Sunday, April 22, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 22 2018

Hello, now Laura is going to teach us ghetto Mexican. Tell us, please.

Hey man, let's grab some beers at my house

Okay, your turn

Hey man

let's grab some...


at my cardboard-- at my house

Not cardboard!

Cardboard is for the poor

Yes? Great!

Welcome to the Sailor Moon (x MyMelody) Cafe!

Today we're with Laura (Laura Anunnaki, illustrator and tattoo artist)

We have brought her here because she's a big fan of Sailor Moon. Look! Look!

How beautiful, how gorgeous, omg!

She didn't do this, because you can't tattoo yourself.

LA: No, Hori Benny did it for me. Yu: And that's all. Now let's eat, all right?

It's good.

Andrej, do you want pineapple? (No thank you) Haha.

The pineapple tastes like pineapple.

It's strawberry yay! I love strawberries.

What is it, a flan?

This is a pudding, and this is a kind of ice cream.

And now let's play this game TO THE DEATH

A game where two people play and one, perhaps, survives.

And so, here we have various colors, but you can only use two, okay?

What color do you want?

Okay, I'm going to say a person from anime, or from famous--

"person of famous"?!

--and we have to draw them without looking (at any reference pictures)

The first character is SIMBA. One two three go!

Let's go

Uy, uy, I think it's looking like a koala...

♪ It's the ciiircle of liiiife ♪

♪ It's the wheeel of forrrrtuhahaha ♪

Okay, let's show it

No, I haven't finished my homework!

Here, fill it in a little more so it looks yellow

The bad thing is, I have a lot of experience with the game of Yu, because I'm Yu.

Yu: Since I created it... LA: Yes, the game of death

Death and dishonor on your cow

Yu: Laura... Yu... LA: Please, for real, I can draw much better than this...

How many points do you give her?

It's not a Simba


Yu: He's a big hater, that's a good score LA: No no, it's very...

Yu: I've seen him give zeros LA: Really?!

Yu: How many points do you give mine, babe?

It has the body of a lion...

Yu: Oh my, look at that lion-like tail!

But ears of a koala

(pointing to "nose" and mouth) It's like, it's like...

...two mouths, therefore...

LA: It's a nose! A: four

Yu: Whaa he gave me a 4?! LA: Yayy!

Wait, let me think a--

Let's draw Doraemon

LA: I don't remember at all... Yu: I can never remember the eyes of Doraemon

He has a little bell

What kind of eyes does Doraemon have?

No, no, how are his eyes? Like this?

No, that's Kirby!

Yu: Done! LA: How come you always have time for the body and I don't?

Yu: Because that's life. Ah, I forgot to finish drawing the bell

Can you look up a picture of Doraemon so we can see now?

How are the eyes of Doraemon?!

I don't remember.

Yu: not even a resemblance between them!

Yu: All right, Mr. Hater, here you are

It's like Kero from (Cardcaptor) Sakura

...but with the hood of Hello Kitty

I only see Kero

LA: Noooo Yu: [gasp] he gave you a 3!

The Hater returns!

I'm sorry, it's just that I can only see Kero

A: and yours (Yunae's)?

Yu: Mine? Mine's beautiful. LA: Yes, very beautiful, it's like...


LA: It's like modern art

A: And this is... a leg? Yu: Aw shucks, I forgot to finish the hand

A: I see Doraemon

I see a Chinese Doraemon

Yu: a Chinese Doraemon, it's true!

Yu: It's a Doraemon in a Chinese dollar store

So, five.

Yu: nice! LA: You won.

Yu: as we're fans of magical girls, let's draw Kyubey (from Madoka Magika)

Let's see how this goes Okay, one two three go

Yu: ah, I remember the eyes

LA: Ah, why do I always draw in the corner?

Yu: ahh, how are Kyubey's EARS?

LA: What is this, omg

LA: No, don't copy! Yu: I'm no--

Yu: I'm not copying! I'm not-- Yours looks like a digimon

LA: Yes, it's true, it looks like Terriermon

He has eyes like a laboratory rat, this guy

but maybe he has a small face

Now he's angry

Yu: Aha, aha, oh, how beautiful

Yu: Mine is sad because the plastic surgery he had done on his ears didn't work

Yu: Laura has done the Digimon-version of Kyubey LA: Yes

LA: the Tamagotchi version

Yu: and mine is a sad species of Pokemon

LA: Haha... Why is it so sad?

It's very cute, as a Digimon...

I like the ears

Yu: I believe that the people here have been bought off

(for Yunae's) It's very cute, so...

I give you...


Yu: but I feel like he's giving me that just so I feel good



LA: Almost! A: Nine.

Yu: Let's see, let's draw...

Yu: Mewtwo LA: OK Sounds good

Yu: This should be hard, eh? LA: Yes, pretty hard

Yu: Okay one two three, go

Yu: why do I say things that I don't know how to draw?

LA: You should be cheating! Yu: Exactly!

Mewtwo is like a cat in the bathtub, and as he doesn't like the water, he's mad

He has weird hands like this...

I really don't know why I say things I don't know how to draw

LA: Yep, it's very random

Yu: ah, and he has a kind of back problem so he doesn't quite feel okay

He has a tail curled like this... like this! Hm!

I think the body has come out better than the face.

LA: Yes, very beautiful, truly

He has like a sphere around him

LA: I dunno!

LA: I'm losing Yu: Ah, it looks like Hypno

Yu: or Drowzee

LA: At least it looks like A Pokemon, so it's not so bad Yu: How's the time?

LA: very bad ??: Time's up already LA: Oh no

Yu: this drawing should be tattooed on many people

Yu: you should tattoo this on people, Laura

LA: Yes, I'm going to do a flash with this drawing, if you want a tattoo of it

LA: Only lines Yu: No don't say that, they might actually ask for it

LA: Yeah, no no no, it's just a joke!

Yu: This one's out of a hundred, eh? From one to 100

A: From 1 to 100? No LA: Rats, I'm going to lose

Yu: Why don't you do what I want you to do?

A: This one wins


Because the face, no...

but the expression!

Yu: Right? It's like a wet cat, right? A: Yes!

It's that, yeah, it's more Drowzee or Hypno

LA: It's a Pokemon

A: I like the eyes

I'm sorry but...

LA: I'm going to have to leave my job

A five, but...

LA: Curses! A: but a 5.5

I have something for Laura! I was thinking of what to get and so, Koalas

Yu: Here, for you! LA: Ah, how nice!

LA: You love koalas, right? Yu: Yes

LA: so this means a lot to you Yu: It's from my heart to your heart

LA: and thus to my stomach. Thank you very much!

Yu: And I didn't eat any

When you get to a party, you can say:

"Qué transa carnal" (What's up bros)

Yu: Qué transa carnal! LA: That's it

Welcome to my "cantón"!

Yu: which she just taught me, which means "house" (In Mexican Spanish)

LA: It wasn't me! Yu: She's taught me many nice things

Yu: she told me to say "Hola perros" (slang Mexican for "Hey guys")

Yu: What was the other thing I had to say? LA: Qué transa... Qué transa carnal

What's up bros, I brought tacos! No?

Yu: she taught me that, she did LA: Not tacos I didn't

Yu: I said "I brought croquetas" but she was like "What are croquetas?"and well, in Spain we bring croquetas

Anyway, let's start. Today we have our friend Laura!

Present yourself. What are you doing with your life?

LA: Hello, I'm Laura, I'm 23, I'm Mexicana...

LA: and I'm an illustrator and tattoo artist

LA: ...and I have a small line of products that I designed


Yu: You can follow her in Instagram, here's the link LA: please!

Yu: Please LA: Please

Let's begin with a few questions that we have in Twitter

Yu: What is your best work, the thing that you like the best?

LA: It's very difficult because I don't have just one

For example I like a tattoo I did of a...

...a diamond, with various rainbow colors

with a unicorn and many pendants hanging... I love it

Yu: Is it that one that you have as a profile pic? LA: Yes! I actually made it my profile

Yu: I love it, but of course I love unicorns. I'll put your picture from Instagram so they can see it.

What is a character that they often ask you to do? One that's very popular, that you do a lot of the time.

LA: Characters not so much, but...

They do ask for jewels, diamonds...

jewel arrangements, all that, and I love those, love them

Yu: It's like your tattoos are full of brilliant light and color

and they turn out very special, like fantastic and unreal LA: Thanks very much

Yu: and whenever I see--and now I'm going to be annoying--UNICORNS, they always seem fantastic

Yu: Oh and I have to tell you something or my mother is gonna kill me LA: Oookay!

Yu: But my mother is your super super fan

Yu: And she likes to stalk you in Instagram LA: Ah, how sweet!

Yu: my mother... she doesn't like tattoos in general, she's a bit conservative

But she told me... if she met you, she'd love to get a tattoo somewhere hidden

Yu: she said "like in the wrist or where they can't see" LA: That's not very hidden

LA: because you can...

Yu: where would you recommend my mother get it? LA: well, you can do it in this part of the arm

LA: so if you put your arm down like normal

Yu: like around here LA: Yes, when relaxed no one can notice it easily

Yu: I'm tattooed, I'm not tattooed

LA: Yes, or it could be in the torso but that is obviously more painful...

Yu: Oh, it hurts a lot? LA: Yes, the torso is incredibly painful

Yu: What is the area that is the most painful, would you say?

LA: the sternum, the ribs...

the neck, obviously

Yu: ah, since it has lots of nerves LA: Yes, everything, the head, obviously it's very painful

But the torso, the ribs, the sternum, the back...


Yu: she's just named all the parts of the body LA: Yes, everything

But in general the arms and legs are the easiest parts for...

...for doing your first tattoo So that'd be a good idea.

Yu: Well now you know, mom.

but you've got to ask her well in advance because she's up to here with work

Yu: anyway... LA: I can make space

Yu: Sweet! Using my connections!

Yu: anyway, we have a question here from Yellow Ranger

Which tattoo has been your greatest challenge? One that you thought, Oh, so difficult

LA: What I'm going to say is a bit cliché, but

Each tattoo is its own challenge. It's true. I am always trying to improve.

But, I would say that, perhaps, the places most difficult to tattoo on the body

Yu: Ah, to draw on it? LA: Yes, because every part is different, so

One time I had to tattoo an armpit

Yu: In the ARMPIT? Inside it?!

LA: Yes, it was a very original idea because she wanted a geode. Do you know what a geode is?

Yu: No, but we'll look it up in Google.

LA: Yes, well, a geode is like a crystal

A rock with crystals.

So every time she did this [raises her arm] looks like the form of an open geode

So, it was a complicated area

Yu: It would have to be very painful, too, right? The armpit?

LA: Yes but she could handle it really well, like a champeon, like a queen

She didn't move or anything

Yu: And now I want to talk a bit about nerdy stuff, because I know you're a fan of Sailor Moon like me!

Yu: which is your favorite, then? Of magical girls in general?

LA: Ohh, I can't choose!

Yu: You like Sakura a lot, right? LA: Yes, I love Sakura.

LA: because I watched it when I was little, so...

what you watch when you're a kid

It's more... it's like a treasure

Yu: it leaves a deep impression, right? LA: Exactly, just what I wanted to say

LA: So, I watched Sakura, Sailor Moon...

...Magical DoReMi (Ojamajo Doremi)

Yu: ah, I haven't seen DoReMi!


Yu: Do you recommend it? Is it cool? LA: Yes, it's beautiful, super recommended.

Yu: and of Sailors, you told me your favorite is Chibiusa, right?

LA: Chibiusa and Sailor Saturn

Yu: They're very different. LA: Yes, I love the duality of the Sailors

Yu: Who are your favorite YouTubers?

LA: My favorite YouTuber... is you

Yu: okay, well, I'm out!

Yu: Who else do you follow? LA: I also like PDR

Yu: Like me!! I love PDR.

Yu: Do you know I met PDR? I'll put the photo here just to show off.

Yu: Do you like K-Pop and J-Pop and all that? LA: Yes, I kinda like it

LA: I like a bit more K-Hip-Hop, if you can say that

Yu: For example? I'm sure that some out there know... LA: I love, LOOVE "Tin"

LA: I hope someone out there knows him, he's beautiful

Yu: And that's all

And so, we've come to the end of the interview.Great!

I hope you've liked it.

If you didn't like it, well, deal with it.

Yay! And that's it.

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♪ Give a like and subscribe to me! ♪

You can also watch this video here!


For more infomation >> Laura Anunnaki and Yunae in the Sailor Moon Cafe /Japan Vlog / ENGLISH SUBS - Duration: 14:57.


Salinas sorprende y hace un doblete para el 3-0 del 'Diablo Superlíder' - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Salinas sorprende y hace un doblete para el 3-0 del 'Diablo Superlíder' - Duration: 1:47.


Preguntas sobre el patrimonio de la Casa Real y Juan Carlos!!! - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Preguntas sobre el patrimonio de la Casa Real y Juan Carlos!!! - Duration: 4:21.


5 mascarillas frutales para combatir la piel seca y agrietada - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> 5 mascarillas frutales para combatir la piel seca y agrietada - Duration: 10:55.


Los amigos adinerados del rey llamaban 'chacha' a Letizia - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Los amigos adinerados del rey llamaban 'chacha' a Letizia - Duration: 4:24.



Well, new video in my channel

This time we are going to do a route through very cool villages that are very close

to where we live and as you see we have a guest who has come to visit us

and also, we take the opportunity to make this trip

First stop on this trip we make today

we've arrived at seven sisters

It is characterized by its white color and some movie has been recorded over here

Well guys, we've arrived to Rye, I don't know how to pronounce in English

Antonio: Rii

It is a small town that is in the southeast of England, to be honest is quite

beautiful and we will be a little walk through the town watching the historic center

I think that there is a castle

Antonio: As we can see the ground is completely from our city, from Granada

Stoned, and after we will continue our adventure through the south west of England

Well we have already reached Canterbury and we will start visiting,

well, visiting no because the entrance is 7 pounds for adults

An abbey that is already in ruins, only there are

the archaeological remains of the abbey and then we will cross the bridge and

let's see the town centre, the historic center of Canterbury

Well we have arrived at the castle, well we aren't in the castle, we are close

We have already crossed a fence in which it said that it was already closed and all the cars were leaving,

in others words, we have entered through the exit and now we are seeing

another fence that is closed and I think we're not going to get to see the castle because it closed

At half past four and we have arrived at five so good luck

I'll put an image taken from google here

so you can see how is the castle

because there isn't other solution

look this!

Antonio, Castle impressions?

Antonio: wonderful, unique

This is the closest we've seen the

castle and we are going to finish the day and we come back to home so

If you like this video

Antonio: Neither were we going to enter

Well if you like this video give me a like, suscribe, share it and I see you soon, bye

For more infomation >> SEVEN SISTERS, RYE Y CANTERBURY | ONE DAY ROUTE - Duration: 4:33.


Antennas and radiations wifi on the roof of my house - Duration: 1:40.

Antennas and radiations wifi on the roof of my house

For more infomation >> Antennas and radiations wifi on the roof of my house - Duration: 1:40.


13 Cosas que seguramente no sabías sobre las lúnulas de las uñas y qué significan sobre tu salud - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> 13 Cosas que seguramente no sabías sobre las lúnulas de las uñas y qué significan sobre tu salud - Duration: 8:33.


Felipe y Letizia, cordial encuentro con el presidente y la primera dama de México - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Felipe y Letizia, cordial encuentro con el presidente y la primera dama de México - Duration: 2:05.


noche de shopping en Unicenter /shopping night in Unicenter .Argentina - Duration: 10:51.

hello welcome to my channel Chloe Conde

today we are in unicenter

that is full of people, look at the poster there

We are going to enter, because I really want to eat, drink ice cream and play

come on

Here we have my little brother Chano

Chano salutes, hello

ok guys we are already at the door

we enter

we are already inside, and there are so many people

I thought there were not so many people

we are walking

look at the things that there are

comment here

look, it's clothes

let's go to mcdonalds

we keep walking

we have to go up

because it seems to me that the food houses are there

look what we have here

many cases

with a lot of brightness and several colors

here is Chano


I am super excited

I left dance and they brought me to unicenter

that is very cute

we have to wait for my brother, who is in the bathroom

in the meantime

I'm going to show you some little things

baby clothes

I already think we're going to go up

by the stairs

my brother is coming out and we are going to mcdonalds

alright guys here we are in a store

they are changing a shirt to Chano

Chano veni let's go to the games

this is a playground with games

I have to take off my shoes

I like this place

check this out

I love it, let's go up to this game

what is phenomenal

Let's go see how it is

Chano climbs

I'm going to look for my brother who is down

Chano Veni climbs

come on

grab the hand

from the top you can see the whole place

let's go down

we went down the slide

look at this giant keyboard

hello how are you, take me to ballester

stop, thank you

I'm going to take a picture, finish this game tour

I'm playing a little while longer

we already have a lot of fun in these games

we stayed a lot of time in that store

now it's time to go to mcdonalds

I found this store that is very cute

over here we have mass

is the disney to make some desserts

come on

we have Juliana decorate your hair

I already have that

look at olaf's kitchen

here to make some designs

look guys

I love I want to make designs

here we have a shoppkings that are of the second season

well guys we got to the food court, but first I want to show you these gummies

we are already in mc

look what I got

you open my hand

I'm going to eat a potato

I eat chicken

first I choose to eat all the potatoes

I'm drinking coca, and I have the last chicken leg

already finished and after eating

after this dessert the ice cream arrives

Well guys, now they're going to bring me the ice cream

my mom is the one with the red buckle on her hair

will bring us the ice cream, I ordered vanilla alone, and mixed milk with milk and chocolate candy

we wait for them

they are delicious

I'm already taking the ice cream

good guys until today's video, I hope you liked it

thanks for coming to my channel Chloe Conde

in unicenter

Chano salutes,,bye

give like and subscribe ami channel

if you liked, like it

thank you for visiting us I send you a heart

I love you guys, I'm leaving

For more infomation >> noche de shopping en Unicenter /shopping night in Unicenter .Argentina - Duration: 10:51.


Toluca cerrará el Clausura como líder general tras vencer 3-0 al Veracuz - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Toluca cerrará el Clausura como líder general tras vencer 3-0 al Veracuz - Duration: 3:25.


¡Enorme! Talavera le ataja un penal al 'Keko' Villalva - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> ¡Enorme! Talavera le ataja un penal al 'Keko' Villalva - Duration: 2:59.


Así era la vida de Avicii, un 'dj' envuelto en problemas de salud y adicciones - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Así era la vida de Avicii, un 'dj' envuelto en problemas de salud y adicciones - Duration: 5:26.


Charly García - Me Siento Mucho Mejor (Con Letra) - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Charly García - Me Siento Mucho Mejor (Con Letra) - Duration: 3:06.


Los Reyes, incansables en su segunda jornada en México - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Los Reyes, incansables en su segunda jornada en México - Duration: 3:21.


La Sexta Noche vive un duro momento de tensión por una bronca entre Inda y Sardá - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> La Sexta Noche vive un duro momento de tensión por una bronca entre Inda y Sardá - Duration: 3:46.


ASMR Lid Sounds + Tapping to relax you - Duration: 12:44.

Hello and welcome to the fourth video of

ASMR Mr Time

Today I will bring some lid sounds

Opening and closing lids and also tapping

Well before the video I wanted to tell you that

everyone who wants can comment

your favorite trigger word

and soon when I have enough

I'm going to make a video with those words

Well, no more than that, I leave you with the video

For more infomation >> ASMR Lid Sounds + Tapping to relax you - Duration: 12:44.


Lightning Mcqueen & Kinetic Sand & Kinder Surprise Eggs Toys Kids Video - Duration: 8:55.

Lightning Mcqueen & Kinetic Sand & Kinder Surprise Eggs Toys Kids Video

For more infomation >> Lightning Mcqueen & Kinetic Sand & Kinder Surprise Eggs Toys Kids Video - Duration: 8:55.


Chile Güero Cheese Filling Oaxaca - Duration: 1:25.

We take a güero chile. We cut in half.

We unveil.

Fill with Oaxaca cheese.

We close. With the help of some chopsticks.

We put an iron on the fire. We add oil and let it heat up.

We put the chiles.

Let fry for a period of 20 minutes.

Turning constantly.

We remove from the fire. Ready! Bon Appetite.

For more infomation >> Chile Güero Cheese Filling Oaxaca - Duration: 1:25.


10 curiosidades sobre los gatos y el Antiguo Egipto - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 10 curiosidades sobre los gatos y el Antiguo Egipto - Duration: 4:40.


베트남 U-19 감독, "박항서 감독의 U-23이 우리 롤 모델" | 뉴스 24/24 - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 베트남 U-19 감독, "박항서 감독의 U-23이 우리 롤 모델" | 뉴스 24/24 - Duration: 5:56.


U-19 축구대표팀 '비겼는데 패한 느낌~' [MK포토] | 뉴스 24/24 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> U-19 축구대표팀 '비겼는데 패한 느낌~' [MK포토] | 뉴스 24/24 - Duration: 1:11.


Seriously - Duration: 0:36.

You know the memes are dry when you have to use old memes that were kinda just meh

For more infomation >> Seriously - Duration: 0:36.


Mohamed Elneny injury: Arsenal star stretchered off in tears – how long will he be out? ● #AFC - Duration: 2:05.

Arsenal midfielder Mohamed Elneny had to be stretchered off with a nasty looking ankle

injury in his side's game against West Ham on Sunday but the initial prognosis is that

the Egyptian hasn't suffered a serious problem.

Arsenal star Mohamed Elneny has given fans a major injury scare during the Gunners clash

with West Ham after being stretchered off at the Emirates.

Elneny crumpled to the floor after a challenge from Mark Noble, and caused a lengthy delay

as he received treatment.

The Egyptian star was visibly devastated by the incident which could have put his World

Cup participation under threat, but those fears appear to have been allayed.

Sky Sports reporter Geoff Shreeves claimed that Arsenal medical staff have played down

suggestions of a serious problem and that he has sustained a rolled ankle.

He may be a doubt to face Atletico Madrid in the first leg of Arsenal's Europa League

tie, but knowing his season is still alive is good news for the Gunners.

Having been on the periphery of the Arsenal side earlier in the season, Elneny has become

increasingly involved in recent months and has filled in at times as a centre-back in

a three-man defence.

Arsenal already have several other fitness concerns ahead of the Atletico game, with

Mesut Ozil missing the clash with West Ham due to illness, while Jack Wilshere, Petr

Cech and Sead Kolasinac were also absent.

Elneny will certainly hope that he is fully fit to represent Egypt at the World Cup this

summer, with his country having reached the finals for the first time since 1990.

For more infomation >> Mohamed Elneny injury: Arsenal star stretchered off in tears – how long will he be out? ● #AFC - Duration: 2:05.


পাষান বন্ধু রে এত দিন ছিলে কার ঘরে শিল্পী আকরাম | Label : Sj Sumon - Duration: 1:45.

Please Sub-scribe Now

For more infomation >> পাষান বন্ধু রে এত দিন ছিলে কার ঘরে শিল্পী আকরাম | Label : Sj Sumon - Duration: 1:45.



Rozstępy to cienkie pasma lub linie pojawiające się na powierzchni skóry, wynikające z jej nadmiernego rozciągnięcia. Mogą występować zarówno u kobiet jak i u mężczyzn, najczęściej na udach, biodrach, ramionach, pośladkach i lędźwiach. Jak sobie z nimi radzić? 

Jest wiele przyczyn ich powstawania, mogą być spowodowane nagłym przybraniem lub utratą wagi, ciążą, intensywnym treningiem, zmianami hormonalnymi, etc.

Prezentowane poniżej metody leczenia rozstępów bazują wyłącznie na naturalnych składnikach i pozwalają uniknąć stosowania produktów farmakologicznych, czy zabiegów chirurgicznych.

1. Sok z ziemniaka.Ziemniaki są bogate w witaminy z grupy B oraz witaminę C, ponadto zawierają potas, magnez, fosfor i cynk, dzięki czemu wspierają proces regeneracji i wzrostu komórek skóry.

Potnij ziemniaka na cienkie plasterki i delikatnie pocieraj nimi rozstępy. Pozostaw wilgotną skórę na czas od pięciu do dziesięciu minut i przepłukaj skórę letnią wodą.

2. Białka jaj.Białko jaja zawiera czterdzieści różnych białek, kolagen i witaminę A, przez co zwiększa elastyczność skóry i niweluje rozstępy.

Odseparuj białka z dwóch kurzych jaj i delikatnie je spień, a następnie nałóż na skórę w formie cienkiej warstwy. Gdy okład kompletnie wyschnie, spłukaj go wodą i nawilż leczone miejsce za pomocą oliwy.

3. Sok z cytryny.Kwasek zawarty w cytrynach działa na skórę jak wybielacz na ubrania – usuwa martwy naskórek i sprawia, że rozstępy szybko zanikają.

Przetnij cytrynę na pół i wykorzystując jedną z części potrzyj dokładnie skórę. Pozostaw sok z cytryny na dziesięć minut, a następnie usuń go za pomocą wody. 

4. Cukier.Działa na skórę jak pilling, dzięki czemu rozstępy stają się mniej widoczne.Połącz małą łyżeczkę cukru z odrobiną oleju migdałowego i kilkoma kroplami soku z cytryny, a następnie mieszaj całość przez pięć minut.

Nanieś uzyskany preparat na rozstępy i wcieraj go przez dziesięć minut w skórę, na koniec spłukaj go wodą.

5. Oliwa.Olej z oliwek zawiera wiele wartości odżywczych i antyoksydantów, pomagających przy różnych problemach dermatologicznych, na przykład rozstępach.

Wmasuj delikatnie podgrzaną oliwę (extra virgin) w odpowiednie miejsca na skórze, dzięki temu poprawi się krążenie krwi, a rozstępy będą stawać się mniej widoczne. Pozostaw ją na ciele przez około trzydzieści minut, w ten sposób wchłonie się witamina A, D oraz E.

6. Żel aloesowy.Rozstępy są sygnałem, że zmniejszyła się elastyczność skóry. Aloes ma zdolność do odbudowywania małych pęknięć w warstwach skóry, dzięki czemu świetnie przywróci jej elastyczność.

Usuń zewnętrzną powłokę liścia aloesu i delikatnie wyciśnij z niego lepki żel. Nanieś go na rozstępy i pozostaw na skórze przez dwie godziny, a na koniec spłukaj go wodą.



FS17-Timelapse-TVTOF 04-El largo verano - Duration: 17:25.

Episode 04 The long summer

Good morning, today we will start tedding the grass that remains in the field 83.

In the next few days we will take care of our cows and rest.

We will also improve part of our machinery and put order in the farm.

Finally, we will do some work for our neighbor Mr. Watson.

Now take a seat and enjoy, while we continue working.

This barley is not growing as it should!

I will consult with the dealer who sold me the seed.

This summer is very hot. It will be a thing of climate change?

As always, I'll have dinner and rest. See you in a few days.

For more infomation >> FS17-Timelapse-TVTOF 04-El largo verano - Duration: 17:25.


Lightning Mcqueen & Kinetic Sand & Kinder Surprise Eggs Toys Kids Video - Duration: 8:55.

Lightning Mcqueen & Kinetic Sand & Kinder Surprise Eggs Toys Kids Video

For more infomation >> Lightning Mcqueen & Kinetic Sand & Kinder Surprise Eggs Toys Kids Video - Duration: 8:55.


[ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #120 - Duration: 7:53.

[ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #120

For more infomation >> [ASMR NO TALKING] Ice Eating ASMR - (Eat the whole word) / Ice Chewing #120 - Duration: 7:53.


Watch "Promise"

For more infomation >> Watch "Promise"


LIVING IN NEW YORK CITY: Where I Work - Duration: 9:45.

this video was brought to you by Squarespace whether you need a domain

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I am a youtuber living and working in New York City and you are probably

thinking what does that mean what do I do

where do I work in this video we're going to explore exactly what I do

and where I work so it's a question that I get asked a lot but in 2018 it's

pretty safe to say that most people know that you can have a career making videos

online as a creator the influencer category is it one billion-dollar

industry this is honestly what fuels my work coffee press for the win oh it's

very hot I am incredibly thankful and I've worked for years to make a living

as a full time youtuber and now for the big question how does being a youtuber

actually work well it's different for every creator you know there's no one

defined answer to that question YouTube itself pays by views via Adsense I have

a production company where I produce content for brands and finally I work

very closely with select brands in paid partnerships with that said I spend the

majority of my time planning writing filming and editing videos and I choose

to base myself here in New York because it is one of the largest travel hubs in

the whole world and almost every major company has headquarters here given that

I work freelance I don't have a nine-to-five there's a few places that I

choose to work from and I'm going to show you my day-to-day workflow and why

each specific spot that I work from has its benefits

I have to say before we really dive into this video that most of the places that

I'm about to show are more so geared towards freelancers you know people who

aren't really working it's the nine-to-five the first spot on my list

is a staple for the New York freelancer it is the coffee shop the spot we're

going to now is one of my favorite coffee spots in the whole city the

coffee shop is more or less the entry-level work space for the New York

City creative you know the costs are very low a cup of coffee is about two to

three dollars there's free internet coffee shops in New York built very fast

my tip is to they're early stake out your claim if

the coffee shop is perfect for what I would like to call passive work meaning

I wouldn't go to a coffee shop and take on some big project mainly I go to the

coffee shop to edit photos to work on video scripts and to just sort of people

watch it's one of those places where you can always find inspiration just

watching it you know the streets of the city and the people and all the noises

the only drawback is the fact that they can get very very crowded as the day

goes on which brings us to the next location that I work from in this place

right here this is where I get the heavy duty work done you probably guess it the

second spot that I work from the majority of the time is my apartment and

the best thing about working from home is the fact that I can work in my

underwear it's very casual there's no dress code policy here you've probably

seen my apartment tour you've probably seen all the videos I've made on this

apartment the kind of work that I do from home that's the big jobs those are

the big heavy edits I sit right here let me zoom this out I sit right here at my

computer and I will spend some day as well the 13-14 hours right here at this

desk editing even though it's a beautiful day we have to shut these

windows all distractions are gone and now we are just in the Edit filmmaking

portal when I'm working on those glossy travel videos this is what my office

looks like it's pretty much an edit Bay but there always comes a time where you

have to dress up and you need a place that is a bit more appropriate for

business meetings

for my next space that I work from in the city I am joined by my business

partners the one and only mr. Mike shepherd a and manager jeredy now you

don't go following on instagram at manager Jerrod as you can see behind

these beautiful glass doors we have two computers with monitors we have two

desks two or three chairs depending on how many people need to be in here

there's endless coffee you have the bottomless coffee cups here then you

have these nice little tables if you want to take a call out in the kitchen

area the view out the window just a nice New York City brownstone apartments one

big benefit from working in a co-working space is the fact that you have blazing

internet you have a printing station copying station basically all the

amenities that you have in a corporate office but it's a bit more bespoke bit

more low-key a bit more startup world which is great because there's people

here that are mainly startups and that's very inspiring to be in a space like

that we also get mail here and a big thing in New York City which a lot of

people may not realize is that it's difficult to get mail if you're not home

if you don't have a doorman you just can't get mail having a place in office

that you know your mail will be safe and secure is also a big benefit to have any

office another really cool feature of this co-working space is the fact that

we have these little rooms that you can make phone calls tiny little private

rooms chair it's actually more right now let's go this is a perfect campaign I

cannot wait to tell the guys about it they're gonna be very excited another

big positive for the co-working space is the fact that you have access to these

massive conference rooms you could have five 10 15 people in this room they are

quiet no one will disturb you I mean what do you think about this I mean it's

great this is what we do and this is where we have the big meetings if you

are looking for that professional business setting getting a co-working

space would be your go-to bet one of the only drawbacks that I can really find to

a co-working space is the fact that it's kind of pricey you know you're paying

rent it's not a coffee shop it's not free you know it's not your apartment

rent which is your cost of you know you're living there and working there so

it's an extra rent on top of your rent which can add up

the last option before having a place to work in New York is actually having your

own physical studio space and I'm here with deewana and only Sam Shepard I make

youtube videos that are mostly focused on technology and exploring the world of

tech and then I also stream on Twitch pretty regularly our content is very

different and I think that reflects in the spaces that we work what is this

space what is this building this is the world-famous 368 Broadway in downtown

Manhattan Casey Neistat works down the hall the entire building is filled with

creatives and artists I literally only am in my apartment for sleeping these

days I get here it's been the entire day here make videos here edit videos here

play video games here have meetings here it is actually very interesting because

I spend a lot of time working from home I was actually thinking about this

there's some days when I'm editing videos where I don't leave my apartment

where I'm just working from home and you were saying that you're only at your

apartment to sleep yeah and I'm like hearing that I'm kind of envious that

Sam has a place that he can just come to and solely create as a creative in New

York having your own space to make things is the pinnacle of I guess making

it as a creator so you're very lucky to have a space like this it's very dope I

agree and with that you want to give us a little tour of it yeah let's do it

I love giving tours this is the spot right here there's uh there's some other

human beings in here right now but the most important human being in here

besides me and Eric is Patrick back there Patrick works for Casey Patrick

and I share the space so we're in here together

every single day I actually rent this space from Casey though like I said is

down the hall II kind of one day was just like hey you want to rent the space

for me I don't really use it so when I got here this was pretty much built all

the way out like the chair was in here the desk was in here these like fake

plants were in here the lights in the windows were here the loft was in here

everything was totally built out so I moved in and slowly but surely all of my

gear moved in with me and now it looks like this so being that this is Casey's

annex he's got a bunch of stuff stored up there all sorts of prompts and just

like weird random kc things up there and then

on the shelves above is various gears there's actually some Bitcoin miners up

there immediately behind the door is the skateboard wall I travel on my boosted

board exclusively like I never walk when I'm in Manhattan I ride my electric

skateboard everywhere custom-built main gear my pride and joy what is the green

stuff in there does that actually do anything it's a liquid cooling rig so

there's liquid flowing through there onto the GPU and then onto the CPU yeah

it's it's legit and you know sometimes when you want to just pump out some

pull-ups you just you just can do it right here if you are more into tech I

actually made a video on Sims channel going over basically gear to how to

become a youtuber yeah so if you're interested it check that out the videos

link down below in the description go subscribe to Sam's show him some love

I'll see you there as you can see what I essentially do is run a business and in

2018 a very important part of having a business

is having a great website Squarespace is the best place to build a website and

they have award-winning 24/7 customer support Squarespace is an all-in-one

platform meaning there's nothing to patch nothing to upgrade ever it's

simple to set up or transfer your domain with Squarespace head on over to

Squarespace calm for a free trial when you're ready to launch go to Squarespace

calm /eric to save 10% off your first purchase and with that if you enjoyed

today's video leave a like if you're new here make sure to subscribe comment down

below ideas for more New York City content while I'm home in the city I

want to really make videos about life in the city apartment tours I know you guys

like that last one with Sirhan and with that I will see you in the next video so

until then as always remember to smile more worry less and new fashion

For more infomation >> LIVING IN NEW YORK CITY: Where I Work - Duration: 9:45.


How I'm Fixing Our Toxic Relationship With Earth | We Need Space | Refinery29 - Duration: 3:27.

I owe you an apology.

I'm sorry I haven't explained myself to you.

I know it seems as though I'm trying to get away.

So, I can't imagine how betrayed you must feel.

Please know, it was never my intention to hurt you.

I just wish we could somehow go back to the way things were in the beginning when we were

young, and naive.

But then, we grew together.

Explored each other.

Tested each other's limits.

We were... unstoppable.

Our love was fast, and endless.

But then, I changed.

It isn't fair to you.

I'm complex.

I'm selfish.

And I've created a toxic environment for both of us.

I only want distance so that I can learn to rebuild a healthy relationship.

I don't expect forgiveness for all the hurt I've caused.

But I want you to know that I am changing for the better.

Because this isn't goodbye.

I still need you.

So I'm not leaving yet.

And I'm going to undo as many wrongs as I can.

That's why I'm making big plans for us.

You're my first love.

And I'm forever grateful.

Dear Earth,

We Need Space.

For more infomation >> How I'm Fixing Our Toxic Relationship With Earth | We Need Space | Refinery29 - Duration: 3:27.



Rozstępy to cienkie pasma lub linie pojawiające się na powierzchni skóry, wynikające z jej nadmiernego rozciągnięcia. Mogą występować zarówno u kobiet jak i u mężczyzn, najczęściej na udach, biodrach, ramionach, pośladkach i lędźwiach. Jak sobie z nimi radzić? 

Jest wiele przyczyn ich powstawania, mogą być spowodowane nagłym przybraniem lub utratą wagi, ciążą, intensywnym treningiem, zmianami hormonalnymi, etc.

Prezentowane poniżej metody leczenia rozstępów bazują wyłącznie na naturalnych składnikach i pozwalają uniknąć stosowania produktów farmakologicznych, czy zabiegów chirurgicznych.

1. Sok z ziemniaka.Ziemniaki są bogate w witaminy z grupy B oraz witaminę C, ponadto zawierają potas, magnez, fosfor i cynk, dzięki czemu wspierają proces regeneracji i wzrostu komórek skóry.

Potnij ziemniaka na cienkie plasterki i delikatnie pocieraj nimi rozstępy. Pozostaw wilgotną skórę na czas od pięciu do dziesięciu minut i przepłukaj skórę letnią wodą.

2. Białka jaj.Białko jaja zawiera czterdzieści różnych białek, kolagen i witaminę A, przez co zwiększa elastyczność skóry i niweluje rozstępy.

Odseparuj białka z dwóch kurzych jaj i delikatnie je spień, a następnie nałóż na skórę w formie cienkiej warstwy. Gdy okład kompletnie wyschnie, spłukaj go wodą i nawilż leczone miejsce za pomocą oliwy.

3. Sok z cytryny.Kwasek zawarty w cytrynach działa na skórę jak wybielacz na ubrania – usuwa martwy naskórek i sprawia, że rozstępy szybko zanikają.

Przetnij cytrynę na pół i wykorzystując jedną z części potrzyj dokładnie skórę. Pozostaw sok z cytryny na dziesięć minut, a następnie usuń go za pomocą wody. 

4. Cukier.Działa na skórę jak pilling, dzięki czemu rozstępy stają się mniej widoczne.Połącz małą łyżeczkę cukru z odrobiną oleju migdałowego i kilkoma kroplami soku z cytryny, a następnie mieszaj całość przez pięć minut.

Nanieś uzyskany preparat na rozstępy i wcieraj go przez dziesięć minut w skórę, na koniec spłukaj go wodą.

5. Oliwa.Olej z oliwek zawiera wiele wartości odżywczych i antyoksydantów, pomagających przy różnych problemach dermatologicznych, na przykład rozstępach.

Wmasuj delikatnie podgrzaną oliwę (extra virgin) w odpowiednie miejsca na skórze, dzięki temu poprawi się krążenie krwi, a rozstępy będą stawać się mniej widoczne. Pozostaw ją na ciele przez około trzydzieści minut, w ten sposób wchłonie się witamina A, D oraz E.

6. Żel aloesowy.Rozstępy są sygnałem, że zmniejszyła się elastyczność skóry. Aloes ma zdolność do odbudowywania małych pęknięć w warstwach skóry, dzięki czemu świetnie przywróci jej elastyczność.

Usuń zewnętrzną powłokę liścia aloesu i delikatnie wyciśnij z niego lepki żel. Nanieś go na rozstępy i pozostaw na skórze przez dwie godziny, a na koniec spłukaj go wodą.



A very Casual relationship - Duration: 1:43.

Hey I don't mean to over communicate but you have a smudge of cake on your face I

don't like cake can we talk about that relationship I mean I know we don't have

one but it's kind of like are you thinking about it yet are you think

about cake cuz say but in a bad way cuz I don't like that you like cake and I

don't like that you won't take this lack of relationship to a place but kind of

Spacey floating in space and I don't like space just as much as I don't like

cake so I know it's only been a couple of weeks but that's like a hundred years

to me I didn't like you from the beginning but since you like me I'm like

okay now I'm obsessed because emotions in to be honest stress I like how

there's always something to talk to except you're never available when I

want you what do I get out of this again Spacey cake-eater my standards could

plummet drain oh yeah after we had but not the first time because that was like

but like the third time I'm like it okay I pretended you loved me that got me off

I'm like coming you left me you're like I'm like what you saying I want to fuck

you I think that's flattering even though I know you put it in anything


it's kind of cool that you won't show me emotion cuz I got so much that any more

would cause an explosion so fire safety is a good thing everything yet no okay

well you still King on your face you still have cake on your face

For more infomation >> A very Casual relationship - Duration: 1:43.


Point Of View I @fotoweberei I S01EP01 - Duration: 7:04.

If you want pictures, that nobody has, then you have to do things, who nobody does.

because it isn´t enough to step out at midday, you´ve to shoot at inhuman times to take a good picture.

my name is Luca Weber and I am mainly a nature photographer, based in Harz.

I live in Bad Harzburg and I am studying media communication.

I spent a lot of time outdoor and photograph landscapes and animals.

I am inspire by other photographers on Instagram or who I met face to face or lots of Harz Photographers

who are doing a great work and I am inspired by them.

my favourite picture is always my current picture. I take always a new favourite picture, when I go for photographing.

I don´t have a favourite picture, that I like the most. I like a picture time to time the most.

My current favourite picture that I took last week on the "Brocken".

I have tried weeks or even months to take that picture from the "Brockenbahn" (Brocken train).

and how it drives into the sunset, shot through the snowy landscape under a tree

I failed the shot six times but on the seventh time, I got that shot. I was very pleased that I got the shot.

It was a picture, which I was inspired by another photographer. I saw a similar picture and I wanted to get that kind of a picture.

I set the goal to capture this picture.

The name "Fotoweberei" was derived by my surname Luca "Weber"

I had first another name and I didn´t know how should I name it

a fellow student gave me the advice to name it "Fotoweberei" "Its suits to your name"

I said that it sounds good. Now I am trying to build my own brand with it and I am liking it more and more.

Instagram, first I used Instagram privatly, but as I was progressing with the photography, I decided to create an Instagram account.

and with that Instagram account, the brand "Fotoweberei" come into existence.

the Instagram account is the original "Fotoweberei" and now I expanded it to Facebook and a Website.

I have to say, one of the best experience, maybe not the best experience but definetly one of them is

when I captured the Milkyway, I was at night with a friend on the "Brocken", and said that "today we´ll capture it"

and you could really see the Milkyway with your eyes

I couldn´t stop photographing pictures and I kept shooting.

I could see the Milkyway with my eyes without even editing the pictures.

that moment was very impressive for me, I really was pleased to capture the stars.

My best Instagram experience was...

the first picture, which got more than 80 likes

I just started with "Fotoweberei" and it was my first-night picture, a long exposure from Bad Harzburg

where you could see car lights

and it was the first picture with more than 80 likes, it was a new dimension for me

which now seems hilarious, but it was my best experience.

My future in photography seems to be mixed. For now, I will focus on my studies and do an internship in film branch.

I want to dip into that and my photography will stay as a hobby.It would be a dream to be a full-time photographer

It´s my main goal, but for now, I will photographing because its fun to me and for now its enough for me

My favourite spot, I can´t really tell, because they´re many of them, first of them would be the "Brocken",

because it´s a hot spot, but if you know when to be there you can avoid the mass.

but it´s nice that its so popular

another of my favourite spots is "Ilsetal", you can visit there the "Ilsestein". Were are many photographies possibilities.

that´s why they are one of my favourite spots. As in the summer as well in the winter

especially in autumn, when the trees got red coloured, then the "Ilsetal" just wonderful.

Someone who is the first time in the Harz, I would suggest him, to visit spots like the "Wolfswarte"

or unknown places, who aren´t that famous, they are many beautiful destinations in Harz.

which even let me wonder, even if I lived here since ever that I didn´t visit them yet.

they´re more spots then the hot spots, who are beautiful too and can be visited.

I would suggest everybody visit the website of "Fotoweberei", to look for beautiful spots.

Which region in Germany you would like to photograph to?

For more infomation >> Point Of View I @fotoweberei I S01EP01 - Duration: 7:04.



what is going on guys Padgett here bringing you a brand new video today we

got another killer video for you guys full of information I'm gonna be talking

about V chain which you guys have been asking about - ripple as well as doing

the Bitcoin giveaway at the end of the video so guys if you guys want to enter

a chance to win some free Bitcoin all I guys have to do is number one be

subscribe to the channel and have your notifications turn on that just click

the little bell next to the subscribe button and that is the notification

button also make sure you have commented something related to the video and

number three guys share the video so we can help as many people out there as

possible learn more about cryptocurrency while

growing our awesome community let's jump right into this though not any news

articles I want to talk about today because I want to focus on the actual

curve of this the actual crypto that you guys wanted to hear about so let's look

at the overall market first so 396 billion dollars we did increase a little

bit Bitcoin dominance is at 38.4 so 396 billion getting even closer to that 400

billion mark which would put us pretty much 50% of our all-time high which is

awesome I'm so happy with the progress we've made in April I know a lot of

people are still looking for more but guys so far April has done us like 40 to

50 percent gains I am more than happy we are at a resistance point right now but

I'm going to show you guys that when we get to the technical analysis but

overall let's just look at the last you know 24 hours most things are doing

fairly well with the exception of a few but a lot of them are doing very well

iota which we talked about yesterday is up 10.5% so those of you who picked that

up congratulations gos is up 7.5 Bitcoin cash is up eleven

point three but let's talk about some specific crypto so vici a lot of you

guys have been asking me about V chain and so I went and I did more research on

it and what from confirming from what I found out I thought the idea was really

a cool I thought it's something that was necessary I thought something that will

make it easier for the average Joe who hasn't been in cryptocurrency for a year

to already to be able to use dabs without making

having to go through so much of the complication and that to me things that

make other things simple for new users or for businesses I think is awesome and

they are addressing the issue when it comes to fees in cryptocurrency and who

pays the fees and how often there are fees and the difficult step sometimes

there's several steps between getting things done and at a two billion dollar

market cap honestly I've been see I've been watching v chain climb for some

time never really jumped into it because you guys know I have a ton of all coins

already and I don't want to buy too many but this is looking very interesting I

definitely think it's something that could be valuable in the future my only

concern with V chain is if if the area implements the technology that they are

using right now they are ahead of the pack when it comes to this but it

definitely is possible for aetherium to adapt the technology and then sort of

run with it and then that would make a complication for V chain but at the

price level right now at a two billion dollar market cap I think it is

undervalued for what it's worth and what it could be worth from its all-time high

as well it was a the all-time high nine point four five dollars I think it's

definitely possible for us to see that get back there which would be a two

point five X on your investment so picking it you can pick it up on Finance

of yeah it's on Finance that's probably be where I go ahead to pick it up or

Kobe's not too bad as well but I am a big fan of Finance I would probably pick

it up on Finance but yeah it looks it looks very cool if you guys want me to

do a more in-depth review of V chain I kind of gave a rundown of what it does I

am open to doing that as well so that could be something you leave me in the

comments down below asking for an in-depth review video for V chain and I

will add that to the list of several in-depth reviews that I still have to do

for you guys I apologize for not getting those done sooner but yeah V chain looks

very interesting I'm gonna keep my eye on it I'm going to do more and more

research on it see where things head with it and keep you guys updated

throughout that journey now the second one I want to talk about is - so - does

have a three point seven billion dollar market cap almost double what V chain is

at ranked number twelve its all-time high though was all the way over here

here are we gonna be able to get all the way there maybe not it was close to

$1600 and the fact that it's sitting at 468 right now - took a huge huge hit if

we take out the Bitcoin price you guys will be able to see it come on there we

go yeah we take I take out the Bitcoin price you guys are actually able to see

it and it went up a lot it was that around about thousand five hundred I say

it's at four hundred sixty and now so dad - took a big hit and still has a

ways to recover now the reason people like - is because it does have a privacy

aspect to it and what it does is takes small transactions bundles them together

and sends them as a bigger transaction in order to keep people in order to make

it more private and make it more secure for the user for the person sending

sending out the - and I think that's something really cool circulating supply

is very low maximum supply also very very low lower than bitcoins and yeah I

think if we can see - I think it's but we have potential to see - hit it on

time hit the all-time high I don't think - is gonna be one of those crypto

currencies that is gonna be in the top five but I do think it can stay steadily

in the top 15 currently at - number 12 so when you know the balls to come which

we're gonna talk about in the technical analysis part I think there's some good

potential to see - do pretty well now the last one I want to talk about is

ripple because I know a lot of you guys are invested in ripple and a lot of you

guys really really like it we are at a resistance point in ripple right now and

roughly the 90 cent mark lot of you guys have been asking me why I didn't pass

through that there is a resistance in ripple at the 90 cent mark and that's a

resistance honestly that we've had in the whole market at this point which

we'll see when we do the Bitcoin technical analysis but Bitcoin side

resistance to ripples added resistance as well and if if if ripple can break

through that resistance I think it's gonna be an easy road to see a dollar

eight probably a dollar ten so something to keep an eye something to keep an eye

out if you do see Ripple break the resistance to maybe make a short-term

play right there now for those of you who are holding ripple for the long run

you guys know I don't personally have any ripple but I do acknowledge the

potential that do think it is gonna do fairly well in the coming years and it's

all my only issue with it is that thirty five billion dollar market cap it's

gonna take more for that to double then it would for let's say Wahby or one

chain two double which is why I like to buy more of those undervalued all coins

but I do think when when the Bulls arrive ripple is going to be fine it's

gonna have a nice breads gonna have some nice price action and it's definitely

possible for us to see the all-time high again up in the three points something

dodged but first I know everyone's focusing at the one dollar mark so guys

if it does break pass this resistance at the ninety set mark I think a dollar ten

a dollar Nate's a dollar five to be safe but it is a definite potential for a

short term short term trade now looking at technical analysis before we go ahead

and pick the random comment generator let's open up the chart and take a look

at where we are because things are looking pretty steady at the moment so

you guys know we had the huge run-up from one plumber from one support to the

resistance we had the run up there and now we are holding pretty strong and

holding pretty steady and we we both predicted you know we talked about in

previous video we talked about how we thought we were going to see some

sideways movement for a bit before before we had any decisive action in

which direction Bitcoin was going to go and now let's take a look at the chart

soom out a little bit come on so what slow what so what it's looking

like right now as you guys can tell we did end up yesterday in with a green

candle and today we have another green count now none of these look decisive

enough to make a point what could happen tomorrow is that we do have a red candle

that brings us back down to the 8800 mark however if tomorrow's candle is

more of a breakout candle and we do a head upwards maybe towards the $9,000

you guys know I'm expecting it to go pretty much within a few days straight

up to the eleven to twelve thousand dollar mark and that is going to be the

key that's going to be one of the biggest resistance levels which we're

gonna have to break before going to test all-time high so I don't want to stay

too much talking about technical analysis because not too much has

happened but I am excited this chart is looking

good than the pattern we're seeing is looking good right now and all we are

hoping for is that tomorrow we can have a breakout candle maybe even today it's

still relatively early but if we can have a breakout candle which would cause

a lot of people some insane crypto gains so guys make sure you're playing the

market correctly make sure you're playing you know you guys have your

portfolio set up you guys want a portfolio consultation color or a

portfolio review call with me I will link in the description tell you you

guys have signed up and I'm so thankful to all of you who did it congratulations

to all the profit you guys are already making but yeah if you guys now now

would be the time to look and set up your portfolio and the strategy the way

you want to obviously we can drop back down and that's why I'm saying create a

strategy for buying cryptocurrencies even when price jobs you can dollar cost

average them but I would not hold off on some cryptocurrencies that you're

looking for waiting to see a pullback because that is a risky move

next thing you know we're gonna be at twelve thousand dollars and you're gonna

missed out on the opportunity and I don't want to hear you guys miss out on

opportunities think about the long-term game even if you buy now it drops back

down to this resistance you dollar cost average is so your dollar cost and so

your your average is basically at the eight thousand four hundred dollar mark

and then we go up to twelve thousand that's still a crazy good reward for you

so keep that in mind now let's go ahead and pick the random comment generator

let's head on over to my channel if my computer works there we go and we're

gonna pick a random video to basically do a giveaway on now let's find which

video we want to do for the week you guys know I pick one from this previous

week let's take a look I think I'm gonna do the first one I talked about card

Donilon because you guys really really enjoyed that and so that's gonna be this

one the one with the N cash flood the one about card oh no there's so much

news in that one that I honestly think it was probably one of my favorite

videos to record and I know it helped a lot of you guys out because all you guys

hold those cryptocurrencies being cardinal and cash stuff like that I know

a lot of you guys do hold those so let's pick a random comment 113 unique

commenters you guys have been recently so many comments I try to

respond to all of them especially if it's within 24 hours of me posting you

probably will get a response to your comment after that it does get a little

bit harder but the winner looks like something about telegram token which I

don't want to pick so we're doing it again

we're doing it again and I want to comment about the video that comment was

not about the video they were just trying to promote something and I wasn't

a fan um now this guy's try to promote mining this is not going as planned my

guys this is not going as planned let's see

third time charm third time charm let's get to someone who deserves the

cryptocurrency who deserves the Bitcoin alright Patrick I have a question what

all coins do you think are better than bats or basic attention token or what

all coins do you think will give more gains

all right so Hawking I don't know if I said that correctly but congratulations

on winning leave a comment down below in this video to claim your prize otherwise

guys if they don't claim it in the land in the next 24 hours I'm going to pick a

new winner from this video so make sure you guys are leaving a comment on this

video but to answer the question what all coins do I think will give more

gains I think I think Bobby could give more gain I think basic attention token

is a little higher up in market cap and overall I do think it is pretty

interesting I think a lot of people don't talk about it and I think the the

new partnership is gonna do great things for it I think a coin like Bobby even

one chain if you look at the long run even the one chain has a higher market

cap I think wall chain could make some very

nice returns but basic attention token don't get me wrong is I personally think

especially with the new partnership it's gonna do very it's gonna return it's

gonna make some very nice gains for a lot of people and personally the ones I

was mentioning is just what I've invested in in the ones I'm bullish on

and or a more bullish on but obviously I could be wrong and basic attention token

could outperform all of them so it all comes down to research and which one you

like better but guys thank you so much for watching sorry this video is a

little bit longer than you guys are used to but hopefully you did stick to the

and you guys did enjoy the video don't forget to leave a comment down below if

you guys want to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin and also share the

video around guys thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow

for another video



Why is it So Hard To Stay Focused - Duration: 4:06.

Have you realised that it is extremely difficult to stay focused.

i mean its really difficult to concentrate on one thing even for 5 minutes.

If you want a proof, pick up a book and try to focus on reading that book for 5 minutes,

you will find yourself instantly thinking about something else.

Out of nowhere you will suddenly remember that you had to send that message, or check

this website, or drink a coffee.

We live in the 21st century and with all of this technology it seems like we have to be

super productive but for one reason or another our productivity is extremely low.

I mean, even when you are watching a movie, no matter how interesting it is, you will

quickly find yourself distracted, scrolling your instagram or facebook, trying to find

something more interesting.

Even this very video, most of your wont watch this video till the end and will certainly

get distracted somewhere in the middle (at least thats what youtube analytics says)

So lets try to figure out how did we end up like this and what should we do about it!

If you look around, everyone is trying to get your attention, because in the modern

world, your attention equals money.

Who ever gets it makes more money.

In fact, the whole internet business is about getting your attention.

Every single year companies spend billions of dollars trying to figure out new ways to

distract you with videos, movies, stories and now, filters.

And without realising that, we developed short attention span.

Our brains are so use to short distractions that it literally cant concentrate for longer


And it seems like its just getting worse!

The problem is not only that its making us less productive but its also making us less


I mean, look at how news are made, first they will tell you about an airstrike that happened

last night which took the lives of 50 innocent children, then in a matter of seconds they

move to talk about with whom Kim Kardashian was hanging out last night, then they will

tell you that Tesla shares soared in the last few hours.

Now, Think about it how is it influencing you!

When such a tragedy is followed by some nonsense, we stopped valuing human lives and we start

reacting to such news as if its not a big deal.

When we are constantly bombarded with mixed news from everywhere, we stopped even distinguishing

truth from false.

And news such as children dying out of hunger in some part of the world becomes something


The negative consequences of short attention span are worst than we think!

But the main question right now is, What can you do about it!

One of the most effective ways I found is, turn off your wifi time to time.

When you are out there having a drink with your friends, enjoy the moment instead of

constantly getting distracted by your phone.

When you are walking out in the streets, try to stay conscious and focus on whats happening

around you rather than getting distracted again by instagram stories!

Second, try to read more books.

The longer you can concentrate reading a book, the longer you can stay focused when you are


Unlike movies, books require your full concentration if you want to understand the point!

Wether you like reading books or not, they are perfect tools to build your focus.

No matter how busy you are, even 20 minutes of daily reading will have significant effect

on your concentration.

And finally Meditate.

If you have been watching this channel for a while you know that I am a big fun of meditation.

I have entire video on how to meditate, which link I will leave in the description.

In all our human history, we have never had so much free time like we have today.

Back in the day, people had to work day and night just to feed themselves but not today.

If you master your attention, you will find yourself suddenly having so much time, that

you never thought you have and you will have the time to work on that project even if you

have a full time job!

and now its your turn, How do you train your brain to stay focused?

Lets me know in the comments below!

And as always, hit that like button if you have enjoyed this

video and if you don't want to miss the next video, then hit that subscribe button

and the bell besides it.

Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one

For more infomation >> Why is it So Hard To Stay Focused - Duration: 4:06.



yo whats up guys

For more infomation >> I TEAMED WITH SOMEONE IN SOLO! - Duration: 4:37.


Taniec pomoże Ci wzmocnić nogi, uda i pośladki - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> Taniec pomoże Ci wzmocnić nogi, uda i pośladki - Duration: 9:54.


Kołatanie serca i jego cztery możliwe przyczyny - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Kołatanie serca i jego cztery możliwe przyczyny - Duration: 7:50.


CONFIRMED: Trump Hit Syria To Validate His Tweets - Duration: 3:43.

A new report in the New York Times claims that Donald Trump only sent missiles over

to Syria to bomb those buildings because he had previously tweeted out a few days before

that he was going to be tough on Syria.

Here's the way military officials, including National, excuse me, Defense Secretary Jim

Mattis, this is what they said happened in the week leading up to those missile strikes

in Syria.

Russia came out and said, "United States, if you shoot missiles over here, we're going

to shoot them down."

Then Donald Trump got on his big, bold tweet saying, "They're going to be bigger, stronger,

smarter missiles, and you're not going to be able to shoot them down."

Fox and Friends decides to run a segment saying, "Russia should not be saying that.

We're tougher than them.

We're getter than them," to which Donald Trump then live tweeted that same segment talking

tough about Syria, saying we're going to shoot missiles, we're going to bomb them, we're

going to do whatever we can, all while Jim Mattis is in the background telling Donald

Trump, "First of all, we have no proof that this alleged chemical attack was actually

a chemical attack or that Asad did it.

We don't know the facts, so could you please shut your damn mouth for a few minutes and

stop the tweeting."

Those weren't his exact words, but this is what they're saying kind of happened behind

the scenes.

"Hold off on doing anything until we get the facts."

Then when Trump said, "No, I want to send missiles over there," he said, "Okay, well

let's get the approval of congress first."

Trump said, "No."

"Mister Trump," the official said, "Wanted to be seen as backing up a series of bellicose

tweets with action, but was warned that an overly aggressive response risked igniting

a wider war with Russia."

That is coming from officials in the United States military who were around Trump as he

made the decision.

This was not based on whether or not the chemical attack happened.

This was based on the president saying, "Well shit, I already tweeted that out, so I guess

I got to do it.

All right, let's bomb them."

That's what happened.

For all those people out there who think that, "Oh, Donald Trump's Twitter feed, that's nothing

to talk about.

It's just a distraction," he just bombed the hell out of Syria because he wanted to make

sure that he didn't look like a liar in his tweets saying he was going to be tough on


This is what happens when you give the keys to the United States to a petulant little

man child who has no idea what he's doing.

To their credit, people like Jim Mattis who said, "We have no evidence that these attacks

were real, or that they took place, or that this was carried out by Asad, or that it was

a chemical attack, and we have to get the approval of congress," yeah, to his credit

Mattis tried to do it the right way and wait for evidence, but Trump couldn't do that because

he was watching Fox, and Friends and getting mad, and tweeting.

That is what our United States Foreign Policy is based on today.

By that measure alone, Donald Trump needs to be removed from office immediately under

the 25th Amendment as being unfit to serve as the President of the United States.

For more infomation >> CONFIRMED: Trump Hit Syria To Validate His Tweets - Duration: 3:43.


Diet Breaks: Helps You Lose Weight? - Duration: 5:57.

Dieting sucks.

It's tiresome… and starving yourself for months of your favorite ice cream is a cruel

and unusual punishment.

Such is the case for the chase of your ideal body.

At least that's what we've been told.

Fortunately, there might be a savior of such pain and suffering.

And that is the use of… diet breaks.

It might seem counter-intuitive initially, because it is true that if you want to lose

weight, you have to take in less energy, or calories, over time, than your body expends.

Adding a break, on paper, means that it will only stall your results or worse yet, gain

some of the weight back.

Incidentally, that belief is exactly how the idea of diet breaks being a potential weight

loss tool came to fruition.

In 2003, researchers attempted to accelerate the effects commonly seen when people fall

off their diets, particularly the negative effects of weight gain relapse.

To their surprise, participants that were prescribed breaks during a weight loss program,

either multiple 2-week breaks or a 6-week break, didn't really gain much weight at

all and had very little problem jumping back into their diet.

At 5 and 11-month follow-ups, weight loss did not differ much between the continuous

dieting gourp to those prescribed breaks.

According to the researchers, it's seems that the PLANNING of the break, rather than

the break per se, was a major factor.

More on this in a second.

The physiological mechanisms in play during breaks remain to be determined, with leading

theories suggesting breaks repair hormonal imbalances, particularly leptin, which controls

our hunger signals, and thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism.

One might also suggest a diet break increases NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

This assumes that during long periods of dieting, one might subconsciously be less willing or

lack energy to perform mundane activities, like dancing to their favorite song or going

on a walk.

The additional fuel from breaks potentially reverses that decline.

Psychological benefits might exist as well.

Back to the idea of planning, the researchers theorized that planned breaks essentially

removed the feeling of self-blame or guilt stemming from one's personal failures of

adhering to a diet.

Since it's planned, it can lead to a positive feeling rather than a negative.

Of course, there is the benefit of eating the foods you desire earlier than anticipated.

Later on, in 2014, a study on obese women using a 1-week on, 1-week off diet to break

schedule, found that, after 8 weeks, continuous dieting did lead to greater weight loss (3.5kg

vs 1.9kg IER), but, in a 12-month follow-up, the differences were not significant.

A 2016 meta-analysis further looked at 9 studies partaking experiments on intermittent energy

restriction protocols, concluded that neither intermittent breaks nor continuous energy

restriction were superior to one another in terms of weight loss.

But it was only in 2018 that we had research suggesting superior benefits with prescribed


The study was titled "Minimising Adaptive Thermogenesis And Deactivating Obesity Rebound,"

aka, the MATADOR study.

They randomized obese men to either a continuous dieting group sustaining a 33% calorie deficit

through 16 weeks, or the intermittent energy restriction group, which also sustained a

33% calorie deficit through 16 weeks but with a planned 2-week break every 2 weeks.


A 2-on:2-off ratio.

For those that completed the entire program, weight loss was 59% greater in participants

taking breaks than continuous dieting.

At a 6-month follow-up, the difference jumped to 80%, or 8.1 kilograms more weight lost,

largely because the continuous dieting group ended up regaining most of their weight.

On top of that, the weight lost was almost exclusively fat mass, in both groups, but

significantly more with intermittent breaks.

Of course… there's one big catch.

The continuous dieting intervention lasted 16 weeks.

The intermittent break protocol… took 30 weeks.

That's because the researchers wanted to match the duration of energy restriction,

16 weeks in both groups.

The 2-week breaks in between cannot be accounted as part of that restriction, since they clearly

weren't restricting calories during those times.

Thus, the additional 14 weeks of breaks.

This longer dieting time might be less desirable for those that need to lose weight in a short

time frame.

The MATADOR study also prescribed participants to eat at an energy balance, or just enough

to not gain or lose any weight, during their breaks, meaning to replicate the potential

benefits in the study, you can't just eat whatever and however much you want during

break time.

Also, studies that either saw superior or equal results typically used obese subjects.

Whether breaks are as effective in leaner individuals remain to be seen.

And one more limitation is the lack of consistent, or any, exercise protocol in these studies.

As we know, exercise can very well change the entire landscape of body composition when

paired with an effective weight loss program.

Still, a benefit does seem to exist, both physiologically and psychologically.

As far as implementation, going off the MATADOR study, a 2-week on, 2-week off program might

be a good place to start.

One can argue that leaner individuals might benefit from more frequent breaks due to the

greater physiological pushback at lower body fat percentages.

Heavier individuals might use breaks less, like a 4:2 or 6:2 ratio, since they tend to

see consistent weight loss for longer periods of time.

Not much reason to throw in a break when results are flowing quite nicely.

The main takeaway is that diet breaks do at least serve as an alternative.

An alternative that not many people are familiar with and, with so many of us struggling to

lose weight, any alternative is openly welcomed.

If you're one of those struggling, try taking those breaks before the diet breaks you.

Share your thoughts and experiences with diet breaks in the comments below.

Also, apologies for the lack of video uploads in the past few weeks.

It's been a hectic 2018, but do expect more videos more frequently in the following months.

Make sure you hit that notification bell so you can stay up-to-date with every PictureFit


As always, thank you for watching and GET YOUR PROTEIN!

For more infomation >> Diet Breaks: Helps You Lose Weight? - Duration: 5:57.


OAT CACAO SMOOTHIE!! (& a bit of my lab work) - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> OAT CACAO SMOOTHIE!! (& a bit of my lab work) - Duration: 5:52.


The BEST Sweet Potato Vegan Chili Recipe & Chase Your Dreams MEDITATION - Duration: 4:26.

hello everyone this is marina from Soul in the Raw and my mission is to feed

you the most delicious vegan food that's really good for you for the planet and

for the animals so if you're new around here make sure to subscribe below I love

chili and I think I was a little bit scared of it before I wasn't sure how to

make it because the truth is before I was vegan I really didn't like Mexican

food I know it's weird it's crazy people here in San Diego are

obsessed with Mexican food and I just wasn't a big fan but then when I went

vegan and I started you know the spices and all the avocado and the corn oh it's

so good so now I love it and I've always wanted to try a really

good chili and then I tried a chili by sweet potato soul and it was really

really good and it also inspired me to create my own version so what I love

about chili is that it's packed with such healthy foods it's got greens from

cilantro if you don't like cilantro it's just what anyways I will forgive you I

will try so we've got the cilantro the beans and the sweet potatoes and it's

just like a complete delicious comforting meal so I love love love love

this chili that I made for you and I'm so excited for you to try it it's easy

it's simple it's quick and it's very cheap too so that's pretty cool

let's go make it. imagine a world where you can have everything you want what

would that look like what would be different from what your life looks like

right now what would you have what would every day look like from

morning to night. and most importantly what would it feel like would you be

happy would you be excited inspired motivated what would you feel every day

that maybe you don't feel right now and I think the most important question that

we want to ask ourselves is why don't I have that

right now what's stopping me from living my wildest dreams

maybe it's my cold but in reality there is nothing that can stop you from living

your best self so go out there and get it done go out there and live your dream

because I know that you can and that you'll get there even if it takes time I

hope you love this chili recipe and the full recipe with all the measurements

and everything is going to be in the description box below as well as a link

to where this recipe is coming from it's actually a recipe from my new program

"Deliciously Planty", which is a four week whole food plant-based Program meal plan

with a batch cooking guide and a grocery list so that during the week everything

is quick quick because you've already had everything made and it also comes

with a four-part video series and in the video series I go over all the nutrients

that you need as a vegan in your diet to be Super Duper healthy you know to

represent vegans the way that they should be represented and how you can

fulfill all of those nutrients through delicious meals you're not giving up

flavor or nutrition because they go together so check that out and thank you

so much for being here and I will see you very soon

For more infomation >> The BEST Sweet Potato Vegan Chili Recipe & Chase Your Dreams MEDITATION - Duration: 4:26.


Ramadan 2018 Card Tutorial - Duration: 4:09.

Saba Musharrif here with another video. Today I am demonstrating the making of

Ramadan cards. These are simple cards which I have inked, and stamped. I

started off with a 3.5" by 5.5" piece of cardstock, and

I'm using pigment inks, from Color Box for this project. I chose the lightest

color, green, and just dab it in the center.. in a circular manner and then

blend it in using my water brush. Next I'm going to just add colors all around

the green just to give it a radial gradient effect, which will be visible

once we've blended everything in. So the colors I'm using are bright colors; there

is green, mustard, orange, pink, and magenta.

Now because these are pigment inks, these are very vibrant and really juicy. So, I

spray some water over the inked area, because it just helps to blend the inks

and then using my water brush I just blend all the colors in. I am just making

sure that there's no white space visible. Once blended, and dried, I'm going to

start stamping on it.

The first time that I'm using, is the doily stamp from Prima, I'm going to ink it up

using archival ink and I'm going to stamp it in the center.

Next, I'm going to take the Baroque motive stamp from Kaiser craft and I'm going to

ink this up. I'm not going to ink the entire stamp I

just want to leave the tail end uninked because it's going to

overlap with the center doily stamp and I don't want it to smudge, so to get a

clear print I just ensure that the entire stamp is not covered. I stamp

on the sides, and then I'm just going to continue stamping with the same stamp to

create a pattern on both the sides.

So you can use any stamps that you like, but I just thought this one would look

really nice for this project

Once I've stamped the cardstock, I'm going to stick the sentiment / adhere the

sentiment on. The sentiment I have already heat embossed and die-cut. Using

some dimensional tape I'm going to adhere it to the base

Next, I am going to work on the inlay. This is also 3.5" by

5.5", and I am going to stamp it with archival ink. These stamps,

the sentiment stamps, are actually from Altenew. Then I am just going to

ink the edges, to give it some finish. Once dry, I am going to take my card base

fold it and then just adhere the inlay

and then using some dimensional tape I'm going to adhere the top, that we just

worked on, and our card is ready! I hope this inspires you to make some fun

bright creative cards this Ramadan. thanks for watching, have a wonderful day!

For more infomation >> Ramadan 2018 Card Tutorial - Duration: 4:09.


How To Legally Practice Your Hacking Skills-In Hindi - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> How To Legally Practice Your Hacking Skills-In Hindi - Duration: 3:48.




For more infomation >> FIFA 18 - HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A WALKOUT DO THIS?! - Duration: 9:16.





Ariana Grande - No Tears Left To Cry (iAMGBW Remix) - Duration: 1:39.

Pickin' it up, pickin' it up I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up

I'm pickin' it up, pickin' it up I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up

Comin' out, even when it's rainin' down

Can't stop now, can't stop so shut your mouth

Shut your mouth, and if you don't know

Then now you know it, babe Know it, babe, yeah

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - No Tears Left To Cry (iAMGBW Remix) - Duration: 1:39.


Preguntas sobre el patrimonio de la Casa Real y Juan Carlos!!! - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Preguntas sobre el patrimonio de la Casa Real y Juan Carlos!!! - Duration: 4:21.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


Após perder o BBB18, participante espera receber convite para A Fazenda 10 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Após perder o BBB18, participante espera receber convite para A Fazenda 10 - Duration: 3:24.


Ex-BBB Kaysar se manifesta na web e faz agradecimento aos fãs - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Kaysar se manifesta na web e faz agradecimento aos fãs - Duration: 4:28.



Hello, Guys.

How you doing?

Welcome to another "Carol and the Universe".

I know it's been a while since my last video

but I intend to come back with the vlog and tell you a little

bit more about my days here in US.

In this video I asked to the kids that I take care of

to react to some brazilian candies.

I want to apologize because this video should've been shoot with my camera but the

problem is that my battery is broken so I couldn't do it.

So I shoot with my iPhone, holding it on my hands, which made the camera shakes

every time the girl moved, or there's light or frame change.

I tried really hard to hide it in the editing.

I hope you guys enjoy the video!

That's all, folks!

Thank you for watching.

If you like the video, like and share, please. Also the facebook page

and if you have any ideas for the next video

with me or the girls, just comment bellow.

That's it!

See you!



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