Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 11 2018

• From vomiting in a bully's face to a guy ramming a car with his belly, the Planet

Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest

things we've seen happen in a fight!

I'm or Hellbent – and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by PoroStomper Nixxiom One night Nixxiom was walking home when he

heard two guys having a dumb argument just outside a block of apartments.

Nixxiom didn't want to get involved so he kept his distance.

Then, in the space of five seconds, the fight went from a shouting match to gunshots!

One of the guys had pulled out a pistol and was firing it at the other's feet while

screaming "Dance till your dead!" like some cowboy.

This kind of thing never happens in Nixxiom's neighbourhood, so at that point he decided

to turn around and find another way home…

Number 9 was submitted by HahaKitty455 Ramona When Ramona was in the fifth grade she saw

an older popular boy pick a fight with a young wimpy kid.

Ramona and her friends were passing in the hallway when they saw the older boy push his

victim into a corner.

He then started punching and kicking him, and calling him names.

The young wimpy kid was begging for him to stop, but this only made him hit harder.

Eventually the fight got so intense that the young boy nervously threw up all over the


Everyone laughed and the bully stood there in shock.

This gave the wimpy an opportunity to escape, so in a weird way it was like the perfect

defense mechanism!

Number 8 was submitted by Nahkaninja SaltySquid Haven't seen many fights but One still sticks

to my mind, the fight itself isn't weird, but how it got started was.

I was 16 at time, and walking home from school.

About halfway, there is a Agility training course.

There was 2 guys with their dogs and all of a sudden the other dog starts humping the

other dog.

Owners managed to separate them and then came the blame game.

After a while of yelling at each other that why haven't you trained your dog better.

they started fighting.

As they were fighting they didn't realize the dogs were at it again.

Number 7 was submitted by Bloomingbravewolf345 Grgak

One time Grgak and his dad went for a drive to a farm.

When they got there they saw two guys in parked cars having an argument.

They started shouting at each other and one of them – a fat guy – got out of his car.

He looked really mad…

Grgak thought he was going to punch the other guy in the face.

Instead the fat guy lifted his shirt to expose his huge belly.

He held onto his belly with two hands and then charged at the other guy's car, slamming

into it into like a walrus hitting a rock.

Grgak's dad went and broke up the fight, while Grgak sat there thinking, 'Oh my god!

This is the weirdest shit I have ever seen!'

Number 6 was submitted by GreySilvermane Tolop In high school Tolop had two classmates who

were always wrestling.

One time at recess Tolop watched them go from pushing each other's hands away to throwing

each other around trying to put each other into submission.

Unfortunately the school principal happened to walk around the corner right as they finally

took each other down.

They not only bumped him, but literally steamrolled over him, knocking the poor old guy on his


They were sure they were going to get suspended for fighting, but instead the principal just

stood up, smiled, fixed his suit and told them to have a good day.

Tolop's jaw was dropped the whole time.

Talk about the chillest principal ever…

Number 5 was submitted by HexGirl_HeirOfHope Pandora

When Pandora was in high school, she and her friends used to buy snacks from a nearby grocery

store at recess.

One day they were in the parking lot just outside the grocery store when two of Pandora's

friends started fighting.

The two girls were hitting each other so hard that one of them fell to the ground.

Pandora was about to stop them when suddenly this huge muscular grocery store employee

came rushing over shouting.

He scooped up Pandora's friend from the floor and held her upside down while he separated


Then when they were a few feet away from each other, he flipped Pandora's friend in the

air and she landed back on her feet!

He then gave the girls a big lecture about why they shouldn't fight.

By the end of it, Pandora's friends were laughing too hard to be angry anymore!

Number 4 was submitted by vivaAva468 LadyBot When LadyBot was in the fourth grade she saw

two kids get into a fight about crayons.

At first they were pushing each other and snatching the crayons from each other's


But then one kid took it about ten levels too far and started strangling the other kid

to death!

The teacher had stepped out of the room for a few minutes, so the other kids in class

were encouraging them, yelling "Fight!



By the time the teacher returned the strangled kid's face had turned purple!

She quickly broke up the fight and sent both of them to the principal's office.

Two fourth graders murdering each other over crayons is still the most hardcore thing LadyBot

has ever seen.

Number 3 was submitted by Snowdroptheunicorn Snewpee

One time in high school Snewpee went to the bathroom and saw two girls arguing over a


The arguing turned into shouting, and then they started pulling each other's hair and

pinching each other's arms.

Snewpee thought they were gonna start throwing punches when all of a sudden one of the girls

leaned in close and kissed the other on the lips!

Snewpee decided to walk out slowly and give them some privacy, even though she still really

needed to pee!

A week later Snewpee saw these two walking around school holding hands and kissing.

They actually became a couple after their weird kiss in the middle of a fight!

Number 2 was submitted by FunnyMan647 Danger Dolan

One time when Dolan was out late at night he saw a bus parked on the side of the road

with its hazard lights on.

He went over to investigate and saw two men having a fist fight inside the bus.

The driver and the other passengers were freaking out trying to get these dangerous men off

the bus.

Dolan watched them team up and perform a citizens arrest!

He offered to help, but they just said, "Nah.

We have this under control!" and dragged the dangerous men into a nearby police station.

The police were very surprised to see a mob of bus passengers take justice into their

own hands!

For more infomation >> WEIRDEST FIGHTS WE'VE SEEN | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:41.


Warframe: Free Glyph Promo Code for ALL Platforms! [Reddit FTW] - Duration: 1:21.

[rock music increasing in volume]

[Space Ninja] LEGION!














Woah woah woah! Sorry, sorry.


Space Ninja just had the DOOM soundtrack on-- " *I'M* FINE!"

and got a lil' contact bloodlust goin' on.


And now you got yourself a new glyph!

It was supposed to be a surprise you find yourself on the subreddit, but when it takes

Space Mom herself to directly inform us it even exists,

maaaybe it wasn't so much as hidden, but just locked away.

And please take no offense, Reddit mods.

You know I read your words far closely than anyone at DE.

Speaking of, I think they ran out of conventions to promote TennoCon at so we're finally important

enough to talk to again

so I don't think they'll delay the devstream ANOTHER week.

Only been a month since the last one, but I'm sure no one counted how many days it's

been exactly

since-- "25!!" the last one.

Until next time, thank-you for watching, enjoy your glyph, and take care!

For more infomation >> Warframe: Free Glyph Promo Code for ALL Platforms! [Reddit FTW] - Duration: 1:21.


New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys - Duration: 29:10.

okay good it's great to see you again sorry it's been a while since I recorded

an episode I have gotten a lot of Dinos guys but the first thing I want to do is

started this game I've wanted I'll level 40 and dominus Rex guys I want a head

for all the dinos and I am ready great a level 40 indominus rex let's go ahead

and create this girl it's gonna cost me probably a lot of cash but you know what

this is like once in a game type of thing well I want to show you guys and I

mean it's been my dream in this game to create

oh if she is that level 31 let's go ahead and take a look at that is so

New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys

level 40 you guys have any idea how expensive this girl is okay I don't want

to leave she's so cool anyways let me show you some of the other dinos I've

gotten guys I have gotten so many it's like it's almost ridiculous

how many dinosaurs I've gotten and this is the reason why guys go over here this

thing is showing 19 hours where you could buy card packs always get the

maximum on this last one you could use VIP usually they'll have it like one

ticket will be like two or 300 VIP points or you could get ten of them for

like twelve to fourteen hundred VIP points I've gotten so many good dinos on

that I always max this up plus then you get awesome prizes it's crazy the amount

of dinos I've got on there let me go ahead show you some of them okay I got

the legendary Apatosaurus I got two legendary are einiosaurus

let me see okay I got two legendary T Rex's legendary hasta freakasaurus

sukima miss legendary prion asuka's two legendary micro / soros legendary

shooter soros two legendary Scapa natus that's crazy uh this you're not seeing

the Megalosaurus here boy i got i think to Megalosaurus is from there let me

show you got some of them here the Troodon I got

the Troodon from over there sometimes you get missions to ask you to level up

a certain dinosaur the or Lippo Saurus I got this one in this one if you poke

her power to 2429 if you go ah she's expensive to 43,000 DNA so she is more

than the Dominus but she's a lot stronger look preview Evo for her power

is 9,691 actually I don't know if that's more powerful than the indominus let's

go back to the indominus i just want to swim again oh yeah it's almost twice so

yeah that is one powerful Dino and then I've got two of these in those card

packs - this is the active health and target Delta

ah let's check this one the evil level is 2949 so she is strong to know there

was some other all yeah I got titanoboa over here

that is awesome so here is oh okay titanoboa so look at this attack of 1017

fraud the Cenozoic creatures that is wrong you preview it she will go up to

4,000 and 57 well I don't think you could just buy her I think yeah special

events so you could get the card back there and then on top of that you know I

got a lot more I do apologize for not showing you guys all of them but guys I

got some cool events we're gonna go ahead and okay let me claim these first

we're gonna go ahead and fight some awesome so here they have the legendary

rumble pack this is called rarity Rumble so you could fight two legendary dinos

so here we're gonna go ahead and test out our new actually I don't need the

indominus yet I think I'll use her later he's gonna go with the Tanika legria

stand for the AH stupas or s I will go with the Pterodactylus so

I always like starting off ooh I could I could kill this guy into he's

defenseless right now I always like pretty so that I always I was awesome

okay so we'll jump right into battle number two okay so here I'm gonna need

I'm gonna need my Pterodactylus back and for the indominus I'm gonna go with this

is done to Saurus cool


okay so they have a Louisville money to dump this Rex so I'm just gonna bring

back the Saurus attack five down she goes so that's two victories one more to

go hopefully I could use my Newton Dominus over here depending on who were

fighting um maybe not but I will use her in another battle so never fear she will

be back soon but right now I think I gotta bring by miss Don to Saurus but I

gotta bring my Pterodactylus and for the Raja steak

I used a prestigious okay hopefully

so I'm just gonna put three in reserve it's not right if I lose this one long

as I filled out the reserve his defence should be an easy walk into

now they're gonna attack all off hopefully they'll retire

that's not good getting smarter I got the double

legendary path let's go ahead check it out

legendary rumble pack 500 cash 500 cash unused and hybrids prior Troodon oh they

gave me a hybrid I was expecting more than that but anyways I have a VIP

battle I'm gonna start - I might not be able to finish it well uh I will

definitely show you guys the indominus rex just not the first battle okay so

I'm gonna start with Shuna soros soprano Titan and a


flip it out

okay so jak3 will take it down to a reserved its flee for his life this guy

should have checked that's right

I think this is gonna be his first time

down they go victory he needs some type of crown on his head some type of spikes

or something he just looks bold like he is okay so

battle number two cool asaurus skeptic Metis prisoner Soros Waikiki

the thing is if you're looking at these guys they're powerful you know work

close to that Lydia changed it so they're matching you off more then a

nigger before so here I put two years in power wise they'll match you up to your

Diner you will never find like an Allosaurus I was talking


big claws well actually he is kind of cool mocchi i think listen kitten all

confused they made em all girls first now they have the interactors a male and

it's all over the place okay so I'm going ik d austega Pterodactylus and

Aleppo Soros this is gonna be actually the food battle

okay that was not a good move that's why you build up your reserve geyser now

it's left made a rule tough spot I got a bad back one I'm gonna block one I'm a

bit reserved so really there's a good chance at my bring in my 4s TAC three

take this guy down

Don goes elaborate nice so that's three victories two more to go to get your

legible pass okay let's see okay I'm gonna go ah stupa Soros Degas Sara tops

and Tara death you know at the beginning if you

thirty-two okay so attack of I'm gonna attack three just in case I would I

could have done it with two Bob I'm not paying attention

I was talking to you guys again so I wasn't sure attacking I'm gonna put two

in reserve one and block you got a blocking one I don't I wouldn't

I'll be back he could attack mine so one more victory I will get the legendary

card pack from the VIP and battle and in this battle I will use my indominus rex

so let's see I gotta try to match oh this one's gonna be tough tough tough

tough but ok so this one I'm gonna use Pterodactylus Pterodactylus in my level

40 indominus rex

not as easy as got one left so I will attack three and I'm gonna

before it's the next

my indominus that sorta stance but no

they killed me my indominus nice that was awesome and then here is my coins I

think that's pretty much all I've got for today gather as much DNA in dollars

as you could if you have a meet your meat factory always keep it going as

long as possible if you have VIP you have the DNA factory there this one like

I said is the most important always buy the maximum on these tickets you could

purchase with the VIP you own always get good dinos but you got a good chance I

mean I want so many awesome dinos and then always check out the traitors

so always come here see if they got anything good you want ah

I usually don't trade away money or DNA unless it's something I really need so I

was here not long ago so there is nothing for me there okay well guys that

was totally awesome if you guys enjoyed the episode I do have over 200 of the

jurassic world the games and i got over a thousand videos majority are Jurassic

world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers

lots of fun ones or if you just want to see more jurassic world the game wait

till the video ends you guys are awesome and i will see you tomorrow in today's

secret word is the word click the subscribe button below for a lot more

fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time i make a new

video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see

even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys - Duration: 29:10.


Pregúntale a Google - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Pregúntale a Google - Duration: 5:07.


Creepy Twilight Critters - Duration: 10:50.

there are many different types of sea critters living in our oceans in fact

there are 220 8450 known species in the ocean and as many as 2 million more that

remain a total mystery from tiny diatoms and arrow worms to huge blue whales and

giant spider crabs there is a vastly diverse ecosystem in our beloved ocean

much remains to be learned from exploring the secrets of the deep and

the ocean is a dark and mysterious place yet we have only explored less than 5%

of it the ocean is an essential part of earth covering more than 70% of the

planet's surface driving weather regulating temperature and ultimately

supporting all living organisms although the ocean can sometimes be a

scary place with deep sea critters we may never see with our own eyes it's

fascinating to watch films of these mysterious beings move around in their

dark home the deeper you reach into the ocean

the more mysterious it gets one common class of sea creatures you might

recognize as chondrichthyes which include fish that have a cartilaginous

skeleton this class is further divided into two sub classes Elasmobranchii

which includes sharks skates and rays and Holocephali which are chimaera

deeper into the ocean you go the more these creatures start to differentiate

from one another and the less we begin to know about them what we do know is that

over time sharks have been able to adapt to living in many different aquatic

habitats and at different temperatures some sharks live in shallow coastal

regions while others live in deep waters on the ocean floor and an open ocean

some species are even known to swim in salt fresh and brackish waters according

to Oceana any shark that lives 984 feet below sea level is considered a deep-sea

shark because the environment these sharks live in is vastly unexplored very

little is known about them however progress is being made as new technology

that allows scientists to explore deeper into the ocean continues to develop

beginning with the in-between layer the twilight zone begins at six hundred and

sixty feet where the light starts to diminish and will become faint and

filtered during the daytime because the seawater absorbs and scatters the

sunlight while many sharks live in the sunlit top

layer euphotic zone fewer sharks live in or past this Twilight Zone as you

continue to go deeper at 3,300 feet below the surface you will reach the

midnight aphotic zone a small minority of species live down here in complete

darkness with an immense 5,800 psi bearing on their bodies it's a mystery

how a creature like a shark can bear that much weight. Going back up to the

twilight zone you will have to bear a much lighter pressure that sits around

1470 psi this makes living a bit easier for the shark but it doesn't make them

any less mysterious some of the twilight zone sharks including the goblin shark

and the Greenland shark have earned a reputation for the sci-fi alien like

looks the most distinctive feature on the goblin shark is its long prominence

now covered with special sensing organs to help it sense electric fields in the

darkness it also has unusual coloration that ranges from pinkish to purplish

gray with bright Blues around the edges of its fins this may sound like a

typical shark but what puts it in the creepy category is its jaw

although the goblin shark tries to keep it shut most of the time its jaw can

extend into the length of its snout to help it eat fish squid and crustaceans

it also has so many teeth about not all of them fit in his mouth when it shut

although this shark may rise many feet to eat fish at night it spends most of

its time in the open ocean around 4265 eat below the surface live goblin sharks

have rarely been observed and almost never filmed so most of the scientists

knowledge of the species is because of accidental captures and Fisheries

targeting other species the Greenland sharks on the other hand are plentiful

and have been observed and filmed more times in the goblin shark with an

average life expectancy of 200 years and fleshed out as poisonous if he in raw it

is easy to see why these beasts are still around although their bodies are

comparable in size to a great white shark Greenland sharks tend to be non

confrontational to humans even when they could kill one with ease if they feel

threatened being able to dive as deep as 7218 feet

yet rise at a feet to catch seals and fish as this mammal specialty but they

would prefer to stay at temperatures ranging from 30 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit

being the longest-living vertebrae and having spectacular diving skills isn't

what makes this start creepy though it's their enormous size

eerie slowness and eyeball parasites that's right eyeball parasites these

huge creatures move at about point 76 miles per hour which is slow enough for

parasites to latch on to their eyeballs for a meal a copepod parasite latches

onto that shark's eye and destroys the corneal tissue making the shark mostly

blind luckily for the shark light rarely penetrates the deep waters anyways sort

relies on other sensory systems to get around and find prey although these

sharks may be spooky other creatures lurking the twilight zone are just as

creepy if not creepier and ones that live in the twilight zone must be able

to survive cold temperatures an increase in water pressure and darkness many

animals in this zone have super thin bodies or a red or black color that help

them hide from predators and blend in with the dark water other fish have

sharp fangs and large mouths that help them catch food or large eyes that help

them see in the dark since it is so dark there are no plants in this zone because

there's not enough light for photosynthesis this forces most of the

fish in the zone to be predators these fish don't chase their food though they

either stalk it or wait for it to float or swim by although this area is very

dark some extraordinary creatures that live in the zone can make their own link

using special organs and their bodies called photophores these fish can make a

light called bioluminescence the photophores give off a greenish light

that helps them blend into their surroundings scare off predators and

attract a mate or prey some twilight zone fish that are known for these

creepy traits include the Viper fish barreleye fish and hatchet fish the

Viper fish includes any species of the fish in the genus Titus that usually

have long sharp teeth hinge lower jaws and that tend to grow to be about a foot

long these fish stay around 250 to 5,000 feet below sea level in the daytime and

moved to shallower depths at night it is believed that Viper fish attack their

prey after luring them in with their photophores

which are located on the sides of those body and at the end of the elongated

dorsal fin ray these fish are popular for their monster like

books but there's no need to worry that you will ever come across one they are

rarely seen by humans except for when deepwater trawlers catch them by

accident and because they live in such deep waters it is believed that human

activity has very little impact on their population not much is known about the

lifespan of the Viper fish but most researchers think they live to be

fifteen or thirty years old in captivity they rarely live longer than a few hours

sharp teeth are creepy but what about floating knives this weird

characteristic is owned by the barrel fish which lives about 1312 feet to

8,000 feet below sea level researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research

Institute captured the first living barreleye fish in the early 2000s and

discovered many previously unknown traits this creepy critter possessed the

macro pen of micro stoma known as the barreleye fish is small and dark with

large fins a tiny mouth and unusual barrel eyes under a transparent dome the

two green spheres in the video are the lenses of its tubular eyes the eyes are

enclosed within the transparent shield sort of like the glass canopy of the jet

fighter above the mouth the two dark capsules that appear to be eyes actually

contain the fishes olfactory organs or the equivalent of nostrils

typically the barreleye sits quietly in the water using its big fins for

stability while it scans the water above for food when its spots food it can

rotate its eyes to look forward to include its mouth in the field of view

the fish discovered alive by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

is the first specimen of its kind to be found with its soft transparent dome

intact it had been known since 1939 but only from mangled specimens dragged to

the surface by Nets while the barreleye fish may have some of the weirdest eyes

the hatchet fish's eyes are a close competition deep-sea hatchet fish living

at about 1310 feet to 4,000 130 feet below sea level are widely known for

their huge soulless eyes there are about 45 different hatchet fish species around

the world but only certain species live in the deep sea while others live in

freshwater streams and rivers the creepy eyes of the hatchet fish are large

tubular and point towards the sky this angle of their eyes helps them in their

search for food falling from above which mainly consists of plankton and tiny

fish they are known to hunt by looking for the silhouettes of their prey moving

above them because there is very little light at these steps these fish swim at

their eyes have become extremely sensitive to the light and are good at

distinguishing shadows against the Fate illumination from above hatchet fish

also have photophores that run along the sides their body and point downward some

scientists believe that since these photophores point downward their used

bioluminescence as a technique to hide from predators of the process of counter

illumination this means that they can adjust the intensity of the lights to

make them almost invisible against the light above not much is known about

these spooky deep-sea fish but many researchers believe that the hatchet

fish lives less than a year most of their reproductive habits are a mystery

although it has been recorded that the babies look much different than the

adults the goblin shark Greenland shark

viperfish barreleye fish and hatchet fish are only five of the many species

lurking in our oceans Twilight Zone while there is not a lot of information

about these species there's even less information about how many other species

may be out there we are learning and exploring more of our oceans every day

with dedicated scientists and the help of technology we can make great

advancements and learning about our amazing ocean

For more infomation >> Creepy Twilight Critters - Duration: 10:50.


Monkey Family Song

For more infomation >> Monkey Family Song


Cartão Internacional 5 Alternativas ao Cartão Internacional Ebanx [CARTÃO DE CRÉDITO INTERNACIONAL] - Duration: 18:10.

For more infomation >> Cartão Internacional 5 Alternativas ao Cartão Internacional Ebanx [CARTÃO DE CRÉDITO INTERNACIONAL] - Duration: 18:10.


Manipulação no BBB? Ayrton fala baixo e manda a filha escutar informações; veja | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Manipulação no BBB? Ayrton fala baixo e manda a filha escutar informações; veja | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:30.


Enquete UOL BBB18 aponta quem sairá entre Jéssica e Kaysar | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Enquete UOL BBB18 aponta quem sairá entre Jéssica e Kaysar | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:21.


BBB18: Jéssica 'acabou' com um noivado e um namoro; relembre | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Jéssica 'acabou' com um noivado e um namoro; relembre | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:08.


Após intensa troca de carinho, Ayrton e Ana vão juntos ao banheiro reservado | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Após intensa troca de carinho, Ayrton e Ana vão juntos ao banheiro reservado | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:43.


BBB18: Ayrton entra no banheiro reservado com a filha e público protesta, veja | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ayrton entra no banheiro reservado com a filha e público protesta, veja | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:58.


BBB18: Breno prepara 'armadilha' e enfim desmascara Kaysar: 'É falso' | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Breno prepara 'armadilha' e enfim desmascara Kaysar: 'É falso' | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:56.


Ho Nigha e Karam Ya Muhammad | Ramzan Special Naat | हो निगाहें करम या मोहम्मद - Duration: 12:54.

New Ramzan Naat

For more infomation >> Ho Nigha e Karam Ya Muhammad | Ramzan Special Naat | हो निगाहें करम या मोहम्मद - Duration: 12:54.


No Raio-x, Jéssica pede ajuda do público e Kaysar exibe fotos da família - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> No Raio-x, Jéssica pede ajuda do público e Kaysar exibe fotos da família - Duration: 2:40.


Perfis de Ana Clara e Jéssica se alfinetam e Mahmoud entra na discussão - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Perfis de Ana Clara e Jéssica se alfinetam e Mahmoud entra na discussão - Duration: 3:20.


BBB18: vídeo de Kaysar e Jéssica levanta discussão sobre assédio na web | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> BBB18: vídeo de Kaysar e Jéssica levanta discussão sobre assédio na web | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:54.


Excesso de peso e cólon inflamado: conselhos para tratá-lo - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Excesso de peso e cólon inflamado: conselhos para tratá-lo - Duration: 10:06.


BBB18: Em dia de paredão, Jéssica se emociona e se despede de Gleici e família Lima - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Em dia de paredão, Jéssica se emociona e se despede de Gleici e família Lima - Duration: 4:35.


BBB18: Ayrton vai ao banheiro privado com a filha só de toalha e produção age | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ayrton vai ao banheiro privado com a filha só de toalha e produção age | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:40.


5 Remédios caseiros para combater os piolhos - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 5 Remédios caseiros para combater os piolhos - Duration: 6:44.


Vereor - Uma conversa honesta a respeito do Amnesia: Fear in Hands - Duration: 7:05.

Hey guys, all good?

My name is Lyautey Maluf Neto


Let's start again.

Hey guys, all good?

Wait a sec-

I'm checking something.

Blaster Lizard presents

An honest talk about Amnesia: Fear in Hands.

Hey guys, all good? My name is Lyautey Maluf Neto

Today I'm here to talk about a very special subject

that a lot of you guys are curious to know about.

It's about a very curious announcement regarding this game over here, Vereor.

For those who were tuned to the latest news that we've shared recently

we've been developing two games:

One of them is Canis Lupus, and the other one is Amnesia: Fear in Hands.

But about Fear in Hands... It has been already quite some time that the game was stepping among the shadows.

We haven't been sharing much new information about the game recently.

So I decided to come here to clarify what has been happening and why we stopped talking about this game.

Comments taken from the official ModDB page for Amnesia: Fear in Hands.

But what is Vereor?

That is this "new" project we are introducing.

First of all, to make things clear.

Amnesia: Fear in Hands and Vereor... are the same game.

Amnesia (Fear in Hands) was a mod of a game with the same name

developed by Frictional Games

that I started to develop in 2012, many years ago

way before I even started working in Blaster Lizard.

When BL was ran by Gabriel Danvers

and it was still focused on films, blogs and short movies etc.

Since 2015

I became more active inside Blaster Lizard

and Fear in Hands started to become more popular

when we got this idea to unite these two things (Game Dev and Cinema)

and that Fear in Hands would start to be developed under the brand of Blaster Lizard.

With this, I would stop developing the game all by myself.

The question is: To develop a game all alone

with my age at the time

was very problematic.

I didn't have conditions

to afford all the necessary hardware

neither did I have enough knowledge to finish it (alone).

Here is your milk, boss.

Oh, thank you!

Thanks to the lack of material

and all the things that took all of my time in that period

- because I still was in high school -

it was very, very hard to achieve all that.

To lead

To leverage

a project all alone.

In 2015 these things changed a little bit

since I got the help of the Blaster Lizard crew.

and since Blaster Lizard got more people to work in it.

This assisted a lot the production of the game.

And it also was the period that we've released all those gameplay videos, trailers non-stop.

And this was very good for us.

This caught the attention of the community

so much that you guys gave feedback about the game all the time.

This encouraged us a lot

and made me, personally, want to finish the game.

But in 2017, when Blaster Lizard got officially registered as a real company.

we realized that Fear in Hands

- as it was -

- how we wanted to make it -

wouldn't work anymore as a project.

By the fact that it was a mod

By the fact that it grew much more than what we'd expected.

By the fact that it got a much better reception than we could had ever imagined

because it was a game I wanted to game purely for fun.

We thought of bringing the game to a more apropriate scenary

to match with its true potential.

This is when we came up with the idea of making Vereor.

It would be exactly the same game.

but with an individual name, without attachment to another game,

not being just an "expansion" of another game,

without bonds to the original Amnesia universe.

Through this entire last year

we've started to remake the game completely

all the environment, the script. Basically everything that would not fit, would not work with it not being co-related to the Amnesia universe.

We started a new way to make Vereor - "Fear in Hands".

So it could come out

and be good.

and, at the same time, we wouldn't have the risk to gain nothing with it.

Not having a satisfactory return with it

and not having the budget to make it

- because Fear in Hands cost a lot for us -

without an assurance that we would have this money back.

So that's why we are announcing Vereor for you guys

which is (or was) Amnesia: Fear in Hands

but with a new game, a new look, a new engine.

All different, but at the same time, with the same essence of the original.

Very soon I hope to be able to share more information about the game with you guys

To showcase more about what we've been working on all this time.

And of course, that you guys like it.

That's it. Thanks for the patience, for all the kindness, for the comments and all the support

all the help that you have been giving to us

and that's it!

See ya!


Thanks to all the 200.000 visits that our Amnesia: Fear in Hands fanpage got during all these years.

All of you have been amazing and are a true inspiration for Blaster Lizard to grow even more.

Thanks to all the support of the FiH community that we have the pleasure of working with such amazing companies out there in the world.

Blaster Lizard Co. got involved in the development process of Stifled game, that has been released last year for Playstation 4 and Playstation VR.

Since 2013, we've been working in a gigantic educational platform focused on teaching how to develop games for people that such as myself, only got dreams to purse in the very beginning

We are thankful for all the faith, all the affection and love that you guys, daily, share with us personally or through social media.

Without you, Blaster Lizard would be nothing.

For more infomation >> Vereor - Uma conversa honesta a respeito do Amnesia: Fear in Hands - Duration: 7:05.


Unas jóvenes se lanzaron al vacío para escapar de las llamas que devoraban un edificio - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Unas jóvenes se lanzaron al vacío para escapar de las llamas que devoraban un edificio - Duration: 1:50.


Raises! When Employees Ask for a Raise (2018) - Duration: 1:54.

Hi everyone, Kim Flynn here! And this is another exciting installment of CEO

School. I'm so excited to talk to you about this topic today which I actually

get a lot at people ask you this a lot: "What do I do when my employee asked me for a raise?"

So this usually happens like in a monthly one-on-one, or maybe even at

like "Hey, Kim! Can I talk to you for a minute?" And your employee comes in and

catches you completely unaware and they're like "Hey, I deserve a raise." And

you're like: Oh! Oh, crap! What do I do in this moment?" Right, so frequently business

owners are like, "Oh, well. You're doing a great job. Yes, we can make that happen."

and they make policy on the fly which is NEVER a good idea. NO POLICY ON THE FLY!

Ever, ever, ever. And don't let it happen. And so instead of that making policy on

the fly and giving out random raises for no reason, what you want to do is buy

yourself time to think. And so here the employee out. Tell me why you deserve

that. Tell me what you're thinking? Tell me what industry standard is. Are you

getting maybe not as much as industry standard. Ask a bunch of questions about why and

then say: "You know what let me think about this. I'll get back to you in a

couple of days or in a week or whatever else." And so you're not gonna turn them

down right then and there, and you're also not gonna say 'yes' then in there.

That is just generally a great policy moving forward: when anyone asks you a

question in the moment you don't quite know what to say just buy yourself time.

"Let me think about it", "I'll get back to you next week". So that is what I got for

you today! So, buy yourself time. Buy yourself time. Buy yourself time. This is

Kim Flynn remember to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel and feel free to

comment on these videos. I do read all of your comments and I'd love to answer any

questions that you have as well. So this is Kim Flynn reminding you as always to

play big in your business, even when you get caught unawares with your employees questions.

Thanks everyone

For more infomation >> Raises! When Employees Ask for a Raise (2018) - Duration: 1:54.


Explosión hizo volar en pedazos una vivienda de tres pisos en la Ciudad de México - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Explosión hizo volar en pedazos una vivienda de tres pisos en la Ciudad de México - Duration: 0:30.


Lorenzo Flaherty, la passione per la cucina - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Lorenzo Flaherty, la passione per la cucina - Duration: 5:55.


Rep. DeSantis: There is a double standard at the FBI - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Rep. DeSantis: There is a double standard at the FBI - Duration: 7:42.


Facebook needs to rewrite its user agreement: Rep. Kennedy - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Facebook needs to rewrite its user agreement: Rep. Kennedy - Duration: 5:32.


WEIRDEST FIGHTS WE'VE SEEN | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:41.

• From vomiting in a bully's face to a guy ramming a car with his belly, the Planet

Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest

things we've seen happen in a fight!

I'm or Hellbent – and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by PoroStomper Nixxiom One night Nixxiom was walking home when he

heard two guys having a dumb argument just outside a block of apartments.

Nixxiom didn't want to get involved so he kept his distance.

Then, in the space of five seconds, the fight went from a shouting match to gunshots!

One of the guys had pulled out a pistol and was firing it at the other's feet while

screaming "Dance till your dead!" like some cowboy.

This kind of thing never happens in Nixxiom's neighbourhood, so at that point he decided

to turn around and find another way home…

Number 9 was submitted by HahaKitty455 Ramona When Ramona was in the fifth grade she saw

an older popular boy pick a fight with a young wimpy kid.

Ramona and her friends were passing in the hallway when they saw the older boy push his

victim into a corner.

He then started punching and kicking him, and calling him names.

The young wimpy kid was begging for him to stop, but this only made him hit harder.

Eventually the fight got so intense that the young boy nervously threw up all over the


Everyone laughed and the bully stood there in shock.

This gave the wimpy an opportunity to escape, so in a weird way it was like the perfect

defense mechanism!

Number 8 was submitted by Nahkaninja SaltySquid Haven't seen many fights but One still sticks

to my mind, the fight itself isn't weird, but how it got started was.

I was 16 at time, and walking home from school.

About halfway, there is a Agility training course.

There was 2 guys with their dogs and all of a sudden the other dog starts humping the

other dog.

Owners managed to separate them and then came the blame game.

After a while of yelling at each other that why haven't you trained your dog better.

they started fighting.

As they were fighting they didn't realize the dogs were at it again.

Number 7 was submitted by Bloomingbravewolf345 Grgak

One time Grgak and his dad went for a drive to a farm.

When they got there they saw two guys in parked cars having an argument.

They started shouting at each other and one of them – a fat guy – got out of his car.

He looked really mad…

Grgak thought he was going to punch the other guy in the face.

Instead the fat guy lifted his shirt to expose his huge belly.

He held onto his belly with two hands and then charged at the other guy's car, slamming

into it into like a walrus hitting a rock.

Grgak's dad went and broke up the fight, while Grgak sat there thinking, 'Oh my god!

This is the weirdest shit I have ever seen!'

Number 6 was submitted by GreySilvermane Tolop In high school Tolop had two classmates who

were always wrestling.

One time at recess Tolop watched them go from pushing each other's hands away to throwing

each other around trying to put each other into submission.

Unfortunately the school principal happened to walk around the corner right as they finally

took each other down.

They not only bumped him, but literally steamrolled over him, knocking the poor old guy on his


They were sure they were going to get suspended for fighting, but instead the principal just

stood up, smiled, fixed his suit and told them to have a good day.

Tolop's jaw was dropped the whole time.

Talk about the chillest principal ever…

Number 5 was submitted by HexGirl_HeirOfHope Pandora

When Pandora was in high school, she and her friends used to buy snacks from a nearby grocery

store at recess.

One day they were in the parking lot just outside the grocery store when two of Pandora's

friends started fighting.

The two girls were hitting each other so hard that one of them fell to the ground.

Pandora was about to stop them when suddenly this huge muscular grocery store employee

came rushing over shouting.

He scooped up Pandora's friend from the floor and held her upside down while he separated


Then when they were a few feet away from each other, he flipped Pandora's friend in the

air and she landed back on her feet!

He then gave the girls a big lecture about why they shouldn't fight.

By the end of it, Pandora's friends were laughing too hard to be angry anymore!

Number 4 was submitted by vivaAva468 LadyBot When LadyBot was in the fourth grade she saw

two kids get into a fight about crayons.

At first they were pushing each other and snatching the crayons from each other's


But then one kid took it about ten levels too far and started strangling the other kid

to death!

The teacher had stepped out of the room for a few minutes, so the other kids in class

were encouraging them, yelling "Fight!



By the time the teacher returned the strangled kid's face had turned purple!

She quickly broke up the fight and sent both of them to the principal's office.

Two fourth graders murdering each other over crayons is still the most hardcore thing LadyBot

has ever seen.

Number 3 was submitted by Snowdroptheunicorn Snewpee

One time in high school Snewpee went to the bathroom and saw two girls arguing over a


The arguing turned into shouting, and then they started pulling each other's hair and

pinching each other's arms.

Snewpee thought they were gonna start throwing punches when all of a sudden one of the girls

leaned in close and kissed the other on the lips!

Snewpee decided to walk out slowly and give them some privacy, even though she still really

needed to pee!

A week later Snewpee saw these two walking around school holding hands and kissing.

They actually became a couple after their weird kiss in the middle of a fight!

Number 2 was submitted by FunnyMan647 Danger Dolan

One time when Dolan was out late at night he saw a bus parked on the side of the road

with its hazard lights on.

He went over to investigate and saw two men having a fist fight inside the bus.

The driver and the other passengers were freaking out trying to get these dangerous men off

the bus.

Dolan watched them team up and perform a citizens arrest!

He offered to help, but they just said, "Nah.

We have this under control!" and dragged the dangerous men into a nearby police station.

The police were very surprised to see a mob of bus passengers take justice into their

own hands!

For more infomation >> WEIRDEST FIGHTS WE'VE SEEN | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:41.


Senator to Zuckerberg: Your user agreement sucks - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Senator to Zuckerberg: Your user agreement sucks - Duration: 5:19.


Warframe: Free Glyph Promo Code for ALL Platforms! [Reddit FTW] - Duration: 1:21.

[rock music increasing in volume]

[Space Ninja] LEGION!














Woah woah woah! Sorry, sorry.


Space Ninja just had the DOOM soundtrack on-- " *I'M* FINE!"

and got a lil' contact bloodlust goin' on.


And now you got yourself a new glyph!

It was supposed to be a surprise you find yourself on the subreddit, but when it takes

Space Mom herself to directly inform us it even exists,

maaaybe it wasn't so much as hidden, but just locked away.

And please take no offense, Reddit mods.

You know I read your words far closely than anyone at DE.

Speaking of, I think they ran out of conventions to promote TennoCon at so we're finally important

enough to talk to again

so I don't think they'll delay the devstream ANOTHER week.

Only been a month since the last one, but I'm sure no one counted how many days it's

been exactly

since-- "25!!" the last one.

Until next time, thank-you for watching, enjoy your glyph, and take care!

For more infomation >> Warframe: Free Glyph Promo Code for ALL Platforms! [Reddit FTW] - Duration: 1:21.


New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys - Duration: 29:10.

okay good it's great to see you again sorry it's been a while since I recorded

an episode I have gotten a lot of Dinos guys but the first thing I want to do is

started this game I've wanted I'll level 40 and dominus Rex guys I want a head

for all the dinos and I am ready great a level 40 indominus rex let's go ahead

and create this girl it's gonna cost me probably a lot of cash but you know what

this is like once in a game type of thing well I want to show you guys and I

mean it's been my dream in this game to create

oh if she is that level 31 let's go ahead and take a look at that is so

New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys

level 40 you guys have any idea how expensive this girl is okay I don't want

to leave she's so cool anyways let me show you some of the other dinos I've

gotten guys I have gotten so many it's like it's almost ridiculous

how many dinosaurs I've gotten and this is the reason why guys go over here this

thing is showing 19 hours where you could buy card packs always get the

maximum on this last one you could use VIP usually they'll have it like one

ticket will be like two or 300 VIP points or you could get ten of them for

like twelve to fourteen hundred VIP points I've gotten so many good dinos on

that I always max this up plus then you get awesome prizes it's crazy the amount

of dinos I've got on there let me go ahead show you some of them okay I got

the legendary Apatosaurus I got two legendary are einiosaurus

let me see okay I got two legendary T Rex's legendary hasta freakasaurus

sukima miss legendary prion asuka's two legendary micro / soros legendary

shooter soros two legendary Scapa natus that's crazy uh this you're not seeing

the Megalosaurus here boy i got i think to Megalosaurus is from there let me

show you got some of them here the Troodon I got

the Troodon from over there sometimes you get missions to ask you to level up

a certain dinosaur the or Lippo Saurus I got this one in this one if you poke

her power to 2429 if you go ah she's expensive to 43,000 DNA so she is more

than the Dominus but she's a lot stronger look preview Evo for her power

is 9,691 actually I don't know if that's more powerful than the indominus let's

go back to the indominus i just want to swim again oh yeah it's almost twice so

yeah that is one powerful Dino and then I've got two of these in those card

packs - this is the active health and target Delta

ah let's check this one the evil level is 2949 so she is strong to know there

was some other all yeah I got titanoboa over here

that is awesome so here is oh okay titanoboa so look at this attack of 1017

fraud the Cenozoic creatures that is wrong you preview it she will go up to

4,000 and 57 well I don't think you could just buy her I think yeah special

events so you could get the card back there and then on top of that you know I

got a lot more I do apologize for not showing you guys all of them but guys I

got some cool events we're gonna go ahead and okay let me claim these first

we're gonna go ahead and fight some awesome so here they have the legendary

rumble pack this is called rarity Rumble so you could fight two legendary dinos

so here we're gonna go ahead and test out our new actually I don't need the

indominus yet I think I'll use her later he's gonna go with the Tanika legria

stand for the AH stupas or s I will go with the Pterodactylus so

I always like starting off ooh I could I could kill this guy into he's

defenseless right now I always like pretty so that I always I was awesome

okay so we'll jump right into battle number two okay so here I'm gonna need

I'm gonna need my Pterodactylus back and for the indominus I'm gonna go with this

is done to Saurus cool


okay so they have a Louisville money to dump this Rex so I'm just gonna bring

back the Saurus attack five down she goes so that's two victories one more to

go hopefully I could use my Newton Dominus over here depending on who were

fighting um maybe not but I will use her in another battle so never fear she will

be back soon but right now I think I gotta bring by miss Don to Saurus but I

gotta bring my Pterodactylus and for the Raja steak

I used a prestigious okay hopefully

so I'm just gonna put three in reserve it's not right if I lose this one long

as I filled out the reserve his defence should be an easy walk into

now they're gonna attack all off hopefully they'll retire

that's not good getting smarter I got the double

legendary path let's go ahead check it out

legendary rumble pack 500 cash 500 cash unused and hybrids prior Troodon oh they

gave me a hybrid I was expecting more than that but anyways I have a VIP

battle I'm gonna start - I might not be able to finish it well uh I will

definitely show you guys the indominus rex just not the first battle okay so

I'm gonna start with Shuna soros soprano Titan and a


flip it out

okay so jak3 will take it down to a reserved its flee for his life this guy

should have checked that's right

I think this is gonna be his first time

down they go victory he needs some type of crown on his head some type of spikes

or something he just looks bold like he is okay so

battle number two cool asaurus skeptic Metis prisoner Soros Waikiki

the thing is if you're looking at these guys they're powerful you know work

close to that Lydia changed it so they're matching you off more then a

nigger before so here I put two years in power wise they'll match you up to your

Diner you will never find like an Allosaurus I was talking


big claws well actually he is kind of cool mocchi i think listen kitten all

confused they made em all girls first now they have the interactors a male and

it's all over the place okay so I'm going ik d austega Pterodactylus and

Aleppo Soros this is gonna be actually the food battle

okay that was not a good move that's why you build up your reserve geyser now

it's left made a rule tough spot I got a bad back one I'm gonna block one I'm a

bit reserved so really there's a good chance at my bring in my 4s TAC three

take this guy down

Don goes elaborate nice so that's three victories two more to go to get your

legible pass okay let's see okay I'm gonna go ah stupa Soros Degas Sara tops

and Tara death you know at the beginning if you

thirty-two okay so attack of I'm gonna attack three just in case I would I

could have done it with two Bob I'm not paying attention

I was talking to you guys again so I wasn't sure attacking I'm gonna put two

in reserve one and block you got a blocking one I don't I wouldn't

I'll be back he could attack mine so one more victory I will get the legendary

card pack from the VIP and battle and in this battle I will use my indominus rex

so let's see I gotta try to match oh this one's gonna be tough tough tough

tough but ok so this one I'm gonna use Pterodactylus Pterodactylus in my level

40 indominus rex

not as easy as got one left so I will attack three and I'm gonna

before it's the next

my indominus that sorta stance but no

they killed me my indominus nice that was awesome and then here is my coins I

think that's pretty much all I've got for today gather as much DNA in dollars

as you could if you have a meet your meat factory always keep it going as

long as possible if you have VIP you have the DNA factory there this one like

I said is the most important always buy the maximum on these tickets you could

purchase with the VIP you own always get good dinos but you got a good chance I

mean I want so many awesome dinos and then always check out the traitors

so always come here see if they got anything good you want ah

I usually don't trade away money or DNA unless it's something I really need so I

was here not long ago so there is nothing for me there okay well guys that

was totally awesome if you guys enjoyed the episode I do have over 200 of the

jurassic world the games and i got over a thousand videos majority are Jurassic

world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers

lots of fun ones or if you just want to see more jurassic world the game wait

till the video ends you guys are awesome and i will see you tomorrow in today's

secret word is the word click the subscribe button below for a lot more

fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time i make a new

video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see

even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys - Duration: 29:10.


Pregúntale a Google - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Pregúntale a Google - Duration: 5:07.


Creepy Twilight Critters - Duration: 10:50.

there are many different types of sea critters living in our oceans in fact

there are 220 8450 known species in the ocean and as many as 2 million more that

remain a total mystery from tiny diatoms and arrow worms to huge blue whales and

giant spider crabs there is a vastly diverse ecosystem in our beloved ocean

much remains to be learned from exploring the secrets of the deep and

the ocean is a dark and mysterious place yet we have only explored less than 5%

of it the ocean is an essential part of earth covering more than 70% of the

planet's surface driving weather regulating temperature and ultimately

supporting all living organisms although the ocean can sometimes be a

scary place with deep sea critters we may never see with our own eyes it's

fascinating to watch films of these mysterious beings move around in their

dark home the deeper you reach into the ocean

the more mysterious it gets one common class of sea creatures you might

recognize as chondrichthyes which include fish that have a cartilaginous

skeleton this class is further divided into two sub classes Elasmobranchii

which includes sharks skates and rays and Holocephali which are chimaera

deeper into the ocean you go the more these creatures start to differentiate

from one another and the less we begin to know about them what we do know is that

over time sharks have been able to adapt to living in many different aquatic

habitats and at different temperatures some sharks live in shallow coastal

regions while others live in deep waters on the ocean floor and an open ocean

some species are even known to swim in salt fresh and brackish waters according

to Oceana any shark that lives 984 feet below sea level is considered a deep-sea

shark because the environment these sharks live in is vastly unexplored very

little is known about them however progress is being made as new technology

that allows scientists to explore deeper into the ocean continues to develop

beginning with the in-between layer the twilight zone begins at six hundred and

sixty feet where the light starts to diminish and will become faint and

filtered during the daytime because the seawater absorbs and scatters the

sunlight while many sharks live in the sunlit top

layer euphotic zone fewer sharks live in or past this Twilight Zone as you

continue to go deeper at 3,300 feet below the surface you will reach the

midnight aphotic zone a small minority of species live down here in complete

darkness with an immense 5,800 psi bearing on their bodies it's a mystery

how a creature like a shark can bear that much weight. Going back up to the

twilight zone you will have to bear a much lighter pressure that sits around

1470 psi this makes living a bit easier for the shark but it doesn't make them

any less mysterious some of the twilight zone sharks including the goblin shark

and the Greenland shark have earned a reputation for the sci-fi alien like

looks the most distinctive feature on the goblin shark is its long prominence

now covered with special sensing organs to help it sense electric fields in the

darkness it also has unusual coloration that ranges from pinkish to purplish

gray with bright Blues around the edges of its fins this may sound like a

typical shark but what puts it in the creepy category is its jaw

although the goblin shark tries to keep it shut most of the time its jaw can

extend into the length of its snout to help it eat fish squid and crustaceans

it also has so many teeth about not all of them fit in his mouth when it shut

although this shark may rise many feet to eat fish at night it spends most of

its time in the open ocean around 4265 eat below the surface live goblin sharks

have rarely been observed and almost never filmed so most of the scientists

knowledge of the species is because of accidental captures and Fisheries

targeting other species the Greenland sharks on the other hand are plentiful

and have been observed and filmed more times in the goblin shark with an

average life expectancy of 200 years and fleshed out as poisonous if he in raw it

is easy to see why these beasts are still around although their bodies are

comparable in size to a great white shark Greenland sharks tend to be non

confrontational to humans even when they could kill one with ease if they feel

threatened being able to dive as deep as 7218 feet

yet rise at a feet to catch seals and fish as this mammal specialty but they

would prefer to stay at temperatures ranging from 30 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit

being the longest-living vertebrae and having spectacular diving skills isn't

what makes this start creepy though it's their enormous size

eerie slowness and eyeball parasites that's right eyeball parasites these

huge creatures move at about point 76 miles per hour which is slow enough for

parasites to latch on to their eyeballs for a meal a copepod parasite latches

onto that shark's eye and destroys the corneal tissue making the shark mostly

blind luckily for the shark light rarely penetrates the deep waters anyways sort

relies on other sensory systems to get around and find prey although these

sharks may be spooky other creatures lurking the twilight zone are just as

creepy if not creepier and ones that live in the twilight zone must be able

to survive cold temperatures an increase in water pressure and darkness many

animals in this zone have super thin bodies or a red or black color that help

them hide from predators and blend in with the dark water other fish have

sharp fangs and large mouths that help them catch food or large eyes that help

them see in the dark since it is so dark there are no plants in this zone because

there's not enough light for photosynthesis this forces most of the

fish in the zone to be predators these fish don't chase their food though they

either stalk it or wait for it to float or swim by although this area is very

dark some extraordinary creatures that live in the zone can make their own link

using special organs and their bodies called photophores these fish can make a

light called bioluminescence the photophores give off a greenish light

that helps them blend into their surroundings scare off predators and

attract a mate or prey some twilight zone fish that are known for these

creepy traits include the Viper fish barreleye fish and hatchet fish the

Viper fish includes any species of the fish in the genus Titus that usually

have long sharp teeth hinge lower jaws and that tend to grow to be about a foot

long these fish stay around 250 to 5,000 feet below sea level in the daytime and

moved to shallower depths at night it is believed that Viper fish attack their

prey after luring them in with their photophores

which are located on the sides of those body and at the end of the elongated

dorsal fin ray these fish are popular for their monster like

books but there's no need to worry that you will ever come across one they are

rarely seen by humans except for when deepwater trawlers catch them by

accident and because they live in such deep waters it is believed that human

activity has very little impact on their population not much is known about the

lifespan of the Viper fish but most researchers think they live to be

fifteen or thirty years old in captivity they rarely live longer than a few hours

sharp teeth are creepy but what about floating knives this weird

characteristic is owned by the barrel fish which lives about 1312 feet to

8,000 feet below sea level researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research

Institute captured the first living barreleye fish in the early 2000s and

discovered many previously unknown traits this creepy critter possessed the

macro pen of micro stoma known as the barreleye fish is small and dark with

large fins a tiny mouth and unusual barrel eyes under a transparent dome the

two green spheres in the video are the lenses of its tubular eyes the eyes are

enclosed within the transparent shield sort of like the glass canopy of the jet

fighter above the mouth the two dark capsules that appear to be eyes actually

contain the fishes olfactory organs or the equivalent of nostrils

typically the barreleye sits quietly in the water using its big fins for

stability while it scans the water above for food when its spots food it can

rotate its eyes to look forward to include its mouth in the field of view

the fish discovered alive by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

is the first specimen of its kind to be found with its soft transparent dome

intact it had been known since 1939 but only from mangled specimens dragged to

the surface by Nets while the barreleye fish may have some of the weirdest eyes

the hatchet fish's eyes are a close competition deep-sea hatchet fish living

at about 1310 feet to 4,000 130 feet below sea level are widely known for

their huge soulless eyes there are about 45 different hatchet fish species around

the world but only certain species live in the deep sea while others live in

freshwater streams and rivers the creepy eyes of the hatchet fish are large

tubular and point towards the sky this angle of their eyes helps them in their

search for food falling from above which mainly consists of plankton and tiny

fish they are known to hunt by looking for the silhouettes of their prey moving

above them because there is very little light at these steps these fish swim at

their eyes have become extremely sensitive to the light and are good at

distinguishing shadows against the Fate illumination from above hatchet fish

also have photophores that run along the sides their body and point downward some

scientists believe that since these photophores point downward their used

bioluminescence as a technique to hide from predators of the process of counter

illumination this means that they can adjust the intensity of the lights to

make them almost invisible against the light above not much is known about

these spooky deep-sea fish but many researchers believe that the hatchet

fish lives less than a year most of their reproductive habits are a mystery

although it has been recorded that the babies look much different than the

adults the goblin shark Greenland shark

viperfish barreleye fish and hatchet fish are only five of the many species

lurking in our oceans Twilight Zone while there is not a lot of information

about these species there's even less information about how many other species

may be out there we are learning and exploring more of our oceans every day

with dedicated scientists and the help of technology we can make great

advancements and learning about our amazing ocean

For more infomation >> Creepy Twilight Critters - Duration: 10:50.


Cool Truck Sh!t - DSP5 Switch +130HP! - Duration: 8:52.

- Hey guys, Brad here with Custom Offsets.

Got an episode of cool, (laughs) I almost, I almost said,

never knew what my batteries are dying?

All right.

(rewind sound)

Hey guys, Brad here with Custom Offsets.

Got an episode of cool truck.

This one's gonna be something

that a lot of people ask about,

but we have never really delved into it,

and that's gonna be tuning,

specifically tuning in terms of diesels,

and even more specifically, Duramax trucks.

We recently got partnered up with duramaxtuner.com,

one of the big three in terms

of the diesel tuning world especially for Duramaxes.

And we're going to be installing

one of their DSP5 five position selectable tunes

on this truck here,

is actually my personal truck, my '06 LBZ.

So, we got the DSP5 switch we're gonna be installing,

and basically we're gonna show you

how to install it and how it works.

This particular kit is gonna have,

like I said, five different tunes.

They come with, obviously, depending

if the trans is stock or not, I have a stock trans,

so we're going to get

what's called their Jack SPADE tunes.

So the tunes are gonna be their stock.

Trans tune was gonna be the optimized stock,

which is basically a refined stock tune

with a little nicer tables and pretty much stock.

Also gonna have heavy tow tune,

which is for loads over 8000 pounds,

a light tow tune, which is gonna be

for loads under 8000 pounds,

their sport economy tune, which is the one

you're gonna be driving on most of the time.

It's gonna get the best fuel economy

and have some really good power outputs.

And the fifth tune would be their all-out race tune,

and that for a stock trans

is about an additional 130 wheel horsepower.

So, the first thing we gotta do

is we're gonna install the switch,

and the hardest part is deciding

where you wanna put the switch inside the truck.

So, we're gonna get to it and show you how it's done.

(upbeat music)

(impact wrench whines)

(metal clangs)

(electricity sizzles)

The first step is gonna be installing the DSP5 switch here.

This is going to be basically what controls your tunes.

This is the five position switch.

And like I said, the hardest part

is figuring out where to mount it.

On my truck here, I think what I decided is

I took the dash bezel off

to give you a little easier access.

I think I'm just gonna mount the switch

right here to the left of the steering column.

So, what they do is, they actually give you a template,

a drilling template for it,

and there's like a locating hole

to keep the switch from spinning.

You put the template up, drill your holes, and install it,

and then we're gonna run the wires under the hood.


That's probably the trickiest part

is gonna be running the wires under the hood.

So, we're gonna go ahead,

and I think I'm gonna install it here,

and then run 'em under the hood.

(upbeat music)

(drill whines)

You got your hole lined up here.

You're gonna put your little sticker on there,

which is gonna indicate, you know,

where your switch is pointing.

I'm gonna have it clocked a little differently probably

than most people, with 5 in the 12 o'clock position.

Then kinda just simply take the backing off the sticky.

Put that where you want it,

and then you're gonna put

the serrated washer there, the nut on.

Then kinda just tighten it up where you want it,

and then the switch portion

is pretty much installed in the dash.

Now the rest is just running the wires.

And then they give you the actual knob here,

which has a set screw on it.

They give you also the allen key,

because you're gonna want to set it

where it's pointing at the one position,

but that's gonna based off

how you set your little sticker there.

Now I got the knob,

and you can see there's the little dimple

on top of the knob, which is gonna be

where you're pointing at which number.

Set that how you like it, and tighten the set screw.


Five, four, three, two, one, blast off.

- [Man] Three, two, one.

- Gotta blast.

- Yeah, so we got the switch in on the dash bezel.

Gonna put the dash bezel back on.

These trucks are real easy,

it just pops on and off pretty much.

Pretty much just gonna route those

down inside here behind the dash,

and then we'll show you up under here

there's gonna be a bezel, or a grommet I should say,

and it's gonna go lead us right into the engine bay,

and that's pretty much where everyone runs the wires out,

and show you how to plug it into the ECM.

As you can see, there's this one grommet up here.

This is the common one that everyone seems to go to.

It's not in the easiest of spots,

as you can see, under the dash here.

Let the wires run through the firewall here for the switch,

and just these two wires that kind of got the loom half on

'cause I'm not sure how long I'm gonna need it.

The next thing is you wanna go to the ECM,

which is right here in the engine bay,

and on this particular truck, is a LBZ,

it's gonna have these camlock style connectors,

and you're gonna pop the two ECM connectors off,

and then just to get to the one

where we need to add those pins.

So, I'm gonna go ahead and do that now.

Big one is the one you want,

so that was in the top one here.

So, basically you gotta take the cam lever apart here

so you can get to the back side of the pins,

and we're gonna simply add those two pins in this connector.

So, as we pop the top cover off here,

you'll see the back of the connector's exposed,

which is where we're gonna insert the pins from.

And in order to do so,

you've got to remove this little camlock here.

And what this is,

is this is what's gonna hold all the pins in it.

You now wanna remove this.

Set it aside, don't lose it.

And then now we're able to insert our new pins here.

On this particular truck, they're gonna be different

depending on the year and the engine.

So, on this one, we're gonna be

inserting the purple single element wire here,

and then the black ground wire will be going up here

next to this yellow wire.

And then once you have them installed there,

then you're gonna want to put the camlock back in.

And the wires are, you can give just a little tug

to make sure they're not gonna back out.

So now you're ready to put the cover back on here.

Kind of just wanna lay the wires down how they were.

Put the camlock set position,

and then can pretty much pop the cover back on.

Make sure it works.

And she's ready to back on the ECM.

Now you plug in the, what is this, gonna be a V2 here,

it'll be a little different for you if you have a SPADE,

but the first thing you wanna do is,

obviously, you wanna pull the stock tune out of the ECM.

So basically, you're gonna say read tune.

That's what we're doing here.

It's pulling the stock tune that's on the ECM

and putting it into the computer

and saving it here in case we ever need

to switch back to it.

So after you read the factory tune,

it stores in the unit here, you just follow the prompt.

It's gonna tell you to turn the key off.

Hit okay, wait 15 seconds for the ECM to reset,

and then the next step is gonna be to flash the new tune.

So what you're gonna want to do is,

obviously, you wanna put the key in the run position,

and then you'll go here on the scanner,

and it says program full.

Okay, there's the five position tunes here for the LBZ.

Okay, okay, and then you gotta let it do its thing.

So that was a quick little video

of how the switch is installed and the tune itself.

Obviously the tune itself is just a flashing process.

The install that's really hands on

is just gonna be the switch,

which is the popular setup

that guys are running with Duramaxes,

or certain Cummins applications.

And obviously people want to do tuning

for the power that you benefit from,

but one of the things also is increase in fuel economy,

and driveability will also be better all around with these,

the new refined tune.

So if you're interested in something like this,

let us know.

Email us at info@customoffsets.

Like I said, we are a official dealer

for duramaxtuner.com, specialize

in the Duramax stuff as well as Cummins

and certain Power Stroke applications,

so if you're interested, hit us up.

Let us know.

We're gonna do burnouts.

For more infomation >> Cool Truck Sh!t - DSP5 Switch +130HP! - Duration: 8:52.


Don't Worry About Me (Frances) | ASL Cover - Duration: 3:42.

♪ I'll feel the fear for you, ♪

♪ I'll cry your tears for you ♪

♪ I'll do anything I can to make you comfortable ♪

♪ Even if I fall down when you're not around ♪

♪ Don't worry about me, don't worry about me ♪

♪ If I fall, you'll fall ♪

♪ And if I rise, we'll rise together ♪

♪ When I smile, you'll smile ♪

♪ And don't worry about me, don't worry about me ♪

♪ I'll feel the fear for you, I'll cry your tears for you ♪

♪ I'll do anything I can to make you comfortable ♪

♪ Even if I fall down when you're not around ♪

♪ Don't worry about me, don't worry about me ♪

♪ I'll climb the hills you face, I'll do this in your place ♪

♪ I'd do anything to go through it instead of you ♪

♪ But even if I fall down when you're not around ♪

♪ Don't worry about me, don't worry about me ♪

♪ Cause if I fall, you'll fall ♪

♪ And if I rise, we rise together ♪

♪ When I smile, you'll smile ♪

♪ And don't worry about me, don't worry about me ♪

♪ Cause if I fall, you'll fall ♪

♪ And if I rise, we rise together ♪

♪ When I smile, you'll smile ♪

♪ And don't worry about me, don't worry about me ♪

♪ Cause if I fall, you'll fall ♪

♪ And if I rise, we'll rise together ♪

♪ When I smile, you'll smile ♪

♪ And don't worry about me, ♪

♪ don't worry about me ♪

♪ Don't worry about me, ♪

♪ don't worry about me ♪

For more infomation >> Don't Worry About Me (Frances) | ASL Cover - Duration: 3:42.


What Immortality Means, DBS Zamasu Immortality (Sub vs Dub) Explained - Duration: 4:27.

Hello and welcome back all my dragon ball theorist there has been countless debates

on what immortality means especially in DBS when Zamasu who is immortal was erased by


It was said it's cause Zen-oh is stronger than the Dragon who granted the wish and that

is why he was erased.

However didn't the Dragon just reverse everything Zen-oh did nullifying that argument.

Super Shenron can grant anything!!

So was Zamasu immortal or not?

How can this be!!!

Well we are going compare the big differences between Sub and Eng Dub and explain how this

all makes sense.

The common misconception is that immortality means you can't die which of course couldn't

be further from the truth.

First the basic idea of immortality isn't anything new and has been around since the

age old stories of the fountain of youth which gives you immortality since you won't age


You will live forever as long as nothing kills you.

That's all immortality is at it's basic core.

You aren't mortal anymore.

Whether you are a God like Thor, A vampire or Superman these are all immortal beings.

However they can all be killed just some are harder than others.

Each one has it's weakness despite being immortal, a vampire can easily be slain by sunlight,

Superman by kryptonite and Thor well just a more powerful God will do the trick.

These 3 examples can all be hurt and killed despite their immortality.

I wanted to make this known to clear up what immortality means first since in some fiction

especially DBS it can have some different meanings and now that the English Dub fights

are going on against Zamasu it's a great time to revisit this topic being that they don't

even use the immortality word at all.

They actually say in the English Dub that Zamasu is invincible which is something completely

different than immortality, now that we know what that is.

But it's known that in the DBS world the Sub version when saying immortal they were actually

implying invincible and I wish that they just used

the word invincible initially instead of creating a lot of confusion but then what would we

have to talk about.

I have to say the English Dub is just doing a far better job of the context of what is

going on and it is more clear.

In the Sub version after Goku was beat by Zamasu he says being immortal's no fair but

the English Dub where Zamasu is Invincible "Not Immortal" in Episode 57 Goku says (So

you really can't be hurt!

That's completely unfair) You see he can't be hurt because he is Invincible.

I usually always prefer the Sub version of everything but hands down this Arc the dialog

is just way better and look forward to the upcoming fights and how the dialog is for

when Zen-oh erases someone who can't be hurt.

So the end result regardless of the far better wording in the English Dub will be the same.

How can someone who was granted Invincibility from a Dragon with no limits be erased by

Zen-oh if Super Shenron powers are great enough to undo anything Zen-oh does.

The simple answer is Zen-oh and Super Shenron keep each other in check.

Zen-oh can erase you regardless if you are invincible!

However Super Shenron can also grant any wish even if it is reversing anything Zen-oh erased.

They can just trump each others powers back and forth.

Maybe just maybe that is the reason that Zarama created the

Super Dragon Balls.

To keep Zen-oh in check.

So for all the theories that Zamasu really didn't die and he was hiding in future Zen-oh

while entertaining.

That fact is Zamasu got erased and is no more.

Nothing can save you from the powers of Zen-oh.

However a wish from the Divine Dragon can definitely reverse them.

Hope everyone is having a great week and if you aren't watching the English Dub I have

to say because of the dialog and wording I like it better so far this Arc.

I also hope this clears up the confusion on what Immortality means outside of Dragon Ball

and in the show they are really implying something different which is Invincibility.

I always love to hear your theories in the comments below and if you liked this video

don't forget to hit that like button and please subscribe to support the channel and turn

on that notification bell to keep those theories coming!!

For more infomation >> What Immortality Means, DBS Zamasu Immortality (Sub vs Dub) Explained - Duration: 4:27.


Pneumonia Almost Took My Life - April 2018 - Duration: 6:41.

hey everybody out there I didn't want you guys to think that I disappeared off

the map because I've made videos for a couple of days but there's a reason for

that I'm gonna have to take a few days off from doing the YouTube things do the

fact that I've had pneumonia since last week and actually had to have an ice

bath to break my fevers it went up to 105 so I've been really really sick and

let me tell you something nothing hurts more than that damn ice bath it was

probably one of the most painful things I've ever experienced I still can barely

even talk my throat box is still completely blocked up my lungs have

started to clear up a little bit I can finally breathe my temperatures finally

broke but I'm not completely out of the woods yet and you guys can hear it I can

barely even still use my vocal box kind of really worried that I'll even be able

to sing anymore because I said I did such extensive damage and I'll tell you

I certainly put the puppy on the ground here cuz he seems not to really be

relaxing that much I usually don't eat too much spicy food I like it but I

usually don't eat too much because when I do sometimes my stomach doesn't really

you know work very well with it and it started out with me just eating some

spicy food in the middle of the night one night I woke up and I started

throwing up extremely hot hot throw-up the bile it was bright orange bright

yellow and it literally just pure acid and when I did that acid excuse me and

when I did that I totally burned up my entire esophagus my throat my mouth I

had sores in my mouth that just completely burned me up from that stuff

and from there it just progressively got worse for two days I thought okay you

know I'm gonna have a sore throat and but it'll be okay on Thursday I started

really getting sick and by Friday my temperature was a hundred and four I was

sweating balls like no tomorrow and was freezing cold all at the same time so

it's been really hard for me to do any videos or keep up with the channel like

even today my camera came to work but I'm actually you have to send him off to

go do some guitar stuff for me just to keep the day busy because as much as I

really want to bring videos to you guys right now I honestly have to take a

couple break from doing all these videos and

get healthy because let's just face it if I don't get better I'm probably going

to die many people that are you know in an older age bracket myself included I

mean I'm not over the hill totally yet but you know I'm 53 years old almost 54

and my body just really can't handle being this sick and continuing to

working on a full-time basis at the same time that I'm the sick now when I was

younger if you guys followed me a motherboard side or guy even made videos

in the hospital when I had operations even when I got the PICC line in me and

they killed me I made videos for you guys all that time even while I was in

the hospital and since I've talked to you guys I still get a lot of questions

from people ask me why I shake so much well when I had my left foot amputated

and they couldn't get the IV in my arm anymore it just wouldn't take so they

did this thing called a PICC line Pik a PICC line well when they put the

PICC line in the very first thing that they make you do is sign this waiver

that says though you know no matter what we do to you we're not responsible well

when they put the PICC line into me they pierced my heart with the PICC line

completely unprofessional and my left side of my body from here all the way

down hurts all the time I mean it hurts so bad that it feels like someone

stabbed me in the chest so they've had me I'm pretty hefty pain pills for a

while just to deal with that and a lot of times the pain is so bad that I just

constantly shake so if you're wondering why shake that's what it is I don't have

Parkinson's I mean maybe in the future I'm going to get Parkinson's I mean who

knows I probably will because I am starting to shake in my other hand as

well it's possible but the reason I shake so much in my left hand is because

of that PICC line it really messed me up I've had serious health issues ever

since I've turned 40 I don't really understand why before 40 years old I had

honestly only had the common cold twice in my life sounds unbelievable right

yeah but it's true I was never sick and then I got 40 years old and I started

getting sick all the time there's been nothing but a deteriorating down hill

thing for my help maybe you guys would have seen me back before I did youtube I

was really really heavy in fact even my earlier videos you guys can see in those

videos how heavy I and as I've gotten sick or a lot of

people like you know hey great diet well when me and Jonathan Morrison from

TLD we were going to the gym a lot back when John worked for me I lost a lot of

weight doing that but in going to the gym so much that's how I ended up

actually giving my other foot amputated because I enjoyed running on the

treadmill more than anything else putting on my headphones listening

disturbed and rocking out for 45 minutes on a treadmill was honestly my joy I

came off completely sweaty every day I felt great but then all of a sudden

there was a hole in my foot that got infected and then I got my foot

amputated so the whole thing of going to the gym and getting healthy and all that

in the way was a good thing but it also backfired it's been really painful

because Jonathan had to keep up with his work workouts and everything and moved

on without me and it was honestly very painful for me because like John is kind

of like to me like a son he's helped me more than anybody else in this life I've

learned more from him probably than any other person I have and like it was kind

of really really painful for me to like all of a sudden like lose my best friend

everything because I could even go to the gym anymore so all these health

issues have been very painful to me and have caused me not to be able to do the

things I like to do in life and this last bout of pneumonia I actually redid

my will because I didn't even know if I was going to make it I was so sick the

room was spinning I couldn't hold anything down every inch of my body hurt

I've never been this sick before ever I've been sick but not to the point

where I was like okay well if I die it'll kind of just be relief to get away

from all this pain and that's not suicidal thought it was just like god

I'm hurting so dang much my whole body my head everything I just want to just

stop because it was so bad hopefully once I get past this though I

know not to eat any kind of food that alert made me throw up like that ever

again so my diets gonna be more strict now than it's ever been before but

really the main message I want to impart you guys is I'm not going anywhere the

channel is not going anywhere I just need to take a few days heal up so I can

actually bring you guys a video where I don't sound like Kermit the Frog or

anything so thanks for being a fan of checking tomorrow I appreciate you guys

we'll be back here in just a couple of days with more videos so hey don't go

away cuz we'll be back really soon thank you guys all for being here I appreciate

your support god bless you all

For more infomation >> Pneumonia Almost Took My Life - April 2018 - Duration: 6:41.


Warframe: Free Glyph Promo Code for ALL Platforms! [Reddit FTW] - Duration: 1:21.

[rock music increasing in volume]

[Space Ninja] LEGION!














Woah woah woah! Sorry, sorry.


Space Ninja just had the DOOM soundtrack on-- " *I'M* FINE!"

and got a lil' contact bloodlust goin' on.


And now you got yourself a new glyph!

It was supposed to be a surprise you find yourself on the subreddit, but when it takes

Space Mom herself to directly inform us it even exists,

maaaybe it wasn't so much as hidden, but just locked away.

And please take no offense, Reddit mods.

You know I read your words far closely than anyone at DE.

Speaking of, I think they ran out of conventions to promote TennoCon at so we're finally important

enough to talk to again

so I don't think they'll delay the devstream ANOTHER week.

Only been a month since the last one, but I'm sure no one counted how many days it's

been exactly

since-- "25!!" the last one.

Until next time, thank-you for watching, enjoy your glyph, and take care!

For more infomation >> Warframe: Free Glyph Promo Code for ALL Platforms! [Reddit FTW] - Duration: 1:21.


Date A Live Rio Reincarnation (PS4) - As a Family (English Subtitled) - Duration: 9:23.

Uhh, house key, wallet...here. Now handkerchief...wait, do I already have it?

It's been ten years since then. I've graduated college and opened up a coffee shop with the help of Kotori and the others.

The shop's doing alright...though I think that's only thanks to the regular customers that show up every night.

Hey, Papa~!

Are you still not ready to go~?

My bad! Wait a little longer! All that's left is the camera...Alright! I'm coming out now!

I'm working as the shopkeeper, along with two others. Those two would be Maria, who takes the same route as I do, and my wife Rinne.

You know, right now...

...I might be the happiest that I've ever been in my whole life.

Rinne had her name changed before we opened up the shop. I was the one who proposed, of course. When the time came all I could think about was her.

Let's always be together.

I said that we didn't need to have a wedding, but there were so many people giving me a hard time about it that after a series of events, we had a big one. We weren't really in a hurry to have kids or anything though.


But we ended up having a daughter, and after that-

Sorry, I'm making us late cause I took time getting ready. I'll treat you guys to something you like for lunch.


Will it better than the lunch you make, Papa?

Umm...I can't make any promises...

Come on Rio, it's obvious that your Papa's food is the best, isn't it?


Papa's food tastes the best!

But your food's just as good, Mama!

Glutton-san and Rabbit-san said the same thing!



Look, Papa's about to tag along, so why don't we get going?

Yeah, let's get going~!

We're going out~

We're going out~

We're going out with Papa and Mama~

Hey Rio, if you keep pulling like that Papa and I are going to have a hard time walking.

It's been a while since we've gone out, so let's take our time.

Right, Papa?

...Hm? Ah, right. Let's take our time until we get to the station.


Let's take our time on our walk~

Our walk with Mama and Papa~

Haha...you really love singing, don't you Rio?

Yeah, I love it lots!

A singing teacher told me that I can come over whenever I want and they'll teach me lots!

So I'll get even better at it!

Rio...let's wait till you're older for that.


I want to get better at singing!

Or maybe I should get a different teacher?

I remember hearing something about genes or something weird like that.


Let's wait until you're older for that too.

This is for your future.

Ehh, that's boring~

Then why don't you teach me, Mama?

Oh, that's not a bad idea. Did you know your Mama was famous when she was in school? People called her Raizen's Lorelei. She even did a crazy duet with a pro at the Tenou festival. Have you heard about the legend of the Tenou festival?

Ooh, Mama are you a legend?

Legends are amazing, aren't they?

Yeah, she was on a whole different level.

That's amazing, Mama!

Then from now on you're my mentor, Mama!

I've got someone who can change the world!

Come on...

...where did you learn how to say that?

From Darkness-san and Darkness-san's sister!

They better not be saying that to our customers!

You think so?

Don't the customers think they're fun people though?

Well yeah, they are.

They can be a handful sometimes.

But this is them we're talking about.

They even come after business hours.

I mean, they show up after business hours, but they also drink the expensive alcohol, so we might as well call it bar time.

And Kotori-chan and Kurumin are suuuper busy, aren't they?

But they show up anyway and tell use that we should be grateful.

Listen up, Rio. Don't ever try to make someone express their gratitude. Remember that, okay? Also you're still young, so stop waiting for them to show up.

Says the guy who takes her with him...

You really spoil Rio.

Hehe~ That's because Papa loves me!

And I love Papa too!

Yep, you got that right. I love you lots Rio. And I love your Mama too.

I love you and your Papa too, okay?


I love you too, Mama!

Both of you be with me all the time, okay!?

Yeah, let's be together all the time.

Yeah, all the time.

The place that I reached on my own is flooding with happiness. If I could talk to my old self, I'd tell him that he wasn't wrong.

Hey Rio. What does it feel like to go out with your favorite Papa and Mama?


...I feel warm with excitement, happiness, and fun in my chest...-

For tomorrow and the day after, we'll keep going like this. Over and over and over, all the way beyond.

-It's super happy!

But happiness is definitely here-

For more infomation >> Date A Live Rio Reincarnation (PS4) - As a Family (English Subtitled) - Duration: 9:23.


Mr Migael - What is the Best Investment | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:12.

Mr Migael - What is the Best Investment

Mr Migael - What is the Best Investment

For more infomation >> Mr Migael - What is the Best Investment | Success Reveal - Duration: 17:12.


Live: Mark Zuckerberg Testimony to Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees - Duration: 5:16:49.

For more infomation >> Live: Mark Zuckerberg Testimony to Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees - Duration: 5:16:49.


ROUND TWO: James Woods Puts Kamala's Ideology On Red Alert, Deports It Back To Swampland. - Duration: 2:25.

ROUND TWO: James Woods Puts Kamala's Ideology On Red Alert, Deports It Back To Swampland.

James Woods' lashing of Democrat Senator Kamala Harris reached new peaks on Monday

after Harris made yet another statement in regards to the illegal immigrants of America.

This all comes after Woods recently scolded Harris over comments she made about Trump's

proposed border wall and joking about his death,

On Monday, Kamala took to Twitter to vent her reaction after reading an LA Times article

about how illegal immigrants are not seeking proper health care in America out of fear

of getting deported.

She wrote:

"Immigrant families are so afraid of being targeted by this Administration they are forgoing

critical health care services.

This is just wrong."


And Woods wasted no time to stand up for America's veterans and Homeless American citizens who

he feels should actually be the primarily focus and a much bigger concern.

Woods said:

"You know who isn't getting critical health care?

Homeless American citizens and overwhelming numbers of American veterans.

THAT is what is just wrong."

Social media soon erupted out of support for what Woods stated.

One Twitter user defended Woods' response to Kamala and assisted with a perfect statement

that sums it up best when they said:

"Mr. Woods it's around 500,000 people with around 10% being veterans.

Thank you for calling attention to this but Kamala really doesn't care unless the homeless

will vote Democrat or work as protestors."

It's interesting to see how much Democrats have shifted nearly all of their attention

on the safety and well-being for people who came to America illegally, and seem to have

no regard for that of natural-born citizens and veterans who are struggling to make ends


Afterall, shouldn't homeless American citizens come first before, what one Congressman calls,

people who are "invading" America?

In coming days, as Kamala Harris continues to make controversial statements, Woods is

showing he will be there to knock them.

And his response this time, once again was quite prevailing.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> ROUND TWO: James Woods Puts Kamala's Ideology On Red Alert, Deports It Back To Swampland. - Duration: 2:25.


Trump Gets The Last Laugh On Hateful Meghan Markle After She Kicked Him Off Her Royal Wedding Guest… - Duration: 5:13.

Trump Gets The Last Laugh On Hateful Meghan Markle After She Kicked Him Off Her Royal

Wedding Guest List.

The political leaders in the United States are very different than the political leaders

in other countries.

The United States doesn't have a royal family, such as many of the other countries around

the world, but we do have a President and a First Family.

Because our politicians come and go, public opinion on the individual leaders tend to

come and go, depending on the popularity of their choices.

England, on the other hand, has a longstanding monarchy, that is largely displaced from their

political dealings.

The Royal Family of England stays politically neutral, making sure that their subjects don't

know their opinions.

At least that was the case until one redheaded prince decided to marry an American.

Whether or not you support the fact that soon to be Princess Meghan Markle has vocal political

beliefs, it's hard to ignore that it's completely out of character for the Royal


Markle, being an avid liberal, has spoken against President Trump on numerous occasions,

and that combined with how close Prince Harry was with the former First Family, left commentators

and reporters the world over to speculate that President Trump wouldn't be invited

to the royal nuptials, and that the former President and his wife, Barrack and Michelle

Obama, would be.

However, the surprise that the Royal family dropped on the world is that they don't

plan to invite political figures at all.

According to The Independent, commentators were correct when they speculated that the

Trumps wouldn't be invited.

What they didn't count on was the fact that the Obamas wouldn't be invited either, and

neither would British Prime Minister, Theresa May:

Theresa May has not been invited to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, a government

source has said.

Guests to the wedding on 19 May will be people who have an existing direct relationship with

one or both of the couple, a royal source told Reuters.

An official spokesman for Prince Harry said: "It has been decided that an official list

of political leaders both UK, and international is not required for Prince Harry and Ms. Markle's


Her Majesty's government was consulted on this decision, which was taken by the royal


The government source said the wedding venue, St George's Chapel in Windsor, was notably

smaller than Westminster Abbey where Harry's older brother Prince William married Kate

Middleton in 2011 surrounded by a number of heads of government.

The source said there had been no expectation from Downing Street that the prime minister

would be invited.

US president Donald Trump and his predecessor Barack Obama are also believed to have missed

out on an invite to the event.

There was speculation the Obamas might be invited because of their burgeoning friendship

with Prince Harry.

The royal interviewed the former president in a casual setting when he guest-hosted the

Today programme in December.

It would nonetheless have been diplomatically awkward to invite the Obamas but not the current

first couple.

The Obamas congratulated the happy couple on their engagement back in Autumn: "Michelle,

and I are delighted to congratulate Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their engagement.

We wish you a lifetime of joy and happiness together."

A decision not to invite political leaders to the wedding would break with precedent.

Then-prime minister Margaret Thatcher and opposition leaders Neil Kinnock, David Steel,

and David Owen attended Prince Andrew who like Prince Harry was a second son and Sarah

Ferguson's wedding back in 1986.

Invitations to Prince Harry and the Suits actor's wedding were distributed to 600

guests last month, with 200 close friends also invited to a private celebration at Frogmore

House after the ceremony at St George's Chapel.

Kensington Palace recently revealed the big day would include 250 members of the Armed


The Ministry of Defence also confirmed the Armed Forces would provide ceremonial support.

"Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle are pleased that members of the Armed Forces will play

such a special role in their Wedding," the Palace said in a statement.

Units invited to take part will be ones that "hold a special relationship with Prince

Harry" including servicemen and women from the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Air


"The Military, and these units in particular, hold a great significance for Prince Harry

and the couple are incredibly grateful for their support," the statement added.

Prince Harry served in the Army for 10 years, joining The Blues and Royals in April 2006,

serving under the Household Cavalry Regiment and carrying out two tours of Afghanistan

during this time.

More than 100,000 visitors from around the world are expected to flood into Windsor for

the highly-anticipated wedding next month."

While we might not ever know for sure why these political figures weren't invited

to what will likely be the social event of the decade, it's easily speculated that

the vocal almost-princess put the Royal family in a bind that they wouldn't be able to

get out of, if they invited some political leaders and not others.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trump Gets The Last Laugh On Hateful Meghan Markle After She Kicked Him Off Her Royal Wedding Guest… - Duration: 5:13.


Sadly baby Aiden cry loudly cos Dolly monkey pull him out from mom and hurt him | Monkey Daily 586 - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> Sadly baby Aiden cry loudly cos Dolly monkey pull him out from mom and hurt him | Monkey Daily 586 - Duration: 10:35.


SmartHeart Digital Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> SmartHeart Digital Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor - Duration: 11:09.


Man Tries To Abduct 10 Year Old Girl, Doesn't Realize Her Dog Is Watching Her Back - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Man Tries To Abduct 10 Year Old Girl, Doesn't Realize Her Dog Is Watching Her Back - Duration: 3:03.


Michelle Obama Mocks President Trump – Gets A BRUTAL RESPONSE - Duration: 12:09.

Michelle Obama Mocks President Trump – Gets A BRUTAL RESPONSE

Michelle Obama spoke out this week to mock President Donald Trump, but it didn't end

well for her.

The Gateway Pundit reported that while speaking at the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston

on Thursday, Michelle had the nerve to say that her husband Barack Obama's presidency

was like having a good parent at home, while the Trump presidency is like having a bad


She said that the Obama administration "was like having the 'good parent' at home.

The responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time."

"And now we have the other parent," the former First Lady added.

"We thought it'd feel fun…maybe it feels fun for now because we can eat candy all day

and stay up late and not follow the rules."

She also praised Hillary Clinton as "the best-qualified candidate.

She wasn't perfect, but she was way more perfect than many of the alternatives."

"Hillary Clinton, probably the most qualified person to ever seek the office of presidency–LOST.

She lost," Michelle continued.

Twitter users, however, immediately let Michelle know that she should keep quiet when it comes

to Trump.

SHARE this story if you wish Michelle Obama would GO AWAY!

For more infomation >> Michelle Obama Mocks President Trump – Gets A BRUTAL RESPONSE - Duration: 12:09.


BREAKING California Billionaire Puts Big Money on Trump Impeachment - News - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> BREAKING California Billionaire Puts Big Money on Trump Impeachment - News - Duration: 6:45.


INSANE 32 KILL GAME RUSTYZOTAX - Fortnite Battle Royale - Duration: 1:04.


For more infomation >> INSANE 32 KILL GAME RUSTYZOTAX - Fortnite Battle Royale - Duration: 1:04.


Rick Joyner ‒ A New Breed - Duration: 23:20.

Rick Joyner ‒ A New Breed

For more infomation >> Rick Joyner ‒ A New Breed - Duration: 23:20.


Rain late Wednesday PM into early Thursday morning won't amount to much - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Rain late Wednesday PM into early Thursday morning won't amount to much - Duration: 3:33.


Dr Lance Wallnau ‒ Somebody Bounced Me Off The Air ‒ Prayer In Before It Ended - Duration: 2:02.

somebody bounced me off of Facebook what

the heck

bounced off but I got the prayer in so

if you guys are just watching this or if

you just watch this now go back to the

previous broadcast I cover what gump

what's going on with Donald Trump with

the lawyer with Syria with the nerve gas

situation and then we pray we pray we

pray we pray now I seldom say this but I

want you guys to go back and watch it

watch those broadcast and share share

share you know why I got these dang

algorithms working against me I don't

have the the traffic I used to have and

so now I'm going to go on YouTube I'm

gonna go on other channels I have to

because Facebook Zuckerberg is having a

meltdown or something so you know guys

like me are considered adversaries even

though I'm not in Jesus name so share

share share share share the previous

broadcasts not this one and we pray pray

pray pray pray and we're praying for

Guatemala TNS when I got bumped off and

we're praying I was talking about deep

state in the United States working with

with these other countries you guys

gotta share these share the other one

not this one I appreciate you sharing

this one watch the other broadcasts and

share it with you please because we got

a we got to stand together more than

ever hey Tom stan is very good to see

you Madeline humphy god bless you all

right father I thank you in Jesus name

Alan good to see you

I thank you Father that you're moving by

the revival and Reformation in the body

of Christ that there is a stirring up

that's happening right now I thank you

look at no weapon formed against my

friends shall prosper no weapon shall

prosper that you're covering your people

right now and advancing us in the

heavenlies and on earth in Jesus mighty

name this is my new white room what do

you think this is uh that's kind of

interesting it's like the is like IBM in

the movie of 2001 that tile that's

basically beuter it's like a white room

in here all right I love you guys are

gonna pop off the air right now

but join me on that previous broadcast

and pray with me pray pray pray we got a

pray for the president

For more infomation >> Dr Lance Wallnau ‒ Somebody Bounced Me Off The Air ‒ Prayer In Before It Ended - Duration: 2:02.


New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys - Duration: 29:10.

okay good it's great to see you again sorry it's been a while since I recorded

an episode I have gotten a lot of Dinos guys but the first thing I want to do is

started this game I've wanted I'll level 40 and dominus Rex guys I want a head

for all the dinos and I am ready great a level 40 indominus rex let's go ahead

and create this girl it's gonna cost me probably a lot of cash but you know what

this is like once in a game type of thing well I want to show you guys and I

mean it's been my dream in this game to create

oh if she is that level 31 let's go ahead and take a look at that is so

New Indominus Rex LVL 40 Jurassic World The Game EP 214 Dinosaurs Ludia Gameplay Walkthrough WD Toys

level 40 you guys have any idea how expensive this girl is okay I don't want

to leave she's so cool anyways let me show you some of the other dinos I've

gotten guys I have gotten so many it's like it's almost ridiculous

how many dinosaurs I've gotten and this is the reason why guys go over here this

thing is showing 19 hours where you could buy card packs always get the

maximum on this last one you could use VIP usually they'll have it like one

ticket will be like two or 300 VIP points or you could get ten of them for

like twelve to fourteen hundred VIP points I've gotten so many good dinos on

that I always max this up plus then you get awesome prizes it's crazy the amount

of dinos I've got on there let me go ahead show you some of them okay I got

the legendary Apatosaurus I got two legendary are einiosaurus

let me see okay I got two legendary T Rex's legendary hasta freakasaurus

sukima miss legendary prion asuka's two legendary micro / soros legendary

shooter soros two legendary Scapa natus that's crazy uh this you're not seeing

the Megalosaurus here boy i got i think to Megalosaurus is from there let me

show you got some of them here the Troodon I got

the Troodon from over there sometimes you get missions to ask you to level up

a certain dinosaur the or Lippo Saurus I got this one in this one if you poke

her power to 2429 if you go ah she's expensive to 43,000 DNA so she is more

than the Dominus but she's a lot stronger look preview Evo for her power

is 9,691 actually I don't know if that's more powerful than the indominus let's

go back to the indominus i just want to swim again oh yeah it's almost twice so

yeah that is one powerful Dino and then I've got two of these in those card

packs - this is the active health and target Delta

ah let's check this one the evil level is 2949 so she is strong to know there

was some other all yeah I got titanoboa over here

that is awesome so here is oh okay titanoboa so look at this attack of 1017

fraud the Cenozoic creatures that is wrong you preview it she will go up to

4,000 and 57 well I don't think you could just buy her I think yeah special

events so you could get the card back there and then on top of that you know I

got a lot more I do apologize for not showing you guys all of them but guys I

got some cool events we're gonna go ahead and okay let me claim these first

we're gonna go ahead and fight some awesome so here they have the legendary

rumble pack this is called rarity Rumble so you could fight two legendary dinos

so here we're gonna go ahead and test out our new actually I don't need the

indominus yet I think I'll use her later he's gonna go with the Tanika legria

stand for the AH stupas or s I will go with the Pterodactylus so

I always like starting off ooh I could I could kill this guy into he's

defenseless right now I always like pretty so that I always I was awesome

okay so we'll jump right into battle number two okay so here I'm gonna need

I'm gonna need my Pterodactylus back and for the indominus I'm gonna go with this

is done to Saurus cool


okay so they have a Louisville money to dump this Rex so I'm just gonna bring

back the Saurus attack five down she goes so that's two victories one more to

go hopefully I could use my Newton Dominus over here depending on who were

fighting um maybe not but I will use her in another battle so never fear she will

be back soon but right now I think I gotta bring by miss Don to Saurus but I

gotta bring my Pterodactylus and for the Raja steak

I used a prestigious okay hopefully

so I'm just gonna put three in reserve it's not right if I lose this one long

as I filled out the reserve his defence should be an easy walk into

now they're gonna attack all off hopefully they'll retire

that's not good getting smarter I got the double

legendary path let's go ahead check it out

legendary rumble pack 500 cash 500 cash unused and hybrids prior Troodon oh they

gave me a hybrid I was expecting more than that but anyways I have a VIP

battle I'm gonna start - I might not be able to finish it well uh I will

definitely show you guys the indominus rex just not the first battle okay so

I'm gonna start with Shuna soros soprano Titan and a


flip it out

okay so jak3 will take it down to a reserved its flee for his life this guy

should have checked that's right

I think this is gonna be his first time

down they go victory he needs some type of crown on his head some type of spikes

or something he just looks bold like he is okay so

battle number two cool asaurus skeptic Metis prisoner Soros Waikiki

the thing is if you're looking at these guys they're powerful you know work

close to that Lydia changed it so they're matching you off more then a

nigger before so here I put two years in power wise they'll match you up to your

Diner you will never find like an Allosaurus I was talking


big claws well actually he is kind of cool mocchi i think listen kitten all

confused they made em all girls first now they have the interactors a male and

it's all over the place okay so I'm going ik d austega Pterodactylus and

Aleppo Soros this is gonna be actually the food battle

okay that was not a good move that's why you build up your reserve geyser now

it's left made a rule tough spot I got a bad back one I'm gonna block one I'm a

bit reserved so really there's a good chance at my bring in my 4s TAC three

take this guy down

Don goes elaborate nice so that's three victories two more to go to get your

legible pass okay let's see okay I'm gonna go ah stupa Soros Degas Sara tops

and Tara death you know at the beginning if you

thirty-two okay so attack of I'm gonna attack three just in case I would I

could have done it with two Bob I'm not paying attention

I was talking to you guys again so I wasn't sure attacking I'm gonna put two

in reserve one and block you got a blocking one I don't I wouldn't

I'll be back he could attack mine so one more victory I will get the legendary

card pack from the VIP and battle and in this battle I will use my indominus rex

so let's see I gotta try to match oh this one's gonna be tough tough tough

tough but ok so this one I'm gonna use Pterodactylus Pterodactylus in my level

40 indominus rex

not as easy as got one left so I will attack three and I'm gonna

before it's the next

my indominus that sorta stance but no

they killed me my indominus nice that was awesome and then here is my coins I

think that's pretty much all I've got for today gather as much DNA in dollars

as you could if you have a meet your meat factory always keep it going as

long as possible if you have VIP you have the DNA factory there this one like

I said is the most important always buy the maximum on these tickets you could

purchase with the VIP you own always get good dinos but you got a good chance I

mean I want so many awesome dinos and then always check out the traitors

so always come here see if they got anything good you want ah

I usually don't trade away money or DNA unless it's something I really need so I

was here not long ago so there is nothing for me there okay well guys that

was totally awesome if you guys enjoyed the episode I do have over 200 of the

jurassic world the games and i got over a thousand videos majority are Jurassic

world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers

lots of fun ones or if you just want to see more jurassic world the game wait

till the video ends you guys are awesome and i will see you tomorrow in today's

secret word is the word click the subscribe button below for a lot more

fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time i make a new

video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see

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