Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 24 2018

Earth so f*cked up, got me so f*cked up, so I stay f*cked up too

Gotta be on level playin' field when you takin' on the elephant in the room

The food is poison, don't drink the water

We are all pigs in a massive slaughter

Soon we will see what it means to tarnish

Winters gettin' colder, every summer gettin' hotter

Sweatin' underneath the rays

Rollin' up watchin' the world end

Best seat in the house reserved for SESH

Now start the whirlwind

Debris fallin', sirens callin' out to the world

No signs of stoppin'

Baller blockin', you get locked in a box to keep inside my pocket

Tell me please what's the word now

Everyone hopin' I slow it down

F*ck is up, you know it's goin' down

Feel like Yung Joc when I'm up in your town

Saw what you built and I burnt it down

Funny how smoke is a calming sound

The sizzle of nothing that once was a something

The transfer of matter turn you to a cloud


Rob your dreams and kill your hope

Now you smoked

On the curb, like a joke

B*tches know

What I do and what it don't

Yeah it's Bones



Rob your dreams and kill your hope

Now you smoked

On the curb, like a joke

B*tches know

What do and what it don't

Yeah it's Bones


For more infomation >> Bones – HolySmokes | GT86 BRZ GANG - Duration: 1:51.





The Republican chairmen of the House Judiciary Committee, and the House Oversight and Government

Reform Committee announced Monday, that the Justice Department has finally agreed to provide

them with documents related to the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server,

Fox News reports.

The announcement was made after Reps. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.,

met earlier this month with the U.S. attorney, John Lausch, who has been selected to respond

to Republican demands for documents.

"We look forward to reviewing the information to better understand the decisions made by

the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017," Goodlatte and Gowdy said in a joint statement.

"Congress has a constitutional responsibility to preserve the integrity of our justice system

by ensuring transparency and accountability of actions taken."

FOX reports that Goodlatte subpoenaed the Justice Department last month for records

of the investigation, which ended in July 2016 without charges being filed against Clinton.

The congressmen met with Lausch two weeks ago about

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of The DOJ, TREY GOWDY GOT THEM! HILLARY IS GOING DOWN!!! - Duration: 12:06.


BREAKING: Our Government Just ACCIDENTALLY Released Top Secret Documents Through FOIA Request THIS I - Duration: 3:27.

BREAKING: Our Government Just ACCIDENTALLY Released Top Secret Documents Through FOIA


As most know by now, conspiracy theories often become conspiracy facts.

The United States government's counterterrorism center has accidentally released documents,

about the use remote mind control on the easily manipulated masses in a FOIA request.

The Washington State Fusion Center, a government multi-agency counterterrorism center, accidentally

released some documents that will puzzle and surprise many this week: A dossier on the

effects of remote mind control, a media report claimed.

According to RT,investigative journalism site Muckrock filed a Freedom of Information Act

(FOIA) request with the center, looking for documents on Fusion's investigations into

white supremacist groups and far-left activists Antifa.

Among the trove of documents that Muckrock got back was a file titled "EM effects on

human body."

This file contained an apparent explanation of the effects of electromagnetic waves on

the human body.

These waves, one document explained, can read and broadcast a person's thoughts, manipulate

their limbs, control their dreams, and create sensations, from agonizing all-over body pain

to involuntary orgasm, the report states.

YouTube courtesy of Truthstream Media

Another document explains how electromagnetic mind-control weapons can be deployed by satellite,

through mobile phones, or from equipment hidden in the back of the proverbial sinister-looking

black van.

It really is the stuff of nightmares and totalitarian control of the entire population.

Nowhere in the file is any research by the Center on this technology mentioned, nor is

the origin of the images explained.

No agency logos are present on the images, and it is unclear whether they were intended

for a different release or not.

Likewise, they could simply have belonged to a member of staff and found their way into

the FOIA release by accident.

Either way, we now have even more evidence that the US government is seeking to control

our minds.

To what extent?

Who really knows…

According to Popular Mechanics, some of the images are from an article in Nexusmagazine,

a fringe Australian publication about conspiracy theories and the paranormal.

The article in question describes a lawsuit filed by a John St. Clair Agnew against the

NSA in 1992.

Agnew claimed that the NSA used electromagnetic technology to "assassinate US citizens covertly

or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill

mental health."

So how did those particular files accidentally end up in a FOIA request for investigations

into Antifa and white supremacy?

Files that came directly from the US government.

Of course, many of us have heard of MKULTRA, the government's own mind control experiment.

Historically, the CIA experimented with mind control as part of its MKULTRA program during

the Cold War.

According to Senate hearings in 1977, these horrific human experiments included the use

of hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, and sensory deprivation.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Our Government Just ACCIDENTALLY Released Top Secret Documents Through FOIA Request THIS I - Duration: 3:27.


Wzdęcia – dlaczego nie możesz się ich pozbyć - Duration: 2:54.

1. Jakie produkty powodują wzdęcia?Po pierwsze, musisz wiedzieć jakiego rodzaju produkty przyczyniają się do powstawania gazów, abyś mógł ich unikać.

Nie każdy produkt działa tak samo na każdą osobę. Zależy to bowiem od tolerancji układu pokarmowego danego człowieka.

Dlatego też musisz obserwować reakcje swojego organizmu na różne potrawy i składniki, aby móc unikać ich spożywania w sytuacjach, w których wzdęcia byłyby niepożądane.

W przypadku niektórych osób, gazy pojawiają się po spożyciu roślin strączkowych, a u innych wtedy, kiedy jedzą na przykład ziarna lub warzywa liściaste.

Choć każdy z nas reaguje inaczej na różne produkty, to najczęściej wzdęcia pojawiają się, kiedy spożywamy:Kawę.Rośliny strączkowe (ciecierzycę, soczewicę, groszek itp.)

Ostre potrawy, np. te przyprawione chili lub curry.Potrawy o wysokiej zawartości tłuszczu.Napoje gazowane i alkoholowe.Produkty zawierające laktozę, włącznie z jogurtami.Orzechy i niektóre owoce (jabłka, banany, brzoskwinie, winogrona)

2. Wzdęcia po szybkim zjedzeniu posiłku.Jedną z przyczyn występowania gazów jest zbyt szybkie spożywanie posiłków. Pamiętaj, że jest to bardzo niezdrowy nawyk i że należy poświęcić odpowiednią ilość czasu na spokojne przeżuwanie każdego kęsa.

Wzdęcia występują często u osób, które jedzą zbyt szybko, mają napady lękowe lub żyją w nieustannym stresie. Nagromadzenie gazów może się objawiać wzdęciami, czkawką lub odbijaniem się.

Staraj się zwracać uwagę nie tylko na to, co jesz, ale również jak to jesz. Daj sobie i organizmowi czas na spokojne zjedzenie i strawienie posiłku.

Wyznacz odpowiednią ilość czasu na przerwę obiadową i traktuj ją jak świętość. Nikt w tym czasie nie powinien ci przeszkadzać ani cię niepotrzebnie stresować czy poganiać.

3. Zażywanie leków a wzdęcia.Niektóre leki blokują produkcję enzymów trawiennych, przez co mogą wystąpić u ciebie gazy.

Jeśli zaczynasz jakąś kurację farmakologiczną, zwróć od początku uwagę na to, czy rozpoczęcie zażywania leków nie zbiegło się w czasie z pojawieniem się wzdęć.

W przypadku wystąpienia gazów, porozmawiaj a lekarzem i zapytaj czy problem ten może się wiązać z przepisanymi lekami. Być może wystarczy zmienić rodzaj leku i problem sam zniknie.

Pamiętaj jednak, że w żadnym wypadku nie powinieneś przerywać leczenia tylko ze względu na wystąpienie tego efektu ubocznego. Zawsze najpierw skonsultuj się ze swoim lekarzem.

4. Nieprawidłowa praca jelit.Choć wzdęcia najczęściej są wywołane nieodpowiednią dietą, warto również zwrócić uwagę na to, jak często one występują.

Czasem bowiem gazy są jedną z pierwszych oznak jakichś nieprawidłowości w funkcjonowaniu układu trawiennego. Jednym z najczęstszych schorzeń w tym zakresie jest zespół jelita drażliwego.

W jego przypadku, organizm wykazuje nietolerancję całego szeregu produktów spożywczych, czemu mogą również towarzyszyć ból brzucha i mdłości.

5. Obecność bakterii w jelitach.Jedzenie jakie spożywamy przechodzi bardzo długą drogę przez układ trawienny i wydalniczy.

Przechodząc z jelita cienkiego do grubego, trawiony pokarm aktywuje bytujące tam bakterie.Na skutek aktywności tych właśnie bakterii zaczynają powstawać gazy, które się kumulują i szukają drogi wyjścia.

For more infomation >> Wzdęcia – dlaczego nie możesz się ich pozbyć - Duration: 2:54.


김화온 (Kim Hwa-on X)|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 김화온 (Kim Hwa-on X)|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:10.


RTS 1 Kulturni dnevnik - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> RTS 1 Kulturni dnevnik - Duration: 1:10.


"야구 형제 → 전국 청년" "정약용 여섯 손자"를 믿는다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> "야구 형제 → 전국 청년" "정약용 여섯 손자"를 믿는다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:46.


김재욱의 아내가 외로운 도시에서 폭발하다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 김재욱의 아내가 외로운 도시에서 폭발하다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:42.


Easy updo hairstyle for long medium hair | super simple updo - Duration: 3:52.

Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Easy updo hairstyle for long medium hair | super simple updo - Duration: 3:52.


아이오와, 해체 후 1 년 반 만에 11 명 '프로듀스 48'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 아이오와, 해체 후 1 년 반 만에 11 명 '프로듀스 48'|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:49.


Dodohando ile Hamur Oyunları ( Play dough )Çizgi Filmi, Eğlencenin Adresi Çocukgiller - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Dodohando ile Hamur Oyunları ( Play dough )Çizgi Filmi, Eğlencenin Adresi Çocukgiller - Duration: 6:30.


Gossip U&D, la scelta di Nicolò: brutta notizia per i fan, ecco perché - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, la scelta di Nicolò: brutta notizia per i fan, ecco perché - Duration: 3:51.


Gossip U&D, la scelta di Nicolò: brutta notizia per i fan, ecco perché - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, la scelta di Nicolò: brutta notizia per i fan, ecco perché - Duration: 3:58.


I TOOK A CALEÑA TO THE ZOO - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> I TOOK A CALEÑA TO THE ZOO - Duration: 14:47.


The Making Of Lil Pump's "i SHYNE" With Carnage | Deconstructed - Duration: 5:15.

"i SHYNE" is the most obnoxious song possible.

Pump is already obnoxious as fuck, then you give him a beat that is disgusting like that.

I'm also obnoxious, so you add that in there and "i SHYNE" happened.

Going into the EDM world when the whole trap thing, the EDM trap thing happened, it was

basically the same shit I was doing, but with a different structure and a couple different


I was making a lot of hip hop beats were just 808, just strong 808.

A big origin of what I knew I could do with this EDM trap stuff was after I made

"Big Spender" for A$AP Rocky, Theophilus London.

A lot of people forget that I produced that.

Everyone in the electronic world is trying to do something with rap music now, when they

were bashing on me doing it five years ago.

So, I'm the Lebron of this shit.

This project was started on December 21st, 2017.

I made this beat in like five minutes.

I was just making weird stuff and then I just got into the zone.

I like to start with the melody, because with the melody I get to find the swing and the

catch of things and figure out how I'm going to do the drums and stuff.

The first thing was the synthesizer.

So that sounds completely different, right?

I reverb, had a clipper, two EQs.

Made it sound really fucking piercing, then I slowed it down.

Reversed it.

Then I put a gross beat on it, so it took it down.

I wanted a fat snare.

This is the high hats.

Got the kick.

My infamous way more louder 808.

This is a sound pack 808 from Loud Pack.

Cut the end out a little bit, trimmed it.

So, what I like to do with the 808s, I like to put Maximus, which is just like a crazy


I'll play you what it sounds like without it.

I mean it still hits, but it hits harder, you know?

I like to keep it simple.

Four bars, intro to a beat.

It's just simple.

You just want to get to the fucking point.

I'm also, obviously from the electronic world, so I like to bring that drop.

So, then I sent it to Pump.

My birthday is January 3rd, so I remember he recorded the song January 2nd.

I had to play New Year's Eve in Myanmar.

I took a couple days off for my birthday.

So, I'm fucked out of my mind on January 2nd.

It's my birthday.

It's January 3rd now, and Pump calls me, he's like, "Yo, I'm going to the studio to record it."

I'm fucking like, "Yes! Finally he's gonna do it."

I obviously finally went to sleep like midday, 12 o'clock.

Wake up, and Pump posted the teaser.

And that's just when everything went crazy.

I think we had, he had like 3 million views on his Instagram in eight hours.

It was ridiculous.

It was the birthday present anybody could give me.

When I make beats, I already envision what rapper I want on it.

If I can't get that person, I just never do anything with the beat.

I'm really picky about that.

It was awesome because I was telling everybody like, "Watch I'm gonna get Pump on this."

"It's gonna be crazy."

Then it happened.

Kayvan: You have any favorite lines from this song?

Carnage: Yeah, right here.


For more infomation >> The Making Of Lil Pump's "i SHYNE" With Carnage | Deconstructed - Duration: 5:15.


Andrew Zimmern Cooks: Bang Bang Tater Tots - Duration: 2:58.

When I was shooting an episode of Zimmern List, in the lovely town of

Portland Oregon. I ate tater tots paired with spicy chili

glaze, and it got my mind going that it kind of could be more. What I found was

something that was so delicious, and addictive I had to recreate it. I have

some peanuts here, in my mortar and pestle,

and I'm just crushing those up.

I'm gonna use some of the bigger chunks in the dish itself, and then some of the

fresh peanut powder for garnish, afterwards. T

This thing is up to like

380-385 when I put my tater tots in, put 3 or

4 cups of potatoes in there. Now you see

all that activity, that's actually moisture, water, bubbling away. And as that

quiets, the pan is actually gonna tell us when those tots are done. We want these

brown and crispy. And the reason is, we're gonna saute them in a liquid sauce, to

glaze them. So we really want that exterior shell to stay hard and crispy.

Prepping our ginger, a spoon allows you

to get into all those nooks and crannies.

I just want a dozen or so slices, that should do it

The tots are floating, the bubbly

has settled down, and those are nice and brown and crispy. And we do yes we have

fish sauce, yes it's salty, but we also want to

season these. That fish sauce is can be balanced by the sugar and the other

things so it's very important.

So, first thing that I like to do give a

little sprinkle of red chili flake in

there, a little bit of black sesame seed,

let those toast a little bit, put in our sugar, our fish sauce,

Thai chili sauce, let that start to

simmer and get syrupy, lime juice.

I'm sort of using a Thai playbook here in

terms of flavor, sour, salty, bitter, and sweet.

Add our ginger, the bigger pieces

of peanut, the stickiness of this as it

reduces to a syrup, will help those

peanuts to stick to the tater-tots.

Scallion, mint, cilantro, and then last but

not least, a jalapeno.

That glaze is getting thicker, so when

that happens in go my tater tots, and we toss. It was jelly-ish enough that sauce

that it's coating our tots. You know you've made right when the glaze is all

gone, there's really burnt or scorched in the bottom of that pan little. A little fresh

peanut take some mint and garnish this

maybe a little bit of fresh scallion and

this, Bangbang tater tots.

can't stop eating these!

For more infomation >> Andrew Zimmern Cooks: Bang Bang Tater Tots - Duration: 2:58.


Faux Stained Glass DIY Using Food Coloring And Mod Podge - Duration: 7:08.

Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse

I got a request to make something with an owl.

So I went online and found this super cute picture that I thought would look awesome

using the food coloring and Mod Podge faux stained glass technique.

Faux stained glass DIY using food coloring and mod podge.

Please turn on your notification bells so that you can get notified every time I upload

a video.

Let's get started.

Print out your image to the size you want.

I printed mine out at 120% size.

Using a piece of glass, I used the glass from an old clock, you're going to trace the

image using a permeant marker.

You can also use a piece of plastic.

When tracing the image remember that you're going to be filling in each spot with color

and if it's to small it's not going to look right.

I decided to leave out some of the very small detail on owl as you see here.

After I was done tracing I freehanded the rest of the design.

If you make a mistake, just use alcohol and a cotton swab to clean it off.

The next part is the part that takes the longest.

Using any kind of puffy paint you want, I used fabric puffy paint because it's the

one I have, outline the whole thing carefully.

You might have to do part of it, let it dry and then do the rest so you don't smudge


But If you happen to smudge it by mistake, just clean it off right away and it'll be


While that's drying, matching some markers to the food coloring I will be using, red,

blue, yellow, green, purple and pink, which I didn't end up using.

I colored in the printout to give me an idea of how I was going to color the glass.

I outlined the image in black first and then colored it in.

I end up changing the colors slightly when I did the glass.

Once the outline is fully dry, take a cotton swab with alcohol and clean off all of the

permanent marker markings that show.

You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

I have to or it'll drive me crazy with my OCD self!

Also, It takes about an hour, hour and a half for the puffy paint to dry.

I always leave mine overnight just to make sure.

Now it's time for the fun part, coloring it in!

Pour a little bit of Mod Podge Super Gloss Brilliant in a small container…

I use my old egg containers.

I put about 4 drops of food coloring and mix it up.

When mixing it go slow, not like you see me doing because I think it causes it to crack

more as it says in the back of the Mod Podge, not to shack this sealer.

Prepare the rest of the colors the same way and then you can start coloring in your design…

and yes you can buy glass paints but I had the food coloring and Mod Podge already so

why not.

Using a paint brush color in the whole design.

If you want to switch colors, have some water and a paper towel handy to quickly clean the

brush before switching colors.

This part is so relaxing and that's why I did this project this week.

I needed something chill to make because I've got some big ones coming up that y'all been

requesting and let's just say I'm going to be telling myself that there's no need

to cry LOL! but I'm very excited to get started and show you all what I have in store.

When I got to the eyes I decided to use all the colors to match what I was planning to

do with his feathers.

I put red, blue, purple green and yellow.

I repeated the pattern until the entire eye was colored.

Make sure to wipe the brush on the paper towel in between colors.

Color the whole thing and set it aside to dry.

Once it's dry you might see some cracks in it.

I'm thinking this happened because I mixed the sealer with the food coloring to fast.

Either way It still looks good and just adds to the look!

This is just an inexpensive way to get a faux stained glass look.

It's fun for kids to do or great for small projects.

If you want to make a bigger project they sell glass paints at any craft store or online.

As matter of fact, one of our very own family members found a store online that sells the

gallery glass paints and other craft supplies at good prices and was kind enough to share

it with me.

I'll leave the link in the description box below in case you're interested in checking

it out.

Disclaimer, I myself have never bought anything from this site and I'm not being sponsored…

shop at your own discretion.

After it was completely dry, I outlined the edge of the glass with the puffy paint and

let that dry.

To hang it, I used a small binder clip

and a suction cup with a hook and that's it!

I think this came out sooo cute and would be such a fun craft for the kids.

You can pick there favorite cartoons or even animal they like… do the outlining and let

it dry then they could color it in themselves!

Imagine all the different designs you could do and how fun when they get to see what they

colored get lit up by the sun!

I just thought of something else that might look amazing.

You could do this on a shadow box, fill the shadow box with fairy lights and now you have

a faux stained glass piece you can hang on your walls… you can even use it as a decorative

night light for the young ones.

As always have fun be creative and make a mess!

Thanks for watching!

If you like this video, please don't forget to thumbs it up as it helps the growth of

the channel and to show your support!

If you're new here, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on future video's

and remember, do it yourself there's no need to cry.

For more infomation >> Faux Stained Glass DIY Using Food Coloring And Mod Podge - Duration: 7:08.


Affordable Cruelty-free Makeup Dupes @phyrra - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> Affordable Cruelty-free Makeup Dupes @phyrra - Duration: 9:26.


Soap Talk March 18, 2006 Mom, Candice and I in audience.#1 - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> Soap Talk March 18, 2006 Mom, Candice and I in audience.#1 - Duration: 15:24.


Ripulire i bronchi in modo naturale - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Ripulire i bronchi in modo naturale - Duration: 7:08.


Consigli per liberare dalle tossine i reni e la vescica - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Consigli per liberare dalle tossine i reni e la vescica - Duration: 6:43.


紫光存儲晶元量產,打響中國存儲晶元第一槍!量產!量產!(組圖) - Duration: 13:42.

For more infomation >> 紫光存儲晶元量產,打響中國存儲晶元第一槍!量產!量產!(組圖) - Duration: 13:42.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! Airco, Navigatie - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! Airco, Navigatie - Duration: 0:49.


Soap Talk March 18,2006 Mom, Candice and I in Audience #2 - Duration: 13:51.

For more infomation >> Soap Talk March 18,2006 Mom, Candice and I in Audience #2 - Duration: 13:51.


Barf Si Tu Pighal Ja I Romantic Whatsaap Status Video IArmaan Malik I Sing Studio PK - Duration: 0:30.

Barf si Tu Pighal Ja Whatsaap status By Sing studio PK

Sing Studio Pk

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Please Subscribe Our Channel For More Videos

For more infomation >> Barf Si Tu Pighal Ja I Romantic Whatsaap Status Video IArmaan Malik I Sing Studio PK - Duration: 0:30.


Chrysler Voyager 3.3i V6 SE Luxe 7 Pers BJ 2004 !!! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Chrysler Voyager 3.3i V6 SE Luxe 7 Pers BJ 2004 !!! - Duration: 1:06.


Toyota Paseo 1.5i VOOR ONDERDELEN BJ 1996 !!! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Paseo 1.5i VOOR ONDERDELEN BJ 1996 !!! - Duration: 1:09.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Comfort | Airco | Bluetooth | LM velgen - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Comfort | Airco | Bluetooth | LM velgen - Duration: 1:08.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I Sol | Climate control | Cruise control | Radio-CD - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I Sol | Climate control | Cruise control | Radio-CD - Duration: 1:07.


PINK! Accent Wall | My Living Room Makeover - Duration: 8:28.

Recently premier paints from Canadian Tire paid me to make a video and I

thought it'd be the perfect time to do a little something with this blank white

canvas that is my living room so in today's video a little living room makeover

Hi guys my name's Shayda Campbell welcome to my living room so spring is

definitely trying to sprung here in Canada and lately I've been wanting to

sort of freshen things up a bit so I'm thinking a living room makeover

is the perfect thing now Chris and I just moved into this apartment on

December 1st of 2017 we were living on the road for two plus years so long

story very short we were basically moving from out of province or out of

country and we would find a job and then we would just rent like a tiny furnished

whatever for a couple months and then we move on so this is the first home that

we've had in over two years almost three years and so I'm really enjoying making

it a home and getting settled here a few months ago I did my studio makeover and

I did a full tour and video about that so I'll link that in the description and

now I'm ready to tackle this big blank canvas of a white room that is our

living room and what I want to do here is we have a pretty minimal style but

this one definitely needs some pieces it needs a rug a coffee table and some

accent pieces like pillows and plants but more than that I think it needs a

little pop of color and I'm thinking pink yes pink pink can be so cool and

fun and hip and unique and sophisticated and adult and that's what I want to show

in this video that pink doesn't have to be the color of a little girls

ballerina candyfloss themed room it really can be a sophisticated and adult

like I said and just cool and premiere paints from

Canadian Tire they have a bunch of really nice colors of paint nice shades that I

think can work for anybody any room any style so I'm going to show you my

favorite colors of pink and I'm also going to do a blog post about this so

you can read all about this over on shaydacampbellblog.com so there

will be extra photos over there and I'll also have a list of all my favorite pink

colors that way if you don't catch it in the video you can go over there and

check out extra photos and read about the Pink's anyway I'm going to show you

guys the full makeover of this room as well as the makeover of this pink accent

wall so it's all that and more in today's video so at the heart of this

makeover was really the pink accent wall and one of the nice things about doing

the accent wall is that it was really just a weekend project it took like all

of 24 hours I just started by clearing out the space getting rid of all the

dust bunnies and then I used some painters tape and I taped off the area

that I wanted to paint and this is really the key when you're painting a

wall or anything for that matter it's not about the act of painting it's

really all about the prep so you want to make sure that any dust is wiped away

and then you want to properly and carefully tape off the area so that you

have nice clean straight lines and I decided not to take my accent color

right up to the ceiling I stopped about a foot shy of the ceiling and left a

nice white line and I was able to tape this off just freehand using my blue

painters tape it worked out wonderfully I just eyeballed it you could also do

that with a chalk line or something but I just relied on my own eye and the tape

made a beautifully clean line from the pink to the white and speaking of pink

the color I chose is called light blush and I decided to go with a flat finish I

love a flat finish for an accent wall because it just has a beautifully soft

look and I didn't have to worry about a flat finish not being durable enough

because these Premiere paints are very durable so I'm able to actually wash

this accent wall if I do get some fingerprints or something on there and I

don't have to worry about the finish degrading I painted the wall just using

a brush and a little roller and I put two coats on it over the space of an

afternoon such a simple project just being careful not to slop a lot of paint

onto the tape then I let the accent wall dry overnight you always want to give

your paint lots of time to dry before you pull the tape off I did that on a

Friday afternoon and then on Saturday morning I just came in pulled off all

the tape I had these nice beautiful clean lines

between the pink and the white I was really happy with the way it turned out

and then anywhere there was a little smudge of paint or whatever I just took

a tiny brush and fixed it up and then once the wall was done it was time to

move all of our furniture back in and I picked up a few different pieces

including these poof's that make for a great footstool / coffee table new house

plants and linen pillows and a beautiful Vietnamese basket to hang on the wall

now I am gonna buy a larger area rug I'm sort of on the hunt for the perfect rug

I'll layer a nice 8 by 10 cream-colored rug underneath the Persian and then I'll

be totally done but for now this is what the room looks like and I'm so happy

with it it's a little bit boho still very simple and minimal and very very

cozy and I just love my pink wall and light blush from premier paints well

guys the living room makeover is pretty much complete and I'm super happy with

the way it turned out I just turned out the way that I had

envisioned and I love it when that happens my

favorite things in the room are one the pink wall duh I did this in a color

called light blush and that's from premier paints at Canadian Tire and in

the end I decided to do it in a flat finish now flat finishes I think people

are sort of scared off of them because they're often not durable but the

premier paints are exceptionally durable so I don't have to worry about if I need

to wash the wall I'm not going to deteriorate the finish of the paint and

the reason I love a flat finish is that it has a very soft subtle look there's

no glare it sort of absorbed the light really beautifully and almost has a

stucco look so I'm loving the way that it came out in the end also I didn't go

right up to the top of the ceiling and I feel that just helps to incorporate the

accent color into the rest of the room it carries the white of the rest of the

room right throughout now this accent wall only took me a day it was a pretty

much one day project or over the course of 24 hours so because it was so

simple I feel I can reproach this pink is great for spring and summer but come

next fall and Christmas and winter if I want to change it up it's not a big deal

and secondly the other things that I'm really loving are all the jute and linen

accents in this room I've got my linen pillows this beautifully patterned

alpaca blanket the jute poof's and my accent piece on our accent wall and I

love that that's sort of what's in this summer and jute is so huge this season

but these are all things I could switch out easily enough if I wanted to change

it up in a couple of years time but for now and loving this sort of pared down

boho style that's what I'm going for I hope I achieved it I'll be on the

hunt for a perfect area rug over the next month but tell me what you think

I'd love to hear what you think of the living room in the comments below and of

course you can head over to the blog I'm listing all of my favorite premier pink

shades over on shaydacampbellblog.com all right I'll see you Friday with

a new video thanks for watching today guys don't forget to subscribe and head

over to the blog to see all of my favorite shades of pink from premier

For more infomation >> PINK! Accent Wall | My Living Room Makeover - Duration: 8:28.


Citroën C2 / Hyundai 1.6I SILVER EDITION DESIGN BY PININFARINA - AIRCO - - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 / Hyundai 1.6I SILVER EDITION DESIGN BY PININFARINA - AIRCO - - Duration: 0:52.



Starzenie się, zaburzenia gospodarki hormonalnej i niezdrowy tryb życia, mogą wpływać negatywnie na stan naszej skóry, powodując nieestetyczne zmiany takie jak wągry, brodawki, zatkane pory czy plamy starcze.

Wiele osób próbuje uporać się z tymi problemami, stosując drogie i nie zawsze skuteczne kosmetyki. Niektóre zawierają szkodliwe substancje chemiczne i mogą wyrządzić skórze więcej szkody niż pożytku!

Co zatem zrobić, gdy pojawią się na niej niedoskonałości? W takiej sytuacji warto sięgać po naturalne, niezawodne metody.

1. Pieprzyki.Pieprzyki mogą pojawić się na naszej skórze w każdym wieku. Te zespoły komórek pigmentacyjnych skóry, nazywane są również melanocytami.

Za ich występowanie odpowiada nie tylko genetyka, ale także nadmierna ekspozycja skóry na słońce.Oto naturalne środki zaradcze na pieprzyki:

Czosnek.Czosnek posiada właściwości, dzięki którym pozwala skutecznie rozprawić się z pieprzykami. Nim go zastosujesz, na okolice pieprzyka nałóż taśmę lub wazelinę. W ten sposób zabezpieczysz skórę.

Następnie nałóż czosnek lub wyciąg z czosnku i pozostaw na około 4 godziny. Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskasz stosując tę kurację codziennie.

Olej rycynowy i soda oczyszczona.Przygotuj pastę z oleju rycynowego i sody oczyszczonej. Następnie posmaruj nią pieprzyk, zakryj go bandażem i pozostaw na całą noc. Rano zdejmij bandaż, i opłucz skórę wodą. Podobnie jak w przypadku czosnku, stosuj tę metodę codziennie.

Ocet jabłkowy.Ten sposób jest naprawdę prosty. Wystarczy, że zanurzysz patyczek higieniczny w occie jabłkowym i posmarujesz nim pieprzyk.Pamiętaj, by zabezpieczyć skórę dokoła taśmą medyczną. Ani się obejrzysz, jak pieprzyk zniknie!

2. Brodawki.Za pojawianie się brodawek zwykle odpowiada wirus HPV, czyli brodawczak ludzki. Brodawki pojawiają się na skórze lub błonach śluzowych, a najczęstszą metodą ich eliminacji jest zamrażanie lub stosowanie kwasu salicylowego.Oto naturalne środki zaradcze na brodawki:

Banany.Nim położysz się spać, potrzyj zmianę skórką banana. Powtarzaj tę procedurę przed dwa tygodnie lub do momentu, aż brodawki znikną.

Miód.Podobnie jak w przypadku banana, przed snem wetrzyj w brodawkę odrobinę miodu i zabezpiecz skórę bandażem. Zakończ kurację, gdy brodawka zniknie.Czosnek.Zmiażdżonym czosnkiem pocieraj brodawkę dwa razy dziennie, do momentu, gdy stanie się niewidoczna

Ocet jabłkowy.Zanurz patyczek kosmetyczny w occie jabłkowym i pocieraj nim miejsce, w którym pojawiła się brodawka. Owiń to miejsce bandażem i pozostaw na całą noc.Rano powtórz kurację. Efekty będą rewelacyjne! 

3. Brodawki starcze.Brodawki starcze zwykle pojawiają się na powiekach, szyi, klatce piersiowej i pod pachami. Choć przypominają swoim wyglądem brodawki, w rzeczywistości są włókniakami starczymi, które najczęściej wycina się lub zamraża.Oto naturalne środki zaradcze dla brodawek starczych:

Ocet jabłkowy.Zamocz wacik w occie jabłkowym i potrzyj nim zmianę. Pozostaw go na skórze tak długo, jak tylko chcesz. Po kilku dniach włókniak zniknie.Olej z drzewa herbacianego

Do wody dodaj kilka kropli oleju z drzewa herbacianego. Tak powstałą mieszankę nałóż na brodawkę i zabezpiecz bandażem. Powtarzaj kurację 2-3 razy dziennie przez miesiąc. To jedna z najskuteczniejszych i najbezpieczniejszych metod, zwłaszcza jeśli posiadasz brodawki na powiekach

Soda i olej rycynowy.Przygotuj pastę z sody i oleju rycynowego. Nałóż ją na brodawkę i zabezpiecz bandażem. Powtarzaj kurację 2-3 razy na dobę.

4. Ciemne plamy.Ciemne plamki pojawiają się najczęściej na twarzy, przedramionach i dłoniach. Nazywane są również plamkami starczymi. Powstają wskutek starzenia się wątroby i nadmiernej ekspozycji skóry na słońce.Oto naturalne środki zaradcze na ciemne plamy:

Cytryna.To łatwa i skuteczna metoda. Zamocz patyczek higieniczny w soku z cytryny i potrzyj nim ciemne plamki na skórze. Powtarzaj tę czynność dwa razy dziennie.

Aloes.By pozbyć się plam, zastosuj na skórę świeży aloes. Pozostaw go na niej na około pół godziny. Kurację stosuj do momentu zniknięcia zmian.

Cebula.Użyj blendera, by rozdrobnić cebulę i otrzymać sok. Następnie zastosuj w miejscu wystąpienia plam. Pozwól mu działać przez 10-15 minut, po czym przemyj skórę wodą.Zakończ kurację, gdy plamki znikną. 

5. Zatkane pory.Zatkane sebum pory sprawiają, że skóra wygląda nieestetycznie i narażona jest na powstawanie niedoskonałości.Oto naturalne środki zaradcze na zatkane pory:

Peeling z cukru i soku z cytryny.Przygotuj pastę z cukru i soku z cytryny. Kolistymi ruchami nałóż ją na problematyczny obszar skóry, następnie przemyj twarz ciepłą wodą.

Para.Przed zabiegiem dokładnie umyj twarz. Następnie umieść ją nad miską z przegotowaną, parującą wodą. Okryj głowę ręcznikiem. Zabieg powinien trwać około 10-15 minut. Gdy skończysz, przemyj twarz ciepłą wodą.



Mazda MX-5 RF 2.0 SkyActiv-G 160 GT-M 6MT i-ELOOP (Nw.Pr € 44.500,-) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 RF 2.0 SkyActiv-G 160 GT-M 6MT i-ELOOP (Nw.Pr € 44.500,-) - Duration: 0:54.


Life Of The Party Movie

For more infomation >> Life Of The Party Movie


O círculo na tradição Zen – Kazuaki Tanahashi - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> O círculo na tradição Zen – Kazuaki Tanahashi - Duration: 2:04.


VINGADORES: GUERRA INFINITA | Trailer (2018) Dublado [4K] - Duration: 2:37.

The entire time I knew him,

he only ever had one goal.

To wipe out half the universe.

If he gets all the infinity stones,

he can do it with a snap of his fingers.

Just like that.

Tell me his name again.


We got one advantage.

He's coming to us.

We have what Thanos wants.

So, that's what we use.

Let's talk about this plan of yours.

I think it's good, except, it sucks.

So, let me do the plan, and that way, it might be really good.

The end is near.

And when I'm done,

half of humanity will still exists.

Perfectly balanced.

As all thing should be.

I hope they remember you.

I'm Peter, by the way.

Doctor Strange.

Oh, you're using your made up names. Then I am Spider-man.

For more infomation >> VINGADORES: GUERRA INFINITA | Trailer (2018) Dublado [4K] - Duration: 2:37.


Como usar a rede social Vero - Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Como usar a rede social Vero - Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 1:36.


Gossip Uomini e Donne: Virginia o Marta, chi conquisterà il cuore di Brigante? - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e Donne: Virginia o Marta, chi conquisterà il cuore di Brigante? - Duration: 5:37.


Série 9 Você Pergunta e Eu Respondo - Arranjos de Sucesso | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Série 9 Você Pergunta e Eu Respondo - Arranjos de Sucesso | Eleny Inoue - Nature Flores - Duration: 6:36.



hello and welcome to a new edition of easy remedies 24 today

we will talk about the next topic at 47 years old this mask helps you to look

As of 30 the main ingredient is in all the luxury creams

so do not leave and stay with us until the end of this video

where we will be developing this interesting topic

do not forget to like this video share it with your family and friends

and subscribe to our channel now we go with the information

promoter of birth this is how tocopherol is translated from Latin

we know as a vitamin and it's also called the vitamin of youth and

beauty or the more feminine vitamin the lack of vitamin in the body affects

Instantly the appearance generates wrinkles and skin acne rashes

begins to detach and lips are cracked women who know the

power and secrecy of tocopherol often use it to take care of your face and

they also take it to decrease the age-related changes the

Fresh natural products contain enough vitamins to enrich

the cells of all the layers of the skin but sometimes it is very useful to apply

a mask with a more concentrated vitamin content as a result

from the regular application of these latex masks it becomes more uniform the

yellowness disappears and wrinkles gradually soften

Carrot and avocado mask ingredients 2 tablespoons puree

carrot 2 tablespoons fresh avocado puree 8 vitamin e capsules

both products are rich in vitamin mixed in the boiled carrot puree and

fresh avocado adds capsules vitamin d

mix it well and the mask is ready before using it washes the skin with water

warm so that the pores open and the skin absorbs the nutrients it needs

of the mask apply the mask on the face the neck and the skin of the neckline

for 20 minutes and then remove it with plenty of cold water banana mask

with vitamin capsules and ingredients 2 tablespoons of banana puree 5 or 8

Vitamin E capsules mix the ingredients and apply them on the skin

clean for 30 minutes rinse with cold water

egg mask with vitamins and ingredients one yolk 3 to 5

Vitamin capsules and mix of yolk with vitamin E applied on the face

neck and neckline clean for 30 minutes wash with warm water

make vitamin masks every night for 10 days and then every other day you

skin will become smoother flexible and healthy it is recommended to consume

foods rich in vitamin e every day

these will help your skin stay healthy and young

where can I get vitamin e 100 hawthorn rose garden oil

cereals eggs fruits almonds and avocado peanuts fish blue sea

milk liver beans tomatoes cherry brussel sprouts seeds pumpkins

green leafy vegetables now you know how you can use the

vitamin capsule for skin care at home applies them in their form

pure as part of masks and compresses to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin and

result will not be expected, the homemade vitamins will also help you

have healthy and strong hair and what type of masks you use for care

of your face it is very important that we know your opinion so ends another edition of

your channel easy remedies 24 do not forget to share this video with your

family and friends in your social networks leave your opinion in the box

comments and give him I like I am francisco sucre and see you in a

next video until next time



Faux Stained Glass DIY Using Food Coloring And Mod Podge - Duration: 7:08.

Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse

I got a request to make something with an owl.

So I went online and found this super cute picture that I thought would look awesome

using the food coloring and Mod Podge faux stained glass technique.

Faux stained glass DIY using food coloring and mod podge.

Please turn on your notification bells so that you can get notified every time I upload

a video.

Let's get started.

Print out your image to the size you want.

I printed mine out at 120% size.

Using a piece of glass, I used the glass from an old clock, you're going to trace the

image using a permeant marker.

You can also use a piece of plastic.

When tracing the image remember that you're going to be filling in each spot with color

and if it's to small it's not going to look right.

I decided to leave out some of the very small detail on owl as you see here.

After I was done tracing I freehanded the rest of the design.

If you make a mistake, just use alcohol and a cotton swab to clean it off.

The next part is the part that takes the longest.

Using any kind of puffy paint you want, I used fabric puffy paint because it's the

one I have, outline the whole thing carefully.

You might have to do part of it, let it dry and then do the rest so you don't smudge


But If you happen to smudge it by mistake, just clean it off right away and it'll be


While that's drying, matching some markers to the food coloring I will be using, red,

blue, yellow, green, purple and pink, which I didn't end up using.

I colored in the printout to give me an idea of how I was going to color the glass.

I outlined the image in black first and then colored it in.

I end up changing the colors slightly when I did the glass.

Once the outline is fully dry, take a cotton swab with alcohol and clean off all of the

permanent marker markings that show.

You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

I have to or it'll drive me crazy with my OCD self!

Also, It takes about an hour, hour and a half for the puffy paint to dry.

I always leave mine overnight just to make sure.

Now it's time for the fun part, coloring it in!

Pour a little bit of Mod Podge Super Gloss Brilliant in a small container…

I use my old egg containers.

I put about 4 drops of food coloring and mix it up.

When mixing it go slow, not like you see me doing because I think it causes it to crack

more as it says in the back of the Mod Podge, not to shack this sealer.

Prepare the rest of the colors the same way and then you can start coloring in your design…

and yes you can buy glass paints but I had the food coloring and Mod Podge already so

why not.

Using a paint brush color in the whole design.

If you want to switch colors, have some water and a paper towel handy to quickly clean the

brush before switching colors.

This part is so relaxing and that's why I did this project this week.

I needed something chill to make because I've got some big ones coming up that y'all been

requesting and let's just say I'm going to be telling myself that there's no need

to cry LOL! but I'm very excited to get started and show you all what I have in store.

When I got to the eyes I decided to use all the colors to match what I was planning to

do with his feathers.

I put red, blue, purple green and yellow.

I repeated the pattern until the entire eye was colored.

Make sure to wipe the brush on the paper towel in between colors.

Color the whole thing and set it aside to dry.

Once it's dry you might see some cracks in it.

I'm thinking this happened because I mixed the sealer with the food coloring to fast.

Either way It still looks good and just adds to the look!

This is just an inexpensive way to get a faux stained glass look.

It's fun for kids to do or great for small projects.

If you want to make a bigger project they sell glass paints at any craft store or online.

As matter of fact, one of our very own family members found a store online that sells the

gallery glass paints and other craft supplies at good prices and was kind enough to share

it with me.

I'll leave the link in the description box below in case you're interested in checking

it out.

Disclaimer, I myself have never bought anything from this site and I'm not being sponsored…

shop at your own discretion.

After it was completely dry, I outlined the edge of the glass with the puffy paint and

let that dry.

To hang it, I used a small binder clip

and a suction cup with a hook and that's it!

I think this came out sooo cute and would be such a fun craft for the kids.

You can pick there favorite cartoons or even animal they like… do the outlining and let

it dry then they could color it in themselves!

Imagine all the different designs you could do and how fun when they get to see what they

colored get lit up by the sun!

I just thought of something else that might look amazing.

You could do this on a shadow box, fill the shadow box with fairy lights and now you have

a faux stained glass piece you can hang on your walls… you can even use it as a decorative

night light for the young ones.

As always have fun be creative and make a mess!

Thanks for watching!

If you like this video, please don't forget to thumbs it up as it helps the growth of

the channel and to show your support!

If you're new here, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on future video's

and remember, do it yourself there's no need to cry.

For more infomation >> Faux Stained Glass DIY Using Food Coloring And Mod Podge - Duration: 7:08.


Alberto Guerra y Zuria Vega trabajarán juntos en una película | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Alberto Guerra y Zuria Vega trabajarán juntos en una película | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:16.


Missing woman found dead at Clear Lake Park - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Missing woman found dead at Clear Lake Park - Duration: 2:23.


Santa Receita | Bombocado salgado por Alessandra Von - 24 de abril de 2017 - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Bombocado salgado por Alessandra Von - 24 de abril de 2017 - Duration: 12:41.


Os talentos - Parábolas de Jesus - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Os talentos - Parábolas de Jesus - Duration: 10:16.


Diga ADEUS a Seus Óculos e Melhore 99% da Sua VISÃO Com Esta Incrível Receita Caseira - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Diga ADEUS a Seus Óculos e Melhore 99% da Sua VISÃO Com Esta Incrível Receita Caseira - Duration: 4:06.






hey guys~ I'm Natsumi

and this will be a haul and unboxing video of my exo's universe

my album is here

but first!

let's open the poster that came with it

let's see, there are two of them

I think one is an individual poster and the other is a group poster

let's see which one is this

I hope it is Se....

what am I saying?! Sehun virus got me, I hope it is Chanyeol

or Baekhyun, I don't know

ah this is the group poster

I don't know if you can see the whole thing

and the next one is probably the solo poster, omg

oh guys

ah it's Xiumin, omg, so huge

it is Xiumin!

he is so cute as a barista

the coffes here

and here the album, let's open

guys, seriously, I did a reaction video to this album's music

and I loved universe so much

so, so much

and this album is amazing

it was so good!

I loved the song "been throught"

like, A LOT! it's so good

oh it's so beautiful, I loved the texture it's matte

and here where it's written "exo" and "winter special 2017" is in silver, it's metalic

and here too, all the letters and frames

here their photos with coffes, so cute

let's see, the cd is black

oh guys, when there is universe themed things I fall instantly, that's why I loved it so much

it's universe, mug, coffee...

all the things that I love

so, yeah, Oh it started with a photo....

oh ok, let's search my card

here, let's see

ah omg, it always fall...

but I didn't see


I got D.O's forehead!


this has became like a meme

a meme like this

cute but

D.O's forehead

I gott D.O's forehead

how funny


there are so many funny memes with this photo

so, let's take a basic brief look


genie that I can't use fell

because of the date

ah yeah, I got this postcard as also

it's limited to who buys in the pre sale

and it came with

there are some wonderful photos inside

ah wait, I need to find this photo

it's a photo of Chanyeol, ah here

Chanyeol and Baekhyun beautifuly together

ah so beautiful!

so this was an overview of the album

and now I will show all the details of this album

and this was my haul and unboxing video of exo's universe

this album is so beautiful, listen to it a lot

I found it so funny that I got D.O's forehead

I will laugh because of this forever

but, yeah, I hope you liked this unboxing

if you did, like this video and subscribe

follow me on intagram, Natsudream

and comment here what you think of this

this album is beautiful

it's my concept, coffe and universe

so yeah, bye~

For more infomation >> EXO UNIVERSE HAUL/UNBOXING - Duration: 6:45.



For more infomation >> Como CURAR A HEMORROIDA PERMANENTEMENTE Em Apenas 2 HORAS!! - Duration: 3:29.


LEARN TO SEE AND HEAL YOUR AURA. With Gemma Vila, psychologist. - Duration: 35:22.

For more infomation >> LEARN TO SEE AND HEAL YOUR AURA. With Gemma Vila, psychologist. - Duration: 35:22.


5 mitos falsos que aún sigues creyendo - Otro F**kin' Vlog - Episodio 1 - Duration: 4:34.

Hi! I'm Ale, and this is Just Another F**kin' Vlog A new space destined to talk about science,

philosophy and technology Hopefully to enlighten everyone's life

or at least entertain you for a while

Intro, and it's on!

¡Ok! we live in the information era

and that comes with misinformation All knowledge is just one mouse click away

and many think clicking twice makes you an expert

Specially about science stuff, don't ask me why So I picked five ot those "truths"

we all think to know and I'm going to debunk them

#5 - Dogs can't see colors

I start here because I myself stood up for this one for a while

Dogs see in black and white, right? We all remember this scene

Well that's wrong! Dogs don't see the same colors that we do

The human retina has three type of cone cells, which are photo-sensitive and capture

the diferent wavelenghts of light Dogs only have, which is why they see

a color spectrum much alike people who suffer deuteranopia

meaning they can easilly tell yellow from blue

but not yellow from red

#4-Einstein wasn's good at Math

What? This is a totally fake rumor which was wide spread

after einstein's death In fact, in the 1994 movie IQ

Einstein shows up as a character and there's this scene where someone corrects an ecuation form him,

and then he goes "I was always bad at math"

That's just wrong Einstein was so good at math 23 00:01:31,630 --> 00:01:35,700 that he almost became a mathmatician He ended up in physics because he tought

he would find harder and more complex problems there

This one's my favourite because people

who believe it, tend to defend it with their lives and there's no evidence of anything like it

This idea is also popular in movies and some books on leadership and self-helf

with doubtful methodological rigor

However, there is research and data which could have been misinterpreted this way

For example: early studies in the twentieth century showed nosimultaneous activity

in more than ten percent of the brain As of now, activity in all of the brain has been observed

and it is known of several areas working simultaneously

even when we sleep

Ok, this one it kind of weird but I had to talk about it

Velociraptors are not a myth, they existed The problem is all we think we know

about them, we learned it from this movie They were seven feet tall, covered ik scales,

they hunted in packs and they were super smart Well, acording to the fossil registry

That is all lies What they do get right in the movie is that dinosaurs

are the ancestors of today's bird And well, velociraptors looked more

like a turkey with a long tail

They were just three feet tall, covered in feathers and they weighed around 90 pounds

They would rarely hunt in packs since they were lonely creatures

but there's evidence that indicates they used to build nest for their offspring

There's not much to say about their intelligence if we take the porportion between

the size of the brain and the body size

But making such comparison gives no reason to think any dinosaur

was actually smart So, as funny as they are,

philosoraptor's existential doubts would never occur

and to wrap this up I can tell you the trait used in jurassic park

belong to another species, the Deinonychus Altough for this one it's still in discussion

if they had any feathers

¡This is a Heavy one! I left this one for the end because

the internet era is not to blame here As kids we were all taught we have

five senses Sight, hearing, smell, taste

and touch. This works at a certain level

It's an old fashioned definition dating back to Aristotle's time

It is more focused on identifying organs an tissues that take part in the perception

of external stimuli Today, science sees senses as

any form of perception that allows our brain to be aware of our body,

our place in space, the surrounding environment, and our internal state.

Numbers may vary from one author to another but it's an average of 20

Yes. twenty sense. This forms of perception include balance,

the notion of your muscle tone, pain, and hunger

Well if you got this far I hope you liked it

Next two episodes are already recorded

and will be published weekly From then on each epidose will appear every

two or three weeks In the next episode I'm gonna talk about

some stuff we all eat ans maybe we shouldn't. I hope you subsribe

to my channel, leave comments, share this on your social networks, see you next time. Bye!

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