Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 24 2018

Right now we're gonna react to Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete

We've already reacted to them separately

Now they're together

Yes, it's a scene from a movie which is called "Dos Tipos De Cuidado"

The song is called "Coplas"... let's translate it

Two types of care?

The title means "coplas"

In Russia coplas are something like "chastushki"

Funny coplas and jokes. Let's see their coplas

Best voices of Mexico

It is like a duel

Yes, it's a duel with coplas

They're gonna joke about each other

Did he offend him? -Yeah, joked about him

If he offended him, he would shoot him

Great voice

That guy got respect for him from the start

Pretty girls

He offended him too

Yes, it's something like Russian chastushki

He said something funny

They have powerful voices

He really offended him

Even his woman...

He probably joked about his girlfriend

Because he looked at her after that

He probably joked about his lady

Strong voice

Opera voice

This guy has a more powerful voice

He's jokingly talking about him

She left

Rememnber "como tu"?

They almost had a fight

That's it. The duel is over

It was awesome

I wish we knew what they were saying

Yeah, you could see that he offended his girlfriend

He made her run away

No, it was her friend, not her

Yeah, there were two girls there

It was nice, I liked it

Yeah, a duel of voices

In our era there are rap battles

But back then, they used to battle with voices

I think the guys in lighter clothes was more respectful

And he used more polite jokes

And he had a more powerful voice

But the second guy tried to offend him

That's why one of them was wearing white and the other one wearing black

The guy in black was more rude

It's a scene from a movie actually

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Please write in the comments what they were saying to each other

It would be very interesting to know

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For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO MEXICAN MUSIC | Pedro Infante y Jorge Negrete - Coplas | REACTION - Duration: 5:38.


¿Cómo cuidar tus pies si eres diabético? - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo cuidar tus pies si eres diabético? - Duration: 10:09.


Is Your Instrument Affecting Your Singing Voice? | Guitar and Keys | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Is Your Instrument Affecting Your Singing Voice? | Guitar and Keys | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 7:50.


Realizan con éxito el primer trasplante de pene y escroto del mundo - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Realizan con éxito el primer trasplante de pene y escroto del mundo - Duration: 3:28.


Kathleen Turner develó una misógina apuesta de Jack Nicholson y Michael Douglas - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Kathleen Turner develó una misógina apuesta de Jack Nicholson y Michael Douglas - Duration: 2:25.


La reina Letizia de España podría ser la más ocupada, y la mejor vestida - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> La reina Letizia de España podría ser la más ocupada, y la mejor vestida - Duration: 5:37.


Walter Nelson pasó momentos angustiantes buscando a su perro: ¡Y lo encontró! - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Walter Nelson pasó momentos angustiantes buscando a su perro: ¡Y lo encontró! - Duration: 1:28.


"I want to live!" - Elif Episode 717 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:02.

You venom! What did you think, huh?

You thought I couldn't find you?

Why on earth you would've done that?

You thought in your own world, that you'll have a better life out there?

You would be dead in two days!

Didn't you give it a think, huh?

Do you know what would happen if Tarik knew about this?

Let me tell you, he would kill both of us. You get it? Both of us.

As you go after your dead mom, I'd be right after you.

So you thought you were to spread all the posters, then your mom will come and find you?

When did you see a dead one comes back to life, huh? Where?

Your mom is dead, OK? She's dead!

Accept it now, get it?

What are you looking at? Am I lying?

You're coming closer for your end, but you don't know yet.

But if you want to die, that's something else. I don't mind!

But you can't take me with yourself.

Because I want to live! You get me? I want to live!

I'm talking to you!

Don't I make any sense to you? Huh?

Answer me!

Look at me...

If you ever do something this stupid...

I won't leave you to Tarik, and I'll kill you with my bare hands!

You heard me?

You heard me? Answer!

You're making me sick! Sick!

Look at me.

You're not gonna tell no one that you left here.

No one!

Grab them.

For more infomation >> "I want to live!" - Elif Episode 717 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:02.


"Why did you hang the posters?" - Elif Episode 717 (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:38.


I... I'm gonna ask you something.

We went out with your sis Süreyya today.

We got hungry...


remember the fisherman we went together?

We went there to grab a bite.

Then we saw this poster.

You put it on the wall.

Damn it...

Damn it!

That fisherman there described you.

He saw you hanging the poster.

- Brother Kerem, I just... - Elif, look...

You've been to there all by yourself.

You got away from home.

Look, that's very dangerous.

It really is dangerous.

Elif, honey...

We care about you, that's why we're telling this to you.

It was really dangerous for you to go there all by yourself.

What if something happened to you?

What would we do then?

She's right.

Your sis Süreyya is right.

But thankfully you're here now.

But don't do such a thing again.

Alright, Elif?


How did you get this poster?

Elif, dear...

we're not mad at you, don't get this the wrong way.

We're just curious with Kerem, that's why we're asking all these.


Could I ever be mad at such a cute girl, like you?

These posters...

A man brought these, working at the firm.

I got the door for him.

He asked for you, brother Kerem.

But you were asleep.

He didn't want me to wake you up.

He gave the posters to me, then he left.

So you thought to finish what's left of this, then went out to hang the posters, right?

Did you really have a lust for it?

You really wanted the posters on the wall, huh?

You wanted the whole city to recognize you?


Would you please tell me?

Why did you hang all those posters?

Don't tell them!


For more infomation >> "Why did you hang the posters?" - Elif Episode 717 (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:38.


Damian Marley - Living It Up

For more infomation >> Damian Marley - Living It Up


How The US Gets China Wrong | World War 3 IV - Duration: 8:15.

Hey there!

In recent months we have heard a ton about China, From Trump's trade war to Xi Jinping's

permanent presidency.

But I don't think we really talk about China seriously.

Today I am going to talk about three things that almost all supposedly serious coverage

of China gets wrong, and that you should look out for.

This channel's coverage of China can seem confusing.

In some videos I am very dismissive of the threat to US interests that China poses today.

But in other videos I talk about how China will probably be the world's most powerful

country by the end of this century.

It may look like there is a contradiction here, but there isn't.

It's a question of timing.

US commentary on the topic seems to be split.

Some folks are in a constant state of panic.

Every time China surpasses the US on some metric, people come out to declare that US

power is finished.

That's not how any of this works.

The US has been building a world system for almost 75 years now.

No matter how much Trump abuses it, this system isn't just going to evaporate.

The US economy surpassed Great Britain's around 1900, but Britain maintained and even

grew its influence for decades after that point.

It took two apocalyptic wars to finally end British world leadership in the 1940s and


This is why people who want to preserve US power should be super anti war by the way....

The other side of US commentary goes way too far in the other direction.

We hear things about how China is getting old before it's getting rich, and how their

economic model is running out of steam, or they are running out of women or whatever.

This approach relies really heavily on the example of Japan.

Back in the 1980s it looked like Japan was taking over the world, but they've been

falling behind for almost 30 years now.

There are some similarities between the Japanese and Chinese models, but there's a basic

question of scale that gets ignored here.

China has over 10 times more people.

Their economy is almost three times the size of Japan's already, and even if the figures

are fudged, the Chinese economy is still growing at 5-7% a year.

I have talked about how there's almost certainly a large China crisis coming, but they're

going to come out the other end, probably post-Communist, in better shape not worse.

China is not going to flame out.

Their resources are vast.

The belt and road project they are currently running includes infrastructure projects in

60 countries at a projected cost of 4 to 10 trillion dollars.


China is literally re-building the world, and their businessmen are on the ground in

all of those countries profiting from all that economic growth.

China has a crisis coming but it is not going to just fade away.

The US race with China hasn't even really begun yet.

It's going to be a marathon, even though US leaders are currently treating it like a fiscal


This one really gets to me.

China is located in Asia.

There are a handful of other countries in Asia that have been very successful over the

past half century.

Some of them have taken paths to growth that are similar to China in some small ways.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out those similarities and trying to draw lessons from


But every Western outlet, from the Economist to the US Government goes way too far in this


They are addicted to making predictions or broad statements about how democracy is lagging

in China based on the experience of countries like Taiwan or South Korea or Singapore.

This is just fricking nuts.

Do we expect Russia's political economy to develop along lines similar to Greece or

Slovakia or Lichtenstein because they share a continent?

Of course Not!

We recognize that the sizes, geographical attributes, and histories of these countries

will lead to dramatically different growth paths.

China is not some generic "Asian Country".

China is unique.

It's got a billion and a half people, a history as a unit that goes back longer than anybody

else's, a ruling ideology that can only be described as schizophrenic, and includes

the lifestyles of urban New York City and rural sub-saharan Africa in the same country.

Acting surprised that it didn't go democratic the same way South Korea did is moronic.

But you can find this kind of thinking in almost every article written on the subject.

The building consensus this year seems to be that the US screwed up by letting China

into the WTO.

The idea is that we were promised more progress towards democracy and free markets than we

got, and China has either failed or cheated us somehow.

There is a growing sense in the West that China's communist party is going to rule

China forever.

There's a problem with this.

China's Communist party doesn't believe that.

They'd never admit it of course, but the changes to China's system that Xi Jinping

is pushing through have a very clear through line of panic.

They know their rule is more threatened today than it ever has been.

And it's the Chinese people that threaten it.

That's the issue that this whole Xi Jinping is the new Chairman Mao narrative tries to


As recently as the 1960s China was a terrifying authoritarian nightmare state.

During the Cultural Revolution gangs of Red guards rampaged through the country, attempting

to erase China's history, and brutalizing China's intellectual and administrative


The world's largest and oldest country was at the mercy of the whims of one senile old

man, Chairman Mao.

China today is completely transformed.

It is home to the world's largest middle class.

They want, and largely get the same things that people want in developed countries everywhere.

ENVIRONMENT URBAN LIFESTYLE PATH TO WEALTH If you imagine that China's ruling party

isn't responsive to these desires you simply haven't been paying attention.

In fact, I suspect that China's lack of democracy has a lot to do with its Middle

Class's fear of the hundreds of millions of Chinese who have been shut out of its vibrant

consumer economy.

The authoritarian aspects of China's system protect the middle class from the poor.

China may never have a system that fits Western ideas of democracy, but it's already in

the process of releasing an extraordinary range of human potential.

And that's why WTO accession for China wasn't a mistake.

China's growth has contributed to world prosperity in an infinite number of ways, from the curbing

of US inflation to dozens of Afrcan highways and ports.

China isn't democratic yet, whatever that means, but it's an infinitely better place

than it was just a few decades ago, providing great benefits to its people and the world.

We need to start taking this opportunity seriously in the United States.

If we do that, China will remain an opportunity rather than a threat.

Interestingly, decisions we make in Syria, this year, can help set that path.

And that's what I'll talk about next time.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you learned something today, I would be

grateful if you considered chipping into my crowd funding thing.

You can learn more about that at the Patreon link here.

For more infomation >> How The US Gets China Wrong | World War 3 IV - Duration: 8:15.


Non-Binary Lunacy - Duration: 12:15.

Now we'll look into a podcast by Sæborg Ninja and Alda Villiljós

This podcast is founded on the idea...

that men are bad for society

and shouldn't hold any positions of power.

Well, well well, you don't say. I suspect that this will be fun.

We have tried patriarchy for soooo long.


Can't we try something else?

Let's instead try matriarchy.

and see how that goes because the patriarchy is not working.

If we put aside the question whether or not Iceland is a patriarchy...

Wel GDP per capita is around 54,000 USD per annum

there are 3.7 doctors per 1000 inhabitants

and the level of education is very high here.

but having the best situation in the history of man kind is "not working"

we don't even have to turn Iceland into a matriarchy to you can experiment with that.

You can hop off to Yunnan province in China and live among the Mosou people which make around 200 USD per year.

if you really want to try it out.

The worst thing you can say to a white person is that it's racist.

When in reality all white people

and here I am speaking as a white person, all white people, I included.

we are racist because we are raised in a society which promulgates racism

which fosteres ideas in our minds.

even though we don't realize it.

it fosteres ideas that all people that aren't white are criminals that they are terrorists

that they are overall bada people that you shouldn't trust.

and you aren't able to trust and you can treat them in disgusting ways.

One might think that you grew up in a totally different society than I.

It always fun though to play semantic games with radicals that follow their ideology so zealously that they can't understand the spoken word anymore.

First of all it's better [Icelandic] to use the terms Kynþáttahatur or Kynþáttafordómar [literally Racehate and raceprejudice]

When Alda says racism she doesn't mean what people mean when they say racism in common parlence.

To Alda this term has a totally different meaning.

Which Alda sources from Xers(?) ideology?

In common parlance racism is hatred of people of different races.

Alda uses the term in a way that it pertains to societal power structures and alleged systematic discrimination.

because she messes with the meaning of the word.

Than she can no longer use the term to describe prejudiced attitudes of par example Chinese towards Filipinos or Indonesians.

or the prejudices of lighter skinned south Americans towards the darker populace.

let's look at Brazil

What word would Alda use to describe this?

Black people can't be racist.

No one is saying that even though the patriarchy exists and that's a really big problem

and that the privileges of men are of great concern and even a toxic problem.

no one is saying that all men beat their wives.


But enough men do so, enough men really beat their wives or are violent towards them in any way

So there is a need to make generalizations such as "men beat their wives" or "men often beat their wives"

because you have to raise awareness of how big of a problem that is.

and when someone comes along and start saying "not all men" yadda yadda

then you're just obfuscating the issue.

no one is saying that even though multiculturalism is in full swing in Europe and that it is problematic.

and the views of Muslims are a great problem and which is toxic to society.

no one is saying that all Muslims are criminals and rapists.

of course not!

but enough Muslims commit crimes and rape so ...

so there is a need to make generalizations such as that "Muslims are criminals and rapists".

or that they are "often rapists"

because you need to raise awareness on the scale of the problem.

and when someone comes along and says "not all muslims" yadda yadda yadda

then that person is simply distracting from the issue.

Now that I have changed the subject of your statement...

Do you find anything ANYTHING questionable about my statement?

I begin my presentations often with the male and the female sign, like on the bathrooms.

or even the signs for Mars and Venus.

a lot of people simply that that sex is "like this"

there is one and there is another.

then I show a picture....

like the color chart that you can find online were you have all the colours...

all from a very liight yellow to a very dark yellow.

That's still too simple!

No you're just making things complicated.

an YAY more semantic wordplay with radicals that don't even understand simple terms.

In common parlance when people say woman they mean the female of the species man.

when they say man they mean the male of the species.

exactly like when we speak of roosters and hens.

male and female seal (lol no idea what that's called)

or a ram and ew.

Alda however means some sort of personal experience of sex.

She is using the term in a totally differnent meaning.

just like when people speak the the "law-collection of Alþingi [parliament]

Then they are using the term in a different way than "sea shanties" [Law and song are synonymous in Icelandic]

Men cannot ever admit that they have ever done anything wrong.

It's not in their nature.

These are the people that claim they are fighting for equality.

I'm like 99% sure that that there is no place in the world.

where brown people have...

for decades or even centuries kidnapped white people and enslaved them.

It's good that you weren't 100% sure because the Ottoman empire conquered south eastern Europe and kep those territories for more than a hundred years.

and thei vassals in northern Africa enslaved an estimated 1 million Europeans.

Arabs also conquered most of the Iberian peninsulia in the middle ages and kept slaves there for centuries.

The Mongols also enslaved a lot of Europeans.

The Golden Horde in what is today southern Russia enslaved a lot of slavs.

but look the thing is...

The fact that react hostile

to harrassment whether or not is a person asking me for directions or something worse

That's just ensuring my safety.

because I they have so often in my experience been terrible.

they have made me feel unsafe literally

it's just a basic precaution to think

I'm not going to talk to this stranger because...

it literally could kill me.

Excuse me would you be so kind...


I would say that Hanna Birna was a man [former minister and a woman]

she is a systematic man

she behaves like a man

she came before a police commissioner

and supported a man that was suspected of a sexual offense

to discredit a victim

She is like: "I'm not like the other girls"

When women are a thorn in the side of radical feminist then they aren't real women.

like a cult they excommunicate women that are a thorn in their side.

men are pathetic

I would say that we should feel sorry for them but they want to kill lots of people

we should consider them like cockroaches or ants that go into your bean salad.

and you're just like: Yuck, this all deserves to die.

These are the people that claim to fight for equality.

She [Hildur Lilliendahl a well known feminist activist, in regards to obscene comments she made online] makes herself accountable for her words.

There was a scandal in which they said: You said this a million years ago.

and she was like, yeah I regret this sorry!

which is something a man would never do.

point me to a single man that has done this

I can't. neither can I.

If the audience can, except if you are a man then shut up.

No she didn't aknowledge making these statements.

rather she blamed her husband.

which aknowledged writing the said remarks.

We as Icelanders often say that we didn't encourage racism and that we didn't profit from it.

We made a deal with the US when they put a military base here.

The marshal deal [sic]

and if we look, where did the money come from?

it comes from an economy that was built on slavery.

and therefore....

we did profit as Icelanders off the slavery of black people.

even though we never had slaves.

This is the hottest take I have heard.

Slavery was abolished in the United states in the middle of the 19th century and was then limited to the South.

Almost 100 years later after the economy has transformed from a agricultural one to an industrial one

and the GDP has multiplied.

then Iceland was a part of the Marshall plan.

so we profited from slavery?

This is a ludicrous argument and an attempt to confer the "original sin" of american inter-sectional feminism onto Iceland.

besides slavery was very common in Iceland in the middle ages.

You are so blinded by your privilege that you're now writing an email about how unfair we are and that we hate men a lot.

Which is true.

because we do hate men very much.

that's not even right because we hate men more than you think.

you underestimate the hatred we have for you personally.


maybe you think that I want to shoot you with a shotgun in the face.

That's not right I want to tie you up and make you decend into a pool of acid.

toes first!

because otherwise you'd die when the acid reaches your brain

You are not good enough for that!

I refuse to believe anything other than this is said in jest.

and I'm not going to moral police jokes.

but I know exactly how types like this would react to jokes about violence against women.

but no, then these feminists start talking about power structures and yadda yadda yadda.

in short: It's fine when we do it.

but in regards to you that's totally different.

You're hypocrites.

That's enough for now.

at least for my soul. See ya folks!

For more infomation >> Non-Binary Lunacy - Duration: 12:15.


Liberals Cringe After Maxine Waters Makes New Shocking Claim About Trump - Duration: 4:10.

Liberals Cringe After Maxine Waters Makes New Shocking Claim About Trump.

Liberals have plenty of reason to cringe again after Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) just made

a new shocking claim about President Donald Trump.

The low-class race-hustler from California embarrassed her party once again during an

interview with MSNBC.

Maxine Waters never seems to understand when it's a good time to close her mouth.

During an interview with MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Monday, April 23, 2018, the low-budget

congresswoman from southern California came out with her typical jaw flapping and head


When the issue of impeaching Trump came up, she had a new baseless claim to spew.

According to Daily Caller, the subject of impeachment came up during the interview when

Waters and Hayes started discussing the Democratic Party's strategy for the midterm elections.

Waters responses could not have been more clown-like and ridiculous.

Hayes presented the question on impeachment first.

"Are you of the belief that Democrats should make impeachment a centerpiece of the midterm


Hayes asked.

"Well, they have indicated they do not want to do that.

They think that Republicans will use it," Waters responded.

When asked by Hayes who in the Democratic party said that, Waters simply replied, "The


Maxine Waters isn't the person I'd trust with any kind of political strategy if I were

in leadership simply because of her inability to shut-up, but evidently, her party still

finds her to be a useful idiot.

It truly is shocking that people of such low intelligence still weasel their way into Congress.

Waters continued to elaborate on the subject of impeachment and how her party wants to

position it.

"Whether we're talking about the DNC or the D-triple C, they all believe that the

Republicans will just use that and say they're mad because they lost the election and they

don't particularly think that that's a good way to go with this," Waters said.

"I don't agree with them."

When Chris Hayes asked her to confirm that she didn't think it would be a tactical

mistake to peddle impeachment during the midterms, Maxine Waters said, "No, I'm not persuaded

by that idea.

You know why?

Because I tell you, everywhere I go people are talking about, why can't you all get

rid of him.

Why don't they impeach him?

What's wrong with the other members of Congress?

Why don't they stand up with you?"

Waters continued.

"This man is dishonorable, he lies all the time, he's a conman.

They say all of these things and I'm just talking about my district.

Whether I'm on the airplane, I'm walking down the street in New York, wherever I am

I'm hearing it," Waters added.

Next, Maxine Waters made a completely unfounded claim about President Donald Trump.

"I'm told that 70 percent of women who have been polled say that they want him impeached,"

Waters exclaimed, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

At that point in the interview, a responsible host would have asked Waters to provide evidence

for such an outrageous claim, but because she was interviewed on MSNBC, Chris Hayes

simply thanked her for her time and concluded the segment without asking her to back up

her statement.

I highly doubt that Maxine Waters could provide any substantial evidence to prove such a ridiculous


The idea that 70 percent of women polled support impeachment of President Donald Trump is pure


Even for Waters, this is a new low.

The interview is a perfect example of how the mainstream media is in bed with Democrats

for the benefit of their shared political agenda.

Had Waters been on any respectable network, she would have been probed for evidence of

her claim.

As the midterms approach, Democrats still have no common goal or agenda.

What they do have is clown-like characters such as Waters appearing in random interviews

to attack the President, and just like in 2016, that will come back around to bite them

on election day.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Liberals Cringe After Maxine Waters Makes New Shocking Claim About Trump - Duration: 4:10.


kayak paddle greenland vs regular - Duration: 7:02.

What makes an airplane so agile in the air.

Obviously it's the shape of the wings, and the way they create lift as they move through

the air.

Imagine if you could have that same agility in your kayak.

Because of the way your paddle moves through the water.

And gives you support without needing to push it down.

And propels your forward smoothly and quietly without needing to heave it back like a shovel.

The Greenland paddle does exactly that.

But what if I told you that there is one thing just one thing that will stop you from having

agility with your greenland paddle.

And without that one thing you are left with a clumsy stick that doesn't give you an

effortless forward stroke, or make rolling a breeze.

Before I get started

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Paulo and ever since I learned that one thing I've been able to brace quickly,

and have the peace of mind that allows me to explore the west coast.

Where ever I choose.

And keep myself out of the water even in rough conditions.

Imagine if your paddle could give you the same agility that the airplane has.

Just move your wrist a bit and the blade angle changes to give you instant support as it

glides smoothly through the water.

Why would you capsize.

This ability to glide and give lift is what gives the greenland paddle the reputation

for making rolling so easy.

And as you can guess there is a bit more to the story.

When I started with the Greenland paddle I didn't know how to use it.

I had a dream to have a quiet and energy efficient forward stroke, and the bracing and rolling

power to keep me safe as I explored the beautiful west coast.

But it didn't work for me.

My forward stroke felt sloppy and weak.

And there was nothing to brace with.

It just sinks down with little resistance.

Thank god there's an easier way.

What I discovered is that there is a different way to move with your kayak.

And that's what gives you the agility.

Instead of being jammed into your kayak like you would be in a river kayak, in sea kayaking

you can unlock your hips and use them for power.

The way you do for playing tennis, or baseball, or boxing, or for golfing, or walking, or

any other sport really.

As you can imagine using your powerful hips is a game changer.

For paddling faster.

And further without tiring.

Or make sweep turns without the pressure that can cause shoulder pain.

And do a low brace or a high brace without having to push down on the paddle in a way

that can cause a permanent shoulder injury.

Or leave your paddle deep under water where it gives you no support.

Just use your hips to get quick support.

And now you can brace as you paddle.

Knowing that your hip power is always there to save you gives you peace of mind on the


Now unlocking your hips is not just about power and agility.

The real breakthrough it provides is something I never would have expected in a million years.

It's the secret that I'm sure we didn't know about when we invented the new and improved

big blade, and the hard to learn techniques that go with it.

Yes using your hips gives you a quick brace.

A powerful easy on the body forward stroke that helps you keep going all day.

And instead of feeling cramped at the end of a paddle you feel like you got some healthy


But there is an unexpected benefit that comes from unlocking your hips.

The real secret is that when you move your hips you gain flexibility.

So what?

Well now if you capsize you don't need to force your way through the water to get back


You don't have to fight against gravity.

That extra flexibility makes you float up naturally.

Just like you do when you are laying on your back in the water.

You are not fighting against the water anymore.

And you are not fighting with the kayak either.

The water and the kayak are helping you, giving you support.

Imagine what that does to your fear of capsizing?

There is no such thing anymore.

There is only in the water or out of the water.

And either way you can relax and breath.

I often have people ask me if they can use these techniques with the euro blade.

The answer is yes you can improve your kayaking just by unlocking your hips and gaining the


But it's not until you put the 2 together that you really understand the genius of the

sea kayak.

Would you rather feel like you are flying and gliding, or grunting and shovelling?

You are not pushing water out of the way to go forward.

That's not efficient.

You are creating lift with the water.

You are dancing with it.

It's a different feeling.

And that's what the Inuit have invented.

Not a boat you paddle.

After thousands of years of evolution they have something you can wear on the water that

gives you the agility of a sea mammal.

They used it for hunting.

You and I can use that same gift for exploring the sea, and have the peace of mind of feeling

like we belong there.

We are not strangers struggling to move against the elements.

We are dancing.

Using the force of the water to help us be comfortable and have peace of mind while we


If you are watching this you are probably just like me.

Someone who wants to explore by kayak.

And not worry about what if the wind comes up and it gets rough.

I created a step by step mini course to help you adjust the fit of your kayak so that you

can unlock your hips, and use that extra power for paddling and bracing.

And as you will see, that extra flexibility you have makes edging and controlling your

kayak much easier.

And if you want to learn how to roll this take it from something that is hard, and requires

skills and coordination, to something that will leave you wondering what the big deal


Just enter your name and email below this video and I will send you the free mini course

that shows you how to adjust the fit or your kayak to unlock your agility.

If you walk in to a kayak shop and ask for kayak lessons the chances are they will just

show you how to use the euro paddle.

And if you ask about the Greenland paddle you will likely get a dismissive response

like that's just for the greenland style paddlers who just want to roll.

Or they may tell you it's slower.

I can tell you this, with the extra efficiency you gain and the power of the hips you won't

have any problems keeping up with your friends who use a euro blade.

Or they will give you some other excuse.

The kayak industry is controlled by a few large organizations that teach the euro style,

and almost all kayak instructors are certified by those organizations, so the whole industry

has a lot invested in teaching only the euro style.

Like a healthy ecosystem diversity is how you measure the health of an industry.

Like an ecosystem, a healthy industry depends on diversity.

It's going to take time to bring back the same diversity that you find in an economy

that is like ahealthy ecosystem.

I believe that you have the right to choose for yourself.

And I'm here to make sure you have that option.

If you want to try sea kayaking as it was always meant to be, the first step is adjusting

the fit of your kayak.

Click here to get the free mini course that shows you how to do that.

After you adjust the fit, it already feel more natural.

And you are able to move your hips freely and still feel secure in your kayak.

Now you are ready to take your skills to the next level quickly.

Just enter your name and email below and I'll see you in the next video.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> kayak paddle greenland vs regular - Duration: 7:02.


Новые приколы в играх №13 | Смешные моменты под музыку | Лучшие баги в играх - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Новые приколы в играх №13 | Смешные моменты под музыку | Лучшие баги в играх - Duration: 5:40.


Minute Vlog: Day Thirty-7ven - Duration: 1:01.

Minute Vlog: Day Thirty-Seven

Hi to all!

All you need is love!


Today I'll read for you the following quote:

Duty does not have to be painful.

Love can make it beautiful and fill it with liveliness.

This quote was made by unknown author

and if you like it and agree with it tell me in comments below.

See you tomorrow. By!

For more infomation >> Minute Vlog: Day Thirty-7ven - Duration: 1:01.


Cheonbashyan 팬 사인, 남성 팬들 앞에서 서툰 모습.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Cheonbashyan 팬 사인, 남성 팬들 앞에서 서툰 모습.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:00.


Seat Mii 1.0 MPI 60pk Ecomotive 5D Sport Intense | Airco | Cruise Control - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Seat Mii 1.0 MPI 60pk Ecomotive 5D Sport Intense | Airco | Cruise Control - Duration: 1:11.


12 Teaching Academic Math to Students - Duration: 2:42.

[ Music ]

>> Patrick O'Neill: Math is a functional life skill.

It is the root of how we interact

and how we make sense of the world around us.

So having a deep conceptual understanding

within mathematics, having the foundations of mathematics

that you can build upon

and build your conceptual understanding

helps you access

the world in a different way.

When we isolate mathematics

to certain contents or certain ways

of doing things and we limit the exploration

and the freedom we have to problem solve

and make sense of things on our own,

we limit students capacity to interact

with the world and make sense of the world around them.

We use mathematical understanding

and conceptual understanding of mathematics everyday

of our lives without even thinking about it.

And without those conceptual understandings

we would be lost.

Deepening our conceptual understanding

within mathematics using Foundations of Math

to really bridge the gap

and help students deepen, that--

their understanding of the world is

as functional a life skill as you can get.

>> Benjamin White: Functional math skills verses

what's thought of as academic math skills.

It's really talking to parents about understanding

of number identification versus understanding of numbers.

So a lot of times parents often think their student understands

the number one because they can

point a number one and recognize that's a one.

But if you ask them if they understand

what the number one means,

students are often lost.

And so when talking to parents, really talking

about the parallel between being able to identify a number

between true understanding of what a number is,

I think that really helps bridge that concept

of functional math skills versus academic math skills.

>> Dr. Chris Cain: I think we all need mathematics.

There's a lot of research now that says that mathematics

and algebraic thinking in fact is needed for participation

in our democratic society and technologically driven world

and we often put those students

of significant cognizant abilities over here and say,

no they're not part of society.

But in order form them to function

in the real world they need that level of mathematics.

But we need to be able to see that math is part

of the activities of daily living.

I need to be able to read a bus schedule, I need to be able

to make change, I need lots of things to live in the world

that we are asked to live in and be part of that community.

[ Music ]

For more infomation >> 12 Teaching Academic Math to Students - Duration: 2:42.


My Little Pony Coloring Page & Kinder Surprise Eggs Opening Kids Video - Duration: 6:22.

My Little Pony Coloring Page & Kinder Surprise Eggs Opening Kids Video

For more infomation >> My Little Pony Coloring Page & Kinder Surprise Eggs Opening Kids Video - Duration: 6:22.


이전 무대에 오른 이병재 (Higher rapper 2)는 5 월에 첫 번째 앨범을 발표했다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 이전 무대에 오른 이병재 (Higher rapper 2)는 5 월에 첫 번째 앨범을 발표했다.|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:09.


"폭발 폭발 + 로맨스 경고"... 로코코 X 꽃, 주저 '쥬지 마'음악 차트의 상단|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> "폭발 폭발 + 로맨스 경고"... 로코코 X 꽃, 주저 '쥬지 마'음악 차트의 상단|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:14.


OFERTA ⚡ PATINETE ELÉCTRICO Plegable para Adultos - EL MEJOR 2018 - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> OFERTA ⚡ PATINETE ELÉCTRICO Plegable para Adultos - EL MEJOR 2018 - Duration: 0:50.


6- Mehmet Toksoy - Ebediyet Endişenize İyi Gelecek Birkaç Not - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 6- Mehmet Toksoy - Ebediyet Endişenize İyi Gelecek Birkaç Not - Duration: 4:04.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 135pk Dynamic-Line - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 135pk Dynamic-Line - Duration: 0:54.



For more infomation >> [TOP 50] MV KPOP NHIỀU LƯỢT XEM NHẤT TRÊN YOUTUBE NĂM 2018 (UPDATE 4/2018) ♦ KPOP PLUS - Duration: 14:58.


Damian Marley - Living It Up

For more infomation >> Damian Marley - Living It Up


"I want to live!" - Elif Episode 717 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:02.

You venom! What did you think, huh?

You thought I couldn't find you?

Why on earth you would've done that?

You thought in your own world, that you'll have a better life out there?

You would be dead in two days!

Didn't you give it a think, huh?

Do you know what would happen if Tarik knew about this?

Let me tell you, he would kill both of us. You get it? Both of us.

As you go after your dead mom, I'd be right after you.

So you thought you were to spread all the posters, then your mom will come and find you?

When did you see a dead one comes back to life, huh? Where?

Your mom is dead, OK? She's dead!

Accept it now, get it?

What are you looking at? Am I lying?

You're coming closer for your end, but you don't know yet.

But if you want to die, that's something else. I don't mind!

But you can't take me with yourself.

Because I want to live! You get me? I want to live!

I'm talking to you!

Don't I make any sense to you? Huh?

Answer me!

Look at me...

If you ever do something this stupid...

I won't leave you to Tarik, and I'll kill you with my bare hands!

You heard me?

You heard me? Answer!

You're making me sick! Sick!

Look at me.

You're not gonna tell no one that you left here.

No one!

Grab them.

For more infomation >> "I want to live!" - Elif Episode 717 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:02.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders Admits She Has NO Clue What Trump Is Talking About - Duration: 4:46.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a very rough Monday press conference.

During that press conference, she was pressed repeatedly about a tweet that the president

had sent out Wednesday of the week before, where he referred to a "Breeding concept among

illegal immigrants," allegedly in "Sanctuary cities in the state of California."

So, obviously members of the press wanted some answers.

What does this mean?

What is the president trying to say?

And so they asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and her responses were completely what you

would expect from Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Take a look.

Ask you about a tweet that the president put out last week.

He tweeted a lot over the weekend, but last week he was talking about sanctuary cities

in California and saying "There's a revolution going on in California.

So many sanctuary areas want out of this ridiculous crime invested and breeding concept."

We haven't had a chance to ask you about that tweet.

When he used the word breeding, was he making a derogatory term about Latino's in California

that they breed a lot, or that they're prone to breeding?

No, he's talking about the problem itself, growing and getting bigger.

[inaudible 00:01:15].

Sorry, I've answered a couple.

I want to follow up on [inaudible 00:01:18].

When you said breeding, the president was very clear in his statement about this issue,

he said in a tweet "There's a revolution going on in California.

So many sanctuary areas want out of this ridiculous crime invested and breeding concept."

What did he mean by breeding?

Again, the president has recognized that this is a major problem, and a lot of people, even

in California, want to see the issue of sanctuary cities addressed.

And the president's doing what he can to do that.

But what does breeding mean to this president?

Because when you think of breeding, you think of animals breeding, populating.

I'm not going to begin to think what you think.

Certainly, I think that it can mean a lot of things to a lot of people.

But the president's talking about a growing problem and I addressed that with Jim, I don't

have anything else to add.

Just one quick question.

I want you just to define what the president meant about breeding.

To be specific, he's not talking about people having babies, yes?

Not that I'm aware of, I'd have to ask him to dig into that deeper.

[inaudible 00:02:19].

I just said not that I'm aware of, and I would have to ask him to be more specific.

One of the greatest parts about those clips is the fact that she just gets increasingly

more frustrated as the questions continue, until she's eventually like you know what,

I don't know, I don't know.

I don't know what the hell this guy meant, I don't even like my job, I don't want to

be here.

Can I just go now?

I mean yeah, she didn't say that, but you can hear it in that voice.

She is so pissed off about what the president says on Twitter, because she is the one that

has to go out there and try to interpret it for the press in a way that's going to both

appease members of the press, and the president himself.

Because if she says the wrong thing, if she misinterprets what he's trying to say, she's

going to lose her job.

And in this particular instance, there's really not a whole lot you can say.

That term breeding concept was meant by the president to invoke an image of animals.

These people are not actually people to him.

And he can try to play it off, she can try to play it off, but we know what he meant

and why he used that term.

This is dog whistle politics folks, normally Donald Trump is a little bit more overt with

it, but this time he decided to play it cool, and it worked.

But Sarah Huckabee Sanders, if you want to watch the full press conference.

There's also one point where somebody asks as a follow up "I want to ask you about another

one of Donald Trump's tweets."

And she just rolls her eyes and looks away for a moment.

It's hilarious, this woman hates her job.

She hates having to go out there every single day and defend these insane tweet by the president

of the United States.

But she believes in them, she believes in the things she's out there saying.

She believes the things her crazy father says on Fox News.

So I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.

If she actually hated this job, she could easily walk away and go find a new position,

possibly on the Fox and Friends couch, as a regular contributor.

But instead, she's making the choice to go out there every day and be confronted by an

angry public that wants to know what the hell the president is talking about.

For more infomation >> Sarah Huckabee Sanders Admits She Has NO Clue What Trump Is Talking About - Duration: 4:46.


09 How Do I learn More - Duration: 3:28.

[ Music ]

>> Benjamin White: Take a deep breath and try some of that out.

I really think it's important to bring some

of the things I learned from the five-day training back

into the classroom, first.

And really seeing where students are with it.

and how I can deepen my understanding of

Foundations of Math

through getting students involved in it.

And then, I'd say, really, access your colleagues.

When you find colleagues to connect with,

to workshop some of these things that you're trying

in the classroom, back and forth.

I think that that's been one

of the biggest learning pieces for me.

Is once I tried it in the classroom, having colleagues

to go back and forth to talk about our experiences

with the Foundations of Math.

>> Dr. Chris Cain: So, I tell them to focus on one

or two things to really get better at that.

So, if, for example, one that's often chosen is language.

So, how does a teacher get better at language?

And I think that has, you know, there's a lot

of research involved on behalf of the teacher.

But also, talking to other math teachers,

making sure that the language they're using

in their grade level will support

the students' later math learning.

>> Patrick O'Neill: So,

the five-day training is a good start.

It offers you an introduction to Foundation of Math.

And a lot of times, people come out from that five-day training

with a lot of questions and wanting to tell more and wanting

to go deeper, because there's so much to cover

and five days does not do Foundations of Math justice.

So, in my experience, I've followed up

and done additional trainings.

Implementation support.

I've connected with colleagues within the training.

And I've also reached out to Oakland Schools as a resource

to come in and support me with implementation

of Foundations of Math.

I followed up with the five-day training.

Trying new strategies, trying new techniques,

working with Oakland Schools

to develop a comprehensive curriculum

that addresses the Foundations of Math.

And helps to promote the deep conceptual understanding among

the students in the classroom.

>> Briana Bancroft: You are in the five-day training,

build the personal learning networks.

Find people who are in the throes that you are.

Same grade levels, different grade levels, different schools.

Any, anybody that you can find to talk math

and who can share experiences in the classroom,

as well as out of the classroom.

Find parents that are struggling with things

that they're seeing their students

or kids struggle at home with.

And just start a conversation.

And really building that personal learning network,

I think, is probably the best thing.

And I'm just lucky to be able to have my own colleagues going

through it with me, because that's going

to be a huge learning network for me.

>> Tonya Paige: Another thing

that I thought was really helpful in order for us

to really stick with the whole Foundations of Math,

was that we had a team.

There was a group of us that actually worked together.

And so, sometimes it's hard to be in isolation and to continue

on the whole, okay, I'm so gung-ho about it.

But when there is that team and we're all gung-ho,

we all want to work together.

We all want to figure it out.

So, we were able to do that.

[ Music ]

For more infomation >> 09 How Do I learn More - Duration: 3:28.


#EwangeliarzOP | 25 kwietnia 2018 | (Mk 16,15-20) - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 25 kwietnia 2018 | (Mk 16,15-20) - Duration: 2:04.


SerpStat Review - My Favorite Free & Paid SEO Keyword Research Tools Perfect For Beginners - Duration: 21:30.

For more infomation >> SerpStat Review - My Favorite Free & Paid SEO Keyword Research Tools Perfect For Beginners - Duration: 21:30.


Runescape: IDK what I'm Doing Edition - Duration: 1:12:38.

For more infomation >> Runescape: IDK what I'm Doing Edition - Duration: 1:12:38.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort (Airco/Bleutooth/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort (Airco/Bleutooth/Lichtm. velg.) - Duration: 0:41.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5-deurs | Airco | Bluetooth | Elek.ramen - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5-deurs | Airco | Bluetooth | Elek.ramen - Duration: 1:04.


Klasik Müzik ile Halk Oyunu olur mu? Ben yaptım Oldu - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> Klasik Müzik ile Halk Oyunu olur mu? Ben yaptım Oldu - Duration: 11:27.



what is going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today we

got another killer video for you guys full of information we're gonna be

talking about Bitcoin cash we're gonna be talking about Babb and we're gonna be

talking about Icahn three coins we don't really talk about much on this channel

but we are going to cover them today as well some good and some bad news indeed

cryptocurrency market space so before we get started with that though guys if you

guys want to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin all you guys have to do is

number one be subscribe to the channel and have your notifications turn on

number two give this video a thumbs up and number three leave a comment down

below saying something related to this video and then if you win you can send

me your Bitcoin wallet address let's jump right into some news articles

though guys first things first market strategist sees Bitcoin soon hitting

between eleven thousand five hundred and eleven thousand eight hundred out this

isn't much of a surprise for you we've been following the channel for some time

I've been talking about the technical technical analysis and where it looks

like Bitcoin might be heading and this is roughly around the range between the

eleven thousand five hundred and twelve twelve thousand dollar range but I did

want to show you guys that we are not the only channel saying this right now

there are other people out there who agree with the prediction and are seeing

yeah and think that bitcoins gonna soon go up to those numbers before it falls

back down now the little piece of bad news but I wanted to warn you guys to

make sure you guys are secure is from my ether-wall so you guys know especially

for icos a lot of you guys probably use my ether

wallet because it holds ERC 20 tokens now a couple of DNS servers were

hijacked to resolve my ether-wall comm users to be redirected to a phishing

site basically some of the servers if you try to access it it would bring you

to a phishing site now this is not on my ether wat side but they are in the

process of verifying which servers to get it resolved ASAP now phishing site

those of you who don't know is a site that looks exactly like my ether wallet

and when you sign up you will think you signed up with my ether wallet except

they will have access to your you know your private key your username your

password and all that stuff which means a lot of people can can lose their funds

and it's as similar to what happened with the whole finance hack it wasn't

that finance was hacked is that people access bindings through a phishing

and that's why the people had their information then they could go into

their finance account with driver things said to an exchange and cash out so

something to watch out for I would stay away from trying to enter my ether

wallet right now I'm gonna keep you guys updated on I'm gonna keep you guys

updated on the situation in the Facebook group so make sure a link down below in

the comments and in the description to join the free Facebook group and I will

keep you guys updated on this situation on when more news comes out and all that

because this is pretty big and yeah like I said I recommend not trying to access

my ether wallet right now now let's move on a little bit to the market because

this is the exciting part if you guys take a look four hundred and twenty four

billion dollar market cap with Bitcoin dominance at thirty seven point three

now you guys know Bitcoin dominance falling at this point is good because

bitcoin is still going up however all coins are the ones that are making the

biggest moves until the all coins are outperforming Bitcoin and that is good

and a good indication of a bull run from previous things we've seen like last

year now some of the coins and that are up a ton of today are iOS which we've

talked about in the channel Tron which we actually talked about yesterday has

been having a huge run today at twenty percent so for those who picked up Tron

congratulations Icahn is up eleven point seven percent

and that we are gonna talk about today so let's jump right into some of the

reasons Bitcoin cash is up so much all right guys have been asking me this and

for those of you who don't know Bitcoin cash went for more being worth six

hundred and fifty three dollars to now being a thousand four hundred and sixty

dollar so like a two and a half X in the span of roughly one week yeah one week

sitting at a twenty-four twenty-five billion dollar market cap ranked number

fourth in a cryptocurrency market cap this is huge and now some of the reasons

for this is one due to the fork of on May 15th is gonna be a Bitcoin cash fork

so you guys can go ahead and read up on this it's not exactly the same as a

traditional hard fork but yeah basically there's going to be a fork of a fork of

Bitcoin you heard that right but um yeah so that's something I would recommend

reading up on if you guys are interested in and the other reason why I see

Bitcoin cash going up is because more and more people are

getting bullish in the cryptocurrency market right now a lot of people are

saying like in this current moment there's like it looks like the market it

could be headed into a bull run and what that's gonna mean is Bitcoin transaction

fees might start getting a little higher so for businesses Bitcoin cash would be

an easier solution as they do fix some of the issues that Bitcoin has right now

now five to ten years down the road I don't believe Bitcoin is gonna have the

same issues but that could be a story for another video but down the line I

think Bitcoin will resolve those issues and then the use of Bitcoin cash isn't

necessarily gonna you know we're not gonna need it but that again we don't

know what's gonna happen only time will tell but that is why Bitcoin cash is up

so much and I got a lot of questions for you guys asking why is it up so much

that is basically the reason why it is up and it could be a smart investment

for the short term but like I said five to ten years I personally am not bullish

in Bitcoin cash whatsoever next a coin you guys wanted me to talk

about is AB AB so BA X that was actually IC o---- not too long ago guys can see

they only got a market cap on corn market cap on the 22nd of March so

that's like a month ago and it didn't perform very well at first people were

asking why guys the reason it didn't perform well is because the market was

not ready to perform well and I cos you you can tell I seals that were launched

during the whole market correction or the market dip market crash whatever you

want to call it and those those I SEOs did not perform well and of course backs

Bab was no different now we are seeing some nice price action though and a lot

of people are very very bullish on this in the long run it's only a thirty-eight

million dollar market cap right now so guys if you are interested in this and

you think as potential to do very very well yes it is up a lot right now but

thirty eight million dollar market cap is relatively small compared to some of

the big players so for those of you who don't know I'm going to go into it

really quick and show that Babb is the World Bank for micro economy a

decentralized banking platform that leverages blockchain and biometrics to

offer anyone in the world access to a UK bank account for peer-to-peer financial

services now the idea is really cool and I'm definitely interested I'm going to

check out more about that you can get it on bank or idec's

ether Delta and D Dex I would recommend probably going with

either Bank or ID X as they do have most of the volume but it is trading and a

2.9 million volume million dollar volume in the last 24 hours

and overall from my bit of research it does look really quite a lot of you guys

are very bullish on it and I wanted to cover that at 38 million dollars a lot

of you were asking if it's too late to get in at 38 million dollars if you

genuinely believe that the markets going to continue to do well and that this is

a project that could be you know in the top 50 then yes now would be a that

would be a great time to get in because if the market continues to explode this

is not going to have a correction it will also continue to explode and at 38

million if you guys believe it could be worth half a billion or even 1 billion

that's like as I will attend to 30x on your investment right now so that could

be playing off absolutely huge now the last point I want to talk about

is icon because icon is one that I am actually bullish on although I don't own

too much and I would love to own some more similar into a position I have in

stellar I would like to have more because I don't like small positions but

I do think icon is going to do very well now feels of you who don't know icons

trying to hyper connect the world so the icon project is building one of the

largest decentralized networks in the world and it's trying to connect crypto

to the real world and it's even it's seen an 11.6 percent gain today and even

in the last week or two weeks it's gone from being worth $1 basically one dollar

ninety six to two dollars ish all the way up to four dollars so it is a 2x

right now from roughly one and a half weeks ago which is phenomenal we've seen

this from a lot of coins though we've seen some great last two weeks from a

lot of different crypto currencies but sitting at 1.6 billion

rank number 21 now this is an interesting part because I do like

crypto currencies in this situation where they are worth enough to where I

think it's a safer investment it's not like it's worth you know 2 million

dollars because that is a lot riskier it is worth 1.6 billion

it is ranked number 21st so I don't think it's going to simply disappear and

I think long-term icon does have its place in the cryptocurrency market so

definitely something to keep an eye out on I am bullish on icon or not as

foolish as I am on like neo and Cardno because I do love those but I do think

icon is a very cool project and definitely worth taking a look at and

all three of those I think will do well in all three of the cryptocurrency as I

mentioned I think will do well in the coming months again now Bitcoin cash

I'm not bullish in five to ten year I'm not bullish in the long run for Bitcoin

cash but I am bullish the long run for icon and Babb I would need to do a

little more research on it but from what I have read and from talking to other

people about it Babb does look like a very interesting project that could do

very very well and it actually solves a real-world issue and it has real-world

use which is big now moving on to technical analysis because this is what

you guys have been waiting for from yesterday's video yes we do have what

appears to be a potential break out candle now it's still early it's only 11

a.m. Eastern time right now there is still a lot that can happen in the

cryptocurrency market we felt for all I know we can go all the way back down to

here which would be a bearish signal and look look like we might be either

trading back at the 8000 in between the eight thousand eight hundred nine

thousand dollar range or even drop back to the eight thousand dollar range but

from the looks of it right now there is it is looking more likely that tomorrow

we see another breakout candle and that would be symbolizing a run in my opinion

a run to the eleven thousand eight hundred to twelve thousand dollar mark

similar to like the article was saying it does look like it holds that type of

potential the only thing I'm keeping an eye out on right now is the RSI which is

already pretty high looking like it's getting close to the 70 range but we're

gonna keep you alpha I'm gonna keep you guys updated on that situation as we go

for now just looking at the candlesticks wise it does look pretty bullish and

guys it's not gonna happen in one day obviously looking back here it took a

few days for us to go and test this line but I think if we see what we are seeing

again tomorrow another candle like this symbolizing the breakout then yeah it

could definitely be possible that within the week

we see Bitcoin back at $12,000 but guys don't forget I am NOT a financial

adviser and this is not financial advice this is just my opinion on where I think

the cryptocurrency market is headed and where I think Bitcoin is headed overall

but make sure to do your own research before you invest your money in

absolutely anything but guys if you did enjoy the video don't forget to enter a

chance to win some free Bitcoin make sure you are subscribed and have your

notifications turn on make sure you give this video a thumbs up and lastly make

sure you leave a comment down below saying something related to the video

guys thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for another




Volkswagen Jetta 1.4i-16V TSi/122pk Comfort-Business ECC Cr.Control Navigatie Trekhaak 48.322km! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Jetta 1.4i-16V TSi/122pk Comfort-Business ECC Cr.Control Navigatie Trekhaak 48.322km! - Duration: 1:07.


Opel Agila / Hyundai 1.6I SILVER EDITION DESIGN BY PININFARINA - AIRCO - - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila / Hyundai 1.6I SILVER EDITION DESIGN BY PININFARINA - AIRCO - - Duration: 1:11.


Honda Jazz / Hyundai 1.6I SILVER EDITION DESIGN BY PININFARINA - AIRCO - - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz / Hyundai 1.6I SILVER EDITION DESIGN BY PININFARINA - AIRCO - - Duration: 1:11.


kayak paddle greenland vs regular - Duration: 7:02.

What makes an airplane so agile in the air.

Obviously it's the shape of the wings, and the way they create lift as they move through

the air.

Imagine if you could have that same agility in your kayak.

Because of the way your paddle moves through the water.

And gives you support without needing to push it down.

And propels your forward smoothly and quietly without needing to heave it back like a shovel.

The Greenland paddle does exactly that.

But what if I told you that there is one thing just one thing that will stop you from having

agility with your greenland paddle.

And without that one thing you are left with a clumsy stick that doesn't give you an

effortless forward stroke, or make rolling a breeze.

Before I get started

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Paulo and ever since I learned that one thing I've been able to brace quickly,

and have the peace of mind that allows me to explore the west coast.

Where ever I choose.

And keep myself out of the water even in rough conditions.

Imagine if your paddle could give you the same agility that the airplane has.

Just move your wrist a bit and the blade angle changes to give you instant support as it

glides smoothly through the water.

Why would you capsize.

This ability to glide and give lift is what gives the greenland paddle the reputation

for making rolling so easy.

And as you can guess there is a bit more to the story.

When I started with the Greenland paddle I didn't know how to use it.

I had a dream to have a quiet and energy efficient forward stroke, and the bracing and rolling

power to keep me safe as I explored the beautiful west coast.

But it didn't work for me.

My forward stroke felt sloppy and weak.

And there was nothing to brace with.

It just sinks down with little resistance.

Thank god there's an easier way.

What I discovered is that there is a different way to move with your kayak.

And that's what gives you the agility.

Instead of being jammed into your kayak like you would be in a river kayak, in sea kayaking

you can unlock your hips and use them for power.

The way you do for playing tennis, or baseball, or boxing, or for golfing, or walking, or

any other sport really.

As you can imagine using your powerful hips is a game changer.

For paddling faster.

And further without tiring.

Or make sweep turns without the pressure that can cause shoulder pain.

And do a low brace or a high brace without having to push down on the paddle in a way

that can cause a permanent shoulder injury.

Or leave your paddle deep under water where it gives you no support.

Just use your hips to get quick support.

And now you can brace as you paddle.

Knowing that your hip power is always there to save you gives you peace of mind on the


Now unlocking your hips is not just about power and agility.

The real breakthrough it provides is something I never would have expected in a million years.

It's the secret that I'm sure we didn't know about when we invented the new and improved

big blade, and the hard to learn techniques that go with it.

Yes using your hips gives you a quick brace.

A powerful easy on the body forward stroke that helps you keep going all day.

And instead of feeling cramped at the end of a paddle you feel like you got some healthy


But there is an unexpected benefit that comes from unlocking your hips.

The real secret is that when you move your hips you gain flexibility.

So what?

Well now if you capsize you don't need to force your way through the water to get back


You don't have to fight against gravity.

That extra flexibility makes you float up naturally.

Just like you do when you are laying on your back in the water.

You are not fighting against the water anymore.

And you are not fighting with the kayak either.

The water and the kayak are helping you, giving you support.

Imagine what that does to your fear of capsizing?

There is no such thing anymore.

There is only in the water or out of the water.

And either way you can relax and breath.

I often have people ask me if they can use these techniques with the euro blade.

The answer is yes you can improve your kayaking just by unlocking your hips and gaining the


But it's not until you put the 2 together that you really understand the genius of the

sea kayak.

Would you rather feel like you are flying and gliding, or grunting and shovelling?

You are not pushing water out of the way to go forward.

That's not efficient.

You are creating lift with the water.

You are dancing with it.

It's a different feeling.

And that's what the Inuit have invented.

Not a boat you paddle.

After thousands of years of evolution they have something you can wear on the water that

gives you the agility of a sea mammal.

They used it for hunting.

You and I can use that same gift for exploring the sea, and have the peace of mind of feeling

like we belong there.

We are not strangers struggling to move against the elements.

We are dancing.

Using the force of the water to help us be comfortable and have peace of mind while we


If you are watching this you are probably just like me.

Someone who wants to explore by kayak.

And not worry about what if the wind comes up and it gets rough.

I created a step by step mini course to help you adjust the fit of your kayak so that you

can unlock your hips, and use that extra power for paddling and bracing.

And as you will see, that extra flexibility you have makes edging and controlling your

kayak much easier.

And if you want to learn how to roll this take it from something that is hard, and requires

skills and coordination, to something that will leave you wondering what the big deal


Just enter your name and email below this video and I will send you the free mini course

that shows you how to adjust the fit or your kayak to unlock your agility.

If you walk in to a kayak shop and ask for kayak lessons the chances are they will just

show you how to use the euro paddle.

And if you ask about the Greenland paddle you will likely get a dismissive response

like that's just for the greenland style paddlers who just want to roll.

Or they may tell you it's slower.

I can tell you this, with the extra efficiency you gain and the power of the hips you won't

have any problems keeping up with your friends who use a euro blade.

Or they will give you some other excuse.

The kayak industry is controlled by a few large organizations that teach the euro style,

and almost all kayak instructors are certified by those organizations, so the whole industry

has a lot invested in teaching only the euro style.

Like a healthy ecosystem diversity is how you measure the health of an industry.

Like an ecosystem, a healthy industry depends on diversity.

It's going to take time to bring back the same diversity that you find in an economy

that is like ahealthy ecosystem.

I believe that you have the right to choose for yourself.

And I'm here to make sure you have that option.

If you want to try sea kayaking as it was always meant to be, the first step is adjusting

the fit of your kayak.

Click here to get the free mini course that shows you how to do that.

After you adjust the fit, it already feel more natural.

And you are able to move your hips freely and still feel secure in your kayak.

Now you are ready to take your skills to the next level quickly.

Just enter your name and email below and I'll see you in the next video.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> kayak paddle greenland vs regular - Duration: 7:02.


Mamta kulkarni hot scene I Mamta kulkarni kiss scene I Mamta kulkarni bikni scene - Duration: 5:34.

Hot scene of Mamta Kulkarni

For more infomation >> Mamta kulkarni hot scene I Mamta kulkarni kiss scene I Mamta kulkarni bikni scene - Duration: 5:34.



Today, we are going to talk about extremes.

You know, when we tend to get a littleeee overboard..

Pfff me ?? Extreme ?? Bullshit.

"Let's see what's for dinner !"

Because, yes, having a goal is great: it helps us stay motivated and give our best; but the problem is, sometimes, we can go a bit too far...

"Wow Louise you look thinner !"

"Yes, I know, I have started a new diet :))"

"Really ? What is it ?"

"I do not eat anything and when I feel like I am going to faint, I just eat a piece of cheese."

"What ? I saw it in the Devil wears Prada".

The thing is, when we want to do too well, it usually has the opposite effect.

Like, you go from an extreme to the other when you are sick of it.

"Louise ? What the hell are you doing ??"

... Nothing !!

And the worst part is, most of the times, we don't even realize it - we are in complete denial.

"Seriously Louise, don't you think that you are pushing it a bit too far ??"

"No but wait, I am almost done !!"

"Perfect !! 22, 5 grams !!"

And I know it, because I have been this person.

"Well Louise, aren't you coming to the restaurant with us ?"

"Oh no I can't, I have a Crossfit session, then a Body Pump Training and then I will swim an hour to relax my muscles :)"

So I thought that if I make a video about it, it can help people realize it !

So, if :

1.The first thing you do when you wake up is weighing yourself

2. If you spend more time in the gym than at home

Or 3. If you refuse a restaurant with your friends or family because you are on a "diet"

Then, it is time for a CHANGE !

First, you put things in perspective. Is this a race ? No. Do you need to beat others or to arrive first ? Still no.

Is it not a competition : the goal is not to make a sprint, but really to make it a sustainable lifestyle.

And to do so, it needs to be ENJOYABLE.

So the most important thing is to learn to LISTEN to yourself.

If you had a tough day, that you slept bad, or ran into someone you do not like the street, and all you want is order sushi and watch a movie,

And you need to cancel your training session, it is perfectly FINE, and no one is going to throw rocks at you for it.

"Hey, Louise !!!!"

And finally, please, life is too short to be guilty when you enjoy yourself, so please, do not demonize food, do not demonize carbs, do not demonize sugars, I swear if you listen to yourself you will do more than fine !!

Thank you so much to everyone who subscribe and I will see you in my next video ! <3

For more infomation >> EATING HABITS YOU NEED TO STOP - Duration: 2:47.


~ DOKI DOKI FOREVER FULL EDIT ~ - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> ~ DOKI DOKI FOREVER FULL EDIT ~ - Duration: 3:14.


白宮憂心忡忡:中國動用最前沿技術造004航母,三大科幻武器上艦 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 白宮憂心忡忡:中國動用最前沿技術造004航母,三大科幻武器上艦 - Duration: 3:53.


Brad Anderson's Lunch Break / s9 e1 / Sigal Zarmi, CIO, PwC - Duration: 5:33.

(upbeat music)

- [Brad] It's lunch time,

and this is Brad Anderson's Lunch Break.

Here in Redmond, we're visited by some of the smartest people

on the planet. Pretty much every day.

Every chance I get, I meet up with them for lunch.

Today I'm meeting up with Sigal Zarmi,

the global CIO and Vice-Chairwoman

of the massive professional services company,


(soft piano music)

- So, PricewaterhouseCoopers,

one of the biggest global consulting organizations

on the planet.

- Yep, 157 countries.

- 157 countries, a quarter of a million employees.

- Yep. - Right?

And not only are you the CIO,

but you're the Vice Chairwoman of the company.


You know, I'm thinking here to myself, overachiever,

but more than anything, I'm thinking to myself,

how lucky are we to have you for a couple of minutes.

So you've been the CIO for quite a while, right?

- [Sigal] Yes. (giggles)

- Now as you look back over your career,

what's the standard business practices that you grew up with

that now just doesn't make sense or doesn't work anymore?

- The one thing, I think the way we think about outsourcing,

I think 20 years ago, everybody was outsourcing,

and you tried to outsource everything.

- Yeah

- And you keep only the manager who are over watching

your third party providers.

I think today, we're rethinking about outsourcing.

You want to make sure you have your IP in house,

you want to make sure that the secret sauce

of what you do is managed by your own people.

You want to make sure that you have the skill set

around technology because it's so prevalent.

It's everywhere and you need technology to be successful.

Everybody, every company we talk to

is going through a digital transformation, us included.

So, you want to make sure you have those experts in-house.

So, you still outsource,

but I think it's with a different lens.

- So, we were talking about AI

and some of the big breakthroughs that have happened.

I'm going to give you some scenarios

and ask you if you think AI will be able to accomplish

these things in our lifetime.

- Okay.

- Beat the best human player in a game of charades.

- Yes. (bell dings)

- Moderate a United States Presidential Debate.

That's a pretty tall order.

- Yeah, that's a tall order, but I would say yes.

- Okay. (bell dings)

How about negotiate peace

between the United States and Canada?


- I thought you were going to ask me about peace

in other areas of the world. Which I would say, no.

- Something are impossible.

- Some areas are really, really tough,

but United States and Canada, probably yeah.

(bell dings)

- Earn the loyalty of a cat.

- No

(buzzer alarms)

- Where do you think, you know,

IT heads over the next five to ten years?

What is it going to be about IT individuals

and IT leaders that really differentiates them

and helps them differentiate their companies?

- I think the biggest thing that IT can do to differentiate

is be experts and problem solvers.

And complex problem solvers.

- Yeah.

- So, the environment is getting much more complex, right?


We all know that, - Sure.

- We feel that. We feel that in our day-to-day,

not just in the places we work for.

And I think technologists have a unique capability

to problem solve, because that's what technology is about,

right? - Yeah, more engineers, right?

- Right, that's what engineering's about, solve a problem.

And, especially complex problems,

where you have the equation it's not just the pure

technology, when you have process,

when you have the culture, the people,

and the technology coming together,

and I think, IT people can really excel

if they just broaden up and think about a problem

in the most broadest sense

and try to help solve that problem.


Especially from the culture standpoint

of where technology can help.

- How has that influenced the morale of the IT department?

As so much has moved to the cloud,

what does the morale of your team look like?

- I think that people who have been able to retool,

you know, are really happy with it

because a lot of technology people,

they love to work with the newest technology.

They love to be able to...

- Sure, that's what I love to do.

- Right. We want to use the new tools.

So, I would say the morale is up, that that is our strategy.

They like it, they're excited about it.

They want to be able to be part of that journey

because it's the future, right?

- Awesome.

- And I think people coming in to technology,

they don't come in to technology

because of yesterday's technology, right?

Because it's exciting for them

and I think the team is excited

that we have a very progressive strategy.

And that we are executing towards that at a good pace.

(upbeat music)

- [Brad] Next time on Brad Anderson's Lunch Break,

- The way employees are working with technology

is so instrumental to the way to deliver value

to either the clients or within the organization.

- Yeah.

- That you have to make sure you focus on how we work,

not just what tools we use, but how we leverage those tools.

(upbeat music fades)

For more infomation >> Brad Anderson's Lunch Break / s9 e1 / Sigal Zarmi, CIO, PwC - Duration: 5:33.


calum scott // only you {sub español} - Duration: 3:40.

Only you, you, you

Only you, you, you

I remember in the schoolyard

The children didn't understand

So they bullied me with silence

Just for being who I am

So I got good at keeping secrets

I used to blend in with the crowds

On the inside I was screaming

With you I didn't have to hide

Only you, could see that I was hurting

Only you, ever cared to understand

Always know, that I'd do the same

I'd do anything for you, my friend, it's true

I used to stare up at the ceiling

Wide awake all through the night

While the world was busy sleeping

I was so caught up in my mind

Only you, could see that I was hurting

Only you, ever cared to understand

Always know, that I'd do the same

I'd do anything for you, my friend It's true,

so true

Oh, when I'm all alone

A million miles away from home

You're still with me, you'll always be

My rock and shoulder to lean on

When every hope I have is gone

I'll turn to you, you know it's true

Only you, could see that I was hurting

Only you, ever cared to understand

Always know, that I'd do the same

I'd do anything for you, my friend It's true

so true

And I know, 'til the bitter end

I'll be proud to call you, my best friend, It's true

For more infomation >> calum scott // only you {sub español} - Duration: 3:40.


TBS Final Space

For more infomation >> TBS Final Space


Como o BI da Teknisa gerou benefícios à Acoplation? - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Como o BI da Teknisa gerou benefícios à Acoplation? - Duration: 0:53.


Heavenstamp - L・O・V・Eじゃない? (Short Ver.) - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Heavenstamp - L・O・V・Eじゃない? (Short Ver.) - Duration: 1:36.


5 remédios caseiros que ajudam a controlar o fluxo vaginal excessivo - Duration: 15:45.

For more infomation >> 5 remédios caseiros que ajudam a controlar o fluxo vaginal excessivo - Duration: 15:45.


L'aiuto, ovvero del perché Maschi e Femmine non si capiscono! - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> L'aiuto, ovvero del perché Maschi e Femmine non si capiscono! - Duration: 3:50.


Mude seus Planos - De Peça em peça REMIX (De verso em Verso) #EM - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Mude seus Planos - De Peça em peça REMIX (De verso em Verso) #EM - Duration: 4:31.


Captain America Shield BUILD (INFINITY WAR) - Duration: 16:50.

To see that we could become something more

So when they needed us we could fight the battles that they never could

Are you guys excited? I am and you know what that means

Well for Civil War I made Captain America's electromagnetic shield

And it's kind of my number one video on the channel so for infinity war I think it's

Time we make his new Wakandan shield

Get this man a shield

Now the tricky part with doing a project like this is until the movie

comes out we don't have that much reference material we've seen a few

glimpses of the shield and some of the trailers and other promotional material

but there's still a chance it might be a bit different in the movie

But, we're gonna use what we have and see what we can come up with so follow me and let's

start the design

Hurry up so to start the design what I've done is

I've actually taken a still from the trailer and then I've extracted the

shield, I've scaled that to approximately the right size and brought it into SolidWorks

which lets me actually draw overtop of the picture to get the right shape

So let's do that

all right so that mechanism should work but to make sure

let's make a quick cardboard prototype using the laser cutter

Alright that prototype looks pretty good and as you can see the mechanism

actually works quite well too so what we've done here is we actually

3D printed some rails of the actual part that we're going to be ordering for the

final design and the way the actual mechanism works is we've got these slots

and as you can see when the shield extends a little bit only the tip moves

but once it moves about an inch it hits the curve which then forces the wings out

This captures the design element that's shown in the trailer how the

front spike comes out at first and then the wings open and I think that's really cool

Now all we need is a way to power this and to make it look a bit more like

a real shield so let's go back to CAD

so again I'm going to be using the reference images from the trailer to

help me design the actual aesthetics to try and make it as accurate as possible to the movies

Now that, that looks pretty good but before we build it let's see what would

it actually look like on my arm come with me

I've always loved in the Iron Man movies how they show Tony Stark doing his

designs with Holograms in real life so we've actually been upgrading our

augmented and virtual reality capabilities here at Hacksmith Industries

But enough talking about it lets show you. Jarvis activate shield

pretty cool eh let's see if we can open it too

Actually can we get some sound effects too?

Jarvis: Sir, there are still terabytes of calculations needed.

Now what would be a good way to test the shield? What if some

bad guys broke into my shop?

I feel like we're going off script.

So what do you guys think? Should we make it I think the design is just about ready to go.

Just kidding the laser cutter is already cutting it

you know this would be a lot easier if you didn't steal my *@*#ing shield Tony

it's really hard to make your own

Stark: sometimes you got a run before you can walk and for gosh sake watch your language

So I'm pretty happy with the design now which means it's time to make it out of metal

now when I started this project we had no way of actually manufacturing the

shield in-house so we actually had to get the parts laser cut by a local

machine shop but halfway through we got a new piece of equipment delivered

it's a Maverick CNC plasma cutter that we got from Elite Metal Tools

Elite Metal Tools provides all kinds of industrial machinery and helped us find the perfect

plasma table for our needs if you need help choosing the industrial machine to

make something great head on over to EMT now that we have this machine let's cut

out the next set of Captain America shields

so we had a slight issue while welding the top piece of Captain America's shield

We kind of forgot it warps if you do a whole lot of welding so we need

to try and straighten this out somehow and what's the point of making a project

if you're not going to use it so I actually got Thor's hammer here which

weighs about 75 pounds

and we're gonna see if maybe we can straighten out the shield

Very scientific

all right we've got all the pieces welded for the most part now we can

actually assemble the mechanism and see if it works

I should really make a third hand like maybe like Winter Soldier but I just

have an extra arm off my ribcage cool now that'd be weird

it's okay we're putting 800 psi through it therefore it's it's just it's a whole bunch more pressure

Is it allowed to do that?

Well, it hasn't exploded yet

This is the part I haven't quite thought through yet.

well it's late Sunday night but our first prototype works

Alright, so when I first assembled it it wasn't sliding too well but we've made some

adjustments to the rails and we've lubed the whole thing and now well you'll see

not bad all right so how is it actually actuated

well what we're doing is we're actually using a 16 gram co2 cartridge as the

air source for the project and it runs through a check valve and what a check

valve means is pressure can only flow through the check valve in this

direction so when you build up pressure in here it doesn't try and escape back

over here when you press the button it goes into the extended position then we

have a four two valve over here which basically changes the direction of the

air flowing through the pneumatic cylinder which is mounted under here so

if we press press this button down and then trigger it it retracts if you press

it without pushing it it extends and it fits nicely right inside the handle

Alright so now that we know that the mechanism works well let's finish up

with a few of the detail pieces we've got a few more pieces right here that

we're actually gonna weld onto this and then we paint it and it should look just

like the one in the movie let's get started

all right so the first prototypes done and I think it works pretty good

hey anyways we've made a few design changes for the final version and we're

actually making two more shields for our ultimate test video which is coming out

really soon make sure you subscribe notifications turned on but right now

let's give you a sneak peek of the kind of destruction we're going to do with

this thing

all right for this test I'm gonna need some safety glasses

how about old versus new

all right that was just a little taste of the destruction we're gonna be doing

with these shields I know you guys are gonna want to see me go ham with these

things so make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn notifications

on this shield test is gonna be awesome plus I even got a licensed Captain

America costume for it special thanks to killer body for hooking me up with this

awesome costume let us know in the comments below what you want to see me

smash with these shields and don't forget to check out infinity war to see

how this project stacks up to the real thing thanks for watching make sure you're subscribed

Hang on, do I want to bring the arm up, after you've thrown it, or do I want to be in a position? It would look cooler if you've thrown it and I'm like WOAH but it's heavy.

For more infomation >> Captain America Shield BUILD (INFINITY WAR) - Duration: 16:50.


Pastor busca el aplauso fácil de su parroquia apoyando a Alfred y les acaba cayendo la pulpo a ambos - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Pastor busca el aplauso fácil de su parroquia apoyando a Alfred y les acaba cayendo la pulpo a ambos - Duration: 3:44.


Pílula Política #05 - ELEIÇÕES UNIFICADAS | Vereador Caio Miranda - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Pílula Política #05 - ELEIÇÕES UNIFICADAS | Vereador Caio Miranda - Duration: 2:51.


Como trocar amortecedores traseiros MERCEDES-BENZ B W245 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 6:47.

Use a socket №16 and a combination spanner №16

Use an open-end wrench №17 and an ajustable spanner

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

For more infomation >> Como trocar amortecedores traseiros MERCEDES-BENZ B W245 [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 6:47.


OFERTA ⚡ PATINETE ELÉCTRICO Plegable para Adultos - EL MEJOR 2018 - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> OFERTA ⚡ PATINETE ELÉCTRICO Plegable para Adultos - EL MEJOR 2018 - Duration: 0:50.


Acoplation e Teknisa: vantagens do software CRM - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Acoplation e Teknisa: vantagens do software CRM - Duration: 1:17.


Shift Quantum - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Shift Quantum - Trailer | Switch - Duration: 1:43.


Combata manchas escuras no pescoço com 5 remédios naturais - Duration: 14:56.

For more infomation >> Combata manchas escuras no pescoço com 5 remédios naturais - Duration: 14:56.


Brian Hull & Making A Fairy Tale Movie | Behind The Scenes: A Fairy Tale After All - Duration: 7:14.

I am about the head into an adventure a journey if you will of my fourth feature

film I made three films in the past ten years three feature films that went

theatrical but this one this one is for the entire family

the entire family it's gonna have Kings it's going to have princesses Queens I mean it's gonna have everything it's gonna have everything in this film

I wanted to do this for 10 years 10 years and it's called a fairy tale after

all and I'm gonna take you the epc family on the journey with me a film

that will change the course of your life for these two hours of your afternoon

because you'll have to stop and watch it for about an hour and a half

it's called fairy tale after all let me take a moment to explain to you princess

the delicacies that are intrinsically intertwined in Murali and immeasurably

inside this thing we call show nothing's as it seems this is a place of dreams to

be or not to be when I was reading over the script I I just I kept seeing this

this character that kind of reminded me a lot of myself in high school there are

some elements of me that are definitely there where he's very theatrical he's

very he's very zany very crazy but at the same time he's got a really good

heart where he's all about just helping this princess but at the same time he's

a little frustrated because she has no idea what's going on but she should it's

there but not you got it know everybody out there if you

Susy if you love fantasy you love fairy tales Queensferry

what if you love anything fancy listen if you want to be a part of this family

please check out the vlogs if you like what you see press the subscribe button

down below please we want your part of the EBC family today thank you so much

if I wasn't that busy laying where would I be I guess it would be right here in

Hollywood I'm in Hollywood I am making a fairy tale movie I thought what better

place than right here in Hollywood to do my opening what do we have here Brian Hull

are you doing it I'm doing good we just got done with the rehearsal and I'm

telling you I'm blown away with your voice by like you just say hello to me

Mickey Mouse

mr. Brian Hull plays a dog but not just any dog a dog puppet because in this

movie there's gonna be live actors there's also gonna be puppets like a Jim

Henson movie it's gonna be very interesting but he's playing a puppet a

dog puppet named thump game so we're gonna do our first session first session

first your thumpkin are you ready like a wine bottle to break I can like you know

today's our big musical number your musical number even seen the

footage yet would you dancing around yeah okay you hire someone who has a

degree in musical theater like she really brings me back because I'm like I

wasn't going to do this in a while I've been doing videos for so long and it's

like my music okay I can show you the world shining shimmering splendid tell

me princess now when did you last than it's your car the size I can open your

eyes you're a great director I'll say that yeah I'll get locked out what

happens when you block get locked out yeah that's what happens when you

gorilla film and then the lights turn on oh there oh there is it definitely had a

challenging moments I will say that I'm very glad that in my senior recital in

college I decided to do I am the very model of a modern major-general cuz then

all that training paid off so I can go home to my parents and say look all the

money you pay for in school really did pay off really debated if I should show

you this entire process but I think it's good there's it's a fairytale movie and

we all love fairy tales we all love fairy tales that's what I created this

channel for fairy tales castles princess fairies

we are Tommy pretty God you you will be amazing a new take on a fairy tale it's

a lot of fun in that way like people love fairy tales but at the same time

it's fun to see new twists and new angles on them and this one I feel will

be no exception it has a fun tone to it but at the same time it's got a lot of

so that's what I'm excited for and sauce did we're filled with coffee that's

right you don't drink coffee you know for water bottles so yes there's a

hydrant over there thank you very much for being a part of the vlog

oh that's being a part of this motion picture my next journey I'm very excited

about oh I'm crying under this glass improv cuz nothing's as it seems what do

you think you've got it you've lost it all it's not you're in a dream you want

to help spread the word of this film a fairy tale after all I'm gonna call it

our film if you want to help spread the word at this early stage you can spread

the word by sharing the IMDB page if you want to share this out to your social

media that will help spread the word there will be plenty plenty plenty

plenty of other ways as we move along where you can help make this a huge

success I want to thank the amazing Brian Hall I love Brian he did a vlog of

the whole recording session on his own channel so go check him out until the

next time you're a great director I'll say that

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