Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 13 2018

Ever since its launch in 1999, the Super Smash Bros. series has consistently stood as one

of Nintendo's best-selling franchises worldwide.

Its unique gameplay, multiple modes, myriad of customizable options, wealth of content

and all-star cast have turned it into a hit with players both casual and hardcore alike.

Super Smash Bros.' wild popularity shows no signs of waning either, with the recent

announcement of the next game in the series coming later this year to the Nintendo Switch.

So, to celebrate, let's take a look back at what's currently the latest game in the

series, Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U, and investigate some of the ways it was

changed in different countries around the world.

Let's begin with the Robotic Operating Buddy, or R.O.B.

This toy-like accessory was originally bundled with the Nintendo Entertainment System in

a successful ploy to persuade retailers in the United States to stock it in the aftermath

of the Video Game Crash of 1983.

Meanwhile in Japan, R.O.B. was known as the "Family Computer Robot" and was recolored

to match the Famicom's cream and red color scheme.

Fittingly then, while both skins are available across all versions of Super Smash Bros. 4,

the Japanese version uses the Famicom R.O.B. as its default skin whereas the International

releases default to the NES R.O.B.

Amusingly enough though, the opposite was true for R.O.B.'s All-Star trophy in the 3DS

version of the game.

As all characters' All-Star trophies feature them in an alternative skin, this caused the

Japanese version of R.O.B.'s All-Star trophy to use the NES skin while the International

trophy used the Famicom skin.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U sidestepped this entirely by using R.O.B.'s green and gold

skin on its All-Star trophy for all regions.

Finally, due to the character's different name in Japan, the game's announcer calls


"Robot" in the Japanese version.

R.O.B. was far from the only character whose Japanese name differs from their name in the

West though.

Whilst there's far too many to go into here, a few examples include "King Dedede", who

is known just as "Dedede" in Japan.

"Charizard" who is known as "Lizardon".

And "Dark Pit", who is referred to as "Black Pit".

Also, many of the speaking characters had their lines dubbed into the language of their


A big thanks here to the YouTuber Cyberman65 who has a big 60 minute video showing off

most of these language differences.

You can find a link to their full video in the description.

Still, a few characters, such as Marth, Roy, and Cloud, remained undubbed and spoke Japanese

throughout every version of the game.

That is except for Mewtwo, who bizarrely had his Japanese dialogue removed from every Western

release of the game.

As to be expected, the European versions of Super Smash Bros. 4 were localized into many

of the continent's various languages, including German, French, Italian, and so forth.

However, did you know that there exists a number of differences between the North American

English and the European English versions of the game?

For instance, Duck Hunt was originally called Duck Hunt Duo over in Europe.

This name change also caused Palutena's Guidance lines for the character to be changed

per region.

First up is the US version…

And then the European version…

An even bigger change was made with both the male and female Wii Fit Trainers, who had

different voice actors casted for the European English version of the game.

Appropriately, these are the same voice actors who voiced the European English version of

Wii Fit.

An especially odd change lies in the trophy descriptions between the two English versions


For whatever reason, instead of simply using the trophy descriptions from the North American

English localization of Super Smash Bros. 4, Nintendo of Europe revised or retranslated

nearly every single description themselves.

For example, the trophy description for Master Hand in the North American version reads,

"The mysterious Master Hand is the source of creation in the Smash Bros. universe.

He appears in Final Destination when all other rivals are defeated.

He fights with a diverse move set and only grows stronger if you make him angry.

If you know when to fight and when to dodge, you'll take him down!"

Meanwhile, the European English version's description is, "Master Hand personifies

creation in the Smash Bros. universe.

After defeating all your rivals, you face him in Final Destination.

He forms various shapes to unleash a wide range of attacks, and on high intensities

he'll become speedier, deal more damage and launch you further.

To beat him, you'll need to know when to attack and when to hold back."

Speaking of trophies, a couple of them fell victim to censorship in Japan.

The Japanese trophy model of Wonder Pink from The Wonderful 101 changed her pose entirely

and lengthened her skirt to be a bit less revealing.

In fact, comparing each of the models' textures will reveal that the Japanese version is noticeably

darker in a very particular area.

The Japanese trophy for Lynn from the Fire Emblem series also lightly lengthened her

skirt, closed it up at the hip, and darkened the area around her posterior as well.

Interestingly though, this change was made exclusively to her trophy, leaving her in-game

model unchanged from the International releases.

Palutena wasn't as lucky however.

As of update 1.0.6 of the Japanese version of the game, Palutena's skirt was closed

up at the hip similar to Lynn.

Furthermore, her underwear was also closed up at the hip, lengthened and darkened.

Contrary to Lynn though, these changes were made for Palutena's in-game model as well

as her trophies.

On reporting these cases of censorship, Source Gaming published a translated excerpt of an

interview with series director Masahiro Sakurai reflecting on the story behind these changes.

To quote, "One of the first things they say in overseas ratings reviews is 'no guns'

— that I can understand.

But in Japan, they immediately ask 'could you show us all the female characters upside-down?'"

"…Super Smash Bros. for Wii U almost didn't make its scheduled release date because of

ratings issues.

We had to revise Palutena and Wonder Pink's models over and over again."

"We had Palutena wearing shorts and made the inside of Wonder Pink's skirt too dark

to see anything.

Nevertheless, CERO told us the designs were 'sexually provocative.'

They were being ridiculous and frankly quite juvenile."

"Underwear is just a piece of fabric.

If you're more worried about something trivial like whether you can see some cloth than whether

a game includes firearms, you clearly ought to get your priorities in order."

There are a few other changes between regions but, to finish off for today, let's take another

look at Palutena's Guidance scenes.

Similar to Snake's codec conversations in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Pit's Smash Taunt

can activate a conversation with Palutena about the opponent Pit is facing.

The scenes can offer some great background info about the characters involved, as well

as a healthy dose of humor.

Due to the large amount of translation needed for these scenes, looking into each region's

version can also reveal some interesting differences.

For instance, in the English version of Palutena's Guidance about Link, Viridi ogles over Link,

praising his chiseled features and comments how his "cheekbones could seriously cut glass".

In the original Japanese version, however, she praises his masculine physique and then

cries out his name with a love heart added to

the subtitles.

Further changes to this scene can be found when Palutena asks Viridi if she would like

to be introduced to him.

In the English version, she doesn't seem too bothered and simply says "if you insist".

Over in Japan though, she screams out "Mind your own business!!"

With two exclamation points added at the end and a much more emotional portrait.

To finish though, let's take a look at Palutena's Guidance about Mega Man, as even if you don't

understand Japanese, the majority of the dialogue is in English even in the Japanese version,

but with Japanese voice actors.

First up is the English version and, until next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How Super Smash Bros. 4 Is Changed In Different Countries - Duration: 10:02.



Hello guys, welcome back with me isengdudegame...

Okay this time we will do siege battle vs fatboy (chinnese nick)

But this is sub guild "fatboy"

Okay now we try to attack Y8

Okay we try this one...

If we find Eshir then we use Jultan...


Orion maybe??

No, we use Racuni...

With Ninja

Let just started...

Okay we try def break Khmun

Hit it again...

Okay we try to stun..

Hit it....

Ouch it hurt....

It realy hurt....

Def break again? wow nice RNG this time

I dont know whats wrong with my Jultan

Okay we kill Khmun slowly..

We ry to kill Khmun first, ouch no def break...

Thats too bad...

Def break Orion?? failed...

Its okay.... heal again...

Okay we hit Eshir... Can we kill it???

Its not, too bad...

Upppssss did Eshir die?? not yet.... kill it...

Its okay, Jultan will be heal by Racuni...

Hit this...still no def break...

Thats too bad.... STun??

Also not stun....

Okay we heal...

Very good....

Ouch Jultan dead?? Lucky he's not..


Okay Khmun die... NICESUUUU....

Nice... DIEEEE.... not yet.....

Any new target???

Hmmmm.. this def look suspicious...

We use this.... lets go....

Wish me luck... not so sure about this...

Ouch its hurt....

Okay we kill ninja first...

Okay we hit this...

We hit again...

No effect.... die you!!!

OMG im using *5 combo to hit this *4 enemy...


Bomb.... YOLO.....

How if they faster??? Fu*k then....

Lucky we move first....

But let see if the bomb all miss then SURAMMMMMMMM~

PLEASE HELP.... Thank you....

Thanks a lot....


LOL fast.... awesome....

Okay, this open now...

We can do this...

Lets try...

I hope its not will shield... we can do it...

Okay, this will end fast...

Looks like..

I hope we can kill 2...

Continue.... any open tower that we can attack??

Okay we continue, we need to destroy Y5

Very important...

We use Rina...... lets go...

Wish me luck...


Damn it....

This is crazy...

Head ache... why should Ritesh????


Lucky Ritesh procs, if not i already angry


Its okay if we have Rina to counter Seara... easy...

I hate when Seara change target because def break...

Okay we back, new target appear... Y1 Y2.....

We try this...

Chiwu Charlote...

Are we lucky this time???

Wish me luck...

Please Chiwu please....

Hit it....

Ouch this is danger.... damn...


We stun them... double stun...

This is danger....

We hit this...

This is danger..

Ouch... we should stun them or we die....

We kill Rakan...

We should kill Anavel...

Can we???

We will only hit Anavel..... again...... and again...

Die you.... nice...

Cmon, we win this...

Sleep..... die you.....


We got it....

Okay we try this....

Lets try it.... wish me luckk...

Okay wish me luckkkkkkk

bad luck if we lose..

Okay i hope we can kill it..

OMG so close....

Crazy... only break shield..

I hope..

Die you!!! nicesuuuuuuuuuuu we win this...

Very good....

Okay we continue... new tower open..

Which one to attack??

Lets go try this...

Wish me luck... maybe.....

If they move first we dead...

Ouw... shit....

They are so slow...

Which one to kill??

We dead... they have 2 killer..

Ouch good... so we kill Icares... Please dieeee...

Hit this.... ouch not def break...

WEw this Bethony suck....

Yesterday using you its okay Bethony...

Using you in guild war is good....whyyy

Bad girll..

This time if still no ignore def... very bad luck for me...

We dead....

This is insane...

Im triggered... 2x no ignore def... Bethony suck

This is last...



Insane..... WTF with RNG......


Damn it...

3 change no ignore def.... INSANE

Okay, we try again.....

We try this one...

Use briand to tank Ninja... we need def break...

Like this...

Resist or def lead?? Okay lets try it...

We need to kill Racuni first...

Okay we hit Ninja... nice...

Die you... nice...

We win...

Ouw... nice...

Okay, only 1 chance left... use it tommorow..

For more infomation >> NAT 5 TEAM VS NAT 4 TEAM SIEGE BATTLE SUMMONERS WAR ASIA SERVER - Duration: 24:16.


Live IPTV en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Live IPTV en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:48.


Fontana Folle at Jakarta Tour - Short Documentary Vol.1 - Duration: 6:58.

Hi everyone. We are a band called Fontana Folle.

Let us introduce us briefly.

Alvin: I'm a vocalist, Alvin. Yuki: I'm a leader/bassist, Yuki Lee.

Yoko: And I'm a support keyboardist, Yoko Yamazaki.

Yuki: Well, what are we going to talk about? Yoko: We just went to Indonesia Yuki: Oh yeah, that's right. Yoko: They brought me to the tour.

Yuki: We've done three gigs in total. Then, the first one was at "Mondo by the Rooftop"

It was a place widely renowned and supported by many people in Jakarta. I would say it's like a sanctuary of the cool indie music scene in Indonesia.

Then, many people supported us for this tour came to the show there. Sachiko Asada, the cool music videographer, Rieko Yui from The Japan Foundation

and very popular singer song writer in Indonesia, Hiroaki Kato They all came to the show.

It was like... it was really touching moment for us. Alvin: Yeah, it was a great moment. Great guests.

Yoko: It was a cool moment, filled of love. Yuki: Yeah, it was.

Yoko: The place was very comfortable indeed. Yuki: True. Yoko: I can tell it's because Shun created the cool atmosphere (the owner of Mondo) Everybody is welcome to come.

Yuki: I noticed one thing on the wall there. It was a really great phrase. "Tampa batas. Damai Dunia" It means "Break the boarders. World piece"

Yuki: I was really impressed by his philosophy and devotion, as he is doing it as a foreigner in the complex multicultural country like Indonesia.

I want to play such a great place again.

Yuki: Then, the second gig was at The Japan Foundation. The organization was established to be a cultural bridge in between of Japan and other countries.

It was almost one month before going to Jakarta when we got the offer from them.

The offer was for the event called, "Japan Week" The event week to introduce Japanese culture basically and they wanted to have a day for music specifically at the event.

Their plan was to have dual guests including us. The other one is Mondo Gascaro, the giant of Indonesian cool indie music scene. He took a part at a talk show and we performed some songs at the same event.

Then, well. I thought like "Dude, is it really OK to have such a lot of audiences?" (As it's first time for us to perform in Indonesia)

We had Q&A session after the show. Yoko: There were many high school students too. Yuki: Yeah, true.

Yuki: We got many adults too. Yoko: Yeah. The Q&A session was really fun.

Yuki: Yeah, we got many questions about where our music actually came from. We talked about Italian music of course, Brazilian and Japanese too.

Yuki: About Japanese music Mondo Gascaro talked about it a lot at his talk show. We were asked about the difference of Jazz and Brazilian Jazz.

Yoko: Yeah, the important words at that time was Italian Jazz and Brazilian Jazz as the roots of Fontana Folle's music. It was really fun moment, covering many things from many countries.

Yoko: Then, Mondo Gascaro is quite familiar with Japan. Since he was inspired by City Pop he talked about the related musicians like Tatsuro Yamashita.

Yuki: It was really fun indeed. I only understood a very few words of him in Indonesian though.

Yuki: It was really great experience. Yoko: Yeah, it was fun.

I really want to do it again. Right we want to do it again?

For more infomation >> Fontana Folle at Jakarta Tour - Short Documentary Vol.1 - Duration: 6:58.


Why Haven't You Started?

For more infomation >> Why Haven't You Started?


Fabrizio Frizzi, Carlotta Mantovan e la decisione presa dopo la morte del marito - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi, Carlotta Mantovan e la decisione presa dopo la morte del marito - Duration: 4:17.


Come Preparare Un Potente Rimedio Antinfiammatorio Che Allevia il Dolore Articolare in 2… - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Come Preparare Un Potente Rimedio Antinfiammatorio Che Allevia il Dolore Articolare in 2… - Duration: 1:34.


BBB18 terá últimos dias de forma eletrizante e eliminação relâmpago sequencial - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> BBB18 terá últimos dias de forma eletrizante e eliminação relâmpago sequencial - Duration: 5:04.


Prova de resistência do BBB18 vale imunidade e o quarto lugar; acompanhe ao vivo - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Prova de resistência do BBB18 vale imunidade e o quarto lugar; acompanhe ao vivo - Duration: 7:42.


Катя Адушкина - Лимонад (караоке+аккорды) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Катя Адушкина - Лимонад (караоке+аккорды) - Duration: 3:24.


VLOG/ colei 150 figurinhas no album da copa *07* - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> VLOG/ colei 150 figurinhas no album da copa *07* - Duration: 9:17.


Live IPTV en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Live IPTV en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:48.


Divulgação 3 canais em sorte | Disclosure 3 channels in luck | ENGLISH ESPAÑOL DEUTSCH - Duration: 11:59.

Hello people. Big V. MOTOPT2. Today we are going to do it here like a

a channel disclosure, no I will say the name of each

channel, even because they are 114, should be the back of 110 that are

here at the moment, so I I'm going to make a passage here

presentation and I indicate and you if you want

visit channels can go therefore to this video, which is

my last video, or Forehand now in this case, which

is on the channel, and you can go visit these channels and see.

Then we will visit here 2 or 3 channels according to

time, this video has a limit, I am trying to do it

in less than 5 min, and then, I will visit 2 or

3 channels at the end, so you can see.

Keith Wong, a Big V for Keith Wong.

Caroline Nascimento, a great partner.

Taís de Oliveira, a hug for her.

And it's the last one.

Now as usual, let's run this and

choose here two channels, so at random.

Zueiraland, ready, let's go to Zueiraland here.

I here on the Zueiraland channel I will choose a video, that it

There is here, which for me has a spectacular seine.

It's this, this is it. For the sound.

And died.

So dear, this dog is spectacular, I love this animal.

This is not done, trickster.


You go, fall ho ho ho ho.

What an ass, give zero for it.

I can not resist coming back to the dog.

Search for another channel.

There are so many, they are all so cool that even it is unfair to come here to choose one.

Here the girls, let's see the girls.

Let's see here a video of them that is the paper house.

The staff plus a video here on the channel for you.

And today what people are going to talk about.

The paper house, runs the sticker there editor.

People to paper house, what series is this.

The paper house is a series, from Netflix

which is originally recorded in Spain.

Yes was the house of coin assault of Spain, was the largest

assault on the history of there so much is not for nothing,

It was not me, it was not me.

that turned a series is not. Eight bandits invade the mint

First they study long before to enter there, very much.

They know how much they study study, it is 4 months is.

4 to 6 months.

4 to 6 months, before you can assault this house, but have a

brain behind those eight participants in this crime.

What is called a teacher, because he machines everything and teaches

To others how the assault will take place, understood.

Then things start to happen around the movie they

They start arresting people of this tour and in addition,

They guide the video very well, they are very informative.

The employees are also trapped, by the assailants.

Yes, and there during the whole plot during the whole execution of the plan

some things come out wrong, but all this

teacher already knew, who is the person behind

All this, who sent the people there he did not.

Let's see the end of the video now.

- Kiss the guys until the next video - Wow.

I think it's still time for another video, if it does not look we're in the middle.

Lets see here, look at the Overland, nor do I lose more time.

Storm bikers, Kelly knows Gertrudes. Yes, Gertrudes is from Vmaxrider.

Warning already he's completely crazy.

This is the Vmaxrider, they are great friends he and the Overland.

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the

Overland, and today I'm going to tell you a story.

Storm Hugo was happening, and 5 motorcyclists decided to go on a ride.

Hugo has soaked all roads, but the motorcyclists decided to win.

One thing was right, no one left behind.

Well I go already now, because I've seen all the video, for the best part.

Happiness is the golden goal of the storm bikers,

and this can only be achieved by friendship, happiness and adventure.

Here is the Vmaxrider and the Overland.

Please subscribe leave your thumb up, and we'll see you around.

This channel is very cool too, I advise you to have a look there, and that's all.

I hope this video did not take too long.

A Big V for you. And up to an upcoming video.

Already know my campaign of weekly videos is over,

if today is Friday and it is 8PM hours, it was by sheer luck

because I will not now have video upload day, will

simply publish video when it hits my head.

And enjoy a little more life, too, because this

by weekly videos, it gives work, it gives a lot of work.

Big V. Up To A Next Video.

Weekly video campaign is over, now I'm uploading videos

in a very random way. Big V. Until an upcoming video.

For more infomation >> Divulgação 3 canais em sorte | Disclosure 3 channels in luck | ENGLISH ESPAÑOL DEUTSCH - Duration: 11:59.


《偶像练习生》其实就是一个笑话,出道9人早已知晓,只为骗关注 - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> 《偶像练习生》其实就是一个笑话,出道9人早已知晓,只为骗关注 - Duration: 11:50.


Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 42 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:05.

Everyday, I am getting used to what is called death.

Hafız, have a look at this scene.

All those martyrs, all that struggle...

All those sleepless night...

What happened? Is something wrong?

Ambushes that have been laid, traps that have been fallen into.. all because of this.

For the happiness of a child which we don't know at all.

For a granny who says; "may Turks come, so that we can feel at ease".

We have regarded death as friend and bitter as honey.

We are at the service of every innocent who needs us, not just in our beautiful country but in the rest of the world.

We are the guardians of our unity and our solidarity.

Until the end of the world...

For more infomation >> Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 42 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:05.


Shark Family Song. Funny Hide and Seek. PORORO, kids, toys, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:16.

Let me show you a magic boat!

Who is this?


How about this??

Shark family jelly

Where is she??

Grand father

Grand mother


Let's brush our teeth now

Baby shark

Daddy shark

For more infomation >> Shark Family Song. Funny Hide and Seek. PORORO, kids, toys, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:16.


Khloe Kardashian Gives Birth to Her First Child With Tristan Thompson - Duration: 2:40.

Khloe Kardashian Gives Birth to Her First Child With Tristan Thompson

Khloe Kardashianis officially a mom!. The 33-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star gave birth to a baby girl, her first child with Cleveland Cavaliers player Tristan Thompson, a source confirmed to E! News on Thursday. No other details were immediately available.

As fans will recall, sources revealed in September 2017 that Khloe was pregnant, but it wasnt until almost six months along her journey to baby that the 33-year-old finally announced the couple of more than a year was expecting.

Kardashian shared a photo of her growing baby bump with an emotional message to her fans, calling the major life milestone her greatest dream realized.. Khloe Kardashian, Tristan ThompsonInstagram.

I am so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed and scared all in one! But its the best bundle of feelings Ive ever felt in my life! she penned at the time.

Despite keeping a low-profile throughout the first stretch of her pregnancy with baggy ensembles and expertly-placed handbags, Khloe couldnt help but share special moments from the final few months as a mom-to-be with fans.

The Good American designers baby bump made a sparkly appearance at Kris Jenners annual Christmas Eve bash alongside her pregnant sister, Kylie Jenner, and she continued to document her usual workout routines with Kourtney Kardashian.

And in early March, Khloe was treated to a star-studded baby shower where her family and closest friends celebrated at the Hotel Bel Air in Los Angeles.

My baby shower was unbelievable, magical, everything I could have dreamed of and more!!! Khloe shared on her website. We felt so much LOVE from everyone and it is a day I know Tristan and I will never forget.

Khloe Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Kendall JennerInstagram. The road to baby was not without a major bump, however, as Kardashian gave birth to her little one on the heels of an alleged cheating scandal surrounding her longtime beau.

The Kardashian-Jenner family had KoKos back as mama Kris Jenner flew to Cleveland to be there for her daughter in her time of need. Khloes famous sisters are also expected to make the trip.

An insider previously told E! News, The whole family is especially happy for Khloes pregnancy.

And of course, Khloes felt the love from fellow moms Kourtney and Kim Kardashian. Another source said her sisters have been giving her a lot of pregnancy tips and Khloe calls them for every little question she has.

She is really relying on her sisters through this pregnancy. Kourtney always shares her health tips..

On an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe touched on her years-long desire to start a family of her own and revealed she had stopped taking birth control.

Soon after learning on the show that she was expecting a baby girl, Khloe expressed all her hopes for her daughter.

When asked to share the trait she hopes her baby inherits from the Kardashian side of the family, Khloe responded loyalty and family unity! And if her baby could excel in one area of life, the reality star answered with self-love.

Congratulations to the new mom and dad!.

For more infomation >> Khloe Kardashian Gives Birth to Her First Child With Tristan Thompson - Duration: 2:40.



For more infomation >> LA DUALIDAD, ENTRE EL BIEN Y EL MAL con LUZ ARNAU - Duration: 17:44.


5 remedios efectivos para la bronquitis - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> 5 remedios efectivos para la bronquitis - Duration: 8:28.


TERRIBLE 9 Chinese Ghost Who Once Scandalized The Supernatural World - Duration: 5:58.

A ghost is an astral being that is all around us.

They are usually created through various legends and hereditary tales.

Some of them have a sad and tragic story

so that the ghost's soul finally haunted forever.

Indonesia has a number of ghosts of its own faith

among others, pocong, kuntilanak and others

Japan also has its own ghosts

China is so

They are not only famous as the country of ginseng,

but also has a lot of ghost stories that are very scary

and make the hair goose bumps.

Here are the 9 most horrible ghosts in China Omlamis Version

Nu Gui

Nu Gui is a ghost of a long-haired woman in red dress.

This ghost is supposedly from women

who during his life died committed suicide while wearing a red dress.

Usually they die of sexual harassment and robbery.

Wutou Gui

Wutou Gui is a headless ghost who likes to roam to various places.

They are the manifestation of the deceased after the beheading.

Ba Jiao

Ba Jiao is a ghost of a woman who lives in a banana tree at night.

These ghosts are usually used by people to ask for lottery numbers or lotteries.

E Gui

E Gui is a ghost that appeared during the Chinese Ghost Festival.

E Gui is the incarnation of those who commit sins and greed during their lifetime.

Gui Po

Gui Po is a friendly ghost-shaped ghost.

This ghost is believed to be a good spirit who once worked as a baby sitter in a wealthy family.

Niu Tou Ma Mian

Niu Tou Ma Mian is a ghastly ghost-keeper ghost.

They have heads of oxen and horses and are stocky like men.

Heibai Wuchang

Heuchi Wuchang is believed to often appear during the Ghost Festival.

Whoever does good and rewards will be given a piece of gold by them.

This ghost has a terrible face and a long red tongue.

You Hun Ye Gui

You Hun Ye Gui is the ghost manifestation of people who are dead and keep on roaming.

During his lifetime, they were vindictive people.

They will continue to roam up to take revenge on those who have made him suffer during his lifetime.

Yuan Gui

Yuan Gui is portrayed as a depressed spirit and constantly agitated.

They are usually nervous because of sudden death,

such as being killed, accidents, and so forth.

That was 9 horrible ghosts in China

Cute really ghosts ghosts from this country? Which is the most scary of you?

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Do not forget to subscribe the OmLamis channel to keep up with the next creepy video

For more infomation >> TERRIBLE 9 Chinese Ghost Who Once Scandalized The Supernatural World - Duration: 5:58.


3 frullati naturali per combattere stress e ansia - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> 3 frullati naturali per combattere stress e ansia - Duration: 10:12.


How to setup Arduino and ESP8266? - Duration: 6:10.

Hi! In this tutorial I will show you how to easily set up and program esp8266

modules in Arduino environment. In this tutorial I will use NodeMCU V2

or V3 model. I designed this tutorial in 3 parts. First we will

install Arduino environment and the latest ESP core. In the second part we

will compile and program. And in the third part we will see how to install a

new library and see its examples.

Welcome to my youtube channel GreenEyedExplorer

where I explore further and beyond about tweaks, hacks, electronics and house repairs.

SETUP. Well let's start! First we download

arduino software from "". Find the program under the software section.

Then you install it. When it is installed, let's find the latest core for

our esp8266 modules. In browser enter "".

Find the latest version at the top and copy link of asset ending with ".json".

This is pre-release version. Instead you can get a latest stable release at the

same link address, but just cut the "releases" text and scroll down and search

for the ".json" link to copy. I always use pre-releases and check for new ones

every so often. Now we open arduino. Go to file - preferences. In the "additional

boards manager URL" paste the link we have just copied. Click OK.

Go to tools - board - boards manager.

Select updatable, select ESP, click update.

Wait a few moments and click close. That's it!


When you have the program on your hard drive just find it!

".INO" files will have a little arduino icon in front. Double click it. It will run

arduino environment. If you have previously used other type of arduino

board, you will have to change the board. Go to tools again, then select your board.

In my case "NodeMCU 1.0". When you plug your board into USB port, it will appear

under tools - port. Select it. When closing the Arduino program, it will remember

your last setting. There is a nice option to verify, if your code compiles. Press

ctrl+r key or click tick icon. To program press ctrl+u key or right

arrow icon. You can see shortcuts under sketch menu.


If you want to install a new library, you just have to go into sketch

menu, then include library. Here we see two options. One is "Add ZIP library", where

you can import your zip library packages you have downloaded from internet.

The other option is "manage libraries". Let's click it! Here are listed all your

libraries. You do not have to check this manager from time to time, as Arduino

checks for new versions by itself and asks you if you want an update. In our

case we use esp8266 core. This core uses arduino json and some other libraries.

If you update them, then you will maybe not be able to compile your ESP programs

anymore. These libraries change structure and calls, so the core cannot use them

anymore. Solution is to check the current version before the update. If new

library does not work, just downgrade it back. In the manager you can also search

for new libraries to install. Let's say we want to install a relay library.

Under "all" just type "relay". It will list all available libraries. Let's select

"firstbuilt - relay". Click install, click close. Under the menu file - examples we

can search and open enclosed examples and compile them.

That's it! Simple as that! I have to inform you, when programming the NodeMCU,

you just press "upload", as the USB connection can pull GPIO0 low by

asserting DTR and reset your board by asserting RTS. But if you use ESP-01,

you will need to enable flashing yourself by putting GPIO0 low or

pressing the flash key, if you have one, while powering up or resetting the module.

Happy programming! Don't forget to hit LIKE for this video, if you find it

educational. COMMENT below, if you have any questions

or thoughts. SHARE video with your friends and consider SUBSCRIBING to my

channel! More coming up!

For more infomation >> How to setup Arduino and ESP8266? - Duration: 6:10.


Trattamenti casalinghi per l'acne - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> Trattamenti casalinghi per l'acne - Duration: 7:55.


How Super Smash Bros. 4 Is Changed In Different Countries - Duration: 10:02.

Ever since its launch in 1999, the Super Smash Bros. series has consistently stood as one

of Nintendo's best-selling franchises worldwide.

Its unique gameplay, multiple modes, myriad of customizable options, wealth of content

and all-star cast have turned it into a hit with players both casual and hardcore alike.

Super Smash Bros.' wild popularity shows no signs of waning either, with the recent

announcement of the next game in the series coming later this year to the Nintendo Switch.

So, to celebrate, let's take a look back at what's currently the latest game in the

series, Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U, and investigate some of the ways it was

changed in different countries around the world.

Let's begin with the Robotic Operating Buddy, or R.O.B.

This toy-like accessory was originally bundled with the Nintendo Entertainment System in

a successful ploy to persuade retailers in the United States to stock it in the aftermath

of the Video Game Crash of 1983.

Meanwhile in Japan, R.O.B. was known as the "Family Computer Robot" and was recolored

to match the Famicom's cream and red color scheme.

Fittingly then, while both skins are available across all versions of Super Smash Bros. 4,

the Japanese version uses the Famicom R.O.B. as its default skin whereas the International

releases default to the NES R.O.B.

Amusingly enough though, the opposite was true for R.O.B.'s All-Star trophy in the 3DS

version of the game.

As all characters' All-Star trophies feature them in an alternative skin, this caused the

Japanese version of R.O.B.'s All-Star trophy to use the NES skin while the International

trophy used the Famicom skin.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U sidestepped this entirely by using R.O.B.'s green and gold

skin on its All-Star trophy for all regions.

Finally, due to the character's different name in Japan, the game's announcer calls


"Robot" in the Japanese version.

R.O.B. was far from the only character whose Japanese name differs from their name in the

West though.

Whilst there's far too many to go into here, a few examples include "King Dedede", who

is known just as "Dedede" in Japan.

"Charizard" who is known as "Lizardon".

And "Dark Pit", who is referred to as "Black Pit".

Also, many of the speaking characters had their lines dubbed into the language of their


A big thanks here to the YouTuber Cyberman65 who has a big 60 minute video showing off

most of these language differences.

You can find a link to their full video in the description.

Still, a few characters, such as Marth, Roy, and Cloud, remained undubbed and spoke Japanese

throughout every version of the game.

That is except for Mewtwo, who bizarrely had his Japanese dialogue removed from every Western

release of the game.

As to be expected, the European versions of Super Smash Bros. 4 were localized into many

of the continent's various languages, including German, French, Italian, and so forth.

However, did you know that there exists a number of differences between the North American

English and the European English versions of the game?

For instance, Duck Hunt was originally called Duck Hunt Duo over in Europe.

This name change also caused Palutena's Guidance lines for the character to be changed

per region.

First up is the US version…

And then the European version…

An even bigger change was made with both the male and female Wii Fit Trainers, who had

different voice actors casted for the European English version of the game.

Appropriately, these are the same voice actors who voiced the European English version of

Wii Fit.

An especially odd change lies in the trophy descriptions between the two English versions


For whatever reason, instead of simply using the trophy descriptions from the North American

English localization of Super Smash Bros. 4, Nintendo of Europe revised or retranslated

nearly every single description themselves.

For example, the trophy description for Master Hand in the North American version reads,

"The mysterious Master Hand is the source of creation in the Smash Bros. universe.

He appears in Final Destination when all other rivals are defeated.

He fights with a diverse move set and only grows stronger if you make him angry.

If you know when to fight and when to dodge, you'll take him down!"

Meanwhile, the European English version's description is, "Master Hand personifies

creation in the Smash Bros. universe.

After defeating all your rivals, you face him in Final Destination.

He forms various shapes to unleash a wide range of attacks, and on high intensities

he'll become speedier, deal more damage and launch you further.

To beat him, you'll need to know when to attack and when to hold back."

Speaking of trophies, a couple of them fell victim to censorship in Japan.

The Japanese trophy model of Wonder Pink from The Wonderful 101 changed her pose entirely

and lengthened her skirt to be a bit less revealing.

In fact, comparing each of the models' textures will reveal that the Japanese version is noticeably

darker in a very particular area.

The Japanese trophy for Lynn from the Fire Emblem series also lightly lengthened her

skirt, closed it up at the hip, and darkened the area around her posterior as well.

Interestingly though, this change was made exclusively to her trophy, leaving her in-game

model unchanged from the International releases.

Palutena wasn't as lucky however.

As of update 1.0.6 of the Japanese version of the game, Palutena's skirt was closed

up at the hip similar to Lynn.

Furthermore, her underwear was also closed up at the hip, lengthened and darkened.

Contrary to Lynn though, these changes were made for Palutena's in-game model as well

as her trophies.

On reporting these cases of censorship, Source Gaming published a translated excerpt of an

interview with series director Masahiro Sakurai reflecting on the story behind these changes.

To quote, "One of the first things they say in overseas ratings reviews is 'no guns'

— that I can understand.

But in Japan, they immediately ask 'could you show us all the female characters upside-down?'"

"…Super Smash Bros. for Wii U almost didn't make its scheduled release date because of

ratings issues.

We had to revise Palutena and Wonder Pink's models over and over again."

"We had Palutena wearing shorts and made the inside of Wonder Pink's skirt too dark

to see anything.

Nevertheless, CERO told us the designs were 'sexually provocative.'

They were being ridiculous and frankly quite juvenile."

"Underwear is just a piece of fabric.

If you're more worried about something trivial like whether you can see some cloth than whether

a game includes firearms, you clearly ought to get your priorities in order."

There are a few other changes between regions but, to finish off for today, let's take another

look at Palutena's Guidance scenes.

Similar to Snake's codec conversations in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Pit's Smash Taunt

can activate a conversation with Palutena about the opponent Pit is facing.

The scenes can offer some great background info about the characters involved, as well

as a healthy dose of humor.

Due to the large amount of translation needed for these scenes, looking into each region's

version can also reveal some interesting differences.

For instance, in the English version of Palutena's Guidance about Link, Viridi ogles over Link,

praising his chiseled features and comments how his "cheekbones could seriously cut glass".

In the original Japanese version, however, she praises his masculine physique and then

cries out his name with a love heart added to

the subtitles.

Further changes to this scene can be found when Palutena asks Viridi if she would like

to be introduced to him.

In the English version, she doesn't seem too bothered and simply says "if you insist".

Over in Japan though, she screams out "Mind your own business!!"

With two exclamation points added at the end and a much more emotional portrait.

To finish though, let's take a look at Palutena's Guidance about Mega Man, as even if you don't

understand Japanese, the majority of the dialogue is in English even in the Japanese version,

but with Japanese voice actors.

First up is the English version and, until next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How Super Smash Bros. 4 Is Changed In Different Countries - Duration: 10:02.



Hello guys, welcome back with me isengdudegame...

Okay this time we will do siege battle vs fatboy (chinnese nick)

But this is sub guild "fatboy"

Okay now we try to attack Y8

Okay we try this one...

If we find Eshir then we use Jultan...


Orion maybe??

No, we use Racuni...

With Ninja

Let just started...

Okay we try def break Khmun

Hit it again...

Okay we try to stun..

Hit it....

Ouch it hurt....

It realy hurt....

Def break again? wow nice RNG this time

I dont know whats wrong with my Jultan

Okay we kill Khmun slowly..

We ry to kill Khmun first, ouch no def break...

Thats too bad...

Def break Orion?? failed...

Its okay.... heal again...

Okay we hit Eshir... Can we kill it???

Its not, too bad...

Upppssss did Eshir die?? not yet.... kill it...

Its okay, Jultan will be heal by Racuni...

Hit this...still no def break...

Thats too bad.... STun??

Also not stun....

Okay we heal...

Very good....

Ouch Jultan dead?? Lucky he's not..


Okay Khmun die... NICESUUUU....

Nice... DIEEEE.... not yet.....

Any new target???

Hmmmm.. this def look suspicious...

We use this.... lets go....

Wish me luck... not so sure about this...

Ouch its hurt....

Okay we kill ninja first...

Okay we hit this...

We hit again...

No effect.... die you!!!

OMG im using *5 combo to hit this *4 enemy...


Bomb.... YOLO.....

How if they faster??? Fu*k then....

Lucky we move first....

But let see if the bomb all miss then SURAMMMMMMMM~

PLEASE HELP.... Thank you....

Thanks a lot....


LOL fast.... awesome....

Okay, this open now...

We can do this...

Lets try...

I hope its not will shield... we can do it...

Okay, this will end fast...

Looks like..

I hope we can kill 2...

Continue.... any open tower that we can attack??

Okay we continue, we need to destroy Y5

Very important...

We use Rina...... lets go...

Wish me luck...


Damn it....

This is crazy...

Head ache... why should Ritesh????


Lucky Ritesh procs, if not i already angry


Its okay if we have Rina to counter Seara... easy...

I hate when Seara change target because def break...

Okay we back, new target appear... Y1 Y2.....

We try this...

Chiwu Charlote...

Are we lucky this time???

Wish me luck...

Please Chiwu please....

Hit it....

Ouch this is danger.... damn...


We stun them... double stun...

This is danger....

We hit this...

This is danger..

Ouch... we should stun them or we die....

We kill Rakan...

We should kill Anavel...

Can we???

We will only hit Anavel..... again...... and again...

Die you.... nice...

Cmon, we win this...

Sleep..... die you.....


We got it....

Okay we try this....

Lets try it.... wish me luckk...

Okay wish me luckkkkkkk

bad luck if we lose..

Okay i hope we can kill it..

OMG so close....

Crazy... only break shield..

I hope..

Die you!!! nicesuuuuuuuuuuu we win this...

Very good....

Okay we continue... new tower open..

Which one to attack??

Lets go try this...

Wish me luck... maybe.....

If they move first we dead...

Ouw... shit....

They are so slow...

Which one to kill??

We dead... they have 2 killer..

Ouch good... so we kill Icares... Please dieeee...

Hit this.... ouch not def break...

WEw this Bethony suck....

Yesterday using you its okay Bethony...

Using you in guild war is good....whyyy

Bad girll..

This time if still no ignore def... very bad luck for me...

We dead....

This is insane...

Im triggered... 2x no ignore def... Bethony suck

This is last...



Insane..... WTF with RNG......


Damn it...

3 change no ignore def.... INSANE

Okay, we try again.....

We try this one...

Use briand to tank Ninja... we need def break...

Like this...

Resist or def lead?? Okay lets try it...

We need to kill Racuni first...

Okay we hit Ninja... nice...

Die you... nice...

We win...

Ouw... nice...

Okay, only 1 chance left... use it tommorow..

For more infomation >> NAT 5 TEAM VS NAT 4 TEAM SIEGE BATTLE SUMMONERS WAR ASIA SERVER - Duration: 24:16.


Live IPTV en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Live IPTV en tu Kodi - Duration: 6:48.


Fontana Folle at Jakarta Tour - Short Documentary Vol.1 - Duration: 6:58.

Hi everyone. We are a band called Fontana Folle.

Let us introduce us briefly.

Alvin: I'm a vocalist, Alvin. Yuki: I'm a leader/bassist, Yuki Lee.

Yoko: And I'm a support keyboardist, Yoko Yamazaki.

Yuki: Well, what are we going to talk about? Yoko: We just went to Indonesia Yuki: Oh yeah, that's right. Yoko: They brought me to the tour.

Yuki: We've done three gigs in total. Then, the first one was at "Mondo by the Rooftop"

It was a place widely renowned and supported by many people in Jakarta. I would say it's like a sanctuary of the cool indie music scene in Indonesia.

Then, many people supported us for this tour came to the show there. Sachiko Asada, the cool music videographer, Rieko Yui from The Japan Foundation

and very popular singer song writer in Indonesia, Hiroaki Kato They all came to the show.

It was like... it was really touching moment for us. Alvin: Yeah, it was a great moment. Great guests.

Yoko: It was a cool moment, filled of love. Yuki: Yeah, it was.

Yoko: The place was very comfortable indeed. Yuki: True. Yoko: I can tell it's because Shun created the cool atmosphere (the owner of Mondo) Everybody is welcome to come.

Yuki: I noticed one thing on the wall there. It was a really great phrase. "Tampa batas. Damai Dunia" It means "Break the boarders. World piece"

Yuki: I was really impressed by his philosophy and devotion, as he is doing it as a foreigner in the complex multicultural country like Indonesia.

I want to play such a great place again.

Yuki: Then, the second gig was at The Japan Foundation. The organization was established to be a cultural bridge in between of Japan and other countries.

It was almost one month before going to Jakarta when we got the offer from them.

The offer was for the event called, "Japan Week" The event week to introduce Japanese culture basically and they wanted to have a day for music specifically at the event.

Their plan was to have dual guests including us. The other one is Mondo Gascaro, the giant of Indonesian cool indie music scene. He took a part at a talk show and we performed some songs at the same event.

Then, well. I thought like "Dude, is it really OK to have such a lot of audiences?" (As it's first time for us to perform in Indonesia)

We had Q&A session after the show. Yoko: There were many high school students too. Yuki: Yeah, true.

Yuki: We got many adults too. Yoko: Yeah. The Q&A session was really fun.

Yuki: Yeah, we got many questions about where our music actually came from. We talked about Italian music of course, Brazilian and Japanese too.

Yuki: About Japanese music Mondo Gascaro talked about it a lot at his talk show. We were asked about the difference of Jazz and Brazilian Jazz.

Yoko: Yeah, the important words at that time was Italian Jazz and Brazilian Jazz as the roots of Fontana Folle's music. It was really fun moment, covering many things from many countries.

Yoko: Then, Mondo Gascaro is quite familiar with Japan. Since he was inspired by City Pop he talked about the related musicians like Tatsuro Yamashita.

Yuki: It was really fun indeed. I only understood a very few words of him in Indonesian though.

Yuki: It was really great experience. Yoko: Yeah, it was fun.

I really want to do it again. Right we want to do it again?

For more infomation >> Fontana Folle at Jakarta Tour - Short Documentary Vol.1 - Duration: 6:58.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


엑소-첸백시(EXO-CBX), SM 실시간 멀티 라이브 방송 채널 '!t Live'(잇라이브)에 뜬다! - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 엑소-첸백시(EXO-CBX), SM 실시간 멀티 라이브 방송 채널 '!t Live'(잇라이브)에 뜬다! - Duration: 3:10.


Trying BLICK markers, no show thru paper and some NEWS ~ Frannerd - Duration: 17:24.

For more infomation >> Trying BLICK markers, no show thru paper and some NEWS ~ Frannerd - Duration: 17:24.


T rex Finger Family Song + Baby Shark Doo Do + Red T. Rex Dinosaurs Songs - Duration: 11:06.

Daddy finger, daddy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

King Shark, King Shark

Where are you ?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do ?

King Shark doo doo doo doo

King Shark doo doo doo doo

King Shark doo doo doo doo do

King Shark!

Queen Shark, Queen Shark

Where are you ?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do ?

Queen Shark doo doo doo doo

Queen Shark doo doo doo doo

Queen Shark doo doo doo doo do

Queen Shark!

Prince Shark, Prince Shark

Where are you ?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do ?

Prince Shark do do do do do

Prince Shark doo doo doo doo

Prince Shark doo doo doo doo do

Prince Shark!

Princess Shark, Princess Shark

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Princess Shark doo doo doo doo

Princess Shark doo doo doo doo

Princess Shark doo doo doo doo do

Princess Shark!

Baby Shark, baby Shark

Where are you?

Here I am , here I am

How do you do?

Baby Shark doo doo doo doo

Baby Shark doo doo doo doo

Baby Shark doo doo doo doo do

Baby Shark !

Royal Sharks, Royal Sharks

Where are you ?

Here we are, here we are

How do you do?

Royal Sharks doo doo doo doo

Royal Sharks doo doo doo doo

Royal Sharks doo doo doo doo do

Royal Sharks!!

I love tails…

I wish I had a tail…

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail,

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail,

I wish I had a long tail of a Cheetah,

I wish I had a bushy tail of a Skunk

I wish I had a fat tail of an Alligator

I wish I had a grasping tail of a Chameleon,

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail,

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail,

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a talking tail of a Deer,

I wish I had a fluffy tail of a Rabbit,

I wish I had a curly tail of a Pig

I wish I had a long hairy tail of a Horse

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail…

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail,

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a swatting tail of a Zebra,

I wish I had short furry tail of a Polar Bear,

I wish I had a balancing tail of a Kangaroo,

I wish I had a armoured tail of an Armadillo,

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail…

Tail, Tail, Tail

I wish I had a tail…

Tail, Tail, Tail

I am T-Rex, fierce and strong

If you see me coming, then run along.

I am T-Rex, fierce and strong

And this is my song

I am T-Rex, scary and big,

I am hungry always, ready to hunt…

Small dinos, huge dinos, mumma dinos, papa dinos

Baby dinos, uncle dinos, grandpa dinos, granny dinos…

They all run away from me

When my angry face they all see..

I am the largest hunting Dino ever to be

ever to be

ever to be

I have a huge skull but my hands are small

long heavy tail so I don't fall a

Tyrannosaurus Rex is king of al

My hands are short but thighs strong and big

To hunt a snack, I hide behind the figs..

I sprint like a squirrel, I run so fast

You cant escape, I'd catch you at last…

My teeth so sharp, they can bite

If you come in my way, I will give you a fight…

I live near the forests, rivers and valleys

They run for their lives when they hear me in the alleys

I chase the dinos bigger than me

Nothing is impossible for me when I move swiftly

This is my jungle

and I am the king

'Spare us, Oh scary one'

together they sing..

I am T-Rex, fierce and strong

If you see me coming, then run along.

I am T-Rex, fierce and strong

And this is my song






Five Baby penguins went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother penguin said, quank, quank, quank

But only four Baby penguins came back





Four Baby penguins went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother penguin said, quank, quank, quank

But only three Baby penguins came back




Three Baby penguins went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother penguin said, quank, quank, quank

But only two Baby penguins came back

that's not done



Two Baby penguins went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother penguin said, quank, quank, quank

But only one Baby penguins came back

something is wrong!


One Baby penguin went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother penguin said, quank, quank, quank

But no Baby penguin came back

Sad Mommy penguin went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother penguin said, quank, quank, quank

All five Baby penguins came back






Five Baby penguins went out one day

Over the hills and far away

Mother penguin said, quank, quank, quank

All five Baby penguins came back

To watch more videos subscribe to

"Fun For Kids TV"

For more infomation >> T rex Finger Family Song + Baby Shark Doo Do + Red T. Rex Dinosaurs Songs - Duration: 11:06.


The Best Remedies to Treat Urinary Tract Infections - Australia 365 - Duration: 7:36.

The Best Remedies to Treat Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections can occur in any part of your urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

Most cases affect the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra).

Women have a higher chance of developing urinary tract infections than men.

These kinds of infections may have very painful and uncomfortable symptoms.

Symptoms Urinary tract infections dont always show symptoms or signs, but in that cases that they do, those symptoms might include:   Strong and persistent urge to urinate.

Burning sensation when urinating.

Small amounts of urine.

Urine has cloudy appearance.

Red or bright pink urine, a sign that theres blood in urine.

Strong odor.

Pelvic pain, women might feel this pain in the center of their pelvis and around their pubic bone area.

Causes Urinary tract infections generally occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and start multiplying in the bladder. Though the urinary system is designed to fight off microscopic invaders, sometimes its defense system can fail.

Bladder infection (cystitis). In most cases, this type of urinary infection is caused by Escherichia coli, which is a bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract.

However, sometimes other kinds of bacteria are the culprits.

Sexual intercourse. Having sexual intercourse can lead to cystitis, but you dont necessarily have to be sexual active to develop the infection. All women are at risk of getting cystitis because of their anatomy as of the distances that separate the urethra from the anus, and the urethra opening and from the bladder are so short.

Urethra infection (urethritis). Urethritis can occur when bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra.

Treatment Antibiotics are the first choice of treatment for treating urinary tract infections. In many cases, the symptoms disappear just a few days after taking the medication.

  However, taking antibiotics isnt the only option for treating urinary tract infections.

In fact, there are some remedies out there that you can make at home and dont require any kind of prescription; you can use these remedies along side the treatment that your doctor suggests.

Drink water One of the first things that we should do when we have a urinary tract infection is drink plenty of water.  Drinking water helps eliminate bacteria that cause infections and it sets you on the path to treating the infection.

Increase vitamin C consumption Eating abundant quantities of foods rich in vitamin C is important because this vitamin makes urine more acidic.

This inhibits bacterial growth in the urinary tracts.

Vitamin C supplements also can be useful if you have an active urinary tract infection.


Eliminate irritants from your diet Caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, nicotine, carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners can further irritate your bladder. This hinders your body from recovering faster.

Reach more for healthy foods, such as carbohydrates rich in fiber, which are overall healthy for your body.

Empty your bladder…again Every time you empty your bladder, even if its of a small amount, youre getting rid of some of the bacteria that cause the infection.

Consider home remedies Baking soda If we dont treat urinary tract infections, they can infect the kidneys and turn into a much more serious problem.

To help keep it from spreading, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a cup of water to treat the infection.

The baking soda neutralizes the acid in urine and speeds up recuperation.

Cranberries Cranberry juice prevents urinary tract infections by fighting the build-up of bacteria that cause infections in the bladder.

They also have a slight antibiotic effect.

Drinking 4 ounces of cranberry juice a day can help you keep your bladder free from infections.

However, if youre likely to contract infections from sexual relations or if you currently have an infection, try to drink at least 2 to 4 cups of cranberry juice a day.

Add a handful of these delicious fruits to your cereal at breakfast.

Pineapple Eating pineapple is a sweet way to treat urinary tract infections.

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples.

Ingesting bromelain along with your normal round of antibiotics will help you cure your infection.

You should inform your doctor of the natural remedies that youre using and of any other kind of plant or drug as well.

This is essential as the side-effects or interactions between medications can sometimes be dangerous.

For more infomation >> The Best Remedies to Treat Urinary Tract Infections - Australia 365 - Duration: 7:36.


[Dizz Thằng Đầu Buồi (TĐB)] - Senshi - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> [Dizz Thằng Đầu Buồi (TĐB)] - Senshi - Duration: 1:49.


7 JOURS SANS SUCRE ! - conseils et résultat - Duration: 14:25.

For more infomation >> 7 JOURS SANS SUCRE ! - conseils et résultat - Duration: 14:25.


An impact driver or a screw driver, which to choose - a test on a basis of Panasonic - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> An impact driver or a screw driver, which to choose - a test on a basis of Panasonic - Duration: 15:24.


बालों को STRAIGHT करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका? How To Use Hair Straightener Perfectly | Anaysa - Duration: 4:32.

how pretty i am looking in this top for party

but what's wrong with this top, why it's not suiting me

yes black colour it's gonna suits me for sure

oh god !! this also looking bad

yes this red one gonna suit me for sure

what's is wrong with all the dresses

oh god!!! what is going on

i am not going at any party

anishka!!! child anishka

what are you doing you changed your clothes trice

but it's not working till you

not gonna style your hair

how you can look pretty

my work is only letting you know

now it's up to you

i am going now

hii friends!!! welcome to anaysa

we all thinks a lot about our outfits

like dress is not looking good same with jeans and top

but you don't think you our hairstyle

we should maintain our hairstyle as much we do our outfits

so today i will tell you how you can style our hair in 10 minutes

like so easily

and if you like today's video

then don't forget to like and share this video

and must subscribe our channel anaysa

so let's get started with today's video

remove tangle and part your hair between 2 sectons

let me do straight my hair fast and style

here i am using BABYLISS straightener

don't forget to use heat protecting spray before using flat iron

secure one side hair with clutcher

so they don't merge with the hair your are straightening

now take a strand backside

and tie up rest of hair

remember whenever you are straightening your hair

take the strand on 90 degree angle like shown

and run flat iron twice or trice on the strand like shown

now take the strand downside and use flat iron

due to this no wave gonna remain on the strand

now for this strand i am holding this with my fingers

we hold hair with comb or finger so they can distribute equally

if you follow this you won't face problem while doing straightening

make sure you take small strands of your hair

so your hair gonna straight easily and nicely

if you take thick strand then hair not gonna straight nicely

straight your hair on 90 degree angle like i am showing you

here you can see difference between both side

one side done perfectly straighten

other side is remaining

same do with this side take one strand

and tie up rest of hair

and if you want budget friendly straightener

then don't forget to check the description box

whatever straightener you are using make sure temperature not be so high

temperature should be medium

so our hair not gonna damage

if you follow the tips then you will straight your hair perfect and easily

without any damage

if you are beginner or don't know straightening

then i am damn sure this video gonna helps you alot

so here i am done with straightening

now i am removing tangles with brush

as you all know that i was not well

that's why i was not making the video and getting so many text on instagram

if you are not following me on instagram

then follow us on

me anishka will me you in my next video

till then take care and buh byee

For more infomation >> बालों को STRAIGHT करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका? How To Use Hair Straightener Perfectly | Anaysa - Duration: 4:32.


Polls: What other game you want to see in my channel? - Duration: 3:06.


Hey guys I'm Sims Trooper and welcome back to my channel, how are you guys?

What is up? Okay, I know this isn't Sims 4 videos.

What is going on here? Okay umm my channel supposed to be a channel

dedicated for Sims 4 gameplays but umm I just recently get hook up with my

old favorite games and that is fallout 4 so I'm really hoping if it will be cool

if you guys would watch my fallout 4 gameplay. Ah, I'm not sure if you guys play

this game or if any of you like playing fallout 4? I don't know but I just

recently found out that fallout 4 have new DLC updates and that excite me so much.

The DLC for fallout 4 was actually made like years ago around 2015 or 2016 and

Oh my god! Okay this is actually a clip of my gameplay but um I just found out about the

updates like a few days ago guys I know it's lame. Okay, what was I talking about

I played this game around 2 years ago and at that time I also got a

day job so I can't really play this game for, you know, as much as I want it to be

and then I just decided to just, you know, put this game away and focus on my day

job but I really hope that you won't mind watching these videos I mean I hope

you don't mind if I, you know, upload some fallout videos from now and then and

I don't know guys, I also have a few other games that I want to, you know, that I

want to record and upload to my channel. it's, what remain...what...

what remain...what remain of edit Finch I think and My Time at Portia

so there's three options of new gameplay that I want to upload to this

channel. Oouh that that Deathclaw is dead it's a baby

Deathclaw so it's pretty easy to take out, and maybe you can tell me which

gameplay that you would like most to see but I don't know, I don't know why I'm talking

about this because I would definitely post my fallout 4 videos, my fallout 4

gameplay videos here on my channel so I guess, I hope you don't mind guys!

that is all that is all I want to tell you guys in this video. Thank you guys

for watching my videos, thank you for listening to me and I will talk to you

guys soon, be happy at keep on playing fallout 4 guys!

Bye byee! [Music]

For more infomation >> Polls: What other game you want to see in my channel? - Duration: 3:06.


Anjaana - Shor Police | Clinton Cerejo | Bianca Gomes - Duration: 3:25.


Main tujh se haar gaya

Kaisa bahaana

Jab tune vaar pe vaar kiya

Yeh tera aana-jaana

Dil ko mere yoon jalaana Barkaraar hai kyon bolo

Kissa yeh jaana-maana

Isse zyaada kya bataana

Bekaraar hoon main Tu baaz na aaya


Chaalaankiyon mein kya maza

Oh anjaana

Chingaariyon si hai fiza


Main khud se ho gaya


Kar doon main yoon bayaan

Ab toh main chalte phirte

Rote hanste tujhko dekhoon

Kai baar main sharmayaa

Chhoti si khwaahish

Lambe hain yeh raste mujhko dekho

Main tayyar hoon  Phir bhi tu na aaya


Chaalaankiyon mein kya maza

Oh anjaana Chingaariyon si hai fiza

Yeh tera aana-jaana Dil ko mere yoon jalaana

Barkaraar hai kyon bolo

Kissa yeh jaana-maana

Isse zyaada kya bataana Bekaraar hoon main

Tu baaz na aaya


Chaalaankiyon mein kya maza

Oh anjaana Chingaariyon si hai fiza

Anjaana Chaalaankiyon mein kya maza

Oh anjaana Chingaariyon si hai fiza

For more infomation >> Anjaana - Shor Police | Clinton Cerejo | Bianca Gomes - Duration: 3:25.


Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 42 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:05.

Everyday, I am getting used to what is called death.

Hafız, have a look at this scene.

All those martyrs, all that struggle...

All those sleepless night...

What happened? Is something wrong?

Ambushes that have been laid, traps that have been fallen into.. all because of this.

For the happiness of a child which we don't know at all.

For a granny who says; "may Turks come, so that we can feel at ease".

We have regarded death as friend and bitter as honey.

We are at the service of every innocent who needs us, not just in our beautiful country but in the rest of the world.

We are the guardians of our unity and our solidarity.

Until the end of the world...

For more infomation >> Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 42 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:05.


Eating Show ASMR - RAW "Aloe Vera" Party Eating / Chewing - Duration: 3:06.

Eating Show ASMR - RAW "Aloe Vera" Party Eating / Chewing

For more infomation >> Eating Show ASMR - RAW "Aloe Vera" Party Eating / Chewing - Duration: 3:06.


30 Funny Golden Retriever Puppies Video Compilation - Best Collection of 2018 - Duration: 10:45.

Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!

Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments.

I bet you have enough time to watch this video and can't stop laughing, please remember to leave a comment and share if you like it. Don't forget to subscribe!

Please comment the things you want to see, we will always create interesting video to you enjoy.

Having many interesting video more. Let's follow us!

For more infomation >> 30 Funny Golden Retriever Puppies Video Compilation - Best Collection of 2018 - Duration: 10:45.


[CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - School Of Friendship (English) - Duration: 2:31.

The School of Friendship, first day of class

Will we fail or will we pass?

Students come from far and wide

Brand-new friends here by our side

Take a breath, look around, it's amazing

I can't believe that it's real

Students galore, new ideas to explore

Can't contain the excitement I feel

Can't mess up, can't afford a mistake now

Think "success", keep it firmly in sight

Make sure to do things by the book

Make sure to do it all right

The School of Friendship, must get to class

Will we fail or will we pass?

Students learning from the best

Taking notes to pass the test

Wait, hold on! Not like that! Just a second!

I'm not sure if that method's approved

Let me take a look – yup, right here in the book

Come on! We just got in the groove!

Can't mess up, can't afford a mistake now

We are shaping young minds to ignite

Do it like it says in the book

Now make sure you're doing it right

There's not an equation on how to have fun

The students look bored now – oh, what have I done?

Can't teach bein' honest, not sure what to do

I'm quite certain I'm lost

None of us has a clue!

School of Friendship, another class

Wish it were more of a blast

Thought this school would be more fun

Can't wait for our classes to be done

Can't mess up, can't afford a mistake now

No way to have fun

Oh, what have I done?

Bored with this class

Think "success", keep it firmly in sight

Wish that we could leave our desks

We don't have a clue

Listen to this one request

Make things fun, we're really stressed

Make sure to do things by the book now

Can we tell her this thing is a mess?

For more infomation >> [CC] My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - School Of Friendship (English) - Duration: 2:31.


Двойной Подцеп . Уроки игры на бас-гитаре с Дмитрием Максимовым - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> Двойной Подцеп . Уроки игры на бас-гитаре с Дмитрием Максимовым - Duration: 8:37.


【RAXY BEAUTY BOX 】イガリシノブさん監修!商品を使いながらの開封動画!/ Try on Style Unboxing of Igari Shinobu's Beauty Box - Duration: 8:26.

today i will be reviewing raxy

people who watched my reviews before know it but it's a subscription box service

i will be doing a try on style unboxing and I already have the products on but i will be showing you guys the applucaitons

lets open it

we have three products this month

they have an instruction on how to use the products so let's follow this today

so first i will be using control color base in yellow by whomee

it's really cute! this product says

it gives you a clear skin

and color corrects your skin and also gives you a glow

it has spf 21

i've used a green base before but

i've never used yellow

it says to put it on your eyelids and lips first

and rest of the face, you spread it put witj your fingers first

on your lids! that's onteresting

yi's pretty yellow and it;s going on my eyelids and lips

it's less than concealer but it definately covered my cimpliection on my lips

let's try it on my eyes

yea it did cover my redness a bit

i am going to use the rest and also addding a bit on rest of my face

it's s;reads out well so you don't need that much. it's also not drying! the green bases i;ve used have all been dyring

i just assumed that color bases are drying but this isn't dryinG!

next we are trying thi. this can be used for blush,lips and eys

it also has some moisture and glow to it!

so it says to place it in the midde of the eyelids

it's pretty cute!the brand is rmc

i'm scared to put it on my eyes i mean it's pretty orange

and this is going on my eyes!

actually, when you spread it, it's not that bad

i need to use other shadows those because my eyes now look puffy

so let's try it with my lips

i will be using this for my blush but ill do that after foudnation so let's do lips firts

sp it says to put it in the middle

oops it;s not in the middle anymore

okay so next i know i know it's weird but i will be using the last prodcut

i will be using cezanne's lip color in 102

i iwll be using this on the rest

it looks pretty brown but since it's not matte, it doesn;t have that much pigment

so let's put it onm it says to slide it across

it looks hmm..... i mean it's not bad but i think i was supposed to use cezanne first and then the orange

okay that looks much better

so let's put on my foundation and see how this base performs

i will be using macchia label as always

actually i think it's helping with the coverafe

i would usually use three laysers to properly cover my redness but today i think i will need less than that!

i like it! i think someone mentioned in the commnets that yellow base might work better for redness for people with yellow based skin

so since then i wanted to try that

but that might be correct and i love this!

so it says to put on an eyeliner and curl my lashes so i iwll be back wiith those done

also concealer

so lastly let's try the blush. it says to spread it

i'm just gonna use a tiny bit

is this too little? but it has a nice pigment so

i look like i got punched in the face lol

what should i do

it's not that bad so i'm done!

there were only three prodcuts in this box but all of them were good prodcits!but my favorite was

the base because even though i used less foundation than i normally do, it covered my redness well so i know it's the base that helped me get that cpverage

the cezzane lipsitck is easy to apply and it;s also not dyring so i like it

but the multiuse orange thing...

it was not easy to use

it has good pigment and i think that's why when i wear it on my eyes i look scary

i mean liquid blushes stay on longer than pwer forms but

but since it' pigmented once you put it on the wrong place it's game over

but i think for eye and blush, once you practice it a little, you can do better but for lips

i dont know if it's because i have anothr lipstick on but i twon't blend in properly

maybe you giys noticed whe i was talking

but i love the other two products and also, it comes with purchasing these boxes

the feeling of do i get something good or bad this month

i like two of the prodcuts so im happy with it!

For more infomation >> 【RAXY BEAUTY BOX 】イガリシノブさん監修!商品を使いながらの開封動画!/ Try on Style Unboxing of Igari Shinobu's Beauty Box - Duration: 8:26.


Fox and Friends First 04/13/18 4AM | April 13, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:22.

For more infomation >> Fox and Friends First 04/13/18 4AM | April 13, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:22.


10 Hidden Ways Foot Massage Can Help You Treat the Most Common Health Problems | Silver Lining - Duration: 9:54.

10 Hidden Ways Foot Massage Can Help You Treat the Most Common Health Problems.

After a long day of being at work, getting a foot massage is a great way to unwind.

Foot massages aren't just a way to pamper someone and show love but it also has many health benefits that not so many people know about.

Bright Side presents you with the 10 amazing benefits of getting a foot massage.

The last benefit may seem more like magic than a health benefit — be sure to read until the very end to learn more!.

It lowers blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attacks.

Lifestyle changes and medication are required for lowering blood pressure and managing it, but regularly massaging your feet can also help, as proven by a study.

It helps deal with symptoms of PMS and menopause.

Daily foot massages can alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause including tension, insomnia, headaches, and mood swings.

The point to massage is located in the arch of the inside of the foot, a thumb-width from the ball of the foot.

Alleviate cancer symptoms and side effects of chemotherapy.

In a study spearheaded by scientists from Michigan State University, it was found that foot massages helped cancer patients find relief from not only pain and nausea but also from other symptoms associated with the treatment like shortness of breath and low energy levels.

Cope with symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

People suffering from multiple sclerosis may experience several problems including double vision, blindness in one eye, muscle weakness, trouble with sensation, trouble with coordination and crippling fatigue.

Foot reflexology-based massage provides relief from the crippling fatigue and also helps in alleviating motor, sensory and urinary symptoms in MS patients.

Reduce the effects of edema in pregnant women.

Edema, otherwise known as the swelling of the feet and ankles due to an accumulation of fluid, can cause severe pain and is very common among pregnant women, usually during the last trimester.

You can get relief from this condition by massaging your feet for about 10-20 minutes daily.

It benefits pregnant women.

Foot massages are beneficial for pregnant women in terms of labor time and the need for painkillers during labor as well as postpartum recovery time.

Studies have shown that reflexology-based foot massages help a woman's body to heal faster and achieve normal metabolic activity sooner.

Get a good night's sleep.

Everyone loves getting a good night of sleep.

A warm bath is a great way to achieve that.

Try coupling it with a foot massage and we can ensure that you will sleep like a baby.

For the best results, try squeezing the top of the foot inward and search for a dimpled space.

Massage this spot for 2 minutes.

Have a better sex life.

A foot massage is a great way to show love to your significant other.

Who wouldn't love a foot massage after a hard day's work? It is not only relaxing but also a great way to begin foreplay.

Given the concentration of nerve endings in the sole of the foot, massaging this area can be a highly sexual experience.

Kiss headaches goodbye.

Getting a foot massage is an effective way to get rid of a headache.

Whether a headache is sinus related, caused by tension in the neck and shoulders or it's in your temple or the front or back of your head; massaging various spots on your foot can effectively relieve you of these pains.

Due to sinusitis: Firmly massage the front and back of the second joint down on each toe.

A squeeze and release technique works best.

Do it for both feet.

Due to shoulder and neck tension: Massage gently all over your feet.

Then massage the area between your thumb and the forefinger in a circular motion.

Also, massage the area immediately below the little toe.

At the temple: Squeeze and release the area inside your big toe several times.

Massage the left foot if you have a headache on the left temple and the right foot if it is on the right side.

At the top, front or back: Massage the outside base of your big toe on both your feet and then the front and back of each toe using the squeeze and release technique.

Spinal pain relief through foot reflexology.

The insides of both your feet can be mapped to the spine, with the first vertebra being right below the big toe.

You can get rid of the pain in the spine by stimulating the corresponding point on your foot.

Apply deep pressure to the point and massage for about 30-45 seconds by rubbing in a circular motion.

Bonus: A guide to foot reflexology.

Foot reflexology has existed since the time of the pharaoh.

Although science has been unable to explain how it works, there are studies that prove its efficacy.

Let's look at some important foot reflexology points:.

Lung point: It is located on the balls of your feet between your big toe and the little toe.

Stimulating this point on both feet with the help of mild pressure will help improve circulation and clear any gunk from the lungs.

Heart point: This spot is located on your left foot, underneath your third and little toes, between the ball of your foot and where the arch starts.

Stimulate this point using a soft circular motion to relieve yourself of stress which is the leading cause of heart attacks.

Stimulating this point improves blood circulation in the body and the heart's efficiency.

If you sometimes feel very cold, rubbing it will make you feel warmer as it increases the blood circulation.

Neck point: This point is located between the first and the second joint of each toe.

Using the squeeze and release method, apply pressure here to relieve yourself of neck pain.

Now that you know the amazing benefits of a foot massage, it is time to get pampered with one.

Share your thoughts about your experience in the comments below.

For more infomation >> 10 Hidden Ways Foot Massage Can Help You Treat the Most Common Health Problems | Silver Lining - Duration: 9:54.


Shark Family Song. Funny Hide and Seek. PORORO, kids, toys, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:16.

Let me show you a magic boat!

Who is this?


How about this??

Shark family jelly

Where is she??

Grand father

Grand mother


Let's brush our teeth now

Baby shark

Daddy shark

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