RJ Farhan's New Bangla Prank Call
Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa spend time with their kids at Mar-a-Lago after divorce filing - Duration: 5:10.Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa spend time with their kids at Mar-a-Lago after divorce filing
Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa are focusing on their five children after Vanessa filed for divorce earlier this month after 12 years of marriage. News of their split was soon followed by reports that the president's eldest son had an affair with former Celebrity Apprentice contestant Aubrey O'Day.
A Mar-a-Lago club source tells us that the estranged couple and their kids — Kai Madison, 10, Donald III, 9, Tristan, 6, Spencer, 5, and Chloe, 3 — are spending time together at the private resort in Florida through Easter.
"There are times that [Trump Jr. and Vanessa] are together with the kids. But more often, each is with some of the kids separately," the insider says. "I have not seen anything unpleasant at all.".
Trump Jr. came down with his children alone right after the divorce news broke, then Vanessa joined them for the second week of their school spring break.
Another club source tells us the pair appeared to be amiably co-parenting. Despite the divorce filing, the family seemed happy, the source says, and Trump Jr. and Vanessa "were smiling at each other and talking pleasantly while they were with their kids.".
On Sunday, the divorcing husband and wife were at the club pool together with their kids, all of them in bathing suits.
"Don Jr. and Vanessa were leaning over the wall, just the two of them, talking, while the kids were in the pool," says an observer.
Photos obtained by TMZ also showed Vanessa lounging on a chair by the pool with her husband nearby. Another shot showed Trump Jr. in the water with one of his children.
A third club source says that Trump Jr. seems to be trying hard to be attentive because "when you screw up, you have to kiss up.".
The president's eldest son, 40, shared several videos and photos of his children fishing and golfing on his Instagram page. Vanessa also documented her two youngest, Spencer and Chloe, playing in the sand.
"My kids are definitely beach babies!" she captioned the photos.
On March 15, Page Six broke the news that Vanessa had filed for divorce from Trump Jr. after more than 12 years of marriage. The outlet was also the first to report on Trump Jr.'s alleged fling with O'Day, a former Celebrity Apprentice contestant and singer in the girl group Danity Kane.
A source who worked with Celebrity Apprentice — where Trump Jr. and O'Day first connected when she was a contestant and he was an adviser on the show — told us that Trump Jr. was in the shower and his phone was on the bedside table when "sexy texts" came through from O'Day.
"This is how Vanessa found out and the affair ended," said the source.
Although the couple went through a rocky time after Vanessa uncovered the alleged affair, a source tells us that "everything seemed to be patched after that as Vanessa had more kids afterwards.
But of all the stresses that reportedly pulled at Vanessa and Trump Jr. 's marriage — from his racy tweets to a former model, to the alleged affair with O'Day, to his cheapskate approach to Vanessa's spending — friends told us in last week's new issue that the strain between husband and wife was nothing new.
The couple had been living "separate lives" for a while, says a source who socializes with them. "Even before all this Trump presidency stuff started, they weren't good and their marriage was strained.".
[Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT to get the latest news].
Kristaus Prisikėlimą skelbia Jašiūnų choras (vad. Rita Falevičienė) - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Gold and Silver weekly Update – w/e 30th March 2018 - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
Breno e Jéssica iniciam castigo do monstro fantasiados de escova e boca - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
E-Marketing - Duration: 0:29.Nicole Vander Kolk (904)210-3676 nicolevanderkolk1@gmail.com
BBB18: Após mudanças, prova do anjo é realizada e participante vence; saiba quem - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Len zawdzięcza swoje właściwości zdrowotne nasionom, które można wykorzystać w rozmaity sposób, na przykład do przygotowania świetnej odżywki do włosów.Dlaczego nasiona lnu są dobre na porost włosów?
1. Są źródłem witaminy E.Witamina E jest silnym antyoksydantem przez co chroni włosy oraz skalp przez destrukcyjnym wpływem wolnych rodników.
Dzięki niej kapilary są bardziej wydajne, przez co poprawia się cyrkulacja krwi. Stosowanie witaminy E na włosy zapobiega także przedwczesnemu siwieniu.
2. Regulują pH i produkcję łoju.Nasiona lnu nadają skórze odpowiednie pH oraz normują produkcję tłuszczu. Są to czynniki mające ogromny wpływ na tempo rośnięcia włosów oraz ich kondycję.
3. Odżywiają włosy.Nasiona lnu są źródłem kwasów omega-3, dzięki którym włosy rosną zdrowe, silne i elastyczne, a zarazem mniej podatne na uszkodzenia.
4. Nadają im ładnego wyglądu.Nasiona lnu sprawiają, że włosy są gładkie i łatwo się je rozczesuje. Ponadto znacznie lepiej reagują na kosmetyki, nie łamią się i nie rozdwajają. W dodatku nie kręcą się i nie są suche w dotyku.
5. Odżywiają skalp.Regularne stosowanie żelu z nasion lnu zapobiega wypadaniu włosów, łupieżowi oraz pojawianiu się zmian skórnych.
Nasiona lnu są bardzo dobrym źródłem rozpuszczalnego i nierozpuszczalnego błonnika, dlatego sprawdzą się również jako składnik diety.Jak przygotować żel na porost włosów z nasion lnu?
Składniki:1/4 szklanki nasion lnu.2 szklanki przefiltrowanej wody.1 łyżka stołowa soku z cytryny.Przygotowanie:Gotuj wodę z nasionami tak długo aż preparat zacznie gęstnieć.
Dodaj sok z cytryny i całość dokładnie wymieszaj. Zgaś palnik, gdy ciecz przybierze konsystencję żelu.Ostudź preparat.
Odcedź zawartość naczynia i zbierz żel do słoika.Nakładaj żel na włosy każdego ranka do stylizacji lub traktuj go jak odżywkę do włosów.
NEW ODAIPA MAPS, MYOTISMON BOSS & FREE CASH EVENT!!! ✧ KDMO - Duration: 11:21.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni E arrivata la felicità 2 nona e decima puntata: Angelica delusa - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Questo nostro amore 80 seconda e terza puntata: la scelta di Anna - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
I cibi che non dovreste consumare se soffrite di fibromialgia. Il consumo di questi alimenti... - Duration: 15:20.-------------------------------------------
Alisa Cabelo Na HORA ➜ Basta 1 Aplicação e Voce NUNCA MAIS Voltará no Salão de Beleza - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Wagner VAI IMUNIZAR Gleici do paredão? Breno e Jéssica iniciam Castigo - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
A DIETA DO OVO COZIDO, PERCA ATE 1O KG EM 14 DIAS!!! ISSO É INCRIVEL!! - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
A GRANDE JOGADA - Legendado - Duration: 2:20:18.-------------------------------------------
A Profecia Final! Hopi Prevê a queda da Estação Espacial Chinesa? "Fim do quarto Mundo". - Duration: 9:05.-------------------------------------------
Lisola dei famosi, Franco Terlizzi è stato squalificato? Lannuncio choc - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Perché Franco Terlizzi ha lasciato lisola dei famosi? Ecco cosè successo - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
¿Por qué WINDOWS XP duró tanto tiempo? - Duration: 9:10.-------------------------------------------
Sen Anlat Karadeniz / You Tell All Black Sea - Episode 11 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.Vedat, let my son go!
Vedat says: "I am going to take my son".
You are not thinking about taking me to a doctor, surely?
No Nefes, I will take you to the industrial park, to a mechanic. Your head is out of adjustment as you know.
I am not crazy.
We should stop giving her medication. I am telling you, the girl is going crazy.
That is our aim, Berrak.
Right? I mean, Nefes will go crazy and I will be able to take Yiğit.
That scoundrel touched you and now he is trying to take your son away from you.
That man should not be allowed to live.
- You are not going to kill me, Tahir? - See you in hell.
Carta a Sally- Pedro Bidón A.K.A. Blackmouth (Perfopoesía) ( Prod. J. Demers) - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
How One Man Changed the High Jump Forever | The Olympics on the Record - Duration: 4:24.Olympic goes to Mexico.
The Olympic high jump changed for ever on October 20th 1968.
The location was Mexico City.
All was normal until a gangly,
21-year-old civil engineering student
in mis-matched running shoes did this.
That man's name was Dick Fosbury
and although it may not seem unusual to your eyes now,
in 1968 it was revolutionary.
On that day in Mexico City,
the Olympic Games saw its first Fosbury Flop
and it has rarely seen anything else ever since.
The high jump has been a part of the Olympic Games
since the beginning.
"Faster, Higher, Stronger," it's there in the motto
and down the years,
techniques have changed to inch that little bit higher.
What started with a standing jump went through a period
where scissors were the vogue.
Then a straddle, and the "Western Roll"...
..each a little better than the last.
But over in Portland, Oregon, in the mid-1960s,
the young Dick Fosbury was a lousy straddler.
He watched his hero Valery Brumel
break record after record,
but the only thing Fosbury broke was his hand.
Someone had bet him he couldn't jump over a chair
and he couldn't.
But that was before Fosbury tried something new.
He married up his engineering know-how with what his body
was doing naturally as he ran up to the bar.
Fosbury applied some mechanics
and learned that by arching his back,
a jumper's centre of gravity can stay below the bar,
even as the body sailed over it.
If they get into that perfect arch,
it's a mechanical advantage to use that technique.
Jumpers before took off from the foot nearest the bar
and span in the air to kick their other leg over first,
but Fosbury changed the run-up and flipped the technique.
Sawdust replaced sand,
then foam appeared for the jumpers to land on.
It was all in place for Fosbury to give it a try.
Out there in Mexico City,
Fosbury was already not like the other guys.
He didn't like to practise. He was a loner.
He missed the opening ceremony
to drive out to see the pyramids,
watching the sunset and sleeping in a van.
And his skills were as much in his head as in his legs.
Fosbury psyched himself up for each jump,
winning the 80,000 crowd
on to his side and getting them to will him over the bar.
When the newspapers first saw Fosbury jump before the Games,
they said he was like a "two-legged camel".
They dismissed him as a curiosity,
but this camel went through
the start of the competition
without knocking the bar off once.
There were only three men left at 2.20 metres.
All were guaranteed at least a bronze.
Ed Caruthers, United States,
and Valentin Gavrilov, Soviet Union, both joined Fosbury
over 2.20 metres, but Gavrilov couldn't get over 2.22 metres.
Caruthers couldn't get over 2.24 metres, but Fosbury,
like a champion, dug deep.
His leap over the bar at 2.24 metres
set a new Olympic record and won him a gold medal.
Fosbury never came back to the Olympics as an athlete
after that day in Mexico City, but his name sure did.
He said, "I think quite a few kids
"will begin trying it my way now."
The Fosbury Flop is now the only way to fly.
ইংলিশ মনু? - RJ Farhan's New Bangla Prank Call - RJ Farhan Show - Duration: 2:38.RJ Farhan's New Bangla Prank Call
Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa spend time with their kids at Mar-a-Lago after divorce filing - Duration: 5:10.Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa spend time with their kids at Mar-a-Lago after divorce filing
Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa are focusing on their five children after Vanessa filed for divorce earlier this month after 12 years of marriage. News of their split was soon followed by reports that the president's eldest son had an affair with former Celebrity Apprentice contestant Aubrey O'Day.
A Mar-a-Lago club source tells us that the estranged couple and their kids — Kai Madison, 10, Donald III, 9, Tristan, 6, Spencer, 5, and Chloe, 3 — are spending time together at the private resort in Florida through Easter.
"There are times that [Trump Jr. and Vanessa] are together with the kids. But more often, each is with some of the kids separately," the insider says. "I have not seen anything unpleasant at all.".
Trump Jr. came down with his children alone right after the divorce news broke, then Vanessa joined them for the second week of their school spring break.
Another club source tells us the pair appeared to be amiably co-parenting. Despite the divorce filing, the family seemed happy, the source says, and Trump Jr. and Vanessa "were smiling at each other and talking pleasantly while they were with their kids.".
On Sunday, the divorcing husband and wife were at the club pool together with their kids, all of them in bathing suits.
"Don Jr. and Vanessa were leaning over the wall, just the two of them, talking, while the kids were in the pool," says an observer.
Photos obtained by TMZ also showed Vanessa lounging on a chair by the pool with her husband nearby. Another shot showed Trump Jr. in the water with one of his children.
A third club source says that Trump Jr. seems to be trying hard to be attentive because "when you screw up, you have to kiss up.".
The president's eldest son, 40, shared several videos and photos of his children fishing and golfing on his Instagram page. Vanessa also documented her two youngest, Spencer and Chloe, playing in the sand.
"My kids are definitely beach babies!" she captioned the photos.
On March 15, Page Six broke the news that Vanessa had filed for divorce from Trump Jr. after more than 12 years of marriage. The outlet was also the first to report on Trump Jr.'s alleged fling with O'Day, a former Celebrity Apprentice contestant and singer in the girl group Danity Kane.
A source who worked with Celebrity Apprentice — where Trump Jr. and O'Day first connected when she was a contestant and he was an adviser on the show — told us that Trump Jr. was in the shower and his phone was on the bedside table when "sexy texts" came through from O'Day.
"This is how Vanessa found out and the affair ended," said the source.
Although the couple went through a rocky time after Vanessa uncovered the alleged affair, a source tells us that "everything seemed to be patched after that as Vanessa had more kids afterwards.
But of all the stresses that reportedly pulled at Vanessa and Trump Jr. 's marriage — from his racy tweets to a former model, to the alleged affair with O'Day, to his cheapskate approach to Vanessa's spending — friends told us in last week's new issue that the strain between husband and wife was nothing new.
The couple had been living "separate lives" for a while, says a source who socializes with them. "Even before all this Trump presidency stuff started, they weren't good and their marriage was strained.".
[Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT to get the latest news].
Kristaus Prisikėlimą skelbia Jašiūnų choras (vad. Rita Falevičienė) - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Qu'y-a-t-il derrière les amours impossibles ? - Duration: 9:34.-------------------------------------------
Charlotte Gainsbourg, pourquoi refuse-t-elle de se marier avec Yvan Attal ? - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Tipo 1.4 T-JET Hatchback BTW KORTING! - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Ilona Smet, pourquoi ne se lance-t-elle pas dans la chanson ? - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500X 1.4T MULTIAIR 140 BUSINESS CROSS RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500X 1.4T MULTIAIR 140 BUSINESS CROSS RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Yixing Warms Up with Trainees - 180401 Idol Producer behind the scene LAY - Duration: 1:44.Self free (style), just relax
Open up your body
Get your pose ready Prepare to Start
Come, put on some music
Why Ann Coulter Thinks President Trump Is 'Failing' | NYT - Opinion - Duration: 3:25.Obviously you and I could talk for hours about our differences
on Trump.
But that's not why I want to talk to today as you know.
In recent days you've inaugurated
the phrase "Former Trumpers."
What are Former Trumpers and why should he be terrified of them?
The Former Trumpers should keep Donald Trump awake at night.
We're the ones who didn't care about the Access Hollywood
He had absolute rock solid locked us in on support
because we thought we wouldn't be betrayed.
Finally, finally, he could sell Ivanka Trump
merchandise from the Oval Office if he would just
build the wall.
If he doesn't have us anymore –
No, that's what he should be worried about because
you play those people for suckers?
The one who stood by him through thick and thin and thought this
was finally something different.
Finally, we have a politician who's not going to lie to us.
No, Former Trumpers should put the fear of God in him.
One month into Donald Trump's presidency
you said so far I'd give him an A plus.
What was...
One month in.
So far I give him an A plus.
Well, he's turned in several more papers at this point,
and there have been some final exams and pop
quizzes. What's his grade today?
We're halfway through the semester and he's failing.
He could still get ahead.
There's still a shot for extra credit.
Let me guess: It involves a wall?
Well, don't act like I'm the nut
wanting a wall.
That was the chant at every rally.
I didn't make this up.
But let's be adults here. Was Mexico ever going
to pay for it?
His voters absolutely do not care.
He promised that as often as he promised the wall.
I know.
But it was like me giving him an A plus.
It was just a fun chant.
"And who's going to pay for it?"
I promise you.
We want a wall.
We don't care who pays for it.
So how much does he have to worry
politically about Former Trumpers?
If he doesn't change course –
No, they're never coming back.
Are you,
are you now a Former Trumper? Yes?
Look, he can still come back.
You are a temporary Former Trumper?
If he builds the wall.
He will be the emperor-god again.
You are a resurrected Trumper?
I'll throw a huge party.
He'll be, I'll start a committee
to put him on Mount Rushmore.
But right now, if I were a betting woman,
I don't think we're getting a wall.
One of the things that most stunned me
as his administration came together
was he spent so much time during the campaign railing against
Wall Street, fashioning himself as a populist.
This was the richest cabinet,
I think,
-Yep, it was.
in history.
What's driving me crazy is every time
I hear somebody's leaving,
I get excited,
and then I find out who it's being replaced with.
To just, to kind of be a little bit more complete and nuanced.
You said that, you implied that Trump
was governing so that Jared and Ivanka didn't lose
their friends in the Hamptons.
You can't hire your kids!
We don't like nepotism.
We're Americans.
This is third world behavior.
They're perfectly nice people.
So the two of them have no business
being in the advisory roles?
O.K., it was Jared's idea to fire Comey.
It was Jared's idea to hire Scaramucci.
At any point does it,
does it,
dawn on someone?
Now, every time I take this guy's advice
disaster ensues.
It doesn't seem to be hitting home.
Why? Because it's a relative.
reckless and pointless | bucky barnes [TTC] - Duration: 0:50.bucky?
who the hell is bucky?
what did i do?
do you even remember them?
i remember all of them
i don't know if i'm worth all this steve
it always ends in a fight
Melania Gets Devastating News After Simple Message She Posted Online. - Duration: 10:44.Melania Gets Devastating News After Simple Message She Posted Online.
Liberals just can't seem to contain themselves.
Not even during Easter and Passover weekend.
With Easter and Passover fast approaching both President Donald Trump and First Lady
Melania Trump, each sent out their own separate greetings on social media.
But of course, Liberals just couldn't waste the opportunity to be "Liberals."
The president's video message said "At this holy time of year, families across out
nations, gather in homes, churches, and synagogues to light candles and praise God," Trump
"During the sacred holiday of Passover, Jewish families around the world give thanks
to God for liberating Jewish people," he added.
"For Christians, we remember the suffering and death of God's only son and his glorious
resurrection," Trump said, before concluding, "Thank you.
God bless you, and God bless America."
While First Lady Melania Trump kept her message short and sweet.
"Wishing everyone happiness and health on this Good Friday," Melania posted.
Along with a video showing her recent trip to St. Mary's Medical Center near Mar-a-Lago
And of course, since most of them don't have jobs or much else to do, the liberal
backlash was instant and ruthless.
Since when do liberals have a moral compass?
Many millennials and old hippies probably can't recall, but there was a time during
the 90's when the mainstream media and Liberals marveled at how Bill Clinton lied and covered
his own rear end when he had an affair in the oval office with one of the White House
And how he deflected when Juanita Brodderick came out and accused him of raping her.
Juanita didn't matter, but a woman who just last month denied having an affair with Donald
Trump 12 years ago now all of a sudden does matter?
Come on Liberals, make up your minds already!
Here is more information about the Bill Clinton rape for those who forgot via GOPUSA:
"Juanita Broaddrick – an accuser and rape victim of former President Bill Clinton – recently
divulged that CNN, CBS, MSNBC and 60 Minutes have never interviewed her.
When asked on Fox News with Sean Hannity Monday night if she had ever been interviewed on
60 Minutes, Broaddrick admitted that the left-leaning program never wanted to give publicity to
her story disgracing the popular Democratic president.
"No, never," Broaddrick answered on the Fox television program.
"Or CNN, or MSNBC."
Left gives porn star accusing Republican the red carpet
Broaddrick believes that if she was a porn star – and accused a Republican president
– her story would be snatched up by the mainstream media in a second.
"A woman who accused then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton of raping her said the
media is treating porn star Stormy Daniels wildly different than herself," Fox News
Insider reported.
"Sean Hannity asked Juanita Broaddrick if CNN's Anderson Cooper – who interviewed
Daniels for CBS – has called her to hear her own story of alleged sexual misconduct
by a president."
The Clinton rape victim informed Hannity that Cooper was simply not interested in her story
after his lackluster interview with Daniels – even after tweeting at the left-leaning
host in order to inquire why he continues to be silent on her case.
"HEY 60 MINUTES @andersoncooper, HOW ABOUT HAVING ME ON to discuss my book, You'd Better
Put Some Ice on That?"
Broaddrick tweeted at Cooper Saturday.
"What Bill Clinton said to me after he Raped Me."
Hannity followed up asking Broaddrick if Cooper ever replied to her tweet.
"Have you heard from Anderson?"
Hannity asked the Clinton victim Monday night on his show.
"No," she responded.
Defending Dems, ripping Republicans
When speaking on the coverage of allegations waged against Clinton by porn star Daniels,
fellow Clinton accuser Paula Corbin Jones said Broaddrick's and her own story pale
in comparison – with both virtually getting the silent treatment from the mainstream media.
"There's no comparison," Jones insisted, according to Fox News Insider.
Yet Jones' story was indeed newsworthy – like Broaddrick's.
"Paula Jones won a judgment in court and a huge $850,000 settlement from Clinton after
she accused Clinton of exposing himself to her," Breitbart News noted.
"To protect Clinton, the media – primarily led by CNN – attacked her as trailer trash."
After Broaddrick's Fox appearance, Jones shared her story on Hannity Monday night and
retold how the establishment media dealt with her and the former Democratic president's
other accusers.
"We did not get the same kind of coverage [Stormy Daniels is] getting," Jones insisted
on Fox.
"We were made fun of.
We were on late night talk shows – they made fun of us.
It was horrible.
Remember James Carville's 'You can drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park?'
I've never lived in a trailer park.
But that's the way they treated us, and this was a serious thing."
And only a small handful of news outlets would touch Broaddrick's story.
"Broaddrick said Sean Hannity and former NBC journalist Lisa Myers were some of the
very few media personalities interested in hearing her story," the Insider noted.
"She said Clinton raped her in a hotel room and kept her silent by biting her lip.
Her new book, You'd Better Put Some Ice on That, tells of the incident, and the only
words Clinton spoke after the alleged rape before he 'put on his sunglasses' and
left the room."
Broaddrick gave an explanation as to why Daniels' story was quickly picked up, while hers was
"I'm not a porn star – I was a hard-working nurse and businesswoman," Broaddrick stressed
in her book, according to RealClearPolitics.
"I wasn't a porn star, so that's why they weren't interested in me."
But when allegations are waged against conservative politicians, the mainstream media is witnessed
having a feeding frenzy.
Not an opportunist …
Unlike many accusers, Broaddrick did not come out with her story for money, vengeance or
In fact, she was reluctant when first going public with it nearly two decades ago.
"Broaddrick's 1999 claim that then-Arkansas Attorney General Clinton raped her in 1978
was so credible the media had no choice but to cover it up," Breitbart's John Nolte
"It is important to recall that Broaddrick was dragged kicking and screaming into telling
her story, which had only gotten out, one presumes, because she told people about the
alleged rape immediately after it happened."
Political motivations did not spur her coming out, either.
"Broaddrick refused to come forward in 1992 when Clinton was running for president – and
refused for another seven years," Nolte continued.
"It was only after a false story appeared about her accepting a payoff to keep silent
that she decided to set the record straight."
The fact that the left-leaning media hub, NBC, shared Broaddrick's story is still
a marvel to many – the exception and not the norm when it comes to what the mainstream
media will and will not over.
"Once Broaddrick did come forward, only Lisa Myers of NBC interviewed her, [and] in
this pre-Internet era – when the elitist had a bottleneck on the dissemination of information
– she was never seen again," Nolte pointed out.
"Even when her story again became valid news during Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential
run, Broaddrick was ignored – ignored by 60 Minutes, by CNN, by the same Anderson Cooper
who has gleefully interviewed the porn star and the playmate over Trump's alleged consensual
affairs for 60 Minutes and CNN."
Following her appeal to Cooper to cover her story, Broaddrick retweeted the following
Twitter post:
"Why we hate the Media: Paula Jones: Not believable; Kathleen Willey: Not believable;
Gennifer Flowers: Not believable; Monica Lewinsky: Not believable; Juanita Broddrick: Not believable;
Pornstar Stormy Daniels: Impeccable integrity, 24/7 coverage.#StormyDanielsDay," Joel Fischer
tweeted Sunday.
Underneath this retweet, Broaddrick posted her short commentary.
"Yep, that about sums it up," Broaddrick commented on her retweet.
Media double standards
The way the mainstream media deals with Republican and Democrats is noted as anything but fair
and equal.
"Those of us who lived through the 1990s are watching with endless amusement as our
disgraced, impossible-to-shame media twists itself into knots over the fact that some
12 years ago, President Trump is alleged to have had consensual, extra-marital flings
with a Playboy playmate and a porn star," Nolte insisted.
"The reasons for this amusement are countless.
To begin with, when Bill Clinton's 12-year affair with Gennifer Flowers went public in
the heat of his 1992 quest for the presidency, 60 Minutes came scurrying to his rescue.
Bill and Hillary appeared on the storied news magazine show, lied about the affair, and
turned his campaign around."
Media bias in favor of the Democrats was emphasized when comparing how the two accusers were handled.
"Although Flowers had audio recordings of her telephone calls with Clinton, the very
same media – now obsessing over playmates and porn stars – still wrote Flowers off
as an opportunistic slut and informed the voting public that personal character no longer
matters when choosing a president," Nolte explained.
Even when Clinton's adulterous affairs took place during his presidency – in the White
House – the media did not want any part of it.
"About five years into his presidency, and just a few rooms away from his own wife and
daughter, Clinton had a sexual affair with a 22-year-old White House intern in the Oval
Office," Nolte recollected.
"Even after he committed perjury to cover the affair up, the media actually joined the
White House campaign to personally destroy Lewinsky as a dangerous stalker.
After she provided DNA evidence of the affair, the media then told us this was a private
matter between man and wife."
Throughout his presidency, Clinton enjoyed the protection of the mainstream media – a
younger version of the same anti-Trump media that relentlessly bashes the president every
time anything remotely negative surfaces – whether it is real news or "fake news."
"In 1998, Kathleen Willey, a Democrat, accused Clinton of groping her in 1993," Nolte recounted.
"The media wrote her off as a disgruntled gold digger."
what do you think about this?
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Vedat says: "I am going to take my son".
You are not thinking about taking me to a doctor, surely?
No Nefes, I will take you to the industrial park, to a mechanic. Your head is out of adjustment as you know.
I am not crazy.
We should stop giving her medication. I am telling you, the girl is going crazy.
That is our aim, Berrak.
Right? I mean, Nefes will go crazy and I will be able to take Yiğit.
That scoundrel touched you and now he is trying to take your son away from you.
That man should not be allowed to live.
- You are not going to kill me, Tahir? - See you in hell.
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daniel schulz // turn back time {sub español} - Duration: 4:02.We used to run red lights and never look back
We used to chase long nights, nothing wrong with that
'Cause I loved you and I lost my mind
And now, I try to leave it, oh, I try
But you still haunt me no matter where I go
And you hated my lasagna but you came back for more
You got me running circles in your favorite store
And I lost you and I lost my mind
And now, I try to leave it all behind
But I still see you no matter where I go
If I could turn back time and make it all alright
Only a piece of you and me will keep me warm all night
If I could turn back time and rewrite every line
If only I could
but baby, I can't
So I'mma scream, shout, let it all out
And scream and shout and let it all out for you,
for you
So I'mma scream, shout, let it all out
And scream and shout and let it all out for you
for you
I hit you up like, "Hey girl, can we talk right now?
I know you're far away, girl, can we hang right now?"
'Cause I loved you and I lost my mind
And now, I try to leave it all behind
But I still see you no matter where I go
I know it's getting late, girl, I don't care right now
I tried to call you on the phone, girl, but you don't pick up
And I lost you and I lost my mind
Now, I tryna leave it, oh, I'm trying
But you still haunt me no matter where I go
If I could turn back time and make it all alright
Only a piece of you and me will keep me warm all night
If I could turn back time and rewrite every line
If only I could
but baby, I can't
So I'mma scream, shout, let it all out
And scream and shout and let it all out for you
for you
So I'mma scream, shout, let all out
And scream and shout and let it all out for you
for you
Maybe it's a mistake if we let the clock break
Everything in my mind
everything in mind is telling me
That it's a mistake and it ends in heartbreak
Everything in my mind
everything in mind is telling me
To try to turn back time and make it all alright
Only your piece of you and me will keep me warm all night
If I could turn back time and rewrite every line
If only I could
but baby, I can't
So I'mma scream, shout, let all out
And scream and shout and let it all out for you
for you
So I'mma scream, shout, let all out
And scream and shout and let it all out for you
for you
I'm Quitting Youtube - Duration: 2:16.okay so guys I I really did not want to make this video I am really sad that I
have to say this but I am quitting YouTube okay some of you people are not
going to care but for the fans and actually like my content I am extremely
sorry for quitting a lot of stuff a lot of stuff has came up and it's really not
easy to say that I'm quitting YouTube that I've been doing for what is it like
four three years I I don't really remember at this point I just want you guys to be
strong and just
I may come back later but for now I have to quit so for me goodbye
have the best day of your life and good bye
This was an April fools joke your all fooled i don't know if i got somebody
but hopefully I got tomorrow guys I will be uploading or later this day I will be
uploading it be the oh I have it ready so be sure to check that out
know if you enjoyed this video don't see you all guys on my next one goodbye in
the have a nice day I'm back baby
How was Napa Valley formed? Napa Geology with David Howell - Duration: 1:26.So Napa Valley's history really goes back 140 million years, that's the oldest rocks
that we have.
And it was a time when it wasn't a valley at all.
The valley as we see geographically is really quite young, probably only maybe 2 million
years old.
But California margins was starting to grow 140 million years ago.
So as the Pacific was coming in, slamming in and causing all kinds of disruption, earthquakes,
lots and lots of earthquakes!
Building up out of the ocean and forming land masses, and then about 9 million years ago,
the San Andreas fault started moving in this direction and volcanos started popping off.
So we had volcanoes all along that ridge over there, and probably here as well volcanoes.
So for about 6 million years, volcanic material built up, so we had the old rocks and a gap,
then the volcanic rocks, and then forces started to squeeze the land.
And the mountains off to the east, the Vaca Mountains are squeezed, it was like the wrinkling
of a rug, building up and then the valley sunk down and then this mountain over here
was squeezed more and rose.
So we have the Mayacamas mountains here, the Vaca mountains there, and the valley in between.
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Real-Life BFFs Who Are Enemies On The Big Screen - Duration: 4:31.Making movies and TV shows is hard work, but there's also plenty of down time, especially
for the actors.
A lot of thespians form lasting friendships with each other during these off-camera moments,
and some of these friendships develop, amusingly, among actors who play mortal enemies.
Here are some real-life besties who are not-so-friendly when paired up on-screen.
X-Men mates
In the long-running X-Men cinematic universe, Professor X and Magneto are played with incredible
talent and nuance by esteemed British actors Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, respectively.
This inspired casting spawned a bromance for the ages.
While they met in the '70s, they didn't become friends until the filming of 2000's X-Men.
They bonded over similar life experiences—both initially turned to acting as an escape from
personal torment, and both were stars of the English stage before becoming sci-fi icons.
McKellen told 60 Minutes,
"We are the same actor, really.
We've had the same career.
So we're peers.
We're equals.
We're not rivals."
"If you could, each of you, write a hashtag that best sums up your bromance.
[...] Do you mind holding it up?
That is so sweet."
Dead men bonding
The Shakespearean rivalry on The Walking Dead between Rick and The Governor, two very Southern
alpha males, was ably carried out by two actors who in real life are veteran British actors:
Andrew Lincoln and David Morrissey.
According to Walking Dead mastermind Robert Kirkman, the two are, quote, "pretty good
friends" from way back who often screwed around on set together.
In fact, his friendship with Lincoln was part of the reason why Morrissey was so happy to
join the cast.
Morrissey told Uproxx,
"We went to the same drama school, but not at the same time.
So I knew him then and his great friend at drama school was the son of a really good
friend of mine, so I've known him since he started, really, and I've followed his career
very closely."
Riverdale rival roommates
Riverdale is a pretty wacky show, somehow successfully transplanting the characters
of the goofy and square Archie comics into a Twin Peaks-esque town full of murder, violence,
and inappropriate romantic relationships.
The Betty Cooper and Cheryl Blossom roles are both played with over-the-top relish by
actresses Lili Reinhart and Madelaine Petsch, respectively.
On-screen, their characters don't much trust or care for one another.
But real life is nothing like that for Reinhardt and Petsch.
When Glamour asked Petsch about meeting her Riverdale cast mates for the first time, the
actress gushed over Reinhardt.
"I met her once before, but now she's my best friend.
I live with her."
Bella and Jane Forever
Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning have appeared in four movies together, but their highest
profile pairing was in the Twilight movies.
Stewart, of course, played protagonist Bella Swan, while Fanning was Jane, a powerful villain
who could project horrific pain into people's brains.
Stewart and Fanning have clearly spent a lot of time together, and as a result, they absolutely
love and adore one another.
In 2016, Fanning introduced Stewart at Elle's Women in Hollywood Awards like this:
"I can honestly say that my friendship with Kristen is one of the most special bonds in
my life.
She has held my hair back and talked me through heartbreak.
She has always been there for me when I have needed her most and most of all she has taught
me the power of being 100 percent yourself 100 percent of the time."
When it was Stewart's turn to speak, she delivered the sweetness, too, telling Fanning,
"Dude, I love you so much."
High School chums
Several of the young, untested stars of the High School Musical trilogy went on to have
solid careers in movies and TV, including Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens.
In the movies, they played rivals, if not enemies: Tisdale portrayed Sharpay, East High's
literal and figurative drama queen, who had her stage time usurped by talented upstart
Gabriella, played by Hudgens.
In 2017, almost a decade since the release of High School Musical 3: Senior Year, Hudgens
told Women's Health that she's still very much still in touch with Tisdale.
"She's one of those girlfriends who will be my friend forever."
"My best friend, Vanessa Hudgens!"
Brotherly love
Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth became fast friends while playing Loki and Thor in
the first Thor film.
Hemsworth told Collider,
"It's much easier to hate someone on screen, if you actually like them off screen."
Hiddleston added that his relationship with Hemsworth is, quote, "quite literally a bromance,"
adding that he,
"... can't imagine having to go to the emotional extremity that we both had to go to, if we
actually didn't like each other."
"It's probably for the best that we never see each other again."
"That's what you've always wanted."
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Living Cheap in NYC- Best Bagel Challenge ! - Duration: 10:08.What is going on Members of the Barrio?
It's Jon coming to you from New York City
And today.. we're going to be doing the Bagel Challenge
That's right we're going to be going exploring
One of New York's cheapest food items
We're going to be going to five different places
And we are going to be trying
One bagel with cream cheese
From each of these spots
And declaring.. one place
The Bagel champion
I have dreamed of making a video like this
For a really long time
Let's get started
Stop number one
Murray's Bagels in Greenwich Village
I love your videos man.
Oh you've seen my stuff?
What's your name?
And one plain with cream cheese please
One plain with plain cream cheese?
First taste test
We're going to rate this on a 1 to a 5
Just like I did the Pizza Challenge
My first bite of Murray's
I like the cream cheese
I don't know if I got the freshest bagel per say
I'm going to take one more bite
Maybe not as cruncy as I would normally like for a bagel
I'm going to give it
Three out of Five
Very solid
But..I think we can possibly do better
On the rest of the tour
I would recommend you come here
But.. I grew up in North Jersey
I had a spot where I lived in Fair Lawn
Where I think the bagels were better than this
This is very solid
What did you think of the first stop?
I slightly disagreed with you
I think I would give them four stars
I thought it was good
The cream cheese.. the sesame bagel I had. Really blended together well
Yeah maybe it wasn't as hard and crunchy
As some of the bagels you're used to
But.. for me I thought it was really good
We are going to stop number 2
Which is in chelsea
In fact.. the first three places that we're going to
Are all going to be.. within walking distance
We are stop number 2 right now
Brooklyn Bagel and Coffee
And it's big a ironic because they actually don't have any locations
In Brooklyn
They've got one in Queens
One in Manhattan
This is pretty high
On a lot of lists
Let's go check it out
Humungous line here
Thank you
I have to say
This may be the most cream cheese
I have ever seen put
Into a single bagel in my life
This bagel's a bit bigger
Than Murray's
It costs 3.50
It was almost the same price
And I do want to note that
That we chose these places
Based on a mixture of Yelp Reviews
And a couple of food blogs
But if there's any places you think we missed
Definitley tell us in the comments
Alright.. plain bagel with cream cheese
Test number two
Then Murray's
Cream cheese is better as well
A little saltier perhaps
This is what a good New York City Bagel should taste like..
I'm going with Four
I like this a lot
A little heavy on the cream cheese perhaps
But..I think we got this fresh
And..I would totally recommend this place
A great bagel
What did you think?
I would say even though we are twins
I am going to be..
Slightly disagreeing with him
I think it was a good bagel
The salty cream cheese
Kind.. of made each bite a little.. I don't know
Over done for me
And yeah it was a softer bagel
But I actually think I preferred the crunchiness of the Murray's one
Stop number 3
Is best bagel and coffee
Because clearly they think they have the best
Bagels and Coffee in New York
I guess this place was also
Really highly rated on a couple of websites
We're here in Midtown
About to try this spot out
Thank you
Let's go
I am really impressed with how this bagel looks
Look at this golden brown color
This might be the best looking of all the bagels we've eaten so far
It cost about 3.60
Which is about average
For the prices we paid for the first 3
Here we go
This reminds me a lot of the last place
The Brooklyn Bagel spot
That we were at
Very soft
I like the cream cheese better
In this one
I'm still just going to have to lean on a 4 for this
This is an excellent bagel
I have not been blown away by a bagel yet
This is soft
I really like how.. If you press it
For me that's a good bagel
It's just soft enough
When you do that
You see the cream cheese move
Not perfect
But i'm giving this a 4
Alright.. I actually am finally going to agree with Jon
This is a really good bagel
He mentioned it.. the texture.. the color is perfect
I really like the bottom is toasted
And the top is soft
It's a nice blend
They don't go to crazy with the cream cheese
And the cream cheese inside tastes really good
It's not to salty
I think as of now
This is the bagel to beat
The Bar has been set
Literally and figuratively
At stop number 3
Best bagel and coffee..
We're taking the subway to the East Village
For number 4
We made it to 2nd ave station
We're about to walk up through the east village
To get to Tompkins Square Bagels
Which is really well known
In New York City
The East Village is definitley one of my favorite neighborhoods in the entire city
It's a really cool spot
Especially for younger people
If you want to have a lot of cheaper restaurants
And places to go out
We're almost by Tompkins Square Park
We've made it and this probably the most hipster bagel spot
Of all the places we're going to try out
They have a lot of weird variations
Including.. a rainbow bagel
We're going to stick with the basics
Plain bagel
Cream cheese
Not toasted
Honestly guys
They're all starting
To look the same to me
It's got the crispy brown
On the outside
It's got an average amount of cream cheese
Fairly warm
Never been here before
No expectations
Here we go
This reminds me of Murray's a lot
It's crunchy
Not as soft as I like though
As far as the texture
The cream cheese isn't bad
I would say this is very solid
Nothing special
I'm going to go with a 3 here
So far best bagel and coffee is the spot to beat
From Midtown
We are going to leave Manhattan
And go to Brooklyn
For our final stop
In Park Slope
And I think this is going to be
A real contender
We're going in Park Slope right now
Which is one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in all of New York City
There's a lot of brownstones here
We're pretty close to..
Prospect Park
And.. Brooklyn's pretty well known for their pizza
And for their bagels
Of course.. we had to include
At least one bagel spot in Brooklyn
I can't believe it guys
After 4 hours.. we made it to the final stop
Bagel Hole
Because it's kind of a hole in the wall
It's a tiny place
But..it has won a lot of awards
I don't know..
Maybe we've saved the best for last?
Can I get a plain bagel with cream cheese?
This is.. By far the cheapest bagel we've had today
Just two dollars and fifteen cents
Plain bagel cream cheese
We have not changed the recipe at all
It is a little bit smaller than some of the other ones
And i'm also curious
It's kind of later in the day
How fresh this is
But here we go
This is the last chance
To beat.. Best Bagel and Coffee
Bagel Hole taste test
That's really good
I think I need another bite though
This is it
This is the winner
I'm giving this 5
This is what I've been looking for
And it's interesting
Because the interior of that place.. reminded me of my favorite bagel spot
In New Jersey
Tiny..little hole in the wall
Cream cheese is good
The perfect texture
And even though it's later in the day
It's still very fresh
Of all the places I've went to
This is the bagel I've been looking for
Bagel Hole.. Is the bagel challenge winner
No question from me
I really liked it
I totally agree with you
I thought it was a very crispy bagel
Even later in the day
It was still really good
The cream cheese was really smooth
Hands down
That was the winner
Of the bagel challenge
Members of the Barrio
Hope you enjoyed the bagel challenge
Bagel Hole in Park Slope
Was the winner
I guess we saved
The best..for last
Tell me in the comments
What's your favorite bagel
In New York City
Or in other spots
I'm really curious
I always do need
New suggestions
Of places to film
Make sure to subscribe
If you are new to this channel
Thank you so much for watching
Until next time
Blood blisters on your feet - Duration: 1:02.Hey it's Rebecca here with this weeks'
60 second blister tip.
And today it's about blood blisters.
They're pretty common.
Now what are they all about?
Well first of all, a normal blister
is filled with blister fluid,
and that doesn't have any color.
But when you have a blood blister,
it will be anything from a slight pink,
to a really deep red, or even black color.
And it's to do with how much blood has entered the blister.
So, it's an indication that there's been injury
to a slightly deeper level of the skin than normal blisters.
There's been that injury, a capillary is injured,
and blood leeches into the blister fluid,
and mixes with it.
Now there are a lot of different ways
that you can prevent blood blisters.
So that's the good news.
It's often a bit more about pressure management,
but friction management is still important.
(light-hearted acoustic music)
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