Monday, April 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 23 2018

Ninja Disses Myth At The Las Vegas Fortnite Tournament Fortnite Highlights & Funny Moments

Chucking it. I made that muscle

Safe in the next and now that now the gas is moving and this is a 25 second circle

Look at the intensity of people watching live in the venue they want ninja to get this first victory. He's got old materials. He needs

And yeah now he's inching on in

That was my worry

He needs help from the other player remaining in the players remaining spotty right to take down this guy at the top is getting his

Rockets to potentially try and drop the structure out from under it get that guy just slide a little bit

He's trying to take quick tap fires plus the structure

He's on his built out of metal so you know it's come on ball get shotgun

Yeah, I'll fix out a cowboy one of the ones that was brought up on stage is still in the game

Three remaining I'm hearing the crowd yells shield. They're hoping he uses it

rockets coming in

Trying to drop the structure and just gonna see if he can sneak down below out the bottom and block himself

a huge and rockets spottier

Hasn't been taken down obviously now he has enough so one versus one and he's gonna reassess the situation now

Tree gone fall damage 27 HP survives the drop

You see now that the player has a hundred and sixty-five health. He's now just one rocket one versus

177 HP it looks like he's just gonna go for this. He's just society

It's time to get up close and personal pump shotgun out ninja looking for the fight

Which the first shot the second the challenge comes in?

Not like this brother oh my god

There's no player literally falling with him down three left havoc fallen down underneath 74 HP

He's got 174 can't survive quite a bit here a comp action could still finish him

Let's go. This is so easy. He's got this

Alright, he's in a great spot three players left to if you don't count the man that we are watching right now also rocking that

Raven backlink seems to be a

Fan favorite absolutely, thank you so much for that card soda. It's a nice little edit there

He's going up doing that one by he's clearly not worried about materials as you can see that

He's going you know you can tell it a player is confident, and not only how they're playing in the building

But also that they have a lot of materials with if they're covering and literally closing himself off constantly

And that's exactly what he's doing Psalms damn thinking he's he's golden trying to jump up add it up build up even higher

And he's also in the zone to I mean this guy's

In my opinion right now, though

Like he needs to just kind of feel a little aggressive just like peek out you know

I'm saying he doesn't know what anyone's doing right now

Yeah, right, and this is actually something that a lot of people who are very good at building

I use the comparison of ultra instinct when Goku go soldier and think this first time any only no side of block and defend

But he was absolutely no idea how to fight like properly

It's like he's doing such a good job defending in such a good job building right now

But like he's completely you know taking away all opportunities to kill players by not even looking at all


Her down stinky beaver is now finished

So he's not gonna be able to get that 10,000 and he's in a great spot

This is all you have to do made it out

They otic man the last kill the last fight all the tournament Ninja Vegas the 80 man this guy honestly right now

Just start building up if I'm chaotic trying to reset this fight

This guy starts getting a high-rise get very sticky very quick, and that's exactly what is gonna. Do the shots of ricochet pad oh?

Nice hits a shot

Flair's got no shields catechins in a great spot to finish this game all he has to do is just locate and talk to this

Target one last shot. It's gonna. Definitely do it the player is completely on shields disco disco coming out there?

The boogie bomb is strong with twenty seasons Clara. He doesn't want to 80s and be too slow

He needs that movement it looks like this player might be out of material

Still definitely got some wood there. There's the ramp up coming out with the

Filter towers just

A reminder we have seven left in the game myth died early in wailing woods and a little 1v1 shootout

It looked like you got a hit like 75 HP you got a are two temps

We're also watching, babe Jesus who we interviewed prior to starting this matchup we heard exactly his thoughts again

how he likes to play a more of a passive role

Again one of the three tempo storm members currently participating in this one in babe Jesus as you see in

The bottom of your screen he's up on the stage right now. Yeah, baby. Yeah, you got it

You got a pen Vijay was actually referenced by pain pain who won a tempo storm player who won in heat two?

but as the pain just switched playstyles to you basically said Vijay plays defensive and

Pain doesn't pain his aggressive player, but he said you know what I'm just gonna

I'm gonna pull full 180 and go full vape Jesus on this one and see if I could clutch out a win

and he did he did so we couldn't see we could see some big plays from Vijay here if he if he

focuses and funnels the same place now

Absolutely yeah, he just got absolute laser. I'm seeing a lot of SMG play here in my opinion when you have this intense

Situation he's dead for sure that's wrong in him you have this intense stage set up, man

I really think kind of some dude just adds a lot of pressure leading to players. We literally brought that up yep

Not five minutes ago. Yeah, it's over. Dude. I love you guys, man. That's why that's why you guys were up there, man

I couldn't pass car better do to be caching this thang so ya know so that that SMG, right?

Oh, my god. Ballsy is a risky play. I mean I reset right now

Jump you just had a fall. I was like dude. That's a bold strategy seems to jump off of the mountain

Let's see how that works out for him sending himself to just hate denying happen no way man

Can we get some ninja splats in the chat please I can promise you from seeing the spam so far today

They are there when you use the bush you sort of seat

You should have seen your chat that one so what's it worth it?

You think it was worth these in the bush even though. I don't know absolutely not

It was pretty funny to watch them literally talk to you strategy about how you were going to take fall damage to get

Seriously way too good. Oh here. We go. Here's one of the final build ups top core in this game

Yeah, he's super high up right now. It's just something that I think as top players

Continue to to get better try people start to kind of learn the meta, right

It's difficult, man when I see people do these high build battles

I'm literally just my mouth is watering as a player watching because I just go underneath him and shooters down

Do you think though he had a couple missed plays on that built right there? He should have the high ground

his jump fatigue I was a

Second and then just talked about with even my gameplay of just spamming jump a little bit too much

There's a diminishing cooldown on that and if you jump too much, then your jump. I could shorten short short of really wait yep

He could have still had the highway although here. It's the bio talking about the plane. That would have done it even earlier

Dilute delivery system

Oh, so well times that was sold on and that's exactly what I'm talking about

I've been watching a lot of scrims as well on Twitch moment CCP channel

They're they're pulling in a lot of a lot of stream bytes, which with epics amazing

without victim easing

Unbelievable what about


storms got four kills long story short a lot of those fights same to just be

Building up, and I think a lot of people are gonna start. Just dropping down and shooting him out so here

We go the last fight

He just got some minions

But I don't think even carry something to pick them up uses going straight in decent such a good position, man

He's 100 650 shields got me

Brush it off brush it off. Give it up for storm the arena. Those guys give it up. Let's go wow

That it there you go

Two opponents simultaneously a pinch never good never never good and in

Depending on the situation a pinch can play one of many ways

His best bet though is to choose one to be aggressive in that direction especially if both are being aggressive towards him at the same


You don't want to let them you don't want to let your opponents

Just decide the pace of the game you want to take control

and he knows that I

Think that's part of why he's billing down trying to and mix it up a little bit

So he has he can dictate where things end up next

He's looking for any bit of information you can get

40 seconds until the storm begins to move forward right now quite a ways to go my friend okay here we go

Coming out immediately players have eyes on him from a number of different angles top of the mountains and safe

Players those rides gonna have to move

That's a it's anything on a mountain people like that if you're up there right now

From what we learned in the rehearsal games and now so far today

We know high ground was everything you can't get much higher ground than that

Got a three-peat around the corner playing it like pub Jean for a little bit there

Just trying to make sure you can see everything that he needs to see everything that he possibly

Can see it's a build going up on the right first player over there. It looks like they're starting push up comfortable

however if he's smart

and I think he's gonna do this he's gonna play for that launch pad because that's that could be his exit out of this as

well his other option push up the hill a little bit get a

Get a position, but this is gonna be underneath this'll be a no matter what this is the game right here

He's going for right now. He's trying to establish

The high ground did the engagement there's the first tag the 70 headshot just changed everything now

It's the green light for ninja to go

He knows this player has under 100 HP not wanting to give him any time to pop a mini

Use anything to gain back these shields

It looks like there might be more than just him and one enemy Tower is potentially home to a number of players hotel tower

Showing up at the top. He's got at least one who can fight him shots at it

The scar spam doesn't get a hit, but is not gonna way at that wall

Just a little bit enough to put some pressure see him takes it out the filled to cover and no shield under this guy

very low 24 HP

Puncture it with the pure panic of them

Ninja can close on his game seven kills seven left a minute on his own and pre-made spam AR from the other side

He's in a kind of a tight spots. Can I have to figure his way out of this one?

The fight with on the right side of your screen stabs E. Frantically building

Laid-back muscle

The disco

Magic that was an actual grenade

into the Sun gone south

That was actually an impressive throw it was right in the window yeah

Now again looking to explode in the air and there you go

Oh look at me my name's - I know what a grenade people


Ninja wasn't balanced epic. Please patched this man

For left including ninja he sees at least one on a very high ground


12 HP almost got dropped oh

Here we go

See here his opponent at the launch pad as well trying to locate him nothing out of it by his own

He's got a move here. He has very little time

Hopefully doesn't run into anybody down here

Just let him fight it out best bet right now don't forget

I think there's a window to his right back behind him don't want to get shot through that sweet. What do you?

one-on-one situation for win number two sneaky beaver

versus ninja - very stealth like people

My god

Yeah, he's got a fight Mike Intel

Comes the heel he'll be at 75 not ideal a risky spot two of us

He could have dropped down and got an angle from any of the sides there was no the

Building you see there underneath all those structures

It's exposed so a shot in the leg counts just as much as the rest of the body

Here 75 HP. We've got nine grenades left. Do you think with the elevation of this engagement those are gonna come into play here?

We're at this point. I'm feeling like this is a shoddy push

He was going for it for a second, but I think he saw just how high up this player built - oh

My goodness he's gonna try and knock it out from underneath and bring the whole thing down because if he does

It's a high ground battle, did you see Banias right animation?

He's got the shotgun out both players building for high ground. It looks like ninjas. Got it. He's out of materials. He is out

He has to win from this position

66 HP one well-placed pump shotgun shell could make the difference here

we do not know how much alphas final opponent has then just still dancing around is gonna use his - five overran aids and

And will those just hurt the storm. I think but back to the action

one versus one shooting out the


Trying to just get an eye on where this final player is he hasn't spotted them as of yet look at how tight that zone

Is right now ninja with seven materials in total not build a thing and he knows that if he gives up this high ground

He cannot build back up

He'll go for the extra 9 HP putting it at 75 in total

And he's worried about getting it a pump shotgun fight - Lupo because one shot one shot is it looks gonna take

He's still Chinese trying to find them yeah, and honestly every time he walks over that floor right there

I get a little nervous holes in it. It's not full-hp. Yep

His opponent could potentially see him up for underneath, and there's nothing supporting it so if they not if he knocks that down

They're just gonna fall

Eventually taking the time here it is his owns gonna close in a little bit more and at some point

There's the rebuild he knows that the guys right underneath them

We have on him right there they have camera on the bottom left here screen

He's got help and shield so HP advantage

Absolutely to the opponent right now blue pomp so it has the opportunity to just close out with one hit and this time might might

Waiting out, but at page P. They're at right now, and you'll see his opponent doesn't have any bandages


Nothing to heal AFB with and that's all the zone does damage to so if ninja waits and places out at the end

He there's no reason to know this but he could bandage through in Windows this is it ladies and gentlemen ninja trying to go for

This one now, it's pump shotgun time. We know how good his accuracy is

ninja 1vs1

5000 on the line for this player if he kills ninja he Peaks the corner gets weakened ninja down to 30 HP you



For more infomation >> Ninja Disses Myth At The Las Vegas Fortnite Tournament Fortnite Highlights & Funny Moments - Duration: 16:11.


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For more infomation >> ¿Cuál es el perfil del votante mexicano de acuerdo con el candidato de su preferencia? - Duration: 2:12.


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For more infomation >> El candidato oficialista Mario Abdo Benítez gana las elecciones y es el nuevo presidente de Paraguay - Duration: 0:34.


Ghost Stories (2017) - - Duration: 1:00.


are not always what they seem


TV investigator,

Philip Goodman believes

that what appears inexplicable

can always be unmasked.

He has a mentor,

a man

that used to do the same thing

and who entrusts him with three cases

for him unsolvable.

Ghost Stories uses

single episodes

as part of a puzzle

destined to recompose


Every interpreter

dictates the tone of his own story:

Paul Whitehouse's more pronounced,

paranoid that of Alex Lawther,

but it is Martin Freeman's

the most sinister.

On the final,

the strongest piece of the film:

direction resorts to solutions

that literally pierce

the perception of film



with the last twists

the pleasure

of a fulfilled work.

Lorenzo Frediani played a review by Andrea Fornasiero

For more infomation >> Ghost Stories (2017) - - Duration: 1:00.


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For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso perde le staffe contro l'ex naufraga Alessia: ecco perchè | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


Barbara D'Urso contro Alessia Mancini: l'ex naufraga ha denigrato il programma? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso contro Alessia Mancini: l'ex naufraga ha denigrato il programma? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


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For more infomation >> Wife of mentally ill inmate who died in SLO County jail files wrongful death claim - Duration: 1:18.


Research and Education Conference 2017 - Marko Zovko, Clarivate Analytics - Duration: 0:45.

So, Marko, how well the event meet your expectations?

Well, Titi, like every year, the event is very well organised.

I'm very happy to be here, in Iași, to network with all of our customers,

all of our end users and, obviously, everyone from Enformation and other vendors.

As I say: I'm happy to be here with everyone for the next three days and I

just hope I will meet more people, interact with them, share experiences...

and we will be looking forward for the next one, as well!

Thank you!

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Research and Education Conference 2017 - Marko Zovko, Clarivate Analytics - Duration: 0:45.


Aprende a controlar tu ira: técnicas para evitar perder el control - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Aprende a controlar tu ira: técnicas para evitar perder el control - Duration: 7:43.


Research and Education Conference 2017 - Krassimira Anguelova, Alexander Street - Duration: 0:59.

So, Krassi, how to you enjoy Enformation Conference?

Do you like the networking possibilities here?

Yes. It's always a pleasure for us to be here because we can meet not only our customers, but

also all relevant organisations, where we can talk with our colleagues, professors, librarians,

check what their information needs are.

But for us, at Alexander Street, is also very important to find good partners, institutions,

either research institutions or universities, who could have a reasonable,

relevant content, which they can include in our databases.

Because we are more than keen to increase the content coming from this region.

So it's always a pleasure for me! Thank you!

For more infomation >> Research and Education Conference 2017 - Krassimira Anguelova, Alexander Street - Duration: 0:59.


Al Bano e Romina Tornano Insieme! | M.C.G.S - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Tornano Insieme! | M.C.G.S - Duration: 2:16.


3 maneiras simples de queimar mais calorias ao fazer exercícios - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> 3 maneiras simples de queimar mais calorias ao fazer exercícios - Duration: 6:49.


Research and Education Conference 2017 - Cem Üzüm, Springer Nature - Duration: 0:39.

Hi, Cem!

Hi, Alexandra!

How important is for Springer Nature this event?

Well, this event, organised by Enformation, is very important for us as always, as we are

ongoing partners since over 10 years, in working in the Romanian academic society together.

Also, during or through your work, this very very important for all of us to show in presence,

especially as a new combine, new merged companies: Springer and Nature.

I guess it is a… yeah! Very good idea to being here and... yeah!

Thank you for your invitation and time for us!

Any time with pleasure! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Research and Education Conference 2017 - Cem Üzüm, Springer Nature - Duration: 0:39.


Niloya kostümü giyen Azra'ya Mete Duvar Şakası Yapıyor Örümcek adam kostümü Wall Joke Fun Kid Videos - Duration: 11:10.

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Pocoyo em Português | Pintando a boneca de Elly | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo em Português | Pintando a boneca de Elly | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:49.


惱羞成怒?台軍方誇下海口:對解放軍海陸空全掌握 - Duration: 9:47.

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Funny Clown Bob | Construction vehicles JCB Toy Dump Truck & Loader Unboxing | Funny Video for kids - Duration: 3:46.

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For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob | Construction vehicles JCB Toy Dump Truck & Loader Unboxing | Funny Video for kids - Duration: 3:46.


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For more infomation >> 폭스바겐, 순수전기차 I.D. R 파이크스 피크 실체 공개 - Duration: 3:41.






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For more infomation >> Cartoons about Cars for Kids Sports Racing Car Cartoon Colored Cars - Duration: 10:30.


Ninja Disses Myth At The Las Vegas Fortnite Tournament Fortnite Highlights & Funny Moments - Duration: 16:11.

Ninja Disses Myth At The Las Vegas Fortnite Tournament Fortnite Highlights & Funny Moments

Chucking it. I made that muscle

Safe in the next and now that now the gas is moving and this is a 25 second circle

Look at the intensity of people watching live in the venue they want ninja to get this first victory. He's got old materials. He needs

And yeah now he's inching on in

That was my worry

He needs help from the other player remaining in the players remaining spotty right to take down this guy at the top is getting his

Rockets to potentially try and drop the structure out from under it get that guy just slide a little bit

He's trying to take quick tap fires plus the structure

He's on his built out of metal so you know it's come on ball get shotgun

Yeah, I'll fix out a cowboy one of the ones that was brought up on stage is still in the game

Three remaining I'm hearing the crowd yells shield. They're hoping he uses it

rockets coming in

Trying to drop the structure and just gonna see if he can sneak down below out the bottom and block himself

a huge and rockets spottier

Hasn't been taken down obviously now he has enough so one versus one and he's gonna reassess the situation now

Tree gone fall damage 27 HP survives the drop

You see now that the player has a hundred and sixty-five health. He's now just one rocket one versus

177 HP it looks like he's just gonna go for this. He's just society

It's time to get up close and personal pump shotgun out ninja looking for the fight

Which the first shot the second the challenge comes in?

Not like this brother oh my god

There's no player literally falling with him down three left havoc fallen down underneath 74 HP

He's got 174 can't survive quite a bit here a comp action could still finish him

Let's go. This is so easy. He's got this

Alright, he's in a great spot three players left to if you don't count the man that we are watching right now also rocking that

Raven backlink seems to be a

Fan favorite absolutely, thank you so much for that card soda. It's a nice little edit there

He's going up doing that one by he's clearly not worried about materials as you can see that

He's going you know you can tell it a player is confident, and not only how they're playing in the building

But also that they have a lot of materials with if they're covering and literally closing himself off constantly

And that's exactly what he's doing Psalms damn thinking he's he's golden trying to jump up add it up build up even higher

And he's also in the zone to I mean this guy's

In my opinion right now, though

Like he needs to just kind of feel a little aggressive just like peek out you know

I'm saying he doesn't know what anyone's doing right now

Yeah, right, and this is actually something that a lot of people who are very good at building

I use the comparison of ultra instinct when Goku go soldier and think this first time any only no side of block and defend

But he was absolutely no idea how to fight like properly

It's like he's doing such a good job defending in such a good job building right now

But like he's completely you know taking away all opportunities to kill players by not even looking at all


Her down stinky beaver is now finished

So he's not gonna be able to get that 10,000 and he's in a great spot

This is all you have to do made it out

They otic man the last kill the last fight all the tournament Ninja Vegas the 80 man this guy honestly right now

Just start building up if I'm chaotic trying to reset this fight

This guy starts getting a high-rise get very sticky very quick, and that's exactly what is gonna. Do the shots of ricochet pad oh?

Nice hits a shot

Flair's got no shields catechins in a great spot to finish this game all he has to do is just locate and talk to this

Target one last shot. It's gonna. Definitely do it the player is completely on shields disco disco coming out there?

The boogie bomb is strong with twenty seasons Clara. He doesn't want to 80s and be too slow

He needs that movement it looks like this player might be out of material

Still definitely got some wood there. There's the ramp up coming out with the

Filter towers just

A reminder we have seven left in the game myth died early in wailing woods and a little 1v1 shootout

It looked like you got a hit like 75 HP you got a are two temps

We're also watching, babe Jesus who we interviewed prior to starting this matchup we heard exactly his thoughts again

how he likes to play a more of a passive role

Again one of the three tempo storm members currently participating in this one in babe Jesus as you see in

The bottom of your screen he's up on the stage right now. Yeah, baby. Yeah, you got it

You got a pen Vijay was actually referenced by pain pain who won a tempo storm player who won in heat two?

but as the pain just switched playstyles to you basically said Vijay plays defensive and

Pain doesn't pain his aggressive player, but he said you know what I'm just gonna

I'm gonna pull full 180 and go full vape Jesus on this one and see if I could clutch out a win

and he did he did so we couldn't see we could see some big plays from Vijay here if he if he

focuses and funnels the same place now

Absolutely yeah, he just got absolute laser. I'm seeing a lot of SMG play here in my opinion when you have this intense

Situation he's dead for sure that's wrong in him you have this intense stage set up, man

I really think kind of some dude just adds a lot of pressure leading to players. We literally brought that up yep

Not five minutes ago. Yeah, it's over. Dude. I love you guys, man. That's why that's why you guys were up there, man

I couldn't pass car better do to be caching this thang so ya know so that that SMG, right?

Oh, my god. Ballsy is a risky play. I mean I reset right now

Jump you just had a fall. I was like dude. That's a bold strategy seems to jump off of the mountain

Let's see how that works out for him sending himself to just hate denying happen no way man

Can we get some ninja splats in the chat please I can promise you from seeing the spam so far today

They are there when you use the bush you sort of seat

You should have seen your chat that one so what's it worth it?

You think it was worth these in the bush even though. I don't know absolutely not

It was pretty funny to watch them literally talk to you strategy about how you were going to take fall damage to get

Seriously way too good. Oh here. We go. Here's one of the final build ups top core in this game

Yeah, he's super high up right now. It's just something that I think as top players

Continue to to get better try people start to kind of learn the meta, right

It's difficult, man when I see people do these high build battles

I'm literally just my mouth is watering as a player watching because I just go underneath him and shooters down

Do you think though he had a couple missed plays on that built right there? He should have the high ground

his jump fatigue I was a

Second and then just talked about with even my gameplay of just spamming jump a little bit too much

There's a diminishing cooldown on that and if you jump too much, then your jump. I could shorten short short of really wait yep

He could have still had the highway although here. It's the bio talking about the plane. That would have done it even earlier

Dilute delivery system

Oh, so well times that was sold on and that's exactly what I'm talking about

I've been watching a lot of scrims as well on Twitch moment CCP channel

They're they're pulling in a lot of a lot of stream bytes, which with epics amazing

without victim easing

Unbelievable what about


storms got four kills long story short a lot of those fights same to just be

Building up, and I think a lot of people are gonna start. Just dropping down and shooting him out so here

We go the last fight

He just got some minions

But I don't think even carry something to pick them up uses going straight in decent such a good position, man

He's 100 650 shields got me

Brush it off brush it off. Give it up for storm the arena. Those guys give it up. Let's go wow

That it there you go

Two opponents simultaneously a pinch never good never never good and in

Depending on the situation a pinch can play one of many ways

His best bet though is to choose one to be aggressive in that direction especially if both are being aggressive towards him at the same


You don't want to let them you don't want to let your opponents

Just decide the pace of the game you want to take control

and he knows that I

Think that's part of why he's billing down trying to and mix it up a little bit

So he has he can dictate where things end up next

He's looking for any bit of information you can get

40 seconds until the storm begins to move forward right now quite a ways to go my friend okay here we go

Coming out immediately players have eyes on him from a number of different angles top of the mountains and safe

Players those rides gonna have to move

That's a it's anything on a mountain people like that if you're up there right now

From what we learned in the rehearsal games and now so far today

We know high ground was everything you can't get much higher ground than that

Got a three-peat around the corner playing it like pub Jean for a little bit there

Just trying to make sure you can see everything that he needs to see everything that he possibly

Can see it's a build going up on the right first player over there. It looks like they're starting push up comfortable

however if he's smart

and I think he's gonna do this he's gonna play for that launch pad because that's that could be his exit out of this as

well his other option push up the hill a little bit get a

Get a position, but this is gonna be underneath this'll be a no matter what this is the game right here

He's going for right now. He's trying to establish

The high ground did the engagement there's the first tag the 70 headshot just changed everything now

It's the green light for ninja to go

He knows this player has under 100 HP not wanting to give him any time to pop a mini

Use anything to gain back these shields

It looks like there might be more than just him and one enemy Tower is potentially home to a number of players hotel tower

Showing up at the top. He's got at least one who can fight him shots at it

The scar spam doesn't get a hit, but is not gonna way at that wall

Just a little bit enough to put some pressure see him takes it out the filled to cover and no shield under this guy

very low 24 HP

Puncture it with the pure panic of them

Ninja can close on his game seven kills seven left a minute on his own and pre-made spam AR from the other side

He's in a kind of a tight spots. Can I have to figure his way out of this one?

The fight with on the right side of your screen stabs E. Frantically building

Laid-back muscle

The disco

Magic that was an actual grenade

into the Sun gone south

That was actually an impressive throw it was right in the window yeah

Now again looking to explode in the air and there you go

Oh look at me my name's - I know what a grenade people


Ninja wasn't balanced epic. Please patched this man

For left including ninja he sees at least one on a very high ground


12 HP almost got dropped oh

Here we go

See here his opponent at the launch pad as well trying to locate him nothing out of it by his own

He's got a move here. He has very little time

Hopefully doesn't run into anybody down here

Just let him fight it out best bet right now don't forget

I think there's a window to his right back behind him don't want to get shot through that sweet. What do you?

one-on-one situation for win number two sneaky beaver

versus ninja - very stealth like people

My god

Yeah, he's got a fight Mike Intel

Comes the heel he'll be at 75 not ideal a risky spot two of us

He could have dropped down and got an angle from any of the sides there was no the

Building you see there underneath all those structures

It's exposed so a shot in the leg counts just as much as the rest of the body

Here 75 HP. We've got nine grenades left. Do you think with the elevation of this engagement those are gonna come into play here?

We're at this point. I'm feeling like this is a shoddy push

He was going for it for a second, but I think he saw just how high up this player built - oh

My goodness he's gonna try and knock it out from underneath and bring the whole thing down because if he does

It's a high ground battle, did you see Banias right animation?

He's got the shotgun out both players building for high ground. It looks like ninjas. Got it. He's out of materials. He is out

He has to win from this position

66 HP one well-placed pump shotgun shell could make the difference here

we do not know how much alphas final opponent has then just still dancing around is gonna use his - five overran aids and

And will those just hurt the storm. I think but back to the action

one versus one shooting out the


Trying to just get an eye on where this final player is he hasn't spotted them as of yet look at how tight that zone

Is right now ninja with seven materials in total not build a thing and he knows that if he gives up this high ground

He cannot build back up

He'll go for the extra 9 HP putting it at 75 in total

And he's worried about getting it a pump shotgun fight - Lupo because one shot one shot is it looks gonna take

He's still Chinese trying to find them yeah, and honestly every time he walks over that floor right there

I get a little nervous holes in it. It's not full-hp. Yep

His opponent could potentially see him up for underneath, and there's nothing supporting it so if they not if he knocks that down

They're just gonna fall

Eventually taking the time here it is his owns gonna close in a little bit more and at some point

There's the rebuild he knows that the guys right underneath them

We have on him right there they have camera on the bottom left here screen

He's got help and shield so HP advantage

Absolutely to the opponent right now blue pomp so it has the opportunity to just close out with one hit and this time might might

Waiting out, but at page P. They're at right now, and you'll see his opponent doesn't have any bandages


Nothing to heal AFB with and that's all the zone does damage to so if ninja waits and places out at the end

He there's no reason to know this but he could bandage through in Windows this is it ladies and gentlemen ninja trying to go for

This one now, it's pump shotgun time. We know how good his accuracy is

ninja 1vs1

5000 on the line for this player if he kills ninja he Peaks the corner gets weakened ninja down to 30 HP you



For more infomation >> Ninja Disses Myth At The Las Vegas Fortnite Tournament Fortnite Highlights & Funny Moments - Duration: 16:11.


Spearfishing in the Bahamas

For more infomation >> Spearfishing in the Bahamas


Phonics Letter - T | Learn Alphabets Song | Learning Videos For Babies - Duration: 1:03:07.

Phonics Letter - T

For more infomation >> Phonics Letter - T | Learn Alphabets Song | Learning Videos For Babies - Duration: 1:03:07.


Don't I Know You? - Duration: 41:43.

For more infomation >> Don't I Know You? - Duration: 41:43.


Old King Cole | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:37.

Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he;

He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,and he called for his fiddlers three.

Every fiddler he had a fiddle, And a very fine fiddle had he;

There's none so rare, as can compare, with King Cole and his fiddlers three.

Old King Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he;

He called for his shield, and he called for his sword, and he called for his swordsmen three.

Every swordsman he had a sword, and a very fine sword had he;

There's none so rare, as can compare, with King Cole and his swordsmen three.

For more infomation >> Old King Cole | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:37.





Into the Mist - Duration: 42:34.

For more infomation >> Into the Mist - Duration: 42:34.


Jealousy's a Killer - Duration: 43:35.

For more infomation >> Jealousy's a Killer - Duration: 43:35.


'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere: Charlotte's Plan & Peter Abernathy [PHOTOS & CLUES] | SML TV - Duration: 6:03.

'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere: Charlotte's Plan & Peter Abernathy [PHOTOS & CLUES]

HBO A scene from Season 1 of Westworld.

We all know from Season 1 of Westworld that Charlotte had a plan for Peter Abernathy.

But more was revealed tonight during the Season 2 premiere, and fans are already developing theories about what it all means.

Here are photos and clues to help you as you try to determine just what is going on. This post has major spoilers for the Season 2 premiere of Westworld, so don't read on unless you've already seen the episode or don't mind being spoiled. .

Charlotte had to log into a complicated computer set up in Section 14, a secret underground lab featuring drone hosts.

This was an area "above" Bernard's pay grade.

Security was so tight that it required a DNA scan to get in and a facial recognition scan.

She had a tough time getting through to her contact at first.

But she was finally able to reach someone.

The results weren't so great, however.

Here's what the screen looked like while she was trying to establish a connection:.

As Charlotte quickly learned, no extraction was coming.

The package did not arrive and they weren't going to come and get her until it did.

Bernard questioned her about what was going on, so she explained the whole thing.

But not before Bernard got upset about other things he saw in the lab: like off-network drone hosts, and a discovery that Delos might be saving records of guest's DNA and experiences.

Charlotte explained that Delos was expecting the delivery of a host to the mainland, and there would be no rescue until Delos got that host.

Bernard questioned if they would just let people die, and she said yes.

"It's an insurance policy to the only thing that matters here." That's when she revealed to Bernard that the host in question was Peter Abernathy.

You may not remember that more about what's stored in Abernathy was actually revealed in Season 1. In an episode called "Trace Decay," Charlotte Hale brings Lee Sizemore (the head of the Narrative Department) to Cold Storage.

There they find Abernathy.

Charlotte says that she is uploading 35 years of data into Abernathy.

She tells Lee that he must give Abernathy just enough of a personality to let him get on the train at the Monorail Terminal in the Mesa Hub and leave.

(In an earlier conversation with Theresa, Charlotte and Theresa referred to the data as a failsafe in case Ford wiped the hosts' memories after he was forced out of the park.

But obviously they still want the data, even with Ford dead, so that must not be the only reason they wanted the information.).

All of this begs the question of why Abernathy's data is so important and just what is on it.

At this point, we just don't know.

Maybe it's connected to the DNA that Bernard asks Charlotte about.

Maybe it's secret code about how the hosts work for a competitor.

We just don't have enough to go on at this point, but we do know that whatever the data is, it's important.

It covers pretty much the entire duration of the park's existence, at least since Arnold had Dolores kill him.

In Westworld, the most innocuous things can be a clue or even a hint for an ARG, which is also part of the reason we included photos of Charlotte's conversation with someone from Delos.

Westworld has had active ARGs in the past that gave extra clues for the story, so it's always good to pay close attention to what's going on in the show, including things that appear on cards or computer screens.

You never know what you might find.

For more infomation >> 'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere: Charlotte's Plan & Peter Abernathy [PHOTOS & CLUES] | SML TV - Duration: 6:03.


The Magic Box | Road Rangers | Car Cartoons Video For Babies - Duration: 1:02:03.

The Magic Box

For more infomation >> The Magic Box | Road Rangers | Car Cartoons Video For Babies - Duration: 1:02:03.


'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere: What's Wrong with Bernard? [PHOTOS] | SML TV - Duration: 4:39.

'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere: What's Wrong with Bernard? [PHOTOS]

During the Season 2 premiere of Westworld, we learn some interesting facts about Bernard that we didn't know before.

But now fans are wondering: Just what is wrong with Bernard? Here are the clues we were given, including photos, to help you develop theories.

This post has major spoilers for the Season 2 premiere, so don't read on unless you've already seen the premiere or don't mind being spoiled.

Near the end of the Season 2 premiere, Bernard's symptoms keep getting worse.

His hand is shaking terribly and he's having trouble keeping his balance.

So while he's in Section 14 with Charlotte, he secretly hooks himself up to a tablet and reads his own vitals through the mesh network.

That's when he starts hearing a warning that he's having a Critical Malfunction (Critical Corruption.) The computer warns him that the signs include loss of motor function, cognitive dissonance, aphasia, and time slippage.

(Didn't we see some of these with Dolores last season?).

It's unclear what causes a critical corruption or how to fix it.

Some fans are wondering if it could be some kind of failsafe to keep hosts from gaining self awareness.

Others wonder if it's simply a result of a host not "rebooting" somehow.

All we know for certain is that it's not looking so great for Bernard, and the more his hand shakes, the worse his malfunction is getting.

Here's a look at what the tablet showed him:.

In the above photo, you can see that he's accessing the mesh node to access his own details.

How surreal to see the photo above and know it's about you.

Here are more photos of the readings on his tablet than you probably need.

One reading below says "Terminal Malfunction" and "Critical Corruption." He has .72 hours left.

It's unclear how much time he bought himself by injecting himself with the white fluid (or did that cure the problem entirely?).

So all we know at this point about Bernard is that he's suffering some kind of terminal malfunction, for reasons that aren't quite clear but possibly related to shooting himself in Season 1.

The corruption is causing both physical and cognitive problems.

There's a fix, but it might only be temporary.

And he's knowledgeable enough to access his own details on a tablet.

(Which should be very creepy for him.).

In Westworld, the most innocuous things can be a clue or even a hint for an ARG, so it's probably worthwhile to study these photos closely.

Westworld has had active ARGs in the past that gave extra clues for the story, so it's always good to pay close attention to what's going on in the show, including things that appear on cards or computer screens.

You never know what you might find.

For more infomation >> 'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere: What's Wrong with Bernard? [PHOTOS] | SML TV - Duration: 4:39.


Bell + Howell Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Home and Garage 9... - Duration: 19:03.

For more infomation >> Bell + Howell Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Home and Garage 9... - Duration: 19:03.


Little Miss Muffet | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Farmees - Duration: 19:34.

Little Miss Muffet really is frightened of spiders.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet

Eating her curds and whey

Along came a spider who sat down beside her

And frightened Miss Muffet away

Little Miss Muffet came back to the tuffet

Carrying a tin of sweets

She patted the spider

Who sat down beside here

And gave him a cookie to eat

I never knew spiders loved cookies.

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet

Eating her curds and whey

Along came a spider who sat down beside her

And frightened Miss Muffet away

Little Miss Muffet came back to the tuffet

Carrying a tin of sweets

She patted the spider

Who sat down beside her

And gave him a cookie to eat

That's a really cute spider.

For more infomation >> Little Miss Muffet | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Farmees - Duration: 19:34.


Garbage Truck | Car Wash Videos | Cartoons For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:34.

Garbage Truck

For more infomation >> Garbage Truck | Car Wash Videos | Cartoons For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:34.


№21 Два важных правила для продвижения видео на YouTube #300сммсоветов от Тимура Тажетдинова - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> №21 Два важных правила для продвижения видео на YouTube #300сммсоветов от Тимура Тажетдинова - Duration: 5:03.


'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere Ending Explained [PHOTOS] | SML TV - Duration: 4:53.

'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere Ending Explained [PHOTOS]

The Season 2 premiere of Westworld was absolutely phenomenal.

But that ending is leaving fans talking.

Here are clues and photos about what happened, including just what it was that Bernard said at the end. This has major spoilers for the Season 2 premiere of Westworld. .

Of course, with this being Westworld, we can't tell you with absolute certainty what the ending means.

But we can share photos and clues to help fans make educated guesses.

(Which, as we learned in Season 1, might be completely wrong.).

At the very end of the episode, the Delos employees and Bernard finally determined exactly where all the hosts were.

They found them all clustered in one area on a map, and followed the map to their location.

Along the way, they saw that a tiger had broken through from another sector, which was highly unusual.

The tablet showing the hosts clustered in one area.

When they reached the location, everyone was dumbfounded.

They saw a valley that led to a sea that no one knew existed.

This western valley and its sea was not on any survey of the park, the Delos employees noted.

"It shouldn't be there.".

We know that Ford was reworking the land very fast to accommodate his new narrative, but the show quickly informs us that there is no way this sea was created by Ford.

There's no way Ford made it without anyone knowing, the Delos employees say.  "So where did it come from?".

That's when they take a closer look and realize that the sea is filled with the dead bodies of hosts.

Hundreds of dead hosts.

Here are a series of photos showing exactly what they saw.

Remember, these are host bodies, not people, because they tracked them all on the tablet.

What could have done this? It's likely that some of the hosts' brains will have some retrievable video, just like in the beginning of the episode.

The scene is crazy.

Why would so many hosts enter this sea that shouldn't even be there, and drown?.

It's an absolutely beautiful scene.

With a shocking discovery.

It's hard to make out exactly what Bernard says at this point, but it sounds like he says: "I killed them… All of them…".

We're not given any more clues than this about what happened at this point.

How did the hosts die? Who created this giant sea? Did Bernard really do this? Fans are likely going to be coming up with a lot of theories about this, and we will be sharing those theories in this article.

This is a developing story.

For more infomation >> 'Westworld' Season 2 Premiere Ending Explained [PHOTOS] | SML TV - Duration: 4:53.


Five Little Robots | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:02:51.

Five little Robots jumping in the spaceship

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Robots jumping in the spaceship

Four little Robots jumping in the spaceship

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Robots jumping in the spaceship

Three little Robots jumping in the spaceship

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Robots jumping in the spaceship

Two little Robots jumping in the spaceship

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Robots jumping in the spaceship

One little Robots jumping in the spaceship

One fell off and bumped his head..

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

Put those Robots right to bed!

For more infomation >> Five Little Robots | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:02:51.


Detox Teas Really Work!! Help You Lose Weight - Duration: 3:15.

Can the talks he's really help you lose weight

first came juice cleanses

then we got soup cleanses now there's a new liquid diet promising big things for your health and waistline and it's called T talk saying

you've likely already seen T. Dicks products hawked by celebrity spokespeople on instant Gramm

Kiley Jenner Lindsay Lou Ann and britney spears are just a few notable examples

the manufacturers of the tea blends make big claims about the products effects allegedly

they can cleanse your body of toxins

boost your energy boost metabolism

and spur weight loss we just have one rather crucial

question do they actually work

the short answer is no

there is no evidence that T talk sink and benefit your body or help you lose weight

says Sharon Palmer RT and author of the plant powered diet

and your body has its own natural detox system and can detoxify all on its own really

your body flushes out toxins no matter what you eat or drink

and almost tea products are generally considered safe

tied its products in particular may cause some digestive upset some blends contains senna

and natural ingredient that can cause GI irritation cramping

and diarrhea homer notes

it's not encouraged to use these products for more than two weeks because it may lead to more serious health effects she sat

instead it's better to just drink normal tea black green light or herbal

unlike T. Dicks formulations

plain old tea actually is backed up by science

on sweetened tea is a very healthy Beveridge

and I recommend it as a wonderful Beveridge choice especially compared to sodas and energy drinks Palmer says

much of the research has been done on green black white and oolong tea

these kinds of tea have been linked with a number of health benefits such as protection

against cancer and type two diabetes because of their flavor Lloyd antioxidant content

caffeine free herbal teas are another good choice

chamomile has been linked with anti and Isiah te affects O'Leary and has been linked to

aiding sleep and ginger tea has been linked to antinausea

Palmer adds the bottom line no single product can magically clear toxins from your body or make you lose tons of weight weight loss

happens when you create a negative energy balance

that is when you burn more calories than you eat drinking tea ticks products won't make you lose weight if you turn around and gobble up

some cheese fries for lunch every day tea can be a healthful part of your diet

Palmer says that epoch sing on its home is not a magic bullet for weight loss

For more infomation >> Detox Teas Really Work!! Help You Lose Weight - Duration: 3:15.


Go Tina On the Mountain - Duration: 22:32.

For more infomation >> Go Tina On the Mountain - Duration: 22:32.


The Last Man On Earth - The Blob - Duration: 22:34.

For more infomation >> The Last Man On Earth - The Blob - Duration: 22:34.


Replanting Roots on Aruba - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> Replanting Roots on Aruba - Duration: 21:44.


Home Remedies for Ringworm of the Scalp - Ringworm on Scalp Home Remedies - Duration: 1:40.

Home Remedies for Ringworm of the Scalp

Home Remedies for Ringworm of the Scalp

Home Remedies for Ringworm of the Scalp

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