Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 24 2018

Joe DiGenova Knocks Mueller Right Off His Broom With One Question Bob Won't Answer.

Joe DiGenova just knocked Bob Mueller off his broom and put his Russia witch hunt in


Look, after all this time they need to put up or shut up and go public with what they


If they have nothing, as it seems they do, they should tell the American people and end

this witch hunt once and for all.If they have something, they need to say so and let the

chips fall where they may.

At least according to a former Federal prosecutor, Joe DiGenova who just asked a key question

of Bob Mueller and Mueller's silence is telling.

From Fox News:

A former federal prosecutor said the Mueller probe into alleged Russian collusion is a

"fraud" after the lawyer purportedly at the center of the case said she has yet to

be contacted by investigators.Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe

diGenova said reports that Natalia Veselnitskaya has not been contacted by Robert Mueller or

his team shows the stated purpose of the former FBI director's investigation into President

Trump is unfounded and "a fraud."


If this was legitimate Mueller would have interviewed her right?

After all, she is the key player in this sordid drama.

So not even talking to her exposes Mueller and his witch hunt for what it really is.A

fraud with more holes than swiss cheese and it is time to end this false probe and put

this false narrative to rest.

Hillary lost because she deserved to lose.

Plain and simple.

It was an election against the establishment who sold us out on so many occasions.

And Hillary was the most establishment candidate in the history if the United States.

She was part of the NAFTA scam that decimated middle America and the left thought we would


No, we did not and that, not Russia, is why Hillary lost – because we remember who she

is and who she was and no amount of flip-flopping (TPP) could change that.

what do you think about this?

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USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Joe DiGenova Knocks Mueller Right Off His Broom With One Question Bob Won't Answer - Duration: 2:21.


Michelle Is Furious! Melania Just Humiliated Her During State Dinner With France - Duration: 3:59.

Michelle Is Furious!

Melania Just Humiliated Her During State Dinner With France.

Michelle Obama is not happy with all of the good press that Melania Trump has been receiving.

To make matters worse for the former first lady, she was just utterly humiliated by Melania

during Tuesday's state dinner with France.

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte arrived at the White House on Monday

evening for a three-day visit with U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania.

On Tuesday the evening, the couples are set to enjoy a state dinner that Melania Trump

has been tirelessly preparing.

When Michelle Obama threw her first state dinner in 2009, she was ill-prepared for the

amount of security such an occasion requires.

As a result, an uninvited reality tv show couple was able to crash the event:

The Obamas' first state dinner for the Indian prime minister in November 2009 wasn't quite

so flawless.

The menu was prepared by celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson.

Jennifer Hudson provided the entertainment.

The decorations were lush.

But it was all overshadowed by news of gate crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi.

They weren't invited but were auditioning for the Real Housewives of D.C. reality show

and somehow made it past multiple layers of security to get into the dinner.

The Salahis ended up making headlines and generating more press than anything else which

went down that evening, thoroughly embarrassing Michelle Obama as the incident revealed she

had not adequately prepared for the event.

At the time, CBS News reported, "The Secret Service, who has been embarrassed by the incident,

has said charges might be coming for the Salahis.

Two senators have called for an investigation and the Salahis have been asked to explain

themselves before Congress."ABC News said of the ordeal, "Nearly a week after aspiring

reality-TV stars Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashed the Obamas' first state dinner,

new details have emerged about the couple and their daring two-hour masquerade on the

White House grounds.

Sources tell ABC News the leading theory in the ongoing Secret Service investigation is

that officers at the initial White House checkpoint waived the couple in, assuming that their

names would be checked against a guest list at the next one."

Melania Trump's first state dinner, on the other hand, promises to be a much more organized

affair:The menu is meant to pay tribute to American culinary traditions with "nuances

of French influences."

It begins with a course of goat cheese gateau, tomato jam, buttermilk biscuits and greens

from the White House kitchen garden.

The main course includes lamb, cipollini soubise and Carolina gold rice jambalaya.

To finish it off, the Macrons will be treated to a nectarine tart with crème fraîche ice


The meal will be served on both the Clinton and George W. Bush china, which features a

green color palette to complement the green flowers that will be featured in the dining


There will also be more than 1,200 branches of cherry blossom, all homegrown in the United

States, and more than 2,500 stems of white sweet peas and 1,000 stems of white lilac.

The Kennedy Center's Washington National Opera is expected to perform.

[Source: NPR] The first lady has been tirelessly preparing

for tonight's dinner, and you can be sure that she has left no stone unturned, least

of all the matter of White House security.

Michelle Obama just can't hold a candle to Melania Trump.

Over the first fifteen months of the Trump administration, we have watched as Melania

shows her predecessor how it's done time and time again.

Tonight's state dinner surely will not be any different.

what do you think about this?

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USA facts today

For more infomation >> Michelle Is Furious! Melania Just Humiliated Her During State Dinner With France - Duration: 3:59.


Summer Fruit Facial At Home/Get Super Glowing & Radiant Skin in 30 Minutes|World's Best Fruit Facial - Duration: 6:13.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Summer Fruit Facial At Home/Get Super Glowing & Radiant Skin in 30 Minutes|World's Best Fruit Facial - Duration: 6:13.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 Balance druid doing over 320M dmg in Brawl! - Duration: 21:57.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 Balance druid doing over 320M dmg in Brawl!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.3.5 Balance druid doing over 320M dmg in Brawl! - Duration: 21:57.


Family Guy Memorable Moment #275 - Family Guy - Duration: 3:51.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

no please please we can't take any more stick please just tell us is Peter

healthy oh yeah he's fine he's just really fat oh thank god wait wait hang

on a second did you just say I was fat well uh yeah you you are pretty fat um

okay this is news to me boy this is more awkward than having sex with a

rhinoceros who doesn't love you anymore why wouldn't you look at me during that

was your physical stupid doctor said I was fat can you believe that idiot no

Peter you are on the large side oh please Brian if I was fat could I do

this with a whole loop no no I guess I guess you couldn't do that if you were

fat that's an old family photo my mother gave it to me huh that's weird

I didn't know you had a brother I don't I mean I don't think so hey if I'm fat

in Stewie's fat too because we wear the same size onesie hello pumpkin

hello daddy did I miss your piano recital no daddy I'm in my 40s now good

god I had a question I wanted to ask um do I have a brother no no don't be silly

Oh dick thank god you're here talk to her message see m27 the subscriber you

are trying to reach is unavailable or outside the calling area what do you

feel like doing later message cm 42 let's go pay some hookers to knock our

junk around

are you sure this is a good idea daddy's never gonna tell me the truth the only

way to find out is to check the family records her breaking it to Grandma and

Grandpa's house this is more exciting than that time I saw Bobby McFerrin fall

down all those stairs

what are you doing there sleeping in here now please they get so doped up on

sleeping pills and liquor an earthquake wouldn't wake them up my god how does

she sleep at night knowing she has to funnel this old duffers hog this is it

Patrick Pewterschmidt 56 Meadow Lane Brookfield I do have a brother oh hey

Brian you know what it'd be fun Oh God totally you know sometimes the

old-fashioned playthings are the best hey kids of America it's hand-painted

wooden ball in a cup who needs constant electronic video stimulation when

there's ball in a cup Mexico's favorite toy for over three hundred and forty

years toss the ball catch it in the cup dump it out of the cup toss it and catch

it in the cup again the ball is on a string and attached to the cup so

there's no worry if you don't catch the ball in the cup and cleanup is as easy

as catching a ball and a cup so why spend another day not catching a ball in

a cup when you could be catching a ball in a cup I think maybe

For more infomation >> Family Guy Memorable Moment #275 - Family Guy - Duration: 3:51.


Local Guide Summit 2018 | Abdellah Garmali - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Local Guide Summit 2018 | Abdellah Garmali - Duration: 1:09.


이영자가 먹는 '모짜렐라 핫도그'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 이영자가 먹는 '모짜렐라 핫도그'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 4:28.


7 Remédios Caseiros para Piolhos que Realmente Funcionam! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 7 Remédios Caseiros para Piolhos que Realmente Funcionam! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:42.


지속적으로 지느러미에 묻혀 있던 혹등 고래 뒤에서는 '상어'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 지속적으로 지느러미에 묻혀 있던 혹등 고래 뒤에서는 '상어'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:27.


김박구가 '주머니 시계'를 지킨 이유가 의사와 함께 바뀐 이유|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> 김박구가 '주머니 시계'를 지킨 이유가 의사와 함께 바뀐 이유|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 6:27.


Damian Marley - Living It Up

For more infomation >> Damian Marley - Living It Up


I Copied KYLIE JENNER'S INSTAGRAM For A Week | Mar - Duration: 22:13.

For more infomation >> I Copied KYLIE JENNER'S INSTAGRAM For A Week | Mar - Duration: 22:13.



Marzą Ci się zaokrąglone i wyrzeźbione pośladki? Wystarczy, że codziennie będziesz robić przysiady – efekty przejdą Twoje najśmielsze oczekiwania!

Przysiady są najlepszym ćwiczeniem kształtującym i rzeźbiącym pośladki oraz uda. W trakcie treningu mięśnie będą mocno „piekły", lecz nie masz powodów do obaw, będzie to zwiastowało zmiany zachodzące w Twojej sylwetce.

Wyzwanie polega na stopniowym zwiększaniu liczby wykonywanych przysiadów przez okres czterech tygodni. Pierwszego dnia będziesz musiała wykonac ich 50, natomiast ostatniego – ile dasz radę, lecz więcej niż 250.

Jeśli poradzisz sobie z tym planem treningowym, nie będziesz mieć żadnego problemu, by sprostać innym, równie ciężkim wyzwaniom.Przysiady – 28-dniowe wyzwanie

Trening bazujący na przysiadach wymaga odpowiedniej techniki. Prawidłowo i dokładnie wykonane ćwiczenie przynosi najlepsze rezultaty z możliwych.

Wskazówki dotyczące techniki wykonywania przysiadów: nie garb się, zachowaj proste plecy w trakcie ćwiczenia.wykonuj wdech uginając kolana.zrób wydech, gdy wracasz do pozycji stojącej.większość ciężaru ciała powinna być przeniesiona na pięty.wykonując przysiad, wysuń biodra daleko do tyłu

Jeśli sądzisz, że 28-dniowe wyzwanie jest dla Ciebie za ciężkie, postaraj się każdego dnia wykonać tyle przysiadów, na ile jest to możliwe. Ostatniego dnia daj z siebie wszystko, a gwarantujemy, że bedziesz dumna z siebie i efektów.

For more infomation >> PODEJMIJ WYZWANIE I WYPRACUJ WSPANIAŁE POŚLADKI - Duration: 1:26.


Rustic Beautiful With The Adorable Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Rustic Beautiful With The Adorable Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:06.


Come eliminare i fibromi penduli con un solo ingrediente - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Come eliminare i fibromi penduli con un solo ingrediente - Duration: 6:10.


Trattamento per rafforzare i tendini e i legamenti delle ginocchia - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> Trattamento per rafforzare i tendini e i legamenti delle ginocchia - Duration: 7:58.


Renault Grand Scénic 110 DCI BOSE AUTOMAAT Full map navigatie I 7 Persoons I Bose - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Scénic 110 DCI BOSE AUTOMAAT Full map navigatie I 7 Persoons I Bose - Duration: 1:10.


Hyundai ix35 2.0i Style, Airco, Navigatie, Bluetooth - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0i Style, Airco, Navigatie, Bluetooth - Duration: 1:12.


Citroën C3 1.4I LIGNE AMBIANCE AUTOMAAT !! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I LIGNE AMBIANCE AUTOMAAT !! - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën C2 1.4i Ligne Ambiance - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4i Ligne Ambiance - Duration: 0:49.


Citroën C1 1.0i AMBIANCE 5drs/Airco - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0i AMBIANCE 5drs/Airco - Duration: 1:11.


The REAL Reason The Thunder Are LOSING To The Jazz In The NBA Playoffs - Duration: 4:19.

The Thunder lost to the Jazz in Game 4, but it is undeniable that the Thunder have more

talent with Westbrook smacking around Rubio and Paul George.

The Jazz definitely played more as a team and Donovan Mitchell took over, but the real

problem of the Thunder is being overlooked.

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players.

It's ya boi MJ.

Watching the Thunder and Jazz game showed me that the Jazz are using a new strategy

that is the Thunder's weakness.

Yes, the Jazz played team basketball and had 21 assists.

Yes Donovan Mitchell went off for 33 points, but that wasn't how the Jazz won the game.

Let me know in the comments if you think the Thunder will bounce back and win game 5 or

will the Jazz closeout the series?

The real problem with the Thunder was their ego and their emotions.

Now playing with emotion is good at times.

Russ having a chip on his shoulder can be deadly for the other team and Russ went at

Rubio, but this time, it backfired.

The Thunder self-destructed.

I saw Westbrook try to kill Rubio and get into foul trouble.

I mean he was trying to end his life quite literally.

I saw Paul George get into it with Joe Ingles and shoot angry deep shots.

You tell me, are these good shots?

Westbrook turned it over more times than he had assists.

He turned it over more times than Kevin Durant has instagram liked Westbrook insults.

Jazz players mentally got under the Thunder's players' skin.

Rubio brushed off Westbrook's aggressiveness and would smile through it all.

Joe Ingles kept staring down PG and trash talked to him.

The superstars on the Thunder played like rookies and the rookie Donovan Mitchell played

like a veteran.

Carmelo looked like a whining little kid and has just been straight up trash, but these

cases are anything but trash with dope designs so check out athletic cases in the description.

They got Thunder stars and Donovan Mitchell will be coming soon.

The narrative for the Jazz has been "We" while the narrative for the Thunder has been


The Thunder are just taking things too personal and then are not playing their normal game.

I was completely wrong about the Thunder being built for the playoffs.

The Playoffs require a strong mindset but the Thunder just seem to be letting every

small thing affect them.

They tried to be more aggressive and attack the paint which can work, but they fail to

adjust throughout the game because they are too caught up in the moment.

Just think about this, Westbrook on the court is a minus 13.3 and off the court is +12.8

meaning the Thunder are way better with him off the court.

Rubio is a +16.3 on the court and a -15.2 off the court.

So much for shutting him down.

Just wow.

There's an easy fix and that is, forget about all the noise.

Just play basketball.

I love when Westbrook goes attack mode and plays with feelings.

It's worked against Durant to some extent but this is not helping.

Is locking down Rubio really the priority?

Focus on guys like Donovan Mitchell.

Don't let Ingles get open for 3.

Rotate to prevent easy dunks.

The superstars of the Thunder need to come together and say enough is enough.

Let's just play basketball.

Part of this has to be on Billy Donovan who has done anything but coach.

The coach has to get his players in line but this ain't cutting it.

The Jazz game planned for this, they saw how the Thunder reacted and took advantage of

it so give them credit.

Rudy Gobert affected so many shots.

The Thunder shot less than 33% from the paint not including the restricted area.

So basically, the Thunder hurt themselves.

But what do you think?

Will the Thunder adjust?

Will Westbrook regain control?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you like this video and if you like Donovan Mitchell stepping up.

The instagram shout of the day goes to Tony Loomis and the ALLDAY notification squad shout

out goes to Igor Felix Felix.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> The REAL Reason The Thunder Are LOSING To The Jazz In The NBA Playoffs - Duration: 4:19.


Sen. Bernie Sanders wants to guarantee a job for all Americans - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Sen. Bernie Sanders wants to guarantee a job for all Americans - Duration: 4:28.


Ufak Tefek Cinayetler'in Elif'i Sezin Akbaşoğulları kimdir? Kaç yaşındadır? - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Ufak Tefek Cinayetler'in Elif'i Sezin Akbaşoğulları kimdir? Kaç yaşındadır? - Duration: 1:28.


局勢緊張!伊朗軍方撂狠話:以色列活不過25年 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 局勢緊張!伊朗軍方撂狠話:以色列活不過25年 - Duration: 4:56.


Tornado Simulator 2 - Duration: 9:59.

I don't actually talk so turn CC off.

I thought I told you to turn your subtitles off :T

For more infomation >> Tornado Simulator 2 - Duration: 9:59.


NOT 134 : WHAT'S IN THE BOX - Duration: 1:35.

Previously on NOT 134.

Why am I making videos any longer than that?

Gibberish.. . .

NOT 134

Welcome to Artismia

I'm gonna share something with you today something something I have never shared

with anyone ever before.

Hello my name is Brandon and I'm a paint collector.

Would you like to see my collection?

oh here's some of my favorites oil paint.

Got to love that Grumbacher cadmium Orange. OOH and permanent green light.

And I love the smell of this box.

oh and I can't forget the acrylics or the airbrush paints

watercolors enamels and spray paints too.

no not really I'm not really a paint

collector but uh you know I got all this. . . (STATIC)

Yeah right you know a video about my paint collection,

You know that is about as ridiculous as a

video about what's in my travel bag. . . Cha. . .Right!

For more infomation >> NOT 134 : WHAT'S IN THE BOX - Duration: 1:35.


SOLO TRAVEL WITH TODDLER: Ditching the plans in Lisbon - Duration: 8:30.

as the stress of travel began to wear off and as we adjusted to our new Lisbon

home away from home, we hit such a sweet spot of the trip. I threw out all my

plans and agendas and put my kid in her carrier on my back and walked.

I walked

and walked--up and down little alleyways, letting myself wander. It was one of the

best days of the whole trip. The day when I knew for certain that this had been

the right thing to do, and something in me seemed to awaken. I felt happier than

I had been in a long long time.

Okay, we had the most amazing pastel de nata

in the world. Of course it's the only one I've ever had, so you

know, but I'm pretty sure that it was the best.

we're having a great time! We decided to not have any plan at all and that feels

great. We are just going to walk and try not to get run over by the cars. We are

just going to explore this city

and we're gonna sing "Baby Beluga" while we do it

with you so happy!

So, we have wandered over to the river

it is so beautiful and behind me you can see... maybe you can see the bridge and

(answering Harper) there are probably underwater creatures in there. Lisbon is amazing

I'm gonna start a new fitness program. it's going to be called

walk all over Lisbon and up lots of stairs

while carrying a 27-pound toddler on your back. promises great results

so going up that hill wearing a toddler on your back is not

easy but it sure trumps trying to get a stroller up the hill so if you are

physically able to wear your baby or toddler I highly suggest you do that

rather than bring a stroller. all right we are pushing Harper on the swing here

and I am so glad that we ditched the plans and just walked today because we

are seeing so many beautiful things and I'm not stressing about trying to get

anywhere or having a destination or trying to figure out public transport

because to be honest that's sometimes a little tricky and confusing at first and

right now I want simple and I want spontaneous and playful and light and

joyful and that is what we are getting into today. The chicken! Oh my gosh! The way we

found it ...we kept looking for a restaurant. Harper said she was feeling

hungry so I said okay I'll find a restaurant and I would walk by these

restaurants and suddenly realize that I understood the menu because it was in

English like oh no no no no no we cannot do that, and then I kept seeing people

with maps--second bad sign, and people with large cameras--third bad

sign. so we were walking and I saw someone who

seemed local: no map no camera, and he turned down this little--go higher? okay--he

turned down this little side street and they were repaving the road or

something so it was all chewed up and like hard to walk on and I was like okay

great no tourist is go down this street and we walked down a little bit

and suddenly I saw a sign for chicken and I was like okay I know that word

frango--even more higher? okay--and I saw that they had a half chicken and

a drink for like four euros so we stopped and there was not

even any place to eat it was just a tiny little place with a like rotisserie BBQ

spit thing over the charcoal, and oh my gosh

It was so delicious!

so yeah just I'm having a very difficult day and a very difficult evening

For more infomation >> SOLO TRAVEL WITH TODDLER: Ditching the plans in Lisbon - Duration: 8:30.


Put to the Test the Belarusian stew. The guy checks the taste! Interesting Russian video! - Duration: 12:08.

Hello everybody!

My name is Crazy Russian Bulbasaur

Today I will eat juicy beef (stew)

For this I will need



Opener for opening stew

In addition bread



At the end of the meal, I will drink kvass

Let's go

And please, please subscribe to my channel

On the channel there will be a tasting of food and not only

Advise what to try from food

I'll put the kvass aside for the time being

Let's go

Oh, stewed puken)))

All honest, we open the factory packaging

Let's see what's there


Meat and fat around

It's cool

Next to me 4 more cats

They will try the stew with me

I will not hurt them)

I'll give them a little

Keep the fuzzies

They fight

It means delicious)

Let's go

This is my lunch)

Very tasty beef

Looks cool

To taste too

Smells tasty


Bon appetit all)

I was most afraid that the stew would be too salty

It turned out that everything is in order, salt is laid down according to the norm

I like

Sometimes there are disgusting cases and here it is delicious

This is cool, nice

Amazing food

Today it's cool outside

Please subscribe to the channel

Write in the comments that from the food, I'll try at your request

Where do you live, I wonder?

If you left your hometown, then why did you move?

It is interesting to talk in the comments

I'll give a piece of braised beef to cats

Kys kys kys

I am not greedy

Where is the fourth?

Kys kys kys

Here he is

Two cats and two male cats

We bought them cat's sausage

They all live in the courtyard

I'm a Russian guy

I like eating food

Life is cool

But she's short

Therefore, one always needs to leave good words in this white light

I want to address my growing up daughter

Daughter, if you grew up, became an adult. And now you watch my video, know...

I love you very much, my princess

Daughter hold on, be strong in spirit

Life is cruel

People in her are cruel

Many wear a good mask (while they themselves do evil to others)

Very bad people

But my daughter (my sun), there are so many good people in the world.

Life is Beautiful. Thank God there is an opportunity to feel it

Good lunch

I like it

It was beef stew

I ate all the meat)))

This is my lunch

Russian lunch)

Cats are fighting

I'll give them after eating sausages for cats

Hello to all my friends

Everything cool

In our country it is necessary to work. I will eat food on the camera)))


Kys Kys Kys

The sun began to warm up

Strong wind

I will drink kvass

0.5% alcohol


Barley is felt

Delicious kvass, there is a aftertaste of barley

Liked the video. Laik and comment are welcome.

Click on the bell under the video. So you will know about my new videos

Subscribers, I respect you

All for now, until the guys!

For more infomation >> Put to the Test the Belarusian stew. The guy checks the taste! Interesting Russian video! - Duration: 12:08.


Potato Cleanse - Starch Solution for Weight Loss 2018 - Day 8 - Duration: 6:57.

so today is day #8 it's the big revelation so it's a number two and I

had to quickly pull over I am feeling so dizzy I have a headache like my head is

throbbing I've been out in about delivering tamales all day long and I

know it is just like the fatal one thing I did notice is I'm not even hungry I'm

not hungry at all maybe it's because I just don't want to have to cook those

potatoes I need those potatoes but I think I

should eat something it's been a little over 24 hours since I've had a potatoes

my previous video so I don't know if you saw my previous video but it's been a

little over 24 hours so I'm pretty sure I'm well fasted I'm gonna go ahead and

get some potatoes once I get home and munch on them this is today's meal day

number 3 mashed potatoes taste hola amigos is day number four and last night

I had the best sleep ever in a very long time and I also have to report that I

think we're in the end of I know look at this it's April 15 in a sledding

doorstop that's her talking apple cider vinegar okay I can't open this part but

look at that we're like no then I think for today's meal I'm gonna have more

mashed potatoes and tomorrow I'm gonna switch to sweet potatoes I want to do

something a little bit different but my beautiful part over here that my face is

looking thinner and so Esme tell me so instead of making mashed potatoes I

decided to make myself a potato omelet knowing that I can't have back in here

or bacon or pizza or anything so there you have it a potato omelets

with some fajita mixings my apple cider vinegar and lemon this is gonna taste

bomb I hope song alright so it's day number seven I ended up going to an

oriental store I ended up buying some pork some rice and some egg rolls yes I

did give an but here's the thing you guys I don't feel guilty the reason why

it's because those five days that I did do my potato hack I felt amazing I felt

great I had amazing sleep I was actually going to the restroom without having to

really strain myself if you catch what I'm throwing at you but um guess I did

get them yesterday so what I'm gonna do today day number seven instead of

posting the results I'm gonna go ahead and just simply fast so this next clip

you're about to see it's gonna be day number eight and it's gonna be the big

revelation we're gonna go ahead and measure my body and um as well as my

weight so today's diannemurray is the big revelation I'm gonna start off by

measuring my body so I'm gonna do things a little bit reversed um I want to

measure my body and I really don't want to worry about the scale too much yes I

do want to lose a hundred and ten pounds but at the same time I do need to

realize that when it comes to weights it may fluctuate depending on what I eat

throughout the day what I drink and what not or if I'm even building muscle which

I kind of doubt it um don't quote me on that because I'm not really doing any

workouts um I am doing yoga but it's only like 20

minutes a day it's not that much I might be under estimating myself but anyways

let's do that

so for my chest I'm at fifty and a half inches

for my stomach I might fit the inches

my lower stomach is at 45 inches

now let's do the bully

56 and a half inches so let's do some math so for my chest I lost a total of

1.5 inches one and a half inches for my belly right right here above my belly

button I didn't lose anything um I think it's because I'm bloated from

soda because I did have diet 7up today a lot of it for my pooch my lower stomach

I lost half an inch and for my booty I lost half an inch as well so that makes

for a total of two and a half inches lost in eight days and I'm gonna go

ahead and do a body shot

the thing is I know I said I wasn't gonna worry too much about the weight

but this is kind of nerve-wracking um keep in mind I did have a cheat day so

here's all or nothing okay guys there you have it so Wow guys there you have

it so I lost eight point six pounds in eight days so that's over a little over

a pounds each day and that's basically adding seasonings to my potatoes so I'm

not doing this bland I'm adding salt pepper a little bit of red pepper and

whatnot um I think I've already showed you guys and on top of that I did have

one cheat day so eight point six pounds in eight days not bad

stay tuned for the next episode

by the red they're white they're brown they get that way underground

For more infomation >> Potato Cleanse - Starch Solution for Weight Loss 2018 - Day 8 - Duration: 6:57.


Making a Garbage Plate for JENNA MARBLES - Duration: 7:06.

Hi everyone, and welcome back to FoodTube, a series where I make personalized

dishes for some of my favorite channels here on YouTube, and I'm very excited

because this is a video I've wanted to make for quite a while now.

Because today I'm making a garbage plate for Jenna Marbles.

This bitch needs no introduction,

she is just the absolute Queen of YouTube; she's been making videos since

2009, and they all just consist of her being hilarious and ridiculous.

Her channel is one of the best things about YouTube; it's just somebody who is

amazing and unapologetically themselves on camera.

Lately, Jenna usually makes videos that involve her trying something new,

or attempting some ridiculously fucking impractical DIY

that she saw on Pinterest.

Jenna is originally from Rochester, New York,

which is known for having a very specific dish called a garbage plate.

But, I've never actually had one before.

So, I figured I would go and try the real thing before attempting to make it myself.

Here I am finally in Rochester, New York and just behind me is Nick Tahou Hots,

home of the original garbage plate.

However, Jenna has the somewhat controversial opinion

that this is not the best garbage plate in Rochester.

According to Jenna, that would be here.

Henrietta Hots.

So I'm gonna go inside and try this delicacy.

That was actually really good! It looks gross but it just works, and I can't wait to try making this at home.

So, before I start making this, I did want to mention I know Jenna is now vegan -

normally I would have made the garbage plate vegan,

but she has already done that on her own channel;

she made Julien cook for her and they made a vegan garbage plate.

This is just my tribute to the original garbage plate

that Jenna knew and loved back in Rochester.

The first thing I'll make is the macaroni salad,

which is easy enough, it just involves a bunch of chopping different vegetables

and boiling some pasta.

Now that everything is mixed together I'll move this to the fridge,

and get started on the chilli sauce.

Like the macaroni salad, making this is fairly simple,

it just involves a lot of different ingredients and spices.

The next part is the home fries, which I'll be honest, I really didn't want to go whole hog

and deep-fry a single batch of home fries, so I kind of just, you know

fried them in the pan a little bit to crisp them up - they're not the most

graceful looking things, but they work, they're potatoes, they're edible, it's fine.

My last component is the cheeseburgers - all I'm gonna do is smash these down in the pan,

salt and pepper both sides,

and add some cheese and let it melt on top.

Finally it's time to assemble the plate itself, starting with

starting with the macaroni salad and home fries.

Next I added the meat sauce, which is actually the incorrect order,

I should have put the patties on first but it's fine,

we're gonna mix it all together anyways so it doesn't really matter.

Then I'll add toppings: a little bit of mustard, some ketchup,

and finally some chopped white onion.

Add two pieces of Italian bread to the side, and there it is -

a garbage plate.

I have to say first of all, the macaroni salad is amazing,

the cheeseburgers are just cheeseburgers like can't really give any opinion on those;

home fries same thing,

I did mess them up a little bit, I will fully admit.

But the last component I think really, to address,

is the chili sauce - if anything, I think this is sort

of the thing that I don't like about it.

It's spicy, but it's also got some like cinnamon and allspice,

and it's almost like if you had a chili flavored pumpkin spiced latte.

I don't know, I don't mean to slander this!

But obviously, I don't have shit on Henrietta Hots and Nick Tahou's,

and they make the sauce really well there, I've obviously just not replicated it super well.

Anyways, this dish is just really interesting; no matter what, it is a total labor-of-love comfort food.

Jenna - I f*cking love you, good luck on your basketball game tomorrow,

and I feel like you and this dish just truly serve as an inspiration that anyone - even garbage -

can become a YouTube icon.

[Jenna] I feel like someone's favorite meal says so much about them.

[Jenna] And you know what mine says about me?

[Jenna] I'm f*cking trash.

For more infomation >> Making a Garbage Plate for JENNA MARBLES - Duration: 7:06.


Life Of The Party Movie

For more infomation >> Life Of The Party Movie


Os erros da esquerda - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Os erros da esquerda - Duration: 1:19.


7 Remédios Caseiros para Piolhos que Realmente Funcionam! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 7 Remédios Caseiros para Piolhos que Realmente Funcionam! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 3:42.


Como o BI da Teknisa gerou benefícios à Acoplation? - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Como o BI da Teknisa gerou benefícios à Acoplation? - Duration: 0:53.


A busca do momento ideal para deixar o cigarro - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> A busca do momento ideal para deixar o cigarro - Duration: 12:13.


¿Habrá Jornada 17? Peralta comandará la decisiva reunión de la AFM con directivos de clubes y de la - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> ¿Habrá Jornada 17? Peralta comandará la decisiva reunión de la AFM con directivos de clubes y de la - Duration: 4:31.


Chistes de Argentina y Venezuela - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Chistes de Argentina y Venezuela - Duration: 6:08.


Say Goodbye to Belly Fat with Eggplant Water. Learn How To Make ↓ ↓ ↓ - Duration: 4:07.

Losing weight is something that many people are looking for, but it is not always a simple task.

Eliminating excess fat is something that requires effort and discipline, especially

eating habits and the practice of Exercises.

We know that weight loss is related to amount of calories we consume in the day

to the day - when we are in deficit, that is, we take in fewer calories

of what our body needs, we are on the way sure to lose weight.

There are some foods that are great allies for people looking to lose weight more


One such food is the eggplant.

This legume of the chilli family may not be one of the most consumed foods

in the world, after all, its bitter taste hardly pleases the palate.

In today's video we will show you the benefits eggplant and how it can help you lose

Faster weight: Aubergine is rich in water, fiber, vitamins and minerals and is full

of antioxidants, while at the same time being a food with few calories.

For this reason she is a great ally to who wants to lose some extra pounds.

Eggplant is a food that has many insoluble fibers.

These insoluble fibers slow the process of digestion, which keeps you satiated by

more time.

When you feel less hungry, you end up consuming less calories.

In addition, the eggplant also has fibers soluble.

These fibers, when ingested together with water, acquire a form of gel in the stomach.

This gel has the ability to absorb fat and eliminate it through the stool, avoiding

that it is taken into the bloodstream.

This is why eggplant water is known in many places

as "miraculous water."

To make this drink, take an eggplant of medium size, remove its shell, wash it

and cut it into cubes.

Take a dark pitcher and put half a liter of water, adding the eggplant cubes.

Let the eggplant soak overnight and take it the next day, with a little

of lemon juice, to add more antioxidant and improve the taste of water.

It is recommended to take this water twice per day, before the main meals.

Do this for a week and watch the results.

In addition to helping to lose weight, this will help to improve cholesterol and will regulate

the intestine, promoting better elimination of toxins in the body.

This water is also a great remedy for people suffering from imprisonment

of belly.

For more infomation >> Say Goodbye to Belly Fat with Eggplant Water. Learn How To Make ↓ ↓ ↓ - Duration: 4:07.


¿Qué harías tú? - Esto se puso salsa - Duration: 13:02.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué harías tú? - Esto se puso salsa - Duration: 13:02.


Titanium David Guetta [Vintage Jazz Cover] Músicos para Recepção e Jantar | Midivan Pop Jazz - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Titanium David Guetta [Vintage Jazz Cover] Músicos para Recepção e Jantar | Midivan Pop Jazz - Duration: 3:37.


Ana Clara se pronunciou pela primeira vez sobre sua relação com seu pai Ayrton: "maior amor" - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Ana Clara se pronunciou pela primeira vez sobre sua relação com seu pai Ayrton: "maior amor" - Duration: 3:38.


Quais são as frutas com um efeito queima-gordura? - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Quais são as frutas com um efeito queima-gordura? - Duration: 9:21.


5 trucos de dieta para personas con metabolismo lento - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> 5 trucos de dieta para personas con metabolismo lento - Duration: 7:50.



For more infomation >> BEBA ISTO PARA EMAGRECER!!! ELIMINE ATE 20KG DE GORDURA EM 2 MESES!!! - Duration: 2:34.


CojiCoji㉒ Coji-Coji Famous Quotes Summary<For Smartphone> - Duration: 2:13.

Coji-Coji, what do you want to be in the future?

Can you tell me that?

I wanna be Coji-Coji.

I've been Coji-Coji since birth and will be Coji-Coji in the future too.

It's the truth.

I lost. I have lost.

Breath in breath out, it is the way of life.





Reason why butt is separated is it's convenient when taking a crap.

It'd be dangerous if it wasn't separated and makes even no sense if it was separated 3 ways.

Great answer

Hey Shogatsu!

Since you can't fly, take a rest.

You can't fly, there's nothing you can do.

What's Valentine's Day?

Is it something to delicious?

NO, it's a day where you tell a person you're in love with

Women to men

I see. So it's a heart day

To do what?

To cut off your favorite things.

If you're going to do it on behalf of Kamekichi, then I will forgive Kamekichi.

So say it! What is your favorite?


Right, don't be a smart ass.

I know you're hiding your favorite to avoid the training

Then all of it! I love all of it!

Korosuke. Heart of a song has a sweet taste right?

For more infomation >> CojiCoji㉒ Coji-Coji Famous Quotes Summary<For Smartphone> - Duration: 2:13.


Estações do Ano - mais um efeito da translação - Duration: 2:47.

Welcome little astronauts, I'm Professor Bill Tyson and together let's explore

the Universe!

We have already talked about day and night, as being caused by Earth's Rotation, and that the

Movement of Translation is corresponding to our year.

But what if I told you that the four seasons are also an effect of the Translation?

We will see!

When we speak of Earth Rotation

we show the Longitudinal Axis

And there is another imaginary line called the Equator line,

it works as if we draw

a line that circles the entire planet and just like the Longitudinal Axis it is also Inclined.

Then, the equator line divides the Earth into two parts called Hemispheres, above

the equator is the Northern Hemisphere and down the Southern Hemisphere.

And it is from there that the Translation will do its part.

As there is this small inclination of the Earth, the time in which the sun illuminates some parts

of the planet can vary.

At a certain time of the year the Northern Hemisphere is illuminated for longer than

the Southern Hemisphere, during this period it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the

Southern Hemisphere.

The Earth continues to revolve around the Sun and now it seems that the amount of illumination

has balanced, both in the north and in the south. So it is autumn in the north and spring in the south.

The translation continues and now who is most enlightened is the Southern Hemisphere.

The translation continues and now who is most enlightened is the Southern Hemisphere.

So it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemispheres.

And the amount of light comes back to balance thanks to Translação, and now

we have the fall in the Southern Hemisphere and the spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

In addition to the calendar, astronomy is also present in the seasons.

For now, it's just personal, see you next time.

Oh yes!

Help bring knowledge to more little astronauts.

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