Monday, April 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 24 2018

The Many Benefits Of Fasting

APRIL 22, 2018 BY The Renegade Pharmacist

The Benefits Of Fasting Science can now explain why low calorie diets

are more healthy and intermittent fasting (eating every 16hrs) can lead to longevity.

A simple way to do this is to not eat 4 hrs after waking up, but rehydrate with lots of

water as soon as you get up, and not eat 4hrs before you go to bed.

As most people sleep on average 8 hrs, this will give your 16 hr fast.

This is the routine I like to do as it is easiest to manage and I find has the most

immediate results that you will feel on a daily basis.

Why 3 Meals A Day With Snacks Became The Norm: The normal 3 meal a day eating pattern with

snacks and desserts came from the 9-5 work routine that was instilled in cultures around

the world with the dawn of the industrial revolution.

However it is completely unnatural to eat when you are told to eat.

Native cultures before the European settlers arrived actually ate a much less rigid routine,

choosing rather to eat when they were actually hungry, and this was considered 'uncivilised'

and was eventually educated out of the cultures.

Many of my older relatives who are still alive into old age, 90+ tend to stick to the hindu

ritual of fasting on a weekly basis, similar to the 5:2 diet.

Even then during the day they would hardly eat much and usually only one main meal a


I used to think they were crazy and backwards, but now it all makes perfect sense.

Have A Break Have A KitKat One of the things I looked forward to was

my kitkats as a child.

In fact the amount of snacks I ate between meals as a child still freaks me out.

I would have KitKats, crisps, cans of coke and at least 100 fizzy cola bottles a day

religiously in between meals when at school.

I almost always felt tired and sleepy, not just because I found school exceptionally

boring, I had bad acne, constant chest infections.

Quite frankly my diet sucked and I was eating way too much, mostly out of boredom.

Those unhealthy snacks changed hands for 'healthier' snacks when I finally realized how bad all

those sweets were for my health.

But I still ate a lot of snacks and now I ate lots of small meals throughout the day.


Who Came Up With Eat Little & Often?

In 2004-8 when I worked as a pharmacist, I repeatedly heard that eating little and often

is healthiest and also best for weight loss.

This could not be more wrong has been since debunked many times.

But who actually came up with this extremely unscientific and unnatural idea?

Well if you think about it, who benefits from us eating more?

All the big brands who make all those lovely snacks, cereals and fizzy drinks.

All those big corporations who sell masses of cheap low cost food and ready meals.

Even the government who claims tax on every bit of food we buy.

Why would a profit driven economy want us to eat less when such enormous profits are

made out of us eating more and more and more, till we get so sick we need medical care and

drugs to prop up our lifestyle of extreme consumerism.

I used to argue with dieticians about things like sugar being the real cause of heart disease,

when they were adamant it was fat, which has now been proven completely wrong.

It was the dieticians who share their mostly 'funded by big corps' education in the

mainstream media with facts that quite frankly are false and have the effect of making people

eat more of the wrong things, things that are inherently more profitable to those who

fund their education.

My advice is don't pay too much attention to anyone who has an official education like

'dietician' as their mind and souls have been bought.

These are the same people who say such preposterous things like Carrie:

Carrie Ruxton, who is now on the board of Food Standards Scotland, co-wrote a study

sponsored by industry group the UK Sugar Bureau in 2010 which found no proven association

between sugar intake and obesity.

She states separately on her website: "When I correlated sugar consumption with obesity

levels, there didn't appear to be any relationship."

We also allow companies like Coca-Cola to sponsor FIFA, the Olympics and the Rugby World

Cup without so much as questioning the ethics behind such a decision.

Super Human's Don't Eat Much After hanging out with my friend Wim Hof,

the superhuman ice man, and finding out that he only eats one major meal a day after 6pm,

it made me want to try it myself and see if there was any scientific evidence for its


I now religiously do intermittent fasting as I found the benefits were immediate and


I have more energy, feel lighter and my mood is elevated as a result.

I no longer have bloating and have lost weight around my waist too.

Having been a past sufferer of ulcerative colitis, constipation is a recurrent problem.

This has now gone too.

You may find it a little uncomfortable if you are used to eating several times a day

and breakfast may be something very difficult to give up.

However your body soon adapts and after a week or so it should become a normal habit

without any major hunger pangs.

Drinking water when you wake up and if you are feeling hungry usually solves that issue


I am not looking to get bulked up like Arnold.

I just want optimum energy, clarity, strength, health and happiness.

For that I like a simple routine that easy to manage and follow.

Here is my daily routine:

Simple rules – No food for 16hrs (11am – 7pm eating window)

3-4 glasses of water after I wake up around 7-8am

No solid food till 11-12am.

I may drink tea or coffee.

Will have my probiotic drink around 9ish.

See the recipe here.

Do my gym/sauna routine.

Around 11 or 12 depending on when I wake up I have my Alpha Omega smoothie: See this post

for the recipe.

No food, only drinks like coffee, green tea and water till around 6pm.

6pm Main meal (try to keep this healthy with lots of fresh veg as core to every meal but

not too concerned about watching everything I eat, except avoiding gluten and anything

made in a factory as much as possible) Then no food, only drinks (only alcohol I consume

is red wine and the odd pint of guinness down the pub.)

Now I can't wait to see and experience the longer term benefits listed in this infographic:

What Happens To Your Body When You Don't Eat For 16 Hours

Stabilises insulin levels – prevents and reverses diabetes.

In a 2005 study Danish researchers showed that intermittent fasting quickly increases

insulin-mediated glucose uptake rates.

Eight healthy men in their mid-20's fasted 20 hours every other day for 15 days.

At the end of the trial, their insulin had become more efficient at managing blood sugar.

Gives you more energy – get more done, have more fun!

Dramatically reduce risk of chronic diseases & obesity.

– Say goodbye to dangerous belly fat forever!

Stops sugar cravings & hunger pangs – fastest way to lose weight safely.

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2011

found that intermittent fasting was as effective as continuous calorie restriction for improving

weight loss, insulin sensitivity and other metabolic disease risk markers., and slightly

better for reducing insulin resistance.

Boosts growth hormone naturally – plays an important part in health, fitness

& slowing the aging process.

Research presented at the 2011 annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology

in New Orleans4 showed that fasting triggered a 1,300 percent rise of human growth hormone

(HGH) in women, and an astounding 2,000 percent in men.

Lowers triglycerides & prevents Alzheimer's – possibly cut your future medical bills.

Reduces free radical cell damage – look and feel younger for longer.

Better brain health – sharper mind, less risk of disease.

A study shows that if you don't eat for 10–16 hours, your body will go to its fat

stores for energy, and fatty acids called ketones will be released into the bloodstream.

This has been shown to protect memory and learning

functionality, says Mattson, as well as slow disease processes in the brain.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES Las muchas ventajas del ayuno - Duration: 9:19.


Descontrol 1x03 - Duration: 38:01.

For more infomation >> Descontrol 1x03 - Duration: 38:01.


Eat walnuts, improve the health of the digestive system, reduce the risk of cancer - Duration: 2:30.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Eat walnuts, improve the health of the digestive system, reduce the risk of cancer

Eating walnuts every day can help protect the digestive system, by increasing the amount of probiotics in the intestines, and by avoiding the risk of heart disease, and brain and cancer.

Recent findings from animal studies indicate that walnut-rich diets, which help to regenerate gut bacteria, and significantly increase beneficial bacteria, include Lactobacillus, Roseburia and Ruminococcaceae.

Walnut seeds play a role as a probiotic, which helps nourish and grow the bacteria, helping the digestive system.

The health of the intestinal tract, is related to the general health of the body.

This study shows that walnuts alter the intestinal tract, which helps explain why, there are other positive health benefits of eating walnuts, such as heart health and the brain.

Eating walnuts involves benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

The active ingredients of walnut seed, can contribute to bring these benefits.

Bacteria diversity is greater, which may be related to better health, while lower diversity, which is associated with diseases, such as obesity and enterocolitis.

Walnuts are the only nuts, containing significant amounts of alpha-linolenic acid, ALA, omega-3 fatty acids, based on plants and proteins, fiber.

In this study, randomly allocated mice, on a walnut-based diet, were equivalent to about half a cup per day in humans, or a walnut-free diet, within 10 weeks.

Doctor:Thu Van, according to Univadis / Boldsky.

The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Eat walnuts, improve the health of the digestive system, reduce the risk of cancer - Duration: 2:30.


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For more infomation >> Juan Gabriel exitos Sus Mejores Exitos | Juan Gabriel grandes exitos mix 2018 - Duration: 1:53:51.


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BREAKING News Out Of San Francisco, THEY JUST PISSED OFF A WHOLE LOT OF LIBERALS!!! - Duration: 2:36.


As homeless encampments continue to crop up in San Francisco, the city's leader is promising

an "aggressive" crackdown starting this week in one neighborhood to clear sidewalks

of tent camps for good, Fox News reports.

The return of tents in the Mission District has Mayor Mark Farrell promising an "aggressive"

crackdown of sidewalk camps next week, and this time he's vowing to keep them out,

the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

"Enough is enough," Farrell said Friday.

"We have offered services time and time again and gotten many off the street, but

there is a resistant population that remains, and their tents have to go."

When it comes to tent camps, Farrell added, "We have moved as a city from a position

of compassion to enabling (unacceptable) street behavior, and as mayor I don't stand for


The city plans to conduct sweeps starting this week through the city's Mission District

to clear out tents set up along sidewalks.

As a supervisor, Farrell was behind legislation passed by voters that allows the city to remove

tents as long as they provide alternate shelter and give one day's notice.

There have been sweeps in the area before, but campers returned days later or simply

moved a few blocks away, according to KTVU.

Farrell said this time will be different, as the city plans to have a "dedicated team"

to make sure people don't come back.

I mean, these people are crapping on sidewalks, shooting up drugs and throwing their syringes

in the streets and all sorts of garbage.

But homeless outreach groups (libs) contend the mayor's action may just be moving the

problem elsewhere.

"Without a relocation plan, it's just more of the sidewalk shuffle," Jennifer

Friedenbach, executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness, told the Chronicle.

Well Jennifer, it looks like you are taking home a huge paycheck for sitting on your fat


Friedenbach told the paper many tent dwellers suffer from mental illness, and "don't

fit into a crowded situation" if put into a shelter.

Farrell, however, is pushing on.

"The tents are a public safety hazard for the people living in them, and for the residents

of San Francisco," Farrell added.

"And they are gone."

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of San Francisco, THEY JUST PISSED OFF A WHOLE LOT OF LIBERALS!!! - Duration: 2:36.


Đại Ca Dũng Trọc nằm Viện độ Chân Buồn vì thiếu đồ||tin tức giang hồ|| tv bodoi - Duration: 30:31.

For more infomation >> Đại Ca Dũng Trọc nằm Viện độ Chân Buồn vì thiếu đồ||tin tức giang hồ|| tv bodoi - Duration: 30:31.


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?? ??

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Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho backed to have the last laugh against Chelsea's Antonio Conte - Duration: 2:17.

Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho backed to have the last laugh against Chelsea's Antonio Conte

That's according to former Liverpool midfielder Jamie Redknapp.

The two sides will meet at Wembley next month and the competition remains the only chance of silverware for both sides this season.

Mourinho has clashed with Blues boss Antonio Conte several times this season but the Italian insists that any feud between the pair has been put to bed.

The game will likely be Conte's last in charge of Chelsea, with the 48-year-old expected to leave Stamford Bridge at the end of the season.

"While Conte is yet to win a major cup competition, Mourinho is a serial winner." Former Liverpool midfielder Jamie Redknapp And Redknapp thinks it will be an unhappy farewell for the former Juventus boss as he foresees a narrow United win.

"What a blockbuster FA Cup final we have in store," he told the Daily Mail.

"There is no love lost between Antonio Conte and Jose Mourinho and both have gone below the belt in their personal feud over the last couple of years.

"It's nip and tuck between Chelsea and Manchester United, too, with one win each in their head to head in the Premier League this season.

"While Conte is yet to win a major cup competition, Mourinho is a serial winner.

It will be very close to call but I think United will win, just.".

For more infomation >> Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho backed to have the last laugh against Chelsea's Antonio Conte - Duration: 2:17.


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Why I choose humanism over faith | Leo Igwe - Duration: 10:20.

Something happened

while I was studying in the seminary

and training to be a priest.

I came in contact with a different idea of life.

An idea of life that contradicted the main teachings of religion --


Some of you may be wondering, what on earth is humanism?

Humanism is a way of thinking and living

that emphasizes the agency of human beings.

Humanism stresses the fact that we, human beings,

are capable of changing the world.

That we have the power to make a difference in our lives,

both individually and collectively,

without recourse to some outside force.

It may interest you to know that the best humanist lessons I learned

were not from reading philosophy books

or from poring over humanist manifestos and declarations.

No, not at all.

The best humanist lesson I learned was from the life of my own parents.

My parents come from a poor family background

in Mbaise, in southeastern Nigeria.

They had limited opportunities.

But my parents did not allow the circumstances of their bad upbringing

to determine the ambition and dreams for themselves and for their children.

My father worked part-time, trained as a teacher,

and rose to become a headmaster at a local primary school.

My mother dropped out of school quite early,

because her mother, my grandmother, could not afford her education.

As a parent, my mother worked very hard,

combining farming, petty trading and taking care of my siblings and me.

By the time I was born --

that was shortly after the Nigerian civil war --

life was very difficult, a struggle day by day.

My family was living in a hut.

With the eye of a child, I can still see water

dripping from the thatched roof of our house when it rained.

My father reared goats to supplement the family income.

And part of my duty after school hours or during vacation

was to feed these goats.

There was no electricity, no pipe with water.

We trekked to fetch water from the nearby streams.

That was an easy work in the wet season,

but kilometers when it was hot and dry.

Through hard work and perseverance,

my parents were able to erect a block apartment

and send my siblings and me to school.

They made it possible for us to enjoy a standard of living

which they never did

and to attain educational levels

which they only imagined when they were growing up.

My parents' life, their story, is my best lesson in humanism.

So as a humanist, I believe that human beings

are challengers, not prisoners of faith.

Our destinies are in our hands, not predetermined.

And it's left for us to shape our lives and destinies

to reflect our best hopes and aspirations.

I believe that human beings have the power

to turn situations of poverty into those of wealth and prosperity.

We have the capacity to alleviate suffering,

extend life, prevent diseases,

cure debilitating ailments, reduce infant mortality

and preserve our planet.

But we cannot accomplish all these goals by wishful thinking with our eyes closed

or by armchair speculation or by expecting salvation from empty sky.

In contrast, millions of Africans imagine that their religious faith

will help their dream come true,

and they spend so much time praying for miracles

and for divine intervention in their lives.

In 2009, a Gallup survey in 114 countries

revealed that religiosity was highest in the world's poorest nations.

In fact, six of the 10 countries where 95 percent of the population

said that religion was an important part of their daily lives, were African.

In some cases, religion drives many Africans to extraordinary length:

to attack other human beings, to commit ritual killing,

targeting those living with albinism,

those with a humpback,

and as I recently learned, those with a bald head.

In Africa, superstition is widespread,

with so many people believing in witchcraft,

something that has no basis in reason or in science.

Yet alleged witches, usually women, children and elderly persons

are still routinely attacked, banished and killed.

And I've made it part of my life's mission

to end witchcraft accusation and witch persecution in Africa.

So as a humanist, I believe in a proactive approach to life.

The changes that we want cannot be achieved only by dreaming

but require doing as well.

The challenges that we face cannot go away

if we recoil and retreat into our shells, wishing and imagining

that those problems will somehow magically disappear.

The good life that we desire will not fall like manna from heaven.

My parents did not erect a block apartment by wishing and dreaming.

They worked hard, they failed, they tried again.

They toiled with rolled-up sleeves,

with their hands deep in debt, they plowed ahead,

growing their dreams into reality.

So as a humanist, I believe we must be adventurous and even daring.

The path of success is paved with risk and uncertainties.

We have to muster the will and courage to do what people have never done.

To think what people have never thought.

Envisage what people have never imagined.

Go to places human beings have not been to.

And succeed where people have tried but failed.

We must be ready to explore new frontiers of knowledge and understanding

and attempt doing not just what is possible

but also what is seemingly impossible.

But I realize that at the end of the day,

our efforts do not always yield our desires.

We fail, we suffer disappointments and setbacks.

Some problems, such as wars and conflict, poverty and diseases

and other natural and human-made disasters

seem as if they may never go away.

Solutions to old problems have led to new dangers,

new cures to diseases have resulted in new health risks.

But the fact that these problems persist

and that solutions sometimes create their own problems

is not a reason for us to give up or to resign.

It's not a reason for us to think that our efforts are of no consequence.

In fact, there is fulfillment in striving,

and trying to provide answers and solutions

to the problem humanity faces

even when the likely outcome is failure.

So as a humanist, I believe we must not despair for humanity.

Even in the face of overwhelming difficulties

and in the bleakest of circumstances.

Human beings are creative beings.

We have the power to generate new ideas, new solutions and new cures.

So why despair when the unexpected knocks on the horizon?

It is in our nature to create anew, to be inventive and innovative,

so why languish in idle expectation of a savior from above?

So it is time for us Africans to take our destiny in our hands

and realize we have agency in the scheme of life.

We need to put an end to this game of blame

that has prevented us from taking full responsibility for our own lives.

For too long, we have been prisoners of our past.

We have allowed despair and pessimism to drain us,

drain our energies, limit our imaginations

and dim our vision for a better and brighter future.

We have let this continent flounder.

Why passing the buck like a Frisbee?

We've blamed slavery, colonialism and the new colonialism

for the woes we experience, including our own self-inflicted wounds.

We have conducted ourselves

in ways that seem as if Africa is damned and doomed.

And that all these experiences in history

have irreversibly, irreparably foreclosed the chances and possibility

for Africa to emerge, thrive and flourish.

We must realize that there is no part of the world

that has not been colonized or enslaved in the past.

And if other parts of the world have moved on,

why can't we, now?

So as a humanist, I believe that the past is gone;

we cannot change it, we cannot alter it.

But the future beckons us on with limitless possibilities

to recreate, reshape and remake our destinies.

So let's all of us seize this opportunity.

And as my parents did, begin the urgent task

of rebuilding Africa, brick by brick.

Let's give free reign to our ideas and imaginations,

as demonstrated at this TEDGlobal 2017.

Let's open our hearts and minds.

And exert our energy, intelligence and ingenuity

and begin the urgent task of rebuilding Africa

and of transforming this continent

into a citadel of unrivaled prosperity and civilization.

This is what I believe as a humanist, as an African humanist.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> Why I choose humanism over faith | Leo Igwe - Duration: 10:20.


The Participation Show I 올라옵Show [Gag Concert / 2018.04.21] - Duration: 7:35.

(The Participation Show)

Hello, I'm Song Yeonggil the comedian.

We'll be picking one of you in the audience

and make you into the female lead of a drama.

Raise your hand if you want to be a drama lead!

You, in the blue shirt.

Come up.

Hi, my name is Yeok.

My surname is Dan.

I'm Dan Yeok.

I'm a musical actress.

Today is the day I perform with

the greatest musical actors.

Oh, the performance is starting.

Look at that girl!


♪ That girl is so pretty ♪

♪ That radiant smile, she looks like Kim Taehee ♪

♪ Should we go and talk to her? ♪

♪ Kim Daehui, Kim Daehui ♪

♪ Kim Daehui from Gag Concert ♪

- Oh, no! / - Oh, no!

Oh, no!

♪ You can date her ♪

♪ That's enough ♪

♪ She's a lady ♪

♪ If you get a better look ♪

♪ Kim ♪

♪ Tae ♪

♪ Won ♪

- Wow! / - Wow!

That's was great!

Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.


- That was great. / - Yeah.

Yeok, that was pretty good.

You're a rookie yet you pulled off both

Kim Daehui and Kim Taewon.

I think we should practice

the next project we'll be in together.

- Alright. / - Alright.

Yeok, our next project is "200 Pounds Beauty"

and you're the beauty.


I want you to walk from here to there slowly

as you brush your hair back and try to look pretty.

Slowly. Can you do that?

Not like Kim Daehui.

Make it pretty.

Hold on, hold on.

Yeok, get over here.


We told you.

We said just to act pretty but...

- You're really pretty. / - You're really pretty.


Instead of playing small roles,

will you be the lead in my heart?

What are you talking about?

- I picked Yeok first. / - Hey!

I picked her.


I picked Yeok.

This voice... He's a legend in musicals.

Chan of UNB?

(Chan of UNB)

Hold on.

Where did you get this flower?

Give me that.

Why are you so strong?

Why are you so strong?

Give me that!

Look here.

It looks like you want to take part in this war too.

Fine then. Let's have a singing battle

since we're musical actors.

♪ You become like a thorn ♪

♪ That buries itself inside me ♪

♪ Please ♪ Leave!

Just leave!

Now this is singing.

- Nice job. / - That was great.

Very nice.


I bet you can't sing as well as I can.

Go ahead then.

♪ I'll confess now ♪

♪ I've loved you from the beginning ♪

♪ This is how much I love you ♪

♪ My awkward words ♪

♪ Might seem lame ♪

♪ And unbelievable ♪

♪ But I'm not just saying this ♪

How sweet.

You win.

Where do you keep getting flowers from?

A musical actor should be good at acting.

Watch how I act.

You've caught my eye!

Open bracket, open eyes, open nose,

open mouth, open pores, close pores,

close mouth, close nose, close eyes

and close bracket.

What was that?

You punk... You're good at acting too.

I'll show you some proper acting.

He has so many flowers.

Whether the weather was nice, bad...

Or decent...

Every day I spent with you was amazing.

- What the... / - What's going on?

Oh, no! I think you're electrocuting me!

I can dance like that too.

Yeok, let's go clubbing.

Hey! I can dance like that too!

- I can too! / - I can too!


You have to go clubbing with me!

That voice...

It's Catwoman from the musical "Cats?"


You should go clubbing with me.

♪ Follow this like a cat ♪

♪ Like a cat ♪ He's a pig not a cat!

What was that?

I wish I didn't see that.

Yeok, you decide...

- Who the real star in your heart is. / - Yeah.

Is it time for me to choose now?

Hit them hard, meow.

I'll pick last place first.

1, 2, 3!

- Next is 3rd. / - That hurt!

1, 2, 3!

- Nice! / - Lastly, it's 2nd...

1, 2, 3!

For more infomation >> The Participation Show I 올라옵Show [Gag Concert / 2018.04.21] - Duration: 7:35.


Professional Stand-ins I  대행 알바 [Gag Concert / 2018.04.21] - Duration: 5:38.

(Professional Stand-ins)


Do you have stand-ins?

Please send some to Gag Park now.


- Hello. / - Hello.

- Hello. / - Hello.

We're the top stand-in agency,

1,000 Stand-ins.

I see.

The thing is, a talent agency

is going to come watch me busk.

Please help me so that I get scouted.

Oh, don't worry. That's what we're best at.

We're supposed to have one more stand-in.

He should be here.

Oh, here he is.

Hello, I'm Kijung of UNB.

I have two jobs.

I guess he has something he wants to buy.

Go stand over there.

These guys are first-timers.

Just say how good he is when he sings

and call out his name.

- Kim Janggun! / - Kim Jeonghun!

Kim Kijung!

Not your names.

And as for her...

She's good at acting by herself.

- So don't worry about her. / - Kang Yumi!

And as for me, if you're ever in trouble,

I'll show up and handle it.

Jeong Myeonghun!

I see.

Shall we do a cheer?


1, 2, 3...

- Let's go! / - Let's go!

So reliable.

Let me get ready to sing...

- He's so good. / - He's so good.

- He's so good. / - He's so good.

Excuse me.

I haven't even started singing yet.

Why are you saying I'm good already?

- How strange... / - He looks like he'll be good.

- Excuse me... / - He looks like he'll be good.

Not now.

You can say that once the talent agency comes.

This looked really awkward, by the way.



I guess you're here busking.


You must be a musician.

Yes, I am.

You sure drew a big crowd.

This isn't even that many people.

Please watch me.


Alright, I'll start busking now.

People, what's my name?

- He's so good. / - He's so good.


Right, I'm very good at singing.

I'll take requests.

What should I sing?

- He's so good. / - He's so good.

Why do they keep saying that?

That's my title track. "He's So Good."

- Oh, that's why? / - Yes.

Before that,

I'll show you my beatboxing.

- You can beatbox? / - Yes.

You sure have your basics down.

Nobody can keep up with me.

- What the... / - What's this?

That's right.

I've been practicing for 30 years

but I can't keep up with him.

You practiced for 30 years?

How old are you now?


That doesn't make sense.

Want to see my 30 years of beatboxing?


Beatbox. Okay, sounds good.

He's good!

He's better than you.

This guy here.

Yet I still can't keep up with him.

No, I'm actually better at dancing than beatboxing.

- Hold it! / - What the..

I'll show you the dancing I practiced for 30 years.

Cue the music!

He's so good.

Let's go!

What the...

So sexy.

Wow! He's good!

He's really good!

Even if I dance like this,

I still can't keep up with him!

What are you talking about?

But above all...

What are you doing?

I can't keep up with him in looks!

You're really good.

You're really good.

Excuse me. You should say I'm good.

- He's so good. / - He's so good.


I'm going to get cosmetic surgery.

- Where are you going? / - To get cosmetic surgery!


- No... / - Sign with me! Where are you going?

- No... / - Let me get his number.

Hong Hyeonho!

I can't believe I'm seeing you in person!


- Hello. / - I've heard all your songs.

- From ever since you debuted. / - What?

- I know everything about you. / - I see.

Your birthday is January 10th, right?

Yes, that's right.

Your favorite food is spicy pork.

That's right!

Are you a fan?

I'm his mom.

Even when I gave birth to Mr. Hong...

He came out singing.

Why do you call him Mr. Hong if you're his mom?

We disowned him. We aren't related anymore.

I was shocked when he said he wanted to sing.

Hang in there, Mr. Hong.

From your former mother.

What was that?

Former mother?

She's your former mother?

You heard of older guy fans, right?

She's an older lady fan.

Now that I thought about it,

you're not a good fit with our agency.

We're looking for a male and female duo.

I can be in a male and female duo too!

Where's the female member?

Right here.

What the...

What is this?

See? I have a female member here.

So disgusting!

You're not signing with us!

Why not? Why not?

- He's so good. / - He's so good.

Geez! I'm ruined!

For more infomation >> Professional Stand-ins I  대행 알바 [Gag Concert / 2018.04.21] - Duration: 5:38.


Flower Band I 꽃길밴드 [Gag Concert / 2018.04.21] - Duration: 3:21.

(Flower Band)


Eat some of this.

I can't.

Eat this so you can feel better.

Just have one bite.

I really can't.

Grandma, what's wrong?

Are you sick?

No. Don't worry.

Why can't you eat, grandma?

Why can't you eat?



♪ She's pregnant ♪

♪ A late child ♪

♪ Your grandpa is... ♪

- Hey. / - Yeah.

I finally got a girlfriend!

Wow... You?


I've never kissed anyone before.

How do I kiss my girlfriend?

- You've never kissed anyone? / - Yeah...

I'll teach you. Just listen.

When you kiss a girl...

Forget it. What would a child like you know?

Come on!

Flower Band! How do I kiss my girlfriend?

Tell me!

♪ I've never kissed ♪

It's okay, Hwisun.

You can kiss someone too.


Will I be able to kiss someone soon?

- Yes! / - Yes!

See? They said you could kiss someone.

That was my mom.

What's taking so long?


Why are you outside when it's so cold?

It's nothing. You go inside.

Mom... Are you waiting for dad again?

It's not like that.

Please, mom!

Dad isn't coming back.

He isn't coming!

How many times did I tell you that it's not like that?

Just go inside!

You are waiting for dad!

Then who is it?

Who are you waiting for?

♪ The parcel deliveryman ♪

♪ She ordered a bikini ♪

♪ For her vacation ♪


You got a package.

I think it's laver.

What kind of laver?

Ugly laver.

♪ The perfect product for him ♪

Gosh... Look at that guy dance.

I guess that dance is popular these days.

What? That lame dance?

Why? It looks cool.

What kind of dance is that?

What kind of dance is that?

♪ He's been possessed ♪

♪ By a baby ghost ♪

♪ He could hop on blades ♪

Guys, I know how to read faces.

Then read my face.

Let's see...

You have the face of someone who will never kiss.

♪ An accurate prediction ♪

For more infomation >> Flower Band I 꽃길밴드 [Gag Concert / 2018.04.21] - Duration: 3:21.


The Astrologer I Kept Hidden For So Long [English Subtitles] - Duration: 37:32.


Brief introduction and welcome to Shri Ashutosh Bharadwaj ji.

Sunilji : Hello, how are you? Ashutoshji : Hello, I am good.

Sunilji : Ashutoshji, please tell me when did you start astrology?

Ashutoshji : I have started astrology when I was 11-12 year old. It has almost been 20 years and above.

Sunilji : Nowadays people of the age group 30 to 40 come on You Tube not even having experience of 10 years. By the time we try to reach your 20 years of experience we would take 80 years, almost impossible in this birth.

I know you and our friendship is quite deep. Please tell me, after having given so many years in astrology. You have studied a lot like in Banaras, Bhrighu jyotish and more; tell me how deep it is.

Ashutoshji : See, it is like Astrology is infinite, one cannot complete. We can only take a part of it, and be satisfied that whatever we got is more than enough. If we try to take whole of it, by mastering it. It is not possible.

Because I haven't done astrology in 20 years, I have traveled, went and met people and learnt from them. Who so ever, I came to know about in field astrology. I used to go after them.

Sunilji : You are from Patna. Darbhanga is a very well known and nice place there. Ashutoshji : Yes, correct. Sunilji : With lot of libraries there. Maharaja (King) of Darbhanga was also quite interested in astrology.

Ashutoshji : Yes, there is also a University named after him. Sunilji : You have studied a lot by mapping charts from hands (palm), people have also found it. So did you meet anyone out there of who is very good in making charts from hand palms?

Ashutoshji : There is a place here in Bihar called Rajgir. There was a pundit there, who is no more. He used to take 2 minutes to study hand, and keep a slate near him. He used to write something on the slate and within 2 minutes Lagna kundli (natal chart) used to be ready.

I used to see that to come to lagna(ascendant) of the chart. He used to study little finger(kanishtha) of the hand. Sunilji :What was his name? Ashutoshji :I don't remember his name as this was i met him 20 years ago and I was 12-13 years old at that time.

I had been to him 7-8 times, but he did not teach me anything about it. Sunilji : Nowadays we expect to learn everything in first meet only and if does not happen so, we say that the person does not know astrology. This is about today's generation

Ashutoshji : He was a simply dressed person living a very simple life. There used to be crowd of people to meet him, but he never charged anyone. And he used to only study hand and within 2 minutes he used to be ready with natal chart.

Sunilji : Did you get any idea, how he did it? Ashutoshji : He used to study little finger of both the hands and do some calculation to decide lagna(ascendant) of chart. And then mounts on the palms along with the lines on it to get the position of the planets.

Sunilji : You have met Lekhraji right? Ashutoshji : Yes, I have met him. Sunilji : According to me, he uses sun finger middle partition to get the details. Ashutoshji : Lekhraji uses entire palm.

Ashutoshji : Pundit from Rajgir, used to say that, there are 7 positions on the palm which can help to fix lagna(ascendant). There are 7 ways to find out.

Sunilji : Finally did he share his knowledge with anyone? Ashutoshji : No he did not. Sunilji : This is the only problem, that if knowledge is shared, people try to sell it.

When a person learns from his Guru(teacher) and teacher tell him not to sell this knowledge to anyone. But as I have seen from past 30-40 years, astrology is for fame and money and people can do anything in this. Ashutoshji : That is true.

Sunilji : Okay, tell me you have traveled Banaras a lot, any good astrologer you know. Ashutoshji : I have traveled and met many in Banaras, by calling one as best, I am not underestimating the rest. But the one I liked the best was Indunath Sharma. Sunilji : Yes, we know him.

Ashutoshji : Too good, I have been to him at least 40 to 50 times to learn. When I used to stay in Ranchi went to Banaras and now when I am in Patna, from Patna to Banaras.

Sunilji : How is he? I had heard he was not keeping well. Ashutoshji : Yes, he is fine now.

Sunilji : He has mastery in Horary astrology, if you go to meet him for the first time. He will tell you to think of a number between 20 and 30, then a flower and not to reveal it. He will take a slate do some calculations. Then turn around the slate and show you the number and flower, you did think of. There are many such in Rajasthan. But he is master in Horary charts.

Ashutoshji: Absolutely correct. Sunilji: Tell us some of his horary predictions which you have heard and seen yourself.

Ashutoshji : First of all, I would like to tell by almighty's blessings. I have learnt that method what you were talking about.

Sunilji : Yes, I know, you should not have told that on the video. It's okay, I know you had told me once 4-5 years back that you wanted to learn that method. And I had told you no. As I am not that much interested in astrology.

Sunilji: His theory of horary, or any predictions you have seen, you know the technical knowledge you can share right now.

Ashutoshji : If we talk about Budh Aditya yoga(combination of sun and mercury in the same house), is said to be good in quadrant and trine. Any benefic planet or any yoga(combination of planets) is auspicious in quadrant or trine, as said by many.

He (Indunath Sharma) was the first person to tell me this, when I had met him 10 years back, that Budh Aditya yoga gives good results only in 6/8/12th houses and nowhere else in the chart.

I used many of his technique in many of the charts and I found it correct. If you take K.N.Rao's chart, you will see Budh Aditya yoga in 12th house.

In January 1993, when he started with major period of mercury, at the same time he was chief guest for American Consulate For Vedic Astrology.

(K.N. Rao's Chart displayed on the screen). With mercury in 12th house when it's period started. It took him to foreign country and made him very much famous.

Mercury made him very famous and established him as a learned astrologer. Mercury is placed in 12th house but gave him good results, why? because of Budh Aditya yoga.

Sunilji : You have given an excellent example. In fact this was the period when K. N. Rao has written best of his books. Brilliant books,one of his masterpieces Nehru Dynasty, which people don't read. Every para has a technique.

People don't read much, as he has used only 4-5 charts. Ashutoshji : You will find secrets everywhere in the middle of that book. It is not so simple to read.

If anyone sees his chart, will say he his mercury period will be not good, as it is in 12th house. But as you can see, he had excellent. It is only because of Budh Aditya yoga.

Sunilji : The technique we are talking about. I remember when we were in Banaras, discussing about Kiran Bedi's chart. It also has of same type. I do not have her horoscope right now. Do you remember her horoscope?

Ashutoshji: Budh Aditya yoga is formed in 9th house in her horoscope and during 2015 elections, which she lost it was Sun Mahadasha (major period) for her. The Yoga could not give results even in 9th house .

And in case of K N Rao, it gave results in 12th house. So Budh Aditya yoga gives good results only in 6/8/12th houses. And no where else. It is an excellent combination.

Sunilji : Many people say that I have Budh Aditya yoga in my chart, but it is not seen working. Ashutoshji : You have it in 11th house in your chart. Sunilji: No, I am not talking about me, but common people. Also about Gaj Kesari yoga.

Sunilji : Many people also say that they have Gaj Kesari yoga in their charts, but not giving results. Can you tell us about any secret on this? If you have searched and found out anything about it.

Ashutoshji : Gaj Kesari yog can be fruitful only when Jupiter is in quadrant to moon. Gaj Kesari yoga is quite an elaborative topic which can be very well discussed some other time in a separate video, as it can take half an hour to hour long.

Sunilji : Tell us about Atmaramji. Ashutoshji : Oh he is a wonderful person with brilliant knowledge and lots of secrets with him on Yogini dasha

Have been to him many times. He is master in Yogini and will use only that and not the other ones like Vimshottari or Chara dasha etc.

He used to always tell one thing, which I will mention here. If one gets married during Sankata (Rahu's period as per Yogini Dasha) It cannot take place without physical violence(beating).

Sunilji : In India, during marriages many a times these things do happen. Ashutoshji: He used to say like that. Sunilji: Very nice thing you told us.

Ashutoshji: Like this way he used to tell for each Yogini. He has a different way of looking at it. It was a small thing, which I just told above.

Sunilji : Did he use any different calculations for Yogini or the normal one with 36? Ashutoshji : He uses the normal one with 36, but every time he changes the houses.

Sunilji : Means. Ashutoshji : every 12 years 3 times. He did not teach me, but I sat with him and learnt how he did it. Sunilji : What he used to do, I did not get 12 years 3 times?

Ashutoshji : He took every 12 years into 3 parts. If 12 years taken 3 times means one Yogini has ended 36 years. These 36 years he used to divide into 3 parts into 12 years each. And house used to change in every 12 years.

Sunilji : Which house? Ashutoshji : not sure about this, cannot say confirmed on that. But, I used see him changing every time the houses in 12 years. He will sometimes, take ascendant, 5th or 9th house and the remaining ones.

These people are such scholars, that if you have to learn something from them. It is not so easy. You have to go there, at least 100-200 times sit with them and observe how they do, you will learn it by yourself.

But nowadays there is shortage of time. People usually don't go and meet such people. Sunilji : Everyone want fast food, astrology, it has become You Tube astrology now.

Sunilji : You had spoken to me about Atmaramji, long time back. I don't remember whether it was Atmaramji or.. It was about Jupiter in 8th or 12th house. Was that told by Atmaramji? A different meaning of Jupiter in 8/12th house. Who had told you about that?

Ashutoshji :This was told by Indunath Sharma. If Jupiter is in 8th or 12th house such natives have "Pitri shrap" (ancestral curse). Means either their legacy with not continue or they will not be successful in any task undertaken.

For this Tripindi (religious offering for deceased ancestors in family) can be done, which will pacify Jupiter. And then one gets good results. This is applicable for natives with Jupiter in 6/8/12th houses, which is not a good position for Jupiter.

Sunilji : You had once used the word "Rishi Tulya"(Like a sage) for Jupiter who had told you about that? Atmaramji or whom? Probably you don't remember.

You travel by train, while travelling you meet many astrologers, so tell me did you happen to meet any good astrologer. Ashutoshji : Yes, once it so happened that, I was travelling from Banaras to Ranchi. I had my script in my hand.

It was astrological Sanskrit manuscript and I was just reading it. A sadhu(monk) was sitting on the opposite seat. When he saw a young boy reading a handwritten Sanskrit manuscript.

He came near me and then we were talking. The talks continued further. My ascendant sign was always a doubt in the beginning that is the reason I have met many such people who can tell about ascendant, can make chart from hands, or by face reading.

So when I met him, I came to know he had an exceptional knowledge , just by looking at my face he said about my ascendant and position of rest of the planets. Without taking any of my details of birth date or time.

Too good, I took his address from him. But I have forgotten it. And I could not meet him again. But he was the best amongst all I have met so far not comparable.

Sunilji : Please tell us about Madhubani pundit. What have you learnt from him? Ashutoshji : Pundit from Madhubani was great master of Jaimini astrology. His way of using Gochara (current transit) was beyond anyone's thinking.

How to use Ghati and Hora lagna of Jaimini, you will not find in any of the texts. He used to use all the lagnas mentioned. He used Gochara also very well.

He had a method of using Gochara, which I will share a little here today. Adhipati (lord) of 8th house in D1 chart, where ever placed in D12 in any sign and when Rahu visits that sign, native has to face some bad events in his life.

Sunilji : This is a very rare thing, as so far no one has done any work on Gochara D12. Nobody has even talked about it. I am telling this to the audience as well. Can you give an example on this, for the audience to understand?

Ashutoshji : If you see chart of Amitabh Bachchan. It has Aquarius ascendant. Sunilji : I will just open it. Can you see the chart? (Chart displayed on the screen). Ashutoshji : Yes.

It has Aquarius ascendant so 8th house has Virgo sign. Lord of Virgo, Mercury is in Gemini sign in D12. In the year 1982 in gochara Rahu was in Gemini and during the shooting of the movie Coolie.

Sunilji : It was in July 1982, Rahu was gochara in Gemini. So Rahu has come in 5th house in Natal chart as per Gochara. It was a fatal accident for him.

Sunilji : Very good. Ashutoshji: It can be more clearly explained with Rajiv Gandhi's chart. (Rajiv Gandhi's chart shared on the screen). Sunilji : You can see it. Rajiv Gandhi has Leo ascendant.

Ashutoshji : He has Leo ascendant, so 8th house will have Pisces sign. Lord of it, Jupiter is sitting in Sagittarius sign in D12 chart. When he died Rahu was in Sagittarius.

Suniji : His death, as far as I remember was May 1991. It was 11th or 21st May. My god! Rahu was in the Sagittarius. Ashutoshji : He had many such brilliant techniques. And to tell you the most I learnt was from him and he had shared his knowledge with me wholeheartedly.

Have learnt such things from him that common astrologers would be taken aback. Sunilji : What was the name of Pundit from Madhubani? Ashutoshji : I don't remember his name, everyone used to call him "Guruji", never asked about his name.

Sunilji : What else have you learned from Madhubani Pundit? Ashutoshji : As I had told you about Hora lagna. Sunilji: Yes, what we spoke couple of days before. Ashutoshji : Yes, that was his method only. Sunilji : No software can calculate hora lagna accurately.

Ashutoshji : We want everything to readymade and easily, but that is not possible. We need to certain calculations. Sunilji: That's correct. This is just for viewer about the hora lagna in the available software's.

There are total 5 types of hora lagna and Uppada lagna are also of 5 types. This is was in December 2007, when I was going to Madhura Krishnamurthy Shastriji, we were starting with a magazine.

Mentor told me that, if you are starting with magazine and want Jaimini to be in it. It can be only through Madhura Krishnamurti Shastri, as he has manuscripts. And today's Jaimini astrologers do not have manuscripts.

They do it mentally and not classical. Because people keep on saying K.N. Rao says 7 chara karaka and Sanjay Rath says 8 chara karaka, which one is correct? Forget what is correct, try finding out where in Jaimini commentary it is given as 7 and 8.

They should try to find out that first. And it is given in the starting of Parashara Hora Shastra as some people take it as 7 and some as 8. Ashutoshji : That is correct. Sunilji : People are not aware of this.

People either criticize Rao or Sanjay Rath. They should first read Parashari Hora Shastra and then Jaimini Manuscripts. Anyways, I had gone to meet Madhura Krishnamurthy Shastri in December 2007. He called me to meet him on December 30

This was altogether 4-5 days program. with my new year in a hotel room. I forgot his village name in Hyderabad, when even the flight was cancelled. Ashutoshji : Rajahmundry.

Sunilji : So when I met him, he appears like Lord Ganapathy himself. With bright, fair and handsome face. Ears big like lord Ganpati. That time I asked him only one question. Sir, how many types of Uppada lagnas are there?

He understood that this young boy is trying to master things, because so many people doing Jaimini astrology, do not know that there are various types of Uppada lagnas.

Even if you are doing it for 50 years, forget about the west in America leave them, even in India, astrologers do not know.

So he told me that there are 5. I called my mentor, he asked did you ask my question, I said yes. Mentor asked what did he reply. I said 5, mentor said he knows Jaimini. Mentor said like this only he knows Jaimini.

Anyways talking about hora lagna topic, from which we got slightly deviated. Ashutoshji was telling us that hora lagna has different calculations.And if you combine that with one particular dasha(planetary period) you get excellent results.

And if that dasha does not come in lifetime you cannot get those results. Ashutoshji : I would like to share one thing here that, nothing works wonder like Jaimini. If you know Jaimini sutras, means it has to work.

Sunilji : Our real Jaimini has not yet come out, so we got frustrated and finally left it. And anything special Madhubani Punditji has told you and you viewers can learn something from it.

For more infomation >> The Astrologer I Kept Hidden For So Long [English Subtitles] - Duration: 37:32.


Disney Cupcake Merch Available NOW!!! (Bonus Video) - Duration: 3:03.

Hey guys

My name's Haley welcome back the Disney cupcake channel as you guys can see by the title this is a bonus video

And I have a huge announcement, so let's get started

This is not the huge announcement that I've been hinting about recently, but it does relate to it

And I will be announcing the event of soon

Part of that big announcement is this

My merch is now

Available I am super super excited

I'm going to put some of the

Designs, and I'll be posting and I do plan on posting

new designs every once in a while

Not really really often, but whenever I do I would let you guys know

I probably won't post any new designs until maybe summer. I'm not really sure but right now

It's just my classic and Disney cupcake logo with a few little twists to it

I've a hexagon type design. I have a pop art design. I have the basic image

I have a painted

cartoon image a bunch of different types that you guys can check out and these will all be available at t public comm

They are available right now. I just posted them right now and the first 72 hours after me posting them

they will be on sale so I really want you guys to be able to get a good deal on these if you're

Interested so I will let you guys know when there are sales and discounts so you guys can get a good deal on them

There's t-shirts hoodies phone cases laptop cases

Stickers there's a bunch of cool stuff

And I do plan on making different designs as well in the future

So make sure you guys stay tuned for that the link will now be in the description of all of my upcoming

videos if you guys would like to check those out and again

I will keep you posted when there are little sales going on but right now starting right now the first 72 hours

After I posted them today

They'll be on sales to make sure you guys go pick one up if you're interested, and I also wanted to tell you guys

Thank you so much for supporting my channel and helping me get to this point. This is a really really exciting

Thing that's happening

And I'm really really excited to share with you guys an upcoming event that these will be used for

So it makes you guys stay tuned for that subscribe to the channel, and thank you guys so much for watching

And if you guys do get the March make sure to tag me to picture on Instagram. I would love to see it

I will be posting a video on Thursday

So make sure you guys stay tuned for that do what you love and do what makes you happy and I will see you guys

next time bye

For more infomation >> Disney Cupcake Merch Available NOW!!! (Bonus Video) - Duration: 3:03.


BMW Z4 Roadster 2.5i S Hardtop NL Auto - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 Roadster 2.5i S Hardtop NL Auto - Duration: 1:11.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Silver Edition AIRCO BJ 2003 !!!! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Silver Edition AIRCO BJ 2003 !!!! - Duration: 1:11.


Hyundai Getz 1.3I GL CLUB EDITION NIEUWE APK - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.3I GL CLUB EDITION NIEUWE APK - Duration: 1:09.


Kia Rio 1.2i-16V ISG ExecutiveLine 5-Drs ECC Cr.Control Navi+Camera 17"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2i-16V ISG ExecutiveLine 5-Drs ECC Cr.Control Navi+Camera 17"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:13.


Ból i jego rodzaje, których nigdy nie należy ignorować - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Ból i jego rodzaje, których nigdy nie należy ignorować - Duration: 7:18.


西方炸鍋了!中國突然曝光一殺手鐧,一旦開火,瞬間擊沉3艘航母 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 西方炸鍋了!中國突然曝光一殺手鐧,一旦開火,瞬間擊沉3艘航母 - Duration: 5:26.


Zmodo The Best Smart Doorbell Greet Pro with Beam With WiFi Extender - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Zmodo The Best Smart Doorbell Greet Pro with Beam With WiFi Extender - Duration: 6:43.


#EwangeliarzOP | 24 April 2018 | (John 10: 22-30) - Duration: 1:35.


I really like old churches. The older the better.

Probably the oldest churches I've ever seen were in Georgia and Armenia.

Today, Jesus talks in the Portico of Solomon - the temple - about the oldest temple that ever existed,

and which is an invitation for us to come there.

The oldest, eternal temple is the Father's relationship with the Son in the Holy Spirit. They are one.

Every human temple built with human hands is just an image of this eternal bond

which exists between the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit. The triune God is open, infinite temple

lasting until the end of the world inviting us to come inside.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 24 April 2018 | (John 10: 22-30) - Duration: 1:35.


Top 5 motorcycle mods as gifts - Duration: 14:53.

?? ??

For more infomation >> Top 5 motorcycle mods as gifts - Duration: 14:53.


조 회장 일가 쥐꼬리지분으로 대한항공 '좌지우지' ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> 조 회장 일가 쥐꼬리지분으로 대한항공 '좌지우지' ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 9:14.


변덕인 봄철 꽃샘추위 면역력 높이는 비타민 음식 5가지 - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> 변덕인 봄철 꽃샘추위 면역력 높이는 비타민 음식 5가지 - Duration: 6:15.


환절기 건성피부 '더 가렵게' 만드는 식품 6가지 - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> 환절기 건성피부 '더 가렵게' 만드는 식품 6가지 - Duration: 9:46.


슈퍼푸드 단호박 다이어트에도 좋은 6가지 이유 - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> 슈퍼푸드 단호박 다이어트에도 좋은 6가지 이유 - Duration: 9:21.


Auditioning for the part of Hugo for the movie Alita: Battle Angel (repost) - Duration: 4:55.

Hugo: Watch out

Hey, why don't you watch what you're doing?

I've never seen anybody play chicken with one of those before.

You're a cyborg?

No, I'm sorry. I was admiring your arm.

Alita: You were?

Yeah let me see...

It's beautiful work

Did Doc Reed [Ido] do this?

Alita: He built all of me except my core

Hugo: He did a great job

Alita: What are those things?

Hugo: The "peacekeepers"? What planet are you from?

Alita: I've got to get home. It's getting dark.

Hugo: Do you want a ride?

It can be a harsh world out there,

and this place will suck the life out of you. So you've gotta stay smart.

Quick, you've gotta stay focused on your dream.

Alita: What's your dream?

Hugo: This is my secret place.

It's the best view in all of town, especially at this time of day.

When the light's just right.

It's the most beautiful thing in this whole ugly world.

Alita: I wonder what it's like up there?

Hugo: Better than this.

If I were as strong as you I'd climb up that tube to Zalem right now.

Alita: But they don't let anybody up.

Hugo: That's what they want you to think.

You've gotta know people. And I happen to have connections.

Someday, and not too long

I'm gunna be waving down at this whole heap of garbage.

Right up there.

Alita: I respect you for your dream Shuro [Hugo]

It's funny...

I wanna see what's up there so bad I can taste it.

And you've already seen it.

But you don't remember Alita: I guess...

Hugo: If only you could show me what those eyes have seen.

Alita: What do you mean?

Hugo: You're an angel, fallen from heaven.

Hugo: Everytime I come in here I can just smell the money. Here, put this on. I know all the pickers and tuners, so I'll introduce you around.

So, whose rules do you live by, your fathers or yours? Alita: Whose rules do you live by?

Hugo: Nobodies. I run a small crew we deal in high end parts only. So low overheads, high profits.

Alita: Wow!

Hugo: Jashugan

If you ask me he's the best player this game has ever produced. He runs some of my parts.

If anybodies got a chance of making final champion, it's that guy. Alita: What's final champion?

Hugo: It's the highest honor a motorball player can win.

Once every few years they pick a player that can't be beaten and send them up to Zalem.

I've got an eye for talent.

You see over here, this guy number 22?

He's got speed, he's got skills.

All he needs is a decent set of legs.

Alita: I appreciate this.

Hugo: So...whose rules are you gunna live by now?

Alita: Nobodies.

Hugo: Just remember the wise guy who taught you that.

For more infomation >> Auditioning for the part of Hugo for the movie Alita: Battle Angel (repost) - Duration: 4:55.


How To Get More Views

For more infomation >> How To Get More Views


A cavalinha, uma planta remineralizante para o emagrecimento - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> A cavalinha, uma planta remineralizante para o emagrecimento - Duration: 7:22.


Breno revela planos para o futuro, fala sobre BBB e dispara: "Não mudaria nada" - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Breno revela planos para o futuro, fala sobre BBB e dispara: "Não mudaria nada" - Duration: 4:05.


Soy Luna 3 odc 6 Matteo rozmawia z Ramiro o Lunie - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3 odc 6 Matteo rozmawia z Ramiro o Lunie - Duration: 2:34.


Hannity 04/23/18 9PM | April 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:14.

For more infomation >> Hannity 04/23/18 9PM | April 23, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:14.


Dolor en manos y muñecas: ¿a qué se debe? - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> Dolor en manos y muñecas: ¿a qué se debe? - Duration: 9:50.


#EwangeliarzOP | 24 April 2018 | (John 10: 22-30) - Duration: 1:35.


I really like old churches. The older the better.

Probably the oldest churches I've ever seen were in Georgia and Armenia.

Today, Jesus talks in the Portico of Solomon - the temple - about the oldest temple that ever existed,

and which is an invitation for us to come there.

The oldest, eternal temple is the Father's relationship with the Son in the Holy Spirit. They are one.

Every human temple built with human hands is just an image of this eternal bond

which exists between the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit. The triune God is open, infinite temple

lasting until the end of the world inviting us to come inside.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 24 April 2018 | (John 10: 22-30) - Duration: 1:35.


Ból i jego rodzaje, których nigdy nie należy ignorować - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Ból i jego rodzaje, których nigdy nie należy ignorować - Duration: 7:18.


Fadu Attitude whatsapp status video | Faadu Attitude Status for Boys - Duration: 0:36.

New WhatsApp Status Video

For more infomation >> Fadu Attitude whatsapp status video | Faadu Attitude Status for Boys - Duration: 0:36.




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