Saturday, April 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 14 2018

iSocialNetwork starring Will Smith

For more infomation >> Who's That Robot? - Duration: 0:12.


Could the United States Have Another Civil War? - Duration: 7:52.

What was the American civil war?

Here's a short recap.

The war lasted from 1861 to 1865.

It was fought all over the U.S. and was between the northern states (known as the Union) and

the southern states (known as the Confederates) over what one historian says were "uncompromising

differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government

to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states."

With 2.1 million soldiers, the Union had roughly double the manpower.

About 620,000 soldiers died in all, which is the biggest loss of life in any war for

the U.S. 51,000 died in one battle alone, at Gettysburg.

Ultimately, the North won.

But the question we're asking today is: Could this happen again?

Let's find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Could the U.S. have another Civil War?

Some of you might be thinking, hell no, the USA could never be that divided again.

Why would anyone think that?

But the division between what we call the Right and Left has perhaps never been bigger

in modern times, which is evident just by looking at social media.

The right, especially what people call the Alt-right, calls the Left names such as "snowflakes",

while the Left is sometimes equally as combative when calling out its nemesis as being violent,

hostile, and racist.

How did it ever come to this?

Each side is so unwilling to make amends, which has sadly resulted in riots over the

last few years.

In 2017, The New Yorker published at article called "is America headed for a new kind

of Civil war?"

In the beginning of the article, we read the stark lines, "How fragile is the Union,

our republic, and a country that has long been considered the world's most stable


A man named Keith Mines was interviewed.

He has worked in the Special Forces, for the U.N., and for the State Department.

What did Mines say?

Well, he believes that there is a 60 percent chance of civil war in the U.S in the next

ten to fifteen years.

Yes, you heard that right.

So, what's going on?

Well, firstly we should say that his idea of civil war is not mass bloodshed like at

the battle of Gettysburg, but a large portion of America no longer having trust in what

we might call "the system" and so some kind of anarchy emerges.

The National Guard will have to be called out, and those militarized police stations

will be putting their equipment to work.

This will all happen, according to Mines, because the polarization that we presently

see will deepen, and there will be no chance to resolve it.

News media and other media will help entrench people's opposing opinions, violence will

be legitimized as the only way to solve the issues, and the government will be too weak

to do anything.

Hmm, that's kind of disturbing.

Maybe Mines is just paranoid, or maybe he's pessimistic, or does he have a point?

Well, although the LA Times in 2017 mentioned a slew of media op-eds and columns that came

out that year asking the same question, columnist Dennis Prager didn't ask the question.

His piece was titled, "America is currently fighting its second civil war."

Is a war of words on Twitter, a divided media, and negligible violence in the streets enough

to state that America is at war with itself?

We should remember that there are very intelligent, peace loving people endorsing right and left

viewpoints, and that zero-tolerance left and right-wingers don't represent everyone in

the USA.

The LA Times writes, "The division between ordinary Republicans and Democrats has itself

been overstated."

And perhaps if we believe the sometimes-hyperbolic headlines, we might feel unsafe enough to

take a side.

"The atmosphere that produces negative partisanship can fuel a paranoid loathing of the other

party's members," said the article.

We live in an era where everyone has a voice and that voice can attract a lot of attention.

Partisanship is the norm and being wrong is not an option.

So, what does the average American – someone we've discussed in detail in the past – think

about all of this?

Foreign Policy magazine created a poll asking both security experts and the public about

the chance of civil war.

The experts were all over the place, saying there was a 30 percent chance, a 60 percent

chance, and a 95 percent chance.

But the readers were way more optimistic, saying there was about an 18 percent chance

of war.

How was war defined?

This was the description given: "(1) military action internal to the metropole of the state

system member; (2) the active participation of the national government; (3) effective

resistance by both sides; and (4) a total of at least 1,000 battle-deaths during each

year of the war."

So, it seems we are not talking about all-out warfare with people in those leafy suburbs

taking their politically divided neighbors' head off with a Black and Dekker chainsaw.

We are talking about public disturbances and violent protests leading to a lot more violence

than we currently have seen.

All over the world, throughout history, this has happened, sometimes with factions on the

same side even taking arms against each other.

To prevent this from happening, Foreign Policy says the U.S. right now needs to "establish

more formal practices for identifying and tracking domestic extremism — with an honest

recognition that young, white males on both ends of the political spectrum are the most

likely to commit violence."

We must remember that things like peasant revolutions came during very harsh times in

some countries, when the hierarchy of elites were happy to see people starve.

The question in America is, are times bad enough for people to want to give their lives

to the cause.

Probably not.

But these are also paranoid times, so when moderation and censorship effects certain

content online, it only infuriates and vindicates those it edits or expunges.

It's a tricky situation.

We might also recognize that the soothsayers of technology tell us automation is going

to put a huge number of Americans out of work, and that those that own the tech will have

way too much power and control.

Will there be a revolution against this, a kind of new-age Luddite uprising?

If we can see our mistakes throughout history, those in power should know that the people

need to be protected and cared for, lest they pick up the proverbial pitchfork (or in this

case, an assault rifle).

Foreign Policy agrees, writing, "As our government and corporate leaders continue

to deconstruct rule of law and economic opportunity, the norms degrade and the space for transgression

becomes bigger."

Whose side would you be on anyway?

As the Chicago Tribune writes, it would not be that simple, so a new civil war would be

very fragmented.

It would happen inside states, rather than between them.

Perhaps the 'haves' will revolt against the 'have nots' in some very divided states,

especially as education standards drop for some, healthcare is out of reach for many,

and old industries are folded because artificial intelligence has supplanted human intelligence.

If you look at Walmart and Amazon (the two biggest employers in the USA) and see their

new tech and new patents, it seems they are both looking to take human workers out of

their stores ASAP.

This could cause problems beyond politics, political correctness, and Big Brother fears.

Mass unemployment could create a new wave of discontent in the nation.

What do Americans think about all of this?

The question has been asked a few times on Quora.

One American didn't mince words, saying, "We're talking many, many factions, foreign

intervention, brutality, rape, murder, torture, all of it over huge areas of the U.S."

The unsettling thing is, many other people thought the same, or similar.

Others said there would be random acts of violence, invoking the movie Brazil, where

bombs go off all over the country, planted by small extremist groups.

Others weren't so pessimistic, stating as we said earlier that perhaps the desperation

level won't get that far and people won't be willing to kill, or be killed, if they

still have some relative comforts and a security net that many other nations don't currently

offer their citizens.

So, all we can do is turn this over to you.

Do you think the US can have another civil war?

If so, what side would you be on?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What If The World Was One Country?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Could the United States Have Another Civil War? - Duration: 7:52.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


La potente Zuppa con zenzero e 52 spicchi d'aglio in grado di sconfiggere raffreddore e influenza - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> La potente Zuppa con zenzero e 52 spicchi d'aglio in grado di sconfiggere raffreddore e influenza - Duration: 4:18.


Isto é o Que Significa a COR DA SUA URINA: Você Pode Ter Uma Dessas DOENÇAS e Nem Sabe... - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Isto é o Que Significa a COR DA SUA URINA: Você Pode Ter Uma Dessas DOENÇAS e Nem Sabe... - Duration: 2:41.


Tiago Leifert não acredita sobre tempo de duração de prova e faz publicação na internet - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Tiago Leifert não acredita sobre tempo de duração de prova e faz publicação na internet - Duration: 3:09.


Uomini e Donne: Gemma vuole ritornare con Giorgio? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Gemma vuole ritornare con Giorgio? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:42.


Kaysar e Ana Clara voltam a receber isotônicos após 41 horas de prova - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Kaysar e Ana Clara voltam a receber isotônicos após 41 horas de prova - Duration: 5:18.


How Bikila won an Olympic Marathon barefoot! | Strangest Moments - Duration: 4:28.

Rome, once a powerful empire spanning

from the west of Europe to Syria and Palestine,

was now just a single city rich in food, music and art.

Its culture and history made it the perfect host

for the 1960 Olympic Games.

It was even more perfect for the marathon.

For one man, the idyllic setting offered the perfect

backdrop to put his country on the Olympic Games map.

That man was Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia.

It was a strange path to Rome for Bikila.

He had grown up working as a shepherd, before becoming

a private bodyguard for the emperor of Ethiopia,

Haile Selassie.

The idea of sports never really crossed his mind

until he was 24 years old,

when he saw the 1956 Melbourne Games.

It was a defining moment for Bikila.

He wanted to be involved.

It soon became clear that he had a rare talent

for long-distance running

after he was spotted by Onni Niskanen, the Swedish coach

in charge of Ethiopia's long-distance runners.

Prior to the Rome Olympics,

Bikila wasn't initially chosen for the team.

He was a last-minute replacement

after his fellow countryman

Wami Biratu broke his ankle playing football.

But there was a problem,

his only pair of running shoes had worn out.

He had a shoe sponsor,

so he went to work finding a new pair.

Unfortunately, none were comfortable enough.

He made the audacious decision to run the race barefoot.

Bikila was off to Rome,

and the shoes were staying in Addis Ababa.

The 1960 marathon was scheduled to get underway at 5:30pm.

The late start was due to the weather.

If you've ever been in Rome during August,

you'll know that the intense afternoon heat would have had

the runners dropping like flies.

Early on, a pack of four runners was setting the pace.

Alongside Bikila was Rhadi Ben Abdesselam of Morocco,

one of Bikila's main rivals.

At the 32-kilometre mark, the sun was beginning to disappear

as the athletes took to the Appian Way.

The course was illuminated by flaming torches,

so the crowd could see Bikila's bare feet dash past them.

The cobblestones weren't a problem for his feet.

He was in the zone.

Upon re-entering the city, Bikila left Rhadi in his dust

as he picked up the pace with 500 metres to go.

He crossed over the line under the Arch of Constantine

in two hours, 15 minutes and 16 seconds,

shattering Emil Zatopek's Olympic Games record.

Dancing a jig of joy under the arch, the barefoot Ethiopian

finished 25 seconds ahead of second-place Rhadi.

When asked why he ran barefoot, he said,

"I want the world to know that my country Ethiopia

always won with determination and heroism."

He became the first black African

to win an Olympic gold medal.

It wouldn't be his last one either.

Four years later he won gold in Tokyo...

wearing shoes.

For more infomation >> How Bikila won an Olympic Marathon barefoot! | Strangest Moments - Duration: 4:28.


Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) - Sintomas, prevenção e tratamento - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC) - Sintomas, prevenção e tratamento - Duration: 3:53.


Di Maio come Zuckerberg - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Di Maio come Zuckerberg - Duration: 5:49.


La dieta del pomodoro - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> La dieta del pomodoro - Duration: 8:01.


The biggest thieves of Rome - Duration: 2:55.

Here's everything we need for robbery: tire lever, crowbar, hammer, brace-and-bit... and we have the flashlight, too.

I brought everything, Caramella ["Candy"] doesn't forget anything

Oh my God, I forgot the gloves!

I thought about everything, here are the gloves...

Those are for washing dishes!

The best ones!

The police! Let's hide!

Hey, Pecora ["Sheep"], are you sure that the work is good?

As easy as pie, we can make a lot of money

Good, I have to pay bills or they're going to cut off my electricity

It's a quarter past midnight right now


When is "Bengala" coming?

Police again!!!

What the fuck are you doing? Are you running after the police?

The police? Where's the police?! Are you kidding me?

Hey Pecora, are you sure that this guy is your friend?

Yes, he's a friend of mine, he served eight years in prison, eight calendar changing...

He doesn't speak [he's not a sneak]

L-l-l-et's g-g-go, what are we d-d-d-oing here? C-c-come on... G-g-get a m-m-move on!

You're right, this man doesn't speak at all...

he don't, he don't...

Bengala, let me introduce my friend: his name is Caramella ["Candy"] because everyone unwraps him, but he's a tough guy, I believe in him...He's out of the ordinary

And if you don't open the door I will stay out...

G-g-give me five! I'm B-b-bengala

He-e-ello, I'm C-c-aramella...

Let's cut off introductions, the farmer is going to wake up at five o'clock

Are you sure that we are going to steal chickens?

Of course they are chickens!

If they are ducks it's a mess, we'll end up in jail, because they scream like hell, they are an anti-theft system

D-d-do y-you know what? I p-p-prefer d-d-ducks...

All right, come on, let's go, get in the car, let's drift!!!

For more infomation >> The biggest thieves of Rome - Duration: 2:55.


Arsenal have 'good chance' of winning Europa League if they overcome one situation ● #AFC - Duration: 1:53.

ARSENAL have been told they have a really good chance of winning the Europa League if

they can beat Atletico Madrid.

The Gunners booked their place into the competition's semi-finals earlier this week after beating

CSKA Moscow 6-3 on aggregate.

Following a 4-1 win at the Emirates, the second leg was supposed to be a breeze but the Russians

gave them a huge scare in Moscow.

CSKA went 2-0 thanks to goals from Fedor Chalov and Kirill Nababkin a third was nearly scored

that would have knocked the north London side out.

But Danny Welbeck and Aarom Ramsey scored towards the end of the game to settle it once

and for all.

It has set up a huge clash with tournament favourites Atletico, who reached the last

four with a 2-1 aggregate win over Sporting Lisbon.

But former Chelsea star Dennis Wise believes Arsenal have as good a chance as anyone to

win the Europa League.

Speaking on The Debate, Wise said: "If they [Arsenal] get past Atletico I think they have

a really good chance of winning this.

"Everyone at the start of it would've picked Arsenal out and said they were the team to

beat and they have been.

"But they shook a little bit the other day [against CSKA] and there was a little bit

of a sticky period.

"That's Arsenal for you.

On their day they can go and play exceptionally well."

For more infomation >> Arsenal have 'good chance' of winning Europa League if they overcome one situation ● #AFC - Duration: 1:53.


I 3 migliori infusi da bere la sera - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> I 3 migliori infusi da bere la sera - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:42.


Como Limpar um Sofá - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Como Limpar um Sofá - Duration: 1:04.


共軍100小時奪台?軍事專家:會付出慘痛代價 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 共軍100小時奪台?軍事專家:會付出慘痛代價 - Duration: 2:46.


Elimine Completamente Todas As Suas Varizes Com Essa Simples Receita Caseira!!! - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Elimine Completamente Todas As Suas Varizes Com Essa Simples Receita Caseira!!! - Duration: 2:01.


Titan Gel Funciona? Veja Os Resultados De Quem Ja Usou O Super Titan Gel - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Titan Gel Funciona? Veja Os Resultados De Quem Ja Usou O Super Titan Gel - Duration: 2:44.


Khloé Kardashian confirma su embarazo - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Khloé Kardashian confirma su embarazo - Duration: 2:54.


Could the United States Have Another Civil War? - Duration: 7:52.

What was the American civil war?

Here's a short recap.

The war lasted from 1861 to 1865.

It was fought all over the U.S. and was between the northern states (known as the Union) and

the southern states (known as the Confederates) over what one historian says were "uncompromising

differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government

to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states."

With 2.1 million soldiers, the Union had roughly double the manpower.

About 620,000 soldiers died in all, which is the biggest loss of life in any war for

the U.S. 51,000 died in one battle alone, at Gettysburg.

Ultimately, the North won.

But the question we're asking today is: Could this happen again?

Let's find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Could the U.S. have another Civil War?

Some of you might be thinking, hell no, the USA could never be that divided again.

Why would anyone think that?

But the division between what we call the Right and Left has perhaps never been bigger

in modern times, which is evident just by looking at social media.

The right, especially what people call the Alt-right, calls the Left names such as "snowflakes",

while the Left is sometimes equally as combative when calling out its nemesis as being violent,

hostile, and racist.

How did it ever come to this?

Each side is so unwilling to make amends, which has sadly resulted in riots over the

last few years.

In 2017, The New Yorker published at article called "is America headed for a new kind

of Civil war?"

In the beginning of the article, we read the stark lines, "How fragile is the Union,

our republic, and a country that has long been considered the world's most stable


A man named Keith Mines was interviewed.

He has worked in the Special Forces, for the U.N., and for the State Department.

What did Mines say?

Well, he believes that there is a 60 percent chance of civil war in the U.S in the next

ten to fifteen years.

Yes, you heard that right.

So, what's going on?

Well, firstly we should say that his idea of civil war is not mass bloodshed like at

the battle of Gettysburg, but a large portion of America no longer having trust in what

we might call "the system" and so some kind of anarchy emerges.

The National Guard will have to be called out, and those militarized police stations

will be putting their equipment to work.

This will all happen, according to Mines, because the polarization that we presently

see will deepen, and there will be no chance to resolve it.

News media and other media will help entrench people's opposing opinions, violence will

be legitimized as the only way to solve the issues, and the government will be too weak

to do anything.

Hmm, that's kind of disturbing.

Maybe Mines is just paranoid, or maybe he's pessimistic, or does he have a point?

Well, although the LA Times in 2017 mentioned a slew of media op-eds and columns that came

out that year asking the same question, columnist Dennis Prager didn't ask the question.

His piece was titled, "America is currently fighting its second civil war."

Is a war of words on Twitter, a divided media, and negligible violence in the streets enough

to state that America is at war with itself?

We should remember that there are very intelligent, peace loving people endorsing right and left

viewpoints, and that zero-tolerance left and right-wingers don't represent everyone in

the USA.

The LA Times writes, "The division between ordinary Republicans and Democrats has itself

been overstated."

And perhaps if we believe the sometimes-hyperbolic headlines, we might feel unsafe enough to

take a side.

"The atmosphere that produces negative partisanship can fuel a paranoid loathing of the other

party's members," said the article.

We live in an era where everyone has a voice and that voice can attract a lot of attention.

Partisanship is the norm and being wrong is not an option.

So, what does the average American – someone we've discussed in detail in the past – think

about all of this?

Foreign Policy magazine created a poll asking both security experts and the public about

the chance of civil war.

The experts were all over the place, saying there was a 30 percent chance, a 60 percent

chance, and a 95 percent chance.

But the readers were way more optimistic, saying there was about an 18 percent chance

of war.

How was war defined?

This was the description given: "(1) military action internal to the metropole of the state

system member; (2) the active participation of the national government; (3) effective

resistance by both sides; and (4) a total of at least 1,000 battle-deaths during each

year of the war."

So, it seems we are not talking about all-out warfare with people in those leafy suburbs

taking their politically divided neighbors' head off with a Black and Dekker chainsaw.

We are talking about public disturbances and violent protests leading to a lot more violence

than we currently have seen.

All over the world, throughout history, this has happened, sometimes with factions on the

same side even taking arms against each other.

To prevent this from happening, Foreign Policy says the U.S. right now needs to "establish

more formal practices for identifying and tracking domestic extremism — with an honest

recognition that young, white males on both ends of the political spectrum are the most

likely to commit violence."

We must remember that things like peasant revolutions came during very harsh times in

some countries, when the hierarchy of elites were happy to see people starve.

The question in America is, are times bad enough for people to want to give their lives

to the cause.

Probably not.

But these are also paranoid times, so when moderation and censorship effects certain

content online, it only infuriates and vindicates those it edits or expunges.

It's a tricky situation.

We might also recognize that the soothsayers of technology tell us automation is going

to put a huge number of Americans out of work, and that those that own the tech will have

way too much power and control.

Will there be a revolution against this, a kind of new-age Luddite uprising?

If we can see our mistakes throughout history, those in power should know that the people

need to be protected and cared for, lest they pick up the proverbial pitchfork (or in this

case, an assault rifle).

Foreign Policy agrees, writing, "As our government and corporate leaders continue

to deconstruct rule of law and economic opportunity, the norms degrade and the space for transgression

becomes bigger."

Whose side would you be on anyway?

As the Chicago Tribune writes, it would not be that simple, so a new civil war would be

very fragmented.

It would happen inside states, rather than between them.

Perhaps the 'haves' will revolt against the 'have nots' in some very divided states,

especially as education standards drop for some, healthcare is out of reach for many,

and old industries are folded because artificial intelligence has supplanted human intelligence.

If you look at Walmart and Amazon (the two biggest employers in the USA) and see their

new tech and new patents, it seems they are both looking to take human workers out of

their stores ASAP.

This could cause problems beyond politics, political correctness, and Big Brother fears.

Mass unemployment could create a new wave of discontent in the nation.

What do Americans think about all of this?

The question has been asked a few times on Quora.

One American didn't mince words, saying, "We're talking many, many factions, foreign

intervention, brutality, rape, murder, torture, all of it over huge areas of the U.S."

The unsettling thing is, many other people thought the same, or similar.

Others said there would be random acts of violence, invoking the movie Brazil, where

bombs go off all over the country, planted by small extremist groups.

Others weren't so pessimistic, stating as we said earlier that perhaps the desperation

level won't get that far and people won't be willing to kill, or be killed, if they

still have some relative comforts and a security net that many other nations don't currently

offer their citizens.

So, all we can do is turn this over to you.

Do you think the US can have another civil war?

If so, what side would you be on?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What If The World Was One Country?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Could the United States Have Another Civil War? - Duration: 7:52.


Tiago Leifert não acredita sobre tempo de duração de prova e faz publicação na internet - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Tiago Leifert não acredita sobre tempo de duração de prova e faz publicação na internet - Duration: 3:09.


Who's That Robot? - Duration: 0:12.

iSocialNetwork starring Will Smith

For more infomation >> Who's That Robot? - Duration: 0:12.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Toiley T. Paper in The Hike - 2018 Los Angeles Guild of Puppetry 48hr Puppet Film Project - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toiley T. Paper in The Hike - 2018 Los Angeles Guild of Puppetry 48hr Puppet Film Project - Duration: 1:06.


Eng Sub | T-ara, The SeeYa, 5dolls, and SPEED - Painkiller (진통제) MV [HD] - Duration: 6:45.

When will things be okay?

When will the sun rise again?

Are all farewells this painful to death?

I'm choked up and I can't even breathe

Time goes by but it's no use

Please heal my heart so that I can smile a little

This headache won't get any better.

I pull my pillow into my arms.

The thorns keep piercing my heart.

I scream in my unlit room.

This severe cold won't get any better.

I swallow two, three pills without water.

A dirty morning, a severe cold

Why am I coughing again?

Though I'm sick to death, I only think of you.

I guess you really are my medicine.

I guess the story is already over.

I am, I am crying.

(My cold won't get better)

When will things be okay?

When will the sun rise again?

Are all farewells this painful to death?

I'm choked up and I can't even breathe

Time goes by but it's no use

Please heal my heart so that I can smile a little

I need a pain killer. Help me, take my pain away.

I always thought you were a harmful person to me. Ma mistake.

I can't even live without you.

I can't even take care of my own body.

What do I do?

At this rate, this will kill me.

Though I'm sick to death, I only think of you.

I guess you really are my medicine.

I guess the story is already over.

I am, I am crying.

(My cold won't get any better)

Though I'm sick to death, I only think of you.

I guess you really are my medicine.

I guess the story is already over.

I am, I am crying.

(My cold won't get any better)

I want to hang onto leaving footsteps.

And beg but

I'm so sick that I don't even have that kind of courage.

When will things be okay?

When will the sun rise again?

Are all farewells this painful to death?

I'm choked up and I can't even breathe (This headache won't get any better. This cold won't get better)

Time goes by but it's no use (She won't pick up my phone calls, love isn't finding me again.)

Please heal my heart so that I can smile a little. (This severe cold won't get better. This headache won't get better.)

For more infomation >> Eng Sub | T-ara, The SeeYa, 5dolls, and SPEED - Painkiller (진통제) MV [HD] - Duration: 6:45.


Toxins From Hurricane Harvey Still Poisoning Houston Residents - Duration: 5:22.

It's been seven months since Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, Texas, but the toxins released

when the storm hit are still present.

I mean they're everywhere, and they pose a huge health problem for residents.

Unfortunately, this is being covered up.

Now, people watching this are going to say, "Well, it's Houston, Texas.

They get what they deserve.

The politics down there are abysmal.

The regulators work for the Republican party.

The leadership with Abbott and various people who have been in government there, Texas deserves


By God, if they're going to be poisoned to death, they haven't done anything about protecting

themselves legislatively."

That's not really a good argument because it's not just Texas that's affected by all


This affects the Galveston Bay.

Galveston Bay affects the Gulf of Mexico.

You already have a huge dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

What's your take on this story, Farron?

This is one of the most unreported yet most important stories to come out of Hurricane

Harvey here because you had 500 chemical plants in Houston, 10 refineries, most of which flooded,

chemicals leaking out from nearly every single one of these plants, cancer-causing chemicals,

by the way, dioxin, benzine, things like that, into this flood water that then moves along.

A few days before the storm, you actually had Government Abbott, he announced that none

of the companies ... "You will not be liable in any way when and if this hurricane destroys

your facilities and, more importantly, I'm suspending all environmental monitoring so

we won't even know."


Let me pick up with that.

As a matter of fact, the monitoring that took place, the US Coast Guard ... There's a company

called Magellan Midstream Partners.

They were in the refinery business, and they said, "Well, we had a little bit of a problem.

We only lost 42,000 gallons of gasoline directly into people's aquifer.

For all practical purposes, it's moving into the groundwater.

It's moving into the aquifer."

Then they find out, "Oh, well, maybe we were wrong."

AP and The Chronicle pick up, no, it wasn't 42,000.

It was 460,000 gallons of benzene toxins running through the local groundwater.

Now, again, I tell you this.

There are people watching this show, and they say, "Well, you know, by God, Texas deserves


They've brought this on themselves because of their backwoods politics."

It's not just about Texas.

You see, this is what's so bothersome to me.

There was so much benzene release.

First of all, let me tell you, benzene ... There's zero question that benzene causes leukemia.

It's not maybe it does and it could.

It does.

Connection to benzene will cause leukemia.

We know that.

They have done, at this point, zero to have any control over what happened with the benzene.

If you're looking at this story, the benzene now is not just in Texas.

It's in the Gulf of Mexico, right?

Isn't that part of the problem?

It is.

That's the biggest issue here is that all of this happened as a result of the flood

waters, so all of these chemicals ... When we saw the pictures of the water going over

the interstate system, that water was contaminated with gasoline, with benzene, with dioxin,

with all kinds of chemicals that then ... they get spread everywhere.

They go into people's yards.

They go into people's homes.

Half of what doesn't get sucked up into the ground as the water seeps into the ground


They recorded some of the highest levels of air pollution containing these same chemicals

in the week or so after the flood, so it's in the air.

It's in the water.

It's in the ground.

It's everywhere for these people.

Farron, let me answer one part that people may not be ... Well, they're just saying,

"Well, it was an act of God.

It was a hurricane.

They couldn't do anything about it."


There is plenty of technology that prepares for things just like this.

They've had to use this technology in Asia for years because of things like tsunamis.

The truth is, the technology is there.

How do you protect a plant?

How do you protect a Superfund site?

In other words, you've got Superfund sites that were completely uncovered that had DDT,

PCBs, all types of toxins that are now in the environment there in Texas, but it's not

just Texas.

You can't isolate Texas and say that it doesn't have any connection to the rest of the ecosystem.

The point is this.

They have technology.

They don't want to spend the money.

It's called externalizing risks.

You see, they don't want to spend the money, so they externalize the risk to taxpayers

and to people, consumers that live around them.

"Let them take all the risk.

We don't want to worry about cleaning it up.

We don't want to worry about spending money to protect consumers."

Isn't that kind of what happened here?

That is because when you look at any of the fines that they could have or any ... really,

even the lawsuits they could face, that's still going to end up being rolled up into

the cost of business.

They write those off on their taxes if they get fined for Clean Water or Clean Air Act


They write off losses from lawsuits.

I mean-

Consumers end up getting it in the end [crosstalk 00:05:20]-


For more infomation >> Toxins From Hurricane Harvey Still Poisoning Houston Residents - Duration: 5:22.


NCT U - Baby don't stop MV (Eng/Greek subs) - Duration: 3:09.

After I first saw you I got a feeling that I needed no other reason

Like magic, I felt each hundredth of a second For every detailed one minute

All of my nerves are on edge I want to get to know you

I feel every small tremble That's unfamiliar and strange

Stop baby don't stop Don't stop, baby don't stop

A special sign that only I can recognize (cool) It's just us right now, baby don't stop

Stop baby don't stop (don't stop) A secret sign that only we know (baby don't stop no)

Each sign is so perfect (ooh) Beautiful, so baby don't stop (baby don't stop)

Play play play play play I'll play in the Paris

Stay clay sketch dirt dough I'm gonna knead your body

Rothko, Auguste Rodin, Claudel I'm gonna make you with warm colors

All day holding, hold me tight

Baby don't stop Come on come on come on come on come on

Baby Don't Stop

You're the fire that revives A flower that was definitely wilted

So I'm trusting my senses Relying on your eyes that spread over me, come to me

Between our narrow space, this tension gets higher

I feel so right, so sweet that things get hazy

Stop baby don't stop (don't stop) Don't stop, baby don't stop (no)

A special sign that only I can recognize (don't stop) It's just us right now, baby don't stop

Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever lose you, gonna get that

Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever stop, gonna get that

Cotton wind blow blouse Hair flower aroma scent

Cold eyes ice dive Touch warm melt lips

Baby baby I just feel so right Baby I just feel so nice

The most perfect sign Oh baby give it to me

Stop baby don't stop (don't stop) Don't stop, baby don't stop (baby don't stop no)

A special sign that only I can recognize It's just us right now, baby don't stop (baby don't stop)

I'm gonna fly fast and go to you, mi amor (Baby don't stop and no)

Even if you're on the other side of the sky I'll keep looking for you

(Baby don't stop today) Just get yourself around it now yeah

(Baby don't stop and no) Estoy loco mi dulce coco (Baby don't stop today)

Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever lose you, gonna get that

Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won't ever stop, gonna get that

Stop baby don't stop

For more infomation >> NCT U - Baby don't stop MV (Eng/Greek subs) - Duration: 3:09.


Suomi-torstai: Uusi työpöytänaapuri - Duration: 6:24.

Good morning. Because today is Finnish Thursday!

Are you ready?

Here we go.

That's Jasmiina.

She's my new desk neighbor.



What are you laughing at?

Haha! The "desk neighbor" thing.

Yeah, like I'm not 'your' neighbor. I'm your desk's neighbor.

What happened here?

Old crap to be destroyed.

Can I have one?

Can I take whatever I want?

Like this one?

Ahh these are broken.

Should someone call somebody?

Water is coming from upstairs.

Dabi... do we have some newspaper or something?

Is that pee?

It smells a little.

Where are we going to throw food at our faces?

Uhhhh... not sure.

I'll ask the others.

That was really good! I give it 140 stars.

to Fafas.

No wait.. there.

But there was a little problem that..

The pita was too full

Half the thing went straight to my pants.

So... minus 5 stars

1..2..3.. go.

Did you get it?

Theres some baseball photography going on here.

Having fun?

That's Tuulia and Aleksi.

My moment in the spotlight.

What about Kasper? Are you in?

I'll think about it.

When is it? the 9th? Of June?

I could come along.

So it's on a weekend.

Saturday morning. Pretty bad.

See you tomorrow.


Now I'm headed to stockmann.

I gotta buy a bike tire and...

a couple other things.

For more infomation >> Suomi-torstai: Uusi työpöytänaapuri - Duration: 6:24.


Love me, I'm a Liberal, 2018 lyrics (Satirical) - Duration: 2:58.

I cried when trump was elected Tears ran down my spine

I cried when gorsuch was sworn in 'cause Garland, he would've been fine

Don't ask me 'bout local elections As long as they're blue we'll align

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

I go to the anti-trump rallies And I post it on my instagram

My profile pic has a filter To show how supportive I am

But don't you expect me to phone bank I'm doing as much as I can

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

There's too much political money We are the ninety nine percent

I love justices stevens and ginsburg For their cit'zens united dissent

And I'm counting down 'til twenty twenty 'Cause Oprah's my next president

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

The people in red districts Should all hang their heads in shame

I can't understand how their minds work They're racists and they're all the same

I'm down with black lives matter protests As long as they're not in my way

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

I love the New Yorker and Wapo And Rachel Maddow is my muse,

I make fun of Breitbart and Sinclair 'Cause all of that shit is fake news

I've gotta share this publication The headline confirms all my views

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

I vote for the democratic party They got us Obamacare signed

More people can afford insurance They even can sign up online

But don't you enact single payer Because I've already got mine

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

Once I was young and impulsive I wore every conceivable pin

Even went to the socialist meetings Learned all the old union hymns

But I've grown older and wiser And that's why I'm turning you in

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

For more infomation >> Love me, I'm a Liberal, 2018 lyrics (Satirical) - Duration: 2:58.


Losia 롤 원딜 랭크 하이라이트 // 롤 원딜 매드무비 // 4월2주차 - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> Losia 롤 원딜 랭크 하이라이트 // 롤 원딜 매드무비 // 4월2주차 - Duration: 8:44.


How To Make A Perfect Burger - Duration: 4:06.

Walk right by those pre-made burger patties.

With just a few simple techniques, you can easily serve up burgers rivaling those found

on the menu of your favorite gastro pub.

From shopping advice to pro grilling tricks, the following simple tips and hints will help

bring you to the top of your burger-making game.

Meat matters

When it comes to making a dynamite burger, the lean, pricier cuts of meat are just not

going to, well, cut it.

In fact, America's Test Kitchen held a taste test using the most popular kinds of ground

beef, and found that "ground chuck" was the favorite among testers.

Pro chefs love it too ...

"Go to your butcher's ask him for chuck steak.

It's got incredible flavor classic meat for a classic burger."

Chuck is cut from the shoulder, and testers found the 15-20 percent fat content of the

meat lends it a rich flavor and tender texture.

But what about other meats?

Turkey, chicken, and lamb burgers can certainly make a showing at your cookout, but these

leaner meats often need the help of some added ingredients to prevent a dry burger.

Moisture matters

The lower the fat content of the meat you use in your burger, the drier your burger

will be — unless you help it along with some added moisture in the patties.

Lower-fat content meats can benefit from the addition of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard,

Worcestershire sauce, or even freshly grated onions to add the necessary boost of moisture

for a juicy, mouth-watering burger.

"The secret here is not to overdo it!"

Mix your ingredients until just incorporated, and then form well-shaped but somewhat loose

patties for tender burgers.

Intend to indent

There is a pro trick to getting perfectly shaped cooked burgers.

Once you've formed your meat into patties, press a small indent in the center.

This quick trick will combat the tightening of the meat that happens when cooking, and

prevent your burgers from turning into oddly shaped balls instead of the nice, even patties

you want.

It's easy to do with just your fingertips, and will make a world of difference in producing

professional-looking burgers.

Time of the season

Salt immediately breaks the meat down, dissolving its texture and drawing out valuable moisture.

For this reason, you don't want to add it to the inside of the patties.

Instead, you want to liberally salt the outside of the patties right before you cook them.

The only exception would be if you're cooking the burgers immediately, in which case a pinch

thrown into the mix will work well.

Some freshly ground black pepper would be a welcome addition also, but salt is an absolute


Method, man

Grilling is the preferred method for most burger-loving chefs, and for good reason.

There's nothing quite like the smoky, juicy flavor grilling conjures up.

It's easy: Make sure your grill is clean, nice and hot, and well-oiled.

Simply space your burgers out so they have room to breathe, and avoid the temptation

to flip them too much or to press down with the spatula, lest you lose those precious


If the weather prevents you from firing up the backyard grill, cast iron pans make great,

diner-style, flat burgers.

The broiler of your oven or even your toaster oven can stand in for your grill in a pinch

when you've got a burger craving.

You could even follow Saveur's advice and steam your burgers in a pot.

Dress for success

The good news is, there's no wrong answer when it comes to how to top your burger.

Go Italian with fresh mozzarella cheese or a creamy pesto sauce.

Make it a breakfast burger with bacon slices and an oozy fried egg.

Nowadays, there's little you can't get on a burger, with folks topping them with everything

from peanut butter to lobster.

Whichever toppings you choose, slice everything thin enough so you don't end up with a burger

mess on your lap instead of in your mouth.

Bun fun

Softer buns like sesame seed or potato buns are ideal for burgers, or a bakery brioche

bun if you're getting a little fancy.

Be mindful of the size of your bun, which should be comparable to the size of the patties

you'll make — nobody wants a mouthful of just plain bread when they'd rather be noshing

on a juicy burger.

Quick word of warning for the mess-averse: Those trendy pretzel buns and other tougher

rolls can be a little difficult for your teeth to get through, which means the meat and toppings

can get pushed out of the back of your burger when you take a bite.

"It's alright to eat messy, yeah?"

"You're supposed to eat messy!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> How To Make A Perfect Burger - Duration: 4:06.


Nightcore → Fantasy (Bazzi) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:25.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore → Fantasy (Bazzi) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:25.


No Good Democrats Blast Trump For Attacking Syria After He Did Not Seek Approval From Them - Duration: 7:00.

No Good Democrats Blast Trump For Attacking Syria After He Did Not Seek Approval From


The hottest news over the past few days has been President Trump ordering air strikes

against Syria, which is currently ruled by Bashar-al-Assad and his regime.

Assad came under fire last year for ordering a chemical weapons attack against his own

people, that left many women and especially children mortally wounded.

Now Congressional Democrats are pissed off at President Trump for his recent orders and

they are making him aware.

Congressional Democrats have indicated their opinion that the President's actions authorizing

strikes against Syria are unconstitutional, and an attempt to circumvent the authority

of Congress.

Moreover, they are questioning his strategy in dealing with Syria.

Whereas many Republicans are applauding the Presidents move.

Senator Tim Kaine from Virginia, who formerly ran for Vice President under the presidential

ticket of Hillary Clinton, made it clear he believes the Presidents actions are illegal

going as far as to say,

"President Trump's decision to launch airstrikes against the Syrian government without

Congress's approval is illegal, and absent a broader strategy.

Today, it's a strike on Syria what's going to stop him from bombing Iran or North Korea


The last thing Congress should be doing is giving this president a blank check to wage

war against anyone, anywhere."

While House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California argued that due to the brutal,

and inhumane nature of the war crimes perpetrated by Syria it requires a smarter and more calculated


She further argued that the President needed to present a far more comprehensive strategy,

for how he plans to deal with Syria to Congress so that he can gain their approval.

NBC News reported,

"Rep. Eric Swalwell, tweeted that it was the same as when Trump struck Syria last year

without congressional approval.

"What changed?

Zero," Swalwell tweeted.

"They're still using chemical weapons.

This is the result of a failure to have a strategy, and engage Middle East countries

to solve this problem."

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, said, "A pinpointed, limited action to punish

and hopefully deter Assad from doing this again is appropriate, but the administration

has to be careful about not getting us into a greater and more involved war in Syria."

The president announced in an address to the nation from the White House that U.S. airstrikes,

in tandem with the United Kingdom and France, were underway in Syria, in response to an

alleged chemical attack near Damascus last weekend."

At a later Pentagon briefing, Defense Secretary James Mattis said that the president had the

authority to launch the strikes under Article II of the Constitution, because Mattis said

Trump was defending U.S. interests.

Key Republicans on Capitol Hill said Friday night that they supported Trump's decision.

"The United States has taken decisive action in coordination with our allies," said Speaker

Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who said at his weekly news conference Thursday that he believed

that Trump had authority to act against Syria, with any new congressional approval.

"We are united in our resolve that Assad's barbaric use of chemical weapons cannot go


His regime's unconscionable brutality against innocent civilians cannot be tolerated."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he supports "both the action and the


"I applaud the president for taking military action against the Assad regime for its latest

use of chemical weapons, and for signaling his resolve to do so again if these heinous

attacks continue," said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., chairman of the Senate Armed Services


Of note was Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., who faces a tough re-election fight against Florida's

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, and who backed Trump's response to Syria, tweeting, "I

support the attack because Assad must be held accountable for the use of chemical weapons.""

Regardless of what Congressional Members think the President had a press conference, on the

attack and detailed why he took the actions he took and what he plans to do.

President Trump emphasized that he completed the attack in conjunction with the French

and British military.

This was following weeks upon weeks of potential threats of retaliation over the chemical attacks

on civilians.

The Pentagon announced that at the order of the President a total of 105 missiles were

launched, and that they successfully hit every target.

Furthermore, that the allies took every measure and caution necessary to minimize civilian

death and to hit the intended military targets.

They noted that at this time they are unaware of any civilian casualties at this time.

However, Syrian state television refuted this statement arguing that three civilians were

wounded in the city of Homs, after several missiles hit the area and were later intercepted

by the air-defense systems of Syria.

But, this is refuted as well because the director of the Joint Staff, Lt. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie

argued that the missiles involved in the operation were, not at all engaged either positively

or negatively by Syrian air defenses.

CNN reported,

"Syrian armed forces said in a statement, however, that the country's defense systems

"intercepted most of the missiles, but some hit targets including the Research Center

in Barzeh," a suburb of Damascus.

Russian Army Colonel Gen. Sergey Rudskoy put a number to the claim, telling reporters that

71 of the cruise missiles were intercepted by Syria's air defense systems.

"It proves high efficiency of the Syrian armament and professional skills of the Syrian

servicemen trained by the Russian specialists," Rudskoy said at a Ministry of Defense media


"Over the last 18 months, Russia has completely recovered the Syrian air defense systems,

and continues its development."

The Pentagon assessed that nerve agents were present in the Barzah research center, and

that the Syrian regime employed about 40 surface-to-air missiles, but those launches occurred after

the last impact of the US and its allies strike.

White also said Russia has begun a disinformation campaign on the situation.

"There has been a 2000 percent increase in Russian trolls in the last 24 hours,"

White said.

"Therefore, we will keep you all abreast of the facts moving forward."

Defense Secretary James Mattis said Friday night, that the US was expecting a disinformation

campaign by those aligned with the Assad regime."

It remains to be seen whether Syria will respond to the United States attacks yet.

As of right now Syrian ally Russia has called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations

Security Council, and it is no doubt for reasons related to the rising tensions between Syria

and the United States.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> No Good Democrats Blast Trump For Attacking Syria After He Did Not Seek Approval From Them - Duration: 7:00.


Why Do Some Shots Make Your Arm Hurt So Much? - Duration: 3:08.

You've probably gotten a lot of shots in your lifetime… the ones you probably freaked

out over as a baby, all the way up to your last flu vaccine.

Either way, you might remember some shots being nastier than others.

Like, some aren't that bad at all, hardly more than a pinch.

But others hurt like no one's business, and can make your arm sore for days afterward.

In general, a little pain after a shot isn't a bad thing.

It just means your body is learning to recognize and fight off a pathogen -- like the flu virus

-- so that you don't get really sick if it shows up again.

But it doesn't mean the pain is, well, any less of a pain.

How much a shot hurts depends on a lot of things, including where you get jabbed, what's

in the vaccine, and of course, your personal feelings about needles.

You might think that a bigger needle and a deeper shot would hurt more.

But in most cases, those deeper injections into muscle, or what doctors call intramuscular

shots, actually pose less of a problem than the ones given just under the skin.

Scientists aren't totally sure why this is, but they think part of it has to do with

the way each tissue absorbs fluids.

If you inject a bunch of fluid into fatty skin, it doesn't have much of a place to

go and can get trapped, which can be painful.

Muscles, meanwhile, are full of blood vessels and can clear out the liquid much more quickly,

so they tend to cause less pain, swelling, and redness.

As a bonus, muscles also tend to have a better mix of immune cells, so intramuscular shots

are often more effective.

Besides where the shot is given, how much a shot hurts also depends on what's in it.

Some vaccines contain adjuvants, which are materials added to vaccines to make it easier

for your immune system to recognize the pathogen you want to avoid.

They're inflammatory, and made of things like aluminum, or small parts of bacteria.

They're harmless, but since they aren't normally found in your body, adjuvants cause

more immune cells to come to the scene of the injection to check out what's there,

and to begin processing it.

It turns out that some of the more painful vaccines, including those that protect against

tetanus or the human papillomavirus, also called HPV, tend to have adjuvants in them.

And in the case of HPV, the version of the vaccine that patients report as being more

painful actually has two adjuvants in it.

If that sounds terrible, remember, they're there because they make the vaccine work better.

In fact, so far, it looks like the double-adjuvant vaccine might help people have stronger and

longer-lasting protection.

Scientists are still working on making vaccines less painful, but for now, it's no pain,

no gain, as they say.

Although, of course, if you have severe pain after a shot, or if it's lasting a long

time, you should consult your doctor.

We are definitely no substitute for professional medical advice.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

SciShow is produced by Complexly, a group of people who believe the more we understand,

the better we get at being human.

If you want to learn more about vaccines, shots, or anything else related to healthcare,

you can check out one of our other channels, Healthcare Triage, over at

For more infomation >> Why Do Some Shots Make Your Arm Hurt So Much? - Duration: 3:08.


Bank Hopping for Coin Rolls - Quarters and Dimes! - Duration: 10:53.

Hey everybody it's Rob with Rob finds Treasure and we're kind of doing a

little fun thing today I don't bank with Chase Bank and they

have a policy that says as long as your transaction is $100 or less you don't

need an account so I'm always getting boxes of nickels and boxes of pennies

and $1 bills and find our bills up to $100 so I can get so I decided a little

fun today I've grabbed myself an empty quarters box and an empty dime box

actually I got two dime boxes in case I feel real risky but I'm gonna hit up I

literally have 12 chase banks within 15 minutes of my house so I'm gonna go to

all 12 chase banks and get $100 of change sometimes I'll get 5 rolls of

quarters and 10 rolls of Dimes sometimes I might just ask for $100 in quarters 10

rolls of quarters my point is my goal is to fill up with just loose rolls

customer wrapped or machine wrapped doesn't matter I'm gonna fill up at least one

box of quarters in one box of Dimes maybe two boxes of dimes no nickels and

pennies today I don't want to get overly complicated maybe if I get really if I

have great success I'll just start asking for some of that as well but let

me flip the camera around and let me show you the boxes I'm gonna be throwing

up and then we'll give you an update after every stop all right guys here's a

couple of boxes that I'm gonna be filling up today here's an example of an

empty one and so we're just gonna pop into every single one of these chase

banks get a hundred dollars in dimes and quarters - I'm outside of a Chase Bank right

now so I'm gonna walk in there and get a hundred dollars and change

all right guys first Bank is a success I was able to pull out ten rolls of Dimes

for 50 bucks we got four Customer wrapped and I also got five rolls of quarters for 50

bucks and we're on the board let's go ahead at the next Bank all right guys

another Chase Bank down and we end up with seven rolls of quarters and six

rolls of Dimes for another 100 bucks we'll get them into boxes and show you

what they look like so now we have 12 rolls of quarters we're getting there

and we have 16 rolls of Dimes let's in another Chase Bank up all right

guys another chase bank done we got eight rolls of quarters and four dimes

and when I get those in the boxes that'll make twenty and twenty so we're

almost halfway there and there we have it guys

another Chase Bank another seven rolls of quarters and six rolls of Dimes

we'll get them into the boxes and I'll give you an update on I think we have

now 27 quarters and 26 time rolls so we're more than halfway let's keep going

I was putting away the rolls and figured you'd want to see them 26 rolls of Dimes

all different ones customer and machined 27 rolls of quarters customer and

machined and yeah so it's looking pretty fun you know what guys I'm not gonna lie

this is kind of fun doing it this way cuz you never know what you're gonna get

and I've still got about five more chases I get hit up so for Chase is down

five more to go maybe four if we get lucky all right guys the Chase Bank down

this time we got six rolls of quarters and eight rolls of Dimes kind of mixing

it up so that makes what is that thirty three quarters and thirty four dimes now

We're almost there all right guys another chase bank hit up this time we got seven

rolls of quarters and six rolls of Dimes they all were machine wrapped so that

puts us now at 40 and 40 so I need ten and ten I've got a bank that I know I'm

going to hit up on the way to pick up my half dollars and then across from my

half dollar banks another chase so I'll be able to fill this up in no time

all right guys another chase bank down another bag of rolls here we got seven

quarters and six dimes so now we officially have 47 rolls of quarters and

46 rolls of Dimes I just got to hit one more Bank up I was gonna make it fifty

and fifty but you know what I'm gonna go ahead and get the extra rolls and we'll

have a few extra rolls per box so pretty cool and I'm gonna go pick up my halves

right now super excited all right guys final chase bank visited

we've got seven rolls of quarters and six rolls of Dimes so the final tally on

the boxes we ended up with 53 rolls of Dimes and 54 rolls of quarters so we did

good hit up several chase banks that's how you build boxes of change with not

being a customer at Chase you know a lot of a lot of banks like Chase allow up to

a hundred dollar transaction or exchange without an account so you should always

call ahead of time and if that's the case pop into a few banks now this is

building a box obviously if I woulda just went to a Chase Bank I could have

got a $50 in dimes and $50 in quarters went home and hunted those but I was

trying to get full boxes and you don't always have to do that but I wanted to

show everyone it's pretty simple to drive around for about an hour hit up

some branches and build build some boxes or don't worry about walking into a bank

you're not a you're not a patron at I'm not affiliated with Chase Bank whatsoever

but I know their policy is up to $100 no account needed so I run in them all the

time all right now let me go pick up the half dollar box from my Wells Fargo

alright everyone we're done with our Bank errands we've got our box a half's

it is the Harrisburg PA coin rolls which I'm not too happy with it is the whole

box which I'm not gonna happy with either but you never know could get real

lucky in there we've got the box of quarters and a few extra rolls in the

box of Dimes a few extra rolls and you know it's gonna be fun about these hunts

as sometimes when you get new little boxes you could tell it's kind of a bad

box especially if it's a lot of custom wrapped rolls you like these have been

searched I know they've been searched at least every seven or eight rolls from

each of the denominations I'm getting into a different Bank because I never

picked up more than between six and eight rolls of any number of rolls from

any bank so every six to eight rolls I'll be into something different that'll

make it kind of a fun hunt you never know what you're gonna get now let me

get home and hunt some rolls all right guys these are the dimes that

I built from all those different banks I thought I had 53

before but apparently I only have 52 let me tell you something something's weird

these dimes right here are machine wrapped and it appears as though we've got a

couple of rolls that are pretty big and they're hand wrapped and compared to the

other preformed rolls that are the same type of rolls

they're a lot bigger so I think we've got a couple of bigger rolls than we

thought I miscounted buy one but I'll prolly make up

half of it back in these two rolls they're really loosely packed because

whoever wrapped him didn't know what they were doing for sure they just stuck

a bunch of Dimes in there and thought when they got to the top that they could

fold it over so they probably didn't even count him I'm guessing there's five

extra dimes or so on each of these rolls I figured I'd have a little fun deal

here and just go ahead and open up these two rolls right now I'm gonna save this

box or a dime but hopefully there's something in it and I'll be doing the

same thing on the quarters so before I get these dimes rolls open up let me get

these quarters in there and we'll pick the extra rolls out and open those as well

but since they're not right right rolled I'm thinking someone wasn't a

coin collector I'm thinking these weren't searched because obviously you

would put extra Dimes in if you were a coin searcher so could be some luck you

know dimes in there all right guys we've got the quarters in here I haven't

checked for any Enders except for what you can see here I don't see anything

we got the 50 rolls in here these are the 50 rolls I'm going to leave for the

box these are the ones that I chose to pull out again we had two tall ones

looks like there's uh some extra quarters and those as well

if I would have known which Bank had these rolls these tall ones put at I

should have paid attention in the bags either way though I also chose these two

because they're different than all those as well just as far as the wrapper is

concerned doesn't mean that anything's in there of course but these are the

four extra rolls I have for making the box those are two extra dime rolls I'm

assuming that's from the same customer so I'm going to open up in this hunt I'm

gonna open up these six rolls and we'll end the video here and this will be a

quarter search for another video and then of course I got my box a house

all right everyone let me go crack it into these rules first we'll start with

the two least likely to contain anything rules they move on to the other quarters

they'll move on to the dimes as expected guys 40 quarters in each of these

nothing worth looking at or saving no Wisconsin's to even look at no Minnesota's

to look at and really no old quarters before 1970 so definitely nothing there

let's move on these quarters here alright guys no good finds excuse me and

the other two rolls of quarters that were tall but they both had three extra

quarters in them so it made a buck fifty on the quarter search for just those

four rolls or really just those two rolls now we're gonna move on the dimes

and you know we're gonna have extra dimes in these two they're too tall so

maybe I've got three to five extra dimes as well that'd be kind of cool to have a

couple of dollars made on a few rolls let me look through these see if there's

any silver or anything worth keeping all right guys unfortunately nothing

found in those two rolls of extra dimes as well and we did have four extra dimes

though in each roll so we made 80 cents in those two rolls of Dimes and a buck 50 in

those two rolls of quarters and then nothing in those as well so nice little

mini hunt we'll take two dollars and thirty cents profit from that anyway I

just wanted to use this video to explain how you could build a box or you can use

a banks rules around getting yourself some rolls without being an actual Bank

member there remember to always contact your bank first or any banks you plan on

hunting and find out what their rules are for non-bank customers sometimes

they allow you to dump coins sometimes they allow you to get a hundred hours

worth of coins as well sometimes they'll let you do nothing but you never know

until you ask and as always you can't find anything if

you don't hunt it so you got to keep hunting hope you enjoyed the video if

you did please give it a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Bank Hopping for Coin Rolls - Quarters and Dimes! - Duration: 10:53.


Go Wild with Copics - Collaboration with Louise at Scrapbook Boutique! Part 2 - Duration: 7:48.

hi it's Therese from Lostinpaper and I'm here for scrapbook boutique and a

collab with Louise this is part 2 and this one's all about coloring I'm

coloring some images from a neat & tangled set called go wild and I'm

using my MISTI to stamp them out and because I'm going to color with some

Copic markers today I have got my memento tuxedo black so why I use my

Misti is I can come back in and re- stamp the outline of the images after

I've done the coloring I find that this gives such a good crisp look to the

images alright the I decided to do pretty much one of each image out of the

pack now if you've been to Louise's YouTube channel or blog you know that

she's a scrapbooker and the request was to create some teal flowers and that's

in the part 1 video so I've created a stack of flowers and giving you some

tips and techniques for doing multiple flower stamp layering with the Misti and

that's using an alternate set called flower arrangement so I'll link that

video below and in the at the end of this video so you can head to there and

check that out I'll also link Louise's video so you can head on over to her

youtube channel and see what she creates using these images and the flowers that

I created for her so I thought it would be wise to sort of because I presume I

don't know what she's going to do with all of this but I presume she's going to

hopefully maybe I don't know put them together on a scrapbook layout and

that's why I did quite a few images that way it gives her a choice to use either

as few or as many as she wants and that's why I brought the teal colors

into these images as well because I figured if she is going to combine them

together on the scrapbook layout that is the flowers and these images then at

least they are going match a little bit so I have used the

same colors throughout all of these images

I'll have most of the lids off to the side otherwise you can head to the link

below and I will list all the colors at my blog the other thing that I'll just

quickly mention before I turn the music on

is that I do come in like a color with the Copics but then I do come in and

add my shading with some colored pencils mostly I come in with some blacks and

browns but I did actually add some highlights with the Pink's as well okay

I'll be back real soon

right so I've popped the images back into the Misti I'm adding some onyx

black ink to the stamps and I'll stamp it out I just really like how this ink

stamps out it's a really fast drying bold black pigment ink and I did

actually fussy cut all these images out so I sent them to her hopefully ready to

go and stamped a couple of sentiments too so don't forget to head to Louise's

youtube channel and if you haven't checked out my flower video already I'll

link that at the end as well I hope you've had some fun today I'll be back

again real soon until next time happy papercrafting bye

For more infomation >> Go Wild with Copics - Collaboration with Louise at Scrapbook Boutique! Part 2 - Duration: 7:48.


Kijk Uit: Ik fiets, jij fietst, wij fietsen, ook in groep! - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Kijk Uit: Ik fiets, jij fietst, wij fietsen, ook in groep! - Duration: 5:00.


FUTURAMA | Season 2, Episode 14: Poker Night | SYFY - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> FUTURAMA | Season 2, Episode 14: Poker Night | SYFY - Duration: 2:27.


Slinky Brand 2pc Printed ColdShoulder Tunic and Pant - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> Slinky Brand 2pc Printed ColdShoulder Tunic and Pant - Duration: 11:10.


Slinky Brand FlounceSleeve Print Sharkbite Tunic and Pan... - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Slinky Brand FlounceSleeve Print Sharkbite Tunic and Pan... - Duration: 6:55.


Facebook Zuckerberg and your privacy online - when Facebook's CEO testifies in DC, you learn a lot - Duration: 6:54.

Hi, I'm Tobias Wilhelm.

In this video, I'll talk about Mark Zuckerberg's testimony in DC, and privacy online, including Facebook.

The key takeaway is most of the politicians have no idea how facebook works.

So most of us use social media every single day.

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and probably 50 others you never even heard of.

So what happens whenever we sign up for a website, the social media account or anything

else, we agree to all kinds of stuff to service agreements, privacy agreements, privacy notices,

user agreements, and quite frankly, it's a lot of legal Mumbo jumbo that nobody ever reads.

I printed out the terms of service for all the social media accounts I've used so far

and this is it.


So some of the gems that are found in there is that on some social media accounts, if

you upload a picture, it's no longer yours.

They can sell it to someone else and have them use your picture for advertising.

Lose weight today.

Can you imagine logging onto facebook and there's a picture you saying, would you date

this guy?

I'd be offended.

So terms of service agreements have all kinds of interesting stuff, if you read the one

for Apple or Google, you'll find out that even though you buying movies online, they're

really not yours.

I found this out the hard way whenever I got a new credit card and all of a sudden Apple

wouldn't let me play any of the shows that I've purchased.

I think this was Grey's Anatomy, season seven.

I was upset!

We agree to a bunch of stuff that we have never even read.

And you really don't have a choice if you want to sign up.

Then problem number two to make it even worse people sign up for these quizzes.

Does your personality match George W. Bush's roommate's second cousin's sister in law?

If you were reincarnated as a tree, what color would your leaves be?

And while all of these quizzes are super interesting, basically what you're doing is whenever you

take them, they ask you if you want to provide a list of friends and all kinds of other stuff

to the company that puts the quiz on, which is what they're really after.

I'm pretty sure they could care less about your personality as a tree.

So every time you log into candy crush, you play a game online, you use facebook to sign

up for something you're asked what you're going to provide to that company and usually

it's pretty scary.

If I gave you $20 for the cell phone numbers of your 10 closest friends, you would probably

say, hell no.

It'd be nice if people did that online.

And they're not even getting 20 bucks!

And then you have cookies all over the worldwide web, which is basically a breadcrumb trail

of what you've been doing online all the time.

Cookies connect ad platforms.

They're the reason why you can search something in Google and all of a sudden it turns up

all over facebook.

You search for something on Ebay and all of a sudden shows up in Google, which is the

reason why I like to switch to private mode when I look things up that don't want to see

over and over again.

And it's worse when you have kids using your computer.

I'm still getting makeup ads from our 12 year old borrowing my phone.

I'm not that interested in makeup tutorials, I swear!

But the interesting thing is once you turn privacy mode on and there was no longer any

cookies, things get a whole lot less convenient.

Stuff stops working.

Websites no longer know who you are.

The lesson here is privacy and convenience can be very much interchangeable and we all

have to choose every single day.

Free isn't free!

Is free ever free.

We end up paying with something and in the case of social media, it's usually our privacy.

As Zuckerberg said yesterday, "Senator, we sell ads."

Yes you do!

And honestly I'm fine with that.

I buy lots of facebook ads.

I just don't think it's fair for us to come back and blame facebook for the stuff that

we agreed to to begin with, and by the way, even if we ended up with the paid version

of facebook one day, it's still private property.

It's theirs, not ours.

And by the way, it's not just facebook!




Voice appliances.

They all collect data.

One Night I was leaving downtown and my phone is like it's seven minutes to your local watering

hole and I'm like, I'm not drinking tonight.

I'm sorry Siri.

And of course some of the underlying current yesterday was fake news, censorship and all

that kind of stuff.

And the continuing problem with that is that we tend to only click on things that we actually

agree with.

We never check behind the headline!

Like I've seen headlines that were the exact opposite of the story and people totally agreed

with the headline without ever reading.

It actually takes effort to be informed!

And speaking of effort, it would be nice if we actually elected people that are in touch

with the modern age.

Looking at the Facebook stock.

I'm pretty sure Facebook made a couple of billion dollars based on the fact that half

of our legislators have never seen facebook.

Go Zuckerberg!

But seriously, most of the questions that were asked whenever they weren't four-minute

statements, that didn't really require an answer at all.

Show just how out of touch legislators are with what's going on in the real world.

And that's a problem for all of us!

According to some of the questions, Facebook is responsible

for the opioid crisis, pirated movies, the ivory trade, and everything else that is plaguing

this country.

But facebook is really you and I.

Let's face it, laws are notoriously out of touch with what's actually happening in the

real world.

Look I understand you can't be an expert on everything but at least be a little informed.

So let's wrap this up.

Most importantly, be conscious of your data and what you're putting out there because

more than likely, if you putting it out there, it's out there without you ever being able

to get it back.

Think about what you're agreeing to and share whatever you're sharing on social media accordingly.

Actually, Europe is an excellent example of what happens when people are getting really

concerned about privacy.

Half the people that I went to school with, I couldn't find on facebook for anything because

they're using fake names.

Witty fake names, but still fake names.

Choose who you're sharing your data with.

That includes facebook and Google log-ins.

Look, I know it's a pain the rear to remember a bunch of passwords, but every time you use

google or facebook to log on somewhere, you're sharing data, just think about who you're

sharing it.

You can have your life private or convenient.

The choice is yours and the best choice is probably somewhere in between.

If you have one of those friends on facebook that constantly shares 10,000 quizzes, unfriending

might be an option.

Remember how we unfriended people for Farmville requests?

Those were the days!

And really you can't trust corporations any more than the government where the government

is at least responsible to all of us.

Corporations tend to be responsible to their shareholders.

Wrapping up, I think mark Zuckerberg did really well in his testimony.

He didn't really get a word in edge wise a whole lot of times, but, uh, I think that's

the politics speaking rather than people actually wanting answers.

All right, I'm back.

The camera apparently went out for a few minutes, so I hope this video helped a little bit.

Remind you about your privacy online, how to handle the social media on facebook.

If you want to see more of this kind of stuff, please subscribe below.

Leave me a comment like this video, and until next time I am Tobias Wilhelm.

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