Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 24 2018

Welcome to SoulWorker 101!

The skill and combo system in SoulWorker can take a while to fully get to grips with.

So let me explain the basics to you.

Press "K" to open your skill window.

Here you can see both active and passive skills.

Passive skills are always on, whereas you can use the active skills by pressing their assigned keys.

You get skill points for level ups that are used to level up or unlock new skills.

To use a skill, drag it down into the box.

As you can see, skills can be connected in series to create powerful combo chains.

Skill placement and their order is completely up to you.

There is also a bonus which is activated when you use a skill in the second or third row.

Once you are done, you're ready to hit the districts. And, as you see,

the skill-icons change in the skillbar as soon as you use the first skill.

You will have a certain amount of time to activate the next phase skill.

Press the assigned button once for each skill.

You can also simply hold it if you want.

Then the combos are executed automatically, one after the other.

For more infomation >> SoulWorker 101: Skill Tree & Combos - Duration: 1:20.


Candidato a la Presidencia de México propone cambiar la Constitución para cortar la mano a corruptos - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Candidato a la Presidencia de México propone cambiar la Constitución para cortar la mano a corruptos - Duration: 3:13.


7 alimentos que pueden manchar tus dientes si los comes en exceso - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 7 alimentos que pueden manchar tus dientes si los comes en exceso - Duration: 7:46.


Learn amigurumi (9) - How to make a crochet ball - Duration: 3:55.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Learn amigurumi (9) - How to make a crochet ball - Duration: 3:55.


VENOM | Trailer #2 SUBTITULADO en Español LATINO (HD) Accion 2018 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> VENOM | Trailer #2 SUBTITULADO en Español LATINO (HD) Accion 2018 - Duration: 2:33.


HOLIDAY IN THE CARIBBEAN_ INCREDIBLE POOL_Marc & Daniel The Explorers Brothers - Duration: 14:15.

For more infomation >> HOLIDAY IN THE CARIBBEAN_ INCREDIBLE POOL_Marc & Daniel The Explorers Brothers - Duration: 14:15.


5 Ways on How to Achieve English Fluency - Duration: 9:11.

I think most English learners out there would like to achieve a certain level of fluency.

And that's why today I'm going to talk to you about several keys to success

that will help you achieve your fluency goals. That's coming up.

Welcome to today's lesson, which is all about achieving English fluency.

And before we begin, I want to remind you to join our social media classes

because it is a great way to improve your fluency.

So I'm going to do things a little different

I want to talk to you about five different ways that you can achieve your fluency goals using a

motivational quote or expression that is very common in English.

and by understanding these quotes and expressions,

it will help you better understand how to improve your fluency.

So let's just jump right into it.

The first one that I want to tell you about is this one right here.

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.

And again and again and again.

Language learning - you can think of it kind of like a roller coaster.

When you start learning, it's like we're on this uphill slope.

We're learning new words, new expressions. We feel that we're making a lot of progress.

But then, we start to hit a few dips along the way.

And we think that maybe we're forgetting something

Or we're not making as much progress as we want to.

And when we hit those dips, those lows, when I think learners feel like:

Look, this is too difficult. It's too much. I don't want to do this anymore.

Those are the times that you really need to try and make yourself work harder to work through it,

So you can get back to that uphill slope where you feel like you're making progress, and you're improving.

One thing that's difficult is that the more fluent we become,

I think for many people, they feel like they're making less progress

because it's not as noticeable

And you just need to remember that you really are making progress.

You're learning new things, and most importantly

you're improving on the skills that you already have.

You're improving on what you already know.

So if you feel like you are not succeeding, you just need to keep this in mind:

Try again, and again, and again. Keep at it, keep practicing, and keep learning.

The next tip I have for you is this:

You just really have to want it, and that's most of it right there.

It's saying: Yes, I really want to improve my fluency, and in order to do so, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do that.

You really have to make it a part of your lifestyle.

And that decision right there that you are you are really going to make this happen, you are determined

Making that decision is is one of the most difficult things,

and that's eighty percent of it right there.

Because when you make that decision and you're able to commit to it,

Then you're going to put yourself on a path to fluency

Because you're going to be doing the things that you need to do: you're going to be studying a little bit each day,

You're going to be reviewing the material you already know. You're going to be practicing at home or in the classroom.

You're basically going to do whatever it takes to improve your fluency.

The next way to improve your fluency

(and this is one of my favorite expressions that I say to students all the time) and that is

You need to do things differently.

Don't just say: Well, I'm going to learn English and I'm gonna buy a textbook and then it's done.

I don't need to do anything else. I can just use this and my language skills are gonna flourish.

That's not really how it happens. You need to find a variety of resources

that you can use to practice and improve your skills and improve your fluency.

And this could include getting a textbook and studying at home,

This could include watching videos, and movies, taking e-courses

You could also use technology to your advantage: use social media.

if you live in a big city or town, there might be a foreign community there.

You could find a Facebook group that maybe people meet up from time to time

and they're having discussions in English.

You could even start your own group in your town or city

and try to get people together and find others who want to practice their English skills.

And you need to think about what works best for you, and what you think is beneficial

because we all have different language needs.

If you're looking to to improve your pronunciation,

then videos are a great way to do that and listen to the correct pronunciation.

If you're looking to build your vocabulary, reading's a great way to do that.

It's different for each and every one of us, and you need to think about which ways complement your needs.

There are many ways out there to practice and improve your skills

And you just need to think outside the box

Another way to achieve your fluency goals is to be stronger than your excuses.

It's easy to come up with excuses and think: Well, I'm just too busy for this or it's too difficult.

It'll take too much time. You need to be stronger than your excuses.

You need to overcome these excuses and find ways to get through them.

So if you think: Well I just don't have enough time, you need to try and find

just a little bit of time during the day or during the week to practice.

You could just do 5 minutes a day, and that is going to add up.

The most important thing is that you are consistent.

You might think: Well, this is just too difficult, and yeah...

language learning: it is a challenge for most of us, especially me.

It takes a long time.

And it's just something that you really need to want. So much of it depends on you

and your motivation and your desire and how strong you can be to overcome each of these excuses.

Maybe you tell yourself: Well, I don't have anybody to speak to.

Well, you can find people to practice your speaking skills.

You can invest in yourself and take some online classes, or find a private English tutor.

You can even try to start your own language learning club,

because in your town, in your city, if you are looking to practice your speaking skills,

I guarantee you somebody else is as well.

And you just need to find these other people so you can meet with them

You can practice your speaking skills and help support each other.

For every excuse out there, there is a way through it,

so you just need to be stronger than your excuses

And I promise you: You will see the results.

The last way to achieve your fluency goals is to keep in mind that the sky is the limit.

When it comes to learning a language there is always something that you can learn.

There's always something that you can improve.

For example, every year new words are added to the English language.

So there is new vocabulary that you can use all the time.

I learn new things about English every single day as I'm preparing lessons, and I'm doing research.

There's things that I'm learning about grammar and vocabulary and the way the language is used,

and all of that helps me become a better instructor because I really want to learn. I want to find out new things.

It's not like you can think: Well, I'm just gonna finish learning English, and then I'm done.

I don't need to do any more.

There's always something that you can keep practicing and improving.

And that's not only going to help you achieve your fluency goals,

But it's going to help you maintain your fluency goals

when you do get to a level that you're comfortable with, and that you're happy with.

The sky is the limit.

So in the comments, I want to hear from you:

Which of these ways applies to you and your fluency goals?

Do you need to think outside the box?

Are you the type of person that needs to be stronger than your excuses?

Which one do you think would benefit you the most right now in trying to achieve your goals?

We love hearing from you guys and writing this down and expressing this

is a great way for you to start even thinking about where you're at and what you need to do to improve your fluency skills

If you enjoyed this lesson, and you feel more confident and motivated to go out there and improve your fluency,

please give this video a thumbs up.

I hope you can use this advice to benefit yourself and improve your English skills.

Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways on How to Achieve English Fluency - Duration: 9:11.


La tragedia familiar de Cristina Soria, la psicóloga de 'Sálvame' - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> La tragedia familiar de Cristina Soria, la psicóloga de 'Sálvame' - Duration: 3:04.


180118 - Policía Local Málaga - Reportaje ADN canino Málaga - TV alemana - BR Mediathek - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> 180118 - Policía Local Málaga - Reportaje ADN canino Málaga - TV alemana - BR Mediathek - Duration: 6:00.


Bomba en Supervivientes: los dos enemigos íntimos han tenido sexo en la isla - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Bomba en Supervivientes: los dos enemigos íntimos han tenido sexo en la isla - Duration: 2:46.


Wpisuje kod z gazetki,pozdrawiam osoby i karmie zwierzaki xD - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Wpisuje kod z gazetki,pozdrawiam osoby i karmie zwierzaki xD - Duration: 10:01.


Paula Echevarría y Miguel Torres, un amor que se consolida - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Paula Echevarría y Miguel Torres, un amor que se consolida - Duration: 2:56.


¿Cómo adelgazar con la ayuda del limón? - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo adelgazar con la ayuda del limón? - Duration: 6:43.


Remedios naturales para tratar la piel áspera - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Remedios naturales para tratar la piel áspera - Duration: 8:01.


S'il fait ces 13 choses au lit, c'est qu'il vous aime - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> S'il fait ces 13 choses au lit, c'est qu'il vous aime - Duration: 9:41.


10 indices révélateurs que votre femme vous trompe - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> 10 indices révélateurs que votre femme vous trompe - Duration: 9:22.


The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer

For more infomation >> The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer


Feelings and Emotions Song for Kids | Kindergarten, Preschool & ESL | Fun Kids English - Duration: 3:33.

What do you do when you're happy?

When I'm happy I laugh.

When I'm happy, happy, happy I laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh I laugh laugh laugh

When I'm happy, happy, happy I laugh laugh laugh

Ha ha ha ha ha!

What do you do when you're sad?

When I'm sad I cry.

When I'm sad, sad, sad I cry cry cry

Cry cry cry I cry cry cry

When I'm sad, sad, sad I cry cry cry

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

What do you do when you're angry?

When I'm angry I stomp my feet

When I'm angry angry angry I stomp my feet

Stomp my feet I stomp my feet

When I'm angry angry angry I stomp my feet

[sound of stomping feet]

What do you do when you're hungry?

When I'm hungry I eat a snack

When I'm hungry hungry hungry I eat a snack

Eat a snack I eat a snack

When I'm hungry hungry hungry I eat a snack

Yum yum yum yum yum!

What do you do when you're sleepy?

When I'm sleepy I go to sleep

When I'm sleepy sleepy sleepy I go to sleep

Go to sleep I go to sleep

When I'm sleepy sleepy sleepy I go to sleep

[sound of snoring]

Hi guys, thanks for watching.

Click on our logo below to subscribe for more fun kids videos.

Thanks again and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Feelings and Emotions Song for Kids | Kindergarten, Preschool & ESL | Fun Kids English - Duration: 3:33.


Uomini e Donne, la confessione shock: 'Mi spinse a fingere la gravidanza' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, la confessione shock: 'Mi spinse a fingere la gravidanza' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Volcano School of Arts & Science | Volcanoes National Park - Duration: 2:13.


I've been to Volcano National Park around twenty to twenty-five times.

The culture was a very interesting thing to learn about, being that there were so many

different versions of stories that were never written down.

They were just told verbally, and memorized throughout every generation.

Being able to learn about all the different gods and goddesses and their stories was very

interesting to me.

There's still so much that I have to learn, and so much that I'm looking forward to

finding out about how they worship the gods, different 'olis they did or chants, and

all the different mythology that has been included in Hawaiian culture.

I've gotten to see Halema'uma'u during the day and the night, and I've been able

to visit the steam vents multiple times, and I have gone to the lava tubes quite often.

It was very different each time.

And each time, the volcano seemed a lot different, whether it was the glow or how the lava was

coming up from the crater.

The last time I visited was in December with some friends of mine.

We went to Halema'uma'u in both day and night, and we also

went and saw [INDISTINCT] the lava tubes.

I feel that Volcanoes National Park is a very important place for students to learn,

because there's a lot of history in there about the Hawaiian culture

and how it worked back then.

And there's also a whole bunch of science that is very, very interesting, in the seismology,

how the volcano would erupt, and just seeing how the Hawaiians thought of the volcano.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Volcano School of Arts & Science | Volcanoes National Park - Duration: 2:13.


L'Isola dei Famosi: Bianca Atzei ha avuto un malore improvviso, ecco come sta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei Famosi: Bianca Atzei ha avuto un malore improvviso, ecco come sta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


HOA VINH Tuyển Chọn Những Ca Khúc Hot Nhất 2018 - Duration: 41:49.

For more infomation >> HOA VINH Tuyển Chọn Những Ca Khúc Hot Nhất 2018 - Duration: 41:49.


Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi 141pk DynamicLine in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi 141pk DynamicLine in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie - Duration: 1:09.


Schoonmaak Nieuwe Metro in de RET remise #50jaarMetro - Duration: 0:37.


For more infomation >> Schoonmaak Nieuwe Metro in de RET remise #50jaarMetro - Duration: 0:37.


The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer

For more infomation >> The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer


My husband's Strange Desire. I can't sleep!! [Hello Counselor Sub : ENG,THA / 2018.04.23] - Duration: 31:51.

This is the concern of a woman

whose nights are too long.

Hello. I'm a woman in my 50s from Dangjin.

What was the title again?

"My Husband's Strange Desire."

That title really suits you.

This is such an embarrassing concern at this age.

Every night, I...

I can't sleep because of my husband.

"I can't take it anymore!"

"Goodness, what's wrong?

Is it... Again?"


- What? / - Why is this getting steamy?

Why did your ears turn red?

Is it suitable to be aired?

Is it suitable to be aired?

(Look at him)




My body craves it right now!

I can't take it anymore!"

The thing that my husband wants at night is...

None other than...

Glug, glug, glug, glug...

"Drinks are the best when I'm thirsty!"

My husband can't live without beverages.

He's a beverage addict.

Not alcohol, but beverages?

"Honey, where is the milk and fruit juice?"



(You lewd monster...)

"Honey, where is the milk and fruit juice?"

"I drank them."

"I thought I had carp juice and arrowroot juice."

"I finished them, too."

He is like a drinking machine.

He drinks all kinds of liquid. The problem is...

"Oh my, oh my."

Bang bang!


Peeing noise, flushing noise and then

gulping down more drinks in the kitchen.

"Let's just go to sleep!"

Please let me sleep.

Sungmo, do you drink a lot of beverages, too?

Of course. Plum juice.

Please come on out.

(Who's concerned about her addicted husband?)

You came down in a steady way.

You came down steadily

and left a mark.

Please introduce yourself.

Hello. I'm Lee Sisun, I'm in my 50s,

and I'm from Dangjin, Chungcheongnamdo.


You look so gentle.

Are you in your early 50s or late 50s?

Late 50s.

What does your husband like to drink?

Not plum juice, right?

He drinks plum juice, too.

Fruit juice, milk, soy milk...

He really drinks all kinds of beverages.

He drinks so much at a time.

He drinks 10 packs at a time.

- All different types? / - Yes.

If I buy 3 or 4 2-liter bottles,

he finishes them all within 2 to 3 days.

Even bellflower extract and grain syrup.

Grain syrup.

He drinks them all, too.

Does he dilute them in water?

You're not supposed to drink grain syrup.

You're supposed to dip food in it.

There must be a reason why he drinks so much.

It's been going on for a decade.

He always came home drunk before.

10 years ago?

He started to go to church.


- So he quit drinking alcohol? / - Yes.

Isn't it better that he drinks beverages instead?

Isn't it?

Yes, I thought so at first.

But he drinks so much.

The drinks have so much sugar in them.

He needs to brush his teeth well.

I'm worried about his health.

But the biggest problem is that I can't sleep.

Because he goes to the bathroom so often.

Yes, he has to get rid of all that liquid.

That's right.

He goes to the bathroom and...

I don't know if it's a cow in there peeing.

(Only his wife can use that metaphor)

Because he drank so much.

I'm impressed.

Sometimes, it sounds like a waterfall.

We finally arrive at Yongchu Waterfall.

(Did he drink too much?)

It sounds like a cow peeing.

Sometimes, it sounds like thunder.

Rain with thunder and hail

has been falling for 4 days straight.

How can peeing sound like thunder?

Kilogram, ask her.


It's "Killagramz."

- Not kilogram. / - How much do you weigh?

Maybe you are a light sleeper.

Our place is like a one-room apartment.

Since everything is close

we can hear everything very well.

Did you think about using separate rooms?

Yes, I did.


But we are so close, you know.

Oh my.

He must be very healthy.

Because they are so close.

He drinks so many liquid extracts.

(Oink oink)

That's why you put up with it.

You may expect a lot from him.

I was kidding.

(Mute (Unable to breathe))

She is definitely from Chungcheong-do.

"No. I was just kidding."

I don't think you were kidding.

I really was kidding.

You two are quite close, right?

I can't answer to that.

(But I can't say no either)

So you don't get a good night sleep?

I can't sleep for hours straight.

Doesn't he go to the restroom quietly?

He isn't that considerate.

Because he goes so often.

How many times a night does he go?

I think he goes to pee every hour.

Every hour.

Because he drinks more after he pees.

So after he goes to the restroom,

he drinks more before going back to sleep?


He pees and drinks. He pees and drinks.



In order for him to drink during the shoot,

we prepared plenty of drinks next to him.

He has a basketful of drinks.

- Hello. / - Hello.

(Is he running for election?)

(You thought I was done, right?)

(Has he met his acquaintance?)

(They have the same hometown)

He's so cute.

You're the husband who is very close with her?


Do you like the drinks we got for you?

You only brought my favorites.

Do you understand her concern?

She says she can't get enough sleep?


Did I not put her to bed?

We don't know.


I drink so I have to pee.

Then I get thirsty so I drink some more.

Then I have to go again.

But she can't sleep because of the noise.

I never stop her. If she's tired, she can sleep.

Make her tired before she goes to bed.

How much do you drink a day?

- 4 liters. / - Two 2-liter bottles.

Drinking 2 liters is hard enough.

How much do you drink at a time?


How many cups?

- In a soju glass... / - Soju?

A beer glass. (Soju glass = beer glass?)

He drinks soju in a beer glass.

(Dongyeob understood right away)

(What's wrong with that?)

In a beer glass...

He must've drunk a lot in the past.

I drink a beer glass at a time,

but I drink quite often.

Did you drink soju in a beer glass before?

- In a beer glass? / - In a big glass?

How did you know?

(Seoul people are keen)

You just told us.

Do you drink beverages instead of alcohol?

Alcohol and beverages are different.

I crave drinks.

My stomach keeps asking for more.

So I drink more and more.

You hear voices?

People who quit smoking usually eat

shrimp crackers like they hold a cigarette.

They get that habit.

I only heard about it.


You look so natural.

She has a box of shrimp crackers in her room.

(Jimin, don't forget your shrimp crackers)

Because of your old drinking habits,

I'm thinking that you are drinking

those beverages instead of alcohol.

Alcohol is alcohol.

The reason I drink beverages

isn't because I want alcohol.

After you quit drinking,

did you hear voices telling you to drink?

Yes. So I keep drinking more.

His stomach asks for more.

Wouldn't it be better to eat actual fruit?

Actual fruit.

He doesn't eat fruit unless I blend it.

Why do you only drink and not chew?

It's too cumbersome to chew.

I won't eat more than a piece of fruit,

but if she blends it, I could eat a whole box.

What about rice then?

I eat rice.

Do you like soup?

It's strange, but I don't really like soup.

How can he not like soup?

That must be nice not to cook soup separately.

Yes, it's convenient.

She liked that.

- Sir... / - After he drank...

She wasn't done.

People from Chungcheong-do speak slowly.

I'm sorry. I'm from the States.

He never asked me cook soup for him,

so that was convenient for me.

That's one good thing.

Now she's done speaking.

I'm done now.

(You may speak now)

She's done.

Please tell us when you're done speaking.


She's done now. Ask away.

Do you only like to drink cold beverages?

That must be right.

I eat ice even in the cold winter.

- So you like cold things? / - Yes.

Then are there drinks that you hate?

Of course.

Like what?

There are drinks that I hate.

The thing I hate the most is plain water.

The one you hate the most?

The thing I hate the most is pesticides.

I hate pesticides, too.

(Even the foreigner bursts out laughing)

(Everyone is dying of laughter, but...)

(This is not a paused screen)

What are you talking about?


You could die from drinking it.

I need to live longer.

Pesticides are a beverage, too?

It's liquid that you can drink.

Who calls pesticide a beverage?

We're laughing so much thanks to you.

We prepared drinks for you.

Why aren't you drinking them?

Then I would have to go to the restroom.

You can go.

We have all year.

You should've told me sooner.

(Boo hoo)

He must've wanted to drink.

Go ahead and drink.

- Soy milk. / - Gulp, gulp, gulp.

He's already done with that. He's fast.

You're done with that, right?

He's really fast.

You can put it down next to you if you're done.

How many times do you go at night?

Every 30 minutes or an hour.

Isn't it cumbersome?

You could sleep without drinking a lot.

It's cumbersome to wake up at night.

It's been a nightly habit for years now.

I just accept it as a part of my life now.

(Life is all about peeing and drinking)


If you're going to use the restroom,

shouldn't you be quiet?

- Go quietly. / - Go quietly.

- Go quietly? / - Yes.

I don't have time for that. I'm about to burst.

He's about to burst.

He only sees what's in front of him.

If you can't sleep well at night,

doesn't it get in the way of your work?

My eyes felt bleary and in pain,

so I went to see an optometrist.

The doctor asked if I don't get any sleep.

He said that my eyes are in bad shape

and that I should get plenty of sleep.

Sleep is very important.

Sleep is important for your eyes.

Did you know about this?

I know that I am partially at fault.

But it's not fair that she's using me

as an excuse for her bad health.

Everything could be resolved

if you sleep in separate bedrooms.

What do you think about that?

I can never allow that.

We're in a bind here.

Why not?

We're married. We're not enemies.

It's for your wife's health though.

I never stopped her from sleeping.

But while she's sleeping...

Sir, you won't allow sleeping in different rooms?

Of course not.

We might as well get divorced then.

We're not enemies.

I won't allow that at all.

Yes, that's actually right.

She agrees with you.

But she's concerned that she can't sleep.

There aren't any other problems, right?

That's right.

I'm a devoted husband.

How are you a devoted husband?

I put away clean clothes when they're dry.

When it rains,

I call her to tell her to put away clean clothes.

(Something doesn't sound right)

You do it yourself? Or you tell her to do it?

When I'm home, I do it myself.

Do you take out recycled trash?

- What? / - Do you take out recycled trash?

She has never thrown out trash by herself.

She doesn't know what a garbage truck looks like.

(Chungcheong-do joke style: Exaggeration)

I'm sure she's seen one on the street.

Believe it or not.

(Believe it or not)

(Looking elsewhere)

Is he really a devoted husband?

He's really good to you.

Devoted husband my butt.


Are you saying that I'm lying?

When we're out of extract drinks

he gets aggravated.

Then do you apologize to him first?

Once I make more beverages and put them in the fridge

he sees it and...

He becomes nice again. He's like a kid.


She's embarrassed.


(A pig is here once again)

We can tell how close the two of you are.

You do look like you really love each other.

He's always been good to you, right?

I love him.


We always get surprising answers from them.

What part of him did you fall in love with?

I still don't know.

What do you make for him?

New buds come out in the spring.

Mulberry leaves, mugwort, water parsley,

plantain, mulberries, plums...


I go out to gather them.

I become one with nature.

That must be tough.

Oh my.

She's hiking all over the mountains

to make those extracts for him.

We asked for a photograph to see

how many drinks she has made.

- Those are the extracts? / - It's full.

(Full of extracts)

They are all extracts.

Extracts, extracts, extracts.

There are so many.

On the door, too.

We are going to taste some, too.

Let's see how great they taste.

We'll have a taste, okay?


It's not that good.

I drink them because they're better than plain water.

I'm sure she made them very tasty.

This is pomegranate extract.

This is pomegranate.

- What is this? / - Cinnamon punch.

This is...

This is plum juice.

(Here it comes)

- Plum. / - No, no.

(Please show us, Plum Jo)

I want to see it.

You want me to do it?

I want to bite you.

(Plum fragrance fills the studio)

Try it.

Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

It tastes like store-bought juice.

You did a great job.

- What? / - This is really good.

Cinnamon punch, too.

You're really good.

It tastes like store-bought ones.

(But I am one with nature...)


You eat a spoonful of this?

No. I eat 5 spoonfuls.

With a large spoon.

Let's all have a little taste.

Just one spoonful is enough.

Just a little bit.

Just one spoonful is enough.

(One spoonful)

(Two spoonfuls)

(Three spoonfuls)

(Four spoonfuls)

This is amazing.

You like ginger extract, right?

This is really good.

(After finishing a meal with grain syrup)

I'm impressed. It tastes store-bought.

They're clearing the table now.

Oh, sir.

Strangers ate this, so you must throw it out.

We all used our spoons.

Is this wild grape extract?


This, too.

(Bonus item: ginger extract + wild grape extract)

(Her appetite was for real)

I work hard in Seoul.

Are these gifts for me, sir?

Sure. I'm sorry we didn't bring more for you.

She doesn't just do house chores at home.

She also is a chef at a Chinese restaurant.

That's tough.

If she doesn't want to become a widow

she must give me what I need.


Can't you go with her to the mountains?

But I'm not good at finding the plants. She is.

I'm useless in the mountains.

I can't find anything.

They all look the same to me.

Don't worry about her becoming a widow.

What if you get left all alone?

- You must let her sleep. / - That's right.

That's not true.

Say it if you have anything to say.

Why are you speechless all of a sudden?

You feel bad for her, right?

Yes, I do feel bad a little.

She needs to be healthy in order

to make those for you for years to come, right?


(What is he about to say?)

I think if you sleep in separate rooms...


Everything would be solved.

If she can sleep comfortably...

Why do you keep insisting that?

What's wrong with you?

Why are you tearing them apart?

It's like you're coming between them.

I usually tell people to always share a room,

but she isn't able to sleep.

What if you drink a lot during the day

but you don't drink at night?

Drinking is a part of my life.

Drinking every hour is my life routine.

You feel uneasy when you don't drink?

No, I just enjoy doing it.

Because you're busy peeing during the night

you take naps during the day, right?

I don't nap. I just lie down.

I only lie down for 20-30 minutes during the day.

But she can't do that.

She takes her time to go to the mountains

to make all these extracts.

She doesn't go all year round.

She only goes in the spring.

How can you be so inconsiderate of others?

(He doesn't care about others)

One time, I made watermelon juice.

I gave it out to our neighbors.

He got mad that I gave out his favorite drink

when I could have made it from other fruits we had.

- Watermelon juice. / - Yes.

He yelled at you in front of other people?


Were you mad that we tasted your drinks?

- A little? / - Were you okay with it?

We have more at home.


Here you go.

(Voluntarily gives it back)

We have more at home.

Forget it.

You're going to yell at her for giving it away

when you get home, right?

He can't do that.

Did you really get mad at her for that?

She gave away my favorite drink.

There are so many extracts in the fridge.

So you got upset?

I threw a tantrum.

You must not be that popular in the neighborhood.


Look at their faces.

They look upset whenever you speak.

They are your friends, right, ma'am?


They got dressed up to come here.


Hello. I'm their next-door neighbor.

Next door.

Hello. I'm a neighbor, too.

Hello. I'm a neighbor and a friend of 30 years.

They all live nearby.

They are all neighbors from different places.

They are all neighbors.

Raise your hand if you drank watermelon juice.


Raise your hand if you think he's stingy.


(Oh gee...)

Let's talk to the neighbors.

I own a supermarket.

He came in to buy soy milk.

He bought 5 packs and asked for a straw.

I thought he was going to give me one, too.

But he drank all five on the spot.

- All five? / - Yes.

All five packs.

- You own a supermarket? / - Yes.

I thought he was going to share it with me.

But why would you think that?

He could buy all five for himself.

I didn't think he would finish them by himself.

You didn't think he could finish all five.

We went to the mountains together.

He had to relieve himself.

There aren't any restrooms in the mountains.

He couldn't go out in the mountains.

He had to go.

Because he loves nature.

He yelled out, "I'm going to pee!"

- During the service? / - Yes.

(Soy milk is good)

What do you think?

I think he drinks too much

beyond anyone's imagination.

On the other hand, my husband

doesn't drink beverages at all.

Why are you talking about your husband?

That's so random.

So I have many complaints.

- He doesn't drink any at all? / - That's right.

(Why are you talking about your husband here?)

What doesn't he drink?

He only eats fresh fruits.

He won't drink juice or extracts.

Are you jealous?


(Then you try living with him...)

Please send us your concern

for next week.

Does he like to drink anything else?

Coffee with cream and sugar...

Instant coffee?

I think I make 30 cups worth.

He drinks it all in one day.

One day, I bought 10 bottles of digestive drinks.

No way.

I wanted one, but I couldn't find any.

So I asked him where they all went.

He said that he drank them all because

he was afraid they would go bad,

even though his stomach wasn't even hurting.

Digestive drinks?

Those are very sweet.

Those drinks are sweet.

It's quite refreshing.

You drink too much caffeine

and too much sugar.

I know that, too.

There are many types of drinks here.

Some are good, some are bad.

It's 50-50.

I get myself sick then healthy.

(She can't breathe)

Sugars get absorbed into your body directly.

You say you drink water to dilute it,

but doctors say they remain in your body.

Of course doctors would say that.

But I don't agree.

As you can see, I'm healthy.

You could become sick at all once.

It's a matter of whether I'll reach age 100.

Once I reach that, I can live until I'm 200.

- After that milestone. / - What theory is that?

I am confident about my health.

How can you live until you're 200?

I can as long as I reach age 100.

Once I reach 100, I can live until I'm 200.

You kid too much.

But sir,

you don't want your son to drink like that, right?

I can't stop him if he wants to.

We don't live together anymore.

What I'm worried about is...

You should let your wife sleep.

If you go in and out of the bathroom

while she's trying to sleep...

You wouldn't be able to sleep either.

Anyone can sleep when they're tired enough.

What is it that you want, sir?

(Chungcheong-do "goddess" explodes)

I'm serious.

What is it that you want, sir?

I can't stop drinking what I like.

Why did you marry a guy like him?

- Who introduced you to him? / - That's it.

Tell me. Who introduced you to him?

My friend.

Are you still friends with her?


She must feel guilty. She doesn't call me anymore.



What do you ask of him?

I don't know if I'm living with my husband,

or a dehumidifier.

Don't just drink sweet drinks.

Drink water, too. I wish you would

drink only half of the sweet drinks.

That's right.

You're not upset, are you?

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

I'm not.

Killagramz. Is it a concern or not?

I think it's still better than drinking alcohol.

It's not a serious concern, so I won't press it.

I think it's a concern. Sleep is vital.

Sleep is the medicine of all illnesses.

Think of it as giving her healthy medicine

and help her sleep better.

Yes. Sleep is the best medicine.

I think it's good that he drinks healthy things.

- It's not a concern? / - I don't think so.

I think it's a concern.

It's a concern.

If you can relate to her concern,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Please say a word to your wife.

What do you usually call her?


Cutie patootie?

He may call her that.

Bbooing bbooing.

- Surprisingly. / - Surprisingly.

- I call her "honey." / - "Honey."

Oh my.

I didn't know you were this concerned.

I'd marry you even if I was reborn.

I'm sorry, honey. I'll try harder.

I haven't told you this. I love you.

She's feeling all better now.

You must tell her what's important.

What will you do at night?

I'll let you sleep by going to the fridge quietly.

He won't say he will drink less.

I will quietly go to the restroom.

No wonder he was speaking so eloquently.

The most important thing is to be considerate.

Even if you do wake up to go to drink or pee,

if you go quietly to not wake her,

she'll know how considerate you are being.

Please remember that.

Please show us the result.

"My Husband's Strange Desire."

(What's the result)

It really is a strange desire.

100! 100?

137? 127?

(They got 147 votes)

A teenage girl sent us this concern.

For more infomation >> My husband's Strange Desire. I can't sleep!! [Hello Counselor Sub : ENG,THA / 2018.04.23] - Duration: 31:51.


Bäst i Sverige på Dplay Karl-Henrik - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Bäst i Sverige på Dplay Karl-Henrik - Duration: 0:46.


George i Charlotte odwiedzili ksiezna Kate w szpitalu i poznali swojego braciszka! - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> George i Charlotte odwiedzili ksiezna Kate w szpitalu i poznali swojego braciszka! - Duration: 2:14.


Selena Gomez chwyciła za maszynkę do włosów i ogoliła sobie pół głowy na łyso! - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez chwyciła za maszynkę do włosów i ogoliła sobie pół głowy na łyso! - Duration: 3:10.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Kauai High - Kaua'i | A Special Piece of Home - Duration: 1:58.


I'm here, about to go to college.

But …

I'm going to miss the carefree days,

playing tag with my friends on the playground.


I'm also gonna miss the sweet flavors of happiness in a cup

from that ice cream shop nearby.

Oh, and can't forget about that toy shop with the cool airplane display

and island kine toys.

Those were the good days.

Wish I could have known how fast those days would fly by.

My home was a place of warmth and happiness, a place full of greenery … and bright colors

everywhere I looked.

I'm going to miss the warm sunshine and the cool waves of the ocean, and the little

treasures I found in the sand.

I'm going to miss the rock I have grown up on.

But as I leave, I'll always have a special piece of home with me wherever I go.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Kauai High - Kaua'i | A Special Piece of Home - Duration: 1:58.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Maui High - Maui | Teen Parent Center - Duration: 3:04.

I spy with my little eye something …

I found out I was pregnant in March, four days after I turned fifteen.

Jada Apolo was only a sophomore when she gave birth to her daughter Jenaya in December 2016.

Once I found out I was pregnant, I like, dropped everything and like, I focused on my education.

But being a fulltime student and a fulltime mom has proven to be a challenge.

At that time, it was about winter break, and I went to Baldwin, and I already missed a

lot of the first semester.

And then, when I went back, it was hard finding a babysitter, because it's very expensive.

Fortunately, Jada was referred to the teen parenting program offered by Maui High School.


It's better now.

I can do a lot of my work in the teen parents class.

I'm here on campus, and I can go there during lunch and see how they take care of my child,

and stuff like that.


However, due to the high expected enrollment for the next school year, Maui High was faced

with a difficult decision.

We also value the fact we have six hundred forty freshmen coming.

And we have to work towards getting them space, and then getting them help

when they transition into high school.

I don't know if you did some research on facilities nearby.

I want to say we have competing values, because we do value the teen parenting program.

There's lots of value in that.

We want to help both, but I think we're gonna only have room for one.

Being one of the three remaining public school teen parenting programs in the state, the

decision concerned Jada and the other student parents.

I was overall devastated, because I've seen many, many

young parents drop out of high school.

It takes a lot of courage to have a baby, especially at a young age, and still want

to continue your education.

Upon hearing the news, Jada instantly took action.

I created a community survey, and I sent it to every one of my contacts.

I sent it to the pastor of my church, and I posted it

on every single Facebook group I'm in.

Overall in the community survey, I got almost five hundred responses, and ninety-seven percent

said that we should keep our program.

There's other people out there in the community willing to help to see if this can continue.

I met with Jada twice now, and in my conversations with her, I've been real positive.

I commend her for the work she's doing.


In order to save our program, of course, financial help would be great.

But ultimately, we are looking for a space for our program to continue, as there are

so many more incoming students.

So, we just have to find another place to plant our seed.

This is Hunter Nahooikaika from Maui High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Maui High - Maui | Teen Parent Center - Duration: 3:04.


文在寅向3個國家讓步,唯獨拒絕對華妥協,意外暴露一個陰謀? - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> 文在寅向3個國家讓步,唯獨拒絕對華妥協,意外暴露一個陰謀? - Duration: 11:33.


OCTOPATH TRAVELER – "Ścieżki czynów szlachetnych i nieuczciwych" - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> OCTOPATH TRAVELER – "Ścieżki czynów szlachetnych i nieuczciwych" - Duration: 3:49.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Nanakuli High and Intermediate - O'ahu | Cafeteria - Duration: 3:09.

Entering upon the Nānākuli High and Intermediate School campus, you are welcomed by beautiful

mountains, circular buildings and a softball field.

But behind all of that stands a cafeteria.

At first glance, it's a place where students socialize, mingle and enjoy lunches daily.

But every so often, the cafeteria transforms into a theater, where musical productions

are put on by the Nānākuli High and Intermediate School Performing Arts Center.

You've been with the program for a very long time, you become a family.

And most families, they stay together.

I've seen a lot of people leave, come and go.

I'm surprised I'm still here.

But I would say that the one thing that I did learn is to be proud of who you are.

For some, NPAC is not only a place where they can expose their talents,

but also serves as a second home.

Here at the program, I made a lot of lifelong bonds that I'd like to think I'm gonna

keep for the rest of my life.

In addition to impacting the lives of many students, NPAC also touches the lives of many

of its audience members.

It's a happy place to come here to the cafeteria and forget

everything that's going on in your life.

You come here, you enjoy a performance, a dramatic presentation, or just the company

of the very talented students and alumni that present these shows.

Cafeteria as a place to watch a performance -- the acoustics are bad, it's uncomfortable,

you sit on hard bench, sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's windy.

The lighting is marginal, to say the least.

But what the cafeteria provides is a home for the program.

And it's a modest home, it's not something that's ostentatious that people are gonna

say: Wow, these guys must be pretty good.

The cafeteria is a comfortable place for the students, for the faculty, for the administrators,

for the alumni to come.

However, the transformation in the cafeteria is not only physical, it also has the power

to transform lives.

I would have been, like, a nobody.

Because now, when I go to school, I'm not afraid to show myself, and I would open up

to other people and make new friends.

If this program wasn't here, I wouldn't be here.

Because this place has been like a rock, and it's been somewhere I could come when I

just don't feel good.

If I hadn't joined when I had, I'd be such a different person.

I feel like NPAC changed me as a person, and it will forever impact my life.

Although the lights dim in the cafeteria, its ability to transform lives of those in

NPAC continues to shine bright.

This is Andreana Saballa from Nānākuli High and Intermediate School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Nanakuli High and Intermediate - O'ahu | Cafeteria - Duration: 3:09.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Moanalua High - O'ahu | Shige's Saimin Stand - Duration: 2:55.

Feels like home.

When they come in here, and they come and they'll see somebody that they know, it's

like eating at their parents' house.

That's how comfortable people feel eating here.

We serve local style comfort food.

It's kinda like, that's what makes people feel good.

Everyone comes here because of the environment, because of the food.

Like, it's always the same people.

It's also, like everyone just comes here because it's a family place.

Located in the small town of Wahiawa, Shige's Saimin Stand has been serving up its famous

homemade saimin and hamburgers for twenty-eight years.

My husband, Ross, his grandparents owned a saimin stand in Hale'iwa.

And as a child, he grew up there, and he always wanted to do something like this.

The reputation was set already from my grandparents, so when they closed for that ten-year period,

they were all excited when they found out that we were reopening with that hamburger

frying and that saimin, that combination of things that, you know, I can smell what I

used to smell before when we was kids.

'Cause we used to hang out all in the back of that Hale'iwa restaurant.

But what started off as an ode to his grandparents for owner Ross Shigeoka, quickly turned into

a place where he could create memories for many others.

The place itself is for the community, you know, the twenty-eight years that we've

been doing this.

I'd just always come here since I was little, like, since I can remember, with my family.

Whenever someone came in from the Mainland, we'd go straight to Shige's before or

after going down to the North Shore.

So, it's just always been in my family.

The customers that was just so loyal to us back from the '90s, just ongoing three generations

of families that we see.

And that's super touching.

Shige's found its recipe for success:

great food, and a place where people could feel at home.

I think they really love having that homemade saimin,

the noodles. Yeah.

Which not too many places do that anymore, and it brings back memories for them.

Like, wow, I remember eating this type when I was growing up.

You feel a responsibility to keep it open now, because our customer base is so broad

that you don't want to disappoint.

You relied on them your whole twenty-eight years, and you just feel an obligation to

keep on going, serving the customers and making new friends.

And we made a whole bunch of friends at a personal level that

so many stories come out of that.

With a pure passion for what they do, Shige's will continue to pour its heart and soul into

every bowl they serve.

I'm Lyrah Panarigan from Moanalua High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Moanalua High - O'ahu | Shige's Saimin Stand - Duration: 2:55.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #909 | Maui Waena Intermediate School - Maui | Robotics Coach - Duration: 2:28.

My name is Don Suzuki, and I'm an electrical engineer by day, but after hours, I am the

mentor for the Maui Waena Middle Schools robotics team.

However, his life wasn't always this way, as something caused him to switch gears.

Actually, my son inspired me to do this.

My older son, Nathan, when he was going to middle school, he had joined a robotics team.

I really knew nothing about it, but when I saw him in his first competition and I saw

how unprepared they were, I felt that if that was something he wanted to do, to actually

have the best opportunity, so I decided to get involved.

And I just jumped in head-first, and here we are today, ten years later.


Never in my life had I ever dreamed that I would be helping middle school kids,

especially in robotics.


Teaching robotics has given me so much balance in my life, 'cause I found out there's

so much more in life than money.

And now, it's all about, I guess, helping prepare the world for a better future by giving

students the abilities to go out and succeed in the world.

Because of his experience, his students often look up to him to crack the code.

I think that it's important to have helpers like Uncle Don, because if we can't spot

something that's wrong in a piece of code with the robot, but he can, he helps us to

like, figure out what's wrong.


I think coaching robotics helps to teach the kids to have grit, the ability to withstand

any kind of challenge, to stand up to it, and to overcome your obstacles.

And that is so critical in the workforce today.

I find that a lot of the job seekers nowadays, they don't want to push themselves to excel

in their choices.

And what I found is, through the robotics programs, all these kids are very highly motivated.

And this motivation shows, as they're one of the only middle schools competing against

high schools in statewide Hawai'i competitions.

I hope I encourage them to pursue their dreams, to know that hard work pays off, to know that

if they want something bad enough and they try hard enough,

they can achieve anything in life.


I enjoy giving back to the students, and hopefully one day, it'll make me very proud to see

the students I helped today going out, becoming successful, and going back

to help other students in the future.

This is Hannah Okamoto from Maui Waena Intermediate School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #909 | Maui Waena Intermediate School - Maui | Robotics Coach - Duration: 2:28.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Maui Waena Intermediate - Maui | Affordable Housing - Duration: 3:05.

I'll show you around …

This is a tremendous opportunity for people to be able to purchase homes, who typically

wouldn't be able to.

It's so expensive to purchase a home here, not just on Maui, but in Hawai'i.

And without development like this, I'm not too sure what we'd be able to do.

We're feeling blessed every day.

Having a home, a place to build a family and memories, is extremely important, maybe even

more so in Hawai'i's challenging economy.

The Lokahi Pacific Foundation, an independent nonprofit housing and community development

organization, is trying to make this dream a reality for some Maui residents in Happy

Valley, which was once the heart of Wailuku and a special place to many residents.

This year, the community of Mokuhau came to life.

Sixteen homes were built and are being sold to first-time homeowners

for very reasonable prices.

You know, we deal with a lot of people on the Mainland when we're building homes like

this, and one of the first questions they always ask is: Well, what is an affordable

price in Hawai'i?

And when we say these are selling for three hundred and eighty thousand dollars, you know,

you can almost hear their teeth drop.

Because to them, that is a first-class house

with many rooms, and many upgrades, and so forth.

And we say: Yeah, but that's compared to an average price for a house of this size

of six hundred and eighty-five thousand if you were to buy at market rate.

This is your home [INDISTINCT].

This is special because it's an affordable housing project which gives people who normally

would not be able to go out and purchase a home an opportunity, 'cause there is no

other way we could have come up with getting a six hundred, seven hundred thousand dollar

house on our income.


We're building these because we need housing in this price range, and because our mission

statement as a nonprofit is to help and enhance the livability for people of Maui.

This collection of homes, these individual special places that come together to form

a neighborhood create a community that is truly unique.

As I've worked with these people over the last two years, as they got closer to actually

buying their properties, I can see them gelling.

Actually, there's five kids that take the same school bus to their school upcountry.

They didn't know each other before, and now they're carpooling, you know, taking

turns taking them to the bus to get on it.

So, it's like, they just have so much in common for being from such different backgrounds.

Especially being parents, having children, the fact that they can come out onto a cul

de sac and a road, and ride a bicycle.

Piper is ten, and she's never owned a bicycle, ever in her life, and so we moved here, and

we bought her a bicycle.

And she took to it, and she rode it around.

And so, that's a special thing for a parent to see for the first time.

That kind of childhood experience that I had, that now they get to have.

So, that's very special.

Having a home is even more than that.

It is a special place a family can call their own.

This is Hannah Okamoto from Maui Waena Intermediate School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Maui Waena Intermediate - Maui | Affordable Housing - Duration: 3:05.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Volcano School of Arts & Science | Volcanoes National Park - Duration: 2:13.


I've been to Volcano National Park around twenty to twenty-five times.

The culture was a very interesting thing to learn about, being that there were so many

different versions of stories that were never written down.

They were just told verbally, and memorized throughout every generation.

Being able to learn about all the different gods and goddesses and their stories was very

interesting to me.

There's still so much that I have to learn, and so much that I'm looking forward to

finding out about how they worship the gods, different 'olis they did or chants, and

all the different mythology that has been included in Hawaiian culture.

I've gotten to see Halema'uma'u during the day and the night, and I've been able

to visit the steam vents multiple times, and I have gone to the lava tubes quite often.

It was very different each time.

And each time, the volcano seemed a lot different, whether it was the glow or how the lava was

coming up from the crater.

The last time I visited was in December with some friends of mine.

We went to Halema'uma'u in both day and night, and we also

went and saw [INDISTINCT] the lava tubes.

I feel that Volcanoes National Park is a very important place for students to learn,

because there's a lot of history in there about the Hawaiian culture

and how it worked back then.

And there's also a whole bunch of science that is very, very interesting, in the seismology,

how the volcano would erupt, and just seeing how the Hawaiians thought of the volcano.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Volcano School of Arts & Science | Volcanoes National Park - Duration: 2:13.


Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella - Duration: 1:05.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration 5Drs, AIRCO, ACHTERUITRIJCAMERA GEEN AFLEVERINGS KOSTEN - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration 5Drs, AIRCO, ACHTERUITRIJCAMERA GEEN AFLEVERINGS KOSTEN - Duration: 1:05.


내가 친구에게 채식을 설득하지 않는 이유 Why I don't make my friends go vegan - Duration: 0:35.

In the beginning

I realized the health benefits of a vegan diet

I told my brother about it

He didn't like it

We became a little bit distant

I wasn't aware at the time being

I was just excited to be finding out about this

My brother didn't want to be proven wrong

I realized this may not be the right approach

Depending on who I'm speaking to

If they ask first

then I would talk about it

Otherwise I wouldn't

For more infomation >> 내가 친구에게 채식을 설득하지 않는 이유 Why I don't make my friends go vegan - Duration: 0:35.


Suzuki Grand Vitara 2.0i-16V 4WD Limited ECC Cr.Control SK-dak Trekhaak Keyless - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Grand Vitara 2.0i-16V 4WD Limited ECC Cr.Control SK-dak Trekhaak Keyless - Duration: 0:54.


數艘中國巨輪來到韓國,裡面裝著這種東西,韓國人看後不淡定 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 數艘中國巨輪來到韓國,裡面裝著這種東西,韓國人看後不淡定 - Duration: 5:02.


Dynam Gloster Meteor F8 Twin 70mm EDF Jet 1270mm PNF Maiden flight - Duration: 18:56.

What to tell about this plane? My dream plane. Iam just impressed by the flying performance of this awesome warbird. I love it. Oh yeah... Big salute to all RC lovers all over the world from Captain Blaž & Pilot Robert Slovenia. Subscribe and stay tooned for more fun flight tests without editing...

For more infomation >> Dynam Gloster Meteor F8 Twin 70mm EDF Jet 1270mm PNF Maiden flight - Duration: 18:56.


Feelings and Emotions Song for Kids | Kindergarten, Preschool & ESL | Fun Kids English - Duration: 3:33.

What do you do when you're happy?

When I'm happy I laugh.

When I'm happy, happy, happy I laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh I laugh laugh laugh

When I'm happy, happy, happy I laugh laugh laugh

Ha ha ha ha ha!

What do you do when you're sad?

When I'm sad I cry.

When I'm sad, sad, sad I cry cry cry

Cry cry cry I cry cry cry

When I'm sad, sad, sad I cry cry cry

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

What do you do when you're angry?

When I'm angry I stomp my feet

When I'm angry angry angry I stomp my feet

Stomp my feet I stomp my feet

When I'm angry angry angry I stomp my feet

[sound of stomping feet]

What do you do when you're hungry?

When I'm hungry I eat a snack

When I'm hungry hungry hungry I eat a snack

Eat a snack I eat a snack

When I'm hungry hungry hungry I eat a snack

Yum yum yum yum yum!

What do you do when you're sleepy?

When I'm sleepy I go to sleep

When I'm sleepy sleepy sleepy I go to sleep

Go to sleep I go to sleep

When I'm sleepy sleepy sleepy I go to sleep

[sound of snoring]

Hi guys, thanks for watching.

Click on our logo below to subscribe for more fun kids videos.

Thanks again and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Feelings and Emotions Song for Kids | Kindergarten, Preschool & ESL | Fun Kids English - Duration: 3:33.


The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer

For more infomation >> The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Nanakuli High and Intermediate - O'ahu | Cafeteria - Duration: 3:09.

Entering upon the Nānākuli High and Intermediate School campus, you are welcomed by beautiful

mountains, circular buildings and a softball field.

But behind all of that stands a cafeteria.

At first glance, it's a place where students socialize, mingle and enjoy lunches daily.

But every so often, the cafeteria transforms into a theater, where musical productions

are put on by the Nānākuli High and Intermediate School Performing Arts Center.

You've been with the program for a very long time, you become a family.

And most families, they stay together.

I've seen a lot of people leave, come and go.

I'm surprised I'm still here.

But I would say that the one thing that I did learn is to be proud of who you are.

For some, NPAC is not only a place where they can expose their talents,

but also serves as a second home.

Here at the program, I made a lot of lifelong bonds that I'd like to think I'm gonna

keep for the rest of my life.

In addition to impacting the lives of many students, NPAC also touches the lives of many

of its audience members.

It's a happy place to come here to the cafeteria and forget

everything that's going on in your life.

You come here, you enjoy a performance, a dramatic presentation, or just the company

of the very talented students and alumni that present these shows.

Cafeteria as a place to watch a performance -- the acoustics are bad, it's uncomfortable,

you sit on hard bench, sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's windy.

The lighting is marginal, to say the least.

But what the cafeteria provides is a home for the program.

And it's a modest home, it's not something that's ostentatious that people are gonna

say: Wow, these guys must be pretty good.

The cafeteria is a comfortable place for the students, for the faculty, for the administrators,

for the alumni to come.

However, the transformation in the cafeteria is not only physical, it also has the power

to transform lives.

I would have been, like, a nobody.

Because now, when I go to school, I'm not afraid to show myself, and I would open up

to other people and make new friends.

If this program wasn't here, I wouldn't be here.

Because this place has been like a rock, and it's been somewhere I could come when I

just don't feel good.

If I hadn't joined when I had, I'd be such a different person.

I feel like NPAC changed me as a person, and it will forever impact my life.

Although the lights dim in the cafeteria, its ability to transform lives of those in

NPAC continues to shine bright.

This is Andreana Saballa from Nānākuli High and Intermediate School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Nanakuli High and Intermediate - O'ahu | Cafeteria - Duration: 3:09.


PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Moanalua High - O'ahu | Shige's Saimin Stand - Duration: 2:55.

Feels like home.

When they come in here, and they come and they'll see somebody that they know, it's

like eating at their parents' house.

That's how comfortable people feel eating here.

We serve local style comfort food.

It's kinda like, that's what makes people feel good.

Everyone comes here because of the environment, because of the food.

Like, it's always the same people.

It's also, like everyone just comes here because it's a family place.

Located in the small town of Wahiawa, Shige's Saimin Stand has been serving up its famous

homemade saimin and hamburgers for twenty-eight years.

My husband, Ross, his grandparents owned a saimin stand in Hale'iwa.

And as a child, he grew up there, and he always wanted to do something like this.

The reputation was set already from my grandparents, so when they closed for that ten-year period,

they were all excited when they found out that we were reopening with that hamburger

frying and that saimin, that combination of things that, you know, I can smell what I

used to smell before when we was kids.

'Cause we used to hang out all in the back of that Hale'iwa restaurant.

But what started off as an ode to his grandparents for owner Ross Shigeoka, quickly turned into

a place where he could create memories for many others.

The place itself is for the community, you know, the twenty-eight years that we've

been doing this.

I'd just always come here since I was little, like, since I can remember, with my family.

Whenever someone came in from the Mainland, we'd go straight to Shige's before or

after going down to the North Shore.

So, it's just always been in my family.

The customers that was just so loyal to us back from the '90s, just ongoing three generations

of families that we see.

And that's super touching.

Shige's found its recipe for success:

great food, and a place where people could feel at home.

I think they really love having that homemade saimin,

the noodles. Yeah.

Which not too many places do that anymore, and it brings back memories for them.

Like, wow, I remember eating this type when I was growing up.

You feel a responsibility to keep it open now, because our customer base is so broad

that you don't want to disappoint.

You relied on them your whole twenty-eight years, and you just feel an obligation to

keep on going, serving the customers and making new friends.

And we made a whole bunch of friends at a personal level that

so many stories come out of that.

With a pure passion for what they do, Shige's will continue to pour its heart and soul into

every bowl they serve.

I'm Lyrah Panarigan from Moanalua High School, for HIKI NŌ.

For more infomation >> PBS Hawai'i - HIKI NŌ Episode #913 | Moanalua High - O'ahu | Shige's Saimin Stand - Duration: 2:55.


[TURN ON CAPTIONS!] Important video - Duration: 1:46.

Have you turned on captions yet?

My name is Evil737! I am a minecraft youtuber with 21 subs. You know that,

But what you don't know is that I am quitting youtube. 😢

NAAAH jk, 😂 but I am quitting this youtube channel

I have a new one, same name, just I want to have a fresh start.

Around when I get at least 5 subs I will launch my new channel trailer.

So subscribe to the new Evil737!

After this video releases, there will be no more videos on this channel.

Now I recorded this black screen too long soooooooooo

You can just click off now if you dont want to listen to a little bit of sad music from the youtube media library

For more infomation >> [TURN ON CAPTIONS!] Important video - Duration: 1:46.


İmkansızı Dene - John Snesar - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> İmkansızı Dene - John Snesar - Duration: 0:31.


Learn amigurumi (9) - How to make a crochet ball - Duration: 3:55.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Learn amigurumi (9) - How to make a crochet ball - Duration: 3:55.


5 Ways on How to Achieve English Fluency - Duration: 9:11.

I think most English learners out there would like to achieve a certain level of fluency.

And that's why today I'm going to talk to you about several keys to success

that will help you achieve your fluency goals. That's coming up.

Welcome to today's lesson, which is all about achieving English fluency.

And before we begin, I want to remind you to join our social media classes

because it is a great way to improve your fluency.

So I'm going to do things a little different

I want to talk to you about five different ways that you can achieve your fluency goals using a

motivational quote or expression that is very common in English.

and by understanding these quotes and expressions,

it will help you better understand how to improve your fluency.

So let's just jump right into it.

The first one that I want to tell you about is this one right here.

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.

And again and again and again.

Language learning - you can think of it kind of like a roller coaster.

When you start learning, it's like we're on this uphill slope.

We're learning new words, new expressions. We feel that we're making a lot of progress.

But then, we start to hit a few dips along the way.

And we think that maybe we're forgetting something

Or we're not making as much progress as we want to.

And when we hit those dips, those lows, when I think learners feel like:

Look, this is too difficult. It's too much. I don't want to do this anymore.

Those are the times that you really need to try and make yourself work harder to work through it,

So you can get back to that uphill slope where you feel like you're making progress, and you're improving.

One thing that's difficult is that the more fluent we become,

I think for many people, they feel like they're making less progress

because it's not as noticeable

And you just need to remember that you really are making progress.

You're learning new things, and most importantly

you're improving on the skills that you already have.

You're improving on what you already know.

So if you feel like you are not succeeding, you just need to keep this in mind:

Try again, and again, and again. Keep at it, keep practicing, and keep learning.

The next tip I have for you is this:

You just really have to want it, and that's most of it right there.

It's saying: Yes, I really want to improve my fluency, and in order to do so, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do that.

You really have to make it a part of your lifestyle.

And that decision right there that you are you are really going to make this happen, you are determined

Making that decision is is one of the most difficult things,

and that's eighty percent of it right there.

Because when you make that decision and you're able to commit to it,

Then you're going to put yourself on a path to fluency

Because you're going to be doing the things that you need to do: you're going to be studying a little bit each day,

You're going to be reviewing the material you already know. You're going to be practicing at home or in the classroom.

You're basically going to do whatever it takes to improve your fluency.

The next way to improve your fluency

(and this is one of my favorite expressions that I say to students all the time) and that is

You need to do things differently.

Don't just say: Well, I'm going to learn English and I'm gonna buy a textbook and then it's done.

I don't need to do anything else. I can just use this and my language skills are gonna flourish.

That's not really how it happens. You need to find a variety of resources

that you can use to practice and improve your skills and improve your fluency.

And this could include getting a textbook and studying at home,

This could include watching videos, and movies, taking e-courses

You could also use technology to your advantage: use social media.

if you live in a big city or town, there might be a foreign community there.

You could find a Facebook group that maybe people meet up from time to time

and they're having discussions in English.

You could even start your own group in your town or city

and try to get people together and find others who want to practice their English skills.

And you need to think about what works best for you, and what you think is beneficial

because we all have different language needs.

If you're looking to to improve your pronunciation,

then videos are a great way to do that and listen to the correct pronunciation.

If you're looking to build your vocabulary, reading's a great way to do that.

It's different for each and every one of us, and you need to think about which ways complement your needs.

There are many ways out there to practice and improve your skills

And you just need to think outside the box

Another way to achieve your fluency goals is to be stronger than your excuses.

It's easy to come up with excuses and think: Well, I'm just too busy for this or it's too difficult.

It'll take too much time. You need to be stronger than your excuses.

You need to overcome these excuses and find ways to get through them.

So if you think: Well I just don't have enough time, you need to try and find

just a little bit of time during the day or during the week to practice.

You could just do 5 minutes a day, and that is going to add up.

The most important thing is that you are consistent.

You might think: Well, this is just too difficult, and yeah...

language learning: it is a challenge for most of us, especially me.

It takes a long time.

And it's just something that you really need to want. So much of it depends on you

and your motivation and your desire and how strong you can be to overcome each of these excuses.

Maybe you tell yourself: Well, I don't have anybody to speak to.

Well, you can find people to practice your speaking skills.

You can invest in yourself and take some online classes, or find a private English tutor.

You can even try to start your own language learning club,

because in your town, in your city, if you are looking to practice your speaking skills,

I guarantee you somebody else is as well.

And you just need to find these other people so you can meet with them

You can practice your speaking skills and help support each other.

For every excuse out there, there is a way through it,

so you just need to be stronger than your excuses

And I promise you: You will see the results.

The last way to achieve your fluency goals is to keep in mind that the sky is the limit.

When it comes to learning a language there is always something that you can learn.

There's always something that you can improve.

For example, every year new words are added to the English language.

So there is new vocabulary that you can use all the time.

I learn new things about English every single day as I'm preparing lessons, and I'm doing research.

There's things that I'm learning about grammar and vocabulary and the way the language is used,

and all of that helps me become a better instructor because I really want to learn. I want to find out new things.

It's not like you can think: Well, I'm just gonna finish learning English, and then I'm done.

I don't need to do any more.

There's always something that you can keep practicing and improving.

And that's not only going to help you achieve your fluency goals,

But it's going to help you maintain your fluency goals

when you do get to a level that you're comfortable with, and that you're happy with.

The sky is the limit.

So in the comments, I want to hear from you:

Which of these ways applies to you and your fluency goals?

Do you need to think outside the box?

Are you the type of person that needs to be stronger than your excuses?

Which one do you think would benefit you the most right now in trying to achieve your goals?

We love hearing from you guys and writing this down and expressing this

is a great way for you to start even thinking about where you're at and what you need to do to improve your fluency skills

If you enjoyed this lesson, and you feel more confident and motivated to go out there and improve your fluency,

please give this video a thumbs up.

I hope you can use this advice to benefit yourself and improve your English skills.

Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways on How to Achieve English Fluency - Duration: 9:11.


受不了澳媒成天黑中國,萬那杜媒體怒了! - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> 受不了澳媒成天黑中國,萬那杜媒體怒了! - Duration: 9:41.


How to say no in English - Duration: 3:36.

so hello how are you going I've been seeing you in a long time I just come

around the visit you just because I just need to borrow some money yes a family

maybe is a second I just need it for the hospital so you can lend me some money

at all please no I'm sorry I cannot lend you any money I have not got any money

man sorry might I don't have any money yeah this is a bad time you come around

maybe you can ask one of your friends to our actually asked you for money get fat

camp I don't have any money God man what do you think I am playing

money tree or something what another banker how do you say no to

someone in a way that they understand well there is the polite way you could

say no I cannot help you and that is the polite way you can also just say no no

no you don't need to give a reason but if you need to give a reason you can say

oh I can't help you because if it's for money I don't have any money or if I if

someone asked me for money for a favor and I say no if it's for money I just

say no I don't I'm not gonna lend you money

because I don't lend people money which is true or if it's a favor no I cannot

help you with that favor you'll favor either too much if you

would like to say it in a way that I make sure that they understand

you'd say no I give fuck countenance giving you any money what do you think I

am blowing money tree so if you say that expression

well that means you well it's forceful you say it in a way so they know and

they will never ask you again because the polite way they might come and ask

you again and you don't want that because it's just annoying when someone

comes in ask you for things it's really annoying so you just tell him politely

and forcefully if you want to know well if you want to be rude just say no get

stuffed not loaning you anything why would I trust you and that is how

you tell someone know if they ask for something I hope this helps you with

your English and if not then learn some more please have an awesome time and I

hope you enjoy English because English is a great language just like every

other language out there so thank you very much for watching people

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