Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 13 2018

120 years ago Maja (Maria) Berezowska was born

(April 13, 1898).

She was a painter, illustrator and the set designer.

She studied drawing in St. Petersburg, Munich and Krakow

(with Józef Pankiewicz and Leon Wyczółkowski).

From 1924, it belonged to the "Rhythm" group.

The publicity brought her

illustrations for "Decameron" Boccacia (from 1930).

In 1932.

she went to Paris and started cooperation with French magazines there.

She also had three individual exhibitions, and her works enjoyed great interest in the Seine.

In 1937, she returned to Warsaw.

During the war, she was a prisoner at the Pawiak prison in Warsaw.

The reason was the series of 11 drawings "The Adventures of Sweet Adolf"

from 1935.

After imprisonment, she was deported to the Ravensbrück camp.

In 1947 she returned to Warsaw

developing the career of illustrator of magazines and works of Polish and world literature.

Full of eroticism, frivolity, but also delicacy of Berezowska's works

they have enjoyed the Polish audience for decades.

These are mainly drawings with a feather

(sometimes washed with watercolors or gouache).

Atticus presents a number of works of Polish literature

(Reja, Kochanowski, Krasicki,

Sztautyngera) with illustrations by Berezowska.

Please visit

For more infomation >> Maja Berezowska, malarka, graficzka, ilustratorka - Duration: 1:44.


EGYPT 2018: HOW IS MY HUSBAND LEFT ❓❓❓ (English subtitles) - Duration: 24:45.

Well, everything, he left. He left with a bag. I took my things. Well, that's all.

We have Saturday morning, 8 am.

And yesterday I went to look at the apartments. Now with Denis we'll go look for an apartment.

We will look for renting an apartment somewhere in our area. Let's see what happens from this.

There is one apartment is a good option, but it is beyond the area of Samukh. Those. it is even closer to the area of Kafr Abdu. Not very suitable for us.

We walk, walk, look, see nothing. In two places there were two and a half thousand and three. Expensive.

Muhamed knows that I wanted to leave. I wanted to divorce him. Those. I talked with him.

And by chance Muhamed yesterday heard that I had agreed on the apartment.

And after I talked to the man about the apartment, he came up to me and asked: What is there about the apartment?

I told him that I would leave. He said: That you still did not change your mind? We agreed on the end of the school year.

I say: No, I have not changed my mind. I just do not want to live with you.

And in the evening he went somewhere, arrived at night. And this morning he told me: I want to talk to you.

And he said: I thought and I decided that I would leave the apartment, since you do not want me to live here.

Then he said: Tonight I'll come and collect my things and I'll leave the apartment.

The next thing he said was that he would pay for the rent. I told him that I do not want to live in this apartment and I want to move to another apartment.

He said that he had no money to rent another apartment and no money to move. And that he will leave and leave us in this apartment.

I said that I need a rental contract ... Penny now I'll cover it.

I said that I need the lease to be in my name. He told me that he did not need to do this.

The owner refused. Next month, the owner will increase the rent of an apartment to 1800 pounds.

And that the owner is a very good person and I now have a joint project with the husband of his daughter.

I said the more so, if you are so well with my daughter's husband, I need a contract.

My husband said: He will not draw up a contract. I said that if he does not sign the contract, then from the beginning of next month I will leave with the children.

He promised to talk today with the owner of this apartment, to rewrite the contract for me.

But I still do not stop and continue searching for an apartment. Yesterday we saw one apartment in our same area.

And today I had to go in the morning ... Yesterday I got a call from the boy's mother, whose father is the lawyer with whom we met.

And she said we'd go make a power of attorney for her husband. Since he will deal with my citizenship and divorce.

And this boy's mother sent me the name of the lawyer (all in Arabic and where this place is located). The place is called Shera Akari (Sidi Geber).

This is the place where the power of attorney is issued.

Well, I think that maybe here. Ask. We found this place now enter.

We left this place now, Shera Akari. We did not receive documents from us. Because you need an translater.

We will now go to the translation center, which is located in the area of Shatby and will ask to be given an interpreter. And here you need to come with an translater.

And we go there either today or tomorrow.

What else did I want to say? I forgot when I started to talk. What other conditions did my husband put in me?

My husband also told me that I will pay for everything I paid for.

And allegedly he called his friend the judge and he said that if you make a divorce with me Hula (divorce in Islam, which the woman can do herself) you will not get any rights.

I say that I know. He also said that you are being deceived by all lawyers.

I am aware that by the divorce of Hula he will be obliged to provide housing and pay for all children. It suits me in principle.

And his only condition was that I stayed with the children in this apartment and that I did not divorce him Hula.

He said he would also provide. I said clearly. But, I need (he said) that we were married. It is clear, in order to hang.

Those. it will provide as before, but the only one will not come. But in principle, he does not often come.

But, I do not need you to divorce me (he said). I will work even more than I worked.

Maybe I'll go to Saudi Arabia, where my brother works. Here such information.

I write down what I remember. What else have we said? Well, today he promised that he would pick up his things in the evening and today he will tell me about the contract in my name.

Well, he's leaving now. Gathers his things and now will go. He asked where his bag was.

I said for Aya where the bag is. Now took the bag collects things.

How do I feel? Fearfully? Probably scary. But I think it's no worse than it was. God grant.

Children are always children. Children are children.

All he collected a bag. Malak go say good-bye, say goodbye.

Well, he's all gone. He left with a bag. I took my things. Well, that's it. All.

What are my feelings? Today, when I slept, and then woke up, there was a nightmarish feeling.

I think, Lord, what I'm doing. How can I live this way? How can I? How? How? How?

But, then I pulled myself together and thought how I live all these years.

That in principle, morally, mentally, in principle, people never existed, especially in the post-ample time. Probably the last one this year.

Those. he comes. Very little happens at home. At 2.3 sometimes for 4 hours. We practically do not communicate with him.

All of it is not in vain. Those. when I woke up I thought, what am I? What will I do? Guard. Paranoia.

And what is so special about my life? What changes in the lives of my children?

We, in principle, lived alone, we will live alone. It's just that he will not come to sleep here.

And his spiritual unity is no longer there. Therefore nothing changes. We continue to live the same way with children.

He arrives, takes children on weekends as before, was also to his mother, and then brings it.

This will be his communication. But the most important fact is that he will not come here. We will see how it will be.

Thank you all for your attention. I understand now people will tell ...... I do not want the children to see.

I understand that many now say why you do it. Children, the husband tries. I just want to say one thing, I can not live with him any more.

And as if it did not work out, it will be better for me and for the children. I think so.

Anything will go on, but it will be better for me and my children, I think so.

And I do not want to have such a life with him anymore. I'm very glad. Thank God that he left. But, and we remain with the kids.

And I do not deprive my children's father. He will meet with them on weekends. Most importantly, everything was decided without scandals.

Without abuse at children. Those. we agreed with him. And this is the most important thing.

For me, my condition is much more important now. Because with me there are children.

For me, the most important is how I will feel myself. So that my children feel most free. Their morale. My moral condition. Very important. I believe that God forbid that I was right.

The place on the camera ended so I had to interrupt.

I could not do this before and why I came back. Because many people write in the comments, why did not you leave before and give birth to a second child?

The first time I was born, I left it. Then she left him. Returned due to a financial and unstable situation.

Neither bad nor good. It is clear that in any situation, two are always to blame. I do not blame anyone.

Because when you have ... When two people do not connect anything. It is impossible to live only in the name of children, just to save the family.

Just to have a screen called a family. If two people who originally created a family do not like each other.

They should not seem to me to torment myself in the first place. If the parents torment themselves, then the children suffer first.

I think that God forbid it will be possible to maintain normal healthy relations so that the children communicate with his family and with him.

Restrict accordingly my communication with him. And to maintain a healthier environment without nerves and less positive.

Still there are working moments with payment and other things. Children for teachers, rent it will pay.

Those. working with him. The most important thing is that we will not have any personal issues with him.

No personal claims. The accusations of each other that you do not pay attention to me, I do not pay attention to you.

This will not happen again. For me, this is the most important thing. Only business issues remain. Not business, but questions related to children.

It is most important. This is what I wanted. So that we split up with him. Those. that was not personal.

That it was aimed more at children, at the family, at the provision. Without any mutual insults, humiliations, etc.

I'm very glad that it all ended.

I asked him, and what about the citizenship of the Russian Federation for girls. He said that you can forget about it.

I also asked him about my citizenship. I do not know when my relatives will re-format the documents.

There everything was stopped on names. That there were mistakes in the names of his relatives. They need to change their identity cards.

And he, respectively, with this business pulls. I have already agreed with an attorney who will deal with my citizenship, regardless of him. Which is very important.

Here such information. Something like that. What kind of news will be. I inform you.

There are a lot of comments with various tips. Thank you all very much.

There are various comments about how you can be involved in all these children.

It just so happened that children are the immediate participants of all this.

And this is not due to the fact that I am dragging children.

For example, Muhamed came yesterday with the girls. He enters the apartment and does not even greet Dany.

Some such things and children are still getting dragged into these situations. And this does not happen at will

And it just happened. Because when we found out the relationship.

Muhammad tried to show contempt for Dany, to make me hurt and unpleasant in some way.

That's why you do not want to, children ... Yes, and when he used to run screaming, he cursed before Dany

So I said that now he does not scream infront of Dany. He is afraid of Dany.

Because when he used to run screaming, he could do it infront of Dany.

Also many different others commenting that I refuse him to make coffee or something else.

You watch all the videos from the very beginning. It started neither yesterday nor the day before yesterday nor a year ago. Not 5 years ago. And it all started very, very, very, very long time ago.

Everything is very neglected. It is clear that two are always to blame. I think this from the very beginning is not the similarity of the characters.

A certain pressure on pity. For his part, he tried all the time to put pressure on pity in some way.

That's how it works out. Neither bad nor good. Family are always created by two people. Neither more nor less is not to blame.


I show the situation that is. If I talk about furniture or I tell what happened, what's at home. I talk as it is

Do not try, as someone says "crap" or something else.

If I made a video, when he gives me the money and I try to take my money. In this it seems to me there is nothing illegal.

Because it's real. This is real, what is happening. It happens at this point in time, where we are.

I take it off accordingly. I then spread it. Is it bad or good? I try to record everything now.

Because I do not know. He now agreed to leave. In principle, it is not so and so it is not. He just came for a few hours.

Our life changes. He wants to tell me again, hang me. He does not actually live in principle, but comes for several hours.

And he wants me this way, how to give freedom. He allegedly gives me freedom. He does not give me freedom.

I am not a slave. Which was all these years and bonded.

I will do as I see it. He again tries to present all with a favor, that he will give money.

He even for HULA will have to provide, rent an apartment and will have to give money to children.

It's just a habit to represent everything in such a light that it does a favor. Here I am. I brought food.

Do not need any favors. I do not need anything from you. Something like that.

I understand that a lot of different comments about children will fall and I'm not good or something.

I want to live by myself and make my own decisions. It will be hard. Maybe it will be hard. It can be very hard.

But, it seems to me harder to live here in such a situation and do not change anything. It seems so to me.

Thank you all for your attention. See ya

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: HOW IS MY HUSBAND LEFT ❓❓❓ (English subtitles) - Duration: 24:45.


山口組実録シリーズ 「菱の血判」その⑧ ~菅谷コネクション~ - 今日のニュース - Duration: 16:35.

For more infomation >> 山口組実録シリーズ 「菱の血判」その⑧ ~菅谷コネクション~ - 今日のニュース - Duration: 16:35.


TALKING TOM cat RUNNING FOR the GOLD #133 ASTRONAUT TOM FRIENDS Ben Hank ginger Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:21.

For more infomation >> TALKING TOM cat RUNNING FOR the GOLD #133 ASTRONAUT TOM FRIENDS Ben Hank ginger Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:21.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Il Segreto: terribile avvenimento durante il matrimonio di Adela e Carmelo - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Il Segreto: terribile avvenimento durante il matrimonio di Adela e Carmelo - Duration: 4:08.


フォーミュラE専用モデルのジャガー「I-TYPE 3」が公開。リヤウィングレスでエアロダイナミクスは向上 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> フォーミュラE専用モデルのジャガー「I-TYPE 3」が公開。リヤウィングレスでエアロダイナミクスは向上 - Duration: 2:21.


Empanada de jamón, queso y bechamel - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Empanada de jamón, queso y bechamel - Duration: 5:21.


GF 2018: da domani 13/4 i concorrenti Filippo, Simone e Valerio in un casale - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> GF 2018: da domani 13/4 i concorrenti Filippo, Simone e Valerio in un casale - Duration: 3:30.


Sorridi Nonostante il Risultato | V60S #29 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Sorridi Nonostante il Risultato | V60S #29 - Duration: 1:00.


KBS 연예대상, 김병만이 아닌 이승기가 받아야 하는 이유! ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> KBS 연예대상, 김병만이 아닌 이승기가 받아야 하는 이유! ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 11:58.


[日本語 救出団] 5회 - 脱北者 救助 (탈북자 구조), 人身売買(인신매매), 募金(모금), 北韓人権市民連合(북한인권시민연합), SOSレター(편지) - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> [日本語 救出団] 5회 - 脱北者 救助 (탈북자 구조), 人身売買(인신매매), 募金(모금), 北韓人権市民連合(북한인권시민연합), SOSレター(편지) - Duration: 7:37.


Friday the 13th review / análise - Nintendo NES (1989) [PT/ENG] - Duration: 3:59.

Since today is Friday the 13th,

it's the right time to turn off the lights

and play Friday the 13th on the NES.

Maybe not...

As the title states,

this game is inspired by the cult saga of the same name,

whose first horror film came out in 1980.

In the first movie,

a group of camp counselors is chased

by a mysterious and bloodthirsty killer

when then try to reopen a summer camp where a boy drowned years before.

Whoever thought adapting this story to a kid's game

would be a good idea should win an award…

We jump right into action,

without any kind of introduction or cutscenes.

In the role of one of the six protagonists,

we roam the summer camp, throw rocks at zombies,

visit cabins that have no furniture

and we pick up lighters to light fireplaces.

Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

The game is so bland that even the map doesn't help us much.

Check this out, I'm here

and I want to go where the villain Jason Voorhees is.

A logical step would be going left, right?


That's what I did and look where I ended up…

When I finally managed to find Jason before he starts a killing spree,

he was far from intimidating.

He looks like he came straight

from a Sunday afternoon mall tour

with that purple tracksuit.

Initially, he even tries to punch us

instead of slash us to pieces with his distinguishing machete.

Oh well, after this intense first encounter,

we go back outside

and walk... and walk... and walk…

looking for keys and fireplaces to light.

And then this sound comes up again

and we have to find Jason once more.

And repeat it all over again...

and again.

We can change characters in some cabins

but not even that stirred the gameplay a single bit.

Along the game we find other weapons like knives or torches

but the game remains boring as ever!

Even the soundtrack is dull,

as it consists of a couple of notes played in a constant loop.

But hey,

at least it manages to be interesting for 15 seconds.

Once in a while, Jason comes up out of nowhere

sporting his stunning tracksuit

and we can even fight his mother's decapitated head

to win her sweatshirt.

At the end of the day,

this game is a combination of repetitive graphics

with repetitive music,

repetitive gameplay...

Yeah, you know the drill.

Honestly, I was thankful to see the Game Over screen…

I'll end this video with a friendly advice:

don't play this game after 11:00 pm with the lights off!

I'm not saying this because the game is scary

but because you can fall asleep with such boring title.

So tonight, I'll watch the movie.

See you next week.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Friday the 13th review / análise - Nintendo NES (1989) [PT/ENG] - Duration: 3:59.



For more infomation >> 5 KUNCI SUKSES MARK ZUCKERBERG SI PENDIRI FACEBOOK! - Duration: 6:52.


Mehmed Bir Cihan Fatihi / Mehmed The Conqueror Trailer - Episode 5 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:12.

Everyone outside this room is a suspect, Pasha.

My brother's murderer is still nearby, in fact he is amongst us.

- You know what would happen when Sultan Mehmed learns this. - He will most probably learn it.

Aren't you aware of what kind of doom you are dragging Byzantium into?

Mehmed whom you are talking about is a sultan who is shortsighted.

It is said that Sultan has a concubine whom he has been hiding from everyone.

- Do you think it is Eleni? - Why would he hide otherwise?

- What else is this other than acting childishly, Melike? - My Sultan...

Aren't you aware of who you are facing?

Zağanos said that he had a very big secret which belonged to Mehmed.

It was me who released Orhan, son.

How could you do this, my Sheikh?

Allah has ordained you.

"Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya..." ("Verily you shall conquer Constantinople...")

"... wa lani`ma al-amiru amiruha wa lani`ma al-jayshu dhalika al-jaysh." ("...What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!")

For more infomation >> Mehmed Bir Cihan Fatihi / Mehmed The Conqueror Trailer - Episode 5 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:12.


This week, next week, in two weeks - 今週来週再来週 - Duration: 1:13.

こんにちは、it's Mizuki!

Today's topic is: this week, next week, in two weeks!

"konshuu" means "this week"

"raishuu" means "next week"

"saraishuu" means "in two weeks"

"senshuu" means "last week"

"sensenshuu" means "two weeks ago"

"maishuu" means "every week"

And "itsu" means "when"

It's easier to remember these in a row

This week, next week, in two weeks

This week, last week, two weeks ago

Every week


One more time!

This week, next week, in two weeks

This week, last week, two weeks ago

Every week


Please watch us again next week!

"That's it for today. Thank you for watching!"

I'll see you next time!


For more infomation >> This week, next week, in two weeks - 今週来週再来週 - Duration: 1:13.


Ремонт_жк_Трилогия - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Ремонт_жк_Трилогия - Duration: 6:48.


Rentenversicherung - 5 Lügen, die uns Banken und Versicherungen gerne verschweigen - Duration: 5:29.

Pension insurance - 5 facts that are often kept a secret by banks and insurance companies.

My name is Thorsten Wittmann, I welcome you to today's edition of Fascination Freedom.

Today we'll talk about the topic pension insurance and about the almost lies or facts that are kept as a secret

by banks and insurance companies.

I'll tell you why I myself don't have a pension insurance and why I wouldn't

take a pension insurance.

Firstly, very short, what is a pension insurance.

It is part of a life insurance and is converted into pension instalments on a monthly basis.

What is the disadvantage of pension insurances?

Firstly, life insurance have high cost rates.

Partially, over 20% of your contribution are used for costs.

You probably know the huge glas palaces of insurances that have to be financed

and this is done by insurance contributions, that means

prices are usually very high.

If you want to take a life insurance despite today's video, look for

a direct insurer, a cheap life insurance, then that

makes huge differences.

A short note to this video, today we have a look especially at the disadvantages.

Advantages can be read everywhere, the disadvantages are never told unfortunately

and you should know exactly that, if you want to take

a life oder a pension insurance.

Point number 2: the life table!

They are often rather disadvantageous for insurance clients, no matter or depending on

whether it is a pension insurance or a risk-life insurance.

A pension insurance means that the longer you live, the more troublesome

it becomes, so life insurer calculate your date of death

relatively late and with a risk-life insurance, there you have a problem if you die early,

that means it is vice versa because they calculate with a relatively low age and

this is the problem. That means

you have to become quite old, so a pension insurance is really worth it,

keep that in mind.

Then point number 3: Toxic securities!

Would you invest money in form of government bonds in Greece, Italy or Spain?

I wouldn't do it becauseI don't like to speculate with my money

respectively don't invest with minimal interest rates.

With life insurances, you are obliged to invest in governmental bonds, so in

bonds and among those can be a lot of toxic papers

that you cannot deduce, that means

you actually don't know where your money is invested and well

to put it mildly, that isn't optimal, keep that in mind.

That means with life insurance and pension insurance your are investing in governmental bonds too and

probably also in Greece, Spain, Portugal etc.

Then point number 4: Also with pension insurances, there is the total loss risk

in form of inflations and monetary reforms.

This is somethings, that we had several times during the last century in Germany,

partially several generations lost their whole savings due to monetary reforms

and if you have a look and see that our financial system nowadays is extremely unhealthy, that it is only living

with new debts and by printing more money. The ECB, the European Central bank,

the US-Fed in the USA buy securities to make the system work somehow,

this is very threatening, that means just because of this reason in the current

environment, different than 10, 20 or 30 years ago, pension insurances are not

the secure papers anymore that are recommended.

And point number 5: Due to a BGH-judgement regarding EU-rights of objection it is

possible now, that you can still legally approach old life insurances no matter if you canceled them or not

and you can be paid the money you

contributed plus an interest by life insurances and this fits with point number 1, because the

high cost rates, they come up especially in the beginning, so if you

cancel after 5 years, you would only receive a part of your money.

Many life insurances reach the amount of your contribution only after 10 or 15 years

that is why this EU-judgement is so fascinating.

You can really - no matter if you canceled the life insurance or not -

get back your whole money plus interests.

Because it is a very fascinating topic, we organized a community seminar,

you can find more information below the video.

You can find all contents there.

All life insurances that were signed between 1991 and 2007 are concerned, that means

you can maybe get back thousands maybe ten thousands of euros very quickly

depending on how much you have invested in life insurance until now.

Yes, that's for today's topic. Now as usually at Fascination Freedom, I show you

some impressions of Lyon.

And feel free to share and like this video.

It is an important topic with which you can help many people so that they know about their rights

regarding the topic life and pension insurance.

So feel free to share and like.

I see you again next Friday.

You can also subscribe to our Youtube-Channel or our Facebook-Page.

I look forward to seeing you again next Friday.

I'll think of something fascinating again.

See you then. Yours, Thorsten Wittmann

For more infomation >> Rentenversicherung - 5 Lügen, die uns Banken und Versicherungen gerne verschweigen - Duration: 5:29.


TALKING TOM cat RUNNING FOR the GOLD #133 ASTRONAUT TOM FRIENDS Ben Hank ginger Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:21.

For more infomation >> TALKING TOM cat RUNNING FOR the GOLD #133 ASTRONAUT TOM FRIENDS Ben Hank ginger Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:21.


POOSHAL SAFFRON QUALITY TEST | E-OLIS.COM | IRANIAN SAFFRON SUPPLIER - Duration: 0:55. | Iranian saffron supplier group

We Add boiling water into some Pooshal saffron

as you see the Golden Yellowish color Comes out which shown purity of a Saffron




Succo di carota e zenzero: 6 benefici - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Succo di carota e zenzero: 6 benefici - Duration: 8:36.


Disidratazione: sintomi e rimedi - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Disidratazione: sintomi e rimedi - Duration: 7:18.


Maschere all'uovo per capelli - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Maschere all'uovo per capelli - Duration: 7:18.


Prevenire l'osteoporosi con 7 abitudini - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Prevenire l'osteoporosi con 7 abitudini - Duration: 6:57.


Cause and Solutions for a Crystallized Pump - DSP 137 - Duration: 11:18.

>>Graham: And today's question is, "what's the best way to get your water flowing again

if salt is crystallized in the pump or pipes?"

>>Ashkahn: Boom.

Got the old salt crystallization.

It happens.

It happens to the best of us.

>>Graham: I know.

I feel like you should get merit badges for all the disasters that happen in a float center

after you go through them for the first time.

>>Ashkahn: That's definitely, like, that's a Boy Scouts badge right there is your first

salt crystallization.

>>Graham: Yeah.

Ripped liner, salt crystallized in my pump.

>>Ashkahn: So, this happens ... Let's talk about how it happens, and it can happen a

few different ways.

It basically has to do with the ...

>>Graham: Sabotage.

>>Ashkahn: Yeah.

Sabotage is when there's someone sneaking in extra little cups of salt while you're

not looking.

That's how it's happened to us most of the times.

>>Graham: We assume.

>>Ashkahn: So, it's basically, it has to do with the saturation point of your solution.

Basically, there's only so much Epsom salt that can be dissolved into the water in your

float tank, and how much ...

>>Graham: Before it becomes more like salt crystals that happen to have some water mixed


>>Ashkahn: Right.

>>Graham: You know, the balance shifts at some point.

>>Ashkahn: Yeah.

And this is just anything, right?

There's only so much solid you can mix into liquid in general, and that varies based off

of the solids and the liquids, and also, most importantly here, the temperature.

So, what can happen is that the warmer the temperature is, the more you can dissolve

a solid into a liquid, and that's because the warmer a temperature is of a liquid, the

more space there is in the molecules, and the process of dissolution is actually those

solids kind of fitting between those molecules.

So, the more space there is in there, the more you can dissolve things into it.

And with float tanks, we're really close to the saturation point.

At float tank temperatures, that are like 93, 94 degrees, the saturation point in specific

gravity is about 1.31, 1.32, like, somewhere ...

>>Graham: Yeah, right around there.

>>Ashkahn: Somewhere right in around there, and most people are keeping their float tanks,

like, 1.26, 27, 28, 29, somewhere in that range.

>>Graham: Yeah, 1.25 and above.

>>Ashkahn: So, for us, once we hit 1.3, that's kind of our, "Uh oh, danger zone."

>>Graham: Like, super-oh-oh, danger zone, too.

>>Ashkahn: Yeah.

Like, "add water, add water now!"

>>Graham: Yeah.

We try not to go above 1.29 generally.

Like, 1.3 is the emergency response.

>>Ashkahn: So, there's a couple ways you can cross that line and start getting the salt


One is to have more salt in there, right, and that can happen because ... It might not

be that you've added any more salt, but if you haven't been keeping an eye on your tanks,

and you're not balancing them on a regular basis, well, the water will just evaporate

because of how hot it is, and eventually it'll just become saltier and saltier as the water's

evaporating, and it'll just cross that threshold.

That's usually not how it happens to people because that requires a certain amount of


Like, it would have to be weeks of you really not paying attention for the levels to crawl

up to that point.

>>Graham: Well, and it depends a little bit on how close it's being kept to begin with,

I guess.

I'd say it often happens as, or I've definitely heard from centers, it happening as a result

of keeping high salt content.

>>Ashkahn: Yeah.

>>Graham: I mean, this is exactly what happened with Float On, now that I'm saying it out

loud, this is how we seized up our pumps.

>>Ashkahn: One time when we seized it, it was because we were experimenting.

We were like, "How high can we go?"

And we found out.

We found out how high we could go.

>>Graham: Yeah.


>>Ashkahn: But every other time its been the other thing, and the other thing is that,

it's not that the salt content got higher, and higher, and higher, it's that the temperature


And so as the temperature drops, that saturation point goes lower, and lower.

And at room temperature, the saturation point ... I think its like 1.21, 1.22 something

like that.

>>Graham: Around there.



>>Ashkahn: I don't know exactly, but its something.

Its lower than your float tank is, is the important thing.

It is below what you would ever keep your float tank at.

>>Graham: It's 'cause by design, we're just kicking our float tanks up to saturation for

whatever our temperature is.

>>Ashkahn: Right.

>>Graham: Like, if we were allowed to keep the float tanks warmer, then we would just

throw in that much more salt.

>>Ashkahn: Yeah, exactly.

>>Graham: So anytime your float tanks are losing temperature, you're in danger of seizing

up your pumps, and ending up with the old salt crystal block there instead of a working

piece of mechanical machinery.

>>Ashkahn: So this can happen if your heater's break in your float tank, right?

And then just the water's cooling down.

And there's ways to deal with that as well.

We have some aquarium probe heaters, something you could just plug into a wall and put it

directly into the float tank, and that could maintain the temperature.

If we do have a heater break, or if we lose power to like one room, but the rest of our

building still works, and we can run a cord from another outlet, then we have a way of

maintaining the temperature in our float tanks so we don't have to worry too much about the

temperature drop.

>>Graham: Yeah, so this is if we realize ahead of time that somethings a problem-

>>Ashkahn: Right.

>>Graham: And the temperatures going to be dropping and things like that and especially

in places that have even colder climates than Float On.

I've heard of this happening a lot where ... Or I guess places that close over night-

>>Ashkahn: Yeah, yeah.

>>Graham: As opposed to us.

We get to cover a lot of emergencies just because we actually have people there-

>>Ashkahn: All the time.

>>Graham: All across the night.


But often times people leave at the end of the day, and then when they come in, in the

morning, there's no heat in the entire building, or the electricity went off, and yeah, like

there's crystals all covering the bottom slash inside of their float tank, and their pump

is often one solid piece of salt chunk.

>>Ashkahn: So, again, that can happen and it does happen, but its still not the actual

most frequent way that this is happening to people.

And the way that this is most commonly happening to people in their float tanks, is ... Take

it away, Graham.

>>Graham: The most common way to seize up your pump is by having all of the heaters

functioning normally, everything else is going fine, and you're just not cycling the water

in your pump.

So, although the water in the float tank is staying at temperature, everything is staying

fine, no crystallization, that doesn't mean that any of the water throughout your pump

system is actually staying at temperature.

So if you're not cycling that on a regular basis, probably about two times a day, then

it means that you're at risk of that just crystallizing.

So getting the salt water crystallizing in your pipes, getting it crystallizing inside

your pump, and that's probably the most common thing that happens.

>>Ashkahn: Yeah, and there are a lot of float tanks that just come with built in protections

for this now.

Like float tanks will have logic built into their controllers that says, "If the pump

hasn't been run in six hours, cycle it for 15 minutes."

Just to get the liquid in the pipes and the pump and everything cycled through, get warm

stuff in there and there's just kind of a mechanism there to not allow this to happen

to you.

There's ways to work around it too.

This most commonly happens when Thanksgiving rolls around or some sort of holiday, where

all of a sudden, It's a whole day and you're not at your float center where you're used

to being there every day.

That's when someone comes back in after that nice sleepy Thanksgiving morning and they

turn their pump on, and they just hear this high pitched noise and no water's moving and

you start to panic and it's because there's literally a giant salt crystal around the

impeller in your pump and it can't spin.

There are other solutions too, even if your float tank doesn't have a control like that

built into it.

There's all sorts of smart outlets and stuff like that, that you can work with an electrician

and have something like that installed with your float tank, that can have controls in

it, that can run things at three in the morning, there are things you can just run from your

phone directly.

There's simple solutions like that, or you know, honestly, you can just come in on Thanksgiving

and run your pump system-

>>Graham: Or, you can pay your staff to come in.

>>Ashkahn: Or you can pay your staff to come in on Thanksgiving, which is honestly the

solution we use at Float On.

We're closed so few days of the year, for long enough for this to be an issue for us,

that ... And someone's usually just like, "Oh yeah, I'm already going by, like that


>>Graham: "Yeah, I'm addicted to the coffee at the store down the street, I'm gonna be

by Float On anyway."

>>Ashkahn: That is literally what one of our employees said this last year.

So it's not really that big a deal.

Really the big deal is when you forgot and then you come in, in the morning, and you

got a floater coming in, in twenty minutes and you turn that pump on and you hear, "Weeee",

which actually gets us to the question finally that was asked.

What do you do in this situation?

>>Graham: Panic, sell your business.

Get out of there.


>>Ashkahn: Burn it down.

Take the insurance money.

>>Graham: So what you do, is actually a lot simpler than I think a lot of people think

it is ... Which is basically, heat up the water that's in there and the salt, often

by just pouring as much hot water as you can through it.

Or, if you can actually even disconnect the pump, getting parts of it soaking ... Essentially

chipping away enough to get in there and get hot water on the salt crystals and then they'll

really start to dissolve faster than you probably think they will.

>>Ashkahn: Yeah, I mean the nice thing is, this doesn't cost any money.

When you-

>>Graham: No.

>>Ashkahn: If this happens to you, you don't have to spend any money.

You may have to cancel a float or two, because it'll still take you, I don't know, a few

hours at least, to really ... Ideally, you're gonna start pulling pieces apart.


Unscrewing the unions, where you have unions in your filtration system.

Take as many components apart as you can and just really run super hot water through all

those things.

The pump will be the hardest, because you won't really be able to see, but if you pour

enough water, you'll start to see bigger chunks of salt coming out at some point.

>>Graham: Yep.

>>Ashkahn: That's basically it.

You don't want to do it dry, because it's gonna be really hard to try to break up a

salt crystal with a knife or something, but the hot water will just slowly weaken it,

and melt it, and dissolve it.

>>Graham: Yep and be sure to keep that on the wet end, as well.

You know?

You don't want to be getting the hot water onto your motor end of the pump.

>>Ashkahn: Right.


You're not just spraying the pump down, you want to pour it into the pipe.

>>Graham: And often, we're talking about actual hot water kettle kind of hot, too.

Not just hot water from the shower head-

>>Ashkahn: Ideally-

>>Graham: Style hot like the-

>>Ashkahn: Yeah, the hotter the better.

I mean, so the salt cools the water down.

It's an endothermic reaction, so it's gonna strip the water of heat as it's trying to

dissolve stuff.

So the warmer the water you have, the easier this will be for you.

>>Graham: And it will just start to happen.

As you do it too, first it will feel like you're just actually pouring water over a

brick and nothing is going right.

You know?

But it does.

Just like salt starts to permeate things, hot water starts to permeate salt.

It'll kind of start mushifying and breaking loose.

Like Ashkahn said, "The good news is you don't actually need a professional to solve this

problem, you just need some hot water and patience."

>>Ashkahn: Yeah, and just don't ... As long as you realize it and don't just keep running

your pump, not understanding what's happening and running your pump-

>>Graham: It's a good lesson there.

If your water is ever not moving in the tank when your pump is on, immediately turn it

off and try to figure out what's going on, because there's something that's getting in

the way and it's probably disastrous to your equipment if it keeps trying to run and isn't

able to actually push flow through.

>>Ashkahn: Then put it all back together.

You know?



And you should be good to go.

>>Graham: It's just that easy.


Well, if you have any other questions for us, definitely shoot them our way.

Go to

For more infomation >> Cause and Solutions for a Crystallized Pump - DSP 137 - Duration: 11:18.


ホンダ 新型 シビック タイプ R用純正アクセサリー 2017年9月29日発売!! - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> ホンダ 新型 シビック タイプ R用純正アクセサリー 2017年9月29日発売!! - Duration: 2:43.



For more infomation >> ЦСКА 2:2 АРСЕНАЛ | МАРСЕЛЬ 5:2 ЛЕЙПЦИГ | ОБЗОР МАТЧЕЙ ЛЕ | ПОРВЕМ КАНОНИРОВ! [ЧТО ВЧЕРА БЫЛО?] - Duration: 8:07.


Maja Berezowska, malarka, graficzka, ilustratorka - Duration: 1:44.

120 years ago Maja (Maria) Berezowska was born

(April 13, 1898).

She was a painter, illustrator and the set designer.

She studied drawing in St. Petersburg, Munich and Krakow

(with Józef Pankiewicz and Leon Wyczółkowski).

From 1924, it belonged to the "Rhythm" group.

The publicity brought her

illustrations for "Decameron" Boccacia (from 1930).

In 1932.

she went to Paris and started cooperation with French magazines there.

She also had three individual exhibitions, and her works enjoyed great interest in the Seine.

In 1937, she returned to Warsaw.

During the war, she was a prisoner at the Pawiak prison in Warsaw.

The reason was the series of 11 drawings "The Adventures of Sweet Adolf"

from 1935.

After imprisonment, she was deported to the Ravensbrück camp.

In 1947 she returned to Warsaw

developing the career of illustrator of magazines and works of Polish and world literature.

Full of eroticism, frivolity, but also delicacy of Berezowska's works

they have enjoyed the Polish audience for decades.

These are mainly drawings with a feather

(sometimes washed with watercolors or gouache).

Atticus presents a number of works of Polish literature

(Reja, Kochanowski, Krasicki,

Sztautyngera) with illustrations by Berezowska.

Please visit

For more infomation >> Maja Berezowska, malarka, graficzka, ilustratorka - Duration: 1:44.


EGYPT 2018: HOW IS MY HUSBAND LEFT ❓❓❓ (English subtitles) - Duration: 24:45.

Well, everything, he left. He left with a bag. I took my things. Well, that's all.

We have Saturday morning, 8 am.

And yesterday I went to look at the apartments. Now with Denis we'll go look for an apartment.

We will look for renting an apartment somewhere in our area. Let's see what happens from this.

There is one apartment is a good option, but it is beyond the area of Samukh. Those. it is even closer to the area of Kafr Abdu. Not very suitable for us.

We walk, walk, look, see nothing. In two places there were two and a half thousand and three. Expensive.

Muhamed knows that I wanted to leave. I wanted to divorce him. Those. I talked with him.

And by chance Muhamed yesterday heard that I had agreed on the apartment.

And after I talked to the man about the apartment, he came up to me and asked: What is there about the apartment?

I told him that I would leave. He said: That you still did not change your mind? We agreed on the end of the school year.

I say: No, I have not changed my mind. I just do not want to live with you.

And in the evening he went somewhere, arrived at night. And this morning he told me: I want to talk to you.

And he said: I thought and I decided that I would leave the apartment, since you do not want me to live here.

Then he said: Tonight I'll come and collect my things and I'll leave the apartment.

The next thing he said was that he would pay for the rent. I told him that I do not want to live in this apartment and I want to move to another apartment.

He said that he had no money to rent another apartment and no money to move. And that he will leave and leave us in this apartment.

I said that I need a rental contract ... Penny now I'll cover it.

I said that I need the lease to be in my name. He told me that he did not need to do this.

The owner refused. Next month, the owner will increase the rent of an apartment to 1800 pounds.

And that the owner is a very good person and I now have a joint project with the husband of his daughter.

I said the more so, if you are so well with my daughter's husband, I need a contract.

My husband said: He will not draw up a contract. I said that if he does not sign the contract, then from the beginning of next month I will leave with the children.

He promised to talk today with the owner of this apartment, to rewrite the contract for me.

But I still do not stop and continue searching for an apartment. Yesterday we saw one apartment in our same area.

And today I had to go in the morning ... Yesterday I got a call from the boy's mother, whose father is the lawyer with whom we met.

And she said we'd go make a power of attorney for her husband. Since he will deal with my citizenship and divorce.

And this boy's mother sent me the name of the lawyer (all in Arabic and where this place is located). The place is called Shera Akari (Sidi Geber).

This is the place where the power of attorney is issued.

Well, I think that maybe here. Ask. We found this place now enter.

We left this place now, Shera Akari. We did not receive documents from us. Because you need an translater.

We will now go to the translation center, which is located in the area of Shatby and will ask to be given an interpreter. And here you need to come with an translater.

And we go there either today or tomorrow.

What else did I want to say? I forgot when I started to talk. What other conditions did my husband put in me?

My husband also told me that I will pay for everything I paid for.

And allegedly he called his friend the judge and he said that if you make a divorce with me Hula (divorce in Islam, which the woman can do herself) you will not get any rights.

I say that I know. He also said that you are being deceived by all lawyers.

I am aware that by the divorce of Hula he will be obliged to provide housing and pay for all children. It suits me in principle.

And his only condition was that I stayed with the children in this apartment and that I did not divorce him Hula.

He said he would also provide. I said clearly. But, I need (he said) that we were married. It is clear, in order to hang.

Those. it will provide as before, but the only one will not come. But in principle, he does not often come.

But, I do not need you to divorce me (he said). I will work even more than I worked.

Maybe I'll go to Saudi Arabia, where my brother works. Here such information.

I write down what I remember. What else have we said? Well, today he promised that he would pick up his things in the evening and today he will tell me about the contract in my name.

Well, he's leaving now. Gathers his things and now will go. He asked where his bag was.

I said for Aya where the bag is. Now took the bag collects things.

How do I feel? Fearfully? Probably scary. But I think it's no worse than it was. God grant.

Children are always children. Children are children.

All he collected a bag. Malak go say good-bye, say goodbye.

Well, he's all gone. He left with a bag. I took my things. Well, that's it. All.

What are my feelings? Today, when I slept, and then woke up, there was a nightmarish feeling.

I think, Lord, what I'm doing. How can I live this way? How can I? How? How? How?

But, then I pulled myself together and thought how I live all these years.

That in principle, morally, mentally, in principle, people never existed, especially in the post-ample time. Probably the last one this year.

Those. he comes. Very little happens at home. At 2.3 sometimes for 4 hours. We practically do not communicate with him.

All of it is not in vain. Those. when I woke up I thought, what am I? What will I do? Guard. Paranoia.

And what is so special about my life? What changes in the lives of my children?

We, in principle, lived alone, we will live alone. It's just that he will not come to sleep here.

And his spiritual unity is no longer there. Therefore nothing changes. We continue to live the same way with children.

He arrives, takes children on weekends as before, was also to his mother, and then brings it.

This will be his communication. But the most important fact is that he will not come here. We will see how it will be.

Thank you all for your attention. I understand now people will tell ...... I do not want the children to see.

I understand that many now say why you do it. Children, the husband tries. I just want to say one thing, I can not live with him any more.

And as if it did not work out, it will be better for me and for the children. I think so.

Anything will go on, but it will be better for me and my children, I think so.

And I do not want to have such a life with him anymore. I'm very glad. Thank God that he left. But, and we remain with the kids.

And I do not deprive my children's father. He will meet with them on weekends. Most importantly, everything was decided without scandals.

Without abuse at children. Those. we agreed with him. And this is the most important thing.

For me, my condition is much more important now. Because with me there are children.

For me, the most important is how I will feel myself. So that my children feel most free. Their morale. My moral condition. Very important. I believe that God forbid that I was right.

The place on the camera ended so I had to interrupt.

I could not do this before and why I came back. Because many people write in the comments, why did not you leave before and give birth to a second child?

The first time I was born, I left it. Then she left him. Returned due to a financial and unstable situation.

Neither bad nor good. It is clear that in any situation, two are always to blame. I do not blame anyone.

Because when you have ... When two people do not connect anything. It is impossible to live only in the name of children, just to save the family.

Just to have a screen called a family. If two people who originally created a family do not like each other.

They should not seem to me to torment myself in the first place. If the parents torment themselves, then the children suffer first.

I think that God forbid it will be possible to maintain normal healthy relations so that the children communicate with his family and with him.

Restrict accordingly my communication with him. And to maintain a healthier environment without nerves and less positive.

Still there are working moments with payment and other things. Children for teachers, rent it will pay.

Those. working with him. The most important thing is that we will not have any personal issues with him.

No personal claims. The accusations of each other that you do not pay attention to me, I do not pay attention to you.

This will not happen again. For me, this is the most important thing. Only business issues remain. Not business, but questions related to children.

It is most important. This is what I wanted. So that we split up with him. Those. that was not personal.

That it was aimed more at children, at the family, at the provision. Without any mutual insults, humiliations, etc.

I'm very glad that it all ended.

I asked him, and what about the citizenship of the Russian Federation for girls. He said that you can forget about it.

I also asked him about my citizenship. I do not know when my relatives will re-format the documents.

There everything was stopped on names. That there were mistakes in the names of his relatives. They need to change their identity cards.

And he, respectively, with this business pulls. I have already agreed with an attorney who will deal with my citizenship, regardless of him. Which is very important.

Here such information. Something like that. What kind of news will be. I inform you.

There are a lot of comments with various tips. Thank you all very much.

There are various comments about how you can be involved in all these children.

It just so happened that children are the immediate participants of all this.

And this is not due to the fact that I am dragging children.

For example, Muhamed came yesterday with the girls. He enters the apartment and does not even greet Dany.

Some such things and children are still getting dragged into these situations. And this does not happen at will

And it just happened. Because when we found out the relationship.

Muhammad tried to show contempt for Dany, to make me hurt and unpleasant in some way.

That's why you do not want to, children ... Yes, and when he used to run screaming, he cursed before Dany

So I said that now he does not scream infront of Dany. He is afraid of Dany.

Because when he used to run screaming, he could do it infront of Dany.

Also many different others commenting that I refuse him to make coffee or something else.

You watch all the videos from the very beginning. It started neither yesterday nor the day before yesterday nor a year ago. Not 5 years ago. And it all started very, very, very, very long time ago.

Everything is very neglected. It is clear that two are always to blame. I think this from the very beginning is not the similarity of the characters.

A certain pressure on pity. For his part, he tried all the time to put pressure on pity in some way.

That's how it works out. Neither bad nor good. Family are always created by two people. Neither more nor less is not to blame.


I show the situation that is. If I talk about furniture or I tell what happened, what's at home. I talk as it is

Do not try, as someone says "crap" or something else.

If I made a video, when he gives me the money and I try to take my money. In this it seems to me there is nothing illegal.

Because it's real. This is real, what is happening. It happens at this point in time, where we are.

I take it off accordingly. I then spread it. Is it bad or good? I try to record everything now.

Because I do not know. He now agreed to leave. In principle, it is not so and so it is not. He just came for a few hours.

Our life changes. He wants to tell me again, hang me. He does not actually live in principle, but comes for several hours.

And he wants me this way, how to give freedom. He allegedly gives me freedom. He does not give me freedom.

I am not a slave. Which was all these years and bonded.

I will do as I see it. He again tries to present all with a favor, that he will give money.

He even for HULA will have to provide, rent an apartment and will have to give money to children.

It's just a habit to represent everything in such a light that it does a favor. Here I am. I brought food.

Do not need any favors. I do not need anything from you. Something like that.

I understand that a lot of different comments about children will fall and I'm not good or something.

I want to live by myself and make my own decisions. It will be hard. Maybe it will be hard. It can be very hard.

But, it seems to me harder to live here in such a situation and do not change anything. It seems so to me.

Thank you all for your attention. See ya

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: HOW IS MY HUSBAND LEFT ❓❓❓ (English subtitles) - Duration: 24:45.


山口組実録シリーズ 「菱の血判」その⑧ ~菅谷コネクション~ - 今日のニュース - Duration: 16:35.

For more infomation >> 山口組実録シリーズ 「菱の血判」その⑧ ~菅谷コネクション~ - 今日のニュース - Duration: 16:35.


TALKING TOM cat RUNNING FOR the GOLD #133 ASTRONAUT TOM FRIENDS Ben Hank ginger Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:21.

For more infomation >> TALKING TOM cat RUNNING FOR the GOLD #133 ASTRONAUT TOM FRIENDS Ben Hank ginger Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 20:21.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Survey: Many adults don't have basic knowledge of Holocaust - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Survey: Many adults don't have basic knowledge of Holocaust - Duration: 2:21.


Chingri Malaikari Recipe—Bengali Prawn Malai Curry—Bengali Prawn Curry—Noboborsho Special - Duration: 6:46.

Chingri Malaikari

1kg large tiger (bagda chingri) or giant freshwater (golda chingri) prawns

bay leaves 3 pcs; dried red chillies 3 pcs; cloves 4 pcs; cardamom 4 pcs; cinnamon 2 pcs

plain yoghurt 60g; onion paste 200g

green chillies 6 pcs; ginger paste 20g

ghee 10g; vegetable oil 50g

turmeric 4g; kashmiri red chilli 1 tsp; salt 24g; sugar 36g; bengali garam masala ½ tsp

first-press coconut milk 300g

second-press coconut milk 200g

clean the prawns


left eye

right eye


we're keeping the two beautiful blue legs intact for presentation; you may cut them off

watch full video: how to clean and devein prawns (link in description)

cut along the back

locate the intestine


cut a triangle out of the prawn head

In large prawns, the stomach may contain food/algae.

It is usually black in colour and harmless.

Remove it if you want.


coat with ½ tsp salt

¼ tsp turmeric

we have also left the shells on; you may remove them if you like

heat the pan well

vegetable oil


fry prawns in batches for 45 seconds on each side

set aside

If not too burnt, use the same oil. It has the flavour of the prawns


temper with dried red chillies

bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves

onion paste

add all the sugar: it will help brown the onions

sauté onions on medium heat until brown; stir frequently (10 minutes)

turmeric, kashmiri red chilli

a splash of the thin coconut milk to help fry the spices

ginger paste

sauté on medium heat for 5 minutes

add a splash of thin coconut milk whenever the spices dry out

beat yoghurt until lump-free

stir vigorously to prevent yoghurt from splitting

slit green chillies


rest of the thin coconut milk

keep cooking until oil separates (4 minutes)

thick coconut milk

fried prawns

don't forget the drippings!

cover and bubble on low heat (5 minutes)

don't overcook or the prawns will become tough and chewy!

bengali garam masala (link in description)

For more infomation >> Chingri Malaikari Recipe—Bengali Prawn Malai Curry—Bengali Prawn Curry—Noboborsho Special - Duration: 6:46.


Tank Battle HEROES WW2 Game Modern World of Shooting 2018 Gameplay T-Bull Android iOS - Duration: 2:22.

Tank Battle HEROES WW2 Game Modern World of Shooting Gameplay T-Bull Android iOS

For more infomation >> Tank Battle HEROES WW2 Game Modern World of Shooting 2018 Gameplay T-Bull Android iOS - Duration: 2:22.


Les Anges 10: Claire Tomek a-t-elle eu recours au bistouri ? Elle répond - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Les Anges 10: Claire Tomek a-t-elle eu recours au bistouri ? Elle répond - Duration: 3:20.





沙特舉辦史上首屆時裝周,T台秀禁止男性觀眾入場! - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 沙特舉辦史上首屆時裝周,T台秀禁止男性觀眾入場! - Duration: 6:14.


Fast And The Fearless | Road Rangers Videos | Songs And Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 1:02:23.

Fast And The Fearless Road Rangers

For more infomation >> Fast And The Fearless | Road Rangers Videos | Songs And Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 1:02:23.


Watch Dogs - Another way to get back to the ground - Duration: 4:13.

You know the slide bomb hop already.

Now let me show you another way.

When you saw something like this.

Only from the left side.

Stay close to the wall, aim to turn Aiden's body back.

One step x 2

Let the bottom of the camera parallel to the wall.

Let's try it again.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Watch Dogs - Another way to get back to the ground - Duration: 4:13.



For more infomation >> ЦСКА 2:2 АРСЕНАЛ | МАРСЕЛЬ 5:2 ЛЕЙПЦИГ | ОБЗОР МАТЧЕЙ ЛЕ | ПОРВЕМ КАНОНИРОВ! [ЧТО ВЧЕРА БЫЛО?] - Duration: 8:07.


Champagne Papi - Duration: 29:25.

For more infomation >> Champagne Papi - Duration: 29:25.


Sitter Dating Sister Mattress - Duration: 21:20.

For more infomation >> Sitter Dating Sister Mattress - Duration: 21:20.


Plus belle la vie : Abdel Fedala meurtrier de Patrick Nebout, quel avenir dans - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : Abdel Fedala meurtrier de Patrick Nebout, quel avenir dans - Duration: 2:45.


Spaghetti super easy and delicious the whole family loves and a dinner idea that can't be beaten! - Duration: 1:59.

Spaghetti is complete meal by itself

It has protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and fibre

It has no cholesterol

Let's get started and make it Spaghetti

First in a bowl put 150 grams of boneless chicken cut into long strips

1/2 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste, 1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon soya sauce

1/2 teaspoon vinegar and mix well and marinade for 10 minutes

Next in a pan take 2tbsp of oil

1 tablespoon of garlic chopped fine and saute for 2 minutes on medium flame

Then add 1 onion chopped lengthwise and saute for 2 minutes on medium flame

Add marinated chicken and saute until it turns white on medium flame

Add 1 capsicum chopped lengthwise and saute for 1 minutes on medium flame

Add 1 tomato chopped fine and saute for 1 minute

Add salt to taste, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder

1/2 teaspoon oregano, 1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes

2 tablespoons of tomato ketchup, 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar and mix well

Add 2 tablespoons of water and mix well

Add 250 grams spaghetti and mix well and cook for 2 to 3 minutes

Add 1 bowl of greens of spring onion mix well and cook for 1 minute

Delicious and tasty Spaghetti is ready to serve

If you have liked my recipe

And if you're not already subscribed

Don't forget to click the subscribe button on this side

Like it and share it with your friends and relatives

The link of my other recipes are displayed on the side for you to click and see

Take very good care for yourself and your family

Stay healthy, happy and fit

Thank you for watching Nalini Ki Rasoi

For more infomation >> Spaghetti super easy and delicious the whole family loves and a dinner idea that can't be beaten! - Duration: 1:59.



Intro is Playing

For more infomation >> UNLOCKED 🔥MICRO GT🔥 | MMX HILL DASH 2 | HOW TO GET NITRO IN GAME 😉 - BY PRESTIGE | HUTCH GAMES - Duration: 8:59.


How to Get a Teenager to Clean Up - Duration: 7:23.

How do you get a teenager to clean their room?

Excellent question and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, this show is brought to you by my

In the resource section, we have a whole section on cleaning for kids and teenagers.

All right, so on to today's question, which comes from somebody who watched a show that

we did the other day, on how to get kids to clean.

Now, in this show we did the other day, there was a really important piece of information

that we shared with you.

It was on my data versus your data.

Now, no matter how old the kid is, no matter if it's a teenager or a college kid, or your

spouse, when you ask a question to anyone, for any reason, what you're asking for is,

give me your data.

Because people will argue with your data, but they will never with their own.

When you're trying to get a kid inspired, a teenager or young adult, to clean their

space or to clean their room, what you need to do is, you need to ask them, what does

a clean room look like to you?

And have them give you their data.

Once they give you their data, now you have some information to go from.

Once you have the data on what they think a clean room is, you can either agree to that,

or you can add on to that.

Now, together, you can come up with what a clean room is.

When I ask you to clean your room, here's what I'm asking,

do you understand, do you agree?

Okay, once you've had that conversation, now, as a young adult or as a teenager, there are

things that are going to inspire a teenager that are not blue ribbons.

Those things are going to be electronics, it's going to be the car keys, it's going

to be gas of the car, it's going to be insurance for the car, it's going to be going out with

friends and needing money.

There are a bunch of other things that a young adult or a teenager needs, that maybe a young

child does not need.

Instead of cash, and I know some families give allowances for their kids for chores,

or what have you, but instead of getting cash, it's easy to work a point system.

A point system in their head is not the same as dollars.

Each point is worth so many dollars so you might say 10 points equals $1.

I'm using this in U.S. terms.

It's going to be different from euros or peso's, or pounds, or whatever your currency is.

Let's say one dollar equals 10 points, so then you place a value on everything.

If you make your bed, that is worth five points.

If you clean up the vanity around where you brush your teeth, that is worth five points.

If you empty the trash and you take it out to the curb on trash day,

that is worth five points.

All the points get to be added up and tallied up, so that you are able to keep a running

tally of the different points that your child has earned.

Now, what happens is, if they misbehave.

If they skip school, if they don't do their homework, if they come home late from school

or whatever it is, then points are deducted.

You can have earning points and you can points taken away.

Now, when they go to buy something, you buy those with the points.

Let's see how many points you have, which equals so many dollars.

I'm so sorry, I guess you don't get to go out with your friends to the movies this weekend

because you don't have enough points to go.

Now, a lot of parents will just give their kids money, they give their kids new shoes,

and they give their kids smart phones, and games, and electronics, and PlayStations,

and all these things, but what happens is, the kids don't put any value on them because

they didn't earn it.

They don't take care of it.

Because they don't take care of it, they drop the phones in the toilet, and they smash the

PlayStations, and things get thrown at the computer screens that you have to replace

the whole computer, or you have to replace the screen.

Or, they lose the remote control on the TV, whatever.

They don't take care of stuff because there's no value in it.

Suddenly, if everything has a value, and there are points, what's going to happen is, they're

going to start keeping track of the points.

You will too, but suddenly, everything has a value.

You'll notice that your kids not only keep a cleaner space, but they start taking care

of the things that they have.

If they had to buy a shirt for 250 points, it's unlikely it's going to sit there on the

floor where it gets stepped on.

That shirt has value and so they're going to hang it up when they're done with it, and

they're probably going to make sure that it goes in the wash and it gets a stain on it,

that they rub it out with a dish soap or whatever, so that it's not a stained shirt, because

they paid 250 points for it.

What you want to do is, you want to create a value with the things that you let your

children earn.

By doing that, what happens is, it creates a whole new environment of they're not just

entitled to receive stuff for free.

As a result, they have to earn what they have.

When you come in and you say it's time to clean your room and I'm going to be in in

15 minutes to check, you're coming in with a checklist

and you're going to be adding points.

Little things, like picking up all the toys, equals five points.

That's five more points that they didn't have a minutes ago.

If picking up all the clothes, or putting the clothes in the hamper, or cleaning off

the vanity, or scrubbing out the toilet, if all of these things points attached, they

could rack up 100 points very quickly.

What you want to do is, you want to create value for them, so that it's easy to earn

points, but also that those points are redeemable for something.

Now, the truth of the matter is, there are things you're going to give your kid anyway

because you love your kid and you provide for your kid.

If you teach your kid from a very young age that everything has a price associated with

it, then as the child gets older and they want to buy bigger things, because the day

will come when they're like, "Hey, mom, dad,

I'm old enough to drive a car, can you buy me a car?"

"I don't know, let's see how many points you have."

"Oh my goodness, how many points?

You mean I got to earn the car, too?"


If you start telling them that when they're eight or 10-years-old, they can start saving

their points toward a vehicle.

Now, I promise you this, if the kid has to buy their own car,

they're going to take care of it.

They're not going to let people eat in it,

they're not going to get all kinds of junk in it.

They're going to vacuum it out, they're going to take it down to the carwash.

I mean, they're going to take care of the vehicle because they had to pay for it.

The same goes with their college education.

Instead of you just giving it to them and letting them blow away their college years

being drunk at parties, suddenly they had to earn this.

These are points that they earned and as you put those points towards something of value,

it's a whole different ballgame, because they value that.

They will take that value into their adulthood, where they appreciate the things that they

earn, instead of just expecting the whole world is going to give them a living and they

got to do nothing in exchange.

All right.

That my friend is how you teach a teenager or a grown adult, young, grown adult that

lives with you, how to clean up after themselves.

You create a rewards system that is based on points and they are redeemable for things

that are of value to that person.

There you go.

All righty, that's my two cents for today.

Until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> How to Get a Teenager to Clean Up - Duration: 7:23.


Incy Wincy Spider | Little Red Car | Cartoon Video For Kids - Duration: 44:32.

The Incy Wincy spider, went up the water spout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

And the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!

Hi! Look at that spider..

The Incy Wincy spider, went up the water spout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

And the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again! he fun..

The Incy Wincy spider, went up the water spout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

And the Incy Wincy spider went up the spout again!

For more infomation >> Incy Wincy Spider | Little Red Car | Cartoon Video For Kids - Duration: 44:32.


Mixed Media mini layout FabScraps Memory Lane - Duration: 19:24.

For more infomation >> Mixed Media mini layout FabScraps Memory Lane - Duration: 19:24.


Let's play Farcry 5 (Hard mode) Part 9: Can't go enywhere! - Duration: 18:45.

Hey and welcome to the another episode of Let's Play Farcry 5.

Last time we rescued merle (dixon) from peggies, steal a chopper from out friends and went help american soldier to protect hes ancestors.

Where we still are because i died......... A lot.

Okey, i need to get rid of this

There it goes.

So far so good.

3 more cars, really?

I notice.

I wonder, is this six or seven try for now when i try to complete this mission?

What a flamethrower?

Way to suprise me. Put a enemy in there that was never in there.

Or have i reach to cheak point?


Don't you kill me again.

Was that it?

Good to know.

Now i can finaly go somewhere else.

Yeah, she hiddes behind my back while all the sh*t its on me.

What i hit him?

Great, now what i do whit this?

No info.

I quess i just blow it up.

Nothing. Maybe i should have take it to the outpost but too late for that now.

My chopper is still here.

But where do i go?

I could take this one down.

But i need Nicks plane to do that.

So let's go there.

What the?


Okey good, you can have my chopper.

And i'm gonna drop that one.

Well they shot me down quickly.

Its seems i need to walk back there.

Or i take your card.

Let's mark my destination.

That was not my plan.

Its safer to run through the forest.

You two need to die.

Let's try something new.

That was fun.

What beehive? do they get mad if i destroy it?


You could just stop. :(

I sincerely doubt that.

That man's crazy.

A car, let's take a risk that i will soon regret.

And here we are again.

Can i customize my plane?

Only 9 grand.

I don't need money right now.

But i will end this episode right here and in a next time we will challange the skys again.

I hope you all enjoyed, thank you all for watching, leavea comment on video if you like and subscribe. I will see you in a next video.

When was the last time i eat someting?

For more infomation >> Let's play Farcry 5 (Hard mode) Part 9: Can't go enywhere! - Duration: 18:45.


Night Owls May Be More Likely Serious Get Diabetes - Duration: 3:54.


Owls May Be More Likely to Die, Get Diabetes !

People who stay up late may have an increased risk of mortality and developing certain health

problems, new research says.

People who routinely stay up late may have a greater risk of mortality, according to

new research The study tracked 433268 adults over an average

of six-and-a-half years.

Those who identified as "definite evening types" were 10 percent more likely to die

than their early bird counterparts.

Bad news, night people: If you routinely stay up late, you may be more likely to die, get

diabetes, or develop a psychological illness.

people who identify as "definite evening types" are more susceptible to several health

problems, including diabetes, neurological disorders, psychological illness, and a higher

risk of mortality than those who identify as "definite morning types."

Researchers tracked 433268 adults in the United Kingdom over an average of six-and-a-half


The participants were asked to put themselves into one of four categories: "definitely

a morning person"; "more a morning person than evening person"; "more an evening

than a morning person"; or "definitely an evening person."

Over the course of the study, just over 10000 participants died, and researchers found that

those who identified as "definite evening types" were 10 % more likely to die than

their sunrise-loving counterparts.

"Previous work has shown that people who are evening types — are night owls — tend

to have worse health profiles, including things like diabetes and heart disease,

It wasn't just an increased risk of dying that was more prevalent among night owls.

Researchers also found that the "definite evening types" were nearly twice as likely

to indicate they had some sort of psychological illness than the "definite morning types."

"What we think might be happening is, there's a problem for the night owl who's trying

to live in the morning lark world," Knutson said.

"This mismatch between their internal clock and their external world could lead to problems

for their health over the long run, especially if their schedule is irregular.

How to Hack Your Sleep Schedule ! Are you a night owl who wants to shake up

their sleep cycle in the name of a longer, healthier life?

Try starting small, focusing on getting to bed 30 minutes earlier and gradually adding


However, if you believe you're forever destined to be an evening person — whether it's

your work schedule or something else difficult to change — We recommends using these findings

as a wake-up call to pay extra attention to your health.

"An important message here is for night owls to realize that they have these potential

health problems and therefore need to be more vigilant about maintaining a healthy lifestyle,"

"Eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep — all of these things are important,

and maybe particularly so for night owls."

For more infomation >> Night Owls May Be More Likely Serious Get Diabetes - Duration: 3:54.


Sumpah Pendekar by SOG Orchestra Version (BEHIND THE SCENE of HIFAxSOG) with SCORE - Duration: 8:04.

Hey beib! It's me again MK Ridzuan or also known as


For this video I want to share 'behind the scene'

for Sumpah Pendekar music arrangement by SOG

and the best thing about this video is I will share

the score of the arrangement

and you guys will be able to see all the 'bean sprouts'

while listening to the real live performance.

SOG (Sekumpulan Orang Gila) is a post-hardcore band

but for this particular concert (HIFAxSOG)

they were playing acoustics accompanied by

a string orchestra with a

flute (seruling).

In term of the process, we went through series of

discussion between SOG and I

We discussed what is the concept

or what it is that we want to portray.

I have to understand what Sumpah Pendekar is all about.

For my side, I had to transcribe the song

I have to write the melody

and the chord progression.

From there I arranged the song

according to what we've agreed.

Then....what else? And then we rehearse lah.

In term of concept

Actually this is a post-hardcore song so

when we have orchestra and SOG at that time played acoustic

intruments, so what we were trying to do was

we tried to deliver the message of this song

in an intimate way and simpler.

The tempo is supposed to be fast

but this time we make it slower

because we want that intimacy feeling.

We want to highlight the message (lyric) of the song

to give more impact.

Another thing is this song itself is a story

about Malay tribe

and if we look at the original song

there is Malay element in it.

This is what makes SOG unique

they have Malay elements in their songs.

Malay or Nusantara elements.

So for the concert what we did was

we tried to put stronger Malay element.

We played 'asli' at the end section of the song.

Because we want to give that Malay 'flavour'.

In term of orchestral arrangement

it was simple, minimal and at the same time

almost like film scoring, more towards ambient music.

I didn't write much for flute specifically

but I gave lead sheet to my flutist because I know

Faliq, he is a prolific flutist, he can improvise

so I just let him know where are the places he can adlib.

I trusted him at that time so I gave him space and

freedom for him to contribute to the arrangement.

I think the most important thing to consider

before we do an arrangement is

mood and concept that we are trying to explore.

It depends on the song itself

sometimes the lyric clearly tells the story.

I think an arrangement is supposed to compliment the story

and not to create a new story.

Another important thing to consider is

our musicians technical ability.

For this concert, the orchestra members are mostly students

so I can't write something that's too technically demanding

because if the musicians are struggling with technical

they wont be able to deliver the essence of the song.

We don't want them to struggle with their technical

so we make it simpler and impactful lah.

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