Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 24 2018

Okay, folks. I'm back from China and nihao to everyone

It'll be my first review after returning from China and this review will be on the device, that was not presented in China, because today we have a review on exclusive RTA that is made in Turkey

And while Jeff is editing pretty big video of the best Expo in the world, we're getting to a review

Let's roll. Intro...

Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

For real folks I missed you so much. Come here, I'll hug you. Come closer everyone

I'll hug everyone each of you. I'll try at least

Anyway, today we have very interesting representative of MTL kind - Spica PRO MTL RTA by Sirius Mods from Turkey

Previously Sirius Mods already done Spica MTL RTA and, unfortunately, I didn't had it. But today we will get familiar with PRO version

And I'll say - this device have a lot of interesting features and innovations

One of that features is option to reduce the chamber

Let's dive down, disassemble, assemble back, launch it and after talk of all nuances

Okay folks, let's unbox this nice packaging with inscription Spica PRO MTL RTA

On this side we have the name of manufacturer

On the rear side we have 2 stickers for protection of first opening, logo of the manufacturer, description of a product, material, kit content, link to the official site and note that it's Made in Turkey

Under the cover we are met by the whole kit

The tank itself, spare polycarbonate tank, tool for adjusting height of the chamber, 2 replaceable airflows - it's the pin in the same time

And bag of spares, which includes spare o-rings, spare screws and spare insulator

We're done with the packaging, let's get to the specs

This RTA is made out of 304SS and available only in SS color

It have 510 drip tips slot, juice flow control with option to completely shut the flow down

One of the main features of this tank is option to reduce the chamber and hot swap of airflow with full tank with cotton and coil installed

Also this tank have airflow adjustment ring

And it have option to change the capacity from 2 to 4ml

This tank is fully disassemblable and have option to access the coil when filled

Main diameter of this tank is 22mm, height with stock drip tip is 64.7mm, height without stock drip tip is 47mm

And now let's get to a detailed look. As always we start from the top, where we have 510 drip tip

Pay attention, that mouthpiece is made out of ultem and drip tip itself have very important function - it adjusts juice flow

It have cutouts on the bottom part for convenient grip and rotation

Even though it's 510 drip tip, pay attention on these keys for adjusting juice flow

Inner diameter of drip tip shaft is 3.3mm

In one of reviews I saw that this ultem part is unscrew able, but unfortunately I couldn't unscrew it - maybe Sirius Mods get rid of this feature, since when you adjust the juice flow this part could unscrew

So I guess this drip tip isn't disassemblable, because no matter how I tried I couldn't unscrew this ultem part

Of course you can use your own 510 drip tips, but if you do - don't forget that you will be unable to adjust juice flow

Moving forward. Next part is top cap for filling. It have cutouts and this top cap is pretty thin

Unscrewing is often inconvenience due to the fact that it's thin, especially when hands are moisty, it's very hard to catch that top cap

On the top cap we have threading and 2 o-rings and it hides 2 fill slots

Also pay attention on these two notches - it's for juice flow control with drip tip

The juice flow control works like so - when you using stock drip tip you can turn it right or left

Let's continue. Now we can remove the tank

This tank is consists of several parts, let's begin in order

First - we can remove the glass. When you will be removing it for the first time it'll be uncomfortable, because it's sits pretty snug.

Manufacturer recommends to put this part into warm water, so the o-rings will become softer and you will be able to remove the glass

I already removed this glass before and lubricated o-rings with liquid

In case if you want to increase tank capacity you can use polycarbonate tank, which we have in the kit

It'll be look like so. It's frosted, but you can still observe the level of remaining liquid

This tank increases the capacity up to 4ml, with stock glass the capacity is 3ml. In retail version manufacturer promises to add 2ml glass tank

On the bell we have a logo and the name Spica PRO

As I said before, this part is consists of several parts. First thing we can unscrew is another bell

It's pretty easy to pop it out, since it's holding on single o-ring

You will be adjusting juice flow with that inner bell

But that's not all. I'll remind that one of the main features of this tank is option to reduce chamber

It can be done with the top part of the chamber, which have spherical machining

We will need a tool from the kit for adjusting size of the chamber

The tool is look like so. Pay attention that it have a hole to carry it with you on the key ring

And inside we have this key. It looks like Allen key, it's inserting into the shaft and by screwing it in clockwise you decrease the size of a chamber

It happens like so. Pay attention, that top part is going down

If we continue we can unscrew the top part of a chamber

Here we can see the o-ring and threading

Let's get back this part back into place to the very end and later I'll show you how this system works with coil installed

Okay friends, it's time to talk about the deck. It have very familiar coil installation by 2 screws

On this side we have positive post, on this side we have negative post, Phillips head screws and in the center we have airflow

On the sides we have slots for cotton

Liquid will get to the cotton through these 2 holes. Also with these holes you can adjust the juice flow control

I think you noticed, that airflow is pretty interesting. At least it looks completely different from all others

But we'll get back to it later, when I'll be showing you how to hot swap it

So let's continue. Here we have o-ring and threading for screwing of top part

Lower we have airflow adjustment ring and 5 airflow holes

First three holes are about the same, while last two have different diameter. Sadly I couldn't measure them, but I'll take a guess that this one is 1.4-1.5mm, this one is 1.6mm and these holes are 2mm

On the bottom we have pin, serial number and inscription Designed by Sirius Mods

And now another feature of this tank - hot swap of the airflow with filled tank and installed coil with cotton

It's very easy - simply replace the pin

You can do it like so - unscrew the pin counter clockwise

Inside we have insulator and the pin itself, which is the replaceable airflow at the same time

As you can see central hole is empty. And the pin look like so

In the kit we have 2 spare pins with different cutouts

On the left one we have 3 cutouts, on the middle one we have 5 cutouts and on the right(pre-installed one) have 7 cutouts

These replaceable airflows are the airflows at the same time. Very interesting idea. And it's very convenient

You know, I'll be using pre-installed one. After testing of them all, I liked this one the most

Let's move on. As I said before, this RTA is fully disassemblable. After removing the pin you can remove the bottom part

This part have keys to prevent it from spinning

After this we can remove airflow adjustment ring. This ring have a stopper, so it wouldn't spin as well. I think you noticed, that we have holes only on one side

If we'll look inside we will see the airflow hole, through which air will go into the chamber

This is Spica PRO RTA fully disassembled. I think it's time to launch this device, so let's assemble it back

Okay, the deck is ready. Now it's time to put some coil

I'll be using Superfine MTL Fused Clapton Wire by Vandy Vape. It's SS316L fused clapton for MTL devices

Let's stop for a moment, since in here we have one important thing. You should cut the leads as short as you can - ideally cut them flush with the posts, since otherwise you can get short circuit

This RTA have very precise tolerances, so any protruding leads is unacceptable

So cut them as close to the posts as you can and bend them on both sides, especially on the positive post

Okay friends. Another important moment regarding wicking - these holes should be completely blocked by the cotton. And now we'll saturate the cotton

And correct the cotton one more time. Pay attention - cotton should not stick out of these holes and on the top cotton should be packed denser and not protrude beyond metal part

This is crucial moment of wicking this device, because tolerances are that accurate

If any cotton will be protruding in the moment when you will be screwing down the bell, protruding cotton will be jammed between the deck and bell and could possibly drag it out of the coil and you will get leakage

So be careful and take you time when wicking this device

As you saw, I filled the tank with juice flow control shut. Manufacturer recommend to flip the device upside down and only after that open the juice flow

After that flip it back and it's ready to work

Here you can observe how the juice flow control works - you can turn it in both directions or completely shut it with the drip tip

Now to the chamber size reducing. We'll be doing it with that key

Insert the key inside the drip tip, catch the notches

Look at the resistance and slowly begin unscrewing, which will cause lowering down the chamber. In this moment you should monitor the resistance - it's the main thing, that will tell that you don't have short circuit

Okay. Right now I got 0.1ohm resistance. It means that chamber is touching the coil. So I do a little reverse and check the resistance again.Resistance is back to its initial value, which means we're ready to use that tank

And last thing we'll do in this close up is size comparison. This is Tilemahos, here is ByKa v7, this is Siren 2, this is Kayfun Prime and Berserker 24mm

I placed them in terms of height without drip tip. As you can see our today guest is taken second spot of the tallest MTL tanks

Tilemahos by Golden Greek is absolutely without a rival - it's one of the most tall MTL tanks out there

Let's swap the box mod, airflow is set on 2 holes - it's enough for me

Let's fully open the juice flow control. Bubbles are happening, it's good

Replay mode is set and ready. It means we can get back to face-time and talk of pros and cons of this device, as well as some important moments regarding working and launching of this tank

Thanks for your attention in close up, let's go


Great. It's MTL

Before we get to pros, cons and other important stuff, I wanna say - it's pure-blooded MTL

It's MTL in every possible way, with great engineering and ultra wide customization

Anyway, I found several nuances in this RTA, which you should be aware of before purchase

Let's get to the first ones - the cons

Cons are the critical things that affects the working of the device, after them will be nitpicking, important moments and pros

But as always we'll start with cons

First con I'll give to this tank for inconvenient top cap for filling. It's very thin and it's very hard to grab it. I do understand why they make it like that - the tank is tall by itself

Though it's not an excuse, top cap is still inconvenient. Sirius Mods should think how to improve it

Yes, you can unscrew it, but it's hard and it's a con

Next con goes for binding to stock drip tip

Yes, you can use your 510 drip tips, but then you'll lose the juice flow control

Also I want to mention, that in one of reviews I saw that ultem mouthpiece is removable. No matter how hard I tried to unscrew it - I wasn't succeed

I would like to ask the manufacturer to make that ultem mouthpiece replaceable in retail version - to the black delrin for example. It would make this RTA even more versatile

Okay friends. We're done with cons, let's talk about nitpicks

I have only one nitpick - the height of this device. It's pretty tall

But, according to the comments of manufacturer, in retail version we will have option to use it with 2ml capacity and I guess it'll be achieved by reducing the height of the device

So, as it says, time will tell. We'll wait, see, look, we're gonna trust, hope and wait

It's awesome for chain vaping

Okay, let's move on

And now we're going to talk about few very important moments

First moment that you should know about and remember - cut the leads as close to the posts as possible. Otherwise you can get short circuit - it's not the thing that will please you

So double check how you cut the leads before screwing down the top part

Next important moment is the wicking. Do not let the cotton protrude out of metal parts

If the cotton protrudes - it could be jammed between the deck and bell. It'll negatively affect the juice flow control and could possibly pull the cotton out, cause leakage and so on. You don't need it

So be careful when you wicking

Another important moment - when you unscrewing the top part with filled tank, inner part of the bell could remain on the deck.

Several factors affect on it - the liquid, some small piece of cotton jammed between the deck and inner part of chamber and vacuum

So be prepared to the fact, that if you unscrew the filled tank - the bell will remain of the deck and you will have to remove it with your hands

No matter how many times I did this - the bell always remain on the deck. You should be aware of it, since you will face this issue like I did

When you fill this tank you should follow the sequence - first shut the juice flow. After that fill the tank, screw down the top cap, flip the tank upside down and then open juice flow

By doing so you will prevent the possibility of leaking, slurping and such stuff. Actually this applies to any MTL tank.

In case with this tank you are free to skip all of it, if you are confident in your abilities and you don't care about slight oversaturating

Though it's official recommendations from the manufacturer. I don't bother - I simply shut the juice flow, unscrew the top cap, fill it, screw the top cap back, open the juice flow and it works without issues

Of course correct wicking is crucial

Next moment is regarding adjusting the size of a chamber. I strongly recommend to use this RTA only with regulated box mods, where you can control if you have short circuit, when you adjusting the size of a chamber

Because you will not be able do it on mechanical mod and you will get short circuit. But since we have protection from short circuit in regulated box mods, this issue becomes not that critical

So use only regulated box mods for this RTA

And last important moment which I wanted to discuss with you

As you remember, in this RTA we have option to change airflow, and the airflow is pin at the same time. So here's the thing I faced using this tank

When I received it, I immediately launch it, tested everything that screws and spins, and after I installed the coil I noticed, that resistance is floating

I couldn't understood where it shorting, I thought it's the lead, but everything came out simpler - I didn't tightened the pin enough

In this RTA you should nicely tighten the pin, otherwise the resistance will be floating. Be aware of it

Great friends. We've discussed all of important moments

Let's get to the pros. It's plenty of them in here

First pro I want to give for quality of manufacturing. It's top notch. Great job. Quality of manufacturing is 10/10

Next pro I'll give for kit content. Guys put in the kit everything you need - you have option to change the capacity, you have option to change the airflow, you have everything you need for proper MTL experience

Major pro for kit content

Next pro I'll give for innovation and versatility. Let's separate this pro on several pros

Great realization of changing the size of a chamber. With that option you can adjust the flavor and throat hit and many other aspects

Next major subpro goes for hot swapping of airflow even with filled tank and installed coil. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine how to implement such system. Great job with that, guys, great idea

Next subpro goes for opportunity to change the capacity of a tank. As I said, in retail version is gonna be 2ml, right now we have 3 and 4ml with polycarbonate tank

So that was the pros for innovations and versatility. Let's move on

Next pro I'll give for juice flow control. Yes, it affects on the size of the device. Yes, because of that we have to use stock drip tip to make juice flow work. But it's very important features for the people, who's afraid of leaking

Next pro I'll give for convenient and familiar coil installation and wicking

Maybe you will have to fiddle a bit with wicking for the first couple times, but it's until you get used to it. You don't need much cotton with this device, main thing is to block juice flow holes

Another pro I'll give for the possibility of complete disassembly of the it, due to this possibility we can easily clean this tank. It's good, it's convenient and versatile

Of course I can't not to give a pro for a flavor. This tank is MTL flavor machine. Yes, it's not dual coil RDA - flavor in such devices are secondary, primary is throat hit, small vapor production and nicotine delivery

All of these factors are here. It's a great MTL device with nice flavor

Also I'll give it a pro for airflow adjustment. In here you can adjust from loose MTL draw to very tight MTL draw. It's good, I like how it works and I like the tightest draw

And last pro I'll give for nice appearance. Though I want this tank to be a little bit lower

Overall friends. Let's talk about price

I think that most adequate and most knowing people predicts, that it's gonna be expensive and the price won't be Chinese

Price tag on this device on the official site is 111€ without shipment. So the price can vary depends on your country

The official release is scheduled for April 30. So if you are interested in this device - all the link in the description below this video

I don't know the size of the first batch, so if you really liked this RTA and you want to purchase it - try to be first at April 30 on the official manufacturers site

It's right there


Normal'no tak

It's hard to be a reviewer and living in the new building

It's kapec

Okay friends, at this point i'll finalize

I want to say big thanks to Sirius Mods for sending me this RTA for review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Frankly, it was a surprise to me, that MTL tanks are produced in Turkey. Very good MTL tanks

Guys from Turkey - hello and respect!

And not that's it for sure

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you

We'll see you soon. Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> КРУТОЙ MTL ИЗ ТУРЦИИ l Spica PRO MTL RTA l by Sirius Mods l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 24:46.


WARFACE ВЫХОДНЫЕ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №58 - Duration: 57:47.

For more infomation >> WARFACE ВЫХОДНЫЕ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №58 - Duration: 57:47.


Harris Teeter Grocery Haul 4-23-18 paid $1.16 per item Couponing Crystle - Duration: 13:15.

Clip to save you will be amazed with couponing crystle

hey lovely people couponing crystal here with the Harris haul you guys

know I had posted two videos for coupons.com

telling you guys to go and print those coupons so the reason why is because

there are some deals at Harris Teeter okay there was a coupon off for the regu

75 cent off of to ragu and this week a Harris Teeter they are on sale so the

ragu pasta sauce is on sale for four five making it be a dollar 25 each

that's 250 for the two of them and then you've got that 75 cent coupon that is

going to double to a dollar fifty making it be $0.50 a jar that is great for

pasta sauce I got that the next thing I got was you know we got that $3.00 off

of Hellmann's mayonnaise and Hellmann's ketchup okay this is the internet

printable coupon it was old coupons.com so I did take advantage of that I did

not have the I bought a rebate I think I've seen someone say that they had the

I abuse brought a rebate but I did not have it on my eye bottom but I still

felt it was a good deal because the mayonnaise the 20 ounce mayonnaise which

I love I posted a video about this mayonnaise cuz I love this right here

love this so this was three dollars in my Harris Teeter and the coupon you had

to get the 20 at least the 20 ounce mayonnaise and at least the 14 ounce

ketchup this is actually going to be a good catch up because it's sweetened

only with honey so I think that's gonna be a taste to catch up to try you had to

get at least a 14 ounce ketchup and the ketchup was $2.99 and the mayo was three

dollars so basically with three dollar offer to coupon I only paid for

or a dollar fifty for each which was a bad considering ketchup and mayonnaise

Oh lovely people you know I'm gonna keep on getting the Hormel little snack wraps

cuz I like these they're quite tasty they keep they seem to be on sale quite

often at the price of $4 for three which makes it be a dollar 33 each we still

have the 50 cent coupon I actually had an Internet printable I don't think it's

available anymore that was $0.50 and there's also an insert coupon that was

contained in the 311 smart source that's 50 cent that you can use it's going to

double making these be 33 cent each that's a good deal for a snack or put in

your lunch if you don't feel like making a sandwich next the Entenmann's yes the

intimates minis there was a 50 cent coupon that I printed off with coupons

com not quite sure what I did but y'all know how I am with coupons.com I print

stuff cuz I know eventually it's gonna go on sale and you won't have it cuz if

you don't print it and then it goes away you ain't got it and can't get to sale

so these ended up being on sale at Harris Teeter the Entenmann's are buy

one and get one free so these were actually priced at 479 so if you

purchased one it rang up at 239 the 50 cent coupon did not double but there was

nowhere on the coupon that I could find that it said that was not supposed to

double so the cashier went doubled it for me which was awesome so I got this

pack of eight which they looking rather tasty for a dollar and thirty nine cent

I thought that was the awesome deal that's a pretty big pack of snacks

that's gonna be my husband's I'm sure he's going to like that

next I normally y'all know would not pay this price for cereal because I feel

like Cyril should be a dollar and under but I had to pay a little more cuz my

husband seems to like this cereal okay cinnamon frosted flakes this seems to be

the cereal right now so these were on sale for $2.99 I had a $1 off of two

internet printable coupon offer coupons calm did not double but it was 598 for

the two so I brought my price down to 498 there was no I bought a rebate of

some type of way about that there is a insert coupon but it doesn't say any

frosted flakes so I don't know if that dollar off of

two regular frosted flake coupon is gonna work considering this is the

cinnamon frosted flake but the one that said my internet printable that said any

frosted flake went through without a glitch okay next we got to talk about

the Mayfield because the Mayfield this week at Harris Teeter is on sale buy one

and get one free yes lovely people if you do coupon police go ahead and cut

off this video right now but I did use that Mayfield a novelty coupon that's

got the chipper on it because it does not say that it doesn't work it says a

at least a four-count novelty item and this is a six council what's the problem

I don't see the problem Harris you don't seem to see the problem

either because every time I get it it works so with it being $2.99 it's buy

one get one free I only bought one making it be a dollar 49 and then the

one dollar coupon came off so it was 49 cent for a box of fudge bars I was okay

with that and you know what lovely people let me look and see umm-hmm

I can't remember if she had does she have to push that one through you know

what she might did have to push that one through I think she did now it's and I

think the reason why is because the price was so cheap because I've actually

used that coupon before and about a week or so ago I used it and matter of fact I

used it during the last Super double and it wasn't that the dollar didn't come

off it didn't double because it wasn't supposed to double its a do not double

coupon but he doesn't say I won't take out a dollar

so moving on the next thing I got was the Activia Activia and my delicious yo

crunch yogurt is on sale as a evic item this week for a dollar seventy seven but

unfortunately with my yo crunch they did not have my flavor which is the Oreo so

I had to pass so I'm probably try to go to another harris-teeter tomorrow and

get that anywho the activia yogurt is an even item it's a dollar seventy seven if

you still have some of those one dollar off of any Activia coupons.com coupons

that would be great to use on this to making this be seventy seven cents

because that's how much I paid I still had some of those Internet printable

coupons so I'm telling you guys with coupons calm when you see stuff and

you're able to print from different computers you need to make sure that

you're doing that because what happens is they do stuff like this and remember

I didn't have these coupons since the last super double I was using it during

super double and Here I am using it again and all the coupon planets aligned

and I was able to get it again for 77 cents that's awesome my husband eats

this yogurt every day that's great hey lovely people the next

deal I got I was quite excited about it was the whole milk the left-field Farms

whole milk half gallon okay it is son it is priced I think this is regular price

two dollars and fifty cents teeter I'm not sure but at any rate it was priced

in my store for two dollars and fifty cents I was excited about it

because I had a 25-cent off of any milk I bought a rebate plus I had a coupon

that was in this past Sunday's inserts a 47 cent coupon now this is where I got

excited and if you do coupon police you might not like this part but this coupon

says do not double okay I didn't tell the register to double up at the

register doubled it yes I did hmmm it says on that do not double so I wasn't

even gonna dispute the fact that I was gonna get the milk because $0.47 plus my

25 cent I bought a rebate it was a good deal to me okay because it actually made

it be less than a half a gallon of the harris-teeter milk so that's the reason

why I was getting it in combination with the rebate but since it decided to give

me an additional forty seven cent on top of the coupon because it doubled and

made it be an even better deal at the low price of a dollar and thirty one

cent for a half a gallon milk that's a low low prices during their free four

coupon and crystal I'll take that any day I'm gonna actually go back and get

me another one tomorrow yes I am I did get some broccoli this is a

ranch-flavored broccoli by bird's eye it was buy one get one free two ninety nine

so it rang up at a dollar fifty for one bag now this is another coupon that I

was talking about on coupons calm this hurt is I think I'm saying that right it

is salsa coupon it's a dollar coupon it's expected to go on sale at Harris

Teeter for the new ad beginning on the 25th so it's supposed to be in my store

it was priced at 349 so it's expected to go on sale buy one get one free if that

in fact happens then it's going to be 74 sent for or one thing a salsa so make

sure that you went on coupons calm and you print it the hurt is

salsa I think that's why you pronounced okay lovely people can't think of

anything else um check coupons calm I did see on

moolah saving mom about a butterball a 75 cent butterball coupon I'm gonna

check his soon as I get off the video to see if it was available in my area I

didn't see it earlier today but I'm gonna go back in and check again okay

lovely people if you have some great deals that I did not mention in this

video at harris-teeter please leave it in the comments below this video or any

coupon deal you can always leave it in the comments of the video because you

know coupon it Kristin wants to know about it and I'm sure the rest of the

people all of the lovely people want to know about the coupon deals okay if you

like this video make sure you give it a thumbs up click the subscribe button and

hit that Bell notification so you would know when I post a new video cuz I'm

going to be going doing some grocery shopping again tomorrow um so look out

for that video lovely people I didn't really get to go to public so I wanted

to do Publix and I wanted to do some shopping at food line so I didn't get to

do that tonight cuz I left the house too late I had to catch up on my coupon

cutting you know my total for this transaction I got 13 items for $15 and

34 cent even though I didn't get the low low price of free I did get very close

okay very close so that was great I had 63 percent savings so I was very

pleased with that considering I got 13 items and only spent $15 and 34 cent

that was awesome lovely people that's what we want to do when it comes to

groceries household items whatever we want to get for the lowest price we can

possibly get it even though I feel like I overpaid for that frosted cereal that

cinnamon frosted flakes zero that's my husband's cereal so it is what it is

that's what he likes so I had to get let me think was there anything else I

want to tell you lovely people I think I told you everything that I had on my

paper I hope you guys are able to find some awesome awesome deals I need to do

my CBS steel tomorrow because I didn't get to do it today I was just tired I

was really tired so I hope you guys had a lovely and blessed evening remember

clip to save you will be amazed leave them deals in the comments to this video

cuz I need to know what is on sale if I didn't see it I need to know about it


For more infomation >> Harris Teeter Grocery Haul 4-23-18 paid $1.16 per item Couponing Crystle - Duration: 13:15.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:12.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:08.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.


Hollywood Darlings

For more infomation >> Hollywood Darlings


Grande Fratello: illusa e scaricata Cristina Plevani attacca il reality - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello: illusa e scaricata Cristina Plevani attacca il reality - Duration: 4:37.


La emotiva (e inesperada) sorpresa de David Bisbal a un concursante en 'La Voz Kids' - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> La emotiva (e inesperada) sorpresa de David Bisbal a un concursante en 'La Voz Kids' - Duration: 3:28.


1915-1918 La Grande Guerra : Lu​​igi Cadorna generale e politico italiano - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 1915-1918 La Grande Guerra : Lu​​igi Cadorna generale e politico italiano - Duration: 4:17.


Un Posto al Sole:la scoperta di Sandro e la decisione di Ornella - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Un Posto al Sole:la scoperta di Sandro e la decisione di Ornella - Duration: 4:03.


Habla el hispano lanzado a las vías del metro por el hombre con gorra en apoyo a Trump - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Habla el hispano lanzado a las vías del metro por el hombre con gorra en apoyo a Trump - Duration: 2:00.


Caravana de migrantes centroamericanos, en el punto de mira de Jeff Sessions y Donald Trump - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Caravana de migrantes centroamericanos, en el punto de mira de Jeff Sessions y Donald Trump - Duration: 2:11.


Protestas tras veredicto para agente fronterizo acusado de asesinar a joven a través del muro - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Protestas tras veredicto para agente fronterizo acusado de asesinar a joven a través del muro - Duration: 1:46.


Crispi Track GTX®. Scarpone ad alta visibilità per la caccia nel bosco - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Crispi Track GTX®. Scarpone ad alta visibilità per la caccia nel bosco - Duration: 5:22.


Realizan marcha pacífica en Nicaragua tras la revocatoria a las reformas de la Seguridad Social - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Realizan marcha pacífica en Nicaragua tras la revocatoria a las reformas de la Seguridad Social - Duration: 2:37.


The State University of Milan has been TRANSFORMED - Duration: 6:40.

Good evening

For all the people away from Milan

today stay with me

I will bring you

at Salone del Mobile

we will visit the installations at Statale University of Milan

and then on Saturday or Sunday

at the moment we don't know

in via Tortona

so on this channel you will find two vlogs

about Fuorisalone 2018

and now?! Metro!

We are visiting showroom by showroom

An amazing walk-in closet

Wonderful there were even the machines in which

people could watch YouTube or Netflix

Some showrooms are not available for visit, that's a pity

We have walked through Via Durini

it was full of people as you saw

so many events

and now we are going to Statale

few minutes less

and than finally we will see the installations

and this f******** is from Ikea

That was an Ikea installation

a new home concept

based on cabinets and drawers moved and readapted

where before there were cabinets now there are drawers

to visit it there were even the queue


We have also tried again the new S9 from Samsung

The first part of Fuorisalone is ended

I'll wait you for the next episode

you will find it at the end of this vlog

Good night see you next time!

Now let's uncover Cracco's quotes

25 euro for a starter with prosciutto crudo

42 euro for ossobuco alla milanese

and the best thing is Italian breakfast for only 18 euro

What can I say? Nice!

For more infomation >> The State University of Milan has been TRANSFORMED - Duration: 6:40.


Como alisar o seu cabelo sem causar danos? - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Como alisar o seu cabelo sem causar danos? - Duration: 6:30.


Alimentos que aceleram o metabolismo - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Alimentos que aceleram o metabolismo - Duration: 6:09.


Croquetas de huevo - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Croquetas de huevo - Duration: 4:58.


5 vegetais crucíferos ideais para perder peso - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> 5 vegetais crucíferos ideais para perder peso - Duration: 10:10.


КРУТОЙ MTL ИЗ ТУРЦИИ l Spica PRO MTL RTA l by Sirius Mods l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 24:46.

Okay, folks. I'm back from China and nihao to everyone

It'll be my first review after returning from China and this review will be on the device, that was not presented in China, because today we have a review on exclusive RTA that is made in Turkey

And while Jeff is editing pretty big video of the best Expo in the world, we're getting to a review

Let's roll. Intro...

Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

For real folks I missed you so much. Come here, I'll hug you. Come closer everyone

I'll hug everyone each of you. I'll try at least

Anyway, today we have very interesting representative of MTL kind - Spica PRO MTL RTA by Sirius Mods from Turkey

Previously Sirius Mods already done Spica MTL RTA and, unfortunately, I didn't had it. But today we will get familiar with PRO version

And I'll say - this device have a lot of interesting features and innovations

One of that features is option to reduce the chamber

Let's dive down, disassemble, assemble back, launch it and after talk of all nuances

Okay folks, let's unbox this nice packaging with inscription Spica PRO MTL RTA

On this side we have the name of manufacturer

On the rear side we have 2 stickers for protection of first opening, logo of the manufacturer, description of a product, material, kit content, link to the official site and note that it's Made in Turkey

Under the cover we are met by the whole kit

The tank itself, spare polycarbonate tank, tool for adjusting height of the chamber, 2 replaceable airflows - it's the pin in the same time

And bag of spares, which includes spare o-rings, spare screws and spare insulator

We're done with the packaging, let's get to the specs

This RTA is made out of 304SS and available only in SS color

It have 510 drip tips slot, juice flow control with option to completely shut the flow down

One of the main features of this tank is option to reduce the chamber and hot swap of airflow with full tank with cotton and coil installed

Also this tank have airflow adjustment ring

And it have option to change the capacity from 2 to 4ml

This tank is fully disassemblable and have option to access the coil when filled

Main diameter of this tank is 22mm, height with stock drip tip is 64.7mm, height without stock drip tip is 47mm

And now let's get to a detailed look. As always we start from the top, where we have 510 drip tip

Pay attention, that mouthpiece is made out of ultem and drip tip itself have very important function - it adjusts juice flow

It have cutouts on the bottom part for convenient grip and rotation

Even though it's 510 drip tip, pay attention on these keys for adjusting juice flow

Inner diameter of drip tip shaft is 3.3mm

In one of reviews I saw that this ultem part is unscrew able, but unfortunately I couldn't unscrew it - maybe Sirius Mods get rid of this feature, since when you adjust the juice flow this part could unscrew

So I guess this drip tip isn't disassemblable, because no matter how I tried I couldn't unscrew this ultem part

Of course you can use your own 510 drip tips, but if you do - don't forget that you will be unable to adjust juice flow

Moving forward. Next part is top cap for filling. It have cutouts and this top cap is pretty thin

Unscrewing is often inconvenience due to the fact that it's thin, especially when hands are moisty, it's very hard to catch that top cap

On the top cap we have threading and 2 o-rings and it hides 2 fill slots

Also pay attention on these two notches - it's for juice flow control with drip tip

The juice flow control works like so - when you using stock drip tip you can turn it right or left

Let's continue. Now we can remove the tank

This tank is consists of several parts, let's begin in order

First - we can remove the glass. When you will be removing it for the first time it'll be uncomfortable, because it's sits pretty snug.

Manufacturer recommends to put this part into warm water, so the o-rings will become softer and you will be able to remove the glass

I already removed this glass before and lubricated o-rings with liquid

In case if you want to increase tank capacity you can use polycarbonate tank, which we have in the kit

It'll be look like so. It's frosted, but you can still observe the level of remaining liquid

This tank increases the capacity up to 4ml, with stock glass the capacity is 3ml. In retail version manufacturer promises to add 2ml glass tank

On the bell we have a logo and the name Spica PRO

As I said before, this part is consists of several parts. First thing we can unscrew is another bell

It's pretty easy to pop it out, since it's holding on single o-ring

You will be adjusting juice flow with that inner bell

But that's not all. I'll remind that one of the main features of this tank is option to reduce chamber

It can be done with the top part of the chamber, which have spherical machining

We will need a tool from the kit for adjusting size of the chamber

The tool is look like so. Pay attention that it have a hole to carry it with you on the key ring

And inside we have this key. It looks like Allen key, it's inserting into the shaft and by screwing it in clockwise you decrease the size of a chamber

It happens like so. Pay attention, that top part is going down

If we continue we can unscrew the top part of a chamber

Here we can see the o-ring and threading

Let's get back this part back into place to the very end and later I'll show you how this system works with coil installed

Okay friends, it's time to talk about the deck. It have very familiar coil installation by 2 screws

On this side we have positive post, on this side we have negative post, Phillips head screws and in the center we have airflow

On the sides we have slots for cotton

Liquid will get to the cotton through these 2 holes. Also with these holes you can adjust the juice flow control

I think you noticed, that airflow is pretty interesting. At least it looks completely different from all others

But we'll get back to it later, when I'll be showing you how to hot swap it

So let's continue. Here we have o-ring and threading for screwing of top part

Lower we have airflow adjustment ring and 5 airflow holes

First three holes are about the same, while last two have different diameter. Sadly I couldn't measure them, but I'll take a guess that this one is 1.4-1.5mm, this one is 1.6mm and these holes are 2mm

On the bottom we have pin, serial number and inscription Designed by Sirius Mods

And now another feature of this tank - hot swap of the airflow with filled tank and installed coil with cotton

It's very easy - simply replace the pin

You can do it like so - unscrew the pin counter clockwise

Inside we have insulator and the pin itself, which is the replaceable airflow at the same time

As you can see central hole is empty. And the pin look like so

In the kit we have 2 spare pins with different cutouts

On the left one we have 3 cutouts, on the middle one we have 5 cutouts and on the right(pre-installed one) have 7 cutouts

These replaceable airflows are the airflows at the same time. Very interesting idea. And it's very convenient

You know, I'll be using pre-installed one. After testing of them all, I liked this one the most

Let's move on. As I said before, this RTA is fully disassemblable. After removing the pin you can remove the bottom part

This part have keys to prevent it from spinning

After this we can remove airflow adjustment ring. This ring have a stopper, so it wouldn't spin as well. I think you noticed, that we have holes only on one side

If we'll look inside we will see the airflow hole, through which air will go into the chamber

This is Spica PRO RTA fully disassembled. I think it's time to launch this device, so let's assemble it back

Okay, the deck is ready. Now it's time to put some coil

I'll be using Superfine MTL Fused Clapton Wire by Vandy Vape. It's SS316L fused clapton for MTL devices

Let's stop for a moment, since in here we have one important thing. You should cut the leads as short as you can - ideally cut them flush with the posts, since otherwise you can get short circuit

This RTA have very precise tolerances, so any protruding leads is unacceptable

So cut them as close to the posts as you can and bend them on both sides, especially on the positive post

Okay friends. Another important moment regarding wicking - these holes should be completely blocked by the cotton. And now we'll saturate the cotton

And correct the cotton one more time. Pay attention - cotton should not stick out of these holes and on the top cotton should be packed denser and not protrude beyond metal part

This is crucial moment of wicking this device, because tolerances are that accurate

If any cotton will be protruding in the moment when you will be screwing down the bell, protruding cotton will be jammed between the deck and bell and could possibly drag it out of the coil and you will get leakage

So be careful and take you time when wicking this device

As you saw, I filled the tank with juice flow control shut. Manufacturer recommend to flip the device upside down and only after that open the juice flow

After that flip it back and it's ready to work

Here you can observe how the juice flow control works - you can turn it in both directions or completely shut it with the drip tip

Now to the chamber size reducing. We'll be doing it with that key

Insert the key inside the drip tip, catch the notches

Look at the resistance and slowly begin unscrewing, which will cause lowering down the chamber. In this moment you should monitor the resistance - it's the main thing, that will tell that you don't have short circuit

Okay. Right now I got 0.1ohm resistance. It means that chamber is touching the coil. So I do a little reverse and check the resistance again.Resistance is back to its initial value, which means we're ready to use that tank

And last thing we'll do in this close up is size comparison. This is Tilemahos, here is ByKa v7, this is Siren 2, this is Kayfun Prime and Berserker 24mm

I placed them in terms of height without drip tip. As you can see our today guest is taken second spot of the tallest MTL tanks

Tilemahos by Golden Greek is absolutely without a rival - it's one of the most tall MTL tanks out there

Let's swap the box mod, airflow is set on 2 holes - it's enough for me

Let's fully open the juice flow control. Bubbles are happening, it's good

Replay mode is set and ready. It means we can get back to face-time and talk of pros and cons of this device, as well as some important moments regarding working and launching of this tank

Thanks for your attention in close up, let's go


Great. It's MTL

Before we get to pros, cons and other important stuff, I wanna say - it's pure-blooded MTL

It's MTL in every possible way, with great engineering and ultra wide customization

Anyway, I found several nuances in this RTA, which you should be aware of before purchase

Let's get to the first ones - the cons

Cons are the critical things that affects the working of the device, after them will be nitpicking, important moments and pros

But as always we'll start with cons

First con I'll give to this tank for inconvenient top cap for filling. It's very thin and it's very hard to grab it. I do understand why they make it like that - the tank is tall by itself

Though it's not an excuse, top cap is still inconvenient. Sirius Mods should think how to improve it

Yes, you can unscrew it, but it's hard and it's a con

Next con goes for binding to stock drip tip

Yes, you can use your 510 drip tips, but then you'll lose the juice flow control

Also I want to mention, that in one of reviews I saw that ultem mouthpiece is removable. No matter how hard I tried to unscrew it - I wasn't succeed

I would like to ask the manufacturer to make that ultem mouthpiece replaceable in retail version - to the black delrin for example. It would make this RTA even more versatile

Okay friends. We're done with cons, let's talk about nitpicks

I have only one nitpick - the height of this device. It's pretty tall

But, according to the comments of manufacturer, in retail version we will have option to use it with 2ml capacity and I guess it'll be achieved by reducing the height of the device

So, as it says, time will tell. We'll wait, see, look, we're gonna trust, hope and wait

It's awesome for chain vaping

Okay, let's move on

And now we're going to talk about few very important moments

First moment that you should know about and remember - cut the leads as close to the posts as possible. Otherwise you can get short circuit - it's not the thing that will please you

So double check how you cut the leads before screwing down the top part

Next important moment is the wicking. Do not let the cotton protrude out of metal parts

If the cotton protrudes - it could be jammed between the deck and bell. It'll negatively affect the juice flow control and could possibly pull the cotton out, cause leakage and so on. You don't need it

So be careful when you wicking

Another important moment - when you unscrewing the top part with filled tank, inner part of the bell could remain on the deck.

Several factors affect on it - the liquid, some small piece of cotton jammed between the deck and inner part of chamber and vacuum

So be prepared to the fact, that if you unscrew the filled tank - the bell will remain of the deck and you will have to remove it with your hands

No matter how many times I did this - the bell always remain on the deck. You should be aware of it, since you will face this issue like I did

When you fill this tank you should follow the sequence - first shut the juice flow. After that fill the tank, screw down the top cap, flip the tank upside down and then open juice flow

By doing so you will prevent the possibility of leaking, slurping and such stuff. Actually this applies to any MTL tank.

In case with this tank you are free to skip all of it, if you are confident in your abilities and you don't care about slight oversaturating

Though it's official recommendations from the manufacturer. I don't bother - I simply shut the juice flow, unscrew the top cap, fill it, screw the top cap back, open the juice flow and it works without issues

Of course correct wicking is crucial

Next moment is regarding adjusting the size of a chamber. I strongly recommend to use this RTA only with regulated box mods, where you can control if you have short circuit, when you adjusting the size of a chamber

Because you will not be able do it on mechanical mod and you will get short circuit. But since we have protection from short circuit in regulated box mods, this issue becomes not that critical

So use only regulated box mods for this RTA

And last important moment which I wanted to discuss with you

As you remember, in this RTA we have option to change airflow, and the airflow is pin at the same time. So here's the thing I faced using this tank

When I received it, I immediately launch it, tested everything that screws and spins, and after I installed the coil I noticed, that resistance is floating

I couldn't understood where it shorting, I thought it's the lead, but everything came out simpler - I didn't tightened the pin enough

In this RTA you should nicely tighten the pin, otherwise the resistance will be floating. Be aware of it

Great friends. We've discussed all of important moments

Let's get to the pros. It's plenty of them in here

First pro I want to give for quality of manufacturing. It's top notch. Great job. Quality of manufacturing is 10/10

Next pro I'll give for kit content. Guys put in the kit everything you need - you have option to change the capacity, you have option to change the airflow, you have everything you need for proper MTL experience

Major pro for kit content

Next pro I'll give for innovation and versatility. Let's separate this pro on several pros

Great realization of changing the size of a chamber. With that option you can adjust the flavor and throat hit and many other aspects

Next major subpro goes for hot swapping of airflow even with filled tank and installed coil. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine how to implement such system. Great job with that, guys, great idea

Next subpro goes for opportunity to change the capacity of a tank. As I said, in retail version is gonna be 2ml, right now we have 3 and 4ml with polycarbonate tank

So that was the pros for innovations and versatility. Let's move on

Next pro I'll give for juice flow control. Yes, it affects on the size of the device. Yes, because of that we have to use stock drip tip to make juice flow work. But it's very important features for the people, who's afraid of leaking

Next pro I'll give for convenient and familiar coil installation and wicking

Maybe you will have to fiddle a bit with wicking for the first couple times, but it's until you get used to it. You don't need much cotton with this device, main thing is to block juice flow holes

Another pro I'll give for the possibility of complete disassembly of the it, due to this possibility we can easily clean this tank. It's good, it's convenient and versatile

Of course I can't not to give a pro for a flavor. This tank is MTL flavor machine. Yes, it's not dual coil RDA - flavor in such devices are secondary, primary is throat hit, small vapor production and nicotine delivery

All of these factors are here. It's a great MTL device with nice flavor

Also I'll give it a pro for airflow adjustment. In here you can adjust from loose MTL draw to very tight MTL draw. It's good, I like how it works and I like the tightest draw

And last pro I'll give for nice appearance. Though I want this tank to be a little bit lower

Overall friends. Let's talk about price

I think that most adequate and most knowing people predicts, that it's gonna be expensive and the price won't be Chinese

Price tag on this device on the official site is 111€ without shipment. So the price can vary depends on your country

The official release is scheduled for April 30. So if you are interested in this device - all the link in the description below this video

I don't know the size of the first batch, so if you really liked this RTA and you want to purchase it - try to be first at April 30 on the official manufacturers site

It's right there


Normal'no tak

It's hard to be a reviewer and living in the new building

It's kapec

Okay friends, at this point i'll finalize

I want to say big thanks to Sirius Mods for sending me this RTA for review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Frankly, it was a surprise to me, that MTL tanks are produced in Turkey. Very good MTL tanks

Guys from Turkey - hello and respect!

And not that's it for sure

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you

We'll see you soon. Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> КРУТОЙ MTL ИЗ ТУРЦИИ l Spica PRO MTL RTA l by Sirius Mods l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 24:46.


Perché la tua Personalità è più Importante? | V60S #37 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Perché la tua Personalità è più Importante? | V60S #37 - Duration: 0:58.


SoulWorker 101: Skill Tree & Combos - Duration: 1:20.

Welcome to SoulWorker 101!

The skill and combo system in SoulWorker can take a while to fully get to grips with.

So let me explain the basics to you.

Press "K" to open your skill window.

Here you can see both active and passive skills.

Passive skills are always on, whereas you can use the active skills by pressing their assigned keys.

You get skill points for level ups that are used to level up or unlock new skills.

To use a skill, drag it down into the box.

As you can see, skills can be connected in series to create powerful combo chains.

Skill placement and their order is completely up to you.

There is also a bonus which is activated when you use a skill in the second or third row.

Once you are done, you're ready to hit the districts. And, as you see,

the skill-icons change in the skillbar as soon as you use the first skill.

You will have a certain amount of time to activate the next phase skill.

Press the assigned button once for each skill.

You can also simply hold it if you want.

Then the combos are executed automatically, one after the other.

For more infomation >> SoulWorker 101: Skill Tree & Combos - Duration: 1:20.


Indovina Chi? - La Serie - Episodio 9 parte 2 - Imprevisti. - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Indovina Chi? - La Serie - Episodio 9 parte 2 - Imprevisti. - Duration: 3:09.


Rinascere il Sé (Reborn as the Self) - Duration: 27:34.

For more infomation >> Rinascere il Sé (Reborn as the Self) - Duration: 27:34.


Importaciones y exportaciones: tratamiento fiscal | #IAResponde - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Importaciones y exportaciones: tratamiento fiscal | #IAResponde - Duration: 4:33.


КРУТОЙ MTL ИЗ ТУРЦИИ l Spica PRO MTL RTA l by Sirius Mods l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 24:46.

Okay, folks. I'm back from China and nihao to everyone

It'll be my first review after returning from China and this review will be on the device, that was not presented in China, because today we have a review on exclusive RTA that is made in Turkey

And while Jeff is editing pretty big video of the best Expo in the world, we're getting to a review

Let's roll. Intro...

Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

For real folks I missed you so much. Come here, I'll hug you. Come closer everyone

I'll hug everyone each of you. I'll try at least

Anyway, today we have very interesting representative of MTL kind - Spica PRO MTL RTA by Sirius Mods from Turkey

Previously Sirius Mods already done Spica MTL RTA and, unfortunately, I didn't had it. But today we will get familiar with PRO version

And I'll say - this device have a lot of interesting features and innovations

One of that features is option to reduce the chamber

Let's dive down, disassemble, assemble back, launch it and after talk of all nuances

Okay folks, let's unbox this nice packaging with inscription Spica PRO MTL RTA

On this side we have the name of manufacturer

On the rear side we have 2 stickers for protection of first opening, logo of the manufacturer, description of a product, material, kit content, link to the official site and note that it's Made in Turkey

Under the cover we are met by the whole kit

The tank itself, spare polycarbonate tank, tool for adjusting height of the chamber, 2 replaceable airflows - it's the pin in the same time

And bag of spares, which includes spare o-rings, spare screws and spare insulator

We're done with the packaging, let's get to the specs

This RTA is made out of 304SS and available only in SS color

It have 510 drip tips slot, juice flow control with option to completely shut the flow down

One of the main features of this tank is option to reduce the chamber and hot swap of airflow with full tank with cotton and coil installed

Also this tank have airflow adjustment ring

And it have option to change the capacity from 2 to 4ml

This tank is fully disassemblable and have option to access the coil when filled

Main diameter of this tank is 22mm, height with stock drip tip is 64.7mm, height without stock drip tip is 47mm

And now let's get to a detailed look. As always we start from the top, where we have 510 drip tip

Pay attention, that mouthpiece is made out of ultem and drip tip itself have very important function - it adjusts juice flow

It have cutouts on the bottom part for convenient grip and rotation

Even though it's 510 drip tip, pay attention on these keys for adjusting juice flow

Inner diameter of drip tip shaft is 3.3mm

In one of reviews I saw that this ultem part is unscrew able, but unfortunately I couldn't unscrew it - maybe Sirius Mods get rid of this feature, since when you adjust the juice flow this part could unscrew

So I guess this drip tip isn't disassemblable, because no matter how I tried I couldn't unscrew this ultem part

Of course you can use your own 510 drip tips, but if you do - don't forget that you will be unable to adjust juice flow

Moving forward. Next part is top cap for filling. It have cutouts and this top cap is pretty thin

Unscrewing is often inconvenience due to the fact that it's thin, especially when hands are moisty, it's very hard to catch that top cap

On the top cap we have threading and 2 o-rings and it hides 2 fill slots

Also pay attention on these two notches - it's for juice flow control with drip tip

The juice flow control works like so - when you using stock drip tip you can turn it right or left

Let's continue. Now we can remove the tank

This tank is consists of several parts, let's begin in order

First - we can remove the glass. When you will be removing it for the first time it'll be uncomfortable, because it's sits pretty snug.

Manufacturer recommends to put this part into warm water, so the o-rings will become softer and you will be able to remove the glass

I already removed this glass before and lubricated o-rings with liquid

In case if you want to increase tank capacity you can use polycarbonate tank, which we have in the kit

It'll be look like so. It's frosted, but you can still observe the level of remaining liquid

This tank increases the capacity up to 4ml, with stock glass the capacity is 3ml. In retail version manufacturer promises to add 2ml glass tank

On the bell we have a logo and the name Spica PRO

As I said before, this part is consists of several parts. First thing we can unscrew is another bell

It's pretty easy to pop it out, since it's holding on single o-ring

You will be adjusting juice flow with that inner bell

But that's not all. I'll remind that one of the main features of this tank is option to reduce chamber

It can be done with the top part of the chamber, which have spherical machining

We will need a tool from the kit for adjusting size of the chamber

The tool is look like so. Pay attention that it have a hole to carry it with you on the key ring

And inside we have this key. It looks like Allen key, it's inserting into the shaft and by screwing it in clockwise you decrease the size of a chamber

It happens like so. Pay attention, that top part is going down

If we continue we can unscrew the top part of a chamber

Here we can see the o-ring and threading

Let's get back this part back into place to the very end and later I'll show you how this system works with coil installed

Okay friends, it's time to talk about the deck. It have very familiar coil installation by 2 screws

On this side we have positive post, on this side we have negative post, Phillips head screws and in the center we have airflow

On the sides we have slots for cotton

Liquid will get to the cotton through these 2 holes. Also with these holes you can adjust the juice flow control

I think you noticed, that airflow is pretty interesting. At least it looks completely different from all others

But we'll get back to it later, when I'll be showing you how to hot swap it

So let's continue. Here we have o-ring and threading for screwing of top part

Lower we have airflow adjustment ring and 5 airflow holes

First three holes are about the same, while last two have different diameter. Sadly I couldn't measure them, but I'll take a guess that this one is 1.4-1.5mm, this one is 1.6mm and these holes are 2mm

On the bottom we have pin, serial number and inscription Designed by Sirius Mods

And now another feature of this tank - hot swap of the airflow with filled tank and installed coil with cotton

It's very easy - simply replace the pin

You can do it like so - unscrew the pin counter clockwise

Inside we have insulator and the pin itself, which is the replaceable airflow at the same time

As you can see central hole is empty. And the pin look like so

In the kit we have 2 spare pins with different cutouts

On the left one we have 3 cutouts, on the middle one we have 5 cutouts and on the right(pre-installed one) have 7 cutouts

These replaceable airflows are the airflows at the same time. Very interesting idea. And it's very convenient

You know, I'll be using pre-installed one. After testing of them all, I liked this one the most

Let's move on. As I said before, this RTA is fully disassemblable. After removing the pin you can remove the bottom part

This part have keys to prevent it from spinning

After this we can remove airflow adjustment ring. This ring have a stopper, so it wouldn't spin as well. I think you noticed, that we have holes only on one side

If we'll look inside we will see the airflow hole, through which air will go into the chamber

This is Spica PRO RTA fully disassembled. I think it's time to launch this device, so let's assemble it back

Okay, the deck is ready. Now it's time to put some coil

I'll be using Superfine MTL Fused Clapton Wire by Vandy Vape. It's SS316L fused clapton for MTL devices

Let's stop for a moment, since in here we have one important thing. You should cut the leads as short as you can - ideally cut them flush with the posts, since otherwise you can get short circuit

This RTA have very precise tolerances, so any protruding leads is unacceptable

So cut them as close to the posts as you can and bend them on both sides, especially on the positive post

Okay friends. Another important moment regarding wicking - these holes should be completely blocked by the cotton. And now we'll saturate the cotton

And correct the cotton one more time. Pay attention - cotton should not stick out of these holes and on the top cotton should be packed denser and not protrude beyond metal part

This is crucial moment of wicking this device, because tolerances are that accurate

If any cotton will be protruding in the moment when you will be screwing down the bell, protruding cotton will be jammed between the deck and bell and could possibly drag it out of the coil and you will get leakage

So be careful and take you time when wicking this device

As you saw, I filled the tank with juice flow control shut. Manufacturer recommend to flip the device upside down and only after that open the juice flow

After that flip it back and it's ready to work

Here you can observe how the juice flow control works - you can turn it in both directions or completely shut it with the drip tip

Now to the chamber size reducing. We'll be doing it with that key

Insert the key inside the drip tip, catch the notches

Look at the resistance and slowly begin unscrewing, which will cause lowering down the chamber. In this moment you should monitor the resistance - it's the main thing, that will tell that you don't have short circuit

Okay. Right now I got 0.1ohm resistance. It means that chamber is touching the coil. So I do a little reverse and check the resistance again.Resistance is back to its initial value, which means we're ready to use that tank

And last thing we'll do in this close up is size comparison. This is Tilemahos, here is ByKa v7, this is Siren 2, this is Kayfun Prime and Berserker 24mm

I placed them in terms of height without drip tip. As you can see our today guest is taken second spot of the tallest MTL tanks

Tilemahos by Golden Greek is absolutely without a rival - it's one of the most tall MTL tanks out there

Let's swap the box mod, airflow is set on 2 holes - it's enough for me

Let's fully open the juice flow control. Bubbles are happening, it's good

Replay mode is set and ready. It means we can get back to face-time and talk of pros and cons of this device, as well as some important moments regarding working and launching of this tank

Thanks for your attention in close up, let's go


Great. It's MTL

Before we get to pros, cons and other important stuff, I wanna say - it's pure-blooded MTL

It's MTL in every possible way, with great engineering and ultra wide customization

Anyway, I found several nuances in this RTA, which you should be aware of before purchase

Let's get to the first ones - the cons

Cons are the critical things that affects the working of the device, after them will be nitpicking, important moments and pros

But as always we'll start with cons

First con I'll give to this tank for inconvenient top cap for filling. It's very thin and it's very hard to grab it. I do understand why they make it like that - the tank is tall by itself

Though it's not an excuse, top cap is still inconvenient. Sirius Mods should think how to improve it

Yes, you can unscrew it, but it's hard and it's a con

Next con goes for binding to stock drip tip

Yes, you can use your 510 drip tips, but then you'll lose the juice flow control

Also I want to mention, that in one of reviews I saw that ultem mouthpiece is removable. No matter how hard I tried to unscrew it - I wasn't succeed

I would like to ask the manufacturer to make that ultem mouthpiece replaceable in retail version - to the black delrin for example. It would make this RTA even more versatile

Okay friends. We're done with cons, let's talk about nitpicks

I have only one nitpick - the height of this device. It's pretty tall

But, according to the comments of manufacturer, in retail version we will have option to use it with 2ml capacity and I guess it'll be achieved by reducing the height of the device

So, as it says, time will tell. We'll wait, see, look, we're gonna trust, hope and wait

It's awesome for chain vaping

Okay, let's move on

And now we're going to talk about few very important moments

First moment that you should know about and remember - cut the leads as close to the posts as possible. Otherwise you can get short circuit - it's not the thing that will please you

So double check how you cut the leads before screwing down the top part

Next important moment is the wicking. Do not let the cotton protrude out of metal parts

If the cotton protrudes - it could be jammed between the deck and bell. It'll negatively affect the juice flow control and could possibly pull the cotton out, cause leakage and so on. You don't need it

So be careful when you wicking

Another important moment - when you unscrewing the top part with filled tank, inner part of the bell could remain on the deck.

Several factors affect on it - the liquid, some small piece of cotton jammed between the deck and inner part of chamber and vacuum

So be prepared to the fact, that if you unscrew the filled tank - the bell will remain of the deck and you will have to remove it with your hands

No matter how many times I did this - the bell always remain on the deck. You should be aware of it, since you will face this issue like I did

When you fill this tank you should follow the sequence - first shut the juice flow. After that fill the tank, screw down the top cap, flip the tank upside down and then open juice flow

By doing so you will prevent the possibility of leaking, slurping and such stuff. Actually this applies to any MTL tank.

In case with this tank you are free to skip all of it, if you are confident in your abilities and you don't care about slight oversaturating

Though it's official recommendations from the manufacturer. I don't bother - I simply shut the juice flow, unscrew the top cap, fill it, screw the top cap back, open the juice flow and it works without issues

Of course correct wicking is crucial

Next moment is regarding adjusting the size of a chamber. I strongly recommend to use this RTA only with regulated box mods, where you can control if you have short circuit, when you adjusting the size of a chamber

Because you will not be able do it on mechanical mod and you will get short circuit. But since we have protection from short circuit in regulated box mods, this issue becomes not that critical

So use only regulated box mods for this RTA

And last important moment which I wanted to discuss with you

As you remember, in this RTA we have option to change airflow, and the airflow is pin at the same time. So here's the thing I faced using this tank

When I received it, I immediately launch it, tested everything that screws and spins, and after I installed the coil I noticed, that resistance is floating

I couldn't understood where it shorting, I thought it's the lead, but everything came out simpler - I didn't tightened the pin enough

In this RTA you should nicely tighten the pin, otherwise the resistance will be floating. Be aware of it

Great friends. We've discussed all of important moments

Let's get to the pros. It's plenty of them in here

First pro I want to give for quality of manufacturing. It's top notch. Great job. Quality of manufacturing is 10/10

Next pro I'll give for kit content. Guys put in the kit everything you need - you have option to change the capacity, you have option to change the airflow, you have everything you need for proper MTL experience

Major pro for kit content

Next pro I'll give for innovation and versatility. Let's separate this pro on several pros

Great realization of changing the size of a chamber. With that option you can adjust the flavor and throat hit and many other aspects

Next major subpro goes for hot swapping of airflow even with filled tank and installed coil. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine how to implement such system. Great job with that, guys, great idea

Next subpro goes for opportunity to change the capacity of a tank. As I said, in retail version is gonna be 2ml, right now we have 3 and 4ml with polycarbonate tank

So that was the pros for innovations and versatility. Let's move on

Next pro I'll give for juice flow control. Yes, it affects on the size of the device. Yes, because of that we have to use stock drip tip to make juice flow work. But it's very important features for the people, who's afraid of leaking

Next pro I'll give for convenient and familiar coil installation and wicking

Maybe you will have to fiddle a bit with wicking for the first couple times, but it's until you get used to it. You don't need much cotton with this device, main thing is to block juice flow holes

Another pro I'll give for the possibility of complete disassembly of the it, due to this possibility we can easily clean this tank. It's good, it's convenient and versatile

Of course I can't not to give a pro for a flavor. This tank is MTL flavor machine. Yes, it's not dual coil RDA - flavor in such devices are secondary, primary is throat hit, small vapor production and nicotine delivery

All of these factors are here. It's a great MTL device with nice flavor

Also I'll give it a pro for airflow adjustment. In here you can adjust from loose MTL draw to very tight MTL draw. It's good, I like how it works and I like the tightest draw

And last pro I'll give for nice appearance. Though I want this tank to be a little bit lower

Overall friends. Let's talk about price

I think that most adequate and most knowing people predicts, that it's gonna be expensive and the price won't be Chinese

Price tag on this device on the official site is 111€ without shipment. So the price can vary depends on your country

The official release is scheduled for April 30. So if you are interested in this device - all the link in the description below this video

I don't know the size of the first batch, so if you really liked this RTA and you want to purchase it - try to be first at April 30 on the official manufacturers site

It's right there


Normal'no tak

It's hard to be a reviewer and living in the new building

It's kapec

Okay friends, at this point i'll finalize

I want to say big thanks to Sirius Mods for sending me this RTA for review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Frankly, it was a surprise to me, that MTL tanks are produced in Turkey. Very good MTL tanks

Guys from Turkey - hello and respect!

And not that's it for sure

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Alex from VapersMD was with you

We'll see you soon. Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> КРУТОЙ MTL ИЗ ТУРЦИИ l Spica PRO MTL RTA l by Sirius Mods l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 24:46.


WARFACE ВЫХОДНЫЕ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №58 - Duration: 57:47.

For more infomation >> WARFACE ВЫХОДНЫЕ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №58 - Duration: 57:47.


Harris Teeter Grocery Haul 4-23-18 paid $1.16 per item Couponing Crystle - Duration: 13:15.

Clip to save you will be amazed with couponing crystle

hey lovely people couponing crystal here with the Harris haul you guys

know I had posted two videos for coupons.com

telling you guys to go and print those coupons so the reason why is because

there are some deals at Harris Teeter okay there was a coupon off for the regu

75 cent off of to ragu and this week a Harris Teeter they are on sale so the

ragu pasta sauce is on sale for four five making it be a dollar 25 each

that's 250 for the two of them and then you've got that 75 cent coupon that is

going to double to a dollar fifty making it be $0.50 a jar that is great for

pasta sauce I got that the next thing I got was you know we got that $3.00 off

of Hellmann's mayonnaise and Hellmann's ketchup okay this is the internet

printable coupon it was old coupons.com so I did take advantage of that I did

not have the I bought a rebate I think I've seen someone say that they had the

I abuse brought a rebate but I did not have it on my eye bottom but I still

felt it was a good deal because the mayonnaise the 20 ounce mayonnaise which

I love I posted a video about this mayonnaise cuz I love this right here

love this so this was three dollars in my Harris Teeter and the coupon you had

to get the 20 at least the 20 ounce mayonnaise and at least the 14 ounce

ketchup this is actually going to be a good catch up because it's sweetened

only with honey so I think that's gonna be a taste to catch up to try you had to

get at least a 14 ounce ketchup and the ketchup was $2.99 and the mayo was three

dollars so basically with three dollar offer to coupon I only paid for

or a dollar fifty for each which was a bad considering ketchup and mayonnaise

Oh lovely people you know I'm gonna keep on getting the Hormel little snack wraps

cuz I like these they're quite tasty they keep they seem to be on sale quite

often at the price of $4 for three which makes it be a dollar 33 each we still

have the 50 cent coupon I actually had an Internet printable I don't think it's

available anymore that was $0.50 and there's also an insert coupon that was

contained in the 311 smart source that's 50 cent that you can use it's going to

double making these be 33 cent each that's a good deal for a snack or put in

your lunch if you don't feel like making a sandwich next the Entenmann's yes the

intimates minis there was a 50 cent coupon that I printed off with coupons

com not quite sure what I did but y'all know how I am with coupons.com I print

stuff cuz I know eventually it's gonna go on sale and you won't have it cuz if

you don't print it and then it goes away you ain't got it and can't get to sale

so these ended up being on sale at Harris Teeter the Entenmann's are buy

one and get one free so these were actually priced at 479 so if you

purchased one it rang up at 239 the 50 cent coupon did not double but there was

nowhere on the coupon that I could find that it said that was not supposed to

double so the cashier went doubled it for me which was awesome so I got this

pack of eight which they looking rather tasty for a dollar and thirty nine cent

I thought that was the awesome deal that's a pretty big pack of snacks

that's gonna be my husband's I'm sure he's going to like that

next I normally y'all know would not pay this price for cereal because I feel

like Cyril should be a dollar and under but I had to pay a little more cuz my

husband seems to like this cereal okay cinnamon frosted flakes this seems to be

the cereal right now so these were on sale for $2.99 I had a $1 off of two

internet printable coupon offer coupons calm did not double but it was 598 for

the two so I brought my price down to 498 there was no I bought a rebate of

some type of way about that there is a insert coupon but it doesn't say any

frosted flakes so I don't know if that dollar off of

two regular frosted flake coupon is gonna work considering this is the

cinnamon frosted flake but the one that said my internet printable that said any

frosted flake went through without a glitch okay next we got to talk about

the Mayfield because the Mayfield this week at Harris Teeter is on sale buy one

and get one free yes lovely people if you do coupon police go ahead and cut

off this video right now but I did use that Mayfield a novelty coupon that's

got the chipper on it because it does not say that it doesn't work it says a

at least a four-count novelty item and this is a six council what's the problem

I don't see the problem Harris you don't seem to see the problem

either because every time I get it it works so with it being $2.99 it's buy

one get one free I only bought one making it be a dollar 49 and then the

one dollar coupon came off so it was 49 cent for a box of fudge bars I was okay

with that and you know what lovely people let me look and see umm-hmm

I can't remember if she had does she have to push that one through you know

what she might did have to push that one through I think she did now it's and I

think the reason why is because the price was so cheap because I've actually

used that coupon before and about a week or so ago I used it and matter of fact I

used it during the last Super double and it wasn't that the dollar didn't come

off it didn't double because it wasn't supposed to double its a do not double

coupon but he doesn't say I won't take out a dollar

so moving on the next thing I got was the Activia Activia and my delicious yo

crunch yogurt is on sale as a evic item this week for a dollar seventy seven but

unfortunately with my yo crunch they did not have my flavor which is the Oreo so

I had to pass so I'm probably try to go to another harris-teeter tomorrow and

get that anywho the activia yogurt is an even item it's a dollar seventy seven if

you still have some of those one dollar off of any Activia coupons.com coupons

that would be great to use on this to making this be seventy seven cents

because that's how much I paid I still had some of those Internet printable

coupons so I'm telling you guys with coupons calm when you see stuff and

you're able to print from different computers you need to make sure that

you're doing that because what happens is they do stuff like this and remember

I didn't have these coupons since the last super double I was using it during

super double and Here I am using it again and all the coupon planets aligned

and I was able to get it again for 77 cents that's awesome my husband eats

this yogurt every day that's great hey lovely people the next

deal I got I was quite excited about it was the whole milk the left-field Farms

whole milk half gallon okay it is son it is priced I think this is regular price

two dollars and fifty cents teeter I'm not sure but at any rate it was priced

in my store for two dollars and fifty cents I was excited about it

because I had a 25-cent off of any milk I bought a rebate plus I had a coupon

that was in this past Sunday's inserts a 47 cent coupon now this is where I got

excited and if you do coupon police you might not like this part but this coupon

says do not double okay I didn't tell the register to double up at the

register doubled it yes I did hmmm it says on that do not double so I wasn't

even gonna dispute the fact that I was gonna get the milk because $0.47 plus my

25 cent I bought a rebate it was a good deal to me okay because it actually made

it be less than a half a gallon of the harris-teeter milk so that's the reason

why I was getting it in combination with the rebate but since it decided to give

me an additional forty seven cent on top of the coupon because it doubled and

made it be an even better deal at the low price of a dollar and thirty one

cent for a half a gallon milk that's a low low prices during their free four

coupon and crystal I'll take that any day I'm gonna actually go back and get

me another one tomorrow yes I am I did get some broccoli this is a

ranch-flavored broccoli by bird's eye it was buy one get one free two ninety nine

so it rang up at a dollar fifty for one bag now this is another coupon that I

was talking about on coupons calm this hurt is I think I'm saying that right it

is salsa coupon it's a dollar coupon it's expected to go on sale at Harris

Teeter for the new ad beginning on the 25th so it's supposed to be in my store

it was priced at 349 so it's expected to go on sale buy one get one free if that

in fact happens then it's going to be 74 sent for or one thing a salsa so make

sure that you went on coupons calm and you print it the hurt is

salsa I think that's why you pronounced okay lovely people can't think of

anything else um check coupons calm I did see on

moolah saving mom about a butterball a 75 cent butterball coupon I'm gonna

check his soon as I get off the video to see if it was available in my area I

didn't see it earlier today but I'm gonna go back in and check again okay

lovely people if you have some great deals that I did not mention in this

video at harris-teeter please leave it in the comments below this video or any

coupon deal you can always leave it in the comments of the video because you

know coupon it Kristin wants to know about it and I'm sure the rest of the

people all of the lovely people want to know about the coupon deals okay if you

like this video make sure you give it a thumbs up click the subscribe button and

hit that Bell notification so you would know when I post a new video cuz I'm

going to be going doing some grocery shopping again tomorrow um so look out

for that video lovely people I didn't really get to go to public so I wanted

to do Publix and I wanted to do some shopping at food line so I didn't get to

do that tonight cuz I left the house too late I had to catch up on my coupon

cutting you know my total for this transaction I got 13 items for $15 and

34 cent even though I didn't get the low low price of free I did get very close

okay very close so that was great I had 63 percent savings so I was very

pleased with that considering I got 13 items and only spent $15 and 34 cent

that was awesome lovely people that's what we want to do when it comes to

groceries household items whatever we want to get for the lowest price we can

possibly get it even though I feel like I overpaid for that frosted cereal that

cinnamon frosted flakes zero that's my husband's cereal so it is what it is

that's what he likes so I had to get let me think was there anything else I

want to tell you lovely people I think I told you everything that I had on my

paper I hope you guys are able to find some awesome awesome deals I need to do

my CBS steel tomorrow because I didn't get to do it today I was just tired I

was really tired so I hope you guys had a lovely and blessed evening remember

clip to save you will be amazed leave them deals in the comments to this video

cuz I need to know what is on sale if I didn't see it I need to know about it


For more infomation >> Harris Teeter Grocery Haul 4-23-18 paid $1.16 per item Couponing Crystle - Duration: 13:15.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:12.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:08.


Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:11.


The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer

For more infomation >> The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer


DIY Homemade Fizzy Toilet Cleaning Bomb | Bathroom Cleaning Tip - Duration: 2:34.

Hi guys,

today I'm going to show you how to make an all-natural toilet bombs

that will help you keep your toilets fresh all day.

So here's what you'll need to get started

Baking Soda has a lot of cleaning properties,

it also eliminates and prevents bad odour

Citric acid

It's an acid compound naturally found in citrus fruits.

Essential oils are packed with antiseptic, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties

I'm going to be using lavender, and lemon essential oil.

Silicon mold

To give a pretty shape for the toilet bombs

A spray bottle

A whisk

And a bowl

Take a bowl and add 1 cup of baking soda

and 1 ½ cup of citric acid

Give it a good stir until it's mixed well.

Fill the spray bottle with water

and add about 10 to 12 drops of lemon & lavender essential oil

Slowly mist the dry powder with spritz of water that we just made.

You will see a little frizzing when adding the water but that's normal

Be careful not to overdo the spritzing of mixture with water,

or it may start fizzing and crumble.

The mixture should resemble the consistency

of damp sand, which holds together when squeezed.

Then go ahead and put the mixture into silicone mold

and press it down firmly.

Allow the bombs to dry for several hours,

Then remove them gently from the mold and they're ready to use!

Store the remaining bombs in an airtight container, and use it one at a time.

To use the bombs, drop one bomb into the toilet bowl,

and let them dissolve for about 10 minutes.

The hard working ingredient in your toilet cleaning bomb

will get to work by deodorising and cleaning the loo!

So do give this a try

Until next time stay tuned & stay Glamrs

For more infomation >> DIY Homemade Fizzy Toilet Cleaning Bomb | Bathroom Cleaning Tip - Duration: 2:34.


The State University of Milan has been TRANSFORMED - Duration: 6:40.

Good evening

For all the people away from Milan

today stay with me

I will bring you

at Salone del Mobile

we will visit the installations at Statale University of Milan

and then on Saturday or Sunday

at the moment we don't know

in via Tortona

so on this channel you will find two vlogs

about Fuorisalone 2018

and now?! Metro!

We are visiting showroom by showroom

An amazing walk-in closet

Wonderful there were even the machines in which

people could watch YouTube or Netflix

Some showrooms are not available for visit, that's a pity

We have walked through Via Durini

it was full of people as you saw

so many events

and now we are going to Statale

few minutes less

and than finally we will see the installations

and this f******** is from Ikea

That was an Ikea installation

a new home concept

based on cabinets and drawers moved and readapted

where before there were cabinets now there are drawers

to visit it there were even the queue


We have also tried again the new S9 from Samsung

The first part of Fuorisalone is ended

I'll wait you for the next episode

you will find it at the end of this vlog

Good night see you next time!

Now let's uncover Cracco's quotes

25 euro for a starter with prosciutto crudo

42 euro for ossobuco alla milanese

and the best thing is Italian breakfast for only 18 euro

What can I say? Nice!

For more infomation >> The State University of Milan has been TRANSFORMED - Duration: 6:40.


Technique Tuesday Easy way how to use a template + free template - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Technique Tuesday Easy way how to use a template + free template - Duration: 10:47.



Hello, you on the channel Come on. Come on.

And I have a question for you.

What's in this box.

Maybe it's a lawn mower?

Or is there someone alive?

Write comments.

Anyuta it is there?

What do you think?

Oh, there's something moving.

Oh how scary.

Nonsense is not afraid. Yeah, I'm better. Here I stand.

Pups come out.

Anyut, but it will not eat me?

Oh, it stirred.

What's that cock up there?

oh no I'm afraid of roosters.

Well, guys, you already wrote their assumptions?

Then let's see who's there.

Oh, look friends!

Hello baby.

Guys, this is a puppy!

This girl and her only 1.5 month.

Her breed is Eastern European Shepherd.

It's big, smart and dedicated. dogs.

Tiny, I can pat you.

My God, what a clever girl, so soft and so sweet.

You know what, maybe you're hungry?

I have milk.


ah-ha yes, I think you're hungry.

Guys, this is a small miracle, this is my guard dog

uncles and aunts.

Of course, before you guard she needs to grow and much


And we will observe with you, like this little bear cub

grow and grow doggie. if you are interested

rather click on the button subscribe to the bell,

so as not to miss either one wonderful moment.

Well, for those who have already signed up, I suggest thinking over

named baby.

And your options to write in comments. well, that little mill,


Yes thank you.

Oh, how educated you are.

Just beautiful.

I think it's time to introduce you with kittens and Pupsay.

Murka, Baby. What?

Oh Anyuta, hello.

You asked us to come, we already here.

Ah-ha Murochka, and you are such a smacking.

Well, we are with the little kid baths were taken.

Ha, sand baths?

sounds interesting.

Anyut, we did not know that we today shooting.

And that's why they got a little smeared. Little?

I called you to something with whom to introduce. introduce?

With whom?

Anyut, we have that, a new resident?

well yes. How cool is that kitten?

I hope the boy.

And then I'm one boy to the family.

It's a girl!


Well, okay!

Che is it okay?

Girls are beautiful and from they smell delicious!

And the Kid fell in love!

Fell in love fell in love!

Nitsche I'm not in love!

I did not even see her!

That's small!

Murka, he is unlikely to fall in love.

Invented me, too.

Baby, I hope you're not upset, but it's not just not a boy,

but not a kitten.

Not a kitten, but who then?

A dog or what?

Well yes!


Oh wow, okay, let's get acquainted with her.

Hi Hi.

Where are you going?

What did you see the bee?

Anyut, but where is he?

Wait for me, I'm a bee too I'm afraid.


Wait cat I want with you make friends.

Make friends?

Is he afraid of me?

What's your name, cat?

Me Baby, and you?

What about me?

My name is..

Wait now ... now back.

Baby, do not be afraid!

She is kind!

You do a good job!

What is tiny?

anut, I still do not have a name how do I get to know each other?

Do not worry, guys are sure. come up with something cool


Apoca, say you're a puppy.

Ooty Bose, what a miracle.

Guys now I'll give the animals half an hour to be alone,

so they will quickly get acquainted and will not be shy.

Hey, puppy, come here, I'll tell you. tell you what's going on here and


Ready or not, here I come.

Oh, I did not have time to hide.

Well, let me think again.

1..2. already. baby let's hide faster.

I'll hide in a strawberry.

I also wanted Murka here to hide.

Puppy look for your place, I already here hid.

Well, okay, right now, how can I hide, how can I hide!

Baby, do you play?

Oh, she's almost counted.

Where can I hide where? to hide.

18, 19.20.

Who did not hide I'm not to blame. this is my place.

It's quiet, it's already coming!

I'll hide behind this bush.

She is already close, quiet.

Where are you all so good hid?

Maybe for a bush. Here we are!

oh I found my puppy And the baby!




They ran!

Oh, we already started?


You're doing fine.

Baby, come with us!

puppy chase me!

ah-ha, what lovely little animals.

I think they already made friends.

Hey puppy!

Anyuta is calling for you there.


I'm already running, Anya, I'm running!

Well, how about you?

I like my new friends!

So that's great!

You liked us very much, too.

Guys, if you like new pet is mandatory

put a kid.

Laik, what's a kid?

Now I'll tell you.

And with you I'll say goodbye, for today all!

All for now and until the sooner meetings.

For more infomation >> NEW PET! CAT KID AND CAT MURKA FAMILIAR WITH the NAME cutie! RABBIT BUFFY haven't SEEN - Duration: 5:48.


Kanye Believes Black People Are Over Privileged? - Duration: 6:24.



















































































































For more infomation >> Kanye Believes Black People Are Over Privileged? - Duration: 6:24.


Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Street Vehicles Names and Sounds Truck Ambulance - Duration: 10:23.

Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Street Vehicles Names and Sounds Truck Ambulance

For more infomation >> Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Street Vehicles Names and Sounds Truck Ambulance - Duration: 10:23.


3 Ways To Refuel After A Workout - Duration: 3:38.

Three ways to refuel after a workout that are better for you than organic Dieter aid in a world filled with food wonders like biscuits and gravy

flavored potato chips and bacon infused vodka it was only a matter of time before someone

decided that civilization should also have a regatta tighter aid

your are seven Health Foods that aren't and indeed

the time has come last month

that Dieter eight gods rolled out of certified organic version of the bill loved sports drink that's free of artificial sweeteners

preservatives and colors available in lemon strawberry

and mixed berry flavors

it's sweetened with plain a old cane sugar and stays fresh with citric acid

moms of teenaged athletes everywhere might be rejoicing

but you shouldn't let the wholesome sounding name fool you organic tighter aid like its conventional counterpart

is still loaded with a added sugar

something no one really needs more of

it around 20 g of sugar

dazzling a 12 ounces bottle ever again it die to rate is basically the equivalent of eating three Oreo cookies

with the side of electrolytes

make 2017 your year by taking charge of your health and jump starting your weight loss with the prevention calendar and health planner to

be clear sports drinks like Dieter aid do serve a function you other than making you feel like Serena Williams or lebron James

a sports drink helps replace lost fluids and sodium

which is necessary for muscle functioning

it also delivers carbohydrates for energy

says sports nutritionist Marie spa no road thing is you can get all the replenishment you need from real foods

if you truly in fact

the need them after a exercising

according to spa know you're 30 minute jog or hour-long walk doesn't really warrant a snack you just need to RE hydrate with plain old water

for tougher workouts

here are three tasty alternatives to try

coconut water like Gaidar aid it's a natural source of the electrolytes that you lose through sweat like sodium and potassium

it's got some cards to that unlike a sports drink its free of added sugar

just make sure to pick plane coconut water

not the flavored stuff a banana smoothie

and medium banana packs 422 mg of potassium per serving

which is way more than the measly 45 mg you'd get in a serving of guy to raid blended with milk and you've got a sweet CARB and

protein route recovery smoothie with ciro added sugar or where ingredients

you can even try one of these 10 perfect post workouts movie recipes sure to help you recover

chicken noodle soup don't feel like refueling with something sweet no problem

a cup of chicken noodle soup delivers plenty of sodium

from the broth and potassium

from the veggies the cards from the noodles will give you a quick Energy Post while the

protein from the chicken will help your spent muscles recover faster

years the best way to recover from a workout hint it's probably already in your gem bad


For more infomation >> 3 Ways To Refuel After A Workout - Duration: 3:38.


후진국이라고 무시했던 나라가 보유한 놀라운 육군전력 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 후진국이라고 무시했던 나라가 보유한 놀라운 육군전력 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 3:41.


A Wise Old Owl | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:28.

A wise old owl sat in an oak,

The more he heard, the less he spoke;

The less he spoke, the more he heard,

Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

He is so wise because of all that he heard.

Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

Oh we can try to be that wise bird.

A wise old owl sat in an oak,

The more he heard, the less he spoke;

The less he spoke, the more he heard,

Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

He is so wise because of all that he heard.

Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

Oh we can try to be that wise bird.

For more infomation >> A Wise Old Owl | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:28.


And the Nurses Get Screwed... - Duration: 44:53.

For more infomation >> And the Nurses Get Screwed... - Duration: 44:53.


[3x04] Simón and Ámbar talk about Gary / Translation - Duration: 1:49.


What's up?

Why are you looking at me that way?

What do you mean why? Suddenly you're so serious. What happened?

Why do you want to know that? Since when do you care what happened to me?

You care if I care?

It's because of Gary

Ay no, poor boy. Why is bad about Gary now?

It isn't like that. He invited Luna to join the Red Sharks

Of course she didn't accepted and now we aren't allowed to skate on the rink

What? I can't believe it

But do you think it's bad or good?

Of course it's bad Simón

The first time in life we agree

What Gary does is ridiculous

Yes it's ridiculous. Of course she wouldn't...

I mean I can't believe why he wanted Luna to join the team

I don't know, I don't know

She clearly isn't at our level

I can't believe what this person does

For more infomation >> [3x04] Simón and Ámbar talk about Gary / Translation - Duration: 1:49.


My Cake | Zeek And Friends | Cartoon Video For Children - Duration: 56:19.

My Cake -Zeek and Friends

For more infomation >> My Cake | Zeek And Friends | Cartoon Video For Children - Duration: 56:19.


Nach Horrorsturz: Endlich Gesundheits-Update von Vanessa Mai - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Nach Horrorsturz: Endlich Gesundheits-Update von Vanessa Mai - Duration: 2:27.


Once I Caught A Fish Alive | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 15:17.

Look, I caught a fish

One, two, three, four, five

Once I caught a fish alive,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because he bit my finger so.

Which finger did he bite?

This little finger on the right.

One, two, three, four, five

Once I caught a fish alive,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because he bit my finger so.

Which finger did he bite?

This little finger on the right.

For more infomation >> Once I Caught A Fish Alive | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 15:17.


.25ctw Colored Diamond Square Cluster Sterling Silver Ri... - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> .25ctw Colored Diamond Square Cluster Sterling Silver Ri... - Duration: 2:17.


We Are The Thief Family | Road Rangers Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:01:57.

We Are The Thief Family Road Rangers

For more infomation >> We Are The Thief Family | Road Rangers Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:01:57.


Эффект от дуа, о котором вы НЕ ЗНАЛИ - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Эффект от дуа, о котором вы НЕ ЗНАЛИ - Duration: 6:15.


1ct RoundCut Black Diamond Solitaire Sterling Silver Ring - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 1ct RoundCut Black Diamond Solitaire Sterling Silver Ring - Duration: 6:14.


Welcome to my Channel! | Channel trailer - Duration: 0:58.

hey kitties!

my name is Kitty and welcome to my channel

hey everybody and welcome to my channel!

on this channel what I mainly do is make funny skits with LPS which are, the toy that, well toys that I am using right now

I have an awesome sister called LPS Kat who also makes similar videos

I post every week on Saturdays or Sundays, sometimes even both

I'm also very weird so uhh beware of strange, ow

but anyway thank you all so much for watching

don't forget to subscribe, leave a like and comment on what my next video should be

even though I already have a few ideas up my sleeve

also, don't forget to check out my sister's channel, LPS Kat

thank you all for watching, byee!!!!!

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