Monday, April 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 23 2018

Hello, everybody. What's up? I'm FelixEA

And, as you can see by the title of this video

Today I will be "Solving the Rubik's Cube in 1 Second (exclamation mark, dash, FelixEA)"

"How?" you may be wondering

Don't worry, I'm here to teach you

First, you're gonna have to pick up your Rubik's Cube and scramble it

I already have here the 3x3x3 scrambles, but just for you to know...

...what I'm about to do doesn't work with a 2x2x2

However, it does work with a 3x3x3

Why? Because I say so

Now that you have scrambled your Cube, you're gonna want the yellow center facing you

And what you're gonna do is spin the top layer clockwise, once

and then you'll repeat this for the bottom layer

After that, you take out your recorder and start playing this next song

(plugs headphones in the recorder)

("All Star" by Smash Mouth)

Once we've played this magnificent melody

The recorder'll be in administrator mode

This will let us access all its data

And this lets us play the next song

You don't need headphones for this one


And this allows us to get access into it from our computer

And this step is kind of hard

To be able to go on with the tutorial and understand what I'll do

You must have studied a career in contemporary technology and computing

If you've already studied for 4 years this career in college

It won't be necessary to explain what I'm gonna be doing

Now that we've activated our recorder's "demonic anti-religious summoning" mode

We can simply play the next song that we need to be able to summon the one and only creature that we need to continue with this tutorial


Did you see that? It's right there!

Now you only need to get on your knees and say the "magic words"

𝕆𝕙, 𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕢𝕦𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘

𝕗𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕧𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕤

𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤


Dog: Ok, I don't see why not

See? This is how you solve a Rubik's Cube at SONIC SPEED

Félix, you did it wrong

Who are you and how did you get in my room?

Take a good look at the cube, you didn't solve it

What are you talking abou-


Yeah, you were right

You didn't solve it, you lied to your subscribers

So, this video is clickbait?

And too random


You don't know how to end a video at all, do you?


For more infomation >> Solving the Rubik's Cube in 1 Second! - FelixEA - Duration: 2:43.


Los jugadores del Barça dieron la cara por Ernesto Valverde en la final de la Copa - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Los jugadores del Barça dieron la cara por Ernesto Valverde en la final de la Copa - Duration: 3:15.


Nunca tirarás las cáscaras de huevo después de saber esto - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nunca tirarás las cáscaras de huevo después de saber esto - Duration: 1:45.


Ariana Grande - No Tears Lef...

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - No Tears Lef...


Funny Behind The Scenes Of Parineeti Chopra | Funny Video Of Sweet Parineeti Chopra | - Duration: 2:50.

Funny Behind The Scenes Of Parineeti Chopra | Funny Video Of Sweet Parineeti Chopra |

For more infomation >> Funny Behind The Scenes Of Parineeti Chopra | Funny Video Of Sweet Parineeti Chopra | - Duration: 2:50.


Steven Universe promo specjału "Zawieź mnie na księżyc" - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Steven Universe promo specjału "Zawieź mnie na księżyc" - Duration: 0:28.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 3-DRS EcoplusLine - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 3-DRS EcoplusLine - Duration: 1:10.


李小璐医检向网友报喜:怀了一对双胞胎,网友就问了这孩子是谁的! ✔ - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 李小璐医检向网友报喜:怀了一对双胞胎,网友就问了这孩子是谁的! ✔ - Duration: 2:34.


TIRNAK PİDE -Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Yemek Tarifleri - Duration: 3:22.

Materials 500 gr flour 1,5 cups warm water 1 packet dry yeast Half a meal spoonful of sugar 1.5 tablespoon oil 1 sweetspoon salt

45 min. ferment in warm medium

Wait for 15 minutes to ferment

Wet and shape your hand with water

1 egg

1 soup spoon yogurt

Bake for 20 minutes in a pre-heated 200-degree oven

For more infomation >> TIRNAK PİDE -Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Yemek Tarifleri - Duration: 3:22.


Buy cricket accessories market in bd/সস্তায় ক্রিকেট বাট, গ্লোবস, হেলমেট, ক্রিকেট প‍্যাড কিনুন - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> Buy cricket accessories market in bd/সস্তায় ক্রিকেট বাট, গ্লোবস, হেলমেট, ক্রিকেট প‍্যাড কিনুন - Duration: 8:35.


Kia Niro DynamicLine Travel Connect incl. trekhaak! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Niro DynamicLine Travel Connect incl. trekhaak! - Duration: 1:12.


Kia Niro DynamicLine Travel Connect incl. trekhaak! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Kia Niro DynamicLine Travel Connect incl. trekhaak! - Duration: 1:11.


English Listening Test And Practice For Beginners Part 2 Improve Your English Skills - Duration: 49:20.

English Listening Test And Practice For Beginners Part 2 Improve Your English Skills

For more infomation >> English Listening Test And Practice For Beginners Part 2 Improve Your English Skills - Duration: 49:20.


[YANDERE SIMULATOR MMD] Are you upset? [ Taro & Budo ] (Happy birthday to me!) - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> [YANDERE SIMULATOR MMD] Are you upset? [ Taro & Budo ] (Happy birthday to me!) - Duration: 0:11.


Homescapes Level 515 - How to complete Level 515 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:46.

"Homescapes Level 514"

"Homescapes gameplay"

"Homescapes android"

For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 515 - How to complete Level 515 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:46.


U&D, Nilufar disperata prima della scelta: clamorosa reazione di Giordano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> U&D, Nilufar disperata prima della scelta: clamorosa reazione di Giordano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.


OCZEPINY ZABAWA Z KRZESŁAMI - zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info.Podłeżna sala OSP DW266 - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> OCZEPINY ZABAWA Z KRZESŁAMI - zespół/teksty/lyrics/songtexte/info.Podłeżna sala OSP DW266 - Duration: 6:19.


Grande Fratello 2018, lite furibonda tra Mariana e Danilo, volono insulti: 'Sei squallido' - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 2018, lite furibonda tra Mariana e Danilo, volono insulti: 'Sei squallido' - Duration: 3:45.


Zaburzenia lękowe – 6 naturalnych metod - Duration: 3:51.

Czy mam zaburzenia lękowe?Zaburzenia lękowe objawiają się u każdej osoby w inny sposób. Najczęstsze objawy to:Mdłości.Przyspieszone bicie serca.Zamartwianie się.Podwyższone ciśnienie krwi.

Nadmierne pocenie się.Rozszerzone źrenice.Ból w klatce piersiowej.Bezsenność.Zmęczenie.Napięcie mięśni.Na szczęście istnieje wiele naturalnych sposobów na złagodzenie tych objawów bez ryzyka wystąpienia skutków ubocznych.

Joga i medytacja.Ta metoda z pewnością pozwoli ci poczuć ulgę i pomoże w miarę łatwo pozbyć się objawów, jakie dają zaburzenia lękowe. Potrzebujesz jedynie 20 do 30 minut dziennie, aby zauważyć różnicę w samopoczuciu.

Joga i medytacja to doskonały sposób na relaks zarówno ciała, jak i umysłu, co jest konieczne w przypadku takich zaburzeń ponieważ wpływają one na obydwa aspekty naszego zdrowia.

Co więcej, uprawianie jogi poprawia krążenie krwi w organizmie,pozwala dostarczyć więcej tlenu do mózgu i rozluźnić mięśnie całego ciała.Znajdź czas każdego dnia na to, aby wyciszyć się i dać swojemu ciału niezbędną chwilę wytchnienia i relaksu poprzez medytację i jogę.

Regularne ćwiczenia.Ćwiczenia fizyczne to jedno z najlepszych rozwiązań jeśli cierpisz na zaburzenia lękowe. Najlepiej jest wybrać rodzaj aktywności, która sprawia ci prawdziwą przyjemność.

Nie ma znaczenia jakie ćwiczenia wybierzesz. Ważne jest, żebyś się przy nich dobrze bawił i chętnie je wykonywał. Wtedy nie będziesz szukać wymówek, żeby np. nie iść na siłownię albo żeby nie biegać.

Ćwiczenia fizyczne pomagają utrzymać w dobrej kondycji nie tylko ciało, ale również umysł.Podczas aktywności fizycznej, organizm zaczyna produkować serotoninę, która jest związkiem odpowiedzialnym za dobre samopoczucie.

Dieta bogata w składniki odżywcze.Zdrowa dieta jest zalecana każdemu, bez względu na stan zdrowia, aleosoby, u których występują zaburzenia lękowe powinny zwracać szczególną uwagę na to, aby przyjmować pełnowartościowe posiłki.

Warto również włączyć do swojej diety niektóre zioła, aby pomóc ciału i umysłowi się zrelaksować. Niektóre z ziół zalecanych w przypadku takich zaburzeń to:Tymianek.Goździki.Lawenda.Rumianek.Waleriana 

Pamiętaj również o dostarczaniu organizmowi odpowiedniej ilości magnezu ponieważ jest on niezbędny do zredukowania napięcia mięśni. Możesz uzupełnić jego niedobory jedząc np. szpinak lub migdały.

Zdrowe relacje z ludźmi.Rozrywka to największy wróg niestabilności emocjonalnej. Poświęć czas na robienie rzeczy, które sprawiają ci radość. Spróbuj również jakiegoś hobby, które może cię zrelaksować, jak rysowanie czy pisanie.

Ważne jest również utrzymywać zdrowe relacje z najbliższymi. Choć może to być dla ciebie dużym wysiłkiem, staraj się spotykać z przyjaciółmi i dzwonić do bliskich.

Pamiętaj jednak, że zaburzenia lękowe mogą się tylko pogłębić, jeśli masz wokół siebie negatywne osoby. Wybieraj mądrze z kim spędzasz czas, szczególnie w tych trudnych chwilach.

Czasem odizolowanie się od toksycznych osób jest bardzo trudne, ale to jedyny zdrowy wybór. Czas mile spędzony z ludźmi, którzy cię rozumieją i dają ci pozytywną energię jest nie do przecenienia.

Pomóż innym.Spędzanie czasu z osobami, które cię potrzebują może mieć bardzo dobry wpływ na twoje życie. Pomaganie innym daje nam siłę i poczucie satysfakcji.

Spróbuj na przykład:Wesprzeć jakąś działalność, która ma dla ciebie szczególne znaczenie,Udzielać się jako wolontariusz,Zrobić zakupy spożywcze dla kogoś, kogo na nie nie stać,Spędzić czas z dziećmi z sierocińca.

Udzielanie pomocy innym jest niezwykle cennym doświadczeniem ponieważ sprawia, że czujesz swoją siłę sprawczą i widzisz, że to, co robisz ma pozytywny wpływ na życie innych ludzi.

Gorąca kąpiel.Gorąca kąpiel to prawdopodobnie najłatwiejsze i najszybsze rozwiązanie na zaburzenia lękowe. Ciało zanurzone w ciepłej wodzie relaksuje się niemal natychmiastowo.

Możesz w międzyczasie wypić kieliszek wina i włączyć w tle spokojną muzykę. Dodaj do wody jakiś aromatyczny olejek i pozwól sobie na pełen relaks.

Jeśli cierpisz na zaburzenia lękowe to prawdopodobnie jedną z przyczyn jest fakt, że zapomniałeś o własnych potrzebach.Chwila tylko dla siebie jest potrzebna każdemu człowiekowi dla zachowania równowagi emocjonalnej.

Gorąca kąpiel to doskonały sposób na odizolowanie się od domowników, problemów i dzwoniącego nieustannie telefonu.W tym momencie liczysz się tylko ty i twój relaksacyjny zestaw:Aromatyczne świece.Pachnąca sól do kąpieli.Kieliszek ulubionego wina.Łagodna muzyka

Wszystkie metody wymienione powyżej skutecznie pomogą ci złagodzić objawy zaburzeń lękowych. Wypróbuj je i sprawdź, która ma na ciebie najlepszy wpływ.

Pamiętaj jednak, że jeśli objawy zaburzeń lękowych ie ustępują przez długi czas, warto skonsultować się ze specjalistą, który pomoże ci pozbyć się problemu i zacząć znowu cieszyć pełnią życia.

For more infomation >> Zaburzenia lękowe – 6 naturalnych metod - Duration: 3:51.


Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Again Up For USA Today Award - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Again Up For USA Today Award - Duration: 3:08.


'미워도 사랑해' 이성열, 대표복귀.. 母트라우마 해방직전[종합] - 한국 연예계 소식 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> '미워도 사랑해' 이성열, 대표복귀.. 母트라우마 해방직전[종합] - 한국 연예계 소식 - Duration: 3:22.


LA to Vegas - New Series on ...

For more infomation >> LA to Vegas - New Series on ...


I Learned How To Get The Trendy Glossier Look | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 8:07.

These dehydrate your skin because all the moisture from your skin gets sucked into the

juice of this.

Are you joking?


Hey guys this is Mi-Anne, and this is Beauty With Mi.

As a beauty writer, I get a lot of questions about hair and makeup, and the most commonly

asked question is about Glossier.

The Glossier skin, or that Glossier skin effect.

What you see in the ads and the Instagrams of the beautiful models with the amazing skin

and the really high cheekbones,

has always felt a little out of reach to me.

So I thought I should probably learn.

And I thought who better to teach me than makeup artist Katie Jane Hughes.

Katie and I have worked together in the past,

she's actually done my makeup before.

But she is perfect to teach me how to get Glossier skin because she actually did the

makeup for a number of Glossier campaigns.

Like the newest Lidstar campaign, the Haloscope

campaign, the Body Hero campaign, so I am

actually going to go to her apartment.

She is going to teach me the entire step by step process.

I'm going to attempt to do it myself later this week,

and you guys are coming with me.

So I will see you there.



So good to see you!

I missed you.

Come in, I missed you, it's been so long.

So I am finally here with Katie Jane Hughes.

I tried to gussy myself up in a way that looks

like I maybe could belong on their Instagram.

I mean, I think you did it.

So before we get started, as per usual,

please hit subscribe down below.

Beauty With Mi comes out every Monday at 11am,

and without further ado, should we start?


So first things first.


I am going to use Glossier solution.

It gets rid of dead skin.

It helps even out excess oil production on the skin,

that kind of thing.

The better that you can get your skin to look

without makeup on it, the less makeup you going

to end up using therefore the less makeup

your going to fight to keep on the face.

There's more like yourself you're going to look.

Alright I'm going to cocktail your skincare.

What that means as to assess the parts of

your face that you really need to put product.

This is Caudalie Premier Cru.

This is one my favorite serums to use.

I've never used it.

It's an anti aging serum.

I going to use about three pumps,

and I'm just going to put it into the palms of my hands.

So then I'm going to take Priming Moisturizer Rich,

probably about that much.

You kind of focusing the product on the high points of the face.

Where the highlights are going to be.

Exactly I'm building the highlighter from the base up.

The perfecting skin tint is in my opinion toner for the skin.

So it's kind of almost like a first evening out step.


Stretch Concealer is one of my favorite concealers in the world.

I use it with either my finger or a brush, but I'm going to use with a brush,

I can get into areas.

Yeah it's soft.

I'm just going to press it wherever I want a little bit of coverage.

I'm going to use a teeny bit more coverage.

I'm going to use Flawless Fusion from Laura.

I'll just press it around,

and then just pad it in with my fingertip really gently.

Now I'm just gonna to use the fairest version of Wowder,

I'm going to pick some up and

just gonna roll over any areas that I want to kill the shine.

Why are you rolling versus brushing?

Brushing and rubbing can disturb the stuff that you've already done,

and it can disturb the skin texture,

and it can also make powder flick everywhere.

And then we're going to use Cloud Paint.

Dusk is like my favorite.

I love Dusk.

It matches with everything.

It matches every single thing.

It really does, and it's like the perfect color.

And you barely need any product, that's more than enough for both cheeks.

I'm actually going to do Dusk and Puff.

Then I'm just gonna have you smile little bit, and just look away, yeah.

Ok, so I going to go –

Press it on and then blend the edges,

so that I can still keep the color.

Then I am gonna mix together the taupey one and the light reddish one to create a color that's unique.

You can use your fingers or brush,

but the part that I'm gonna go into right now

I'm gonna use a brush I'm using Lily.

Do you find that sweeping it gives it the most pigment?

I mean it's like supposed to be a sheer-like tint.

It's a tint not an eyeshadow, if that makes sense.

So it's like, I definitely feel that you can –

The first layer should always be a

sweep, smooth it through, don't leave any

like any bit thick and bubbly and then

you can build it into.

You should always curl your own eyelashes

and you should always put your own mascara on,

because you can always get more push,

and you can always get more of a lift with your own.

This is Gen G in Cake.

I'm just gonna press on just to create like a kind of a look.

I'm just gonna do a little bit of Boy Brow.

This is the shade in Blonde.

Why blonde?

I'm creating a softer brow.

My favorite set of makeup ever is highlights always.

I'm a big fan of highlighter that looks wet in real life as opposed to dry.

I don't favor powders but I don't dislike them.

I use them in a specific way but creams are

my favorite because I think they always just look

like life is on the skin.

Okay we're all done.

I'm shocked at how fast that was.

I feel like Glossier has such a relatable

yet at the same time such an aspirational vibe.

They are a really cool brand but they are also like your girlfriend.

I'm going to try to do this tomorrow same look.

Just incase, I wrote it all down for you on a list.

So wish me luck.

Good luck.

Break a leg.

Thanks doll.

You're going to be great.

Bye guys.


Alright guys so I just did my makeup in the Glossier style following the lovely Katie

Jane Hughes very careful instructions.

The eyeshadows were quite sheer and I do feel

a little naked without more product in my

eyes, eyeliner and stuff like that.

But I did manage to build them up.

I do think I got a good amount of definition out of it.

Flat brush, way to go.

That's the way to get pigments out of these.

So I usually powder my entire face.

Katie told me just to powder my T-zone, which is not what I usually do.

But I did it and I actually think I like it,

I think I used a little more powder than Katie

would off, just out of sheer habit,

but it kept the perimeter of my face really nice

and dewy and lovely.

I do feel a little naked without my bronzer and my eyeliner and such.

I'm going to see how it wears throughout the

day and then tomorrow I might try it again and

adapt it to include some of the things that make it feel a little bit more me.

So see you tonight.

Hey guys, so it is almost 10 p.m.

So I've been wearing this makeup for almost 12 hours.

And in terms of the shine I was actually quite

pleased with how glowy and dewy my skin looked.

Like at around 3 or 4 p.m. today,

I caught myself in the mirror and I was like "Oh your skin looks really good."

Like way glowier than it usually does because

normally I powder my face to oblivion.

I think it was a successful run.

So I'll see you guys tomorrow for Day 3.


Hey guys so it is Day 3 of the Glossier challenge

and I have just done my makeup in the same

style that Katie taught me but added a few

elements that made it feel a little more like me.

So the first thing I changed was I added a

little bit of gel moisturizer to the priming

rich moisturizer so I used Innisfree Cica Balm.

I added a little bit more powder just to my T-zone,

and then I added a touch, a touch

of bronzer.

I added a little bit of a coal brown eyeliner to the top of my lash line.

Winged it out slightly to see if I could get a little bit more definition.

Instead of using the Cake Generation G lipstick,

which is that nude,

I went for Crush.

Now Crush is this beautiful bright pink shade.

I do think that you know especially the look

I did today is one that I would wear over

and over and over again.

I really enjoyed it.

I think that I learned a lot from Katie and

from this experience that I want adopt into

my own routine.

I think it did really push me out of my comfort

zone and it kind of taught me

to try something new.

Please let me know in the comments below

if they're any other routines you want me to try

or if there's anything from this routines that you want to adopt into your own.

I'm very curious and I will see you guys next week. Bye.

Thanks so much for watching guys,

let me know what you want me to do next on with

Beauty With Mi by commenting down below.

And click here to subscribe to Refinery29

and click here to watch another episode.


For more infomation >> I Learned How To Get The Trendy Glossier Look | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 8:07.


We Sent Garlic Bread to the Edge of Space, Then Ate It - Duration: 5:24.

This is not going to be a normal video.

We're sending garlic bread to the edge of space!

Loads of people have launched loads of objects on balloons,

usually as publicity stunts.

But despite a lot of breathless press releases

those objects haven't been launched into space.

Most standards organisations agree that space officially starts

at the completely arbitrary Kármán Line, 100 kilometres up.

And balloons like that one only get about a third of the way there.

And we're definitely not sending anything into orbit.

Orbit requires tens of thousands of miles-an-hour of speed.

That's what all the rockets are for.

- We're using a weather balloon.

It's a large one, actually, today.

We're going as high as we can with this payload.

It's very cold on the way up.

It gets warmer as you approach that sort of altitude.

So it's coldest just above the jet stream

and then getting slightly warmer again.

It gets back down to about zero about where the balloon will pop.

- The idea that all those publicity stunts actually made it to space

is helped by the fact that the fish-eye lens on some of the cameras that they use

means that the curve of the earth looks a lot more dramatic

than it really is at that height.

Now we're using cameras that correct for that,

so what you'll see on screen is more or less what you'd see up there.

So we're not saying "space", we're saying "the edge of space".

Which is basically just a marketing term, but the atmosphere's so thin up there,

about 1% of the pressure at ground level, that it's close enough.

Why garlic bread?

Because it's delicious,

and because someone already sent pizza up in a balloon a few years ago.

- This garlic bread is delicious.

It's homemade. Well, apart from the baguette.

I did some homemade garlic butter on there with some real nice Parmesan on it.

Although I did make it at 5 o'clock this morning!

So it's going to be in near-vacuum.

It's going to be possibly frozen. I mean...

We're going to send half up in the sky with the balloon

and then leave half on earth for a real comparison taste test.

- As it goes up, the atmosphere is getting thinner and thinner

and there's less and less air pushing in.

The balloon itself will get bigger and bigger.

So eventually the balloon will pop

and the equipment will parachute down to the ground

and we'll go and recover it.

We normally predict the landing spot to within about five miles

when we launch the balloon.

We're tracking the balloon using some radio trackers.

They send a signal with a GPS position to the ground

and that's put on a map and we chase the balloon's predicted landing spot.

I've done lots of high-altitude ballooning.

I've been doing it now for about 10 years.

Never lost one. Sent one to its doom a couple of times.

- All sorts of food items have been launched into the stratosphere.

The BBC sent wedding cake up as part of a children's show

but the punchline at the end was that no one actually ate it.

I've yet to find any balloon-launched food that was actually eaten after landing.

And the main reason for that is you have no idea

where it's going to land, what it's going land in,

or what animals will have got to it first.

- The box I've designed has a GPS and a little servo,

and a piece of string and some springs.

As it comes down it closes the servo 1000 metres above the ground.

- So now we have to get in our cars and go chasing the payload.

It's just coming in to land somewhere about half a mile ahead

so, Barry, keep your eyes on the sky.

I've got to keep my eyes on the road.

You reckon we're okay to park here?

Let's go.

- It's just on the end of that row there.

- Let's do it.

- Oh dear! - I think this is the way.

Well, at least we've got two cameras, I suppose.

Yay, I think they're still running.

- Oh,there we go. - Lift it up, oh.

- Oh, yes! - Yeah.

- Alright so this is your original?

- Yeah, yeah.

- That's really good.

- Not bad, right?

- Space bread...

- Is it cold?

- It's not that much... oh!

No, that tore completely differently.

So that one ripped; that one went [tearing sound].

This one went click.

- It's definitely got an icy middle.

- Oh wow.

- I don't know. I mean... - That has been frozen.

That's been frozen in the stratosphere.

- You can sorta see the colour of the middle of them.

It's whiter, isn't it?

- This went to the stratosphere and I'm eating it!

Sort of.

Thank you very much to Steve Randall from Random Aerospace

and to Barry Lewis from My Virgin Kitchen.

I don't actually know what I did on this.

I'm basically DJ Khaled at this point.

- Yeah! Yeah.

DJ Garl-ed? No, it didn't work.

I was gonna say garlic bread.

- We're done, we're good. - Yes. Sorry.

Thank you, folks!

For more infomation >> We Sent Garlic Bread to the Edge of Space, Then Ate It - Duration: 5:24.


Strach / Agnieszka Żulewska i jej potwory! - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Strach / Agnieszka Żulewska i jej potwory! - Duration: 2:00.


Dear SQL DBA: How Do I Prepare for Certification Exams? - Duration: 29:31.

welcome to Dear SQL DBA: a podcast and youtube show for SQL Server developers

and database administrators. I'm Kendra Little from This

episode is all about preparing for certification tests. I get a lot of

questions about certifications-- so many questions that I already have a podcast

episode addressing the question: should I get certified? I still think it's

worth thinking heavily about whether you want to invest the time and money into

getting certifications, and figuring out are these going to be meaningful for

your career. Certifications has been a really valuable milestone on my path to

learning about a lot of topics in SQL Server, but they don't have to be -- and

certifications aren't required for you to meet your goals, necessarily, when it

comes to your career working with data. In this podcast, I'm going to talk

about how I strategize approaching something like a certification exam, but

do you go back and check out that other episode if you're questioning: hey do I

need to get certified? Because this podcast is all about taking the

challenge of certification and making the most of it. One word of warning: I

will be talking about an example exam in this in this session but these things

change a lot! Not only do the exams change, but the certifications themselves

change, and the definition of hey what is the certification and what does it cover --

and that is something that shifts over time. So, if you're listening to this

episode in the future, don't just assume that this exam is still the same. You

want to take this strategy that I'm giving you. Take out of it what's

meaningful for you and use it as a toolset to approach the exams that you

want to take on your own path. Now, that being said, the example exam I'm talking

about that we're gonna say okay, how can we strategize taking this exam for

someone who's just getting started on their path towards being a

DBA -- that exam is exam 98 364. The database fundamentals exam. Now, this exam

covers a lot of ground, and it doesn't assume that the person taking it has all

of the job experience-- but it's gonna cover all of the fundamentals, or at

least a really wide chunk of them. When we're approaching an exam, what I

like to do is first get a big-picture view and just really start looking at:

what are the skills that this exam is measuring? I want to expand each area and

get the details out of the exam description, and then I want to summarize

it and analyze it in my own format. I like to use a spreadsheet, and I like to

do that because I want to assess myself on the different skills that they're

measuring, and also I want to do some analysis on where I may want to prepare

and where I may not want to prepare. Summarizing the exam is really helpful

because these exams can be intimidating. The level of things that they cover. the

number of things they cover and the level of detail in them may become

overwhelming, and if we don't do that analysis and strategizing about where to

invest our time, we may quickly become overwhelmed-- and we may become, you know,

kind of frightened of the exam. That doesn't put us in the best place to take

the exam. We want to set ourselves up so that we have good confidence going into

it and feel that we have a good chance to tackle the exam. Looking at the

database fundamentals exam, it has multiple areas, and it lists out for each

of these areas how much weight is put on that area in the exam. The first area

that is covered for database fundamentals is this concepts section.

Understanding core database concepts is estimated to be 20 to 25 percent of the

weight of the exam. We get a fair amount of detail about what they're going to

ask us about: it says you need to understand how data is stored in tables,

you need to understand relational database concepts as well as data

manipulation language and data definition language.

All of these things together are up to 1/4 of the weight of the exam. All right,

so I take out these headings and I put those into my spreadsheet. I may read

some of the detail on here to make sure that I understand what this means as

well. The next section of the exam is creating database objects, and this is

again 20 to 25% of the weight of the exam. This section, creating database

objects, contains questions on choosing data types, understanding tables and how

to create them, creating views and creating stored procedures and functions.

Now, there's parts of these that may sound familiar if we think back to the

first section. The first section had understanding how data is stored in

tables, which is understanding columns and rows. The second section of this says

understanding tables and how to create them. It's very very similar to the first

one. It's more about understanding T- SQL to create a table, but of course

to understand the T-SQL to create a table, we need to understand these

concepts of columns and rows. So there is some overlap of concepts in here. If I

understand tables and how to create them I am going to understand most likely how

data is stored in tables, as long as I understand not just how to-- you know

create tables, but the fact that they can have rows in them as well. These

sections of this exam aren't measuring totally separate things, and if I

understand some concepts well it may cover more than one skill measured in

the exam. The first section of the exam is about manipulating data: it's about

selecting data inserting data, updating data, and deleting data. And again, some of

these may sound similar because that first section that was big picture

already covered a lot of these concepts. To understand selecting data we need to

understand relations between tables. To understand inserting updating and

deleting data, these are all ways that we can manipulate data. The next section of

the exam is called understanding data storage, and this is an example I

think of where some of the titles may not mean what I think they mean at first.

Understanding data storage-- if I only saw those words I might think that this was

about how to create files in the file system and how SQL Server pages store

data, or how data access to storage is done. But when I look into the

subheadings of this topic it says that understanding data storage consists of

normalization, primary, foreign and composite keys, and indexes. So they're

talking more about what are the ways in which we design our data structures in

the SQL Server. It's not talking about the Windows file system and how SQL

Server talks to the Windows file system necessarily, and that's part of why I

think it's useful to go in and expand these and pull out the sub headings:

because if I simply read the big picture categories the way in which I interpret

those words may not be really what they're talking about. This data storage

portion is 15% to 20% of the exam. Now, there's one last section on this exam

called administering a database. Administering a database is only 10 to

15%, and they only list two concepts or two skills inside administering a

database. There's there's definitely more to administering a database than this,

but in the fundamentals category. the skills they're talking about are

database security concepts and backups and restores. This is a great example

of an area where if you tried to master all parts of administering a database to

pass the database fundamentals exam, you would be doing way more work than this

exam covers. And that might be really really valuable, but we're really at a

big picture level here, and at the fundamentals level they're really doing

some selection of topics and deciding exactly what is fundamental to database

administration. So all of these headings that I've listed at all of these skills,

I take these skills and put them into a spreadsheet

that gives me a nice big picture view. Each of these skills is approximately

five and a half percent to seven percent of the exam, and as we said there is

overlap in some of these skills that were listed. So data manipulation

language is 5.6 percent just as an overview topic but then inserts updates

and deletes are each seven percent as well. So if I want to work on just a lot

of T SQL and understanding how to select and manipulate data, that alone is

gonna have quite a lot of coverage on this exam. It's worth assessing that,

because just looking at individual skills you may underestimate the weight

that something has on the exam, so look for redundancy in the areas listed. I

also like to add some columns to this spreadsheet and for each skill that's

being measured, assess: what is my confidence level in this area? You do

need to know yourself a little bit. Do you tend to be overconfident?

Do you tend to be really self-critical? Try to not be so self-critical or dial

it back a little bit. If you tend to be overconfident you want to have a fair

idea of this just for your own purposes. What we're really saying is where are my

areas where I'm strongest? Where my areas where I'm weakest? This will help--

this will be part of the formula to figure out where I want to study-- but not

the whole formula because I also want to look at these areas and note separately:

how interested am I in this area? So for example, for this exam what I did is I

went way back and I thought about Kendra before she was even a Junior DBA. Kendra

when she was just starting out. I really loved writing queries-- that was

one of the first things I did with SQL Server was figure out how to

interpret data in the database and make it useful. Looking through these areas

I had medium confidence on storing data in tables, and medium

confidence about relational database concepts, because I was used to working

with tables and joining them. I was a little bit used to data manipulation

language because I would use temp tables, but I wasn't super confident. I had low

confidence when it came to data definition language, because I would do a

lot of things like select into a temp table and then manipulate the data in

there. I didn't feel that I knew a lot about data types, and honestly looking

back I I would have underestimated myself a lot, I would have said low

comfort. but actually I DID know a lot of them, I just didn't have a lot of

knowledge of what I didn't know in that area, right? Because I only knew-- oh I've

interacted with these data types. It turns out I'd interacted with a lot more

data types than I really gave myself credit for. But I would go through each

of these areas and rank: high confidence, medium confidence, low confidence-- or if I

just literally didn't know anything about it, just put question

marks. I knew absolutely nothing about indexes, I knew I didn't know what an

index was at this point in my career, so I would have just put like question mark

question mark question mark there. I also knew hardly anything about

security. All I knew about security was how to ask to get access to something. I

wasn't at the point where I was a database administrator so I had really

low or non-existent knowledge in some areas in these exams, but also there were

some areas that were interesting to me-- where I had really high interest. And

then there were other areas where I had really low interest. And noting those is

really really important as well. Saying that something is low interest,

isn't saying that it's not important or it is not valuable. It really is a

question of what is something that I just I have a desire to learn more about.

I find it really compelling, or something that I think might be really useful to

me in the short term. At that point in my career, where I was really focusing

on getting a lot better using databases, as somebody who used T-

SQL, the areas that were of the greatest interest for me had to do with

becoming more and more of an expert at creating objects in the

database, and I just really wasn't the point where I was ready to learn about

backup and restore. It was later in my career that that became much

higher interest to me. You want to avoid the anti-pattern of being the

perfectionist at this point. There can be, for many of us, a tendency to say: I'm

just not ready to take the exam yet and to get stuck in this place where we

never get started, because we're like oh I haven't learned these three things yet.

To me certifications can help move your knowledge forward, and a big part of that

is just getting to the point where you're ready and excited to try the exam.

To me, the point of being ready and excited to try the exam is when I feel

that I have enough coverage of these areas, and I'm in the right mental state.

But that right mental state isn't that I'm confident I know everything. That

right mental state is: I see the challenge in the questions and I think I

can get past the tough videogame level of this certification

exam. There's gonna be moments when I'm like squinting at the certification screen

and I'm trying to get past something, but I want to be having fun while I do it,

because honestly for me I am better at exams when I'm in that mood of: okay I

think I've got what it takes to pass this exam, and I'm gonna go for it, and

I'm really going for it. I'm not like at this oh I know everything overconfidence

stage. I'm at the: I think I can tackle it competitive stage. Not competitive with

other people, but really competitive almost against a video game boss type

thing in the exam. I'm competing against the challenge that's been set up for me.

Looking at how I've scored myself in my imaginary report writing

Kendra, approaching the fundamentals exam, if I highlight areas where

I ranked myself as either medium or high comfort level, looking at the

percentage is given to each skill on the exam comes out to about 42% coverage of

the exam. Honestly, that's not so bad! That's a

pretty confident little Report Writer Kendra, who's like oh you know I know

something about these other areas, even areas where I have kind of low

confidence, I'm gonna be able to possibly make some guesses in those. But I think

I'm gonna be able to make a really good guess if I have medium or high

confidence in that area. 42% coverage isn't bad, but I might want to bring that

up a little bit. I might want to get to the point where I have medium confidence

in some other areas on this exam, but I'm not gonna try to cover every single area

on the exam, because I just want to get to that competitive fun-loving part. I

need to pick out other skills that I want to level up, and here is where that

interest ranking comes in. Areas where I have low confidence, but I have high

interest: these are things that are actually going to be valuable to me to

learn at this point in my career, because I have either an excitement about them,

or I think they may be useful to me, but I'm not very confident about

me. Those areas are the ones where I want to go into those and say: yeah okay I'm

not super confident about creating tables with T-SQL, I want to

build that up because I have high interest. Same thing with creating views

and creating procedures and functions. I'm excited about learning those and

preparing for this exam has brought to light: hey here's something I'm excited

about that I don't have medium confidence in. That is an exciting thing

to go out and learn to me! So I want to avoid those areas where I have low

confidence, but my interest is also low. Those, hey maybe later on my interest is

going to be higher in those, but I'm not gonna pick those out to tackle right now

for this exam. If little Report Writer Kendra tackles those areas where she has

lower confidence and higher interest, and she if she gets those up to

medium or high level interest, then I'm gonna have 67% coverage of topics on

this exam. And at that point I'm gonna say: okay I'm gonna go

ahead and give this a try and see how I do, because I have

a good level of coverage, and confidence enough that I feel good enough about to

try and tackle this thing! My study style for these areas where I have low

confidence and high interest, my particular study style is very hands-on.

This is just how I learn. I have always learned something better if I go out and

research it, and write down notes. I have to do something-- I have to either write

down notes, or I have to write a demo script. Learning for me is the best when

I have a problem. Maybe it's is me creating the problem, or maybe

it's just me saying okay I want to learn how to create functions, so I'm going to

look at some examples of functions online and then I'm gonna use a demo

database and come up with my own function, and then make sure I know how

to use it. My tools for preparing for these are things like sample databases,

evaluation-- or Developer Edition, rather, of SQL Server, which is now free.

Evaluation edition is free - but it expires, so Developer Edition is awesome.

Books Online and online documentation and search engines and blogs-- but

actually not just reading for me, really getting my hands on things helps me

learn. Adapt that to your own style of learning, of course. If saying

something out loud helps you learn, then you want to say things out loud.

I really really-- when I'm preparing for these exams-- like to get myself into the

mindset of approaching a game. Maybe it's a video game, maybe it's some sort of

competition for you, but for me when I'm approaching these questions with exams I

want to learn to read the question critically. And this is something that

sometimes folks like to do practice exams for. I don't think that the practice

exams all have to be official practice exams. For example, on SQLWorkbooks, I

have a bunch of free quizzes 00 and I am NOT claiming that these free quizzes

are anything like certification quizzes. But they are free, and they do give you a

chance to read the questions critically, to practice eliminating answers where

you're like: okay I know that one's not it, and I know that one's not it, so I'm

down to two, and now I'm gonna --how I can decide between

these two? You also can help get into the habit of saying: I'm going to look at--

gonna run through all the questions on this quiz, and I'm gonna kind of set

myself, that I'm gonna keep timing in mind while I do it. So, if one question is

really tricky, I'm gonna table it and I'm gonna come back to it later.

Now, my quizzes don't have the functionality-- I don't have

hundred question quizzes, so I don't have the functionality of marking

a question for review-- but in many of these online exam situations you do have

that ability-- which being mindful of the time and not getting stuck on a question

is a really important skill. And that's something that any practice quiz can

help you with if you get used to: okay I'm gonna go past this question and I'm

not gonna let it get to me, I can come back to it at the end. Just that practice

of being comfortable with that and having it not ruffle you too much can be

very very useful. Timing is a huge part of being quite being successful, not only

in video games, but also at quizzes. Calmness and preparing for the test

ahead of time can also help you out a ton. I have learned the hard way that

anytime I've got something that is sort of an important thing that I want to do

well coming up: it might be an exam, it might be an important meeting, it might

be a long flight, it might be any critical situation: I want

to do my best at that, I may want to start thinking about preparing for it a

week in advance, or sometimes even more. Doing things like saying: I'm going

to start getting to bed at a consistent time so that the night before the exam I

have this evening ritual where I wind down where I go to sleep,

where I'm not staying up all night. Because for me, just getting and having a

routine going into the exam where I'm calm, where I've been doing healthy

things like walking my dog and working out, it puts me into just a much better

place to take the exam. A much more confident place and a more relaxed place.

I am also personally into meditation. Meditating the morning before a big

event makes a huge

difference for me. It helps me remember to breathe during the exam, it makes it

easier to not get stuck on things like tough questions, to not have them bug me

and get into my head. Because a lot of the folks who have problems with exams --

times when I've had problems with the exams have been times when I've gotten

into a place of fear, where I've gotten really nervous, and I'm like oh oh I

didn't do well on that question! Having a question haunt you during an exam, or a

series of questions haunt you can really be tough. But if you have that

mindset of saying: all right, I got knocked out of that question, maybe,

I'm not sure if I got it right, but okay I'm gonna tackle this next one! And now

my mind is fresh, my mind is clear, I'm ready to get this. I've got my

shoulders down and deep breath -- self-critical thoughts have gone past me.

That is the place where you're more likely to rock that exam. Building up

these habits of getting to a clear mental space-- and having had a full

night's sleep really can help you rock out that exam and stay in that

mindset of: hey I am going to take this exam down, and get past this confidently.

Knowing that the exam doesn't mean anything about you is really really

helpful when it comes to having a great time during the exam, to me. The

perfect exam taking-- if I got to you know level 100 of exam taking, I would be

in a place where I could take an exam that I did terrible at, and still have a

good time, and still learn something from the experience-- and say, after this,

okay, maybe that was a disaster, but what did I learn from

the questions it asked me? I'm gonna learn some things about the

subject matter itself just from analyzing the questions they asked me.

And what did I learn about what I want to do? Maybe I've discovered that despite

my research, this exam is actually not related

to what I want to do, and that, whoops I maybe I don't want to pursue

this! But maybe what I've learned is, okay, I'm gonna get my results back and it was

it was Cathrine Wilhelmsen who pointed out-- she said hey you know, you get back

the skill results, an analysis of where you were strongest and where

you were weakest. If this is something you want to pursue, you can use

that to redesign the areas you want to study in. You can take that list

and you can rank it: high interest, medium interest, low interest. It

has just ranked you on your confidence levels, or rather your your skill levels,

right? So you can take that and use it as your map to your study plan. But really,

the sign of a great exam is learning as much as you can from that exam, and using

it to move forward. At the end of the exam, you want to be in place where you

don't use the exam to judge yourself. I know it's something-- I know it's hard to

say this exam means nothing about ME. Look at the exam results as meaning

something about what to DO next. If you pass the exam, maybe you want to take

another exam next. Maybe you don't. But if you don't pass the exam-- same thing. Maybe

you want to use that to redefine your study areas, maybe you don't. It's all up

to you and it really is completely about choosing your own adventure. But

please please please don't take negative exam results to mean that you are not

good enough, because there are a lot of super smart people out there, just tons

of super smart people who haven't passed these exams the first time. Maybe they haven't

passed these exams ever. These exams are a challenge, and they can be part of your

journey to your career. They do not have to be. And they do not have to define you.

They're an achievement you can have but they aren't something that judges you,

and they aren't something that says what you are worth. You are worth a lot

regardless of whether you'll ever take a certification exam. Now getting more for

your buck: there is definitely a path-- like if you are saying okay these exams

are expensive, and I want to do them, but I want to make sure that I get the

absolute most out of the certification experience-- I

believe that the way to do that is when you are studying for the exam, when you

find those areas where you say, okay, I I have low

confidence but I have high interest: start a blog and write about those

things as you learn them. That will not only help you learn them and keep you on

track, but if you're consistent, building that blog that blog is going to

be the thing that helps you get a job moreso than the certifications ever

will. Because just the fact that you've passed a certification or a set of exams

for a certification, that tells your employer may be that you're persistent--

but sort of at a high level. A distant level, right? They don't know a ton

about that. But if you blog about those areas while you're learning about them,

and you do it consistently, that tells your employer: hey how do they approach

problem-solving, and in great detail! They can see in sampling your blog posts how

you're analyzing something, why you think something is interesting, what your

writing skills are-- and a little bit about your personality. That blog can

absolutely boost your career in a way that the certification by itself does

not. It's a little bit like getting to watch somebody practice for the Olympics

rather than just hearing how they ranked in different events. Seeing how someone

is working out and how they're attaining and sharing knowledge tells you a ton

about that person, and that can absolutely be a worthwhile thing to list

on your resume and to share with potential employers, as well as your

colleagues in the community-- it's about you and about your interests in SQL

Server. Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of Dear SQL DBA. I

have some upcoming live episodes that I'll be recording: on May 2nd I'll be

talking about the question, "Do DBAs need college degrees?" Then following that

we'll be talking about dealing with lack of control as a DBA, we'll talk about

being a woman in technology on the internet, and training resources for

SQL Noobs is coming up on June 13th. That one's gonna

be a ton of fun. So check out, you can

register for free recfording sessions for the Dear SQL DBA podcast, and there's

lots of other fun stuff on the blog. I already mentioned the quizzes, so if you

want to get into a quiz taking frame of mind, check out that top menu bar at, it is under the fun section.

Thanks so much folks! See you in a podcast episode soon

For more infomation >> Dear SQL DBA: How Do I Prepare for Certification Exams? - Duration: 29:31.


Movie Review: I Feel Pretty, interview with Amy Schumer - Duration: 19:35.

For more infomation >> Movie Review: I Feel Pretty, interview with Amy Schumer - Duration: 19:35.


5 Games I'd Suggest to New Speedrunners - Duration: 10:27.

With speedrunning becoming more and more popular, and more people joining the speedrunning community,

there are many individuals who would like to speedrun, but feel overwhelmed by the amount

of games, and categories.

For that, I've compiled a list of 5 games, I'd suggest to new runners.

I want to be very clear, the games listed are those which are best for new runners in

my opinion.

There are many amazing speedrunning game, which I decided to disclude for reasons I'll

cover later in the video.

I do not intend this video to act as a catch all, and for most people the game which is

best for them to speedrun is one which they enjoy, and are heavily interested in.

As people's preferences are so varied, I didn't consider a game's genre when researching

games for this list.

With that out of the way, let's get right to it!

Before I list the games themselves, its it's only fair for me to explain how I decided

which games to include.

I measured each game with a total of 4 metrics.

Length, Difficulty, Technicality, and resources.

All of these are measurements of how easy it is for a prospective runner to get into

the run and attempt a respectable time.

Length was the first measurement.

Everyone likes to hear about games which take 30+ hours to beat, yet there's a reason only

a few people run these games.

A long run is much more difficult to learn and memorize, as well as practice.

A run that was around 10 to 30 minutes was the goal, and I'll be using the time of

scores which are about 1/3rd of the way down the scoreboards, as World Record runs arn't

really reflective of what a new player can expect to accomplish.

Second, difficulty.

A game which is too easy will be difficult to focus on, while one which is extremely

punishing will discourage players from learning.

Nothing feels worse than being 75% of the way through a PB pace run, and losing it completely,

having to restart.

Third, we have technicality.

While tricks and glitches are one of the most fun things about speedrunning, a game which

has several highly technical tricks, each which require weeks to learn, usually isn't

the best for a new player.

And can make them feel gated from being able to even attempt a run.

Finally resources.

Few things are as confusing as watching a game you'd like to run, only to see them do

a glitch that you can't find information on anywhere.

Having an active community, as well as access to guides, and walkthroughs is one of the

most important things for a new runner.

With that, let's get right to it.

First up, Clustertruck.

This game is a 3D platformer, where the player navigates to a goal line, by jumping on top

of moving trucks.

While the concept is very simple, The speedrun is fantastic, especially for new players.

This game is pure movement, optimizing jumps, and platforming, all while managing your abilities

creates a fun and engaging run, where creativity and practice can really shine.

The length of the run is pretty average, Coming in at around 25 minutes, but there are also

Individual level, or IL, runs.

This means that if you're daunted by the full game categories, you can run a single

section of the game, until you're more confident.

Clustertruck is certainly difficult, yet it's fairly forgiving.

There are no long load screens or death animations, so most times if you die, you'll only lose

around 15 seconds.

The game has no glitches or difficult tricks, but there are skips galore.

Learning these can be a bit difficult at first, but with a few hours practice on a skip you

should be able to perform it fairly consistently.

However as this game is very heavily movement based, you'll definitely need to practice

and spend lots of time learning the game itself, before jumping into a run.

The only thing this game lacks, is an abundance of resources.

The current community isn't too active, and while there are some guides, you'll

probably have to learn from watching runs, and attempt to emulate what the runners do.

All in all, Clustertruck is a wonderful game to begin with as a new runner, especially

if you enjoy movement heavy 3D platformers.

Next, we have Celeste, a 2D platformer, where you play as a young girl, attempting to summit

a mountain.

This game is made for speedrunning, as it has extremely tight controls, which reward

well practiced players.

I'm not sure if the developers had speedrunning in mind when they developed the game, but

if they did I certainly wouldn't be surprised.

A Full Any% run lasts around 50 minutes.

While this is pretty long for a first time run, there are IL options, which cut down

the length of an attempt to around 6 minutes.

Celeste is a game which is very difficult, yet forgiving, Dying only costs a few seconds,

but the platforming can be extremely difficult, and requires very precise inputs.

,,So don't be discouraged if at first you're dying far more often than your favorite runner.

While there are no major glitches which would gate you from attempting a run, it should

be noted that the game itself is extremely technical.

On some screens the necessary Inputs and timings are very tight, so while you might not be

spending hours on end trying to learn a specific glitch or skip, learning the game itself is

a difficult accomplishment, so be prepared to put in the hours, if you want to have a

competitive time.

This game has almost 200 active members, and while there are only a few guides, the forums

are extremely active, so if you have questions you can definitely find the answers there.

While some might be discouraged by Celeste's difficulty, it's tight and precise controls

reward players which have invested time into learning the run.

If you're at all interested in running a challenging 2D platformer, Celeste is probably

the game for you.

Next, Superhot, a unique FPS style game, with a few gimmicks which make it perfect for both

new and veteran runners alike.

In Superhot enemies only move when you do.

This mechanic allows expert runners to execute levels very quickly and precisely, while allowing

new runners to practice pathing and aiming at a pace that suits their needs.

The run is exactly the right length for a new runner, with the any% at just around 25


This allows you to practice many runs in one session, without getting bored at a lack of


Superhot is fairly forgiving when it comes to dying.

Failing a level will usually only lose you 10 to 20 seconds, However the thing that makes

this game amazing for new runners, is that the game is incredibly natural to learn.

The fact that time only moves when you do, means you can initially play very slowly,

in order to memorize the correct movements, actions, and spawn location, and as you improve

your times will as well, to the point where you are almost constantly moving.

This makes the game very rewarding to practice and learn.

There are no real glitches in this game, so learning the run once again comes down to

pathing and skill.

There is one out of bounds glitch on the final level, but it's relatively simple to perform,

and can be done after a bit of practice.

Several speedrun guides exist, and the game has a fairly active community.

While you may struggle to find very specific information, most general information is easily


A great deal can be learnt from watching others run as well, since what the runners are doing,

is very visually clear.

If you are interested in running an FPS style game, but find other games daunting when it

comes to learning and pathing, Superhot may very well be the game for you.

A hat in time is the second best selling hat based platformer of 2017, and is next on our


It's a platformer slash collectathon, in which the player completes different objectives

in order to collect an hourglass at the end of the level, much like Super Mario 64.

There are a variety of hats and badges which the player can equip, which give different

abilities, these can be used in a variety of ways, in order to finish levels very quickly.

This level of creativity is wonderful for new players, who can utilize their equipment

to finish a level in a method that suits their playstyle and skill.

The Any% run clocks in at around 55 minutes, which is pretty long for a first time run,

however this game really shines with it's IL runs.

They're very comprehensive and allow for a lot of creativity with your equipment.

Most IL runs clock in around a minute, which is far more realistic for a new player to


Pathing and proper hat management add a lot of depth, and allow runners to grow through

proper practice.

While failing a level is fairly uncommon, doing so is very punishing, and in some areas

you can lose upwards of a minute of progress if you die late in a level.

There are only a few notable glitches in this game, most of these are are used in order

to skip segments of levels.

If you're aiming for a competitive time, you may want to learn these, although since

they are usually short skips it is not strictly necessary.

There are several comprehensive guides to this run, including a complete any% guide,

and several glitch tutorials.

The game also has very lively community, which should help if you're looking for information

about the run..

Finally we have Bastion Bastion's length is absolutely perfect for

a new speedrunner, with the Any% run lasting just around 15 mins.

If this is too short for you there are some categories which don't skip levels, and

those last a quite a bit longer 50 minutes Difficulty is the only area where the game


Falling or messing up a skip will only lose you around 5 seconds on average, but you need

to be able to perform many skips and tricks in order to get a fast or competitive time.

As for technicality, Save a few difficult glitches, most are relatively easy and should

be able to be performed with a few hours of practice.

However, There are many skips, which are integral to learn for any category.

But once you do, you should be able to begin attempting runs.

Unfortunately, the Bastion speedrunning Community is no longer active, but there are many guides

and walkthroughs for most of the Any% run.

There's definitely enough there to get you off of your feet, should you attempt to learn

Bastion is an entertaining game to Speedrun, especially if you enjoy learning skips, and


The fact that it is short also helps, as it allows a new runner to get in lots of practice


Hopefully you'll consider trying some of the games on this list, if you're trying

to get into speedrunning.

And if you're interested in a game I didn't include on this list, please don't be discouraged!

There's one factor I neglected to include on here, because it's so subjective to each

individual runner.

And that's fun.

If you think you'll enjoy speedrunning a game, then go for it, you probably will!

And I'lI look forward to seeing you on the leaderboards…

What games would you suggest to someone new to speedrunning?

Leave your comments down below, and discuss!

If you enjoyed the video consider sharing it with friends, and if you'd like to see

more speedrun analysis in the future subscribe, because I have a new video every week.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> 5 Games I'd Suggest to New Speedrunners - Duration: 10:27.


Må Tank klare sig alene 5. maj i Aarhus? - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Må Tank klare sig alene 5. maj i Aarhus? - Duration: 1:16.



You just saw a willy!

My wife just looked at a willy.

Greetings Amigos welcome to the HoaxShow,

Today I'm going to be, I..I don't actually know what I'm doing today, so Let's go.

Oh hello there, hello there humans,

I made no Intro,

But today I am shopping with my wife, and I am too lazy to film more.

It's a robot, I'm recording everything.

I'll cut and splice Baby, cut and splice,

I might just randomly put that in a video.

I'll cut and splice baby, I'll cut and splice.

I've basically turned into a vlog channel then.

Dragon, Dragon, Rock the Dragon, Dragonball Z, DRAGON!!..What?

Maybe if I did just ten minutes of me walking like this.

Baby, Baby, baby, Baby watching the road?

Their crawling into my Brain, Into my Brain!

My double chin is looking proper Chinie.

I'm doing exercises.

Guess I'm going in a book shop.

Yeah, then I opened it here,

Yeah, I can't put that on YouTube.

What the F***!

Did you just see a willy?

You just saw a willy.

My wife just looked at a willy.

Let's leave before we see more willies,

It was actually not a good one, it was like a fat one, from a fat guy.

you're not meant to see any willies.

I know, that's what I mean.

Your Parents are going to see this. Melissa! you look at willies?

Who says willies anyway?

look at us, WIlly Willy!


I feel like one of those guys from the seventies.

♫ Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a womans man, no time to talk ♫

How old is your phone?

Like, a Year.

Ok, normally the phones from big brands doesn't last more than a year, because they really....

'Day Dreaming' I'm putting in nails, I'm morgan Freeman, KA_ME.

'Pendejo mensaje'

What you just heard there, was my phone telling me that I've spent money.

Do you want to see how many cards from the Metro I have. Yeah!

Three different countries.

Mexico .... Mexico..England...Spain..


Probably not going to film on the train.

Me llamo Tokio.


That was so random.

Oi you! Hello!

Do you think I could run up those Stairs?

Pretend it's slo-mo. So where we going? MediaMarkt or deals?

Both!, where are they? which way are we going?

that way. that way init? that way. is it that way? I think so, I'm pretty sure it's that way, Google it!

Why you're here, remember to like, comment and subscribe on this video... Cos if you don't...

That's it! Let's go,

I need subscribers!

Just keep recording.

Not them!


It's the HoaxShow for F*** sake.

I swore!....

F*** it!

look at that arse ay,

Come here, Wha..wha...what? Make it more convincing!

Actually slap me!

No, Actually slap ME!

No, the thing is, if I do that, I might go to Jail.

No you won't, come on, Slap me. No, I'm not going to slap, SLAP ME!

No!, Yeah, do it in front of that, with everyone watching.

Just go.. PUTO!

and then you can walk off!

I have dignity you know. you have dignity? Yeah!

Ok guys, if I get ten comments on this, I'm gonna buy this dress and wear it in a video. yeah? for five hundred?

For five hundred! yes, but you're paying for it! ten comments!

You won't do that, it's five hundred. I said they're paying for it.

Let me level with you guys ok, if I get ten comments, I'm not buying that dress. That dress is a little bit expensive.

If this video gets ten comments, I'm gonna dress like this.

Aswell as the green dress, I'm going to do both in one video, it'd be a two for one.

two grand yeah!

Ain't worth it for my subs Boi? Look at me, I'm Gangsta.

Where you going to get two grand?

La Casa De Papel! Hashtag stomach!

You don't like my curves? NO! I like my curves.

My wife can't speak English, Hagtash!...Hagtash???

You niether!

Hashtag My wife can't speak English!.

We were nearly... we were nearly dead there, You see how close that car was to us?

Ok guys, I'm in MediaMarkt, because I'm here to look for a microphone, to sort of improve the quality of my videos,

Just a little bit. Wish me luck!


You set off the alarms! Quick RUN!

I'm sitting in the chair right now because, I'm Sexy.

That's my wife.

I don't know what you can buy and what you can't buy here to be honest with you. USB sound card.

Laptop charger, for your laptop.

There you go.


Something like that, but not that, because all this is for gaming, not vlogging is it?

It's a me, Mario! Haha.

This video gets a hundred comments, I'll buy my wife this! One hundred!

That's not realistic, What do you mean that's not realistic? You can barely get five!

Five more than you! DId you just break that?

it was like that already! You sure? Yes!

I'll put it back together, it's fine.

They'll never know!

What on earth is that? don't know, but it's pretty cool,


I'm gonna buy coco.


Are you setting the alarms off? NO!

Are you sure? ok.

Do something interesting instead of just go and buy food! Yeah, but, That's our lives sadly, we're very boring people.

Should we go down this side?

Why? So we're not sold drugs..

Ok, so we're here to buy dinner, Because I'm hungry,

Hey chica, come here often? well I'm gonna show you something, A lidl something..

Get it? A lidl something?

I love shopping.

Absolutely love shopping. Supreme oils.

America! What? Baby Look!

I look like a product placement.

I'm trying not to put people in the video, Cos I'll have to pay them if I made any money.

Do you think Don Limpio looks like Andre Agassi?

No, you know the tennis player!

We should of got a basket really, shouldn't we. Ok! dinner let's do dinner.

You alright Midget.

Ok, Question of the day! Have you ever had to go Make up shopping? Let me know in the comments below.

I can look at my reflection in the mirror to look at my reflection to look at me. HI ME!

My eyes look so green, On video my eyes look so.

I'm looking for the um..the Shower. ok.

Do you want to ask someone? No!

Perdona crema? then they'll go Crema? in the food section? and you'll go, No! not that crema, Body Crema!

and they'll go, Body Crema? With strawberries or Fresa? and you're like what?

I'm still here.


We're eating pizza!

you're probably wondering why I'm so fat! well this is the reason. cake.

If I ever become Youtube Famous, I'll ask Ben and Jerry's to sponsor me.

all the Ice cream you can eat!, I'll just turn into an Ice cream review channel.

I'm sorry, I got a little bit hungry.

Hey! Sit! Stay!

Ok guys, We're back so I think I'm going to end the video there!

Remember don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. That's my wife!

I've got rabbit ears! Ok.

So thank you for watching, we're home, we're just going to cook and then I'm probably going to bed.

Always Remember Smile, because life is beautiful! I'll see you in the next one, Adios.

You should subscribe to HoaxShow, WOOF WOOF! Well you heard it here first!.



Why I Speak Chinese - Duration: 3:24.

Hi I'm Josie

I'm 17 years old

I'm Chinese American

I was born in China.

When I was young,

I was adopted

I'm from

a village


Jiangxi (Province)

My parents

Lived in California

I lived in Los Angeles.

My Mom likes

Chinese culture

She showed me

Chinese traditions


My parents

Don't speak Chinese


My mom can

order a beer in chinese

I spoke a little Chinese

I grew up in America


I celebrate Lunar New Year

My parents gave me red envelopes

For more infomation >> Why I Speak Chinese - Duration: 3:24.


talking technic inline speed skating (pascal briand vlog 130) - Duration: 10:29.

how do you call the track where we go?

it's the track : Lliça d'amunt

is there a team training on this track?

yes there is a team

it exist many year ago

and now they gro again and they train more and more

its good for you to go train there before racing in Lagos?

is it first time you gonna race on track?

yes for a 200m track , yes

i did some track race before

but on a smaller track from my club it s a 150m track

its really different

is lagos the only master race on track?

no no there is a lot more but its a race i wanted to do for a while

cause its a Europa cup

cause it's 3days in a nice area

and my team go there every year

i wanted to go always but i was always working

but this year...Finally....i can go

i stay focus but i loose contact always

it's cause of this track also

it make you feel a the little mistake you make

specially during the push

it's easy to feel when you make a mistake

also when you land your skate

it's directly hard to....

how to you say this?

land the skate

when you land your skate its easy to feel

if you do good or not

the 1st thing you need to work on is...

the landing of your skate

it must be way more smooth

way slower

i go little much like...hum hum hum

your push so so smooth

you look super focus

your left leg is quite good

you finish the push quite good

but with the right leg

it's so so ....little bit too short push

for the right leg, i notice i do better...when

i do like this

when i pull down my right shoulder , the push is better

my push is more to the side

also when you try to get more speed

the most important is coordination

its not only about push hard and full power

the most important is

to keep a good quality in your coordination

you can then go faster

the grip really suck

yes grip is really bad here

for me it's not that bad casue my speed is low

so i dont fight the limit of the grip

but for you when you passed me

it make me feel unsecure

we can feel directly the limit of this track

but it s nice here still

it s a technic style we need to learn

do you like the slipping feeling?

on quad skate we feel this a lot

so i needed to learn how to keep control

on vesmaco track you dont have this anymore

lagos is vesmaco?

yes it is

the push feel always good

so it's much easier to skate

really easier?

yes a lot

when i m affraid...

it's because...i skate bad

and i loose balance

or there is Something i can't feel good

me too

if i have pain in my legs

and i shake in the corner, i m a bit scare

it's not a big deal , its normal

i just wanna say it s a signal to be carefull

it s not a problem

the more you skate fast the more you will get trust

on your wheels....on your leg

on your tehcnic

and you can go faster and faster

but it take time

even for the best skater

when i was at my best

i didn t remember i was scare before

trust came with time

we cant go directly in lap time 14,2

year after year we get progress and trust

at high speed

for the master

when we start

we also need time to go slowly to the maximum speed

and if you start to skate in master like me

at 37 years old

from level 0

it's difficult

we have a good condition physically

with it not adapt to the level of technic

that is why we need to work on technic also

for me too i regress at technical level

that is why i need to work it still

so i get more confident in the turn

For more infomation >> talking technic inline speed skating (pascal briand vlog 130) - Duration: 10:29.


Essence🌹 - why have we lost each other (feat Roiael) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:52.

i've found another religion

baby i should have known because you never let me breathe

made bad from good decisions

i've known them from start where are my imaginary friends

they pull me back pull me in again

those days follow you away

today yeah that's what you'd say when

we were together

the saints swallow away

the same

that's why we lost each other

that's why lost

that's why we lost each other

prudent now

make a right sheet yeah i might as well

i'm a black sheep got voice as well

i don't wanna speak i wanna go

you pull me back pull me in again

those days follow you away

today yeah that's what you'd say when

we were together

the saints swallow away

the same

that's why we lost each other

that's why lost

that's why we lost each other

For more infomation >> Essence🌹 - why have we lost each other (feat Roiael) (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:52.


[Szok] Donald Tusk ma Instagram. Pierwsze zdjęcie i adres. Co dodaje? || LVTszok - Duration: 7:27.

Donald Tusk ma Instagram. Pierwsze zdjęcie i adres. Co dodaje?

Donald Tusk założył profil na Instagramie! Na swoje 61 urodziny.

Przewodniczącego Rady Europejskiej – Donalda Tuska, już 23 kwietnia czeka trudny dzień.

Były premier w poniedziałek zostanie przesłuchany przez prokuraturę.

Jednak nie to jest tematem jego rozważań weekendowych.

Polski polityk w niedzielę, 22 kwietnia, w gronie rodzinnym spędził swoje 61 urodziny!.

Przypomnijmy, że rok temu Tusk swoje 60 urodziny obchodził na murawie, grając z kolegami w piłkę.

Obecnie swoje święto uczcił zupełnie inaczej.

Były szef polskiego rządu, w dniu swoich urodzin postanowił założyć profil na Instagramie!.

Jak sam napisał na Twitterze, do założenia konta namówili go znajomi:.

 Moi przyjaciele przekonali mnie, bym w 61 urodziny wystartował z Instagramem.

  Więc zacząłem z drobną pomocą moich wnuków.

Pierwsze historyczne zdjęcie na Instagramie przedstawia byłego premiera w czułym uściski z wnukami.

W podpisie pod zdjęciem Donald Tusk zdradza, że konto na Instagramie to właśnie prezent od wnuków na jego 61. urodziny.

Były premier zdążył już wrzucić na konto kolejne fotki.

Zaprezentował już m. in urocze zdjęcie z dzieciństwa

Bez wątpienia najbardziej z tego faktu cieszy się jego córka Kasia Tusk, której  profil Make Life Easier jest w sieci bardzo popularny.

Kasia na swoim Instagramie wkleiła rodzinną fotkę z tatą, opatrując ją ciekawym komentarzem:.

Możecie uwierzyć, że ten z prawej ma tylko sześćdziesiąt jeden lat?   Właśnie dziś uruchomił swój profil na Instagramie.

Trzymaj się, żółtodziobie!  .

Pod jej zdjęciem posypały się miłe komentarze oraz życzenia urodzinowe dla Donalda Tuska.

A tata jak wino…im starszy tym lepiej wygląda.

Najlepsze życzenia.

Nareszcie p. Donald ma konto na Insta.

Sto lat dla Taty. Pozdrowienia dla całej RodzinyWszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin dla taty!!!!

Piękny widok. Rodzinka to jest to!✌.

Sto lat to za mało, teraz wiadomo dlaczego córka tak młodo wygląda.

Wszystkiego najlepszego dla D.T. Życzę tacie prezydentury!

Ale super będę obserwować.

Przystojny facet!.

Najserdeczniejsze życzenia urodzinowe dla Pani Taty! Trzyma się super! Wygląda super młodo. Oby tak dalej!

Tata wygląda extra! Wszystkiego najlepszego.

Dołączamy się do życzeń urodzinowych, wszystkiego najlepszego dla Donalda Tuska.

For more infomation >> [Szok] Donald Tusk ma Instagram. Pierwsze zdjęcie i adres. Co dodaje? || LVTszok - Duration: 7:27.


Joe Rogan - Conor McGregor Khabib'i Yenebilir mi? - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Joe Rogan - Conor McGregor Khabib'i Yenebilir mi? - Duration: 7:38.


Muse - Funny Live Moments (2) - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> Muse - Funny Live Moments (2) - Duration: 7:58.


Homeless Living on Train Tracks 2 - Duration: 5:00.

hello ladies and gentleman today I have breaking news for you aside from this

old school crossing right here that has MI lights, MI bracket and MI cantilever

and MI mechanical bell, it's a FEC crossing right

I'm going to show you guys that there's homeless people living on this spur.

So this is like I said, an FEC industrial spur in Miami Florida just West of NW 35th Ave

and then

right over here

you can see

they're right over there yeah there's they're right outside so I don't want to

go over there and make a a scene what the hell I'm gonna go over there anyways

what are they gonna tell me right

so yeah they got their own little coconut tree and everything back there


and I remember last year I came and there was a dog that chased me so he's no longer

here but yeah just so you know the homeless people are still living here, I'll

include a link to last year's video

Let me give you one more shot of them, they're right over there.

It's their campground right there, they have all the luxuries and necessities anybody could

want and just FYI they're not I mean they're homeless but the story with

them is that they're actually pedophiles that used to live under another bridge

in Miami and they got kicked out of there so they had to come to this one so

now they're just scattered all over the place in this area

give you one more shot of the old school crossing

and then let me give you a shot of this one over here

this is a WABCO model 75 gate mechanism,

MI signal base

MI incandescent lights cantilever and old-school MI cantilever...

okay guys so this

is in addition to what I was telling you the pedophiles the homeless pedophiles

II got kicked out and living on the train tracks they're also living over

here this is a community of pedophiles it's

like the Beverly Hills

the creme de la creme you guys wanted Miami like I said it's not all fake

boobs Ferraris and Don Johnson this is Miami right here!

yeah I think they have their own sewer system and everything like that yeah

Yeah, look they have their own sewer systems using bathrooms rough for them so I'm

sure that the city knows that they're here and they're enablers

more and more

like a third-world country every day look at this

Land of the free and the home of the brave

the land of milk and honey

alright you guys

thank you for viewing please subscribe or like take care over and out

For more infomation >> Homeless Living on Train Tracks 2 - Duration: 5:00.


Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #68 [CC] - Duration: 4:56.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is my Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up for April 15th to 21st.

This week I read 2 books, I watched 2 shows, and I listened to 1 book.

First this week, I finished Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston.

All I knew about this one going into it is I really liked her release from last year,

Geekerella, and that this one was set in space, which I assumed she was a fan of based on

reading Geekerella.

What's interesting is someone asked me how the book was going when I was only two chapters

in, and at that point you have had once chapter from Ana, a lower class character, and

Robb, a higher class character, and I kind of figured that maybe this dual narrative was

kind of, Ashley's thing, given that directly parallels the characters in Geekerella..

After that point, however, it jumped right out of most of the trope pits I had thought

it would fall into.

That boy and girl - do not fall in love.

They love others.

There's at least a couple of queer couples.

There is a little back and forth in the is she or isn't she the chosen one department,

but considering the romance wasn't straight forward, this didn't bother me so much.

This book has a multitude of perspectives and jumping into each of these character's

heads really intensified my feelings.

As for the ending, which I will not spoil, I appreciated that it didn't cut off mid-action.

I still want to know what happens next.

I still want to read the next book when it comes out.

But we aren't left in a battlefield, wondering at the status of each character.

We know what they are processing, and we know the next steps they want to take.

They just need time to rest up before the next adventure.

Thank you for not leaving my hanging in the emotional energy department, Ashley.

I really appreciate it.

Next I devoured All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Lives of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages.

This is an anthology of queer short stories edited by Shaundra Mitchell, featuring stories

by authors such as Mackenzi Lee, Shaun David Hutchinson, Malinda Lo, and many more.

This collection included stories from various time periods as well as various different queer protagonists,

covering many sections of the spectrum.

However, most of the stories were set in America or Europe, so that aspect could have been

a bit more diverse.

In terms of ethnic diversity, about a third of the stories had protagonists of colour.

It was great to see some ace rep in a queer anthology, as well as some trans main characters and

a potential non-binary protagonist.

Unfortunately, that story was a little bit confusing, so it was a little hard to tell if that was

the intent of that character.

I enjoyed most of these stories, was happy to see that not all of them were romances,

and I'm excited to pick up more by of these authors.

This week in Survivor, I decided that my favourite narrative is Michael's, which is why I root for him.

The castaways think he's a 23 year old real estate agent, but in reality he is 18 years

old, and it would be really cool for him to make it to the end and announce his youth,

which would make him the youngest winner ever.

This week, my best friend told me she watched the first episode of Scandal, and felt that

she was hooked, and it reminded me that I should get back into it.

I had watched all that was available at the time a couple years ago, and then went on

to something else.

Netflix indicated I was about 7 episodes into the 6th season, but I decided to start the

6th season over again, because so much happens in this show that I am happy for a recap.

This show is such a gut punch, with constant misdirection and moral issues.

The acting is superb.

The social commentary is fabulous.

I'm glad to be back in the oval.

This week I listened to Adnan's Story by Rabia Chaudry.

For those of you familiar with the first, and best, season of Serial, this case will

sound familiar.

Adnan Syed was a senior in high school when his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee, was murdered,

and he was tried and convicted of her killing back in 2000.

Rabia Chaudry is a friend of the family who was attending law school at the time of the

trial, and has been working with Adnan ever since to overturn his conviction.

This book goes through all the evidence, all the events that had to fall into place to get

Adnan convicted, and the years of fighting the legal system that predated Serial, as

well as how that project brought his case to the public, sometimes in ways that upset

the author of this book.

She had her own podcast in reaction to Serial, working with other professionals, and in an

editor's note of this book, they indicate that they're waiting on the decision

as to whether or not a new trial will be granted.

This book was published in 2016, and that decision just came out last month, indicating

that he will get a new trial due to ineffective counsel at the time of his conviction.

I listened to Serial shortly after it ended, because this was the timeframe in my life where

I discovered podcasts, and had recently run out of episodes Welcome to Night Vale,

and although Serial has a lot of information about the case, this book has much more.

This makes sense, of course, because it is a longer work put together by someone who

has been on the case for many years, whereas Serial was researched over a matter of months.

Serial is one small piece of this puzzle that has been in play for almost 20 years.

If you are interested in true crime, I highly recommend this book, whether or not you're

familiar with the case.

That's it for this week.

If you've read, watched, or listened to any of these, let me know about it down in the comments below.

On the way down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can also like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you next time.


[outro music]

For more infomation >> Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #68 [CC] - Duration: 4:56.


Frivillige redningsmannskaper: Arne - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Frivillige redningsmannskaper: Arne - Duration: 1:36.


Wireless DSLR Microphone System – Comica CVM-WM200 Dual Wireless DSLR Mic - Duration: 4:29.

The Comica CVM-WM200 wireless microphone system for DSLRs and professional video cameras.

Comica offers several different packages of their microphones but the one I have here

is the single microphone kit.

It comes in a hard case similar to a Pelican case with foam cutouts to keep the gear from

moving around.

The actual transmitter and receiver units are made of metal which I was really happy

to see.

Of course the receiver has output to camera plus it adds headphone monitoring which is

actually really nice to see.

And on the transmitter it has one microphone input for the included lavalier.

I was also really happy to see that it comes with a battery tray similar to what I've seen

on Sony systems.

Comica's micrphone packages are actually two microphone system and the receiver allows

you to select input A or B or you can both A and B depending whether you have one or

two transmitters.

The individual transmitter can be set to A or B also.

Both the transmitter and receiver has a quarter-twenty mounting hole on the back for accessories

like a hot shoe mount.

And mounting the receiver on top of my camera looks right at home.

To get the signal to the camera, just plug in the short 3.5mm aux cable and twist it

in for a secure lock.

Then hold down the power button for two seconds to turn it on.

Do the same on the transmitter and the LCD lights up.

The microphone cable also has the same screw-lock to prevent it from being pulled out accidently.

And when the units are talking to each other, there'll be a green light on the receiver.

As you can see here I only have input on the A side.

The lavalier itself is small in size but I've worked with smaller lavs.

And the metal mic clip seems pretty sturdy like others I've used.

There's also visual confirmation on the LCD when an audio signal is detected.

But if you happen to get static or a bad signal you can switch with up to 96 channels to find

the clearest one!

And I also like that the transmitter input can be switched between mic and line level


Inside the package, it comes with an XLR cable, two hot shoe mounts, a dead cat for the mic

and a belt clip that I forgot was still in the carrying case.

For now let's get into some audio examples with the Comica mic recorded indoors and outdoors

on my DSLR.

Here we go!

Ok so this is a quick test of the microphone.

I'm standing about 15 feet away from the camera in a large conference room.

I'm holding the mic approximately 6-inches from my face and I'm talking at a normal voice.

Again this is a large conference room.

I'm using the Comica wireless lavalier system and this is the test indoors inside a conference

room and let's go outdoors right now and take a listen.

Ok so here I am outdoors with the Comica mic doing an outdoor test.

I'm about four floors up on a balcony some busy streets down below me.

There's definitely some traffic noise down there.

I'm not sure if you can hear that or how clearly my voice is right now but there's definitely

some cars down below me and it's a pretty major street down below but at least you can

hear what this sounds like outdoors using my DSLR.

As far as mics go, I'm very happy with the Comica CVM-WM200!

What I have here is the one mic kit but you can add a second lavalier transmitter or Comica

even has a wireless stick mic that you can use for the B input depending on your needs.

I hope you enjoyed this video and I'm getting close to reaching my 10,000 subscriber goal

so please hit the subscribe button so you won't miss any of my weekly videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Wireless DSLR Microphone System – Comica CVM-WM200 Dual Wireless DSLR Mic - Duration: 4:29.


10 Quick Galaxy S9(+) Tips and Tricks & Hidden Features [Note 8, S8 too] - Duration: 5:01.

Hi guys, it's MTG here, and today I'm going to go over some Tips and Tricks and hidden

features for the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+.

If you have an updated S8 or Note 8, a lot of these will apply to you as well.

Let's get right into it.

What I noticed with my S9+ is that it would vibrate excessively loud when I get notifications.

Luckily there is an easy way to alter the vibration intensity in the settings.

In the settings menu go to Sounds and Vibration, then Vibration Intensity.

In here you can change the vibration intensity for when you receive a call, get a notification,

have haptic feedback, and hard press to go home.

With the new S9s, you can now have a landscape home screen.

To turn this on, you have to go into home screen settings by long pressing a part of

the screen that doesn't have anything on it and clicking home screen settings.

Here you can customize the home screen layout, and if you scroll to the button you can toggle

off Portrait mode only, which will let you now have your home screen in landscape.

Sometimes when you put a screen protector on your phone, your screen won't seem as responsive

as before.

You'll be able to fix this and increase the touch sensitivity by going into Settings,

Advanced Features, scroll down to the bottom, and toggle on Touch sensitivity.

Samsung has always done a great job with their multi window functionality, and this only

becomes more seamless and smooth on the S9+.

To turn this feature on, go into Settings, then Advanced Features, then click Multi-window.

You can now toggle on 'Use Recents button, which will split the screen and automatically

let you choose a second app, and you can also toggle on the multi-window gesture.

This will let you swipe down from the top left to create a smaller version of that window.

Now you'll be able to easily resize it by expanding the corners, and you'll even be

able to minimize the window and create a little shortcut that will float around the screen.

This window will be able to float on the screen, while you navigate between apps.

If you have two separate messaging or social media accounts that you didn't want to have

to keep switching between, you could have two instances of those apps that can be logged

into different accounts.

To download a duplicate app, go into Settings then Advanced Features, and scroll down to

find Dual Messenger.

Here it will present the apps that you can download a duplicate of, and you can toggle

any of them on to download.

Now that the fingerprint sensor is in an easy-to-reach location on the S9 and S9+, gestures down

and up to pull down and up the notification shade, and gestures to open Samsung Pay will

prove to be very convenient.

To turn these on, go into Settings, and again go to Advanced Features, click Finger Sensor

Gestures to toggle on the two gestures I just mentioned.

The Samsung Pay gesture only works in the home screen, but the notification one works

on any screen.

Samsung's Bixby Vision can do cool things now like live translate and tell you the nutritional

information of your food.

To go to Bixby Vision, go into your camera as normal by double tapping the power button

and click the little eye icon above the settings icon.

Here you can try out all of the different features of Bixby Vision.

Many people know about the Always on Display, but a lot of people don't know that you can

double tap to access media controls, your calendar events, and next alarm without even

unlocking your phone or activating your whole display.

To turn this on, go into Settings, Lock Screen and Security, turn on Always on Display, and

click Clock and FaceWidgets.

Here you'll be able to customize some things, and if you click FaceWidgets, you'll be able

to toggle on or off the different information that will appear when you swipe left and right.

A tip that I always recommend to people is to switch the orientation of the back and

menu buttons.

To do this, go into Settings, Display, then scroll down and click on Navigation Bar.

From here you can customize the navigation bar and most importantly, change the button


App pairing has been around, but with the speed improvements on the S9s, it is now pretty

much seamless.

You will be able to open up two apps at a time like YouTube and Twitter, and if you

wanted to, you can even add the pair to your home screen.

To set up an app pair, go into your Apps Edge edge panel, click edit at the bottom, and

then click create app pair.

So that's all I had to talk about today.

I hope this video was able to help you out.

Let me know what your favorite feature to use on Galaxy devices in the comment section


As always, thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 10 Quick Galaxy S9(+) Tips and Tricks & Hidden Features [Note 8, S8 too] - Duration: 5:01.


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For more infomation >> How To Be A Good Wife│A Wife Love Story│Most Beautiful Husband and Wife Love and Caring - Duration: 8:43.


NRG Stac Plastic. Recensione prodotti lubrificanti e pulizia catena - Duration: 15:35.

Hey guys! Welcome to Recensito. If you have a motorcycle or a moped with a chain final transmission and you'd like to make it last, you need to take care of it

washing it and lubricating it, that's why today we will be talking about NRG product, which are 100% Made in Italy

made by Stac Plastic, a company that has over 50 years of experience in this field, meaning that it has a great knowledge

we will be talking about the Chain Washer and Super Lube

The first product allows to clean the chain, while the other one lubricates it, allowing to make the chain to last longer, increasing its performance

later on we will see exactly how to was the chain, but first of all we will take a closer look at the Super Lube

here they are, inside the package there's the brush included

What's inside the Super Lube? A solvent, a lubricant and a Super Lubricant which goes where the normal lubricant can't

we're talking about a submicron technology and that's one of the best features of Stac Plastic

in order to understand better this product, NRG told me to try it on my motorcycle, but I really wanted to know in depth how it worked

that's why I have here a friction machine. We will see how well this product works, what happens if we don't use it or if we use a competitor's lubricant

I have bought another brand's product, I will not say its name, but we guarantee that it's a true test

So the 1st test will be without the lubricant, the 2nd test with a competitor's lubricant a 3rd test with an NRG product and last we will clean the machine with an injector cleaner

and we will test it again to see how the NRG is still there to protect the surface

That's how the test works: I put some weight that acts on two steel pivots that have different strengths. The softer pivot will get scratched by the harder one. We will see how the softer one can be preserved by using our product

Here's our 1st test, without using a lubricant

Here's the 1st pivot, the one we will be replacing for each test, while this is the rotating pivot

we're not using any lubricant, when the two pivots will be touching, you'll hear a friction sound

what to say: There's a weight of 25 kg working on the two pivots, for each plate I add, I increase the weight by 50 kg

you can hear the sound and here it is, you can see how much is carved since it didn't have any lubricant on

I'm now rotating the pivot, so that we can have a new side, since it's very expensive

we're now using a competitor's lubricant

I'm putting back the pivot and there we go, let's see!

we can hear some scratching sound, meaning that the pivot is getting carved and that the lubricant isn't doing its job

here you can see that it's ruined with 75 kg of weight

we'll now clean the pivot with the Chain Washer

we'll do it twice to have it well clean

3rd test, we're now using the NRG Super Lube

we can see now that, even though the pivot is spinning, our spay is sticking to it and it's not going around, getting everything dirty and moving from where it should be

before our test, I'll turn again the softer pivot to a clean side and here we go with the 3rd test with our product

I'm adding more weight, we're at 100 kg of load, 150 kg, 200 kg now and it's still quiet, 250 kg, now 300 kg, 350 plus 25 kg, we're almost at 400 kg of load

they told us that we can add those weight all together an the product would still be working fine

I'm putting the weights on and off

our protective layer is still where it should be and let's take a look

this is the best way to see how our product works:there's almost no sign at all, despite the almost 400 kg load, it's smaller than 1/3 compared to what happened with the competitor's product with just 170 kg

we're now turning the pivot for the last time to make the 4th and last test, we will simulate a full cleansing or a long ride under the rain

we will pour the super cleaner on the pivot so, theoretically, there shouldn't be any leftover of our lubricant but, as we will see, it's still there to protect

let's repeat the same test and later we will see what happens

we're already at 50 kg, where the competitor's product was already going bad

125 kg now, 250 kg, this NRG lubricant is extremely powerful since, despite the super degreaser, it's still doing great

you must know that this lubricant works with every kind of chain, both with o-ring and x-ring, which is really interesting

So we have tested this product in depth, under every condition, then we have tested the friction without the lubricant, then with the NRG lubricant and last thing the lubricant's adhesion after the cleaner

we totally approve this product

we will now be talking about how to clean a chain since, you have the right product, but you need to know how to use it

we start from the washing, with the NRG Chain Washer which comes with a brush, we start from the inside, then we go to the outer side

same thing for the lubrication, keep in mind that wen you do this job, you have to use a rag that doesn't shred

Then rotate the chain first rearward, then frontward, allowing to clean well the chain, helping yourself with the brush that comes as standard with the package

The Chain Washer has a price of 13.25 euro with the brush, while the Super Lube has a price of 17.45 euro, with the brush

It's a very interesting price since these are very high quality products, as you have seen and they're 100% made in Italy

my suggestion is to check they're website: and test a product, I can guarantee that you'll be satisfied

I have tested them on my motorcycles, I have a motocross bike, a flat track one and a road bike and these products are perfect for all kinds of bikes, even for off road motorcycles, since they're not sticky, collecting all the dirt

on top of that, they're perfect for all the weather conditions, from dry placed to wet ones

that's it for today, I'll now go lubricate the chain of my Enduro motorcycle, see you soon!

For more infomation >> NRG Stac Plastic. Recensione prodotti lubrificanti e pulizia catena - Duration: 15:35.


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Miracle of Jesus ... video inspired by Medjugorje - Duration: 3:35.

One day, one night ...

A mother of 18 years ...

Who after living on Earth ...

came back to help his children ...

She tells us : ...

"Because you said" yes "to Jesus ...

The world will change ...

You are not alone ...

Give me your sufferings ...

I need it to help unbelievers. "

Statue of Jesus crying with oil and blood in Syria (February 2016)

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