Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 11 2018

Multiple Bulletin Boards Just Posted At Major University With New Rules For White Students

Effective Now.

White college students are being targeted at a Catholic university and being made to

feel bad for themselves for being white.

Even though people cannot pick their parents and they have no control over whom they are

born to, nor any control over the color, nationality, or anything else that determines who they

are when they're born.

Nevertheless, the college took the time to hang up a "Snow White" theme to explain

the "whiteness", and the false narrative about "white privilege" which is so easily

thrown about on social media from numerous people on the far left.

The bulletin boards reportedly each have one of the Seven Dwarfs, and students took pictures

and posted them in various places to express their interest or disgust in the display,

that was so vehemently racist towards white people.

Many people aren't sure what the point of this project was, nor why it so eagerly targetted

white people in hopes to have them feel bad about themselves, while they pass through

the halls of Santa Clara University.

The College Fix reported: "The display (below) used a Snow White theme to explain "whiteness"

and other privileges, according to photos provided by the Santa Clara University student,

who asked to remain anonymous.

"S-Know Your Whiteness" was placed in a residence hall Monday but removed by Wednesday.

The student told The College Fix in an email the boards "usually stay up for a month

or more."

Each section of the board is illustrated with one of the Seven Dwarfs.

One section suggests that whiteness is all about power.

It claims white people have to understand and acknowledge "the amount of power"

their appearance has, and how this "can lead to utilizing that power for the greater


Another part of the board claims that it's a "State of Unconsciousness" and suggests

"whiteness is often invisible to 'white' people, perpetuating inequalities."

"Understanding our privilege is the first step to addressing the problem which will

improve everyone's quality of life," the section reads.

In the same area it displays a list of boxes to check your privilege if you are white,

male, Christian, able-bodied, heterosexual or cisgender.

The opposite side of the board shows an image of several types of people.

The white male has a green check mark, but a red X mark for a black man, a Muslim woman

and person in a wheelchair.

Whiteness is "an Ideology" built on attitudes and beliefs, resulting "in the unequal distribution

and privilege based on skin color," the board continues.

Next to a cutout of Snow White, the board explains "What to do about it": White

people must understand their privilege, use their power to advocate, and become involved

and educated, according to the board."

The following pictures courtesy of The College Fix:

The bulletin boards generally stay visible for about a month.

Most schools, from elementary to college, usually change their bulleting boards once

per month at the most.

They often focus on work that's currently being taught, or topics coming up in the curriculum.

Bulletin boards often reflect the work and brilliance of the students while allowing

people passing by to recognize the efforts.

Many people see the "anti-white" bulletin boards in the Santa Clara college as more

of an embarrassment to the college and something that isn't adding knowledge or experience

to the students.

What happens when parents learn that their children are attending a college in which

there is anti-white propaganda lacing the hallways of their college.

Tuition isn't cheap and parents should expect better for their students.

The people attending the college should say something about this because if there was

something similar posted about any other race or religion, then there would be a major problem

with it.

The double standard that exists is disappointing because it's often very one-sided and the

people on the other side don't often acknowledge this.

Many people wonder what's happening to colleges across the country who continue falling into

the pit of shame and extreme leftism.

The amount of protesting, number of useless majors being offered (women and gender studies),

and what seems to be an increase of students having debt for majors which won't ever

find them a job earning enough to pay back their debts has plagued America for a few

years now.

What used to be thought as a good thing to do after high school is now being reconsidered.

Why would students pay $100,000 for a major like gender studies when they know the only

thing they'll ever be qualified to do is pouring coffee at Starbucks and they'll

live in debt forever.

Why do college students protest ridiculous things when they should be participating in

academic events, sports, clubs, and real college events such as parties.

Those who attend college face the real world after, so they need to enjoy themselves with

real fun while they're in school.

College is a test to see if young people can manage their lives while facing all the temptations

of fun while succeeding academically.

What would happen if you were in college and saw the anti-white propaganda?

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Multiple Bulletin Boards Just Posted At Major University With New Rules For White Students Effective - Duration: 5:12.


Trump Ruins Mexicos Fiesta With 1 Thing That Troops Will Take To The Border. - Duration: 4:05.

Trump Ruins Mexicos Fiesta With 1 Thing That Troops Will Take To The Border.

Mexico is freaking out as President Donald Trump ruins their "fiesta" with one thing,

that the National Guard troops are taking with them to the border.

You won't want to miss this.

After Mexico's Senate warned President Donald Trump not to use military troops to secure

our southern border last week, our President hit back with an announcement, that he wants

2,000 to 4,000 U.S. troops deployed to help our border patrol agents.

Now, Trump's ally in Texas, Governor Greg Abbott, has just made another announcement

about the troops that will end Mexico's "fiesta" for good.

The Republican Governor of Texas just sent Mexico's leadership into full panic mode

after he announced on Tuesday, April 9, 2018, that some of the National Guard troops being

sent to the U.S. Mexico border will be taking one important thing with them their guns.

For millions of American patriots, this just sounds like common sense, but try to imagine

the glimmer of hope that liberals in our country had when it was announced, that the National

Guard would only be providing support to the border patrol agents without taking part in

the capture of illegal aliens.

The open-borders crowd just got kicked in the stomach with this announcement from Governor


According to Breitbart, Governor Greg Abbott made the announcement during an interview

on a morning radio show with KTSA.

He emphasized the importance of troop safety while helping out the border patrol, and he

talked about why some of the troops will be armed.

"Whenever they're in a position where they could be confronted by someone who is

very dangerous, they will be armed," Governor Abbott told KTSA Trey Ware.

"Our National Guard will be able to fully defend themselves."

Abbott said that the troops will not be armed in an aggressive manner but in a way more

appropriate for self-defense.

"We want to downplay any notion that would be misinformed that our National Guard are

showing up with military bayonets, trying to take on anybody who's coming across the

border because that is not their role," Abbott explained.

Texas is stepping up to the plate in response to Trump's recent request for troops to

be sent to the border to deal with the surge of illegal immigrants which began in March.

Nearly 38,000 illegal aliens were captured by border patrol agents in March alone.

That was a spike "of more than 10,000 in a single month, and an increase of more than

200 percent from March 2017," according to Breitbart.

The Texas Governor said there is a need to deploy National Guard troops to the Mexican


"You need to understand that there is a mathematical need for this because the people

coming across the border have increased dramatically," Abbott said on Fox News Fox and Friends during

an interview on Monday, April 9, 2018.

"What is going on is people don't just happen to come into the United States,"

Governor Abbott explained.

"They get here by the drug cartels and by the coyotes who bring them across.

Every time we have increased the forces on the ground, there has been a decrease of the

cartel activity and coyote activity, because they realize they will be losing money.

Part of our job is to put these cartels and coyotes out of business.

Whenever we are able to ramp up the support on the ground, it puts them out of business,

and it's going to make the border a far more secure place."

Governor Gregg Abbott also announced on Monday that Texas would be increasing its deployed

number of National Guardsmen to 1,000.

Governor Abbott said that he plans to send about 300 troops per week until the commitment

is reached.

Without a doubt, this is not the news that Mexico or the open-borders crowd wanted to


It's time for our country to take back its borders, and in addition to a wall, I can't

think of a better way to do it than with our military.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trump Ruins Mexicos Fiesta With 1 Thing That Troops Will Take To The Border. - Duration: 4:05.


[VIDEO] Keep Running Promoting video 3 _LuHan (iQiyi ver.) - Duration: 0:09.

Hello everyone, Keep Running season 2 will be broadcasted online in iQiyi

This time , let you feel a new speedy Lu

I am LuHan, I am waiting for you in iQiyi, lets Keep Running together

For more infomation >> [VIDEO] Keep Running Promoting video 3 _LuHan (iQiyi ver.) - Duration: 0:09.


William, are you being shy?? ♥ :) [The Return of Superman/2018.04.08] - Duration: 13:40.

(This zoo is full of green nature.)

These people are enjoying their time under the sun.

Where could William be?

Run, run, run.

(Run, William.)



(Are you catching up to us?)


Get up. Get up.


(Get up by yourself.)

Get up. Come on. Let's run.


(His legs are weak.)

Get up. Let's run.

(He's back up.)

(Good job, William!)

Let's run.

(What's this?)

This is an Australian zoo.

We should see the animals here.


(Look at that.)

What is that?

Do you see it?

It's a koala.

(Let me see.)

They sleep for about

23 hours a day.

Show us your face.

(My face?)

I didn't ask you that, silly boy.

Show us your face.

(What will they see next?)

What is that?


(A kangaroo is taking a break.)

What is that?

- Kangaroo. / - Wait.


Air. Air?


(I'm going to be a baby kangaroo.)

Are you a kangaroo?


(I'm a dad kangaroo.)

What is that?

(William, look at that!)


(The kangaroos are jumping around.)

The kangaroos are hopping in front of them.

You can only see this in Australia.

How many are there right now?


Kangaroo. Good boy.


Those guys are looking at you.


- Hi. / - Hi.

- Hi. / - Are you Sam?

(What kind of animal will they see?)

- Big brother. / - Is that a big brother?


(If they're bigger, they must be older.)

(Nice to meet you, William.)

They're so huge.

- Huge. / - They're huge.

(They will try feeding the giraffes.)

(He's off to feed the giraffes!)

Look. What is it?


(The giraffe is strong.)

(He's a little scared.)

Bye? Already? He's going to eat some more.


Do you want to hold it?

Are you scared?

- Scary... / - He's not scary.

Mommy and I did this at our wedding.

(They fed the giraffes at their wedding.)

How about a carrot?

Ready? Are you ready?

(He snatches it away with his long tongue.)

(He's startled.)

Was it prickly?

Do you want to give him this?


(William is getting closer to the giraffe.)

Was that good?

- You're doing very well. / - Big brother.

Is your big brother here?

Who is the oldest out of the herd?

It's this fellow here. He's 10 now.

William, he's the oldest.

Give it to him.

(Are you the oldest?)

(Thank you, William.)

- Good. / - Another one?

(He eats very well.)

- Snack. / - Is it a snack?

Hey, watch. Look at the tongue.

Your toes... I mean, he'll eat your fingers.

Is it fun? Are you having fun?

(I'll wipe my hand on your face.)

Bye. Bye.



Meanwhile, what are Bentley and Grandma doing?

Hello. You're a beautiful little man.

(He's acting cute in front of his grandma.)


Some more milk? Yes.

(I don't want to drink anymore.)

No? You don't want your bottle?

You just want to talk, don't you?

Yes, you do.

You want to talk to Grandma.

(My grandma can understand me.)

What do we have here?

(Grandma and Bentley are having a sweet time.)

Who do we have here?

Sam and William headed to Melbourne's city center.

The tram is the most used public transportation.

(Tram stop)

William, we're going to get food, right?



William, William. It's coming.

(A red tram is coming to the stop.)

What is that? What is that?

What is that?

(Where will they take the tram to?)

This is what we're taking. Wait.

- Hello. / - Hello.

- Wait. / - Hello.

- Hello. / - Hi.

Hi. Welcome.

(He moves back in surprise.)

- Tramcar restaurant. / - Come on up.

(We'll get on now.)

- Thank you. / - Hello.

- Say hi, William. / - High-five.

- High-five. Yes. / - High-five.


Cool, isn't it?

This is a tramcar restaurant

that operates in a real tram.

You can eat delicious food while touring the city.

You kill two birds with one stone.

(It's a very special restaurant.)

Look at this.


William, what is that?


What is that?

We're moving.

(The tram is off.)

- Shall we try it? / - Yes.

(Car sound)

Are you driving too?

(I'm the tram driver for today.)

William. Actually,

I have never been on this before.

My first time is with you now.

I really wanted to ride it with you.

(Really? I'll give you this in return.)

Oh, thank you.

As expected, you know your stuff.


(William is dancing without music.)

Are you happy?


(Sam is enjoying his time as well.)

(It's so much better to eat while driving.)

Are you happy?

I would love the steak medium rare.

Steak, medium rare.

- That would be perfect. / - Do you want a side

for the little guy over here?


(Who is he staring at?)

Yes. What kind of sides do you have?


(There is a little girl at the next table.)

I'll have the potatoes.


(William can't take his eyes off of her.)

- Yes, please. / - Is this your son?

- Yes, William. / - William. Hi, William.

- William, say hi. / - Hello.

What a little cutie.

I got a little candy here for you.

- Thank you. William. / - Here you go.

- Thank you. / - You're welcome.

What a gentleman.

You're a gentleman. Were you a gentleman?

Where is the big sister?

Big sister.

(I'll give you this candy.)

(Take one more.)

(Thank you.)

You're a good boy.


(William doesn't mind giving her everything.)

(Is it okay to give me everything?)


(He won her heart.)

What's your name?

It's Juliana.


How old is Juliana?

- Juliana is two. / - Two?

William is almost 20 months.

She's older than you.

(Is she older?)

- Hi. / - Hi.

Say hi, William.

(He answers her with a shy tap.)



William. William.

(Why are you so shy?)


William, are you being shy?

Why are you so shy?

(Dad, don't ask me such things.)

(He's touching her shyly again.)

(The tram is full of love.)

Okay. Where's William? William.

Look what I got for you.

Look. This is for William.

Really healthy leaves and potatoes for you.

- Potatoes... / - Thank you.

(He sings out of nowhere.)

(That's for William)


- High-five. / - ♪ That's for William ♪

- High-five. / - ♪ That's for William ♪

(Eat it all.)

(Okay. Thank you.)

(The real singing starts now!)






(After finishing his song, he leaves the car.)




Who is that?

(He gets up to greet his guest.)

(Do you want to play with me?)

(I would love to.)



She's taken a real liking to William.

- Goodness. / - Juliana.

(Will they do it properly this time?)

(He approaches her.)


- That's their first kiss. / - Does he smell good?

(My heart was racing.)

(Shall we eat now?)



(He's back with Juliana's dish.)

William. William.

Look at that. Your lovely chicken.

(I won't forget to sing.)


♪ Juliana ♪

♪ Juliana ♪

(He's used to it now.)

(Here's your chicken)

(It's time for the climax.)

(It's just my taste.)

(Okay everyone, get ready.)


(Are you okay, Juliana?)

Clap, clap.

Raise your hands.

(He always leaves without looking back.)

He's the chef,

but I think he wanted to become a singer.

Do you want to eat this? Let's eat.


(Sam loves his meat.)

Do you want some meat?

(I like vegetables.)

(They enjoy the view as they eat.)

What a good boy.

(They end with a dessert.)

(This tastes delicious.)




It's not a cookie.

- Try saying "poo". / - Poo.



For more infomation >> William, are you being shy?? ♥ :) [The Return of Superman/2018.04.08] - Duration: 13:40.


"A NASA lança vídeo de 'OVNI' de missão espacial de 1996 provocando frenesi on-line". - Duration: 5:50.

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For more infomation >> "A NASA lança vídeo de 'OVNI' de missão espacial de 1996 provocando frenesi on-line". - Duration: 5:50.


Jafnréttishugtakið og Rauðsokkutístherinn - Duration: 7:35.

An interesting discussion began on twitter when the footballer Elmar Bjarnason

discussed the meaning of equality in a tweet.

he wrote: Is it equality that equal amounts of men and women occupy every position? Isn't better that the ones of merit are hired? sex qoutas are not good.

This raises some interesting question about what equality entails.

Many seem to be of the opinion that equality entails that exactly the same number of people occupy various posts and positions.

This view which is common among radical feminists

and seem to stem from the idea that differences between the sexes can be attributed to socialization first and foremost.

I'm certain that I am not straw manning their position when I state that they think that gender stereotypes and prevailing ideas on the roles of the sexes can be attributed.

This is an interesting theory but how strong is it one the scale of crystal healing cures cancer or natural selection results in evolution of species?

We could for example look at lumberjacks, it's not very common that women become lumberjacks.

Then we can ask ourselves whether or not that can be attributed to socialization or the significant difference that is in the physique of men and women.

since it is a job that relies heavily on physical strength, then it is to be expected that in circumstances were everyone is judged on their merit

one would expect men to outnumber women.

so in the absence of discrimination more men would be lumberjacks than women.

Then we can look at differing opinions on what equality entails in this context.

judging by Elmars words I find it likely that his position would be.

if a women that is fit to be a lumberjack is denied that on the grounds that she is a woman that is an injustice.

that is the discrimination concerns some individual in particular.

the other position would be that it is inherently unjust that more men are lumberjacks than women.

these are very different ideas on equality.

these are two very different definitions of equality.

it would be unfair to characterize this as whether or not equality should exist between the sexism but rather what that entails.

Well, let's look at some tweets from the feminist-keyboardwarrior-army

since we're already looking into this. Bylgja Babýlons writes.

Have you heard the term privilege blindness?

It wouldn't be dumb to spend like one evening looking into that.

It's very interesting that you would mention that since I have studied feminist epistemology.

It might not be dumb to spend one evening looking into that... but it also sounds like a much better idea to have a glass of red wine and read the count of Monte Cristo.

but I digress.

Sandra Harding is a feminist academic that is cites in almost every MA thesis in gender studies.

she writes the following in her book objectivity and diversity.

Privilege blindness is a term derived from this epistemology.

Harding maintains that marginalized groups are more objective than other groups.

one should rather heed the experiences of women because they are subjugated than men's experiences because they enjoy a position of privilege.

I can't say that I am impressed with this epistemology...

I suggest that it is actually a rationalization to reject positions because of their origin which is a logical fallacy.

in short Bylgja suggest that Elmar doesn't realize that he's wrong because he's a man.

and women are more correct because they are marginalized.

this is a very radical theory that maintains that the scientific method and a demand of objectivity is a front to disguise the masculine bias of social sciences.

Harding doesn't simply want to rid the social sciences of this alleged masculine bias rather she wants to give them a feminist bias.

and that's why gender studies are the laughing stock of empiricists.

Then Heiður Anna writes: Gender studies in primary school right away before more men maintain that the patriarchy is a conspiracy theory and we've been brainwashed.

This is the reason why I even spend my time criticizing feminists.

that is because they are zealots that lack healthy self criticism and doubt about the merit of their own ideas.

Gender study theorists don't make any effort to mask the political nature of this field of study.

on the contrary many of them have described feminism as both a field of study and a movement.

it's hardly in line with the objective of primary schools to facilitate certain political movements.

I have serious doubts about gender studies major teach in primary schools about equality.

If we look at the effect of feminism it can be well colourful.

I'll suffice with citing the MA thesis of Guðrún Margrét Guðmundsdóttir

Why do men rape?

why do I mention her specifically? Well that's because she is one of the authors of a book that has been proposed to teach children about equality.

which has been written by feminists for primary school children.

in the introductio of the thesis the author describes it as following.

with these thoughts, glues, paradoxes and questions as a guiding light I decided to make a research question that was wide enough to shed light on all these views and also narrow enough to answer an important feminist question: Why do men rape?

this question is the common thread in the essay and is based on the idea that rape is a gender specific cultural phenonema. I'll look into what in socialization and the culture of men in general causes them under certain circumstances to wish to rape, decide to do it and to actually do it.

It's unbelievable that the author used qualitative research to shed light on this question.

which is a very common theme!

the author thinks that her interviews with 8 men support the idea that rape is a part of male culture.

that men rape because it is considered masculine.

then the given position that rape is best explained by men's culture is then validated by the authors interpretation of the data.

This is the great science of feminism!

at best this is very flawed at worst this is a bad joke.

Eva Hauksdóttir writes the following in her article about teaching gender studies in primary schools were she addresses this research.

I wonder how the scientific community would react if an anthtopologist presented his study that was supposed to answer a very important question of nationalism

why do blacks steal? and then made broad claims about the criminal culture of blacks based on interviews with 8 black men with a clean criminal record.

everything we have looked at so far makes me very doubtful about the merit of the idea of starting to teach gender studies in primary schools.

both because I think it's as morally objectionable and dangerous as teaching maoist revolutionary studies or libertarian studies in primary schools

this is an attempt by radicals to use the school system to indoctrinate children with their ideology.

that simply can't happen

That's all for now goodbye.

For more infomation >> Jafnréttishugtakið og Rauðsokkutístherinn - Duration: 7:35.


Giải mã bí mật giếng cổ có hình dạng giống cái "Ấy" của Phụ Nữ tại Ba Vì - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Giải mã bí mật giếng cổ có hình dạng giống cái "Ấy" của Phụ Nữ tại Ba Vì - Duration: 10:03.


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For more infomation >> Attitude Whatsapp Status Lyrics Video | Kadak Attitude WhatsApp Status VIDEOS - Duration: 0:32.


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For more infomation >> 부성고 설립자 한석봉(효섭) -섹스스캔들 방송인 한성주 아버지| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 3:03.


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DIY Storage Box | Decoupage And Crackle With Elmer's Glue - Duration: 7:51.

Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry With Ivelisse

Hi my crafty family, today I'll be showing you how I made this beautiful shabby chic

storage box that you can use for anything.

Make-up, jewelry, pictures or special keepsakes.

DIY storage box decoupage and crackle with Elmer's glue, requested

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Let's get started.

You want to take all the hardware off the box before starting.

Using a pouncer brush or a regular brush, paint both of the pieces inside and out.

Let them dry.

I gave the top of the lid another coat of the white because that's where I'll be decoupaging.

Next, I'll be decoupaging with this beautiful rose paper napkin.

I received these as a gift along with these two gorgeous napkins and this beautiful, handmade,

glittered, resin heart piece that says sober is sexy and I couldn't agree more!

Thank you Mell, that was very sweet of you.

She doesn't sell the napkins but I know she makes beautiful resin pieces, teeshirts,

and jewelry on Etsy so I'll leave the link to her shop in the description box below in

case you want to go check it out.

Before decoupaging, you want to separate the plies of paper.

Once I knew where I wanted it, I gave it a slight crease on all four edges so when I

go to glue down, I know exactly where to place it.

Be careful not to rip the napkin if you do this.

Using a brush I gave the top of the lid a coat of Mod Podge…

Placed the napkin

and as you see I was having a hard time because the glue underneath dried on some sections

and the napkin didn't stick properly.

Guy's this type of stuff happens to me more than you think, you'd think I know what

was doing by now Lol

If this happens to you just gently and I mean gently lift the areas that didn't stick

and add more Mod Podge.

Take a piece of crumpled up plastic wrap and smooth it out as you go, until the whole thing

is glued down.

After smoothing the whole napkin out with plastic wrap, let it dry and then cut each

corner as you see here.

I did it while it was still wet but you should really wait so you don't mess it up.

Now glue down each side the same way you did the top and set the whole thing aside to dry.

Taking a piece of sandpaper, file the excess off.

Now you can give it the last coat of Mod Podge and once that dries you can seal it.

I had painted the inside of the lid with a light pink but changed my mind.

I decided to go with a darker pink instead.

I had these wooden letters that I painted before gluing into the box.

Using a pair of tweezers to keep them still and a pouncer brush, I gave them a base coat

of white, let that dry

gave them a coat of light pink, let that dry

Add the dark pink to the edges and the letters are done.

Use a pouncer brush with a tiniest amount of paint and dab the excess paint off on a

napkin before brushing the edges of the letters.

I placed all the letters where I wanted them and glued them one by one.

I also used a ruler to help keep them aligned.

Using E600 I glued down the roses I had previously made... and that's it for the lid.

Grab the bottom and paint the inside light pink.

Then paint the outside with the darker pink.

Now it's time for the crackle!

Crab two brushes…

One for the Elmer's glue and one for the paint that goes on top

Place a layer of Elmer's glue on one side.

Switch the brush and glide the paint over the glue without any pressure.

try not to go over the same spot.

As soon as you've covered it with the paint, immediately put it in front of a fan or use

a blow dryer to dry it.

This will cause it to crack.

Do each side the same way and you should get something that looks like this.

Also, I have a more detailed video on this technique if you would like to see that I'll

leave the link down below.

Lastly, put all the hardware back on to complete the box.

and here it is all done!

This is my first box ever and I absolutely love how it came out.

It's so beautiful and very shabby chic!

I made this for my sisters birthday.

She has all her make up all over her dresser and it drives me crazy LOL!

I figured if I make her a pretty enough storage box, she's gonna want to use it.

You could also use it as a keepsake box to store special pictures from a wedding or vacation.

A makeup box with all the products for your everyday look.

A sewing box with all of your favorite treads, pins, needles, and patterns or a jewelry box

for all of your most fabulous jewelry

And of course, you can customize it to any theme, your liking or decor.

Make sure to plan out the color scheme as it plays a huge part in how the end result


Pick colors from the napkin or image you use.

I usually go to the store with the napkin and match it the best I can but if you got

skills feel free to mix the colors yourself!

I hope this was helpful and that you enjoyed it as much as I did.

as always, have fun be creative and make a mess!

Thanks for watching!

If you like this video, please don't forget to thumbs it up as it helps the growth of

the channel and to show your support!

If you're new here, I hope you consider subscribing to get updates on future video's

and remember, do it yourself there's no need to cry.

For more infomation >> DIY Storage Box | Decoupage And Crackle With Elmer's Glue - Duration: 7:51.


Bear Fruit for Eternal Life - Duration: 2:11.

Jesus requires of those who follow Him, to bear fruit, or else they will be cut off and


Here is how to bear fruit.

We read in John 4:36 Jesus said to His disciples: "Behold,

I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.

36"Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so

that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.

37"For in this case the saying is true, 'One sows and another reaps.'

38"I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored and

you have entered into their labor."

Bearing fruit is about making disciples of Jesus Christ.

We read in Matthew 28:18.

Jesus spoke to His disciples, saying: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and

on earth.

19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded

you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Are we bearing fruit for eternity?

Are we making disciples of Jesus Christ?

May Jesus bless you.

Jesus is alive and hell is real.

I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you can know Him, follow Him and have

eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> Bear Fruit for Eternal Life - Duration: 2:11.


Krzysztof Włodarczyk ZOSTAWIŁ KOCHANKĘ i ROZWODZI SIĘ Z ŻONĄ dla nowej dziewczyny! - Duration: 3:20.

Krzysztof Włodarczyk ZOSTAWIŁ KOCHANKĘ i ROZWODZI SIĘ Z ŻONĄ dla nowej dziewczyny!

Życie prywatne Krzysztofa Włodarczyka należy z pewnością do tych ciekawszych w show biznesie.

Dotyczy to nie tylko delikatnej sfery uczuć, ale i zdrowia psychicznego pięściarza, który kilka lat temu próbował popełnić samobójstwo połykając 30 tabletek nasennych.

Krzysztof Diablo Włodarczyk kilka lat temu został porzucony przez żonę, Małgorzatę Babilińską, która miała dość jego zdrad, humorów i przemocy, zabrała syna i wyjechała do Hiszpanii.

To właśnie podczas pogoni za rodziną, tuż po zdemolowaniu hotelowego pokoju, pięściarz wrócił do Warszawy i próbował się zabić.

Nie minęło kilka miesięcy i Włodarczyk leczył już rany w ramionach kochanki, Magdaleny Radomskiej, która podczas krótkiej, acz intensywnej znajomości, zdążyła urodzić mu dziecko.

Niestety, tuż po porodzie przestała być dla Włodarczyka atrakcyjna.

Pięściarz oskarżył ją nawet o wrobienie w dziecko, żeby do końca życia utrzymywać się z alimentów i nie pracować.

Okazało się, że powodem rozstania Krzysztofa z kochanką, była. nowa kochanka - Karina.

To dla niej Włodarczyk postanowił w końcu wnieść pozew o rozwód, o czym opowiedział dziennikarce Twojego Imperium.

Pierwsza sprawa rozwodowa odbędzie się prawdopodobnie za pół roku i niemal na pewno na niej się nie skończy, ponieważ małżeństwo ma spory majątek do podziału.

Krzysztof obecnie płaci 1700 złotych na same korepetycje syna.

Do tego dochodzą alimenty na 4-letnią córkę pięściarza, które wynoszą 1800 złotych.

W obecnej sytuacji Karina nie ma co liczyć na wystawny ślub.

For more infomation >> Krzysztof Włodarczyk ZOSTAWIŁ KOCHANKĘ i ROZWODZI SIĘ Z ŻONĄ dla nowej dziewczyny! - Duration: 3:20.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #910 | Waiākea High School - Hawai'i Island | Stay Humble, Pray - Duration: 3:15.


Kyle Quilausing speaks freely about his past drug addiction,

and even about the part that cost him his freedom.

I was one crystal meth addict, and I did lots of bad things

that put me in prison for ten years of my life.

I put the shackles on in the hopes that the kids,

they can see that they can leave 'em off.

People can say bad choices, bad choices, they can hear bad choices, about bad choices, but

they cannot see 'em unless I show 'em.

I speak to kids so no child can grow up and go through addiction like I did.

Sentenced for ten years, Kyle went through many battles with himself, and other inmates.

The first three years of my incarceration, I was isolated in the hole.

The lowest point was battle the time by myself, and not knowing what to do, to the point where

you start thinking things that is not good.

And that's where I surrendered to God, 'cause I was at the point of losing my brain.

I no care who you are, you spend three years in one bathroom without windows,

something going happen to you. And something was paying one toll on me.

But God needed me for see what I had to see, so I could feel what I had to feel, so I could

do what I do today.

I seen guys get raped, I seen guys get killed.

I seen plenty bad things in prison, and I would tell myself, Stay humble, brah, you

get seven years left, this is temporary, this is not your home.

And I pray for God, Please help me, help me through this time.

That's how I came up with Stay Humble, Pray.

Those words stayed with Quilly, and he started a clothing line to impress on others the same

words that helped him cope with his own struggles.

The message holds more value than any profit or fashion statement.

My biggest accomplishment was having one girl message me after one of our presentation,

and writing to me saying, Uncle, my mom is in prison because of ice.

Because of your presentation, I never going do ice, not even once.

Right there, that's my accomplishment.


The impact that we leave with these kids, I would go through 'em all over again.

This is Kobie Uyeda from Waiākea High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #910 | Waiākea High School - Hawai'i Island | Stay Humble, Pray - Duration: 3:15.


Doki Doki Anime Club Modding Session 6 i think - Duration: 58:41.

For more infomation >> Doki Doki Anime Club Modding Session 6 i think - Duration: 58:41.


Should I try to pay down my mortgage faster? - Duration: 0:34.

Paying down your mortgage faster may not always be the

right choice for you.

We recommend you pay down your unsecured debt like credit cards

and lines of credit, contribute to the maximum

of your RRSP and TFSA before you decide

to pay down your mortgage faster.

At mortgage rates around 3% and credit cards at 20%

it makes sense to pay down your unsecured debt first.

Once your debt is paid off and you want to look at doing a payment increase

feel free to give us a call for some expert advice.

For more infomation >> Should I try to pay down my mortgage faster? - Duration: 0:34.


What other costs should I expect when buying a home? - Duration: 1:04.

When buying a home there may be some costs that you want to be prepared for.

The first cost that often comes up and people are surprised about is deed transfer tax. In HRM

deed transfer tax is 1.5% of the purchase price. There will be legal fees

typically seven hundred to a thousand dollars

and that's the cost for your lawyer to do up the mortgage and

deed There will also be a property tax adjustment property taxes in HRM are due twice a year. When you buy a home

you're required to pay the property taxes that have already been pre paid by the seller. If you buy a house with oil heat

you're required to reimburse the seller for a full tank of oil. In addition to these costs

we like clients to have a bit of a buffer for moving, hookups, inspections,

and maybe an appraisal. If you have questions about closing costs or how much you should budget for your home purchase

feel free to give us a call, visit us online, or drop by the office.

For more infomation >> What other costs should I expect when buying a home? - Duration: 1:04.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #910 | Moanalua High School - O'ahu | Pounder - Duration: 2:58.

POUND is actually all over the world.

Created by two drummers, recreational drummers.

They figured when they were drumming, they were getting a workout, so they decided to

put it into a workout incorporating Pilates.

I am Nancy Amano.

I'm an Herbalife health coach.

I do group fitness.

I actually fell in love with it because as far as like the different workouts, it works

your whole entire body, and it got me toned.

Nancy has always been a fitness person.

Yeah, health-wise, Nancy used to work out a lot, like six days a week, you know, just

to stay fit so she could eat.

For Nancy, her whole life was figured out, but there was a change of plans.

I thought I was like, the healthiest person, 'cause you know, I was into fitness.

But back in 2015, actually, I was diagnosed for breast cancer.

No signs, no nothing.

I continued to do my class, I continued to be healthy.

I learned that in order for me to overcome things, my mindset has to be totally positive.

So, I did not even make like I was sick.

I did not even make like I had such a thing in my body.

With her strong will to bounce back, she was

able to overcome an unexpected beat in her life.

I don't know if it would have been a lot harder, but again, it's mind over matter.

And you know, everything mattered to her, and her mind was so strong that she was able

to just push forward.

And went to the doctors and asked them, What should I do?

And this is what they said, they said, Continue to do what you're doing.

Because I was on Herbalife nutrition, which was good already.

[CHUCKLE] Hello.

Her drive to instill health in others comes from her compassion

to make a difference in many people.

[CHUCKLE] I'm just joking.


Money is good, yes, but it's about the transformations that you see in everybody.

That's what motivates me to do what I'm doing.


It's the people that actually come to me and …

that want to get fit, that want to get healthy.


To yourself as a human being, you are you.

You're the only one who's in the power of whatever.

What goes around in your life, you are in power of it.

Although Nancy's battle with breast cancer was unexpected, she continues to stick to

the rhythm of her life.

This is Savannah Bulosan from Moanalua High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #910 | Moanalua High School - O'ahu | Pounder - Duration: 2:58.


Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Elegance - Connect Navigatie - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Elegance - Connect Navigatie - Duration: 1:01.


UFOs The Paranormal Controversy & Connection - Duration: 7:11.

UFOs The Paranormal Controversy & Connection

BY Nick Redfern

Rich Reynolds has a new post at his UFO Conjectures blog titled �Ufologists vs Paranormalists.�

Rich begins as follows: �I�ve written about the drive of some in the UFO community

to insert UFOs among the weird litany that encompasses the paranormal category, all things

outside the normal scheme of things: ghosts, Big Footed creatures, �sea monsters,�

men who dress in black, mystical visions (of angels, Holy Mary, saints, and sinners), et

cetera.� Rich adds: ��the persistent attempts to lump UFOs among the queer phenomena

that pops up in situ to a few humans have to be thwarted by real UFO aficionados.

UFOs are a phenomenon worthy of its own, singular attention, not a mystery to be hawked like

a carnival ride or sideshow.� You can find Rich�s article at this link.

Me and Rich are good mates, but we certainly don�t agree on everything � and his new

article is a perfect example of that!

It�s important � as I see it anyway � to note that Rich�s interest in UFOs dates

back decades.

We�re talking about the period in time when UFOs were known as Flying Saucers, and when

the aliens referred to us as �earthlings� and as the �people of planet Earth� (or

was that just in old B&W sci-fi movies?


We�re also talking about times when thieving aliens stole soil by the bucketful, when strange

tripod-landing marks were found in the fields of irate farmers, and when long-haired, know-it-all

aliens tried to save us from atomic destruction.

But, those days are � largely � gone.

Today�s Ufology, in many respects, is very different.

And much stranger.

Which brings us back to Rich.

As I have always said, the most important people in the field of Ufology are the witnesses.

Not the radio-hosts, not the bloggers, not the authors, and not the researchers.

Without witness testimony, we have very little to go on, in terms of what the UFO phenomenon

is or might be, and what it�s up to.

And, like it or like it not, there are far more than a few cases on record which do suggest

a connection between the UFO issue and what we might call paranormal phenomena.

To ignore the weird shit side of Ufology is, in essence, self-censorship.

Of course, there is nothing new about this paranormal connection.

Check, out � as just one example of many � John Keel�s 1970 book, UFOs: Operation

Trojan Horse.

Keel made it very clear that there are crossovers between Ufology and other supernatural phenomena.

Rich refers to �men who dress in black.� Rich may not like it (in fact, I�m sure

he doesn�t) but the vast majority of all MIB encounters have nothing to do with visits

from the likes of �government agents.� Things would be much simpler if they were

from the NSA, the CIA or the FBI!

The real MIB are often pale and cadaverous.

They don�t seem to be fully self-aware.

There are reports of UFO witnesses falling sick after encountering the MIB � sometimes

seriously so, too.

Other witnesses tell of violent poltergeist activity in the home, after the MIB have left.

People feel mind-controlled and hypnotized by the Men in Black.

Rich also makes mention of �Big Footed creatures.� Yes, the Bigfoot-UFO phenomenon is without

any doubt at all a highly controversial one.

Indeed, I know for sure that the vast majority of Bigfoot seekers in the field of Cryptozoology

absolutely cringe when the �Sasquatch and Saucers� issue rears its problematic head.

But, the truth of the matter is that there are a lot of Bigfoot/UFO cases on record.

Stan Gordon wrote an entire book on the subject: Silent Invasion.

It�s essential reading for those who want to learn more about the paranormal links to

the Bigfoot issue.

I could go on and on (and I will for a while): there are cases in which alien abductees have

seen dead friends and relatives on-board UFOs.

Abductees talk of their soul or life-force being ripped from their bodies.

Strange synchronicities abound in Ufology.

It�s possible to interact with entities that many perceive as alien via the likes

of DMT.

There is no need for our strange visitors to land on the lawns of the White House: they

have far weirder ways of interacting with us at a personal level.

Disturbing cases of paranormal �possession� have been reported by UFO witnesses.

All of this is far removed from what I think Rich prefers Ufology to be � which is, I

suspect, the days when the likes of Donald Keyhoe, Ed Ruppelt, Harold T. Wilkins, and

APRO were flying high.

Back then, it was all nuts-and-bolts spaceships (rocket-ships, even).

Not now, though.

But, like I said, the witnesses are the people who we need to listen to, as they are the

ones who had the experiences.

And even though it might not sit well with many, the reality of the situation is that

there really is far more to Ufology than just us �earthlings� being visited by an extraterrestrial

equivalent of NASA.

The situation is way, way weirder.

For more infomation >> UFOs The Paranormal Controversy & Connection - Duration: 7:11.


REALTOR Says: Condo Tip - Chris Mulders Redline Real Estate - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> REALTOR Says: Condo Tip - Chris Mulders Redline Real Estate - Duration: 0:56.


Project 64 - Kaizo Mario 64 - Just some test - Duration: 1:08.

Oi, imma 'bout to experience bunch-as of pains-a, plez like for respects.

Pain starts in a bit.

I'm closer to the pain.. don't be impatient..

Almost there...!



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huh-what?

Hey.. don't hit me..! I'm in a lot of pain, so please; don't hit me dude!

How am I floating..? Well, itsa time for exploring, then.


I'm alive..? I'M ALIVE!!!!!



uh, yeah, so that's the video.

You're going to like, right? I went through ALL this pain, so you GOTTA pay, so please, PAY.

For more infomation >> Project 64 - Kaizo Mario 64 - Just some test - Duration: 1:08.


'7kg 감량' 김남주 "다이어트 비결? 달걀 흰자로 버텨" ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> '7kg 감량' 김남주 "다이어트 비결? 달걀 흰자로 버텨" ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 4:13.


Evp Staying in the picture - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> Evp Staying in the picture - Duration: 0:14.


Unboxing and Reviewing the Oral-B Genius - Duration: 5:23.

everyone it's Avalene Roberts of DDS

connections and today I get to open up

and try the new oral-b genius I'm a big fan

electric toothbrushes as you can

see I love to keep my teeth nice and

white and healthy because I am a

hygienist this toothbrush is only

available to dental professionals and

today I get to show you guys and open it

up and we get to see what's inside the

box together so I'm just going to go

ahead and open this up and how do they

do this here so they have got okay

nice so inside of the box it's all

open up here and it package everything

pretty lovely for me here so what did

it be happy have what looks like

a stand of some sort I'm guessing the whole brush

or maybe to hold my phone we'll find out

when I put it all together we have the

actual toothbrush whoa excited guys whooo

and what else do you have here we have

yay some extra toothbrush heads freebies

so different types of heads

once again I have this case the store the

toothbrush in

and what's this oh this so this must be

the base to hold the toothbrush okay so

this is my charger where I'm going to

put the toothbrush it's going to stand on

here and plug in to okay I see wonderful


check this out over here and we got

some a coupon nice and we've got some

literature here so we understand how to

use this toothbrush and the Bluetooth

technology that comes with it

wonderful. We have the full set up here.

We have three toothbrush heads that this

comes with we have the case for the

crush we have the actual holder for your

phone because Oral-B went to the

trouble of making us a app that you can

use to brush that's pretty cool I love

that so your patience can actually make

sure that they're brushing through full

two minutes and that I appreciate while

you're getting there up don't forget to

get my app Cavity Smash so this thing

right here plugs on to attaches to your

mirror it's pretty sweet the app

actually let's people smell if they're

brushing and every quadrant for the

right amount of time and if the

positioning that are using is correct

it's pretty sweet technology so that I

like right off the bat the other thing

I've already noticed about this brush is

that they have a pressure detector

I'm seeing patients in different places

that temped or bin in because I still

do hygiene and still enjoy that I've

seen patients with a lot of wear on

their teeth so that's something that

concerns me brushing to hard

so this detector right here you can


determine what color you wanted to be

and of course I choose pink I love pink

haha so this is pretty sweet I do like

this a lot the fact is you can choose

your color you can customize it

there were orange green white whatever

anyway what's great about this

pressure detector that I do like is if the

patience is brushing too hard look at that

it changes colors so it alerts people

people right away hey I need to back off

that I do like so I'm going to try this

thing out and once I test this bad boy

out on myself. I'll do a full wright up for

you guys and then I'll let you know what

I think it's important for you guys to

know this is not sponsored video as a

dental professional and as a person that

goes to my own business DDS connections

I will realize that as dental

professionals we find a lot of products

from and things for patients and for

ourselves by going to conventions or

picking up a magazine but guess what

we're in a new era right we can top be

shed online and we can talk about things

so I'm really going to encourage an ask

you guys to reach out to me and tell me

what you think about this brush if

you've actually tried it I want to know

my colleagues opinions on things and how

you feel about that that's really

important to me

in one week guys I am going to be

writing up a blog my experience remember

to comment below let me know what you

think okay I'm such a dental dork

honestly I love teeth what can I say

so subscribe

For more infomation >> Unboxing and Reviewing the Oral-B Genius - Duration: 5:23.


Księżniczka Charlotte ma dopiero 3 lata, a już przeszła do historii. Jest pierwszą… kobietą - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Księżniczka Charlotte ma dopiero 3 lata, a już przeszła do historii. Jest pierwszą… kobietą - Duration: 4:54.


Multiple Bulletin Boards Just Posted At Major University With New Rules For White Students Effective - Duration: 5:12.

Multiple Bulletin Boards Just Posted At Major University With New Rules For White Students

Effective Now.

White college students are being targeted at a Catholic university and being made to

feel bad for themselves for being white.

Even though people cannot pick their parents and they have no control over whom they are

born to, nor any control over the color, nationality, or anything else that determines who they

are when they're born.

Nevertheless, the college took the time to hang up a "Snow White" theme to explain

the "whiteness", and the false narrative about "white privilege" which is so easily

thrown about on social media from numerous people on the far left.

The bulletin boards reportedly each have one of the Seven Dwarfs, and students took pictures

and posted them in various places to express their interest or disgust in the display,

that was so vehemently racist towards white people.

Many people aren't sure what the point of this project was, nor why it so eagerly targetted

white people in hopes to have them feel bad about themselves, while they pass through

the halls of Santa Clara University.

The College Fix reported: "The display (below) used a Snow White theme to explain "whiteness"

and other privileges, according to photos provided by the Santa Clara University student,

who asked to remain anonymous.

"S-Know Your Whiteness" was placed in a residence hall Monday but removed by Wednesday.

The student told The College Fix in an email the boards "usually stay up for a month

or more."

Each section of the board is illustrated with one of the Seven Dwarfs.

One section suggests that whiteness is all about power.

It claims white people have to understand and acknowledge "the amount of power"

their appearance has, and how this "can lead to utilizing that power for the greater


Another part of the board claims that it's a "State of Unconsciousness" and suggests

"whiteness is often invisible to 'white' people, perpetuating inequalities."

"Understanding our privilege is the first step to addressing the problem which will

improve everyone's quality of life," the section reads.

In the same area it displays a list of boxes to check your privilege if you are white,

male, Christian, able-bodied, heterosexual or cisgender.

The opposite side of the board shows an image of several types of people.

The white male has a green check mark, but a red X mark for a black man, a Muslim woman

and person in a wheelchair.

Whiteness is "an Ideology" built on attitudes and beliefs, resulting "in the unequal distribution

and privilege based on skin color," the board continues.

Next to a cutout of Snow White, the board explains "What to do about it": White

people must understand their privilege, use their power to advocate, and become involved

and educated, according to the board."

The following pictures courtesy of The College Fix:

The bulletin boards generally stay visible for about a month.

Most schools, from elementary to college, usually change their bulleting boards once

per month at the most.

They often focus on work that's currently being taught, or topics coming up in the curriculum.

Bulletin boards often reflect the work and brilliance of the students while allowing

people passing by to recognize the efforts.

Many people see the "anti-white" bulletin boards in the Santa Clara college as more

of an embarrassment to the college and something that isn't adding knowledge or experience

to the students.

What happens when parents learn that their children are attending a college in which

there is anti-white propaganda lacing the hallways of their college.

Tuition isn't cheap and parents should expect better for their students.

The people attending the college should say something about this because if there was

something similar posted about any other race or religion, then there would be a major problem

with it.

The double standard that exists is disappointing because it's often very one-sided and the

people on the other side don't often acknowledge this.

Many people wonder what's happening to colleges across the country who continue falling into

the pit of shame and extreme leftism.

The amount of protesting, number of useless majors being offered (women and gender studies),

and what seems to be an increase of students having debt for majors which won't ever

find them a job earning enough to pay back their debts has plagued America for a few

years now.

What used to be thought as a good thing to do after high school is now being reconsidered.

Why would students pay $100,000 for a major like gender studies when they know the only

thing they'll ever be qualified to do is pouring coffee at Starbucks and they'll

live in debt forever.

Why do college students protest ridiculous things when they should be participating in

academic events, sports, clubs, and real college events such as parties.

Those who attend college face the real world after, so they need to enjoy themselves with

real fun while they're in school.

College is a test to see if young people can manage their lives while facing all the temptations

of fun while succeeding academically.

What would happen if you were in college and saw the anti-white propaganda?

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Multiple Bulletin Boards Just Posted At Major University With New Rules For White Students Effective - Duration: 5:12.


How To Write A Really Good Book And Not Feel Overwhelmed! - Duration: 4:11.

So if you want to connect with readers and sell more books.

Make sure to subscribe and get new content to your inbox every Tuesday, but in this video

I'm going to be sharing five tips that don't necessarily have to all do with writing, but

it will help you to improve your writing and write a really good book.

So let's get started.

So in today's video I'm going to be providing five tips that will help you to write a really

good book.

Now I'm excited to be giving these tips because none of these tips are writing related.

Let me repeat none of these tips are writing related.

All of the tips that I'm going to be sharing in this video are either mindset or strategy

related tips

that will help you to overcome that feeling of being overwhelmed and it will get you started

writing a book that you could be proud of and a really good book that serves your audience.

So let's get started with tip number one.

Tip number one - your book will never be perfect.

So this is coming from someone who has written for a very long time.

Your book will never be perfect!

Every single time you get ready to publish a book, whether you have been writing for

one year or five years or 10 years there's always gonna be something... something that

you want to change, something that you feel is not good enough.

Now with that being said, I absolutely encourage you guys to publish your best final draft.

YOUR best final draft, but also remember that this is a journey.

So this is your first book.

This is your first endeavor.

It may not be as perfect as you want it to be.

But that's okay.

Again, it is a writing journey.

Tip number two - pace yourself.

It's only the first book.

So you really have to give yourself freedom to learn the publishing industry.

For most of you, this is a new industry that you're going in so there's a lot of different

aspects that you need to learn on top of the writing itself.

So give yourself some freedom!

Pace yourself to learn the information. Obviously, most of us want to write the book in a year

or under a year, if at all possible.

But for most of us (with our full time careers) it's going to require an education along

with the writing itself.

So give yourself enough time to learn the writing as well as the publishing industry


Tip number three is specifically for fiction writers, but nonfiction writers can gain value

from it as well... and that is to be open minded.

So most of us as writers are writing from our own personal experiences, things that

we've had happen in our own personal lives.

And so when we write characters, most of those characters are going to have familiar personality


Either things that we have in ourselves or something that we know in our close family

and friends. But it's also important to be open minded to seeing things from different perspectives.

That is going to allow you to write varied characters that aren't one dimensional and

be characters that your readers can relate to, which also translates into being a really

good book.

Tip number four is a strategy tip and that is to write something that is currently missing

in the marketplace.

Tip number five - be relatable! So it doesn't really matter whether you write fiction or

nonfiction books, being relatable helps you to connect to your target audience which is

really important because it helps the reader to feel connected to your book. And in some

ways that also makes them feel as though it's a really good book when its so relatable to

the journey that they're on.

So let's say for example, you write in nonfiction maybe in the personal finance genre.

I would recommend that you share some of your own experiences, whether they're good experiences

or bad experiences so that you're relatable to your target audience.

Same thing with fiction books.

If you are writing characters or creating plot twists, make them relatable to the current


Things that people can latch on to and make them feel like the book is relatable to them.

If you want to connect with readers and sell more books.

Make sure to subscribe but also check out my previous video How To Write A Book For

Beginners where I share the first five steps for writing a book.

As always, all of my social media links will be in the description box below.

If you're looking to hire me as your writing coach you will find that information there

as well and I Iook forward to talking with you in my next video.

For more infomation >> How To Write A Really Good Book And Not Feel Overwhelmed! - Duration: 4:11.


Myrtle Beach Real Estate Advice- 6 Things To Hide When Selling Your Home - Duration: 3:58.

Hey guys it's Jeremy Blanton with RE/MAX Southern Shores and I'm here with another Two Minute

Tuesday where this week we are going to discuss how these things can become a major hazard

when you are selling your house, let's get started.

Ok, so

your home is now on the market congratulations!

Today though I want to share with you six items that you may not have even thought about

need to be put away & hidden when you put your home on the market.

These are items that can cause identity theft for you in the future, loss of valuables or

headaches & heartaches moving forward.

So let's put two minutes on the clock and let's get going.

Ok so the first item that I want to talk about today is prescription pills.

If you are like me, you have your prescriptions sitting out on the counter or on a vanity

somewhere easy so that you remember each day to take them and easily accessible so you

can get them quickly on the fly and go.

But, when you put your home on the market you want to take these, put them away in a

cabinet, in a drawer somewhere safe & secure so that somebody coming through the house

doesn't quickly pick them up, put them in their pocket.

As my wife was mentioning to me earlier today, not only can they take the prescription that

you have here, but they could probably even call the pharmacy and get a refill & pick

it up and you would never even know.

The second item which this one might shock you a little bit but this junk mail that we


This one came for my wife saying congratulations, she is pre-approved with no annual fee for

this credit card.

While this is junk mail that normally goes into the shredder, we sometimes have it sitting

around for a couple of days before we get it to the shredder.

Someone coming through your house could quickly pick this up, open up a credit line or a credit

card in your name and you would be out & responsible for that information.

Trust me when I say, it's not fun to try and get these things fixed in the future.

The third item which this one I thought would be kind of a no brainer but you'd be surprised

how often it happens is a lot of times I see people who have loose money and cards laying

around in their house.

Take the loose money, I know you may come in the door and just throw your money on the

dresser or on the counter because you don't want to have it carrying around in your pocket,

but when your house is on the market you need to take these things, put it away in a safe

secure drawer.

Also, if you have a coin bank sitting out on the dresser, you may want to take that,

hide it away somewhere in a closet or in a cabinet or somewhere where it is not out sitting.

These things are just way too tempting to people coming through your house and you could

lose this money pretty quickly.

Or they could take your debit card and go shopping!

The fourth thing that I wanted to talk about today is your jewelry your valuables.

Things like this you know we have our jewelry sitting around sometimes we might have our

jewelry boxes open, that's easily accessible.

My wife, she has hooks where she hangs her necklaces up so that they are easily can be

put on put off and they don't get tangled together.

When you are living in your house, that kind of stuff is perfectly fine.

But when you put your property on the market you need to take all that stuff down, put

it away in a safe secure place so that somebody coming through just pick this up, put it in

their pocket and you end up losing something valuable.

And the final thing that I didn't even think of this, my wife brought this up to me, but

your digital devices.

Things like this an iPad, you know, we have this sitting around because at night time

we are on it, we looking at it, we are scrolling through Facebook, we are checking different

things on it and we are using it.

But, during the day when our home is on the market, if this is sitting out, and this might

just be a little too tempting to somebody walking through your house.

They may pick it up, slide it in their pockets, slide it in a bag, their agent may never even

know it and you would lose your very valuable precious device.

So, take these types of things once again, put them in a drawer, put them in a case,

put them in a bag and cabinet somewhere out of eye sight so that these things are protected,

safe and secure again.

I hope you found some value in today's topic, if so do me a favor, give it a thumbs up like

it and share it with your friends.

And I'll talk to you all later.


For more infomation >> Myrtle Beach Real Estate Advice- 6 Things To Hide When Selling Your Home - Duration: 3:58.


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PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #910 | Moanalua High School - O'ahu | Pounder - Duration: 2:58.

POUND is actually all over the world.

Created by two drummers, recreational drummers.

They figured when they were drumming, they were getting a workout, so they decided to

put it into a workout incorporating Pilates.

I am Nancy Amano.

I'm an Herbalife health coach.

I do group fitness.

I actually fell in love with it because as far as like the different workouts, it works

your whole entire body, and it got me toned.

Nancy has always been a fitness person.

Yeah, health-wise, Nancy used to work out a lot, like six days a week, you know, just

to stay fit so she could eat.

For Nancy, her whole life was figured out, but there was a change of plans.

I thought I was like, the healthiest person, 'cause you know, I was into fitness.

But back in 2015, actually, I was diagnosed for breast cancer.

No signs, no nothing.

I continued to do my class, I continued to be healthy.

I learned that in order for me to overcome things, my mindset has to be totally positive.

So, I did not even make like I was sick.

I did not even make like I had such a thing in my body.

With her strong will to bounce back, she was

able to overcome an unexpected beat in her life.

I don't know if it would have been a lot harder, but again, it's mind over matter.

And you know, everything mattered to her, and her mind was so strong that she was able

to just push forward.

And went to the doctors and asked them, What should I do?

And this is what they said, they said, Continue to do what you're doing.

Because I was on Herbalife nutrition, which was good already.

[CHUCKLE] Hello.

Her drive to instill health in others comes from her compassion

to make a difference in many people.

[CHUCKLE] I'm just joking.


Money is good, yes, but it's about the transformations that you see in everybody.

That's what motivates me to do what I'm doing.


It's the people that actually come to me and …

that want to get fit, that want to get healthy.


To yourself as a human being, you are you.

You're the only one who's in the power of whatever.

What goes around in your life, you are in power of it.

Although Nancy's battle with breast cancer was unexpected, she continues to stick to

the rhythm of her life.

This is Savannah Bulosan from Moanalua High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #910 | Moanalua High School - O'ahu | Pounder - Duration: 2:58.


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