Saturday, April 14, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 14 2018

Eye bags can appear in any age and become a very aesthetic problem

discomfort, mainly due to the fact that always be exposed.

This swelling makes us look of older people and in most cases it is a sign

of exhaustion and tiredness.

This problem can also be caused by causes heritable, fluid retention, allergies,

reaction to medication or lack of sleep.

If you noticed that these scholarships appeared in the region of your eyes, see some alternatives

that can help you treat this problem: Potatoes

Potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties and soothing, which help reduce swelling.

You can cut some slices of potato and let them cool in the refrigerator.

Then apply them over your eyes covering the entire region of the bags.

Allow the slices to act for about 15 minutes and then remove.


The cucumber has properties similar to potatoes and is considered a great natural remedy

for those who want to improve the appearance of the skin in the eye region.

Follow the same procedure as the this time let it act for 25 minutes.

Cold Compresses

To reduce swelling, cold compresses may be all you need.

Do the following: soak a towel or a piece with cold water and then put them on

over the eyes, gently, for a few minutes.

Green tea

With its anti-inflammatory properties, Green tea is a great treatment for

swelling in the eye region.

Prepare two sachets of green tea for infusion at room temperature, and then place them

over the eyes for fifteen minutes.

The most important thing is that you rest, sleeping at least 8 hours a day.

The tiredness usually coming from nights bad sleep is one of the main causes of

of swelling.

Without adequate rest, none of the treatments the above will help.

Reduce your salt intake as well. causes fluid retention and


If you have a habit of rubbing your hand In your eyes, think again.

This habit may irritate the region, for the problem.

How can this problem come from an allergy, also check if you are using

some cosmetics in the eye region and that may be causing this reaction.

Try to sleep well and follow these treatments. and tips that we pass, thus, in a short time

the appearance of swelling will improve.

For more infomation >> Eliminate Dark Circles and Puffiness under the eyes with these ingredients - Duration: 3:47.


"Y" daycare classrooms clean, but some areas contaminated - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> "Y" daycare classrooms clean, but some areas contaminated - Duration: 1:09.


La mirada de amor de Felipe y Letizia - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> La mirada de amor de Felipe y Letizia - Duration: 2:07.


Amaia y Alfred, dos tortolitos que se comen a besos - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred, dos tortolitos que se comen a besos - Duration: 3:24.


Puigdemont, sobre la República: "Preguntar es ahora un acto de terrorismo, rebelión y sedición" - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont, sobre la República: "Preguntar es ahora un acto de terrorismo, rebelión y sedición" - Duration: 3:18.


Pelayo Díaz pide ayuda a la Policía tras las amenazas de muerte - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Pelayo Díaz pide ayuda a la Policía tras las amenazas de muerte - Duration: 1:35.


ModNation Racers - Gameplay - PS3/ANDGAME - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> ModNation Racers - Gameplay - PS3/ANDGAME - Duration: 3:12.


Sans Un Bruit : Emily Blunt "Il y a des scènes vraiment dures", notre interview (EXCLU) - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Sans Un Bruit : Emily Blunt "Il y a des scènes vraiment dures", notre interview (EXCLU) - Duration: 2:29.


Noticias ➤ Sedición, 30 años de puro punk - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Noticias ➤ Sedición, 30 años de puro punk - Duration: 4:20.


Máxima de Holanda, recuperada, camina segura - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Máxima de Holanda, recuperada, camina segura - Duration: 1:28.


Helping mom and dad. LEGO, LEGO FRIENDS, present, playground, kids, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:16.

Oh that's it!

I want to buy this LEGO. is there a any good way to buy

That is it!

How many sticker are left?

1! 2! 3! 4!

I need only 4 stickers

Done with cleaning!



I cleaned living room

I will give you a sticker for good Girl

There are only 3 sticker left



I finish folding laundry

I will give you a sticker for good Girl

There are only 2 stickers left

I should study now.

Study is done



I studied hard

I will give you a sticker for good girl

There is only 1 sticker left



I am gonna massage for you

Oh! thank you



I massaged mommy

What a good girl

I will give you a sticker for good girl

Mission is complete

That is it!

do something good and recieve present from your parents

For more infomation >> Helping mom and dad. LEGO, LEGO FRIENDS, present, playground, kids, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:16.


Noticias ➤ Estoy bien, pero aún no excelente: Schwarzenegger - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Noticias ➤ Estoy bien, pero aún no excelente: Schwarzenegger - Duration: 1:43.


Taylor Swift ya tiene su propia aplicación - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift ya tiene su propia aplicación - Duration: 2:42.



For more infomation >> BLACKPINK - BOOMBAYAH MV HD SUB ESPAÑOL - Duration: 4:04.


5 ejercicios para moldear tus brazos sin ir al gimnasio - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> 5 ejercicios para moldear tus brazos sin ir al gimnasio - Duration: 7:34.


|SHAKES AND FIDGET| level 200 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> |SHAKES AND FIDGET| level 200 - Duration: 1:09.


Alyssa Milano responde a las afirmaciones de Matt Damon sobre los abusos sexuales en Hollywood - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Alyssa Milano responde a las afirmaciones de Matt Damon sobre los abusos sexuales en Hollywood - Duration: 4:59.


Los hijos de los famosos vienen pisando fuerte - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Los hijos de los famosos vienen pisando fuerte - Duration: 7:12.


El corte de Lorenzo a Motos al preguntar por Márquez: "Vengo a hablar de mi libro" || LVTNAszok - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> El corte de Lorenzo a Motos al preguntar por Márquez: "Vengo a hablar de mi libro" || LVTNAszok - Duration: 5:56.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Trey Gowdy Drops the Hammer on James Comey with Brutal Claim — 'I Can't Think of Anyone…' - Duration: 3:01.

Trey Gowdy Drops the Hammer on James Comey with Brutal Claim — 'I Can't Think of


Trey Gowdy, we're going to miss you.

The fiery South Carolina congressman may have recently announced that he will not be seeking

reelection, but he reminded conservatives of exactly why he became popular during a

recent appearance on "Fox & Friends."

Former FBI Director James Comey was the topic of the day, and Congressman Gowdy wasted no

time in tearing into the disgraced director for his politically-charged book.

Comey's memoir is titled "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership," but based

on excerpts it seems to be largely a hit piece against President Trump in retaliation for

being fired.

"I think it's sad," Trey Gowdy said about Comey and his book.

"One of the things Director Comey and I did agree on is we need an apolitical FBI."

Gowdy criticized Comey for adding more petty politicization to the FBI by releasing his

book."I can't think of anyone who's done a better job of politicizing the FBI

than he has in the last 36 to 48 hours, by talking about tanning bed goggles and the

length of a tie," the congressman declared.

That wasn't a joke.

According to excerpts of James Comey's book obtained by TheBlaze, the former FBI director

seemed eager to take cheap shots at President Trump."(Trump's) face appeared slightly

orange, with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning

goggles, and impressively coiffed, bright blond hair, which upon close inspection looked

to be all his," Comey wrote in one passage of his book.

"I remember wondering, how long it must take him in the morning to get that done,"

the disgraced former director wrote.

In another section, he admitted to smugly comparing hand sizes to Trump and being satisfied

to find that his own were larger.

"That is beneath the dignity of the offices that he held," Trey Gowdy told Fox.

Gowdy pointed out that he actually defended Comey back in 2016, when it was Democrats

who were criticizing the FBI, but that everything has changed.

"I'm really disappointed… the writing of the book in general, and then some of the

things he's talking about are just frankly beneath the dignity of some really important

offices he once held," Gowdy said.

It looks like the same petty attitudes which drove figures like James Comey and Andrew

McCabe to act as leakers in order to undermine Donald Trump are still driving their actions


Comey could have taken the high road, accept that it was time to part ways with the FBI,

and move forward with his life.

Instead, he's decided to continue slinging mud in the form of a hit piece memoir… and

that spiteful action confirms why he had to be let go in the first place.

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Drops the Hammer on James Comey with Brutal Claim — 'I Can't Think of Anyone…' - Duration: 3:01.


2500 Subs Give Away Winners Announced - Duration: 2:17.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and it's time for a giveaway

gonna go ahead and click on to buddy down to pick a winner and remember I'm

picking three winners here so let's see who the first winner is first winner is

reptile collector nice video and giveaway and can't wait for future

videos alright reptile collector you've been with me for a while so I really

appreciate your support of my channel remember that you'll need to pick from

one of the three prizes either two rolls of 2018 D pennies one of those four

buffalo - dated buffalo nickels or two dateless ones let's pick another

winner Gabriel unknown you are so nice well Thank You Gabriel and I've seen you

around my channel for a while as well so congratulations I'll also need to know

which of the three prizes you would like to select so you'll need to send me a

message for that as well and let's pick the third winner Andrew foster thanks so

much for the giveaway well thanks so much for being a supporter of my channel

Andrew and once again you'll need to pick one of the three prizes as well

well there you have it everyone that's our three winners I want to congratulate

them all reptile collector Gabriel unknown and Andrew Foster Wish I could

give away a lot more prizes but you know we'll keep giving away as we

keep building subscriber counts I mean I didn't.. this has been crazy

I really appreciate everyone's support and for those that didn't win there's

always next time I'll keep trying to put out lots of good content you know and I

enjoy feedback so if there's things you want me to do or things you want me to

change let me know I'll see if I can incorporate them into my videos as

always happy hunting and until the next video

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 2500 Subs Give Away Winners Announced - Duration: 2:17.


Rosie O'Donnell Sinks To New Low And Viciously Mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders: 'Lying Sack Of S***' - Duration: 5:46.

Rosie O'Donnell Sinks To New Low And Viciously Mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders: 'Lying Sack

Of S***'

Hollywood entertainer Rosie O'Donnell is known for her long-standing feud with President

Trump but also for her liberal views.

However, instead of attacking President Trump this time around she has decided to attack

his Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

And it does not look pretty.

On Friday, O'Donnell took to social media to post an unattractive and unflattering picture

she created of Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

If you follow O'Donnell on her Twitter page you will notice an array of colorful yet negative

pictures of President Trump.

All of which insinuate a clear hatred and disdain for the man that is our President.

When being interviewed by the Daily Beast regarding why she chooses to paint these pictures

and share them on social media she said,

"I'm doing it for my OCD [obsessive-compulsive disorder] and my anxiety, because I feel so

powerless and helpless.

I'm not trying to raise money specifically.

I'm trying to, like, get it out of me.

It's not like I set out with 'I'm gonna ruin him by making $100,000!'

I didn't think that…I can't help what comes out of me.

I don't sit there at home and think, 'How can I get that bastard?

Let me paint his picture!'

My anxiety takes over."

She has opened up her own Etsy shop to sell these paintings for profit.

O'Donnell names anything from "Lunatic Trump", to, "the Moron", to "Criminal."

While the original acrylics are not for sail the digital images she created on her own

iPad Pro are.

They range from $100-$300 for any given one.

Most sell very quickly, with the originals going within just three hours.

The profits she says go to candidates and causes that are anti-Trump.

Bustle reported,

"O'Donnell indicated on Etsy that the first batch of her prints made $1,200, and

pledged to send a check for $2,500 to anti-gun violence organization Everytown for Gun Safety.

Other organizations to which O'Donnell has pledged to send the proceeds from her prints

include Planned Parenthood, gun control groups resisting the NRA, and LGBTQ organizations

— in other words, "501-C3's that [Trump] hates."

Although O'Donnell has been vocal in her opposition to the Trump administration, she

told The Daily Beast that she initially started making these portraits as a coping mechanism

for her OCD and anxiety — and not as a way to make money.

Nonetheless, O'Donnell has been relentless in her criticism of Trump, both online and

off, and this criticism predates his presidency by a decade.

In 2006, when O'Donnell was a co-host of The View, Trump threatened to sue her after

she criticized him on-air.

At the time, O'Donnell described Trump as a "snake-oil salesman on Little House on

the Prairie," denounced his extramarital affairs, and went so far as to suggest that

he was bankrupt.

In the years since then, Trump has described O'Donnell as "a true loser," "crude,"

"obnoxious," "dumb," and "rude," and has leveled a number of other insults

against her.

O'Donnell, meanwhile, protested Trump outside the White House last February, and has accused

the president of "treason."

She has also accused Trump of being a "child rapist," tweeted a game that allowed social

media users to push Trump off a cliff repeatedly, and has frequently referred to him as a "sexual


(Trump has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, but he denies the allegations.)

That isn't even the full extent of O'Donnell's resistance efforts.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, O'Donnell said that she attempted to "offer herself

to the Clinton campaign," on the basis that she had a "decade of experience" going

head to head with Trump.

Hillary Clinton's campaign reportedly did not act on O'Donnell's offer, leading

her to seek another avenue to cope with Trump's election.

This is what led her down the path to painting acrylics of the now-president."

O'Donnell said she would only produce these prints of Trump until he is no longer president

— whether the end of his presidency comes about through impeachment, resignation, or

a loss in his likely campaign for a second term in 2020.

"Til [sic] Trump is out I will keep making these," O'Donnell wrote on Etsy."

If her horrid pictures of President Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are not enough

to show you what her true character is, then consider the developing news story on one

of her former producers who she employed on her show.

A woman known as Jill Blackstone who was a producer for the Rosie O'Donnell Show was

recently arrested in Baltimore, Maryland in connection with the murder of her sister who

was partially blind and deaf.

Currently, she is dealing with the potential of extradition to Los Angeles, California

where the murder allegedly took place on 2015.

Law enforcement officials are saying that she allegedly drugged her sister and then

put her in her garage with three dogs and proceeded to set it on fire.

Which means if convicted she would also be guilty of arson.

She was arrested at John Hopkins Hospital when receiving treatment for an unknown illness.When

O'Donnell isn't busy employing murderers, she is busy drawing disgusting pictures of

the leaders of this current White House administration and denigrating the office in which they hold.

All factors and variables which speak to her character, or lack of it.

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Rosie O'Donnell Sinks To New Low And Viciously Mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders: 'Lying Sack Of S***' - Duration: 5:46.


Vlog 3 (First Summer Getaway) - Duration: 19:00.

So we are on our way to Muladbucad Beach for our vacation! And I am with my husband

So we are going to follow our friends there because they're already there since yesterday

This is going to be a long drive because...

Me: How long will it take for us to be there, Daddy?

Husband: 11:27

Me: No, how long will the trip be?

Husband: 2 and a half hours.

(Repeating what my husband said)

It's still a long way before we arrive but yeah, I'll just see you guys later. :)

Okay guys, so our car stops but I hope that my husband will be able to fix it

(Car is starting) Me: Yes! Yes!

Husband: We are just warming up


a little better

my husband decided to see if I wanted to show universe' is the logical answer

I mean James which I personally heard

I'll show you it's very different and here also their solution is rights okay

thanks guys no rooms does a nu Morgan's so detail

are mean so just open it parenting parasailing doorbell

they're gonna enjoy work so I think everyone in that

and embed nothing as Marilyn TV and air horn and young

meditative all the Marigny Shaddai see our he Muhammad Naaman the Midna minion


maybe our children OSI apart

bubbling banca guys that is in Union

lay me down and cover me and star

ha ha

look up at the sky can you see the Lord I said up her daddy good morning guys so

I am walking around the resort because it's still super early but I mean 6 o

clock I am now oh my god and I am taking pictures because we are also leaving

today so I just wanted to you know get a lot of footage to let you guys see the

resort by the if ever you are interested in visiting from a dinosaur you guys

will happen eight the young side and eye-opening McPhee said so yeah let's

start this


2,000 years later

day 2 day 3 day 4

hello guys so I'm back here at home finally and sobra Mahalo in part and I

mean guys say Morgan I mean in common a little bit to say the first thing that I

did when we got here is to transfer the videos the pictures on my laptop but um

um I am ia de cosas para para una facility of I'm gonna be on our team so

I going to rest first before doing that but yeah this is going to be the end of

the vlog so I wanted to thank you guys for watching this video and I hope Nana

current gain an idea go on in Bauer Vishnu Pimentel it is abhi coil this

vlog is not sponsored or whatsoever but I just wanted to share with you guys you

ganda now Logan Ameen I love the experience I love that I got to spend

time with my friends and with my husband we got to relax after all of the

stressful things that we've gone through you know Giggsy with Robin Angus Abajo

finally the Quran coming up horas para McDonald and you know this is the first

time that we did this communal resort now come along the LA so I'm really

thankful to God that he has given us some time for ourselves to say us

married couples it's also very important for you to have time with each other

so Salaam Marcus a maximum in the audience at the wreck Naaman and I hope

that you guys will also support me since I am a new vlogger so yeah that is it

for today guys thank you so much for watching you guys know that I love you

so much don't forget what I always say to you

guys though the events just be dreams make your dreams possible because we are

starting to make our it is possible so yeah I love you


For more infomation >> Vlog 3 (First Summer Getaway) - Duration: 19:00.


English Listening Test For Beginners Part 1 Test 1 Basic English Grammar For Beginners - Duration: 11:21.

English Listening Test For Beginners Part 1 Test 1 - Basic English Grammar For Beginners

For more infomation >> English Listening Test For Beginners Part 1 Test 1 Basic English Grammar For Beginners - Duration: 11:21.


Major Retailer Caves On Hogg, Resumes Running Ads On Ingraham's Show - Duration: 5:52.

Major Retailer Caves On Hogg, Resumes Running Ads On Ingraham's Show.

Gun control activist and resident internet bully David Hogg used social media to call

on Americans to boycott the advertisers for Laura Ingraham's Fox News show after Ingraham

tweeted comments about Hogg's college rejections on March 28, 2018.

Ingraham stated – "David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines

about it.

(Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA…totally predictable given acceptance rates.)"

Apparently, not one for the truth or being criticized at all, Hogg launched a full-scale

war against Ingraham in his attempts to destroy her career over a fairly mild, albeit critical


The Daily Wire reported –

Hogg, 17, said fellow survivor Ryan Deitsch was also turned down by UCLA.

"It's not been too great for me and some of the other members of the movement, like

Ryan Deitsch," he said, according to TMZ.

"It's been kind of annoying having to deal with that and everything else that's

been going on but at this point, you know, we're changing the world.

We're too busy.

Right now it's hard to focus on that," he said.

Hogg, who holds a 4.2-grade point average, said he got the rejection letters two weeks


"I am not surprised at all in all honesty.

I think there's a lot of amazing people that don't get to college, not only that

do things like I do but because their voices just aren't heard in the tsunami of people

that apply every year to colleges in such an economic impacted school system here which

we have here in America where people have to go into massive amounts of debt just to

go to college and get an education," he said.

"I think it's really sad but it's the truth."

Hogg's response was to state #ShutUpAndBeObjective.

Some 30 advertisers followed suit and with claims of higher ground and strong values

and claims that public criticism of a high school student just was not done.

Progressive propagandists Media Matters offered Hogg assistance in obtaining the names of

advertisers and Hogg proceeded to call on people to systematically target the businesses

until these advertisers chose to abandon ship, according to CNN Money.

Many of these same companies such as Allstate and Mitsubishi Motors supported the Clinton

Foundation though… but I digress.

However, one company stood out.

After making a decision to join the pack of companies choosing to drop advertising on

the Ingraham Angle, Ace Hardware unexpectedly resumed its sponsorship of the program.

The Wire reported that Ace had joined a number of advertisers for "The Ingraham Angle"

that chose to pull their ads in response to a tweet the Fox News host posted late last

month making fun of Hogg.

In a statement released on Thursday, Ace said, "Advertising on any network or show, is

in no way an endorsement from Ace of the content contained or spoken within that program."

The company added, "We appreciate the different points of view from our customers, and believe

people should be treated with respect and civility."

According to The Wrap –

"Ace Hardware resumed its sponsorship of 'The Ingraham Angle,' airing two ads during

the hour-long April 12 broadcast.

A spokeswoman for the company apologized for having "incomplete information" when it

announced it would cease advertising on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

'Advertising on any network or show is in no way an endorsement from Ace of the content

contained or spoken within that program,' the company said in a statement provided to

TheWrap explaining the reversal.

'We appreciate the different points of view from our customers, and believe people should

be treated with respect and civility.'"

The full statement from Ace Hardware states –

"The information we had at the time of the initial request was incomplete and we apologize

for that.

We purchase time slots that target our audience on over 30 cable networks and news programs

including Fox News, CNBC, CNN, and MSNBC.

Advertising on any network or show is in no way an endorsement from Ace of the content

contained or spoken within that program.

We appreciate the different points of view from our customers and believe people should

be treated with respect and civility.

At this time, we have not altered our current media schedule; however, we regularly review

our media strategy."

The companies that have chosen to pull their advertising and not reversed their positions

are as follows –

Wayfair Nutrish

Nestle Expedia

Hulu Stitch Fix

ATT Sleep Number

Allstate Esurance

Bayer Rocket Mortgage

Liberty Mutual Arbys

Trip Advisor Johnson & Johnson

Office Depot Miracle-Ear

Jenny Craig Ruby Tuesdays

Entertainment Studios Principal

Atlantis Resorts Honda

Slim Fast Blue Apron

IBM Red Lobster

BASF Ebates

Of notable exception to the boycott is the company known as MyPillow.

The company's CEO Mike Lindell tweeted that he did not take down his ads, nor did he intend

to do so.

After Ace reversed its decision to boycott Ingraham's program, some, including the

chairman of the Democratic Coalition Jon Cooper, called for a boycott of the company stating

people should shop with Lowe's or Home Depot instead.

Ingraham apologized for her offending March 28 tweet the following day writing, "For

the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David immediately after that horrific

shooting and even noted how 'poised' he was given the tragedy."

Yet that was not good enough for Hogg who insisted that Ingraham only apologized after

the boycott effort began.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Major Retailer Caves On Hogg, Resumes Running Ads On Ingraham's Show - Duration: 5:52.


Cure for Cancer of the Heart - Duration: 6:21.

We are not well.

A cancer is spread throughout us.

This disease would go undetected but, to those of us who are not in denial, the symptoms

are plain to see; telltale signs are as evident in us … as they are apparent all around us

You could be missing it in self-examinations.

Or are you trying to ignore a hint of foreboding from something about you that does not seem healthy?

Have you ever felt a bitter sensation that, when most disagreeable it, burns down to the

pit of your stomach?

You could have this feeling with many indications of the affliction; some of them would be ever

so subtle, while others would be quite obvious.

We should all seek treatment from an expert.

No one is immune; whether we are born to paupers or to persons of privilege, we all suffer

from this hereditary condition that proves to be fatal when not remedied.

We allow ourselves to go so long that we grow numb to the ill effects; people from all walks

of life and professions — to name a handful: politicians, reporters, business executives,

teachers, laborers, and clergy as well — they could be accustomed to the sick feeling of the malignancy

that would encroach a lifetime of happiness and success.

How could we become so comfortable with such an unbenign tumor that would poison a mind

with the delusion that God Himself is the devil?

The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he was God."

Before I left my mother's womb, the cyst in my heart reached its first stage; yours

too would have no less advanced.

My personal battle against this common cancer began, not when I drew my first breath but,

much later … once I shed the last teardrop of my early childhood innocence.

Such an aggressive growth would take various forms — impatience, unkindness, pridefulness,

selfishness, short-temperedness, and unforgivingness — as it progresses through stages to metastasize

in us as fully developed hatefulness.

Until we seek the help of the great physician who has the skills to achieve complete remission

in His patients, we are at risk of ulcerating until we erupt and then contagiously exasperate

the inflammatory carnal masses of the untreated souls with whom we come into contact.

Hate, and all that bleeds from hate, come naturally to humankind.

Love, and all that flows out of the goodness of the one true love, come supernaturally.

Without this love, how could we ever be healed and then care for each other with sincerity?

Without this love, our vision is obscured; we could see love itself as hate, meekness

as weakness, right as wrong, and hope as mere wishful thinking.

We should know and have this love so that, when another driver cuts us off or someone

plays politics, we are fit to act as God would will us to respond.

We should accept the diagnosis, given by the Spirit of the living God, so that our individual

and societal prognosis would improve.

My strong recommendation is not solely aimed at people who do not know God.

This is for all who consider themselves to be healthy in spirit; in this spirit, if it

is genuine, the heart desires peace above all else.

If we are tolerant of the infirmities of our unchecked hatred — however inconsequential

they might seem and inasmuch as we cannot hold onto God's noble principles that bring

peace — we would become hopeless as we race against one another toward destruction.

Now that we know what is good for us, please let us stand together for the conviction of

our hatefulness toward all of God's children.

Surely, we must humbly accept the truth about our unhealthy ways so that, one day, we could

be freed from the death of this life.

Criminal conviction is for punishment.

But the alternative "conviction," to which I am referring, is spiritual and is for shackles

of the flesh to be removed so that, by God's mercy and with His help, we could unchain

ourselves from all things that are of hate and that shall ultimately pass away.

May your heart be made healthy and free by the One who defined His love for us; as His

meaning is written in His Word, "Love is patient, love is kind and is not

jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek

its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice

in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things,

hopes all things, endures all things."

– See 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NASB) Do you have, or would you like to have, a

heart that is truly healthy?

For more infomation >> Cure for Cancer of the Heart - Duration: 6:21.


Os 8 Primeiros Sinais do Câncer de Pulmão - Conhecê los pode Salvar uma Vida! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Os 8 Primeiros Sinais do Câncer de Pulmão - Conhecê los pode Salvar uma Vida! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:07.


Far Cry 5 Missions, Specialists, Liberating And Much More Walkthrough Gameplay Series - Duration: 1:25:07.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5 Missions, Specialists, Liberating And Much More Walkthrough Gameplay Series - Duration: 1:25:07.


Watch The Resident On FOX ...

For more infomation >> Watch The Resident On FOX ...


Trey Gowdy Drops the Hammer on James Comey with Brutal Claim — 'I Can't Think of Anyone…' - Duration: 3:01.

Trey Gowdy Drops the Hammer on James Comey with Brutal Claim — 'I Can't Think of


Trey Gowdy, we're going to miss you.

The fiery South Carolina congressman may have recently announced that he will not be seeking

reelection, but he reminded conservatives of exactly why he became popular during a

recent appearance on "Fox & Friends."

Former FBI Director James Comey was the topic of the day, and Congressman Gowdy wasted no

time in tearing into the disgraced director for his politically-charged book.

Comey's memoir is titled "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership," but based

on excerpts it seems to be largely a hit piece against President Trump in retaliation for

being fired.

"I think it's sad," Trey Gowdy said about Comey and his book.

"One of the things Director Comey and I did agree on is we need an apolitical FBI."

Gowdy criticized Comey for adding more petty politicization to the FBI by releasing his

book."I can't think of anyone who's done a better job of politicizing the FBI

than he has in the last 36 to 48 hours, by talking about tanning bed goggles and the

length of a tie," the congressman declared.

That wasn't a joke.

According to excerpts of James Comey's book obtained by TheBlaze, the former FBI director

seemed eager to take cheap shots at President Trump."(Trump's) face appeared slightly

orange, with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning

goggles, and impressively coiffed, bright blond hair, which upon close inspection looked

to be all his," Comey wrote in one passage of his book.

"I remember wondering, how long it must take him in the morning to get that done,"

the disgraced former director wrote.

In another section, he admitted to smugly comparing hand sizes to Trump and being satisfied

to find that his own were larger.

"That is beneath the dignity of the offices that he held," Trey Gowdy told Fox.

Gowdy pointed out that he actually defended Comey back in 2016, when it was Democrats

who were criticizing the FBI, but that everything has changed.

"I'm really disappointed… the writing of the book in general, and then some of the

things he's talking about are just frankly beneath the dignity of some really important

offices he once held," Gowdy said.

It looks like the same petty attitudes which drove figures like James Comey and Andrew

McCabe to act as leakers in order to undermine Donald Trump are still driving their actions


Comey could have taken the high road, accept that it was time to part ways with the FBI,

and move forward with his life.

Instead, he's decided to continue slinging mud in the form of a hit piece memoir… and

that spiteful action confirms why he had to be let go in the first place.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Drops the Hammer on James Comey with Brutal Claim — 'I Can't Think of Anyone…' - Duration: 3:01.


Lingering Wind & Snow Force I-70 Closure Out East - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Lingering Wind & Snow Force I-70 Closure Out East - Duration: 0:33.


Tribute to Elton John | I keep standing | I'm Still Standing - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Tribute to Elton John | I keep standing | I'm Still Standing - Duration: 4:08.


The Beyond Bitcoin Show- Episode 2 - Duration: 19:19.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is April the 14th 2018 strong a long

term thinking alright remember on Tuesday I'm going to be in Los Angeles

in Century City you can come out see the event get tickets below then on April

the 25th I'll be in Denver get the tickets to that the event it's also

linked to a below world crypto networks gonna be there it's gonna be awesome

right now I am in st. Louis okay I'm the old college buddies as a lot of

you know I attended Washington University in st. Louis and I'll be

hanging out with a Bitcoin dude tomorrow is you know everywhere I go I'm hanging

out with Bitcoin people wherever you are around the world I know I'm going to

Norway at the end the month already on Norwegians like I want to hang at them

so wherever you dudes are email me Adam at res or help calm we can talk to them

big quo is beyond Bitcoin of course we're talking about more than just

Bitcoin but I quickly wanted to say that last night when I was out with some

friends and stuff and not all of them were in the Bitcoin or anything we're

talking about Bitcoin in public it's getting on fire it's great and it's just

this great feeling that you know you've got some intelligent friends asking you

the hard questions and it's just and it shows you that it's there's a lot of

room to grow here and that people are interested with there's a positive

energy flowing around it so you always when you're you're out there with your

friends you know nothing about Bitcoin bring it up talk about it with them you

never know maybe they're going to be the biggest fans in the world maybe they're

gonna talk uh you know what would happens well the power grid goes down

their site whatever the case is it's a good experiment and you know where

you're a Bitcoin shirts like this one that I'm wearing right here run BTC and

you people stare at and start conversations you never know what's

gonna happen and all you 20 percenters out there you know you've got your your

different subject matters your different takes on things and you I do too and I

say some pretty wild things according to the mainstream here but you bring that

kind of stuff up with your friends you know see the reactions that you get

bring the bring your topics up in public and sure you're gonna get some bad

feedback for some of the things you say but you're just stronger afterwards man

you know P you know that dude I'm not them outside the mainstream with what I

believe in here and I am stronger than ever that I can just keep poppin ahead

with this darn thing I don't give a darn with the people with the people say

around me and everything I want to keep on saying it I'm gonna keep on stronger

and you just hey there's more and more conviction it's it's it's it's a good

practice it's strong with you at what you believe in but you gotta believe in

something here okay you thrive off of that energy that

you get in in debate and talks and everything so let's talk about

intermittent fasting real quick a lot of you guys ask me but what is this

intermittent fasting thing you do Adam what is what is it all about well real

simple I every twenty two hours every single day I don't eat for so every

night one meal a day and then you know usually takes about an hour and

I eat the normal amount of calories than anyone else he's our I probably I eat

more obviously because I'm very active but then I don't eat again for at least

22 hours afterwards and that that is pretty hardcore intermittent fasting

some people like they they'll have an eight hour period where they eat and

then they don't eat for 16 hours but I have a basically a one-hour period where

I eat and I don't eat for at least 22 hours and sometimes it's 23 24 even even

more than that and I've been doing that since every single day since I guess

August of 2013 it started out 20 hours but then it became 22 hours and you know

that's it's a little some people say that you start to get effects around 16

hours or because your body it burns through everything that's in you

basically and by the way when I'm doing my intermittent fasting I run I do every

single thing that I would do if I didn't do intermittent fasting and you've seen

me on here many times in a fasted state and I had you see my energy level and

nothing changes that people say you're killing yourself or what I know it's

it's very normal you still have them same amount of calories you're not

working your digestive system all the time now what are the results whether

you're gonna have to wait and see what the well first of all you do feel

healthy you have your energy you're not sickly I mean but you can say

well it might be caused by something else that's true what this is supposed

to do is it is supposed to prolong your life you're not gonna find that out for

until very long time from now though if you live younger than you if you're a

guy and you live longer than your younger brother then yeah it probably

worked out for you but you got to have long-term thinking and I guess you gotta

have a little faith in the system too that this this is a good thing for you

and it's a good pattern to get into because you only you don't have to worry

about eating all day you just do it all at once and you know you're not spiking

your blood constantly though and that's a struggle your blood sugar level I mean

look it up Google intermittent fasting you'll see all the benefits but I take

it too I mean I take a lot of things too

extreme twice you can't do 22 hours right away maybe you can I don't know to

do whatever we want to do but I think another thing it takes me away from

doing I basically if you do something like that you're not

gonna be able to you know eat out with friends and all that stuff but that's

what you shouldn't be doing that's a great eating out is so incredibly on

health you have no idea what's going in that food it's a lazy man's way of doing

things you're wasting a lot of your money on this on it's junk I mean half

the stuff out there is complete junk when you when you really know what

you're putting in your mouth you take total personal response to be a

responsibility over it okay remember personal responses responsibility is a

new counterculture pound that freaking like button but yeah so you know what

you're putting in your mouth and you know if you're getting yourself sick you

you you're gonna have to say well no I put all those skittles in my mouth so

it's my complete fault I you know don't put skittles in your mouth people don't

put McDonald's into your mouth don't put you know this fried in the worst type of

oils canola oil stuff into your mouth and so and and again they they're

probably healthy restaurants out there I don't know you really don't know what

they're putting into it they can say it's totally organic and then what are

they frying the stuff up with so again you know no cook your own food and we're

gonna actually get into that in a second so that was a little bit of intermittent

fasting up there Oh real quick people ask about you know brush my teeth

I do have a tooth teeth brushing regime too

you know first thing in the morning I do a really quick clean to the teeth with

an electric toothbrush maybe like 30 seconds and then I put some water in my

mouth and swish it around um some people do it with coconut oil and stuff I don't

I don't think that that's called oil pulling

I just swish water around my mouth early in the morning after I first brush my

teeth I spit the scrub stuff out of my mouth you scrape your tongue just get

all that this stuff that's built out during the the whole the night then

about an hour to later then you do your real brushing the teeth for about one

and a half minutes with I brush my teeth with baking soda again with an electric

toothbrush you know and you don't want to do it for more than two minutes

that's not good on your teeth and then you go back your day and you drink your

water and everything by the way intermittent fasting you you can drink

water that's that's totally fine I think I have my meal after you've had your me

or your last meal at Davis most of you have more than one meal a day after

you've had your last meal the day wait an hour before you brush your teeth

okay wait at least an hour and then but it between an hour and two hours after

you've eaten brush your teeth hey guys guys guys I'm live I'm life and yeah my

buddies are here I've got I'm with some college guys and starts here today it's

a big Wash U event big Wash U event here this is a special weekend here with with

the guys anyways so yeah Cho's so then you brush your teeth and again and

that's it that's what you do for about two minutes now you don't want to do it

right away because it can you might have some acidity in your mouth still at less

than thirty minutes after you eat you might hurt your enamel but you don't

wanna wait too long more than two hours because eventually I think around two

hours he starts it can start messing with your teeth with it whatever you've

eaten especially if there's fruit at the end or something like that

so between you know an hour after you've eaten and two hours after you've eaten

brush your teeth and floss of course floss after you've eaten and

that's your last meal of the day all right so something else to remember

out there we put doctors on a pedestal and doctors are not king of kings of the

world they have so many bad doctors out there people who do not blindly follow

your doctor's you're gonna have to take personal responsibility again learn

about your own health okay learn about you know do your own

internet research learn you know try to figure out what is wrong with you how

you can take care of it naturally naturally because many doctors are

horrible and they're going to give you unnatural solutions that are gonna make

you sicker many of them are just into prescribing drugs that's not a doctor

that's not someone that's trying to figure out your problem and you change

something naturally that's just an easy fix the life is not about easy easy

fixes anyway another subject matter we've talked about here again this is

the beyond Bitcoin show so we're totally off the Bitcoin subject right now but

hey you can tell that by the title of the show I hope if you're a 20% or

you're paying attention you go by the title and then then you know what the

subject matter is going to be but I've talked about how

we'll have this fear of being alone and being different and that you cannot have

that fear of being alone that being alone and being different is great and

if you have that fear it clouds your brain and impairs your long-term

thinking you keep coming up with short-term solutions that fail and just

delay you and getting to what your real goals are in love in life so you you've

got to not just don't fear do not fear being alone do not fear being different

do not fear being ostracized by the popular people because you're going to

come up with these solutions that fit in that are just short term you're never

going to be satisfied and it's going to keep on delaying delaying delaying if

you're a real long-term thinker you're going to stick with what you believe in

you're gonna fight the crowd and you're gonna be satisfied you're gonna stand

for something all right um again I have a lot of energy even you

know when I'm having a lot of energy right now I just I just finished a 44

hour fast that's a little bit different than intermittent fast and we'll talk

about that and another time but with with my with all my inner min fasting

and my healthy eating and my interval training people are always saying to me

why are especially on the internet you're like you've got so much energy

you have to be drunk you have to be on drugs again I do no drugs I haven't had

a drink since 2014 actually I believe and it's it's kind of like an 80%

mentality where people are like their default is where you're drunk you're on

drugs people have to get out of that mentality

you got to think like hey man maybe this guy's doing something right here and

maybe he's doing something I should be doing that's a high energy level is a

positive thing you shouldn't try to paint it in a negative light that it's

something unnatural you too can have a lot of energy from being healthy you can

be happy from being healthy I think in today's society a lot of people think

they're going to only be happy and energetic if they take drugs if they you

know a magic pill is going to solve everything it's not it's it's hard work

and just dedication to being healthy and you know it doesn't for me it's it's

pretty easy you get in a path doing healthy things if you feel better

and it's great and you just become more and more of a positive person and you

spread the energy and it's you're in motion as as we say on here here's a

little tip for people out there eat once you're in shape once you're in shape and

you're an adult and you're a guy and you're not trying to impress the whole

world this why didn't even buy new clothes I mean your clothes should stay

the same try what what are you in the design or clothes what's the booster

heck puts up with his designer clothes and stuff buy if your stuff wears out

and then buy some new clothes or whatever it's a great noble because a

lot of people how do you save money or social there's something yeah I don't

know last time I bought any clothing or of course I get all these free t-shirts

in the mail but I have no I have no problem with wearing these t-shirts

because well they're talking about my favorite subject Bitcoin pound that

frickin like button you know I'm going did you hear what that dude said say it

again and yeah their pound that like button

fans there and tonight they're gonna be at a pretty classy event where they're

gonna be some classy ladies or they let ladies who used to be classy at least or

thought they were classy and I am going to be wearing these Bitcoin t-shirts at

a classy somewhat classy event dude like you got to do what you got to do I

didn't need the buy new clothes for this event that I'm going to today no way I'm

pumping off the beat the Bitcoin if they want to talk about they can talk about

so again what I'm saying I'm going off a little tangent you don't need new new

clothes if you're in shape and not gain weight and everything so that's another

good reason again shape people all right and another way to save money so you can

get more bitcoin all right so oh this is the this is one I love to talk about

love to talk about I I cook every single meal that I freakin eat there and I'm

not saying it all you should do that but at least some of you dudes out there

that are complaining about how you have no money learn how to cook you are the

best cook out there for yourself I can tell you that we're brainwashed into

thinking that our wives or our mothers or our grandmothers say some woman in

our life our sister is the greatest cook in the world

no no you you can do it you can do be a better cook than your grandmother

because you you know what you like I mean you once your cook in there right

there on the oven if you're tasting it you get that you get a hang of things

real quick so you as I know there's a lot of guy it's Washington job it's a

very it's just a very important skill to have to be able to cook it's just you

know it's not something you learn going to Washington University or anything

like that you're going to some great uh some so-called high-class great top 20

college they don't teach you how to cook but this is a real skill that's gonna

help you out in life it's gonna help you save money it's not that hard to learn

once you get the hang it but you really love it yeah you have a blast with it

and you again taking personal responsibility of what you're putting in

your mouth and how are you gonna get healthy so your first step here people

is at least try to cook one meal every one meal a week one meal start with one

and then build up in there it's good practice you're gonna build up from

there and I assure you that most of you out there are gonna are gonna really

enjoy and you're gonna see how much it benefits you and you're gonna lose

weight too probably and just because become a healthy all right so again and

when you're cooking in New York dude you don't need all he don't try to

you know use the natural food it's something don't need to catch up and

additives and all this other sugar completely ridiculous way my mind you're

adding it it should taste good on its own there's no reason to add all this

nonsense poison to it that you're used to be so-called great cooks adding to it

the world it should be good on its own so this is going to take some

persistence and some conviction but eventually I'd like with all goals like

its persistence and conviction okay so so stick with it the experiment with the

cooking of the food it's something I do I cook every single one of my meals i I

haven't gone out that well lights up no rarely have I been in a restaurant in

the last uh since 2014 it's the 2013 I don't know just even before that who

knows but look like one time since then I've been in restaurant one or two times

I don't know any and once I and when I was in Korea

let me tell my curve my unnamed Korean fan he took me to a Korean birthday not

that was freaking awesome that would that was a very high-class thing that

was all healthy through I had their greatest fish

they're how you go over like $100 buffet or whatever it was ridiculous not thank

you so much my unnamed Korean friend in Korea I mean I'm still learning stuff

from that experience that was that was one of the greatest epic point

experiences those of you uh check out the links below to see the archives and

you'll see when I was in Korea in December uh

telling you guys what was really good going on in terms of Bitcoin there

alright so sprint interval training I mentioned that last week and one thing

that I forgot to say is that I do that once a week or maybe I didn't forget to

say but I just want to remind you and that if you do the sprint interval

training you know I mean I do like 13 sprints you're supposed to do eight

you'll know when you've done enough Sprint's because you can't do them

anymore you're just dead alright and also on my sprint day another thing I do

on my once a week sprint day that is the day I have took the least possible carbs

of any sort like I had basically a few greens and like one apple or two oranges

or something like that now for you guys your sprint day should be a day that you

just practice that you're get rid of maybe that's the day you get rid of all

your processed carbs and stuff okay but you're gonna have to get rid of all the

processed carbs eventually I mean it's nonsense no fruit is great now now going

in like eating nothing but fruit for a week you're gonna gain weight dude you

just are you know it's healthy up to a point but that's that's ridiculous and

there's supposing there's some fruitarians out there but a go wild uh

when I say things like that but trust me you know the the healthy fats are so

good for you so on your sprint days that those are the days you want to start

practicing your low your low carb and I think a goal for everyone out there on

the way to low carb and no process card is starting it out with no bread just

drop bread that's your first step right there that's your your first step to

getting rid of processed food how about that for a goal and then no soda is your

first step in getting rid of added sugar so there there's are some some health

pics there we got a little bit left here get good sleep a lot of people forget

about that eight hours to sleep at night and I'm not perfect with that especially

when I'm traveling around from city to city you know sleeping on the

plain isn't as the same as obviously slipping them on the bed for eight hours

for eight hours straight so finally found that like button and of course

personal responsibility beats short term happiness hits you know there's so many

people they're just you know they're gonna do irresponsible things just to

get that happiness hit just to get that happiness hit you know when you're

responsible for yourself when you're doing productive things in the long run

and it is it's much more rewarding if you have purpose and you have meaning in

your life just repeat that to yourself you know is this do I purpose in my life

do I have a real meaning in my life so again that I'm adam meister the

bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember subscribe this channel like

this view shows whether you check out the notes section below

that was the beyond the bitcoin show for all you dudes who want to hear about the

lifestyle and some things you can do for your own life to become a

traveling meister lifestyle pound that freaking light button bye-bye everyone

For more infomation >> The Beyond Bitcoin Show- Episode 2 - Duration: 19:19.


Come pulire i reni dalle tossine - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> Come pulire i reni dalle tossine - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:12.


♫ Park Avenue (Justice) - Paroles FR ♫ - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> ♫ Park Avenue (Justice) - Paroles FR ♫ - Duration: 4:21.


Come pulire i reni dalle tossine - Italy 365 - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Come pulire i reni dalle tossine - Italy 365 - Duration: 8:46.


[FNAF\SFM] Ultimate Custom night Special - Duration: 1:59.

Guys, there is a nightguard in the office

And we should probably get him.

Wait,why do we even kill the guards anyway?

Because this guard watches fnaf ships

And likes it!

Suprised shook

Lets kill him

You W H A T?

Where's my mountain dew?

What are you talking about man?

No, where's my mountain dew?, I keep it in the microwave

I don't even know


Hey guys, Im bored

We'll be right back

For more infomation >> [FNAF\SFM] Ultimate Custom night Special - Duration: 1:59.


2500 Subs Give Away Winners Announced - Duration: 2:17.

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds treasure and it's time for a giveaway

gonna go ahead and click on to buddy down to pick a winner and remember I'm

picking three winners here so let's see who the first winner is first winner is

reptile collector nice video and giveaway and can't wait for future

videos alright reptile collector you've been with me for a while so I really

appreciate your support of my channel remember that you'll need to pick from

one of the three prizes either two rolls of 2018 D pennies one of those four

buffalo - dated buffalo nickels or two dateless ones let's pick another

winner Gabriel unknown you are so nice well Thank You Gabriel and I've seen you

around my channel for a while as well so congratulations I'll also need to know

which of the three prizes you would like to select so you'll need to send me a

message for that as well and let's pick the third winner Andrew foster thanks so

much for the giveaway well thanks so much for being a supporter of my channel

Andrew and once again you'll need to pick one of the three prizes as well

well there you have it everyone that's our three winners I want to congratulate

them all reptile collector Gabriel unknown and Andrew Foster Wish I could

give away a lot more prizes but you know we'll keep giving away as we

keep building subscriber counts I mean I didn't.. this has been crazy

I really appreciate everyone's support and for those that didn't win there's

always next time I'll keep trying to put out lots of good content you know and I

enjoy feedback so if there's things you want me to do or things you want me to

change let me know I'll see if I can incorporate them into my videos as

always happy hunting and until the next video

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 2500 Subs Give Away Winners Announced - Duration: 2:17.


Thai cuisine dinner ワルンプアンの超お勧めタイ料理ラインナップ อาหารไทย:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 4:52.

Warung phuan.

Nira is rolled up.

How is that?



I am happy to have ordered this.


Very good.

Shrimp boiled dumplings.

Fried chicken.

Season with lemon grass.

Fried chicken and chili sauce.

Lemongrass is very good.

This is very refreshing.

The taste of the lemon.

How about that?

This is a little different from other restaurants.

This is the refreshing taste.

There are some hard grains.

Don't you feel?


I can not but order this.

I like Pad Thai very much.

Strong seasoning.

I like Pad Thai very much.

Mekong whiskey.

Don't you need a chaser?


I like Fried Pork Thai.

Curry fry of a soft shell club.

I will order it always.


This is also different from other restaurants.

Different deliciousness.

Did you eat this?

This is a little sweet.

This is a sweet seasoning.

Is this the gentle taste?

What kind of taste is the gentle taste?

That's the gentle taste, isn't it?

This is shrimp fried rice.

Shrimp is cut small.

So it's fun to be able to eat shrimp with rice.

It was a very good dish.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Thai cuisine dinner ワルンプアンの超お勧めタイ料理ラインナップ อาหารไทย:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 4:52.


[ENG SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] BTS Won 1st Place (Subtitle. Special MC Day) @Mcountdown (방탄소년단) - Duration: 12:34.

<J-Hope & CHIM move for the MC rehearsal after the pre-recording> JM: Oh... the comment... I mean...

JM: I don't know if I'll do well between my two hyungs who are good at MC

JM: I'll do a good job, who is in charge of calico cat DNA

[RM came back from the dressing room soon afterwards!] RM: Hello, I'm coming late.

RM: Today we'll be special MC.

[As the music begins to cheer the MC group]

JM: The last week of September is full of serendipity

RM: The Special MCs who bring serendipity! I'm RM who has the DNA of the king of destruction


JM: Ladies and Gentlemen, Charming Calico Cat DNA I'm JIMIN

RM: How about we introduce the next group with their own DNA?

JM: In this case I'm a Calico cat DNA, I'll introduce them like a coy cat!

JM: I'm like a Calico cat, oh oh oh you're bad, WEKIWEKI

RM: You're just like glutinous rice cakes.

RM: What about HOBI-ssi?

JH: Because I'm the DNA of Smile Dance Machine

JH: I just dance and smile


JM: My point is

JM: Think of it this way?

RM: Do you want me to do it now?


JM: RM ssi! It's not YOLE YOLE

JM: It's YOLO YOLO YOLO . like this

JM: Now, BTS's comeback stage will begin! You shouldn't change our channel, right?

[They keep practicing the script after the rehearsal] RM: Special MC with the DNA of king of destruction RM

JH: Smile Dance Machine I'm J-hope

JM: Charming calico Cat DNA I'm JIMIN

Hello everyone

RM: The reason why MCD has all the luck today is because these people's DNAs will be at work!

JM: There is also BTS's stage of introduction, development, turn, and conclusion.

JH: Wait a minute, I know what's going on, but what does it mean?

JM: Don't you all know that 'starting' is the MCD prelude to the gorgeous MC team?

JM: Shall we just read at once from the beginning to the end?

RM: I started inside..

RM: How do I do this?

RM: Well, everyone promised that you don't change the channel, are you watching it?

JH: That's right, you don't know who will show up next so you shouldn't change it at all!

JM: Of course, hyungs, ah, the preparation for the transfer of the development part should be started, isn't it?

[Bangtan MC are going to the stage for this release]

JM: M Countdown is full of serendipity in the last week of September

RM: The Special MCs who bring serendipity! I'm RM who has the DNA of the king of destruction

JH: Smile Dance Machine I'm J-hope

JM: Charming Calio Cat DNA I'm JIMIN

Hello everyone, Good to meet you

JH: Ah JIMIN Wait a minute, I know, but what are you doing?

JM: Hey, don't you all know that 'starting' is the MCD prelude to the gorgeousness of Bangtan MC groups?

JH: What did you mean by that?

Then GLOBAL's open MCD topic

RM: all K-pop fans in over the world.

the world's #1 K-POP CHART SHOW

RM: Let's watch the world's #1 K-POP CHART SHOW with other K-POP fans around the world

RM: First look at this week's TOP10 and candidates for #1!

Let's confirm it now!

[Members watch MCs while waiting for the stage ]

[Gather together in front of the stage]

JK: Where is SUGA hyung?

V: SUGA hyung

JK: Suga hyung

JH: Where is SUGA hyung?

V: Suga hyung won't come forever

Suga: What? Jimin: Come already!

JM: Come closer, come closer

V: His heart is here

JM: Yes, BTS vs 10cm

RM: Please show us the final result with MCD

JH: The final result today is firstly the score of the audio source

RM: Album Sales Score

JM: This is the preference score

JH: And the social media score

RM: The score of appearance on Mnet

JM: Finally, it adds the live broadcast voting score.

JM: One of the glory today after the settlement is

JM: It's BTS

JM: Congratulations, Please express your feelings

[When you get one, always bring joy to ARMY first! ]

SG: Armys~! !

SG: Thank you guys

SG: This album got a lot of good things happening

SG: including BILLBOARD

SG: I'm really thankful MCD

SG: and Big Hit family, thank you

SG: What should I say?

SG: There are many fans coming today

SG: I feel great

SG: Please someone say one more time how you feel

JH: Our maknae!

JK: Ah we are really thankful to you for giving us these honorable awards

JK: Thank you very much

JK: We will work harder in the future

RM: Armys jjang!!!

JM: Please keep watching the encore stage of BTS who won the first place

JH: we'll say goodbye here.

RM: World's #1 K-pop Chart Show!

BTS: M Countdown!

JM: Good luck next week


JM&JK: Thank you, oh

JM: Our Armys got the award

thank you all

SG+JK: You worked hard, everyone

J: I love you~


JH: We got the first place on M Countdown!

V: We got the first place! YEAH JIN: Wow daebak!

RM: How do you feel Taehyung ssi?

V: That's great!

V: This score is also 11,000 points.

JK: That's 10,000 (out of full)

V: 10000 (full mark)

SG: Wasn't it 11,000 points?

JH: It is 11,000 points RM: 11,000 points means 10,000 points (perfect)

V: 11,000 points means 10,000 points (perfect)

V: Ah...Great

JH: Thank you Armys for this

JH: We were able to get the perfect score

JK: For the first time in this stage, winning the prize

JK: Ah, really a long time on the stage. .

JK: At that time, 'I NEED YOU' , Jimin hyung cried. Today I don't know why he didn't cry

JM: No, I mean, everyone...

JK: He lost his original intention

JM: At that time it was the feeling that i was crying for our first award.

JM: But now it's Armys' award .. RM: Now it's a happy

JH: It's true that he lost his first origin.

JH: It's Armys... "I NEED U"

JM: Armys won the award, right?

JK: JIMIN got lost in Armys

JM: Armys, congratulations with all my heart

JK: Ah, thank you guys JH: Thanks to our Armys

JH: Please accept my flowers JIN: Love you.

SG: This event seems to be quite fruitful

JK: All we have is Armys's JM: Thank you for the first place!

JM: Thank you very much.

RM: We Will work harder in the future

RM: Hwaiting!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] BTS Won 1st Place (Subtitle. Special MC Day) @Mcountdown (방탄소년단) - Duration: 12:34.


Far Cry 5 Missions, Specialists, Liberating And Much More Walkthrough Gameplay Series - Duration: 1:25:07.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5 Missions, Specialists, Liberating And Much More Walkthrough Gameplay Series - Duration: 1:25:07.


Mystery Show "Internet Busking" Live - Duration: 1:30:38.

For more infomation >> Mystery Show "Internet Busking" Live - Duration: 1:30:38.


How to Remain Calm When People are Driving you Crazy - Duration: 9:26.

Hello everybody welcome to right here right now

Today I'm going to talk about

How you can remain calm when you're dealing with people who drive you crazy?

Now I don't know if you can think of someone who comes to mind immediately when you think of someone who drives you crazy maybe

It's your parents

Maybe it's your friends, and it's someone you work with so when you go to school with these your kids

Maybe it's your spouse whoever it is

Someone that really knows how to push those buttons and get you really flared up that you're really angry so

What I want to share with you today, and I'll be sharing with you some techniques

And how specifically you can deal with that and how you can find a way to?

come out on top and

Feel better about yourself and deal with those situations in a way that is win-win for you and the other person

So at the moment and once you start thinking about how would you usually deal with those kind of situations?

So if you get a person who really gets you angry?

What do you do what actually happens? Do you sort of explode it them?

Do you just sort of keep it in and resent them do you start to feel a little bit depressed if you start to?

Be angry, but maybe not expressive that then maybe express it someone else that you really love

What are the different ways that you deal with those situations I feel


Yeah, so some people really hold it in this frustration so starting to think about

What do you actually do and?

The first point that I want to make here is we often talk about you know

He made me really angry or she made me really angry as if it's the other person's fault right as if

you can push all of the blame onto the other person for you getting angry and

the first point I want to share with you here, is that our

emotions are our responsibility in fact nobody can make us feel anything anything at all if

We don't allow them to in fact the emotions that we feel are all up to us if we choose to feel like

You can feel angry now one of the problems is these emotions

They kind of just come up, and we we get triggered by certain things

And we don't really often know what we're triggered by it before it actually happens, so

The first step here is beginning to figure out

Do you know when this is happening to you?

Do you realize when you're beginning to get triggered because we all have these triggers something that gets us

You know tensed up something that gets us starting to think negative thoughts or something that gets us feeling angry or frustrated or stressed out

So the first step really is an awareness of what happens inside you when you begin to feel like that

Some people get like a tensing up in their body

Maybe tensing up in their shoulders maybe an uncomfortable feeling in their stomach for some people

You've heard the expression like my blood was boiling like they that feeling of like maybe they heat up

You know some people even get a red face started to think about what happens for you

When you're feeling like this is it a physical reaction like that or maybe it's a mental one. Maybe it's your mind

just starts racing you start thinking about all the different ways you're gonna kill this person or

All the different ways you're gonna beat this person up or all the nasty things that you want to say to that person

What actually happens in your mind or your body when you start to feel like this and if you can start to figure that out?

That's the first step really is just being aware of what happens to you when you start to feel like this

but if you can identify that

The next step, then is figuring out

How do you deal with that so if you can find some sort of a resource?

Something that makes you feel a bit better, and this is something you want to do before it actually happens

So if you can think with me now, what is something that would help you get to a place is calm

Or help you feel like you're good at things or help you feel like you can handle any situation

So if you can imagine a time where you're on top of the world

Maybe you as some accomplishment that you really proud of that you

Did you didn't know you did if you would achieve it or not or succeed, but you actually did

What did that feel like?

See if you can remember a time like that something that you're really happy about or something that you're really grateful for

Something that gives you a really positive memory if you can think of that

Maybe then remember

What was what is a word that might you might associate with that or what is a?

feeling that you might associate with that or what is a

picture an image that comes into your mind when you think about that and that could sort of be like a

Little resource for you whenever you're starting to feel these negative things you can step into a new stage

So that's step two first step

awareness step two step into a positive state so something that makes you feel good something they can get you into a state where

You're actually feeling pretty good, and then you can make another decision

So if you can come up with some sort of a word or an image

Symbol of feeling something that gets you to feel that

In that positive state then you can act in a way that works for you from there

So the idea here is you're really taking responsibility

For your own emotions. It's not about other people making us feel something we don't on field

It's not about blaming another person for making us angry

They may be behaving in a way that we don't want them to behave we cannot control their behavior

We can think about how we can help them learn a better way of behaving

But we can't control what they're actually doing what we can control is how we respond to it

How we react to it, and how we feel about what it is that they're doing?

So even if it's something that really sort of triggers you

You can start to figure out first of all I'm being triggered Wow okay? What should I do about that next?

What is the positive state that I want to step into and having a good memory something that makes you feel good

stepping into that thinking about that getting into that positive state and not just

Thinking about it

But actually stepping into that state so starting to think about if I were back in that

Situation where I was feeling really good that time if I were back there, and I was reacting from that place

How would I react now so the third step then first step awareness?

Second step get into that positive state third step. Then is how do you actually want to respond? What do you actually want to do?


Remember I asked you at the beginning. What was your automatic response?

What would you have done automatically maybe would shout at the person? Maybe you'd start you know getting

Really stressed out in your body, but not express it, but expressively wrong getting resentful. Whatever it might be

Instead of doing those sort of negative things that will make you feel bad, and maybe damage a relationship

What is a positive thing that you could do so the first step here is starting to think about?

Where the other person is coming from?

Whatever it is that they're doing they're probably doing their best or they're trying to do something in a way that works for them, so

Most of the time they're not trying to trigger us right now you can find exceptions of course

But for the majority of the time they're just doing what they're doing

Because they think that's the best way to do it in the moment

So meeting people where they're at and seeing how you can engage with them, and what they're trying to do

What are they trying to get from you, or is it is it approval is it? You know they actually want

Just your attention are they?

Purposefully trying to piss you off

Sometimes that's the case

But often is not and often we can interpret it that way when it's not actually the case so figuring out

What is it that they actually want and finding a way to if you can give that to them?

Whether it is attention or whether it is approval whatever it is

They're looking for being aware of that first and then starting to think about what was the thing that got you triggered?

And if you'd like to help them perhaps learn a way of doing it that doesn't trigger you or

Even just as simple as helping them understand that what they did the behavior that they did

Triggered you in some way

So they can sort of perhaps think about how they could do it differently when they're trying to interact with you

So those are the three steps that I want you to think about whenever you get triggered whenever someone makes you feel really angry remember

They're not making you feel angry making feeling okay, then three steps firstly awareness

How is that anger coming up step 2 stepping into a positive state that you can get from memory and then step 3?

Choosing how you want to respond to that

So I hope that you found those three steps useful today

If you found them useful go ahead and comment down below. I'd love to hear what you liked about it also

I'd love to hear if you have any other

Things that you do that help you calm down, and I'd especially like to hear

What are the things that didn't really get you going and who are the people that make you sort of feel in that way so?

go ahead share I'd love to hear all that and

Thank you for watching, and I hope that you subscribe to watch more of our videos later on see you next time

For more infomation >> How to Remain Calm When People are Driving you Crazy - Duration: 9:26.


Hafthor Julius Bjornsson "The Mountain" Motivational video "Never Give up" 2018 - Duration: 11:01.

In the history there have been strongman and interesting enough it didn't matter how civilized we became we always admire Power

I am gonna be the World's Strongest Man and i promise you that

he starts in game of thrones he is just about the biggest man on the planet !!

"The Mountain" Hafthor Julius Bjornsson

Let's go Thor !!!

Two more !! Thor !!

One more !! one more !!!

yes yes !! that's it !!!

Number one !!

For more infomation >> Hafthor Julius Bjornsson "The Mountain" Motivational video "Never Give up" 2018 - Duration: 11:01.


🔴 Subnautica | Operation Kyanite | live stream - Duration: 3:15:44.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Subnautica | Operation Kyanite | live stream - Duration: 3:15:44.


워너원 옹성우 '어마어마한 인기에 공항 마비' - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 워너원 옹성우 '어마어마한 인기에 공항 마비' - Duration: 0:29.


You Have a Choice - Meditate with Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 14:17.

jesus said Charlie I tell you you must become like little children if you want

to enter the kingdom of heaven it is similar to the state of that child in

that age and yet it is beyond because you've already moved through thought and

you've come out the other end but that's one could say that innocent perception

fresh new alive and there you can enjoy the play of phenomena and such a

wonderful play of phenomena in this country such multiplicity of forms and

life forms and human beings amazing and so you walk as just an aware presence a

field of aware presence and you know yourself as that awareness not

conceptually you perceive through stillness with

occasional interruptions of labels and this not a problem because you know

there's mind movement and then it subsides space again another mind

movement subsides not a problem and then perhaps a big mind woven comes in for

one hour you're completely in it perhaps it got triggered by something that

wasn't quite right in your room or if something that in your room something

happened and and then finally it comes to an end I must get out of here

yes you can get out or you can stay whatever it is it's fine if you stay you

can surrender here if you could get out to surrender there

so the awakening this is what it is out of a million years of conditioning out

of mind

and that's where the teaching comes from otherwise I would have to prepare that

I'm going to tell you that would be a lot of work I have to feed them

information for six seven days no it comes out of the stillness it does the

teaching I don't have to do much and it's possible to live in such a way that

whatever you do is almost one could say being done for you you're no longer in a

struggle and conflict relationship with the world needing to complete myself by

getting somewhere achieving something becoming someone and

suddenly it's done for you

and this is right Jesus used the term awakening many but they're quite a few

parables about staying awake not going to sleep Budda Budda the root of the

word means awake one who is awake

there's a beautiful title a book by Krishnamurti called the awakening of

intelligence and of course that is what it is it is the awakening of true

intelligence not the limited ability to solve IQ puzzles nothing wrong with that

either but much greater vaster than that

in order for that we have the teaching of Krishnamurti that points to the same

not quite as directly because he liked to teach in the through negation so he

asked can we let's inquire can we get there through thinking can we get there

through thought is it possible to have and so he asked

more questions about whether thought can get you there and of course it can't


he wouldn't agree with it of course but the entire teaching tells you don't

think rise above thought but that would be a positive teaching his tradition was

negation which is a powerful teaching also now in those of you in whom this is

arising strongly already those of you and in some of you it is rising very

strongly already in others it's just beginning to rise in those of you in

whom it isn't rising strongly though you will be you're able to say no to thought

by saying yes to what is not you thought to simply by choice say I'm not thinking

if this is not well power it doesn't work to suppress thought through sheer

willpower can work for a little while but the kettle will be continued to boil

you're holding the lid down and suddenly thought will erupt again more strongly

than ever so that doesn't work but in those in whom it is arising

strongly you can simply choose to step out of thought and say okay

and this is why nisargadatta maharaj reaches defines the meditative state and

he was only talking he must have been speaking to one or two people at the

time he defined the meditative state as a radical refusal to harbor thoughts and

when you look at a photo of his you can see how radical he is

he was speaking at the time to certain people this is not does not yet apply to

everyone it's the rising presence is not yet strong enough in everyone to be able

to say this is true for me that I can simply radically refuse to harbor

thoughts not having any thoughts that's it now that looks like an act of choice

and then of course you come into conflict with those teachers who say

there's nobody there to choose and so on and so on

of course it looks like choice because it still looks as if there was somebody

here there is a from here and that form does something and from the perspective

of form it looks like an act of choice I refuse to Harbor thoughts and then you

walk through the gardens refusing to think that looks like choice doesn't it

because you could choose to think but you chose not to think but how is it

that you can make that choice you can only make that choice because presence

is arising in you and it's only because of the arising presence that you can say

I'm making that choice so who is choosing if presents were not arising

there would be no choice presence is beyond the person presence is the

evolutionary impulse of the universe moving through you the totality the one

so of course we have the relativity of language

on one level it is true to say you have a choice on another level it is not true

at all to say that you have a choice seeing no statement is absolutely true

ever you have to see where it is at what perspective much level so both

statements you have a choice and you know have no choice are equally true and

the mind doesn't like that

this is so wonderful to be part of the evolution of consciousness on the planet

through this little form it wants to flower and and you thought you were a

little person needing this and needing that in protecting myself against this

in that


Esley unconditioned arises as the stillness arises through which you

perceive the world and allow it to be this moment allow it to be

that realm of stillness that dimension of consciousness is also the dimension

of the sacred this is the only dimension where the secret is and dwells it's

always there but it's concealed the sacred that I mention of the sacred is

always concealed in now why is it concealed because you're not in the now

the now is obscured to you by mental noise but the moment your

attention end us now you realize the now is always sacred no matter what form it

takes it's the sacredness doesn't rely so much

in the form all that includes the form there's a greater vastness to now and

that is the realm of the sacred that space of now so there's a sacred River

here when you go down there you can honor the sacred River

by being by perceiving it and being with it in the state of still alert presence

not conceptualize it label it


For more infomation >> You Have a Choice - Meditate with Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 14:17.


Desperate & Disgraced McCabe Threatens 'LEGAL ATT*CK' Against Trump - Duration: 2:22.

Desperate & Disgraced McCabe Threatens 'LEGAL ATTACK' Against Trump

Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former deputy director of the FBI is desperately lashing

out after being fired for lying to authorities, leaking private info, and botching the Clinton

email investigation.

Now, McCabe is threatening legal action against President Trump.From Washington Examiner

The counsel for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe warned Friday that this is "just

the beginning," and his team is considering taking legal action against President Trump,

responding to the release of a Justice Department inspector general report which set up his

client's termination last month.

"We have for some time been actively considering filing civil lawsuits against the President

and senior members of the Administration that would allege wrongful termination, defamation,

Constitutional violations and more," attorney Michael Bromwich wrote in a statement obtained

by the Washington Examiner.

Bromwich warned: "The distinguished Boies Schiller law firm has recently joined us in

this project.

This is just the beginning."

The attorney's threat comes just hours after the Justice Department's inspector general

released a report claiming McCabe "lacked candor" on four separate occasions, three

of which were under oath.

The lengthy report was delivered to select congressional committees on Friday, about

one month after McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a move that Bromwich

labeled "deeply disturbing."

"I have never before seen the type of rush to judgment – and rush to summary punishment

– that we have witnessed in this case," Bromwich wrote in a statement released promptly

after McCabe's March 16 termination.

Inspector general Michael Horowitz is expected to release a longer, more in-depth report

detailing the FBI's work during the 2016 presidential election in the next few weeks.Desperate

& Disgraced McCabe Threatens 'LEGAL ATTACK' Against Trump

Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former deputy director of the FBI is desperately lashing

out after being fired for lying to authorities, leaking private info, and botching the Clinton

email investigation.

Now, McCabe is threatening legal action against President Trump.From Washington Examiner

The counsel for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe warned Friday that this is "just

the beginning," and his team is considering taking legal action against President Trump,

responding to the release of a Justice Department inspector general report which set up his

client's termination last month.

"We have for some time been actively considering filing civil lawsuits against the President

and senior members of the Administration that would allege wrongful termination, defamation,

Constitutional violations and more," attorney Michael Bromwich wrote in a statement obtained

by the Washington Examiner.

Bromwich warned: "The distinguished Boies Schiller law firm has recently joined us in

this project.

This is just the beginning."

The attorney's threat comes just hours after the Justice Department's inspector general

released a report claiming McCabe "lacked candor" on four separate occasions, three

of which were under oath.

The lengthy report was delivered to select congressional committees on Friday, about

one month after McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a move that Bromwich

labeled "deeply disturbing."

"I have never before seen the type of rush to judgment – and rush to summary punishment

– that we have witnessed in this case," Bromwich wrote in a statement released promptly

after McCabe's March 16 termination.

Inspector general Michael Horowitz is expected to release a longer, more in-depth report

detailing the FBI's work during the 2016 presidential election in the next few weeks.

For more infomation >> Desperate & Disgraced McCabe Threatens 'LEGAL ATT*CK' Against Trump - Duration: 2:22.


DC Multiverse ARES Wonder Woman Movie Mattel Action Figure Review (Click & Connect) - Duration: 8:03.

DC Multiverse ARES Wonder Woman Movie Mattel Action Figure Review (Click & Connect) - Recreate

thrilling movie battles from the Wonder Woman Movie true to scale 6" figures.

Each highly collectible movie figure features authentic details, 20 points of articulation,

and includes a bonus piece for the

Collect & Connect Ares figure.

thank you for watching guys if you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and smash

the subscribe button it would really help us out and stay tuned for more geeky adventures.

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For more infomation >> DC Multiverse ARES Wonder Woman Movie Mattel Action Figure Review (Click & Connect) - Duration: 8:03.


Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingd...

For more infomation >> Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingd...



For more infomation >> O TESTEMUNHO QUE NINGUÉM ESCUTOU - Duration: 1:24:54.


O QUE ACONTECEU NO 11 DE SETEMBRO? - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> O QUE ACONTECEU NO 11 DE SETEMBRO? - Duration: 1:00.


Os 8 Primeiros Sinais do Câncer de Pulmão - Conhecê los pode Salvar uma Vida! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Os 8 Primeiros Sinais do Câncer de Pulmão - Conhecê los pode Salvar uma Vida! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:07.


O CONTO DAS TORRES TORTAS [Ative a legenda] - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> O CONTO DAS TORRES TORTAS [Ative a legenda] - Duration: 2:58.


Rosie O'Donnell Sinks To New Low And Viciously Mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders: 'Lying Sack Of S***' - Duration: 5:46.

Rosie O'Donnell Sinks To New Low And Viciously Mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders: 'Lying Sack

Of S***'

Hollywood entertainer Rosie O'Donnell is known for her long-standing feud with President

Trump but also for her liberal views.

However, instead of attacking President Trump this time around she has decided to attack

his Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

And it does not look pretty.

On Friday, O'Donnell took to social media to post an unattractive and unflattering picture

she created of Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

If you follow O'Donnell on her Twitter page you will notice an array of colorful yet negative

pictures of President Trump.

All of which insinuate a clear hatred and disdain for the man that is our President.

When being interviewed by the Daily Beast regarding why she chooses to paint these pictures

and share them on social media she said,

"I'm doing it for my OCD [obsessive-compulsive disorder] and my anxiety, because I feel so

powerless and helpless.

I'm not trying to raise money specifically.

I'm trying to, like, get it out of me.

It's not like I set out with 'I'm gonna ruin him by making $100,000!'

I didn't think that…I can't help what comes out of me.

I don't sit there at home and think, 'How can I get that bastard?

Let me paint his picture!'

My anxiety takes over."

She has opened up her own Etsy shop to sell these paintings for profit.

O'Donnell names anything from "Lunatic Trump", to, "the Moron", to "Criminal."

While the original acrylics are not for sail the digital images she created on her own

iPad Pro are.

They range from $100-$300 for any given one.

Most sell very quickly, with the originals going within just three hours.

The profits she says go to candidates and causes that are anti-Trump.

Bustle reported,

"O'Donnell indicated on Etsy that the first batch of her prints made $1,200, and

pledged to send a check for $2,500 to anti-gun violence organization Everytown for Gun Safety.

Other organizations to which O'Donnell has pledged to send the proceeds from her prints

include Planned Parenthood, gun control groups resisting the NRA, and LGBTQ organizations

— in other words, "501-C3's that [Trump] hates."

Although O'Donnell has been vocal in her opposition to the Trump administration, she

told The Daily Beast that she initially started making these portraits as a coping mechanism

for her OCD and anxiety — and not as a way to make money.

Nonetheless, O'Donnell has been relentless in her criticism of Trump, both online and

off, and this criticism predates his presidency by a decade.

In 2006, when O'Donnell was a co-host of The View, Trump threatened to sue her after

she criticized him on-air.

At the time, O'Donnell described Trump as a "snake-oil salesman on Little House on

the Prairie," denounced his extramarital affairs, and went so far as to suggest that

he was bankrupt.

In the years since then, Trump has described O'Donnell as "a true loser," "crude,"

"obnoxious," "dumb," and "rude," and has leveled a number of other insults

against her.

O'Donnell, meanwhile, protested Trump outside the White House last February, and has accused

the president of "treason."

She has also accused Trump of being a "child rapist," tweeted a game that allowed social

media users to push Trump off a cliff repeatedly, and has frequently referred to him as a "sexual


(Trump has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, but he denies the allegations.)

That isn't even the full extent of O'Donnell's resistance efforts.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, O'Donnell said that she attempted to "offer herself

to the Clinton campaign," on the basis that she had a "decade of experience" going

head to head with Trump.

Hillary Clinton's campaign reportedly did not act on O'Donnell's offer, leading

her to seek another avenue to cope with Trump's election.

This is what led her down the path to painting acrylics of the now-president."

O'Donnell said she would only produce these prints of Trump until he is no longer president

— whether the end of his presidency comes about through impeachment, resignation, or

a loss in his likely campaign for a second term in 2020.

"Til [sic] Trump is out I will keep making these," O'Donnell wrote on Etsy."

If her horrid pictures of President Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are not enough

to show you what her true character is, then consider the developing news story on one

of her former producers who she employed on her show.

A woman known as Jill Blackstone who was a producer for the Rosie O'Donnell Show was

recently arrested in Baltimore, Maryland in connection with the murder of her sister who

was partially blind and deaf.

Currently, she is dealing with the potential of extradition to Los Angeles, California

where the murder allegedly took place on 2015.

Law enforcement officials are saying that she allegedly drugged her sister and then

put her in her garage with three dogs and proceeded to set it on fire.

Which means if convicted she would also be guilty of arson.

She was arrested at John Hopkins Hospital when receiving treatment for an unknown illness.When

O'Donnell isn't busy employing murderers, she is busy drawing disgusting pictures of

the leaders of this current White House administration and denigrating the office in which they hold.

All factors and variables which speak to her character, or lack of it.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Rosie O'Donnell Sinks To New Low And Viciously Mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders: 'Lying Sack Of S***' - Duration: 5:46.


[Szok] Edyta Górniak cała w nerwach! Chodzi o jej syna! || LVTszok - Duration: 3:33.

Edyta Górniak cała w nerwach! Chodzi o jej syna!

Nie od dziś wiadomo, że najważniejszym mężczyzną w życiu Edyty Górniak (45 l. ) jest jej syn, Allan (14 l.)

Nic więc dziwnego, że teraz, kiedy jej jedynak będzie musiał zmierzyć się z poważnym wyzwaniem, to diwa jest jednym wielkim kłębkiem nerwów.

To będzie trudny czas dla piosenkarki i jej syna.

Edyta bardzo przejmuje się wszystkim, co dotyczy Allana, a teraz w maju będzie musiał zdać poważny egzamin, który zadecyduje o jego przyszłości.

Egzamin ten jest zwieńczeniem jego nauki w amerykańskiej szkole podstawowej i od wyniku tego testu zależy, do jakiej szkoły pójdzie dalej syn gwiazdy.

Allan ma dwa pomysły na swoją przyszłość.

Chce się uczyć w szkole wojskowej, albo artystycznej dla producentów muzycznych.

Ale do obu tych szkół jest bardzo dużo chętnych i trzeba mieć rewelacyjne wyniki, by się do nich dostać - tłumaczy rozmówca gazety Fakt Gwiazdy.

Do egzaminu zostało już niewiele czasu i Górniak pilnuje Allana, by ten w końcu przysiadł do nauki.

Jest ponoć zdania, że powinien odpuścić teraz wszelkie rozrywki i skupić się na testach.

Wygląda na to, że Edyta także potrafi być surową mamą.

W dodatku nie do końca podoba jej się pomysł Allana dotyczący szkoły wojskowej.

Edyta jest pacyfistką i nie wyobraża sobie, by miał coś wspólnego z wojskiem.

To przecież niebezpieczny zawód, a ona nie zamierza się o niego martwić - dodaje rozmówca gazety.

For more infomation >> [Szok] Edyta Górniak cała w nerwach! Chodzi o jej syna! || LVTszok - Duration: 3:33.


Eliminate Dark Circles and Puffiness under the eyes with these ingredients - Duration: 3:47.

Eye bags can appear in any age and become a very aesthetic problem

discomfort, mainly due to the fact that always be exposed.

This swelling makes us look of older people and in most cases it is a sign

of exhaustion and tiredness.

This problem can also be caused by causes heritable, fluid retention, allergies,

reaction to medication or lack of sleep.

If you noticed that these scholarships appeared in the region of your eyes, see some alternatives

that can help you treat this problem: Potatoes

Potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties and soothing, which help reduce swelling.

You can cut some slices of potato and let them cool in the refrigerator.

Then apply them over your eyes covering the entire region of the bags.

Allow the slices to act for about 15 minutes and then remove.


The cucumber has properties similar to potatoes and is considered a great natural remedy

for those who want to improve the appearance of the skin in the eye region.

Follow the same procedure as the this time let it act for 25 minutes.

Cold Compresses

To reduce swelling, cold compresses may be all you need.

Do the following: soak a towel or a piece with cold water and then put them on

over the eyes, gently, for a few minutes.

Green tea

With its anti-inflammatory properties, Green tea is a great treatment for

swelling in the eye region.

Prepare two sachets of green tea for infusion at room temperature, and then place them

over the eyes for fifteen minutes.

The most important thing is that you rest, sleeping at least 8 hours a day.

The tiredness usually coming from nights bad sleep is one of the main causes of

of swelling.

Without adequate rest, none of the treatments the above will help.

Reduce your salt intake as well. causes fluid retention and


If you have a habit of rubbing your hand In your eyes, think again.

This habit may irritate the region, for the problem.

How can this problem come from an allergy, also check if you are using

some cosmetics in the eye region and that may be causing this reaction.

Try to sleep well and follow these treatments. and tips that we pass, thus, in a short time

the appearance of swelling will improve.

For more infomation >> Eliminate Dark Circles and Puffiness under the eyes with these ingredients - Duration: 3:47.


Summit EQP-200 + John Hardy 990C+ - Duration: 12:00.

Hey guys!

Today I'm going to fix this equalizer here ... it's a Summit EQP-200.

It is a studio equipment, hybrid ...

it uses tubes and transistors...

then I'll open it and you can see it inside.

It's been a while since it's here... and I already know what the problem is.

is this op-amp here...

For those who do not know this type of component

it is an operational amplifier like this one

but it is made with discrete components

such as transistors, diodes, coils...

then it is called discrete op-amp

Discrete Operational Amplifier

by the way it is fabricated.

there are some advantages in manufacturing this kind of component

with discrete components.

you can choose which components to use on it...

you can choose very low noise transistors, for example...

you can choose extremely well-matched transistors

to make the input differential amplifier, for example

and another great advantage is that you can use higher power transistors in it

and with that it can

handling lower impedance loads

something that with this component here

It's complicated, because...

there is thermal limitation

I'll leave a paper in the description... a PDF...

about this component here specifically.

and there is enough stuff about it

advantages, disadvantages and a lot of things about it

Who wants to know more about this type of component... who does not know it...

look in the video description

I'll leave the PDF there.

The model of this op-amp here

is 990.

and it is manufactured by the same company that does the equalizer...

by Summit.

How it is defective... one of the channels does not work

it is a two-channel equalizer and one of them is not working

and it is 990 that is defective

so I thought about using a 990 from another manufacturer

the John Hardy

which is this one.

And why did I decide to use it?

It is because this component was developed by Jensen

which is a company that manufactures audio transformers

are the best on the market

and it was manufactured to be used in a microphone preamplifier

the twin servo.

it was manufactured in 1979

it was developed in 1979

and since that time

at least in my opinion

John Hardy are the greatest specialist in this circuit

he has been manufacturing this component since that time.

because his schema is open

jensen designed it and left it open

So what came to mind is

if John Hardy is the greatest expert on this component

why should I use Summit's 990?

I thought it would make more sense to use John Hardy.

Other companies also manufacture it

as I said, his scheme is open and others can also manufacture it.

But then we went to quote the 990 at Summit

I and the owner of this eq

and it costs $ 100.00

and John Hardy's

besides everything he said, it costs $ 50.00. It costs half the price.

Then I had no more doubts

I asked to buy the John Hardy

and asked to buy two of them, because...

I thought one channel might look different from the other

and if one channel were different from the other on a stereo equalizer

it will not be good

in a mastering or something like that

you need two very similar channels

And since the owner of this device has others of the same brand

we would get a spare op-amp.

But then the problem began

when the op-amps arrived and I installed them

I noticed that they overheat.

and the Summit op-amp

has this heatsink

and John Hardy didn't.

and I did not know if I could install a heatsink on it and solve the problem

if I had read this paper I said... the pdf... I would know

but I had not read it yet

because I didn't know what was inside it

is an aluminum can

and I did not know if it was all filled

and even if the material that filled it had good heat dissipation

if it transferred heat well

Then I even thought about giving up

I even agreed with the owner of the equalizer

that I would buy the two John Hardy op-amps

and with the money he would buy the one from Summit

to avoid problems

but then I started to measure voltages in the circuit

and I saw that everything was OK... there was nothing abnormal.

I got mad at what was making him so hot...

what was different

I did not know if Summit could have done something different on the circuit

to make it so hot and force them to use their op-amp

I thought a lot of things

so I decided to send an email to John Hardy

to see if he would respond and if he could give me a light on the problem

and to my surprise he replied... and fast

and he seemed quite willing to help

and I found it very cool that his attitude

because if it were here in Brazil, someone with his prestige

probably would not be solicitous

and after exchanging some emails

the summary of the conversation was as follows:

He said that it is normal for the component to heat up

and said that his normal working point

are almost too warm to keep your finger on it for very long time

and that was what happened here

so there was nothing abnormal

but even so I was worried because this one did not heat so much

he told me that he used this shell here to do some test or experiment

it's a standard shell type

and as it is made of a plastic material

and full of a... I do not know if it's epoxy... or whatever is inside there

so the heat dissipation of the components here is not so good

as it is in aluminum

and more... in the paper already showed this and I had not...

had not noticed

that it's shell besides being aluminum

the transistors here... you can even see them here

the medium power transistors

they are

bonded in the aluminum shell

so that this shell can dissipate the heat to ambient

so I decided to put the

990 by John Hardy here on eq

but I decided to also use the heatsink

I'm going to remove the heatsinks from these Summit op-amps

and I'll put it on John Hardy's

I even told him that I wanted to shave here on the top

to transfer the heat better and for the glue to stick more

but he did not recommend

he said that this white paint is very thin and does not come out

and this black part here is a protection for aluminum

he could not explain exactly what it was

but said to be a kind of protection for aluminum

so he said that

it would not make much difference

in heat transfer

and then I bought this glue here to do it

It's a glue...

It is a silicone thermal glue...

and I had already used it to stick the heat sink into computer chipset

and it was good. It transfers heat well and also sticks well

only as a precaution, after I stick

I'll use epoxy glue here in the corners

I will

also use epoxy glue to help in fixing

because I do not want to risk

the heatsink falling into the device when it is turned on

so I need to leave this bonding firmly

so this is what I'm going to do

I do not remember how long this glue takes to dry

so I'll get the two op-amps...

I'm going to take out the aluminum heatsink

I'll sand the bottom of them... make them smooth

clean the op-amps surface (one is already in the eq)

I'm going to clean the surface with alcohol

I'll apply the glue

and I'll leave it here at least until tomorrow... at least 10 hours drying

then I'll apply the epoxy glue

and leave another 10 hours drying

to turn on the unit, test and see how it was.

when I install them on the board I'll film and show you how it was

Hi guys, now they're both stuck

with that thermal glue

and now I will... I scraped the excess glue here

in every corner

now I'll clean and put epoxy glue around it all

to make it firmer

I already removed the old op-amps

I cleaned the pcb well where they were

so that there was no contaminant between the eyelets

that's how they looked

after applying the epoxy glue

I put epoxy glue around the entire sink

It was very firm

It was very good

I do not believe it will break loose

so now I'll install them

and then I'll come back to say how it was

The eq was ready. The new op-amps are there

has been running for quite some time

the op-amps are warm... the sinks are warming

but unlike before

that you could not keep your hand too long over them

now this is possible

then this heatsink is helping to dissipate the heat from the components

is helping

there were already these heatsinks in the old op-amps

and I see no reason not to leave them there

reasons for not installing them on John Hardy op-amps

because decreasing the heat in components will not do any harm

on the contrary... can be good

about his sound

I had already tested

when I had installed only one of the op-amps

and left the Summit on the other channel

so I test it... I tried to find differences

I could not...

hear differences between them

if there are differences, they are quite subtle

maybe in the studio when the staff is using it

they can tell me

if they could notice any difference

but because these op-amps will be built

by one of the greatest authorities in building them

I believe he is...

the person who has the most experience in building these op-amps

plus the fact that they cost half the Summit's price

I see no reason to put another component here other than these

then, at first, the replacement was excellent

now I will finish assembling this equipment and it's going to the studio

will start to be used

if at any time there is any problem

I'll write here in the same post

as a comment

if I have any problem with these new op-amps

I'm very sure that there will not be any problem

they were very good there

I've seen one or the other people commenting

who had Summit equipment with these John Hardy op-amps

but it was only a comment ... if I am not mistaken the person was selling

and said he had op-amps from John Hardy

but I did not see anyone installing them or commenting about it

so that's why I made this video

if anyone has any questions about replacing this op-amp

I believe that now this doubt will be clarified

So... thank's for watching

I hope this tip has been important to someone

helped someone in the decision to switch op-amps

if you've had any experience replacing the Summit op-amps with some other

and you can post about it in the comments

I thank you and I'll be happy to know

So ... see you guys and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Summit EQP-200 + John Hardy 990C+ - Duration: 12:00.


Remédio espetacular com louro e canela para perder peso - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Remédio espetacular com louro e canela para perder peso - Duration: 10:00.


Projeto NASCE in Mozambique - Duration: 4:40.

This is the land that belongs to Projeto NASCE,

in Vanduzi, Mozambique,

near to Chimoio.

Here we concuct a number of activities

on agriculture and also on health...

In a joint effort with "Missão para o Interior da África"

as shown is this video,

we've produced yuca, sugar cane and derivative goods.

God has blessed us with this land.

We have great plans for this region.

We want to build lodging

and other structures that will house a number of projects

to benefit people here in Mozambique.

This work we do here, as all other activities by Pronasce,

is to glorify the name of Jesus Christ.

That's for God's kingdom.

Several churches colaborate with us

to bring the kingdom of our Lord Jesus

and to give the Mozambicans

the whole gospel

which can totaly transform a man.

Being here is a blessing, I am not lost.

I am grateful to God for everything,

for the presence of his Spirit,

for all the work and all the circumstances.

I am really grateful!

The song verses are simple:

I am grateful to God

for all he has done in my life.

WE adore you, Lord

You are the King of kings

Over all the Earth you reign

Over all the Heaven you reign

Over all places you reign

You are the King of kings

Over all Mozambique you reign

Over all Brazil you reign

Over all Vanduzi you reign

You are the King of kings

Lord, thank you,

Wonderful, everlasting and almighty God,

we praise you and give you thanks

on this beautiful day.

We glorify and exault your name.

Lord, we thank you for your love.

In Jesus name.


Having the missionaries company

is a great blessing.

May the Lord keep doing this.

If God touches you to come to Mozambique,

please come to help us.

Thank you for coming.

For more infomation >> Projeto NASCE in Mozambique - Duration: 4:40.


word triggers /positive affirmations- palavras repetidas para relaxar - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> word triggers /positive affirmations- palavras repetidas para relaxar - Duration: 11:51.


Alimenti contro il grasso addominale - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Alimenti contro il grasso addominale - Duration: 6:53.


[mmd] gambino [epilepsy warning, mature content] - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> [mmd] gambino [epilepsy warning, mature content] - Duration: 0:42.


Helping mom and dad. LEGO, LEGO FRIENDS, present, playground, kids, family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 4:16.

Oh that's it!

I want to buy this LEGO. is there a any good way to buy

That is it!

How many sticker are left?

1! 2! 3! 4!

I need only 4 stickers

Done with cleaning!



I cleaned living room

I will give you a sticker for good Girl

There are only 3 sticker left



I finish folding laundry

I will give you a sticker for good Girl

There are only 2 stickers left

I should study now.

Study is done



I studied hard

I will give you a sticker for good girl

There is only 1 sticker left



I am gonna massage for you

Oh! thank you



I massaged mommy

What a good girl

I will give you a sticker for good girl

Mission is complete

That is it!

do something good and recieve present from your parents

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