Friday, April 13, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 13 2018

Welcome to another Mathologer video. It's something that only a few experts among

you will be aware of but pretty much every single Mathologer video features

fresh maths, made up just for you. Every once in a while I even sneak in some of

my own little theorems and proofs. Today's video is one of those videos.

What I want to show you today are some new beautifully visual ways to prove the

irrationality of some small integer roots like root 2, as well as some really

cool and closely related mathematical gems. And it's all based on what I

usually refer to as triangular squares. What the hell is a triangular square?

Well, it's definitely not clickbait. Okay what I mean by triangular squares are

equilateral triangles that are made up of mini equilateral triangles like that

one over there. Why triangular squares? Because the number of mini triangles is

always a square, namely the total width in terms of mini triangles squared. In

this case the width of the big triangle is 5-minute triangles and I claim there

are exactly 5 squared equals 25 of these mini triangles. Okay, I've prepared a

really nice animated proof that this is the case in general. Ready to be dazzled?

Here we go. Okay, yeah and it's getting squarish there. And done! There 5 squared.

This is an incredibly beautiful proof and if you don't agree then there's

something really, really really wrong with you and it's probably time to

switch to a non maths channel. Also hiding just around the corner there's

some more beautiful stuff, too good to pass over and so let's just savour that too

before we go all irrational. Note that the layers of a triangular

square are consecutive odd numbers. So one yellow triangle in the first layer,

three orange in the second layer, then 5, 7 and 9. And so 1 plus 3 plus

5 plus 7 plus 9, the sum of the first five or numbers is five squared.

Doing the same for general triangular squares proves that the sum

of the first N odd numbers is N squared. Also super beautiful isn't it? Anyway

for what follows you only need to remember that a triangular square of

width N contains N squared mini triangles. I now want to use

triangular squares to prove that the square root of 3 is irrational, that

is, that the number root 3 cannot be written as a fraction, as a ratio of

integers. To prove this let's assume that it's in fact possible to express root

3 as such a fraction. Okay and let's also assume that A and B are as small as

possible. Then squaring both sides and

simplifying gives this here. Okay but then of course 3B squared equals A

squared. That's the same as saying that B squared plus B squared plus B squared

equals A squared. So what does this mean? This means that if root 3 was

rational, then the equation X squared plus X squared plus X squared equals Y

squared would have positive integer solutions and that B squared plus B

squared plus B squared equals A squared would be the smallest such solution. But

this would also mean that combined the three green triangular squares of width

B would contain exactly the same number of mini triangles as the triangular square

grid of width A on the right. And this would mean that all the mini green

triangles on the left would fit exactly into a large grid on the right. And

here's a super stylish way to begin an attempt to fit them.

Pretty :) Anyway this attempt results in three dark green triangle overlaps and

an empty triangle patch in the middle. This patch and the overlaps would also

be triangular squares, right? However since they are just enough mini green

triangles, the three dark green overlap triangles together must exactly fill the

white triangular grid. But that's absolutely impossible! Why? Because we

supposedly started with the absolutely smallest way to express a square as the

sum of three other squares, that one up there. And, of course, no solution can be

smaller than the smallest one. Well we've played this game a couple of

times already in the last couple of videos so you should be okay with that. Now the

only way to resolve this contradiction is to conclude that the assumption we

started with, namely that root 3 is a fraction is false.

In other words, root 3 is irrational, or equivalently, the equation X squared

plus X squared plus X squared equals Y squared has no solutions in positive

integers. How slick is that? :) Now, using similarly stunning triangle choreography

we can also show that root 2, root 5 and root 6 are irrational. Now before I do that

let me hammer the crux of our proof by contradiction just one more time. Okay, so

root 3 being a fraction is equivalent to there being three identical triangular

squares adding to another triangular square, right? And the contradiction

hinges on us showing that if this was really possible for some triangular

squares, then the same would be possible using even smaller triangular squares.

So, now let's see how to prove that root 2 is irrational. Root 2 being a fraction

is equivalent to there being TWO identical triangular squares adding to

another triangular square, like that. And to make the contradiction work we then

simply have to show that this equality implies another equality involving even

smaller triangular squares. And here's how we can capture those smaller

triangular squares.Llet's chase them down. Okay...

pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, very nice. At this point the dark green overlap would

be exactly as large as the white empty area. Now let's shift the overlap down. This

would fill some of the empty area and create new overlaps. There two smaller

triangular squares adding to another triangular square, which then unleashes

the contradiction and proves that root 2 is irrational as well.

Here's a little puzzle for you. We have to have a puzzle! And there will be more.

Have another look at this picture here. Can you see an even easier way to arrive

at a contradiction, that is, can you see two other small triangular squares that

add to one large triangular square. It's really jumping out at me but see whether

you can see it, too. Let me now show you the root five and six triangular

choreographies followed by some choreographies using actual squares and

pentagons. First root 6 with 6 triangular squares adding to another

triangular square. Here we go. (Music playing)

Beautiful you must agree. Two things before I move on.

When using the root 5 and root 6 choreographies to show the irrationality

of these numbers one actually also has to make sure that the various dark

overlaps in the animations always exist and are of the same size.

I leave filling in the details as another puzzle for you. The root 5

choreographies are particularly tricky to pin down. For example, in the pentagon

root 5 choreography it's not even clear where the squares are. Again consider

filling in the details as a puzzle, or check out the write-up in the

description of the video. Longtime Mathologer fans may remember that in the

early days of the channel I did a video on proving that root 2 is irrational

using the simple square choreography. In fact, it was this beautiful proof by

mathematician Stanley Tennenbaum and popularised by the great John Conway

that started this whole line of investigation. A paper expanding on this

idea was authored by Stephen Miller and David Montague who discovered the root 3

triangle and the root 5 pentagon choreographies. My contributions are the

triangular square root 2, 5 and 6 choreographies and using triangular

squares to illustrate things. Anyway, all this is just the start of much more

really, really beautiful mathematics, such as: 1) nearest miss solutions to our

impossible equations; 2) best rational approximations to our small integer

roots; and 3) a really nice paradoxical insight about triangular numbers to

finish things off. Well let's go. Remember, by proving that root 3 is irrational we

also proved that the equation X squared plus X squared plus X squared equals = Y

squared has no positive integer solutions. This means that the three

green triangular squares together and the white triangular square that I used to

illustrate the proof actually cannot have the same number of mini triangles.

In fact I chose the numbers on the left and right to be as close as possible

differing by just 1, And so 15 and 26 form what I want to call an

nearest miss solution to the equation X squared plus X squared plus X squared

equals Y squared, the next best thing to an integer solution. Among other things

this means that 26 over 15 is an extremely good approximation of root 3,

sort of the root 3 counterpart of PI's 22 over 7. Have a look. Pretty good, right?

When we run our choreography, we start with this propeller formation here and

after our triangles finish their dance we end up with another propeller

formation. Even better the new triangular squares correspond to another nearest

miss solution, that one down there. Let's unleash the choreography on this small

propeller. Okay, there, yet another propeller and another nearest miss

solution one, there. Now clearly something goes wrong if we try this one more time

and I'll leave it as yet another puzzle for you to figure out what but if we

can't go on forever in one direction, let's go the other way. Let's run the

choreography in reverse. Here we go. So everything going in reverse. Larger,

even larger. Now we're back to where we started from. But why stop here? Let's

just keep on going, right?

Okay and now we are one step up. It's probably not so surprising and it's not

hard to show that this new propeller also corresponds to a nearest-miss, like

this. Okay, so the numbers pan out like this here and you can check that this is

really true. In fact, it's not too hard to prove that if we keep on going we'll

always get nearest miss solutions and in fact, we get all nearest miss solutions

to our equation in this way. Anyway here's a list of the smallest of these

nearest miss solutions. Okay now if we take the ratios from top to bottom this will

give better and better approximations of root 3. Let's check this.

So 2 over 1, 7 over 4, 26 over 15 and there I've highlighted how many digits we get

correct. In fact the sequence of these fractions

converges to root 3, so if we combine all our propellers containing all of

these ratios into one large picture, in some sense this overall picture captures

root 3, IS root 3. So this is root 3 have you ever seen root 3, this is it. Very

pretty, right? And as you've probably already guessed everything I just said

about root 3 can also be shown to work for the root 2, root 5, and root 6

choreographies. Now just for fun, here's a picture of root 2 corresponding to the

original Tenenbaum choreography. Also super pretty right? Now there are some

more footnotes that I really should add: 1) about a second type of nearest miss

solution; 2) about irrationality of integer roots in general; 3) Pell's equation; and 4) some

interesting connections with infinite continued fractions. For those of you

interested I'll put some footnotes in the description of this video.

But for the finale of this video let me tell you about a freaky alternate number

reality to which our triangle choreographies can be applied, as well as

a very paradoxical puzzle for you that pops up in this context. Have a look at

this. I call this a triangular triangle. Well nobody in the universe does that

except for me, but who's going to stop me, right, I'm the Mathologer :) Puzzle for you:

Figure out the motivation behind this strange name. It's not hard. Anyway the

number of hexagons in a triangular triangle of width N is called the Nth

triangular number (hint :) T_n. So T_1 is just 1, T_2 is 1 plus 2 equals 3, T_3 is 1

plus 2 plus 3 equals 6, and so on. And so the nth triangular number T_n is just

the sum of the first n positive integers which, as many of you will know, is equal

to n times n plus 1 over 2 so for example T_5 the number of hexagons in

this triangular triangle is equal to 15. Now, just like the integer squares, the

triangular numbers also feature prominently in number theory and a lot of famous

mathematicians have proved theorems about them. For example, up there is one

of the most famous entries in Gauss's mathematical notebook. It says that every

positive integer is the sum of at most three triangular numbers. You can tell

that Gauss was really excited about having found a proof for this. Just have

a look at the Eureka in really bold letters preceding the statement.

Now important for us is the related fact that,

unlike squares, there are instances where three times a triangular number equals

another triangular number. Here's an example so T_20 plus T_20 plus T_20 is

equal to T_35. Let's unleash our root 3 choreography on this set-up and

see what happens.

So, obviously, this propellor corresponds to a smaller triangular number sum that

also works, this one here. T_5 plus T_5 plus T_5 is equal toT_9. In fact,

we can run the choreography forwards and backwards to generate all instances of

three identical triangular numbers adding to another triangular number. Now

here's my main puzzle for you. Forget about the other ones. If you just want

one, this is it: the smaller equation follows from the larger one, right, so why

doesn't this prove, just as in the case of triangular squares, that three

identical triangular numbers cannot add to another triangular number?

That's a tricky one, let's see whether anybody can figure it out. Anyway, that's

it for today.

For more infomation >> Visualising irrationality with triangular squares - Duration: 18:09.


El cambio de look de una madre luchadora | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> El cambio de look de una madre luchadora | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:57.


Aseguran que OVNI gigante sobrevoló en El Salvador | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Aseguran que OVNI gigante sobrevoló en El Salvador | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.


Do you eat Tuna? Then you should watch it! - Duration: 3:52.

The Americans do not

consuming both tuna and other of the world, but in general we can say that

is a widely consumed food in the United States. United States, second only to shrimp, when

We talk about seafood. Maybe that's it. because it is a food that contains good

amounts of protein and fatty acids polyunsaturated, beneficial to health.

Or maybe because it's such tasty food and very practical to prepare: just open

a can and consume.

Whatever the reason, experts believe that tuna is not such a healthy food

as we imagine.

The great culprit of this bad fame is the mercury, a toxic heavy metal that is found

naturally in the air, water and

soil mercury is released into the environment in various ways, especially through

of coal burning in power plants and in industrial processes, or even of course,

as in the case of volcanoes.

As we are exposed to mercury, by the air or by the consumption of contaminated fish,

we tend to concentrate this heavy metal in our organism, in its organic form, known

such as methylmercury.

High amounts of methylmercury may be harmful and even toxic, in addition to

serious health problems and symptoms such as:

Nervousness, anxiety, irritability Apathy or aggression, mental confusion

Insomnia, frequent nightmares and memory lapses; Headache and

Dizziness, Delirium Teeth weak and brittle Studies point to associations

between high levels of mercury and neurological disorders, in addition to Alzheimer's disease,

autism, anxiety, depression and Parkinson's.

Almost all fish and seafood contain mercury, but larger species such as sharks,

fishespada, mackerel and tuna, which are predators, tend to accumulate more of this substance.

Fish like tuna, eat smaller fish, which also absorbed mercury.

That is, the more fish he eats, the more absorbs mercury.

Although there is a great debate on the subject, many health agencies recommend consumption

of fish such as tuna in moderation.

People who are most at risk of being affected by mercury contamination

are pregnant women, babies and children.

If you like to consume seafood, prefer those with smaller amounts

of mercury such as herring, cod, shrimp, lobster, oyster, salmon and sardines.

For more infomation >> Do you eat Tuna? Then you should watch it! - Duration: 3:52.


Stormy Daniels prepara show erótico, ¿qué dirá Trump? | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Stormy Daniels prepara show erótico, ¿qué dirá Trump? | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:12.


Marcela Mar: "en la actuación no hay tiempo de creerse el cuento" | En Primer Plano | El Espectador - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Marcela Mar: "en la actuación no hay tiempo de creerse el cuento" | En Primer Plano | El Espectador - Duration: 4:23.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Cozy Beautiful Bookworm by MitchCraft Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Cozy Beautiful Bookworm by MitchCraft Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:05.


Facebook Staffers Had Enough Of The Lies And Just Told America Exactly What Zuckerberg Is Doing To… - Duration: 5:57.

Facebook Staffers Had Enough Of The Lies And Just Told America Exactly What Zuckerberg

Is Doing To Conservatives.

The eyes of the nation have been on Washington the past few days as United States senators

grilled Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg about his information sharing policies.

The social media giant that has taken up residence on the phones and in the lives of the vast

majority of Americans is being accused of not only a massive data breach but of suppression

of beliefs that don't align with the personal beliefs of the CEO.

Because Facebook has access to the majority of voting Americans almost every day, it's

potential to influence is almost astronomical.

With many smaller news organizations using it as the vehicle for their information, it

was devastating to many when their reach was shut down by an algorithm.

These fears were compounded when it was discovered that the internet giant had an actual data


While that might have been an accident, according to the Washington Post, some employees of

the company revealed that they actually do intentionally curate what the viewers see

on a day to day basis:

"…Gizmodo quotes several former curators suggesting that conservative news stories

would be booted from the automatically generated list of trending stories for two reasons.

One was if the story came from a conservative-leaning site, such as or,

in which case curators were told to find the same story on a mainstream media site, if


The other was if the curator didn't want to include the story or didn't recognize

the story as important.

It's hard to know the extent to which the latter judgments took place, but one of the

former curators — a conservative — told Gizmodo, 'I believe it had a chilling effect

on conservative news.'

That's problematic, for obvious reasons.

(Gizmodo notes that it's not clear whether this is still happening, because the trending

news algorithm is constantly being tweaked, and that it's not clear whether the liberal

news was similarly affected.)

The bigger question is the extent to which Facebook overlays another filter on top of

what you see — and the extent to which that can influence political decisions.

We already knew (even if we sometimes forget) that there are a lot of layers of filtration

that occur before you see anything on Facebook.

There's the filtering that you yourself do, picking friends, clicking links, posting


There's the main Facebook algorithm that puts things in your feed.

That's based in large part on what you tell the system you like.

Two years ago, journalist Mat Honan liked everything in his feed, telling Facebook,

in short, that he liked everything.

Within 48 hours, his feed was a garbage dump.

His human curation had failed.

So this manipulation of the trending news is another layer.

But it's significant in part because it's the most obvious manifestation of what Facebook

wants you to see.

Facebook slips ads in your feed and highlights some posts over others, but the trending news

is Facebook itself sharing content with you.

And as Gizmodo reports, its employees are deliberate in doing so.

For example:

In other instances, curators would inject a story — even if it wasn't being widely

discussed on Facebook — because it was deemed important for making the network look like

a place where people talked about hard news.

'People stopped caring about Syria,' one former curator said.

'[And] if it wasn't trending on Facebook, it would make Facebook look bad.'

Facebook was also criticized for not having a trending topic on the Black Lives Matter

movement, one former curator claimed.

So they "injected" it into the feed.

'This particular injection is especially noteworthy because the #BlackLivesMatter movement

originated on Facebook, and the ensuing media coverage of the movement often noted its powerful

social media presence,' Gizmodo's Michael Nuñez writes.

Black Lives Matter existed without Facebook, but this injection could only have helped.

In April, Nuñez reported that Facebook employees were advocating for chief executive Mark Zuckerberg

to explain during a company meeting what responsibility Facebook had to block Donald Trump's candidacy.

(The question doesn't appear to have been answered.)

If it wanted to block Trump from appearing on the site, an expert told Nuñez, it was

within its legal rights to do so, just as it can block other forms of content.

The report resulted in assurances from the company that it would never interfere with

people's voting choices.

"We as a company are neutral," a spokesman told The Hill, "we have not and will not

use our products in a way that attempts to influence how people vote."

That's the issue at the heart of the question over what Facebook is suppressing or promoting.

This is a media company at a scale that's without precedent in the world.

Nearly three-quarters of American adults who use the Internet use Facebook.

And those adults didn't see stories about political topics in their trending news feeds

because a human who works at Facebook decided not to show it."

Despite multiple reports of censorship, Facebook, along with their CEO attempted to maintain

that they weren't intentionally silencing anyone.

They consistently attempt to defend their algorithm by saying that they are just using

it to filter out what people don't want to see.

There is an argument to be made that people will be more worried about something because

it becomes more prevalent in their lives.

Many people joke about something being "facebook official."

In other words, maybe our high-speed world asks us to absorb so many things that unless

we see something multiple times, we just don't pay any attention to it.

If that's the case, it's possible that Facebook is using their power to make sure

we don't pay attention to anything that they don't want us to really think about.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Facebook Staffers Had Enough Of The Lies And Just Told America Exactly What Zuckerberg Is Doing To… - Duration: 5:57.


Comey's Wrecked, President Destroys His Anti-Trump Tour With 'Nasty Surprise'. - Duration: 5:43.

Comey's Wrecked, President Destroys His Anti-Trump Tour With 'Nasty Surprise'.

James Comey hasn't learned that President Donald Trump is three steps ahead of him at

all times.

This is exactly what happened today as the fired FBI boss launched his anti-Trump tour.

The president just destroyed Comey with a "nasty surprise" that he never saw coming.

President Trump and his advisors were anticipating the launch of "Lyin' Comey's" anti-Trump

book tour.

Comey, who was given the nickname "Cardinal Comey" by those FBI agents who hated him,

has a reputation as an arrogant egotistical "holier than thou" person who can't

stand anyone getting the upper hand on him.

When Trump rightly fired Comey, the former FBI boss vowed revenge.

Part of that revenge was Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Comey started the illegal Trump-Russia investigation when he was FBI director, and after he was

fired, he illegally leaked lies to the New York Times about Trump for one purpose: to

start a special counsel to get Trump impeached.

CNN reported back in June 2017, "Former FBI Director James Comey testified that he

orchestrated the leak of accounts of conversations with President Donald Trump because he thought

it might lead to the appointment of a special prosecutor to lead the Russia investigation."

Comey testified under oath, saying, "My judgment was that I needed to get that out

into the public square because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special


What did he leak to the NY Times?

His notes on Trump, which he claimed were conversations between him and the president.

In the notes, he tried to make Trump look guilty of "obstruction of justice," which

was such a joke.

Comey claimed that, by Trump asking him about Gen. Michael Flynn, he obstructed justice.

But, no one could verify Comey's notes, and what he alleged was no crime.

It was no crime even if Trump did ask Comey about Flynn.

Trump didn't tell Comey to stop investigating Flynn, which he legally could have done.

The point is, this entire Mueller Special Counsel is based on a pile of notes Comey

wrote up; that is how crazy this is.

Even worse, Comey swore under oath that he never leaked anything to the press.

While watching Comey testify in March 2017, Trump tweeted, "Wow, watch Comey lie under

oath to Senator G when asked 'have you ever been an anonymous source…or known someone

else to be an anonymous source…?'

He said strongly 'never, no.'

He lied as shown clearly on @foxandfriends."

When Comey figured out Special Counsel Mueller was going nowhere fast, he switched gears

and started writing his Trump-bashing book.

Comey loves the limelight, and this new book titled, "Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies & Leadership,"

is meant to push more lies about Trump, hoping to get him impeached.

Biz Pac Review reports that "fired FBI Director James Comey" is "commandeering the political

spotlight with his forthcoming shady memoir that likens President Donald Trump to a mob

boss, and a much-anticipated media blitz, starting with an interview Sunday with ABC's

George Stephanopoulos."

Comey started off his book tour this morning with Stephanopoulos, the guy who was known

as Hillary Clinton's fixer.

We all know Comey will not get near any real interview with tough questions, and he refuses

to go back under oath, but he'll talk to the Trump-hating media.

Well, the president and his advisers were ready, countering Comey with a website called

"Lyin' Comey."

It counters every lie Comey puts forth in his "tell-all" book, along with proving,

with video evidence, that the disgraced FBI boss has lied under oath several times.

Yeah, Comey keeps changing his story, and no one in their right mind would believe a

word that comes out of his mouth.

But, there's more.

The Republican Party countered with a timely video about Comey's lack of credibility.

The "Lyin Comey" website and this video all came out the same day arrogant "Cardinal

Comey" launched his book tour — it's brilliant.

Top Democrats, not Republicans, are featured in the spotlight, trashing "Lyin' Comey"

and his lack of integrity in the video titled "Comey isn't credible — just ask Democrats."

When will James Comey and his gang of deep state rats learn?

They have taken the FBI and the DOJ and used those hallowed institutions for their sick

goals to impeach President Donald Trump.

But, Trump is not a man who can be dispatched by their lies and trickery.

Americans who suffered eight years under the tyranny of Barack Obama voted his agenda and

the deep state thug tactics out of office.

Comey will be made to testify again, especially after all the contradictions raised in this

book, which any attorney would have told him not to write.

The fired FBI director may have just let his arrogance and greed get the best of him.

With hundreds of pages now available to Rep. Devin Nunes and his colleagues investigating

the corruption at the DOJ, Comey's book is a treasure trove to catch him in the numerous

illegal actions that he took hoping to get a duly elected President of the United States


He took the president as a fool, and Trump played him.

Checkmate, Comey, is what Trump is saying on that website.

Comey better hope that he makes millions on his book because he'll be needing it for

his legal defense.

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Comey's Wrecked, President Destroys His Anti-Trump Tour With 'Nasty Surprise'. - Duration: 5:43.


5 dias para você emagrecer e limpar fígado e rins com este maravilhoso remédio caseiro!️ - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 5 dias para você emagrecer e limpar fígado e rins com este maravilhoso remédio caseiro!️ - Duration: 3:07.


Páris ~ Fumaça (Prod. JoshW) - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Páris ~ Fumaça (Prod. JoshW) - Duration: 2:48.


다스 창고서 발견된 '이명박 청와대 문건' 충격...노무현 기록물 유출 갈등은?| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> 다스 창고서 발견된 '이명박 청와대 문건' 충격...노무현 기록물 유출 갈등은?| Seo-yeon97 - Duration: 10:32.


Subway Surfers

For more infomation >> Subway Surfers


I received a box of horrifying tapes that revealed what happened to my missing wife | Creepypasta - Duration: 12:58.

For more infomation >> I received a box of horrifying tapes that revealed what happened to my missing wife | Creepypasta - Duration: 12:58.


I Eat EVERYTHING On The TACO BELL Menu (15,000 CALORIES!!) 🌮🌯 | Mar - Duration: 14:54.

For more infomation >> I Eat EVERYTHING On The TACO BELL Menu (15,000 CALORIES!!) 🌮🌯 | Mar - Duration: 14:54.


I-70 Closed From Airpark To Kansas - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> I-70 Closed From Airpark To Kansas - Duration: 1:09.


I-70 Closed During Blizzard On Eastern Plains - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> I-70 Closed During Blizzard On Eastern Plains - Duration: 0:26.


Sources and Sinks - Code Review Basics - Duration: 7:53.

Sources and sinks describe a very simple concept for security code reviews or finding vulnerabilities

in general.

Those terms are also often used in the field of taint analysis and that's basically what

we will talk about.

I think it's one of these things that are super obvious and many of you have already

developed this intuitively without having a name for it.

At least that was true for me, but also once I learned about the concept this intuition

transformed into an actual technique for me.

So I figured there must be others that might be at a similar point and it could help.

Source and sinks.

What does that mean?

Sources are where data is coming from.

Attacker or untrustworthy sources of data.

And sinks are places where untrustworthy data could do something bad.

Let's do a very simple example.

You have maybe seen my video "Let's play a game: what is the deadly bug here?", where

we look at a very short php program and I explain to you my thought process in finding

the security issue.

So I think it's a very good example of this concept being applied.

I didn't explicitly use the terms sources and sinks in the video, but that is essentially

what I did.

So let's quickly identify the sources here.

Sources are where data is coming from, and in this case there are three $_POST request


These are fully user controlled.

But data is also coming from the SECRET environment variable, so in terms of security we have

to think now, is that particular source relevant to us.

And in the video I was contemplating about that but determined an attacker has probably

no control over it, so I excluded it from my mental list of attacker controlled inputs.

The sink in this case is pretty obvious, it's this dangerous exec function.

And now we have to figure how or if sources are connected to the sinks.

If we find a connection between attacker controlled input, the sources, to the dangerous function,

the sink, then we probably have a security issue.

Makes sense, right?

To figure out if this is the case, can be super easy, but in this example it was not

straight forward.

I mean the post variable, so one of the sources, is directly passed to the exec function, and

that's bad, right?

But it's not that simple.

Because before it we have a lot of conditions that try to protect exec.

In this case the idea was to use hmac to authenticate the command passed to exec, which means only

the admin who knows the secret could do it.

And the admin could also just login to the server with ssh and execute any command anyway,


So it's not inherently a security issue.

We have to proof now that an untrusted person, and in this case this means sb. who doesn't

know the secret could pass malicious code to exec.

And how we figured that out you either know already, or I recommend you to watch that



There are a few methods how you can work with sources and sinks.

For example when you want to review some code, you could start by looking for all the dangerous


Let's stay with the php example.

You could then look for every function considered dangerous.

There is this really nice stack overflow question that collects many of them.

So there are a lot of dangerous functions that are obvious such as exec, and system

and eval, but the issue is, not every function is clearly dangerous.

For example there is really obscure stuff, like the old php preg_replace function which

is used, to "Perform a regular expression search and replace", but it has this /e

modifier which can lead to php code execution through one of the parameters.

Another example is that a developer could create construct a dangerous setup themselves.

For example a function that creates a file and stores user data in it, but the file is

also accessible from a php webserver and so if a user enters php code into that file,

it could be executed by visiting that file.

So you see it's not that easy to find all the sinks in a program.

But the concept is clear, you try to find places that could be dangerous, if user controlled

input gets there.

The other side, the sources are also not that easy.

I mean it's pretty obvious that the GET and POST parameters are user controlled, but

some inputs are not clear.

For example my wifi name is a simple XSS test, and in one video where a device was listing

my wifis, it caused an XSS.

The developer did not anticipate that the wifi name could be malicious input.

And especially with frameworks that abstract away a lot of stuff, it's sometimes really

not clear what exactly is user controlled.

Which means it's like the sinks, not something you can always just search for, but the concept

is clear, we want to find all the sources of untrustworthy data.

And then we try to put sources and sinks together.

You can either do it forwards, backwards or a combination of both.

Forwards means you take one of your sources and just follow where this data is going to.

Essentially you are doing taint analysis by hand.

"Okay this input is then split at the comma, the first element is passed to this function,

the second element is passed to this function."

and then you continue to look at both functions.

Along the way you remember all the transformations of the input or sanitization, like if certain

character is removed, or what kind of checks exists and you hope it eventually it leads

to a dangerous sink.

The backwards path means you take a dangerous sink, and try to follow the path back up,

where is this data coming from, what kind of checks have to be true in order to lead

down here, and you try to figure out if it leads to a source of untrusted data.

And which method to use totally depends on the target.

For example if you have code with a looot of command executions or SQl queries, then

looking backwards from all these sinks could be too much and it would be easier to just

follow the 5 inputs.

But maybe it's easy to find all the dangerous sinks, but just the input is not very clear,

so you try to track back.

So deciding what to do is very much just a bit of experience and a lot of GUT feeling.

So the concept of sources and sinks is very easy, and I think using this terminology when

talking about vulnerabilities is very useful.

So next time you have to find vulnerabilities in some code for a class assignment or CTF,

try to use methods like this here.

One other thing I want to mention is that, it appears to me that the concept of sources

and sinks is used a lot more in the client side web security community, than in other


Especially in the area of DOM XSS.

So you have like classic XSS where the server code places untrusted data into the generated

HTML sent to the browser, but in DOM XSS, it's not like that.

Some untrusted input is passed to some javascript function and that leads to JS code execution.

For example if an attacker can control the content passed to the javascript function

innerHTML, which will write HTML, then of course you can write a script tag as well

which is executed.

And because there are so many javascript frameworks being used, with weird stuff, it's a typical

thing for researchers to share sinks with each other.

So you find a lot of lists of sources and sinks for various frameworks.

I like this kind of sharing, and would love to see it more adapted to other languages

as well.

Documenting dangerous functions, especially when they are more obscure is a really helpful


So if you are a developer, and work with some kind of framework in any language, and you

come across some functions that do something really fishy, can be easily misused or are

more powerful than people think, document it.

Tweet about it with #sink and hashtag the name of the framework.

Or write a blog or something, that is just basic everyday research that can be really


For more infomation >> Sources and Sinks - Code Review Basics - Duration: 7:53.


The HIDDEN PROBLEM With The Rockets In The NBA Playoffs - Duration: 4:07.

The Rockets have the best record in the NBA and many people think they can win it all

this year, but there's one major problem with the Rockets that could be their demise

in the playoffs.

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players.

It's ya boi MJ.

Today I wanna talk about The Hidden Problem with the Rockets in the NBA playoffs.

The playoffs start TOMORROW so who do you got winning the championship and why?

I saw the results of the poll I put out and as of now, most of you think the Warriors

will win, but I also wanna know which matchups you wanna see in the finals.

Alright let's get into it.

The Houston Rockets have had a legendary season.

They have the best record in the West, a probable MVP in James Harden, a future hall of fame

point guard in Chris Paul, a team filled with shooters, and one of the best defenses in

the league with Capela as the anchor.

But what no one is talking about is Mike D'Antoni.

Mike D'Antoni is a great coach with great offensive philosophies, but his teams have

never particularly had playoff success.

He has a 32 and 38 record in the playoffs and no discredit to D'Antoni, but it seems

as if he isn't the best at hammering out tiny details and adjusting to what the other

team is doing in a playoff series.

I mean 32 and 38?

That ain't cutting it!

D'Antoni has been in a similar position before.

He was the head coach of the Phoenix Suns who have had the best record in the NBA and

second best record in the NBA.

The furthest a D'Antoni team has made it is the Western Conference Finals and that's

only once.In the last 5 NBA playoffs Mike D'Antoni has been part of, his team's

offensive efficiency drops on an average of 8.56 points from the regular season.

What does that even mean?

That means that Mike D'Antoni teams do worse in the playoffs offensively than the regular


But these cases always giving your phone protection, even in the playoffs so check out Athletic

Cases in the description for dope designs.

Now, some of that is expected due to the playoffs, but not this much.

His teams always drop in offensive standings in the playoffs as well.

For example, the Rockets went from 2nd in offense in last year's NBA season to 7th

in the playoffs.

Other teams adjust and Mike D'Antoni just doesn't adjust as well.

Coaches like Popovich and Steve Kerr, no matter how much talent they have, adjust lineups

and rotations to make things work.

D'Antoni hasn't shown that and that could cost the Rockets when they need to be at their

best to take down the Warriors.

Just look at what moving Iguodala to the starting lineup did for the Warriors in the 2015 NBA


If D'Antoni doesn't change up stuff when he needs to, the Rockets will be in big trouble.

Now, the Rockets are the best team that D'Antoni has coached and Chris Paul and Harden are

basketball geniuses and floor generals.

I'm not saying the Rockets can't win it all because they are certainly capable of

doing so.

I'm just saying that a lot of people are forgetting about D'Antoni's playoff runs.

That might be why he said that a championship doesn't define the Rockets season.

That's not confident.

That doesn't show confidence in his team.

When a team is in a series, they gotta adjust because the other team adjusts.

It's what makes the Warriors special, because they can come at you with so many different

looks and Steve Kerr continuously adjusts the strategy.

If the Rockets don't do that, I just don't know how far they can go And that's the

hidden problem with the Rockets in the NBA playoffs.

But what do you think?

Are the Rockets gonna win it all?

Who's your pick to win it?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you liked this video and if you are excited about the NBA playoffs.

The playoffs are finally here and you know I'm gonna be dropping that ALDAY content.

The instagram shout of the day goes to PsychoGamer and the ALLDAY notification squad shout out

goes to King Swish.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> The HIDDEN PROBLEM With The Rockets In The NBA Playoffs - Duration: 4:07.



what is going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today we

got a video that's a little different so usually my second upload is an ICO

review or an undervalued all coin review but today is something different we're

going over a website and I think this is something a lot of you guys are going to

enjoy because this is about earning some free cryptocurrency from airdrops a lot

of you guys ask me all the time about air drops and I'm gonna do my best to

answer that in this video and show you guys where you can see all the upcoming

air drops in this video now guys before we get started if you are new to the

channel and you guys have not subscribed yet make sure you do hit the subscribe

button down below as well as the bell icon next to it to get notified every

time we release a new video we do daily cryptocurrency market and news recaps

which if you haven't checked out today's make sure you go check that out after

this video I'll leave a link to it at the end of the video and also some ico

reviews undervalue all curry reviews and stuff like this awesome websites I can

help you guys out but ya guys without further ado let's jump right into this

video this video is about air drop alert calm very simple website and it's very

simple what I'm gonna go over basically they are telling you where you can find

some air drops that's all it is in air drops you guys don't know are basically

you getting free tokens for signing up maybe to a newsletter it's there's

something there's different rules every time depending on which one maybe you

just have to hold a token and we're gonna go over that in just a bit but

guys they also have a YouTube channel if you want to check out go subscribe to

their YouTube channel they show you how to collect a lot of these air drops and

the rules and you know the steps are also shown right here so you guys can

see the upcoming air jobs they have there's three days left to the exclusive

8 core an air job you see all the ones in blue are exclusive to this website

and we're gonna go over their partners and stuff in a while to to show you guys

why I think they're pretty credible also note you don't have to put in any of

your own personal information on here which is big you honestly just get

information for free but let's say I wanted to join the Acorn exclusive air

job well what would I do you see there's three days left I would click on it and

these are the rules for the upcoming air job and its upcoming in three days you

guys can see all the updates you guys can see how to join how much is

being given away and it's absolutely crazy you guys can see it's a $7 plus

one point $4 per referral now the interesting part about this is that this

website obviously being a business they have a referral link when you go to

their airdrop from their website and that's how they are going to be making

their money from the website which is perfectly fine you know it's a business

venture I'm all for it I support it 100% and but yeah it's super easy to see

everything which is something I really really like so let's say you want to do

the eos DAC one this is click on it and there you have it all the information

airdrop ratio holding one els gives you one iOS DAC you guys can see the rules

you guys can see where all stuff like that also from past air jobs you guys

can see these are the active ones and some of the past ones including Bitcoin

cash you guys know Bitcoin cash being a hard fork of Bitcoin and it will get you

you got free Bitcoin cash and all you guys have to do it shows you the

different exchanges that you can hold it on to receive this and so much in from

EC the NEM if there iam classic oMG so many past ones so many active ones and

this honestly is a way for you to literally earn some free cryptocurrency

and if you were to sign up for all these you could actually make a decent amount

so it's pretty impressive now moving on to their partners look at all of the

past ones they've had I shouldn't have opened this up it's making me scroll too

much let's close that but okay let's take a look at some of their partners so

these are their partners and exclusive air jobs do you guys recognize this one

um this is an IC o---- that we actually reviewed on the challenge I thought was

really interesting they have an exclusive air job with this website

acorn also has an exclusive air job think coin has an exclusive air job

expert EEO which was an IC o---- um also yeah it was until recently I believe

also and IC o---- token news if you guys don't know what IC o---- token news is

it's a website where you guys can look at trending I cos I see a list see their

ranking on this website now obviously don't just take what this website says

guys I'm now a financial advisor they're not a financial advisor do your own

research before you invest in any see oh but you guys can check out some

of the upcoming I SEOs some of the trending I SEOs and stuff like that over

here on this website so I'm assuming this is this is an extension from that

website um where they're now tackling the air drop website and I don't really

know many air drop websites out there like this which is why again I think

this is really cool I don't I haven't personally used any but I might start

using air traveler comm I honestly might start using this and start doing more

air jobs now if you guys want me to keep you updated I could totally do that on

this channel that would be really really cool actually I just thought of this

idea on the spot I haven't actually planned this one I was talking about I

haven't planned talking about this in the video but if this is something that

interest you guys we could honestly do this together I could you know join some

join some air jobs let you guys know which ones I've joined and let you guys

know how it's working how if I receive the tokens if you and then drop you guys

a link for you guys to be able to join as well we can all get some free all

coins now you can make an account on these exchanges to sell or receive your

free air jobs usually that is done on the exchange so by Nantz for example you

guys know by Nantz my favorite exchange the one I use for basically everything

they host air job all the time and they give you the news of that on on by nets

and but this website that makes it easier for all basically basically all

exchanges all of the air jobs that are coming up and you guys can go ahead and

you know have all the information in one place which i think is absolutely

awesome we're getting more of these cool websites you guys know a few of the ICO

websites I use like ICO Benj the one I just showed you guys ICO token news but

I haven't really had one for air jobs and this is why I'm actually pretty

excited about this is why I wanted to review this because you guys have been

asking me about air drops so many times and I get asked so much about specific

air drops I thought this would be even easier to show you guys how you can see

all the air drops in one place so guys hopefully you guys enjoyed this video um

before we actually end off you can also check their other their telegram has 86

thousand members guys 86,000 members this is an absolutely huge platform and

their twitter has 88,000 followers guys I didn't even notice it

was this big I'd previously opened up the YouTube I hadn't even opened up

these that is absolutely crazy so guys obviously credible website a big fall

and a lot of people are also interested in this when it comes to them you know a

lot of people are also interested in air drops which like I said you guys have

been asking me so much about it so hopefully you did enjoy this video guys

thank you so much for watching though if you are new to the channel make sure to

subscribe down below and hit the bell icon to get notified every time we

release a new video also like I said before smash the thumbs up button if you

did enjoy the video I'll see you guys tomorrow

for another video



Impractical Jokers - "Conrad Goldweithe" Ep. 707 (Web Chat) | truTV - Duration: 5:19.

The title of this one, it says up top --

Danny Green makes notes, and, like,

the title of what it is, it says, "Joe or Sal."

So you got Joe.

It could've been either one of us, but...

Danny thought either of us would do just a good enough job.'s when you're going to swipe to the opening part?


These are your questions, I answer them

because you used #AskAJoker.

And we enjoy that because not enough questions

are asked of us, you know?

People don't ever ask us anything.

So, I spend my days coming in here and just, you know,

shooting the stuff with you guys,

and you don't get enough of my answers on everything.

You know, you can find me on the web, the traffic cams.

You can find me on anything. I always assery --

I always answer your questions, okay?

So whatever you need to know.

Let's see what America wants to know.

Lily asks, "Joe, your foreign guy.

Where is he from?"

New York titty, greatest titty in the world.

"What do you imagine his backstory?"



The, uh...

The Portu-- Portu-- Geh, north.


Ehh, he, eh, oh, eh, scared of,

oh, alone, oh, we fren.

Or he got, a, da, uh, Bangladesh.



That's probably -- that sums it up.

Jennifer asks, "How many times have you slapped Sal?

Does it ever get old or is it better with age?"

Slapping Sal is the fine wine of my existence.



[ Laughter ]

Don't try harder.


Tanya asks, "If you were a secret agent,

what would your name be?"


Conrad Goldweithe.


In mixed metals.

And my sidekick?

Would be this guy -- Gehh, yoy, ya, gah...


That's my sidekick asking me if I need my weapon.

Uh, Conrad Goldweithe. That's nice, actually.

How would I spell "Goldweithe?"


'Cause then it would be like, "What's your last name?"

Conrad Goldweithe.

You know, I did play Boris -- Boris von Sputnik.

Is Boris. Von Sputnik.

-And where are you from? -Mother Russia.

Might remember that guy.

That would probably be my archenemy.

Boris von Sputnik.

Um, okay.

Uh, "Joe, have you ever gotten sick

from everything you eat on set?"

Melly wants to know.

Uh, nah, I have a pretty good cast-iron stomach.

I will say this, though.

After I've lost the LBs -- down 35, thank you very much --



Less chins.

More chins.

Old Joe, new Joe.

Um, I can't really throw down the dozens of cannoli anymore.

I tried the other day and I got, like, a little nauseous.

Um... So, there's that.

Now you know. But if I'm forced into a corner,

I will eat the hell out of a cheesecake.

Magnus wants to know -- Magnus.

Your name is Magnus? You better be cool as hell.

"What are" -- That would be my spy name.

Magnus. What did I say my spy name was?

What Goldvan? Goldweithe?

Collin? Nobody's listening to me.

They don't give a [bleep] what I'm saying.

They just stand here with cameras.

they don't care what I've said. They don't listen to a word.

Dan Green is looking at his watch

and texting his family being like,

"I'm gonna late for dinner."



Uh, what -- what's my -- Magnus wants to know,

"What's your biggest professional thrill in 2017?"

Had to be playing Madison Square Garden.

Walking out onto that stage with my daughter,

and the best part of it was, at home, she loves to sing karaoke,

and we have a fake microphone, and she sings,

"I'm Still Standing" from the movie "Sing."

She loves that song.

♪ I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

You know it?

♪ I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Now it's like two people sang it. So she loves that.

So she took the microphone from me,

and I said, "Do you want to come to work with Daddy?"

And she said, "Yeah," and she took the microphone,

and she just stood up there and was whispering

in the microphone going,

♪ "I'm still standing, yeah" ♪

It's an amazing, amazing moment.

Here's a great picture of it.

Look at that.

Look at that little sweetheart Milana. I love her.

Next one says, Jennifer, "Why don't you do an episode

in North Platte, Nebraska?"

Because who the [bleep] wants to go to North Platte, Nebraska?

Thank you so much for listening to me on #AskAJoker.

I'm Joe, America's third-favorite Joker.

I appreciate you guys, you're the best.

As always, watch us.

Thursday nights, we're back, Season 7, truTV at 10 PM.

Please follow us here, and this is on the Instagram,

and then this is Danny Green's home address.

Feel free to send

any handwritten messages and lingerie.

His wife loves when he gets stuff like that.

And, uh, follow me on Twitter @Joe underscore Gatto,

Instagram as well.

And that is all the time I have. I got to go back to being funny.

Love y'all.

"Perfect," Dan Green said. Did you guys get that?

He said, "Perfect."

Drop the mic. [ Speaking indistinctly ]

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers - "Conrad Goldweithe" Ep. 707 (Web Chat) | truTV - Duration: 5:19.


Couple Excited About Pregnancy, Until Doctor Makes Alarming Announcement & Mom Starts To Shake - Duration: 3:12.

Couple Excited About Pregnancy, Until Doctor Makes Alarming Announcement & Mom Starts To

Shake John Vandermolen and his wife Julie had heart-breakingly

endured a miscarriage.

Anyone who has experienced this tragedy knows the heartache that accompanies it.

Then one year later, this couple was given news that would change their lives forever...

Julie had noticed she felt different, and a quick test revealed that she was joyfully

pregnant again.

Then Julie and John were given news that left them floored.

At her check-up, the doctor told them something that shook them to the core.

Almost immediately, the color in Julie's face drained and her legs began to shake.

Then the doctor handed her husband a bucket.

Not only was Julie wonderfully pregnant after suffering a miscarriage, she was carrying

a miracle.

Or rather, make that several miracles.

Statistics show that the chance of conceiving identical triplets is one in a million to

one in 100 million.

Quite rare, in fact.

But fate had blessed Julie and John with a miracle set of identical triplets.

The couple had resided in Greenville, North Carolina, but returned to their hometown in

Grand Rapids, Michigan, to be close to loved ones for the babies' births and the joys of

raising a family.

On Nov. 26 at 11:28 a.m., Ivan John Vandermolen arrived weighing four pounds, 7 ounces.

At 11:29 a.m., Wiliam Lloyd Vandermolen entered the world weighing five pounds.

Two minutes later, Harrison Kenneth Vandermolen made his appearance weighing three pounds,

15 ounces.

Their delivery was beautiful, even though Julie's dad wasn't there to be part of it,

she shared.

"I got pregnant right after losing my father, so that was a very emotional time for me and

I thought about how I wish he could have met my sons.

But to have three beautiful healthy gifts, it was a blessing we didn't know to pray for."

After the babies were born, John told Michigan Live that he and his wife are incredibly blessed.

He also admitted that they hadn't gotten much sleep and that likely wasn't going to change

in the foreseeable future.

"I had a terrible night of sleep and I think I'm going to have more of those.

I'm so thankful that they are healthy and we're happy to be in an area where (we have

access) to great care.

The nurses have been great and I'm just happy."

For now, the babies are easier to tell apart, because they are different weights.

But as they grow, they'll be harder to discern between.

The couple said they'll have to come up with a system to tell their miracle identical triplet

boys apart.

Shockingly, the Vandermolens weren't the only couple to deliver identical triplets recently.

Another couple also welcomed three identical triplet boys in Missouri in the very same

month the Vandermolen triplets were born in Michigan.

How incredible is that?

For more infomation >> Couple Excited About Pregnancy, Until Doctor Makes Alarming Announcement & Mom Starts To Shake - Duration: 3:12.


Visualising irrationality with triangular squares - Duration: 18:09.

Welcome to another Mathologer video. It's something that only a few experts among

you will be aware of but pretty much every single Mathologer video features

fresh maths, made up just for you. Every once in a while I even sneak in some of

my own little theorems and proofs. Today's video is one of those videos.

What I want to show you today are some new beautifully visual ways to prove the

irrationality of some small integer roots like root 2, as well as some really

cool and closely related mathematical gems. And it's all based on what I

usually refer to as triangular squares. What the hell is a triangular square?

Well, it's definitely not clickbait. Okay what I mean by triangular squares are

equilateral triangles that are made up of mini equilateral triangles like that

one over there. Why triangular squares? Because the number of mini triangles is

always a square, namely the total width in terms of mini triangles squared. In

this case the width of the big triangle is 5-minute triangles and I claim there

are exactly 5 squared equals 25 of these mini triangles. Okay, I've prepared a

really nice animated proof that this is the case in general. Ready to be dazzled?

Here we go. Okay, yeah and it's getting squarish there. And done! There 5 squared.

This is an incredibly beautiful proof and if you don't agree then there's

something really, really really wrong with you and it's probably time to

switch to a non maths channel. Also hiding just around the corner there's

some more beautiful stuff, too good to pass over and so let's just savour that too

before we go all irrational. Note that the layers of a triangular

square are consecutive odd numbers. So one yellow triangle in the first layer,

three orange in the second layer, then 5, 7 and 9. And so 1 plus 3 plus

5 plus 7 plus 9, the sum of the first five or numbers is five squared.

Doing the same for general triangular squares proves that the sum

of the first N odd numbers is N squared. Also super beautiful isn't it? Anyway

for what follows you only need to remember that a triangular square of

width N contains N squared mini triangles. I now want to use

triangular squares to prove that the square root of 3 is irrational, that

is, that the number root 3 cannot be written as a fraction, as a ratio of

integers. To prove this let's assume that it's in fact possible to express root

3 as such a fraction. Okay and let's also assume that A and B are as small as

possible. Then squaring both sides and

simplifying gives this here. Okay but then of course 3B squared equals A

squared. That's the same as saying that B squared plus B squared plus B squared

equals A squared. So what does this mean? This means that if root 3 was

rational, then the equation X squared plus X squared plus X squared equals Y

squared would have positive integer solutions and that B squared plus B

squared plus B squared equals A squared would be the smallest such solution. But

this would also mean that combined the three green triangular squares of width

B would contain exactly the same number of mini triangles as the triangular square

grid of width A on the right. And this would mean that all the mini green

triangles on the left would fit exactly into a large grid on the right. And

here's a super stylish way to begin an attempt to fit them.

Pretty :) Anyway this attempt results in three dark green triangle overlaps and

an empty triangle patch in the middle. This patch and the overlaps would also

be triangular squares, right? However since they are just enough mini green

triangles, the three dark green overlap triangles together must exactly fill the

white triangular grid. But that's absolutely impossible! Why? Because we

supposedly started with the absolutely smallest way to express a square as the

sum of three other squares, that one up there. And, of course, no solution can be

smaller than the smallest one. Well we've played this game a couple of

times already in the last couple of videos so you should be okay with that. Now the

only way to resolve this contradiction is to conclude that the assumption we

started with, namely that root 3 is a fraction is false.

In other words, root 3 is irrational, or equivalently, the equation X squared

plus X squared plus X squared equals Y squared has no solutions in positive

integers. How slick is that? :) Now, using similarly stunning triangle choreography

we can also show that root 2, root 5 and root 6 are irrational. Now before I do that

let me hammer the crux of our proof by contradiction just one more time. Okay, so

root 3 being a fraction is equivalent to there being three identical triangular

squares adding to another triangular square, right? And the contradiction

hinges on us showing that if this was really possible for some triangular

squares, then the same would be possible using even smaller triangular squares.

So, now let's see how to prove that root 2 is irrational. Root 2 being a fraction

is equivalent to there being TWO identical triangular squares adding to

another triangular square, like that. And to make the contradiction work we then

simply have to show that this equality implies another equality involving even

smaller triangular squares. And here's how we can capture those smaller

triangular squares.Llet's chase them down. Okay...

pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, very nice. At this point the dark green overlap would

be exactly as large as the white empty area. Now let's shift the overlap down. This

would fill some of the empty area and create new overlaps. There two smaller

triangular squares adding to another triangular square, which then unleashes

the contradiction and proves that root 2 is irrational as well.

Here's a little puzzle for you. We have to have a puzzle! And there will be more.

Have another look at this picture here. Can you see an even easier way to arrive

at a contradiction, that is, can you see two other small triangular squares that

add to one large triangular square. It's really jumping out at me but see whether

you can see it, too. Let me now show you the root five and six triangular

choreographies followed by some choreographies using actual squares and

pentagons. First root 6 with 6 triangular squares adding to another

triangular square. Here we go. (Music playing)

Beautiful you must agree. Two things before I move on.

When using the root 5 and root 6 choreographies to show the irrationality

of these numbers one actually also has to make sure that the various dark

overlaps in the animations always exist and are of the same size.

I leave filling in the details as another puzzle for you. The root 5

choreographies are particularly tricky to pin down. For example, in the pentagon

root 5 choreography it's not even clear where the squares are. Again consider

filling in the details as a puzzle, or check out the write-up in the

description of the video. Longtime Mathologer fans may remember that in the

early days of the channel I did a video on proving that root 2 is irrational

using the simple square choreography. In fact, it was this beautiful proof by

mathematician Stanley Tennenbaum and popularised by the great John Conway

that started this whole line of investigation. A paper expanding on this

idea was authored by Stephen Miller and David Montague who discovered the root 3

triangle and the root 5 pentagon choreographies. My contributions are the

triangular square root 2, 5 and 6 choreographies and using triangular

squares to illustrate things. Anyway, all this is just the start of much more

really, really beautiful mathematics, such as: 1) nearest miss solutions to our

impossible equations; 2) best rational approximations to our small integer

roots; and 3) a really nice paradoxical insight about triangular numbers to

finish things off. Well let's go. Remember, by proving that root 3 is irrational we

also proved that the equation X squared plus X squared plus X squared equals = Y

squared has no positive integer solutions. This means that the three

green triangular squares together and the white triangular square that I used to

illustrate the proof actually cannot have the same number of mini triangles.

In fact I chose the numbers on the left and right to be as close as possible

differing by just 1, And so 15 and 26 form what I want to call an

nearest miss solution to the equation X squared plus X squared plus X squared

equals Y squared, the next best thing to an integer solution. Among other things

this means that 26 over 15 is an extremely good approximation of root 3,

sort of the root 3 counterpart of PI's 22 over 7. Have a look. Pretty good, right?

When we run our choreography, we start with this propeller formation here and

after our triangles finish their dance we end up with another propeller

formation. Even better the new triangular squares correspond to another nearest

miss solution, that one down there. Let's unleash the choreography on this small

propeller. Okay, there, yet another propeller and another nearest miss

solution one, there. Now clearly something goes wrong if we try this one more time

and I'll leave it as yet another puzzle for you to figure out what but if we

can't go on forever in one direction, let's go the other way. Let's run the

choreography in reverse. Here we go. So everything going in reverse. Larger,

even larger. Now we're back to where we started from. But why stop here? Let's

just keep on going, right?

Okay and now we are one step up. It's probably not so surprising and it's not

hard to show that this new propeller also corresponds to a nearest-miss, like

this. Okay, so the numbers pan out like this here and you can check that this is

really true. In fact, it's not too hard to prove that if we keep on going we'll

always get nearest miss solutions and in fact, we get all nearest miss solutions

to our equation in this way. Anyway here's a list of the smallest of these

nearest miss solutions. Okay now if we take the ratios from top to bottom this will

give better and better approximations of root 3. Let's check this.

So 2 over 1, 7 over 4, 26 over 15 and there I've highlighted how many digits we get

correct. In fact the sequence of these fractions

converges to root 3, so if we combine all our propellers containing all of

these ratios into one large picture, in some sense this overall picture captures

root 3, IS root 3. So this is root 3 have you ever seen root 3, this is it. Very

pretty, right? And as you've probably already guessed everything I just said

about root 3 can also be shown to work for the root 2, root 5, and root 6

choreographies. Now just for fun, here's a picture of root 2 corresponding to the

original Tenenbaum choreography. Also super pretty right? Now there are some

more footnotes that I really should add: 1) about a second type of nearest miss

solution; 2) about irrationality of integer roots in general; 3) Pell's equation; and 4) some

interesting connections with infinite continued fractions. For those of you

interested I'll put some footnotes in the description of this video.

But for the finale of this video let me tell you about a freaky alternate number

reality to which our triangle choreographies can be applied, as well as

a very paradoxical puzzle for you that pops up in this context. Have a look at

this. I call this a triangular triangle. Well nobody in the universe does that

except for me, but who's going to stop me, right, I'm the Mathologer :) Puzzle for you:

Figure out the motivation behind this strange name. It's not hard. Anyway the

number of hexagons in a triangular triangle of width N is called the Nth

triangular number (hint :) T_n. So T_1 is just 1, T_2 is 1 plus 2 equals 3, T_3 is 1

plus 2 plus 3 equals 6, and so on. And so the nth triangular number T_n is just

the sum of the first n positive integers which, as many of you will know, is equal

to n times n plus 1 over 2 so for example T_5 the number of hexagons in

this triangular triangle is equal to 15. Now, just like the integer squares, the

triangular numbers also feature prominently in number theory and a lot of famous

mathematicians have proved theorems about them. For example, up there is one

of the most famous entries in Gauss's mathematical notebook. It says that every

positive integer is the sum of at most three triangular numbers. You can tell

that Gauss was really excited about having found a proof for this. Just have

a look at the Eureka in really bold letters preceding the statement.

Now important for us is the related fact that,

unlike squares, there are instances where three times a triangular number equals

another triangular number. Here's an example so T_20 plus T_20 plus T_20 is

equal to T_35. Let's unleash our root 3 choreography on this set-up and

see what happens.

So, obviously, this propellor corresponds to a smaller triangular number sum that

also works, this one here. T_5 plus T_5 plus T_5 is equal toT_9. In fact,

we can run the choreography forwards and backwards to generate all instances of

three identical triangular numbers adding to another triangular number. Now

here's my main puzzle for you. Forget about the other ones. If you just want

one, this is it: the smaller equation follows from the larger one, right, so why

doesn't this prove, just as in the case of triangular squares, that three

identical triangular numbers cannot add to another triangular number?

That's a tricky one, let's see whether anybody can figure it out. Anyway, that's

it for today.

For more infomation >> Visualising irrationality with triangular squares - Duration: 18:09.


Cancer survivor gears up for Boston Marathon - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Cancer survivor gears up for Boston Marathon - Duration: 2:24.


NU'EST W Takes On The Challenge Of Finding Talented Singers On "I Can See Your Voice" - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> NU'EST W Takes On The Challenge Of Finding Talented Singers On "I Can See Your Voice" - Duration: 3:01.


Facebook Staffers Had Enough Of The Lies And Just Told America Exactly What Zuckerberg Is Doing To… - Duration: 5:57.

Facebook Staffers Had Enough Of The Lies And Just Told America Exactly What Zuckerberg

Is Doing To Conservatives.

The eyes of the nation have been on Washington the past few days as United States senators

grilled Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg about his information sharing policies.

The social media giant that has taken up residence on the phones and in the lives of the vast

majority of Americans is being accused of not only a massive data breach but of suppression

of beliefs that don't align with the personal beliefs of the CEO.

Because Facebook has access to the majority of voting Americans almost every day, it's

potential to influence is almost astronomical.

With many smaller news organizations using it as the vehicle for their information, it

was devastating to many when their reach was shut down by an algorithm.

These fears were compounded when it was discovered that the internet giant had an actual data


While that might have been an accident, according to the Washington Post, some employees of

the company revealed that they actually do intentionally curate what the viewers see

on a day to day basis:

"…Gizmodo quotes several former curators suggesting that conservative news stories

would be booted from the automatically generated list of trending stories for two reasons.

One was if the story came from a conservative-leaning site, such as or,

in which case curators were told to find the same story on a mainstream media site, if


The other was if the curator didn't want to include the story or didn't recognize

the story as important.

It's hard to know the extent to which the latter judgments took place, but one of the

former curators — a conservative — told Gizmodo, 'I believe it had a chilling effect

on conservative news.'

That's problematic, for obvious reasons.

(Gizmodo notes that it's not clear whether this is still happening, because the trending

news algorithm is constantly being tweaked, and that it's not clear whether the liberal

news was similarly affected.)

The bigger question is the extent to which Facebook overlays another filter on top of

what you see — and the extent to which that can influence political decisions.

We already knew (even if we sometimes forget) that there are a lot of layers of filtration

that occur before you see anything on Facebook.

There's the filtering that you yourself do, picking friends, clicking links, posting


There's the main Facebook algorithm that puts things in your feed.

That's based in large part on what you tell the system you like.

Two years ago, journalist Mat Honan liked everything in his feed, telling Facebook,

in short, that he liked everything.

Within 48 hours, his feed was a garbage dump.

His human curation had failed.

So this manipulation of the trending news is another layer.

But it's significant in part because it's the most obvious manifestation of what Facebook

wants you to see.

Facebook slips ads in your feed and highlights some posts over others, but the trending news

is Facebook itself sharing content with you.

And as Gizmodo reports, its employees are deliberate in doing so.

For example:

In other instances, curators would inject a story — even if it wasn't being widely

discussed on Facebook — because it was deemed important for making the network look like

a place where people talked about hard news.

'People stopped caring about Syria,' one former curator said.

'[And] if it wasn't trending on Facebook, it would make Facebook look bad.'

Facebook was also criticized for not having a trending topic on the Black Lives Matter

movement, one former curator claimed.

So they "injected" it into the feed.

'This particular injection is especially noteworthy because the #BlackLivesMatter movement

originated on Facebook, and the ensuing media coverage of the movement often noted its powerful

social media presence,' Gizmodo's Michael Nuñez writes.

Black Lives Matter existed without Facebook, but this injection could only have helped.

In April, Nuñez reported that Facebook employees were advocating for chief executive Mark Zuckerberg

to explain during a company meeting what responsibility Facebook had to block Donald Trump's candidacy.

(The question doesn't appear to have been answered.)

If it wanted to block Trump from appearing on the site, an expert told Nuñez, it was

within its legal rights to do so, just as it can block other forms of content.

The report resulted in assurances from the company that it would never interfere with

people's voting choices.

"We as a company are neutral," a spokesman told The Hill, "we have not and will not

use our products in a way that attempts to influence how people vote."

That's the issue at the heart of the question over what Facebook is suppressing or promoting.

This is a media company at a scale that's without precedent in the world.

Nearly three-quarters of American adults who use the Internet use Facebook.

And those adults didn't see stories about political topics in their trending news feeds

because a human who works at Facebook decided not to show it."

Despite multiple reports of censorship, Facebook, along with their CEO attempted to maintain

that they weren't intentionally silencing anyone.

They consistently attempt to defend their algorithm by saying that they are just using

it to filter out what people don't want to see.

There is an argument to be made that people will be more worried about something because

it becomes more prevalent in their lives.

Many people joke about something being "facebook official."

In other words, maybe our high-speed world asks us to absorb so many things that unless

we see something multiple times, we just don't pay any attention to it.

If that's the case, it's possible that Facebook is using their power to make sure

we don't pay attention to anything that they don't want us to really think about.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Facebook Staffers Had Enough Of The Lies And Just Told America Exactly What Zuckerberg Is Doing To… - Duration: 5:57.


Comey's Wrecked, President Destroys His Anti-Trump Tour With 'Nasty Surprise'. - Duration: 5:43.

Comey's Wrecked, President Destroys His Anti-Trump Tour With 'Nasty Surprise'.

James Comey hasn't learned that President Donald Trump is three steps ahead of him at

all times.

This is exactly what happened today as the fired FBI boss launched his anti-Trump tour.

The president just destroyed Comey with a "nasty surprise" that he never saw coming.

President Trump and his advisors were anticipating the launch of "Lyin' Comey's" anti-Trump

book tour.

Comey, who was given the nickname "Cardinal Comey" by those FBI agents who hated him,

has a reputation as an arrogant egotistical "holier than thou" person who can't

stand anyone getting the upper hand on him.

When Trump rightly fired Comey, the former FBI boss vowed revenge.

Part of that revenge was Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Comey started the illegal Trump-Russia investigation when he was FBI director, and after he was

fired, he illegally leaked lies to the New York Times about Trump for one purpose: to

start a special counsel to get Trump impeached.

CNN reported back in June 2017, "Former FBI Director James Comey testified that he

orchestrated the leak of accounts of conversations with President Donald Trump because he thought

it might lead to the appointment of a special prosecutor to lead the Russia investigation."

Comey testified under oath, saying, "My judgment was that I needed to get that out

into the public square because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special


What did he leak to the NY Times?

His notes on Trump, which he claimed were conversations between him and the president.

In the notes, he tried to make Trump look guilty of "obstruction of justice," which

was such a joke.

Comey claimed that, by Trump asking him about Gen. Michael Flynn, he obstructed justice.

But, no one could verify Comey's notes, and what he alleged was no crime.

It was no crime even if Trump did ask Comey about Flynn.

Trump didn't tell Comey to stop investigating Flynn, which he legally could have done.

The point is, this entire Mueller Special Counsel is based on a pile of notes Comey

wrote up; that is how crazy this is.

Even worse, Comey swore under oath that he never leaked anything to the press.

While watching Comey testify in March 2017, Trump tweeted, "Wow, watch Comey lie under

oath to Senator G when asked 'have you ever been an anonymous source…or known someone

else to be an anonymous source…?'

He said strongly 'never, no.'

He lied as shown clearly on @foxandfriends."

When Comey figured out Special Counsel Mueller was going nowhere fast, he switched gears

and started writing his Trump-bashing book.

Comey loves the limelight, and this new book titled, "Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies & Leadership,"

is meant to push more lies about Trump, hoping to get him impeached.

Biz Pac Review reports that "fired FBI Director James Comey" is "commandeering the political

spotlight with his forthcoming shady memoir that likens President Donald Trump to a mob

boss, and a much-anticipated media blitz, starting with an interview Sunday with ABC's

George Stephanopoulos."

Comey started off his book tour this morning with Stephanopoulos, the guy who was known

as Hillary Clinton's fixer.

We all know Comey will not get near any real interview with tough questions, and he refuses

to go back under oath, but he'll talk to the Trump-hating media.

Well, the president and his advisers were ready, countering Comey with a website called

"Lyin' Comey."

It counters every lie Comey puts forth in his "tell-all" book, along with proving,

with video evidence, that the disgraced FBI boss has lied under oath several times.

Yeah, Comey keeps changing his story, and no one in their right mind would believe a

word that comes out of his mouth.

But, there's more.

The Republican Party countered with a timely video about Comey's lack of credibility.

The "Lyin Comey" website and this video all came out the same day arrogant "Cardinal

Comey" launched his book tour — it's brilliant.

Top Democrats, not Republicans, are featured in the spotlight, trashing "Lyin' Comey"

and his lack of integrity in the video titled "Comey isn't credible — just ask Democrats."

When will James Comey and his gang of deep state rats learn?

They have taken the FBI and the DOJ and used those hallowed institutions for their sick

goals to impeach President Donald Trump.

But, Trump is not a man who can be dispatched by their lies and trickery.

Americans who suffered eight years under the tyranny of Barack Obama voted his agenda and

the deep state thug tactics out of office.

Comey will be made to testify again, especially after all the contradictions raised in this

book, which any attorney would have told him not to write.

The fired FBI director may have just let his arrogance and greed get the best of him.

With hundreds of pages now available to Rep. Devin Nunes and his colleagues investigating

the corruption at the DOJ, Comey's book is a treasure trove to catch him in the numerous

illegal actions that he took hoping to get a duly elected President of the United States


He took the president as a fool, and Trump played him.

Checkmate, Comey, is what Trump is saying on that website.

Comey better hope that he makes millions on his book because he'll be needing it for

his legal defense.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Comey's Wrecked, President Destroys His Anti-Trump Tour With 'Nasty Surprise'. - Duration: 5:43.


Children's Literature Series Introduction - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Children's Literature Series Introduction - Duration: 3:39.


Zbox "BATTLE" THEME April 2018 Unboxing Subscription Box Review - Duration: 10:03.

Zbox "BATTLE" THEME April 2018 Unboxing Subscription Box Review - Looking for the best subscription

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For more infomation >> Zbox "BATTLE" THEME April 2018 Unboxing Subscription Box Review - Duration: 10:03.


HOW TO MAKE TORTILLA CHIPS with Masa - Duration: 8:55.

A huge Mexican welcome to Steve's kitchen we're continuing the Mexican

series today by looking at tortilla chips or corn chips. Here in Australia we

call them all corn chips they're not really the same, tortilla chips are when

you take tortillas and fry them. Corn chips can be made with pretty much any

sort of corn flour shaped into chips and fried. Now in my opinion tortilla chips

just tastes so much better they're made with a Nixtamalised corn and if you

don't know what that is we'll be talking about that in a later episode and

learning all about nixtamalization of corn, so look out for that video, don't

forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you get notified. If you want to use just

store-bought then you can jump ahead, I'll put the time code up here so you

can go ahead and watch the next process but if you're fascinated to make your

own tortilla chips and trust me they are going to taste really good.

Then we're going to go ahead and make them for you. Now you may well ask why on

earth would you bother making your own tortilla chips when they are so readily

available in the stores. Now I'll tell you in Australia here a lot of our corn

chips are not tortillas by the time you buy those bags and you open them up, all

you've got is a bag of crumbs in there, they're broken apart, they're not often

strong enough to get into the dip and lift it out without snapping. If you make

your own they will be entire and they will taste delicious and they will look

really good, if that wasn't a good enough reason on its own, I can tell you also

experimenting with flavors of tortilla chips your own flavors is just

outstanding and we'll talk about that a little bit more towards the end of the

process. So come on what are you waiting for,

let's get and make our own homemade tortilla chips.

So here are the store-bought tortillas you can see they're probably a little

bit thinner than my homemade tortillas they're similar size, might be a little bit

smaller but these ones seem to be, when I fried them up, really just full of water.

They actually go thinner than these ones do when they're cooked and you can see from

the homemade ones just how natural and delicious they're going to taste. For

fear of repeating myself we are using a masa flour to make these tortilla chips.

This is not corn flour or corn starch this is a Nixamalised flour, what does

that mean, it means it tastes really good. We will

keep this process nice and quick and simple for you.

One cup or 125 grams of our masa flour I do like to season my tortillas with a

little bit of salt. Now we are going to be seasoning the tortilla chips so you

might want to leave the salt out. We're going to add in there two thirds of a

cup of water, then I'm just going to take a fork and start to bind this dough

together. Now a few seconds, I'm just going to pull the fork out of there and

get my hands in and start to draw this dough together. Now it is going to come

very quickly away from the side of the bowl and it will form together in a nice

soft and slightly crumbly dough. I like to cover that dough over with a damp

cloth and give it about 15 minutes for the flour to bloom let it absorb some

of that moisture. Once we've allowed the flour to bloom and develop a little bit,

we're going to divide the dough up into eight small pieces and roll it up into a

little ball. Now you really could do with a tortilla press, I've actually got a

Puri press. It's an Indian press, very similar and we want to put it between

two pieces of plastic and press it down. If you haven't got a press you could use

a heavy casserole dish and I'm using the plastic bags that come from the butchers.

A lot of people use ziplock bags and they just cut them open.

I find the butchers plastic works really well, we do want to get these as thin as

possible. Next you're going to want a cast iron griddle or a cast iron pot or a

Comal and we're going to place our tortilla into the pan. It's important at

this point you keep an eye on it, we only want it on there for about 15 to 20

seconds. Now get something thin underneath the tortilla and flip it over,

we're going to sear the other side, you can see it's still quite blonde and

quite soft. Effectively it's like searing a steak, we're making a skin either

side. Now after 10 or 15 seconds we're going to turn that over again and by

just pushing gently around the side you'll see it starts to puff open and

we're getting beautiful lamination, which is exactly what you want for the perfect

tortilla. Now it's four turns in total, so I'm just going to turn this one more

time. We get a little bit of color on the underside and we're going to get a little

bit of color on this side and then just lift that off, pop it on to any flat

surface and we're going to stack our tortillas on there and as they cool down

they're going to get lovely and soft and supple. You might want to cover them over

with a damp towel just to stop them from drying out. So we've got this lovely

little stack of hot tortillas and in all honesty you should eat these now, make

them into quesadillas, little carnitas. The original idea was to take slightly

older tortillas and fry them into tortilla chips. Lucky for you I've got a

batch here which were made earlier on, so they're a little more stale. You can see

how beautiful and soft, I've also got, for those of you that want to follow with

the pack, I've got some packs here. I just prefer the taste of these ones, so I'm

going to use these ones to make my chips. So we've got a little stack of tortillas

here, get a nice sharp knife and what we want to do is just cut through them and

because my tortilla is small I'm going to just cut it into quarters. So we've

got chips that are this sort of size, if I were going with the store-bought ones

I would probably cut them up into six like that. So we get tortilla chips that

are approximately that sort of size. Now we want to fry our tortilla chips, I'm

going to do between eight and ten at a time and ideally we want to fry these in some

corn oil but any vegetable oil will do. I'm doing a fairly small batch here, of

course if you've got a purpose-made fryer you could do it in there and do a

lot more at one time. I want a fairly high heat on the oil about 170 to 190

Celsius that's about 340 to 375 Fahrenheit. Now when you drop the chips

into the oil they're going to bubble quite violently, so be careful, that

basically is the moisture escaping from the chips so when you push the chip

under you can see the bubbles coming out there.

That is the moisture still escaping, so we need to keep cooking until those

bubbles almost stop. We can then take it out of the oil and pop it onto some

paper towels and let them drain. Now you might be surprised that very little oil

remains on the chips, it's not particularly greasy. Now just come in

here take a look at these, I say take a look, take a listen, they're beautiful and

crispy and they're really not that oily at all. I experimented with doing these

in the oven before and I think these came out even more tasty and probably

less oily than the oven ones and they're so crisp you can open a tin with these

but today I just want to talk about actually seasoning these and there's

some tips I want to share with you when it comes to seasoning tortilla chips.

Whatever seasoning you decide to go for, just say we take a little bit of salt

pop it onto our tortilla like that, turn it to the side and most of it is going

to drop off and this is particularly true if I want to add a little bit of

paprika or chilli or other flavors in there. If I pour that seasoning into the

bowl and coat it over it's just going to drop off the chips. So what we need to do

if you think about sand, when it gets on your hand it knocks off easy, Talcum

powder doesn't. So we want to make a really fine seasoning. So with a grinder

or mortar and pestle I've got about a tablespoon of smoked paprika, I'm going

to add about half a tablespoon of salt. It's just a regular table salt and what

we want to do is grind this up and so that instead of having salt crystals

we've got more like a salt powder and I'm going to take a little bit of this

and just sprinkle it over my chips and then we are just going to toss the chips

in the seasoning. In effect we've made a seasoning powder and don't just stop at

smoked paprika and salt you could add lemongrass in there, you could add

coriander, dried herbs and spices. Whatever you do grind them up nice and

fine, coat them and you're going to have these really delicious,

super crunchy, super flavorsome, tortilla chips. Have some fun, play with these, let

me know what you come up with, what different recipes you come up with and

share the love, share this video with your friends and family. Be good and I'll

see you for another Mexican recipe very shortly on Steve's kitchen, see you then.

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE TORTILLA CHIPS with Masa - Duration: 8:55.


HSN | Lynn Murphy's Jewelry Picks 04.13.2018 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Lynn Murphy's Jewelry Picks 04.13.2018 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.



what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today we're gonna be

timeout custom matchmaking in for night battle oh yeah so guys if you do not

know yet obviously on Twitter and on just basically around a whole fortnight

community the idea of custom matchmaking has been going around for a couple of

months now actually it started last month and it's still going on right now

but today we got our first actual piece of like proof I guess it was mainly a

screenshot but it's still somewhat type of proof that custom matchmaking is

coming very very soon it's our ear oh they're just gonna show

you guys right now on screen so here is a picture right here so I'm guessing

this is on Xbox or it could be somebody playing on PC but using the Xbox

controller apparently some people also found this in the patch three point five

point one of files but somebody found this on console so if you guys can't

tell obviously the button that is missing from you the game right now is

the left trigger or the l2 button on ps4 which is custom matchmaking and

obviously if you guys do stay tuned with you know four nights Twitter and stuff

like that you'll see that they haven't they didn't mention this at all so it

could possibly be that they were just testing this to just to see if like the

button is working or they could have been working on it for like a couple of

months now so we really do not know when is gonna come out but it will be coming

in the near future and this is just the first you know piece of proof that is

gonna be coming so yeah guys I don't know the idea of 1v1 set custom

matchmaking has been in foreigner for a minute now but nobody has really you

know actually thought that they were gonna bring it but this is the first

step of proof to show us that it is coming soon in the near future are no

term which I think about us in the comments down below I'm actually really

really happy that they add it in or they're adding in a custom matchmaking

feature so I can finally won't be one people that say that they're better than

me also you can do a lot of stuff with this hopefully they're gonna add in my

extra you know special game most accustomed matchmaking frags am I like

Michael Myers or you know just something like that you know make the game more

fun to play and also you know there's big streamers and they want to do like a

big event they can obviously do custom match make it to you know by everybody

and stuff like that as well I don't know it seems like a good idea to me but tell

me what you guys thinking about us and the comments down below again like I

said I feel like it's a good idea I hope it does come mainly because of all of

you ones I don't wanna 1v1 people a lot so yeah guys if you guys heard of

animations you like stealthy you know yeah

I'll see you guys on the black boys AP niggas beat hardest foot riding in the

motherfucking Hill okay if I can shout I begin his head waiter recipes pause I

need my man's that easy math the only subject I feel I'm not riding in a

motherfucking hell cat if I catch her I'll be given his head

For more infomation >> FORTNITE NEW CUSTOM MATCHMAKING COMING SOON? - Duration: 2:39.


Comando in piedi - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Comando in piedi - Duration: 5:15.


Massive weight-loss, transge...

For more infomation >> Massive weight-loss, transge...


5 dias para você emagrecer e limpar fígado e rins com este maravilhoso remédio caseiro!️ - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 5 dias para você emagrecer e limpar fígado e rins com este maravilhoso remédio caseiro!️ - Duration: 3:07.




Hello family !

Welcome, everyone.

Leave the laziness aside.

And be a head guy.

Be aware that here is a place for you to learn.


And have fun.

In this channel you will find the best content for your whole family.

Now that you know it.

Subscribe !

Well, I know I'm a nice guy.

Really !

My friends told me.


Thank you so much for watching.

And I hope to see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> INTRODUCE THE QLEGAL CHANNEL - Duration: 1:13.


AVENTURA NA MARVEL: HOMEM-ARANHA - DE VOLTA AO LAR | Marvel 10 Anos #16 - Duration: 14:27.

After much negotiation with Sony, Marvel finally managed to bring Spider-Man back home.

The character so far seemed to be worn out with the audience, but Marvel sought to present not only its heroic side

he also focused on the teenager behind the mask showing a little explored side of the character until then.

The story of Spider-Man in the cinema is long, begins n the late 90's, when Sony decided to produce a movie of the character.

For that, they reunited Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire in a movie that became a landmark in the theater when it exceeded $100 million in the first week alone.

The partnership earned three successful films, but in the fourth production, Raimi disagreed with Sony and Maguire left the franchise in solidarity.

With this, Sony has made the controversial decision to make a reboot only ten years from the original release.

The films performed lower than expected at the box office and critical reception was negative.

It was this combination that made Sony negotiate the hero's rights with Marvel.

As it had been presented in Civil War, Marvel did not find it necessary to show its history of origin, that already so well-known by the public.

So they needed a new mentor for the hero to take Uncle Ben's place.

The initial choice of production was Nick Fury.

But the boy's bond with Tony Stark was so strong in the Civil War that it was virtually impossible not to put Iron Man in that role.

For that, Marvel only had to shell out the $15 million to count on Robert Downey Jr.

The participation would have only a few minutes of screen, but the investment would be worth,

since all the films of Marvel along with the actor had been a blockbuster, with four of them surpassing the 1 billion barrier.

Their participation would not only strengthen the Spider-tie with the Marvel Universe, but would also ensure public interest.

The paternal relationship with Tony Stark would be reinforced with the hero's uniform.

The producers tried to imagine how Spider-Man would be if Iron Man himself had developed his clothes

and therefore thought of a highly technological costume with his own artificial intelligence and able to expand the hero's abilities

something never seen before in the movies.

As the period of the hero in high school would be the main focus of production, the role fell into the hands of Tom Holland,

a boy who proved to be a fanatic by the hero since childhood.

As he grew up in the world of dance and Olympic gymnastics, acrobatics to live the hero

came more easily to the actor compared to the other two interpreters of the character.

In addition, he has entered into a series of intense training to stay not only with the necessary physique but with the elasticity needed to live the character,

also practicing parkour and installing a giant air mattress in his house. So he truly turned Spider-Man.

The effort to show other sides of the hero was real on the part of Marvel and, beyond heroism,

the producers wanted to show the main dilemmas of a teenager.

So much so that jumping and winning the character's physique was the easy part for Holland.

The hard part was actually going back to high school.

With the core of heroes formed, Marvel now needed to choose a villain for the film.

Classical characters such as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and Sandman had been cast in past productions

and the studio decided to climb one of the most ancient rivals of the theft: the Vulture.

To give the character a realistic look, the producers needed a good reason for the Vulture to wear a pair of wings,

so they tried to figure out what kind of thing he would steal and how it would fit into his uniform.

From this concept was born a new villain who drew attention from a legend of the films of hero, Michael Keaton.

The actor in the Batman films directed by Tim Burton was one of the old dreams of the production,

but due to an agenda conflict, he ended up rejecting the initial proposal.

Shortly after, Keaton's team called back asking if there was still interest in the actor's participation and it was not long before it was confirmed.

The production needed a good young cast to accompany Holland and climbed names like Zendaya, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolori

and Jacob Batalon living Ned, a character clearly inspired by Ganke Lee,

created by Brian Michael Bendis in the Spider of the Ultimate Universe to be the best friend of Miles Morales.

For director Jon Watts it was crucial that the group had a special connection and their scenes were as important as the moments of action.

Spider-Man: Homecoming grossed more than R$880 million at the world box office

and the hero immediately became one of the symbols of the next stages of Marvel in theaters.

The success was so great that Sony decided to make a derivative of Venom on its own, with no connection to the Marvel universe.

The film is still a mystery to fans, but the certainty is that Tom Holland's Spider-Man will continue in the films of Marvel.

In fact, he is guaranteed in Avengers: Infinity War,

where he will use the Iron Spider costume that was offered to him by Tony Stark at the end of Homecoming.

Marvel tries to repackage the God of Thunder in his third movie.

After two solo films where Thor is presented as a more serious character, the studio seeks to focus more on Chris Hemsworth's humor,

calls on a comedic director and reveals another side of the hero in Thor: Ragnarok.

For more infomation >> AVENTURA NA MARVEL: HOMEM-ARANHA - DE VOLTA AO LAR | Marvel 10 Anos #16 - Duration: 14:27.


Do you eat Tuna? Then you should watch it! - Duration: 3:52.

The Americans do not

consuming both tuna and other of the world, but in general we can say that

is a widely consumed food in the United States. United States, second only to shrimp, when

We talk about seafood. Maybe that's it. because it is a food that contains good

amounts of protein and fatty acids polyunsaturated, beneficial to health.

Or maybe because it's such tasty food and very practical to prepare: just open

a can and consume.

Whatever the reason, experts believe that tuna is not such a healthy food

as we imagine.

The great culprit of this bad fame is the mercury, a toxic heavy metal that is found

naturally in the air, water and

soil mercury is released into the environment in various ways, especially through

of coal burning in power plants and in industrial processes, or even of course,

as in the case of volcanoes.

As we are exposed to mercury, by the air or by the consumption of contaminated fish,

we tend to concentrate this heavy metal in our organism, in its organic form, known

such as methylmercury.

High amounts of methylmercury may be harmful and even toxic, in addition to

serious health problems and symptoms such as:

Nervousness, anxiety, irritability Apathy or aggression, mental confusion

Insomnia, frequent nightmares and memory lapses; Headache and

Dizziness, Delirium Teeth weak and brittle Studies point to associations

between high levels of mercury and neurological disorders, in addition to Alzheimer's disease,

autism, anxiety, depression and Parkinson's.

Almost all fish and seafood contain mercury, but larger species such as sharks,

fishespada, mackerel and tuna, which are predators, tend to accumulate more of this substance.

Fish like tuna, eat smaller fish, which also absorbed mercury.

That is, the more fish he eats, the more absorbs mercury.

Although there is a great debate on the subject, many health agencies recommend consumption

of fish such as tuna in moderation.

People who are most at risk of being affected by mercury contamination

are pregnant women, babies and children.

If you like to consume seafood, prefer those with smaller amounts

of mercury such as herring, cod, shrimp, lobster, oyster, salmon and sardines.

For more infomation >> Do you eat Tuna? Then you should watch it! - Duration: 3:52.


HOW TO MAKE TORTILLA CHIPS with Masa - Duration: 8:55.

A huge Mexican welcome to Steve's kitchen we're continuing the Mexican

series today by looking at tortilla chips or corn chips. Here in Australia we

call them all corn chips they're not really the same, tortilla chips are when

you take tortillas and fry them. Corn chips can be made with pretty much any

sort of corn flour shaped into chips and fried. Now in my opinion tortilla chips

just tastes so much better they're made with a Nixtamalised corn and if you

don't know what that is we'll be talking about that in a later episode and

learning all about nixtamalization of corn, so look out for that video, don't

forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you get notified. If you want to use just

store-bought then you can jump ahead, I'll put the time code up here so you

can go ahead and watch the next process but if you're fascinated to make your

own tortilla chips and trust me they are going to taste really good.

Then we're going to go ahead and make them for you. Now you may well ask why on

earth would you bother making your own tortilla chips when they are so readily

available in the stores. Now I'll tell you in Australia here a lot of our corn

chips are not tortillas by the time you buy those bags and you open them up, all

you've got is a bag of crumbs in there, they're broken apart, they're not often

strong enough to get into the dip and lift it out without snapping. If you make

your own they will be entire and they will taste delicious and they will look

really good, if that wasn't a good enough reason on its own, I can tell you also

experimenting with flavors of tortilla chips your own flavors is just

outstanding and we'll talk about that a little bit more towards the end of the

process. So come on what are you waiting for,

let's get and make our own homemade tortilla chips.

So here are the store-bought tortillas you can see they're probably a little

bit thinner than my homemade tortillas they're similar size, might be a little bit

smaller but these ones seem to be, when I fried them up, really just full of water.

They actually go thinner than these ones do when they're cooked and you can see from

the homemade ones just how natural and delicious they're going to taste. For

fear of repeating myself we are using a masa flour to make these tortilla chips.

This is not corn flour or corn starch this is a Nixamalised flour, what does

that mean, it means it tastes really good. We will

keep this process nice and quick and simple for you.

One cup or 125 grams of our masa flour I do like to season my tortillas with a

little bit of salt. Now we are going to be seasoning the tortilla chips so you

might want to leave the salt out. We're going to add in there two thirds of a

cup of water, then I'm just going to take a fork and start to bind this dough

together. Now a few seconds, I'm just going to pull the fork out of there and

get my hands in and start to draw this dough together. Now it is going to come

very quickly away from the side of the bowl and it will form together in a nice

soft and slightly crumbly dough. I like to cover that dough over with a damp

cloth and give it about 15 minutes for the flour to bloom let it absorb some

of that moisture. Once we've allowed the flour to bloom and develop a little bit,

we're going to divide the dough up into eight small pieces and roll it up into a

little ball. Now you really could do with a tortilla press, I've actually got a

Puri press. It's an Indian press, very similar and we want to put it between

two pieces of plastic and press it down. If you haven't got a press you could use

a heavy casserole dish and I'm using the plastic bags that come from the butchers.

A lot of people use ziplock bags and they just cut them open.

I find the butchers plastic works really well, we do want to get these as thin as

possible. Next you're going to want a cast iron griddle or a cast iron pot or a

Comal and we're going to place our tortilla into the pan. It's important at

this point you keep an eye on it, we only want it on there for about 15 to 20

seconds. Now get something thin underneath the tortilla and flip it over,

we're going to sear the other side, you can see it's still quite blonde and

quite soft. Effectively it's like searing a steak, we're making a skin either

side. Now after 10 or 15 seconds we're going to turn that over again and by

just pushing gently around the side you'll see it starts to puff open and

we're getting beautiful lamination, which is exactly what you want for the perfect

tortilla. Now it's four turns in total, so I'm just going to turn this one more

time. We get a little bit of color on the underside and we're going to get a little

bit of color on this side and then just lift that off, pop it on to any flat

surface and we're going to stack our tortillas on there and as they cool down

they're going to get lovely and soft and supple. You might want to cover them over

with a damp towel just to stop them from drying out. So we've got this lovely

little stack of hot tortillas and in all honesty you should eat these now, make

them into quesadillas, little carnitas. The original idea was to take slightly

older tortillas and fry them into tortilla chips. Lucky for you I've got a

batch here which were made earlier on, so they're a little more stale. You can see

how beautiful and soft, I've also got, for those of you that want to follow with

the pack, I've got some packs here. I just prefer the taste of these ones, so I'm

going to use these ones to make my chips. So we've got a little stack of tortillas

here, get a nice sharp knife and what we want to do is just cut through them and

because my tortilla is small I'm going to just cut it into quarters. So we've

got chips that are this sort of size, if I were going with the store-bought ones

I would probably cut them up into six like that. So we get tortilla chips that

are approximately that sort of size. Now we want to fry our tortilla chips, I'm

going to do between eight and ten at a time and ideally we want to fry these in some

corn oil but any vegetable oil will do. I'm doing a fairly small batch here, of

course if you've got a purpose-made fryer you could do it in there and do a

lot more at one time. I want a fairly high heat on the oil about 170 to 190

Celsius that's about 340 to 375 Fahrenheit. Now when you drop the chips

into the oil they're going to bubble quite violently, so be careful, that

basically is the moisture escaping from the chips so when you push the chip

under you can see the bubbles coming out there.

That is the moisture still escaping, so we need to keep cooking until those

bubbles almost stop. We can then take it out of the oil and pop it onto some

paper towels and let them drain. Now you might be surprised that very little oil

remains on the chips, it's not particularly greasy. Now just come in

here take a look at these, I say take a look, take a listen, they're beautiful and

crispy and they're really not that oily at all. I experimented with doing these

in the oven before and I think these came out even more tasty and probably

less oily than the oven ones and they're so crisp you can open a tin with these

but today I just want to talk about actually seasoning these and there's

some tips I want to share with you when it comes to seasoning tortilla chips.

Whatever seasoning you decide to go for, just say we take a little bit of salt

pop it onto our tortilla like that, turn it to the side and most of it is going

to drop off and this is particularly true if I want to add a little bit of

paprika or chilli or other flavors in there. If I pour that seasoning into the

bowl and coat it over it's just going to drop off the chips. So what we need to do

if you think about sand, when it gets on your hand it knocks off easy, Talcum

powder doesn't. So we want to make a really fine seasoning. So with a grinder

or mortar and pestle I've got about a tablespoon of smoked paprika, I'm going

to add about half a tablespoon of salt. It's just a regular table salt and what

we want to do is grind this up and so that instead of having salt crystals

we've got more like a salt powder and I'm going to take a little bit of this

and just sprinkle it over my chips and then we are just going to toss the chips

in the seasoning. In effect we've made a seasoning powder and don't just stop at

smoked paprika and salt you could add lemongrass in there, you could add

coriander, dried herbs and spices. Whatever you do grind them up nice and

fine, coat them and you're going to have these really delicious,

super crunchy, super flavorsome, tortilla chips. Have some fun, play with these, let

me know what you come up with, what different recipes you come up with and

share the love, share this video with your friends and family. Be good and I'll

see you for another Mexican recipe very shortly on Steve's kitchen, see you then.

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE TORTILLA CHIPS with Masa - Duration: 8:55.


Roblox WWII - Madness Tournament Upcoming ! - Duration: 11:29.

Hi everyone, it's Golden, and welcome to a brand new video

Quite simply to talk about the tournament I'll organize on Roblox WWII

Because I mentioned it in the 400 subs video

And I really hope a lot of people will come because it's the occasion for everyone to win robux, everyone can participate

So I'll explain you quickly a document in case later you want to go back on the document to check if you forgot something or not

But it's the mainly thing to remember

So I'll explain you that a little in details because I think there'll be a lot of questions about that, so

The name of the tournament is "Madness"

"(Hosted by Golden)"

So that's me who'll organize all of this, nobody is helping me so it'll be a little difficult and I'll be very busy by the tournament

Concerning the Roblox WWII gameplays, if I did a good game, I'll upload it and that's it

I don't think I'll do cuts or highlights

I don't think I'll have the time for that

I'll be very busy with the tournament and it'll begin in one week, you have the time

So *translating for the french viewers*

So the 23th April, the tournament will begin

Don't forget, 23th April

No delays

23th April


If you want to participate in the tournament- Nevermind, I think I already put it in the document

So, you have until the 18h April to, quite simply, register in the tournament

Actually, I think I'll change the date because the 18th April is a little early

I think I'll put it the Friday 20th April

You know what, yeah, I'll put everything the 20th, it'll be way better

So you have until the 20th April to register for the tournament

*translating for french people*

Because I'll make a draw between all the people who'll be registered

I hope we'll have more than 8 duos, it would be amazing

If we get even more, it's better, absolutely everyone can participate

Every clan, everyone, absolutely everyone


*translating for french people*

Or you go on Roblox

You join my group, normally, the link is in the description, the link of the Grind Squad group, you join

And tell me if you want to participate in the tournament or not, you put it on the wall, and I'll see that

Anyway, I check the group everyday, so I'll see it, don't worry

For the comments, when there's one, I'll go on the video and I'll see it

For the @discord, I'm very active on discord, so yeah

If you want to register, there's no problems



*translating for french people*

You can choose whoever you want for the tournament

It's not necessary the member of GS (I'm talking about GS members), for example, it can be a guy from the GS who'll choose an other GS member, it can be a GS member with a nV member

It can be absolutely everyone

So yeah

I think that's a good idea


*translating for french people*

So it'll be only Killhouse games

So that, a rule extremely important, because I- I think I already said it

I talked about it with Paveldon

And I think someone said something about EZPZLEMONS, who were spawnkilling, I don't know if he was on Killhouse

Apparently, he spawnkilled someone

I saw that in the Grind Squad chat

I don't remember who said that



*translating for french people*

So yeah, absolutely no spawnkill is allowed in this tournament

This rule especially applies to EZPZLEMONS because it must be the guy who spawnkill the most of Killhouse, anyway


*translating for french people*

And it's forbidden to get in the tower as well, so here it is

So, at each game, I'll be recording

And it'll be posted on YouTube for those who want to watch absolutely all the tournament

I think it's a good idea

And it's too bad that there's no spectating mode

It would be extremely cool

But yeah, making a spectating mode on Roblox is difficult I guess


*translating for french people*

So I'm insisting on it, invite absolutely as much as possible for the tournament

nV members, EPA members, GR members, GS members

Samsara members, Divinity members, absolutely everyone can participate

Honestly, it would be excellent if a lot of people can participate

Of course, there'll be some prizes

For example, for the Winner Duo of Madness, 100 Robux for each member of the duo, so 200 Robux for the team

After, Eliminated in Finals will receive 50 Robux for each member

Eliminated in Semi Finals, 25 Robux, Eliminated in Quarter Finals, 10 Robux, Eliminated in Eight-Finals, 5 Robux

I hope you'll enjoy this tournament and of course, let's have a lot of fun ! It's really the goal ! <3

Honestly, my place in the tournament, because I'm telling you right now, I'll participate as well

My own goal is not to win, it's to take as much as fun possible, even if I lose the first game, it's fine (it would suck tbh but nvm lmao)

I would say that

Honestly, if I want a particular member or duo to win, it would be a GS member

Frankly, it would be excellent

If it's a member of my clan, it would makes me happy


It would maybe be a member

I would say of Divinity

Quite simply

One of them

So if you want to make donations, I put some links there, that's links who're already put automatically in my description in each YouTube video

After.. Also

Really important, last thing

The list of all the banned things in the tournament

Weapons/ Perks, etc

Really important, so

Every things banned in the tournament..

For the perks, Juggernaut


If someone use Juggernaut-

If I see-

Someone say

Complaining about that

Directly disqualified from the tournament, I'm not even trying to argue

Every person who use things here

I mean especially Juggernaut

So, Juggernaut, Rapid Fire, Commando banned

For the weapons, everything, except the snipers since it's a sniper tournament

That's not a tournaments with SMGs, etc, only snipers

Either you take the Kar98, or the Springfield

Knowing that for the moment, they have the same stats

So do whatever you want

I don't know why but I prefer the Kar98

Maybe because of the skin (model*)


Grenades, smokes and mines are forbidden

-3 pts for each kills with it

For the secondaries, forbidden as well, obviously, you'll be equipped of secondaries, but if I see one kill with the secondary, -3 pts


So, if you use a killstreak like the Flamethrower-

Basically, you can only use Recon Plane, or the VSAT (Spies)

That's the 2 killstreaks you can use

And, of course, the tower will not be usable because I'll spectate in it

So, the rules being said, I think I finished with that, I hope a lot of people will participate, actually

I made a bracket site

And I think it'll extremely good

Actually, I've not done-

It'll not be definitive because maybe there'll be more or less people, we'll see

But yeah

Frankly, I think that's a great idea

I hope a lot of people will come, because that's the main goal

Gather as many people as possible, have some fun, and yeah I think I'm done with this video

I hope you enjoyed this video, I hope a lot of people will come, I know some are already hyped for the tournament

And honestly it'll be great, it'll be really great

I'm telling you again, you can choose whoever you want to be your teammate in the tournament

Personally, I already have my little idea

I'll say it in the next video because I'm not 100% sure yet

But I already have my little idea, I'll have to-

talk with this person in private

And yeah, on that, I hope that a lot of you will come and yeah

Peaaace ! <3

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