Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 13 2018

Sources and sinks describe a very simple concept for security code reviews or finding vulnerabilities

in general.

Those terms are also often used in the field of taint analysis and that's basically what

we will talk about.

I think it's one of these things that are super obvious and many of you have already

developed this intuitively without having a name for it.

At least that was true for me, but also once I learned about the concept this intuition

transformed into an actual technique for me.

So I figured there must be others that might be at a similar point and it could help.

Source and sinks.

What does that mean?

Sources are where data is coming from.

Attacker or untrustworthy sources of data.

And sinks are places where untrustworthy data could do something bad.

Let's do a very simple example.

You have maybe seen my video "Let's play a game: what is the deadly bug here?", where

we look at a very short php program and I explain to you my thought process in finding

the security issue.

So I think it's a very good example of this concept being applied.

I didn't explicitly use the terms sources and sinks in the video, but that is essentially

what I did.

So let's quickly identify the sources here.

Sources are where data is coming from, and in this case there are three $_POST request


These are fully user controlled.

But data is also coming from the SECRET environment variable, so in terms of security we have

to think now, is that particular source relevant to us.

And in the video I was contemplating about that but determined an attacker has probably

no control over it, so I excluded it from my mental list of attacker controlled inputs.

The sink in this case is pretty obvious, it's this dangerous exec function.

And now we have to figure how or if sources are connected to the sinks.

If we find a connection between attacker controlled input, the sources, to the dangerous function,

the sink, then we probably have a security issue.

Makes sense, right?

To figure out if this is the case, can be super easy, but in this example it was not

straight forward.

I mean the post variable, so one of the sources, is directly passed to the exec function, and

that's bad, right?

But it's not that simple.

Because before it we have a lot of conditions that try to protect exec.

In this case the idea was to use hmac to authenticate the command passed to exec, which means only

the admin who knows the secret could do it.

And the admin could also just login to the server with ssh and execute any command anyway,


So it's not inherently a security issue.

We have to proof now that an untrusted person, and in this case this means sb. who doesn't

know the secret could pass malicious code to exec.

And how we figured that out you either know already, or I recommend you to watch that



There are a few methods how you can work with sources and sinks.

For example when you want to review some code, you could start by looking for all the dangerous


Let's stay with the php example.

You could then look for every function considered dangerous.

There is this really nice stack overflow question that collects many of them.

So there are a lot of dangerous functions that are obvious such as exec, and system

and eval, but the issue is, not every function is clearly dangerous.

For example there is really obscure stuff, like the old php preg_replace function which

is used, to "Perform a regular expression search and replace", but it has this /e

modifier which can lead to php code execution through one of the parameters.

Another example is that a developer could create construct a dangerous setup themselves.

For example a function that creates a file and stores user data in it, but the file is

also accessible from a php webserver and so if a user enters php code into that file,

it could be executed by visiting that file.

So you see it's not that easy to find all the sinks in a program.

But the concept is clear, you try to find places that could be dangerous, if user controlled

input gets there.

The other side, the sources are also not that easy.

I mean it's pretty obvious that the GET and POST parameters are user controlled, but

some inputs are not clear.

For example my wifi name is a simple XSS test, and in one video where a device was listing

my wifis, it caused an XSS.

The developer did not anticipate that the wifi name could be malicious input.

And especially with frameworks that abstract away a lot of stuff, it's sometimes really

not clear what exactly is user controlled.

Which means it's like the sinks, not something you can always just search for, but the concept

is clear, we want to find all the sources of untrustworthy data.

And then we try to put sources and sinks together.

You can either do it forwards, backwards or a combination of both.

Forwards means you take one of your sources and just follow where this data is going to.

Essentially you are doing taint analysis by hand.

"Okay this input is then split at the comma, the first element is passed to this function,

the second element is passed to this function."

and then you continue to look at both functions.

Along the way you remember all the transformations of the input or sanitization, like if certain

character is removed, or what kind of checks exists and you hope it eventually it leads

to a dangerous sink.

The backwards path means you take a dangerous sink, and try to follow the path back up,

where is this data coming from, what kind of checks have to be true in order to lead

down here, and you try to figure out if it leads to a source of untrusted data.

And which method to use totally depends on the target.

For example if you have code with a looot of command executions or SQl queries, then

looking backwards from all these sinks could be too much and it would be easier to just

follow the 5 inputs.

But maybe it's easy to find all the dangerous sinks, but just the input is not very clear,

so you try to track back.

So deciding what to do is very much just a bit of experience and a lot of GUT feeling.

So the concept of sources and sinks is very easy, and I think using this terminology when

talking about vulnerabilities is very useful.

So next time you have to find vulnerabilities in some code for a class assignment or CTF,

try to use methods like this here.

One other thing I want to mention is that, it appears to me that the concept of sources

and sinks is used a lot more in the client side web security community, than in other


Especially in the area of DOM XSS.

So you have like classic XSS where the server code places untrusted data into the generated

HTML sent to the browser, but in DOM XSS, it's not like that.

Some untrusted input is passed to some javascript function and that leads to JS code execution.

For example if an attacker can control the content passed to the javascript function

innerHTML, which will write HTML, then of course you can write a script tag as well

which is executed.

And because there are so many javascript frameworks being used, with weird stuff, it's a typical

thing for researchers to share sinks with each other.

So you find a lot of lists of sources and sinks for various frameworks.

I like this kind of sharing, and would love to see it more adapted to other languages

as well.

Documenting dangerous functions, especially when they are more obscure is a really helpful


So if you are a developer, and work with some kind of framework in any language, and you

come across some functions that do something really fishy, can be easily misused or are

more powerful than people think, document it.

Tweet about it with #sink and hashtag the name of the framework.

Or write a blog or something, that is just basic everyday research that can be really


For more infomation >> Sources and Sinks - Code Review Basics - Duration: 7:53.


Let's Make A Deal - Play The Odds - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - Play The Odds - Duration: 2:52.


Fate/Grand Order Rider(Ivan the Terrible) Noble Phantasm Zveri・Krestny Khod softsub - Duration: 0:39.

My march will continue for eternity.

What tramples underfoot is the Beast of God.

Zveri・Krestny Khod(Beast Which Follows Mine Journey)

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order Rider(Ivan the Terrible) Noble Phantasm Zveri・Krestny Khod softsub - Duration: 0:39.


WARFACE БУДНИ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №55 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> WARFACE БУДНИ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №55 - Duration: 1:17.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Romina e Albano, la nuova vita con il nipotino in arrivo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Romina e Albano, la nuova vita con il nipotino in arrivo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 7:18.


Aprenda a massagear e esfoliar sua pele - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Aprenda a massagear e esfoliar sua pele - Duration: 8:25.


PENTAGON Funny Clip #70 - E'Dawn scary aegyo - Duration: 3:06.

[Mission: Jinho has to says "You're the cutest in the world"]

JH: what are you doing?

E'D: what are you doing~

E'D: What are you doing?!

I hate this!

JH: I feel like I'm gonna throw up

JH: cute

JH: you're the cutest in the world!!!

JH: I'm quick at catching on to these things, right?

E'D: Do you notice anything different about me today?

HS: cute?

E'D: I don't think I was cute yesterday!!

HS: especially today!

HS: Why are you so cute today~

E'D: I think I'm really cute. this is so easy

E'D: I didn't think I was this cute?


Hui: I wanted to go to the bathroom

Hui: Why does it have to be now!

I'm so serious

I almost cursed you out

Let's do it together

[Mission: "I wanna do it too~" Still successful since the meaning is the same with "Let's do it together"]

[Mission "I want to bite you"]

YT: You did this mission

HS: I want to bite you!

E'D: HongSeok really finds me cute

For more infomation >> PENTAGON Funny Clip #70 - E'Dawn scary aegyo - Duration: 3:06.


10 cosas comunes que Kate Middleton no puede hacer - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 10 cosas comunes que Kate Middleton no puede hacer - Duration: 4:22.


Como Ganhar Dinheiro na Internet Aula 4 Completa - Aprenda como Ganhar Dinheiro com Importação - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> Como Ganhar Dinheiro na Internet Aula 4 Completa - Aprenda como Ganhar Dinheiro com Importação - Duration: 8:30.


Rimedi naturali per combattere la Faringite - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Rimedi naturali per combattere la Faringite - Duration: 2:54.


AVENTURA NA MARVEL: HOMEM-ARANHA - DE VOLTA AO LAR | Marvel 10 Anos #16 - Duration: 14:27.

After much negotiation with Sony, Marvel finally managed to bring Spider-Man back home.

The character so far seemed to be worn out with the audience, but Marvel sought to present not only its heroic side

he also focused on the teenager behind the mask showing a little explored side of the character until then.

The story of Spider-Man in the cinema is long, begins n the late 90's, when Sony decided to produce a movie of the character.

For that, they reunited Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire in a movie that became a landmark in the theater when it exceeded $100 million in the first week alone.

The partnership earned three successful films, but in the fourth production, Raimi disagreed with Sony and Maguire left the franchise in solidarity.

With this, Sony has made the controversial decision to make a reboot only ten years from the original release.

The films performed lower than expected at the box office and critical reception was negative.

It was this combination that made Sony negotiate the hero's rights with Marvel.

As it had been presented in Civil War, Marvel did not find it necessary to show its history of origin, that already so well-known by the public.

So they needed a new mentor for the hero to take Uncle Ben's place.

The initial choice of production was Nick Fury.

But the boy's bond with Tony Stark was so strong in the Civil War that it was virtually impossible not to put Iron Man in that role.

For that, Marvel only had to shell out the $15 million to count on Robert Downey Jr.

The participation would have only a few minutes of screen, but the investment would be worth,

since all the films of Marvel along with the actor had been a blockbuster, with four of them surpassing the 1 billion barrier.

Their participation would not only strengthen the Spider-tie with the Marvel Universe, but would also ensure public interest.

The paternal relationship with Tony Stark would be reinforced with the hero's uniform.

The producers tried to imagine how Spider-Man would be if Iron Man himself had developed his clothes

and therefore thought of a highly technological costume with his own artificial intelligence and able to expand the hero's abilities

something never seen before in the movies.

As the period of the hero in high school would be the main focus of production, the role fell into the hands of Tom Holland,

a boy who proved to be a fanatic by the hero since childhood.

As he grew up in the world of dance and Olympic gymnastics, acrobatics to live the hero

came more easily to the actor compared to the other two interpreters of the character.

In addition, he has entered into a series of intense training to stay not only with the necessary physique but with the elasticity needed to live the character,

also practicing parkour and installing a giant air mattress in his house. So he truly turned Spider-Man.

The effort to show other sides of the hero was real on the part of Marvel and, beyond heroism,

the producers wanted to show the main dilemmas of a teenager.

So much so that jumping and winning the character's physique was the easy part for Holland.

The hard part was actually going back to high school.

With the core of heroes formed, Marvel now needed to choose a villain for the film.

Classical characters such as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and Sandman had been cast in past productions

and the studio decided to climb one of the most ancient rivals of the theft: the Vulture.

To give the character a realistic look, the producers needed a good reason for the Vulture to wear a pair of wings,

so they tried to figure out what kind of thing he would steal and how it would fit into his uniform.

From this concept was born a new villain who drew attention from a legend of the films of hero, Michael Keaton.

The actor in the Batman films directed by Tim Burton was one of the old dreams of the production,

but due to an agenda conflict, he ended up rejecting the initial proposal.

Shortly after, Keaton's team called back asking if there was still interest in the actor's participation and it was not long before it was confirmed.

The production needed a good young cast to accompany Holland and climbed names like Zendaya, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolori

and Jacob Batalon living Ned, a character clearly inspired by Ganke Lee,

created by Brian Michael Bendis in the Spider of the Ultimate Universe to be the best friend of Miles Morales.

For director Jon Watts it was crucial that the group had a special connection and their scenes were as important as the moments of action.

Spider-Man: Homecoming grossed more than R$880 million at the world box office

and the hero immediately became one of the symbols of the next stages of Marvel in theaters.

The success was so great that Sony decided to make a derivative of Venom on its own, with no connection to the Marvel universe.

The film is still a mystery to fans, but the certainty is that Tom Holland's Spider-Man will continue in the films of Marvel.

In fact, he is guaranteed in Avengers: Infinity War,

where he will use the Iron Spider costume that was offered to him by Tony Stark at the end of Homecoming.

Marvel tries to repackage the God of Thunder in his third movie.

After two solo films where Thor is presented as a more serious character, the studio seeks to focus more on Chris Hemsworth's humor,

calls on a comedic director and reveals another side of the hero in Thor: Ragnarok.

For more infomation >> AVENTURA NA MARVEL: HOMEM-ARANHA - DE VOLTA AO LAR | Marvel 10 Anos #16 - Duration: 14:27.


日産、セレナ e-POWER 車いす仕様など5台を出展予定…バリアフリー2018 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 日産、セレナ e-POWER 車いす仕様など5台を出展予定…バリアフリー2018 - Duration: 2:08.


Como atuar num MERCADO que o Zé Faísca NÃO PODE competir - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Como atuar num MERCADO que o Zé Faísca NÃO PODE competir - Duration: 4:47.


K-9 Nero Wounded In Police Officer Murder Survives Emergency Surgery - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> K-9 Nero Wounded In Police Officer Murder Survives Emergency Surgery - Duration: 1:16.


Powerslide Swell Black Road 125 Fitness skate - Powerslide Speaking Specs - Duration: 4:29.

Hello welcome back to Powerslide TV your favorite TV station worldwide today

we talk about the Powerslide Swell Road 125 it's a new model and it's built

on our hybrid system so we have a soft front but we have a hard shell inside

it's all lasted by hand so it's really a high quality product based on race

technology so it's made the same way like race skates but with more comfort

and more function in mind the Swell is based on the Trinity mounting so we have

three mounting points which gives you more power transfer more stability you

are lower to the ground and you have a better push and less vibration along

with this comes a new 3D casted elite frame it's super lightweight it's casted

in magnesium and it's actually not only used for fitness but a lot of our race

team especially the girls like this frame a lot it's not super stiff so it's

a little bit more forgiving very nice to handle and very nice to skate and very

light it comes with a single axle system ABEC 9 Wicked bearings and we have

Matter wheels on it so we have the matter image wheels on this 125 thanks for

jumping in Scott and the lacing system is a normal traditional front lacing

system and then we have a 45 degree heel strap which locks to heel really well

into the shell and then on top we have a buckle a ratchet buckle male and female

and on top of it what some people really like we have additional laces and

eyelets under the cuff so you can lace it up to the top and then you have more

control or you can also adjust your flex forward flex less or more another great

feature of the Swell Road Skate is that you have additional inner soles so some

people prefer to skate it without inner sole because it has already a built

in EVA inner sole under the bottom under the microfiber but for some people who

have too much room or want to have more control

they can put in this extra Myfit inner sole which is actually designed for

skating it locks the heel really well where it's needed

right under the ankle bone and it has actually a really nice arch support and

a front support so it's really made for skating and developed by an orthopedic

guy and will fit like all the Swell Skates and all the other

Powerslide Skates too so this can be additionally added in and on top of this

the skate comes with a height adjustable brake system which can be

also easily mounted to every skate so it comes inside the box and all the

hardware is added on so just put it on screw in the big ones inside the axle

and the small ones directly into the frame so all the hardware is included

and if the brake is worn down you can adjust it in height and lower it and

you can also adjust the braking point and the braking angle so you can have more

or less power while braking and then stop faster or more comfortable

otherwise it's really ventilated well the flyknit really comes through we

have like holes even in the microfiber lining which is inside which is high

quality and super long-lasting and the fit actually is super super nice we

have a recall padding which is a memory foam which always adjusts to the shape

of your foot and the new shell also features a flex cut so it's a

little bit more forgiving and a little bit more comfortable than before so this

sums up this great skate all parts are interchangeable and can be changed like

buckles cuff and other parts and all the Trinity frames will also fit on this

also shorter frames or other models like this perfect skate for training and

fitness intensive training and will bring you everywhere where you want to

go and will make a great spring and a great year rolling so thanks for

watching and keep on rolling and we love to skate and we hope you too

For more infomation >> Powerslide Swell Black Road 125 Fitness skate - Powerslide Speaking Specs - Duration: 4:29.


Do you eat Tuna? Then you should watch it! - Duration: 3:52.

The Americans do not

consuming both tuna and other of the world, but in general we can say that

is a widely consumed food in the United States. United States, second only to shrimp, when

We talk about seafood. Maybe that's it. because it is a food that contains good

amounts of protein and fatty acids polyunsaturated, beneficial to health.

Or maybe because it's such tasty food and very practical to prepare: just open

a can and consume.

Whatever the reason, experts believe that tuna is not such a healthy food

as we imagine.

The great culprit of this bad fame is the mercury, a toxic heavy metal that is found

naturally in the air, water and

soil mercury is released into the environment in various ways, especially through

of coal burning in power plants and in industrial processes, or even of course,

as in the case of volcanoes.

As we are exposed to mercury, by the air or by the consumption of contaminated fish,

we tend to concentrate this heavy metal in our organism, in its organic form, known

such as methylmercury.

High amounts of methylmercury may be harmful and even toxic, in addition to

serious health problems and symptoms such as:

Nervousness, anxiety, irritability Apathy or aggression, mental confusion

Insomnia, frequent nightmares and memory lapses; Headache and

Dizziness, Delirium Teeth weak and brittle Studies point to associations

between high levels of mercury and neurological disorders, in addition to Alzheimer's disease,

autism, anxiety, depression and Parkinson's.

Almost all fish and seafood contain mercury, but larger species such as sharks,

fishespada, mackerel and tuna, which are predators, tend to accumulate more of this substance.

Fish like tuna, eat smaller fish, which also absorbed mercury.

That is, the more fish he eats, the more absorbs mercury.

Although there is a great debate on the subject, many health agencies recommend consumption

of fish such as tuna in moderation.

People who are most at risk of being affected by mercury contamination

are pregnant women, babies and children.

If you like to consume seafood, prefer those with smaller amounts

of mercury such as herring, cod, shrimp, lobster, oyster, salmon and sardines.

For more infomation >> Do you eat Tuna? Then you should watch it! - Duration: 3:52.


Veja porque o Alberto Dell'Isola quase causou uma TRETA gigante - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Veja porque o Alberto Dell'Isola quase causou uma TRETA gigante - Duration: 8:34.


Football Manager Touch 2018 - Trailer de Lançamento | Switch - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Football Manager Touch 2018 - Trailer de Lançamento | Switch - Duration: 0:38.


Romaine Lettuce To Blame For New Jersey E. Coli Outbreak - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Romaine Lettuce To Blame For New Jersey E. Coli Outbreak - Duration: 1:23.


OverTheLine "Ottava Fase (puntata)" - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> OverTheLine "Ottava Fase (puntata)" - Duration: 6:34.


PENTAGON Funny Clip #71 - Going to the bathroom.. together? - Duration: 0:51.

Hui: You tied it too tight~

HS: This is fine

Hui: You want to know something?

Hui: I want to go to the bathroom right now!

HS: I told you let's go earlier~

HS: Big one or small one?

Hui: Small one

Hui: I'll go to the bathroom tomorrow!

Ah! really driving me crazy

HS: I saw what I shouldn't have seen!

For more infomation >> PENTAGON Funny Clip #71 - Going to the bathroom.. together? - Duration: 0:51.


Correre col cane - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Correre col cane - Duration: 4:55.


Adını Sen Koy / You Name Trailer - Episodes 326-327 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.

Hang on, hang on. Please, hang on! You have to hang on.

You need to be prepared for anything.

Please, she needs to be okay. Ömer...

Who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

- You are in an unbelievable mistake. - Are you giving advice to me?

You are my biggest disappointment.


Zehra... Nurse!

- Ms. Julide... - Zehra.

It will pass. She will survive this, too.

Mommy, I have just found you after all those years, I cannot lose you.

You took my wife from me, Ömer Kervancıoğlu. You'll pay for it, too.

- Dear wife. - Yes.

- Yes, what? - Dear husband.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy / You Name Trailer - Episodes 326-327 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.


U&D, Marco Firpo ha rischiato di morire: operato durgenza al cuore - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> U&D, Marco Firpo ha rischiato di morire: operato durgenza al cuore - Duration: 4:15.


미 해군에 인도된 차세대 항공모함 USS 제럴드 R. 포드 ✌ - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 미 해군에 인도된 차세대 항공모함 USS 제럴드 R. 포드 ✌ - Duration: 5:42.


Sources and Sinks - Code Review Basics - Duration: 7:53.

Sources and sinks describe a very simple concept for security code reviews or finding vulnerabilities

in general.

Those terms are also often used in the field of taint analysis and that's basically what

we will talk about.

I think it's one of these things that are super obvious and many of you have already

developed this intuitively without having a name for it.

At least that was true for me, but also once I learned about the concept this intuition

transformed into an actual technique for me.

So I figured there must be others that might be at a similar point and it could help.

Source and sinks.

What does that mean?

Sources are where data is coming from.

Attacker or untrustworthy sources of data.

And sinks are places where untrustworthy data could do something bad.

Let's do a very simple example.

You have maybe seen my video "Let's play a game: what is the deadly bug here?", where

we look at a very short php program and I explain to you my thought process in finding

the security issue.

So I think it's a very good example of this concept being applied.

I didn't explicitly use the terms sources and sinks in the video, but that is essentially

what I did.

So let's quickly identify the sources here.

Sources are where data is coming from, and in this case there are three $_POST request


These are fully user controlled.

But data is also coming from the SECRET environment variable, so in terms of security we have

to think now, is that particular source relevant to us.

And in the video I was contemplating about that but determined an attacker has probably

no control over it, so I excluded it from my mental list of attacker controlled inputs.

The sink in this case is pretty obvious, it's this dangerous exec function.

And now we have to figure how or if sources are connected to the sinks.

If we find a connection between attacker controlled input, the sources, to the dangerous function,

the sink, then we probably have a security issue.

Makes sense, right?

To figure out if this is the case, can be super easy, but in this example it was not

straight forward.

I mean the post variable, so one of the sources, is directly passed to the exec function, and

that's bad, right?

But it's not that simple.

Because before it we have a lot of conditions that try to protect exec.

In this case the idea was to use hmac to authenticate the command passed to exec, which means only

the admin who knows the secret could do it.

And the admin could also just login to the server with ssh and execute any command anyway,


So it's not inherently a security issue.

We have to proof now that an untrusted person, and in this case this means sb. who doesn't

know the secret could pass malicious code to exec.

And how we figured that out you either know already, or I recommend you to watch that



There are a few methods how you can work with sources and sinks.

For example when you want to review some code, you could start by looking for all the dangerous


Let's stay with the php example.

You could then look for every function considered dangerous.

There is this really nice stack overflow question that collects many of them.

So there are a lot of dangerous functions that are obvious such as exec, and system

and eval, but the issue is, not every function is clearly dangerous.

For example there is really obscure stuff, like the old php preg_replace function which

is used, to "Perform a regular expression search and replace", but it has this /e

modifier which can lead to php code execution through one of the parameters.

Another example is that a developer could create construct a dangerous setup themselves.

For example a function that creates a file and stores user data in it, but the file is

also accessible from a php webserver and so if a user enters php code into that file,

it could be executed by visiting that file.

So you see it's not that easy to find all the sinks in a program.

But the concept is clear, you try to find places that could be dangerous, if user controlled

input gets there.

The other side, the sources are also not that easy.

I mean it's pretty obvious that the GET and POST parameters are user controlled, but

some inputs are not clear.

For example my wifi name is a simple XSS test, and in one video where a device was listing

my wifis, it caused an XSS.

The developer did not anticipate that the wifi name could be malicious input.

And especially with frameworks that abstract away a lot of stuff, it's sometimes really

not clear what exactly is user controlled.

Which means it's like the sinks, not something you can always just search for, but the concept

is clear, we want to find all the sources of untrustworthy data.

And then we try to put sources and sinks together.

You can either do it forwards, backwards or a combination of both.

Forwards means you take one of your sources and just follow where this data is going to.

Essentially you are doing taint analysis by hand.

"Okay this input is then split at the comma, the first element is passed to this function,

the second element is passed to this function."

and then you continue to look at both functions.

Along the way you remember all the transformations of the input or sanitization, like if certain

character is removed, or what kind of checks exists and you hope it eventually it leads

to a dangerous sink.

The backwards path means you take a dangerous sink, and try to follow the path back up,

where is this data coming from, what kind of checks have to be true in order to lead

down here, and you try to figure out if it leads to a source of untrusted data.

And which method to use totally depends on the target.

For example if you have code with a looot of command executions or SQl queries, then

looking backwards from all these sinks could be too much and it would be easier to just

follow the 5 inputs.

But maybe it's easy to find all the dangerous sinks, but just the input is not very clear,

so you try to track back.

So deciding what to do is very much just a bit of experience and a lot of GUT feeling.

So the concept of sources and sinks is very easy, and I think using this terminology when

talking about vulnerabilities is very useful.

So next time you have to find vulnerabilities in some code for a class assignment or CTF,

try to use methods like this here.

One other thing I want to mention is that, it appears to me that the concept of sources

and sinks is used a lot more in the client side web security community, than in other


Especially in the area of DOM XSS.

So you have like classic XSS where the server code places untrusted data into the generated

HTML sent to the browser, but in DOM XSS, it's not like that.

Some untrusted input is passed to some javascript function and that leads to JS code execution.

For example if an attacker can control the content passed to the javascript function

innerHTML, which will write HTML, then of course you can write a script tag as well

which is executed.

And because there are so many javascript frameworks being used, with weird stuff, it's a typical

thing for researchers to share sinks with each other.

So you find a lot of lists of sources and sinks for various frameworks.

I like this kind of sharing, and would love to see it more adapted to other languages

as well.

Documenting dangerous functions, especially when they are more obscure is a really helpful


So if you are a developer, and work with some kind of framework in any language, and you

come across some functions that do something really fishy, can be easily misused or are

more powerful than people think, document it.

Tweet about it with #sink and hashtag the name of the framework.

Or write a blog or something, that is just basic everyday research that can be really


For more infomation >> Sources and Sinks - Code Review Basics - Duration: 7:53.


Let's Make A Deal - Play The Odds - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - Play The Odds - Duration: 2:52.


Fate/Grand Order Rider(Ivan the Terrible) Noble Phantasm Zveri・Krestny Khod softsub - Duration: 0:39.

My march will continue for eternity.

What tramples underfoot is the Beast of God.

Zveri・Krestny Khod(Beast Which Follows Mine Journey)

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order Rider(Ivan the Terrible) Noble Phantasm Zveri・Krestny Khod softsub - Duration: 0:39.


WARFACE БУДНИ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №55 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> WARFACE БУДНИ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №55 - Duration: 1:17.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Dr. David Anderson and Herman Bailey - "Why Don't Christians Have Peace?" Part 1 - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Dr. David Anderson and Herman Bailey - "Why Don't Christians Have Peace?" Part 1 - Duration: 28:31.


Don't stop brushing and flossing - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Don't stop brushing and flossing - Duration: 1:23.


McLovin From Superbad Looks Totally Different Today - Duration: 5:13.

2007's coming-of-age comedy Superbad provided a treasure trove of one-liners, hilarious

moments, and unforgettable characters.

But it's hard to argue that there's anyone more iconic than the fake-ID-sporting uber-geek,


The role even earned then 17-year-old actor Christopher Mintz-Plasse an MTV Movie Award

nom for Best Breakthrough Performance.

While Superbad certainly helped springboard some of its actors onto bigger and better

things, we haven't seen too much of Mintz-Plasse lately.

Let's find out what adult McLovin looks like today.

"I am McLovin."

Becoming Fishlegs

Not many people realize that Mintz-Plasse is a prominent voice in the How to Train Your

Dragon franchise.

In 2010's action-fantasy, Mintz-Plasse voiced the enthusiastic Fishlegs, a young viking

whose bulky body appears in sharp contrast to the actor's skinny McLovin voice.

"Hi, I'm Fishlegs. I've heard a lot about you. Clearly not enough."

Mintz-Plasse digs doing voice work for family-friendly fare, telling Hypable,

"I love it, man.

It's exciting because most of my movies are rated R, and I go in there and I'm trying

to make kids laugh, so it's cool to do a PG movie.

And you can go in wearing sweatpants and do it."

Kick-ass moves

Mintz-Plasse's second most famous role is that of superhero-turned-supervillain, Chris

"Red Mist" D'Amico, in Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass 2.

That is, until his character changed his name.

"Henceforth, I'll be known as The Motherf---er."

The big-screen role was actually written with Mintz-Plasse in mind, but the actor thinks

the original character from the Marvel comic is cooler.

He told CinemaBlend,

"[He's] much cooler than I am.

They wanted my father to be a badass, and I've never been accepted by him.

They wanted that instead of the cool guy who's always smoking and getting the girls."

Nevertheless, the role landed Mintz-Plasse a nomination at the 2010 Teen Choice Awards.

Hollywood remake

In 2011, Mintz-Plasse landed the role of "Evil Ed" Lee in the comedic remake of 1985's horror

flick, Fright Night.

"I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but that guy your neighbor, yeah, he's a vampire."

Originally, Mintz-Plasse wasn't feeling a reboot, but he couldn't pass up the chance

to work with Colin Farrell.

Mintz-Plasse told HitFix,

"I'm not the biggest fan of remakes, cuz I sit and watch the trailers and I'm like, 'God,

just think of a new freakin idea,' y'know?"

But, he was on board once he saw the cast list.

"I saw that Anton and Colin and Greg and Craig were all attached."

"If done right it could be this really memorable role for the movie."

Almost a sitcom star

In 2012, Mintz-Plasse was on track to have his own TV series, Friend Me, by writer Alan


Unfortunately, Friend Me was canceled after Kirschenbaum passed away.

Mintz-Plasse tweeted,

"RIP Alan.

Only [worked] with you for 10 days, but thanks so much for this wonderful job.

You were a funny, great guy."

But Mintz-Plasse landed on TV for real, when he booked 2016's The Great Indoors.

"Jack Gordon?

It is so incredible to meet you, I'm Clark, online content curator."

"Hi, Clark, obviously made up job title!"

While the show was cancelled after just one season, Mintz-Plasse's performance proved

he could be sitcom gold in the right part.

Musically inclined

Mintz-Plasse has appeared in a slew of music videos.

Perhaps most notably, he played drums in Kid Cudi's late-'60s-inspired "Erase Me."

Mintz-Plasse also appeared alongside Kick-Ass costar Chloë Grace Moretz for The Soft Pack's

"Answer to Yourself," as well as Unknown Mortal Orchestra's "So Good At Being in Trouble."

Most recently, he starred as a kidnapper in Alison Wonderland's "U Don't Know," and as

a man who overcomes life in a wheelchair, in Kodaline's "Ready."

Rocking out

Mintz-Plasse isn't just music video eye-candy.

He's also in a band.

After playing drums for Young Rapscallions for eight years before they broke up, Mintz-Plasse

and his friend Adam Aseraf say they started getting high, jamming out in the backyard,

and calling themselves Bear on Fire.

When they realized that things were getting groovy, the duo recruited some friends and

released their first studio album in 2015.

Though shouts for "McLovin" inevitably follow the actor wherever he plays, Mintz-Plasse

doesn't mind.

He told Stereogum,

"I just want as many people to come to the show and as many people to hear my music as


Going dark

When it comes to future work, Mintz-Plasse is most interested in darker, more dramatic


However, going dark in the Kick-Ass series wasn't the easiest thing for the actor.

He told The Belfast Telegraph,

"I read the script, and I was nervous because it's unlike anything I've ever done before,

so I got an acting coach.

A month before filming, we would go through every scene and every line and figure out

where the character needed to go emotionally."

Mintz-Plasse also studied some other villainous characters from the big-screen to help him

get it right.

And some from real life, too.

He said,

"I watched Heath Ledger's Joker quite a bit, and I researched [Marvel's] The Punisher.

I [also] watched this really dark serial killer on trial—I studied his eyes and how lifeless

they were and tried to use that too."

A far cry from McLovin's innocent baby face, but these days, he truly wants to kick some


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For more infomation >> McLovin From Superbad Looks Totally Different Today - Duration: 5:13.


How to cook inside, with no smoke, without gas or electricity - Duration: 5:10.

How to cook inside, with no smoke, without gas or electricity

By: Zoey Sky

Preppers know that it�s important to have options for various survival scenarios.

For example, if you lose power, you will need a way to cook your food, especially if you

have to stay indoors. After all, outdoor cooking methods will be hard to use when the weather

gets bad. The options below don�t require gas or electricity, making them perfect for

when there�s a power outage. (h/t to

Indoor cooking options Consider these options if you�re looking

for a smokeless cooking method:

Alcohol stove � You can also use small camp stoves that use denatured alcohol indoors.

The denatured alcohol for these stoves burn clean and should be safe to use indoors. You

can try making your own stove out of a soda can, or you can buy them from camp stove retailers.

Candles � With a tool to help you suspend cookware over a heat source, you can also

use candles to cook indoors. When boiling water, you will need several large candles

with multiple wicks. Go with all-natural beeswax candles that burn cleanly. Skip dyed, heavily

synthetic, or scented candles. Canned heat (Sterno) � Canned heat, a.k.a.

Sterno, can usually be found on buffet tables. They�re used to keep food warm, and you

can also use them to cook indoors. Sterno cans have an alcohol-based fuel, and they

burn cleanly. Individual canisters can burn for about two hours for continuous heating.

Each Sterno canister is small enough to heat a small pot. For larger pots, use four or

five heat cans. They�re perfect for indoor use when cooking or heating food. Additionally,

canned heat is easy to store and portable. Car lighter stoves � A car cigarette lighter

can be used to power a car lighter stove, but take note that this will quickly drain

your car battery. Don�t turn on your car�s engine while it�s in the garage. This option

is better for when you�re driving your car. Flame-less stoves � A manufacturer called

Magic Cook produces a flame-less stove that uses a water-based chemical reaction. To cook

with this flame-less stove, you need to add water to the heat pack to generate sustained

heat for 15 to 20 minutes. This chemical stove doesn�t release carbon monoxide, but other

kinds may release flammable hydrogen. This option is convenient when you don�t have

electricity, but it requires pricey specialized heat packets, so it�s not a feasible long-term

option. Hand warmers � Meal, Read-to-Eat (MREs)

rations come with a chemical heat packet that can be used to warm food. It�s similar to

those snap-activated hand warmer packets. Wrap a couple of hand warmers around canned

food to heat them. Propane stove � A propane stove doesn�t

require electricity to work, and it can be ignited using a match or a lighter. They also

come with a fume hood that helps dissipate toxic fumes or gases produced during cooking.

Always use a propane stove in a well-ventilated area to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. (Related:

Tips for the beginning prepper.) Wood stove/Fireplace � A Dutch oven can

trap the heat inside the cast iron to create an oven from just about any heat source. If

you have a fireplace, you can use cooking hardware like a grill, spit, or swing trivet.

You can also wrap food in aluminum before you place them in the fireplace or wood stove.

With the options listed above, you can still cook indoors even if the power goes out or

if you run out of gas.

Food safety during a survival situation If you have to cook indoors, don�t forget

these food safety tips:

Cook food properly to destroy all bacteria. If you�re not sure, you can always refer

to a cookbook, or you can verify the proper temperature online.

Separate your food while you�re at the supermarket. Use separate cutting boards for fresh meats

and poultry, and use a different one when cutting bread or for salad preparation. Separate

all foods in the refrigerator, so raw items cannot contaminate other foods.

When preparing food, always wash your hands thoroughly. Touching raw meat and not washing

your hands can spread deadly bacteria.

For more infomation >> How to cook inside, with no smoke, without gas or electricity - Duration: 5:10.


GAOMON PD1560 REVIEW + speedpaint - Duration: 6:48.

Hello guys, today there's a special video - I'm going to review a tablet that I got

sent from Gaomon.

It's a pen-display tablet, Gaomon PD1560 and I will be showing you guys what you can find

inside the box and I will also be showing my drawing process on this tablet, as well

as I will explain some of my thoughts regarding this product.

I know that a lot of people are interested in the tablet since I posted about it on my

Instagram, so I will do my best to give my honest opinion about it so that you can make

your own decision if you're gonna get it or not.

The first thing you will find in the box is a stand that you will have to attach to the


It's kind of massive and also quite heavy.

I think that, the tablet weights a lot just because of the stand itself.

There's also a small box in which you will find accessories for the tablet, which I will

show a bit later.

Seeing the cover already in the box was a really nice thing to see and I think it's

kind of Gaomon to attach it together with the tablet already.

And of course, finally, there's also the tablet itself on the very bottom of the box.

I also received a screen protector, which was a really nice thing.


I've been using this tablet for about 3 weeks now, during which I got to stream, travel

and do some projects.

It's a great tool, and of course, it makes my work much faster and comfortable as a pen

display tablet should do.

Geomon's PD1560 is a 15.6 inch drawing tablet with a pen of 8192 levels of pressure that

costs $409.

Now that's a really sweet price as for this kind of a tablet and I honestly think it's

generally worth it.

Not only do you get an artist glove, but also a pouch, were you willing to take the tablet

somewhere with you.

Now, about some things you may have to consider:

Make sure to uninstall any other tablet drivers before installing Gaomon's one as it may

cause troubles otherwise.

I also struggled with making my screen work together with the tablet.

While everything worked perfectly on my laptop, when connected to my PC, only the tablet display

would work.

In the desktop pc case, you'll need a free HDMI port on your GPU.

In my case, I managed to fix it by plugging my screen on the DVI port of my GPU with a

DVI to HDMI cable and the tablet on the free HDMI.

But if you have any problems with setting up the tablet, don't hesitate to contact

the support, as they are very responsive and do their best to help.

The pen is rechargeable, that meaning having one more cable to store.

Though I charged mine only once so far so I think it lasts pretty long.

Even though we get a pouch I don't think this tablet is very travel-friendly, it's very

wide, so it didn't fit into my smaller suitcase.

Another thing is that you attach the stand with a screwdriver, so whenever you want to

pack it, you need to de-attach it as it does not fit into the pouch with the stand and

you gotta bring the whole set of tools with, you which is a hassle.

The whole thing is also pretty heavy.

As I use SAI 2, I did not have any problems, but they do state on their site it may have

problems with SAI 1, so you may need to switch to the second version of SAI if you're planning

to get this tablet.

The pen calilbration is decent, although not perfect.

Depending on the angle you will use and how close to the edge you are, the cursor won't

always be where you'd expect it to be.

But I think it's something you can just adapt to and get used to work with, just like you

had to learn how to use any other tablets before.

Just sometimes it makes me missclick something different whenever I want to create a new

layer etc.

The express keys work perfectly, although I'm still not used to using them as you

can see in the video.

The setting panel has many option for you, were you willing to adapt colours.

Although I did not mange to callibrate it perfectly with my screen.


I just control the colours on my screen while I draw.

And yes, you can set the tablet to work for a left-handed person just fine!

I think I managed to say everything I wanted to say about this tablet.

I honestly think that even though it has some flaws, it's worth it considering its' price.

It works fine and it does it's job and I think that's the most important thing.

If you're looking for a really great tablet that isn't a high-end professional device

you'd have to sell your soul for, I really do recommend it.

And I'd like to thank you Gaomon for sending me this tablet and making it possible to review


For more infomation >> GAOMON PD1560 REVIEW + speedpaint - Duration: 6:48.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 356 - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 356 - Duration: 10:28.


Types of Videos on the Youtube Trending Page! - Duration: 6:12.

hey guys it's Hashtag Zoe and welcome back to my channel so for today's video, I'm gonna be

going through the, types of videos on the YouTube trending page. the YouTube trending page

literally mystifies me. probably because I've never been on the Youtube Trending Page

before but you know that's a separate issue anyway there's crazy videos from

like actually good videos too random weird content that I don't understand

why is on the Youtube Trending page but not the YouTube like you do you it's fine I just

don't understand it but if you understand it it's your logic that's

fine I love logic so anyway without further ado let's go through some of the

types of videos that you'll see on the YouTube training page one of my

favorites that's been on the trending page is, dog ASMR, so naturally I have to

recreate it so another one is when people just eat a lot of food at once so

naturally I have to recreate this one too what's up guys eating this whole bad

in 50 seconds so keep watching a set a timer let's do

this these are non branded fruit rings because honestly Froot Loops did not

want to sponsor me but it's fine alright guys I'm gonna eat this whole

thing in 50 seconds let's go ahead and get started

oh they got my almond milk because

that's a timer let's do it

almost there guys we can grow up okay guys they drink all

the milk this is all I have left okay guys my stomach's hurting just a little

bit but we can do it

and of course um it wouldn't be YouTube if you didn't test out objects why not

test out random useless objects what's up guys today I'm still excited for

today's video because today I'm gonna be comparing the difference between Febreze

and Lysol okay guys so first test is gonna be spray ability now for some of

my more educated friends Spray velocity let's start first Lysol next for breeze

you see I don't really know about that one I think I'm gonna have to give it to

wisely guys let's go test it in the bathroom then of course you've got the

super short 45 second videos that point out the most random things and obvious

things like hello I know this is my room like regardez uh today I'm gonna be

showing you all types of places around California and buy all types poisons I

mean I'm just gonna be showing you California and this may or may not be in

my backyard so here's the tree California tree and here's the

California wall and this is all California so thanks for watching guys

alright all I have to say for this is I don't have words for how to bake a

potato here you go hi today I'm going to be showing you how

to bake a sweet potato I'm not really a big fan of sweet potatoes because I'm

organic and vegan so anyway I have my sweet potato right here and I really

like them and yeah so I'm gonna be showing you guys how to bake it so the

first thing in the tutorial is you're gonna need some heavy-duty Reynolds Wrap

foil paper so this is completely vegan even the packaging

actually I don't really know but I just hope it is you're gonna be taking a

piece about yay big and gay wide next we're gonna go ahead and take your vegan

sweet potato and just wrap it up

tell us about yay size and then you're just gonna be putting it in your oven

make sure you say your oven to approximately 352 degrees Fahrenheit and

that's all thanks for watching guys it's easy a sweet potato vegan tie by another

type is just videos of random animals doing random things it's really random

add to recreate that - obviously so of course I borrowed my brother's bearded

dragon don't ask I know that the YouTube trending page is based on algorithms and

how many times people like and comment and all these things and view until the

very end so if you're still watching thank you very much

give this video like and subscribe if you're not already head so just do all

those things maybe this video could get on the YouTube training page that would

be so dope and awesome and I was literally dub dubby super cool so please

like and comment and yeah I'll see you guys in my next one thanks for watching


Types of videos on the Youtube Trending Page

Youtube trending page trends

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Types of Videos on the Youtube Trending Page! - Duration: 6:12.


Doorman Says Trump Had 'Love Child' With Housekeeper, Just 1 Problem With Story. - Duration: 4:13.

Doorman Says Trump Had 'Love Child' With Housekeeper, Just 1 Problem With Story.

A former doorman at one of President Donald Trump's properties is claiming that Trump

had a "love child" with a housekeeper.

However, there's a major problem with this guy's story, but don't expect the mainstream

media to tell you about it.

According to The Hill, a former doorman at one of President Donald Trump's buildings

said in a statement Thursday that he wasn't allowed to criticize a former housekeeper

at the property because she had a child with Trump.

Dino Sajudin made the unverified claim in a statement after The Associated Press reported

that the parent company of the National Enquirer had paid him for a rumor about Trump having

an affair with the employee but had trashed the story.

"Today I awoke to learn that a confidential agreement that I had with AMI (The National

Enquirer) with regard to a story about President Trump was leaked to the press," Sajudin

said in the Thursday statement.

"I can confirm that while working at Trump World Tower I was instructed not to criticize

President Trump's former housekeeper due to a prior relationship she had with President

Trump which produced a child.

However, as with most of the salacious stories which have arisen about President Trump's

personal life, there are a ton of holes in this one.

For starters, The Enquirer determined that Sajudin's story wasn't true and released

him from the contract after the 2016 presidential election.

When a tabloid refuses to print a story like this one, which would obviously generate untold

amounts of publicity, you know something stinks to high heaven.

Furthermore, Sajudin's ex-wife of 14 years cast doubt on his story as well, telling the

New York Daily News that her former husband is a "pathological liar" and "infamous

for making up stories."

Nikki Benfatto told the newspaper, "He's seen the chupacabra.

He's seen bigfoot.

One of our friends who passed away, he saw him too, walking down the street."

It certainly sounds like Dino Sajudin is an unstable individual.

Benfatto seemingly confirmed as much, emphatically stating that her former husband should not

be trusted.

"The source that this is coming from is unstable on every level," she said.

Benfatto added that she never recalled Sajudin mentioning the rumor about a possible Trump

love child.

She said the two stopped communicating in 2014, a year before the former doorman reportedly

approached the Enquirer after he threatened her and spread false rumors about her online.

"He always had something to say about people," said Benfatto.

"I never recall him mentioning anything like that."

So, the man who couldn't keep his mouth shut, conveniently forgot to tell his wife

that he wasn't allowed to speak ill of a co-worker because Donald Trump knocked her


I don't think so.

Add to all this Sajudin's history of spreading false rumors online, and you'd be a downright

fool to believe anything he says.

The behavior is so extreme and so bizarre," said Benfatto.

"I'm not surprised by what I'm hearing now but do I believe it?

No way.

He's money hungry.

He'll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, promise you 50 grand and then pull the rug out from

underneath you," she added.

Even the former housekeeper, who supposedly had the "lovechild" with Trump, has denied

that Sajudin's claims are true.

Moreover, the Trump Organization has categorically denied the incendiary allegation, saying,

"Mr. Sajudin's claims are completely false."Even though there are a million holes in Dino Sajudin's

story, the media has plastered it everywhere as though it is fact, quoting him in headlines

like "Ex-Trump Doorman: I wasn't allowed to criticise Trump's housekeeper because

she had a child with Trump."

These are nothing but the attention-starved ravings of a madman.

So, if you see the story circulating on social media, know that it's nothing to write home


what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Doorman Says Trump Had 'Love Child' With Housekeeper, Just 1 Problem With Story. - Duration: 4:13.


Mother's Day Wreaths | Last Minute DIY How to Make a Mother's Day Wreath - Duration: 44:52.

For more infomation >> Mother's Day Wreaths | Last Minute DIY How to Make a Mother's Day Wreath - Duration: 44:52.


Possibly the BEST BOKSO in Yogyakarta! | Indonesian Food - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Possibly the BEST BOKSO in Yogyakarta! | Indonesian Food - Duration: 7:35.


Go barefoot more to make your feet stronger, avoid foot problems - Duration: 5:07.

Go barefoot more to make your feet stronger, avoid foot problems

by: Jessica Dolores

Ever wondered why your feet are killing you, even if you don�t have a sprain, or any

sign of injury?

It could be because you�ve been wearing closed shoes the whole day, and your feet

have no chance to �breathe.� A new study by Harvard University researchers Nicholas

Holowka and Daniel E. Liebermann showed that flat foot, which hampers movement because

of reduced stiffness in the longitudinal arch (LA), is rare among people who go barefoot


This also applies to those who wear minimal shoes.

Researchers studied data from minimally-shod men from northwestern Mexico and those wearing

modern shoes in urban/suburban areas in the U.S.

The research team analyzed how stiff their longitudinal arch, which stiffens the foot

while walking, is.

They found that people who regularly wear shoes that restrict movement of feet suffered

from weaker foot muscles, while those who go barefoot or wear shoes minimally had stronger

longitudinal arches.

The researchers concluded that today�s shoes reduce the foot muscles� ability to maintain

arch stiffness, thus limiting growth and possibly even promoting wasting away from disuse.

This, in turn, puts the person at risk for arch collapse.

Sure, you have to wear shoes or sneakers all the time, especially when you report for work,

or go to school.

But you can still sneak in some barefoot time to allow your feet to work the natural way.

Here are places you can go barefoot.

At home � Take off those slippers and shoes at home and keep your feet�s 72,000 nerve

endings from dying.

Let your feet feel the floor.

This does wonders for your posture, balance, and alignment.

You can wear socks during winter or whenever the weather gets too cold for comfort.

Besides, muddied, dirty shoes bring all sorts of germs into the home.

So it�s best to leave them by the door or outside the house.

At work � Some companies have dress codes, but others have started seeing the benefits

of going barefoot.

Perhaps, they�ve come across studies that show how taking off shoes raises their employees�


At the park � Try walking on the grass with your shoes or sandals on for five minutes.

Then take them off for the same duration of time.

Feel the big difference?

Unlike hard flooring, grass is soft and adjusts to your feet.

Grass stimulates acupressure points for the eyes, ears, lungs, face, stomach, spleen,

brains, kidneys and other parts of the body.

This maintains the balance in your body and keeps you healthy.

At the beach � Take off those shoes and savor the soft sand underneath.

Shifting sand promotes resistance, thus making it more challenging than concrete to walk


Your feet gently sink, making your leg muscles work more to lift your feet again.

Walking on the beach barefoot burns even more calories than exercising on the treadmill.

Legs and feet grow stronger.

Sand also makes the skin of the feet softer, smoother, and more supple.

Not only that, the immense blue soothes your mind and lightens your mood.

When going for a walk or a run � Our feet are filled with receptors that send signals

to your brain about your body alignment.

Shoes block these receptors and limit movement in the the muscles and joints of your feet

and legs.

Sneakers, the footwear of choice for people who walk and run regularly, limit feet, and

throw them into an unnatural position.

Try looking for a clean, sandy beach or a grassy park to walk barefoot on instead.

Runners and joggers can go barefoot for 10 minutes and let their feet get used to it.

At the gym � You need shoes when using the treadmill and the stationary or elliptical


But you don�t need them for push-ups, lunges, dead-lifts, crunches and other forms of body

weight exercise.

These kinds of exercises let your body touch the floor, boosting your stability, increasing

your range of motion and making sure you get the most from your workout.

Yoga sessions � Yoga practitioners go barefoot to achieve balance, strengthen feet, and let

energy flow throughout the body.

We may not pay attention to our feet all the time, because they�re located down there,

where we don�t have to notice them, especially when standing before a waist-high mirror.

But it can get us into trouble when we neglect them.

Let�s be kind to our feet.

They take us to interesting places, let us meet new friends, and literally keep us up

and about.

For more infomation >> Go barefoot more to make your feet stronger, avoid foot problems - Duration: 5:07.


Special Report With Bret Baier 04/13/18 6PM | April 13, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:32.

For more infomation >> Special Report With Bret Baier 04/13/18 6PM | April 13, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:32.


8. Gün / The 8th Day - Episode 5 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.

- This is the only way. - This...

Only way to what?

To learn where Şehnaz is.

Bahar, my daughter...

Bahar, please notice!

Notice who your enemy is.

Stop the car or I will shoot you in the head. Stop it!

The guy who is called Hayati will die.

Do you want to play a game with the guy whom you will kill?

End this guy.

Bahar's father had died before she was born. Where did you come from?

From the grave.

If you say that Hayati will die...

...he will.

For more infomation >> 8. Gün / The 8th Day - Episode 5 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.


Adını Sen Koy / You Name Trailer - Episodes 326-327 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.

Hang on, hang on. Please, hang on! You have to hang on.

You need to be prepared for anything.

Please, she needs to be okay. Ömer...

Who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

- You are in an unbelievable mistake. - Are you giving advice to me?

You are my biggest disappointment.


Zehra... Nurse!

- Ms. Julide... - Zehra.

It will pass. She will survive this, too.

Mommy, I have just found you after all those years, I cannot lose you.

You took my wife from me, Ömer Kervancıoğlu. You'll pay for it, too.

- Dear wife. - Yes.

- Yes, what? - Dear husband.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy / You Name Trailer - Episodes 326-327 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.


Alice Waters Teaches the Art of Home Cooking | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:05.


Wherever you live in this world, I

want to demystify cooking and connect it to the beauty

and bounty of nature.

Recipes are a framework, but the most important thing

is the ingredient-- where you find it, how you cook it,

and how you will turn it into a beautiful meal.

I want you to know what food is really alive and seasonal.

This is the kind of cooking that nourishes

the body and the soul.

We cook at Chez Panisse like I cook at home.

We're trying to look at the food and not

get in the way of the real taste of that food.

I can teach you about textures.

And about traditional combinations of flavors.

And about how to use spices and herbs.

It's about learning techniques, and once you know them,

they become second nature to you.

I want to show you how to buy food in a farmers market.

Being able to discern what's ripe and what's not ripe.

It's about how to use every part of an ingredient

so that you don't waste anything.

How to cook very, very simply,

food that is incredibly tasty and meant to be shared.

The closer that we get to the source of our food,

the better it is for us and for this planet.

I'm Alice Waters, and this is my MasterClass.

For more infomation >> Alice Waters Teaches the Art of Home Cooking | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:05.


Chloe & Halle Reveal Tea-Sipping Secrets About Each Other & How Beyonce Made Them Cry | Pull Up - Duration: 6:28.

What's up, guys? I'm your girl, Jamila Mustafa, with BET Social

and I'm here with--

- Chloe, and we're Pulling Up. - And Halle.

- Skrrt skrrt. - Skrrt skrrt.

That's right, guys!

Oh my goodness, so, like myself, many of you guys at home,

we fell in love with your YouTube!

Tell us how you got your start.

Yes, well we're just two girls from Atlanta, Georgia,

and, you know, we got our start on YouTube by just posting one day.

- Yeah. - We had been around town

and a lot of people were telling us, "Hey, you should post YouTube covers!"

And we didn't really listen to them, but one day we were bored

and we were listening to "Best Thing I Never Had" by Beyonce

and just decided to record ourselves singing it and yeah...

Yeah, and then we uploaded it and we were like,

so excited with the first 100 views, we were so very happy

and then it just kept racking up and racking up and then bam!

And we kept going at it and here we are today!

Now, your track "Warrior"...


It was a part of A Wrinkle In Time

what was it like to hear your music in theaters?

Oh my goodness!

Getting our first movie placement with "Warrior" was a dream come true,

you know, Miss Ava DuVernay, she reached out to us

when we were actually shooting the visual for our album The Kids Are Alright

and she was like, "Hey, girls, I want you to write a song for the movie,

you know, I'm needing this, this and this..."

And, you know, that's always our favorite part to put together...

Um... a puzzle piece, you know, when we see a trailer of a movie

and getting the vibe of it and then just writing something specifically for it.

So, we just were really grateful that we got that opportunity

and I remember when we first saw it in the trailer for the movie, you know,

I w-- we saw it in the car and I just started crying

- 'cause I was like-- I never cry! - She never cries!

And I was like, "This is so cool!" You know, like...

- It hit you! - The fact that we can just be doing

what we love and have these great opportunities,

you know, we're really blessed and we just feel grateful.

Have to ask, I know you guys hate it, but we love it, best Beyonce moment?

One of my favorite Beyonce moments would have to be recently actually,

when we were at the Wearable Art Gala

and Miss Tina asked us to surprise her and sing "I Was Here"

and she didn't really know, she knew we would be there

but she didn't know we were singing.

So, I remember walking out and she had like, this surprised look on her face

and when we finished the song she was crying

and I don't know, it was just really special,

just seeing her being honored for her humanitarian acts

and, you know, we love her so much so...

Alright, so, your album, it's out, it's here, that's right!

Celebration, you ladies look absolutely beautiful!

Who was your music inspiration for The Kids Are Alright?

Oh, yes, so we have so many inspirations for this album actually.

I love Imogen Heap and Tune Yards

and Grimes and women who just...

You know, do all of their music from ground zero to, you know,

till the full project and that really inspired

my sister and I to take control and we executive produced this album

and most of it was created in our living room, so yeah...

Yeah, I definitely think this album is a combination of all our favorite sounds.

You know, for me, jazz has always been a big influence

and, you know, we listen to bass heavy music, we love trap,

we love that feeling of being like, "Hey!"

So, we put all of those things into one melting pot

- and I think that makes our songs. - Mhmm.

You know, with so much gun violence in the school

and you guys just attended the march like,

do you really think that the generation will be alright?

I mean, a lot of people are nervous

and for those that maybe are a little weary

on if they will be alright,

which track on your album can they go to

and really kind of find that guidance that they need?

Yeah, you know, I really, truly feel that the kids will be alright.

I mean, just like, with even the march

and the walk out that the kids did in schools.

This generation, we're not afraid to raise our voices

and we're not afraid to say what's right and what's wrong

and that's what I love about us and, you know, our parents

and the older generations, they didn't fail us,

they just prepared us for this moment and, you know,

it's a crazy, crazy world, but somehow we're making it positive

and we're making change through our art

and using our voices

and that really means a lot to me

so I really feel like the kids will be alright.

- And in terms of the song... - Oh!

I feel like there's multiple songs on there!

- There's multiple songs! - The title--

OK, the title track "The Kids Are Alright",

you know, we're just saying like, the trends, we don't follow it,

we're not gonna like, lessen ourselves or dumb down our minds

and, you know, we're gonna meditate and 'Namaste'

- and we're gonna get our lives! - Get our lives!

And so that one, I feel like that's a general statement for us kids.

And also, you know, "If God Spoke", my sister and I, we wrote that song

because what-- if God spoke English, what would he or she say to us

and how would it sound?

And so that song is just about how timing is everything

and, no matter what, that God is always with us

- and we'll be OK, so yeah... - Yeah and then...

There's also a song called "Hi Lo" which is about loving your insecurities,

loving your high moments of your life and the low moments of your life

and just learning to embrace them

and remember that every moment that you are going through in life

and everything you've been through is supposed to be for a reason

- and it's all supposed to happen. - Yeah.

- The reason in the season! - Yeah!

OK, girls!

Alright, last question, ladies, before we get into some fun, right?

Right now, social media like, dominates our world like,

it doesn't matter what age you are, you're on Facebook, you're on something,

them fingers is doing something other than texting!

How can a millennial, right, that wants to stay true to themselves

and be age appropriate and be-- and be still liked and respected,

but also push their business or just feel free,

how should they go about marketing themselves on social media

and getting those followers?

Oh, that's a really good question.

I feel like the main answer to that would just...

The main answer to that would just be true to yourself.

I feel like people really respond to authenticity

and they see when you're like, BS-ing them and when you're fake,

so just be yourselves, be honest, be real, tell your story

- and have fun, you know! - I would definitely agree,

just have fun, be true to who you are and you'll see!

Alright, ladies, well you guys--

I'm so excited to bump that album, to support everything that you guys do

and to stay on that YouTube channel for those covers!

I cannot thank you guys enough!

Thank you so much, Halle, thank you so much, Chloe Bailey!

For Pulling Up!

I'm your girl Jamila Mustafa with BET Social

and my girls just Pulled Up!

For more infomation >> Chloe & Halle Reveal Tea-Sipping Secrets About Each Other & How Beyonce Made Them Cry | Pull Up - Duration: 6:28.


Yodeling Walmart Kid To Perform At Coachella - Duration: 2:44.

11 Year old Mason Ramsey, aka the yodeling walmart kid is actually performing at Coachella.

No, we aren't kidding.

Welcome back to IO, I'm charlotte dobre.

Viral Sensation Mason Ramsey has had a really busy few days!

It all started the air mattress aisles at walmart in the tiny town of Golconda Illinois,

where someone took a video of him singing.

Once the internet got ahold of the clip, countless memes and remixes were made.

His rendition of Lovesick blues by hank Williams, a song that's over 60 years old, is back

on the charts.

It climbed to number 4 on spotify. all because of Mason.

He took his first ever airplaine ride when he was flown out to appear on the Ellen show.

Ellen fulfilled his dream of performing at the Grand Ole Opry this coming saturday.

The grand Ole Opry is a country concert that's been going on every week since 1925.

Hank Williams once performed lovesick blues there to a crowd of 3000 people who demanded

6 encores.

And to top it all off, Mason is going to perform at Coachella this weekend.

At 2:45 PM in the sahara tent, DJ Whethan is going to share the stage with Mason.

Apparently post Malone also wants to perform with him, but I guess mason is performing

at the Grand Ole Opry at the same time as Post Malones Set on Saturday.

Rumor is Mason might be performing with post Malone during the second weekend of the festival.

Guys I know hes a meme and stuff and everyones making fun of him but this kid is actually

really talented.

Do you know how hard it is to yodel?

And he plays guitar.

I wanna go to Coachella just to see him.

Some more facts about mason, He's been yodeling since he was 3 years old.

Apparently he always sings at walmart, in Golconda Illinois, its like a thing.

For the future, he wants to be a famous country music star.

Walmart threw a huge concert for him at the same location where the viral video was taken

and they are giving him 15 thousand dollars that will go toward his college tuition.

Rebecca Nueckel – love your channel! you make news fun.

Oh stop.

Gaming with sid – why was the water upset.

Because it was really salty Tomboy gamer – you look dead are you ok.

no I am actually not alive right now.

I am a zombie Oisin Raymond – I went on an IO binge and

I was there for days, wandering the channel.

There are a lot of crazy videos on this channel.

Was going through some of the old ones and I was like woah man, some of those titles

are savage.

That's all folks, thanks for watching.

If you found this video informative, leave a like and subscribe for all your news.

Wanna watch some more IO?

We've put together a playlist, all you gotta do is click.

Still watching?

Well seeing as you are not busy at the moment, why don't you follow us on social media,

check out the description of this video for all our links.

That's it for me, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Yodeling Walmart Kid To Perform At Coachella - Duration: 2:44.


THIS ISN'T A HORROR GAME!!! | Fallout 3 [#2] - Duration: 1:12:21.

Good afternoon gamers its Tamed Delirium here and welcome back to fallout 3 episode 2

there's a lot of things going on I am done with my character so I don't need

to edit any of these that is loud very loud oh okay

radio signal okay Wow beautiful regex Kyurem okay these were made around

the same time right escape you can see it was achievements right yeah you can

there's mice everything I see on the screen you see okay welcome to level 2

okay come and with the music wow wow okay eighteen skill points oh so you can

do it visually alright cool it's a lot picking in and half thirty

forty it's pretty high for it but you know I want it 25 I'm in sneak let's do

30 to continue combat you do 10% extra damage to male opponents

okay Black Widow dice girl just like your dear old dad it's a boat of your

time to electrical and electrical and little actual pursuits you gain an

additional 5 points to both science and medicine skills gotten that intense

training little leaguers with we learn

Swift learners really good

I want done nuts look into it later okay I want swift learner done

all right why does this remind you of Borderlands 2 a little bit it kind of

looks like Borderlands no it doesn't at all what am I saying

I don't know andraz you have four lines in Skyrim and then my little brain

what is what is a do again I'm so I'm so calm you know I want to change this to a

no way I think that'll be good

yeah okay

and then because my Pippa way okay that's just me interesting remember

where my pack is that supposed to go over there okay whatever you say

was that oh yeah I remember this okay Springvale cool said an ally is green

allies and enemies what's the point of human being there but epic calm would I

get parks and stuff I'm probably I probably would but it would be worth it

okay let's go up here

welcome welcome my name is crow and I travel the land offering vestments of

protection and you are fortunate I found you in time you bear the look of one who

is haunted but I am proud to say that my wares can protect you from even the

cruel claws of death itself have a look hmm okay so I'm gonna ply your trade

caravan I'm here to play never anything for me where can you pass but only if it

wants to be repaired okay

my Caravan sells clothing and armor to decorate and protect the body while it

endures the ravages of the physical world okay my travels take you like the

state that's real Commons to where there is true need of this we don't need to

this is what they'll pay the most you don't need to flare in there you just

need to say what you need to say okay if the clothes make the man then here are

the means to remake yourself odd but okay

another armor

radiation suit can never go wrong with extra step back but I don't need

anything I don't think I need anything I have to go now stay safe on the path you

travel okay thank you okay

giant ant lair all right have yourself

Thank You Bart now get the medic ton oh yeah okay this place hmm

so this is a town names Lucas Sims town sheriff cool baby - when the need


that's time you got your Sheriff friendly and well-mannered I think we're

gonna get along just fine you treat my people nice and you're welcome to stay

as long as you'd like okay okay I treat people nice I'm glad

we understand each other now is there something I can help you with

nope sorry I got enough fries to put out in this place that I don't have time to

keep tabs on every visitor fires I'd ask around town okay could use attractions

around let's discuss this bomb what about it

don't you think someone would disarm this thing I don't trust any of the

locals to tinker with it besides most people don't even realize

it's still up threats and he'll Cromwell and those crazies from the Church of

Adam they worship the damn thing why you think you got to know how to disarm it

for good Kenzi about this arming the bomb for you

oh all right fine but listen here just take a look at it first okay if you get

the job done there'll be 100 caps in it for you

all right cool thanks demolition expertise doesn't come cheap I want 500


19% that's very low I don't need a reward I don't need a reward I could

sleep at night knowing I can all die

hundred caps I'll take it no problem good luck Sheriff

well that's mighty decent of you just don't you know go blowing this up

alright yeah now that I'm helping you ready you can help your firm looking for

dead well come to think of it I do remember a stranger coming through here

had a look in his eye you know the kind a man gets when he's got a purpose yeah

spend some time up in the saloon I'd want to check with Moriarty just watch

yourself that man's trouble okay

it's called The Waste Land for a reason yeah there are settlements obviously all

around the human race is stubborn like that human race pseudo South you've got

Rivet City but don't bother going to DC place is a war so I thank you for let me

know what do you want to do the 7th time yeah he's a bit cranky but he means well

I guess makes sure there's something actually wrong with you before you

bother him okay you'll find him down in the plaza at the

bottom of the hill cross the way from the brass lantern okay sure

head over to Moriarty's for spirits or if you want something to eat

head over to the brass lantern okay I press the lanterns over your name for a

place all right shoot okay I thought you knew what you were doing if it's just

nerves maybe some Kim's will help but if you can't handle it

don't go fiddling with it okay okay sure thing partner what do you need to find

okay it's a weapon dealer it'll probably want

to see more Iran at crater side supply okay

she sells some weapons make some too from what I hear

okay place is down by the creature I can always use more a new cool weapons I

want it I want that rifle that's why I want you know what can we

go wrong with a rifle it's close to our clinic is down in the crater by the bomb

dot Church is a little rough around the edges but the man's got talent and

confession okay that's good let's get you can't go wrong compassion I need

some equipment where's the one that sells all kinds of stuff at your place

greater side supply take a guess where it is okay um can I rent a bed up at

Moriarty's at the south end of town talk to Nova she'll help you out all right

cool it's a boring town sure is Moriarty's the entrance is on the top

level oh yeah it to me gig call Koko just be careful Moriarty is not your

friend no matter what he may say so don't fall for his lies and for God's

sake don't trust the man okay all right that's the only thing

what's on your mind thank you for all the don't come around with that bomb

unless you know what you're doing let me know all right let me know thank you for

all the advice I kind of knew that so no I know what I'm doing not getting into

people's stuff before I'm actually doing things why is it so weird when like

assuming I don't know why that's like a really weird for me like when they

assumes in the people you're talking but whatever it's kind of interesting how

everything pauses around you the undying glow please child come to the church any

time any time at all okay not really just here you know care about

worshipping a bomb Rays shallow you child

I'm liking activate the ball well I'm getting rats from that okay okay okay

that's not good I don't want rats that's from the water right gasps the water I

don't want to activate the bombs oh well I'm gonna leave alone then now I know

I've never seen you in Megaton before well let me guess

just passing through right we get people trying to settle down here all the time

anyway if you're hungry you came to the right place

can I get you Hey I won't say it's all fresh but it'll keep you going all right

cool thanks I don't we don't need fresh food

it's the perfect pasta post-apocalypse

I wanna stick all these things have riots on them super stimpack Sepik is

overpriced alright have a good one stranger see it don't really see a lot a

lot going on here do I have any quests it

you see cuz that's what I need be doing if I have any quests I know I need to

find my father but that's like the main main thing that I'm gonna get at the end

of the game I guess the armory

I heard he requests

speak to Colin watery but your dad and then disarmed the Megaton bomb I don't

know how to disarm it though if I activate it can that Mickey

dishonourable no it's just activating it that's all let me do okay so I guess I

got to get a a perk or something to do that so now I'm gonna go speak to my

supposed to talk to you again : did Colin only Cole and I'm stupid

I up here

I'm not gonna pick a lock it I lockpick it I would get in trouble for that right

let's need find this dude

do I have to lock picking

men's restroom well I'm not a man so I can't go in

there if I'm gonna be more okay so this is the front door okay she's the back

door I was gonna have to walk effectively I was worried

okay every day the same damn thing I told you god that ain't the radio comes

in fine oh it's um my just when I had all but given up oh my dear girl I am

mister and you well you are not a resident of this putrescence cesspool

and make sure rather valuable individual

as you wish I'm looking to employ an individual with no ties to megaton no

interest in its future Oh Megaton is obsolete the last vestige of a cobbled

desperate past it means to go away and you are going to see that it does the

undetonated atomic bomb for which this town is named is still very much alive

okay all it needs is a little motivation I have in my possession a fusion pulse

charge constructed for a singular purpose detonation of that bomb

you'll rigged it to the bomb then you'll get paid and simply what do you say Sims

is an idiot he prides himself on his position is mayor and sheriff of this


they decide if I if I decide to help you mean besides doing the world a favor by

removing this pestilence scab of a town why you'd be rewarded most handsomely my

employer is a very generous man if it's bottle caps and luxury you're seeking

you shall have it how much is that the best you can do I'm

afraid I'm not impressed yeah okay week stacked like it's under my production

you're gonna leave now alright somebody I can accept or not

you're out of my mind right you're out of your mind

there's a line helping you well hope I see I didn't realise megaton had any

guardian beyond its intrepid Sheriff very well then I'll take my leave as you

suggest you just want to blow up this place I mean why would I want to blow up

this place I just got here I have no reason to do anything wrong mark come on

mark hey smooth skin you need something

drinks maybe anything and you're being a smooth skin compared to you haven't you

ever seen it cooled before well not all of us got the chance to hole up at a

nice cushy vault when the bombs fell Oh a bunch of us got stuck out here in the

world I got a full-on blast to heat the

radiation turned this into a pack of walking corpses there's I can tell we

age slower than you a lot slower there were even a few ghouls that were alive

during the war hmm of course with a face like ground Brahman meat you can imagine

that folks don't take too kindly to us yeah well

you can't just judge people because of what the what's wrong with me I'm saying

for you to say so if you can't be nice at least pretend right yeah fake it till

you make it nor like yeah still a fake compliment is better than the usual spit

in the face that I get oh that's terrible not half bad for a smooth skin

just call people smooth skin no that's weird like just just followed normal

okay I'm looking for my father middle-aged guy ever seen oh yeah I

don't remember a guy like that no okay honestly I usually keep my head down I

tend to get smacked around a fellow guys let's start walk tomorrow already he'll

know more I know you're ugly but that's not like that's not like me

nobody is truly ugly and inside of themselves yeah I'm saying the name that

a name glob is kind of sad uh I call peace if you know anything about

my father he ever told me I was like yes yes wandered into town looking for an

escape from this stupid joke of a party I'm trapped in now look at me very well

Laurie already keeps a computer terminal in the back on it

he keeps out of the goings-on in Megaton if you can get on to that terminal I'll

bet he has information on your dad okay thanks Kim if Marie already even

suspects I told you this I'm a dead ghoul

okay I'm sorry yeah thanks yeah I can't I'm not gonna steal

where where's the dude I'm supposed to talk to you what Stockton over there I'm

Nova yeah that's all you mutant huh yeah do yourself a favor and keep

walking okay some of us stay for a few days and then it's five years later okay

sheesh yeah I remember that man I saw I'm talking to Moriarty it's hard to

forget handsome men like that okay oh

you like it rough huh well she's next beat it kid go look for

daddy somewhere else okay here you go sorry that's it

oh there's upstairs okay just stick I up here Wow where's this where's just dying

to see oh here oh no I'm not gonna lock kick not a lockpick in here I don't

wanna get in trouble in here that's the last thing I wanted yeah okay that way

you can just shut up you know Sam how is lock-picking my only my only bet it's

usually not so

I'm gonna talk to it'll recognize you new in town or something yeah I am I

hope by something to do you mean a job otherwise you want to talk with Nova I'm

looking for someone to make a delivery okay

yes great I'd like you to deliver this message to my family in the RF uu

settlement okay we haven't heard from them in months

and I'm worried okay as soon as you get there talked to Davis West he'll be glad

to pay you for the trip okay what's wrong around okay okay thanks again for

doing this for me yeah it means a lot yeah no problem

but where can I find this guy don't you talk to you oh my gosh here the whole

time your service welcome to Moriarty's my saloon my home

my slice of heaven in this backwoods little burg you've got the caps

I've got your pleasure Lee sit down make yourself comfortable your troubles and a

thing of the past thank you I'm looking for my father god

it's you little baby girl all grown up persistent

little flower in check then and now it would seem it's been a long time kid Oh

your daddy passed through here all right here and gone look what he came for and

then left I'm assuming you'll do the same correct Paul's been CEO for 200

years look I just want to yeah I just want to

find my dad working like a nice kid yeah so I'm gonna be straight with you okay

thank you her dad was here and now he's not okay and yes I know where he went

okay what you're asking me for is information and information is a

commodity okay save a hundred cops a daddies location is yours

very reasonable yeah uh my FaceCam just turned off amazing I don't have on her

caps no thanks yeah

all right Kim let me help you out you know for old times sake okay if you

don't have the cops to pay for the information yeah maybe you could do a

little favor for me yeah yeah sure Iger good I like that it's nice to have

a door in this shithole of a town for a change yeah this junkie bitch named

silver borrowed quite a few cops from me she could start funneling jatin psycho

to me for a good price okay problem is she scrammed with the

loot and set herself up in Springvale so she can inject herself into a stupor

okay the cap she owes me and they're yours yours to pay me with anyway all

right cool cool okay I await our next meeting with bated breath let's go all

right so I quest really quickly and then I will do okay pause there because

something might happen I'm gonna do a cyclist and without my FaceCam and then

I'm gonna leave and let that thing charge and then I'll be back

who the hell are you where did you come from

whoa he already said you bastard he's a he's a liar he just wants to be dead

those caps are all mine iron donor okay sheesh calm down look I

don't know who you are I'm not just handing over my life's earnings to you

you do that for me I never expected anyone to care enough here you go Oh

it's weird okay you're on again I want to get any conflicts okay I'm cool

alright let's head back to the place

here we are okay and back she comes so are you just thirsty or are you ready to

pay me feet dear dad's not gonna find himself yeah

okay I did your super favor where's my father

I took Hera so that's good I hope she got what she deserved

all right well you took care of our little lost Lambie I knew I could count

on you yeah how about you just hand over a

hundred caps and we'll call it even yeah that wasn't so difficult was it

your dad came through here all right didn't stay long said he had some

important business to attend to and headed off to the city okay something to

do with galaxy news radio yes that'd be the place for you to start good huntin

and thanks for the caps okay that was not enough information 400 caps my

goodness but all right galaxy news radio with some loudmouth radio station

located in the ruins of DC only the king of that loony bin keeps yapping about

fighting some good fight or something a bunch of crap

that's not good pose if you wanted to know what's going on in the wasteland

that's the place to go anyway I could care less okay cool thanks for

yours yeah okay but that's really annoying

because somebody told me not to go to the DC area and so now I have to go to

the DC area that's just amazing okay well I'll be back when my FaceCam is

done charging Hey I'm back okay that's like an hour later it's it's already I

like a literally opened up the doors turn on the fans on get my dog some food

chilled out with him wear it a little bit wash my bed and all that stuff and

it's hot again like as soon as I don't even know my room is weird I

so now we're gonna head up to this area for the quest am I going the wrong I'm

going the wrong way okay I could just cut through that I guess games are weird

like that they're all have certain textures where you can't just like pass

through and like excuse me I just ate a taco from Taco Bell so I'm kind of like

I don't know whatever you want to say

yeah man that's what I want help her set bets yeah all right I got way too happy

over that bitch sheesh I don't know what's going off my game here but yeah

alright so I read am absent button so it's not like the regional controllers I

uncontrolled controls but you know you gotta make it easy it for your boy on it


people rather have the classic controls I I prefer the easier controls what I

used to make sense

Wow whoa daemul Rhett died God dang it

okay that's scary me I thought I was gonna get rats per second like that but

just give me a little bit rats I think I

don't see what the point of that was but I just got attacked by mole rat out of

nowhere what you friggin scared me on the crap I'm the same thing is backwards

now just scare the crap out of me okay so it's over here there's a lot blank

space between each area which isn't a bad thing

you know I don't know what's this place fire zones

oh there's no anything like that yes yes snake attack critical hit man that's why

I want to hear Jess sneaking up on people like that man

that's my wife honey he's a he's a Ally perfect

I love these fats is it good okay

well hopefully my dad will be here because I just want to see him you know

I'm saying good ol Natasha just wants to see her dad you know I'm saying I don't

know why he has to run away like that maybe because he predicted something

maybe something bad happened who knows Oh nuka-cola awesome fallouts version of

coca-cola I don't know why they don't have a version of Twinkies whoa what up

bro you just run out to me like that it's

weird don't do that scare the crap out of me man

I can wait wait wait wait I can hold

I can hold 230 and way holding 2048 I thought I was holding a ton

whatever man whatever girl Natasha can Terry everything okay Oh

like danger

how am I can't switch to the other guy over there that's right stick right no I

have to do it to the right person my liking this I'm not liking the step for

weapons yes good good neat those I use a stem pack I have it

use it

where's this guy where's this cork carcass corpse

wherever there's no one gonna hit any of that are you gonna hire a pain

because my ap regenerates that's obvious but like I know it regenerated that

quickly is there anybody else in here oh yeah they would be on the map when

dippie okay well like I mean you have to see them right first there's nobody in

here right

not even supposed to be in here oh well then why am I in here oh that helps a

lot I forgot about my pip-boy flashlight

where's where's the dudes body oh here we go

Oh awesome submachine gun hmm what I wish they showed the the like if it if

it like a plus and minus two pages did I see something over there I got a plus

and a minus if you see a something with like a benefit you know I mean I don't

need pre-war money right you're sure yeah I'm pretty sure

pre-war money doesn't matter

all right well there's nothing in here so my Lords leave all right cool

here's that a robot again I'm assuming there's bunch of them I

guess there's kind of just all roaming around I don't want their shop really is

to do I mean I know they're connected to radio somehow but oh no we're not there

we'll cross water oh I just skipped around a bridge okay I'm gonna go around

the bridge because I don't want to get any more rats unless I even need to pass

the bridge do I oh yeah I do

all right this game is really dark I know it's supposed to be like that but I

can get kind of hard to see things at times that's good

so weird how there's no sprint though like that's really weird like what's the

point of a pea just for bats

Wow I don't need anymore pistols I know why I took that okay that's not cool

I'll take that's just in case sweet we got ball caps we need ball caps all the

time I could probably drop that uh pistol

yeah the bb's I don't really need that I mean I guess it's fine

what it was this hockey tube which is up right

yeah let's replace that what speed ago so we don't need to eat meat anymore

alright Corbino so now we have a submachine gun like that's that's

awesome I always want a submachine gun you know I'm saying yeah heck yeah

fast-travel ok all right

Oh is there fall damage in this game when I wanted to create a test out you

know I'm saying all right well that's cool

it's not a whole lot oh man let's go in just where we need it go right

I'm assuming yeah I don't like underground places

scary and they can see my flash right right I'm assuming that makes sense so


I should keep on checking my

let's see if we can do this oh yeah hacking I don't know how to hack tree

well because it's just like random right Sceptile protection though I'm getting

the chills

okay so I got four attempts

how do you like tell if you're doing it right you know I mean that's what that's

not yours


one entry class

No I lost

that's so stupid

but once it's done it's done that's terrible

we could use that for modding right I think all this random stuff you can use

for plotting I'm assuming okay that's at least how it isn't fought for

about fallout 3 I know I didn't need that but dang it

okay never go wrong with all caps

I swear though is there anything in here all that yep

there is now stop haha it's like a horror game oh it's right in my face man

headshots on those things man just blown up their heads off this is a lot shorter

game I think then fallout 4 so there's nothing on my right or no my left I

really like fast in this game that's what makes a full-out fallout you know

I'm saying cuz their game I'm gonna do a series on called rage which is kind of

like fallout a little bit but it's like it has its own spin-off on you know has

own twist to it

it's not really a lot like fallout I don't really honest I mean unless you

want a lot more brave blade oh you want a while and blurb right okay

I'm gonna go get along blur it then just for you James alright let's go

oh and Elijah you want you wanna plunger okay all right cool

wait scrap metal I won scrap

we keep on checking varieties I don't like that

I don't like that one bit I don't like the sound

danger fellows suddenly spa.i cool I don't like course no no I don't like



okay get ready with time right I can't go to the other guy I mean you can do

that in Fallout 4 easily see I wanted to go through the other cools like that Oh

God oh okay okay okay shish shish shish shish that note that

guy is he too close okay fine yeah yeah gore we don't like art Gore okay bottle

caps bottle caps bottle caps bottle caps bottle caps we all like a pile cap spa

caps bottle caps a teddy bear oh just for Elijah okay thank you no Christmas

present I'll get him a bloody teddy bear for a mom my ghouls you know I'm saying

okay well I just fell hallway down there didn't want to do that

is there anything else in here thank you be aware of

it's very easy awesome No

Nikki you're telling me I need a key now I'll

because I forced locked it open and I failed

are you really kidding

I have to be look around for a key okay

I'm really not liking this wedgie dark can't see a darn thing

and just because I failed maybe you're looking for a key I just break down the

darn door well let me do that ah

never go wrong with Mo did you can hear the night like they

didn't hear that I'm concerned by police

surgical tubing what done Oh camera I can make youtube videos desk

empty like that sound

versus safe they opened

I don't care

that helps

is that what I needed though please tell me it's what I needed

I'm never gonna force open at the war again I know this is gonna happen again

and that's really annoying

in order to get to where I want to be I'm you get through that freaking door

whatever these things always happened me

and seriously

well I'm screwed

can't open that and I can't open the thing that below us

maybe I should ask the ghouls you know what I mean

because I activated that was happening

oh my god it's in there of course okay I'm gonna turn off the gas just

because I'm scared that uh that something's gonna happen cuz maybe it

might be rather or whatever so I got the keyboard or I think I'm hoping I'm

hoping yes thank you thank you oh man I thought I had to go

somewhere else find the key oh I'm so glad all right whoa yeah we out of the

oven to ground where's that where's just more underground

yeah well underground okay oh no I think I remember doing this and there being a

lot of cools this time okay I'm gonna sneak

as if boy already doesn't want to get you know demolished

mac and cheese potato crisps

I'm supposed to go which way

well just radroaches okay

like when the right way

probably gonna leave this part raw I'm just I'm looking in the future I'm

probably like I was supplied for in but like it's intense so I'm gonna probably

leave here and live it wrong I like to keep my videos raw

I guess that's just my style I guess you know I mean I really don't like this

I really can't see anything where is that happening No

what the hell

we're trying to open bats up there we go super mutants yes that's what I want

so we had to go up say it upstairs I'm gonna take both okay how's it go this

way though

I'm confused

am I supposed to be up here where this is just exploration


their cannibal come on yay yay no we're underground whoa man that was

scary it's not must be a horror game though

really isn't okay

Wow okay scraps car I guess more cycle whatever that supposed to be serve it to

what anything is just go down this path like a super mutants I don't like them

does it sound good don't mess with a Natasha you know I'm saying I'm stem

pack where the other meeting go hey whatever you're only like that

by all means look I don't know who you are but you

don't belong here yes sir mutants have overrun our brothers at the galaxy news

radio building and we're headed there the kids see you you can tag along if

you want but keep your head down and try not to do anything stupid okay you've

been living under a rock this is DC the entire city is crawling with super

mutants now if you'll excuse me okay but

there aren't a lot of safe places in the ruins right now but the galaxy Newsradio

building is sort of our port in the storm okay

fortunately the building has been hit pretty hard lately we're their backup so

if there are no more questions we really need to move out okay that's a negative

okay we've got too many local conscripts as it is most are under trained and too

damn trigger-happy for their own good okay

our very own initiate redden is a sterling example the names Sarah Lyons

Sentinel and squad commander of the Lions - oh you're Merlot's you okay I've

always heard about millions join them brother of steel joining up other

brothers steel come on guys join the brotherhood of steel watch yourself out

there okay cool thanks so dang dark

am I supposed to be anywhere though or making it to there I guess I'll take

this you know why I'm not lying up up with my chance

okay so you can change who you are shoot missed all those oh whoa okay

Ploen Smith back I don't like rats

okay that was it if you monkey incredible hits it's pretty good

oh they have power armor okay cool

there are a lot of them sorry I wasn't talking I was just yeah just just a lot

of happening

I can't see anything though I might kill it that's all I can do


okay seriously weird

gee whiz

okay drop my what's cold just like that though

okay so

or exactly it's the person for trying to look for though

up here

so in there

I'm really confused and she proved it here today when we get back to the

Citadel I guess it's my turn to thank you okay

anyway the area is secure so you're free to talk to three dog if you need to

can't worries to read on though I'm sure all right you can handle yourself I'll

give you that well let's not get carried away okay um

watch yourself out there good thanks

where is three dog can't even see him

oh I got that power armor training that's cool I guess

where the heck is this dude one of them clay we did what what's going on oh I

got a fat man okay cool

please of that I even know I supposed to courts it remember oh okay so that's

what that other way point was for okay that's supposed to get in here looks

like it's all clear unlocking outer doors okay thank you

oh okay there we go okay Oh connecting now is right upstairs okay

thanks thanks okay just make sure not to interfere with our operations all right


oh man that thing was enormous once I mean is he talking about money

this place has a ton of people everywhere you know I want to do a

cleansing there's nothing else like okay he's up here Alec dog the look on your

face says it all you're wondering who the heck this guy

is and why you should care well prepare enlightened alright

I am three dog okay I give discs and tell of truths Lord and Master over the

finest radio station of grace the wastes galaxy news radio okay and you well I

know who you are heard about you leaving that vault

traveling the unknown just like dear old dad met him already

okay cool yep guilty as charged I don't usually have exposure to the

public like this it's nice to know someone's listening yeah makes carrying

on the good fight much easier imagine a picture okay a picture of the capital

wasteland all that brick and rock yeah a whole lot of nothing right yeah there's

people out there trying to just barely make it from day to day fighting to stay

alive and make something out of what they got yeah

but then you've got all kinds of shit slavers super mutants Raiders they all

want to slice of the pie too and aim to take it by force

yeah well holy shit aren't you a chip off the old block you are as smart as

your dad since you know all about this cause no need to explain the effect

let's get you on your way okay oh come on you're a spitting image of the guy

spin it before now you're here yeah let's take a genius to figure it out

you want to find your dad and it just so happens this location is known to yours

truly but if you want to know more you're gonna have to contribute to the

good fight it could fight you wanna find your dad and it just so happens his

location is known to yours truly was here with galaxy News we had a great

conversation he's a real stand-up guy yeah if you want to know more you're

gonna have to contribute to the good fight okay you just keep on well yes

your dad is some sort of scientist type some kind of egghead or something you

really think if you find him he'd help our cause when your dad passed through

here I spent a good long time talking to him about all kinds of stuff yeah he

mentioned some scientific mumbo-jumbo which didn't make much sense to me

something about a project purity hmm he also said something about going to visit

a doctor Lee in Rivet City oh he left in a hurry okay rivet city

you've never heard of rivet city Wow eggheads got together and turned a

beached aircraft carrier into a town okay cool yeah let's just follow the

river south from here there's no way you can miss it okay awesome

all right yeah levelled up okay

okay what if I max that out dude we're to make it easier to hack things or just

would it be the same it's probably yeah but like or just make it easier to hack

things because I'm about hacking I could it has my sneak my speech okay and one

more perk

okay I'm neither you cannot done all right so let's see what are we gonna do

now gotta get you see skin choice man okay so big I already City now so well

we'll do that at our next mission next episode you guys are doing a video leave

a like know you know help me out and all that stuff and comfortable if you want

to see more of this game I'm gonna do it just because I like it but if you guys

don't really want to see it and you're more anticipated by a different series

then let me know I don't like hitman or something and um

let me know and I'll do that quicker but this is what I'm liking right now so

that's what I'm doing right now and I really need to stop saying um and uh but

yeah that's irrelevant I'll see you guys in the next video peace out

For more infomation >> THIS ISN'T A HORROR GAME!!! | Fallout 3 [#2] - Duration: 1:12:21.


New Bangla Short Waz | Ahle Hadisra KI Mohilader Mosjide Keno Ane ? Dr Muzaffar Bin Mohsin | 2018 - Duration: 6:00.

AK Computer Network

Have Done This Video

For more infomation >> New Bangla Short Waz | Ahle Hadisra KI Mohilader Mosjide Keno Ane ? Dr Muzaffar Bin Mohsin | 2018 - Duration: 6:00.


Crazy Toy Shopping in Greenhills Philippines Travel Vlog - Duration: 6:51.

baby brother is here I go to Greenhills to get my sceren protector and cases for

my iPhone and iPad good morning everyone I'm here in the Philippines with my

family and today we'll be doing some shopping toy shopping in GreenHills

going to bring along my daughter and hopefully I can find something really

nice for her so this video will give you an idea where the were to shop some of

the nicest toys some of the cheap bargains so I've been there before if

you haven't seen my previous video do check them out where I found a couple of

fake shoes Yeezy spinners everything some of the cheapest and the most part

and stuff in the world can be found there so heading back there again but

I'm gonna focus more on tone shopping might check out some of the sort of some

other shops and stalls we'll see how we go I know very limited in terms of what

I can show in the video but hey this is what I do right I'm vlogging here and

I'm trying to show you guys show you all what what's what to expect when you're

here in the Philippines and you're looking for cheap bargain toy shopping

whatever all those things then do check out GreenHills so I also haven't really

been updating anything through my social media feed because the internet

connection here is pretty bad it goes on and off on and off I don't know what's

wrong with it you know the Wi-Fi connection the router internet

everything in here it's pretty slow for some reason maybe in this area who knows

yeah I haven't really been connecting online checking my emails social media

everything so apologies for that one I'm at the

greenies shopping center in the toy shop here

my daughter's looking for toys which toys there's so many here

this is a Virra Mall third floor just next to the food court there PJ masks

yeah PJ masks is here too

and this is this toy is very rare there's like GIJOE streetfighters is like

back in the blinding anyone else' will come back here door

I said of Barbie

this mall is pretty big that's like three floors in here shoe shops food

courts everything

I'll go here

this is normally where I check out some toy some kids voice in here at green

yield shoppesville at level three

Captain America and stuff

there's lego upstairs

Oh I think this is Iego here proper lego

hello kitty this is carnage

okay thank you so much okay bought a spider-man Funko pop for

my daughter hopefully that'll be the end of it

speaking for many are in manage roles

good question instead

who uses a

so that concludes the tour shops here in shoppesville level 3 catch up with my wife

my daughter now now we're gonna head off to the other side in toy Kingdom

so we're back here again level 2 for Kingdom

my daughter's gonna check out some stuff from 2x4 your cousin right okay

yeah we have this one at home


i'm still stuck here spiderman

all right we're back here again same place where we started

trying to look for a mashem toy for trying to find the toys for to buy for

Megan's cousin I'm not sure which ones it's hard to find one here

that's plant vs Zombies how about we should get that one thing my wife will take

care of it and yeah that's really hopefully you enjoyed this quick video

or for what greenhills is all about and where the toy shops are and yeah I'll see you on

my next video

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