of user because it's the one that they're going to

use to be able to enter each time you log in you can use this

because I do not like the pattern that seems that in that 3 x

has an easy now yes I hope that the password is fine because here I get it

a suggestion after I'm on how are you going we are going to put you in read all

these this from the agreement document already we basically put you in yes yes

because almost nobody reads this but it's important to say that you have more than 13

years for the account to belong to you totally and you put in continue

verification of the account in this moment we will get a message to

our mail here as you see, it arrived this email is totally new and this

part of sticky to verify the account it says it's almost verified

email address to complete the creation of your destination account now

let's put create my account already with this is fully activated and

we can start to see I'm going to close session so they can observe

now ready now this is the page main sting we are going to put you in

log in to verify that everything has come out correctly

log in and we'll wait until that charges the account now yes this

basically it is already our account already we can access even messages

As our account is new we are not going to have nothing everything is clean

until the bid I hope you have served that works for them so they can

start creating that account and receive the following videos in which I'm going to

help them get totally games free for this platform if you have

some other comment on the video please write it in the box

comments below subscribe I want send a hello to solar with nothing

what to do Achilles to man danny jordan gamer and

that's all, see you later

For more infomation >> Como crear una cuenta en steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 4:13.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Searching for Tampa Bay Lightning playoff tickets? - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Searching for Tampa Bay Lightning playoff tickets? - Duration: 2:07.


Donald Sets Mueller Up With Knockout Punch, Announces Huge Move To End His Charade. - Duration: 6:03.

Donald Sets Mueller Up With Knockout Punch, Announces Huge Move To End His Charade.

For over a year, Washington has been abuzz with talk of a special investigation into

the Trump campaign's win of the 2016 Presidential election.

The idea seems to be that if the special counsel appointed, Robert Mueller, looks hard enough,

he will find some evidence that the President rigged the election in favor of himself.

Sadly for those who hung their hopes on that theory, not much has come up.

The primary focus of the investigation has been on collusion between the President and

Russian forces.

Or at least that was supposed to be the focus before it appears to have dried up.

It's over a year in, and the investigation just keeps on going, with no results to show,

except for some investigations into individuals close to the President and their business


Despite that lack of results, the FBI is still probing as much as they can into the life

and times of President Trump and what he did before his time in office.

However, the most recent move of the FBI may have pushed the issue too far.

This special investigative unit took it upon themselves to override the confidentiality

between President Trump and his personal attorney and raid that attorney's office.

According to the From New York Post, the President wasn't too fond o that move, and he might

be ready to call an end to the employment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller:

"President Trump believes he can fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller because the investigation

of Russian meddling in the 2016 election has 'gone too far' with the raids on his personal

attorney, the White House said Tuesday.

'He certainly believes he has the power to do so,' Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee

Sanders said during an afternoon press briefing.

Some have expressed worry over this move, and believe that firing Mueller will make

Trump look guilty.

In reality, it's the staggering double standard that the FBI has shown that makes them look


The pundits say that not even the President is above the law, and so cannot fire Mueller.

But when the law does not itself follow the law, breaking it over and over again, they

leave Trump with no choice.

It's hard to ignore the glaring inconsistencies in how the FBI investigated Clinton versus

how they're currently investigating Trump.

For example, it was during Clinton's time as Secretary of State in 2013 that she colluded

with Russia.

Bill Clinton received $500,000 to speak in Russia and met with Vladimir Putin right around

the time a deal was cut with Russian company Rosatom to give them access to a U.S. uranium

mine.Additionally, the special counsel's office is now investigating a $150,000 donation

that a Ukrainian businessman gave to President Trump's charity in 2015.

But the same donor, steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, has given $13 million to the Clinton Foundation

since 2006, and had close ties with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

But Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not investigating The Clintons.

Instead, he is continuing his absurd investigation of Trump, frantically trying to find a connection

between foreign money and anything having to do with the President.

Whether it makes Trump look guilty or not, Mueller has proven he is just as biased as

anyone else in the Clinton-controlled swamp, and he must be drained accordingly.

Prosecutors have also asked the Trump Organization for any records related to the payment, according

to the Wall Street Journal.

A Trump Organization rep said, 'We do not generally comment on such matters, but have

and will continue to comply with inquiries from proper authorities.'

In addition, the warrant covered documents tied to Cohen's ownership of New York City

taxi medallions, CNN reported.

Cohen, in his first public comments since the raids, later told CNN that while they

were 'upsetting, to say the least,' he bore no ill will toward the feds.

'I am unhappy to have my personal residence and office raided,' he said.

'But I will tell you that members of the FBI that conducted the search and seizure

were all extremely professional, courteous and respectful.

And I thanked them at the conclusion.'

Cohen's description contrasted with Trump's assertion Monday that the feds 'broke into

the office of one of my personal attorneys.'Trump — who on Monday also blasted the FBI searches

as 'an attack our our country, in a true sense' — repeated his condemnation Tuesday

morning in a pair of tweets declaring that "Attorney–client privilege is dead!"

and adding: "A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!!!"

But the Justice Department has lengthy guidelines covering searches of 'the premises of an

attorney,' including use of a special team to review the seized records and weed out

'any privileged material.'

Former federal prosecutor J. Bruce Maffeo also told The Post that there are many scenarios

in which communications that might seem privileged aren't, including any shared with a third

party, such as a secretary who emails a lawyer on behalf of a client who — like Trump — doesn't

use email.

Attorney-client privilege is also waived if the lawyer is believed to be helping the client

commit fraud, a rule known as the 'crime-fraud exception,' Maffeo said."

While time alone will tell what exactly is going on behind closed doors and the black

bars of redacted documents, conservatives are beginning to wonder if this investigation

into possible corruption is itself ridden with corruption.

President Trump has yet to have the chance to lead the country without an absurdly empowered

and antagonistic investigator breathing down his neck and scrutinizing his every move.

If the President does call an end to this investigation, or to Meuller's tenure as

the leader, it would be hard to say that he hasn't shown patience up to now.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Donald Sets Mueller Up With Knockout Punch, Announces Huge Move To End His Charade. - Duration: 6:03.


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For more infomation >> How to Change Your Pictures on Bloxsburg - Duration: 3:57.


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For more infomation >> Cả nước chấn động với ngôi làng đua nhau tìm đến cái C.H.Ế.T - Duration: 6:12.


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Randomness in Arduino Explained, Part I - Duration: 4:50.


In this two-video mini-series I am going to talk about random numbers and entropy in Arduino.

In this video I will explain and demonstrate how Arduino's random number generation works,

and in the next video I will list the ways which are available to us for getting better

randomness, or higher entropy, in our projects.

Let us begin with an example.

For our next Magic Trick, we write an Arduino program that selects random cards from a deck.

Here is the code.

It has the names of all the card values, the names of all the suits, a short setup, and,

most importantly, a little loop that every two seconds selects - and prints - a random value

and a random suit.

Let's upload this to the Arduino Uno which is currently connected to my computer.

As you can see, this works, but it has a little problem.

The cards we got here are Queen of Clubs, Six of Hearts, Four of Diamonds,

Eight of Hearts etc.

If I reset the Arduino board, you will see that it picks the exact same cards, in the

exact same order.

Suddenly the "random" function doesn't look so random, does it?

In fact, to the extent that we followed the sequence in the previous round, it has become

completely predictable, and this can really destroy the element of surprise for our magic


So what's going on?

To understand this, let me show you how random numbers are generated in Arduino software,

somewhere within the built-in core libraries.

We begin with a 32-bit number called the "Seed".

This can be any number; however, when our Arduino programs start, it is automatically set to 1.

Now, whenever we call the "random" function, the seed is multiplied by 16807.

Why? Because Mathematics.

Our program called "random(13)", so we divide this result by 13 and take the remainder,

which is 11.

As you can see, that's the index of "Queen" in the name list. We start counting at 0, of course.

The same result, undivided, is then fed back as an updated seed.

Let's see this again for the suit selection. When we call "random",

We multiply the seed, which is now 16807, by 16807.

This gives us 282475249.

The remainder from division by 4 is 1 - which is exactly the index of "Clubs".

So now you understand why our first card was Queen of Clubs.

The result of the multiplication is then fed back into the seed,

and things will get a little trickier the next time around, when the number will overflow

beyond the 32 bits of the seed variable, but the principle is the same.

It is an entirely deterministic process, and it is only random in the sense that without

understanding this mechanism, and without recording past runs, we are not able to predict

the results that the "random" function will give us.

This is actually what's called a Pseudo-Random Number Generator, or PRNG.

We can change the seed whenever we want, using the function "randomSeed".

For example, I can write "randomSeed(1000);".

This will set the seed to 1000.

Note that a seed of 0 is useless, because when you multiply 0 by 16807

it's still a 0.

So if you write "randomSeed(0);", like so, the function will actually change it

to 123459876.

Why this value? Because...

I have no idea.

But even if we define a new seed in our code, the process is still entirely deterministic.

It will yield the same series of cards over and over again after every reset.

To make things look REALLY random, we need a way to generate a seed which no one,

ourselves included, can predict.

In other words, we need a reasonable source of Entropy.

This will be the topic of my next video in this mini-series, so stay tuned.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Randomness in Arduino Explained, Part I - Duration: 4:50.



alright guys welcome to the video so I am driving and looking at the camera do

not do that at home do not cam and drive and flog and drive masturbated drive

that's the worst one of it all you'll get arrested alright guys so basically

today I'm gonna do what I eat in a day video

so anyways right now I'm with my friend MC by the way v our way I want to start

doing a food vlogging or food review series guys I'm most likely gonna have

this girl behind the camera this is MC by the way if she wants you to spend 40

she has a youtube channel it's right over here click the lake she has her own

channel if you guys want to check her out if you're a guy you probably want to

check her out if you're a girl you probably want to check me out stay

through this channel just kidding right now we're gonna go to this place called

red chair and we're gonna pick up some food I ordered some B and G's you'll see

what that is it's basically biscuits and gravy why did I disagree with a surprise

and she's gonna get her a french toast but we're gonna pick it up bring it to

the house and eat and I want to show you guys how my mule looks I've gotta go to

my place I'm gonna actually add more stuff to this I'm gonna make some eggs

and some Portuguese sausage it's a Hawaiian sausage stick and no I'm not

talking about my alliance sausage you go I'm saying so I'm heating up the sausage

right now it is actually frozen and so I'm steaming it and then I'm gonna broil

it or pan sear it with some eggs I'm just gonna show you guys a finished

product it's gonna look a fing delicious yeah

it's gonna dive right into this so basically there's some egg I got two

over easy eggs a bunch of Portuguese sausage it's a Hawaiian sausage and I

got biscuits and gravy the biscuits and gravy are from the restaurant that I

just went to read share and honestly they have the best biscuits and gravy in

town I'm gonna eat that afterwards I'm gonna take a nap and then after that

gonna go to the gym and then after that go to work alright guys so it is 4 o

clock I start work at 5:15 cuttin running late on schedule anyways here is

my pre workouts it is just spirulina and some c4 lighting is terrible sorry about

that hey what's up and then after that so I'm gonna go to the gym do some

cardio and then after that go to work and at work all I'm gonna drink is a

giant shake and the shake is gonna consist of three scoops of protein and

some spirulina and I put some maca powder that's my secrets and debating if

I should bring you guys along with me to work probably not a good idea because I

do not have a locker key or a locker lock and somebody could steal you guys

from me or steal this camera 70d camera by the way so it's pretty pricey umm if

anything I will see you guys after work and I'll show you what I eat if I end up

to eating anything alright cool so I just got home from work work was pretty

cool I only had six hours of work today before at work I actually had the gym

session the gym session was just front squats super chill and by the way while

I was at work I did have my dinner and here is a little picture of the goodies

that aage for dinner dinner was super good obviously dinner was super

fattening and super delicious it was some calamari with a jalapeno aioli

sauce and then I had a deep-fried Brussels sprouts dipped in a wasabi

aioli that's what I ate dinner was delicious food porn it was basically

considered a cheat day today was the last day for the hashtag 250k challenge

here is my after picture here's my before picture here's my before and

after picture side by side so you guys can see my results whole diet I did for

the transformation was just intuitive intermittent fasting but basically I

just ate whatever I wanted during a window feasting

I had a 16 hour or 18 hour fasting period oh yeah guys it is actually 12

o'clock a.m. and I don't want to talk too long because there's people sleeping

so I'm gonna actually end this video right here right now

and I just wanna thank you guys so much for watching this video thanks for

joining me on this full day of eating or what I eat in a day video I just want to

apologize also that I didn't take you guys along with me through everything I

did today partly because today was kind of on

plans but I promise in the next video I'm gonna take you guys more places with

me it's gonna be a lot more funner if that's even a word

but anyways comment down below if you guys have any video suggestions for me

and you'll get a shout out you can so much guys you guys have a great night as

always god bless y'all and you have the best day ever

For more infomation >> WHAT I EAT IN A DAY - UNHEALTHY EDITION - PHYSIQUE COMPETITOR - Duration: 4:55.


황희찬 쐐기골 잘츠부르크 극적으로 유로파 준결승 진출 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 황희찬 쐐기골 잘츠부르크 극적으로 유로파 준결승 진출 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 5:42.


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For more infomation >> DieuGirl Live Stream - Duration: 6:03.


the pantaloon (except the rap verse)- twenty one pilots (ukulele cover) - Duration: 1:57.

your, grandpa died, when you were nine

they said he had lost his mind,

you have learned, way too soon, you should never trust the pantaloon

now, it's your turn, to be alone

find a wife and build yourself, a home

you have learned, way too soon, that your dad is now the pantaloon

you are tired, you are hurt, a moth ate through, your favorite shirt

and all your friends, fertilize, the ground you walk,

lose, your, mind

you, like to sleep alone, it's colder than you know,

cause your skin is so, used to colder bones

it's warmer in the morning, than what it is at night,

your bones are held together by your nightmares, and your frights

you are tired, you are hurt, a moth ate through, your favorite shirt

and all your friends, fertilize, the ground you walk,

lose, your, mind

For more infomation >> the pantaloon (except the rap verse)- twenty one pilots (ukulele cover) - Duration: 1:57.


Donald Sets Mueller Up With Knockout Punch, Announces Huge Move To End His Charade. - Duration: 6:03.

Donald Sets Mueller Up With Knockout Punch, Announces Huge Move To End His Charade.

For over a year, Washington has been abuzz with talk of a special investigation into

the Trump campaign's win of the 2016 Presidential election.

The idea seems to be that if the special counsel appointed, Robert Mueller, looks hard enough,

he will find some evidence that the President rigged the election in favor of himself.

Sadly for those who hung their hopes on that theory, not much has come up.

The primary focus of the investigation has been on collusion between the President and

Russian forces.

Or at least that was supposed to be the focus before it appears to have dried up.

It's over a year in, and the investigation just keeps on going, with no results to show,

except for some investigations into individuals close to the President and their business


Despite that lack of results, the FBI is still probing as much as they can into the life

and times of President Trump and what he did before his time in office.

However, the most recent move of the FBI may have pushed the issue too far.

This special investigative unit took it upon themselves to override the confidentiality

between President Trump and his personal attorney and raid that attorney's office.

According to the From New York Post, the President wasn't too fond o that move, and he might

be ready to call an end to the employment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller:

"President Trump believes he can fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller because the investigation

of Russian meddling in the 2016 election has 'gone too far' with the raids on his personal

attorney, the White House said Tuesday.

'He certainly believes he has the power to do so,' Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee

Sanders said during an afternoon press briefing.

Some have expressed worry over this move, and believe that firing Mueller will make

Trump look guilty.

In reality, it's the staggering double standard that the FBI has shown that makes them look


The pundits say that not even the President is above the law, and so cannot fire Mueller.

But when the law does not itself follow the law, breaking it over and over again, they

leave Trump with no choice.

It's hard to ignore the glaring inconsistencies in how the FBI investigated Clinton versus

how they're currently investigating Trump.

For example, it was during Clinton's time as Secretary of State in 2013 that she colluded

with Russia.

Bill Clinton received $500,000 to speak in Russia and met with Vladimir Putin right around

the time a deal was cut with Russian company Rosatom to give them access to a U.S. uranium

mine.Additionally, the special counsel's office is now investigating a $150,000 donation

that a Ukrainian businessman gave to President Trump's charity in 2015.

But the same donor, steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, has given $13 million to the Clinton Foundation

since 2006, and had close ties with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

But Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not investigating The Clintons.

Instead, he is continuing his absurd investigation of Trump, frantically trying to find a connection

between foreign money and anything having to do with the President.

Whether it makes Trump look guilty or not, Mueller has proven he is just as biased as

anyone else in the Clinton-controlled swamp, and he must be drained accordingly.

Prosecutors have also asked the Trump Organization for any records related to the payment, according

to the Wall Street Journal.

A Trump Organization rep said, 'We do not generally comment on such matters, but have

and will continue to comply with inquiries from proper authorities.'

In addition, the warrant covered documents tied to Cohen's ownership of New York City

taxi medallions, CNN reported.

Cohen, in his first public comments since the raids, later told CNN that while they

were 'upsetting, to say the least,' he bore no ill will toward the feds.

'I am unhappy to have my personal residence and office raided,' he said.

'But I will tell you that members of the FBI that conducted the search and seizure

were all extremely professional, courteous and respectful.

And I thanked them at the conclusion.'

Cohen's description contrasted with Trump's assertion Monday that the feds 'broke into

the office of one of my personal attorneys.'Trump — who on Monday also blasted the FBI searches

as 'an attack our our country, in a true sense' — repeated his condemnation Tuesday

morning in a pair of tweets declaring that "Attorney–client privilege is dead!"

and adding: "A TOTAL WITCH HUNT!!!"

But the Justice Department has lengthy guidelines covering searches of 'the premises of an

attorney,' including use of a special team to review the seized records and weed out

'any privileged material.'

Former federal prosecutor J. Bruce Maffeo also told The Post that there are many scenarios

in which communications that might seem privileged aren't, including any shared with a third

party, such as a secretary who emails a lawyer on behalf of a client who — like Trump — doesn't

use email.

Attorney-client privilege is also waived if the lawyer is believed to be helping the client

commit fraud, a rule known as the 'crime-fraud exception,' Maffeo said."

While time alone will tell what exactly is going on behind closed doors and the black

bars of redacted documents, conservatives are beginning to wonder if this investigation

into possible corruption is itself ridden with corruption.

President Trump has yet to have the chance to lead the country without an absurdly empowered

and antagonistic investigator breathing down his neck and scrutinizing his every move.

If the President does call an end to this investigation, or to Meuller's tenure as

the leader, it would be hard to say that he hasn't shown patience up to now.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Donald Sets Mueller Up With Knockout Punch, Announces Huge Move To End His Charade. - Duration: 6:03.




by Galactic Connection

Your Body Was Created to Overcome Cancer PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online.

HUMANS ARE FREE Cancer is not something that we catch� like

a cold or a flu.

Cancer is a disease that develops over a long period of time.

This happens as a result of long-term genetic instability due to high levels of oxidative

stress and inadequate immune function.

In this article, you will learn that your body was created to overcome cancer!

Growing up, I thought that cancer was unavoidable and it happened to people who were �unlucky.�

Today, the newest science is saying that 98% of cancer is preventable through a healthy

lifestyle and key nutrition and lifestyle strategies.

For those who do develop cancer� it does not have to mean a death sentence.

You can overcome cancer and have your life back!

Cancer Rates At an All-Time High:

In 1971, President Richard Nixon inaugurated the National Cancer Act and made bold statements

that inspired scientists to go all out in search for the cure.

The government and charitable groups have allocated over $2 trillion over the last 41

years all in search of the ever elusive �cure.�

Today the number of newly diagnosed Americans with cancer has tripled since 1971 up to 1.6

million people per year.

Over 600,000 people die from cancer each year which is 50% higher than 1971 (1).

Meanwhile, the ability to overcome cancer with natural strategies has been ignored by

the government policies that are funded through the National Cancer Act.

Does a Healthy Body Kill Cancer Naturally?

The media has us believe that we just need to raise more money for more research into

the cure.

But could it be that we are looking in the wrong direction.

Shouldn�t we rather be educating people on how to create a robustly healthy body that

can overcome cancer on a daily basis?

Your body is a cancer killing machine.

Equipped with a high powered immune system and intracellular anti-oxidant defense system�

you have the ability to prevent and overcome cancer.

As a clinician, I have worked with many individuals with all different types and phases of cancer.

I have found certain factors that must be addressed for these individuals to get well.

Faster growing cancers will need additional recommendations to slow down the cancer growth.

Natural Cancer Killer Principles:

One of the challenges with cancer is that it is not an outside invader coming in to

wreak havoc.

Instead, it is our own cells that are no longer following the main instruction for proper

function, cell growth and life/death cycle.

It is the development of rogue cells that selfishly decide to hoard raw materials and

are no longer listening to the rules and regulations set by the bodies innate intelligence.

The master control of the body knows the big picture of what is best for both short-term

survival and long-term potential.

It has to keep the rest of the body continually informed and in-alignment with this grand


This communication process takes place through the neuro-endo-immune system.

This means that the body communicates with itself through the nervous system, hormonal

system and immune system.

The Development of Cancer:

When we lose healthy communication and control, rogue abnormal cells begin to develop.

Naturally, the immune system hunts out these cells and destroys them.

When the immune system is weakened or distracted, it is unable to effectively guard the body

from the development of these abnormal cells.

Overtime, these cells begin to grow stronger and steal valuable nutritional supplies that

fortify their foundation.

These rogue groups of cells develop sophisticated systems to hide from the immune cells and

induce the body to create a direct blood supply so they are able to access much larger nutrient

stores than most other cell groups.

Overtime, just like poor government and rough terrorist groups can destroy a country, weakened

internal communication systems and �terrorist� cell groups can destroy the body.

Cut Out the Sugar:

Sugar feeds cancer cells and stimulates tumor growth.

Cancer cells have 10x more insulin receptors than normal cells.

Insulin is the storage hormone that acts to bring sugar out of the bloodstream and into

the cells.

The more sugar you consume the faster the cancer will grow.

Vital Info: Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in the 1950�s for his discovery of the main

biochemical cause of cancer.

He found the major biomechanical difference between healthy cells and cancer cells.

He said �it is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body�s cells by

an anaerobic (oxygen deficient) cell respiration.

Expert Analysis: Sugar consumption creates a metabolic shift to anaerobic metabolism

within our bodies.

Cancer cells depend upon sugar to survive and cannot live without it.

A highly nutritious diet that is free of sugars anything that turns into sugar (grains, starches,

and fruit) is an important key to starve cancer to death.

Boost Anti-Oxidant & Reduce Free Radicals:

Free radicals are highly reactive particles that damage cells, tissues and organs.

We produce free radicals every time we breath, eat & move.

Healthy eating, breathing & moving patterns produce less free radicals in the body.

Anti-oxidants help to neutralize these free radicals and protect the DNA.

Vital Info: Clean energy sources are foods that produce little free radicals but provide

mega doses of key nutrients including anti-oxidants.

Superfoods such as cacao, maca, turmeric and a wide variety of other herbs.

Expert Analysis: Intermittent Fasting for periods of 16-24 hrs daily or longer is a

remarkable way to minimize free radical formation and boost intracellular anti-oxidant defense


It is a powerful way to de-inflame the body, starve cancer cells and boost your bodies

self healing capabilities.

By Dr. Jockers, Guest author

Dr. David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist

and corrective care chiropractor.

He currently owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

He is the founder of, a website designed to empower people with science based

solutions to improve their health.

For more infomation >> YOUR BODY WAS CREATED TO OVERCOME CANCER - Duration: 8:39.


현장포토 혼자 왔어요 웬디 요정이 미소 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> 현장포토 혼자 왔어요 웬디 요정이 미소 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 1:51.


KOMOLINI - Bhargav Das (Official Music Video) Assamese EDM Song - Duration: 3:21.

My sky assumes a nameless vacuum

As if I am struck by the wind of sorrow

I found my boat crawling on a dried river

My SITAR has lost its sheen but I think I heard it singing the song of sadness last night

You are my mirage The mirage that stripped me off my reverie

My soul has wandered into oblivion You, my Komolini, take a solitary sail on my river of love

The starry night sky brings along the token of my love

The loose melodies find its culmination in your quiet presence

The clouds come down rushing on my heart's plain

You, my love, keep me company on my lonely sojourn.

You are my mirage The mirage that stripped me off my reverie

My soul has wandered into oblivion You, my Komolini, take a solitary sail on my river of love

You, my Komolini, take a solitary sail on my river of love

You, my Komolini, take a solitary sail on my river of love

You are my mirage The mirage that stripped me off my reverie

My soul has wandered into oblivion You, my Komolini, take a solitary sail on my river of love

English Translation By HENGUL JYOTI DAS (

For more infomation >> KOMOLINI - Bhargav Das (Official Music Video) Assamese EDM Song - Duration: 3:21.


Why Do People Hate Jews? - Duration: 15:25.

I am a dude known as Mr. Beat

Over the years, I have encountered opinions online that look like this:

Pretty distrubing, yes.

And then I went to my colleagues and asked them this question.

If there was just one group that was just consistently persecuted throughout world history

what's the first group that comes to mind to you?

I probably should tell you here that I did not tell them what to say beforehand

This was not scripted. In fact, they had no idea what this video was going to be about.

They were just being nice, saying "sure I'll answer a couple of questions on camera for you."

Thierolf: Um

McClellan: The Jewish population

Jewish people

Sandburg: The first group I'd probably think of would the the Jewish people

Almost every single one of my colleagues said the same thing.

They said the same group was the first one that came to mind as being targeted

throughout world history

Even though Jews make up less than one quarter of one percent of the world's population

they do seem to come up a lot that a group that is consistently targeted.

no matter where we're talking about

no matter what time period

including the present.

What causes antisemitism?

McClellan: Because, for the most part they're ignorant.

of what it really stands for

We always have a habit of, when times get tough, of blaming things that we don't know

for the reason why things go wrong.

Thierolf: I'd say in a lot of cases because they were a minority group.

in an area, in a lot of places, that's made them an easy scapegoat for

a lot of majority groups.

to persecute or blame social ills on.

Sandburg: I think they've disseminated throughout the many populations of European countries

and have always been a minority

They have been easy to pick on.

and persecuted and scapegoated for many of the problems of countries

as they've gone through economic turmoil and political turmoil.

And not to discount any of colleague's opinions. They were all great answers.

but I did my own research on this

and here is why Jews are hated

But before I dive into it I wanted to let you know I am making this video alongside Grant Hurst,

a fellow EduTuber, who just released a video about the history of the Jewish people,

so be sure to check that video out after this one.

Before we look at why people hate Jews, also known as Antisemitism, we need to define "Jew."

A Jew is someone who identifies with the cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who traces their ancestry to the ancient Hebrew people of Israel, all the way back to Abraham.

Jewish people are considered an ethnoreligious group. Both an ethnic group and a religion.

There are plenty who identify as Jews yet are not religious.

Israel's Law of Return, which is the law that gives Jews the right to visit and be a citizen of Israel, says a Jew is someone with either a Jewish mother or who has converted to Judaism.

Anyway, during the time of Jesus in ancient Israel, many were of course Jewish, including Jesus himself.

After Jesus died, his followers started a new religion called Christianity.

As Christianity spread, and as more and more Roman emperors converted to the religion, Jews became marginalized in society, even though Jews worshipped the same God as Christians did.

Roman rulers viewed the refusal of the Jewish community to accept Jesus as the Messiah as a threat.

They straight up passed laws that discriminated against Jews.

In the year 399, a law saying Jews couldn't marry Christians

in 439, a law saying Jews couldn't hold positions in government.

In 531, a law saying they couldn't appear as witnesses against Christians in court.

Rumors began to spread that Jews had horns and tails, and that they killed Christian children and used their blood for rituals.

In the Middle Ages, many societies forced Jews to live in segregated ghettos and wear special clothing.

The Catholic Church did not allow Jews to own land, so Jews couldn't build up wealth through property.

However, the Church also didn't let Christians loan money for profit.

Jews could, so they often turned to money lending to build up wealth.

Due to the fact that nearly every moneylender happened to be Jewish, this ended up creating a stereotype that Jews were greedy.

I mean, people who loan money and charge interest throughout history have rarely been seen in a positive light, amIright?

Christian rulers used Jewish money to build extravagant churches and build up armies.

By the 11th century, Christianity dominated Europe, and the main minority religion was Judaism.

Jews seemed to be the one group Christians could not convert, seen as outsiders.

By this time, the Catholic Church was even teaching that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.

And then, the Black Death.

During the 14th century, the bubonic plague spread quickly across Europe, killing around ⅓ of its entire population.

Since this was before science, people had no idea what was causing it.

Due to superstition and fear, and without any evidence whatsoever, Christians blamed Jews for causing the plague, accusing them of poisoning wells to spread the disease.

Probably one reason why Jews seemed to be a scapegoat was because they were not dying from the plague as much as Christians.

We now know this was because Jews were generally isolated in ghettos away from Christians during this time and because they were better about cleaning themselves and washing dead bodies before burial due to their religious customs.

Still, tens of thousands of Jews were burned alive after being blamed for causing the plague.

In 1543, Martin Luther, who gets credit for starting the Protestant Reformation, wrote a pamphlet called "On the Jews and Their Lies."

In it, he claimed Jews thirsted for Christian blood and actually encouraged the killing of Jews.


Looking ahead at 1873, when the term "anti-Semitism" first appeared by a dude named Wilhelm Marr.

Marr wrote that Jews were secretly trying to take over the government and that they shouldn't be citizens.

In 1894, in what became known as The Dreyfus Affair, authorities accused a Jewish French Army captain named Alfred Dreyfus of selling military secrets to the Germans.

After evidence proved his innocence, Anti-semitic French authorities covered that up so he would be found guilty anyway.

In 1903, the Russian secret police published some fake documents that were known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which described a conspiracy by rabbis to take over the world.

The Russian secret police later murdered entire Jewish communities.

After the Communists took over in 1917, more than 500 Jewish communities in Ukraine were wiped out, and around 60,000 Jews were killed in what became known as pogroms.

Today the word "pogrom" means any organized massacre of a certain ethnic group.

Then there is probably the most famous and horrifying genocide in world history, the Holocaust, during Adolf Hitler's reign of terror.

He and his fellow Nazis blamed Jews for all of Germany's major economic and social problems after World War One.

At that time in Germany, antisemitism seemed to be everywhere.

The Nazis killed up to 6 million Jews during the Holocaust, most of them in extermination camps and concentration camps.

The world was shocked to find out about the Holocaust, and fortunately Antisemitism declined after World War II.

Based on all the attacks on Jews throughout history, for centuries many Jews like Theodor Herzl argued that the only way to escape persecution, discrimination, and genocide was to create a Jewish state, specifically in Palestine, an area where historically Jews lived and the location of ancient Israel.

The movement to try to get Jews to return to Palestine to live and establish their own society was known as Zionism.

Thanks to the efforts of people like Herzl, the Zionist movement grew, and Great Britain got on board.

In 1917, in the Balfour Declaration, Great Britain announced it was for establishing a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine,

an area Britain now controlled after the fall of the Ottoman empire in World War One.

At the time, only about 4% of Palestine was Jewish.

As more and more Jews moved to Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, resentment grew among the local Arabs in Palestine, who grew to hate Zionism as a threat to their homeland.

You could say Zionism entered the mainstream after people found out how the Nazis had treated the Jews before and during World War II.

Many around the world embraced Zionism after the Holocaust, and Britain asked the newly formed United Nations to step in regarding what to do with Palestine.

The UN proposed two states in Palestine- an Arab one and a Jewish one.

At the time, Jews made up only ⅓ of the population of Palestine and owned only 6% of land.

However, the UN's two-state solution called for 55% of the land area for the Jewish state.

On May 14, 1948, leaders announced the creation of the State of Israel, which immediately caused a war with neighboring Arab countries.

Israel held back those Arab forces, but it ended up causing more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs to flee their homeland.

Why do I bring up modern Israel?

Well, while much of the Antisemitism that exists today has its roots in the Middle Ages, a lot of it boiled over with the creation of Israel.

Floriane Hohenberg: You have as well, a new form of antisemitism that is closely linked with anti-Zionism and hostility towards Israel.

There is legitimate criticism of the policies of Israel, but there is a fine line that some people cross very easily between criticism of Israel and antisemitism.

In other words, some claim the creation of Israel and how the Israeli government has treated Palestinians and other Arabs ever since has also caused a new wave of Antisemitism.

Fortunately today, we don't see the systematic, government-sponsored discrimination and genocide of Jews that we used to see prior to and during World War Two

but hop online and you'll see a ton of hatred for Jews, and Antisemitic groups are still found all around the world.

And chances are, you'll likely see some Antisemitic comments below this very video.

Go ahead and check it out. I'm sure they are there.

Even if it's not straight up hatred, stereotypes persist about Jews.

In 2009, an Anti-Defamation League poll found that 18% of respondents believed that "Jews have too much power in the business world"

and 13% of respondents said Jews "are more likely than others to use shady practices to get what they want."

Another poll given to citizens of Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan found that more than 89% of respondents had a "very unfavorable" opinion of Jews.

We know the history now, but why does Antisemitism persist?

Well, I think David Feldman, Director of the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism, puts it best.

"People who dislike Jews rarely dislike only Jews."

Jews often get lumped with other hated groups, all convenient scapegoats.

When people today blame the Jews for the world's problems and say they secretly control everything, these are just old traditions passed down and taught to them.

They are frankly unoriginal.

So there's a lot of momentum that is hard to reverse.

Jews have faced persecution, discrimination, and violence against them around the world for a couple thousand years, after all.

And while the bigger question is always, "why do people hate others?" it's important to also ask why specific groups are constantly targeted.

Jews have constantly been one such group.

As you watch this video right now, there are fathers somewhere in the world teaching their sons to hate Jews. At this very moment.

Antisemitism, unfortunately, persists, and it's up to us to make it a thing of the past.

If you could just think of the first group that comes to mind

as the most persecuted group in world history

What's the first group that just pops in your head?

Frost: Christians

Mr. Beat: ok


Well this video's about Antisemitism so you just totally messed it up

Thank you to Mr. McClellan, Mr. Thierolf, Mr. Sandburg, and Mr. Frost for helping me make this video.

And, this was not an easy video to make

I spent a lot of time researching and writing the script

and this is not something I take lightly

so please let me know if you have anything you'd like to add to the video below

I know I was taking a bit of a risk making a video like this, so

Just try to be civil in the comment section?

How should we solve the Arab-Israeli Conflict?

Let me know in the comments below.

Also a reminder to check out Grant Hurst's new video that he made that is also released today.

about the history of the Jewish people. I've linked it below.

And finally a shout out to my two newest Patreon supporters

Sergio and Pedro

Thank you so much! Next week I return with an episode for the Compared series.

For more infomation >> Why Do People Hate Jews? - Duration: 15:25.


আপনি হেরে যাচ্ছেন এটি মনে রাখুন || never give up || success motivational video in bangla - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> আপনি হেরে যাচ্ছেন এটি মনে রাখুন || never give up || success motivational video in bangla - Duration: 3:21.


VTS 03 1 masked magician plus the war illusionist - Duration: 26:44.

For more infomation >> VTS 03 1 masked magician plus the war illusionist - Duration: 26:44.



Hey guys Nichole here welcome back to my channel as you can see by the title I am

trying out the cashmere & caviar collection once again and this time I

decided to try braid out so I went ahead and washed my hair with the hair bath

and deep conditioned with the hair mask off-camera and then I put my hair into

four sections and applied the moisture complex to each section and then as I

went in with the braids I actually applied a little of the hair gel to each

braid and as you can see my parts are not straight I just went in with my

finger parted it and started braiding and as you can see as I got to the ends

I actually started twisting instead of braiding and then wrapped it around my

finger just to create a little curl so for those of you who don't know I did do

a first impressions/review on this collection and I did it with a wash and

go I was not impressed while my hair was drying it was really

soft and moisturized but after it dried it was like undefined and very very

frizzy and so I decided to try it again but to try it with a braid out because

when I looked at other videos that used this collection the girls actually did

some sort of braid out or twist out or Roller set and their results came out

really good so I thought maybe I did something wrong maybe I applied too much

product so I wanted to try it again and honestly when my braids were finished

my hair was shiny and moisturized and I was super impressed and I went ahead and

let my hair just dry air dry throughout the day for about 24 hours and I went in

with the hair serum and started to take down my braids and immediately when I

touched it I could tell like my hair was kind of dry feeling and it wasn't as

moisturized as it was when it was in the drying process I did have definition but

my hair didn't have that moisturized feeling that I'm used to having and when

I compare this product to the blueberry bliss line I just the moisture complex

is just not as moisturizing as I would like it to be

so as you can see I went through and fluffed it out some more and I'm

definitely experiencing a lot of frizz and I went through and brushed up my

edges just to kind of create a look out of this braid out and I added a little

more of the serum my hair just so dry and dull looking I don't want to count

this collection out because it's supposed to have so many benefits but

for the most part it's not doing anything for my hair don't let the smiles

fool you I am NOT impressed I will do a like a recap or a follow-up video just

to give my final thoughts and I might try one more thing to see if I can make

this collection work but that's all for this video I'll see you on the next one

thanks for watching bye guys

For more infomation >> BRAID OUT ON NATURAL HAIR ft. CASHMERE & CAVIAR COLLECTION// 2ND CHANCE - Duration: 3:42.


'이불밖' 강다니엘, 매력 만수르 #메인MC #복근 #성대모사 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> '이불밖' 강다니엘, 매력 만수르 #메인MC #복근 #성대모사 - Duration: 3:12.


Bath Time Music and Relaxing Bath Time Music - Duration: 2:03:36.

Title: Bath Time Music and Relaxing Bath Time Music

For more infomation >> Bath Time Music and Relaxing Bath Time Music - Duration: 2:03:36.


Farming Simulator 17 PC - Estancia Lapacho - Mega Project - Duration: 1:54:41.

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 PC - Estancia Lapacho - Mega Project - Duration: 1:54:41.


고현정,'리턴 하차 이후 많이 반성했어요' - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> 고현정,'리턴 하차 이후 많이 반성했어요' - Duration: 0:57.


김연경 나이 키 집 상하이 연봉 재산 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 김연경 나이 키 집 상하이 연봉 재산 - Duration: 5:05.


My Testimony Experience - Duration: 11:07.

Yeah hi! I'm Steven - a member of the True Roman Catholic Faith - the Faithful Remnant Church

And we are lead by Pope Peter the Last

He is Jesus' True Anointed Vicar

And he and his wife Mary - they are the Two Witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelations

I want to talk briefly about my experiences prior to being a Member of the Faithful Remnant Church

I also want to mention that my wife was the first person who stumbled across the website of the Two Witnesses

(... more captions to follow...)

For more infomation >> My Testimony Experience - Duration: 11:07.


"없는 일도 일어나"..고현정, 눈물없고 웃음있던 심경고백 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> "없는 일도 일어나"..고현정, 눈물없고 웃음있던 심경고백 - Duration: 3:33.


Champion of Love

For more infomation >> Champion of Love


Carlo Rovelli - A física, a sabedoria e nossa relação com o passado - Duration: 2:14.

The process of growth of knowledge

is based on two things, two opposite things.

One is to learn from the past, build on knowledge.

The other is to be able to question the past, to change it.

So I think we learn from what we know.

We add new information, new experiments, new observations

and we are not afraid to change previous ideas.

Quantum gravity

is based on two huge, enormous pieces of information

that we have about the past: general relativity,

which works spectacularly well, and quantum mechanics,

which works spectacularly well, and builds on the difficulty

of putting together the two.

It is an attempt to find the right way

for the two theories to talk to one another and to be coherent.

So, it builds on the past. However, to do that

we discovered that we have to abandon some ideas of the past,

and in particular we have to change in depth

what we think about space and time.

So quantum gravity – loop quantum gravity the field in which I work –

on the one hand is very conservative,

because it's built on what we know. It's not...

I don't think we learn from the sky. We learn from what we know.

On the other hand, it's very radical, because one needs to

abandon something to learn more. So loop quantum gravity is

an effort to think the world anew

without the old notions of space and the notions of time,

with new notions of space and new notions of time.

For more infomation >> Carlo Rovelli - A física, a sabedoria e nossa relação com o passado - Duration: 2:14.


Serious Skincare Double Size Body Dermal Crepe 8 fl. o... - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> Serious Skincare Double Size Body Dermal Crepe 8 fl. o... - Duration: 12:33.


Serious Skincare Double Size Body Dermal Crepe 8 fl. o... - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Serious Skincare Double Size Body Dermal Crepe 8 fl. o... - Duration: 6:31.


BBB18: Ana Clara lidera o Queridômetro e desbanca Paula no ranking - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ana Clara lidera o Queridômetro e desbanca Paula no ranking - Duration: 4:07.


É possível o parto normal depois de uma cesariana? - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> É possível o parto normal depois de uma cesariana? - Duration: 7:06.


A.P. Bio - Sleepwalking Roommate (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> A.P. Bio - Sleepwalking Roommate (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:05.


BBB18: Após fazer ameaças ao vivo contra Wagner, Caruso se manifesta e manda novo recado - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Após fazer ameaças ao vivo contra Wagner, Caruso se manifesta e manda novo recado - Duration: 4:44.


9 Sorprendentes Razones Por La Que Deberías Comer Un Plátano Todos Los Días - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 9 Sorprendentes Razones Por La Que Deberías Comer Un Plátano Todos Los Días - Duration: 4:47.


Teaser CD Impressões - Marcelo Magalhães Pinto - Duration: 1:58.

Hi! My name is Marcelo Magalhães Pinto

and I am here to present my newest album,

which is called Impressões.

The title of the album

references the fact

that each one of the pieces I composed

represents a impression that I had

of something

or something that happened to me.

The album features

first-class musicians

starting with the Polish pianist Dariusz Terefenko

and also from Poland, Zenon Terefenko

on accordion.

From Belo Horizonte

André Queiroz on drums

and Enéias Xavier on bass.

From Rio

Sérgio Barrozo on bass

and Kleberson Caetano on drums.

The album will soon be available

on all digital plataforms

and will be promoted through

the social medias.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Teaser CD Impressões - Marcelo Magalhães Pinto - Duration: 1:58.


Plato's Philosopher Kings - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Plato's Philosopher Kings - Duration: 1:31.


Hitler Joga GTA 4 - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Hitler Joga GTA 4 - Duration: 10:27.


Kadak Attitude Status Video | Attitude Whatsapp Status Lyrics Video - Duration: 0:33.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Kadak Attitude Status Video | Attitude Whatsapp Status Lyrics Video - Duration: 0:33.


Chợ Tây nhiều Món Ngon | Cuộc Sống Canada - Duration: 17:45.

For more infomation >> Chợ Tây nhiều Món Ngon | Cuộc Sống Canada - Duration: 17:45.


Zendaya o cómo hacer de la camisa de tu abuelo el vestido perfecto - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Zendaya o cómo hacer de la camisa de tu abuelo el vestido perfecto - Duration: 1:40.


MyLifeinLyon| Đi chợ châu Á ở Lyon (My Asian Supermarket Haul in Lyon) - Duration: 18:08.

For more infomation >> MyLifeinLyon| Đi chợ châu Á ở Lyon (My Asian Supermarket Haul in Lyon) - Duration: 18:08.


Dolore a mani e polsi: a che cosa è dovuto? - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> Dolore a mani e polsi: a che cosa è dovuto? - Duration: 9:44.


Posiłki i wielkość porcji, czyli najczęstsze błędy na talerzu - Duration: 14:41.

For more infomation >> Posiłki i wielkość porcji, czyli najczęstsze błędy na talerzu - Duration: 14:41.


Como crear una cuenta en steam ?- #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 4:13.

hello Brothersillos as you are welcome to a new video to continue with the

series that we have about steam learn to use it and at this time

I will explain how to create an account it's very easy to enter or find the

page that we simply put steam come to welcome to steam we prick you

and we go to the top where it says start session talking about the part

higher do not forget that I have others more videos about this same series of

steam you are going to find two tabs in the upper right part of the video and

As we do not have an account yet, we are going to put in create account

ok now we have this data series that we are going to enter, I will create

an account to a friend because I already have one in stream and here I have the one

they commissioned me in the notebook and I'm going to paste it here, I put it

anny_medina 5j and this to choose the

password I suggest you put a bit long

one that but that you can remember especially give him numbers so that

make the account more secure

that already after we've written twice now I will proceed to put you

the mail told them that the most important is not in itself the mail

electronic this what will serve is to verify the account the most

important is that they remember the name of user because it's the one that they're going to

use to be able to enter each time you log in you can use this

because I do not like the pattern that seems that in that 3 x

has an easy now yes I hope that the password is fine because here I get it

a suggestion after I'm on how are you going we are going to put you in read all

these this from the agreement document already we basically put you in yes yes

because almost nobody reads this but it's important to say that you have more than 13

years for the account to belong to you totally and you put in continue

verification of the account in this moment we will get a message to

our mail here as you see, it arrived this email is totally new and this

part of sticky to verify the account it says it's almost verified

email address to complete the creation of your destination account now

let's put create my account already with this is fully activated and

we can start to see I'm going to close session so they can observe

now ready now this is the page main sting we are going to put you in

log in to verify that everything has come out correctly

log in and we'll wait until that charges the account now yes this

basically it is already our account already we can access even messages

As our account is new we are not going to have nothing everything is clean

until the bid I hope you have served that works for them so they can

start creating that account and receive the following videos in which I'm going to

help them get totally games free for this platform if you have

some other comment on the video please write it in the box

comments below subscribe I want send a hello to solar with nothing

what to do Achilles to man danny jordan gamer and

that's all, see you later

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