Saturday, April 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 15 2018

alright so in this section we're gonna look at how to graph linear equations

using the X and y intercept so first we're going to look at what is the

x-intercept and what is the y-intercept of an equation or of a graph so if you

look at this graph here we have if you look at the y-axis so here's my y-axis

and here's my x-axis and here's my graph now where this graph crosses the y axis

here this point here that's why we call it the y-intercept so it crosses the y

axis is called the y-intercept where it crosses the x axis so in this other

point here let me erase this real quick there so where it crosses the x axis

here that's called the x-intercept so they at the point where the graph

crosses the x axis is called the x-intercept

let's undo that all right so if we look at the graph here for the x-intercept

again it's this point where it's crossing the x-axis and so if we write

down the coordinates we have that that has x-coordinate 1 negative 1 sorry and

y is 0 and for the y-intercept if we look at the point where it crosses the y

axis the x coordinate there is 0 and the y coordinate is 1 so again where it

crosses the y axis is the y intercept and where it crosses the x axis is the

x-intercept if we look at this example down here notice that this graph crosses

the x axis twice here and here so we would have two x-intercepts so the

x-intercept on the left here crosses a negative 2 comma zero

and the other x-intercept is this one here at 2 comma 0 so your graph can have

multiple x-intercepts or y-intercepts it just depends on what it looks like and

here it looks like the Y or at the y axis this cross this graph crosses it at

0 comma negative 2 all right so that's how we identify the X intercepts and the

y intercepts if we had the graph now let's suppose I wanted to use these X

and y intercepts to graph a line or one of our lines so let's consider what the

the coordinates should be this is if you look at all the points that would be on

the x axis for example so say like this point right here if I put a point there

notice that the coordinates would be 1 comma 0 and it's a post I was looking

this point that would be 5 comma 0 and let's pick this guy here if it was on

the x-axis notice that it would be negative 3 comma zero and what we want

to notice is that the Y notice the Y's because to be on the x axis these Y's

would always have to be 0 so if you try to find where the graph crosses the x

axis then your x intercepts have Y values of 0 so if you're trying to find

these guys always look to see when y is 0 now on the other side let me

clear this you're talking about y intercepts and if I have a point on the

y axis it here the coordinates would be 0 comma 1 and if I had a point here that

would be 0 comma 3 and so on you know negative 1 down here

zero comma negative 2 now notice that now instead of the Y's being zero if

you're on the y axis your X has to be 0 otherwise you're going to move either

left or right so if you want to find the y-intercepts always look to see where X

is 0 so if you find the y-intercepts look at the x values when X is 0 if

you're finding the x-intercepts look for the y values where the look where the

value Y values are 0 and so we have this linear equation negative x plus 2y

equals 6 now we're going to use the x and y intercepts of the graph of this

equation to actually graph the equation and so what we have to note if we're

trying to graph this to find by using the x and y intercepts well first we got

to find the x-intercept and I'm actually gonna use a table to keep track but I do

have to find first the x-intercept so let me go through the steps

finding the x-intercept of this graph so

we're using the conclusion that if you're trying to find x-intercepts again

the Y has to be 0 and so I purposely set y equal to 0 so it's like finding the

ordered pair 0 comma blank right because I want to see those points where Y is

equal to 0 so I take my equation and just like we did in the last section

replace 0 for my Y and I just then simply work out this equation let me

divide by negative 1 so this becomes negative 6 so then I can complete my

ordered pair X is negative 6 when y is 0 yeah so let's see that would be this

point here negative 6 comma 0 and if I want to put it on my table it looks like

this negative 6 comma 0 so that's step number 1 find the x-intercept and let's

see now we're gonna find the y-intercept

this line so you now remember just find the y-intercept X has to be 0 and so I

purposely again find out when x is 0 and what I'm trying to complete is this

ordered pair now 0 comma blank so just like before I'll go to my equation

replace my X with 0 and solve the resulting equation so that here will be

0 plus 2 y is 2 y equal to 6 then divide by 2 and Y is equal to 3 so then my

y-intercept is remember X is 0 comma 3 we were trying to complete this ordered

pair so if I put it on my table would be 0 comma 3 and so let me graph that so 0

for my X and there is my y intercept crosses the y axis here and the crosses

the x axis there now to play it safe just like the other examples you can do

a third point to to check that you have the correct points there but otherwise

we can see that our line is going to cross

those intercepts there and there is our line so yeah if the instructions are to

find the graph by finding the x and y intercept you first find the x-intercept

and then find the y-intercept we graph each one and we connect our points with

our line and that's how we do graphing using the X and y intercept so it's kind

of if you look back in the table it's kind of like doing using a

table but you are restricted to using 0 for y define and the x intercept and

that one and then you also have to use 0 for X to find the y intercept

and there you are now so let's look at a different example so and if you want it

to organize it on a table so you have X Y and so you want to find both the X

and the y intercept so we'll start out with the x intercept so your table it's

going to look like this so the x intercept so when y is in a zero that's

the first thing I'll have to find and the next thing is the y intercept so set

x equal to 0 the y intercept alright so we'll start with those two so yet to

know if you put it in table form it's kind of like what we did last time but

it's nice to label them separately so that you know which one you're fine

being so and we're gonna find the x-intercept first set y equal to 0 like

it's not X so Y is 0 negative 2 X on this side so divide both sides by

negative 2 to find this X and you see that X is 0 so it just so happens that's

0 it's also the coordinate of this x-intercept and let's see what happens

with the y-intercept actually before I actually find it let me actually graph

the x intercept so 0 comma 0 would be here so there's one point now for the

other one and we're gonna set X equal to 0

so if I do that so now that's this one I this equation and when I multiply those

two I get 0 and so you see that if X is zero then Y also is 0 and when I go to

graph it notice that it's already there that's my point

I already have there you know this will happen every time if the the if you have

the ordered pair 0 0 on your graph it's gonna four lines it means that both the

X and the y intercept are exactly the same so they're the same point and we

know that we can't graph a line with one point so generally we use three to be

safe the check but for equations where this happens we actually do have to use

a third point to actually get a length because otherwise we just have one point

so I'm just gonna randomly pick one and

find out what Y is when X is equal to 1 so I'll replace X with 1 and get that Y

is equal to negative 2 so I do in this case get this third one comma negative 2

point right negative 2 is the y-coordinate for my third point that I

use to graph this line 1 comma negative 2

and there you are now I have two points so that I can graph this line let me see

if I can do my best to connect its hopefully your graph it's a lot nicer

than mine let me do this quick there we go

and there you go and there you are we use the X and y intercepts to graph

alright let me see let me pause here for a second alright so for this part the

section we're gonna look at how to graph horizontal lines now we're actually

going to use a table just like we've been using so let me draw a table X

here's my Y just like before like we did with table so I'm gonna pick a couple of

random X values to say 0 1 & 2 you'll notice here in the equation there is no

X to plug in say my 0 anywhere but in order for an ordered pair to be a

solution of this equation the Y has to equal 5 so that when I replace the 5

into the Y I get 5 equals 5 so what happens is that X really doesn't affect

what the y-coordinate is is y as always has to be 5 so if x is 0 Y is 5 so if I

plot that 0 comma 5 is here and then again if X is 1 Y still has to be 5 so

that when I plug it in to the equation I still have a solution so be 1 comma 5

and then finally 2 and Y has to be 5 so that when I play it in I get it true

statement so then 2 comma 5 as you can see I have my points are in line and

what I end up with is a horizontal line

and it's a horizontal line that passes through 5 so what will happen every time

you end up with an equation that doesn't have a variable X

you know even if there's stuff around the Y like plus or something like that

once you isolate the Y or get the Y by itself you'll see that the why I always

is restricted now to always be in five and so if that's the case if Y is always

the same you do end up with this horizontal line and so in general in

general general y equals say a number B is a horizontal line sometime

crossing the y-axis at

zero comma B in other words it's gonna cross here the y-axis when you have a

horizontal line alright and that's how horizontal lines work so in general and

so if you have you know half the graph graph it and so here's B then your

whores on the line it's gonna cross the y-axis and B are 0 comma B now for

vertical lines we're going to take the same approach and we're going to once

again use the table to explore and how to graph these lines

unlike the horizontal lines notice that the Y is now missing from my equation so

now am i I'm restricted always using x equals negative 3 because if I don't

then when I replace the X by that number it won't equal negative 3 and so that's

why my first point has to have x equals negative 3 now to find the Y like we did

before notice that there is no y value here so that Y value can be whatever you

want so let's say 0 and if I plug in negative 3 for X I still true so that

the 0 doesn't really play rolling and checking and so negative 3 comma 0 is a

point on my line again my next point also has to have x coordinate negative 3

so it's a solution of that let's say negative 3 2 so negative 3 2 would be

here and let's just do one more negative 3 1 maybe 3 1 would be there and if you

keep selecting values because if X is always the same

you end up with this vertical line as seen through x equals negative three for

the or by the x axis and so similar to when you have horizontal lines if you in


a linear equation that looks like x equals say a here where a is real so

it's a real number then

this is this is a protocol line

crossing the x-axis at a comma zero so the graph licks would look like

something like this why my X and say a was here and that would be my vertical

line crossing the x axis at a so again the table wise all the X's are the same

and on the graph graph what you can see is that you have a vertical line passing

through that value

For more infomation >> Section 10.3 Graphing using the x and y intercepts - Duration: 20:50.


Zarzuela presiona a la prensa de Madrid y empiezan las portadas pro-Letizia - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Zarzuela presiona a la prensa de Madrid y empiezan las portadas pro-Letizia - Duration: 4:16.



go through the jungle to look for the waterfall seven well navigator shows another

the parties told us that you can get to through the jungle in a shorter way dos

see if we find him we will not find who We will not meet clearly, we go aside

lifting the cableway in general no one monkeys

can anyone meet with how to jump out like will someone jump out of somewhere

protection of course oh what

The river flows through the jungle and we found here is such a bridge

now I will go up the most important thing He rotted, he was not and did not crumble away

Suspension bridge Sergei if he collapses

my dear mother's bath here

go to the other side suddenly there is something interesting going

walk around

to keep on the safe side

but here in general the wild jungle I do not know why I will not go to sandals

because there are a lot of snakes here go on the main road went back

The bridge is then rotten so it gives to hold after all for


h straight

your macaque

It is necessary to find the regiment just in case mummies

I'm afraid I'm afraid and I need some shelves is

there is a file and

there are a lot of them

I fear him almost back can

you are new and waterfall

basis and missing in three look walls back of a tale of bad

but night on 2

so we went the wrong way Well, okay, we'll get to the end of the road here

said butterflies are beautiful go to reverse side

there is no walk yet we'll go back

someone spread the path it probably with some purpose before the jungle beautiful

certainly climbed up there is another one the bridge is now a bit of a descent and we'll see

right we go all that and yes no like as if on a map, he shows that we

approach him still go one by one the bridge

let's go through such a brittle bridge the body is carpeted

while grandma wow

huge just like here we were going there further stretched rope now see

that there such

i was on a site

dobrich anisin contrast


like swings all


and the tact mode for we passed even the Canadian can be seen from here the Canadian still stands today

the king is met and we arrived to waterfalls seem to be here already

the store was hot to teach

from windows

but we will not go there and so be it

climb to the waterfall of the Sioux wells

the road has a heavy meaning from the steps go to

the rise to the top did not seem easy to me walk

and will take an average time of about 45 minutes but the beauty of the legendary waterfall

well worth it to climb the path equipped with steps and railings

benches for relaxation during the ascent almost guaranteed meeting with

representatives of wildlife can be the birds of the rhinoceros

giant squirrels and ubiquitous macati

above is a small overview area

a pendant bridge with a glass floor area for easy inspection

All conditions are created including arbours for rest and review

sleep area with open


from the site to the top this path continues to the top of the mountain a little more than 700

meters this tracker require special good physical

form to the top you will remain overcome a little more than 220 meters by

height since the wells themselves are at an altitude of 480 meters and

980 meters of travel time two or three hours a waterfall can be visited

any time of the day is best he looks in the rainy season this is September-October

because the dry season the water falls from the rock a thin streamlet pass

trekking route opposite best of all dry season from November to March

admission free of charge to all thalos is located near the eastern village

ayri metal do and all these together places are located near the beach

other beaches will have to taxi or rent


this is a very beautiful place that be sure to see with your own eyes

and capture on the photo is not usually there are static places of dirty darkness

act at all times one more reason for which I

recommended to get to the top the waterfall of all the wells is of course

chic nature is very picturesque and she circle is very beautiful

bird droppings



the people are rising torus

and now stilago on this plate It is written that for all who descended from the path and

disappeared the government of Malaysia does not

responsibility is not better do not descend


body of the year jo famous waterfall we have several lunar islands

titles to all liquorice all thresholds or sunflower seeds

and they all fit this moment nature

bewitches excellent rat blood waterfall from a height of 90

meters and one stream separating build together seems to be sufficient

female when dressing this was the reason for the creation of a ride

on him on those who lived in this place does not happen his

after the attempts of a certain prince to catch will explain all the fairy became invisible

water flows A person who descends such a height passes through

7 services hence the name of all vices These streams form the bottom only lives

giving the waterfall 3 name to all Kalutsa aborigines

claim up to 7 if only not

one to own a company

we go through its rainforests emphasize mysteriously

a kind of snowfall the grave to those legends they already planted

grass stand watered some such water this

weed so cool

plays incomprehensibly

what does the healthy crawin creep through? road

King of Burundi

behold lawlessness my patrol

For more infomation >> 🇲🇾 JUNGLE TRACKING | WATERFALL SEVEN WELLS | LANGKAVI, MALAYSIA - Duration: 13:48.


Los 7 alimentos que actúan como supresores del apetito cuando tienes ansiedad - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Los 7 alimentos que actúan como supresores del apetito cuando tienes ansiedad - Duration: 7:20.


La hija de Reese Witherspoon destaca como modelo - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> La hija de Reese Witherspoon destaca como modelo - Duration: 1:46.


Guía y remedios para bajar de peso - Duration: 16:33.

For more infomation >> Guía y remedios para bajar de peso - Duration: 16:33.


Los pendientes 'made in Spain' que unen a la reina Letizia y Cristina Cifuentes - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Los pendientes 'made in Spain' que unen a la reina Letizia y Cristina Cifuentes - Duration: 7:22.


Belén Esteban pierde los papeles insultando y vejando así a Toño en el Deluxe - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban pierde los papeles insultando y vejando así a Toño en el Deluxe - Duration: 4:16.


Los exoplanetas más extremos que se han encontrado - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Los exoplanetas más extremos que se han encontrado - Duration: 5:05.


Ce poison que vous consommez chaque jour tue des millions de personnes par an ! - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> Ce poison que vous consommez chaque jour tue des millions de personnes par an ! - Duration: 9:16.


Learn colors with feet painting

For more infomation >> Learn colors with feet painting


Nhạc chế ─ Nhớ Cha Lệ Rơi ( Ngắm Hoa Lệ Rơi Chế ) - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Nhạc chế ─ Nhớ Cha Lệ Rơi ( Ngắm Hoa Lệ Rơi Chế ) - Duration: 4:24.


Bonsai with Real Birds Nest | Bonsai Repotting & Styling | Bonsai Trees for Beginners //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:40.

welcome to my channel


i'm going to show you bonsai re-potting

it is a two years old ficus

this bonsai needs re potting


roots have filled the container

it has overgrown roots


hold the soil together in a pretty tight

it is time to re pot

loosen up the soil

remove the tree carefully from its pot

see the roots are almost overgrowing


filled the pot

removing the old soil carefully

use chopstick or small stick to remove the soil

avoid damaging the roots

completely remove old soil

remove all long and large roots

do not prune more than 40% of all roots

i decided to replant the tree in another bonsai pot


i think the old pot haven't enough space


i'm just putting a thin layer of small stones

in the bottom of the pot

for drainage purposes

before you put the stones

cover the drainage holes with mesh

place the tree in position

After placing the tree in the pot

fill the new fresh bonsai soil

this fresh soil should be worked in around

and under the root

and also

avoid leaving any air pockets

make sure to fill all the air pockets around the roots

use chopstick or any small stick

and fill the air pockets

after filling the soil

place the moss on top of the soil

this will keep the soil moisture


i'm collecting bird nest from wild

this is very beautiful bird nest

it's a empty nest

i'm going to use this bird nest to decor my bonsai

i'm just placing the bird nest

among the branches of tree

after reptting

water the tree thoroughly

use spray water

the best time to re pot a ficus

in mid-summer when grown outdoors

other times of year if the tree is being grown indoors

For more infomation >> Bonsai with Real Birds Nest | Bonsai Repotting & Styling | Bonsai Trees for Beginners //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:40.


Tak Agnieszka Szulim-Woźniak-Starak będzie świętować swoje urodziny! - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Tak Agnieszka Szulim-Woźniak-Starak będzie świętować swoje urodziny! - Duration: 2:50.


latest maggam work designs | simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery works online - Duration: 2:14.

latest maggam work designs

For more infomation >> latest maggam work designs | simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery works online - Duration: 2:14.


Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 6:58.


Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 7:06.


Sẽ Không Có Nhau Vào Ngày Mai. - John x DWalker (Prod. by Smyang Piano) - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Sẽ Không Có Nhau Vào Ngày Mai. - John x DWalker (Prod. by Smyang Piano) - Duration: 2:26.


అంజీర(లేదా)మేడిపండు ప్రతిరోజు తింటారా ఈ విషయాలు తెలుసుకోండి | health benefits of figs | Daily Tips - Duration: 2:16.

copy rights

For more infomation >> అంజీర(లేదా)మేడిపండు ప్రతిరోజు తింటారా ఈ విషయాలు తెలుసుకోండి | health benefits of figs | Daily Tips - Duration: 2:16.


4 Puzzles I decided to show you and let you solve! (Turn on subtitles) - Duration: 9:29.

What's up guys? It's SuperDoge47 and welcome back to another video. In this video, I will be showing you all puzzle pictures that I made in paint. You need to find the odd one out. Th-- that's basically it.

Good luck and Enjoy! :D


Now, without further ado..


Get your eyes ready!! And enjoy the music! :D

Can you spot the odd one out? You have 20 seconds!












Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

2nd puzzle! GO!! Which line reaches the end of the "maze"?






Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

Time to rest your eyes for 1 minute!

Get ready for more puzzles!!


Ok! Ready?




Get ready!

Puzzle #3: Can you find the oval? Go!!








Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

Puzzle #4 (LAST ONE!) : Which one did I draw? (No worries guys this one is easy as heck!)





1!!! HURRY!!


Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

That's all the (TYPO) puzzles I have for this video! Comment below how many you found! I REALLY hope you enjoyed! Tell me in the comments (Or G-Mail) if you want more puzzles! Byeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D

For more infomation >> 4 Puzzles I decided to show you and let you solve! (Turn on subtitles) - Duration: 9:29.


Best Sunglasses For Pets - Duration: 3:25.

Best Sunglasses For Pets

For more infomation >> Best Sunglasses For Pets - Duration: 3:25.


Redmi Note 6 Pro Full reviews ll Top best Android Redmi note 6 pro - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Redmi Note 6 Pro Full reviews ll Top best Android Redmi note 6 pro - Duration: 1:39.


Watch The Resident On FOX ...

For more infomation >> Watch The Resident On FOX ...


I Believe in the Resurrection: All Will Rise - Duration: 28:31.


What exactly will happen

to believers on Judgment


And what will happen to

unbelievers on Judgement


Find out next from Pastor

Jeske on Time of Grace.



I have been in

white people's houses,

I've been in Latino

people's houses, and I've

been in black folks houses

and you know what?

The dust is the same color

in everybody's house

[Audience: Laughter].

And you know what dust is

made of, right?

It's made of us.

Something like 75 percent

of dust isn't just dirt

from outside; it's pieces

of you that have fallen


We are - we really are


And what's another

characteristic of dust

besides it sticks to

everything that you want

clean in your house?

It blows around.

We're going to scatter, no

matter what happens.

Even though the

traditional burial

practices try their best

to discourage it, dust

blows around and blows


God only needs one tiny

little speck of you and

even if he can't find one

little speck of you left

over - think of what might

be left of Adam and Eve.

They've been gone so long,

I'm sure they're - what

made up their physical

body at the time of their

death has disintegrated

and has now been recycled

- it's - atoms from Adam's

body have probably gone

around the globe 100 times

and they get recycled over

and over.

But see, God has his DNA

on file and it wasn't

until the dawning of the

computer age that I

actually wrapped my head

around how this could


Adam's DNA is in the

cloud; God can reassemble

him just like that.

It's like all the plans

are there.

Your DNA is in the cloud;

in the heavenly cloud.

God will have no trouble

reassembling you and

here's my point:

Regardless of the way in

which your body ceased

breathing and moving, and

he's going to do it on a

grand scale.

He's going to do it


And this now is the third

and final piece of my

celebration with you of

the resurrection of the

body, which we all in the

Apostle's Creed say we

believe in.

Month after month, when we

say the Apostle's Creed

together, "I believe in

the resurrection of the


I believe in the

resurrection of Christ's


I believe in the

resurrection of my body

and I believe in the

resurrection of

everybody's body.

The good and the bad.

The believers and the


I'd like to invite you to

turn with me to an

incredible passage in the

book of Daniel, in Daniel

chapter twelve.

Daniel only has 12

chapters, so this kicks

off the finale of that

incredible book.

I don't know what you

think of when you're

thinking of the prophet

Daniel, what, if anything,

comes into your head.

When I was in Sunday

School back in the day,

when I was a kid, the

illustrations of the story

of Daniel in the lion's

den showed a young man

down there sweating as he

looked nervously at the

growling, drooling lions

around him and those

pictures stay in your


The fact is, Daniel was

not a young man when he

was lowered down in that

pit of lions.

He was not a middle-aged

man like me when he was

lowered down into the pit.

He was a geezer, the way -

I may live long enough to


He was in his probably -

by my math - in his early

eighties when he was

winched down into the pit

of lions.

And he's even older now

when we meet him.

Daniel, by my reckoning,

is 85 years old.

Don't anybody in your

eighties say that your

best years are behind you

and there's nothing left

for you to do for God.

You don't know what God is

using you for!

Daniel certainly was

surprised by visions that

were put in his head.

He was allowed to see

Jesus Christ himself.

The last three chapters of

Daniel are one lengthy

speech of Christ himself.

If you'll permit me to

just read you a verse from

Daniel 10 when this final

vision of a man begins,

Daniel was in Babylon.

He's standing on the bank

of the great river, the


"I looked up and there

before me was a Man,"

capital M, "dressed in


Linen is a symbol of

purity because it's so

creamy colored, it just

looks like something the

angels would wear.

"With a belt of the finest

gold around his waist," so

triumph, rank, wealth.

"His body was like


How many - who of you

knows what chrysolite is?

It's kind of like a

biblical little - scrap

piece of biblical trivia.

Well, we don't use that

word very much.

Even gem - even jewelers

would probably not use

that term.

They would call it

peridot, or peridot,

depending if you use the

French pronunciation.

You know what color

peridot is or peridot?

It's greenish; yellow,


So the linen he was

wearing had a kind of a

glowing like Emerald City.

He was looking like

spooky, other worldly, but

like a gem, so pure and

perfect and expensive.

"His face like lightning,"

so nobody was going to

mess with him.

"His eyes were like

flaming torches."

When you looked into his

eyes and he, of course,

has a human body, all you

saw were two big burning

holes of intensity of

power, of anger, but also

of insight, intelligence,

and omniscient knowledge

of everything going on, of

resoluteness of purpose.

His eyes just sizzled and

those who saw him usually

were scared.

Daniel fell, fell down.

He passed out cause his

senses just were on


"His arms and legs like

the gleam of burnished


So he had like dark brown


Hey - Is that not

cool or what?

He didn't look like pale

and ivory looking; he's

got bronze skin.

He looks like he's at

least Middle Eastern,

looked like one of the

brown folks, maybe like a

black guy.

Isn't this amazing?

At least, that's how he

chose to represent


He may end up looking to

all of us the way we look

back in the mirror.

Who knows.

But I just think it's so

interesting that this is

the second place in

Scripture, including

Revelation, where Jesus is

described as having skin

the color of bronze.

I just think that's too

cool because so much

Christian art makes Jesus

look Norwegian.

I just think there needs

to be equal amount of art

making Jesus [Audience:

Laughter] look a little

farther down the

Coppertone scale.

[Audience: Laughter] So

his voice was like the

"sound of a multitude."

When he opened his mouth,

it probably reminded

Daniel of what the

Israelites felt like when

they were gathered around

Mount Sinai.

When God's voice rolled

down Mt.

Sinai, the people weren't

saying how cool to hear

God talking to us.

Remember what they did

when they heard him speak?

Ran for cover.

They were terrified.

They begged Moses, "Make

him stop or he's going to

kill us with that voice."

This was Jesus, and the

teachers know about this,

this was Jesus' outside


When he was teaching his

disciples, he used his

inside voice.

Daniel got to hear his

outside voice and he

passed out from the

intensity of the


He was afraid.

Now, Jesus calmed him down

and he had, at this point,

of course, not yet

suffered and died.

This is a vision of the


This is not what things

were like at that moment,

but this is what Jesus

looks like now.

This is the Jesus that

St. John saw: Triumphant,

powerful, resurrected, on

top of everything,

resolute in purpose, in

command and in control of

every last thing in the


Letting things play out

until the exact right

moment when he will speak

a word and all of the

grinding and winding of

history is going to stop

abruptly and everything is

going to have a new, fresh


There will be a gigantic

review of every human


Now, we could dawdle

through all of chapter 11

- an astonishingly

detailed prophecy of the

hardships of the next four


The Bible calls - we call

it the "silent years"

because there's a gap

between Malachi and


There's nothing in

Scripture that talks about

what happened in those 400

years except this.

And with astonishing

clarity, Jesus lays out

the wars that are going to

happen and the collisions

and clashing between the

pieces of Alexander the

Great's once immense


It's going to break apart

into four pieces and

they're going to fall

against each other and

attack each other and be

at war and those were

literally fulfilled but

those wars also symbolize

the way in which Satan is

going to try to torment

and kill people and

ultimately destroy their

relationship with God.

It is not a happy chapter;

it is a prophecy of

hardship for the people in

Daniel's future, but it's

also a prophecy of what's

coming for you and me, as

well, for that violent

conflict on earth is not

going to stop.

Now comes happy news,

though; it wasn't all hard

news for Daniel.

Chapter 12 shows what the

end game is going to look

like and this is going to

give Daniel some hope.

He's still in Babylon.

It's the year 536 B.C.

and it was that year that

the Jews were given their

edict of permission to

return because the

Babylonian Empire was


The Babylonians thought we

are going to have a

thousand year empire and,

in fact, it ended

overnight and the Persians

took their place almost

instantaneously; it's an

astonishing story.

Cyrus, the Persian, is now

the overlord of the entire

Middle East and will be

for - in his country -

will be for a couple of


Chapter 12 begins: "At

that time," looking far

into the future, "Michael,

the great prince who

protects your people, will


You know who Michael is?

He's the archangel.

He is the commander in

chief of all the angel


Scripture, in many places,

points out the angels are

not just a generic,

gigantic mass; everyone,

like ants in a colony,

where everyone's just

exactly the same as the


The angels have specific

jobs, they have unique

names and personalities,

they have minds, they have

will where they can make

choices that matter.

They have different

abilities and their

differing ranks, they have

different jobs to do.

And there are many

different names for them

and we hardly know squat

about what any of those

names mean.

We just know that they are

called the armies, the

divisions, of the Lord.

And some of those names,

like Seraphim, seem to

indicate some sort of

ability to project power.

Seraph, in Hebrew, means

to burn; so what are the

burning ones?

I don't know.

Are they the ones carrying

the flaming swords, like

the ones to keep Adam and

Eve from sliding back into

the Garden of Eden?

I don't know.

I have no idea.

The cherubim are a

description of high ranks

of angels but what that

really means other than

they are the high command

of the angel armies, we

don't know.

But they had authority and

Michael is their chief.

It comes from some

beautiful Hebrew words,

Mikha'el, which means, "Who

is like God?"

What a beautiful name.

"He is the great prince

who protects your people."

So here more than anywhere

else in Scripture we get

like the curtains pulled

back a little bit.

We get to peek at what's

going on behind the scenes

to see that God is really


He hasn't just said,

"Alright, well, mess

around down there you

little people and I'll

send you the Savior and

I'll send you - I'll try

to keep you from beating

on each other too badly.

But I'm basically checking

out and I'll be back in a

couple of thousand years."

This is not true.

He's working it every day

and the angels are like

working twenty-four-seven

to keep you and me from

being just chewed alive by

the forces ranged against


Michael and his angel

armies are working it to

protect us.

"There will be a time of

distress such as has not

happened from the

beginning of nations until


In other words, things on

earth are going to get

worse and worse.

Don't look surprised when

you hear about what is

going on in our world;

don't look surprised.

Don't be surprised.

Assume that Jesus' own

words, "that the love of

most will grow cold," is

going to come true.

We're not getting better

and better at evolving

into a kinder, gentler,

wiser, more loving human


We are devolving until the

time when the Lord says he

had enough.

"But at that time, your

people," meaning the

people who believe what

you believe, Daniel,

"everyone whose name is

found written in the

book," those who have been

saved by grace through

faith, the believers, have

their names written in the


Every one of them will be

"delivered," will be


God's not going to miss a

one of them.

He knows who they are, he

has the names, he has

their DNA, he has their

records, he knows their

addresses, he knows what

they look like, and he has

plans for them that will

not be disrupted.

"Multitudes who sleep in

the dust of the earth will

awake: some to everlasting

life, others to shame and

everlasting contempt."

All this will happen

through the word of God.

Jesus, in John 5, said the

same thing once.

I've just got to share

this, these words of Jesus

with you.

He was speaking to some of

the Pharisees and some of

the Jews who were

persecuting him.

He said, "I tell you the

truth, a time is coming

and has now come when the

spiritually dead will hear

the voice of the Son of

God and those who hear

will live."

And the Bible calls that

the first resurrection;

when you're converted from

being an unbeliever into

being a believer.

That's like rising from

spiritual death and your

heart starts beating


Jeremiah calls it,

"Getting a heart of flesh

instead of a heart of


For as the Father has life

in himself, he's granted

the Son to have life in

himself and given him

authority to judge.

Don't be amazed; a time is

coming when all who are in

their graves will hear his

voice and come out."

So the voice of Jesus

Christ, the word of

Christ, converts people in

the first resurrection.

And when he speaks it

again, when the world

hears the voice of Christ

again, all of the corpses

- whether they were neatly

buried in airtight,

watertight, basement

vaults in their own

private cemetery basement

where literally all of

those chemicals inside of

them have retarded their

disintegration so

completely, there's more

or less an intact body

left, maybe even with some

of your clothes looking

pretty good.

Or maybe somebody fell off

a boat and was lost at sea

and a day later, there was

absolutely nothing left of

him or her because they

became part of the marine

life around them, is

irrelevant to God.

At the word of Christ,

every human being's body

is going to be


I believe in the

resurrection of all the

bodies because Scripture

teaches the resurrection

of all the bodies and I

invite you today to

reaffirm your belief in

the resurrection of all

the bodies.

Daniel says it's going to

happen: "Some to

everlasting life, others

to shame and everlasting


Isn't that interesting the

way he puts that?

Normally, when you think

of what's going to happen

to unbelievers, we're

thinking pain, right?

You're going to hell.

You're going to burn on

and on.

But Daniel's record for us

here of the words of Jesus

coming to him centuries in

advance of Christmas, when

he was born and lived on

earth, doesn't mention the

physical torment.

It says the people who

were not believers and are

face-to-face with the one

who they blew off and

rejected, they indeed are

going to suffer pain.

But what Jesus mentions to

Daniel is they're going to

suffer shame and

everlasting contempt.

Do you know what contempt


Somebody's disgusted with


The mental suffering is

mentioned here.

Shame is when you say to

yourself over and over,

"What a fool I've been!

What an idiot."

Contempt is when you hate

others and hated by others

and worse, you hate


This is what awaits.

Not only the physical

discomfort of whatever God

designs for people who had

no use for him on this

earth, people who wanted

to be free from God

essentially are going to

be given what they say

they want, which is a

terrifying thought.

If God withdraws all his

presence and goodness,

there's nothing left but

shame and everlasting


Where people are angry at

everybody else and blaming

the people who put them

there, but also hating


This is what awaits people

whose names are not

written in the book.

"Those who are wise will

shine like the brightness

of the heavens," like the

sun itself.

This is talking not just

about people who've been

to college, not that kind

of wisdom.

This is talking about what

Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3,

that you are wise for


If you are connected to

Christ, you will shine

like the sun itself.

And even more so, those

who will shine even more

brightly are the ones "who

lead many to

righteousness, like the

stars for ever and ever."

Those are God's all-stars.

Not the people who've

accumulated the most money

or become the most famous

or have the most power

over everybody else or the

biggest twitter following.

But what impact did you

have in sharing your faith

with people around you?

Those are God's all-stars

and he will find ways to

thank and recognize and

clap and cheer for people

who have spent their lives

bringing other people to

give them a shot.

You can't convert anybody


You can't believe for

anybody else.

You can't change someone

else's heart but God can.

What you can do is give

them a chance by just

sharing the word that does

all those things.

And that gives people like

that the right to be

called those who lead many

to righteousness.

Now he said, "You, Daniel,

close up and seal the

words of the scroll until

the time of the end."

But you've got to

understand what that


That doesn't mean lock it

up so nobody can read what

I just told you.

This means write it down

and preserve it so it will

last, so it can be shared.

This is the opposite of

hiding it or putting it in

a vault.

This means make sure this

vision was not just for

you, Daniel.

I'm giving it to you to

share so get it written

down and, indeed, Daniel

clearly followed

instructions because we

have that incredible

message today.

And it was not lost or

perished; it is being


And through printing and

through communication,

those messages can keep

rolling out today, as


"Many will go here and

there to increase

knowledge," and I think

Jesus' point is but here

is the truth that

ultimately matters.

That through faith in the

Son of God, who lived his

perfect life and died his

perfect, innocent death,

who shed his innocent

blood, who laid it down

freely of himself out of

pure love and who did it

all in such utter

perfection that nothing

hindered his resurrection

of the body, guarantees

two powerful things: The

forgiveness of your sins

and the favor of God and

it guarantees also your

personal resurrection so

that you have nothing to

fear on this grand day of

the resurrection of all


When essentially, private

judgment days that have

been happening as people

die one by one, where all

is now made public, and

you and I are on our way

to a grand reunion where

we will be gathered

together, back again with

all of our Christian loved

ones whom we've laid to


We will get them back not

only in spirit, but we'll

get them back in their

physical selves, as well.

One dear lady talked to me

this week and said that

some pastor told her years

ago that we wouldn't

recognize each other in

heaven; we'll all be so

completely changed, we'll

be somebody else.

And it's enough, he says,

because you'll have Jesus,

you'll have God, and

that's enough for you.

Well, God is awesome and

he truly is our all in

all, but I think that poor

woman was cheated out of a

fact that we're

individuals, too, and our

individuality will be


When Jesus himself in his

resurrected body walked

among his disciples, he

was still himself.

He had not become somebody


In fact, we will get to

see what he looks like

because he took his body

with him to heaven and you

and I will, too.

Alright, let's wrap this

all up.

So what?

So what, indeed.

Number one: Be careful.

Be careful to hang onto

this word.

Don't lose it or drop it.

Keep this close to your


This is your asset number

one on your personal

balance sheet.

This is treasure number

one in the things you


It's more important than

your money, your house,

your car, or your

reputation or anything


This relationship that you

have with Christ is why

your name is written in

blood in the book of life,

the book of life, which

guarantees your

forgiveness and your


Second, be confident

because by God's grace

giving you what you could

not earn and by faith,

which also was given to

you, you are connected

with him and your future

is guaranteed.

That means you can absorb

any kind of abuse or

whacking; whatever life

gives you.

Whether your financial

situation is trashed or

people turn on you and

people you thought had 20

friends and you wonder

some days if you even have

two, you can overcome


You can live with that

because you know this only


You can deal with anything

that comes your way

because you know it's only


You can be trapped in a

warzone and know this is

only temporary.

What I'm reading in

Scripture is eternal.

I can endure this and it's

worth the wait.

So be confident.

Finally, thirdly, be bold.

Be careful to hold on, be

confident, but thirdly, be

bold because you have

people close to you who

don't quite get or believe

what I've been talking

about for the last 20


I feel sorry for them.

What have they got to look

forward to?


All they have is a mind

game where they maybe are

pretending or making up

scenarios where God likes

them and where they get to

go to heaven.

But they have nothing to

base it on, an actual

fact, and because it's not

based on the word, they

know it's a fraud and

they're just making it up

and they have no

confidence because it's

not based on the solid

promises of the one who

bled, suffered, died, and


And you and I cannot

change other people's

minds and hearts, but we

can give them a shot.

So my final charge to you,

in addition to be careful

to hold on and to be

confident for yourself, is

to be bold and give the

people in your life a


They may reject it.

Just remember, they're not

rejecting you; don't take

it personally.

But just give them a

chance and share good news

that you are loved and

forgiven in Jesus Christ

and help them to believe

in the resurrection of the

body to eternal life.

Say it with me one last

time: "I believe in the

resurrection of the body."

[Audience and Pastor: I

believe in the

resurrection of the body].

I do, too, and that's good

news for God's people.




Thank you, Pastor

Jeske, for that incredibly

important message.

Hell is real and so is

heaven and so is the Jesus

who gives it to us.

I'll be back in a minute

to pray.

[PROMOTION] "Why can't you

be more put together like


You're such a mess." "What

kind of man are you?

Don't be such a wimp."

"How can you expect anyone

to like you when you're so

lame all the time?"

I wrote this book, "A Change

of Story," because we all

tell ourselves stories and

some of those stories take

us to somewhere good and

some of those stories

spiral down into more and

more temptations into dark


It's at those moments,

like Asaph or David, where

we have to hear God's

story for us.

And so, in this book,

you'll see what God's

story is for you and how

God can connect you to

that story so that you can

change where you're going

and start leading a life

closer to God.

And it's our thanks for

your donation to help

reach more people with

God's timeless truths.

So get your copy of

"A Change of Story" when you

give today and begin your

journey away from negative

thoughts and into the true

story of God's love.


Thank you so much for your

kind support of this


So many more souls are

able to hear the gospel

because of good friends

like you.

Let's pray together.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for

the wonderful assurance

that you give us in your

word; the assurance that

we don't need to be afraid

of Judgment Day.

As we think about standing

in front of our Father in

heaven, our hearts can be

filled with fear as we

think about our mistakes,

as we think about our


As we think about standing

in front of our Father in

heaven and having to give

an answer for everything

that we've done.

But Jesus gives us the

best answer of all:



That's what we are because

of the life and death of

our Savior and our friend,


Help us keep our hearts

focused on him and our

minds fixed on him so that

Satan's accusations

against us don't hold any

weight in our hearts.

Rather, set our hearts

free with the assurance

that we will rise to be

with Jesus in the heaven

that he has prepared for


And as we walk each step

there, help us also to be

faithful in sharing that

assurance with others,


So many hearts are living

in fear and you've given

us the message that can

set them all free.

Help us to do that


In Jesus' name we pray,


I'm Pastor Jeremy Mattek

with Time of Grace and it

all starts now.



preceding program was

brought to you by the

friends and partners of

Time of Grace.

For more infomation >> I Believe in the Resurrection: All Will Rise - Duration: 28:31.


4 Puzzles I decided to show you and let you solve! (Turn on subtitles) - Duration: 9:29.

What's up guys? It's SuperDoge47 and welcome back to another video. In this video, I will be showing you all puzzle pictures that I made in paint. You need to find the odd one out. Th-- that's basically it.

Good luck and Enjoy! :D


Now, without further ado..


Get your eyes ready!! And enjoy the music! :D

Can you spot the odd one out? You have 20 seconds!












Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

2nd puzzle! GO!! Which line reaches the end of the "maze"?






Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

Time to rest your eyes for 1 minute!

Get ready for more puzzles!!


Ok! Ready?




Get ready!

Puzzle #3: Can you find the oval? Go!!








Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

Puzzle #4 (LAST ONE!) : Which one did I draw? (No worries guys this one is easy as heck!)





1!!! HURRY!!


Here's the answer to make sure you got it right or if you didn't find it!

That's all the (TYPO) puzzles I have for this video! Comment below how many you found! I REALLY hope you enjoyed! Tell me in the comments (Or G-Mail) if you want more puzzles! Byeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D

For more infomation >> 4 Puzzles I decided to show you and let you solve! (Turn on subtitles) - Duration: 9:29.


Conosciamo i cani guida - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Conosciamo i cani guida - Duration: 8:25.


Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 7:06.


WON'T STOP BLINKING: Gameplay (Dead by Daylight) - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> WON'T STOP BLINKING: Gameplay (Dead by Daylight) - Duration: 12:22.


*NEW 2018* How To Get Free PSN Codes | Free PSN Codes Generator - Duration: 3:55.

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For more infomation >> *NEW 2018* How To Get Free PSN Codes | Free PSN Codes Generator - Duration: 3:55.


5正妹合照他求神"中间和左二",网友:"右2完胜"其实是她! - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 5正妹合照他求神"中间和左二",网友:"右2完胜"其实是她! - Duration: 3:07.


Brasileirão: relembre os últimos campeões - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Brasileirão: relembre os últimos campeões - Duration: 2:29.


Ponte Preta x Paysandu: transmissão da Série B ao vivo na TV e online - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Ponte Preta x Paysandu: transmissão da Série B ao vivo na TV e online - Duration: 4:58.


Relembre as dez últimas estreias do Fluminense na Série A - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Relembre as dez últimas estreias do Fluminense na Série A - Duration: 5:43.


Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Julia Kamińska jest szczęśliwa u boku Piotra. Wrócą razem na plan "BrzydUli"? - Duration: 6:58.


Fortnite Hack 2018– How to get free V bucks with Fortnite cheats on Pc,Ps4 and Xbox - Duration: 3:23.

Hi, I want to show you how to get free v bucks on Fortnite

You fist need to go to the online hack tool at the link in the video and pinned in the first comment

Then, you need to verify that you are human by downloading an app from Google Playstore or Appstore

Then, run this app for 30 seconds

Then, you will get the free V bucks for free

For more infomation >> Fortnite Hack 2018– How to get free V bucks with Fortnite cheats on Pc,Ps4 and Xbox - Duration: 3:23.


Free Roblox Account!(Ends Soon! and turn on captions) - Duration: 4:42.

Hello Youtube!

Today im giving away a free account!

If you want the account a give it to a friend or for you to keep subscribe and give me your username or send me a request(Desc)

im just gona play around with the account so dont mind the app and me xD

just looking for a game :P

Subscribe and Like!


For more infomation >> Free Roblox Account!(Ends Soon! and turn on captions) - Duration: 4:42.


wow! amazing children monstar fishing - how to catch fish by hand - catch a lot of fish - Duration: 10:40.

pls subscribe

For more infomation >> wow! amazing children monstar fishing - how to catch fish by hand - catch a lot of fish - Duration: 10:40.


ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Fried Cassava (Singkong Goreng) - Duration: 12:00.

fried cassava

some cheese on top

let's eat :)

i will use this spice first (the taste kind a sweet)

i'm so full, i can't finish this

too many XD

let's drink

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Fried Cassava (Singkong Goreng) - Duration: 12:00.


Alicorn Radio Podcast: So Rick and Morty are canon... Neat - Duration: 28:18.

For more infomation >> Alicorn Radio Podcast: So Rick and Morty are canon... Neat - Duration: 28:18.


Anna Powierza: Kto pomógł jej wyjść z depresji? - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Anna Powierza: Kto pomógł jej wyjść z depresji? - Duration: 3:56.


4억짜리 '다이아몬드'를 찾을 수 있는 공원 - Duration: 2:59.

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go through the jungle to look for the waterfall seven well navigator shows another

the parties told us that you can get to through the jungle in a shorter way dos

see if we find him we will not find who We will not meet clearly, we go aside

lifting the cableway in general no one monkeys

can anyone meet with how to jump out like will someone jump out of somewhere

protection of course oh what

The river flows through the jungle and we found here is such a bridge

now I will go up the most important thing He rotted, he was not and did not crumble away

Suspension bridge Sergei if he collapses

my dear mother's bath here

go to the other side suddenly there is something interesting going

walk around

to keep on the safe side

but here in general the wild jungle I do not know why I will not go to sandals

because there are a lot of snakes here go on the main road went back

The bridge is then rotten so it gives to hold after all for


h straight

your macaque

It is necessary to find the regiment just in case mummies

I'm afraid I'm afraid and I need some shelves is

there is a file and

there are a lot of them

I fear him almost back can

you are new and waterfall

basis and missing in three look walls back of a tale of bad

but night on 2

so we went the wrong way Well, okay, we'll get to the end of the road here

said butterflies are beautiful go to reverse side

there is no walk yet we'll go back

someone spread the path it probably with some purpose before the jungle beautiful

certainly climbed up there is another one the bridge is now a bit of a descent and we'll see

right we go all that and yes no like as if on a map, he shows that we

approach him still go one by one the bridge

let's go through such a brittle bridge the body is carpeted

while grandma wow

huge just like here we were going there further stretched rope now see

that there such

i was on a site

dobrich anisin contrast


like swings all


and the tact mode for we passed even the Canadian can be seen from here the Canadian still stands today

the king is met and we arrived to waterfalls seem to be here already

the store was hot to teach

from windows

but we will not go there and so be it

climb to the waterfall of the Sioux wells

the road has a heavy meaning from the steps go to

the rise to the top did not seem easy to me walk

and will take an average time of about 45 minutes but the beauty of the legendary waterfall

well worth it to climb the path equipped with steps and railings

benches for relaxation during the ascent almost guaranteed meeting with

representatives of wildlife can be the birds of the rhinoceros

giant squirrels and ubiquitous macati

above is a small overview area

a pendant bridge with a glass floor area for easy inspection

All conditions are created including arbours for rest and review

sleep area with open


from the site to the top this path continues to the top of the mountain a little more than 700

meters this tracker require special good physical

form to the top you will remain overcome a little more than 220 meters by

height since the wells themselves are at an altitude of 480 meters and

980 meters of travel time two or three hours a waterfall can be visited

any time of the day is best he looks in the rainy season this is September-October

because the dry season the water falls from the rock a thin streamlet pass

trekking route opposite best of all dry season from November to March

admission free of charge to all thalos is located near the eastern village

ayri metal do and all these together places are located near the beach

other beaches will have to taxi or rent


this is a very beautiful place that be sure to see with your own eyes

and capture on the photo is not usually there are static places of dirty darkness

act at all times one more reason for which I

recommended to get to the top the waterfall of all the wells is of course

chic nature is very picturesque and she circle is very beautiful

bird droppings



the people are rising torus

and now stilago on this plate It is written that for all who descended from the path and

disappeared the government of Malaysia does not

responsibility is not better do not descend


body of the year jo famous waterfall we have several lunar islands

titles to all liquorice all thresholds or sunflower seeds

and they all fit this moment nature

bewitches excellent rat blood waterfall from a height of 90

meters and one stream separating build together seems to be sufficient

female when dressing this was the reason for the creation of a ride

on him on those who lived in this place does not happen his

after the attempts of a certain prince to catch will explain all the fairy became invisible

water flows A person who descends such a height passes through

7 services hence the name of all vices These streams form the bottom only lives

giving the waterfall 3 name to all Kalutsa aborigines

claim up to 7 if only not

one to own a company

we go through its rainforests emphasize mysteriously

a kind of snowfall the grave to those legends they already planted

grass stand watered some such water this

weed so cool

plays incomprehensibly

what does the healthy crawin creep through? road

King of Burundi

behold lawlessness my patrol

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