Saturday, April 14, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 15 2018

From cosplaying as a character with exploding boobs to making fake social media accounts,

the Planet Dolan Crew re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about

the most desperate things we've done to attract a crush.

I'm Hellbent, and today, I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was Submitted by Chu-toy Nixxiom The most desperate and embarrassing thing

Nixxiom ever did to impress a crush was cosplaying an anime character.

That might not sound too bad, but it was a character from a very perverted anime called

Queen's Blade.

And it was a female character.

Nixxiom's crush had handmade the costume herself, and it was incredibly detailed.

The character was a sort of slime monster that enlarged her breasts at will and attacked

with acid breast milk.

So Nixxiom to an anime convention as a scantily-clad bunny monster girl thing, with large breasts

as part of the costume.

Nixxiom's crush dressed as the lead character from the series, and she had engineered Nixxiom's

costume to do a very detailed re-enactment from the first episode.

To play out the scene, she leaped at Nixxiom and pinned him down, stopping his "acid milk"

attack by pressing her chest tightly to the "boobs" in his costume, until the breasts

grew from backed up acid and EXPLODED.

She actually even rigged the breasts in the suit to expand and pop!

Unfortunately, she didn't exactly think the popping boob thing through, and Nixxiom had

to endure the rest of the convention with a giant hole in the suit exposing the hair

on his chest instead of the character's boobs.

Number 9 was Submitted by Bulgarianboy681 SaltySquid

When SaltySquid was about 13, there was a beautiful girl in his grade that he really


She was the sister of SaltySquid's best friend, so they all hung out together.

He found out his crush had a bully… so he found out where the bully lived.

SaltySquid brought his friend and his crush to the bully's house, went to his front

door, and peed all over it in front of them.

It turned out the bully's dad was home and opened the door to find SaltySquid peeing

on the doorway.

He said, ''Get out of here you little dickhead," and slapped SaltySquid as hard as he could.

His friend and his crush stood there watching and just laughed at him.

He never actually ended up going out with her.

In fact, 2 days later they moved out of the country.

Number 8 was Submitted by RainbroBlitz17 JamesShark One time, JamesShark tried to show off his

strength in front of a bunch of cheerleaders.

He tried to bench press 135 pounds, even though his normal weight was only 45 pounds.

But once he got the 135 pound weight off the bar, it literally just fell on his chest,

and JamesShark couldn't get it off.

Eventually, a couple of spotters helped him get the weight off his chest, and he was sent

to the nurse's office to get checked out for injuries.

But as he walked out of the weight room, the cheerleaders he was trying to impress actually

walked up to him.

He thought they were gonna laugh at him, but somehow they actually thought he was pretty


After that day, he made friends with them, and actually started dating the lead cheerleader!

Number 7 was Submitted by discontent_prick Princess Proton

Princess Proton had been crushing on a guy for a long time, but had consistently been

friend zoned.

So, to get his attention, she created a fake social media account and pretended to be everything

he could ever want in a girl.

He fell head over heels for THAT girl.

But when she revealed who she actually was, he never spoke to her again.

He even blocked her on all social media platforms and stopped taking her texts.

Looking back on it, she realizes she should've taken the hint and just left him alone.

It wasn't worth losing a friend.

Number 6 was Submitted by IPINKYOURPRINKY SpinalPalm

SpinalPalm decided to impress his crush by doing a backflip for her.

He did it at a school dance, and he had the whole thing set up.

His best friend was the DJ, so he turned off the music and everyone formed a circle around

SpinalPalm and his crush.

That was the moment that he asked her out and then landed the backflip… right on his


SpinalPalm broke his nose and wrist, but she still said yes, so it pretty much worked out!

Number 5 was Submitted by Silent_Night487 Ramona

In high school, Ramona had a crush on a particular emo guy, and she heard that he liked cats.

Ramona was allergic, but she didn't even care.

On his birthday she showed up to school with a kitten in a box and gave it to him.

She was suspended almost immediately for bringing an animal to school, but that night she got

a text from that boy asking her to name the kitten.

She named it Lotor because she was into the original Voltron at the time.

They went out for a while, and even though things didn't end up working out, he still

sends her pictures of him and Lotor.

Number 4 was Submitted by MrSpaceCheese Dolan When Dolan was 12, he had a huge crush on

the new girl in class.

She said that she liked cookies with milk.

So Dolan decided to surprise her by making her cookies and milk.

As soon as she drank the milk, she started choking.

She asked Dolan what kind of milk it was, and he said it was regular dairy milk.

She called him an idiot, and then passed out.

Her best friend told Dolan that she was severely lactose intolerant.

He didn't really know what that was, so he asked a teacher and was devastated to find

out that he had made her sick.

Dolan got a week of detention and had to clean her vomit up afterwards.

He never got to speak to her again.

Number 3 was Submitted by Gummy_Productions Snewpee

Snewpee was 11 when her friend offered to take her to the fair.

She accepted the offer, not knowing her friend's 13-year-old brother was coming as well.

When they got there, they went on most of the rides.

Eventually they arrived at a ride that went really high in the air then slowly back down.

Neither Snewpee's friend nor her brother wanted to ride it, but Snewpee wanted to impress

her friend's older brother.

So she went on the ride with all smiles.

As soon as it started moving, she freaked out and started to tear up.

She felt like she was constantly about to fall out of the ride.

For the next 4 minutes she just focused on trying not to cry.

When she got off, she found out they were both nervous for her because she stopped smiling.

So her attempt to show off ended up making them worry.

Number 2 was Submitted by AGrimFate Doopie Doopie had a crush on a guy who lived near

her dad, and honestly, she still doesn't know why she liked him.

He was a jerk, and really hard to impress.

He lived on a farm, so to impress him one day, Doopie decided to try to ride a horse.

And not just any horse, but the one horse no one could ride and had been in training

for years to try to break it in.

Doopie's dad, somehow, was all for this idea, and helped her get on the horse.

And she did!

She was riding a horse!

The evil horse, that nobody could ride!

Everyone was super impressed!

That lasted less than a minute.

Then she was on the ride of her life!

The horse bucked and kicked and ran.

Doopie did her best to hang on, and managed to avoid being thrown off the horse.

And then suddenly the horse just stopped.

She stood still as Doopie hung from her like a decoration.

She just stood there as everyone ran up.

Doopie was too scared to move, and her dad had to remove her from the horse as she couldn't

even relax her muscles enough to let go.

Everyone else was impressed at how Doopie held onto the horse, but her crush laughed

at her, saying she looked like a ragdoll and couldn't ride.

Number 1 – What's the most desperate thing I've done to attract someone?

For more infomation >> OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS #4 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 10:56.



Jeśli nie słyszałeś jeszcze o zaletach zdrowotnych spożywania mrożonych cytryn, koniecznie zapoznaj się z poniższym artykułem.

Owoce cytrusowe zawierają limonoidy, które są naturalnie występującymi związkami fitochemicznymi o silnych właściwościach przeciwutleniających i leczniczych. Nowe badania wykazały, że limonoidy hamują rozwój komórek nowotworowych w przypadku raka piersi.

Fakt ten rzuca nowe światło na istotę spożywania owoców cytrusowych, gdyż jak się okazało, stanowią ważny element profilaktyki nowotworowej.

Skórka z cytryny ma 5-10 razy większe stężenie cennych substancji odżywczych niż sok, dlatego nigdy nie powinno się jej wyrzucać. Najlepiej zaopatrzyć się w owoce z upraw ekologicznych, dokładnie je umyć i umieścić w zamrażarce.

Gdy będą zamrożone można je posiekać na kawałki lub zetrzeć na tarce bez wcześniejszego obierania. W takiej formie idealnie nadają się do wszelkiego rodzaju potraw, np. do zup, sałatek, deserów, czy płatków owsianych, a jedzone w całości dostarczą nam niesamowitych korzyści.

Badania naukowe potwierdziły, że mrożone cytryny bardzo dobrze sprawdzają się w leczeniu cyst, infekcji bakteryjnych i wirusowych, depresji oraz nadciśnienia. Wspomagają również oczyszczanie organizmu z toksyn i pasożytów, a nawet redukują stres.

Wszystkie informacje na temat mrożonych cytryn zostały ujawnione przez jeden z największych na świecie koncernów farmaceutycznych.

Nie zwlekaj z mrożeniem cytryn i ciesz się ich licznymi właściwościami leczniczymi. Pamiętaj, że tylko Ty jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje zdrowie.

For more infomation >> MROŻONE CYTRYNY ZWALCZAJĄ NAJGORSZE CHOROBY. - Duration: 1:36.


Emmaus Road - Duration: 5:32.

Hi, I am Rev. Walker with Our Scripture reading is from Luke 24:32 'And

they said to each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking with

us on the road, while He was opening the Scriptures to us?"

' God bless the reading and hearing of the Scripture today.

When Jesus walks with Cleophas and the others on the road to Emmaus their moods are sullen,

but they brighten when they realize it is Jesus Christ that is accompanying them on

the journey!

The Emmaus Road companions say, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was


Hears burning with joy, with the Living Presence of Jesus Christ Resurrected.

He had been absent from them and now His Presence burns within them and they rejoice.

Luke tells us that the disciples' minds are alert to joy.

To be alert to joy is to be alert to Jesus' loving and forgiving Presence within you and


The joy of the Risen Christ is in our loving, is in our giving, it is in our living, it

is in our laughter, it is in our expectation of His Presence before us and with us and

unifying us.

Now, that unity is crucial.

It is very informal, though.

There is a rhythm to that unity in the Kingdom of God.

There is a harmony and the Power of Jesus Christ is combined in our harmony and in His

Living Presence.

We take our focus off of the tomb and onto Christ, our Risen Christ and Savior!

Knowing our Savior, loving our Lord Jesus Christ, and living as a unified team of Christians

together is our intended purpose.

Our purpose is His Peace among us.

OUr purpose is to see Him in the breaking of Bread.

Our purpose is to touch His scars and His wounds and to know that He is the Son of the

Living God.

Our God; our Savior.

And to make it known to us that He counts us very special, very His.

Whatever we need from Him, whatever help you need, He gives you and you can rejoice to

the fullest that we expect that, we know that, we live in Him.

And He waits for our response.

He does not want anything to hinder our ability to rejoice in Him.

So let us pray together now: Gracious Heavenly Father, we pray to you as people who would

be dead but have come alive by Your Blood on the Cross.

Help us today to remember that we are Resurrection people because we are surrounded by death

and seduced by the violence of this world and so we are apt to forget that we are Resurrection


So today, we may place our hands upon Your wounds, not because we do not believe but

because Your Glorified wounds are the best reminders that we have, the best redemption

and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

That Your Risen body did not discard the marks of Your suffering.

Thank You that You will not discard ours, God.

Give us courage to run our hands over our scars as well so that we might trace the shape

of our healing.

Help us to welcome the wounds of our neighbors so that we might bear witness to theirs.

O wounded Savior, help us to be Resurrection people.

Help us to suffer well.

Thank You that You looked death in the face and You came away dancing in joy.

And that the Holy Spirit that Rose Jesus Christ from the dead now lives within us and we live

in Jesus Christ's Truth.

Forgive us for the ways that we continue to choose the tomb, the ways that we are looking

for You among the dead, the way we are building tombs for others.

Jesus Christ we relinquish anything related to violence.

We let go of anything relate to violence.

We let go our weapons.

And Gracious Savior, we know that Your Resurrection Presence calls us to be transformed by the

Holy Spirit.

Bless us that we might be more like You Jesus Christ.

Bless us as the saints and our ancestors pray for us.

Bless us as we claim John 17, and claim Jesus Your prayers for us there.

We stand on the sacrifices of the saints because no one is truly dead in You.

Thank You Lord Jesus that Your not at the tomb, that You are Alive, that You are Risen

with Glorified wounds, that we know You though the breaking of the Bread at Holy Communion.


In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

Go in Peace my friend, in His Living Presence, Amen.

For more infomation >> Emmaus Road - Duration: 5:32.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Como vencer sempre? - 2T97 | Ricardo Teixeira - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Como vencer sempre? - 2T97 | Ricardo Teixeira - Duration: 4:26.


Guam #7 CHUCK E. CHEESE'S in Guam Premier Outlets [#19] - Duration: 5:16.

This is a restaurant where you can play games.

Menu is like this.

Value Deals (pizza, drink and game tokens) are available.

You can also get game token only.

They got tickets by playing games with game tokens.

There are also games for infants.

Dancing time!

After dancing time...

Tickets splash!

French fries.

French fries?


You put this one on the ~.

Insert tickets here and get a receipt which is printed the number of tickets.

They got more than 580 tickets in the end.

A counter which you can exchange tickets to toys at.

You can get these toys at this section by paying.

At this section you get toys by tickets.

We got so many small toys and sweets. (Fidget spinners were different.)

Mr. Chuck E. in the afternoon.

We can't stop seeing him!

For more infomation >> Guam #7 CHUCK E. CHEESE'S in Guam Premier Outlets [#19] - Duration: 5:16.


¿Cómo evitar ser estafado por un correo electrónico? - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo evitar ser estafado por un correo electrónico? - Duration: 2:01.


हो निगाहें करम या मोहम्मद | Ramzan Special Naat | Ho Nigha e Karam Ya Muhammad - Duration: 12:54.

New Ramzan Naat

For more infomation >> हो निगाहें करम या मोहम्मद | Ramzan Special Naat | Ho Nigha e Karam Ya Muhammad - Duration: 12:54.


Chegou ao fim a prova de imunidade, veja quem os vencedores? II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Chegou ao fim a prova de imunidade, veja quem os vencedores? II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:36.



For more infomation >> ISAAC FEZ EXAMES | CASA VAZIA | FIZ FEIJÃO - Duration: 9:12.


Provas de Tecnologia Impossível no Egito Antigo part 2 - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Provas de Tecnologia Impossível no Egito Antigo part 2 - Duration: 6:52.


BREAKING: 'Doomsday Plane' Just Left Indiana, Trump's Airborne Nuclear War Command Center En Route N - Duration: 4:45.

BREAKING: 'Doomsday Plane' Just Left Indiana, Trump's Airborne Nuclear War Command Center

En Route NOW!

Just as President Donald Trump told Vladimir Putin to "get ready" for a missile strike,

the most feared aircraft in the U.S. military arsenal took to the sky.

The United States military forces put a Boeing E 4B Nightwatch plane into the air from Wright-Patterson

Air Force Base in Indiana within minutes of the President's warning to the Russian leader.

For those of you who aren't familiar with "The Nightwatch" which is also known as

the "Doomsday Plane."

It is an air nuclear war command center where it allows for the US to maintain it's chain

of command in the event of a major war.

It also serves as a mobile communications hub.

Although Pentagon officials declined to give any information whatsoever about this particular

flight it is a sign that a conflict in the scale of a world war is in fact imminent.

This particular plane is one of the 10 emergency airborne command posts which are ready at

a seconds notice in case of a war breaking out and usually, the President and his to

generals are on board in times of conflict.

The planes are kept on round-the-clock alert and they are summoned into action by a "Klaxon"

which is kept within the range of the U.S. President at all times, even when he's outside

the US.

Doomsday Planes can even stay airborne for up to 150 hours, just over six days, even

though a full-scale nuclear war would be expected to end within minutes.

Pentagon officials declined to comment on this particular deployment in question but

they did confirm the planes have "Numerous missions every day."

Which means this isn't a big deal, but at the same time the timing is very suspect in

nature considering things with Russia when it comes to Syria aren't the best.

Trump voiced his opinions on Twitter regarding relations with Russia.

The Daily Star reported more details about the situation with Trump and Russia: "Trump

tweeted: "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria.

Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and "smart!"

"You shouldn't be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys


The US President's tweet esclates tensions to a new level amid reports of an imminent

strike by US forces on the Syrian regime.

Russia are allies with dictator Bashar al-Assad and are expected to defend him should the

US attack – with US accusing Putin of having "blood on his hands".

US warplanes were spotted flying over Syria last night, and destroyer USS Donald Cook

is operating in the Mediterranean.

Britain and France are being called upon by the US to join any military action against


Dozens of civilians– including children – were killed in the strike on the rebel

held town of Douma.

Trump decided to strike Syria last year, launching a blitz of 59 missiles over a chemical attack

– but Russia failed to respond.

The US President had promised to act on the latest attack within 48-hours, and said "major

decisions" will be made and "all options" are on the table.

Flights have been diverted around the war-torn country for the next 72 hours amid fears of

an imminent strike.

Russia's ambassador to Lebanon – Alexander Zasypkin – cited Putin and Russia's top

generals as he claimed Moscow will not allow the US to attack Syria.

He outright threatened Russian forces would shoot down US missiles, as well as striking

the "source".

This could refer to US military bases, US warships in the Mediterranean, or US warplanes

launched from nearby bases in the Middle East.

Speaking on Tuesday, the ambassador said: "If there is a strike by the Americans then

the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired."

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayley said: "The monster who was responsible for these

attacks has no conscience.

"The Russian regime, whose hands are all covered in the blood of Syrian children, cannot

be shamed by pictures of its victims.

We've tried that before."

She added: "We are on the edge of a dangerous precipice.

The great evil of chemical weapons use that once unified the world in opposition is on

the verge of becoming the new normal.

"The international community must not let this happen.

We have reached the moment when the world must see justice done."

Tensions are getting high.

This completely destroys the narrative about collusion with Russia, especially if a war

breaks out.

Whatever happens, let's hope we never need to use one of these planes.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today

For more infomation >> BREAKING: 'Doomsday Plane' Just Left Indiana, Trump's Airborne Nuclear War Command Center En Route N - Duration: 4:45.


Comando Porta - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Comando Porta - Duration: 4:54.


DIRETTA/LIVE AMICI 17: ospiti, esibizioni ed eliminato della puntata - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> DIRETTA/LIVE AMICI 17: ospiti, esibizioni ed eliminato della puntata - Duration: 2:28.


Isola dei Famosi - Franco parla del caso "canne" allIsola - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi - Franco parla del caso "canne" allIsola - Duration: 3:55.


Emmaus Road - Duration: 5:32.

Hi, I am Rev. Walker with Our Scripture reading is from Luke 24:32 'And

they said to each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking with

us on the road, while He was opening the Scriptures to us?"

' God bless the reading and hearing of the Scripture today.

When Jesus walks with Cleophas and the others on the road to Emmaus their moods are sullen,

but they brighten when they realize it is Jesus Christ that is accompanying them on

the journey!

The Emmaus Road companions say, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was


Hears burning with joy, with the Living Presence of Jesus Christ Resurrected.

He had been absent from them and now His Presence burns within them and they rejoice.

Luke tells us that the disciples' minds are alert to joy.

To be alert to joy is to be alert to Jesus' loving and forgiving Presence within you and


The joy of the Risen Christ is in our loving, is in our giving, it is in our living, it

is in our laughter, it is in our expectation of His Presence before us and with us and

unifying us.

Now, that unity is crucial.

It is very informal, though.

There is a rhythm to that unity in the Kingdom of God.

There is a harmony and the Power of Jesus Christ is combined in our harmony and in His

Living Presence.

We take our focus off of the tomb and onto Christ, our Risen Christ and Savior!

Knowing our Savior, loving our Lord Jesus Christ, and living as a unified team of Christians

together is our intended purpose.

Our purpose is His Peace among us.

OUr purpose is to see Him in the breaking of Bread.

Our purpose is to touch His scars and His wounds and to know that He is the Son of the

Living God.

Our God; our Savior.

And to make it known to us that He counts us very special, very His.

Whatever we need from Him, whatever help you need, He gives you and you can rejoice to

the fullest that we expect that, we know that, we live in Him.

And He waits for our response.

He does not want anything to hinder our ability to rejoice in Him.

So let us pray together now: Gracious Heavenly Father, we pray to you as people who would

be dead but have come alive by Your Blood on the Cross.

Help us today to remember that we are Resurrection people because we are surrounded by death

and seduced by the violence of this world and so we are apt to forget that we are Resurrection


So today, we may place our hands upon Your wounds, not because we do not believe but

because Your Glorified wounds are the best reminders that we have, the best redemption

and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

That Your Risen body did not discard the marks of Your suffering.

Thank You that You will not discard ours, God.

Give us courage to run our hands over our scars as well so that we might trace the shape

of our healing.

Help us to welcome the wounds of our neighbors so that we might bear witness to theirs.

O wounded Savior, help us to be Resurrection people.

Help us to suffer well.

Thank You that You looked death in the face and You came away dancing in joy.

And that the Holy Spirit that Rose Jesus Christ from the dead now lives within us and we live

in Jesus Christ's Truth.

Forgive us for the ways that we continue to choose the tomb, the ways that we are looking

for You among the dead, the way we are building tombs for others.

Jesus Christ we relinquish anything related to violence.

We let go of anything relate to violence.

We let go our weapons.

And Gracious Savior, we know that Your Resurrection Presence calls us to be transformed by the

Holy Spirit.

Bless us that we might be more like You Jesus Christ.

Bless us as the saints and our ancestors pray for us.

Bless us as we claim John 17, and claim Jesus Your prayers for us there.

We stand on the sacrifices of the saints because no one is truly dead in You.

Thank You Lord Jesus that Your not at the tomb, that You are Alive, that You are Risen

with Glorified wounds, that we know You though the breaking of the Bread at Holy Communion.


In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

Go in Peace my friend, in His Living Presence, Amen.

For more infomation >> Emmaus Road - Duration: 5:32.


'태어나서' 강호동 "씨름판 돌아가란 악플, 내 나이 오십이다 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> '태어나서' 강호동 "씨름판 돌아가란 악플, 내 나이 오십이다 - Duration: 4:03.


Giovanni Ciacci e Todaro - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Giovanni Ciacci e Todaro - Duration: 0:52.


Frullato energizzante a base di spinaci, carote, mele e aneto - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Frullato energizzante a base di spinaci, carote, mele e aneto - Duration: 7:50.


Gabriel Garko e la sua esibizione - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Gabriel Garko e la sua esibizione - Duration: 0:55.


I migliori infusi per regolare il nervosismo e l'ansia - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> I migliori infusi per regolare il nervosismo e l'ansia - Duration: 7:47.


Frullato di fragola, limone e anguria contro le infiammazioni - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> Frullato di fragola, limone e anguria contro le infiammazioni - Duration: 8:12.


세계 최초 ICBM "R-7 세묘르카" ✌ - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> 세계 최초 ICBM "R-7 세묘르카" ✌ - Duration: 4:30.


OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS #4 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 10:56.

From cosplaying as a character with exploding boobs to making fake social media accounts,

the Planet Dolan Crew re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about

the most desperate things we've done to attract a crush.

I'm Hellbent, and today, I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was Submitted by Chu-toy Nixxiom The most desperate and embarrassing thing

Nixxiom ever did to impress a crush was cosplaying an anime character.

That might not sound too bad, but it was a character from a very perverted anime called

Queen's Blade.

And it was a female character.

Nixxiom's crush had handmade the costume herself, and it was incredibly detailed.

The character was a sort of slime monster that enlarged her breasts at will and attacked

with acid breast milk.

So Nixxiom to an anime convention as a scantily-clad bunny monster girl thing, with large breasts

as part of the costume.

Nixxiom's crush dressed as the lead character from the series, and she had engineered Nixxiom's

costume to do a very detailed re-enactment from the first episode.

To play out the scene, she leaped at Nixxiom and pinned him down, stopping his "acid milk"

attack by pressing her chest tightly to the "boobs" in his costume, until the breasts

grew from backed up acid and EXPLODED.

She actually even rigged the breasts in the suit to expand and pop!

Unfortunately, she didn't exactly think the popping boob thing through, and Nixxiom had

to endure the rest of the convention with a giant hole in the suit exposing the hair

on his chest instead of the character's boobs.

Number 9 was Submitted by Bulgarianboy681 SaltySquid

When SaltySquid was about 13, there was a beautiful girl in his grade that he really


She was the sister of SaltySquid's best friend, so they all hung out together.

He found out his crush had a bully… so he found out where the bully lived.

SaltySquid brought his friend and his crush to the bully's house, went to his front

door, and peed all over it in front of them.

It turned out the bully's dad was home and opened the door to find SaltySquid peeing

on the doorway.

He said, ''Get out of here you little dickhead," and slapped SaltySquid as hard as he could.

His friend and his crush stood there watching and just laughed at him.

He never actually ended up going out with her.

In fact, 2 days later they moved out of the country.

Number 8 was Submitted by RainbroBlitz17 JamesShark One time, JamesShark tried to show off his

strength in front of a bunch of cheerleaders.

He tried to bench press 135 pounds, even though his normal weight was only 45 pounds.

But once he got the 135 pound weight off the bar, it literally just fell on his chest,

and JamesShark couldn't get it off.

Eventually, a couple of spotters helped him get the weight off his chest, and he was sent

to the nurse's office to get checked out for injuries.

But as he walked out of the weight room, the cheerleaders he was trying to impress actually

walked up to him.

He thought they were gonna laugh at him, but somehow they actually thought he was pretty


After that day, he made friends with them, and actually started dating the lead cheerleader!

Number 7 was Submitted by discontent_prick Princess Proton

Princess Proton had been crushing on a guy for a long time, but had consistently been

friend zoned.

So, to get his attention, she created a fake social media account and pretended to be everything

he could ever want in a girl.

He fell head over heels for THAT girl.

But when she revealed who she actually was, he never spoke to her again.

He even blocked her on all social media platforms and stopped taking her texts.

Looking back on it, she realizes she should've taken the hint and just left him alone.

It wasn't worth losing a friend.

Number 6 was Submitted by IPINKYOURPRINKY SpinalPalm

SpinalPalm decided to impress his crush by doing a backflip for her.

He did it at a school dance, and he had the whole thing set up.

His best friend was the DJ, so he turned off the music and everyone formed a circle around

SpinalPalm and his crush.

That was the moment that he asked her out and then landed the backflip… right on his


SpinalPalm broke his nose and wrist, but she still said yes, so it pretty much worked out!

Number 5 was Submitted by Silent_Night487 Ramona

In high school, Ramona had a crush on a particular emo guy, and she heard that he liked cats.

Ramona was allergic, but she didn't even care.

On his birthday she showed up to school with a kitten in a box and gave it to him.

She was suspended almost immediately for bringing an animal to school, but that night she got

a text from that boy asking her to name the kitten.

She named it Lotor because she was into the original Voltron at the time.

They went out for a while, and even though things didn't end up working out, he still

sends her pictures of him and Lotor.

Number 4 was Submitted by MrSpaceCheese Dolan When Dolan was 12, he had a huge crush on

the new girl in class.

She said that she liked cookies with milk.

So Dolan decided to surprise her by making her cookies and milk.

As soon as she drank the milk, she started choking.

She asked Dolan what kind of milk it was, and he said it was regular dairy milk.

She called him an idiot, and then passed out.

Her best friend told Dolan that she was severely lactose intolerant.

He didn't really know what that was, so he asked a teacher and was devastated to find

out that he had made her sick.

Dolan got a week of detention and had to clean her vomit up afterwards.

He never got to speak to her again.

Number 3 was Submitted by Gummy_Productions Snewpee

Snewpee was 11 when her friend offered to take her to the fair.

She accepted the offer, not knowing her friend's 13-year-old brother was coming as well.

When they got there, they went on most of the rides.

Eventually they arrived at a ride that went really high in the air then slowly back down.

Neither Snewpee's friend nor her brother wanted to ride it, but Snewpee wanted to impress

her friend's older brother.

So she went on the ride with all smiles.

As soon as it started moving, she freaked out and started to tear up.

She felt like she was constantly about to fall out of the ride.

For the next 4 minutes she just focused on trying not to cry.

When she got off, she found out they were both nervous for her because she stopped smiling.

So her attempt to show off ended up making them worry.

Number 2 was Submitted by AGrimFate Doopie Doopie had a crush on a guy who lived near

her dad, and honestly, she still doesn't know why she liked him.

He was a jerk, and really hard to impress.

He lived on a farm, so to impress him one day, Doopie decided to try to ride a horse.

And not just any horse, but the one horse no one could ride and had been in training

for years to try to break it in.

Doopie's dad, somehow, was all for this idea, and helped her get on the horse.

And she did!

She was riding a horse!

The evil horse, that nobody could ride!

Everyone was super impressed!

That lasted less than a minute.

Then she was on the ride of her life!

The horse bucked and kicked and ran.

Doopie did her best to hang on, and managed to avoid being thrown off the horse.

And then suddenly the horse just stopped.

She stood still as Doopie hung from her like a decoration.

She just stood there as everyone ran up.

Doopie was too scared to move, and her dad had to remove her from the horse as she couldn't

even relax her muscles enough to let go.

Everyone else was impressed at how Doopie held onto the horse, but her crush laughed

at her, saying she looked like a ragdoll and couldn't ride.

Number 1 – What's the most desperate thing I've done to attract someone?

For more infomation >> OUR DESPERATE FLIRTING ATTEMPTS #4 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 10:56.



Jeśli nie słyszałeś jeszcze o zaletach zdrowotnych spożywania mrożonych cytryn, koniecznie zapoznaj się z poniższym artykułem.

Owoce cytrusowe zawierają limonoidy, które są naturalnie występującymi związkami fitochemicznymi o silnych właściwościach przeciwutleniających i leczniczych. Nowe badania wykazały, że limonoidy hamują rozwój komórek nowotworowych w przypadku raka piersi.

Fakt ten rzuca nowe światło na istotę spożywania owoców cytrusowych, gdyż jak się okazało, stanowią ważny element profilaktyki nowotworowej.

Skórka z cytryny ma 5-10 razy większe stężenie cennych substancji odżywczych niż sok, dlatego nigdy nie powinno się jej wyrzucać. Najlepiej zaopatrzyć się w owoce z upraw ekologicznych, dokładnie je umyć i umieścić w zamrażarce.

Gdy będą zamrożone można je posiekać na kawałki lub zetrzeć na tarce bez wcześniejszego obierania. W takiej formie idealnie nadają się do wszelkiego rodzaju potraw, np. do zup, sałatek, deserów, czy płatków owsianych, a jedzone w całości dostarczą nam niesamowitych korzyści.

Badania naukowe potwierdziły, że mrożone cytryny bardzo dobrze sprawdzają się w leczeniu cyst, infekcji bakteryjnych i wirusowych, depresji oraz nadciśnienia. Wspomagają również oczyszczanie organizmu z toksyn i pasożytów, a nawet redukują stres.

Wszystkie informacje na temat mrożonych cytryn zostały ujawnione przez jeden z największych na świecie koncernów farmaceutycznych.

Nie zwlekaj z mrożeniem cytryn i ciesz się ich licznymi właściwościami leczniczymi. Pamiętaj, że tylko Ty jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoje zdrowie.

For more infomation >> MROŻONE CYTRYNY ZWALCZAJĄ NAJGORSZE CHOROBY. - Duration: 1:36.


Emmaus Road - Duration: 5:32.

Hi, I am Rev. Walker with Our Scripture reading is from Luke 24:32 'And

they said to each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking with

us on the road, while He was opening the Scriptures to us?"

' God bless the reading and hearing of the Scripture today.

When Jesus walks with Cleophas and the others on the road to Emmaus their moods are sullen,

but they brighten when they realize it is Jesus Christ that is accompanying them on

the journey!

The Emmaus Road companions say, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was


Hears burning with joy, with the Living Presence of Jesus Christ Resurrected.

He had been absent from them and now His Presence burns within them and they rejoice.

Luke tells us that the disciples' minds are alert to joy.

To be alert to joy is to be alert to Jesus' loving and forgiving Presence within you and


The joy of the Risen Christ is in our loving, is in our giving, it is in our living, it

is in our laughter, it is in our expectation of His Presence before us and with us and

unifying us.

Now, that unity is crucial.

It is very informal, though.

There is a rhythm to that unity in the Kingdom of God.

There is a harmony and the Power of Jesus Christ is combined in our harmony and in His

Living Presence.

We take our focus off of the tomb and onto Christ, our Risen Christ and Savior!

Knowing our Savior, loving our Lord Jesus Christ, and living as a unified team of Christians

together is our intended purpose.

Our purpose is His Peace among us.

OUr purpose is to see Him in the breaking of Bread.

Our purpose is to touch His scars and His wounds and to know that He is the Son of the

Living God.

Our God; our Savior.

And to make it known to us that He counts us very special, very His.

Whatever we need from Him, whatever help you need, He gives you and you can rejoice to

the fullest that we expect that, we know that, we live in Him.

And He waits for our response.

He does not want anything to hinder our ability to rejoice in Him.

So let us pray together now: Gracious Heavenly Father, we pray to you as people who would

be dead but have come alive by Your Blood on the Cross.

Help us today to remember that we are Resurrection people because we are surrounded by death

and seduced by the violence of this world and so we are apt to forget that we are Resurrection


So today, we may place our hands upon Your wounds, not because we do not believe but

because Your Glorified wounds are the best reminders that we have, the best redemption

and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

That Your Risen body did not discard the marks of Your suffering.

Thank You that You will not discard ours, God.

Give us courage to run our hands over our scars as well so that we might trace the shape

of our healing.

Help us to welcome the wounds of our neighbors so that we might bear witness to theirs.

O wounded Savior, help us to be Resurrection people.

Help us to suffer well.

Thank You that You looked death in the face and You came away dancing in joy.

And that the Holy Spirit that Rose Jesus Christ from the dead now lives within us and we live

in Jesus Christ's Truth.

Forgive us for the ways that we continue to choose the tomb, the ways that we are looking

for You among the dead, the way we are building tombs for others.

Jesus Christ we relinquish anything related to violence.

We let go of anything relate to violence.

We let go our weapons.

And Gracious Savior, we know that Your Resurrection Presence calls us to be transformed by the

Holy Spirit.

Bless us that we might be more like You Jesus Christ.

Bless us as the saints and our ancestors pray for us.

Bless us as we claim John 17, and claim Jesus Your prayers for us there.

We stand on the sacrifices of the saints because no one is truly dead in You.

Thank You Lord Jesus that Your not at the tomb, that You are Alive, that You are Risen

with Glorified wounds, that we know You though the breaking of the Bread at Holy Communion.


In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

Go in Peace my friend, in His Living Presence, Amen.

For more infomation >> Emmaus Road - Duration: 5:32.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


How To Frontside & Cab 180 On A Snowboard - Duration: 2:29.

Frontside and Switch Frontside 180's, also known as Cab 180's or Half cabs, are

often the first spin people learn because you don't need to turn your head

to do it. Frontside is when you spin so your chest or your Frontside is facing

forwards during the first 90 degrees of the spin. Stand on the trampoline in

your snowboard stance and imagine you're going down the hill. As you extend your

legs to jump, rotate your shoulders and hips at the same time so you leave the

ground with your shoulders 90 degrees to your board. Once you're in the air keep

your shoulders rotating until your back hand is pointing forwards where you're

looking, while using your core to pull the board around to land switch. If you

suck your legs up in the air the spin will look better, you'll be ready to grab

later on and it'll help bring the board through the spin. If you're having

trouble getting the full 180 around, you can pre-wind in the opposite direction

before you spin to get a little extra momentum.

Remember, big movements are key for building momentum so following through

with the rotation is important. From the switch position you can go right into a

Switch Frontside 180 using all the same movements except in the other

direction, rotating as you jump and following through with your shoulders in

the air. You can also use counter-rotation for Frontside and Switch

Frontside 180's. Standing in your normal snowboard stance, rotate so both hands

are over the nose of your board. After you jump, rotate your board Frontside

while throwing your upper body in the other direction. For Switch Frontside

you do the same thing, hands over your switch nose then jump up, rotating your

upper body one way and lower body and board the other. Doing counter-rotated

spins isn't the best way to learn and progress your spins because it's hard to

spin much more than a 180, but they are necessary for doing 180's off boxes and

rails. This tutorial was filmed at Bounce in Whistler. You're watching Duncan

Mainland and Nev Lapwood from Snowboard Addiction. Our goal is to improve your


For more infomation >> How To Frontside & Cab 180 On A Snowboard - Duration: 2:29.


El Barça, en busca de su segunda Liga de los 100 puntos - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> El Barça, en busca de su segunda Liga de los 100 puntos - Duration: 3:25.


Kim Heang - What's Type of Business You should do nowadays #SuccessReveal - Duration: 18:00.

Kim Heang - What's Type of Business You should do nowadays

bring to you by Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Kim Heang - What's Type of Business You should do nowadays #SuccessReveal - Duration: 18:00.


How to Improve your Sense of Humour - Duration: 5:15.

It has been found by surveying different dating websites, in first dating the thing that matter

most after look, is sense of humour.

With whom you would like to spend some time, a guy who have a great sense of humour or

a guy who doesn't like fun at all.

Suppose you had a small talk with your boss, and then he said to you, "O really you have

a great sense of humour.

It feels really good to talk with you".

Then, would you get your promotion soon or late?

Any human, doing anything in this world, is doing to get some happiness.

Now if you can make someone happy by just saying some words then obviously people will

like you.

So let's see some smart ideas, how can we improve our sense of humour.

Smart idea 1: Laugh at yourself More often what happen, in a group everyone

target one guy and laugh at that guy, and that one guy feels bad.

Which is not a good quality of sense of humour.

It is called humour, only when 1.

It is surprising and 2.

It doesn't hurt anybody.

For example, suppose you say to one of your white friend, "Hey black guy, why don't you

try fair & lovely sometimes", then it will be in humour category.

Because it is surprising as well as it will not hurt him.

Because he knows that he is a white guy.

But if you say the same thing to a black guy who regret for not being white enough, then

it will be no more in humour category.

Because that can hurt that person.

So the best option is, if you can laugh at yourself.

You can laugh at yourself as much as you want, no one is going to get hurt by that.

This js why, most of the stand up comedians use this technique.

They make themselves butt of their own jokes.

For example, "One day it happened with me" or "The last night I had a dream".

Means they make jokes about themselves and along with people they also laugh at themselves.

This quality is the most important quality to have, to develop a good sense of humour.

Smart idea 2: Be around with funny people Our mind is just like a prism.

Whichever color falls upon it, it starts to become colored in that color.

This is why after watching a comedy video or a comedy movie we start to act like an

comedian for some time.

Or after watching an action movie, we start to portrait ourselves in our mind as the hero

of that movie while walking out of the movie hall.

You may have already noticed, when we are with someone who loves to joke around, we

also start to joke around a little bit with him.

And when we are with someone who is a pretty serious guy, we also tend to become a little

bit more serious.

So if you want to improve your sense of humour then the first thing you have to do is to

avoid those extra serious people.

And you have to spend more time with those people who really have a great sense of humour.

After that you will have to do nothing, your sense of humour will automatically increase.

Because we are all average of our closet 5 persons, with whom we spend most of the time


Smart idea 3: Be happy to make happy If you are not happy, then you can never make

someone else happy.

Because when you are sad, then neither you will feel smiling, nor you will make someone

else smile.

In this situation whatever will happen around you, either you will feel irritated or you

will see the sadness in that.

For instance, a few days ago I asked one of my friend, "So tell me bro, what is the current

biggest problem in your life?"

He replied to me very seriously, "See, I have only one problem in my life.

When I joke around people take it seriously and when I seriously say something people

take it as a joke", as soon as he told it to me I started to laugh.

Then he said to me, "See, you are also taking my serious problem as a joke", so what happened,

I was sitting there in a totally chill mode.

So, as soon as he told me that, I saw the irony in his words.

But as my friend was truly worrying about that, so he didn't see the funny side of it.

So your sense of humour depends a lot on your mood.

If you are always in a chill mode, then you will find out something funny in every situation.

You don't have to look for it, it will show up itself in front of you.

You just need to do one thing, and that is stop taking life so seriously.

Because in life more than 99% things are out of your control.

You are living in this moment, the next moment you can die.

And you can never control it, no matter how hard you try.

So it will be better for you, if you take it as a game and don't be so serious about


Just focus on playing it.

Now if I sum up the whole video, to develop a good sense of humour the 3 things that you

need to do are 1.

Learn to laugh at yourself, 2.

Be around with happy and funny people, and 3.

Take life as a game and learn to enjoy it without getting so serious about it.

And one more thing you should always remember, that it is not how well you make a joke, but

it is how well you take a joke, that decides how good your sense of humour is.

At last a little request to you.

If you find this video useful, then please share it with your friends.

Because by sharing you can also help to change someone's life.

Next video is on the next Sunday.

Thanks for watching.

More wisdom, more solution, better life.

For more infomation >> How to Improve your Sense of Humour - Duration: 5:15.


In Just NINE WORDS, Mark Levin Puts The Trump/Russia Collusion Narrative To Bed. - Duration: 2:30.

In Just NINE WORDS, Mark Levin Puts The Trump/Russia Collusion Narrative To Bed.

On Friday night, President Trump ordered the United States Armed Forces to launch precision

strikes, on targets in Syria in response to more alleged chemical attacks by Bashar al


The move was immediately condemned by Russian leaders, especially Vladimir Putin, who made

the following statement:

"Russia condemns in the strongest possible terms the attack against Syria, where Russia

military personnel are assisting the legitimate government in counterterrorism efforts."

Russia, who has strong interest and is a strong ally to Syria, warned in advance against such

aggressions by the United States.

And with Trump's betrayal of Putin, political analyst Mark Levin believes this military

strike seals any speculation of collusion, between the Trump campaign and Russia that

the media and Democrats have been obsessing about for several months.

In response to the Syrian missile-strikes, Levin put the Russian collusion narrative

to rest with a 9-word witty remark.

Levin simply said:

"Doesn't look like our president is colluding with Russia".

Levin then gave his praise to Trump for carrying out the attacks on the disgraceful regime.

Levin said:

"Congratulations to the great United States military!

And well done to our Commander-in-Chief!"

Earlier this morning President Trump declared the Syrian precision strikes as being a "Mission

Accomplished", and praised the military, as well as the UK and France for their assistance.

In recent days, the media has had one heck of a time trying to keep the Russian collusion

narrative alive, as more details and leaks continue to pour out.

And the latest strikes to a Russian ally will tarnish the narrative, which was based on

a fake dossier, even more.

As a result, we can only suspect liberal media will shift completely into focusing on the

ridiculous Stormy Daniels story.

Hats off to Levin for pointing out the obvious!

Do you think the Russian Narrative is defeated?

Sound off below and please share Levin's wise words!

We leave you with video of one of Levin's greatest ever smackdowns of the idea of Russian


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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> In Just NINE WORDS, Mark Levin Puts The Trump/Russia Collusion Narrative To Bed. - Duration: 2:30.


BREAKING: 'Doomsday Plane' Just Left Indiana, Trump's Airborne Nuclear War Command Center En Route N - Duration: 4:45.

BREAKING: 'Doomsday Plane' Just Left Indiana, Trump's Airborne Nuclear War Command Center

En Route NOW!

Just as President Donald Trump told Vladimir Putin to "get ready" for a missile strike,

the most feared aircraft in the U.S. military arsenal took to the sky.

The United States military forces put a Boeing E 4B Nightwatch plane into the air from Wright-Patterson

Air Force Base in Indiana within minutes of the President's warning to the Russian leader.

For those of you who aren't familiar with "The Nightwatch" which is also known as

the "Doomsday Plane."

It is an air nuclear war command center where it allows for the US to maintain it's chain

of command in the event of a major war.

It also serves as a mobile communications hub.

Although Pentagon officials declined to give any information whatsoever about this particular

flight it is a sign that a conflict in the scale of a world war is in fact imminent.

This particular plane is one of the 10 emergency airborne command posts which are ready at

a seconds notice in case of a war breaking out and usually, the President and his to

generals are on board in times of conflict.

The planes are kept on round-the-clock alert and they are summoned into action by a "Klaxon"

which is kept within the range of the U.S. President at all times, even when he's outside

the US.

Doomsday Planes can even stay airborne for up to 150 hours, just over six days, even

though a full-scale nuclear war would be expected to end within minutes.

Pentagon officials declined to comment on this particular deployment in question but

they did confirm the planes have "Numerous missions every day."

Which means this isn't a big deal, but at the same time the timing is very suspect in

nature considering things with Russia when it comes to Syria aren't the best.

Trump voiced his opinions on Twitter regarding relations with Russia.

The Daily Star reported more details about the situation with Trump and Russia: "Trump

tweeted: "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria.

Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and "smart!"

"You shouldn't be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys


The US President's tweet esclates tensions to a new level amid reports of an imminent

strike by US forces on the Syrian regime.

Russia are allies with dictator Bashar al-Assad and are expected to defend him should the

US attack – with US accusing Putin of having "blood on his hands".

US warplanes were spotted flying over Syria last night, and destroyer USS Donald Cook

is operating in the Mediterranean.

Britain and France are being called upon by the US to join any military action against


Dozens of civilians– including children – were killed in the strike on the rebel

held town of Douma.

Trump decided to strike Syria last year, launching a blitz of 59 missiles over a chemical attack

– but Russia failed to respond.

The US President had promised to act on the latest attack within 48-hours, and said "major

decisions" will be made and "all options" are on the table.

Flights have been diverted around the war-torn country for the next 72 hours amid fears of

an imminent strike.

Russia's ambassador to Lebanon – Alexander Zasypkin – cited Putin and Russia's top

generals as he claimed Moscow will not allow the US to attack Syria.

He outright threatened Russian forces would shoot down US missiles, as well as striking

the "source".

This could refer to US military bases, US warships in the Mediterranean, or US warplanes

launched from nearby bases in the Middle East.

Speaking on Tuesday, the ambassador said: "If there is a strike by the Americans then

the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired."

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayley said: "The monster who was responsible for these

attacks has no conscience.

"The Russian regime, whose hands are all covered in the blood of Syrian children, cannot

be shamed by pictures of its victims.

We've tried that before."

She added: "We are on the edge of a dangerous precipice.

The great evil of chemical weapons use that once unified the world in opposition is on

the verge of becoming the new normal.

"The international community must not let this happen.

We have reached the moment when the world must see justice done."

Tensions are getting high.

This completely destroys the narrative about collusion with Russia, especially if a war

breaks out.

Whatever happens, let's hope we never need to use one of these planes.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today

For more infomation >> BREAKING: 'Doomsday Plane' Just Left Indiana, Trump's Airborne Nuclear War Command Center En Route N - Duration: 4:45.


소녀나라 택배를 뜯어보자 ㅣ Unboxing A Package From Sonyunara - Duration: 9:31.


I did upload a video just yesterday

but it was pre-filmed in February

so technically it's been over a month since I filmed a video

I mean it was my first month of university

and you know how the first month is the busiest.

So many nights full of alcohol..

It was close to impossible to get much done in March.

So yeah I'm pretty psyched to be filming again!!

And if you hadn't noticed, I changed my hair a bit.

It got shorter and blacker right?

The more I look at it, the more I look like a middle schooler.

Anyways! today I'm filming another unboxing haul.

I received a package from Sonyunara.

I'm sure you all know what it is. (a very famous korean online shopping mall)

I got this huge box

of spring to summer clothing.

Yeah so I'll be opening this box with you all:DD


So the box somehow got destroyed.

First, there's something called a "GabJil" series on Sonyunara's website.

They sent me a few things from there.

I didn't know what this meant either (it's an abbreviation they made)

but apparently if you translate it, it means products that are cost-effective.

So it's more stuff like socks, stockings, etc. that you use on an everyday basis

rather than clothing items.

They sent me a few things from the series

so I'm gonna test out to see if they really are cost-effective as they say.

First, GabJil masks.


Fine dust is a serious climate problem in Korea these days

I can't even count how many trips I gave up because of it.

actually I can. it was three.

There's 20 in one pack and it's sold at 1,900 won

so one mask would cost...

let's just say it's 2,000 won...

this is why I gave up math.

That's basically less than 100 won per mask.

We shall see if the quality is worth it.

*looks at the view finder*

I never imagined I would be wearing a mask in front of a camera...

One thing is that it has a particular smell.

It's not something you smell in masks you get at the pharmacy.

But the wire has great fixation.

And the quality seems not so disparate from pharmacy masks.

But make sure to wear fine dust specialized masks

on days when fine dust is serious!

Next, Gabjil socks!

Oh there's a black set too.

So 5 white socks, 5 black socks, which adds up to 9,800 won.

*very serious calculation going on*

One sock equals less than 1,000 won.

I literally wear black&white socks on a daily basis

so if the quality of these are nice, I've become lucky.

I'll try on the white socks now.

My pajamas are a bit embarrassing but whatev.

The quality is nicer than expected.

And the top of the sock right here

is quite tight so I don't think it'll fall down throughout the day

but the sock itself is pretty thin.

But I mean it's less than 1,000 won. Are you really gonna complain?

Anyways, these PASS THE TEST.

Next things I see are the GabJil hair ties.

4,800 won for 100 ties.

So that's..48 won each?

Let's just estimate it to 50 won each.

Don't 50 won coins just roll around the ground?

So you can just pick up a coin while walking around and get yourself a hair tie.

Ta-da. there's so many hair ties 0_0

I'll try tying my hair.

omg so ugly.

That tied around my hair 3 times

and considering that I have SO MUCH hair

that's saying something for a 50 won hair tie.

I mean, the quality of hair ties are pretty much the same anywhere

but these definitely are cost-effective cause it comes in a pack of 100.

cuz let's be honest, nobody can use one hair tie for longer than a week.

Next, GabJil stockings.

9,900 won for 10. If you say it's 10,000 won..

1,000 won each. (see how much I've improved at calculating)

Of course I wear these clear stockings quite frequently

but they're a STAPLE piece for middle/high schoolers (with school uniforms)

I would know because I was one not too long ago.

I know how frustrating it is when they rip in the middle of nowhere.

And buying a new one costs at least 2,000 won?

Going to like a legit underwear store costs even more.

If the quality of this is good, I'm gonna go insane.

stupid. I have to try this on right now.

I'll try this on with a one-piece tomorrow when I go to school.

*Review* - They're super soft, the color is super natural and overall my favorite item out of the GabJil series.

Last GabJil item

GabJil bobby pins!

so cuuute

I'm actually more interested in the packaging more than the bobby pins themselves.

I think it'll make good use when it's emptied out.

2,500 won for 150 pins.

I give up the math for this one.

Looks like this...I'm presuming everyone knows what a bobby pin looks like.

It is a bit thick though.

The bobby pin is very strong. (whut?lololol)

I really don't know any other way to describe it.

It's doing it's bobby pin job very well.

I honestly don't wear bobby pins that often

so I'm not sure how to make use of it

but yes, it's definitely cost-effective.

Now finally what you and I've all been waiting for.

the clothes!!

First piece is this super simple crop tee.

This isn't any special piece, but why did I choose it?

I recently bought a yellow skirt

and I just thought this would match really well with it.

(it'll be nice to wear with any point skirt)

It's not insanely elastic, but that's why I liked it cuz it feels firm.

Second item, straight pants!

just a little tmi, I'm really bad at choosing pant sizes.

If I buy them according to thighs, the hips are too big

if I buy them according to hips, the thighs are too small.

Don't any of you have that problem );

So I always ponder whether I should buy S or M

(SO glad I chose M. It fits perfectly)

The color isn't tacky at all..overall very satisfied.

The weather is getting more warmer

and so I thought light-washed jeans would be more appropriate.

Next is the ice-cream daily t-shirt.

I chose the color grey.

This only costs 3,900 won.

It's not even the sale price.


It's so simple and basic that there's nothing to roast about the design.

But because it's so cheap, I don't think you should expect it to be amazing quality.

As you can see the stitching isn't perfect.

The reason I got this is cuz

first, I don't own a grey t-shirt. (how?)

And I just thought it would look nice with black skinnies.

Next item is a checkered print shirt.

It's sold at 11,500 won.

Oh it's very lighter than I thought.

That's why I like it more.

I like checkered print shirts

but I'm VERY picky with choosing them.

I don't wear just any checkered print.

It can't be too big or small

the colors are really important...

(rant about my preference of checkered print really who cares.)

This one caught my eye. It's a dark navy with points of red.

On a chilly summer night

you can wear a t-shirt, shorts, and this on top.

BAM. perfect girl next door look.

and like I mentioned, it's pretty lightweight so it'll be nice to layer as well.

Last item!

This is the Coloring Bustier Set.

Sold at 23,000 won.

When I was choosing out clothes from Sonyunara

this was the first one I put into my shopping cart.

I've always desired to have a checkered print two-piece like this

kinda like a school-girl look

but I was hesitant to buy it with my own money

cuz it's very outside the box for me.

So I was like YES and got it this time.

It's not very tight, more so loose

so it gives off more of a casual vibe than sexy.

(the skirt looks good on it's own as well)

So that was everything of the package Sonyunara had send me.

One last thank you to Sonyunara for sending me these things.

Sonyunara was literally the first online shopping mall I used in like 7th grade

so I was fan-girling when they contacted me.

Anyways, thanks so much for watching

and I'll see you guys later in my next video. BYEEE

For more infomation >> 소녀나라 택배를 뜯어보자 ㅣ Unboxing A Package From Sonyunara - Duration: 9:31.


Watters' World 04/14/18 8PM | April 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:31.

For more infomation >> Watters' World 04/14/18 8PM | April 14, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:31.


Slinky Brand 2pc Printed ColdShoulder Tunic and Pant - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Slinky Brand 2pc Printed ColdShoulder Tunic and Pant - Duration: 6:00.


Welcome to the crazy farm | The Walking Dead | Part 6 - Duration: 34:24.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to The Walking Dead. Let's continue this game

Let's walk around the farm field

Check out the generator

Let's check out the kids soon then we will go in the house

We probably need to check out Mark soon

Find their camps? Sure, why not. Let's go

A soup can

Found their camps. Hooray, there you are

Is anyone here?

Let's search around

The dairy farm's box

It's from the dairy farm

What is that?

A camera

The battery is dead. Oh great

I think we should be done here. Let's go back

Check inside the tent

A bloody bunny

A sleeping bag

Look at her name tag. She worked at Save-Lots

Is that Clementine's mother?

No! That's not her mother because she didn't work at Save-Lots. Nice try, bullshit


Why did you shoot at her?!

Let's go back

Pick up the crossbow. Daryl Dixon

I'm sorry

We're back to St. John's dairy farm

I guess dinner will start soon

Can I see Mark? Is he okay? I dunno

Pull out the arrow

I'm hungry

Let's go to the barn. Hello, I found your hat

I wore that hat yesterday

Now, I don't have it anymore

It's locked

I don't have the screwdriver

It should be easy. I don't have to find the key. I just need to find the screwdriver

Just take the screws out then open the door

Why should I check the stalls? It's empty

I bet it's empty too

Let's go outside

I can't go outside

There is a toolbox

Will it work? I need a screwdriver

Oh, I didn't know that

Wait, I need to turn it off first

It's not safe to touch the belt

Oh wait! Let's go back to the barn

Are you gonna stay there for a long time? Ok, thanks

Hurry up. Go go go

Get in the barn and open the door

I thought Lee closed the doors

Oh, it's her hat. Ok

I didn't think about that

Let's do it

Close the doors!

It's dinner time already

Last one

Open the doors

A bear trap

Bugs... Definitely bugs or glitch. Whatever

Did I see the gun..? Whatever

I guess Mark is sleeping

Where is the bathroom?

Is that a red.. a red cable?



Where are you?

Say something please

The closet

Oh, it's a power cord

I see the light

Go to the back of the room

A bedroom

It's a secret room!

Mark, are you in there?

Go downstairs! Run! Tell them to not eat it! Go!

Are they eating it?

Duck is eating it

They don't believe me

This is the human meat farm

She is just a kid!

Is that Mark


The human meat locker

Ok, let's stop for now. I will continue this game for the next video. Thank you for watching

Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Welcome to the crazy farm | The Walking Dead | Part 6 - Duration: 34:24.


A part of Funtime - FNAF SL MASHUP - Duration: 4:43.

_Afton Family by KryFuZe_

I was lost and was afraid, I believed all of their lies…

I believed that I was safe, and that I would never die…

_How To Pretend by Luka & Gumi (VocaCircus)_ (How to Pretend)

_I Can't Fix You by TLT and Crusher-P_ I can feel my heart breaking

Mistakes I've been making

I'm running out of patience

To pretend

This isn't how I'll let it end,

My feigning fading

You've been mourning your loss here

And that's grinding my gears

How can a human lose their


There's nothing left to make you whole

I'm done explaining

_Welcome Back by TryHardNinja_ Will you live to see the light?

It's another five long nights

Can you outrun your demise?

It's another five long nights

_You Can't Hide by CK9C_ ​(RUN!)

_Nightmare by Design by TryHardNinja_ (Nightmare by design)

_You Can't Hide by CK9C_ What's that sound?

I know someone's there

Hiding in the shadows, thinking I was unaware


Who's that I see?

The Birthday Boy-To-Be

Let's invite him over

Hurry up before he's bolder

Oh, Bon-Bon!

Let's make this fun

You can't deter me this time

No, I'm done!

I won't go back to my stage

It's my new trend

Well, let's go say hi to the new friend

_She Knows by Rockit Gaming_ I used to sit in an office room

Fight for my life from Freddy's crew

_Wicked Sister by Rockit Gaming_ Come on down


The show's about to start

_My Ennard by GroundBreaking_ (Ennard)

_Repair by MandoPony_ SHE WANTS TO SEE THE WORLD




_Daddy's Little Monsters (male version) by TryHardNinja_ Down the rabbit hole

We saw you come in

Through the glass of our cages

Chained up where we live

_It Doesn't Matter by Rockit Gaming_ Five nights

Robots they lurk

This time

Feels like a curse

(Come on down)

But it doesn't even matter

_I Can't Fix You by TLT and Crusher-P_ I've been trying for so long,

To sing you the right song

To show you something different every day

So you hear what I have to say

Like puzzle pieces

And now we're here at a standstill

I wonder if you feel

The kind of pain that rips your insides out?

That's something I know all about,

Shocking, ain't it?

_You Belong Here by JT Music_ Can't help but feel like you belong here

But I wanna leave, I just gotta leave

You know that something's going wrong here

And she's watchin' me, now she's onto me

_How To Pretend by Luka & Gumi (VocaCircus)_ Breathe in, Breathe now

You have to calm down

Let me show you somewhere we could hide

We can stay in here until sunrise

Moving forward

Step by step, once more

Follow my instructions, You'll be fine

This will only hurt for a short time

_Below The Surface by Griffinilla (Fandroid MUSIC!)_ Listen close

Follow my instructions

There is no

Time for introductions

He was the one that made us

You'll be the one to save us

_Trust Me by CK9C_ ​Feel the groove

​Feel the groove

​Feel the groove

​Feel the groove

Keep moving

Keep moving

Keep moving

Keep moving

Place your trust in me, you have no one else

Ballora, she can hear

So keep your voice down

Freddy, well let's just say

He likes to play games

Bonnie helps keep him calm

When out of order

Foxy's there all along

In the dark

_Below The Surface by Griffinilla (Fandroid MUSIC!)_ Daddy please

(dad dad dad)

We all scream for ice cream

This machine

_I Can't Fix You by TLT and Crusher-P_ I've been trying for so long

(long long long)

Thanks for watching

Thanks for 164 subs ♥

Thx for all


Check-out all composers and singers (links in the description below)

_FNaF SL - Daughter's voice (OFFICIAL)_ Daddy, why won't you let me play with her?

For more infomation >> A part of Funtime - FNAF SL MASHUP - Duration: 4:43.


Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle Can't Stand Each Other? - [SEE DETAILS VIDEO] - Duration: 5:30.

Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle Can't Stand Each Other?

The latest issue of the Globe announces on its cover,

"Bitter Feud Behind The Smiles: Kate & Meghan Hate Each Other!"

The report was picked up online by New Idea, which claims that

"behind the beaming public smiles, pregnant Kate and bride-to-be Meghan 'hate each other's guts."

A so-called "royal insider" quoted by both publications contends the dynamic between them is a

"hotbed of jealousy, backstabbing and ego." Maintains this supposed source,

"They put on a friendly front when they have to appear at events together, but the truth is they'll never be BFFs."

It's alleged the "royal feud exploded when [Prince] Harry and Meghan announced their engagement,"

as Middleton is "terrified he is making the wrong decision."

The Duchess is described as "shocked" and "horrified" by Markle's love scenes on "Suits,"

as well as the "daring top" she wore for her formal engagement portraits.

And though it's not clear what beef the actress supposedly has with Middleton,

the gossip magazines say their significant others are being "torn apart" and are at their "wits' end."

A purported "palace insider" asserts, "For the desperate princes,

it's a race against time to get their women to call a truce."

That last line is actually a convenient cover-up.

When the alleged "feud" never spills into public view, it can simply be claimed that the desired "truce" was reached.

Of course, the truth is the women aren't actually at odds at all,

and no credible publication has reported otherwise.

On the contrary, People recently did a whole cover story that explored Middleton and Markle's

"growing friendship," noting they "bonded quickly" and were now "leaning on" each other.

Some royal experts are already predicting Middleton and Markle will be the "new Fergie and Di,"

a reference to the close bond that was forged between Sarah Ferguson and Princess Diana.

Additionally, E! Online examined Markle and Middleton's "special friendship"

earlier this year, reporting that the Duchess was "delighted" when they first met last year,

and that "since very early on she made it clear that should Meghan ever need something,

or just want to chat, she shouldn't hesitate to get in touch."

But the gossip media often loves nothing more than pitting two women against each other, even of the royal variety.

So it's no surprise that these tabloids have decided to ignore reliable information in favor of salaciousness and sensationalism.

The Globe, after all, tried just last month to dupe readers

into thinking Prince Harry had a "love child" who was wrecking the upcoming wedding.

No legitimate outlet ever corroborated those claims because they were entirely bogus and made-up.

Time will show this latest story is phony and false, too.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle Can't Stand Each Other? - [SEE DETAILS VIDEO] - Duration: 5:30.


Rustic With Copper Canyon Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Rustic With Copper Canyon Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:41.


Regresa Tu Tormenta - Th3 Project (English subtitles) - Duration: 5:06.

"Your Storm Returns"

The April rain came to look for you

in my fleeting memory

I wanted to refuse but the truth is...

that it went very wrong…

The images that hurt me so much have fallen

On that platform we said "bye"

and I did not look back

This storm is going through my whole self

removing always hungry thorns

to see you there once more

and that you desist from shooting...

For my heart did not give up

if you'd only see it without rancor

How is it possible that you can not see

our heartbeat descending?

I also feared of how I was seeing us

but I resisted

I did not want to give in

for the fear of losing

You did were my thirst

Also the burning snow

the rising sun of my meadow

I thought you had enough strength

as not to let me go

This storm is going through my whole self

removing always hungry thorns

to see you there once more

and that you desist from shooting

for my heart didn't give up

if you'd only see it without rancor

How is it possible that you can not see

our heartbeat descending?

For more infomation >> Regresa Tu Tormenta - Th3 Project (English subtitles) - Duration: 5:06.


Words - Duration: 2:34.

Oh, you're here? My apologies...

Is something bothering you?

I see..

Must've been complicated


Don't be that upset though...

I mean...

You made a mistake though...?

It doesn't matter though...

Everyone makes mistakes...

Nobody's perfect in any other way though....

Well... I guess you decide...

I mean... if you're the one who started it... and yea...

Look, I'm not into romance or anything, but...

Maybe... try to understand how they feel...

Love comes in many shapes...

And sometimes..


I guess... just go on with it...

If you think you're going to make this person happy, then go for it.

*laughs a bit*

Well... I'm not a romantic person but....

I'm not sure... but... I'm more like an advisor...

But I always try give some tips to anyone...

If any struggles or anything...

I just want to help...

Even though, I may not be a hero... but I'm hoping...

No matter what words they say to you...

Just be Yourself...

That's all it matters...

*laughs a bit*

Umm... don't cry though...

Even though I'm not that sad though...

I'm just glad...

Maybe one day... we all will do great things...

I'll support you all...

Good Luck :)

For more infomation >> Words - Duration: 2:34.


Liều Thuốc Cho Trái Tim (DJ Kupin Remix) - Khánh Phương (OFFICIAL 4K Music) - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Liều Thuốc Cho Trái Tim (DJ Kupin Remix) - Khánh Phương (OFFICIAL 4K Music) - Duration: 6:34.


Rick Joyner ‒ People Problems - Duration: 22:30.

Rick Joyner ‒ People Problems

For more infomation >> Rick Joyner ‒ People Problems - Duration: 22:30.


12-ти часовой марафон по играм! - Duration: 11:55:01.

For more infomation >> 12-ти часовой марафон по играм! - Duration: 11:55:01.


Dr Lance Wallnau ‒ Trump is Playing in China - Duration: 21:55.

you do a periscope earlier but evidently

periscope Twitter doesn't at the same

hour I'm on a plane right now

boy what a day I had to delete an

earlier broadcast it was apparently not

edifying I had three hours sleep and

went to the airport and Bangkok and

found out that the first wake of my

journey wasn't

let's just say wasn't finished

so I they had no authorization to get me

out of Bangkok it's that throw off all

my old schedule for the day getting home

it would be so bad except you have three

hours sleep and you've packed up and

you're in a foreign country and your

week is scheduled like mine you kind of

want to get out

so I've finagled new flights instead of

flying directly from Minich Hong Kong to

Dallas flying from

cock dong COK COK COK LA LA to Dallas

so anyway so frustrated I saw I asked

that periscope Ian's to pray with me

over you know we got it worked out so I

can get home I'll get home and how three

flights more than you know more flights

and I need it at eight or nine hours

more exhausting I should be home Betty

get home say women now you got to get

this the church in China the church in

Singapore the church in Asia had more

interests in the ratings group that in

the American election than any election

American history because they were

praying that America would not go down

and be destroyed they were convinced

Hillary would have been a bad thing even

though the media is pro-hillary even

though the government's pro-hillary

when I was in Singapore I had a freaky

experience because I found out that the

deep state Obama people actually had

contacted Singapore and told them not to

let me in the country because I would be


and the pastor said no his years having

ministries Heidi Baker all these others

in never once as any as the government

ever sent the secret police to go deny a

visa to an American preacher

Franklin Graham maybe I wouldn't have in

because of his you know outspokenness on

low on Islam but after what the back

said this guy's in an enemy of his of

Singapore he's a friend

I'm a corporate consultant I work with

governments I work with them I work with

political organizations but you see

that's how it's then I'm trying

I had to really work through some things

people were saying like well you know

it's maybe sometimes we get persecuted

because of our stupidity

this isn't persecution because it's

stupidity it's because the moment that

you become prophetic voice that goes

outside the church mountain gets

involved with economics governments and

other meat and other Affairs that the

devil cares about the devil will try to

block you from getting into the country

so I believe God's sending me into these

places I'm convinced more than ever that

we have an assignment in the Asia

Pacific Rim in the Asia Pacific Rim is

right now where the greatest threat is

in the air if it's not about Russia and

the stupid sin and you

narcissistic obsession with the Russian

conspiracy as I said in an earlier

broadcast but nobody's saying as

computing put his finger in the eye of

the electoral process he did he didn't

she did shape it he didn't get one any

get Trump elected but he he surfaced

emails to WikiLeaks another source

cleverly the Russians did to them but

why did he do it because pro-democracy

Hillary organizations were planted in

Moscow that were fighting a Putin

shooting ruthlessly doesn't figure we

all forget history shootin crackdown and

kicked out these 501 C 3 organizations

that were sent there under the Obama

administration to undermine his regime

and and Barack Obama interfered with

Israel's election to but the interfere

particular pute that's not because he's

Russian or Russia has you know some

Dziedzic conflict with us of course

there's the Ukraine and there's you know

we have Crimea but what I want you to

hear is this please listen it's because

beauty is grow

Orthodox Christianity and traditional

marriage and adamantly against number

two pussycat riot thing they locked up

the pussycat girls that were protesting

he's anti LGBT and it's a gay and no one

can get away with that in the liberal

world today in the new world war and the

Socialists European new order and I

American leftist or they will kill

they'll take us so this thing is about


it's not about Putin it's not only about

cute as a threat they don't say it but I

promise you it's because it is adamant

stance against homosexuality it's the

unpardonable sin and the new world so

the deal is the real threat is is North

Korea North Korea now has movable

launchers that means that they're from

the research I'm doing while I'm in Asia

North Korea has the ability now China

gave it to

the ability to have mobile launchers

vehicle launch missile spend that means

we can't just take out a nuclear silo

because they can be moved around in the

back of a truck so that's a problem

secondly then after reach Alaska or

Hawaii it's just a matter of time before

you start to target Los Angeles reused

the Russians and the Chinese were asked

for help Trump went to them for help it

is what they said basically this they

said hey we you should probably stop

agitating North Korea with joint

military exercises in other words

collapse your commitment to supporting

the protection of South Korea and you

know let him develop his nuclear

capacity and don't don't don't stir up

trouble I'll tell what Trump's gonna do

he's gonna go huh that's you're not

gonna help they also know if the China

increase on their economic trade with

Korea North Korea by 40% so he just

recently got some data so that they're

not really doing okay so we're gonna do

so this may sound crazy but I think we

Christians you start praying one of the

things that Trump can do is he can tell

China it's a freak them out he could

tell them it's going to prepare for the

nuclear self-determination of Japan

Japan will become a nuclear balance of


last thing China wants is Japan with a

nuclear weapon but that could be the

that could be the balance of power that

it could be that the Trump friends that

he doesn't want to be the only protector

of the Asian Pacific Rim he's not into

that he's trying to build America but he

can't have this guide rather

sabre-rattling and threatening to put

missiles in the United States while he

stands by so he's got no good choices

here because the nutbag in North Korea

can easily launch into Seoul Korea and

he got a city of 10 million people and

so you know hidden if as soon as the

boats start flying he's gonna be

missiles also all launched it it there's

no good scenario but I'll say this

if Trump goes through the diplomatic

pressure and says all right I'm just

gonna I've got a nuclearized South Korea

and Japan how's that for an option we're

going to increase the balance of power

in the region I think you might see I

don't know how much China can do but I

think China's going to try with respond


so I'm just saying and that's Rose

talking about this stuff so if we're

gonna pray let's see that looks like

let's see if tom says anything I see all

these faces don't like me but I mean you

know if we're gonna pray it might as

well pray with some strategy and say

Lord is this the thing to do

of course one part of you says well we

don't want to see more nuclear weapons

well now what you don't want to see is

you don't want to see like England has a

friend of mine arguing in defense of

this stupid strategy that the English

police are giving clubs and not guns

they have to deal with terrorists with

their hands and clubs they don't want

the police armed that's a--that's

liberalism gone crazy because the more

the more people that have done some more

likely there's going to be violence I

think the police are the one people you

want to be able to have the gun it is

stupid or what unless is your brain on

socialism even the Apostle Paul says in

Romans that the servant of Rome doesn't

care where the sword in vain I mean was

he supposed to say doesn't doesn't where

you know doesn't where that make-believe

sword in vain Paul says a servant I'll

have a sword anyway so I I deleted my

earlier broadcast because I was

frustrated I got a good team I got a

great and I got a great staff I'd have

people at the Woodman 217 20 years


sometimes things don't work out the way

you want but

you know when I did the torture

these flights my god

all right so you guys got any feedback

for me out there

I know my spy update here so Annabelle

doesn't say anything because she think

she made me delete my broadcast earlier

- you said she got feedback from people

which means my family Mercedes that I

was being too much over the top

here I've got shadows and those over


I mean Laurie sucked into a movie guys

okay forget what it's called but Katie

Holmes I haven't seen her in a while

now I fall asleep and then you know seen

about ten hours okay


I sold up the simplicity of her life see

I'm sitting here thinking about nuclear

issues North Korea why I'm on the watch

list of Singapore as a dangerous visitor

she's gonna take ten hour nap and watch

Katy coach

there's something nice about that

okay hey do you think I should have eyes


anybody got a good plastic surgeon I

hate these bags in a - I'm not a vain

man but you know I want to age with


besides them they charge you for $100 a

bag here in America and anything over 2

I have to pay for so if I have these who

end up paying for them

these are funny sir to hear it

sorry you're over the bag limit give up

to free but you're carrying two under

your eyes

praise God anybody hey what did you guys

see that none of the growing rock I

forget it but it's really very good

about the founder of McDonald's boy crop

what a great movie I mean III heard that

it was a bad movie because people didn't

like the main Kajol it's not likable but

I can empathize with him as I see the

movie because he's got passion and

vision and it shows that the spirit of

drive and ambition course he divorces

his wife and rips off you know his

partners that's not good

hey I'm just saying but the movie is

like I like a good movie it's really

what that tells the truth about people

but something about visionary people

getting something done you guys see that

money what's it called again

with Brian key point even guys will

figure it out

the other side let's be tired well it's

like 219 people watching this what time

of day is it there

come on man is it six eight I was a sous

it was the 6:00 a.m. in the United

States 5:00 a.m. was 222 magic number

two two two well drop the 218 they're

leaving me now 215 I'm sorry so I can

count down and take off all right so

look fella cancer in the Lord yes yes if

George Burns would save he look handsome

the Lord 298 all right

yeah I know I look fine I'm fine I'm

just saying these bags I hate them

what do women do women women hide them

somehow hey you know what if I if I had

them done right I could be Asian they

took them off like this maybe I could be

a long talk line I hope he glances this

Don Asia or and I need a new Asian name

okay I'm gonna hop off at 5:45 6:30 in

Rhode Island come on Paul I cook genic

hey coach annek is that like polish did

you like Trump speech I love Trump

speech the point okay Cheryl Davis

Miller glad to see a Dorothy Bradford

Julianne parts you know what I have the

Women's Army

I think forget Patricia King and these

other women doing these women arise I

think I should do women arrives I think

I got more women in my army when these

women have in there they're close to it

Erika was shot 4 4 4 a.m. all right girl

that's a prophetic timing and I think we

should have a Lance's lenses or pillow

for the name for you know like Charlie's

Angels you'll be like Lance's angels

arise well maybe not we'll figure out

the brand

Anabella Mercedes we'll fix it before I

develop up with it

but we do need there's air in China

right next door

positive well I am where I said I am or

you're dyslexic anak RIA so

but would be a good name for a woman's

group woman I have to living arise I

like that but that's ready to take it

I'm glad yet my gladiators down the lane

Lance's ladies now it sounds like I'm

running some kind of a brothel

ninja we need a name for the women

arising something news a big difference

I'm serious about this

that's a great female entrepreneurs that

you know I just realized the other day

that the Bible says that it was the

women that ministered to Jesus out of

their substance Herod Stewart his to him

a cute almost like that Susanna his wife

literally parents treasurer's wife funda

Jesus ministry indirectly Herod was

funding Jesus's ministry drew his

treasurer's wife and look at Lydia and

how she helped the fund the gospel para

Peter and for homeless within Lydia

whose heart the Lord opened

well that was put Paul was the one that

Peter raised from the dead I'm getting

punchy now Peter raised the seller of

purple does or this woman from the dead

and are they both Paul and Peter had a

prominent woman who helped to finance


angel wings okay I could be wingwomen

winged women winged women I don't know

how that went at women warriors we're

still looking for branding name for

Lance's women for the women arrived how

about the

you know

how about the endtime head neighbors I

think it's already got that one women of


yes Oh we'll come up with it looking up

with it it'll be you know we're going to

Asia I'm worrying about the wing women

thank us all that w sounding words with

them if they'll be went small now swing

women wise the Asian store those things


what am I talking about Margaret Fowler

how long have I been with you and you

have not known me I'm talking about the

name of a female organization cuz I got

more women left it's all women right now

I mean only two except for David who

frankly is proposing to his wife in the

picture okay Doris thank you that was

George's was the name of people

that Peter raised videos women paulvitch

a fire girls who wouldn't astok a fire

girls Leora that's cool

lionesses s7m women

seven and women boom seven and women

fire girls hey you know rush limbaugh

has and we can't go with that rush page

that doesn't work sure thank you

I'm going to propose a toast a toast

this year I go back this week I'm doing

your 7mu Jen I'm going to be working

with your sons and daughters man I've

got people coming in from all over

surprise guests coming if it wash it

then to do training it's gonna be a

powerful program up there for your young

sons and daughters and up and also we're

going to be doing a 7m underground I

know many of you are in the underground

and some of you need to get in the under

grants we're watching this whole thing

really on steroids in a couple of weeks

about six or seven thousand and now that

man is gonna be our super prayer group

we're gonna organize you I want to get

that congressional midterm elections

we're gonna be a force no writing at

16,000 to 600,000 we're gonna build the

grassroots are gonna take it out October

having a great conference

for an Orlando for the movement for the

sheep nation moved in the 7 M movement

and we do have outposts that are forming

in Singapore in

Bangkok in Chester English in Bend

Oregon I mean everywhere I'm going out

so I can have a stock hub is what I'm

walking into

and they're all about changing the game

so we're gonna get war on women boring

women Oh Kelly back like a flare fire

glances fiery angels just dances wonder

women all right but she's nature's

arrived we'll come up with a seven an

angel army a man that's seven eight

well you guys keep sending me a name for

a woman's movement what I want is a

woman's own hookahs maybe when we do our

underground conference in October I'm

gonna have a special you know pre event

women arise 15 entrepreneurs the female

warriors the female 7m warriors say oh

it man there lately

dunamis daughters

that's cute I think that the Dunamis

daughter is the Dedes hotshots all that

wonder women like wait till the wait

till the Daily Beast and The Huffington

Post gets ahold of this one like my

reputation will be shot me Ronald Dennis

evangelist working with his wonder women

and call this fiery seven of angels and

I will come up with something that'll

keep us out of trouble

the wailing warring women Patricia

Wright the wailing warring women at the

Wailing Wall the Wailing luring women at

the Wailing Wall

all right okay everybody I'm gonna hop

up here so I'm getting delirious now we

have a good day I'm in Hong Kong pray to

for me going to Los Angeles pray to me

pray pray to me this could be our chief

rate to me pray for me

while we go to Dallas



I'll be instead brought this week by the

way that's supernatural Bobby would sit

wrong talking about it's supernatural

so he was said on Tuesday I'll be

talking about a little eiephant I'm

gonna throw in a couple other demons

just the spice updates to Leviathan

absolute Jezebel and Ahab as well stir

up all of them at the same time we're

all connected you know it's like George

Soros is Network did I say that

all right I'll talk to you guys later

hang in there thanks for your

partnership and the great cause and they

love Donald Trump out here by the way

they love Donald Trump Donald Trump good

man dogs man

For more infomation >> Dr Lance Wallnau ‒ Trump is Playing in China - Duration: 21:55.


We open until 10am! - Duration: 1:25.

Hi there! Welcome to The Customer Service Bench. My name is Giovanny.

A famous french-algerian novelist and dramatist named Albert Camus said that "All the

misfortunes of men come from not speaking clearly". In my particular case I

graduated as a lawyer in my country Venezuela, and one of the things I

learned was that the communication should be clear and that its biggest

manifestation was through the documents. I mean contracts, letters, requests,

regulations, legal rules and stop counting. When you're ready to communicate with

other people, you're showing a genuine interest in the dialogue and this creates

bridges of connection. Clear communication consists of a clear

language, visual language, specialized languages and Neuro-linguistic

programming. When I do this I send the others a message: I care about you and

how you feel is so important for me. There are a lot of things that although they

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to leave your shell aside and start improving your communication skills toward

your customers? Communicate them the time you close, the

final price of your products, what services you offer, what you are willing

to do for them, whatever is relevant for them do it, they deserve it. See you in

the next video.

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