Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 13 2018

it is springtime all the snow is thankfully melted so I'm gonna take you

guys through what I do to my bikes to get him ready for the riding season so

here I've got my 2005 cr125 she's looking pretty clean but like any bike

it's gonna need some work to get it ready for some riding the first thing

I'm gonna cover is checking over the fluids and making sure everything is

lubed up on this bike we've got coolant engine oil brake fluid and of course

fuel for coolant it's as simple as its popping off the radiator cap and looking

inside looks like it's pretty well topped off if you guys are curious this

is the coolant thought I use engine nice really good stuff if you're unsure of

when your coolant was last changed or you haven't swapped it out for the past

year so I would recommend changing out for something like engine ice now for

oil with this bike being a two-stroke it's only got gear oil so there's a fill

plug up here no dipstick and then a check plug for checking the oil level

since this bike does not have a dipstick you be able to check the oil level by

pulling out to check bolt once you pull the bolt out a little bit of oil should

come out provided the bike is sitting level preferably on a stand and for oil

I use a shell rotella T 1540 and I change it out at 10 hours of ride time

so about every four to five rides alright that's it for the oil situation

now I'm gonna check the brake fluid and it's as simple as just looking at the

site windows on the brake master cylinders I'm actually gonna take it a

step further and bleed these brakes a little since it has been a while and

I've got a new little bleeding tool motion Pro sent over this mini bleeder

tool for me to try out never useful before so this should be fun so how this

bleeder Tool Works is slides onto the bleeder valve on the caliper looks like

I'll have to pull off the guard to access it but it slides on and it's got

a check valve inside of here so that way you can leave the bleeder valve loose on

the caliper and focus on pumping the brakes and keeping up on the fluid level

let's give it a shot

now with the bleeder tool McHale / I'm gonna crack this valve loose so this

wrench actually moves around so you can get it in the right position he's gonna

crack this thing loose and start bleeding the brakes so I'm just gonna go

about a quarter turn loose right there and I'm actually gonna put the end of

the hose on this tool into the cap of a water bottle so that should contain the

fluid right there ah shoot I got my gloves back in there yeah the master

cylinder cap will need to come off so that way I can add fluid

now with the bleeder tool on the caliper I can just pump the brakes and not have

to worry about opening and closing the bleeder valve on the caliper but of

course I'll need to watch the fluid level in the master cylinder I'm just

gonna top off the master cylinder of fluid before I start bleeding the brakes

so this is the brake fluid I've got around the shop right now

just regular Honda dot 4 brake fluid and you want to make sure you use the

correct spec brake fluid if your cap says dot for use dot for so how this

works is we want to have the valve open and I push down the brake pedal

it'll push fluid and air out of the system but the one-way valve won't let

air back in so I'm gonna push down the pedal right now and see it pushed out

some fluid and it didn't let any air back in once I pump the brakes a few

times and close that valve back up the brakes should have some great pressure

takes a few pumps and build the pressure back up

but now the pedal feels great man that tool is super nice to have works a lot

better than I would have guessed takes all the hassle out of bleeding brakes so

I'm gonna run the master cylinder down three times and that should get the

majority of the old fluid out of the system so I'm only going down till

there's about half the flew it in the sight window here don't really want to

go any further down that

all right that should be good for bleeding it's gonna close up this valve

and pull it off the caliper just gonna pop this master cylinder cap back on and

I'll be all finished up and then the process for bleeding the front brakes is

going to be very similar now for gas I mix it 32 to 1 and I use Maxima castor 9

to 7 I'm gonna mix up some fresh fuel for

this thing

we're gonna see if the old 125 still runs

bike seems to be run on prime so I'm gonna take out riding this upcoming

Saturday if you guys are in Washington State

more specifically the Spokane area join me over at the seven-mile or Vee Park

I'll be out there this upcoming Saturday April 14th and then the day after that

April 15th I'll have these new prime of X shirts

available over on the website prime MX com

so mark your calendars for that too all right now it's on to making sure what

needs to be lubed up is lubed up and that includes the cables clutch lever

throttle chain and some of the bearings I'm gonna start with the easiest thing

first lubing up the chain this is the chain lube that I prefer chain guard by

maxima and I'll be spraying it in here on the inside of the chain near the

chain guide now to have a buttery smooth clutch lever most importantly you got to

have a greased up here in the pivot and having a nice lever definitely helps to

the works can extra one I'm using here is a must have so I'll be completely

pulling apart this clutch lever and looping up the cable at the same time

this porch and lever were definitely in need of a cleanup Andrew greasing it's

been a while since I've freshen them up another thing that can be taken apart

and cleaned up is the cable adjuster having a smooth adjuster is a big plus

as for greasing lately I've been using this mini grease gun a ton super handy

to have and it puts the grease exactly where you want it

got the lever and the cable adjuster working super smooth now it's on the

looping up the cable and once again motion Perl hooked it up they sent over

their cable looping tool along with the cable loop now I've never used this

design before should be interesting so here I've got the tool out of the

package looks like a pretty sweet setup just gonna thread the two pieces away

from each other looks like there's a seal inside of it so one color slips

over and then the seal goes on with the larger taper facing the end of the cable

so something like that now I'm gonna throw the other half of the tool onto

the cable until the seals are firmly seated

just got to make sure the plunger is all the way extended before I squirt it in

any Lube the next step is to take the straw from the cable lube and insert it

into the tool all the way and now it's as simple as just spraying the lube into

the tool this is crazy there's not cable loops spraying all over the place like

with the other cable looping tools I've used in the past all right I should have

enough Lube in the cable now I'm gonna pull out the straw and to get as much

Lube out of the housing as possible I'm gonna depress the plunger here now the

real test is the check out the other end of the cable and see if it's soaked from

the lube oh yeah she's wet can't wait to get this thing back together and see how

smooth the lever is now for the clutch cable slack this is super important and

it's something I'm really picky about so I like to go until there's about the

width of a quarter here between the perch and the lever so I'm just tugging

on the cable a little bit with some tension and simultaneously pulling in

the lever and you'll be able to feel the amount of slack the cable has there so

right about there is right where I like it and generally this is where most

people like it as well and you definitely don't want to have no slack

at all that'll burn your clutch up right away and too much slack your clutch

won't engage very well that is unbelievably smooth now really impressed

with the job that this little cable would be tool did most definitely the

best cable living tool I've used today now for the throttle I'm gonna take it

apart wipe it down and grease it up but this definitely is not as important as

the clutch lever if you have a sticky throttle most likely it's the cable or

the throttle tube hitting on the end of the handlebar

was definitely worth pulling this one apart to clean up so it's just a matter

of wiping things down and greasing it back up

all right I've got the throw housing together cables on the tube and just

gonna make sure everything's working smoothly here so I'm gonna slide the

throttle onto the handlebars all the way and then back it out just a little bit

maybe like a quarter inch or so if you have a throttle all the way on to the

handlebars where the tube is hitting the end of the bars you'll have a sticky

throttle and then if you back it out a little bit that's right where you want

it it's getting everything tightened up here and then check the throttle one

last time sweet nice and smooth now it is possible to use the cable looping

tool on the throttle cable but you'll need to go from the carburetor or

throttle body end whatever you have if you Lube from the top here they'll dump

a bunch of cable lube into your carburetor or throttle body now I'm

gonna take a peek at some of the bearings on the bike make sure they're

in good shape for the wheel bearings I'm gonna move the wheel laterally to see if

there's any movement to them looks like it's good to go and now to check the

shock linkage bearings pull upward on the swing arm and you'll be able to see

if there's any movement in them if you pull up on the swing arm and there's

some slop there chances are it's the lower shock bearing but it could also be

these other three bearings as well or the top shock bearing two now the swing

arm pivot bearings don't wear out that often but if you have a worn set you'll

feel some sloppiness there or some stiffness when you compress the rear of

the bike what I look for with the steering step bearings is any notch eNOS

or just a rough feeling when I'm turning the front end this one feels pretty good

now this isn't a bearing but it needs to be greased as well the kick starter

pivot so when it kicked over the kick starter just go right back into place if

you have a sticky kick starter you can pull apart the pivot clean it up and we

greased it I do have a video on that on the channel so head over there and check

it out one thing I'll check out before every

single ride is the tire pressure of course I go 14 psi up front and 12 in

the rear as you guys know keeping up when your spokes is super critical as

well so my spoke maintenance consists of check

the spokes every three to four rides I would say let us go through and tighten

the spokes evenly and my process for this is I'll start at either the rim

lock or the valve stem tighten the first spoke skip to tighten the third skip to

tighten all the way around till I come back to that starting point and then

move to a second spoke follow the same pattern all the way around and then hit

the third spoke all the way around again and at that point every spoke will have

been tightened evenly and I only usually go about an eighth or a quarter turn on

each spoke depending on how tight it already is periodically I'll go through

and do a general check over of all the bolts on the bike the ones that are most

frequent to come loose are the kick starter bolt the sprocket and rotor

bolts and all of the plastic hardware so those are the ones you really need to

keep an eye on I know this video is getting super long but there's just a

few more things I want to cover so for the suspension seals

I'll compress the forks or the shock and look for fluid on the tubes so if you

have a leaky seal it'll be pretty evident next up is the brake pads and

rotors for the pads you just want to make sure there's sufficient material

left over looks like these ones are getting down

there but still some life left on the rotor I'll run my finger from the

mounting surface to the braking surface and if there's a lip there that means

the rotor has some wear most rotors have a minimum thickness stamped on it this

one is three point five mil so you can just go ahead and measure the rotor and

see if it meets the spec also a great idea to check over your sprockets you

want to look for bent or hooked out teeth and the last thing you want to

make sure you have a clean and oiled air filter as you can see I'm running a

filter skin big fan of them they work really well to make it easy on you guys

I'll link all the tools and supplies they use throughout the video down below

if you would like to see more videos like this hit the subscribe button down

below and next to it there's a little bell click

that you'd be notified every time I post a new video thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Fixing Up My CR125 Two Stroke! - Duration: 18:54.


El INE aprueba formatos de segundo y tercer debates entre presidenciables - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> El INE aprueba formatos de segundo y tercer debates entre presidenciables - Duration: 4:36.


Anaya va por el "voto católico" : elude definirse sobre aborto y bodas gay - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Anaya va por el "voto católico" : elude definirse sobre aborto y bodas gay - Duration: 7:13.


Así ha sido el reencuentro de Sofía y Hugo Paz en 'Supervivientes' - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Así ha sido el reencuentro de Sofía y Hugo Paz en 'Supervivientes' - Duration: 2:25.


"A little gift for you!" - Elif Episode 710 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 5:05.

Come over here.

- What happened, aunt Vildan? - Ms. Rana wants to see you!


But why?

Why, you think?

Because you went right next to them, despite everything we said to keep a low profile.

Look at me,

don't respond her questions with details.

You're my nephew.

Your mom and dad has been gone, and you've been staying here for a while. Got it?

If she asks anything about your mom and dad, give her the expression you don't want to answer.

Come on, walk.

Huh, our princess is here!

Come over here, you've been missed!

Elif, dear, why don't you go to Ms. Rana?

Come, come here.

Oh, look how kind she is, as always.

She's such a cutie!

Greet her!

- Welcome. - Thanks, honey.

- Tell me, how are you? - I'm fine, how about you?

I saw you, now I'll feel better.

Before I forget, this is for you.

- Take it! - For me?

What's this?

A little gift for you. Open it.

Open it, dear.

Oh, what a nice gift.

Why did you bother, Ms. Rana?

Don't mention it. I enjoyed getting present for Elif.

Did you like it, Elif, sweetheart?

It's beautiful. I liked it.

Thank you so much.

I'm glad you liked it. You're welcome, honey.

Thank you, Ms. Rana.

Don't give it another thought.

Can I have a glass of water before the coffee?

Sure, right away. I'll bring your coffee when it's ready.

Thank you.

So, Elif, dear, tell me.

How are you, how's everything?


- All fine. - I'm really glad to see you.

I really liked you, you know that?

Thank you.

I've been here before a couple of times, but we never ran into each other.

Mr. Tarik and Mrs. Hümeyra never mentioned you to me.

Whose relative are you?

Mr. Tarik's, or Mrs. Hümeyra's?

I'm related to aunt Vildan.

Oh, do you? How great.

Then you're living here right now, right?


where's your mom and dad?



- Ms. Rana, glass of water for you. - Thank you.


Elif, dear, come with me. I've made your lunch ready.

And Mrs. Hümeyra will be here in a minute.

These two probably has things to talk about.

Did you thank her for the present?

Thank you.

Don't mention it, you're welcome. Then we'll see each other later.

Where does this sympathy, gifts and so on comes from?

She doesn't look like she's into kids.

For more infomation >> "A little gift for you!" - Elif Episode 710 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 5:05.



You injected your poison into me

I was just dreaming

when I pass

I think I did not want to realize

everything forbidden knows better

yes baby, I know it's not your fault

it's just your animal instinct

your animal instinct

you are a sweet creature

who was born to love

because your poison is seduction

that drives my senses

and it blows my heart

there is no antidote for love

there is no antidote for pain

I can not give you what you ask me

I can not go your way, your way

your way

do not stop injecting me with your love

How good to die in you!

because your poison is seduction

that drives my senses

and it blows my heart

There is no antidote for pain


because your poison is seduction

that drives my senses

and it blows my heart

There is no antidote for pain

No No Noooo!!!

because your poison is seduction

that drives my senses

and it blows my heart

there's no antidote for pain

No No No Nooooo

For more infomation >> TU VENENO ES SEDUCCIÓN - PERRO LOCO - Duration: 5:03.



For more infomation >> TECHNOLOGICAL DE MONTERREY | BTV 118 - Duration: 9:02.


BB 9E de Sphero. Vistazo Rápido. - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> BB 9E de Sphero. Vistazo Rápido. - Duration: 2:24.


50 nombres para niñas por Z - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:08.

50 Baby girl names that start with Z



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres para niñas por Z - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:08.


Hotel Munich City, Germany (Europe). The best of Hotel Munich City in Munich - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Hotel Munich City, Germany (Europe). The best of Hotel Munich City in Munich - Duration: 5:02.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


PERS BIDYOOOOOOO!!! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> PERS BIDYOOOOOOO!!! - Duration: 1:12.


Crossover Got Talent-OT: César Brandon ofrece una colaboración a Cepeda - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Crossover Got Talent-OT: César Brandon ofrece una colaboración a Cepeda - Duration: 1:48.


Minute Vlog: Day Twentyseven - Duration: 0:59.

Minute Vlog: Day Twenty7even

Today is Friday the Thirteenth.


...and the quote I have chosen for today

goes like this

If we are facing in the right direction,

all we have to do is keep on walking.

This is an old Buddhist saying.

hang the superstition on to a cat's tail

leave your comment and see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> Minute Vlog: Day Twentyseven - Duration: 0:59.


"Which Class Should You Play?" - Mercenary / Commando | Star Wars: The Old Republic - Duration: 6:41.

hello guys and welcome back to SWAT or central in this video I'll be taking you

through the classes and mercenary and commander so you can decide if either

one is the class you want to play out of the sixteen and also that you can choose

from we'll be going over combat playstyle and story but don't worry

there won't be any spoilers let's start with the combat play style a good place

to start is with what the mercenary and Commander can actually do of arranged

classes and use ranged weapons the mercenary uses two blaster pistols while

the commander uses a heavy cannon both of these classes have excellent utility

and even better abilities such as the responsive safe guards ability which

allows you to absorb heal and reflect incoming damage you'll also have the

Rockets out ability which has you fire a blast in front of you and send you

flying backwards perfects for avoiding damage or getting out of range of a

mailer opponent you'll also have disabled electro net ability don't be

fooled by this somewhat seemingly simple and billet it's the worst nightmare of

an opponent stealth class or a target trying to get away electro net slows

your enemy while dealing damage and stops them from using abilities that

allow them to stealth out of combat use this knowledge wisely since this class

has a healing subcategory you'll also have a basic heal ability you can use

any time although you'll likely not need it unless you plan on playing as a

healer let's move on to discipline paths so we can get a closer look as with all

other classes you'll have three different paths to choose from keep in

mind these classes are mirrored which means they have the same paths and

abilities just with different names and animations there are two damage dealing

paths and one healing path with the mercenary we have a stone innovative

ordnance and bodyguard the commander has a gunnery salt specialist and combat

medic let's go through the mercenary first arsenal is a damage dealing path

which focuses on burst damage at long range this is the easiest of the damage

pass here and can be picked up very easily by new players you'll have access

to abilities with names such as easy missiles and blazing bolts if you want

to have an easygoing experience while being able to shoot stuff in the first

and this is a good fit for you next up is innovative ordinance this pass

focuses on dot damage and quite a fair bit of best damage as well you will also

have a dot spread via using explosive diet or fusion missile which spreads

your damage over a group of enemies this puff is one of the hardest not just for

this class but ideally in the entire game I would not recommend choosing this

path unless you are an experienced player and are looking for a challenge

you'll have access to abilities with names such as serrated shot and

incendiary missile when you master this path you'll be dealing a very high

amount of damage and could easily top the damage meter balance lastly we have

bodyguard this path focuses on heal you'll be able to heal up your teammates

through a variety of different abilities some which heal one person at a time and

some that heal multiple at a time you'll have access to abilities with names such

as Coulter shells and Coulter missile now let's move on to the commander first

off his gunnery which is the mirrored path of the a storm a scenario this path

focuses on best damage and is very easy to learn for new players I would

recommend this path if you want a lead back gameplay style while holding a

cannon you'll have access to abilities with names such as demolition round and

ball star next up is the assault specialist which is the mirrored path of

the innovative ordnance mercenary again this path is very hard to learn for an

inexperienced player choose this path if you are experienced or are looking for a

challenge his path focuses on dot damage and quite

a bit of best damage you'll be able to spread that damage to nearby targets

through the use of a door spread doctor what we call damage over time abilities

you'll have access to abilities with names such as assault plastique and

incendiary round lastly we have the combat medic which is the mirrored path

of The Bodyguard mercenary never again will you see someone shooting a play

with a cannon but healing them this path offers you a diverse healing skill set

which is very useful to any group from group AoE heals to single target big

heals you'll have access to abilities with names such as

successive treatment and Coulter bomb now we have discipline parse out the

where let's move on to story beginning with the mercenary you start out on the

hop control utter your objective here is to gain enough reputation to be

sponsored for a well-known bounty hunting events the great hunt

you'll be blasting punching and money grabbing the entire time on your way to

be the most recognized hunter in the galaxy you can choose to have a

conscience or just straight-up demand credits for just about everything you do

eventually you'll find yourself facing off against epic and somewhat

blood-boiling rivals all the way to dealing with people high up in politics

and power bases I mean what is it bounty hunting without a client's after all

this story is one that is perfect for a bounty hunting loving player a massive

change in playstyle as to compared with the smuggler moving on to the commander

what we have here is a classic soldier on the frontlines story while this isn't

the most popular of the story playthroughs it's still very appealing

for people who love playing as soldiers and troopers this storage that you offer

on the planet augment L wear from the get-go your friend straight into action

dealing with separatists come your goal on odd mantle is to join and assist the

renowned squadron earners havoc squad after assisting havoc scored things

quickly tense alpha and you find yourself on the frontlines of the

innocence protection from tracking down traitors of the Republic to intercepting

deadly weapons which you can do like a hero or a rebellious trooper who chooses

their own orders okay ladies and gentlemen I hope that this video

somewhat helped you decide whether or not you want to play the mercenary or

commander if you're a new player styles the Old Republic then I highly recommend

you subscribe and ten on notifications this channels main focus is Star Wars

The Old Republic news and guides so you have a lot to gain if you are a new

player as always thank you very much for watching and I will catch you guys in

the next one

For more infomation >> "Which Class Should You Play?" - Mercenary / Commando | Star Wars: The Old Republic - Duration: 6:41.


(27) Goldwaschen - Gold und ein paar Kröten - Duration: 13:13.

For more infomation >> (27) Goldwaschen - Gold und ein paar Kröten - Duration: 13:13.


La Marcuzzi a Verissimo: nessuna prova del 'Canna-gate' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> La Marcuzzi a Verissimo: nessuna prova del 'Canna-gate' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.


আজকের মধ্যরাতের বাংলা খবর Breaking News Today Bangla 14 April 2018 - Duration: 14:52.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> আজকের মধ্যরাতের বাংলা খবর Breaking News Today Bangla 14 April 2018 - Duration: 14:52.


bangla new shortfilm 2018| Bakul| Bangla short Film| Pohela Boishak 2018| Romantic | Short film - Duration: 15:20.

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

bangla new shortfilm 2018, Bakul, Bangla short Film, Pohela Boishak 2018, Romntick Shortfilm

For more infomation >> bangla new shortfilm 2018| Bakul| Bangla short Film| Pohela Boishak 2018| Romantic | Short film - Duration: 15:20.


Holiday Inn Munich City Centre, Germany (Europe). The best of Holiday Inn Munich City Centre - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Holiday Inn Munich City Centre, Germany (Europe). The best of Holiday Inn Munich City Centre - Duration: 5:02.


Trabzon Yali Park Hotel, Turkey (Europe). The best of Trabzon Yali Park Hotel in Trabzon - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Trabzon Yali Park Hotel, Turkey (Europe). The best of Trabzon Yali Park Hotel in Trabzon - Duration: 5:17.


Smoke and JuJu - 2 Deep [Of...

For more infomation >> Smoke and JuJu - 2 Deep [Of...


Which HALF-IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON should I race next? You vote! - Duration: 8:54.


- Morning Trainiacs, I think, I think,

I think, that I might be ready--


To start planning when and where I'm going to race next.

(upbeat pop music)

Alright, so, body's feeling a little bit better.

I'm feeling a fair bit better healthied.

My foot is, eh not bad.

I've at least been given the okay to

start increasing the running mileage.

That means that I wanna race.

I don't wanna just go into Half Iron Man

World Championship South Africa having

not done another half Iron Man earlier in the year,

so we gotta pick a race.

Now, here are the guidelines.

Now, these aren't hard and fast,

but I want it to be somewhere like middle to June,

beginning of July.

That will give me enough time to prep for it right now,

cause I really don't have a lot of run mileage.

That'll also, then, give me enough time to recover,

and then just kinda build into half Iron Man World

Championships in South Africa.

Ideally, it's got a pro field, so that I can go there,

I can do some content, I can do some podcasts,

and I want it to be easy to get to,

because I'm already gonna be spending

just a stupid amount of money to get down to South Africa.

So, let's have a slightly cheaper event

to go to earlier in the year, shall we?

Just notice that, what is that?


Let's bring out the old laptop'aroonie, shall we?

So, easiest place to go to is,

go to races, I want Iron Man 70.3's, and then, pro tip,

go to open, otherwise you're gonna be

including races that might already be sold out.

So, then let's scroll down to around mid June,

June 17th and 16th is when it starts.

Syracuse, New York, USA.

A friendly university town,

has a variety of activities to offer athletes

and spectators during its beautiful summer months.

Since the inaugural race in 2010,

the event has attracted professional triathletes

such as Jodie Swallow, Nikki Butterfield, Angela Naeth,

Joe Gambles, Peter Jacobs, Paul Ambrose, and TJ Tollakson.

It's the perfect buildup to the

popular Iron Man Lake Placid.

Let's see who was there last year.


Female pro?


Okay, right time of year.

Maybe not pros, correct me if I'm wrong out there folks.

Okay, going down the list, we have Denmark,

we have, oh, Coeur d'Alene, let's see that.


There's a lot of stickers there.

Athlete's choice awards, overall satisfaction,

best overall swim, best overall bike, best overall run,

would recommend to a friend, best race venue experience,

best host city experience.

Making a good case for yourself,

June 24th Iron Man Coeur d'Alene,

and I already know there's pros.

Matt Hanson, Tim Reed, Andy Potts, what else do we got?

Nick Granet?

Nick Granet I met at the QT2 system training camp,

and I was like, "This dudes gonna break out."

He got 10th yesterday at Iron Man Oceanside,

go follow him, he's good.

Haley Chura, Jen Annette, Linsey Corbin,

Sky Nance, Monch, lots.

Okay, looks like we got pros at Iron Man Coeur d'Alene,

plus a whole lot of accolades.

Buffalo Springs Lake in Texas, also on June 24th.

Let's check this one out.

Unfortunately, no pros listed, however,

I did notice this the other day.

They have a pro registration spot.

I don't know what to think.

Also June 24th, this is probably the furthest

that I would go, Costa Rica.

2017 athletes' choice award for best overall swim.

Wait a minute, Iron Man Coeur d'Alene, best overall swim?

Is this some sort of marketing ploy

just to get us to go there?

Imagine, a magical place where nature surrounds you,

an alluring concentration of beauty,

one of the happiest places on the globe,

and the world's capital of humming birds.

This is Costa Rica.

You had me at humming birds, whoa.

My boy Kevin Collington, fellow Ventum rider won last year.

On the lady's side, oh Ventum, sweet.

Leanda Cave won.

Costa Rica, what do you think folks?

Humming birds.

July, Norway, Scotland, Korea, Sweden, little bit far.

Ecuador, little far.

And then July 14th, we're probably getting

too close to Half Iron Man World,

so that puts us more towards Muskoka?

That'd be about it.

A mid summer race loved for its

stunning beauty and naturally tough course.

Actually, Coach Pat and another buddy

of ours ended up doing this a few years ago,

and while I was watching the athlete tracker live,

I was like, "What the hell, guys?"

It's a tough race.

So, we got several options, working our way backwards,

Muskoka, Costa Rica, Buffalo Springs Lake,

Coeur d'Alene, Syracuse.

What I would like you to do,

because I wanna meet as many of you as possible,

that it like the funnest thing,

is going to a race and meeting everyone,

instead of just being literally here

talking to a camera by myself,

comment below and let me know what your pick is,

and if you'll be there, and we might do a meet up,

or we did this in Austen, I talked about doing

like a warm up the day before,

nobody ended up showing up to it but me,

but doesn't mean we can't think about it.

So, gimme your comments below and let

me know where you want me to race,

and we'll see if we can make that happen.

Now, I'm gonna go for a wee little mini run.

For that I need some running partners,

and today's partners are the goons.

Peaty is always on the right, Gracie always on the left.

Try to get them to go the other way, I dare you.

(upbeat pop music)

That there was 5.1 kilometers, about 3.1 something miles,

at just a 5:02 per kilometer pace.


Oh, what are these guys?

These guys did pretty good for not having

run with me in about five or six months.

Gracie, perfect.

Peaty likes to run ahead a little bit.

That's kinda his M.O. in life,

he's gotta tough time calming himself down.

Peat, you're a special project, eh?

But you're such a nice guy.

You're in my glute knead spot, sorry.

I need room, go.

Nothing very fast there.

Those long, slow Sunday runs for

everyone should be pretty slow.

I mean, they start getting faster as

they get close to your race,

but for the most part we're talking

like 30 to 40 seconds per kilometer slower

than your race pace.

Miles, we're talking maybe a minute.

Linsey Corbin actually, for recovery runs,

she has had 10 minute miles prescribed for her,

and with these guys around, they're not

the fit and fiddle creatures that we are.

They're probably more fit and fiddly,

they don't even work out.

(upbeat pop music)

There you go Trainiacs, work out, glute activation,

mobility stretches, done.

Dogs, tired.

Comment below with where you want me to race next.

If you aren't yet subscribed yet,

hit that subscribe button below.

If you like long form podcasts check

out the Triathlon Terran Taren Podcast,

which is the most reviewed triathlon podcast in the world,

and if you're into an every single weekday track tip,

hit up the Triathlon Training Ask Podcast,

I answer your questions in under 10 minutes.


For more infomation >> Which HALF-IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON should I race next? You vote! - Duration: 8:54.


Now That's A Gold Find! - Duration: 18:26.

I was on my way to a different location...

...but something told me to stop here.

Nice birds this time.

Let me reset my GPS.

First target.

I apologize for the camera angle.

It's a (wind protection) cap from an old smoking pipe.


There is something else.

It sounds like a tiny object on the surface.

It's too small for this pinpointer.

One last attempt.

No, it's too small.



It's a 14K gold pendant.

The bird is applauding.


There are tiny roots inside.

It has a nice looking stone.

A beautiful find.

I will show you at the end how it looks like and how I cleaned it...

For now I will just keep it moist...

It feels heavy.

I really can't believe that I found it.

It came very unexpected.

But that's the beauty about metal detecting.

This pendant could have been found with any metal detector.

Even with a pinpointer.


Just to be 110% sure.

Remains from the last war.

I have a very strong pollen allergy today.

I can hardly see, my nose is running.

My shoes are yellow, covered with pollen.

The usual trash.

With the edge of the coil.

It got stuck to my digger.

It's a button.

Hollow inside.

It's no joy, it is getting worse.

A small musket ball.

A big piece of foil.

Small iron.

Foil again.

I wonder if the pendant was attached to a gold chain...

A fly...

And if it's still out here...

In this case I will have to buy Minelab's Equinox...

A pull tab.


Oh no again...

I turn bottles with the sharp edge to the bottom.

That way animals don't step on it.

A piece of lead.

Rabies vaccine... again.

I'm finished at this point.

It also starts raining.

I'm getting out of here!

Trash. Detecting time: 26 min

Musket balls.

The button.

Wind cap from a smoking pipe.

The gold.

I will show you some of the cleaning stages.

The roots went trough the holes.

I'm not touching the gold.

The stone is in perfect shape.

A small root.

There it is again :).

"585FB" stamp (14K) ~7g.

For more infomation >> Now That's A Gold Find! - Duration: 18:26.


Clamorosa dichiarazione di Al Bano su Romina: i social esplodono - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Clamorosa dichiarazione di Al Bano su Romina: i social esplodono - Duration: 4:24.


XÔI ÚT MẬP nổi danh quận 1 GIANG HỒ ẨM THỰC SÀI GÒN LẦN ĐẦU THƯỞNG THỨC 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 25:16.

For more infomation >> XÔI ÚT MẬP nổi danh quận 1 GIANG HỒ ẨM THỰC SÀI GÒN LẦN ĐẦU THƯỞNG THỨC 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 25:16.


Rimedi naturali contro i cattivi odori del corpo - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Rimedi naturali contro i cattivi odori del corpo - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:09.


What Is Steins;Gate Trying To Say? - Duration: 12:22.

When it comes to topics as contentious as the issue of free will, there are understandably

a number of varying stances that people take when examining it through the lens of Steins;Gate.

Opinions on this tend to vary, with well-reasoned arguments coming from both the side of free

will and the side of determinism, which, to put it very simply, is a school of thought

that states that all actions are the result of causes.

But I think that a great deal of these arguments tend to dismiss some of the subtleties that

make all the difference.

This is quite a layered topic, and looking at it as black or white is the wrong way to

go about it when the concept is pretty nuanced.

The most accurate school of thought with regards to Steins;Gate's take on free will and determinism

is a sort of harmonious hybrid of both ideas.

That Okabe does not have true free will, but simultaneously, determinism has not quite

lead him to lack ownership in his decisions.

Strict, extreme determinism would state that Okabe has no will for his actions and that

every behaviour of his is the result of previous factors.

It essentially dismisses responsibility for one's behaviour.

And this is clearly not the case because of how much narrative emphasis and weight is

put on Okabe's decisions throughout.

But simultaneously, it is also true that on numerous occasions, the characters in the

story allude to a lack of free will.

In the midst of his struggle to save Mayuri from death, Okabe laments that the universe

is preventing him from saving her, as if god has conspired against him so that no matter

what he does, he will never be able to save her.

However, this is NOT determinism that he is referring to here.

The way that Mayuri dies no matter how Okabe varies the past is not at all consistent with

classical determinism, which, due to the innumerable alterations, would have lead to plausibility

and possibility dictating that a number of his attempts would have been successful.

Of course, every world line where Mayuri dies like this is within an attractor field, meaning

that one could argue for determinism here and say that every possible scenario plays

out under the umbrella of this attractor field before converging at Mayuri's death.

But due to this convergence, there is no absurdism here, no randomness that would characterize

true determinism.

This inevitability is different.

Okabe's helplessness here is instead about fatalism.

Sometimes referred to as predeterminism, fatalism is the belief that all events, including human

actions, are established or decided in advance.

The belief that nothing can change these events.

A very important concept to understand is the distinction between fatalism and determinism.

Both have parallels in that they both say that our lives are dictated by forces beyond

our control.

In contrast to determinism, fatalism is not about causation but destiny - it states that

we are bound to reach our ultimate fate no matter what.

These fates are predetermined and set, and unaffected by cause.

But the story categorically denies fatalism through the implementation of divergence from

attractor fields - the idea that Okabe can alter these world lines enough to avoid undesirable


This throws fatalism out the window and the fact that Okabe only prescribed to it at the

height of his misery strongly insinuates that it is an undesirable philosophy that should

be overcome and dismissed.

Now, as Kurisu alludes to here, it is clear that the series advocates for certain aspects

of determinism.

Peppered throughout the narrative are little allusions to people, decisions and events

being the result of previous factors.

That all of the preceding events have lead to the current situations.

This much is clear, but what is important is that it does NOT become nihilistic and

insinuate passivity.

Okabe is the result of his past experiences, but he is still actively making decisions

every step of the way.

He chooses to save Mayuri because his will demanded it, not because of cause.

He chooses to sacrifice Kurisu.

Likewise, in alternate routes, he gives up because he makes a choice to lose hope.

If the story truly believed that every action resulted ONLY from cause and not from human

choice, it wouldn't have put so much gravitas on Okabe's guilt and the impact of his decisions

after he made choices.

However, oddly enough, one of the most iconic lines of the series would seem to advocate

for either fatalism or classic determinism, depending on your point of view.

This line would appear to imply that Steins;Gate has chosen everything that has happened and

that the beings of this world have no say in the matter.

However, This wouldn't make sense since the story clearly rejects fatalism, and doesn't

buy into traditional determinism.

We'll return to this issue later, so keep it in the back of your mind.

I think that a problem with the term "free will" is that it seems to hint at complete

independency, when the truth is that this is never the case.

If you make a decision in the moment, it is because of something in your past that has

lead you to think that way.

There is no action you take that is not dependent on something.

That's just how it is, our will in the moment is not ever independent of cause.

In my opinion, for this debate, a better term for free will that would clear up some confusion

would be "Personal agency."

The ability of someone to take action.

We are not completely free of influence, but this does NOT mean that we have no ability

to act.

Any decision you make is inherently of your own volition because you yourself are making

that choice, but it results from factors and causes from your past.

In Steins;Gate, there is no spontaneous free will and there is no nihilistic determinism.

However, there is personal agency and there is cause.

Like I said, a nuanced hybrid of free will and determinism.

But what does this mean thematically?

Well, this is just the way of the world in Steins;Gate - the narrative doesn't contain

true, completely independent free will, but neither does it advocate a passive submission

to fate.

It emphasizes the capacity for action and how one can choose to progress.

And here is the true significance of these ideas - choice.

We still have the ability to choose to press on when things get tough.

And of course, we also have the ability to choose to give up.

One of the darkest routes in the Steins;Gate visual novel consists of an empty, hopeless

Okabe mindlessly repeating the days leading up to Mayuri's death over and over again

because he can't find a way to progress past them without losing someone dear to him.

He eventually learns about every aspect of these days - so thoroughly that it becomes


He is a shell of a man, going through this cyclical world that he knows every detail


Without a shred of humour, he unironically proclaims himself as the God of this looping

mini-universe he has created, with it being victim to his every whim since he can just

leap back in time and start over again without changing anything.

In a moment of unhinged insanity, Okabe realizes that he can do anything in this closed loop

and begins thinking unspeakable things.

He ponders letting Daru get hit by a car.

He even genuinely considers raping Suzuha.

Eventually, he reverts back to passive hopelessness before resolving to travel back to the seventies

with Suzuha to try and change things from there.

And so, Okabe leaves with her, never to see his dear friends again.

Evidently, the story does not shy away from some pretty morbid darkness.

But it is because of how it dips into this darkness that it's uplifting ascent in the

conclusion is as palpable as it is.

This is very clearly a "bad" ending.

Apart from the resolution, which is depressing but manages to emphasize finding a way forward

through choice, this is the clearly undesirable thematic antithesis to what the story is trying

to say.




No impact from Okabe's actions.

At every turn, it frames fate and nihilistic determinism as thoroughly undesirable.

Through this, the conclusive messages of the narrative itself and Okabe's constant struggle

to find the light, Steins;Gate chastises these ideas and challenges the audience to strive

for more.

Not only is Personal agency the concept that Steins;Gate champions when it comes to the

philosophical debate regarding free will, but the ability to act in the face of the

seemingly inevitable is a major theme of the story.

Maybe free will doesn't exist, but in a fictional universe that has world line after world line

of infinite possibilities accessible by our main character, does it need to to show the

importance of choosing to overcome the odds?

Our decisions are constrained and framed by our past experiences, but we still have personal


Everything has a cause, but in the moments that matter, genuine decisions are made.

And so now, we can see that Okabe's happy fate was not just the choice of Steins;Gate

in a way that made him a passenger - it was the choice of a worldline that he carved out

for himself.

When you choose to fight and push through, the world will reward you.

Okabe admits during the story that "This is the choice of Steins Gate" is a phrase

that is completely pointless, but I think if he were to give it meaning by the end,

it would be something similar to this.

That's why S;G is inspiration to many.

It uses the multiple world lines as not just a primary plot mechanic, but a metaphorical

device to illustrate this theme - showing the sheer difficulty of struggling to reach

the light in various contexts.

In some worldlines, it is impossible to save Mayuri.

Hell, Okabe lives through hundreds of scenarios and in almost all of them, someone close to

him dies.

But to find an alternative to Mayuri's death, all he needed was the support of one other

to get going again.

And when it came to avoiding the death of his loved ones altogether, all it took was

one other perspective.

The smallest things can turn the tide and inspire action, and S;G is saying this with

regards to both the story, and micro-situations in life.

Sometimes, every single scenario within a desperate situation may feel like a path into

the abyss.

But Steins;Gate, through it's emphasis on personal agency, is saying that there is a

way to transcend these tiny world lines within difficult situations of our lives to find

a way through.

It is immeasurably difficult to reach for the light when everything seems to cloud it

out, but if you do, you can break through and achieve what never seemed possible.

Sure, maybe a bunch of past factors landed you in a difficult situation.

But there is always an alternative, that one way out, that one world line.

And there is always the option to choose to fight to find it.

For those who can relate, it is an extremely meaningful concept tackled in an elaborate

and metaphorical way, one that integrates some rather hefty philosophical concepts organically

and places them in secondary importance to the messages and heart of the work.

And that is why the show is able to resonate with so many - through this mechanism, it

introduces the brutal dark, establishes the world as one that has lead our main character

into a tough spot, and uses the multi-worldline theory to demonstrate that there is always

a light at the end of the tunnel.

A theme that will always be relevant.

Thanks very much for watching.

For more infomation >> What Is Steins;Gate Trying To Say? - Duration: 12:22.


"When I'm gone, there's a blue folder." - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> "When I'm gone, there's a blue folder." - Duration: 1:11.


Storm Team 8 Forecast: Noon 041318 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Storm Team 8 Forecast: Noon 041318 - Duration: 3:21.


Rimedi naturali contro i cattivi odori del corpo - Italy 365 - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> Rimedi naturali contro i cattivi odori del corpo - Italy 365 - Duration: 7:40.


3 infusi medicinali per rafforzare i polmoni - Salute 365 - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> 3 infusi medicinali per rafforzare i polmoni - Salute 365 - Duration: 8:20.


HOW TO MAKE STEEL DESTROYER from Last Day on Earth - Duration: 5:55.

Hello, everyone and today we have a saw blade mace from the game Last Day on Earth Survival.

As always it's Dread here, let's go

Guys, lots of you asked to make something from metal so here we go

Let's collect as many likes as possible, say 10 000. Not a big deal for you to make me happy

You can download the template at the link in the description. We have many many sheets, you can make the mace out of wood and metal

So, we got the template, printed it and we start with the mace handle and the blade holder

The game offers a wide range of weapons, even nonstandard ones like hockey sticks, oars, traffic signs, etc

And we are crafting a saw blade mace, one of the most powerful and effective close combat weapons in the game

We glue the template on to a wooden part, I have a pine windowsill 28mm thick

It took 2 windowsills for the whole mace, they are about 1.2 meters long. Very big and very heavy

So, when we have glued the template on the material, we let the glue dry, for a couple of hours

and then we start cutting everything with an electric fretsaw

Next we put together the blade template and glue it on to an old High Density Fiberboard

t's only 4mm thick, it's gonna make a great stencil

The blade itself is going to be made of metal

And we are gonna cut metal with a plasma cutter

That's a great tool for metal cutting and for pieces of complex shapes

In order to get a specific blade angle, it was decided to weld a ring from a metal strip into the center

Next we put the second blade half and weld them together

You can make some depressions and cuts with a hammer, after all that's the zombie apocalypse style

We also cut 2 rings out of 1.5mm steel and make lots of cuts at the edges

Then we'll have to bend them to one side

It's going to be something like a cover that will have to be weld to the main blade so that we give volume to the structure

This way…

Now we have to smooth out all welds and remove projections.

And we can't go without battle damages, we can make them with an Angular grinding machine

To make the mace look cool we can heat some places and the metal will change color

But we have to do this like targeted so that we have a more interesting pattern

Then we drill a hole for the central axis, the diameter of the hole is 32 mm

Now it's time to prepare the handle and the blade holder

We remove all angles with a rough grater

Drill holes in the handle for screws and glue the handle with joiner's glue

Apply the glue on one half of the blade holder and fix the handle and its seat

We apply joiner's glue on the second half as well and fix it with screws

After the glue dries up, we finish forming the original shape of the saw blade mace with the same grater

Add some depressions randomly

Then make the hole on the blade bigger, try on the bolt

Drill a hole in the blade holder and try on the bolt so that it doesn't go into very easily

Paint the blade holder with a common yellow paint

You can wrap the handle with brown artificial leather or something like that

you can glue the leather with hot glue or attach it with a stapler

I chose the first option

Now we only have to place the blade and wrap it with a grey cloth strip

That's it guys, hope you like the video and don't forget about 10 000 likes. Subscribe to my channel. It's been Dread with you, bye and see you soon

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE STEEL DESTROYER from Last Day on Earth - Duration: 5:55.


Super Hot Livestream | maybe I'll finish the game??? - Duration: 47:42.

For more infomation >> Super Hot Livestream | maybe I'll finish the game??? - Duration: 47:42.


BEST SPRING 2018 MAKEUP TRENDS- HOW TO! | KKW Blue Smokey Eye | Beauty Banter - Duration: 7:30.

Hey guys welcome back

thank so much for stopping by today's video is going to be all about one of the biggest spring makeup trends of

2018 and that is the classic navy blue smokey eye

So ever since Kim Kardashian and Mario teamed up to create their palette the blue smokey eye has absolutely blown up

We're seeing it in so many

Influencers and celebrities and blue is definitely back so I decided to do a little mini series on my channel

Where I highlight the top three spring 2018 makeup trends, and this is the first one it is absolutely huge

So I decided to show you guys how to achieve this trend

Pretty easily not too many steps not too many products so if you want to see how to achieve the classic spring 2018


The blue Navy smokey eye, just keep on watching today's subscribers shout-out goes out to Jannetty

Thank you so much for commenting on my videos better yet

Thank you so much for sharing my wet and wild foundation review video on the reddit beauty guru chatter page

It made a huge difference in my video and just bringing

Audience and traffic to my channel, so I'm so so appreciative of you sharing that link

Thank you so much, and thank you for being a so blue shadows is actually not something

I gravitate towards because I have blue eyes when I wear blue eyeshadows

It just doesnt that except my eye color doesn't do a whole lot for me, so

Blue eye shadow is not something that I tend to pick up but go figure I went through my eyeshadow collection

And I actually have quite a bit of blue to work with so I'm pretty excited about that um

I think the darkest blue that I have is this color by Mac. It's called

Flashback, so I'll probably be using some of that and I have some other blues in some different palettes that I'm definitely going to be

Reaching for it to add some dimension

So the trend that's been going around is a very smoky

Blue eyeshadow so and it's kind of like a deeper richer blue as opposed to like a bright blue

so I'm going to go for my

Trusty tape here alright so to start off this look whenever you're doing

Any kind of really smoky eye a lot of times it helps the overall

Blending process if you start with a neutral shade, so I'm go in the Kylee royal peach palette, and I'm gonna grab

Some brown and orange shades here and just start warming up the crease okay

So now that we have some shading going on

Through the crease I'm gonna take flashback by Mac actually on my finger because I want to get that really intense pigmentation

And I'm just going to pack that

Over the majority of the lid, but concentrated right in the center

Because I want to add some other blues to create a little bit more dimension

I'm actually going to pull it kind of

Diffuse it out right up against that tee

Okay, so now I'm going to go in with that royal blue shade from the Kylie cosmetics palette and just

Sort of stamp that in the outer corner so just continue to build that color up

Now you just want to keep a blending brush handy, and those neutral shades just to diffuse out the

Edges so that you don't have any harsh lines

Okay, so now I'm going to grab at the black shade from the katie-cat palette with covergirl, and I'm just going to

Have a pencil brush

I'm just kind of run it right along the tape

It's sort of the outer corner of the lash line. This is just going to make the look more smoky and intense and defined

Okay, so I was thinking about using this shade from the top Natasha - no no palette

But I don't feel like it really matches with the tones

that we have so far these are more like rich navy, and that's more like aqua, so I

Wonder if I could do yeah, I think I'm going to go back in with the katie-cat palette and just take that blue shade there

And pack that in the inner corner

Okay so at this stage we are going to

Take the tape off and you are just left with a really nice

Crisp line now if you want to take a little bit of a dense brush and some

of those original Browns we use you can go ahead and just kind of

buff out the top edge there

Okay, so continue with the blue theme. I'm going to grab the covergirl liquid line blast eyeliner in

I'm not actually sure what color this is in

Well anyways, it's a bright blue. I'm going to line the waterline with dot

Okay so for the lower lash line. I'm going to grab flashback again

And just start smoking out

That area

Okay, and I'm going to go back in with the blue color from the Kylie palette just

Kind of

Continue to smoke that out

All right so to finish it off the look, I'm going to grab this

Kind of blue tinted light highlighting shade from the katie-cat palette and just pop that in the tear duct

If you haven't already seen it definitely go check out my review of these little katie-cat pallets

I'll let you know how they are and if they're worth the money

now I don't even think you need liquid liner for this because the

Eyeshadow is so intense, so I'm going to just go ahead and pop on some lashes, and I will be right back

Okay, so that completes the video, I really hope you liked this first spring trend

Definitely let me know in the comments section below if you've tried it

Or if you plan on trying it also definitely like this video if you like this spring trend idea

Check out my community tab as usual, and I will see you in my next video. Bye

For more infomation >> BEST SPRING 2018 MAKEUP TRENDS- HOW TO! | KKW Blue Smokey Eye | Beauty Banter - Duration: 7:30.


"Which Class Should You Play?" - Mercenary / Commando | Star Wars: The Old Republic - Duration: 6:41.

hello guys and welcome back to SWAT or central in this video I'll be taking you

through the classes and mercenary and commander so you can decide if either

one is the class you want to play out of the sixteen and also that you can choose

from we'll be going over combat playstyle and story but don't worry

there won't be any spoilers let's start with the combat play style a good place

to start is with what the mercenary and Commander can actually do of arranged

classes and use ranged weapons the mercenary uses two blaster pistols while

the commander uses a heavy cannon both of these classes have excellent utility

and even better abilities such as the responsive safe guards ability which

allows you to absorb heal and reflect incoming damage you'll also have the

Rockets out ability which has you fire a blast in front of you and send you

flying backwards perfects for avoiding damage or getting out of range of a

mailer opponent you'll also have disabled electro net ability don't be

fooled by this somewhat seemingly simple and billet it's the worst nightmare of

an opponent stealth class or a target trying to get away electro net slows

your enemy while dealing damage and stops them from using abilities that

allow them to stealth out of combat use this knowledge wisely since this class

has a healing subcategory you'll also have a basic heal ability you can use

any time although you'll likely not need it unless you plan on playing as a

healer let's move on to discipline paths so we can get a closer look as with all

other classes you'll have three different paths to choose from keep in

mind these classes are mirrored which means they have the same paths and

abilities just with different names and animations there are two damage dealing

paths and one healing path with the mercenary we have a stone innovative

ordnance and bodyguard the commander has a gunnery salt specialist and combat

medic let's go through the mercenary first arsenal is a damage dealing path

which focuses on burst damage at long range this is the easiest of the damage

pass here and can be picked up very easily by new players you'll have access

to abilities with names such as easy missiles and blazing bolts if you want

to have an easygoing experience while being able to shoot stuff in the first

and this is a good fit for you next up is innovative ordinance this pass

focuses on dot damage and quite a fair bit of best damage as well you will also

have a dot spread via using explosive diet or fusion missile which spreads

your damage over a group of enemies this puff is one of the hardest not just for

this class but ideally in the entire game I would not recommend choosing this

path unless you are an experienced player and are looking for a challenge

you'll have access to abilities with names such as serrated shot and

incendiary missile when you master this path you'll be dealing a very high

amount of damage and could easily top the damage meter balance lastly we have

bodyguard this path focuses on heal you'll be able to heal up your teammates

through a variety of different abilities some which heal one person at a time and

some that heal multiple at a time you'll have access to abilities with names such

as Coulter shells and Coulter missile now let's move on to the commander first

off his gunnery which is the mirrored path of the a storm a scenario this path

focuses on best damage and is very easy to learn for new players I would

recommend this path if you want a lead back gameplay style while holding a

cannon you'll have access to abilities with names such as demolition round and

ball star next up is the assault specialist which is the mirrored path of

the innovative ordnance mercenary again this path is very hard to learn for an

inexperienced player choose this path if you are experienced or are looking for a

challenge his path focuses on dot damage and quite

a bit of best damage you'll be able to spread that damage to nearby targets

through the use of a door spread doctor what we call damage over time abilities

you'll have access to abilities with names such as assault plastique and

incendiary round lastly we have the combat medic which is the mirrored path

of The Bodyguard mercenary never again will you see someone shooting a play

with a cannon but healing them this path offers you a diverse healing skill set

which is very useful to any group from group AoE heals to single target big

heals you'll have access to abilities with names such as

successive treatment and Coulter bomb now we have discipline parse out the

where let's move on to story beginning with the mercenary you start out on the

hop control utter your objective here is to gain enough reputation to be

sponsored for a well-known bounty hunting events the great hunt

you'll be blasting punching and money grabbing the entire time on your way to

be the most recognized hunter in the galaxy you can choose to have a

conscience or just straight-up demand credits for just about everything you do

eventually you'll find yourself facing off against epic and somewhat

blood-boiling rivals all the way to dealing with people high up in politics

and power bases I mean what is it bounty hunting without a client's after all

this story is one that is perfect for a bounty hunting loving player a massive

change in playstyle as to compared with the smuggler moving on to the commander

what we have here is a classic soldier on the frontlines story while this isn't

the most popular of the story playthroughs it's still very appealing

for people who love playing as soldiers and troopers this storage that you offer

on the planet augment L wear from the get-go your friend straight into action

dealing with separatists come your goal on odd mantle is to join and assist the

renowned squadron earners havoc squad after assisting havoc scored things

quickly tense alpha and you find yourself on the frontlines of the

innocence protection from tracking down traitors of the Republic to intercepting

deadly weapons which you can do like a hero or a rebellious trooper who chooses

their own orders okay ladies and gentlemen I hope that this video

somewhat helped you decide whether or not you want to play the mercenary or

commander if you're a new player styles the Old Republic then I highly recommend

you subscribe and ten on notifications this channels main focus is Star Wars

The Old Republic news and guides so you have a lot to gain if you are a new

player as always thank you very much for watching and I will catch you guys in

the next one

For more infomation >> "Which Class Should You Play?" - Mercenary / Commando | Star Wars: The Old Republic - Duration: 6:41.


5 Ways To Sound AMAZING On A Blues [Blues Bass Lesson - Improv] - Duration: 13:15.

Ever tried playing over a blues only to find you just don't sound very good?

If you have, I've got 5 ways you can make your playing over a blues sound infinitely


Hi, I'm Luke McIntosh from and by the end of this lesson, you'll be

able to break through any barriers in your playing when it comes to the blues progression

and you'll have a ton of new ideas to take your blues playing to the next level.

[Video Intro]

Today's video actually comes from a question that a viewer named Conan left on another

one of my lessons.

The question basically boiled down to wanting to know how to approach playing over blues


Which scales should you use where and all that sort of thing.

I laid out my answer in the comments of that other video, but I wanted to share it with

you as well with examples and all that sort of thing.

I gave Conan 5 approaches and I want to share them all with you.

The first 3 I want to give you are kind of intellectual approaches, and the final 2 are

more organic - they work more by feel than anything else.

Approach #1 is the go-to for hordes of people when they start playing over a blues.

It's the simple blues scale.

If you don't know the blues scale yet, it's super simple.

In the key of F it's F, Ab, Bb, B natural, C, Eb and F up the top.

It looks like this and hears what it sounds like.

[plays blues scale] Now, you CAN play this over the whole blues progression and if you

decided to do that, it might sound like this.

[plays bass over track] It's just one sound over the whole 12-bar form.

There are 2 drawbacks of just using the blues scale though.

Firstly, it can get very boring pretty quickly.

Without other sounds to break up the monotony you run the risk of just putting everyone

to sleep.

The other drawback is you have to handle it very carefully.

Not all notes of the blues scale are created equal.

In fact, I created a whole video about this exact thing you can check out below.

So if the blues scale gets old pretty quickly, what do you play to break it up?

Well, you can use the scales that go with each individual chord and play through with


If we grab up our blues progression - this is a 2-5-1 blues rather than a 5-4-1 blues

because that was what Conan asked about in his original question.

If we were going to assign scales to each of these chords we'd play F Mixolydian over

the F7 chords, Bb Mixolydian over the Bb7 chords, then G Dorian over the Gm7 and C Mixolydian

over the C7 chord.

Really, you can get away with learning 2 shapes and you're all set.

The Mixolydian shape looks like this up here and sounds like this.

[plays scale] As long as your middle finger is on the root of the chord, you can plug

this shape in and it's going to work.

The Dorian shape looks like this and sounds like this.

[plays scale] So if you know these shapes, you can use them to play over the blues.

Let's get the track back.

F Mixolydian.

Bb Mixolydian.

Back to F Mixolydian.

Now the G Dorian, then C Mixolydian, and finally back to F Mixolydian.

Do you see how that works?

Now if you aren't super familiar with these modes, but want to learn all about them - how

to use them, where to use them, then I've got the perfect thing for you.

It's called the Ultimate Guide To The Modes For Bass and you can download it for free


Just click the first link in the description, sign up on that page and I'll send it straight

to your inbox.

You'll never have to struggle with the modes again and they'll really open up a ton of

doors to your playing.

I can't recommend it enough so go ahead and download it.

Now the idea of playing specific scales over specific chord types is the kind of thing

you learn in music schools and all that.

It's a great way of thinking about how to get through different progressions and all

that, but the big drawback of using this method is that if you're not that experienced with

them, it's possible that you'll sound really 'academic' like you're just playing


Don't worry though - everyone goes through this at some point.

It's totally normal.

Just keep practicing and see if you can start using some of these other approaches as well.


Approach #3 is using what's called 'guide tones' to get through the blues progression.

For this approach you create a kind of skeleton map to guide you through the chord changes.

Now you can make a guide tone line with any of the notes that make up the chords, but

a really strong place to start is by using the 3rds and 7ths of the chords.

Why the 3rds and 7ths?

It's because these notes are the ones that define the quality of the chords we're using!

Our goal with these lines is to have smooth transitions between each of the chords in

the progression.

That means we'll rarely move by more than a whole step and sometimes we'll even stay

on the same note for multiple chords.

Let's make up a guide tone line now.

Here we have all the chords from the song in the order they appear.

Let's start on the 3rd of the first chord, the A of the F7 chord.

Next we want to smoothly connect one chord to the next so what's the note in the next

chord that's closest to that A?

We actually have 2 options that are really close.

The Bb is a half-step above the A, but we also have the Ab - the 7th of the Bb7 chord

- which is a half-step BELOW the A. For us, let's use the Ab because like I just said,

the 3rds and 7ths are usually the strongest guide tone lines.

When you go back to the F7 chord, you'd obviously go back to the A natural, right?

So we're on the A - what's the closest note to A in the next chord - our Gm7?

This time we WILL use that Bb; not just because it's the closest, but because now the Bb

is the 3rd of the chord.

We'll stay on the Bb for the C7 chord - the 7th and finally back to the A on our F7 chord.

See how we have this map now?

We can use this to create lines and melodies that we know are going to work with the chords

and outline them because they use either 3rds or 7ths on every chord.

If you make the change from one guide tone to the next AS the chord changes, you'll

hear that you've outlined the change with a single note.

That might sound something like this.

[plays track] The bits in between the guide tones, you can just use the notes from approach

#2 - they'll work super well.

The trick with this approach is making sure you nail the change between the chords as

the change happens.

If you can do this, you'll be off to the races!

Try to make some more guide tone lines - and a quick tip, there's another great one that

starts on the 7th of the 1st chord.

For approach number 4 we're going completely counterintuitive.

Most people think when they need to play over chord changes that they need to know every

scale, every arpeggio, every minute detail.

Haha - we've even just gone through 3 approaches where that's all we talked about!

Now sure, knowing that stuff is a huge help, but is it essential?

Eh - not really.

There are plenty of great players who don't know their major scales from their minor scales.

They just play what they hear in their mind!

That's Approach #4.

Forget the scales and modes and use your voice to figure out what to play.

This is probably the most organic way of doing things because you're not thinking that

much - you're relying on your feelings and your gut.

With this approach, you put on the track you're trying to play and record yourself singing

some lines.

Then you listen back to it and try to figure out what you played.

If you like it, then great!

If not, go back and try again.

So if I try that with this practice track here it might look like this.

[plays track] I'll get my first note, then I'll try to sing something and then play

that exact phrase back.

[sings line, then plays] Haha!

This is actually a ton of fun!

If you're just starting out, record yourself SINGING the lines - without even thinking

about your bass, then listen to the recording and try to figure out what you sang and transfer

the ideas to your bass.

The more you do it, the quicker the process will get until you can have an idea and it

comes out of your bass automatically.

Try not to be too critical of yourself during this process though - it's super easy to get

down on yourself if it takes longer than you'd like.

I actually talk about this process in more depth in another video of mine and I'll

put the link below this lesson.

The final approach, Approach number 5 is also a ton of fun.

You simply learn what other people play over the same progression.

Once again, this is another really organic process you can go through.

Put on a recording, listen to what people are doing over a blues and try to replicate

it on your bass.

Doing this will help you absorb the language of the music and you may find that the people

on the recording are using some of the approaches I've already told you about.

You don't just have to listen to other bass players either - steal ideas from all other

instruments as well.

You might have trouble finding a bass solo over an F blues, but can you find thousands

of incredible recordings of guitar players playing over a blues?


What about saxophone players?


Keyboard players!

For sure!

If you want specific recommendations for who to transcribe, check out any of the John Mayer

trio recordings - John Mayer is a pretty serious blues guitarist.

Steal his licks!

If you want to go back further, you can check out the things that John Mayer obviously checked

out - guys like B.B. King and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

If you want to go back further, check out Cannonball Adderley.

He was a saxophone player who was bluesy as hell!

Check out Oscar Peterson and steal some ideas from him!

Now it doesn't really matter if it's not in the key you're looking for - what you

want to do is absorb the language.

If you do that, then you'll be able to PLAY that language in any key you like!

If you ever feel like you're just playing the same old things over and over, the best

way to inject some new ideas into your playing is by absorbing some new ideas from other


These 5 approaches should be a good place to get you started and I recommend giving

all of them a try!

If you only ever do one, your playing will be dull and predictable, but if you mix and

blend all of these approaches, you'll see your playing really come to life.

It'll be more exciting, more dynamic and you'll a better bass player for it!

Make sure to click the first link in the description to get the free Ultimate Guide To The Modes

For Bass - it can be a real game-changer for you.

To recap really quickly though, you learned 5 separate approaches to tackling the blues.

You learned about the blues scale firstly, then we talked about playing individual scales

for each chord.

Approach #3 was to create guide tone lines to find your way through the progression and

approach #4 was to create your own ideas by singing them and then figure out what you

sang and transfer those ideas to your bass.

Finally we talked about transcribing other people's ideas and absorbing their language.

Thanks so much for watching - I hope this has been super helpful for you.

I'm Luke McIntosh from and I'll talk to you soon.

Have a good one!

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To Sound AMAZING On A Blues [Blues Bass Lesson - Improv] - Duration: 13:15.


HIDDEN TORCH FOUND! - Minecraft PE - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> HIDDEN TORCH FOUND! - Minecraft PE - Duration: 3:36.


rhys lewis // reason to hate you {sub español} - Duration: 4:11.

Can you just lie to me?

And ruin these memories?

'Cause I've gotta forget somehow

So I'm begging you burn us to the ground

'Cause I know it's over but I don't know what to do

So help me get over

help me get over you

And tell me you love somebody else or something

Or say you've been unfaithful to me

'Cause I need a reason to hate you

A reason to let you go

A reason to move on

'Cause without one, I know I won't

So tell me you love somebody else or something

Or say you've been unfaithful to me

Where do we go from here?

Do you just disappear?

'Cause I don't think I can be your friend

When it feels like the break isn't gonna mend

Well I know it's over but I don't know what to do

So help me get over, help me get over you

And tell me you love somebody else or something

Or say you've been unfaithful to me

'Cause I need a reason to hate you

A reason to let you go

A reason to move on

Cause without one, I know I won't

So tell me you love somebody else or something

Or say you've been unfaithful to me

'Cause even after all this time

I'm hoping I can change your mind

'Cause hope's the only open door left to choose

So lock me out for good because

I know that I'm not strong enough

To stop myself from feeling things for you

So don't give me the truth

Just tell me you love somebody else or something

Or say you've been unfaithful to me, yeah

'Cause I need a reason to hate you

A reason to let you go

A reason to move on

'Cause without one, I know I won't

So tell me you love somebody else or something

Or say you've been unfaithful to me

For more infomation >> rhys lewis // reason to hate you {sub español} - Duration: 4:11.


RC Backyard Trail Driving - Duration: 15:54.

it's a difficult spot to drive right here

Alright, so we need some gears here

yes we got to be careful here man

Let's see what I can do there

so we rolling in the rain

and we trying to get this

Truck across this trail

Different no doubt


that the deal that my most difficult spot right here

Alright cool nice

Alright we doing it

Yap we doing it

Easy, easy

Nice and wet

Alright we working

all four wheels locked

got to be careful here, don't want to throw it down ... yep

we got to take off the back wheel

let the front pull

try that again with the back wheel engaged

we're doing a 360 here ... wow

that's some difficult driving right here, back him up a little

a little bit, a little bit ...

ok there we go

there we go

wow this is tough

wow we need some help here, it looks like

don't worry, let's keep trying this

We can do this


take it easy here

the wood is wet so, we're having a tough time gripping

but we're going to keep trying

let's back it up a little bit

one more ... right there

right there

this is crazy Yoshi

this is the most difficult driving ever


it's not letting me do it eh .. wow come on guy

alright, I'm going to have to help him right here

I'm going to have to give the Defender a help guys

that was tough

that was tough right here

you want to go up front Yoshi, all the way, you should do it from the top

alright we're going through rock boxes

nice weather in California today

and the Defender is doing a great job


all four wheels locked

let's back him up a little bit

there we go

alright, let's get him down there

yeah we're doing a great job

in the wet weather

in California today

ok I can put it in

take off the back wheel

just the front wheel (off the lock differential) ... let's back it up one

difficult driving today in the wet weather

going to have to back this up

yeah there we go

and there we go ... pull him up nicely ... alright, the Defender is working

RC Backyard Trail Driving or RC Backyard Track Driving on the course I made with my bare hands!

In this video, I'm sharing with you how I'm driving RC trucks on the RC Obstacle Track I made in the backyard

- the Traxxas TRX 4 Defender RC truck with a New Bright Fast and Furious body.

I'm searching for other 1:10 trucks, RC crawlers, and NewBright RCs to feature in my RC truck hobby videos,

new places to take the TRX 4 Defender Crawler & my other electric radio control cars and

adding new challenging sections to the TRX 4 backyard R/C crawler course.

Also working on drawing up new designs for the RC Trail -

some call them an RC obstacle run, R/C obstacle trail, backyard rock Crawler trail,

R\/C crawler run, TRX-4 backyard trail or a radio control backyard trail

... Ricky's Garage Vibes calls it R/C fun.

Respect to the Grenada RC car crew!

For more infomation >> RC Backyard Trail Driving - Duration: 15:54.


Fixing Up My CR125 Two Stroke! - Duration: 18:54.

it is springtime all the snow is thankfully melted so I'm gonna take you

guys through what I do to my bikes to get him ready for the riding season so

here I've got my 2005 cr125 she's looking pretty clean but like any bike

it's gonna need some work to get it ready for some riding the first thing

I'm gonna cover is checking over the fluids and making sure everything is

lubed up on this bike we've got coolant engine oil brake fluid and of course

fuel for coolant it's as simple as its popping off the radiator cap and looking

inside looks like it's pretty well topped off if you guys are curious this

is the coolant thought I use engine nice really good stuff if you're unsure of

when your coolant was last changed or you haven't swapped it out for the past

year so I would recommend changing out for something like engine ice now for

oil with this bike being a two-stroke it's only got gear oil so there's a fill

plug up here no dipstick and then a check plug for checking the oil level

since this bike does not have a dipstick you be able to check the oil level by

pulling out to check bolt once you pull the bolt out a little bit of oil should

come out provided the bike is sitting level preferably on a stand and for oil

I use a shell rotella T 1540 and I change it out at 10 hours of ride time

so about every four to five rides alright that's it for the oil situation

now I'm gonna check the brake fluid and it's as simple as just looking at the

site windows on the brake master cylinders I'm actually gonna take it a

step further and bleed these brakes a little since it has been a while and

I've got a new little bleeding tool motion Pro sent over this mini bleeder

tool for me to try out never useful before so this should be fun so how this

bleeder Tool Works is slides onto the bleeder valve on the caliper looks like

I'll have to pull off the guard to access it but it slides on and it's got

a check valve inside of here so that way you can leave the bleeder valve loose on

the caliper and focus on pumping the brakes and keeping up on the fluid level

let's give it a shot

now with the bleeder tool McHale / I'm gonna crack this valve loose so this

wrench actually moves around so you can get it in the right position he's gonna

crack this thing loose and start bleeding the brakes so I'm just gonna go

about a quarter turn loose right there and I'm actually gonna put the end of

the hose on this tool into the cap of a water bottle so that should contain the

fluid right there ah shoot I got my gloves back in there yeah the master

cylinder cap will need to come off so that way I can add fluid

now with the bleeder tool on the caliper I can just pump the brakes and not have

to worry about opening and closing the bleeder valve on the caliper but of

course I'll need to watch the fluid level in the master cylinder I'm just

gonna top off the master cylinder of fluid before I start bleeding the brakes

so this is the brake fluid I've got around the shop right now

just regular Honda dot 4 brake fluid and you want to make sure you use the

correct spec brake fluid if your cap says dot for use dot for so how this

works is we want to have the valve open and I push down the brake pedal

it'll push fluid and air out of the system but the one-way valve won't let

air back in so I'm gonna push down the pedal right now and see it pushed out

some fluid and it didn't let any air back in once I pump the brakes a few

times and close that valve back up the brakes should have some great pressure

takes a few pumps and build the pressure back up

but now the pedal feels great man that tool is super nice to have works a lot

better than I would have guessed takes all the hassle out of bleeding brakes so

I'm gonna run the master cylinder down three times and that should get the

majority of the old fluid out of the system so I'm only going down till

there's about half the flew it in the sight window here don't really want to

go any further down that

all right that should be good for bleeding it's gonna close up this valve

and pull it off the caliper just gonna pop this master cylinder cap back on and

I'll be all finished up and then the process for bleeding the front brakes is

going to be very similar now for gas I mix it 32 to 1 and I use Maxima castor 9

to 7 I'm gonna mix up some fresh fuel for

this thing

we're gonna see if the old 125 still runs

bike seems to be run on prime so I'm gonna take out riding this upcoming

Saturday if you guys are in Washington State

more specifically the Spokane area join me over at the seven-mile or Vee Park

I'll be out there this upcoming Saturday April 14th and then the day after that

April 15th I'll have these new prime of X shirts

available over on the website prime MX com

so mark your calendars for that too all right now it's on to making sure what

needs to be lubed up is lubed up and that includes the cables clutch lever

throttle chain and some of the bearings I'm gonna start with the easiest thing

first lubing up the chain this is the chain lube that I prefer chain guard by

maxima and I'll be spraying it in here on the inside of the chain near the

chain guide now to have a buttery smooth clutch lever most importantly you got to

have a greased up here in the pivot and having a nice lever definitely helps to

the works can extra one I'm using here is a must have so I'll be completely

pulling apart this clutch lever and looping up the cable at the same time

this porch and lever were definitely in need of a cleanup Andrew greasing it's

been a while since I've freshen them up another thing that can be taken apart

and cleaned up is the cable adjuster having a smooth adjuster is a big plus

as for greasing lately I've been using this mini grease gun a ton super handy

to have and it puts the grease exactly where you want it

got the lever and the cable adjuster working super smooth now it's on the

looping up the cable and once again motion Perl hooked it up they sent over

their cable looping tool along with the cable loop now I've never used this

design before should be interesting so here I've got the tool out of the

package looks like a pretty sweet setup just gonna thread the two pieces away

from each other looks like there's a seal inside of it so one color slips

over and then the seal goes on with the larger taper facing the end of the cable

so something like that now I'm gonna throw the other half of the tool onto

the cable until the seals are firmly seated

just got to make sure the plunger is all the way extended before I squirt it in

any Lube the next step is to take the straw from the cable lube and insert it

into the tool all the way and now it's as simple as just spraying the lube into

the tool this is crazy there's not cable loops spraying all over the place like

with the other cable looping tools I've used in the past all right I should have

enough Lube in the cable now I'm gonna pull out the straw and to get as much

Lube out of the housing as possible I'm gonna depress the plunger here now the

real test is the check out the other end of the cable and see if it's soaked from

the lube oh yeah she's wet can't wait to get this thing back together and see how

smooth the lever is now for the clutch cable slack this is super important and

it's something I'm really picky about so I like to go until there's about the

width of a quarter here between the perch and the lever so I'm just tugging

on the cable a little bit with some tension and simultaneously pulling in

the lever and you'll be able to feel the amount of slack the cable has there so

right about there is right where I like it and generally this is where most

people like it as well and you definitely don't want to have no slack

at all that'll burn your clutch up right away and too much slack your clutch

won't engage very well that is unbelievably smooth now really impressed

with the job that this little cable would be tool did most definitely the

best cable living tool I've used today now for the throttle I'm gonna take it

apart wipe it down and grease it up but this definitely is not as important as

the clutch lever if you have a sticky throttle most likely it's the cable or

the throttle tube hitting on the end of the handlebar

was definitely worth pulling this one apart to clean up so it's just a matter

of wiping things down and greasing it back up

all right I've got the throw housing together cables on the tube and just

gonna make sure everything's working smoothly here so I'm gonna slide the

throttle onto the handlebars all the way and then back it out just a little bit

maybe like a quarter inch or so if you have a throttle all the way on to the

handlebars where the tube is hitting the end of the bars you'll have a sticky

throttle and then if you back it out a little bit that's right where you want

it it's getting everything tightened up here and then check the throttle one

last time sweet nice and smooth now it is possible to use the cable looping

tool on the throttle cable but you'll need to go from the carburetor or

throttle body end whatever you have if you Lube from the top here they'll dump

a bunch of cable lube into your carburetor or throttle body now I'm

gonna take a peek at some of the bearings on the bike make sure they're

in good shape for the wheel bearings I'm gonna move the wheel laterally to see if

there's any movement to them looks like it's good to go and now to check the

shock linkage bearings pull upward on the swing arm and you'll be able to see

if there's any movement in them if you pull up on the swing arm and there's

some slop there chances are it's the lower shock bearing but it could also be

these other three bearings as well or the top shock bearing two now the swing

arm pivot bearings don't wear out that often but if you have a worn set you'll

feel some sloppiness there or some stiffness when you compress the rear of

the bike what I look for with the steering step bearings is any notch eNOS

or just a rough feeling when I'm turning the front end this one feels pretty good

now this isn't a bearing but it needs to be greased as well the kick starter

pivot so when it kicked over the kick starter just go right back into place if

you have a sticky kick starter you can pull apart the pivot clean it up and we

greased it I do have a video on that on the channel so head over there and check

it out one thing I'll check out before every

single ride is the tire pressure of course I go 14 psi up front and 12 in

the rear as you guys know keeping up when your spokes is super critical as

well so my spoke maintenance consists of check

the spokes every three to four rides I would say let us go through and tighten

the spokes evenly and my process for this is I'll start at either the rim

lock or the valve stem tighten the first spoke skip to tighten the third skip to

tighten all the way around till I come back to that starting point and then

move to a second spoke follow the same pattern all the way around and then hit

the third spoke all the way around again and at that point every spoke will have

been tightened evenly and I only usually go about an eighth or a quarter turn on

each spoke depending on how tight it already is periodically I'll go through

and do a general check over of all the bolts on the bike the ones that are most

frequent to come loose are the kick starter bolt the sprocket and rotor

bolts and all of the plastic hardware so those are the ones you really need to

keep an eye on I know this video is getting super long but there's just a

few more things I want to cover so for the suspension seals

I'll compress the forks or the shock and look for fluid on the tubes so if you

have a leaky seal it'll be pretty evident next up is the brake pads and

rotors for the pads you just want to make sure there's sufficient material

left over looks like these ones are getting down

there but still some life left on the rotor I'll run my finger from the

mounting surface to the braking surface and if there's a lip there that means

the rotor has some wear most rotors have a minimum thickness stamped on it this

one is three point five mil so you can just go ahead and measure the rotor and

see if it meets the spec also a great idea to check over your sprockets you

want to look for bent or hooked out teeth and the last thing you want to

make sure you have a clean and oiled air filter as you can see I'm running a

filter skin big fan of them they work really well to make it easy on you guys

I'll link all the tools and supplies they use throughout the video down below

if you would like to see more videos like this hit the subscribe button down

below and next to it there's a little bell click

that you'd be notified every time I post a new video thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Fixing Up My CR125 Two Stroke! - Duration: 18:54.


30 Years In Business | Attorney Dan Morgan | Morgan & Morgan - Duration: 0:31.

This year we celebrate 30 years in business. I wasn't even born yet. I'm Dan Morgan of Morgan and Morgan. My whole life

this is all I've ever known. Sitting around the kitchen table and talking about cases and trials and verdicts. Hearing stories about

clients, their families, and their struggles. And hoping to make a difference in a person's life.

It's what we do. By the way, if you ever see my sister Kate - tell her to go to law school

We could use her down here. Morgan and Morgan,

For more infomation >> 30 Years In Business | Attorney Dan Morgan | Morgan & Morgan - Duration: 0:31.


Tayo and Train Sing Along S...

For more infomation >> Tayo and Train Sing Along S...


Pés e Pernas Inchadas? Este Poderoso Chá é o Melhor Remédio Caseiro!!! - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Pés e Pernas Inchadas? Este Poderoso Chá é o Melhor Remédio Caseiro!!! - Duration: 6:23.


Inside Real Madrid #5 | Real Madrid x Betis - Duration: 4:14.


The day after the match is always harder.

Because that's when the negative side of the game comes over.

We're just now starting to get confident again with the ball.

We managed to win and have a great match in the Champions League.

We don't want to slow down, we want to get better,

keep going on this winning streak.

We know that Sunday's match is gonna be hard.

We know Betis got better, it's been doing good on the season.

It's gonna be a hard match.

Tell us who wrote to you, bro.

Bro, he wrote me himself.


12 to 12?

Dude, that's incredible! He watched the game!

He said it's almost impossible for our team to be beaten.

Awesome, right?

I only sent him a "thank you"...

-What do I do? -Keep talking!

Help me out!

He scores a goal and there's cameras, interviews...

That's what soccer is!

See you tomorrow!

Be quiet.


Are you going to be quiet? Are you?

Next match, if you aren't a first-choice player, I'll let you stop.

Good morning, commuters.

You're on board of Sevilla Santa Justa's train.



Look at his face!

For more infomation >> Inside Real Madrid #5 | Real Madrid x Betis - Duration: 4:14.


BBB18: Kaysar revela que foi mandado para o Brasil pelos próprios pais - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar revela que foi mandado para o Brasil pelos próprios pais - Duration: 3:07.


The Noble Congressman (Part 1) - Kung Fu Short Movie - Duration: 2:08.

(rock music)

So, do we have a deal?

Here is your deal!

(action soundtrack)

Tell the congressman that he is the next


Photography and Script: Marcelo Engster Director: Cássio Prado


Film editor, Colorist, Sound recorder, mixer and editor



For more infomation >> The Noble Congressman (Part 1) - Kung Fu Short Movie - Duration: 2:08.


Materiais mágicos incríveis - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Materiais mágicos incríveis - Duration: 4:32.


Tratamentos caseiros para prevenir e cuidar das pontas secas - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Tratamentos caseiros para prevenir e cuidar das pontas secas - Duration: 6:38.


ODD SQUAD | Odd Squad Cut Backs | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:04.

First we saved the ten dollars from Ms. O's juice.

[Otis] Then I got ten dollars from Owen,

which brings us to 20 dollars.

I got eight dollars from Ocean...

And I got twelve more from Oona.

Eight plus twelve. That's twenty more dollars.

That gets us up to forty.

Oh, I also visited the mailroom,

the IT department, and the cafeteria.

Saved another ten dollars altogether.

How'd you have tim--

I don't talk much.


Add another 10 dollars, that gets us to 50 dollars.

But we still have 10, 20, 30, 40,

50 dollars to save to stay under-budget.

Good news-- We were out getting our second lunch

and we saw that Lobster To Go is hiring...

In case you need jobs

when headquarters gets shut down in five minutes.

Otis, what're we gonna do?

We've been to every department.

Wait, who's that?

I know her...

Hey, I'm Olympia. We met once. We did a thing.

You're Olo, right?


What do you do here?

I work in the glue department,

and I'm the head of the glue department.

I think I'm also the assistant deputy commissioner...?

Olo, we need to save a bunch of money to keep Odd Squad open.

How much money do you use on glue?

Fifty dollars a month.


Hey, that's exactly the amount of money we need to save!

Can we get you to give up your glue

just this once to save headquarters?



I was just about to buy a lot more glue

and do a lot more gluing,

but I won't.


You are an Odd Squad hero!


[Olympia] That's 50 dollars from that fine gentlewoman,

and 50 plus 50 equals 100.

Otis, we did it!

We got everybody to help and save 100 dollars.

We're on-budget!

For more infomation >> ODD SQUAD | Odd Squad Cut Backs | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:04.


🔴 Ana Clara leva BRONCA DA PRODUÇÃO e SURPREENDE a todos - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Ana Clara leva BRONCA DA PRODUÇÃO e SURPREENDE a todos - Duration: 1:01.


Ana Clara desfalece na prova de resistência e situação é preocupante no BBB18 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Ana Clara desfalece na prova de resistência e situação é preocupante no BBB18 - Duration: 3:16.


Pensamiento Creativo: Resolución de Problemas con Pensamiento Lateral | Cómo Aumentar la Creatividad - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> Pensamiento Creativo: Resolución de Problemas con Pensamiento Lateral | Cómo Aumentar la Creatividad - Duration: 11:41.


Necesitas Vitamina D Come Estos Alimentos - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Necesitas Vitamina D Come Estos Alimentos - Duration: 2:39.


Remedios naturales fáciles para reparar el cabello maltratado - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> Remedios naturales fáciles para reparar el cabello maltratado - Duration: 9:19.


Miss bumbum - Aumentar pernas e glúteos completo - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Miss bumbum - Aumentar pernas e glúteos completo - Duration: 2:47.


50 nombres para niñas por Z - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:08.

50 Baby girl names that start with Z



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres para niñas por Z - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:08.


🎤 Psalm 78 Song with Lyrics - Wonders The He Has Done - Jason Silver [ WORSHIP SONG ] - Duration: 2:33.

1 Give ear, O my people, to my teaching; incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

2 I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings from of old,

3 things that we have heard and known, that our ancestors have told us.

4 We will not hide them from their children; we will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.

12 In the sight of their ancestors he worked marvels in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan.

13 He divided the sea and let them pass through it, and made the waters stand like a heap.

14 In the daytime he led them with a cloud, and all night long with a fiery light.

15 He split rocks open in the wilderness, and gave them drink abundantly as from the deep.

16 He made streams come out of the rock, and caused waters to flow down like rivers.

New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

For more infomation >> 🎤 Psalm 78 Song with Lyrics - Wonders The He Has Done - Jason Silver [ WORSHIP SONG ] - Duration: 2:33.


BB 9E de Sphero. Vistazo Rápido. - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> BB 9E de Sphero. Vistazo Rápido. - Duration: 2:24.


Lupa Eletrônica snow - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Lupa Eletrônica snow - Duration: 2:34.


PLENER ŚLUBNY ZAMEK/PAŁAC - piano song evergreen music zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info. - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> PLENER ŚLUBNY ZAMEK/PAŁAC - piano song evergreen music zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info. - Duration: 3:01.


Cual es la historia de GTA III - #Charlynder #gaming #GTA - Duration: 4:54.

before I start the video I know that you they want to give play but I need

explain a little thing like knows that youtube is not sending

all notifications not only of this channel but in many others

they just have to give you a subscription because if you obviously can not receive

the videos then the little bell that was on one side you click and put in

receive all notifications of this save channel and if they do not have any

lean problem like and that's all we see you soon

Day 3 is one of the best videogames in the history of all the

saga of gta iv clear is was created by rockstar and published in the year 2001 is

one of the first to use the environment 3d today we will know the history of this

excellent title the plot begins in the 2000s

when three thieves meet docking a liberty city branch

bank a man and a woman go to the head while the other discovers the

back surprisingly the third thief was shot by the woman who

unites with the other money cloud man the betrayed thief promised revenge

of the traitors catalina that was the history of cloud and

Miguel, your friend, leaders of a cartel Colombian

cloud manages to escape from prison when members of a Colombian band assault

a police van where the cloud was your colleague

bolt or for us it was 8 with the intention to free a prisoner of

his band that is also there detained

cloud gate wood escape stealing a car and hide in a nearby garage

thanks to facebook contacts that you start doing commissions for the

lion mafia winning good money working for luigi cotterel and joel

lion and toni cipriani and ending with great favors for the very same gift

salvatore lions during these missions Then he meets many people and

they influence more or less the development of the story for example several lorena the

tower the wife of don fed up of the villa Don's family reveals clear that the dong

is going to betray him since he confessed that she and cloud were lovers

therefore they contact a friend to their house and together they leave the district by

where the mafia is established for travel to star alliance

they meet with the yakuzas apt in jean louis and members of the cartel

catalina there starts doing missions for those who accuse the first

obviously to kill don lion subsequently his pair presents his

brother people whose service is put in cloud also a policeman paid by the

yakuza called a raid becomes the cloud boss helping him to bury

forever some pictures that would ruin a candidate for the cairo

knows them hambrick or owner of furniture called donald or who says

that to lower the prices of the soil is necessary a war between bands orders

kill those who indicated using a Colombian poster car starts the

war between cloud bands is found face to face against salina and miguel she

shoots him miguel and in that moment arrives to sugar and furious over the death of his

brother tortures miguel to get information

after catalina finds miguel and Sugar kills both kidnaps Maria and does not

only that but it leaves a note cloud in which it tells you to

recover yellow has to deliver to change 500 thousand dollars

claudia the catalina mansion in silk rich delivers the money fulfilling part

of his deal but catalina orders to kill him cloud pursues her but catalina flee her

helicopter to the kochhar dam when cloud approaches the site where it is

Maria Catalina returns to the helicopter with intentions to finally end with

cloud however that the prsc would atamaría get a rocket launcher and destroy the

helicopter killing like this also Katherine

that's all for today remember to give it like and subscribe comment that

liked more of the story or leave in the comment box if you want me to talk

from the history of another gta

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