Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 14 2018

Welcome, all of you, to a new episode of Hackwise!

Today we're doing something different:

We have a special guest here,


Jaime: Well, hi, everyone!

My name is Jaime Restrepo,

I am devoted to the world of infosec,

as well as lending my services in security,

digital forensic analysis and also

training others in these fields.

César: The aim of this video is, evidently,

for you wisers to know a bit about people specialized in

infosec, dedicated to this.

And today we have an interesting format,

because we're going to try both mexican and colombian candy!

Jaime: Well, let's start with the traditional stuff.

For example, this one, very similar to milk caramel.

It's called "cortado", this comes from Valle del Cauca in Colombia

it's rather similar to milk caramel

but it has pieces of... something like cheese,

they're chunks of milk that curdles in the process

and it's quite delicious, it's something...

I dunno, I don't think you've ever tried it before.

César: It looks like it's in a coconut shell, or eggshell...

César: Something like that, maybe. Jaime: Actually, that container is called "totuma",

Jaime: And that's a fruit whose shell dries up,

and it ends up being like a bowl, it's quite traditional.

César: You know, to me it tastes... For mexicans,

it tastes a bit like cajeta [goat's milk caramel],

But... It has hints of lemon.

César: Tastes great!

César: Perfect, let's continue with mexican confectionery,

César: These are "Obleas",

they're basically wafers with cajeta sandwiched in,

they're scrumptious, they're typical...

César: And well, let's have Jaime try them... Jaime: Putting some flavor into the "body of Christ"!

(both laugh) César: Exactly, because it is a wafer, more or less.

Jaime: This is tasty.

Cajeta is quite different from

what wafers are served with in Colombia, they put...

arequipe [milk caramel], coconut, fruit...

César: How did you get started into infosec?

Jaime: Well, actually, I didn't start into that right away,

I started as... let's say, a lot of...

Possibly, someone who enters this sector, of technology,

through videogames.

Jaime: I had a Nintendo NES, one of my favorite consoles,

And then I started playing with computers.

Jaime: One thing led to another, I started making Messenger apps,

actually some of them are still up in the Internet.

Jaime: Search "Fenix MSN", they're...

the downloads are still up there...

César: Really? Was it, like, a Windows Messenger addon?

Jaime: Something like that. César: I think I used it, once, really!

Jaime: So, I started focusing on Messenger,

developing apps for it, one thing led me to another,

Ehm... I made a website....

Jaime: And, on that website I posted about what I learned.

Jaime: basically sharing information, that's what started to...

to take me to this world,

when I started noticing people shared more than me in the comments,

I said, "it's time to open a forum"...

I opened a forum to give a voice to those people that,

were screaming for it, in a manner of speaking.

Jaime: This one is not very common, possibly

a lot of your subscribers don't even know it yet.

Jaime: This is a magnificient coffee bean...

covered in dark chocolate,

and its peculiarity of this candy is, you must chew it.

Jaime: So the coffee will mix with the chocolate

and the mix is really interesting.

César: That's what I was going to ask you,

because I was a bit afraid to say:

"Should I suck it or chew it?"

(Jaime laughs) César: Sounds a little strange, but well...

Jaime: People would be trolling you in the comments!

César: Whoa...

César: It's strong, the flavor...

César: I mean, the coffee bean is actually, quite strong...

César: Dang, for those coffeee lovers out there,

I think this is amazing, and the chocolate, the combination...

it's really good, truthfully, really good.

César: Let's try a mexican one that I particularly like a lot

we know it as mazapán [marzipan],

César: I understand that, for those that are not from Mexico or Colombia,

it's a ground candy, made out of peanut...

César: That's basically it... Jaime: Maní [peanut], we call it.

César: Oh, maní? Well, maní it is, then!

How do you call it in your location? Leave a comment!

César: We call it "cacahuate", look...

César: This one, personally, I like it a lot.

Jaime: Do you split it, bite it, or how do you...?

César: Oh, you take a piece, and pop it into your mouth.

César: I don't know if it tastes like the ones you've tried, or similar...

Jaime: This one is drier.

César: I dunno if you could talk about your first experience

exploiting a system, accessing a system.

How did it happen?

Jaime: Well, promptly, it wasn't "exploitation",

but taking advantage...

of exposed information.

Jaime: This was when dial-up

was a necessity to connect to the internet.

Jaime: Back then, I didn't have Internet access.

But, I found a set on the trash,

Jaime: a phone line receipt from someone else, César: Trashy!

Jaime: and there was the access information

to connect to the internet.

Jaime: Turns out, it worked. I was able to connect to the internet

with all that it implied, the complaints of the siblings that wanted to use the phone,

they would pick up the phone and the download would be damaged...

Jaime: But worst of all, the neighbors found out

and called the number on the invoice, and I got into trouble.

Jaime: These are "Panelitas" made out of milk caramel.

We call it "arequipe" in Colombia.

César: "Arequipe"... That sounds familiar... Arequipe?

Jaime: Arequipe, it's like milk caramel. César: Isn't it a locality as well?

Jaime: That's "Arequipa" in Peru.

César: Alright, let's... Jaime: They're little blocks...

César: It came apart!

César: They're really good! Jaime: They're delicious, normally they're used

as a side dish for other foods like "mazamorra"...

César: Whoa, I dunno what that is. What's that? Jaime: Corn cooked with milk...

Jaime: It's like Colombian Kellog's...

César: Okay, like cereal? Jaime: Creole cereal, in a way.

César: Well, this is a...

When you try it, let's see if you can tell what it's made of.

Jaime: Right. César: I think it'll be easy, isn't it sold in Colombia too?

Jaime: No, but I've actually been to Mexico many times. César: Ah, perfect.

César: And do you like it, or not at all?

Jaime: It isn't one of my favorites but I don't dislike it either.

Jaime: I know you push it here until some sort of hair comes out...

"Your afternoon without Pelón Pelo Rico..."

"Your afternoon WITH pelón Pelo Rico!"

César: What's your advice for others to enter this world?

How to enter the world of infosec?

Jaime: That's actually a question I'm often asked.

Jaime: Actually, I think I see it every day.

First, be decided. Why? Because once you get involved with infosec,

It's hard to get out of it.

Because it's a world that engulfs you completely,

it's a world that is in constant update,

Jaime: Once you know what you want, do it with all your effort.

What are you going to do? You'll read a lot,

but you'll also complement it with lots of practice

because reading without practicing leaves nothing in your mind,

you simply remember you once spoke

about such technique you read in such book

but since you never put it in practice

when you finally need to make use of it, well

it'll be like you knew nothing at all.

Jaime: Be... not related, but updated; know how to choose your sources.

When I started on this there were very few sources of information,

and now you have, let's call it...

the term is "infoxication",

you're overly saturated with information but you must

be "content curators", you must know well who to follow,

who not to follow so you get quality content.

Jaime: A good account to follow is @DragonJAR on Twitter!

There's the self-advertising.

César: There it is- No, that's perfect! You should follow him!

César: And, I think that...

I'd also link this question: What to study?

Jaime: Thing is, everyone is a world in their own right.

I also studied computational systems and telecommunications,

which is the specialty... Say, the line laid by the university I studied at,

which is Manizales University.

Jaime: Then... I also know a lot of people that did not even graduate college

and they're excellent at infosec, so

one thing is not a requirement for the other. César: Right.

Jaime: But being regular is a requisite,

and again, to put in practice everything you learn.

Jaime: So, fortunately in infosec and in the world of technology in general,

it's rare that you get asked for a degree,

you're judged for what you've done or what you've contributed to the community in general.

Jaime: So, if you don't want to take the university path, that's okay.

If you want to take it that's good as well, since it will

give you a lot of bases, but one thing isn't required for the other.

César: Right, in the end they're just tools and

between not having and having them,

it's better to have all the credentials you can possibly get, right?

Jaime: besides, enrolling in the university also helps give that satisfaction to the parents,

of, "Hey, my son has a degree!", right? César: Right!

César: There's bachelors and engineers.

Jaime: So, if you'd like to give that to your parents, and graduate, do it!

You're not going to waste time because you can combine the knowledge you're imparted

with what you're passionate about

and if they're making you write a program,

you can apply that to something related to infosec

and that way you can practice both things.

Jaime: This is artisanal candy. César: Okay, that one looks real fancy.

César: Like, really elegant.

Jaime: This is a fruit called "Tomate de árbol" [tree tomato] in syrup.

Jaime: Okay, so, try it, if you can eat a whole tomato, the better.

César: In the meantime, while I try to get this out,

why don't you tell us, ehrm...

César: A tale about a security audit, but one that was a big challenge for you,

something that made you say "That was hard, but I made it".

Jaime: Well, not too long ago we had the opportunity of auditing all the infrastructure...

César: I'm sorry, but look, what's this? Look at the size of this!

César: I'm not putting all of that in my mouth! Look!

Jaime: You're going to cut out those phrases, see...

César: Perfect, I kinda sliced it... this looks like a pepper, eh-

César: Hey, this is good!

Jaime: It's really tasty.

Jaime: And it's not that common. César: Nope.

César: But really...

César: I hadn't tried it. I have no idea what it is.

César: I got dirty, everywhere.

César: I'm sorry, Jaime, you were telling us?

Jaime: Not long ago we had the opportunity of auditing smart electrical meters for a whole city -

an island, actually, and it was an interesting challenge,

because not only it has the typical infrastructure

of the servers, the web app that carried out the logistics,

but also we had to interact with different protocols, with hardware,

and with the operators in charge of

manipulating the electrical posts,

they climbed on them to carry out tests, so it was really interesting

and it was on a paradisiacal island in Colombia...

the whole project was really nice.

Jaime: We learned a lot, there.

César: Something kinda exotic, in an island... Jaime: In an island, yeah.

César: Well, you got to have free vacations there- Actually, what vacations, you were quite busy!

Jaime: What if I told you we didn't go to the beach at all? César: No!

Jaime: Actually, we were at the electrical plant,

where we had to work, obviously well equipped with helmets and

complying with all the normatives of that kind... César: Safety...

Jaime: That kind of situations. It was far away from the tourist area, so

a company transport picked us up early

to take us to the power plant and returned us late

to the hotel, so it wasn't quite vacations, but something interesting that...

Jaime: We learned a lot from. César: More or less how much time

César: did you spend at the plant auditing? How many hours a day were you there?

Jaime: We... It depends on the needs, more often than not,

it isn't a common situation but it's happened to us, when working with the government,

where there are due dates to meet

and projects planned for three months have been thrown at us that we've done in 15 days.

Jaime: So, those times we had 10-15 hour work days

and, we needed many people working on the project at the same time.

Jaime: Actually, that was on a hospital, and as a weird fact

I ended up checked into the hospital... César: No, hahahah!

Jaime: Due to the... César: The stress, the work...

Jaime: Yeah, I suffered tachycardia and since I was there already I was taken to the ER

and they hooked me up to an IV solution,

it didn't get worse but... I was gonna audit the hospital and I ended up being "audited".

"I was gonna audit the hospital and I ended up being audited." --DragonJar 2018

César: That's a good catchphrase, you know?

César: See, Wisers? it ain't easy, it's fun but it isn't easy.

César: Let's continue with a mexican candy,

this is the famous Pulparindo...

César: Made with tamarind... Jaime: It's an acquired taste, right?

Jaime: Because I took some of these to Colombia and

Jaime: only a few people liked it. César: See, many foreigners, mainly americans,

don't like it, because they find it a bit spicy.

And sometimes they wonder: "Why is all mexican candy spicy?"

César: "They make everything spicy!" Jaime: But that's true!

Jaime: This is called Super Coco, it's coconut nougat...

Jaime: It is the famous "tumbadientes" [tooth knocker]

Jaime: Us Colombians know many kids have lost teeth César: "Tumbadientes"... Nooo...

Jaime: chewing this...

César: I was gonna ask you, "Why 'tumbadientes'?", right?

César: I mean... Jaime: Yeah, because it's really tough nougat

Jaime: so, when chewing it it sticks to your teeth,

if you have a loose tooth it sticks to the nougat.

Jaime: Try it.

César: Let's try the "Super Coco"...

César: Perfect...

César: It's nougat, okay, dang it looks... quite...

tough... Lesse...

César: Agh! Okay, no... It knocked a tooth off, too!

Jaime: It's one of the most delicious.

César: Tastes like coconut. Right?

Jaime: That's why it's called Super Coco.

César: Okay, I see!

César: "Hey, tastes like coconut, I wonder why!" Because it's made of coconut!

César: Okay, everyone knows it's coconut, perfect...

César: It's good! Jaime, why don't you tell us, according to your perspective:

What do you consider a hacker must have?

Jaime: Thing is, making a recipe of what a hacker should be is quite hard.

César: Sure. Jaime: Because there are many paths they can take.

Jaime: If we resume it on a phrase like,

"Hunger for knowledge", that would sum it up.

Jaime: Because no matter which path you take, if you'll do forensics, if you'll do...

If you are a creator of exploits, a tester...

Jaime: Even if you'll be a teacher,

everything requires you to be hungry for knowledge.

Jaime: Actually, what's that you say?

"If this reaches so many likes, we'll repeat this event"?

César: If this reaches... 10,000 likes, we'll do a part two of this video with DragonJAR in Colombia!

César: I've put my neck into the noose because 10,000 likes are easily reachable... Alright!

Jaime: There's another kind of candy you cannot miss out on.

César: No, that's alright, go ahead. Jaime: This is milk caramel, but...

this arequipe in particular has coffee in it.

Jaime: So aside from being your typical arequipe,

it also tastes like coffee.

César: I insist, your candy is all fancy, they're high class, I mean,

this looks like one of those capsules you use to brew coffee, that you stick into the machine and pssshhh...

César: It's really pretty... "Arequipe con café"... Let's try it.

Jaime: That company- César: HEY IT TASTES LIKE COFFEE!

César: It has coffee! Jaime: "And it tastes like cajeta!"

Jaime: Actually, any foreigners that would like to have nice coffee and don't want to

limit themselves only to Juan Valdéz, Café Quindio is a really nice brand,

Lucaffé is a good brand too.

Jaime: They're not as known as Juan Valdéz, but they make great coffee.

César: Whoa!

César: This is REALLY good! Jaime: Oh, so everything else wasn't?

César: I liked everything, but this really caught my attention.

César: You know what I like about this? It's kind of like custard, like...

César: It's soft, really soft, and it's easy to eat.

Jaime: Well, we'll leave the money story started, right?

Jaime: Sometimes, mistakes cost money.

César: That's true! Jaime: It happened to us.

Jaime: In one audit, that...

Jaime: We took a machine there, one of the tips I always give is

don't use your personal computer as a work computer,

So, we took a computer and it wasn't enough, resource-wise,

Jaime: because we had to keep many sessions active

from different PCs we had cracked at the same time, more than two hundred active sessions,

Jaime: I'll send you a picture so you put it up... César: We'll post it, of course!

Jaime: And, we couldn't keep the sessions up at the same time,

so we had to run out to a hardware store

to buy a computer just for that process.

César: Well, I think we're saying farewell on this video now,

but first tell us about your social media accounts, pages, projects, where to follow you,

César: Where to see you... Jaime: They're a lot, from Twitter: @DragonJAR

to mention the media we're most active on, and have the most followers.

Jaime: Instagram, Dragon.JAR, relatively new account, I was forced to create it

by popular vote...

Jaime: On Facebook, you can find us as Comunidad DragonJAR

Jaime: And on Youtube there's

Jaime: Enjoy it...

César: Perfect, Jaime; well, Wisers I hope you liked this video,

if you liked it leave a comment and a like,

César: Also let me know if you'd like us t ocontinue making this kind of videos,

maybe, mention who you'd like us to invite to see if we can make it

a reality. Jaime, thanks a lot for coming and being part of this video,

César: The first Hacker security consultant that visits us from Colombia in Guadalajara,

César: And well, thanks everyone for watching, see you next time, goodbye!

Jaime: So you can make it to 10,000 likes just like that? César: Yep, I think I'm done for.

César: Now we're gonna have to go to Colombia... Again Jaime: Again.

For more infomation >> Platicas con un Hacker - DragonJAR 🇨🇴 - Duration: 19:59.


Cambray Potatoes with Garlic and Cheese - Duration: 0:56.

We put a deep pot in the fire.

We add the oil and let it heat up.

We add the garlic.

Let fry for a period of 5 minutes.

We add the tree chile.

We add the potatoes.

Let fry for a period of 10 minutes. Moving constantly.

We add salt.

We add pepper.

We integrate.

Let fry for 10 more minutes. Moving constantly.

We remove from the fire and serve.

We add mozzarella cheese.

Ready! Bon Appetite.

For more infomation >> Cambray Potatoes with Garlic and Cheese - Duration: 0:56.


Los migrantes de la caravana buscan desesperadamente llegar a la frontera con EEUU - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Los migrantes de la caravana buscan desesperadamente llegar a la frontera con EEUU - Duration: 2:24.


Letizia y Lourdes Montes, encuentro de estilo en Sevilla - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Letizia y Lourdes Montes, encuentro de estilo en Sevilla - Duration: 4:42.


Las posibles alineaciones del FC Barcelona-Valencia (LaLiga J32) - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Las posibles alineaciones del FC Barcelona-Valencia (LaLiga J32) - Duration: 4:26.


Neymar podría elegir su destino si el PSG se queda sin Champions - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Neymar podría elegir su destino si el PSG se queda sin Champions - Duration: 4:32.


Barça-Valencia: Duelo grande por LaLiga para olvidar una gran decepción - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Barça-Valencia: Duelo grande por LaLiga para olvidar una gran decepción - Duration: 3:50.


FIT FORNES Seis hábitos diarios fáciles que reducirán 50% su riesgo de cáncer colorrectal - Duration: 4:49.

Six easy daily habits that will reduce your risk of colorectal cancer by half

Wednesday, April 11, 2018 by: Zoey Sky

People of all ages dread getting a diagnosis proclaiming that they may have cancer.

But did you know that while colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the U.S.,

it's also one of the most preventable?

According to experts at the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR), Americans can prevent

colorectal cancer by changing their diets, exercising regularly, and managing their weight.

Alice Bender, AICR's Head of Nutrition Programs, said, "By making a few changes in what you

eat and drink, and getting at least 30 minutes of activity in every day, you have the power

to significantly lower your risk of developing colorectal cancer."

She added that adopting these lifestyle changes and trying to maintain a healthy weight can

help prevent a whopping 63,000 cases in the U.S. yearly.

How to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer Bender listed six evidence-based steps to

reduce your risk of this cancer:

Drink alcohol moderately – Research shows that drinking alcohol can increase colorectal

cancer risk in men.

It may also increase the risk among women.

Try to limit alcohol to two standard drinks daily for men and one for women.

A standard drink is 12 ounces (oz) of beer, 1.5 oz of liquor, and 5 oz of wine.

Eat a lot of fiber – Eating foods rich in fiber can lower your risk of colorectal cancer.

Every 10 g of fiber, or about a cup of beans, reduces colorectal cancer risk by 10 percent.

Eat less red meat and avoid processed meat – Regularly eating a lot of red meat, even

small amounts of processed meat, can increase colorectal cancer risk.

Skip the bacon, hot dogs, and sausages.

Eat some fresh roasted chicken breast, hummus, or peanut butter sandwiches instead.

Eat more garlic – Eating garlic regularly can help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

because it is full of health-promoting ingredients Maintain a healthy weight and try to eliminate

belly fat – Research revealed that excess body fat is connected to an increased risk

of colorectal cancer and ten other cancers.

Having too much belly fat, even if you're not overweight, is still a risk factor for

colorectal cancer.

To get rid of belly fat, be more portion-size savvy.

Eat more colorful vegetables, and limit your intake of calorie-rich foods like meats and


Eat small portions of desserts and sweets two or three times weekly.

Try to exercise regularly – If you don't have time to go to the gym, moderate physical

activity like housecleaning or running, can also help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Spend at least 10 minutes every day exercising or take several breaks from work, then gradually

increase this to 30 minutes.

Foods that can help prevent colorectal cancer Try to eat more of the foods below to lower

your risk of colorectal cancer:

Brightly colored fruits and vegetables – Colorful fruits, herbs, spices, and vegetables are

rich in antioxidants.

Sources include avocado, blueberries, cranberries, oregano, pomegranates, red cabbage, red and

purple grapes, spinach, tomato, and turmeric.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids – Following a diet full of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty

acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can lower your risk of colorectal


Sources include cold water fish like cod, mackerel, salmon, and sardines, along with

flax oil.

Olive oil – Olive oil has plant chemicals with anti-cancer properties.

It also reduces bile acid and increases enzymes that control cell turnover in the lining of

the intestines which promotes healthy tissue.

Olive oil also contains phenols which are plant compounds that have a cancer-protective

antioxidant effect.

Spices and herbs – Spices like garlic, ginger, peppermint, rosemary, sage, spearmint, thyme,

and turmeric can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES Seis hábitos diarios fáciles que reducirán 50% su riesgo de cáncer colorrectal - Duration: 4:49.


Cách trị viêm họng tại nhà hiệu quả nhanh chóng tức thì bằng cây mạch môn | Chữa bệnh bằng thuốc nam - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Cách trị viêm họng tại nhà hiệu quả nhanh chóng tức thì bằng cây mạch môn | Chữa bệnh bằng thuốc nam - Duration: 3:47.


La hija de Blake Lively y Ryan Reynolds triunfa en Instagram incluso cuando no sale en la foto - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> La hija de Blake Lively y Ryan Reynolds triunfa en Instagram incluso cuando no sale en la foto - Duration: 1:30.


Sálvame: Alonso Guerrero y su libro sobre Letizia - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Sálvame: Alonso Guerrero y su libro sobre Letizia - Duration: 4:11.


Los Obama también nos desean feliz Navidad - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Los Obama también nos desean feliz Navidad - Duration: 2:42.


Día Internacional del Beso: ¿por qué se celebra hoy? - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Día Internacional del Beso: ¿por qué se celebra hoy? - Duration: 7:20.


Dile adios a los looks aburridos para ir a la oficina - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Dile adios a los looks aburridos para ir a la oficina - Duration: 10:28.


Como instalar steam en tu PC - #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 3:21.

hello like hungry brothers how are they let's continue with the steam series

in today I am going to teach you how to install the steam program to open it

easily every time you turn on your computer I have a couple more videos

about steam that can appear to you in the upper right part in some

tabs where you can learn more about how to use it and certain

curiosities of which spoken is totally easy you put in install in

the top part install steam and it says we welcome you to sting the

entertainment platform by excellence

then here you will get a picture of green color that says install steam

now we puncture this serves for mac linux everything and here I will come out that this

file type can damage your computer that is something normal we will appear

when sometimes we have an antivirus like for example that of the base but it is

totally simple you put on download nothing happens super download

fast as you see here and we're going to put in show the folder now I'm going to

drag to the desktop to can use it this is simply the

installer or the perfect set-up now As we already have the installer, we are going to

run as administrator and this is going to send us a picture

dialog box that says welcome to installation assistance of this

then you put it on next in accept the license agreement that you have

more than 13 years you put in following Here you can choose the language to download

Spanish by default install good here we are simply going to choose where

you want the program to be installed I have it installed but it will put it in

examine and here you can already choose in which site then I will leave it such and

how can you install it now? we hope we wait a moment until

is installed automatically it's going to appear the shortcut in the

I'm not going to execute the desktop this I'm going to leave here here to finish

and here I already have my style will be able to open here as they realize it is already

list the platform sting in your computer is she be ready the

program so you can access you just put the account very

important the password you put in login and you prefer you can

crush on keeping the session open and this box will appear

automatically when and when you learn your computer and here we have the

library that is very important the profile and from here we can see all

the new news that this I want to take the video to send you

greetings to solar a david bravo mail sarita

josean chávez ricardo blasco jones high Fred Mixon and that's all but pockets

I hope to see you in the next video like if you like comment if you have

some doubt about this remember activate the bell to be able to receive

more of this type of content and see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Como instalar steam en tu PC - #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 3:21.


Si vous utilisez votre téléphone aux toilettes, lisez ceci ! - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> Si vous utilisez votre téléphone aux toilettes, lisez ceci ! - Duration: 9:09.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Midnight Giant didn't see LOTR???? 3D Printing Showcase #MRRF2018 of the Awesome Content Creators - Duration: 9:55.

in California

classrooms your workshop where you want to get more printers

that is sweet what you do that really that the edges

are sharp oh excuse me sir you had heard you had an axe that can deliver some

sort of something or other


saw people 3d printing stuff thought it was interesting so our Barclays and Joel

and I just saw Garrett printing stuff decided one day I'm gonna get a printer

first ant printer was Flo is six Pikachu and that's cool then it printed out the

Master Sword over here someone's designed can't remember who he's on my

mini Factory and then they jump from that like here to MRRF last year printed

out the BFG Kundu because that exact I start up you go small/medium extremely

large that's how everything works right and then this year's design was actually

the Disgaea sword and I just want to match it kind of proud of

do try and design the whole thing myself

yes too heavy too

buzzing Roosevelt mention 13 rolls of filming

for that one that guy around 40

that's including the supports in some failures that much me not so much do you

think I used on him screaming for all of us our owners and I did five cans silver

bane across the thing to fade into just to give it that sharpen liquid

also my crazy design betim smugly

magnetized on the inside I mean at home I literally just have this single wall

and it's the safest spot it's not gonna fall off

so that is with the color fabs bronze and filled it comes on printer

just like that and I'll spend about eight hours polishing it from 100 grit

and I jump up every couple to 2,000 so I'm going from 1 to 223 for 320 and

there's a steady rise of that all the way up to yeah just water on that and

then a little rubbing bump on the edge just to give it just to give it that

nice shine look I love it cuz it's heavier than normal and just gives a

nice feel to the blade itself we start seeing a lot more of these

things coming out soon from Toronto

yeah the color effect on here I accidentally took the wrong can of mist

Oh Liam they accidentally sprayed hammertone on top of it

and then it just gave it that lottery look like to get it this is inspired

from the orcs weapons Lord of the Rings haven't watched it people tell me about

it I have to have time to watch it but I loved how it came out and again it's

simple design hold up yes you just say you do watch Lord of

the Rings I watched all the hobbits can I say what I want to say on this you

can say what you want to what I hear you're at 4 million subscribers 4


yep maybe in time for next Maker Faire maybe they didn't do Barry too far too

far to go I'll do and I can do whatever the [EXPLITIVE] I want conversation just don't

look so goddamn sexy and I want oh yeah I can't I can't turn it off yeah how

gorgeous is this I think we use like a true

in our 17 company over there you go I think Garrett probably like 20 25 hours

of modeling and so just makes contact points on each other

it's a video game it's just it's a nice well actually about money 24:22 bridge

thank you

how much does it weigh how much film

right pretty much pretty much it's typically if you think you sat there

from 300 hours no I walk yep I know exactly that's like it's my

favorite like this when I air my airbrush the

whole purple yeah and then I went back through and hand-painted I mean normally

I would like to like a gradient with the airbrush but where these were such like

tiny areas I didn't want to mask off everything so I just can't painted the

gradient on these

but you wanna tell the difference when it's been airbrushed the solid color

hairbrush likes these things

what are your videos recommended Donovan prison boy

today he's walking play

from years and years the same plugin for this comes out then I go on my original

journal thing was like the word way then prank it's Raider freaking Kim says I'm

bad experience

tomorrow and you being Jolla

similar to do this

a direct replacement

yeah I remember you talking about tweeting about I got this week a little

bit it's got some issues so we're a variable seat I'm assuming was your I

did a name tag with my did it up just like on Wednesday when I had seen oh

he's got his channel and everything on there

go start doing stuff in your chair now just I have been out of time left

For more infomation >> Midnight Giant didn't see LOTR???? 3D Printing Showcase #MRRF2018 of the Awesome Content Creators - Duration: 9:55.


BREAKING: Trump's Lawyer Double Agent? Just Stabbed Him In The Back With What He Gave To FBI. - Duration: 5:33.

BREAKING: Trump's Lawyer Double Agent?

Just Stabbed Him In The Back With What He Gave To FBI.

Conservatives were stunned when the news broke that the FBI had raided the office of President

Trump's personal attorney.

The pretense for this raid was in the context of the ongoing investigation into the 2016

Presidential election, and whether or not there was any interference.

Initially, this investigation was constantly called the "Russia collusion" story, but

much like "global warming" that is now called "global climate change" this too

has transitioned due to the lack of evidence.

Despite over a year of constant investigation, examination and questioning, the Special Counsel

Robert Meuller haven't presented anything that looks like collusion, or influence or

anything that would implicate the Trump campaign.

They have, however, uncovered a few liberal inconsistencies that have caused investigations

into those who insisted that there was Russia collusion, to begin with.

However, as the investigation pivots and moves in another direction, the investigation that

was supposed to look into foreign interference, is now investigating an accusation of infidelity

between President Trump and a famous porn star.

Liberals everywhere seem extremely concerned with this alleged affair that would have taken

places over a decade ago.

That interest led to the raid, and subsequent seizure of documents and possible evidence

from President Trump's personal attorney earlier this week.

The Slot gleefully reports that while this is potentially damaging, because of the personal

files that this attorney no doubt has, it could be even worse, if the attorney has recordings

of the President speaking confidentially, and off the record:

"Donald Trump's associates are reportedly freaking out because his lawyer, Michael Cohen,

may have inadvertently handed the FBI a gold mine of private business and political conversations

he secretly recorded.

In an amazing twist of fate, the recordings that Cohen attempted to use as leverage against

Trump's associates may have come back to haunt all of them, and I, for one, could not

be more amused.

The Washington Post reports that, according to one source, it was Cohen's 'standard

practice' to secretly record business calls.

The source knows this because, apparently, Cohen, a beneficiary of New York's one party

consent laws, played the recordings for top Trump advisors.

Two other sources said he recorded political conversations, too.Though they don't know

where Cohen kept the recordings, Trump's allies are worried that the FBI may have gathered

them when they raided Cohen's office earlier this week.


From the Post:

"Cohen, who served for a decade as a lawyer at the Trump Organization and is a close confidant

of Trump, was known to store the conversations using digital files and then replay them for

colleagues, according to people who have interacted with him.

'We heard he had some proclivity to make tapes,' said one Trump adviser, who spoke

on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation.

'Now we are wondering, who did he tape?

Did he store those someplace where they were actually seized?

. . . Did they find his recordings?'

Investigators were also looking for any records related to adult-film star Stormy Daniels

and ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal, who both received payments after alleged affairs with


In New York, a hearing was scheduled Friday over Cohen's efforts to prevent the government

from using material seized in the raids.

It is unknown whether Cohen taped conversations between himself and Trump.

But two people familiar with Cohen's practices said he recorded both business and political


One associate said Trump knew of Cohen's practice because the attorney would often

play him recordings Cohen had made of his conversations with other top Trump advisers."

"In the event that the FBI did obtain any of the recordings, however, they would by

subject to review by the Justice Department and even a federal judge, who would make sure

that the conversations were relevant to the search warrant and to protect attorney-client

privilege for any non-criminal matters.

As this Nixonian tale unfolds, former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman confirmed to the Post

that in any search for evidence, people being recorded discussing potential crimes they

committed sure does help.

'If you are looking for evidence, you can't do any better than people talking on tape.'

Thanks, Nick!"

Time alone will tell what this investigation will uncover.

The declaration by liberals that if the President has nothing to hide, he should have nothing

to worry about has become somewhat irrelevant at this point.

Attorney-client privilege, just like doctor-patient confidentiality is put in place so that a

person can get the advice of a professional without fear of it being used against them.

Sadly, no matter the fact that the President has declined a salary and done exactly what

he promised while on the campaign trail, he's not offered that same privilege that so many

take for granted.

There's still hope that any judge who is asked to oversee an information dump of this

kind will have the wisdom to protect the personal interest of the President.

Otherwise, the witch hunt could continue indefinitely.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump's Lawyer Double Agent? Just Stabbed Him In The Back With What He Gave To FBI. - Duration: 5:33.


Giải mã bí mật về độ giàu có và chịu chơi của Nữ Đại Gia giàu nhất Việt Nam - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Giải mã bí mật về độ giàu có và chịu chơi của Nữ Đại Gia giàu nhất Việt Nam - Duration: 10:03.


[EngSub] Sanodg's demo and 4 player mode at a club / KORG Gadget for Nintendo Switch - Duration: 5:01.

Joy-Con is wonderful

we couldn't do like this until now

I am just programming now

I'm composing now

Listen to me, everyone

If you want to make EDM

All you have to do is copy


OK paste it

OK listen up everbody

I need a little bit strong drum kit

do you want bass ?

Wait a minute

I am just now turinig this knob

a few people don't understand it

can you see it ?

I am turning it with this Joy-Con

Keep your eyes on it

ok I'll do it again

sounds good !

listen to this!

reverb ! reverb ! (echo)

(turning down each track volume gradually)

4 split screen mode !

come on, come on, join us boys & girls !

time limit mode

you can make all kind of music in only one minute


Push A button

for set your notes


OK Let's play this music

yeah this is great music, right?

thank you everybody!

For more infomation >> [EngSub] Sanodg's demo and 4 player mode at a club / KORG Gadget for Nintendo Switch - Duration: 5:01.


California University Announces Pool Party But Has Special Rule For White Students Who Want To Atte… - Duration: 5:32.

California University Announces Pool Party But Has Special Rule For White Students Who

Want To Attend.

Racism in America has once again taken a huge leap forward with the acceptance of racist


Like many objectionable virus type thinking, if it's not stomped out as soon as it sees

the light of day, it will spread very prolifically.

Unfortunately, movements like Black Lives Matter and other special interest groups have

pushed the narrative, that because their groups faced discrimination in the past, they are

allowed to put that on others now.

Sadly, they've taken that liberty and run with it, because the racism that was once

almost extinguished, is now again flourishing.

While fringe groups inspired by the KKK still exist, they're by in large, just that, a


However, the discrimination against traditionally non-discriminated groups, especially Caucasians,

are on the rise.

There are now even groups that won't allow white people into their events, or centers.

While this might seem like a backward world, where those who so loudly protested racism

are now exercising it, it's not at all a futuristic issue, it is upon us now.

The Claremont Independent reports that a group has gone so far as to proudly post about their

"no whites allowed" parties on social media:

Organized by Scripps's Latinx group "Cafe con Leche", the event was announced via

Facebook under the claim of being the "first ever person of color pool party in Mont".

The three-hour use of Scripps' Sallie Tiernan House Pool is aimed at the creation of "a

safe space for 5C students that identify as POC to come together and build community,"

and will be open to only students identifying as POC attending the Claremont Colleges, a

consortium which also includes Pomona College, Claremont McKenna College, Pitzer College,

and Harvey Mudd College.

The event is set to take place between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM, after the pool's normal

hours of operation.

Cafe con Leche also advertised the event on its own Facebook page, adding in its post

that the pool party will be 'POC ONLYYYY.'

Cafe con Leche is a registered student club at Scripps College.

Its stated goal is to 'provide a forum for the discussion of social, political, and economic

issues that affect women, particularly those of Latinx decent.'

The group also claims to be welcoming of all members of the Scripps College community:

'We welcome all members of the Scripps community regardless of racial and cultural heritage

to join us in this pursuit.'

The event, sanctioned by the college, appears to violate Scripps's anti-discriminatory


The policy reads, 'Scripps College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity, and no differentiation

will be made based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation,

veteran status, or the presence of a disability.'

This event is clearly advertised as a party for individuals that identify as people of

color to the exclusion of white students.

Even if the event is in accordance with Scripps College policy, it may run afoul of federal


Because Scripps College receives federal assistance, it is bound by Title VI of the Civil Rights

Act of 1964.

Title VI states, "Schools and colleges that receive federal funds must operate without

discriminating when it comes to race, color, and national origin."

Educational programs and services that must abide by this law include recreational facilities

such as Sallie Tiernan House Pool.

Consequences for violations of Title VI can include loss of any sort of federal assistance.

It is unclear whether hosting the pool party after regular hours affects the application

of civil rights legislature.

However, one student attending Pomona College told the Independent that he believes the

pool party is exclusive in nature: 'I am white-passing with a diverse friend group,

most of whom were invited to this party except for me.'

'Talking to my friends, I felt as though the hosts of the event had gone through people's

social media profiles to determine their skin color and then explicitly allowed or denied

people admission to the event on the sole basis of their skin color,' he added.

The organizers also posted a link to a form to let those invited notify who the hosts

should keep out of the pool party:

"Here's a link to anonymously let us know of people that would keep this experience

from being a safe and comfortable one."

The event description of the pool party ends with 'It's a great time to enjoy a pool

party by the people and (more importantly) FOR THE PEOPLE!!'

However it's clear that 'for the people' actually means for the people—of the race(s)

the organizers deem acceptable to let into this party.

Anyone with even a casual understanding of history can see that while the names have

been changed, this is an exact repeat of what has happened multiple times in the past.

A race which has fallen from grace is first torn down verbally, then attacked, unsanctioned

by the law, and then the government is infiltrated by the hate mongers and the begin to change

the way the government works to allow the abuse.

If racism is bad, it's bad no matter who it is being perpetrated against.

When we begin to understand that, only then will Dr. Martin Luther King's dream of not

seeing color, become a reality.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> California University Announces Pool Party But Has Special Rule For White Students Who Want To Atte… - Duration: 5:32.


Video Status | Romantic Whatsapp Status | love proposal - Duration: 1:12.

Thank You

For more infomation >> Video Status | Romantic Whatsapp Status | love proposal - Duration: 1:12.


देखे एक बार जो तेरे रूखे ताबा की तरफ़ | Top Sufi Qawwali | Dekhe Ak Baar Jo Tere Rookhe Ki Taraf - Duration: 12:46.

Dekhe Ak Baar Jo Tere Rookhe Taba Ki Taraf

For more infomation >> देखे एक बार जो तेरे रूखे ताबा की तरफ़ | Top Sufi Qawwali | Dekhe Ak Baar Jo Tere Rookhe Ki Taraf - Duration: 12:46.


圍堵中國 川普考慮重返TPP - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 圍堵中國 川普考慮重返TPP - Duration: 4:06.


Famous Attitude Status Video | Kadak Attitude status | Best Attitude Status For Boys - Duration: 0:33.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Famous Attitude Status Video | Kadak Attitude status | Best Attitude Status For Boys - Duration: 0:33.


J.i.d | Kendrick Lamar | Drake...

For more infomation >> J.i.d | Kendrick Lamar | Drake...


3 Baking Basics ~ Quick Room Temp Eggs ~ How To Measure Flour ~ Make Cake Flour ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 5:48.

Hi everyone welcome back to my kitchen today, we're gonna focus on three baking basics that I know are gonna help you out

We're gonna share with you how to bring eggs to room temperature quickly for when you need them in a recipe now

We're gonna show you how to properly measure

All-purpose flour into a measuring cup you might not be doing it the way you think is right

And then we're gonna show you how you can make your own cake flour at home using two simple ingredients

That I know you already have on your pantry shelf let's go see how these all come together

Today we're gonna cover three quick baking tips that maybe you don't know but maybe you do

But in any case they're a good reminder

I'm gonna be making a recipe that requires my eggs to be at room temperature

But because I want to make it a little more quickly than waiting for the eggs to actually come to room temperature

Because I forgot to take them out and a lot of times this happens

It's always better to use room-temperature eggs for the recipe

I'm making it's really important because I'm gonna be making a sponge cake the way that you bring your eggs to room temperature quickly is

By putting them in a vessel and pouring warm water over them not hot and then you just wait about 15 minutes

And they'll be room temperature for you

How easy was that okay the next baking basic tip that I'm gonna give you is how to?

Properly measure your flour if you are opening up your bag of flour

Scooping your cup down in there that is not how you properly measure flour because do you know?

That when you do that you can actually be measuring out a cup and a half flour instead of a cup of flour

So that when your bread comes out dense too heavy or not as delicious as you'd like

That would be the reason you're actually adding too much flour at one time and the proper way to measure flour is if you have

Your bag or in my case. I have a jar here

You're going to want to spoon the flour gently into your cup

And then the other option is to do the scoop and shake method where you will scoop the flour and then dump it back

Into the bag and then scoop out what you've already fluffed you want to basically

Fluff the flour up then scoop it and then you want to sweep, it across

The top just like that and that is how you measure a perfect cup of flour

The third and final baking basic that I'm gonna share with you today is

how to create your own cake flour do you have recipes that call for cake flour and you're like oh, please

Does it really matter it really does matter?

cake flour is lower in gluten it gives your cakes a

Nicer finer crumb it also gives your cakes a loft that you're not going to get with using all-purpose flour

You can go ahead and use all-purpose flour

But your recipe is not going to come out as good as it could have you used cake flour now cake flour can be

Sometimes hard to find it can be

Sometimes a little more than you want to spend on a box of flour so I'm gonna show you how you can make your own

Because you have what you need in your kitchen to make cake flour already you're gonna start off with one cup

This is a ratio for one cup so for one cup of cake cake flour you're gonna need one cup of all-purpose flour

Measured properly like we just showed you you're going to remove two tablespoons of the flour from here

You're going to replace the flour with cornstarch

So you're going to put two tablespoons of cornstarch into your flour mixture

And then you're going to take your whisk or you're gonna put it through a sifter

You're going to whisk very very well if you want you can sift this several times through

Just a regular sieve

Or if you have like one of those old-fashioned flour sifter --zz you couldn't do it a couple of times through there

But I'm gonna be using this in a recipe right away, so I'm gonna be able to use this with no problem

Now you can make this in a big batch

You can store it in an airtight container or like in a two quart mason jar and keep it in your pantry

I don't personally use cake flour very often

But I do when I make cupcakes and I do want to make sponge cakes especially

Because when you make a sponge cake cake flour it is

Definitely an important thing to use that is how you make proper cake flour at home using two ingredients

And you didn't have to go out and buy something special

Three baking basics that I know you're gonna use maybe you know them

Maybe it didn't if you didn't I hope you learned something and I hope it's helpful if you already did know it

But you forgot. I hope this was a gentle

and a good refresher for your mind we went over how to

Bring eggs to room temperature quickly for when you need them in a recipe now

But you don't want to wait a couple of hours for that to happen

we showed you how to properly measure flour into a measuring cup because

You might actually be measuring too much, and not even know it

And then the last thing we shared with you was how to make your own cake flour at home using two simple ingredients

All-purpose flour and corn starch, that's all it is so I hope this was a fun video

I hope you learned something if you enjoyed it, please consider giving me a thumbs up if you are new to my kitchen

Welcome it's always a pleasure to welcome new friends

Please hit that subscribe button and if you are already a tried-and-true member of the nerine's kitchen family

Be sure and go hit the bell

Notification button because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

I hope you enjoyed this little primer on three baking basics, and I hope that you love them and until next time. I'll see you

For more infomation >> 3 Baking Basics ~ Quick Room Temp Eggs ~ How To Measure Flour ~ Make Cake Flour ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 5:48.


LISA KUDROW 2001 PART I - Duration: 1:00:37.

For more infomation >> LISA KUDROW 2001 PART I - Duration: 1:00:37.


CHỢ ĐÊM đông nghẹt DU KHÁCH NƯỚC NGOÀI - SÀI GÒN cuối tuần thứ 6 ngày 13 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 29:28.

For more infomation >> CHỢ ĐÊM đông nghẹt DU KHÁCH NƯỚC NGOÀI - SÀI GÒN cuối tuần thứ 6 ngày 13 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 29:28.


Mariska Hargitay's New Documentary Shines Light On Epidemic Of Untested Rape Kits | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Mariska Hargitay's New Documentary Shines Light On Epidemic Of Untested Rape Kits | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:24.


Healthy HAIR CARE Routine 2018 & Model Off Duty Hairstyles - Duration: 7:53.

hey it's Jackie and welcome back to my channel

for today's video it's all about hair we have my updated haircare routine as well

as some styling tips and how I keep my hair healthy and I've teamed up with

Garnier Fructis for today's video and I'm a part of the Fructis crew which I'm

really excited about because pretty much my whole life I have used shampoo and

conditioner that you can find at the drugstore and I always thought Garnier

had the best smelling shampoos and they have the damage eraser line which

is perfect for me because I am always filming at different hair tutorials and

now that I've been doing some shoots it is quite hard on my hair so I've been

trying to repair the damage with and not just the shampoo and conditioner but

some leave-in treatments which I have here like the new Garnier Fructis hair

treats that I'm obsessed with so you'll see all my styling tips and I've been

really inspired by the model off-duty look from Instagram not that I'm some

top model or anything but I love that very chic simple put together looks that

a lot of top models wear when they are not working so I hope you guys like

these styles and get some inspiration and let me know what you think in the

comments maybe what your favorite style is give this video a thumbs up if you

enjoy it and woah drop something let's get started!

I use the damage eraser line

from Garnier Fructis because it has am la fruit extract and plant-based amino

acids similar to those naturally found in hair to help rebuild strength from

root to tip and if I'm showering in the morning I use cool water to wake me up

and seal in the shine and out of the shower I'll apply the damage eraser

serum and this is used to top off hair treatment and help rebuild strength with

the shampoo and conditioner again you should notice improvement to your hair

within the first use and now let's get started with my go-to styling tips for

everyday I try to cut back on heat as much as possible by air drying my hair

you might have seen my hair in this style in my New York vlog because it's

super simple and foolproof for on-the-go if you don't have time to air dry your

hair completely I like to finish off with the diffuser to bring in some

natural wave pop on a barret I love this because it adds a volume to the top of

the head and then adding Garnier Fructis damage eraser liquid

strength one more time to help style and I love a bit of wave to my hair because

it definitely makes my strands look thicker

when I need to look a polished all day this is a style I go to because it keeps

waves off the face and make sure the hair stays clean to switch it up at

night so we'll start with my natural texture and then have my hair parted in

the center create curls away from the face and my go to barrel size is a 25

millimeter wand so whenever my hair is curled that's usually what I've used and

this only takes me a couple minutes because I curl in large sections brush

it out add some shine serum to the ends this is Garnier sleek and shine

anti-frizz serum which really polishes the curls and then I add two Clips

hitting just where my brows end so this looks slightly 2000s and slightly

fashioned depending on how you want to look at it but I do this because when my

hair is down I fluff it and I play with it using my hands all day and make it

dirty or as when it's clipped back it remains in style better and I can take

it out after a long day and touch it up easily for an event

so next up we have cheek pigtails using those second-day curls perfect for a

cute coffee date I wore these when I had my first a matcha experience all you

need to do is leave out some front pieces of hair gather each side a little

below your shoulder and then apply the elastic and you want to use something

that's really thin and plastic rather than a thick elastic this will just make

it look a lot more chic and once it's in there slightly tug the hair on top so

the pigtail lays flat that's more curl if you want to and then to liven up

those second-day curls I'm using the Garnier Fructis Holden flex ultimate

control spray for long lasting hold without stickiness or any residue this

is also going to protect the hair against humidity which is key to

long-lasting style touchable curls for the second day style and next up is my

recovery bun this is perfect for third day hair because we're going to add in a

hair mask or also just for preserving second-day curls this is for sure my

laziest style and you'll need a silky scarf if you followed me for a while you

may have noticed I have a lot of these and just tilt your hair upside down and

tie into a pony this is much more gentle on your hair than an elastic and it

doesn't dent the hair now we're going in with an awesome product this is the

Garnier Fructis one-minute hair treats which is new to the Garnier family and

available now at drugstores and mass retailers I have the papaya extract

again for damage repair and you can use this as your conditioner as the hair

mask or as a leave-in treatment so I'm gonna do that one you can dampen your

hair and apply more mask I've just applied a little bit of water to the

ends and then add into the hair treat in and I'll wear this in a ballerina bun

tied in place with the scarf all day the formula is made to boost hair with

super fruit extracts the texture is smooth and creamy for nourished hair and

this is a vegan formula without silicones this is a product I use about

twice a week for an extra treat to the hair here we have the final style this

one is very model off-duty and a bit out of my comfort zone so let me know what

you guys think in the comments we are going to create a really sleek updo by

parting the hair in the center coming down and applying the Garnier Fructis

hold and flex ultimate control spray to give a

polished up do you look with the effort of a quick bun gather the hair into your

hand at the back of your neck and create a bun around your hand and then wrap the

ends to create a bun shape with a slight twist to the hair next play with a

couple bobby pins and secure this in place I'd like to avoid elastics as much

as I can and I like to leave the end speaking out so you can see some strands

when you're looking straight on and also for a mix of a polished and undone look

little more hair spray and this is infused with bamboo extract as I said

before it protects hair against the effects of humidity but it doesn't feel

crunchy I took photos with flash and the hair looked super smooth in touchable

and you can add a hat again I love hats and I love this hairspray because I took

down my hair after shopping and even after quite a bit of spray on my hair

still it moves naturally and there are all my complete looks thanks for

watching I hope you guys enjoyed my hair care routine with a Garnier Fructis

damage eraser shampoo and conditioner as well as my styling tips because most the

time you guys do see me with these loose waves and I do get heat to get them like

this but I love to do in-between styles to kind of preserve my style and to keep

my hair healthy so hopefully this tutorial helped you out and gave you

some ideas and I really recommend this mask the hair treats smells amazing and

it isn't heavy on the hair like I'm filming this after I had my hair in that

scarf bun and I let it down and I still have really pretty waves and it doesn't

feel sticky at all my hair feels great so definitely check it out there will be

a link down below and if you want to keep updated with me

on Instagram or Twitter I'm always under Jackie Wyers and I will see you in my

next tutorial!

For more infomation >> Healthy HAIR CARE Routine 2018 & Model Off Duty Hairstyles - Duration: 7:53.


New Rules Dua Lipa cover Alien Suicida feat Diego Danilo - Duration: 3:56.

Talkin' in my sleep at night Makin' myself crazy

(Out of my mind, out of my mind) Wrote it down and read it out

Hopin' it would save me (Too many times, too many times) My love, he makes me feel like nobody else Nobody else

But my love, he doesn't love me So I tell myself, I tell myself

One, don't pick up the phone You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone Two, don't let him in You'll have to kick him out again

Three, don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning And if you're under him You ain't getting over him

I've got new rules, I count 'em I've got new rules, I count 'em

I've gotta tell them to myself I've got new rules, I count 'em I've gotta tell them to myself

I keep pushin' forwards But he keeps pullin' me backwards (Nowhere to turn, no way) (Nowhere to turn, no)

Now I'm standing back from it I finally see the pattern (I never learn, I never learn)

But my love, he doesn't loves me So I tell myself, I tell myself I do, I do, I do

One, don't pick up the phone You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone Two, don't let him in You have to kick him out again

Three, don't be his friend You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning And if you're under him You ain't getting over him

I've got new rules, I count 'em I've got new rules, I count 'em I've gotta tell them to myself

I've got new rules, I count 'em I've gotta tell them to myself

Practice makes perfect I'm still tryna' learn it by heart (I got new rules, I count 'em)

Eat, sleep, and breathe it Rehearse and repeat it 'cause I (I got new, I got new, I)

One, don't pick up the phone You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone Two, don't let him in

You have to kick him out again Three, don't be his friend

You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning And if you're under him

You ain't getting over him

I've got new rules, I count 'em I've got new rules, I count 'em

I've gotta tell them to myself I've got new rules, I count 'em (baby you know I count 'em)

I've gotta tell them to myself Don't let him in, don't let him in

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend Don't let him in, don't let him in

Don't be his friend, don't be his friend You ain't getting over him

For more infomation >> New Rules Dua Lipa cover Alien Suicida feat Diego Danilo - Duration: 3:56.


😕 Is It Even Worth Starting Shopify in 2018? [SHOCKING] - Duration: 16:08.

What is UP Ninjas today we're going to talk about is Shopify a dead

business model in 2018 is it still possible for a complete beginner to go

from zero to a full-scale business or is it completely oversaturated and I think

you guys are gonna be very shocked some of you for sure that what I'm about to

say because like always guys I'm gonna keep it 100% transparent so don't miss

this one if you're thinking about getting into e-commerce I promise you

watch this video before you do it you might be surprised at what I'm gonna


what is up guys we are going to answer the age-old question is Shopify still a

viable business model in 2018 or is it now so saturated that as a brand new

beginner you're not able to get started and create a full scale business but

before you do that guys I just want to be completely transparent yes I am a

Shopify a youtuber yes I discuss ecommerce and all types of ways to make

money yes I do have a very successful Shopify course with hundreds of

successful Shopify students so why am I saying that I'm saying that because I

want to be completely transparent about the fact that I do have a Shopify course

exactly how I'm going to be a very transparent as to whether or not Shopify

is still a viable business model this video is going to be simply the truth as

all of my videos are but if you're new here you know welcome to the ninja

family and I just wanted to make it quick you know just little a heads up

that this video is going to be completely honest in every way so you

don't have to worry about me being biased or anything we're just going to

simply present the facts hey guys if you are serious about e-commerce I'm gonna

say some very important things if you're considering getting started if you

already have a store and you're trying to scale it up to become more successful

some of the things that I'm going to talk about during this video are of the

utmost importance for you to be successful with your e-commerce business

so make sure that you actually stay to the end because this is going to be very

helpful for you if you are serious about turning this into a full time income so

what I'm about to say is probably going to discourage some people it's probably

gonna actually you know make people not actually start on Shopify which kills me

but you know what I'm gonna say is the truth what we're gonna present is just

simply the facts how Shopify is now you know how things have changed in 2018 and

how you can you know most importantly how you can actually kind of stay ahead

of the curve and make sure that your Shopify business is successful and you

don't fall into kind of the same trends that are actually causing some people to

fail at Shopify so before I answer whether or not Shopify is a viable

business model in 2018 or have things changed and everything become

oversaturated to the point where you can't be successful with Shopify I want

to talk about a very common and extremely important misconception about

Shopify I think a lot of people nowadays think Shopify is this crazy like

mystical money printing machine where you can just go out there you know find

any cat dog necklace in the world create a

Facebook ad or pay $10 to an Instagram influencer and all of a sudden you're

gonna get $1,000 back that is not what Shopify is at all

Shopify like any online business takes real work and takes actual testing and

actual you know building out multiple types of marketing campaigns teaching

yourself email marketing learning about the Facebook pixel and retargeting your

audience right it actually takes work you have to have customer service right

so I think a big misconception out there is that you can just get started with

Shopify with you know 20 bucks and your mobile phone and yeah next week or next

month you're gonna be retiring on your yacht you know off the Turkish coast and

that's just not how it is Shopify like every business model on the

internet takes actual work and Shopify has changed I mean I'll be the first to

admit that you know if just easily a few years ago you could actually just take

basically any you know adorable pair of cat earrings or cat socks or anything

make a quick facebook ad targeting any type of cat related thing and you'd be

able to get sales and actually create a business Shopify has changed you can no

longer do that in like such a simplistic way people have figured that out and you

know the cat jewelry and you know those basic niches are now completely

saturated with people who have you know unbelievable amounts of pixel data they

have huge email list they have you know niche of 30 websites that are ranking on

Google those are the people who are making money selling you know basic cat

stuff it doesn't work anymore Shopify has changed and if you aren't

willing to and you know able to adapt to that and evolve and change your business

model as you know the maturity landscape of Shopify changes also then you're

going to be left behind and you're not going to be able to make a successful

Shopify business so does that mean that Shopify is not a viable business model

you know and we're going to get to that question in detail but before we do I

want to talk about who Shopify is not for Shopify is not going to work for you

it's just simply and I'm sorry but Shopify won't work for you if you're

going into it thinking that you can spend you know $29 on your Shopify

subscription with $10 to an Instagram one sir and maybe five or $10 on

Facebook ads and you're gonna all of a sudden have a successful business that

is not how it works it actually is a real business model you can't just put

fifty dollars in and expect to make a thousand dollars out that's simply just

not how it works Shopify will do not work for you if you

give up easily and this is again I'm sorry if you know

I'm offending you or or this is gonna be you know the thing that's gonna push you

over the edge to not actually jump in and start Shopify that's not what I'm

saying but I am saying that you should not try Shopify if you give up easily

you're not gonna hit a home run product on the very first product that you

import from Aliexpress you put up creating you know the most beautiful

product page for make a Facebook ad campaign that you think is gonna be

great right it's probably most likely not going to be a home run product if

you test five products you're probably not going to find your home run product

if you test ten products again you're probably not going to find your home run

product guys but if you test five products a day for a week or for two

weeks you probably are going to find your home run product that's simply how

it works but the people who think you know I've already tried two products and

I didn't get they didn't work for me you know I spent $10 on Facebook ads and it

just didn't work Shopify is a totally dead business model it just doesn't work

right if that's the mentality that you're going to have then just take my

advice don't waste your money you don't start Shopify don't do it it's just

going to be a waste of your time and effort right so the people who give up

easily and expect this to work after testing you know one or two products or

spending ten dollars on Facebook ads it's simply not going to work for you so

let me save you the time let me save you the money let me save you the MG Shopify

is not for you if you're going to give up that easily it takes testing you know

five products a day for a week or two weeks or even a month right I've tested

literally hundreds of products before I found the winning products and these

home run products guys they're fantastic because what it means is once you find

that home run product that diamond in the rough product the more you spent

on advertising the more profit you make so if let's say that I'm spending $10 a

day on Facebook and I'm making $50 profit then all of a sudden when I go to

$20 a day on Facebook ad spend then I'm going to $100 profit it's scalable and

the more you spend on ads that are designed correctly the more profit you

make and so when you find your homeroom products it's all worth it but it does

take a lot of time and a lot of testing and a lot of energy to get to the point

where you're actually finding those products that are going to you know make

it all worth it and start generating all of the profit and income that makes

Shopify such a beautiful business model so let's talk about who Shopify will

work for Shopify will work for people who go into it with the expectation that

it takes work right then they go with the expectation they hear you know they

start saying Kevin Kevin saying to test five products a day I'm gonna go out

there and I'm gonna test ten products today I'm gonna import ten products that

I'm doing my due diligence for right they have good metrics they have a lot

of orders right they have perceived value they have you know upsells and

cross-sells all of the things that I talked about you know in the Shopify

ninja master class in my free videos as well if you haven't joined the family

yet and you know you can join the family down below in that little link right

there if you want to but you know I have a ton of free material also that people

out there who can't afford the course yet or you know don't want to join a

course at this time you know look at my free material you can go out there I

have a ton of videos on Don product research you know it's not always the

most advanced stuff I have to say some of the stuff some of my secrets for the

ninja family but I have a ton of free resources on product or research so go

out there find viable products import ten of them to your store right create

ten product listings you can do this all in a day and create ten Facebook ad

campaigns targeting people with appropriate interest right going after

people that might be interested creating you know traffic campaigns getting them

to your store getting people to actually come to your store pixel in those people

and then creating retargeting campaigns so that once you know

sit over there comes to my store and visits my store maybe he didn't buy

right then but you better believe that I'm gonna retarget the absolute hell out

of him until he buys my Shopify product so the people who are going to succeed

with Shopify and who Shopify is a viable business model for in 2018 are people

who understand that it does take work you have the test products you have the

test marketing campaigns you have to you know have a customer service if people

are messaging you and saying hey you know do you have the pink version of

this glow-in-the-dark basketball and you're gonna send them an email back

within an hour saying yes or if they have questions about their order

tracking number right it's a business and people that go into it with the

expectation of actually doing business like things rather than spending forty

dollars and expecting a yacht to arrive at their front door are going to be much

happier and they're going to be more successful so let's get to the main

point is Shopify a viable business model in 2018 can somebody who's a complete

beginner make it work can't somebody who's never had any experience with

Shopify doesn't even know what I'm talking about with a Facebook pixel

doesn't know anything about email marketing doesn't know what I mean by

all the Express or overload can they be successful the answer is coming up in a

second but before I to reveal that answer I just want to talk about one

last thing which is the trend of e-commerce according to the u.s. census

ecommerce had about 450 billion with a B sales in 2017 and what this means guys

is that from 2016 to 2017 that number 450 billion

increased by 16% when regular retail stores like you know Walmart and things

like that only increased by less than 4% so what this means is ecommerce is

actually growing four times faster than normal retail business and that trend

has been absolutely exploding over the last over the last few years and you

know if you don't take my word for it just think about some actual examples in

the news Amazon is completely putting out a business these absolute behemoth

companies like Sears you know like JCPenney like Toys R Us most recently

because people just aren't willing to go and sit through

traffic and lines and things like that when they can just order something off

of the internet so ecommerce hasn't never been bigger than it is right now

in the history and you guys better believe that that trend is going to

continue the world is becoming more digital every single day

people love the luxury and you know the convenience that ecommerce allows you to

what person just think about it from your own perspective you don't really

don't even have to take my word for it would you rather you know go get in your

car sit in traffic you know go to a store get out of your car go inside find

a product on the shelves go wait in line at the cashier buy it go back to your

car sit in traffic again go back to your house you know carry it all the way to

your door or would you rather press one button and have whatever you want work

with you know got from that same exact scenario arrive magically at your door

most likely for the exact same price right most people would rather have at

the one click option where it's completely convenient it's no work for

them and they still get the same exact benefit which is the product arriving at

their door so is Shopify a viable business model can you make a full-time

income from Shopify guys the answer is no if you're not prepared to actually

consider Shopify a real business the answer is no if you give up quickly and

you're not willing to actually put in the work to test multiple products to

test multiple marketing campaigns and you know to learn how to do email

marketing to learn how to use a Facebook pixel to retarget people it takes work

you have to do customer service you have to go into this with the expectation

that Shopify is not some magical fix right you're not going to become a

millionaire tomorrow you're not gonna spend $40 zero and ten dollars on an

Instagram influencer and make a thousand dollars profit that's not how it works

unfortunately if you're looking for that magical option Shopify is not for you

and Shopify will not be a viable business model for you or for anyone

with that with that mentality and I'm sorry I don't mean to offend anybody

I hope this that you know that this doesn't turn you off from Shopify or my

channel that's not my intention but I'm just simply trying to be

transparent then if you have that mentality that this is

going to be some you know magic Beanstalk it's not it takes real work

but it is Shopify a viable business model for people who have the

expectation and understanding that it does take work and that they they do

have to do the proper testing they do have to do due diligence to find awesome

products that convert right using all of the product research techniques that I

teach for free that I teach in my in the Shopify ninja master class with the link

down in the description if you want to check it out we do have a free training

where I show a real product that actually do sell personally that makes

me over thirty thousand dollars a month like clockwork on full automation and so

if you take anything from this video I hope that the one thing that you take

from this video is that the only way you could possibly be successful on Shopify

is to start right the people who understand that you know it's a big

overwhelming process thinking about you know how to create a full ecommerce

empire right it's overwhelming to think about it like that don't think about it

like that the only way that you could possibly be successful there's only one

way that is to start and to have the one singularly focused goal of getting your

very first Shopify sale got to the first sale is the hardest but once you get

that first sale you hear the ching and you see the balance in your Shopify go

up and all of a sudden you're actually making money from this and it's real it

just feels so much easier to get your second sale and your fifth sale and your

200th sale and you're a thousand sale and then all of a sudden you guys you're

literally living on a beach and you never have to go to a nine-to-five job

again you never have to listen to your boss again and that is the beauty and

that's the reason that I create all of these videos completely for free for you

guys because I want to prove to you that this stuff does work does it take work

is it a viable business model yes it takes work yes it's a viable business

model that you go into it with the right mentality is it going to be a magical

solution that you're going to be a millionaire overnight by spending twenty

nine dollars on a subscription and ten dollars on an Instagram influencer

solutely not so I hope you guys like this video that's completely honest

transparent about Shopify in 2018 the fact is it is simply not

oversaturated ecommerce is on an unbelievably explosive upward trend

outpacing normal retail sales by over 4x guys and that is not going anywhere

anytime soon the convenience and luxury ecommerce is only going to get bigger

and bigger and bigger and it's the biggest it's ever been right now which

means that the biggest and best opportunity that ecommerce have ever had

in history of e-commerce is right now so if you guys like this video make sure

that you hit that little like button leave a comment if you want to be

immediately entered to win our $100.00 daily giveaway that we're doing we're

picking our favorite comment from yesterday's video which we're gonna give

a big shout-out to the winner right here and we're sending $100 immediately

instantly right to your PayPal and the only thing that you have to do to enter

is leave your best comment down below leave a like and smash that subscribe

button with the little notification bells and you're gonna be immediately

entered and we're gonna send $100 straight to your PayPal guys and you

also get immediately enter to win our $1,000 weekly giveaway we're going to

give away a 100% free brand-spanking-new access to either the

Amazon FBA ninja course or the Shopify and ninja master class and that's gonna

be 100% for free and all you to do guys is leave a comment leave a little like

button and subscribe with the notification bells and you're

immediately entered to win guys so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and

we'll see you on the next one

For more infomation >> 😕 Is It Even Worth Starting Shopify in 2018? [SHOCKING] - Duration: 16:08.


How do you describe this?(33) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:57.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name's Richard and today I'm going to show you a video and I'd like you to guess what this person is doing.

Are you ready?

Let's take a look.


Could you guess what she is doing?

Alright, there are two ways to say what she is doing.

The first way is, "She is shivering."

The second way is, "She is trembling."


So "shiver" and "tremble" both have the same meaning.

It means that when it's cold, your body has these small vibrations.

So, it's shi... "shiver" is like this.

Or, "tremble" is like this.


So, small vibrations.




So let's practice that together.

Please repeat after me.

She is shivering.


The second way?

She is trembling.

Very good.

So now you know what your body does when these small vibrations happen.


So my name's Richard.

Hit like, share and subscribe, and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> How do you describe this?(33) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:57.


GO BACK TO CHINA! (vlog) - Duration: 1:53.

Hey guys I'm in China! I'm shooting a movie called "Go Back to China," it stars

Anna Akana. Is it a photo? Is it a video? It's a video. And it's directed by Emily Ting

whose first movie "It's Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong" is on Netflix you should

watch it right now. Well after you finish watching this video of course. I've

actually been in Asia for a week, we flew over into Hong Kong, got to work right

away. I've been a bit jet-lagged so I haven't done the greatest job of vlogging

but I just wanted to share a little piece of what this trip has been like

with you guys so far. We're staying at the Mission Hills Golf Resort in

Shenzhen and when we first got here I totally flipped out. Oh yeah, oh boy, it's

a really nice tub. And we've been filming in this mansion which is just incredible.

Youu know this is my first time ever shooting a movie in China and the

experience has been wonderful, the crew is great, the food has been great. Here's

the tofu that was fried and Anna's been eating. How has it been? It's so good I

want to eat more. I didn't even explain what this movie is. She was a party girl

in LA and then her daddy cut her off from her milli inheritance and she has to

like go back to China to like make daddy proud. Very good. Thank you. Maybe this will be

the EPK. I'm really excited for you guys to see this movie, I don't know how much

more vlogging I'll have time to do while we're here, but if you want to see the

behind the scenes action, just follow the movie @gobacktochinafilm on Instagram

or you can check out my Instagram or Anna's Instagram or just the hashtag

#gobacktochinafilm. Until then I guess I'll see you back in the States!


For more infomation >> GO BACK TO CHINA! (vlog) - Duration: 1:53.


420 Chill'n on The Mookie Show S2,E83 - Duration: 16:19.

For more infomation >> 420 Chill'n on The Mookie Show S2,E83 - Duration: 16:19.


*Insert Stayin' Alive Here* / Five Nights At Candy's Gameplay! - Duration: 11:13.

Okay, I think it's recording now..

Welcome to.. Five Nights At Candy's


One, I kind of have a crappy... microphone

and... crappy..? and...

I'm crappy...!

Because I'm sick!

It took me like..

An hour..... to get this to work!

Because my other recorder.. just...

Didn't like me... one bit.


Let's play this!

**honestly gives up on CC and may come back to it later**

For more infomation >> *Insert Stayin' Alive Here* / Five Nights At Candy's Gameplay! - Duration: 11:13.


Zdrowe nerki, a 6 szkodliwych nawyków - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Zdrowe nerki, a 6 szkodliwych nawyków - Duration: 9:04.


KING TUT [CC] - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> KING TUT [CC] - Duration: 2:11.


看到吗?这就是国阵了!自己利用学生高举"I LOVE PM"无罪,林首长唱一首歌就要喊告喊抓!公平吗? - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 看到吗?这就是国阵了!自己利用学生高举"I LOVE PM"无罪,林首长唱一首歌就要喊告喊抓!公平吗? - Duration: 3:37.


HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13TH! ROBLOX - RED44_SATYR44 by pa00 - Duration: 14:01.

Hello everyone, and happy Friday the 13th! I'll be celebrating this day with a ROBLOX horror game.

One of my friends suggested this game, RED44_SATYR44, to me. I've heard of it, but never got the courage to actually play it.

This game is about trying to deactivate two killer AI's created by Chimera AI Innovation. These things are pretty terrifying.

The main objective is to avoid being found and killed by the two AI's, RED44 and SATYR44.

By the way, this video has no jumpscares. I didn't get killed until I decided to get killed on purpose after the video abruptly ended.

Anyways, the SATYR44 monster is the one you first encounter. You have to keep an eye on your watch, which counts down starting at 2 minutes.

You can't fight back against the monsters. The only way to avoid SATYR44 is to hide in a locker before time runs out. If you're too late... well, go look up another video of this game for yourself to see what happens.

In this video, I hide in a locker as soon as I see one when there seems to be plenty of time left. Believe me, time goes fast in this game. It's a terrible idea to skip lockers when you see them.

Once a message appears on your screen, you're good to move on. The timer will restart back at 2:00 and count down again.

The other monster, RED44, appears later in the game. If you've ever played Left 4 Dead 2 and have encountered the witch... that's basically what RED44 acts like.

If you get too close to RED44 or shine your flashlight on it, it'll start chasing you. Otherwise, it's chill. Hearing music indicates that RED44 is close... and you should turn off your flashlight.

Was I creeped out by this game? Yes. I was actually in a Discord call with one of my friends while playing this. So he could hear my reaction if I got jumpscared.

It wasn't as creepy as I first expected it to be, but random noises and moments where there wasn't a lot of time left kept me on edge.

I also experienced the jumpscare firsthand (I got killed on purpose), and it's pretty terrifying. Horrifying face, loud noise, flashes... the recipe for a terrifying jumpscare.

I'm surprised that this game, first created in 2014, is still holding up today, with no updates since 2016. I highly recommend it if you're a fan of singleplayer horror games.

This game has a multiplayer mode as well, but I haven't tried it out yet. Apparently, you can play as one of the monsters in it. Hehehe...

I may make another video of a ROBLOX horror game tomorrow. Either The Red (which is just as old as this game), or Identity Fraud.

If my friend from church is watching this video... happy birthday! (Yes, he was born on Friday the 13th...)

If you're just a normal viewer or a subscriber watching, thanks for watching! I hope to see you in my next video tomorrow. After that, I'll be taking a break from YouTube for a while...

For more infomation >> HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13TH! ROBLOX - RED44_SATYR44 by pa00 - Duration: 14:01.


Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu「AMV」- Escanor vs Galand - Duration: 3:29.

you're never gonna make it

your not good enough

there's a million other people with the same stuff

you really think your different man you must be kidding

think your gonna hit it but you just don't get it

it's impossible it's not probable

your irresponsible too many obstacles

you gotta stop it yo you gotta take it slow

you can't be a pro don't waste your time no more

who the fuck are you to tell me what to do

I don't give a damn if you say you disapprove

I'm gonna make my move I'm gonna make it soon

and I'll do it cuz it's what I want to fuckin do

cuz all these opinions and all these positions

they coming in millions they're blocking your vision

but no you can't listen that shit is all fiction

cuz you hold the power as long as your driven

youre never gonna make it

there's no way that you make it

yea maybe you can fake it

but your never gonna make it

are you just gonna take that?

make them take it all back

don't tell me you believe that

are you just gonna take that

or will you fucking fight back?

or will you fucking fight back?

you ain't gonna make it you ain't never ever gonna break it

you can never beat em man they're better than you face it

thinkin that they give a damn your not thinking straight kid

no they give a damn you got what I'm saying

I'm not fucking playing I'll give it to you straight man

there's too many others and your not that great man

stop what your saying stop what your making

everybody here knows that your just faking

naa I don't wanna hear it anymore I don't wanna hear it anymore

all these fuckin thoughts they are not what I need anymore

I'm about to shut the mother fucking door

on all you poor ass haters with your heads in the clouds

talkin out loud so proud you better shut your god damn mouths

before I do more than speak out its about to head south

you're never gonna make it

there's no way that you make it

yea maybe you can fake it

but your never gonna make it

are you just gonna take that?

make them take it all back

don't tell me you believe that

are you just gonna take that

or will you fucking fight back?

or will you fucking fight back?

For more infomation >> Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu「AMV」- Escanor vs Galand - Duration: 3:29.


13살 연하 아내 연이은 루머 박신양 파란만장 결혼史 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> 13살 연하 아내 연이은 루머 박신양 파란만장 결혼史 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 4:52.


How to Create Collection view in Xcode 9.0 (Swift 4.0) Part 1 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> How to Create Collection view in Xcode 9.0 (Swift 4.0) Part 1 - Duration: 10:03.


AMD RX 500X GPUs, Ryzen 2nd Gen, PUBG Ransomware -- Weekly Download #89 - Duration: 4:50.

Hey welcome to Zach's Tech Turf and Weekly Download episode number 89.

Today I'm gonna be playing hands down my new go-to game, Slay The Spire, while I give

you this news, I got my Coke Zero right there, make sure you guys let me know in the comment

section what you're sippin' on.

Let's get into it!

To start off the tech news for the week, there are reports flying around that Navi is the

next platform of graphics cards for AMD after Vega, and that the mainstream Navi 10 GPU

will offer GTX 1080 performance for $250.

$250 dollars?

At this point I'd take a GTX 1070 performance at that price, but after digging into these

reports it seems like we are a year away from this actually becoming a thing.

Navi is set to be built on 7 nm which is pretty impressive, but have a good bit of waiting

to go.

In more AMD news, the new Ryzen 2nd gen processors are no available for preorder on both Newegg

and Amazon, and according to them April 19th is the date they'll be released.

Right now you can preorder a Ryzen 7 2700X and 2700 as well as a Ryzen 5 2600X and 2600.

I'm honestly debating about which one of these I'm gonna get, because as you guys

know I've been really looking for a new platform for my benchmarking rig.

Be sure to let me know if you're planning on picking any of these up.

And our final topic involving AMD is that some Radeon RX 500X graphics cards are apparently

popping up in some laptops and pre built desktops.

For example, instead of saying Radeon RX 570 GPUs they are now called RX 570X GPUS.

AMD explained this week that there's literally zero differences, it's just a marketing

strategy for laptop manufacturers and sellers.

Buyers beware I guess, sounds kinda shady to me, let me know your thoughts.

Nvidia has announced that they are ending driver and GeForce experience support for

both 32 bit OS systems as well as Fermi graphics cards.

Obviously there are very few people still rocking 32 bit systems, and if you are, I'm

very very sorry, and the Fermi graphics cards are pretty old as well.

These include the GTX 400 and 500 series, like that super old GTX 480 I reviewed, so

if you're still rocking one of those cards I would say now is a great time to upgrade.

And to wrap up the tech news, there's another new malware that's out and about making

its way into our PCs, but this one is rather different.

Instead of encrypting your files and asking for money, bitcoin, or anything like that,

it's making people play PUBG for 1 hour.

What in the actual, I couldn't believe when I saw this, but yea, apparently this is a

real thing.

The app specifically says "Your files are encrypted by PUBG Ransomware, but don't

worry, it's not hard to unlock it and I don't want money.

Just play PUBG 1 Hour."

I definitely don't recommend seeing this for yourself, because at the end of the day

even if this is a joke, they actually did successfully encrypt your data which is pretty


To start off the PC gaming news, I'm sure a lot of you probably know this, because a

lot of you play Fortnite, but if you're unaware, the Fortnite servers actually had

to completely shut down this week due to some server issues.

The Fortnite update went live that includes a new replay system and Port-A-Forts, and

it didn't last long.

Epic Games has since reopened the servers and are giving away a couple goodies for our


Keeping with the battle royale theme, PUBG introduced a new temporary mode which includes


The game is set in a smaller sized version of the first map and the games last 15 minutes.

There are 3 teams of 10 players and you're awarded points for killing the other team,

but if you die, you simply respawn out of the plane again.

It sounds pretty cool I'm not gonna lie, be sure to let me know if you guys tried this

or not.

Next up there's an EVE Online spin-off First Person Shooter apparently coming as early

as this year, at least some playable version of it.

It's called Project Nova and by the time the game is fully developed, what happens

in the FPS game will directly impact the actual EVE Online game, but not at first.

CCP says that it will be an independent game at first, and then they'll eventually integrate

it into EVE once it's ready.

And to quickly wrap up the gaming news, the 2nd expansion to still one of my current favorite

games, Destiny 2 was unveiled, and it's called Warmind.

There's no trailer yet, but they did announce on twitter that the trailer is coming on April

24th and I definitely cannot wait.

Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 89.

Don't forget that the Weekly Download podcast is also available if you rather not watch

my face or terrible gameplay videos, and that's available on iTunes, Google Play, iHeart Radio,

and a few other platforms.

Be sure to check that out if you're interested Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please

drop a like down below to help support my channel, and as always, thank you for watching

and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech Turf videos.

For more infomation >> AMD RX 500X GPUs, Ryzen 2nd Gen, PUBG Ransomware -- Weekly Download #89 - Duration: 4:50.


BREAKING: Trump's Lawyer Double Agent? Just Stabbed Him In The Back With What He Gave To FBI. - Duration: 5:33.

BREAKING: Trump's Lawyer Double Agent?

Just Stabbed Him In The Back With What He Gave To FBI.

Conservatives were stunned when the news broke that the FBI had raided the office of President

Trump's personal attorney.

The pretense for this raid was in the context of the ongoing investigation into the 2016

Presidential election, and whether or not there was any interference.

Initially, this investigation was constantly called the "Russia collusion" story, but

much like "global warming" that is now called "global climate change" this too

has transitioned due to the lack of evidence.

Despite over a year of constant investigation, examination and questioning, the Special Counsel

Robert Meuller haven't presented anything that looks like collusion, or influence or

anything that would implicate the Trump campaign.

They have, however, uncovered a few liberal inconsistencies that have caused investigations

into those who insisted that there was Russia collusion, to begin with.

However, as the investigation pivots and moves in another direction, the investigation that

was supposed to look into foreign interference, is now investigating an accusation of infidelity

between President Trump and a famous porn star.

Liberals everywhere seem extremely concerned with this alleged affair that would have taken

places over a decade ago.

That interest led to the raid, and subsequent seizure of documents and possible evidence

from President Trump's personal attorney earlier this week.

The Slot gleefully reports that while this is potentially damaging, because of the personal

files that this attorney no doubt has, it could be even worse, if the attorney has recordings

of the President speaking confidentially, and off the record:

"Donald Trump's associates are reportedly freaking out because his lawyer, Michael Cohen,

may have inadvertently handed the FBI a gold mine of private business and political conversations

he secretly recorded.

In an amazing twist of fate, the recordings that Cohen attempted to use as leverage against

Trump's associates may have come back to haunt all of them, and I, for one, could not

be more amused.

The Washington Post reports that, according to one source, it was Cohen's 'standard

practice' to secretly record business calls.

The source knows this because, apparently, Cohen, a beneficiary of New York's one party

consent laws, played the recordings for top Trump advisors.

Two other sources said he recorded political conversations, too.Though they don't know

where Cohen kept the recordings, Trump's allies are worried that the FBI may have gathered

them when they raided Cohen's office earlier this week.


From the Post:

"Cohen, who served for a decade as a lawyer at the Trump Organization and is a close confidant

of Trump, was known to store the conversations using digital files and then replay them for

colleagues, according to people who have interacted with him.

'We heard he had some proclivity to make tapes,' said one Trump adviser, who spoke

on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation.

'Now we are wondering, who did he tape?

Did he store those someplace where they were actually seized?

. . . Did they find his recordings?'

Investigators were also looking for any records related to adult-film star Stormy Daniels

and ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal, who both received payments after alleged affairs with


In New York, a hearing was scheduled Friday over Cohen's efforts to prevent the government

from using material seized in the raids.

It is unknown whether Cohen taped conversations between himself and Trump.

But two people familiar with Cohen's practices said he recorded both business and political


One associate said Trump knew of Cohen's practice because the attorney would often

play him recordings Cohen had made of his conversations with other top Trump advisers."

"In the event that the FBI did obtain any of the recordings, however, they would by

subject to review by the Justice Department and even a federal judge, who would make sure

that the conversations were relevant to the search warrant and to protect attorney-client

privilege for any non-criminal matters.

As this Nixonian tale unfolds, former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman confirmed to the Post

that in any search for evidence, people being recorded discussing potential crimes they

committed sure does help.

'If you are looking for evidence, you can't do any better than people talking on tape.'

Thanks, Nick!"

Time alone will tell what this investigation will uncover.

The declaration by liberals that if the President has nothing to hide, he should have nothing

to worry about has become somewhat irrelevant at this point.

Attorney-client privilege, just like doctor-patient confidentiality is put in place so that a

person can get the advice of a professional without fear of it being used against them.

Sadly, no matter the fact that the President has declined a salary and done exactly what

he promised while on the campaign trail, he's not offered that same privilege that so many

take for granted.

There's still hope that any judge who is asked to oversee an information dump of this

kind will have the wisdom to protect the personal interest of the President.

Otherwise, the witch hunt could continue indefinitely.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump's Lawyer Double Agent? Just Stabbed Him In The Back With What He Gave To FBI. - Duration: 5:33.


Carros fracassados: mais importados que deram errado | Parte 4 | Curiosidades | Best Cars - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Carros fracassados: mais importados que deram errado | Parte 4 | Curiosidades | Best Cars - Duration: 4:26.


O Parádivé Sally / About Dressy Sally (Czech animated short, 1976) (Original Version) - Duration: 7:05.

"About Dressy Sally"

Once, there was a little girl,

and that little girl was named Sally, and she was very,

very dressy.

One day, her mother gave her a pair of beautiful, yellow gloves.

She said: "Be careful with them, they're for special occasions,"

"don't carry them around everywhere, you might lose them."

But Sally was too dressy,

and didn't listen to her mother.

"Oh no!"

"What will mom say if I go back

without my beautiful yellow glove?!"

Poor Sally, her glove was gone.

Gone for good...

She ran around to every house until she came to the very last one.

It stood alone on a hill, between several tall trees.

It was large, and white.

and in that large white house lived a small,

black sorcerer.

"What is it, little girl? What do you want?"

"My beautiful, yellow glove,

have you seen it?"

"I have, and I'll give it to you,

but only if you tell your mother the truth;

that you lost it, and that I found it,

otherwise I will come for you at midnight. Promise?"

"I promise," said Sally, and she ran straight home.

"Sally, where were you for so long?"

asked her mother.

"I was playing with the children."

"And what about your gloves, you didn't lose them?"

"But where? They're both right here."

Lied Sally.

She lied down, and remembered the small black sorcerer,

and awoke in a fright.

At midnight, the first step creaked,

and a quiet voice whispered,


here I come."

"I'm already on the first step."

Soon another step creaked and the voice spoke again, only closer.

"Sally, here I come."

"I'm already on the sixth step."

The door creaked,

and the voice sounded a third time, and far too close.

"Sally, I'm here."

"I have you!"

Suddenly, she was all alone in a strange room.

All around her was darkness.

Sally could not see anything.

If only there had been a single star in the sky.


said the small black sorcerer,

"I can conjure up homes, stones, plants;

but to conjure stars?

That I haven't learned yet."

"I would like it if you'd help me."

"But these are all

yellow yarn, and a needle."

"What if I knitted a few stars?"

Sally knitted all the stars,

so fast that the little black sorcerer almost couldn't carry them all to the roof.

And with the final ball of yarn, Sally made a pair

of yellow gloves for her mother.

The small black sorcerer was satisfied.


your stars have made me very happy,

and the beautiful yellow gloves for your mother even more."

"For that I will take you home and put you in your bed right away.


don't forget to give those gloves to your mother in the morning."

"I won't forget."

promised Sally,

and she went to sleep.

In the morning her mother couldn't stop wondering,

"Those are beautiful gloves,

and you really made them yourself?"

"Yes, all by myself,

for you."

The mother was very proud of Sally,

and what of the small black sorcerer?

He was the happiest of all.

Not every lost pair of yellow gloves turns out so well...

Say it yourselves.

The end.

For more infomation >> O Parádivé Sally / About Dressy Sally (Czech animated short, 1976) (Original Version) - Duration: 7:05.


Once Upon a Time 7x18 Promo "The Guardian" (HD) Season 7 Episode 18 Promo - Duration: 0:30.

Lock down the building.

I'm here about the dagger.

It's missing and I need to know if you took it.

Samdi's powerful in ways you cannot even possibly imagine.

Why are you bloody here?

I came to test Alice.

I believe she's destined to become a great hero.

Dark One, sending me little girls to do your dirty work now?

(Samdi gasps)

You'll pay for this.

For more infomation >> Once Upon a Time 7x18 Promo "The Guardian" (HD) Season 7 Episode 18 Promo - Duration: 0:30.


Shannen Doherty prožívá nejsmutnější narozeniny: Místo dortu rakovina ašpatné zprávy - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Shannen Doherty prožívá nejsmutnější narozeniny: Místo dortu rakovina ašpatné zprávy - Duration: 2:27.


Os 7 alimentos possivelmente cancerígenos - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Os 7 alimentos possivelmente cancerígenos - Duration: 6:53.


Znemožněný Tomáš ze SuperStar otevřeně: V posteli to neumím a zpívattaky ne! VIDEO - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Znemožněný Tomáš ze SuperStar otevřeně: V posteli to neumím a zpívattaky ne! VIDEO - Duration: 1:17.


Neymar podría elegir su destino si el PSG se queda sin Champions - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Neymar podría elegir su destino si el PSG se queda sin Champions - Duration: 4:32.


Waldemar (†24) málem zabil hvězdu Ordinace, teď je po smrti! Co námk tomu řekla - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Waldemar (†24) málem zabil hvězdu Ordinace, teď je po smrti! Co námk tomu řekla - Duration: 2:41.


Como instalar steam en tu PC - #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 3:21.

hello like hungry brothers how are they let's continue with the steam series

in today I am going to teach you how to install the steam program to open it

easily every time you turn on your computer I have a couple more videos

about steam that can appear to you in the upper right part in some

tabs where you can learn more about how to use it and certain

curiosities of which spoken is totally easy you put in install in

the top part install steam and it says we welcome you to sting the

entertainment platform by excellence

then here you will get a picture of green color that says install steam

now we puncture this serves for mac linux everything and here I will come out that this

file type can damage your computer that is something normal we will appear

when sometimes we have an antivirus like for example that of the base but it is

totally simple you put on download nothing happens super download

fast as you see here and we're going to put in show the folder now I'm going to

drag to the desktop to can use it this is simply the

installer or the perfect set-up now As we already have the installer, we are going to

run as administrator and this is going to send us a picture

dialog box that says welcome to installation assistance of this

then you put it on next in accept the license agreement that you have

more than 13 years you put in following Here you can choose the language to download

Spanish by default install good here we are simply going to choose where

you want the program to be installed I have it installed but it will put it in

examine and here you can already choose in which site then I will leave it such and

how can you install it now? we hope we wait a moment until

is installed automatically it's going to appear the shortcut in the

I'm not going to execute the desktop this I'm going to leave here here to finish

and here I already have my style will be able to open here as they realize it is already

list the platform sting in your computer is she be ready the

program so you can access you just put the account very

important the password you put in login and you prefer you can

crush on keeping the session open and this box will appear

automatically when and when you learn your computer and here we have the

library that is very important the profile and from here we can see all

the new news that this I want to take the video to send you

greetings to solar a david bravo mail sarita

josean chávez ricardo blasco jones high Fred Mixon and that's all but pockets

I hope to see you in the next video like if you like comment if you have

some doubt about this remember activate the bell to be able to receive

more of this type of content and see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Como instalar steam en tu PC - #charlynder #gaming #steam - Duration: 3:21.


Nenechávejte to jen na svých dětech: Zuby si musíte čistit s nimi! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Nenechávejte to jen na svých dětech: Zuby si musíte čistit s nimi! - Duration: 3:51.


FIT FORNES Seis hábitos diarios fáciles que reducirán 50% su riesgo de cáncer colorrectal - Duration: 4:49.

Six easy daily habits that will reduce your risk of colorectal cancer by half

Wednesday, April 11, 2018 by: Zoey Sky

People of all ages dread getting a diagnosis proclaiming that they may have cancer.

But did you know that while colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the U.S.,

it's also one of the most preventable?

According to experts at the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR), Americans can prevent

colorectal cancer by changing their diets, exercising regularly, and managing their weight.

Alice Bender, AICR's Head of Nutrition Programs, said, "By making a few changes in what you

eat and drink, and getting at least 30 minutes of activity in every day, you have the power

to significantly lower your risk of developing colorectal cancer."

She added that adopting these lifestyle changes and trying to maintain a healthy weight can

help prevent a whopping 63,000 cases in the U.S. yearly.

How to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer Bender listed six evidence-based steps to

reduce your risk of this cancer:

Drink alcohol moderately – Research shows that drinking alcohol can increase colorectal

cancer risk in men.

It may also increase the risk among women.

Try to limit alcohol to two standard drinks daily for men and one for women.

A standard drink is 12 ounces (oz) of beer, 1.5 oz of liquor, and 5 oz of wine.

Eat a lot of fiber – Eating foods rich in fiber can lower your risk of colorectal cancer.

Every 10 g of fiber, or about a cup of beans, reduces colorectal cancer risk by 10 percent.

Eat less red meat and avoid processed meat – Regularly eating a lot of red meat, even

small amounts of processed meat, can increase colorectal cancer risk.

Skip the bacon, hot dogs, and sausages.

Eat some fresh roasted chicken breast, hummus, or peanut butter sandwiches instead.

Eat more garlic – Eating garlic regularly can help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

because it is full of health-promoting ingredients Maintain a healthy weight and try to eliminate

belly fat – Research revealed that excess body fat is connected to an increased risk

of colorectal cancer and ten other cancers.

Having too much belly fat, even if you're not overweight, is still a risk factor for

colorectal cancer.

To get rid of belly fat, be more portion-size savvy.

Eat more colorful vegetables, and limit your intake of calorie-rich foods like meats and


Eat small portions of desserts and sweets two or three times weekly.

Try to exercise regularly – If you don't have time to go to the gym, moderate physical

activity like housecleaning or running, can also help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Spend at least 10 minutes every day exercising or take several breaks from work, then gradually

increase this to 30 minutes.

Foods that can help prevent colorectal cancer Try to eat more of the foods below to lower

your risk of colorectal cancer:

Brightly colored fruits and vegetables – Colorful fruits, herbs, spices, and vegetables are

rich in antioxidants.

Sources include avocado, blueberries, cranberries, oregano, pomegranates, red cabbage, red and

purple grapes, spinach, tomato, and turmeric.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids – Following a diet full of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty

acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can lower your risk of colorectal


Sources include cold water fish like cod, mackerel, salmon, and sardines, along with

flax oil.

Olive oil – Olive oil has plant chemicals with anti-cancer properties.

It also reduces bile acid and increases enzymes that control cell turnover in the lining of

the intestines which promotes healthy tissue.

Olive oil also contains phenols which are plant compounds that have a cancer-protective

antioxidant effect.

Spices and herbs – Spices like garlic, ginger, peppermint, rosemary, sage, spearmint, thyme,

and turmeric can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES Seis hábitos diarios fáciles que reducirán 50% su riesgo de cáncer colorrectal - Duration: 4:49.


देखे एक बार जो तेरे रूखे ताबा की तरफ़ | Top Sufi Qawwali | Dekhe Ak Baar Jo Tere Rookhe Ki Taraf - Duration: 12:46.

Dekhe Ak Baar Jo Tere Rookhe Taba Ki Taraf

For more infomation >> देखे एक बार जो तेरे रूखे ताबा की तरफ़ | Top Sufi Qawwali | Dekhe Ak Baar Jo Tere Rookhe Ki Taraf - Duration: 12:46.


Famous Attitude Status Video | Kadak Attitude status | Best Attitude Status For Boys - Duration: 0:33.

Whatsapp Status Video

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