Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 13 2018

okay guys after we unbox the t-rex and the model of the Souris we're gonna go

ahead and take a look at all these other Jurassic world dinosaurs in front of

this awesome volcano they are really cool guys Wow

and then on top of these we got the two big okay it's great to see you again I

have a really awesome set today I found this one at Walmart over one week before

Mattel actually releases the drastic world dinosaur toys

this is Tyrannosaurus Rex and monnel ophisaurus battle damage so this would

be exclusive to Walmart so this one the battle damage you close the door there

once you hit him it pops open you got a big battle wound over there this t-rex

is awesome you push this button he opens his mouth way up and he's got this huge

tongues sticking out you guys ever seen like the members of the rock kiss that

looks like one of the tongues that they were

so he's got a tail that hooks on really cool exploding volcano background and

then on the back is says giant white Tyrannosaurus Rex head and neck

articulation active an old battle damage for the monolith asuras and then here is

some other really awesome so there you have that would be a believe us picking

the lock so they would be digging there you have the Spinosaurus cousin you have

a battle damage raptor battle damage Triceratops and a battle damage

Pachycephalosaurus oh okay let's go ahead and open this up okay so this one

New Jurassic World Tyrannosaurus Rex & Monolophosaurus Battle Damage Fallen Kingdom Walmart WD Toys

t-rex here nice cool volcano background there you gotta go ahead and attach the

T Rex's tail so basically with these usually there's just one way you could

put his tail on them just put it on the wrong way

because once you put these tails on there we go it's pretty much permanent I

mean that that tails not coming off unless there's some type of instructions

that I don't see how to do it well anyways I love the tribal it's

battle-damaged but it looks almost like a t-rex with tribal tattoos wow that's

pretty serious cool okay well anyways let's go ahead and take the whole look

at this guy from top to bottom and we do got to skin points on this guy's so we

got the Monell of asaurus skin point and we got a scan point on the t-rex I'm

gonna start with the t-rex or look at the monolith luffa soros and then we'll

go ahead and stopping t-rex that you control with the tail the heads the same

movement except here you don't have anything to control it with so you're

just gonna move the head side to side like when you're playing or I mean you

could open them out yourself by pulling the jaw here Dino

could put his head all the way up like that and a pose I wish they had a way to

keep the mouth open like that without you know actually pushing the button

that would have been nice for like posing so you could have it open now

you'd have to put something in its mouth and then here 360 degree movement on the

arm same great detail this flap here it feels like it's rubber

you can see inside there what's going on if you look here you can see it looks

kind of ugly in there so if this flap broke or something I mean would not look

very good ah great coloring I love the coloring

they did on this it's like a brown almost like sand orangish color that

blends in really nicely the guys stand super secure all the way around so the

cool thing is look at this you could stand this guy all the way up like that

I've never had one of these dinos that will stand up that far that's why I

wished it was they made a way to open its mouth like that

that would be look really cool like pose play that is awesome and then you just

keep on coming down to the pose it in different positions just move its legs

standing but yourself there then you keep on coming down it just keeps on

standing by itself this one is super secure too so if you come all the way

down like that or all the way even past the grounds here because you could have

it like damaged like that you know maybe some big huge dinosaur stepped on it so

that would be really cool in battle ah great job with the nails I mean they

painted the nails like a really dark color both feet they were all will

rotate 360 degrees so you could put this guy in two different positions and not

be scared that he's gonna fall down so that is awesome here we got a skin point

I'm gonna go ahead and take a picture of that in a little bit and we'll scan it

into the app and also the model of asaurus this one's tail will turn 360

degrees like I said it isn't a locked in position there so if you turn it on this

side here you've got a lot more of the Battle Damage so you got like stripes

here on the tail where it was scratched here on the leg you got a swipe here a

swipe over there you've got on its head there which is cool which almost gives

it like the tribal tattoo type look same movement with the arm there this also

has the awesome legs here that pull in and out so it gives it like ball joint

it's not as smooth as ball-joint but really nice and smooth even the bottom

all looks great I mean you're not seeing schools anywhere here you see some lines

like where it's like separated here how the jaw has to move bumped it down but

it still looks great I just wish they would have gave some way to control the

mouth and to keep it open rather than just you know the push button up here I

mean that's nice it looks cool and everything but if you want to use it for

like videos a battle or something you have to push here I don't like that I've

been nice if it had been on his back or his tail okay let's go ahead and take a

look at the monolith asaurus and then we'll go ahead and scan both of these

guys into the app and the app is called Jurassic world that's available in

Android Android and iOS the cool thing is with the model of asaurus usually

with the second figure they will skimp they did not skimp with this guy hat oh

he is awesome with a lot of really cool features first of all his mouth does

open way up the coloring is a little bit off inside but outside the coloring

looks great I like the way his mouth opens way up his head also does move up

and down like a slot here moves up and down on

the arms move around and they move up and down so you could put it into some

cool battle attack positions there the leg itself this one you're not getting

the 360-degree movement about there to here so about a third of the way you

have movement and they didn't paint the nails on this so I mean once again I

noticed that on a lot of smaller figures would have been nice if they did but

this one I love the color it's almost like olive green with like the dark

green on top the tail feels like it's made of rubber moving on this side this

side is where you got the battle wounds so if you hit it BAM go screeching

because his whole side just got ripped open and then you just go ahead pull

this and this slides right into position it's nice they have this little handle

here makes it easier to grab so same great movement with the arm on this side

this side ah this one has the leg movement out too so that's nice even the

bottom of this guy looks nice you got the Jurassic world symbol there here

you've got the skin point which I will take a picture of that in a moment

so these guys could have really cool battle this guy like comes running up

t-rex goes rips open it side and there are fights down on this guy's head and

this battle is over marlyn love for Soros is down you

continued with the blood damage down there okay so anyways let's go ahead

scan these guys in the first one I'm gonna take a picture of is the T Bragg

okay so when you go ahead and start this off it loads outside the gates of

Jurassic world there ah this is your park with all your animals you go ahead

and hit the skin point down here and skin it in some people have had

problems skinning off the picture I give them what I recommend is putting it on a

large monitor and scan it off of their

Tyrannosaurus Rex one up - oh you guys this one that's weird

this one it's the same one as the stomping dog t-rex Wow okay that's

totally weird because this Dino is really different from that one okay well

anyways let's go ahead and scan in the model of asaurus although we got some

new facts on this one so it says she's a carnivore preying on other large

dinosaurs fossilized footprints suggest the Tyrannosaurus may have hunted in

groups okay so here is the model of a sword that guy looks cool it looks like

a mixture of a dodo bird and the dinosaur

if you poke her she'd get really angry there well anyways let's go ahead check

out our collection if you've been watching fly actually let's get some

back from this girl first so first of all the model of some soreness is 18

feet long is six and a half feet tall she's a carnivore eating smaller

dinosaurs and other vertebra monolith asaurus lived during the Jurassic period

170 million years ago and if you've been watching you have all these dinos the

guys took pictures of all of them so you'll have what do we got three six

nine twelve we got 14 plus you got the in the Raptor which is not here I

believe you could only see the in the Raptor if you turn off Wi-Fi so you have

the Dilophosaurus like I said you have all of these the Allosaurus the baryonic

Velociraptor blue one of three

Carnotaurus Dilophosaurus one of six the more food on

so these are ones I have all reviewed and scanned the men Gallimimus one of

eight I like the Gallimimus the metric answer

sore eyes

the monolith asaurus which we just did and Stegosaurus Triceratops and the

thrashing bro t-rex or 50 Rex from this set like I said the skin code came up

with the same which is really disappointing because I thought it would

be something different our regular Velociraptor I think that's

it yeah the restaurant rest nice little videos to come a mix which I don't have


besides the t-rex and a monolith asaurus let's go ahead I'm gonna show you guys a

quick look at the dinos I've gotten so far oh I do got full reviews and battles

of a lot of these so we've got the in director this guy is really cool all

lots of movement everywhere really awesome

Dino there and then of course mana lucky Soros so both of these that guys I'm

gonna put at the base of the volcano there okay so that besides that I got

one of the coolest t-rex's here this is the thrash and throw all movement is

through the tail there you can see how Thresh is it's dead and it will jump you

have it go down a little bit crashes head around so here it could

come off law in juice not paying attention here t-rex will just come up

behind them in shock oh let's try

and it's called the trash and grow because it could

throw the action because ha ha ha and it also has stomping action so really cool

realistic-looking t-rex so there is a lot of t-rexes in

this line I mean definitely a lot of them I already have at least 4 or them

two big ones and two smaller ones this one here is the super colossal t-rex the

regular one the mouth opens way up they could swallow up to 15 full-sized action

figures they come out its stomach its mouth moves up and down it's really

awesome and then we have the roaring super

colossal Tyrannosaurus Rex with awe so this was the battle won its battle

damage exclusive to Walmart this one actually roars so roars got

battle scars all over over here if you flip it around it's got a lot more

battle scars on the other side like I said just quick look guys I do have full

unboxings and reviews of all of these and lots of battles and then I got the

karna Torres or toast as the gaming beaver likes to call this guy so

realistic or he could be in like a rock concert so this one's also a really

awesome and also all of these guys when I do open and review them I do take a

picture the QR codes for you guys so you guys could scan them in they have a

really awesome app called Jurassic world backs so you can scan in all the

dinosaurs and create like your own collection almost like a zoo

of diners and then another one they have is this tracer

that sounds like it right so I don't know I don't know what's going on there

I mean that even sounded like a t-rex roar whether they may be the wrong sound

and then we have an awesome Allosaurus and metric and thesaurus this guy

of all of them I think this one the weirdest-looking

and then of course we got an awesome very good sound and then a sweet attack

stegasaurus here you push the spike it swings its tail its head does move up

and down so that one and there you got this cute little Gallimimus here with

his head moves up and down this one of the smaller action figure you got a blue

action figure mouth opens and closes that's also one of the smaller ones so

it's got blue like in running position got a cool little die more foot on here

where the grills lap up

and attacking Velociraptor here like I said go to the playlist to see full

boxes reviews and battles and then a cool time or food on this mouth does

open close then I got some cool battle damage ones which I did not get a chance

to open up yet this is a hair asaurus sticky malach or sticky a

Pachycephalosaurus the battle damage ones are exclusive to Walmart

Triceratops and Velociraptor dude blue so we're gonna have five battle damage

and then I found some cool match box sets you have like the match box five

pack you have this one this is the Tyranno

smaller and then we have the rafter copter and we have the tricera

then I got a 15 pack of Battle Damage dinosaurs and the remote-controlled

gyrosphere which is totally awesome all these dinosaurs that you want to see

more go ahead click like drop the comments also and you have over a

thousand videos the majority are drastic world Jessie Park Godzilla King Kong

Power Rangers transformers and a lot more or if you simply want to see well

check out my playlist on my channel or or if you just want to see more drastic

world fallen Kingdom toys go ahead and wait to this video ends and check out my

playlist you guys are awesome and I will see in today secret word is the word

go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video I don't you

remember my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video

also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new video

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more

go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic World Tyrannosaurus Rex & Monolophosaurus Battle Damage Fallen Kingdom Walmart WD Toys - Duration: 24:25.


(rly late) MARCH SH*TS AND HITS!! - Duration: 5:24.

Hey guys it's Annika. Welcome to my channika.

Um, I don't even know if you can see this,

but my baby hairs are running wild.

Maybe I'll get some hair gel or something

to put them down.

Today I'm going to be doing a March Sh*ts and Hits.

I've been really slacking on the Sh*ts and Hits

these past few months, but I promise

I'm working on myself. Um . . .

I don't have a lot of products, but

we're just gonna rolly, rolly, rolly with it.

Ahhh. I hate myself!

I'm gonna start with the biggest item, hitwise,

for this month: the Jaclyn Hill Morphe Palette.

I'm like a year-and-a-half late on this,

but I don't really care.

The reason why I didn't want to buy it

is because Jaclyn Hill's a f-ing snake.

I'm sorry. I said it. It's what everybody was thinking.

I'm just telling you how you feel.

But the palette itself is really good.

And I don't really know how to feel about Morphe,

so I just like . . . It has literally every color,

and the blending is really nice. Uh . . .

She's still a snake. Just saying.

I only have two Sh*ts this month, as well.

The first one is the Tarte Shape Tape Eyelid Primer.

It only comes in one shade,

and the shade is . . .

Like, it just looks so gross up against my skin.

Orange. It's literally orange.

So I can see how it might work for somebody,

and it wouldn't look gross.

But it just literally changes the color

of my whole eye. And, uh . . .

It's not that full coverage for something

that's supposed to be f-ng Shape Tape.

But, um . . .

Next for Hits, I have

this bite Beauty a gamma bomb

which I think I heard about in kathleenlights

it's only 18 bucks

was just it's pretty expensive for a lip balm

but to be honest I was expecting it to be like 30 bucks

and I was like preparing myself

so I guess 18 was just lower than my expectations

I wouldn't really call it a lip balm

as much as I would call it a lip mask

like I don't think this is something that you should

throw in your purse use frequently

number one because there isn't very much of it

and number two because it feels more like

something that is meant for deep hydration

like at the end of the day

after all that d-sucking

like you just need to replenish

you know what I'm saying

flash it is the urban decay boa Tizer

I haven't even been able to use this

because the way that it feels

there's literally piece of hair in it. Cool?

The way it makes me feel

Oh only some people feel this way

but like I hate walking on beaches

because when the sand is so fine and powdery

it makes me cringe that'show this feels

it feels like dust almost

like I can't f-ing stand it

it makes me absolutely

want to shoot myself in the Hat

okay so now that we're done with all the negativity,

let's just continue on with all my Hits for this month

they say my favorite

like my number one hit for this month is

the abano skin care ultimate brightening peeling gel

the mild one um I'm gonna be doing a full skincare video

with a bottle skin about a vanilla bono epitome

with a bottle skin care but this one I just love

basically it's like a cream

and I thought that it was like a cleanser

like an exfoliator and it is

but I thought I was gonna have like beads in it

but it did it and then I started like peeling up on my skin

and I was like okay that's kind of weird

and then I read the back

and it says head skin residue will start to form

and I was like holy f-ing sh--

I thought it was like pilling up on my face

but that was just all my dead skin cells

I'm surprised I'm more didn't come off

because I'm dead on the inside

um it was really shocking

my face is so f-ing smooth

it says he was once or twice a week

but tbh I've been using it more than that

because I like to feel like a baby's ass 24/7

so pretty nice I've modeled why

okay next we have the anasazi of Beverly Hills

on reezy highlighter

just look at it okay I'm wearing it today

it is a little bit dark for me

like you can kind of see

this is my third-ish time I'm trying it

but I already know that I love it

in the summer when I've got a little bit more of a tan

going on I feel like this is gonna be f-ing perfect

it's so intense it's beautiful

I think this is definitely something

that you guys should get

you can also layer it to be your preferred glowy intensity

so I just like kind of f- with that


another a bottle thing

this is their age defying liposomal retinol moisturizer

it's just a few more students are

really good and really hydrating

I like the packaging

I have three more products

I feel like this is such a short video

but I honestly haven't been trying out

a lot of new makeup recently

I feel like that's always my excuse

I guess I just never really try out new makeup

the ICO lash alert mascara I love this

it's really great for lengthening your lashes

is not like the best of all you might as a want

But it just makes my lashes looks really really long

and it looks like I'm not wearing any mascara

so like when I just wear like no makeup

but I want to wear mascara on the DL, I go for her.

the Clarins insta light lip comfort well

I don't know if I talked about this last month

I or two months ago whatever

but I just like found it in my collection

and now I'm obsessed with it again

it's like a lip oil but it also like hydrates your lips

Damn, my lips are gonna be hydrated as f-- after this

also like a lip gloss like my hair gets stuck in it you know

MC my best friend MC is obsessed with this

and she uses it every single time she comes over

Tom and I have the honey shade

and then my very last product

are the Sephora house lashes Natalya eyelashes

she let you months ago

I complained about these eyelashes

but now I like them a lot.

At first they kind of hurt like they poked my eye

and I think that's just because they were rand-new

and I had like just cut them

so they were kind of just stabbing

the outer corner of my eye

but I think like they just kind of wore down

you can't cut them again I don't really remember

but all I know is that now that they work on my eyes

they're gorgeous and I love them

you have my support which is really convenient

I also got a pair of House of lashes lashes

from Urban Outfitters

those are all with my shoots and hits for this month

everybody telling me to call this nuts and knots

I'm not doing that I'm calling it shoots and hits

F-- you! I'm just kidding I love you

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Please comment, rate, subscribe, and

keep on sh--ing!

For more infomation >> (rly late) MARCH SH*TS AND HITS!! - Duration: 5:24.


Cameras in Minnesota Courtrooms - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Cameras in Minnesota Courtrooms - Duration: 7:27.


Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingd...

For more infomation >> Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingd...


Wesley Safadão e Anitta - Romance Com Safadeza (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Wesley Safadão e Anitta - Romance Com Safadeza (Clipe Oficial) - Duration: 3:07.


Al bano si sfoga con Federica Panicucci: 'La situazione è assurda e squallida' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Al bano si sfoga con Federica Panicucci: 'La situazione è assurda e squallida' | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:12.


Akseeri Malish | Azzu-e-Khas Ko Mota Aur Lamba Karian | Nafs Ki Malish Ka Tarika | My Help in Health - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Akseeri Malish | Azzu-e-Khas Ko Mota Aur Lamba Karian | Nafs Ki Malish Ka Tarika | My Help in Health - Duration: 2:39.


Replica La Corrida 2018 prima puntata Rai 1: quando e dove vederla - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Replica La Corrida 2018 prima puntata Rai 1: quando e dove vederla - Duration: 4:25.


Primeiro Show do OMNI na Europa - ØMNI TOUR - Duration: 19:40.

Ah... Look at Brussels.

Something that I can say in advance in this video is that...

Brussels seems to be the same.

- Brussels is the same. - Nothing has changed.

- Nothing at all. - It's awesome.

I have the same feeling all the time I am here.

The same Brussels sensation.

Yes, yes.

I was in the plane looking at those clouds,

the same drawings, the same things.

The same feelings.

Kale... Kale everywhere.

The great... The great Brussels contribution.

Kale in Brussels, you can see it everywhere.

For those who wants to buy something, it's the moment.

Let's search for something?

- The moment to buy is now. - Let's check the prices?

Let's buy!

- Let's check what I have. - Let's buy it.

- Calm down, man. Calm down. - Let's purchase.

Let's buy something?

Buy it. The dad... The dad...

The daddy...


I won't pay that for you.

No, no, no...

Will you, dad, pay?

Dad will support you.

Ah... here we are in this crazy Brussels.


Well, underground floor doesn't exist here, like the man said.

I'm sorry.

It's a lie.

Where are we?

There's no -1.

There's no -1, man.


I think that this elevator does not go up.

Ah, wait a sec!

Calm down, calm down!

After we decide what to do.

Wow, man.

Ah... this one goes to -1.

Have you found?


Ah... Thousand times yes.

Ah... Yes, yes.

Ah, he's going first.

This little bird.

A male little bird.

Let's have a gig.

Now we have...

Follow the daddy.

Well, this is it, guys.

Finally, we got to the bus.

This is the bus we're traveling on.

During all the tour, but not Russia.

This is the one. Look.

I'll show inside it soon.

Look who's here.

Mr. Geoff.

Everybody in here.

Packing our stuff.

We are together.

- That's us! - That's us!

Now let's show you some details from the inside of the bus.

Here is where we keep our bags.

Sadlu it's not possible to have your bag by your side

all the time.

Because there's no space for that.

This is it. This is our living room.

Where Mr. Barbosa is trying to make some coffee.

Right... here we have all this space to...

There is where it's going to happen...

Several things.

PlayStation 3.

It's doing good.

PlayStation 3 is good.

It could be 4, but we accept it.

Which games are these? Can you show me?

Yes, I can.

Let's see.

There's no game. Just movie.

There's a Mel Gibson's movie.

There are only films. No games at all.

This one is a game.

This one is Scar Face.

It deserves.

It derserves to be played again.


And so, we have this table.

This is the only thing I can do.

Got it.

And now, I'll show you the places we sleep.

We go up the stairs...

It's a little dark. After all, it's a place to sleep not to talk.

I am choosing if I'll stay up or down.

Which do you like the most?

I like the middle.


It's better for me.

There is another room here. Another lounge.

A sofa, something I don't know what it is.

Some games here.

There are no games here.

We are fucked. There's no fucking game.

Two more beds.

And there... the rest of the beds.

This one is reserve for Fabio Lione.

I've put my bass here.

Let see if I find some light here.

That's how it works... I do not know if you can see. It's very dark.

Very dark.

But... if you could see you'd enjoy how nice it is.

Here inside.

Is there a plug?

Is there a plug, for God sake?

There's no plug.

But there's a fan.

Who needs one? I want a plug.

Ah, we have some plugs here.

That is my place to sleep.

Oh, gosh!

No plugs at all.

That was not good.

There'a another place here with a window.

You can see the world.

But it's a tight and bizzare place.

I wouldn't like to sleep here.

And here we have the trailer...

with all the equipament.

Let's put all the equipament here, man.

The bags stay there.

Ok, the drums are here.

The bass amp.

All the fucking stuff.

Our new background is somewhere.

And this is it. This is our new bus.

There will be our home for about the next 20 days.

Stop it there.

- After we... go from 130 up. - Yes, yes, yes.

There's a lot of pressure, dude.

A lot.

This is it, guys. We're already here.

In Belgium.


The soundchecking is happening. This is our first day here.

The first day we are going to set the things for the first time.

Find a set-up for the next concerts.

Oh, he is the fucking bad guy!

This is the new backdrop.

From OMNI.

The instruments are here. We are doing the set-up.

D'Addario strings. D'Addario, pay us!

Hey, partner.

Hello, partner.

I'm happy. It's beautiful, isn't it?

Beautiful. You see?

So beautiful, man.

It's really nice.

You see that it could be a little more...

It coulbe be a little...

You're right.

From here up to here.

It was molded by the partner.

The partner molded it.

Look daddy's face here.

A little more, let's say, after some years.

After some years the partner has died...

he'll be like this.

This is our sidedrop. We four of it now.

When the stage permits, we are going to have them all.

That will be...

It's mad.


What's up? Is it okay there?

Everything okay.

Ready to the soundcheck.

I'm just confirming something here and after the soundcheck.


You can put the intro there.

I'd say it now.

Which intro are we going to work?

We'll work with the intro we had already worked with.

The long one.


I have to find this long intro.

Let's find it?

We'll be finding.

We'll be finding this long intro.

Carl, tell the camera what is going on.

The beard?

No.. no...


Do you regret to be married? "No, I'm single".

Let's surf...

Well, ladies from Brazil. Do you want a Green Card to England?

We have a candidate, a charming man, athlete, hadsome, businessman.

Look at him.

Come! Come!

Carlão Casagrande.

Come. Come here, my darling ladies.

Green Card to England is awesome.

The same, uh?

The same as Green Card.

We are here in the dressing room.


We just found out that the Geoff Tate's guitar player was bittem by a spider.

He's arm is too swollen.

It's a little bad.


But a guy said that the was bitten inside our bus.

The same bus we're staying a whole month.

A month in this bus.

There's a spider that has bitten our bro. He's in the hospital.

Look... I'd like to say to my wife that...

My family, my girl, everyone...

it was nice.

This is it.

Rafa, do you know 'bout the guy bitten by the spider?

Black Widow's Web, man.

Of course, I do.

It has already done a victim.

Inside the bus. Have you told that?

But if it was a Black Widow...

He would't be here anymore.

Actually, I don't know.

Because the poison is...

It's lethal.


Also for human being?


I know it kills its husband.

But the husband...

The husband is that guy who...

The husband is that guy who's hardworking and...

Can I do my effect? Let's go...


Today is the first concert.

I am remembering the songs.

Practicing some parts.

Try to do it deliciously.

I will do it over my pillow.

My pillow will...

I'll come back soon.

Just a rest before the gig.

Nodoby is iron made.

I want... I want... Stop that!

The strong part is on the last note.

Is it good? Okay?

I got it.

You have to feel the snare.




Great concert, guys!

Thank you!

Good concert, men!!!

Good concert, partner.

Thank you.

The first of a hundred.

The first of a hundred others.

Hello. What's up?

Let' s go.


Let's destroy!

My little cow of soft meat.

('Angels And Demons' playing now)

('Acid Rain' playing now)

It started with a...

You're in an excited vibe.

Yes, I am. I am excited.

It started with a shock. We're not hearing the click,

first concert.

The was an expectation.

We needed a rehearsal.


This show was the rehearsal.

It was good. It was...

A great rehearsal.

I think that...

You were almost late for the rehearsal.

You got here almost the time of the concert.


Fabio arrived. He was tired. Came from another tour.

Two hours before the concert, maybe.

This is the first of 100 concerts we are having.

We need to arrange the set-list, as well.

Because we couldn't practice with the whole band.

We have new songs to be part of this set.

From tomorrow on, we'll be adding them.

Yes, we played two this night.

We played 'Traverls Of Time' and 'Insania'.

The audience was very good.

We noticed some people singing 'Insania'.

Yes. That's true.

The songs work very well live.

I saw a man enjoying them.

I don't know if he had listened to the song before or not,

but I guess the song works alive.

It's easy... even if you haven't listened, you enjoy it.

It's a short set. Just one hour and twenty minutes.

Many nice songs.

It's interesting to have a concert here.

There are a lot of old fans, people who knows ANGRA for 20 years.

It's a tradition of people who's this age go to a Metal concert.

In Brazil, people don't go.


"I'm old. I don't go anymore".

It's interesting here.

You see a lot of 60s, 50s, 45.. they go to concerts.

It's nice because...

I was in a taxi with Fabio.

We got to a place that it's like the end of the world.

Yeah... It's like a farm in here.

It's like a farm.

But, it's a palce that is concerts house.

You meet...

It's farm without animals and plants.

We don't have this in Latin America.

There's no more this kind of thing.

Laugh now.

He laughed for real.

A bag is to heavy

If he's alive it must be hard to take him inside a bag.

I think it's a joke adaptation.

We're working on it.

It's just the beging of the tour.

You know that things get better.

Usually yes.

During the...

The tour, the living, the practice.


We're cold.

Like the first concert, we were here...

Yes, yes.

The guitar string was there.

In this tour I garantee some new meanings for the words.


You notice that it is different from the Latin America.

The audience...

They like it.

- But here they are very quiet. - Colder.


But, what does it mean?

If they don't leave it's because they are enjoying.

So, when they raise their hands it's because they are crazy about the gig.

And if he bought a t-shirt it's because he had an orgasm.


To clean up, uh?

He buys to clean up.

He'd buy new pants, but there were on shirts.

It's very different in Italy.

Greece, Spain and France.

But, if you play in Germany,

Holand, here...

The audience is used to be this way.

It's not...

It's interesting that we sell more merch here than Spain.

That's true.

Places that the audience is...

Something that surprised me is that long t-shirt we made,

the people are enjoying a lot.

So, you notice that there's another view how people see

in here.

I think that...

It's colder here.

Yes, it's much more.

But, what call my attention...

The short sleeves won't sell.

It won't be sold.

The bikini was not sold.

The swimming suit.

ANGRA swimming suit.

No swimming suit, no bikini...

I had an idea... Play wearing a swimming suit.

Play wearing a swimming suit.

Just one.

You wear an OMNI swimming suit.

For sure.

OMNIno lindo. (Portuguese joke)

This skull must be on the center.


The skull to represent the head.

Yes, the head.

It will be localizated at the center of the swimmong suit.

In my situation must be a skull of a big ox.

From the last White Rhino.

For more infomation >> Primeiro Show do OMNI na Europa - ØMNI TOUR - Duration: 19:40.


Super-bevanda alla curcuma: cura l'artrite, combatte dolori e infiammazioni e protegge il cuore - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Super-bevanda alla curcuma: cura l'artrite, combatte dolori e infiammazioni e protegge il cuore - Duration: 6:06.


Perché Marco Firpo, ex di Gemma, non c'è a Uomini e donne? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Perché Marco Firpo, ex di Gemma, non c'è a Uomini e donne? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.


[17+] Resident Evil 4 | Wii | 2-1: Cachoeira, El Gigante e a Igreja - Duration: 39:36.

For more infomation >> [17+] Resident Evil 4 | Wii | 2-1: Cachoeira, El Gigante e a Igreja - Duration: 39:36.


Mattino Cinque, Al Bano si sfoga con Federica Panicucci su Loredana Lecciso e Romina Power | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Mattino Cinque, Al Bano si sfoga con Federica Panicucci su Loredana Lecciso e Romina Power | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:07.


"Es una segunda oportunidad de vivir el sueño americano": veterano deportado que vuelve a EEUU - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> "Es una segunda oportunidad de vivir el sueño americano": veterano deportado que vuelve a EEUU - Duration: 1:55.


La foto de un manifestante venezolano huyendo en llamas gana el World Press Photo 2018 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> La foto de un manifestante venezolano huyendo en llamas gana el World Press Photo 2018 - Duration: 4:12.


La comparación de Trump con un "jefe de la mafia" y otras fuertes afirmaciones del libro de James Co - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> La comparación de Trump con un "jefe de la mafia" y otras fuertes afirmaciones del libro de James Co - Duration: 2:26.


Pós-Graduação recebe Diretor de Segurança e Integridade da LaLiga - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Pós-Graduação recebe Diretor de Segurança e Integridade da LaLiga - Duration: 0:54.


BBB18 terá últimos dias de forma eletrizante e eliminação relâmpago sequencial - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> BBB18 terá últimos dias de forma eletrizante e eliminação relâmpago sequencial - Duration: 5:03.


Prova de resistência do BBB18 vale imunidade e o quarto lugar; acompanhe ao vivo - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Prova de resistência do BBB18 vale imunidade e o quarto lugar; acompanhe ao vivo - Duration: 9:21.


Ana Clara pede um tempo na prova do BBB18 e Paula debocha: "Podia sair" - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Ana Clara pede um tempo na prova do BBB18 e Paula debocha: "Podia sair" - Duration: 5:37.


Seduto e terra, il primo addestramento. - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Seduto e terra, il primo addestramento. - Duration: 6:52.


O ideal da gestão econômica - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> O ideal da gestão econômica - Duration: 1:15.


Isola dei Famosi: ultimo giorno di permanenza per i naufraghi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi: ultimo giorno di permanenza per i naufraghi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:04.


UeD, l'ex di Gemma operato a cuore aperto, il dramma del cavaliere | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> UeD, l'ex di Gemma operato a cuore aperto, il dramma del cavaliere | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


Capitol Report: Medical Assistance Work Requirement, Cameras in Courtrooms - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Capitol Report: Medical Assistance Work Requirement, Cameras in Courtrooms - Duration: 28:31.


Working for Medical Assistance - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Working for Medical Assistance - Duration: 8:47.


(rly late) MARCH SH*TS AND HITS!! - Duration: 5:24.

Hey guys it's Annika. Welcome to my channika.

Um, I don't even know if you can see this,

but my baby hairs are running wild.

Maybe I'll get some hair gel or something

to put them down.

Today I'm going to be doing a March Sh*ts and Hits.

I've been really slacking on the Sh*ts and Hits

these past few months, but I promise

I'm working on myself. Um . . .

I don't have a lot of products, but

we're just gonna rolly, rolly, rolly with it.

Ahhh. I hate myself!

I'm gonna start with the biggest item, hitwise,

for this month: the Jaclyn Hill Morphe Palette.

I'm like a year-and-a-half late on this,

but I don't really care.

The reason why I didn't want to buy it

is because Jaclyn Hill's a f-ing snake.

I'm sorry. I said it. It's what everybody was thinking.

I'm just telling you how you feel.

But the palette itself is really good.

And I don't really know how to feel about Morphe,

so I just like . . . It has literally every color,

and the blending is really nice. Uh . . .

She's still a snake. Just saying.

I only have two Sh*ts this month, as well.

The first one is the Tarte Shape Tape Eyelid Primer.

It only comes in one shade,

and the shade is . . .

Like, it just looks so gross up against my skin.

Orange. It's literally orange.

So I can see how it might work for somebody,

and it wouldn't look gross.

But it just literally changes the color

of my whole eye. And, uh . . .

It's not that full coverage for something

that's supposed to be f-ng Shape Tape.

But, um . . .

Next for Hits, I have

this bite Beauty a gamma bomb

which I think I heard about in kathleenlights

it's only 18 bucks

was just it's pretty expensive for a lip balm

but to be honest I was expecting it to be like 30 bucks

and I was like preparing myself

so I guess 18 was just lower than my expectations

I wouldn't really call it a lip balm

as much as I would call it a lip mask

like I don't think this is something that you should

throw in your purse use frequently

number one because there isn't very much of it

and number two because it feels more like

something that is meant for deep hydration

like at the end of the day

after all that d-sucking

like you just need to replenish

you know what I'm saying

flash it is the urban decay boa Tizer

I haven't even been able to use this

because the way that it feels

there's literally piece of hair in it. Cool?

The way it makes me feel

Oh only some people feel this way

but like I hate walking on beaches

because when the sand is so fine and powdery

it makes me cringe that'show this feels

it feels like dust almost

like I can't f-ing stand it

it makes me absolutely

want to shoot myself in the Hat

okay so now that we're done with all the negativity,

let's just continue on with all my Hits for this month

they say my favorite

like my number one hit for this month is

the abano skin care ultimate brightening peeling gel

the mild one um I'm gonna be doing a full skincare video

with a bottle skin about a vanilla bono epitome

with a bottle skin care but this one I just love

basically it's like a cream

and I thought that it was like a cleanser

like an exfoliator and it is

but I thought I was gonna have like beads in it

but it did it and then I started like peeling up on my skin

and I was like okay that's kind of weird

and then I read the back

and it says head skin residue will start to form

and I was like holy f-ing sh--

I thought it was like pilling up on my face

but that was just all my dead skin cells

I'm surprised I'm more didn't come off

because I'm dead on the inside

um it was really shocking

my face is so f-ing smooth

it says he was once or twice a week

but tbh I've been using it more than that

because I like to feel like a baby's ass 24/7

so pretty nice I've modeled why

okay next we have the anasazi of Beverly Hills

on reezy highlighter

just look at it okay I'm wearing it today

it is a little bit dark for me

like you can kind of see

this is my third-ish time I'm trying it

but I already know that I love it

in the summer when I've got a little bit more of a tan

going on I feel like this is gonna be f-ing perfect

it's so intense it's beautiful

I think this is definitely something

that you guys should get

you can also layer it to be your preferred glowy intensity

so I just like kind of f- with that


another a bottle thing

this is their age defying liposomal retinol moisturizer

it's just a few more students are

really good and really hydrating

I like the packaging

I have three more products

I feel like this is such a short video

but I honestly haven't been trying out

a lot of new makeup recently

I feel like that's always my excuse

I guess I just never really try out new makeup

the ICO lash alert mascara I love this

it's really great for lengthening your lashes

is not like the best of all you might as a want

But it just makes my lashes looks really really long

and it looks like I'm not wearing any mascara

so like when I just wear like no makeup

but I want to wear mascara on the DL, I go for her.

the Clarins insta light lip comfort well

I don't know if I talked about this last month

I or two months ago whatever

but I just like found it in my collection

and now I'm obsessed with it again

it's like a lip oil but it also like hydrates your lips

Damn, my lips are gonna be hydrated as f-- after this

also like a lip gloss like my hair gets stuck in it you know

MC my best friend MC is obsessed with this

and she uses it every single time she comes over

Tom and I have the honey shade

and then my very last product

are the Sephora house lashes Natalya eyelashes

she let you months ago

I complained about these eyelashes

but now I like them a lot.

At first they kind of hurt like they poked my eye

and I think that's just because they were rand-new

and I had like just cut them

so they were kind of just stabbing

the outer corner of my eye

but I think like they just kind of wore down

you can't cut them again I don't really remember

but all I know is that now that they work on my eyes

they're gorgeous and I love them

you have my support which is really convenient

I also got a pair of House of lashes lashes

from Urban Outfitters

those are all with my shoots and hits for this month

everybody telling me to call this nuts and knots

I'm not doing that I'm calling it shoots and hits

F-- you! I'm just kidding I love you

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Please comment, rate, subscribe, and

keep on sh--ing!

For more infomation >> (rly late) MARCH SH*TS AND HITS!! - Duration: 5:24.


New Jurassic World Tyrannosaurus Rex & Monolophosaurus Battle Damage Fallen Kingdom Walmart WD Toys - Duration: 24:25.

okay guys after we unbox the t-rex and the model of the Souris we're gonna go

ahead and take a look at all these other Jurassic world dinosaurs in front of

this awesome volcano they are really cool guys Wow

and then on top of these we got the two big okay it's great to see you again I

have a really awesome set today I found this one at Walmart over one week before

Mattel actually releases the drastic world dinosaur toys

this is Tyrannosaurus Rex and monnel ophisaurus battle damage so this would

be exclusive to Walmart so this one the battle damage you close the door there

once you hit him it pops open you got a big battle wound over there this t-rex

is awesome you push this button he opens his mouth way up and he's got this huge

tongues sticking out you guys ever seen like the members of the rock kiss that

looks like one of the tongues that they were

so he's got a tail that hooks on really cool exploding volcano background and

then on the back is says giant white Tyrannosaurus Rex head and neck

articulation active an old battle damage for the monolith asuras and then here is

some other really awesome so there you have that would be a believe us picking

the lock so they would be digging there you have the Spinosaurus cousin you have

a battle damage raptor battle damage Triceratops and a battle damage

Pachycephalosaurus oh okay let's go ahead and open this up okay so this one

New Jurassic World Tyrannosaurus Rex & Monolophosaurus Battle Damage Fallen Kingdom Walmart WD Toys

t-rex here nice cool volcano background there you gotta go ahead and attach the

T Rex's tail so basically with these usually there's just one way you could

put his tail on them just put it on the wrong way

because once you put these tails on there we go it's pretty much permanent I

mean that that tails not coming off unless there's some type of instructions

that I don't see how to do it well anyways I love the tribal it's

battle-damaged but it looks almost like a t-rex with tribal tattoos wow that's

pretty serious cool okay well anyways let's go ahead and take the whole look

at this guy from top to bottom and we do got to skin points on this guy's so we

got the Monell of asaurus skin point and we got a scan point on the t-rex I'm

gonna start with the t-rex or look at the monolith luffa soros and then we'll

go ahead and stopping t-rex that you control with the tail the heads the same

movement except here you don't have anything to control it with so you're

just gonna move the head side to side like when you're playing or I mean you

could open them out yourself by pulling the jaw here Dino

could put his head all the way up like that and a pose I wish they had a way to

keep the mouth open like that without you know actually pushing the button

that would have been nice for like posing so you could have it open now

you'd have to put something in its mouth and then here 360 degree movement on the

arm same great detail this flap here it feels like it's rubber

you can see inside there what's going on if you look here you can see it looks

kind of ugly in there so if this flap broke or something I mean would not look

very good ah great coloring I love the coloring

they did on this it's like a brown almost like sand orangish color that

blends in really nicely the guys stand super secure all the way around so the

cool thing is look at this you could stand this guy all the way up like that

I've never had one of these dinos that will stand up that far that's why I

wished it was they made a way to open its mouth like that

that would be look really cool like pose play that is awesome and then you just

keep on coming down to the pose it in different positions just move its legs

standing but yourself there then you keep on coming down it just keeps on

standing by itself this one is super secure too so if you come all the way

down like that or all the way even past the grounds here because you could have

it like damaged like that you know maybe some big huge dinosaur stepped on it so

that would be really cool in battle ah great job with the nails I mean they

painted the nails like a really dark color both feet they were all will

rotate 360 degrees so you could put this guy in two different positions and not

be scared that he's gonna fall down so that is awesome here we got a skin point

I'm gonna go ahead and take a picture of that in a little bit and we'll scan it

into the app and also the model of asaurus this one's tail will turn 360

degrees like I said it isn't a locked in position there so if you turn it on this

side here you've got a lot more of the Battle Damage so you got like stripes

here on the tail where it was scratched here on the leg you got a swipe here a

swipe over there you've got on its head there which is cool which almost gives

it like the tribal tattoo type look same movement with the arm there this also

has the awesome legs here that pull in and out so it gives it like ball joint

it's not as smooth as ball-joint but really nice and smooth even the bottom

all looks great I mean you're not seeing schools anywhere here you see some lines

like where it's like separated here how the jaw has to move bumped it down but

it still looks great I just wish they would have gave some way to control the

mouth and to keep it open rather than just you know the push button up here I

mean that's nice it looks cool and everything but if you want to use it for

like videos a battle or something you have to push here I don't like that I've

been nice if it had been on his back or his tail okay let's go ahead and take a

look at the monolith asaurus and then we'll go ahead and scan both of these

guys into the app and the app is called Jurassic world that's available in

Android Android and iOS the cool thing is with the model of asaurus usually

with the second figure they will skimp they did not skimp with this guy hat oh

he is awesome with a lot of really cool features first of all his mouth does

open way up the coloring is a little bit off inside but outside the coloring

looks great I like the way his mouth opens way up his head also does move up

and down like a slot here moves up and down on

the arms move around and they move up and down so you could put it into some

cool battle attack positions there the leg itself this one you're not getting

the 360-degree movement about there to here so about a third of the way you

have movement and they didn't paint the nails on this so I mean once again I

noticed that on a lot of smaller figures would have been nice if they did but

this one I love the color it's almost like olive green with like the dark

green on top the tail feels like it's made of rubber moving on this side this

side is where you got the battle wounds so if you hit it BAM go screeching

because his whole side just got ripped open and then you just go ahead pull

this and this slides right into position it's nice they have this little handle

here makes it easier to grab so same great movement with the arm on this side

this side ah this one has the leg movement out too so that's nice even the

bottom of this guy looks nice you got the Jurassic world symbol there here

you've got the skin point which I will take a picture of that in a moment

so these guys could have really cool battle this guy like comes running up

t-rex goes rips open it side and there are fights down on this guy's head and

this battle is over marlyn love for Soros is down you

continued with the blood damage down there okay so anyways let's go ahead

scan these guys in the first one I'm gonna take a picture of is the T Bragg

okay so when you go ahead and start this off it loads outside the gates of

Jurassic world there ah this is your park with all your animals you go ahead

and hit the skin point down here and skin it in some people have had

problems skinning off the picture I give them what I recommend is putting it on a

large monitor and scan it off of their

Tyrannosaurus Rex one up - oh you guys this one that's weird

this one it's the same one as the stomping dog t-rex Wow okay that's

totally weird because this Dino is really different from that one okay well

anyways let's go ahead and scan in the model of asaurus although we got some

new facts on this one so it says she's a carnivore preying on other large

dinosaurs fossilized footprints suggest the Tyrannosaurus may have hunted in

groups okay so here is the model of a sword that guy looks cool it looks like

a mixture of a dodo bird and the dinosaur

if you poke her she'd get really angry there well anyways let's go ahead check

out our collection if you've been watching fly actually let's get some

back from this girl first so first of all the model of some soreness is 18

feet long is six and a half feet tall she's a carnivore eating smaller

dinosaurs and other vertebra monolith asaurus lived during the Jurassic period

170 million years ago and if you've been watching you have all these dinos the

guys took pictures of all of them so you'll have what do we got three six

nine twelve we got 14 plus you got the in the Raptor which is not here I

believe you could only see the in the Raptor if you turn off Wi-Fi so you have

the Dilophosaurus like I said you have all of these the Allosaurus the baryonic

Velociraptor blue one of three

Carnotaurus Dilophosaurus one of six the more food on

so these are ones I have all reviewed and scanned the men Gallimimus one of

eight I like the Gallimimus the metric answer

sore eyes

the monolith asaurus which we just did and Stegosaurus Triceratops and the

thrashing bro t-rex or 50 Rex from this set like I said the skin code came up

with the same which is really disappointing because I thought it would

be something different our regular Velociraptor I think that's

it yeah the restaurant rest nice little videos to come a mix which I don't have


besides the t-rex and a monolith asaurus let's go ahead I'm gonna show you guys a

quick look at the dinos I've gotten so far oh I do got full reviews and battles

of a lot of these so we've got the in director this guy is really cool all

lots of movement everywhere really awesome

Dino there and then of course mana lucky Soros so both of these that guys I'm

gonna put at the base of the volcano there okay so that besides that I got

one of the coolest t-rex's here this is the thrash and throw all movement is

through the tail there you can see how Thresh is it's dead and it will jump you

have it go down a little bit crashes head around so here it could

come off law in juice not paying attention here t-rex will just come up

behind them in shock oh let's try

and it's called the trash and grow because it could

throw the action because ha ha ha and it also has stomping action so really cool

realistic-looking t-rex so there is a lot of t-rexes in

this line I mean definitely a lot of them I already have at least 4 or them

two big ones and two smaller ones this one here is the super colossal t-rex the

regular one the mouth opens way up they could swallow up to 15 full-sized action

figures they come out its stomach its mouth moves up and down it's really

awesome and then we have the roaring super

colossal Tyrannosaurus Rex with awe so this was the battle won its battle

damage exclusive to Walmart this one actually roars so roars got

battle scars all over over here if you flip it around it's got a lot more

battle scars on the other side like I said just quick look guys I do have full

unboxings and reviews of all of these and lots of battles and then I got the

karna Torres or toast as the gaming beaver likes to call this guy so

realistic or he could be in like a rock concert so this one's also a really

awesome and also all of these guys when I do open and review them I do take a

picture the QR codes for you guys so you guys could scan them in they have a

really awesome app called Jurassic world backs so you can scan in all the

dinosaurs and create like your own collection almost like a zoo

of diners and then another one they have is this tracer

that sounds like it right so I don't know I don't know what's going on there

I mean that even sounded like a t-rex roar whether they may be the wrong sound

and then we have an awesome Allosaurus and metric and thesaurus this guy

of all of them I think this one the weirdest-looking

and then of course we got an awesome very good sound and then a sweet attack

stegasaurus here you push the spike it swings its tail its head does move up

and down so that one and there you got this cute little Gallimimus here with

his head moves up and down this one of the smaller action figure you got a blue

action figure mouth opens and closes that's also one of the smaller ones so

it's got blue like in running position got a cool little die more foot on here

where the grills lap up

and attacking Velociraptor here like I said go to the playlist to see full

boxes reviews and battles and then a cool time or food on this mouth does

open close then I got some cool battle damage ones which I did not get a chance

to open up yet this is a hair asaurus sticky malach or sticky a

Pachycephalosaurus the battle damage ones are exclusive to Walmart

Triceratops and Velociraptor dude blue so we're gonna have five battle damage

and then I found some cool match box sets you have like the match box five

pack you have this one this is the Tyranno

smaller and then we have the rafter copter and we have the tricera

then I got a 15 pack of Battle Damage dinosaurs and the remote-controlled

gyrosphere which is totally awesome all these dinosaurs that you want to see

more go ahead click like drop the comments also and you have over a

thousand videos the majority are drastic world Jessie Park Godzilla King Kong

Power Rangers transformers and a lot more or if you simply want to see well

check out my playlist on my channel or or if you just want to see more drastic

world fallen Kingdom toys go ahead and wait to this video ends and check out my

playlist you guys are awesome and I will see in today secret word is the word

go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video I don't you

remember my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video

also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new video

click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more

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For more infomation >> New Jurassic World Tyrannosaurus Rex & Monolophosaurus Battle Damage Fallen Kingdom Walmart WD Toys - Duration: 24:25.


Cameras in Minnesota Courtrooms - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Cameras in Minnesota Courtrooms - Duration: 7:27.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online



For more infomation >> WHY DON'T WE LIVE TOGETHER? - LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP | LOBELO - Duration: 5:18.


Mousse T.: Wundervolle Neuigkeiten von dem DSDS-Juror! - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Mousse T.: Wundervolle Neuigkeiten von dem DSDS-Juror! - Duration: 2:30.


If UFOs Aren't Real, Why Did The Military Tried To Obsessively Build One - Duration: 5:50.

If UFOs Aren't Real, Why Did The Military Tried To Obsessively Build One

In the National Archives, there are two highly top-secret documents belonging to the military

containing 264 pages of diagrams, data, photographs, and blueprints, from the United States attempt

to frantically build a flying saucer.

This leads to the question of if there is no such thing as a flying saucer, which the

government claims, why would they try to build their own.

American Had the UFO Obsession during the Early 1950s

In early America during the 1950s, there was something of an obsession with UFOs and it

was getting out of hand.

The interest in UFOs during this time by the public grew rapidly and so much so that the

government had a difficult time in keeping up.

Law enforcement and the FBI were inundated with phone calls from people who reported

sightings of UFOs or who were looking for answers.

The government scrambled to put all the facts together and struggled to make head or tail

of the whole thing.

They wondered if perhaps what people had been reporting seeing was new military aircraft

from Russia.

Whether there really was UFOs and aliens and if this was the case, what the alien's intentions


As there were so many questions left unanswered, it left the US government in panic.

Government Agencies and Top Secret Projects Formed Overnight

The government quickly set up agencies and formed top-secret projects overnight, one

of which was Project Bluebook to look into sightings of UFOs.

They managed to collect many tens of thousands of reports of sightings of UFOs and went on

to interview thousands of people who said they had witnessed UFOs.

This included military personnel and citizens.

Each of the reports, testimony, and interviews were documented tediously to ensure that the

results would be as sound as possible scientifically.

They then asked many experts in a huge range of fields to look into the results.

They brought in some of the top statisticians, rocket scientists, mathematicians, astronomers,

military experts, and physicists.

This tells us that the government in the US took things very seriously and that they were

desperate to get answers to the many questions.

Project 1794 Was Formed Costing Tens of Millions of Dollars

Tens of millions of dollars of the taxpayer's money was used to form a top-secret project

by the name of Project 1794.

This was due to the military wanting their very own flying saucer.

The job was given to Avro Aircraft Limited, one of the best designers of aircraft in the

world from Canada.

Details of 141 pages of the Project 1794 report have been seen on the National Archives website

and revealed that the government was taking things very seriously.

The documents were not just filled with concept sketches or theories, they contained technical

blueprints that came from a team of experts and perhaps took years to work out.

Avro Aircraft Limited wrote reports about the progress of the building and testing of

the flying saucers and it seems that they worked.

Why Was the US Government So Interested in Flying Saucers?

This leads again to the question of why the US government was so interested in flying


At first, they assumed that the aircraft was new Russian craft.

However, it was not long before they gave up on that idea and realized that the objects

being reported were unknown objects, UFOs.

This was because the objects seemed to have technology that was not possible, including

speed and maneuverability.

The CIA took a great deal of time to describe in their reports the credibility of the people

who had been reporting sightings.

They pointed out that sightings had been made by senior military personnel, airline pilots

and those with high levels of advanced education, including lawyers and doctors.

The military personnel and aircraft pilots believed that what they had witnessed were

not from Earth.

One US Navy Admiral was so frustrated by the lack of answers from the military that he

formed and led the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.

He went on to report that the objects that were sighted had come into the atmosphere

at high speed and no agency could duplicate the speed and acceleration of the objects

caught on radar and seen by observers.

Did The Military Just Build Flying Saucers On A Whim?

Was it possible that the military had flying saucers that worked built on a whim?

Did they just draw some sketches out of what they wanted and then pass them over to the

engineering company and told them to build it?

Not likely.

More likely is that the United States government actually had something hidden away that could

be reverse-engineered.

This is what Avro Aircraft used to make the working flying saucers.

This means that the US government did know flying saucers exist and they have done for

many years.

The government has hidden away the fact that UFOs and aliens exist and it is now time that

they shared openly what they know with the world.

For more infomation >> If UFOs Aren't Real, Why Did The Military Tried To Obsessively Build One - Duration: 5:50.


Annoying Orange - Hug a Cactus! - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Annoying Orange - Hug a Cactus! - Duration: 4:48.


Baby Alive Brianna Tells Mom about getting bullied - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Baby Alive Brianna Tells Mom about getting bullied - Duration: 4:42.


send this to your salty bestfriend and say nothing - Duration: 2:03.

So, how're you?

Oh my God. Thank God you asked.

Its just been so freaking difficult

Its so hard right now (PUH lil nasty)

I can't even afford my own place

I'm living with my parents right now

*creature transforms*

*throws salt*

Must be hard for you

to afford rent for both you and your nose

like its been just so difficult *reveals forehead*

*throws more salt*

Eyebrow to hairline thats a 6$ cab ride. 6$

But like you know...

Im so...

I'm so lucky

Because I found him and he found me

they keep telling us neither of us could do any better


We're so cute together

*throws salt*

Neither of you could do worse either

and like, you know... if you didn't notice

lately i've been feeling like such a different person

I've fixed up completely

I'm different

I wouldn't recognize you

in a crowd of TWO people.

I even like got my eyebrows done



*throws more salt*

Eyebrows on freak

But like yeah that was me

So.. how're you?

I'm fine.

For more infomation >> send this to your salty bestfriend and say nothing - Duration: 2:03.


[Eng Sub] This is INFINITE EP 08 Behind The Scene - Duration: 2:17.

This time show it a little bit.

Next. Next one.

I think it will be harder.

homemade chicken soup(?)

OK, pass.

homemade chicken soup(?)


Home! Chicken! Fried! Meat! Soup!

You did well!

Homemade? Safe deposit? Get it and open it?(????)

What are you saying?

The end?

Mental breakdown.

Homemade roasted meat soup, homemade

homemade~ dzowszijh#

The last chance.

It's the last chance?

You really found very difficult words. Really.

Slowly. Do it slowly.

No need to be nervous.

We didn't make it until here.

Sungyeol, who's preparing with sports

Ah, difficult.

Wrapping the lettuce with mulberry leaf.

One (word) wasn't there!

Woohyun starts. Woohyun-sshi starts.

The challenge of changing order!


Wrapping the lettuce with mulberry leaf. Wrapping the sengse(?) with mulberry leaf.

Double mulberry leaf(?) sengceyi(?) Wrapping lettuce with mulberry leaf.

They all didn't emphasize it.

Mulberry sansense?

What kind of words were that?

Are you ready?

Wrapping the lettuce with mulberry leaf.

I did really well. Me.

Only need to eliminate the vowel(?).

Like damdamdamdamdomdamdam.

Sunggyu, who's normally weak, when it comes to pronounciation of the vowel

Mulberry leaf damdeng(?) ttuce

Do you always have to diss me?

Reveal it.

Suunggyu challenge!

Passed it easily.

That's really too much. *The biggest and most difficult challenge.

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] This is INFINITE EP 08 Behind The Scene - Duration: 2:17.





Baboon Loses Its Keys | Animal LOL - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Baboon Loses Its Keys | Animal LOL - Duration: 1:12.


Fixing Up My CR125 Two Stroke! - Duration: 18:54.

it is springtime all the snow is thankfully melted so I'm gonna take you

guys through what I do to my bikes to get him ready for the riding season so

here I've got my 2005 cr125 she's looking pretty clean but like any bike

it's gonna need some work to get it ready for some riding the first thing

I'm gonna cover is checking over the fluids and making sure everything is

lubed up on this bike we've got coolant engine oil brake fluid and of course

fuel for coolant it's as simple as its popping off the radiator cap and looking

inside looks like it's pretty well topped off if you guys are curious this

is the coolant thought I use engine nice really good stuff if you're unsure of

when your coolant was last changed or you haven't swapped it out for the past

year so I would recommend changing out for something like engine ice now for

oil with this bike being a two-stroke it's only got gear oil so there's a fill

plug up here no dipstick and then a check plug for checking the oil level

since this bike does not have a dipstick you be able to check the oil level by

pulling out to check bolt once you pull the bolt out a little bit of oil should

come out provided the bike is sitting level preferably on a stand and for oil

I use a shell rotella T 1540 and I change it out at 10 hours of ride time

so about every four to five rides alright that's it for the oil situation

now I'm gonna check the brake fluid and it's as simple as just looking at the

site windows on the brake master cylinders I'm actually gonna take it a

step further and bleed these brakes a little since it has been a while and

I've got a new little bleeding tool motion Pro sent over this mini bleeder

tool for me to try out never useful before so this should be fun so how this

bleeder Tool Works is slides onto the bleeder valve on the caliper looks like

I'll have to pull off the guard to access it but it slides on and it's got

a check valve inside of here so that way you can leave the bleeder valve loose on

the caliper and focus on pumping the brakes and keeping up on the fluid level

let's give it a shot

now with the bleeder tool McHale / I'm gonna crack this valve loose so this

wrench actually moves around so you can get it in the right position he's gonna

crack this thing loose and start bleeding the brakes so I'm just gonna go

about a quarter turn loose right there and I'm actually gonna put the end of

the hose on this tool into the cap of a water bottle so that should contain the

fluid right there ah shoot I got my gloves back in there yeah the master

cylinder cap will need to come off so that way I can add fluid

now with the bleeder tool on the caliper I can just pump the brakes and not have

to worry about opening and closing the bleeder valve on the caliper but of

course I'll need to watch the fluid level in the master cylinder I'm just

gonna top off the master cylinder of fluid before I start bleeding the brakes

so this is the brake fluid I've got around the shop right now

just regular Honda dot 4 brake fluid and you want to make sure you use the

correct spec brake fluid if your cap says dot for use dot for so how this

works is we want to have the valve open and I push down the brake pedal

it'll push fluid and air out of the system but the one-way valve won't let

air back in so I'm gonna push down the pedal right now and see it pushed out

some fluid and it didn't let any air back in once I pump the brakes a few

times and close that valve back up the brakes should have some great pressure

takes a few pumps and build the pressure back up

but now the pedal feels great man that tool is super nice to have works a lot

better than I would have guessed takes all the hassle out of bleeding brakes so

I'm gonna run the master cylinder down three times and that should get the

majority of the old fluid out of the system so I'm only going down till

there's about half the flew it in the sight window here don't really want to

go any further down that

all right that should be good for bleeding it's gonna close up this valve

and pull it off the caliper just gonna pop this master cylinder cap back on and

I'll be all finished up and then the process for bleeding the front brakes is

going to be very similar now for gas I mix it 32 to 1 and I use Maxima castor 9

to 7 I'm gonna mix up some fresh fuel for

this thing

we're gonna see if the old 125 still runs

bike seems to be run on prime so I'm gonna take out riding this upcoming

Saturday if you guys are in Washington State

more specifically the Spokane area join me over at the seven-mile or Vee Park

I'll be out there this upcoming Saturday April 14th and then the day after that

April 15th I'll have these new prime of X shirts

available over on the website prime MX com

so mark your calendars for that too all right now it's on to making sure what

needs to be lubed up is lubed up and that includes the cables clutch lever

throttle chain and some of the bearings I'm gonna start with the easiest thing

first lubing up the chain this is the chain lube that I prefer chain guard by

maxima and I'll be spraying it in here on the inside of the chain near the

chain guide now to have a buttery smooth clutch lever most importantly you got to

have a greased up here in the pivot and having a nice lever definitely helps to

the works can extra one I'm using here is a must have so I'll be completely

pulling apart this clutch lever and looping up the cable at the same time

this porch and lever were definitely in need of a cleanup Andrew greasing it's

been a while since I've freshen them up another thing that can be taken apart

and cleaned up is the cable adjuster having a smooth adjuster is a big plus

as for greasing lately I've been using this mini grease gun a ton super handy

to have and it puts the grease exactly where you want it

got the lever and the cable adjuster working super smooth now it's on the

looping up the cable and once again motion Perl hooked it up they sent over

their cable looping tool along with the cable loop now I've never used this

design before should be interesting so here I've got the tool out of the

package looks like a pretty sweet setup just gonna thread the two pieces away

from each other looks like there's a seal inside of it so one color slips

over and then the seal goes on with the larger taper facing the end of the cable

so something like that now I'm gonna throw the other half of the tool onto

the cable until the seals are firmly seated

just got to make sure the plunger is all the way extended before I squirt it in

any Lube the next step is to take the straw from the cable lube and insert it

into the tool all the way and now it's as simple as just spraying the lube into

the tool this is crazy there's not cable loops spraying all over the place like

with the other cable looping tools I've used in the past all right I should have

enough Lube in the cable now I'm gonna pull out the straw and to get as much

Lube out of the housing as possible I'm gonna depress the plunger here now the

real test is the check out the other end of the cable and see if it's soaked from

the lube oh yeah she's wet can't wait to get this thing back together and see how

smooth the lever is now for the clutch cable slack this is super important and

it's something I'm really picky about so I like to go until there's about the

width of a quarter here between the perch and the lever so I'm just tugging

on the cable a little bit with some tension and simultaneously pulling in

the lever and you'll be able to feel the amount of slack the cable has there so

right about there is right where I like it and generally this is where most

people like it as well and you definitely don't want to have no slack

at all that'll burn your clutch up right away and too much slack your clutch

won't engage very well that is unbelievably smooth now really impressed

with the job that this little cable would be tool did most definitely the

best cable living tool I've used today now for the throttle I'm gonna take it

apart wipe it down and grease it up but this definitely is not as important as

the clutch lever if you have a sticky throttle most likely it's the cable or

the throttle tube hitting on the end of the handlebar

was definitely worth pulling this one apart to clean up so it's just a matter

of wiping things down and greasing it back up

all right I've got the throw housing together cables on the tube and just

gonna make sure everything's working smoothly here so I'm gonna slide the

throttle onto the handlebars all the way and then back it out just a little bit

maybe like a quarter inch or so if you have a throttle all the way on to the

handlebars where the tube is hitting the end of the bars you'll have a sticky

throttle and then if you back it out a little bit that's right where you want

it it's getting everything tightened up here and then check the throttle one

last time sweet nice and smooth now it is possible to use the cable looping

tool on the throttle cable but you'll need to go from the carburetor or

throttle body end whatever you have if you Lube from the top here they'll dump

a bunch of cable lube into your carburetor or throttle body now I'm

gonna take a peek at some of the bearings on the bike make sure they're

in good shape for the wheel bearings I'm gonna move the wheel laterally to see if

there's any movement to them looks like it's good to go and now to check the

shock linkage bearings pull upward on the swing arm and you'll be able to see

if there's any movement in them if you pull up on the swing arm and there's

some slop there chances are it's the lower shock bearing but it could also be

these other three bearings as well or the top shock bearing two now the swing

arm pivot bearings don't wear out that often but if you have a worn set you'll

feel some sloppiness there or some stiffness when you compress the rear of

the bike what I look for with the steering step bearings is any notch eNOS

or just a rough feeling when I'm turning the front end this one feels pretty good

now this isn't a bearing but it needs to be greased as well the kick starter

pivot so when it kicked over the kick starter just go right back into place if

you have a sticky kick starter you can pull apart the pivot clean it up and we

greased it I do have a video on that on the channel so head over there and check

it out one thing I'll check out before every

single ride is the tire pressure of course I go 14 psi up front and 12 in

the rear as you guys know keeping up when your spokes is super critical as

well so my spoke maintenance consists of check

the spokes every three to four rides I would say let us go through and tighten

the spokes evenly and my process for this is I'll start at either the rim

lock or the valve stem tighten the first spoke skip to tighten the third skip to

tighten all the way around till I come back to that starting point and then

move to a second spoke follow the same pattern all the way around and then hit

the third spoke all the way around again and at that point every spoke will have

been tightened evenly and I only usually go about an eighth or a quarter turn on

each spoke depending on how tight it already is periodically I'll go through

and do a general check over of all the bolts on the bike the ones that are most

frequent to come loose are the kick starter bolt the sprocket and rotor

bolts and all of the plastic hardware so those are the ones you really need to

keep an eye on I know this video is getting super long but there's just a

few more things I want to cover so for the suspension seals

I'll compress the forks or the shock and look for fluid on the tubes so if you

have a leaky seal it'll be pretty evident next up is the brake pads and

rotors for the pads you just want to make sure there's sufficient material

left over looks like these ones are getting down

there but still some life left on the rotor I'll run my finger from the

mounting surface to the braking surface and if there's a lip there that means

the rotor has some wear most rotors have a minimum thickness stamped on it this

one is three point five mil so you can just go ahead and measure the rotor and

see if it meets the spec also a great idea to check over your sprockets you

want to look for bent or hooked out teeth and the last thing you want to

make sure you have a clean and oiled air filter as you can see I'm running a

filter skin big fan of them they work really well to make it easy on you guys

I'll link all the tools and supplies they use throughout the video down below

if you would like to see more videos like this hit the subscribe button down

below and next to it there's a little bell click

that you'd be notified every time I post a new video thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Fixing Up My CR125 Two Stroke! - Duration: 18:54.


Grooming Time for my Fox - Duration: 2:23.

VasiLisa, do you mind?

I'm just not comfortable do this alone =)

Foxes are beautiful

I think you're ready :)

For more infomation >> Grooming Time for my Fox - Duration: 2:23.


Minecraft BatIM Song: BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE "Can I Get An Amen" Music Video - Duration: 4:00.

He comes out of the shadows, To offer me his blessings.

Emerging from the darkness.

I pray you hear me, Bendy.

I hope you've come to save me, From this corrupted body.

I've done so much to please you.

Please do the same for me.

I'm your disciple, you know that's true.

Look at everything I've done for you.

You're here and there, and everywhere.

My love and sacrifice I've shared.

Can I get an amen?

Can I get an amen?

These pipes, they flow together.

These pipes, they flow forever and ever.

The cogs and gears are turning, So that you may live here, Bendy.

The plans of this "silly vision" Have come into fruition.

But you've written your own story, And it's like nothing I've ever seen.

I've orchestrated music for the episodes, Of this sick and twisted little children's


Now I see you everywhere.

Sacrifice is all I've shared.

Can I get an amen?

Quake in fear, for he is near, Waiting for you to take a step in here.

If you run, you cannot hide.

You're in danger, the moment you arrive.

Why not relax?

Come on, have some soup.

It's probably gonna be the last thing you do.

If you really don't wanna die.

Keep on running for your life.

I'm your disciple, don't you know that's true?

Look at everything I've done for you.

You're here and there, and everywhere.

My love is all I've shared.

Can I get an amen?

For more infomation >> Minecraft BatIM Song: BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE "Can I Get An Amen" Music Video - Duration: 4:00.


5 Ways To Sound AMAZING On A Blues [Blues Bass Lesson - Improv] - Duration: 13:15.

Ever tried playing over a blues only to find you just don't sound very good?

If you have, I've got 5 ways you can make your playing over a blues sound infinitely


Hi, I'm Luke McIntosh from and by the end of this lesson, you'll be

able to break through any barriers in your playing when it comes to the blues progression

and you'll have a ton of new ideas to take your blues playing to the next level.

[Video Intro]

Today's video actually comes from a question that a viewer named Conan left on another

one of my lessons.

The question basically boiled down to wanting to know how to approach playing over blues


Which scales should you use where and all that sort of thing.

I laid out my answer in the comments of that other video, but I wanted to share it with

you as well with examples and all that sort of thing.

I gave Conan 5 approaches and I want to share them all with you.

The first 3 I want to give you are kind of intellectual approaches, and the final 2 are

more organic - they work more by feel than anything else.

Approach #1 is the go-to for hordes of people when they start playing over a blues.

It's the simple blues scale.

If you don't know the blues scale yet, it's super simple.

In the key of F it's F, Ab, Bb, B natural, C, Eb and F up the top.

It looks like this and hears what it sounds like.

[plays blues scale] Now, you CAN play this over the whole blues progression and if you

decided to do that, it might sound like this.

[plays bass over track] It's just one sound over the whole 12-bar form.

There are 2 drawbacks of just using the blues scale though.

Firstly, it can get very boring pretty quickly.

Without other sounds to break up the monotony you run the risk of just putting everyone

to sleep.

The other drawback is you have to handle it very carefully.

Not all notes of the blues scale are created equal.

In fact, I created a whole video about this exact thing you can check out below.

So if the blues scale gets old pretty quickly, what do you play to break it up?

Well, you can use the scales that go with each individual chord and play through with


If we grab up our blues progression - this is a 2-5-1 blues rather than a 5-4-1 blues

because that was what Conan asked about in his original question.

If we were going to assign scales to each of these chords we'd play F Mixolydian over

the F7 chords, Bb Mixolydian over the Bb7 chords, then G Dorian over the Gm7 and C Mixolydian

over the C7 chord.

Really, you can get away with learning 2 shapes and you're all set.

The Mixolydian shape looks like this up here and sounds like this.

[plays scale] As long as your middle finger is on the root of the chord, you can plug

this shape in and it's going to work.

The Dorian shape looks like this and sounds like this.

[plays scale] So if you know these shapes, you can use them to play over the blues.

Let's get the track back.

F Mixolydian.

Bb Mixolydian.

Back to F Mixolydian.

Now the G Dorian, then C Mixolydian, and finally back to F Mixolydian.

Do you see how that works?

Now if you aren't super familiar with these modes, but want to learn all about them - how

to use them, where to use them, then I've got the perfect thing for you.

It's called the Ultimate Guide To The Modes For Bass and you can download it for free


Just click the first link in the description, sign up on that page and I'll send it straight

to your inbox.

You'll never have to struggle with the modes again and they'll really open up a ton of

doors to your playing.

I can't recommend it enough so go ahead and download it.

Now the idea of playing specific scales over specific chord types is the kind of thing

you learn in music schools and all that.

It's a great way of thinking about how to get through different progressions and all

that, but the big drawback of using this method is that if you're not that experienced with

them, it's possible that you'll sound really 'academic' like you're just playing


Don't worry though - everyone goes through this at some point.

It's totally normal.

Just keep practicing and see if you can start using some of these other approaches as well.


Approach #3 is using what's called 'guide tones' to get through the blues progression.

For this approach you create a kind of skeleton map to guide you through the chord changes.

Now you can make a guide tone line with any of the notes that make up the chords, but

a really strong place to start is by using the 3rds and 7ths of the chords.

Why the 3rds and 7ths?

It's because these notes are the ones that define the quality of the chords we're using!

Our goal with these lines is to have smooth transitions between each of the chords in

the progression.

That means we'll rarely move by more than a whole step and sometimes we'll even stay

on the same note for multiple chords.

Let's make up a guide tone line now.

Here we have all the chords from the song in the order they appear.

Let's start on the 3rd of the first chord, the A of the F7 chord.

Next we want to smoothly connect one chord to the next so what's the note in the next

chord that's closest to that A?

We actually have 2 options that are really close.

The Bb is a half-step above the A, but we also have the Ab - the 7th of the Bb7 chord

- which is a half-step BELOW the A. For us, let's use the Ab because like I just said,

the 3rds and 7ths are usually the strongest guide tone lines.

When you go back to the F7 chord, you'd obviously go back to the A natural, right?

So we're on the A - what's the closest note to A in the next chord - our Gm7?

This time we WILL use that Bb; not just because it's the closest, but because now the Bb

is the 3rd of the chord.

We'll stay on the Bb for the C7 chord - the 7th and finally back to the A on our F7 chord.

See how we have this map now?

We can use this to create lines and melodies that we know are going to work with the chords

and outline them because they use either 3rds or 7ths on every chord.

If you make the change from one guide tone to the next AS the chord changes, you'll

hear that you've outlined the change with a single note.

That might sound something like this.

[plays track] The bits in between the guide tones, you can just use the notes from approach

#2 - they'll work super well.

The trick with this approach is making sure you nail the change between the chords as

the change happens.

If you can do this, you'll be off to the races!

Try to make some more guide tone lines - and a quick tip, there's another great one that

starts on the 7th of the 1st chord.

For approach number 4 we're going completely counterintuitive.

Most people think when they need to play over chord changes that they need to know every

scale, every arpeggio, every minute detail.

Haha - we've even just gone through 3 approaches where that's all we talked about!

Now sure, knowing that stuff is a huge help, but is it essential?

Eh - not really.

There are plenty of great players who don't know their major scales from their minor scales.

They just play what they hear in their mind!

That's Approach #4.

Forget the scales and modes and use your voice to figure out what to play.

This is probably the most organic way of doing things because you're not thinking that

much - you're relying on your feelings and your gut.

With this approach, you put on the track you're trying to play and record yourself singing

some lines.

Then you listen back to it and try to figure out what you played.

If you like it, then great!

If not, go back and try again.

So if I try that with this practice track here it might look like this.

[plays track] I'll get my first note, then I'll try to sing something and then play

that exact phrase back.

[sings line, then plays] Haha!

This is actually a ton of fun!

If you're just starting out, record yourself SINGING the lines - without even thinking

about your bass, then listen to the recording and try to figure out what you sang and transfer

the ideas to your bass.

The more you do it, the quicker the process will get until you can have an idea and it

comes out of your bass automatically.

Try not to be too critical of yourself during this process though - it's super easy to get

down on yourself if it takes longer than you'd like.

I actually talk about this process in more depth in another video of mine and I'll

put the link below this lesson.

The final approach, Approach number 5 is also a ton of fun.

You simply learn what other people play over the same progression.

Once again, this is another really organic process you can go through.

Put on a recording, listen to what people are doing over a blues and try to replicate

it on your bass.

Doing this will help you absorb the language of the music and you may find that the people

on the recording are using some of the approaches I've already told you about.

You don't just have to listen to other bass players either - steal ideas from all other

instruments as well.

You might have trouble finding a bass solo over an F blues, but can you find thousands

of incredible recordings of guitar players playing over a blues?


What about saxophone players?


Keyboard players!

For sure!

If you want specific recommendations for who to transcribe, check out any of the John Mayer

trio recordings - John Mayer is a pretty serious blues guitarist.

Steal his licks!

If you want to go back further, you can check out the things that John Mayer obviously checked

out - guys like B.B. King and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

If you want to go back further, check out Cannonball Adderley.

He was a saxophone player who was bluesy as hell!

Check out Oscar Peterson and steal some ideas from him!

Now it doesn't really matter if it's not in the key you're looking for - what you

want to do is absorb the language.

If you do that, then you'll be able to PLAY that language in any key you like!

If you ever feel like you're just playing the same old things over and over, the best

way to inject some new ideas into your playing is by absorbing some new ideas from other


These 5 approaches should be a good place to get you started and I recommend giving

all of them a try!

If you only ever do one, your playing will be dull and predictable, but if you mix and

blend all of these approaches, you'll see your playing really come to life.

It'll be more exciting, more dynamic and you'll a better bass player for it!

Make sure to click the first link in the description to get the free Ultimate Guide To The Modes

For Bass - it can be a real game-changer for you.

To recap really quickly though, you learned 5 separate approaches to tackling the blues.

You learned about the blues scale firstly, then we talked about playing individual scales

for each chord.

Approach #3 was to create guide tone lines to find your way through the progression and

approach #4 was to create your own ideas by singing them and then figure out what you

sang and transfer those ideas to your bass.

Finally we talked about transcribing other people's ideas and absorbing their language.

Thanks so much for watching - I hope this has been super helpful for you.

I'm Luke McIntosh from and I'll talk to you soon.

Have a good one!

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To Sound AMAZING On A Blues [Blues Bass Lesson - Improv] - Duration: 13:15.


"How He Smashes His Adversities and Breaks Through The Glass Ceiling." | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> "How He Smashes His Adversities and Breaks Through The Glass Ceiling." | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 5:34.


Now That's A Gold Find! - Duration: 18:26.

I was on my way to a different location...

...but something told me to stop here.

Nice birds this time.

Let me reset my GPS.

First target.

I apologize for the camera angle.

It's a (wind protection) cap from an old smoking pipe.


There is something else.

It sounds like a tiny object on the surface.

It's too small for this pinpointer.

One last attempt.

No, it's too small.



It's a 14K gold pendant.

The bird is applauding.


There are tiny roots inside.

It has a nice looking stone.

A beautiful find.

I will show you at the end how it looks like and how I cleaned it...

For now I will just keep it moist...

It feels heavy.

I really can't believe that I found it.

It came very unexpected.

But that's the beauty about metal detecting.

This pendant could have been found with any metal detector.

Even with a pinpointer.


Just to be 110% sure.

Remains from the last war.

I have a very strong pollen allergy today.

I can hardly see, my nose is running.

My shoes are yellow, covered with pollen.

The usual trash.

With the edge of the coil.

It got stuck to my digger.

It's a button.

Hollow inside.

It's no joy, it is getting worse.

A small musket ball.

A big piece of foil.

Small iron.

Foil again.

I wonder if the pendant was attached to a gold chain...

A fly...

And if it's still out here...

In this case I will have to buy Minelab's Equinox...

A pull tab.


Oh no again...

I turn bottles with the sharp edge to the bottom.

That way animals don't step on it.

A piece of lead.

Rabies vaccine... again.

I'm finished at this point.

It also starts raining.

I'm getting out of here!

Trash. Detecting time: 26 min

Musket balls.

The button.

Wind cap from a smoking pipe.

The gold.

I will show you some of the cleaning stages.

The roots went trough the holes.

I'm not touching the gold.

The stone is in perfect shape.

A small root.

There it is again :).

"585FB" stamp (14K) ~7g.

For more infomation >> Now That's A Gold Find! - Duration: 18:26.


ODD SQUAD | Odd Squad Cut Backs | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:04.

First we saved the ten dollars from Ms. O's juice.

[Otis] Then I got ten dollars from Owen,

which brings us to 20 dollars.

I got eight dollars from Ocean...

And I got twelve more from Oona.

Eight plus twelve. That's twenty more dollars.

That gets us up to forty.

Oh, I also visited the mailroom,

the IT department, and the cafeteria.

Saved another ten dollars altogether.

How'd you have tim--

I don't talk much.


Add another 10 dollars, that gets us to 50 dollars.

But we still have 10, 20, 30, 40,

50 dollars to save to stay under-budget.

Good news-- We were out getting our second lunch

and we saw that Lobster To Go is hiring...

In case you need jobs

when headquarters gets shut down in five minutes.

Otis, what're we gonna do?

We've been to every department.

Wait, who's that?

I know her...

Hey, I'm Olympia. We met once. We did a thing.

You're Olo, right?


What do you do here?

I work in the glue department,

and I'm the head of the glue department.

I think I'm also the assistant deputy commissioner...?

Olo, we need to save a bunch of money to keep Odd Squad open.

How much money do you use on glue?

Fifty dollars a month.


Hey, that's exactly the amount of money we need to save!

Can we get you to give up your glue

just this once to save headquarters?



I was just about to buy a lot more glue

and do a lot more gluing,

but I won't.


You are an Odd Squad hero!


[Olympia] That's 50 dollars from that fine gentlewoman,

and 50 plus 50 equals 100.

Otis, we did it!

We got everybody to help and save 100 dollars.

We're on-budget!

For more infomation >> ODD SQUAD | Odd Squad Cut Backs | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:04.


Hunting A Bank Sealed Box of Nickels! - Duration: 4:42.

I'm pretty happy got a couple of boxes of nickels to go through today

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds Treasure and like I just told you I'm

pretty dang excited I had gone almost a month without hunting Nichols and I was

getting a little upset with myself because I was missing them a lot anyway

I posted that video a few days ago and I was really happy that I had gone through

some nickels but I didn't get a lot of good finds so I didn't get my fix in so I said

you know what screw this I'm getting two boxes just in case one is not

circulated I needed two these look very very new these could be uncirculated

nickels who knows we're gonna choose the one on the right hopefully I didn't

choose wrong but let's get this first box open and see if A we've got some

uncirculated coins or we actually have something to go through and then B if we

ask them to go through and let's go through them and see what we get if I

can open this up yep all right here we go

moment of truth it looks pretty circulated to me cuz uh those aren't new

ones all right man it seems like I'm always short a couple of nickel rolls

but they're always hidden in there so I'm gonna assume I have them all I'm not

gonna pull them out I'm not gonna check in theirs we're gonna check enders as

we go with that being said let's get to hunting all right guys it's been a

little while we're on roll 13 I got my first 40s find here 1946 Philadelphia it's

kind of chipped up there so not in the greatest shape warm pretty bad we'll

pull it out anyway I am pulling out all the 40s and 50s as you know we do have

three or four 50s I'm sorry 52 54 56 and the 57 also got a couple of 2009 low

mint coins to pulled out and then a couple of really beautiful satin

finished coins here in 81 and a 97 but you know I'm only pull them out because

they'll definitely upgrade in a book for sure they look really sharp let's get

back to the hunt all right guys roll number 15 got another 40s coin here 1940

on the nose and it appears to be an S

it is 1940s we'll take it that's our second coin in the 40s for in the 50s we

roll 24 guys we've got another 40s coin here and it's a 1940. 1940 d so we got

that 40 s now now we got that 40 D we'll take it let's keep looking

roll 26 guys and I see it peeking out right here

it's a 1947 Denver we'll take it that's four from the 40s 8 from the 50s all

right guys roll 39 got ourselves a nice 47 Philadelphia it's now 5 from the 40s

and 11 from the 50s starting to heat up all right everyone he finished that

nickel hunt and you know what wasn't a lot of grape vines in there but let me

tell you what we did find we did find 6 2009 can't get mad at that look at this

21 coins in the 50s 52, 54 54 54 54 55 3 56s two 57's 3 58's this whole bottom

row is all 59's 7 of them we got coins in the 40s two are 1940 a 46

and two 47's and then I even pulled out some coins that I consider that these

are keepers an 80 couple of 81's one's got a satin finish as you can see

a 97 with a satin finish the 1990 a couple of 89 s that are just beautiful

and then this Buffalo 2005 Lewis and Clark Buffalo one is pretty dang

brilliant it's got a little dirt on top they're kind of like my fingers but we

kept it as well now it's time to go wash my hands get the discards back in the

box and put those into the collections hope you enjoyed the home with me guys

if you did please give the video a thumbs up

and as always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Hunting A Bank Sealed Box of Nickels! - Duration: 4:42.


6 Obvious Signs He Just Wants To Sleep With You | Identify The Guys Who Only want to Hook Up - Duration: 3:37.

No matter how much you try to be his soulmate, some men will only want to take you to bed.

You can be the nicest person in the world and be his perfect soul mate, but when he

is thinking with his other head, all he sees is a challenge.

So how do you find out if he is only interested in getting in bed with you?

Can you ask him directly?

So, here are 15 signs he just wants to sleep with you so that you can be weary and hopefully

find a man whose efforts are for the long run.

1 - He always mentions watching a movie when trying to make plans:

If he takes you to a film theater, then he is probably a really great man that's ready

to wait till you feel comfortable to have sexual intercourse.

If he just wants sex, he'll definitely prefer to see something in his location and will

not wish to visit the theater.

If you invite him to watch a film and hang out, you can be sure that he's coming with

a pocket filled with condoms .

2 - He compliments you TOO much: Though It's great when someone enjoys your

physical appearance appreciate your look, you would like to be adored and loved for

your internal qualities also.

Guys that are focused on getting sex with you, will explain to you how good your hair

looks or sexy your ass looks in that gown.

Be cautious of guys who become over-familiar together with you until you have had a opportunity

to develop a romantic relationship together over time.

3 - He tries to get you to drink with him He simply wants to make you drunk.

Men understand that women can be more easily persuaded to take regretful decisions using

a bit of assistance from alcohol.

If he intentionally would like you to drink more, there is a excellent chance he is hoping

you are going to get at a frisky mood.

If he is having a home party, there is an opportunity he simply needs people to come

hang out, but if he texts you specifically and asked you to come, then there is good

chance that he just hopes to get in bed with you.

4 - He's not interested in you as a person: Guys who want to get laid don't really want

to know you as a person.

They really just want to ask superficial questions and cut to the chase.

So, if you notice they are asking "bare minimum" questions, he probably just wants

to get laid.

A good man who wants something deeper is always going to have a weak spot for a woman who

is excited to be alive and passionate about her interests.

5 - Turn any conversations into sexual jokes If he mentions sex to you often, then he's

telling you something.

He's got one thing on his mind every time he talks to you.

Men are relatively simple creatures, so don't be surprised if you start seeing a pattern

with these signs.

Let him get a chance to know you.

He might find something about you that makes him realize he likes you for more than just

your looks.

6 - Dates are never in public places.

Men who are interested in getting to know you - want to be out in public, doing things

with you, whether it's going to a gallery opening or a chic new restaurant for a romantic


Men who are only interested in sex don't want to invest time or money in developing

a relationship with you.

Their idea of a date is on a couch in front of the TV.

They will come up with all of the excuses in the world not to take you to a nice dinner,

usually along the lines of "I just want it to be us", and it's usually a lie.

Do you want to add any other points?

Don't forget to comment below.

Hit the like button and subscribe if you want to find this video beneficial.

As for always, stay happy, stay healthy and stay with SMOOSIE.

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