Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 25 2018

Hello class, I'm gonna give you some quick general feedback on your comments

for the midterm that you just completed. And I want to first draw your attention

to the main issue that vexed many students, and this is going to be true

for you with the final as well so I would like you to pay close attention to

it. You need to make sure that your focus is on the essay prompt. So a lot of

students made what I would call a thesis, or a thesis that is a fact.

Hassan is a gifted chef-- that is a fact. Hassan learns to become a great chef--

that is also a fact. Remember the prompt asks you very

specifically, HOW-- how is Hassan's journey a hero's journey? And then you need to

use the sources-- the novel, the chart, and Campbell's chapter directly. So we'll get

to that in a minute. First thing is a thesis, You really don't

have a strong essay if you don't have a thesis. And most people will get comments

very sparsely because this is a midterm. So what I'm looking for is do you have a

thesis ok? This writer says "Hassan by completing the three main stages in

Campbell's chart is on a hero's journey" That is an argument ok? This writer is

making an argument. The next thing that I will look for are quotes. Are you using

direct quotes from both sources? And when you use a direct quote are they cited

correctly? So this is a correct citation. The author's last name and page number.

A lot of you are confusing, and still putting commas there, that does not

belong.Using the quotes in combination with each other is also very important.

So I want to see a quote from Campbell, or from the chart, showing which stage

Hassan is on and why that stage is important, and then a quote from the

novel showing Hassan's story in action all right ?So that's the next thing that

I look for, and these are what my comments are focused on. So do you have a thesis?

Are you using material directly quoted and quoted and cited well from all the

sources you've been assigned? Do you analyze that material so that you have a

good amount of discussion okay? And lastly do you have a conclusion? And

does your conclusion revisit your thesis? Restate your thesis in a new way? And

does it sum up the argument being made okay? And that was the basis of my

comments. So you will see very little in the way of comments you also cannot

revise a midterm all right? And you will see comments that are focused sort of at

the paper and not at you. So I will say things like- thesis is here -sources are

here- quotes are cited correctly- and that's really the thrust of the kind of

feedback you're going to get. The main thing I want to leave you with and this

is very important. When you get a blind midterm essay, or a blind final essay

focus on the essay prompt and work on developing your thesis right away. I read

a lot of books summaries- so I read a lot of your quote-unquote essays that were

actually just your version, your summary of the novel. Please avoid

doing that. At this point in the semester grammar counts. At this point in the

semester with very little time left MLA format counts. So those sources all need

to be cited correctly and you need to make sure that you have parenthetical

citations for any and all direct quotes, Thanks.

For more infomation >> Midterm Essay Feedback - Duration: 4:04.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.


Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta Airco 5Drs Elec Ramen - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta Airco 5Drs Elec Ramen - Duration: 1:04.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 5drs Aspiration Aut. | Trekhaak | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 5drs Aspiration Aut. | Trekhaak | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:08.


Peugeot 107 1.0 12V 68PK 5DRS XT - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0 12V 68PK 5DRS XT - Duration: 0:47.


Hollywood Darlings on Pop

For more infomation >> Hollywood Darlings on Pop


Santos e Grêmio iniciam luta por meio campista - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Santos e Grêmio iniciam luta por meio campista - Duration: 4:35.


Colleen Lopez Aquamarine Cabochon Sterling Silver Drop E... - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Colleen Lopez Aquamarine Cabochon Sterling Silver Drop E... - Duration: 2:27.


Festa de São Marcos, Evangelista (Homilia Diária.830) - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Festa de São Marcos, Evangelista (Homilia Diária.830) - Duration: 5:39.


Come eliminare le sostanze tossiche e pulire l'intestino - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Come eliminare le sostanze tossiche e pulire l'intestino - Duration: 6:38.


Catechesi di Pedro Regis: chi è il "re tolto dal trono" e lo "xino" - Duration: 23:47.

For more infomation >> Catechesi di Pedro Regis: chi è il "re tolto dal trono" e lo "xino" - Duration: 23:47.


Debut "Power, Lies and Death" Track-by-Track (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:16.

Hello everyone, I am Megaira´s guitarrist Paulo Melo.

I am Megaira´s guttural vocalist Paulo Schmidt.

Today we'll talk about our first album "Power, Lies And Death"

that we are debuting in our career

and we´ll talk a little bit about the concept of our lyrics that was inspired on Greek Mythology.

Greek mythology has always been a topic that I liked because involves

battles, gods, romance, and little bit of everything. So we started in this way.

Our influences are a bit of everything, we like traditional heavy, death and thrash metal...

Initially the idea of ​​the band was to form a thrash metal band, influenced by German bands,

American bands, even Brazilian bands, like Sepultura

and gradually when Paulo presented the idea to insert ​Greek Mythology as a theme

I start to insert more melodic elements to our music like

traditional bands of English heavy metal, for exemple Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath.

Our first compositions appears inicialy only

instrumental with guitar riffs that was form and join these ideas to our songs

and after that Paulo start to compose our lyrics with Greek Mythology theme

When Paulo had the idea of ​​this theme he suggested Erinyes as the band´s name

but I didn´t like the phonetics of the name

He explained to me that there were which is 3 entities and one of them is called Megaira

who screams the person's sins when she arrives in the underworld

I thought that is interesting things like she scream the sins

the name Megaira itself has interesting and strong phonetics

An interesting detail for listeners to take into consideration is that Greek Mythology

is not just the theme of this album, but it is the theme of all our songs

including the name of our band.

As Paulo told Megaira, one of the characters in Greek Mythology,

she acts in the underworld and even the gods fear the acts of the 3 Erinyes

They have the power to punish even the gods

Exactly! So I guess thinking about this idea of ​​Megaira's punisher voice

we introduced her as the band's name

and Greek Mythology is not only influential in our band but influential throughout Western culture.

então é o que valeu mais ainda para utilizarmos em nossas composições.

the album "Power, Lies and Death" is conceptual and tells the of Minos, King of Crete

He was son of Zeus and Europe and killed his 2 brothers to take the power.

He hired Daedalus, the architect of Athens, to build the labyrinth to keep the Minotaur and preserve the island

Theseus, that was Athens´s hero, promised to kill the Minotaur

but he would only succeed with the force of love, so Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, helped him

He promised to marry her but Theseus left her on a island

Aphrodite promises to her that she would find an immortal love, which would be the Baccmetal minor scalehus

and after her death he create the constellation of Corona Borealis

a diamond crown he had given her.

Minos was furious with Daedalus and promises to arrest him and his son Icarus in the labyrinth

but they use wax and bird feathers to make wings and escape the island

Minos goes after him on Sicily island, where Minos ends up dying at the hands of the daughter of the king of Sicily

and goes to Tartarus to judge the dead together with his 2 brothers.

This is basically the conceptual hi of the album.

About the instrumental part of the songs it did´nt appears in the same order of they are presented in the album.

One of the first songs that was approached with Greek mythology theme

was the last song of the album, Erinyes.

It's a song that I based on a metal minor mode,

thrash metal, and gradually I was including elements of death metal, blast beats, etc.

that was the first composition of the album.

After that we composed Power and Cruelty, I think it was the second song.

Then it was Ariadne's Thread, which already has traditional heavy style.

after that the song Fall of Minotaur,that tells when Theseus kills the Minotaur,

Paulo gave me a tip, because i always made too long musics with many Riffs

He instructed me to do a shorter song and that was how this song born

I basically did 2 or 3 riffs for this song and it came out a few minutes before a rehearsal

It is a song, that I explained to him, that Theseus is entering a place

and he is smelling of death, terrified, he has to go in there

and hit the minotaur and kill him, so it must be a heavy song and quick,

then i told him

Let's shorten things, ideas were very progressive.

Yeah, we need a heavy and quick song like a slap in the ear and that's how the Fall Of Minotaur was born.

Dedalus and Icaru's Escape was a song that I relied

on the concept of the classic thrash metal of Slayer, Sepultura, those heavy riffs

slow pace, like 80's/ 90's style

after that came Corona Borealis, which i think is one of my favorite songs on this album

because I was able to mix all my influences within a single song

it has thrash metal, death metal, power metal, melodic elements in music,

I could work with greek modes on it, that is common in our songs

since the theme is Greek mythology also leads to the structural music parts

with elements of Greek culture.

In End of a Reign (Begin the Judgment) this song basically had a riff

in introduction that uses phygian mode

and locrian mode that we used element of tension, minor second, diminished fifth

Then they are elements that generate this tension until the main riff begins

and it is alread in a minor scale, very simple in E, nothing new

but it was a song somewhat difficult to work

It was the last song we composed on this album, that had an idea

we had made in rehearsals and when it came to the studio, the producer

that was working with us at the time, Luiz Portinari, directed us to make some

changes in the part of the refrain, in the part of the bridge

and that turned it to a song very interesting for us

an experience we had never worked with until then, with groove riffs

with a slow tempo drumming, and more cantabile refrain

not like an traditional thrash as it is made in most of our compositions

Erinyes it has nothing to do with the context of the hi of the album itself, it is a song apart

She tells the of the 3 Erinyes, also known as Furies

and one of them is Megaira, who names the band. They were deities who punished people

who committed crimes during their lifetime and they continued to punish until after death

Megaira is one that shouts at the individual's ear forever until he loses his sanity.

She has nothing to do with the next album, as it has nothing to do

with the context of Minos and Crete and the whole story

In fact she acts as if it were an anthem of the band.

Well folks this was a bit of our album Power, Lies and Death.

We Hope you like it. It is for sale on our official site MegairaOfficial.com

we deliver to the whole world and is also on sale in Galeria do Rock at São Paulo (Brazil).

Also like our Facebook page, follow our YouTube channel, you can find us with @MegairaOfficial

comment on our pages and channel, we ancious to share information with you

and know what you think of our work, and sure we wait for your at our concerts!

Until there!

For more infomation >> Debut "Power, Lies and Death" Track-by-Track (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:16.


O menino da sua mãe - Fernando Pessoa - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> O menino da sua mãe - Fernando Pessoa - Duration: 3:39.



For more infomation >> VENOM - TRAILER 2 | TUDO O QUE VOCÊ DEIXOU PASSAR - Jujuba ATÔMICA - Duration: 10:30.


KIT aumento de cilindrada 4mm | 125cc para 150cc | motor 4 tempos - UMBOXING - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> KIT aumento de cilindrada 4mm | 125cc para 150cc | motor 4 tempos - UMBOXING - Duration: 5:13.


BitcoinMeister talks Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at the Los Angeles meetup in Century City- Part 3 - Duration: 20:01.

I've benefited from people buying Ledger's and digital bitboxes also I'm

the trezor for me is what I is basically what I use all the time

yes but though there is none no insurance by you again you're

controlling you're controlling your own private key

now that's and that's a really good question that's a really good question

because that's that's the name of the game here in this new realm that we're

used to and maybe one day maybe one day you know and that's that's the

entrepreneurial opportunities that are in this space there will be crypto

insurance companies one day how they will work I don't know yet like will

they in stores will they in short exchange Holdings I I'm sure someone's

gonna create some amazing things that we cannot imagine right now just like you

know before all of us were born when there when there was just evil

no one could envision net state back that bitcoins gonna have a net skate

moment by the way Bitcoin hasn't had a moment had it's still very hard to use

it's not user friendly yet at all it hasn't had that that mega user-friendly

moment yet but at the same time there's so many innovations that it you know we

couldn't have predicted YouTube in 1999 really would it's become our social

media you could have predicted social media in 1997 and it's just it's it's a

realm all to itself so in the Bitcoin space they're gonna be all of these

realms onto themselves which we cannot predict which is very exciting which is

why you got to think long term and not get scared off by all these impulsive

things that I was talking about before but I love how you brought off the

insurance and if any of you are into insurance you know figure out some ways

to make money off of it in the cryptocurrency space there is gonna be

opportunity there will be crypto insurance companies of some sort I'm not

able to explain them yet because they don't exist yes

okay my opinion of paper walls I'm not a fan

some people like to use them because they're free and I don't have to buy a

treasurer for $200 but it's not easy to extract the Bitcoin off to the paper

wallet what does its owner paper it's easy to

send it to a victim paper wallet but then a lot of people like how do I get

it off this paper lot and also all it is is a piece of paper with your private

key on it you could lose it it could burn up in a fire that would be bad

yeah that would be really bad that it you could have multiple copies of it but

all multiple cop that that's how you would back it up but a traceur has the

backup is the the recovery seed and so it's like it's apples and oranges

they're your tresor is completely different than the recovery seed you

know how you would lose each one how each one could be compromised but with

the paper while i'd yeah it eats its i mean it's a temper if you're a technical

dude then yeah paper while it's cool if you're at angle dudes it's not in like a

fire prone area i guess it's good but bad spend the 200 that debts that's the

kind of insurance we have now that's a crap the crypto insurance we had now is

just putting it on the trace or paper wallets I've seen ask a question and

somebody wrote to me there's a by he's metal like a great crypto steel you

could buy something called a cripple the letters numbers yeah this thing

called a crypto steel is a way that people actually save their treads or

recovery seed on it and so that way you'll never lose your recovery seed if

you use this thing look it up it crypto steel it's an interesting interesting

company outfit I think they're associated with Tresor

okay the guy behind Anders I was on push my teardrops and yes I wear this is

thanks go I just you know

yes let's see how well this beer Odeon project is that that's what I say

because you don't you don't have to rely on Tresor which you're you're right I

don't know Tresor is gonna do another that's not what they're that's not what

they're about what let's take a third option here - I think there's gonna be

an entrepreneur one day that is gonna make a device that easily splits these

crypto dividends and so maybe the airdrop direction won't be the way to go

but temporarily I think I think the airdrop if there was what was the other

one big core had an airdrop - that was pretty successful you get they if

someone is thinking of creating an altcoin that big coin holders get they

should learn from all the mistakes that are currently out there they should

learn from this be rhodium thing that we're about to see and by the way that

you know be rhodium I know that you either watch my channel or Andy Hawkins

Channel it's hardly any way this else is talking about it which is it is in

general just just signing on our treasure to give yeah I think that'll be

a new I think that will be a growing trend assume that and that's the

situation we're in now with the current paradigm of the way that the forks are

working now that you're gonna have to go to the Jimmy signs of the world and

trust them but what you're saying is the air drops you want if they start doing

it your air drop method or the B rhodium air drop method it'll be you won't have

to do so I and that's easier and that's easier so I think if these all coins are

these Krypton dinners are smart they're gonna do it that way in the future

remember we're in a bear market now and I think they are all the ones that are

on the horizon who want to do this no not to do it now because it you know

with the be private thing it wasn't it clearly was not the best

time to do it during a bear market I think that lesson was learned also if

your law if any of you are launching an altcoin or a fork of Bitcoin you don't

want to do it during a bear market you've seen that we've seen that now

Andrews neither question yeah as you said if traceur stopped as a company you

could take your seed and buy another hot wet wallet and then you could restore

your private keys but true so they have also class races which essentially makes

the 24 women fighting for a seat does that also work with lecher for instance

what you know well I don't mmm yeah it does when you're uploading don't

quote me on this one but when when you get into a stream I know since it is the

twenty-fifth word I heard of it I heard of a person who had a problem

where you know he lost his tressaurian he had the recovery seed and he's trying

to recover it somewhere and he kept forgetting the twenty-fifth word and it

was just as simple as typing in that twenty-fifth word so I what I think

it'll work with a ledger it'll work on a computer that has the proper

installation on it again you go to the treasured io f FAQ section and they show

you where you can recover it at and your twenty-fifth word will work there

definitely definitely but he it really becomes a twenty-fifth word in that kind

of situation yes yes I do let's take your time with it first of

all everybody's it's so exciting day they were dreaming on this they drew and

then they're like why is the price pop now that it's live be patient all the

magic that it's gonna be able to do all the awesome things were just at the tip

of the iceberg here now I mean I didn't even think it would be this far you know

by 2019 so I think the year the Lightning Network is probably gonna be

2019 and we're gonna see some really awesome things there what I can tell you

is every place I go to all around the world I get asked that question so

people know about it people are excited about it people want to use it

people are not believe there's all sorts of fun out there from

from the haters that could say it's like a bank takeover or a government I mean

the conspiracies that you hear about her unbelievable that there are more people

out there that are excited about it like you and you I'm very excited about it

but let's do let's take it one step you know I'm talking about things that we're

not gonna be able to imagine that's that's a platform where we can't even

imagine some of the things are gonna be able to develop on it and I mean I know

guys that are like developing on it really smart guy so and I've had one

Mike Paul who's been on my show before is also and it just you get pumped when

you hear these guys talking about it and they start talking about things you

don't even understand you're like oh maybe anyone I saw some more hands

before yes yes and the ones that are not as easy like diamonds and all that stuff

like I've started the process but I just kind of like this is a great question I

have not split my bead diamond yet I am not comfortable I'm not doing it till

I'm a hundred percent comfortable with with the other ones

which basically is until the treasurer does it or until some other magical

thing I mean again someone might make a device where that just specializes in

this stuff it's not it's not worth it to me the the price of the bead diamond

right now either to even do it like and then the pain of moving everything off

my treasures and then entering those private keys

into some third party n I'm waiting for the treads were to do it for me so I've

only messed around with the crypt of dividends in terms of my be gold and my

B cash because the treasure it was so simple I mean you see it I mean it was

awesome some people have multiple treasures and they have a white one yes

yes that's what I was to and that's what I was saying I can't do that because

it's just I don't have it with me it's a pain it's there's some because I've got

to spread out and I'm very worried I don't like messing with with my recovery

seat I don't like I don't want to I don't

I don't have to I cannot power without that and do you ever practice restoring

your Tresor no no I don't because I'm so paranoid about I like touching back

touching the recovery seat some people that wouldn't hurt if you did it from

her it wouldn't hurt from doing it from

Tresor to trenzalore we're right but to recover it on a computer does hurt and

some people have tested it out that way too you know typing that I wouldn't

recommend but you're right that that wouldn't that wouldn't hurt but no I've

never done that was I just don't I don't like fiddling around too much I like

just putting it away and forgetting about it that's how much of a holder is

I again I said not you know when I get new Bitcoin for whatever reason I send

it over there but I never take anything off off of there no reason to take

anything off of there where do I buy my Bitcoin where did I buy lies Bitcoin ISM

well I I don't even a coin basis where I got it from so I am very well aware that

when I signed up for with that I bought my Bitcoin there so the United States

government knows exactly how much Bitcoin I have purchased so when I do

sell my Bitcoin in the far future I will have to you know I'll say hey I sold X

amount this is my profit you know it it'll all be on the up-and-up and

everything because there's a lot of people are like oh how could coinbase

tell the IRS how many how many Bitcoin I am well that's what you signed up but

that's what it's it was easy it connected to my bank account you know

there are other ways you know tone BAE's he got his Bitcoin he went to a back

alley and he gave some guys some cash and I mean literally that's what he did

it was I don't know if it's a back which I mean people could do that too if

they've got a lot but they like carrying around a lot of cash with them I mean

I'm from Baltimore I mean I'm not gonna walk around so you borrow more than a

bunch of cash in my pocket you know making deals with dudes I can if you do

want to do that you do it in a back lobby in a very wealthy suburb where

Debbie I don't know the I've got telling people again I got

there the question was I got it I got a few point base at the time now we're in

a situation though I encourage people to start your own businesses and earn

Bitcoin you can earn Bitcoin you can there's social meet there's a social

media platform record steam attack out there where if you're a content creator

an artist you can post your stuff you'll own your earn this other type of

cryptocurrency called steam but you could turn it in the Bitcoin and I just

I just encourage people to get creative in ways they they get Bitcoin for earn

Bitcoin but again if you just wanna buy Bickman go go to coinbase I'm not you

know coinbase has had horrible customer service in the past they don't have much

competition Gemini is basically their competition which is an exchange which

is a little different and then bit flyer USA is going to be competition or is

competition nobody will there be more and more beyond which one Robin Hood

yeah Robin Hood's are but is that their Fiat gateway on that you can see that

that's what the that's that's what's gonna get more and more people in the

cryptocurrency there has to be easy ways to get turn your Fiat into Bitcoin so

those are the what we just mentioned there's those companies are the only

ones out there right now because in the United States there's very high

regulation you have to pay all sorts of laws if you're gonna be in that in that

realm of business but it'll be it'll be easier eventually be patient and again

if you get rejected by coinbase thing then try to go over the Gemini an extra

kid flyer because you Corby's can be strict and they can be slow I think

they're speeding up again now that again it's probably easy to sign up for

coinbase now that we're in a bear market I have I obviously haven't tried that

yes the next big event for Bitcoin we need in terms of event where people

gather or the big innovations Thanks I'd say liking that lighting that

work basically that that is there's other ones other on chain solutions are

cut they're coming up with what's the there'll be some time to see

it well let's say let's leave it Lightning Network yeah that's a question

oh look at look at this plug come next month for vortex he'll be able to answer

that button better than I can remember right here what's it dude what dude

first four text will be in the house and if you're happy to be in Denver on next

Wednesday vortex will also be there and I'll be there and all these other guys

be answered technical questions in in Denver okay someone had a guess now I do

actually I didn't used to do it till recently

we're gonna be the bisque is awesome if more people used it this is the name

it's not easy to you it's not very it's a little complex there but eventually

we're gonna need exchanges this is getting into the altcoin realm a little

bit but you know I would someone you know about all coins and everything

these exchanges have become kingmakers for all the points okay

if you're an Allpoint you don't get on one of these big exchanges you can't be

anything so where how that comes back to Bitcoin when Bitcoin crypto dividends

come out when we get these free by being holders a Bitcoin and we get these free

crypto dividends that we somehow get our call to them if the exchanges don't

carry on then they're worthless and this is what's just happened

well not work they're not worth that much this is what just happened with be

private you know all the Bitcoin holders are entitled to this cool privacy

version of Bitcoin which is basically a Z cache version of Bitcoin I'm not gonna

get into it but since no major exchange has it yet they're issues the price is

not maybe what it should be so this is why we need to centralize exchanges to

get rid of the and all these exchanges could be bought out by big that's

another thing is happening consolidations

in the exchange realm they're being bought up by bigger companies who were

obviously being more indebted to governments more likely to follow their

rules more likely to reject you more likely to require more personal

information for you that's why we need because then again cryptocurrency isn't

about relying on third parties and giving away your personal information

it's about decentralization so something like bisque which exists already which

is not for a beginner but that's gonna be the future and I hope that one of

Olives try it out investigated everyone that it's be is cute right I think V is

Q calm there's one called that when I actually I might know that one there's

others but biscuits is them this has been around for longest it used to have

a different name you can only yeah you can only send all coins in Bitcoin know

that the Fiat the problem that happens with fianza it can always be taken back

the bank can always punish you somehow all right there was a Andreas had a

great video about that look Andreas Antonopoulos everyone he is a respected

person who doesn't go to too crazy who doesn't ripple who doesn't you know

try to say bad things about other people very level-headed very smart if you look

at his recent archive of videos he talked about decentralized exchanges he

mentioned this specifically and he went into why Fiat is never gonna really work

on that so look that up if you're curious about that alright and someone

else had their hand

anybody anybody I'm here I'm on fire oh yes press predictions ah this is what I

say to people this is what I say to people in 2020 yeah you know I I bit

like I had the experience leading up to the 2016 having any really leading up to

it reverse the momentum of the time so like Bitcoin was like hovering finally

had gotten up to like 350 at the beginning of 2016 and when more and more

people started hearing about the having the price double it basically went up to

600 then there was a big Finex hack and the price went down but one can say that

the price doubled going into the having once people found out about it now I'm

not gonna say the price is gonna rise it's gonna double going into the 2020

happy but if we're still in a bad trend then I think it'll go from bull to bear

or bear to bull once more and it's just a shame that more people that are in the

space don't even know what the having is and that one is going to happen in the

summer of 2020 but that's my prediction is leading up to the 2020 1/2 and we're

gonna have some good people are gonna be happy about the price I know that's not

very specific but I got I stick away from price predictions

people like Tim that's the way I think you know that's the way I think well I

mean there's there's always people need a at that time still 2020 intern what is

what's it valued in dollars it you know it'll matter to people if you won't be

able to buy everything a Bitcoin by then you won't be like one Tesla is a Bitcoin

now hopefully I you know again with me my personal this is my thing I tell

everyone do not sell your Bitcoin until at least

after the twenty twenty happy and I've been saying that prices before the

twenty sixteen having I don't know the first time it but it means to come one

of my little catch phrases 2020 happy

For more infomation >> BitcoinMeister talks Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at the Los Angeles meetup in Century City- Part 3 - Duration: 20:01.


Johnny Clash - The Clash (Official Entrance Theme) Written by IT LIVES, IT BREATHES - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Johnny Clash - The Clash (Official Entrance Theme) Written by IT LIVES, IT BREATHES - Duration: 3:25.


6 exercícios de alongamento muscular - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> 6 exercícios de alongamento muscular - Duration: 10:37.


PD수첩 박봄 암페타민 밀수입 재조명 검찰은 입건*유예 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> PD수첩 박봄 암페타민 밀수입 재조명 검찰은 입건*유예 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:36.


Mónica Ayos: "Mi amor y gratitud hacia Argentina es sagrado: está en mi corazón, mi mente" - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Mónica Ayos: "Mi amor y gratitud hacia Argentina es sagrado: está en mi corazón, mi mente" - Duration: 4:46.


No Limits - Music Video - Meri Amber - Duration: 2:01.

welcome to Westworld

live without limits

without limits

For more infomation >> No Limits - Music Video - Meri Amber - Duration: 2:01.


Tom and Jerry Hindi dubbed - Tom and Jerry Cartoon in Hindi for kids 2018 - Duration: 13:15.

Tom and Jerry Hindi dubbed - Tom and Jerry Cartoon in Hindi for kids 2018

For more infomation >> Tom and Jerry Hindi dubbed - Tom and Jerry Cartoon in Hindi for kids 2018 - Duration: 13:15.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.


Phiroon Dhoondta Maikadah Tauba Tauba | फिरूं ढूँढ़ता मयकदा तौबा तौबा - Duration: 18:51.

Phiroon Dhoondta Maikadah Tauba Tauba

For more infomation >> Phiroon Dhoondta Maikadah Tauba Tauba | फिरूं ढूँढ़ता मयकदा तौबा तौबा - Duration: 18:51.


Libra Amor Mayo 2018 (legendado em português) - Duration: 24:06.

For more infomation >> Libra Amor Mayo 2018 (legendado em português) - Duration: 24:06.



For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-DESIGN LOOK ECC NAVI CAMERA CRUISE PDC 17" LM PRIVACY GLASS - Duration: 1:13.


Renault Clio 1.2 TCe 120 EDC AUTOMAAT Intens Automaat - R-Link navigatie - Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.2 TCe 120 EDC AUTOMAAT Intens Automaat - R-Link navigatie - Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:13.


Trump warns Iran not to restart nuclear program - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Trump warns Iran not to restart nuclear program - Duration: 5:11.


Midterm Essay Feedback - Duration: 4:04.

Hello class, I'm gonna give you some quick general feedback on your comments

for the midterm that you just completed. And I want to first draw your attention

to the main issue that vexed many students, and this is going to be true

for you with the final as well so I would like you to pay close attention to

it. You need to make sure that your focus is on the essay prompt. So a lot of

students made what I would call a thesis, or a thesis that is a fact.

Hassan is a gifted chef-- that is a fact. Hassan learns to become a great chef--

that is also a fact. Remember the prompt asks you very

specifically, HOW-- how is Hassan's journey a hero's journey? And then you need to

use the sources-- the novel, the chart, and Campbell's chapter directly. So we'll get

to that in a minute. First thing is a thesis, You really don't

have a strong essay if you don't have a thesis. And most people will get comments

very sparsely because this is a midterm. So what I'm looking for is do you have a

thesis ok? This writer says "Hassan by completing the three main stages in

Campbell's chart is on a hero's journey" That is an argument ok? This writer is

making an argument. The next thing that I will look for are quotes. Are you using

direct quotes from both sources? And when you use a direct quote are they cited

correctly? So this is a correct citation. The author's last name and page number.

A lot of you are confusing, and still putting commas there, that does not

belong.Using the quotes in combination with each other is also very important.

So I want to see a quote from Campbell, or from the chart, showing which stage

Hassan is on and why that stage is important, and then a quote from the

novel showing Hassan's story in action all right ?So that's the next thing that

I look for, and these are what my comments are focused on. So do you have a thesis?

Are you using material directly quoted and quoted and cited well from all the

sources you've been assigned? Do you analyze that material so that you have a

good amount of discussion okay? And lastly do you have a conclusion? And

does your conclusion revisit your thesis? Restate your thesis in a new way? And

does it sum up the argument being made okay? And that was the basis of my

comments. So you will see very little in the way of comments you also cannot

revise a midterm all right? And you will see comments that are focused sort of at

the paper and not at you. So I will say things like- thesis is here -sources are

here- quotes are cited correctly- and that's really the thrust of the kind of

feedback you're going to get. The main thing I want to leave you with and this

is very important. When you get a blind midterm essay, or a blind final essay

focus on the essay prompt and work on developing your thesis right away. I read

a lot of books summaries- so I read a lot of your quote-unquote essays that were

actually just your version, your summary of the novel. Please avoid

doing that. At this point in the semester grammar counts. At this point in the

semester with very little time left MLA format counts. So those sources all need

to be cited correctly and you need to make sure that you have parenthetical

citations for any and all direct quotes, Thanks.

For more infomation >> Midterm Essay Feedback - Duration: 4:04.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.


Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta Airco 5Drs Elec Ramen - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta Airco 5Drs Elec Ramen - Duration: 1:04.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 5drs Aspiration Aut. | Trekhaak | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 5drs Aspiration Aut. | Trekhaak | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:08.


Peugeot 107 1.0 12V 68PK 5DRS XT - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0 12V 68PK 5DRS XT - Duration: 0:47.


How a Ph.D. dissertation in A...

For more infomation >> How a Ph.D. dissertation in A...


Ulcerative colitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:07.

Inflammatory bowel disease can cause inflammation in the small and large intestine, in other

words...inflammation of the bowel.

Colitis refers specifically to inflammation in the colon, or the large intestine.

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that tends to form ulcers along

the inner-surface or lumen of the large intestine, including both the colon and the rectum.

These ulcers are spots in the mucosa where the tissue has eroded away and left behind

open sores or breaks in the membrane.

Sometimes there is a flare which means that new damage has occurred, and then there are

periods of remission when the tissue starts to heal up.

Ulcerative colitis is actually the most common type of inflammatory bowel disease, not that

there are that many, but this one causes inflammation and ulcers in the mucosa and submucosa of

the large intestine only, which is an important point that sets it apart from Crohn disease,

another inflammatory bowel disease.

Now although certain environmental factors like diet and stress were once thought to

be the culprit behind these ulcers forming in the gut, now it's thought that these

are more secondary, meaning they seem to make symptoms worse, but ulcerative colitis is

now ultimately thought to be autoimmune in origin.

In fact, cytotoxic T cells from the immune system are often found in the epithelium lining

the colon, so the thought is that inflammation and ulceration in the large intestine is caused

by T cells destroying the cells lining the walls of the large intestine, leaving behind

these eroded areas or ulcers.

It's unclear what exactly these T cells are meant to be targeting though.

Some patients have p-ANCAs in their blood, or perinuclear antineutrophilic cytoplasmic

antibodies, which are a kind of antibodies that target antigens in the body's own neutrophils.

Although not completely understood, some theories suggest this may be partly due to an immune

reaction to gut bacteria that have some structural similarity to our own cells, allowing antibodies

to those gut bacteria, or p-ANCAs, to "cross-react" with neutrophils.

Patients also seem to have a higher proportion of gut bacteria that produce sulfides, and

often high sulfide production is correlated with periods of active inflammation as opposed

to remission.

Ultimately, though, these are mostly correlations and theories, and we've yet to nail down

the precise mechanism behind mucosal destruction; the cause is ultimately some combination of

environmental stimuli, perhaps the sulfide-producing bacteria, mixed with a genetic predisposition,

because patients with a family history of ulcerative colitis are more likely to develop

the disease themselves.

It also seems to be more common in young women from the teens to 30s, with more prevalence

among caucasians and eastern european jews.

With ulcerative colitis, the pattern for ulceration seems to be circumferential and continuous,

meaning that the inflammation goes around the whole lumen and starts in the rectum and

continues along the large intestine without any apparent breaks of "normal" or unaffected

tissue, like it's working it's way from one end to the other.

As more damage is done to the tissue, patients experience pain in the left lower quadrant

which corresponds to the rectum, and more severe and frequent bouts of diarrhea, sometimes

with blood in the stool as well.

As the mucosa and epithelium are destroyed, blood and serum may be released into the lumen,

which contributes to the blood seen in the stools, but also, what's one of the main

jobs of the large intestine?

Absorbing water.

As these cells are destroyed, the large intestine can't perform this function as efficiently

and ends up letting too much water through, contributing to diarrhea.

Diagnosis of ulcerative colitis typically requires colonoscopy, which is when a long

tube with a camera at the end, is inserted retrograde through the anus, and into the

rectum and colon to see the ulcers, and take a biopsy.

In addition, radiological imaging maybe done with the help of CT scan, MRI, a barium enema,

which is where a liquid is injected into the rectum through a small tube, and an X ray

is taken to look for abnormalities in the large intestines.

Treatment for ulcerative colitis depends on the severity of symptoms, often anti-inflammatory

medications like sulfasalazine or mesalamine are given; in more severe cases, drugs that

suppress the immune system, like corticosteroids, azathioprine, or cyclosporine might be prescribed.

If those fail, biologic treatments, such as infliximab, a TNF inhibitor, adalimumab and

golimumab can be used.

Finally, if these treatment options fail, sometimes patients will have a colectomy which

is a surgical removal of the colon.

Since the disease only affects the large intestine, removal of the colon generally cures the disease,

but you have to weigh the benefits of curing the disease against the total loss of of the

large intestine!

Alright, as a quick recap… ulcerative colitis is the most common type of inflammatory bowel

disease, where ulcers form along the inner-surface or lumen of the large intestine, including

both the colon and the rectum.

Ulcerative colitis is diagnosed with the help of colonoscopy, and barium enema, and treatment

involves anti-inflammatory medications, immunosuppressant, or colectomy to remove diseased parts of the

colon in severe cases.

For more infomation >> Ulcerative colitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:07.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 16v VVT-i Sol A/T 5-drs + 6 MND BOVAG - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 16v VVT-i Sol A/T 5-drs + 6 MND BOVAG - Duration: 1:04.


Porsche Cayenne 3.6 AUTOMAAT8/21"/LEDER/NAVI/BLUE T - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Porsche Cayenne 3.6 AUTOMAAT8/21"/LEDER/NAVI/BLUE T - Duration: 1:13.


Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 177pk GT-Line First Edition - Duration: 1:14.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 120pk Executiveline in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 120pk Executiveline in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie! - Duration: 1:10.


SMALLFOOT - Official Trailer 1 - Duration: 2:21.

Hey! Everyone!

Listen, listen.

Gather round.


I saw a monster.

It came at me from out of the sky.

It made a sound like...

[imitates engine sound]

Go, get away!

And then, bam!

And that's when it scooped me up and I was like...

Then I saw it.

A mythical creature I had only heard existed in legend.


Look at your small foot.

Oh, my gosh! It's a Smallfoot!

Oh no! Come back!

- No, you didn't. - Yeah, I did.

- No. - I did.

- No. - I saw it.

It doesn't exist.

Recant this ridiculous story and tell the truth.

I am telling the truth.


We believe you.

- Meechee? - Welcome to the S.E.S.

Stands for, "Smallfoot Exists, Suckas!"

We have been collecting proof of the Smallfoot's existence.

Behold, the scroll of invisible wisdom.

Imagine the amazing stuff they put on here.

This proves nothing!

Look, I know what I saw.

And I'm gonna prove it!


Ah, he's gone.

♪ Don't stop believing ♪

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

♪ Hold on to the feeling ♪

Oh, boy.

Oh, holy wowness!


There it is.


I should introduce myself.



[thunderous roaring]

It's a yeti. It's a yeti. It's a yeti.

Oh. Look at you.

You're adorable.

Uh, Smallfoot?

Oh, That suppose to fall out like that?

[goat bleating loudly] [shushing]


♪ Don't stop believing ♪

For more infomation >> SMALLFOOT - Official Trailer 1 - Duration: 2:21.


Why Hollywood Won't Cast Kat Dennings Anymore - Duration: 4:09.

Actress Kat Dennings has charmed audiences on the small and big screen since she was

a teen, but she's best known for her six-year run in a role that perfectly suited her comic

gifts and big personality: Max Black, the sarcastic and wisecracking diner waitress

and cupcake baker on CBS' 2 Broke Girls.

A huge role on a huge show, plus her prominent relationship with musician Josh Groban, kept

Dennings on the pop culture radar for years.

But then, she just kind of disappeared.

It feels like Hollywood won't cast Dennings anymore.

Why isn't she around as much as she used to be?

Not-so-broke girl

A steady gig means a steady paycheck, and the equivalent for actors is a lead role on

a network sitcom.

Not only did Dennings get a hefty paycheck each week for delivering withering put-downs

and saucy innuendo on 2 Broke Girls, she'll also reap the financial benefits of starring

on that hit sitcom forever.

2 Broke Girls was so successful during its initial season that in 2012, producers sold

the show's rerun package into syndication in what was, at the time, the most lucrative

deal ever.

For the right to air 2 Broke Girls reruns, TBS paid $1.7 million per episode.

With 138 episodes in all, that's hundreds of millions of dollars, and Dennings gets

a cut as both a star and producer.

Basically, if Kat Dennings hasn't worked much lately, it's because she hasn't had to.

No more Thor

Getting cast in a Marvel movie can launch an actor to superstardom and earn them plenty

of follow-up gigs, but only if your character is one fans want to stick around.

Case in point: Kat Dennings.

She portrayed Darcy Lewis in Thor and Thor: The Dark World.



"Yeah, we can tell you're hammered.

It's pretty obvious."

Darcy is the assistant, intern, and friend to Natalie Portman's Dr. Jane Foster, but

she's nowhere to be seen in Thor: Ragnarok or the Avengers movies.

Cinemablend asked Ragnarok screenwriter Eric Pearson if he had even considered including

Darcy, and he said he hadn't.

So it looks like her time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — and all that comes with it — could

be over.

Big breakup

In 2014, Beth Behrs set up her 2 Broke Girls co-star with the deep-voiced pop-opera singer

Josh Groban.

"She always talked about how great he is and they've been friends for years, and she thought

we were both, you know, nerds.

She was right!"

Shortly thereafter they made the relationship official by appearing together at a charity


Dennings and Groban were together until 2016, when, just before the final season of 2 Broke

Girls hit the air, the duo split.

A source told E! News that the breakup was "mutual," and that "they are still friends"

and all that other stuff couples say when they call it quits.

Dennings hasn't been linked to anyone since, so maybe she's spending some time just being

on her own and possibly tending to a broken heart.

Voice work

It may seem like she's MIA, but listen closely, and you'll spot Dennings' unique voice in

lots of stuff.

In a futuristic sequence on a December 2017 episode of The Simpsons, Dennings played Valerie,

Lisa''s Harvard roommate and a fellow jazz aficionado.

She also voices Leah on Netflix's puberty comedy Big Mouth.

Along with John Cena, Dennings also stars as Dallas in the upcoming YouTube Red animated

series Dallas and Robo, which is about a space trucker and her "warrior-poet" companion,


A look ahead

Dennings has been gone for a while, but if all goes according to plan, she's about to

come back in a big way with a show about, oddly enough, comebacks.

In November 2017, Dennings was cast in a Hulu pilot called Dollface.

Dennings plays a woman who gets dumped by her boyfriend of many years, forcing her to

reestablish all the friendships she abandoned along the way.

Like Dennings's old show, Dollface explores the joys, pains, and complexities of female


But unlike Dennings' old show, it's on a streaming service and it's a single-camera and laugh-track-free


Veep producer and occasional director Stephanie Laing shot the pilot, and Margot Robbie is

producing, so Dollface looks to have the solid pedigree necessary to return Kat Dennings

to the top of the TV pack.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why Hollywood Won't Cast Kat Dennings Anymore - Duration: 4:09.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 358 - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 358 - Duration: 10:31.


My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.136 / The New Bride from Ecuador, Adriana [ENG/2018.04.19] - Duration: 47:26.

(The hot place for designs)

(Korea's landmark DDP)

(Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Jung-gu, Seoul)

(136th class at the foreigner school)

Hello, welcome to My Neighbor, Charles.

Do you remember Adriana,

the new bride from Ecuador?

When she came on the show in 2016,

she just came to Korea so

she couldn't speak Korean

and wasn't good at housework.

She was a novice wife.

Living with a brusque father-in-law,

every day was a trouble.

But this time, Adriana brought us good news.

She gave birth to a healthy son last October and

she also moved out of her father-in-law's house

and is now living in a new house.

Adriana was clumsy at everything.

But now, she's raising a child.

I'm very curious.

Let's meet her right now.

(The New Bride from Ecuador, Adriana)

Did you eat? Have you eaten?

- Did you eat? Have you eaten? / - Yes.

The latter sentence is what you say to the elders

or people you don't know.

Dad, have you eaten?

- Have you eaten? / - Have you eaten?

Say it again.

- Have you eaten? / - Have you eaten?

- Have you eaten? / - Have you eaten?

- Have you... / - Have you eaten?

- Have you eaten yet? / - Right.

Give it a try.

Since you practiced hard, I'm sure you can do it.

Her father-in-law is already in the kitchen.

It's not time for you to practice speaking formally.


- What did you cook? / - Seaweed soup.

I think you can eat it.

- Did you cook it? / - Yes, I cooked it for you to eat.

Where did you cook it?


You mean when. It's not where did you cook it.

- When? / - I cooked it yesterday.

Seongin's dad's home is the home of the newlyweds.

The house was filled with men but the cold family

has changed after Adriana joined the family.

Father, how old are you?

How many are you?

- How old are you? / - Right. How old are you?

(She's only been in Korea for six months)

How old are you?


Korean years?

I'm 28 years old in Ecuador.

In Korea, I'm 29 years old. Why?

In Korea, you're a year old as soon as you're born.

In Ecuador, you have to pass a year.

- That's why you are a year older in Korea. / - I see.

I don't like that.

I don't like that.

You can just tell people that you are 28.

- Korean years. / - Korean age.

Korean day.

She's been in Korea for six months now.

This couple is getting used to living in Korea.

Adriana, you're looking pretty. Where are you going?

The husband is getting ready to go to work as well.

I need to get a haircut as well. I didn't have time.

I'm still a new employee at my company.

- It's cold. / - Is it cold?


- Here's the bus fare. / - I have it.

- Here are some coins. / - Thank you.

Is it for me to come and go?

Yes. This fare is for when you come back.

This one is to go.

The bus fare for when you go and come back.

Normally, I give her $40 to $50 a week.

- Really? No! / - No?

It's just $10.

Why is it $10?

I only get $10. I don't get a lot.

What about when you have events?

Yes, I go to events.

- Cheer me up. / - This is it.

Just 6 months ago,

they had spent the whole day with each other.

Now, they say good-bye to each other every morning.


6 years ago, these two young lovers met in Ecuador.

They got married last November.

They had run and managed a cafe in Ecuador.

They decorated the cafe in Korean style

and promoted K-pop and Korean culture,

turning the cafe into a hot place for Korean Wave.

The chairs, desks... We made everything.

I remember the people who came to our cafe.

They came with joy to learn about Korean culture.

I wanted to keep living there.

Before that happened...

Last April, their happy life was shaken to the core.

A magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck Ecuador.

The earthquake affected an area over 400km.

It was a very violent earthquake.

The couple's cafe was also affected by the earthquake.

However, the robbers used this timing to

steal the coffee machines and other appliances.

In the end, the couple decided to move to Korea.

At that time, I thought the cultural differences

were a trivial matter.

I didn't put too much thought into the decision.

We moved to Korea without any money.

And I didn't come alone.

I came to Korea with Adriana, so I was worried.

(Korean is Difficult)

Many foreigners are gathered in one place.

How much is the tofu stew?

It's $10.

Let's go eat spicy stir-fried chicken.

That sounds good.

Shall we go... Shall we go to Myeong-dong together?

That sounds good. Let's go to Myeong-dong.

Adriana is in the beginner's class for Korean.

Today, she'll be tested on

what she learned for the past two months.

Then pretend the two of you will go to Busan.

Make an arrangement with each other.

Then should we go to Busan together?

Yes, that sounds good. Let's go.

Should we go by KTX?

No, let's take a subway.

Is it possible to go to Busan by subway?

There's no subway?

For Busan, you take trains.

In Seoul, you take the subway.

They're different?

- Yes, they're different. / - They are?

I didn't know.

I understand. That's okay.

Thank you.

Then make up a story with the subway.

As you gradually learn about Korean culture,

you'll soon become familiar with unfamiliar things.

A change in season, which she's never seen before,

is a wonder in itself.

I've never seen this happen with trees.

Only with flowers.

I've never seen it happen with a tree.

Everything is green in Ecuador.

This is very surprising to me. Sometimes, I take...

Tree leaves.

I sometimes say, "Is this real?"

It was very interesting the first time I saw this.

And it changes very fast.

This is new for me

so I feel happy.

(Everything in Korea feels new, just like her first fall)

It's time for her to become a housewife again.

As soon as she gets home,

Adriana does piled-up housework.

There are no rubber gloves.

Buy some rubber gloves.

We eat outside often.

So we rarely wash dishes.

Instead of food for a family of four,

there isn't even enough to feed one person.

The refrigerator is so empty.

Because everyone gets off work late,

it's hard for them to have dinner together.

- Seaweed, tuna cans. / - That's all?

No. There are...

Things I must buy.

Right after washing the dishes,

she starts cleaning every corner of the house.

I'm home alone.

So it's not fun.

I'm going to clean.

Adriana is alone until her family comes home.

To dispel her boredom, she started doing housework.

She does the dishes, cleans, and does the laundry.

But there's something else that she finds hard.

I think I'm not ready to be alone.

In Ecuador, she lived with her grandparents, parents,

and her younger sister's family

including her nieces and nephews.

Because she lived with a huge family of 11,

she was never alone.

I'm a little sad when I'm home alone

because I was always with my family in Ecuador.

I was never alone.

My brother and father-in-law both come home late.

So I don't know what to do when I'm alone.

(Late at night)

Her husband came home late into the night.

They must've missed each other a lot.


- Did you have a good day? / - Yes, I missed you.

- You missed me? / - I told stories.

You told stories in class? Did you do well?

No, it was hard.

- It was hard? / - Yes.

- Good job. / - There were so many people.

(Adriana tells him about her day)

I'm very sorry to my teacher.

It's the only time when the couple is together.

The husband, without a hint of fatigue,

helps Adriana with her studies every day.

What is your test about tomorrow?

- It's on everything. / - It's on everything?

Do you know the numbers?

You mean numbers? Yes.

Can you count in Korean now?


If so...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

- Her handwriting is very good. / - 7.

But she misspelled 7.

And where is number 8?


How much is 30,000?

How could you ask her to write such a large number?

How much is that?

This is 10,000...



What do you mean it's 13,100?

- Right, it's 10,010. / - No.

There's no end to things she must study.

The long night feels short.

(The day of the test)

Everyone at the language school look nervous.

It's the speaking contest,

which the students are most afraid of.

(First presenter is a new student from Dubai)

Muslims don't eat pork and we don't drink alcohol.

Adriana can't focus on her friend's presentation

because it's her own turn soon.

She wrote so much.

But Adriana starts looking for something.

She's even being careful not to be seen.

What is that?



At the pharmacy, I wrote on my translator,

"I'm nervous about the test."

- That's why they gave you this. / - Yes.

This is going to help you a bit.

(She bought medicine to calm her nerves)

When your heart races fast

and you're scared, drink this.

- I'll drink 2 bottles. / - No, just drink 1 bottle.

I should drink just one?


This must be your first time. Does it taste okay?

It's bitter, right?

I hope the test results are sweet.

Please come out, Patricia.

I'm just watching and yet why am I more nervous?

(It's about the difference between Ecuador and Korea)

Hello, everyone.

- Hello. / - Hello.


I'm from Ecuador.

To come to Korea,

I took three... Three planes.

The trip was a day long.

When it snows in Korea, for the first time...

I see snow.

I will see snow.

Keep it up!

That's why I'm waiting for snow to fall.

The test she put the most effort into is now over.

Did the medicine help?

When I was speaking, my hands were shaking.

I feel a little comfortable now. It's finished!

(Her Father-in-law is a Homemaker)

I want to cook for my father-in-law.

It's for my father-in-law.

She came to the market,

but she doesn't know the names of ingredients.

I don't know how you say it in Korean.

But I will buy...

It's like a cucumber.

Will you put cucumber in soybean paste stew?

I think that...

In search of something that's like cucumber,

Adriana is checking out every vegetable stand.

How much are the peppers?

- Those are $3. / - The price is $3?

- They're spicy. / - So she was looking for peppers?

Now that I see, they do look like cucumber.

- What is this? / - It's squash.

It's squash. Right! This is it.

That one is a dollar.

She finally found it.

The cucumber's friend is a squash.

- Do you make soybean paste stew with this? / - Yes.

You can make fritters and soybean paste stew with it.

I know what it is now.


She found a tofu shop.

Why are you leaving?

It's not tofu.

- I need tofu. / - No, that is tofu.

It's tofu? It's not cheese?

It's not cheese?

It could look like that.

It looks the same as cheese in Ecuador.

Anyway, after all the trouble,

she succeeded in grocery shopping by herself.

- Ecuador women are pretty. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Good-bye.

I think my father-in-law will like it.

In Ecuador, she often made soybean paste stew

for her husband.

This time, she's cooking for her father-in-law.

Let's see the soybean paste stew

made by the newlywed wife from Ecuador.

That's pepper! Isn't it spicy?

No, it's not.

It's very fresh tofu so it's difficult to cut.

She adds vegetables in water

without any anchovies or kelp.

She adds less than a spoonful of soybean paste,

a very small amount.

- Who is it? / - It's still day. Who could it be?

Her father-in-law got off work early without notice.

Adriana feels pressured.

The soybean paste stew cooked by the Ecuador wife

is now boiling.


- Yes? / - Father-in-law.

- Did you eat yet? / - Pardon?

- Did you eat yet? / - Yes.

I made soybean paste stew for you.

You made soybean paste stew?

Did you make it tasty?

- I'm not sure. / - You're not sure?

- Let's eat together. / - Okay, let's eat together.

But I already ate, okay? / - Okay.

It's her very first soybean paste stew

after she came here.

Will it please her father-in-law's taste?

You should have added potatoes.


(How does it taste?)

- How is it? / - It's a little bland.

- It's bland? / - Yes.

It needs salt. What's salt in English?

- You mean pepper? / - No, I mean salt.

- I see, it's this. / - Yes.

Adriana's stew must be really bland for him.

(How is it this time?)

- Is it not good? / - No, it's okay.

He's like my mom.

In Ecuador, Korean soybean paste was very expensive.

So I'd add just a little and it became a habit.

After cooking, it's time to clean.

Seongin came home early too.

The couple have great teamwork,

wiping and cleaning.

I can't teach her well as she doesn't know Korean.

Her father-in-law seems unsatisfied.

He's very detailed, wiping up even a speck of dust.

We must wipe the sofa as well.

- Wipe the sofa too? / - Yes, twice a week.

- Twice a week? / - We must clean twice a week.

I clean every day.

You can't just vacuum.

- You must wipe with a rag. / - I see.

Even a skilled daughter-in-law would

have a hard time here.

Look at this dust.

- And we eat rice from this every day! / - Okay.


You must wipe it with a dishcloth every day.

It's right over there.

That's a rag.

A rag would be better than nothing.

See, she doesn't know things like this.

Since their lives have been so different

there are many things they need to adjust.

- Right? / - Yes.

I never imagined it.

Something unimaginable became reality for me.

We don't have the same language

and there is a huge difference in our cultures.

That's the hardest part.

(Grandfather, Wait for Us)

Ecuador is in a completely different time zone from us.

The couple stays up late every night,

so they can talk to the family over there.

Hello, Adriana. How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

I'm good. I'm getting better.

It's very cold over here.

It's -1℃.

Really? That's cold.

The cold is going to freeze you completely.

That's why Adriana is wearing a lot of clothes.

I've got a blanket over me right now.

Adriana was raised by her grandparents,

as her parents were away making money in the city.

They are so close that they refer to each other

as father and daughter.

The grandfather's health worsened

during the last few months.

She told him they were going to Korea for a short trip.

That's how they had said good-bye.

It feels empty without you two.

There's not a single moment when I don't miss you.

It's been a while since you left.

Are you two never coming back?

No, we're going to go back. Please wait for us.

Grandfather, have you gotten some sleep?

I don't sleep a lot anymore. I just lie down.

I feel like I have very little time left.

That's how I feel.

Don't think like that, grandfather.

I'm not saying that because I want to.

From time to time, I imagine that.

- Wait for us, grandfather. / - Alright, darling.

Right? You are going to wait for us, right?

Don't cry.

I'll be fine. You have to be fine as well, okay?


Adriana, you're sweating a lot.

Yes. It's because I'm worried.

She wants to run to him,

but it is too far away.

It must be a heavy burden for her.

If you decide that you want to go see your grandfather,

please tell me.

He's so far away. We don't know what will happen.

If we move back to Ecuador,

I would want to take care of him until he passes.

But if we do go now, we would lose

all that we had accomplished in Korea.

That's why I feel...

Like I'm being pricked by needles everywhere.

That's why I can't go anywhere.

Her husband understands her feelings the best.

You have to help me.

I want to help you.

This is too much for me to handle alone.

I understand how you feel.

(Adriana was waiting for someone to hold her hand)

When we go to Ecuador next time,

I hope my grandfather is still there.

I want him to meet our children.

I want everything to work out.

Like her wish,

we hope her grandfather stays healthy for a long time.

Adriana, come ride in the front.

Here or over there?

In the front.

Her father-in-law must know how Adriana is feeling.

He made some time for her.

(I Like My Dad)

He has taken his daughter-in-law to a clothing shop.

She's from another country,

so she doesn't know Korean fashion that well.

You could wear this with a dress.

- This is lovely. / - Is this nice?

- Isn't it too thin? / - No, it's nice.

Yes, she can wear leggings inside.

Try it on.

Her father-in-law tries to help make her feel better.

I'm sure Adriana knows this as well.


- What do you think? / - I like it.

Do you like it?

You have to like what you're wearing.

- You have to like it. / - Okay.

(I like it)

They say daughter-in-laws are

loved by their father-in-laws.

He was worried that Adriana would be cold,

so he takes care of her.

- What do you think, Adriana? / - I like it.

Could you give us the other pair as well?

They look like a father and daughter, right?

They are slowly becoming closer.

A family's emptiness can only be filled by a family.

My father tries to think in a foreigner's perspective.

Although he still finds physical contact uncomfortable,

they are both trying to meet down the middle.

I'm happy for them.

I'm going to talk a lot with my father-in-law.

- Will you? / - Yes.

- I need to learn Korean. / - Learn Korean.

- Fast. / - Right.


The whole family have gathered together in one place.

It's to take a new family photo

as they have a new family member.

Why do you think this photo is weird?

I carry this around with me.

This is perfectly fine.

You should be carrying around a photo

with the four of you now.

- Learn quickly. / - Learn quickly.

So we can talk a lot.

And we can go places together.

Let's spend time together like that, okay?

- I really like my father-in-law. / - Thank you.

(Happy smile)

The first six months in Korea has been chaotic.

The family were getting used to each other.

It was a sad and lonely time for everyone.

A warm and grateful time as well.

It was a time that they

cried and laughed together and became a family.

Even if trouble comes like an earthquake,

a family is always there for you to rely on.

A family grows with the addition of a new member.

We look forward to seeing a strong-bonded family.

(1 year later)

We met Adriana again.

In a year, they got a new house.

They also have a new family member.

Don't do that.

He's adorable!

This chubby little baby is

Sihu, who was born just 4 months ago.

His big eyes resemble his mother's.

Adriana, congratulations on becoming a mom.

Isn't it tough taking care of a baby?

He likes it when I do this.

(Mommy amusement park)

Mommy's tired.

Sihu is 8kg.


The couple moved out of Seongin's father's home

a year and 3 months ago to enjoy their newlywed life.

But, Sihu came to them.

She was scared at first

but just like any other mother,

the whole world has changed for Adriana

after meeting Sihu.

I feel like I've become a totally different person.

I think this is how a mother would feel.

I feel like I've become stronger on the inside.

(That night)

Seongin is home.

It's been a long time.

(Saying hi to his son)

He has become a father now.

What did you do today?

When her husband comes home,

Adriana starts preparing dinner.

Meanwhile, Seongin takes care of Sihu.

He must've missed his son

while he was working outside.

Sihu must be happy to see his dad as well.

When I see my son play and smile,

I feel like I live for Sihu and Adriana.

That's how I feel.

Adriana, is everything going well?

It's burnt.

Oh, what's wrong?

Did you get burnt?


She must've rushed because of Sihu.

I'll do it.

Seongin takes her place

as she's hurt.

This happens very often

when you are looking after a baby.

Wow, it's a feast.

- Thank you for the food. / - Thank you.

It's good.

It's not burnt.

(What a relief)



Should I change the diaper?

You eat. I will change it.

Hold on. Lie down.

He feels sorry for his wife who has been

watching the baby the whole day.

He wants her to eat comfortably at least.

That's the lives of a novice mom and dad.

The night of the couple deepens.

(The next day)

Another day begins.

What time are you coming home today?

I'll be back around 6:30 or 7 p.m.

Lee Sihu.

- See you later. / - Give me a kiss.



Seongin works for an insurance company.

He was a newbie last year

but it's already his 3rd year at work.

Insurance is all about the records.

Seongin works harder than the past

as he needs to think of his new family member.


I have an appointment with a client.

I'm on my way to meet them.

He has no time to rest.

When I get off work early, it's 7 p.m.

I often finish late, around 11 p.m. or midnight.

While Seongin is busy working...

(Raising a Child is Hard)

As you may have guessed...

Adriana is looking after the child by herself.

(Can't get her eyes off Sihu)

(Don't leave me alone)

Mommy's here.

Sihu, hello.

(Look at mommy)

(This is not good)

Sihu wants to be with his mom 24/7.

It's natural as he is only 4 months old.

So, it's hard for Adriana to do chores.

(Stops crying)

(Very calm)

She keeps him on her most of the time.

Isn't he heavy?

He is. He's very heavy.

Sihu, don't move.

It's very hard for me.

Sihu is pretty big for his age.

Holding him the whole day,

every part of her body aches

from her wrists, shoulders to legs.

Feeding and putting Sihu to sleep,

Adriana hardly has her meals and sleep on time.

(An angel when he's asleep)

(Adriana rushes to have her meal)

After becoming a mother,

she began to appreciate little things of her daily life.

It must be so tough.

I think of my family in Ecuador.

When you become a mother,

there are lots of things you have to give up.

I can only sleep for about 3, 4 hours

so I feel tired the next day.

I think I'm suffering from chronic fatigue.

I'm always tired.

(Korean is Still Hard)

That afternoon.

("D" Hospital)

Adriana has come to the hospital with Sihu.

She usually comes with her husband

but today, she's alone.

Will she be alright?

How much does he weigh?

He has a cold.

The weight. His weight.


You went to a language school a year ago.

Seeing that you still need a translator,

I guess your Korean hasn't improved much.

No. 3.


Have a sit.

What symptoms...

Does he have a runny nose?


One side...

He has a cold.

He has a cold?

He's uncomfortable.

Do you remember his weight when he was born?

Yes, he's growing up well.

Birth weight.

It's 8kg.




- 8. / - 8...

That's his current weight.

When he was born.

He was 3 something kilogram, right?

It's okay if you don't know.

I was pregnant

so I couldn't graduate the language school.

It was too hot so I couldn't even go out.

Adriana has her own way

of studying Korean these days.

(Adriana shows Sihu a map)

I'm from very far away.

Here. Quito.

Adriana tells Sihu

about her family in Ecuador in Korean.

Your grandparents are living there.

The family in Ecuador...


There are lots of people.

Look at her.

They are too far away

so she couldn't even show them Sihu.

(That night)

She relieves her sadness

through video calls at times like this.

(Time to have a video call with her family)

Hello, my prince. How are you doing?

(It's my grandparents!)

She sees her parents through a small screen

once a week.

My dear, why do you look so tired?

I am tired.

It's hard to take care of the baby

and he doesn't sleep well these days.

Yesterday was your grandpa's memorial day

so the whole family got together.

Wow, it's already been a year.

It was sad but everyone was calm

and we could feel the love of our family.

Her grandpa raised her until she was 12.

2 years ago, she came to Korea saying

she will be back after a short trip.

But that became the last.

It was really tough.

It was already sad losing a loving family member

but I couldn't even say good-bye.

I couldn't even tell him how much I loved him

so it was really sad.

As soon as her grandpa passed away,

she got pregnant.

To Adriana, Sihu was

her grandpa's last gift.

(She wants to remember him for a long time)

It's been a year since he passed away.

How do you feel now?

I think that he's still alive.

That he's still alive?

I understand you because when I was in Ecuador,

my grandma passed away.

I couldn't believe it.

Her husband understands her more than anyone.

He's the one and only person she can rely on.

(10 p.m.)

It's time to go to bed.

But what are you two doing?

Seongin must be teaching her something.

There's a lot of information there.

You can study Korean as well.

You can join here...

She tries to focus and study...


Who is it at this hour?

Did something happen?

(What's going on at this hour?)

A client had an accident

so they called for me.

I think I have to step out for a bit now.

I will be back soon.

He has to go out at night like this quite often.

Call me if anything happens.

He doesn't seem like he's at ease either.

Ariana is left alone with her son again.

She understands her husband

but she also feels sad and upset at the same time.

Were you sad?


I was mad.

Why does he have to leave all of a sudden?

Then I'd be all alone.

More than feeling tired,

I feel so sorry for Adriana.

She has to hold the baby for the whole day

when he's crying or whining.

Her body hasn't recovered fully

and there's no one to help her...

I need to help her but

I can't so I feel sorry.

(Adriana's Outing)

Adriana can't even dream of having her private time.

(Very pretty)

But what's going on today?

She must be going out somewhere.

She didn't have her private time after having the baby.

So today...

(Daddy, take good care of me)

If anything happens...

If anything really does happen...

- Call me. / - Okay.

- Good-bye. / - Bye.

(Doesn't even look back)

Her personal time after 4 months.

Adriana, what are you going to do?

How does it feel to get a massage?

I feel great.

That must relieve the fatigue.


Your shoulders are so stiff.

(Stiff shoulders from holding Sihu)

She spends her day today,

not as Sihu's mom but Adriana herself.

Don't worry about your husband.

He should be doing well.

Right, Seongin?

(Making weird sounds)

(Hypnotizing with fingers)

(Playing Winter Olympics)

(Sihu cries when he puts him down)

But no matter how good he is,

he isn't as good as Adriana.

It's hard to satisfy his son.

Okay, done.

Why did you stop?

I'm tired.

Do you realize how hard it must be for Adriana?

When I try to take a break, he cries or whines.

When I try to go to the bathroom,

he cries or whines again.

It's chaotic.

Adriana is having so much fun.

She's like the girl we saw a year ago.

Adriana, how was your day?

(Light steps)

I was happy.

I was happy but it also felt very strange

because it was my first time

going out without my baby.

I felt free but also a bit empty.

While Adriana was feeling a little uncomfortable...

(Knock, knock)

Seongin is...

Oh, he came to his father's house.

Welcome, Sihu.

How adorable.

Did you come with your daddy?

Where's your mommy, Sihu?

The father gave so much love to his daughter-in-law.

Now that love has come to Sihu.

You eat so well.

Seongin, did you come here to take a break?

- She went out alone? / - Yes.

- Without any friend? / - Yes.

She wants some time alone.

You need that sometimes.

Sihu must be tired too.

He fell asleep.

I thought Seongin would take a break...

What are you doing? Are you cooking?

(Seongin called his mother-in-law a few days ago)

I'm going to cook for Adriana in secret.

I'm going to make "empanadas."

Do you remember the empanadas I made?

Yes, I even remember the taste.

(Very touched)

How can I forget that?

First, you need fish and shrimp.

(The recipe from the mother-in-law)

Seongin wants to make some food from home

for Adriana.

He's trying hard but I can tell that

he doesn't really cook.

(I'm watching you)

You should put the bell peppers together.

That will make things a lot faster.

Why are you cutting it one by one?

You're like a little kid.

To make it nice and neat...

Today's dish is empanada,

Ecuadorian-style dumplings.

First, stir-fry various veggies and meat.

Add spices or a sauce

to make the filling.

It looks quite easy.

- Dad. / - What?

Have a taste.

Sir, I don't think it's time for that.

(He ended up coming)

What's this?

The filling for the dumplings.

Is it sweet or...

- Yeah... / - Is it okay?




I'm getting worried.

I've never made a dumpling before.

It's my first time.

Is he going to everything by himself?

I feel nervous.

Dad, you've never tried it either, right?

I'm sure his father is different.

Nobody makes dumplings these days. They just buy.

Empanadas have this unique pattern

formed from pushing down a fork.

They look pretty good.

Now, you just need to deep-fry them in oil.

It looks delicious.

The most important thing is that

Adriana should like it.

Dad and I made these.


(Adriana is surprised)

- It smells good. / - Really?

A feast of Ecuadorian food for Adriana.

He gets a perfect score for his efforts.

(How does it taste?)

Will Adriana give him a perfect score as well?


Does it taste like it's from Ecuador?

It's just a little similar.

- Just a little? / - Just a little.

Is it not similar at all?

- It's good. / - Is it?

- Good job. / - Thank you.

Thank you.

Give him a kiss.


It's been two years since you came to Korea.

You worked hard.

It's tough and difficult now, right?

Your heart

and the reality and life... Right?

But after time passes

and when you get old like me,

it will all become memories.


It's tough and difficult but...

In Korea,

I have a Korean family.

That feels very good.

That's right. Your hometown may be very far away

you have your family right beside you.

A sturdy tree you can lean on when things are tough.

That's what a family is.

Hello, welcome to My Neighbor, Charles.

For more infomation >> My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.136 / The New Bride from Ecuador, Adriana [ENG/2018.04.19] - Duration: 47:26.


[SPOILERS] Legends: The Red Sash WIP-TRAILER - Duration: 0:55.

[Music - Choir]

[Stark rattling sounds punctuated by long silences]

[Music builds]

And so began the greatest duel

And so began the greatest duel ever sung of in all the North...

[Music stops]

[Panting breaths]

For more infomation >> [SPOILERS] Legends: The Red Sash WIP-TRAILER - Duration: 0:55.


The 5 BEST "CHEAP" Tires for YOUR truck! - Duration: 6:16.

- What's going on guys?

Fuller here, with Custom Offsets,

Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

You guys left a bunch of comments

on our top five wheels under 1000 dollars,

so we figured we'd bring you the top five tires on a budget.

So, for this video, we're gonna base all the prices

off a complete set of four tires, with free shipping,

to the lower 48 states,

as well as free mounting and balancing

if you get a complete package.

And then, for sizes, we're comparing

33 by 12 and a halfs for 20 inch wheels.

Mudtires and hybrids are both

extremely popular in the truck market,

so you'll find both of these on this list.

So we determine what makes the list of the top five

based on popularity data off our website,

and personal experiences from people

around the shop who have run them.

And the best news is, all of these tires

are under 1000 bucks.

Let's get into it.

(staccato violins)

(construction sounds)

So, starting at number five on the list

is the Atturo Trail Blade XT.

So, the XT is a hybrid tire and the most popular 33X12.5.

So, people tend to gravitate more towards the XT

rather than the MT, or Mudtire, from Atturo

simply because you can get better mileage out of these.

So, the XT is the second highest priced tire on


So, the XT is actually the second highest price tire

on our list, but it still falls plenty short

of that 1000 dollar ceiling.

The biggest downfall to the XT is that

it doesn't run true to size,

which isn't super uncommon in the tire world,

but, on these Atturos, it's really noticeable.

So, this means if you're taking the 12.5

and planning to stretch it on a 14 wide wheel

you're going to really notice that stretch

because even on a 12 wide wheel

and you're running the 12 and a half inch tire,

you still, you don't quite have that

straight up and down sidewall,

'cause like I said they do run a little bit narrow.

It does one of these.



Number four on the list is the Federal Couragia MT

and I've actually personally ran a set of these

and they did exactly what I needed them to do.

The Federal Couragia MT is known for its

very aggressive tread pattern

and they're also known for being, well,

cheap, but cheap in a good way, I guess.

Sure, they're loud and they can wear fast

if you don't properly rotate 'em,

but for the price you pay for these tires,

in some cases, you can actually buy two sets of Federals,

rather than one set of like, Nittos or Toyos.

So, according to Federal, "The uniquely designed

"incremental block edge quickly sheds dirt, sand,

"and gravel for impressive off-road traction."

That's up to you to decide if you believe it.

Federal has been a huge name

in the motorsports racing community for years

and they were actually founded in 1954,

but didn't start developing the Couragia line until 2003.

Either way, this is a really mean,

aggressive looking tire for the price point.



Number three on our list is actually a football!

No, we're actually doing "the work".

So, coming in at number three is the Road One Cavalry,

which is basically the same price as a Federal,

but chances are, you've never heard of it

and I was sort of in the same boat.

So, I asked around the shop to see if anybody

had ran these tires and the answer was no,

so, I took it into my own hands

and went where everybody should go

if they wanna look something up,


Even there, it was proving difficult

to find reviews on this tire.

Yet, somehow, according to the data on our website,

plenty of people are selecting this tire

when building their wheel and tire package.

I was able to find one article

that did shed some light on the Roadone brand.

The Italian firm Pirelli recently announced

a 90 million dollar joint venture

with the Chinese tire company.

The Pirelli Roadone factory actually uses

Pirelli equipment and technology to build these tires,

but, because the truck tires are produced in China,

they're able to keep the cost down.

Pirelli says, "This is not an existing,

"shoddley made Chinese factory that we have bought into.

"This is a custom made, brand new factory

"with the most advanced production technologies."

So, if any of you have Roadone tires,

let us know in the comments below,

'cause there's not a ton of info on these guys online.

Coming in at number two, it's actually

the cheapest tire on our list of the top five tires,

the Free Passer X-Cross MT.

If you're a subscriber from our early days,

or you just binge watched 900 videos

on the Custom Offsets TV YouTube channel,

you probably remember the CO Avy, our 2004 Chevy Avalanche.

Over the years, it's had more wheel and tire set ups

than I care to count, but the most recent

was a set of Scorpions wrapped in these Free Passer MTs.

They're an aggressive looking mudtire

with a 15 millimeter tread depth

that actually extends over the side of the tread

and onto the sidewall for extra protection

while off-roading.

So, with these tires, you can actually save a

pretty decent amount of money

on your wheel and tire package,

if you're willing to take the risk

and take on some added road noise,

as well as the potential for balancing or vibration issues,

but some of that just comes with buying cheap tires.

The moral of the story with cheap tires is

you get what you pay for.

If you're willing to take the risk,

then you can definitely save a lot of money.

The number one tire on our list, drum roll please.

(hand drum roll)

The Atturo Trail Blade MT.

Now, I know you're gonna be mad at me

because this is actually the most expensive tire on the list

but, like I mentioned before, you get what you pay for.

So, if you head out to customoffsets.com

and you browse our gallery,

you'll find over 3000 people that are running Atturos

and that should count for something.

Plenty of people here at the shop have ran Atturos

and you can get away without issues

as long as you make sure you're rotating properly.

One of the guys here, Justin, ran a set on his Ford F150

and he was pulling his camper halfway across the country.

After about 35000 miles, he said he still had like,

40 percent tread remaining,

which is excellent out of a mudtire.

Whereas most brands have a car line-up

and then they also have a little bit in the truck market,

Atturo actually focuses its main production line

on the truck and SUV market.

So, according to Atturo they use a specially crafted

aluminum segmented mold to build the Trail Blade MT.

They said the construction creates a higher degree

of uniformity throughout the tire,

but like anything, there's a downside as well.

Like I mentioned before, there's no secret

in the truck community that the Atturos

tend to run a little narrower,

so you have to keep that in mind when ordering these.

So, if there's another video you guys wanna see.

Uh, any five things videos.

Drop them in the comments below.

Let us know what you wanna see.

Hope you enjoyed this one, uh,

kinda throwin' out some budget tires,

if you're looking to save a bit of money,

but still wanna build your truck,

definitely check out CustomOffsets.com.

We can usually hook you up with the best package prices

and give you some deals,

as long as you're bundling those together.

We also sell lift kits, spacers, lighting,

everything you need to build your truck.

All at CustomOffsets.com.


(something rattles)

I broke the microphone.

- (JR) And Shawn, if you wanna know

why our microphones are broken,

here's a video example as to why.

- (Fuller) Oops.

For more infomation >> The 5 BEST "CHEAP" Tires for YOUR truck! - Duration: 6:16.


Donald Trump 10 Success Principles in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 6:51.

Donald Trump 10 Success Principles in Khmer | Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Donald Trump 10 Success Principles in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 6:51.


President Trump: If I Were Embattled VA Nominee Ronny Jackson, I'd Withdraw | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> President Trump: If I Were Embattled VA Nominee Ronny Jackson, I'd Withdraw | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:28.


BREAKING: Oregon Is FIGHTING BACK! - Duration: 3:43.



Some residents of an Oregon county are asking voters to support a proposed ballot measure

that would bar local officials from enforcing any gun control law and uphold gun rights

outlined in the Constitution.

The proposed Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance was filed with the Deschutes County

clerk last week.

It would empower the county sheriff to review federal, state and local laws and determine

whether they violate the U.S. or Oregon constitutions, ABC News reports.

Oregon politicians have submitted a bill that would ban all "Assault Weapons and large

capacity magazines".

Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson publicly opposed the proposal this month, saying Oregon

already has laws on background checks and age restrictions.

He noted that among those prohibited from buying a gun are convicted felons, those convicted

of misdemeanor crimes involving violence, and those found to be mentally ill.

"I support and defend the Second Amendment and oppose IP 43," Facebook Page "Oregon

Sheriffs upholding the 2nd."

Filed by an interfaith religious group in Portland, Initiative Petition 43 would also

require legal gun owners to surrender or register their assault weapons or face felony charges,

according to language released Tuesday.

The group said it aims to get enough signatures to put the measure before voters in the November

general election.

They'll need 1,000 signatures to begin the ballot title drafting process and 88,000 signatures

by July 6 to get the measure on the ballot, according to the Oregon Secretary of State


The initiative could also face court challenges.

"We recognize that there are perfectly legitimate uses of guns for self-protection and hunting

that make a lot of sense," said Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana of Congregation Beth Israel and

one of petitioners.

"But assault weapons are not used for either of those purposes.

Many of these weapons exist only for killing and do not belong in civilian hands."

~ Statesman Journal

Gun advocates denounced the proposal, saying it represents an unprecedented attack on the

public's constitutional right to bear arms and would outlaw numerous styles of guns.

Even more controversial is the requirement that legal gun owners would need to give up

or register their current guns with authorities.

Which is against the 2nd Amendment.

The initiative would require any person in possession of an assault weapon to sell, surrender

or remove the weapon from the state, or render it inoperable, within 120 days of passage.

A person that wanted to keep their assault weapon would need to register it with the

Oregon State Police.

OSP would look at a person's criminal record — and other information — to determine

whether they are "disqualified from possessing the weapon."

"People who legally own assault rifles or large-capacity magazines will not be required

to surrender their firearms, but will be required to register their firearms with the state,"

said Penny Okamoto, executive director of Ceasefire Oregon, which is supporting the


Any violation would be a Class B felony.Blunt Truth for the ignorant fools who believe the

propaganda and are going after firearms: There is no such thing as an, "Assault Weapon"

and these ignorant fools who keep spouting the propaganda to scare the sheep into submission,

need to be fought on every level.

RWT News

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Oregon Is FIGHTING BACK! - Duration: 3:43.


S*** Inbound Marketers Say - Duration: 2:38.

But what's their unique value proposition?

Is this considered TOFU or MOFU content?

Who let this pass QA with an Oxford comma?

We're not comparing apples to apples here.

Alright so this quarter we really need to get after that low hanging fruit with some

long-tail keywords.

We need to get them a quick win.

That should be a topic cluster.

Our goal is to establish thought leadership with dynamic content at every stage of the

buyer's journey.

Data driven marketing.

Content marketing is a long-term investment.

Don't they know that SEO takes one year?

Are they really trying to rank nationally without a content strategy?

Yeah, they're literally invisible.

Did you update the content calendar?

Do we have copy for that yet?

Did you QA this copy?

Who QA'd this copy?

Did you check Spyfu?

The featured snippet is the holy grail of SEO.

Hey, did you start in the KPI document yet?

No, it's not in JIRA.

Guys we need to see some ROI ASAP.

We need to do SEO, CRO, convert them to SSL immediately.

Rochelle, start running paid ads.

We need to minimize the CPL and CPA starting tomorrow.

Hey guys!

Thanks for joining the call today.

Can you see my screen?

Our blog made the Google Answer Box!

Keep me in the loop about that promo code.

Oh wait, can you still see my screen?

Yeah, let me re-share my screen.

Let me share my screen really quick.

What's going on with the bounce rate, guys?

What's the conversion rate?

Yeah, we know exactly what lead source is producing revenue.

You can't pin it to one lead source only.

Let's circle back on this next week.

Let's sync up after this.

Let's put that in the backlog for now.

Let's take this offline.

Oh shoot!

Can you ping me?

Hey, what image do you think we should use for this email?

Hmmm … we should A/B test it.

Hey Ryan, should we put the CTA above or below the fold?

Um, we're doing well with followers but we definitely need to get the reach and engagement


Ali, do you have any thoughts to add to that?

Should we use BigCommerce, Shopify or Magento?

Hey, we should write a blog about how to monetize a blog.

Hubspot already did.

Hey Cherene, did you see that GIF Ali posted this morning?

Yeah, that JIF was awesome.

Yeah, I can't believe she found such a good GIF.

Yeah, it was a super cool JIF.

That GIF had some really good looping.

It was a good JIF.






Does anyone have any questions before I go?


For more infomation >> S*** Inbound Marketers Say - Duration: 2:38.


How To Write A Book In Google Docs – The Basics Of Formatting A Manuscript - Duration: 4:03.

So if you want to learn how to connect with readers and sell more books.

Make sure to subscribe and get new content to your inbox every Tuesday.

But in this video, I'll be sharing the basics to writing a book in Google Docs.

These tips will help new writers who have a desire to write a book but don't know

how to begin.

So I've done a previous video on formatting a book in MS Word and I'll link that for

those of you who missed it.

But I wanted to provide another option for those of you who may not have access to MS

Word and are looking for a good free alternative.

Now to be clear this video will focus on how to format a manuscript.

Once your manuscript is completed, you'll share your formatted manuscript with your

writing coach, beta readers, editors, and for those of you who seek to traditionally

publish, you will share your manuscript with your agent and then later a publishing company.

So… here's why I like Google Docs for new writers. First of all, it's entirely online!

Which means that you can be anywhere with Internet access and have the ability to update

your manuscript.

It also saves your manuscript automatically… Now if you've ever lost your manuscript and

didn't have a backup, then you'll understand why this is such a huge huge bonus!

So now let's get into how to format your book in Google Docs.

Now of course I'm going to be sharing the basics…the things you need to know in order

to get started.

Let's start with the page setup.

Click file, then page setup and just confirm that there is a one inch margin on the top, bottom,

left and right.

This should be set as the default for a page size of 8.5x11 but I just want you to confirm it first.

Next is the font.

So the most common font for formatting a manuscript is Times New Roman.

You can also use Arial and Courier New.

But for the sake of this video, we're going to select Times New Roman.

The font size should be 12.

Again, we're trying to make it as easy as possible for the person reviewing the document.

Now on to the title page.

On the very first line you're going to include your first and last name.

You're going to tab over to the right and type word count.

Now this is important because your writing coach, editor and formatter will provide you

a quote based off this word count.

An agent also needs to know your word count to determine whether your manuscript falls

within the word count of the genre you write.

So to determine your word count, you want to go to the Tools menu and then select word


On the next line you're going to include your address and on the very next line you're going

to include your city, state, and zip code.

Then on the next line add your email address.

Now when you're including your email address, make sure that it's an email that you check


This is going to be the email that you're going to share with your editor, writing coach,

an agent or publishing company.

Drop down to the middle of the page and you're going to put the title of your manuscript

in all capital letters.

Then you're going to drop down two lines and type 'By' and then your author name.

This is your title page.

Go to insert, break, page break.

Once your title page is complete you'll want to insert a page break.

This ensures that your next page starts on a new page.

We're going to click insert, header and page number. Choose header and then enter your name and

the title of your manuscript on the left and the page number on the right.

Go to insert, header and page number, page number,

and then choose the second option on the top right.

Next we're going to go to format, line spacing, and then choose double.

So that's the basics for how to format your document and write a book in Google Docs.

If you want to write a book that helps you to connect with readers and sell more


Make sure to subscribe!

But in the meantime check out my video How To Write A Book In Word,

if you're looking for an alternative to Google Docs.

As always all of my social media links will be in the description box below.

If youre looking to hire me as your writing coach, you will find that information there

as well.

And I look forward to talking with you in my next video.

For more infomation >> How To Write A Book In Google Docs – The Basics Of Formatting A Manuscript - Duration: 4:03.


Fundamental Analysis vs Technical Analysis - Which Works Better? | #AskDrWealth - Duration: 5:30.

Fundamental Analysis versus Technical Analysis

This is a highly debated topic,

so which one should you use?

Hi, I'm Alvin, I'm the founder of Dr Wealth

Today I'm going to discuss with you about the differences between

Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis,

and also the limits to each of the approaches.

But let's first define 'Fundamental Analysis'.

For 'fundamental analysis', most of the investors use

things like financial statements,

or it can even be like economic indicators

to gather some

sensing on the value of a particular investment.

So there's this belief that

price is NOT always equivalent to the value of the investment.

Which means, if the price is BELOW the value on investment,

it becomes generally a GOOD buy for them.

So that is the primary belief or 'fundamental analysis'.

Now, let's define 'technical analysis'.

What most people understand is that

they usually derive information like

'Buy' and 'Sell' signals from the chart itself.

And the 'chart' is the representation of the stock prices movement over time.

and it can be other technical indicators such as;

derivation of price, or even

volume data.

And that's how they make certain decision on

whether a stock is going to be bought or sold.

The primary belief of technical analysis is that,

price reflects all the information that is available.

So whether there are some changes in the fundamental of the business, etc,

technical traders believe that the information has already been priced in.

So you can see there's a fundamental difference in the belief,

and that's why these two camps are very different approaches,

and they can't really agree with one another.

Let's now talk about the LIMITS of fundamental analysis.

The belief is that value is very important,

to determine the value of the business.

For example, they have to look at the financial statements and things like that.

but sometimes the information that's provided may not be 100% accurate!

So, for example even in SGX, in Singapore,

listed companies there are (in the past),

For example, PRC managed companies listed in Singapore

which are called the 'S chips',

they had many incidents of reporting FALSE numbers,

and that misled investors to think that

there's a lot of value in a company but

actually is all made up.

So when the information is false,

fundamental analysis breaks down.

It's actually acting on false information to provide certain valuation.

That is the key issue of fundamental analysis.

And the second thing is that,

when a stock is 'undervalued',

Let's say a stock is worth $2,

and the price now is $1,

so obviously, it is undervalued.


If it goes to 80c, it is still undervalued,

if it goes to 60c, it is still undervalued right?

So for fundamental analysis, the other problem is:

there isn't a very precise entry and exit,

for all this positions.

It gives you a very wide range and

that makes some investors uncomfortable because

they are not sure what to do at a particular point in time.

That said, technical analysis also have their limitation

The core belief is that price reflects all information,

but that is only true, if there is enough transactions

to validate the stock prices.

For example, if is there very low volume or,

lowly transacted stocks in the market,

technical analysis doesn't really work.

Because the prices are only determined by

one or two buyers and sellers,

they are not enough to validate the prices.

The price discovery is very weak in that sense.

So which means...

then the belief breaks down,

because the price is not reflecting enough opinions of the market participants.

And the second thing is

for technical analysis, usually it's difficult

to manage large capital.

Because technical analysis usually requires

agility and nimbleness, to go in and out of the market.

Having too large a capital,

slows down as the agility

and it becomes very stressful for the trader to

want to take out or take up position.

They might end up moving the markets.

Given that on the contrary,

you can see that

the limitations of technical analysis

is actually the benefit for fundamental analysis,

and vice-versa.

I'll give you one example.

Let's say the information is false,

but there are insiders who know that a company may not be doing as well...

this may be reflected in the stock price.

They may not be trading at very good prices,

or don't have very good price trends.


"precise entry and exit" that doesn't exist in fundamental analysis,

actually exists in technical analysis.

Managing large capital is difficult for technical analysis

because they need precise entry and exit.

On the other hand, for fundamental analysis, it becomes an advantage

because investors can take a long time, or a long horizon,

to add up position or get out position.

So...ladies and gentlemen,

these are the core differences and

personally if you ask me,

I'm more on the FA side,

more on the Fundamental Analysis side,

because I have found it easier to make money and...

I've also seen more successful fundamental analysis investors

then technical analysis traders.

Some of you might be thinking "why not just combine both together?"

You can do that but provided that...

that it doesn't lead you to "paralysis by over-analysis"

because sometimes you may have mixed signals,

then what do you do about them?

So, that's it for today!

I hope that you have found your edge in the market.

be it 'fundamental analysis' or 'technical analysis'.

I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Fundamental Analysis vs Technical Analysis - Which Works Better? | #AskDrWealth - Duration: 5:30.


Johnny Clash - The Clash (Official Entrance Theme) Written by IT LIVES, IT BREATHES - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Johnny Clash - The Clash (Official Entrance Theme) Written by IT LIVES, IT BREATHES - Duration: 3:25.


Volvo XC90 2.4 D5 SUMMUM Leer+Xenon - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.4 D5 SUMMUM Leer+Xenon - Duration: 1:06.


Simple Home Remedy For Smokers Sounds Strange At First But Crazy Enough To Work! Say Bye To Smoking! - Duration: 5:15.

Smoking cigarettes invites a list of side effects and health risks so long and deadly

that even your worst enemy would never wish them on you.

These effects can do long-term damage that�s hard to shake even if you kick the habit.

Chemicals like tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine can infiltrate and inflame a smoker�s lungs.

Even after quitting, some ex-smokers feel like they can�t get a good breath�their

lungs have been irrevocably damaged beyond repair.

Or have they?

A remedy to fight some of those side effects has gained steam on the Internet in recent


Smokers who have quit or want to quit are finding great success in clearing up their


Surely it�s complicated and mixed by doctors in lab coats, right?


In fact, the four ingredients that comprise the drink are probably in your fridge and

pantry right now.

If they aren�t, just about any grocery store would carry all the ingredients.

Here�s what you need to begin�

To start, you�ll need an onion.

Onions contain phenolics, flavonoids, and quercetin, which are fancy names for anti-inflammatory


What�s more, research has shown that onions can actually kick some butt in the fight against


Don�t believe it?

Well, according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, onions

boast a powerful compound called allicin, which helps fight oral, esophageal, and a

handful of other deadly cancers!

What�s next in the lung remedy?

Fresh ginger should be the next item pulled from the fridge or put in the shopping cart.

Since it�s an allergy preventative, most natural smoking medicines include the stuff;

it also helps prevent nausea.

But for this remedy, it has a more important function�

Wherever there�s inflammation, a little ginger can do wonders.

And since we�re talking about soothing and healing heavily inflamed lungs, this homemade

cocktail would be incomplete without it.

Up next?

Grab a bit of honey from your pantry, a farmer�s market, or any grocery store.

A study from the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine showed that a spoonful

of honey was a big help for fighting coughs.

More specifically, the research shows that a spoonful could go toe-to-toe with any over-the-counter

cough syrup, so it only makes sense to include some honey in this recipe!

Now it�s time for the last ingredient in the healthy lung mixture�

The final ingredient you�ll need is turmeric!

While you�ve heard that this spice does wonders for aching joints, turmeric�like

onions�can provide some unbelievable assistance in the fight against cancer.

Researchers found, for instance, that turmeric�s active compound, curcumin, suppressed the

growth of lung cancer in lab mice!

For smokers, the spice would be all kinds of therapeutic.

Now that you�ve got the ingredients, it�s time to make the drink!

Step 1: Roughly chop about 14 ounces of onion�almost a pound of the stuff.

Grate two tablespoons of turmeric, and prepare a teaspoon of fresh ginger.

Set that all aside.

Step 2: Get a small saucepan of about a liter of water over medium heat.

You don�t even have to wait for it to boil; just toss in the onions, turmeric, and ginger

and allow the spices to mix in the slowly heating water.

Step 3: Before the water starts boiling�just when you can see it start to form bubbles

and ripples�reduce the heat and let the pot of water simmer.

And simmer.

And simmer.

Until only about half the water remains�

Step 4: Finally, when you�re down to only about a half-liter of fluid, turn the heat

off completely.

Again you�re going to play the waiting game as you let it all cool for awhile.

Step 5: When the healthy lung remedy has cooled just a bit, add in five tablespoons of that


Stir it into the water.

By now, you should have a pretty thick mixture going.

Step 6: Pour your drink through a strainer and into a cup with a lid.

Cover up your concoction and stick it in the refrigerator until it�s so cool you could

take a drink of it.

That�s actually crucial for the last step�

Step 7: Take two tablespoons of the solution each morning on an empty stomach and two at

night right before bed.

As you sleep and digest your food, the solution is said to work its medicinal wonders�

Within just a few days, you should notice your lungs feeling clearer!

And hey�you don�t have to be a smoker or ex-smoker to benefit from this drink.

It never hurts to give your lungs a helpful boost!

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