Saturday, April 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 14 2018

5D Shift Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field

by Open on Wed,

Day by day the shift gathers a pace.

And as we pass through the Inflexion Point, the crossroads between the old and the new

paradigms, then the karmic construct gets increasingly challenged.

Many layers of the matrix have been opened up and a river of light is fast gaining momentum

through it.

But at the same time, we're dredging the dregs at the bottom of the barrel.

I witness it stirring some very virulent and ancient 'demonic' entities.

Awareness is the key to overcoming these, by steeling our resolve, we can forge sovereign

souls and drop deep into Samadhi.

Find the eye of the storm, and the deceptive interference that's clinging on, will wash

away in its own turbulence...

The Rejection of Light Ancient mythology paints pictures of grotesque

gargoyles and sirens leading the innocent astray.

It's easy to pass off as glamorised fiction.

However, there are what we might call 'damaged souls', that became disconnected from the

divine flow, that by their own density, were ejected from the natural cycle of reincarnation.

They now dwell in the density, preying on other souls that might susceptible to some

kind of influence - one that is often based on neediness, lack of self worth, or judgmentalism.

To best understand any such phenomenon, I find it always helps to take a top down perspective.

At the big bang, the presence of The One exploded into flows of awareness - flows of light.

Simultaneously there was a 'breathing out and back in again'.

The flow back to Unity Consciousness created 'gravity' which caused layers of reality to

condense into form.

Unity Consciousness became the 'glue' holding the constructs together.

In the dense outer layers, bottlenecks formed in the immense, rushing in-breath, back to

the source, and the materiality coagulated.

The light was depleted and compacted in the density.

This in turn created a magnetic polarity, which then pulled in weaker souls that now

animate the darkness.

They're what we might refer to as "fallen angels", who now gain their strength from

the divine disconnect.

Weakness becomes a strength when you discover that by playing on the tethering bonds of

the old reality construct, you can pull in all manner of energy from the susceptible.

What causes a soul to stay in such density?

Why would they continually reject the light?

The Infinite Potential of Pure Presence Having confronted many such entities in the

field, they do come in varied forms, but I would say the commonality uniting them all,

is their reluctance to accept the Void of Presence as the 'creator' of reality.

It seems there's an expectation that some "God" created all of this, and then castigated

them purposefully to the outer reaches of the density for some judgmental reason.

It is the dynamic of many a spiritual myth.

Of course there was no intention to all of this, there was no original mind of God that

purposefully created everything.

If so, you'd have to ask where did that mind come from?

What preceded it, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum.

You can, however, form the entirety of the Universal Torus without intention, from the

infinite potential of pure presence.

When contemplated deeply, it became inevitable that such a form would take shape as the torsional

energy breathed back to the source.

Understanding and navigating the "Quantum Soup".

So what we now have, in the outer reaches of the Universe, are souls who believe they've

been abandoned by an uncaring, judgmental or vengeful "God".

An inherent feeling of unworthiness turns the finger of blame in on itself, to become

self hatred and loathing.

It's a deep pit that placates the pain by projecting the neediness out to other wayward

souls and preying on their own externalised need of completeness and acceptance; whereas

the answer will always lie in total surrender to the inner Void, where nothingness becomes


It's the expectation and need for there to be 'some thing', some protector, some father

figure or great being to complete you, that banishes souls to the separation.

Not that we shouldn't seek out an aligned reflection, the key is always to feel that

within yourself.

What causes susceptibility?

I have encountered these entities in many forms.

Here are just some of the ways they prey on people through their emotional pscyhe...

the need to be loved or for a source of external love

the need to belong within community the need to be liked or cherished

the need for sexual or material pleasure the need to control some aspect of reality

the need for an answer or a solution.

Let me be crystal clear, I'm not saying that these experiences shouldn't be enjoyed or

at times even cherished.

What I'm saying is that the problem arises where there's a NEED for them.

Where we can't accept their effortless arising as a direct result of the natural pull back

to the Void of Presence.

It's the clinging on that creates the distortion, that then victimises souls through their neediness.

Understanding "Possession" Such neediness can lead to various levels

of possession.

Many of these entities are ancient, with exceptionally developed, deceptive techniques designed to

fill the non acceptance of the Void.

They will come into the psyche on a subtle sense of lack.

I've often witnessed them masquerading through "love and light".

It's the clever projection that "love is all there is", so when people touch some level

of blissed out unity acceptance, they stop inquiring into a deeper uniqueness and personal

sovereignty - the ability to stand in the Void alone, from which self love perpetuates,

needing no particular external reflection.

They will definitely enter where there's judgmentalism or a sense of victim mentality - where there's

a perception that reality is being "done to you".

A soul will always manifest the direct reflection of their own beingness.

Nothing is ever done to you.

But this projection is prevalent in society right now, and it will draw in such entities

that then prey on the self-loathing energy.

It's how they maintain their strength.

Such possession can be a challenging nut to crack, because it embeds itself as a part

of the psyche, which then becomes invisible.

A person may become popular, loveable and glamourised.

The sense of completeness is gained through the fulfilment of community.

The question we must always ask ourselves is, "Do I need this?"

"Can I live without it?"

Not that community is wrong of course, friendship is a wonderful experience to behold.

Again, it's the neediness of it that generates the susceptibility.

However tough the 'nut' is, it can however be cracked!

It just requires a complete commitment to profound self honesty.

It's the completeness of nothingness wherein the answer lies.

It's being prepared to continually surrender into the Void of Nothingness - not needing

an answer or some quick fix, not needing to be loved, liked, respected or cherished.

The paradox is that true completeness can only arise from the nothingness - which is

the everythingness.

This Breakthrough Breathing Meditation can Lead to Presence

Coming into "Samadhi" This continual surrender leads to "Samadhi".

You come home to the inner Void of the Universe.

Whereupon you realise the completeness of nothing.

All need falls away.

And with that any resistant entity.

It can no longer cling to you or possess the psyche.

If it continues to do so, then the possibility is that it will become increassingly enlightened

by the experience and let go anyway.

The challenge of Samadhi is the arising of soul from it.

The nothingness must persist within the activity and expression of beingness.

So the soul must be allowed to flow, but at the same time, with a keen 'eye' on attachment

within the expression.

Then Samadhi will persist as the eye through the storm to which nothing can cling.

It is essential therefore to attune your inner compass to complete acceptance of the Void,

and allowing the authentic flow of soul to resolve out any distortion.

Consider the Openhand Process "Openway" for attuning your personal Spiritual Compass.

Dredging the Bottom of the Barrel and Coming up in Light

We have reached the point where these ancient entities are now being exposed.

I witness it sending them into a tizz.

I see projection and subtle judgment quite rife.

I see souls being influenced by the clinging neediness.

AND AT THE SAME TIME, I witness a tremendous commitment arising to soul sovereignty - to

the urge for self completeness within the Void of Presence.

It is heart warming and greatly inspiring.

The fraternity of light gathers strength.

Let us come together in our uniqueness and reflect the experience of Samadhi back to

one another.

Let us be compassionate to the wayward, to help them realign, but not weak and pulled

in by any emotional projection or victim mentality.

Let's reflect the strength that comes from not needing any particular thing.

Above all, let's seize the tremendous opportunity facing us in the shift, to forge the soul

through the firey crucible of change.

They say it gets darkest just before the dawn.

The emergence of these ancient entities is therefore a good thing.

We are dredging the bottom of the barrel, and the light is pouring through the darkness.

Steel your resolve.

Steel your soul.

Tie yourself to the mast of completeness as we traverse the stormy waters.

It will become the mastery of you.

In loving support,

recorded from original article by Open of Openhand

For more infomation >> 5D Shift Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field - Duration: 10:31.


PUBG Mobile. Боги рандома #3. День Килла Всех Дуо! - Duration: 25:54.

For more infomation >> PUBG Mobile. Боги рандома #3. День Килла Всех Дуо! - Duration: 25:54.


Loredana Lecciso: botta e risposta tra lei e Albano | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso: botta e risposta tra lei e Albano | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:46.


Dì Addio Ai Mal Di Schiena, Dolori Articolari e Alle Ginocchia Con Questo Frutto - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Dì Addio Ai Mal Di Schiena, Dolori Articolari e Alle Ginocchia Con Questo Frutto - Duration: 1:34.


La crisi siriana rilancia Berlusconi e imbarazza l'asse Salvini-Di Maio - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> La crisi siriana rilancia Berlusconi e imbarazza l'asse Salvini-Di Maio - Duration: 6:55.


Prova da Imunidade: quem deve ganhar entre Ana Clara e Kaysar II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Prova da Imunidade: quem deve ganhar entre Ana Clara e Kaysar II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:56.


La crisi siriana rilancia Berlusconi e imbarazza l'asse Salvini-Di Maio - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> La crisi siriana rilancia Berlusconi e imbarazza l'asse Salvini-Di Maio - Duration: 6:04.


Il rimedio della nonna per curare l'asma, la tosse e altre malattie respiratorie - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Il rimedio della nonna per curare l'asma, la tosse e altre malattie respiratorie - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:48.


Il rimedio della nonna per curare l'asma, la tosse e altre malattie respiratorie - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Il rimedio della nonna per curare l'asma, la tosse e altre malattie respiratorie - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:21.


Barbara DUrso a Verissimo: dal GF alla rivelazione sugli over di Uomini e Donne - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Barbara DUrso a Verissimo: dal GF alla rivelazione sugli over di Uomini e Donne - Duration: 4:57.


Rilassarsi con 5 rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Rilassarsi con 5 rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:55.


Barbara DUrso a Verissimo: dal GF alla rivelazione sugli over di Uomini e Donne - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Barbara DUrso a Verissimo: dal GF alla rivelazione sugli over di Uomini e Donne - Duration: 4:54.


The Expanse || Family Comes First - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> The Expanse || Family Comes First - Duration: 2:33.


Project Reality in 60 seconds #58 - Duration: 1:18.

RADIO: Contacts! Contacts! JAYMZ: Enemy APCs

JAYMZ: Hold, let all infantry disembark

LOCAL: Do they have armor contact?

JAYMZ: They are going to disembark.

JAYMZ: Disembark, disembark DBZAO: Disembark

DBZAO: One APC is tracked

JAYMZ: I'm gonna pull up ahead

AIMED: On the right, BTR!

JAYMZ: We should get advanced warning on BTRs

JAYMZ: We have two infantry squads

JAYMZ: We have three infantry squads flanking us

DBZAO: Moving up JAYMZ: Enemy BTR down

DBZAO: Yea, run forward, sniper!

JAYMZ: On the northeastern most pillbox

JAYMZ: Good shit, yea, nice, nice, right there

For more infomation >> Project Reality in 60 seconds #58 - Duration: 1:18.


Lingua bianca: efficaci rimedi naturali - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Lingua bianca: efficaci rimedi naturali - Duration: 7:06.


Alice Bellagamba: un infortunio per lex ballerina di Amici - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Alice Bellagamba: un infortunio per lex ballerina di Amici - Duration: 4:12.


Dark side of Albania: wild traffic, poor roads and trash on the beach [Balkans 2017, ep.9] - Duration: 5:47.

are we sleeping in Albania today?


and tomorrow?


and the day after tomorrow?


look at this

cows go the way


I like the last one

oh, shepherd leads them

Can I take one home?

no way, where?

Once, Kris wanted to take the horse home

I'll get a small. Here goes small

wow, I see mum

dad, they are for sale

no, they are going back from the field

no, they are for sale because they have something on their ears

do you see? little crab

it's in every shell

Excuse me, the mud is coming

I found my favorite pebble

Dad, come on


For more infomation >> Dark side of Albania: wild traffic, poor roads and trash on the beach [Balkans 2017, ep.9] - Duration: 5:47.


Deck profile Paleozoico Rana Statua aprile 2018 - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Deck profile Paleozoico Rana Statua aprile 2018 - Duration: 9:07.


还记得《海派甜心》的何言风吗?他现在长这样 - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> 还记得《海派甜心》的何言风吗?他现在长这样 - Duration: 7:08.


Com 36 horas de prova, Ana Clara e Kaysar conversam sobre o paredão e sírio dispara: "Não quero ir" - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Com 36 horas de prova, Ana Clara e Kaysar conversam sobre o paredão e sírio dispara: "Não quero ir" - Duration: 3:14.


GUIAMAKE Channel Introduction - Duration: 3:05.

Hi, my name's Evellyn and I would like to be called by my nickname, Lyn

I have a blog which it name is GUIAMAKE blog and I'm doing this YouTube channel to shared my blog and share my work as makeup artist, freelancer makeup artist.

With so much fear and anxiety I'm here jumping ahead on YouTube to share my makeup blog (

GUIAMAKE it's a wordplay with the portuguese noun 'GUIA' (GUIDE) and the english noun 'MAKE' - GUIAMAKE

It's a name that I thought fondly 'cause I used to be so blind to see the way that makeup was guiding me, and as confusing a guide can be,

it always will guide to something, somewhere, somehow.

And I love to study, to practice, to prescibre makeup, and I hope I can help others just like makeup helped me.

Also, GUIAMAKE reminds of the portuguese word 'GUIA-ME' (GUIDE ME), so, it's a really curious word, and it reinforces the main idea of finding yourself.

It's almost a year that I made it and the visitors rate is low to medium just because I don't share it on others social medias

so YouTube it's like a start to me.

You can find theorical texts about foundation, skin, concealer, the definition of beauty, woman in makeup, contour demystification and much more.

It has also a section with the name of #lynspirada which I share my selfies and I tell you what's behind that makeup, what was my inspiration

There's also reviews!

There's lipstick review, concealer review, contour palette review...

how do you say?

Eyebrow quartet review!

And more! It's quite interesting.

I communicate much better with texts, with written words than spoken words,

and just as my blog teached to increase my written and wills to study

I hope it now, as a channel, can help me to talk and to deal with other's speech.

This channel will be a plus to my blog, that is, we will have videos about makeup

about aesthetics, about general subjects involving human... beauty? (lol)

etc and such.

I hope you guys will like me, I hope to be welcome here...

Whatever, I'm thankful to those who watched until here, and don't give up on me, please

Maybe I'll see you next time, and that's it, someday we meet again

Bye, until next time.

Before someone asks me!

Yeah, I'm a said makeup artist and I'm with bareface because makeup it's just an acessory.

I wear it every other day

'Makeup' day, 'No makeup' day

I'm not forced to wear makeup on videos, right?

Here's the tip!

Self confidence!

High self esteem!

And that's what's my channel and my blog will always work it, right?


For more infomation >> GUIAMAKE Channel Introduction - Duration: 3:05.


Curso de Pintura Hidrográfica WTP - Aprenda Como Fazer Pintura Hidrográfica - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> Curso de Pintura Hidrográfica WTP - Aprenda Como Fazer Pintura Hidrográfica - Duration: 12:35.


5D Shift Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field - Duration: 10:31.

5D Shift Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field

by Open on Wed,

Day by day the shift gathers a pace.

And as we pass through the Inflexion Point, the crossroads between the old and the new

paradigms, then the karmic construct gets increasingly challenged.

Many layers of the matrix have been opened up and a river of light is fast gaining momentum

through it.

But at the same time, we're dredging the dregs at the bottom of the barrel.

I witness it stirring some very virulent and ancient 'demonic' entities.

Awareness is the key to overcoming these, by steeling our resolve, we can forge sovereign

souls and drop deep into Samadhi.

Find the eye of the storm, and the deceptive interference that's clinging on, will wash

away in its own turbulence...

The Rejection of Light Ancient mythology paints pictures of grotesque

gargoyles and sirens leading the innocent astray.

It's easy to pass off as glamorised fiction.

However, there are what we might call 'damaged souls', that became disconnected from the

divine flow, that by their own density, were ejected from the natural cycle of reincarnation.

They now dwell in the density, preying on other souls that might susceptible to some

kind of influence - one that is often based on neediness, lack of self worth, or judgmentalism.

To best understand any such phenomenon, I find it always helps to take a top down perspective.

At the big bang, the presence of The One exploded into flows of awareness - flows of light.

Simultaneously there was a 'breathing out and back in again'.

The flow back to Unity Consciousness created 'gravity' which caused layers of reality to

condense into form.

Unity Consciousness became the 'glue' holding the constructs together.

In the dense outer layers, bottlenecks formed in the immense, rushing in-breath, back to

the source, and the materiality coagulated.

The light was depleted and compacted in the density.

This in turn created a magnetic polarity, which then pulled in weaker souls that now

animate the darkness.

They're what we might refer to as "fallen angels", who now gain their strength from

the divine disconnect.

Weakness becomes a strength when you discover that by playing on the tethering bonds of

the old reality construct, you can pull in all manner of energy from the susceptible.

What causes a soul to stay in such density?

Why would they continually reject the light?

The Infinite Potential of Pure Presence Having confronted many such entities in the

field, they do come in varied forms, but I would say the commonality uniting them all,

is their reluctance to accept the Void of Presence as the 'creator' of reality.

It seems there's an expectation that some "God" created all of this, and then castigated

them purposefully to the outer reaches of the density for some judgmental reason.

It is the dynamic of many a spiritual myth.

Of course there was no intention to all of this, there was no original mind of God that

purposefully created everything.

If so, you'd have to ask where did that mind come from?

What preceded it, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum.

You can, however, form the entirety of the Universal Torus without intention, from the

infinite potential of pure presence.

When contemplated deeply, it became inevitable that such a form would take shape as the torsional

energy breathed back to the source.

Understanding and navigating the "Quantum Soup".

So what we now have, in the outer reaches of the Universe, are souls who believe they've

been abandoned by an uncaring, judgmental or vengeful "God".

An inherent feeling of unworthiness turns the finger of blame in on itself, to become

self hatred and loathing.

It's a deep pit that placates the pain by projecting the neediness out to other wayward

souls and preying on their own externalised need of completeness and acceptance; whereas

the answer will always lie in total surrender to the inner Void, where nothingness becomes


It's the expectation and need for there to be 'some thing', some protector, some father

figure or great being to complete you, that banishes souls to the separation.

Not that we shouldn't seek out an aligned reflection, the key is always to feel that

within yourself.

What causes susceptibility?

I have encountered these entities in many forms.

Here are just some of the ways they prey on people through their emotional pscyhe...

the need to be loved or for a source of external love

the need to belong within community the need to be liked or cherished

the need for sexual or material pleasure the need to control some aspect of reality

the need for an answer or a solution.

Let me be crystal clear, I'm not saying that these experiences shouldn't be enjoyed or

at times even cherished.

What I'm saying is that the problem arises where there's a NEED for them.

Where we can't accept their effortless arising as a direct result of the natural pull back

to the Void of Presence.

It's the clinging on that creates the distortion, that then victimises souls through their neediness.

Understanding "Possession" Such neediness can lead to various levels

of possession.

Many of these entities are ancient, with exceptionally developed, deceptive techniques designed to

fill the non acceptance of the Void.

They will come into the psyche on a subtle sense of lack.

I've often witnessed them masquerading through "love and light".

It's the clever projection that "love is all there is", so when people touch some level

of blissed out unity acceptance, they stop inquiring into a deeper uniqueness and personal

sovereignty - the ability to stand in the Void alone, from which self love perpetuates,

needing no particular external reflection.

They will definitely enter where there's judgmentalism or a sense of victim mentality - where there's

a perception that reality is being "done to you".

A soul will always manifest the direct reflection of their own beingness.

Nothing is ever done to you.

But this projection is prevalent in society right now, and it will draw in such entities

that then prey on the self-loathing energy.

It's how they maintain their strength.

Such possession can be a challenging nut to crack, because it embeds itself as a part

of the psyche, which then becomes invisible.

A person may become popular, loveable and glamourised.

The sense of completeness is gained through the fulfilment of community.

The question we must always ask ourselves is, "Do I need this?"

"Can I live without it?"

Not that community is wrong of course, friendship is a wonderful experience to behold.

Again, it's the neediness of it that generates the susceptibility.

However tough the 'nut' is, it can however be cracked!

It just requires a complete commitment to profound self honesty.

It's the completeness of nothingness wherein the answer lies.

It's being prepared to continually surrender into the Void of Nothingness - not needing

an answer or some quick fix, not needing to be loved, liked, respected or cherished.

The paradox is that true completeness can only arise from the nothingness - which is

the everythingness.

This Breakthrough Breathing Meditation can Lead to Presence

Coming into "Samadhi" This continual surrender leads to "Samadhi".

You come home to the inner Void of the Universe.

Whereupon you realise the completeness of nothing.

All need falls away.

And with that any resistant entity.

It can no longer cling to you or possess the psyche.

If it continues to do so, then the possibility is that it will become increassingly enlightened

by the experience and let go anyway.

The challenge of Samadhi is the arising of soul from it.

The nothingness must persist within the activity and expression of beingness.

So the soul must be allowed to flow, but at the same time, with a keen 'eye' on attachment

within the expression.

Then Samadhi will persist as the eye through the storm to which nothing can cling.

It is essential therefore to attune your inner compass to complete acceptance of the Void,

and allowing the authentic flow of soul to resolve out any distortion.

Consider the Openhand Process "Openway" for attuning your personal Spiritual Compass.

Dredging the Bottom of the Barrel and Coming up in Light

We have reached the point where these ancient entities are now being exposed.

I witness it sending them into a tizz.

I see projection and subtle judgment quite rife.

I see souls being influenced by the clinging neediness.

AND AT THE SAME TIME, I witness a tremendous commitment arising to soul sovereignty - to

the urge for self completeness within the Void of Presence.

It is heart warming and greatly inspiring.

The fraternity of light gathers strength.

Let us come together in our uniqueness and reflect the experience of Samadhi back to

one another.

Let us be compassionate to the wayward, to help them realign, but not weak and pulled

in by any emotional projection or victim mentality.

Let's reflect the strength that comes from not needing any particular thing.

Above all, let's seize the tremendous opportunity facing us in the shift, to forge the soul

through the firey crucible of change.

They say it gets darkest just before the dawn.

The emergence of these ancient entities is therefore a good thing.

We are dredging the bottom of the barrel, and the light is pouring through the darkness.

Steel your resolve.

Steel your soul.

Tie yourself to the mast of completeness as we traverse the stormy waters.

It will become the mastery of you.

In loving support,

recorded from original article by Open of Openhand

For more infomation >> 5D Shift Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field - Duration: 10:31.


PUBG Mobile. Боги рандома #3. День Килла Всех Дуо! - Duration: 25:54.

For more infomation >> PUBG Mobile. Боги рандома #3. День Килла Всех Дуо! - Duration: 25:54.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


The Truth About The Big Show - Duration: 6:14.

After more than 20 years of chokeslams, is the Big Show is hanging up his singlet for


In March 2017, the World's Largest Athlete told Sports Illustrated he was preparing to

retire in February 2018.

That, plus the news that his hip surgery didn't go as well as he'd hoped, made it look like

the Show was ready for his curtain call.

Then in March 2018, Big Show pulled a fast one, announcing he'd just signed a new "multi-year

deal", blaming fans and the media for the rumors he himself started.

A showman to the end!

Either way, in honor of his Hall of Fame-worthy career, let's take a look at the side of Big

Show's life you might not know about.

"Y'know some people say it's tough being a Big Show, but I gotta tell ya, it has its


He could've been Like Mike

It's clear Big Show can wrestle, but it might shock you to learn he knows his way around

a basketball court.

In high school and college, Big Show (going by his real name, Paul Wight stood 7'1" and

weighed 325 pounds.

He won a division title his freshman year with Northern Oklahoma Junior College, then

transferred to Division I Wichita State University, but, according to Sports Illustrated, suffered

injuries and multiple benchings for being, quote, "an arrogant S.O.B."

Years of fame as a WWE superstar have probably soothed the sting of not making the NBA.

The truth about his size

Big Show didn't become a giant from eating all his vegetables.

As a young kid, Show contracted gigantism: involving a tumor that infects the pituitary

gland, causing a rapid increase in growth hormone.

In Show's case, he was 6'2" by age 12, according to Slam Sports.

While his height certainly helped him as an athlete, it could have cost him his life.

In adults, gigantism can become deadly.

Legendary wrestler Andre the Giant had the same disease, which ultimately killed him

at age 46.

Luckily for Show, he underwent surgery to remove the tumor in 1991, leaving him with

all the size and none of the life-threatening side effects.

All thanks to Danny Bonaduce

Big Show made it to the WCW with virtually no training and literally zero independent

wrestling experience.

He got in thanks to a good word from, of all people, Danny Bonaduce of The Partridge Family.

As Big Show told Chris Jericho on Y2J's podcast, he trained at Larry Sharpe's Monster Factory.

Sharpe, however, was never there due to health issues, and nobody taught Show much, except

for how to lock up and run the ropes.

Frustrated, Show left the Monster Factory and started working with a karaoke company.

One day, they were working Bonaduce's morning radio show in Chicago, and Bonaduce was clearly

impressed with Show's size.

He invited the big man to be his "secret partner" in a charity basketball game against Hulk

Hogan and Mr. T.

The connection paid off, as Big Show went from working karaoke gigs to main-eventing

wrestling pay-per-views virtually overnight.

A case of mistaken identity

Big Show started his wrestling career in 1995, but didn't enter the WWE until 1999...thanks

to one of the silliest cases of mistaken identity in scouting history.

As Show recounted to Chris Jericho, he was working as a bouncer when WWE (then-WWF) ref

Mike Chioda was at the bar Show was working at, and Show handed Chioda a tape, which Chioda

passed on to WWE agent Pat Patterson.

Sadly, that gesture went nowhere — simply because Patterson thought Show was another

giant entirely: a wrestler named Robert Maillet whom Patterson had no interest in signing

at the time.

Months later, Show was signed by the WCW and immediately thrust into a main-event feud

with Hulk Hogan.

That, says Show, is how Patterson learned of his big whoopsie.

No Shaq Attack

Though you may not have heard about it on WWE TV, Big Show was hustling behind the scenes

for an epic match for WrestleMania 33 against NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal.

Show would even regularly call out Shaq on social media by detailing his intense Mania


But depending on who you talk to, the match never happened for a few different reasons.

Big Show claimed Shaq was getting fat, saw Show getting stronger, and got cold feet.

That said, Show told Sporting News he was simply "talking trash."

Meanwhile, Shaq blamed WWE on his podcast for waffling.

Finally, wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer reported on Wrestling Observer Radio it was

a money issue — WWE simply wouldn't pay Shaq what he wanted, so he bailed.

The only thing we know for sure is that Big Show versus Shaq might be the greatest WrestleMania

match to never happen.

Too big for Big Show

By 2000, Big Show had won multiple world championships and had headlined that year's WrestleMania.

But even so, the WWF demoted him to its minor league system, Ohio Valley Wrestling.

His weight was a big reason why, as he told Slam Sports.

While recovering from knee surgery he ate too much and maxed out at 480 pounds.

Show worked hard to get back to the WWF, losing weight and getting his career back on track

... but a few years later, there was another weight-related setback.

Show found himself getting far too big again.

This time, as he told, he took it upon himself to drop weight and get into the

best shape of his life.

He's since lost over 70 pounds and has wisely set himself up for a long, healthy life

Showtime for the Big Show

Big Show isn't the first wrestler to appear in movies and TV, but he might be among the

most prolific, due to his striking size and decent acting ability.

Over the years, Show appeared in movies like Jingle All The Way and The Waterboy.

In 2010, he landed a starring role in WWE Films' Knucklehead.

It wasn't a critical success, but Show was as entertaining as ever.

He even cameoed in the music video for Sisqo's "Thong Song."

Clearly, Big Show's a natural on camera.

If he ever decides to leave wrestling behind for good, the Show will likely go on for a

long, long time.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About The Big Show - Duration: 6:14.


a ha : Stay on These Roads (HQ) Live Unplugged Summer Solstice 2017 - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> a ha : Stay on These Roads (HQ) Live Unplugged Summer Solstice 2017 - Duration: 6:53.


How it FEELS to Play Heavy in TF2 - Duration: 10:28.

(Sad piano plays)

(Applause) Heavy: Thank you, thank you!


That was a re-creation of a Competitive Heavy clip showcasing the raw power of this big Russian boy

As the slowest class in the game, Heavy truly struggles to out-position his opponents

Because of this, many heavy mains live for the moments where you just say

"fuck it!"

and blindly jump around a corner into the enemy team


These moments are SO gratifying, and if you stopped watching this video right now

You'd think that heavy is the best class in the game...

but oh boy, you'd be wrong

If you ever feel a need to hone your spy paranoia,

play Heavy for an extended period of time.

I can barely walk out of spawn anymore without thinking


Oh wait, it's just my scout asking for a sandwich.

Let me take it out and....

oh! Look at that, my medic's dead

Enemy Spy: PEEKABOO!

But I can't complain about spies all day...

Heavy's massive health pool allows him to tank all sorts of damage and make his enemies look silly!

Haha, just kidding!

I'm still complaining about Spy!!

You might think Heavy doesn't have any...


but here, I'm barely able to punish this Demo for assuming all back up by walking /into/ him

One of Heavy's greatest


tricks is to be braver than your opponent expects!


Hoo... That sure was a close one, 'eh Spy?

NOPE, gotcha again!

This whole segment is me complaining about Spies!

Even when you catch a Spy, they just won't die!

Just look at this Spy!

He is /so/ screwed, and yet he won't die!


Enemy Spy: "I'm so dead!"

Enemy Spy: "AAAGH"

Despite all my complaining, I've really improved at countering Spies.

So all you Spy mains better watch out, I'm out to getcha!


It's such a delight when you punish a Spy for blipping out of their invisibility for even a second!

Heavy: "Uh oh! >:)"

I hope it's not too upsetting for you spy mains when this happens...

After all, it's all in good fun!

(Demon voice) DO NOT RESIST

And of course it's always a feel-good moment when you save your medic :)

Not this time, Spy!

(Demon voice) EMBRACE YOUR END

And what could be funnier than a Spy just messing up entirely?

Enemy Spy: "I'm coming for you!"

Enemy Spy: "Oh no..."

(catchy jingle) "I couldn't succeed at what I'm doin"

(Enemy Spy screaming)

Enemy Spy: "Fuck, I'm dead."

Again, if you want to build a healthy sense of "Oh god,

I could be shot in the face at any moment if I'm not careful and every moment of life is a blessing,"

Heavy is your guy

Here, you can see me brawling it out on the point when I suddenly get the

OVERWHELMING premonition that I'm about to be shot in the face

I crouch in anticipation,

BUT BOOM, just a second too late because of the way lag works.

That's right, meet me at LAN,


I mean, I get it right: Sniper counters Heavy,

but some snipers just take it too far man!

This guy headshots me, and then tries his luck again.

Yeah, don't hurt yourself tryin'.

Anyway, I won't be peeking that door anytime soon



I can take care of this mini sentry, then dip back inside...



Ope! Someone's shooting me, I'll take care of that...

Get outta here, Scout!



Finally, I'll top off my health, and SURELY by now the sniper is peeking somewhere else...

Thankfully, there's some justice in the world:

the enemy sniper sees me, and, again

(same aggressive gibberish)

But I've learned my lesson, and I'm not moving an inch!

Yeah, I see your little dot thing! I'm not moving!

But then: One, two, three!

Thank you!

Engineer: "Weren't no thang :)"

Okay, okay, so heavy gets wrecked by spy and sniper, but what is he good at?

Basically, he's a monster in head-to-head combat

(aggressive Pyro sound)

(Epic music plays while Pyro screams)

Don't do that! Don't just rush heavy without a plan, that's what he wants!

Here's an excellent example of what not to do

Enemy Pyro: Hey guys, there's a Heavy at our cliff!

Enemy Soldier: Don't worry Pyro, he's no match for me

Enemy Pyro: OH YE GODS, no! Don't worry Soldier I'll-

Enemy Engineer: Not to worry, I've got this under contr-


Heavy: Who sent all these BABIES?

Heavy: AAAGH! I am dead.

Enemy Heavy: AAAAAGH!


Hey you!

Sniper: "Me?"

Yes, you lad!

I'm here to teach you how to position yourself against a heavy!

Sniper: Thanks mate!

(Sniper screams)

Sniper: Okay.

This is not a good position to be in against a Heavy.

Sniper: Yeah, that seems about right

(Sniper screams)

Sniper: No worries!

This is also not a good position to be in against a Heavy.

Sniper: Thanks for the practice!

Let's see what you've learned!

Is this: A

Not a good position to be in against a Heavy,

or "B," a good position to be in against a heavy

(Sniper chuckles)

Sniper: You're makin this so easy!

Sniper: "A!"

Look, you have to treat every corner like there's a heavy or pyro right around it.

You can't just open a door and be like:

ERRR, Hey! What's goin on in here?

Or else you're gonna get your team ripped apart one by one!

Mowing down unprepared opponents is Heavy's THING, man!

It's what makes him so fun to play!


Soldier: Welp, that was not the plan

All these moments where you just delete overconfident enemies from the video game are so rewarding

Ope! One health left!

Time to take a sandwich out of my pocket and eat it!

I've been wearing these pants for three days...

That's right!

After a long day of shredding bad guys, it's nice to just take it easy and take a bite out of your...

Oh no

(aggressive mini sentry sounds)

(Heavy screams internally)

(Elevator music)

Heavy: Sandwich

(Cheesy 80s music)

It's hard to imagine life without the sandwich.

Heavy takes so much damage all the time that he absolutely

needs a way to recharge without going to health kits

Come on, Heavy. Why can't you eat your sandwich underwater?

Heavy: (disgusted sound)


Of course, eating your sandwich is always a gamble since it makes you stand still for so long

Enemy Heavy: (singing) HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME

Enemy Heavy: (singing) I MADE MY MISTAKES

Enemy Heavy: (singing) GOT NOWHERE TO RUN


But sometimes it's nice to just take a minute and watch things unfold

Enemy Engie: This here point's ours now!

(crowd laughing)

And besides, you'd be surprised how much the sandwich actually heals you in a pinch!

Enemy Medic: HORRIDO! HEE-AAAH! I'm going to saw through your bones!

Medic: uh...

(Ominous music and eating sounds)

(Medic screams internally)

Heavy: I have plan for you!

Medic: No!

Heavy: Yes.... (maniacal laughter)

Hello yes

You might not have known that you can give your sandwich to other players

If you didn't, don't worry, your teammates would have told you

(Pyro teammate says "can you give me sandwhich three times)

Carlton: "Hey G, would you make me a sandwhich?"

But you know, sometimes it's nice to be there for someone in need

"Where are you?"

Oh, here you go

Scout: I.... EAT.... YOUR...

Scout: Sandwhiches! I eat 'em up!

(Scout teammate laughs)

"Did Scout grab it??"


Let me tell ya somethin:

If heavy could build his own teleporters, he'd be 200% better.

Engie: wat?

Heavy... plus... teleporters... equals


Heavy is slow, and he NEEDS teleporters!

So all you Heavies out there, be sure to THANK your engineers for building these,

let them know it isn't going unappreciated!

Wait, what the f- HOLY SH-

Just make sure that you let heavy use the teleporter,

especially when there are only 16 seconds left in the round!


Oh, you took the teleporter.

I mean, I guess it was our Demo...


It's a level 1.

(Sighs heavily)

Heavies got some problems, all right?

All his strengths and weaknesses come together to form one glaring issue:

If you're winning, it's great!

If you're losing: UUGH.

Let me see if I can illustrate this: Can you guess which heavy wins this fight?

How about this one?

Aaaand this one?

Think it over!




All of these clips have one major thing in common:

the enemy heavy is on THEIR side of the map,

painfully trying to make their way towards the captured objective

This is commonly referred to as:


You can argue things like

"Weeeell, Heavy is a DEFENSE class,

so he shouldn't even have legs to begin with!"

(Heavy says "Yatta" robotically like a sentry)

But the point is that there's no question which one of us is going to win in these Heavy...


There's one last thing that really needs saying:

Casual Heavy is a completely different experience than Competitive Heavy!

In organized Highlander matches,

You are guaranteed to be up against one competent Spy and

one competent Sniper

In casual games, the enemy team might not even have a sniper!

Or at least, not a competent one

While gathering clips for this video, I went 35-1 in a casual game

This is not a sign of how powerful Heavy is,

it's a sign of how hard he punishes casual players

I know that most of my viewers

Just play TF2 casually and that's fine

But I think it's more interesting to /talk/ about the classes in a competitive setting

with experienced players that know how to counter you

Because, in that setting,

you're gonna learn the limitations of your class

real quick!

In a competitive match, the enemy team won't hesitate to exploit any

weaknesses your class has!

That means it's on YOU to push to push Heavy's potential to the limit

and be there for your team!

YOU have to learn what the best players are going to do to make your life a living nightmare,

And you have to learn how to do the same thing to them!

In other words, you have to learn how it FEELS...

to play Heavy.

(sniper shoots)

Hello, and thank you for watching!

This video would not have been possible without my amazing Patrons on Patreon

It's been so great chatting with my patrons in my Discord server,

and I'm gonna be doing a patron-only stream tomorrow as well as after every big video project.

If you can't join me on Patreon, don't worry about it!

But feel free to join my discord server in the description.

Believe me when I say that it's been a pleasure to make this video for you, and I hope to see you next time

For more infomation >> How it FEELS to Play Heavy in TF2 - Duration: 10:28.


DUMBEST Harry Potter Spells You NEED to cast! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> DUMBEST Harry Potter Spells You NEED to cast! - Duration: 5:41.


The Expanse || Family Comes First - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> The Expanse || Family Comes First - Duration: 2:33.


STOP MAKING me wrong because I didn't workout, or eat, or..... - Duration: 10:15.

All right so listen

Yesterday was an amazing day. I hope you saw the video

Today I want to talk about flexibility as I go through my day, so it's already like 1:00 p.m.

And I kinda have to talk about flexibility see I'm a stickler for planning, and I'm a stickler for time

And I can't stand when I make a commitment or I set a schedule and I miss it and this morning

I slept through a business call and

At the end of that call or not at the end of the call cuz I didn't make the call

But when I was done, and I woke up I had two choices

I had the choice to go into regret

Fall shame guilt and be like great my days ruined or I had the choice to get up and make a different choice

Now I'm still exhausted. I'm working on my sleep, but we're adjusting to 14 time zone differences and

It was rough. I think we fell asleep at 4:30 a.m.. I woke up at 9:30

I missed the call

But I still had other call schedules so I decided to stay fluid and flexible forgive myself and move forward

And it's not always the easiest thing to do like probably 3040 times a day our brains will create self-doubt

It'll make us question what we're doing and that is the exact opposite thing that we want to happen

Because when we're up here we're not doing anything. We're not taking action. We're not moving. We're not moving forward

Which is what's going to create the results we have to create the space and do something different

So I have a routine I feel better when I make a green smoothie every morning

I'm gonna be talking about that soon, but for right now

That's what I do, so I got up, and it was like three hours later than normal, but I started my green smoothie

Then I drank my water, and then I took my business calls

And then I made a plan and guidelines for the rest of the day see the biggest mistake

The biggest mistake that I see people making myself included is I make

Requirements for the day and when you make requirements for the day like this is what I'm going to get done that day

you've set yourself up to fail now of

Course we want to accomplish all of our goals of course we want to get there

But we set unrealistic

Expectations all the time that set us up to fail

You don't have to do it so set your intention put down what you want to do make it your goal give it your all

But then if you don't get it all done

It's okay forgive yourself and attack it tomorrow Rome was not built or night. This is not a short game

It doesn't matter if you go work out for two hours today

But then you don't work out for the next six days you to work out consistently

I would rather you spend ten minutes ten minutes today tomorrow the next day whether you're walking you're moving you're jumping

you're running, and do it consistently because you'll have better sustainable and

Long-term results same thing with your food. Don't cut everything out. Don't eliminate. Don't starve yourself make small changes

Celebrate every win and keep moving forward so this morning. I'm still pretty tired, and that's okay. I still the ability to choose

I'm choosing to be flexible

I'm about to get on another call I have my green smoothie this morning then we're gonna go to lunch

I'm gonna show you what I eat

I'm probably going to talk a little bit in the car

But I just want you to know that it's all about the choices that you make after situations happen things happen

They're always going to happen. That's about life, so be fluid and keep moving and right now

I got to get on my call, so I'll tell you more about it a little while

All right, so I just finished my meeting and

I'm gonna take a break. We're gonna go to lunch

I'm gonna look at you and talk because this is awkward and I want to feel famous

But not really but listen the truth is is that when you go through your day flexibility is the most important thing?

I've had like four calls today had a lot of massive success. I'm still tired. I didn't work out

I'm rehydrating we drink maple, but the key is to be flexible. I don't have the energy to focus right now

I can't concentrate and I'm not gonna pretend to so instead we're gonna go to lunch my brother Jeremy

We're gonna have a meeting and I'm gonna do some me time

And I think one of the things I don't talk about on the car

is that everybody's afraid to have me time like we live in this culture where we make people feel guilty and wrong and

That's not the case like part of life and harmony and balance and flexibility and everything is

Choosing to empower yourself to be the best version of yourself

So let's go to lunch because I'm starving and I'll tell you in weather the car

So here's my biggest problem with everything I've been working on the internet for 10 years now

And I still to this day don't understand why?

We make it okay to make everybody else's choices wrong

Why we make it okay to allow other people to project on ourselves or make it okay to?

not allow people to take their journey, or have their process and

We literally perpetuate this culture that like you're wrong if you want to take care of yourself

It's it's stupid because it's like

Making you wrong because your car runs out of gas and you want to go to the gas station to put it

Fuel in the tank so you can drive to your destination and so

You know one of the things I've sworn up and down is that I'll always be honest. I'll always be authentic but

Most importantly what that does is it creates a safe space like you're not wrong like I'm not wrong because I didn't workout today

I'm not wrong because I just had to leave my computer to go eat lunch to take a break to recharge

You're not wrong when you're tired or when you trust your gut or your intuition or you recharge?

Or give yourself something that you need to perform better, and we need to be a community and a group of people together that

Supports that and in is that so that everybody can win

And you know I feel a little cheesy recording these videos

I feel a little cheesy being followed by Cameron at the same time

I have a pretty strong opinion, and and I feel like it's been the key to my success and happiness

And I want you and everybody else to have it and so wherever you are whatever you're doing in your day

Don't be afraid to pay yourself first. It's the most important asset and

Nobody else's judgments nobody else's opinions nobody else's bullshit or projections matter

They're not an accurate representation of who you are. They're their own mirror, so I want you to take care of yourself

I want you to you know be committed to something positive

I want you to go to the gym or go to yoga

Or eat a healthy meal or get your nails done or get your hair done, right?

Because the secret to being a high achieving person or a high achieving women since we spend so much of our time helping women is

Having me time and creating harmony, and you know having all the assets required and all the pieces together

To create those results, but it starts with you and it starts with your choice

So you know I started this video talking about flexibility

It's kind of adapted a little bit, but all of it comes down to choice

You can choose your responses, just like this morning. I chose getting out of bed and right now

I'm only going on a couple hours of sleep. I have a lot. I want to get done

I want to change the world. I want to change your life

I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I'm gonna figure it out, but I'm gonna go sit down at lunch

I'm gonna set my intention with Jeremy and Steve and my team

Like this is what I want to do and we're gonna figure out how to get there. I'm gonna be recharged

I'm gonna give myself fuel

I'm gonna eat a healthy meal to set myself up to win tomorrow in six months and nine months from now

And then we're recommit, I'm gonna go again, and that's okay

So I just want you to always know that everything that you choose is always okay?

It's what you do with that choice, and the mindset around it that makes the biggest difference, so I'm gonna drive now

So I don't get pulled over since we just passed a cop

But I'm not doing anything illegal, so I think we're good so if I have any more crazy thoughts

I'll share with them with you at lunch, so

All right listen I was feeling a little too fancy having like a videographer follow me around even though

It's convenient so on to hold the camera

Just so I feel normal again poor normal enough to be in a restaurant with people around me talking to a camera

That's the size of my head

But lunch was amazing and you know the premise of all of this and all these videos and everything I do is

I just want to share my thoughts like I have the same self-limiting beliefs

I have the same self doubts I run into the same problems. I have people leave me negative comments online

I don't think I'm good enough sometimes

But the truth is is that?

every day I choose to move forward and I create results and they're not the best results I still have 62 pounds to lose I

Still you know have to get into a more consistent workout routine just to feel better

I have to carve up more me time, but the choice is progress

over perfection and so this is about balance this is about

Flexibility and going with the flow it's about making choices that fill your gas tank

That allow you to take the road trip

And that is the journey of your life

Life does not happen one day at a time the choices that you make today tomorrow the next day next week

They compound and they come to fruition a year from now two years from now in five years from now

So the most important thing to do is to take care of yourself you need to keep your gas tank full that may be

meditation and maybe walking barefoot on the earth and maybe

Just taking 10 minutes and locking yourself in a closet to run away from your kids and dead silence whatever it is

But take those times and take those moments don't let your thoughts

Don't let your thoughts run and control your actions

don't let them run rampant in your brain and poison you from the inside out don't put bad programming in your computer and

Allow it to function because it will only do one thing it will fucking crash

And when your computer crashes at home you have to reload it the problem is you can't reload your life

You can't reload your body

So don't allow egative shit and keep the positive stuff in and act on the positive stuff and be like hey

I don't believe that negative crap anymore, so be flexible be happy love yourself fill your gas tank

I just filled mine with the most delicious gluten-free burger that was like this thick the size of my head

I didn't even eat my salad ooh

Salad burger salad burger. Yep. No greens for me today

I did not eat my animal's food

I just ate the animal and I'm okay with that and that's okay, and I'm gonna choose different for dinner

I'm gonna make a healthy choice. I'm gonna work out tomorrow. I'm gonna drink a lot of water. I'm gonna take my vitamins

I'm gonna get to sleep and I'm gonna keep taking my roast there carry myself and keep making positive choices

So now it's your torn turn so leave me a comment below this video and let me know one

Positive choice that you are committed to making every single day. It's your turn to win, and it's your time to shine

I'll see you guys soon. That was probably the best clip because I didn't rehearse it

For more infomation >> STOP MAKING me wrong because I didn't workout, or eat, or..... - Duration: 10:15.


BACKFIRE: After FBI Raid, More People Now Think Mueller's Probe A Political 'Witch Hunt'. - Duration: 3:13.

BACKFIRE: After FBI Raid, More People Now Think Mueller's Probe A Political 'Witch Hunt'.

Following the FBI's simultaneous raids on the offices, home and hotel room of President

Trump's personal lawyer, more people now view Special Counsel Robert Mueller's "collusion"

investigation as Trump views it: a politically motivated "witch hunt."

Following the raid Monday, Rasmussen polled 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters to ask them how they

felt about Mueller's investigation, which prompted the raid on Trump's personal attorney

Michael Cohen.

The pollster found that trust in the investigation dropped notably from last October and suspicion

that it was a "partisan witch hunt" increased by an even larger percentage:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 46% of Likely

U.S. Voters still believe Mueller's investigation is an honest attempt to determine criminal

wrongdoing, but that's down from 52% last October.

Forty percent (40%) now consider Mueller's probe a partisan witch hunt, an eight-point

increase from 32% in the earlier survey.

Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided.

The survey was conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday; its margin of error is +/- 3 points.

Meanwhile, Rasmussen has continued tracking Trump's approval numbers and found that despite

all the bad press surrounding the raid and the escalation of Trump's feud with the FBI

and Mueller, his approval numbers have remained at 50%, which he has now hit a few times since

late February (his highest mark was 51%) after a first year in which he struggled mightily

in the polls.

He's also significantly narrowed the gap on those who strongly approve vs. strongly disapprove:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S.

Voters approve of President Trump's job performance.

Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 34% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and

40% who Strongly Disapprove.

This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -6.

(See trends).

As The Daily Wire has highlighted, after record lows in the polls for most of his first year

in office, Trump saw significant improvement by December and for the entirety of 2018 has

been polling around where President Obama polled at the same time during his presidency.

On April 13, 2010, Rasmussen found Obama at 49% approval, 50% disapproval, with 31% strongly

approving and 41% strongly disapproving.

Following the raids targeting his lawyer on Monday, Trump has issued a series of blistering

condemnations of those involved, denouncing the investigation of his lawyer as a "total

witch hunt" and an "attack" on American principles, including attorney-client privilege.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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【LiSA LiVE】「ミライカゼ (Mirai Kaze)」 LiVE is Smile Always ~LOVER"S"MiLE~ - Duration: 4:11.

The sparkling spring breeze

It was blowing for the first time from south this morning

Just because of that sign I don't go to the other side of the door

Bitter and sore I cry

My chest hurts painful and the future is tearing to pieces

Will it clear up tomorrow?

High, high, high, I wave my hand

So that it can be seen anywhere

Far away, far away, even if we're seperated

We won't hesitate anymore

When we were children,

Just how did the story of the toy soldier end?

That time I listened to you, right?

Like I'm full of hate I cry

I want to embrace my hopes for the future

Will it clear up tomorrow?

Surely, surely, I will hear your voice

Spread out from inside my chest

Far away, far away, even if we're seperated

We won't hesitate anymore

I always imagine it inside myself

I'm not self-confident, but

High, high, high, I wave my hand

So that it can be seen anywhere

Far away, far away, even if we're seperated

We won't hesitate anymore

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The Truth About Dragon Ball Z - Duration: 7:39.

You don't need to be a Supreme Kai to know how much of an influence the Dragon Ball Z

series has had on the world.

But there's a lot more to this franchise than just fast fights, spiky hair, and screaming

at the top of your lungs.

With over $5 billion in franchise sales, DBZ is a cornerstone of Japanese animation and

a cultural phenomenon, and the tale of Goku and friends has had more twists and turns

than Snake Way.

Despite its impact, DBZ is only one part of the story.

The Dragon Ball franchise has spawned four original series, 19 movies, over 500 chapters

of manga, nearly 100 video games, and all kinds of ridiculous memes and debates about

power levels.

So take a break from your training, take a bite out of a senzu bean, and take a Grand

Tour with us through the untold truth of Dragon Ball Z.

Dragon Boy

You might think Goku's story began with Akira Toriyama's first Dragon Ball manga in a 1984

issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, but his origins start way before that.

Toriyama, who'd already won multiple awards for his hit comedy manga Dr. Slump, wanted

to do something drastically different for his next project.

Mixing together sexual humor and early '80s Jackie Chan-esque action-comedy, Toriyama

made the manga Dragon Boy, which served as a short prototype to the Dragon Ball story.

A year later, Toriyama started a new Shonen Jump manga series with Dragon Boy as its jumping-off

point, and the rest is history — literally.

Journey to the West

For inspiration in turning Dragon Boy to the long-running Dragon Ball, Toriyama and his

team turned to older folklore, in particular the 16th century novel Journey to the West.

The story featured the inspirations for Son Goku, the Power Pole weapon, the Flying Nimbus

cloud, Bulma, Oolong the shapeshifting pig, Yamcha the desert bandit, the Ox King, and

his castle on a fiery hill.

According to Toriyama's editor, Kazuhiko Torishima, using these details to help hang the story

on was a matter of convenience.

As Torishima puts it, adding elements from Journey to the West to the Dragon Boy story

was his idea.

He says, "The biggest reason for that was it was a free intellectual property, as it

was very old.

In addition, when you need to make a long running manga series, you need to add a lot

more features [...] So when we moved Dragon Boy to a long running story format, that's

when the Journey to the West elements came in."

The idea of gathering the seven dragon balls to summon Shenron the wish-granting Eternal

Dragon was heavily inspired by the early 1800s novel Nansō Satomi Hakkenden, also known

as The Eight Dogs Chronicles.

Hakkenden's story depicted a princess who gave birth to eight crystal balls after getting

freaky with a dog.

The crystal balls then flew into the sky and scattered across the world, just like the

dragon balls do after a wish, but became people instead.

Considering the world of Dragon Ball features all kinds of anthropomorphic animals, the

inspiration is pretty clear.

Good thing they left out most of the gross stuff.

Goku grows up

When enthusiasm for Dragon Ball began to dwindle, Torishima and Toriyama decided to drastically

change things, putting Goku on a quest to become the strongest person ever, and the

series' emphasis shifted from comedy to action.

As a result, the final arc of Dragon Ball was the Piccolo Jr. saga, which featured the

most intense fights of the series.

Goku was growing up.

Engagement with Dragon Ball spiked during the action-filled final saga, leaving fans

clamoring for a continuation of the story.

Torishima later spoke about how they came up with the title.

"I went and asked Toriyama for his input and he answered immediately by saying 'Dragon

Ball Z … because this is last, nothing comes after this.'"

DBZ was meant to be the end for Goku's story — multiple times, usually with him passing

the torch to another hero.

Initially, the Frieza saga was meant to be the final chapter, which shouldn't surprise

anyone who's seen it.

In that story, the franchise's longest fight, Goku beats the strongest, most evil character

in the universe and ascends to an unbeatable form.

The planet-ending saga was so epic it seemed like a natural conclusion, but there would

still be a long way to go and many more transformations before the series truly came to an end.

East meets west (and vice versa)

What does a franchise do when its creative team runs out of ideas?

Go to space or travel through time — and DBZ did both.

As the Super Saiyan success story continued, Toriyama kept introducing more Western tropes.

Goku's alien backstory, abnormal strength, and alien heritage was inspired by the lore

of Superman.

Goku (Superman) landed on Earth as a baby and was raised like any other human.

He grew to fight members of his nearly-extinct race trying to conquer Earth.

More story turns inspired by western media include the outer space adventure to Namek,

which was largely influenced by Star Wars, as well as the following Android saga, which

took inspiration from the Terminator movies.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day hit theaters in July 1991 — by November of that year, DBZ

started a story arc featuring a badass guy going back through time, trying to prevent

an apocalyptic future where cyborgs exterminated humanity.

It helps explain why the series became such an international phenomenon — its influenced

by enduring stories from all over the world.

Censorship and controversies

As the series entered the North American market, a lot of changes were made in the translation,

mostly to make the series come off as more kid-friendly.

All instances of death, heaven, and hell were altered.

Vegeta wasn't "killing" Frieza's men — he was simply sending them to the "next dimension."

The shirts on the ogres living there reading "HELL" were partially censored to look like

the letters "HFIL", standing for the "Home For Infinite Losers."

Mr. Satan's name was changed to Hercule, and scenes of cigarettes, blood, alcohol, nudity,

and middle fingers were all removed.

Changes have continued with re-airings of the show on different networks, such as when

The CW changed up Mr. Popo's look to make him look less like a jarring blackface caricature.

We get the idea, but it kind of just makes Mr. Popo look like a weirdly racist Genie

from Aladdin.

(Genie singing in stereotyped accents)

Evolution, god-battles, resurrection, and beyond

After Dragon Ball Z ended in 1996, Toei Animation wanted to continue the series due to its widespread


As a result, Dragon Ball GT was created by Toei's staff without any input from Toriyama

except for the series' name.

GT kept Goku's story going, but it was met with negative reviews, failing to live up

to its predecessor without Toriyama at the helm.

Save a few specials and movies, Dragon Ball GT's final 1997 episode was the last time

television viewers in Japan would get to see Goku and the gang for a long time.

During this time, Dragon Ball Z was just starting to take off in North America.

When the episodes ran out, Dragon Ball was spun off into the live-action Dragonball Evolution,

loosely based on the original Dragon Ball story.

It's... not a great adaptation.

"Meet Lord Piccolo.

He'll take on anyone to unleash his vengeance on the world."

"I can't stand it!


Toei tested the waters for the franchise's return in 2009 with Dragon Ball Kai, a redubbed,

whittled-down version of DBZ with updated animation.

The success of that series led to a revival of the franchise, with Toriyama returning

for 2013's successful Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods movie.

In its home country, it was a big deal — the movie opened at the top of the Japanese box

office, and made its mark as the first Japanese film to ever screen in IMAX.

The movie's critical and commercial success opened the door for something fans never expected

— a whole new series, Dragon Ball Super.

So what's next for the Dragon Ball franchise?

Only time - and Goku's fists of fury - will tell.

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For more infomation >> The Truth About Dragon Ball Z - Duration: 7:39.


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Poldark Series 4 || Best Photos Collection || Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson

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John Beilein releases statement on departure of Moe Wagner - Duration: 3:44.

John Beilein releases statement on departure of Moe Wagner

Michigan basketball coach John Beilein has always found a way to reload his rosters during his 11 seasons with the Wolverines, but replacing forward Moe Wagner wont be an easy task.

The big man, who came to Michigan from his home country of Germany three years ago, hired an agent and declared for the 2018 NBA Draft on Saturday. Beilein released a statement to thank Wagner for his time in Ann Arbor.

Moe has been a very special young man in his three years at Michigan, Beilein said in the statement. Coming to the United States at 18 years old and thriving the way he has is an amazing story.

He truly embodies what Michigan basketball is all about. He is an excellent student athlete, who has embraced his education, life on campus and his athletic opportunity since the first day he came to Ann Arbor.

His grit, selflessness, energy and fun-loving side was contagious and a significant reason behind our success. That part of his personality will always be part of the Michigan basketball lore.

Moe was committed to proving he could play at a high level every day. His daily desire for excellence, his skill set at that size, bodes well for him as he enters the world of professional basketball.

I am confident he has a brilliant future awaiting him. We are excited to see what is in store for Moe in the months and years ahead. We wish him nothing but the very best in every way..

After averaging just 8.6 minutes per game as a freshman, Wagner became a pivotal piece for the Wolverines over his final two seasons. Wagner posted averages of 27.6 minutes, 14.7 points and 7.1 rebounds.

The German product also shot 39.4 percent from behind the arc, as Michigan reached the national championship game before a defeat to Villanova. Wagner was named to the NCAA All-Tournament Team.

This wasn't an easy decision for me, Wagner wrote in The Players Tribune on Saturday. I know people always say that, and maybe it sounds like they don't 100% mean it.

But I'm telling you guys — the idea of leaving Michigan, of leaving this community, is really tough. This place has really started to feel like home..

Wagner also thanked Beilein and the coachs strict preparation habits. The forward highlighted Michigan freshman Jordan Poole hitting the buzzer-beater shot against Houston that sent the Wolverines to the Sweet 16.

And then you know I'll miss the heck out of Coach Beilein, one of the best coaches in the country and also an incredible teacher.

What makes Coach Beilein so great? O.K., so, the short answer is: an insane focus on preparation. The slightly longer answer is: our second-round game against Houston.

There's four seconds left and Houston's at the line, up two. And at first, to be honest, I'm thinking, Oh no, this might be over.

But then all of a sudden, it's like — it hits me. I realize, Wait … I've been here before. I've already done this play, this EXACT SAME play, countless times. Every single one of us had.

We'd all practiced it so much that it felt like habit. And when I say "this play," I'm not even just talking about the final inbounds sequence where Jordan hit the buzzer beater.

I'm also talking about everything before that — everything else that Coach Beilein had prepared us for. Coach B would have us practice our body language.

He'd have us practice walking into and out of the huddle. He'd even have managers practice acting like fans who would be heckling us — to test our focus during timeouts.

It's wild, right? The highest-stakes moment of any of our lives … and the truth is, I think we mostly all just felt super calm and prepared.

Jordan will be the hero forever for that shot against Houston, and he deserves it. But I'm telling you: Without the little things that Coach B had prepared us for all year, the season is over. That play never happens.

At the beginning of the season, not many picked Michigan to reach the national title game or even win the Big Ten.

That doesnt happen without Wagner, and thats just one reason Wolverines fans will always root for the forward as he chases his professional hoops dreams.

I know this school means a lot of different things to a lot of different people … and maybe this is going to sound corny, Wagner wrote.

But to me, Michigan will always be this place where, if you work hard enough, and you work together enough — you can become your best self..

For more infomation >> John Beilein releases statement on departure of Moe Wagner - Duration: 3:44.


LUNA SMARTPHONE Hanya di Golden Cell Pekanbaru - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> LUNA SMARTPHONE Hanya di Golden Cell Pekanbaru - Duration: 0:28.


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For more infomation >> In The Fog, an ambient original composition for piano & fantasy story - Duration: 3:21.


Why did Natsume named his cats "Tsubaki" and "Azusa" ? - Duration: 1:31.

Natsume has two cats with symmetrical orange spots.

On one rainy night they we're given him by his triplet brother Tsubaki.

Tsubaki wanted him to take care of this cats because he found them alone in a carton on the streets.

Natsume kept them and named them "Tsubaki" and "Azusa".

The cats are a symbol of the strong bond that Natsume has with his brothers as well as with the same named cats.

For more infomation >> Why did Natsume named his cats "Tsubaki" and "Azusa" ? - Duration: 1:31.


General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Is Nelle's Next Victim – Jealousy Brings Nelle's Worst Scheme Yet - Duration: 3:08.

General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Is Nelle's Next Victim – Jealousy Brings Nelle's

Worst Scheme Yet General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal that

Maxie (Kirsten Storms) just made a huge mistake.

Nelle (Chloe Lanier) really has a Michael (Chad Duell) obsession at this point.

Her whole life revolves around securing another chance with him.

That's why Maxie should've known better than to move in on Nelle's territory.

This girl's crazy and it's best to just stay out of her way!

Nelle and Nina (Michelle Stafford) were both running a bit late for the birthing class,

so Michael offered to be Maxie's partner for a while.

They joked around and happened to be sharing a few laughs when Nelle walked in.

If looks could kill, Maxie would be dead already!

Nelle was NOT happy, so GH seems to be setting something up here.

Maxie is clearly more interested in Peter (Wes Ramsey) than Michael, but it's a little

soon to move on anyway.

It's clear that Maxie's still mourning Nathan's (Ryan Paevey) death.

She hasn't even given birth to his child yet, so she may hold off on romance for the

time being.

Maxie needs to focus on preparing for her kid.

Unfortunately, Maxie just got on Nelle's bad side and that could lead to major baby


Nelle's not the kind of gal to let stuff slide.

She's also sinking deeper and deeper into her Carly (Laura Wright) plot, which exploits

Morgan's (Bryan Craig) death.

Nelle's stooping pretty low – even for her!

This helps GH fans see just how far Nelle will go to get what she wants.

There's no line she won't cross if it means eliminating a threat or seeking revenge.

Thanks to that warm birthing class moment, Maxie just made herself a target.

Her baby is a prime candidate for stealing now, so don't be surprised if the bundle

of joy gets swiped down the road.

Nelle's baby might die, which could lead to a swap with Maxie's healthy kid.

Then again, Nelle's new bestie needs a baby as well.

There may be a way for Nelle to finagle this little one for Brad (Parry Shen).

Of course, there's no guarantee Maxie will actually give birth.

If Nelle really wanted to be ruthless, she could make sure Maxie had an "accident."

Nelle might be nasty enough to want Maxie's baby dead.

It'd be cruel for General Hospital to take away Maxie's last link to Nathan, but all

bets are off when Nelle's involved.

Nevertheless, the baby swap seems like the most likely option since Maxie's so far

along in her pregnancy.

Whatever the case, Maxie's bound to become Nelle's next victim.

General Hospital spoilers say more shockers are coming up, so we'll give you updates

as other GH news emerges.

Stick with the ABC soap and don't forget to check CDL often for the latest General

Hospital spoilers, updates and news.

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