Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 24 2018

I remember telling her: "I don't want to be a Christian. I can't be a

Christian." I was very upset.

hi! welcome! If you are new, my name is Shawn and today's video is on how I

became a Christian. Christian! So serious. I don't know if this is going to be

a serious video or not. If you are new, I would love for you to subscribe by

hitting that red subscribe button down below. I post new videos every Tuesday

and Wednesday so ring the little bell so that you get notified when I post. But,

let's get into today's video. If you hear any babbling, baby girl - my seven-month-old,

she's sitting right over here. She may join me for this video like she does

sometimes. So here we go. Thank you a Nikki Schumacher for

suggesting that, for my birthday week, I talk about how I became a Christian- my

salvation story- and share that with you all. Nikki Shumaker is also a Christian

youtuber and you should definitely check out her channel. I will post a link to

her channel in the description box down below. You will love her cleaning videos

so I will send you to one of her cleaning videos which is one of the

reasons why I watch her. I love that she talks about- her slogan is-

"practically imperfect in every way". She talks about being a mom and how you

don't have to be perfect in being a mother. That kind of leads me into my

story. Let me get baby girl here. That leads me into talking about my story.

Growing up I've always thought that I had to be perfect to be a

Christian. I'm not quite sure where I got that from. I have a feeling it's from

growing up in the Southern Baptist tradition. I'm not knocking Southern

Baptists. I had a very positive experience growing up in the Southern

Baptist Church but looking back on it I think that my idea and my notion

as a child of having to be perfect all the time and in everything that I do came

from, not only my parents, but also from the church that I was raised in. The

whole concept of you can't sin in order to to be saved. I feel like

my salvation story has led me up to this YouTube moment and the reason that I do

YouTube. I'm just going to give you a little snippet here but the reason I do

YouTube is to walk along with other moms, like myself, who are Christian, who are

non-christian, but who are trying to raise their children in the Christian

faith. I feel like we need to do that together.

I feel like Christianity isn't an individual choice but is a community. It

takes a village to raise children. It takes a Christian village

to raise Christian kids. I feel like that is my main purpose on

YouTube. To come alongside you and help you raise your kids in the

Christian faith. Also to connect with you all because I'm not perfect in my

Christian faith and how I raise my kids. I don't know everything

so I'm also looking to connect with you all on how you raise your kids. That is

my purpose. We need to raise our kids together in the Christian faith. It takes

a community. It takes a village. It's a struggle. The mom struggle is real! So

whether you have a different salvation story from mine, you are welcome here in

this PrayerLights community. We will raise our tribe of Christians together!

Most importantly, we will be imperfect Christians together. We will be imperfect

Christian moms together trying to raise our kids imperfectly and love Christ

imperfectly. My grandpa was a Southern Baptist pastor.

He would call us kids out while we sat on the front row. He had no problem calling

his kids and grandkids out if we were misbehaving as

we sat on the front row and tell us "hey Shawn! sit down." there's that. As I

was growing up, my mom did an amazing job of making sure that we kids were in

church every Sunday. I'm not just talking about just on Sunday morning. We were in

church- I was in church- all day long. I don't know about my brother and sister.

We are seven and eight years apart. I was in church for Sunday school,

worship, and then I came back for choir practice -what else?- then we had

discipleship training they called it, and then we had another worship service on

Sunday night. Then I was back again on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Wednesdays for

Girls In Action and Acteens which were kind of mission programs that were

just for girls. Then I think I came for youth group later and

any special stuff in between. She's getting fussy. I had wonderful, excellent

Sunday School teachers. I remember they were so loving and encouraged me and my

Girls IN Action leaders encouraged me in missions. Everybody said "you know

Shawn's going to do something in the church." When I was in one Bible School, I was

probably 6 or 7 years old, the church had a tradition of asking for kids

if they want to be saved. Well, I didn't really understand what that meant but

everybody was getting up so I got up as well. I was probably 5 or 6 so I went up

with my friends but I did not accept Christ then because I did not understand

salvation. At that young age, I understood I did not understand what I

was doing. I was just following along with everybody else. I was not saved even

though there was the call to salvation at that point. By "salvation," for those

of you who aren't aware, it just means "being a follower of Christ, recognizing

that there are bad things in your life that only Christ can help you

with and help you through." There are a lot of "churchy" words that churches like

to use: salvation, redemption, repentance. I don't really

like using those words too much because I feel like they put us in a category.

But, anyways, that's a whole other story. Fast-forward to I'm probably 9 or 10

years old, I remember standing in my room by my dresser. My mother asking me why I

didn't want to be a Christian. I remember telling her: "I don't want to be

a Christian. I can't be a Christian." I was very upset about it. Mom asked me why and

I said something "because I have to be perfect and I can't be perfect. I'm not a

good girl. I can't be perfect." I remember my mom

saying to me: "you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian. you just have

to try to be perfect. you just have to try to be perfect." I'm not sure, mom, if I

got the words correct but that's how I remember it.

You probably said some variation of that. That triggered something in me. oh ok

so I don't have to do everything perfectly.

I can still mess up at times. ok. I can do that. Then mom asked me: "you know what

do you believe in Jesus Christ?" and I said "yes." "and do you believe that Christ died

for the bad things that we do and then God rose Christ again and Christ is

still alive and Christ will come back again the end times?"

and I said "yeah I believe all those things." okay so I am a Christian. I still

didn't get saved. I still didn't make the public decision because, in the Baptist

Church that I was a part of, you had to make a public affirmation of faith.

Meaning, you had to say to the entire congregation that you were Christian. It

was a big deal and that scared me. I was a very shy kid. I didn't like to talk in

front of public. Majorly got the sweats. I'd start sweating everywhere.

Fast-forward to when I was 14. I decided to become a Christian. I remember

walking down the church aisle to "I had to follow Jesus." I sweated so much you

guys. Everybody was standing up. They always did an altar call at the end of

the worship service where they play the music like either "victory in Jesus" or

"I have decided to follow Jesus" or some kind of emotional hymn. Then they

invited people to walk forward and proclaim Christ as their own. Proclaiming

I am Christian so I did that. I felt God giving me the courage to walk

down that aisle. That's how I became a Christian. I didn't really understand

everything to be a Christian. I believe that Christianity is a journey. Yes, you

can make a public affirmation of faith. I like that aspect in the Baptist Church.

It's a lifelong journey and we're constantly learning how to be a

Christian. I don't understand everything about my own salvation now and so I'm

not going to judge anybody else on their walk through life and walk with

Christ. So that is my story of how I became a Christian. If you would like to

hear my story of my call into ministry- because if you didn't know I

have been a children's minister for 13 years now.

I'm not ordained. Now, I have a call to youtube. If you'd like to hear

my call story into ministry then let me know in the comment section down below

and I will make that video for you. Come back next week because I'm going to be

talking about what it's like to be a woman in ministry and my struggle as a

woman in ministry. I'll give you a little bit of a story of my struggle as

a woman in the ministry. If you're interested in that video, come back next

week. Tomorrow is my birthday, so make sure you watch video tomorrow. It's a fun

video. It's going to be my birthday game suggestions. No, I'm not going to tell you

how old. I am- no seriously- I'm going to be 38. Honestly, it's not that big a deal.

It feels just like 37. 40 will be the big deal. I think I can handle 38. So let's

grow our tribe of Christian children together, imperfectly,

and love Christ, imperfectly. Don't forget to check out Nikki Schumacher officials

YouTube channel for a lot of other imperfect ways to raise kids. Again I will

have one of her videos linked in the description box down below. Thanks Nikki

for asking me to tell my salvation story on video. I will see you guys in

tomorrow's video. Thanks for watching! The struggle. The struggle is real.

For more infomation >> I Don't Want to Be a Christian - Duration: 9:49.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL Airco - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL Airco - Duration: 1:04.


Hollywood Darlings

For more infomation >> Hollywood Darlings


3 DICAS PARA VOCÊ TER PAZ NA SUA VIDA - (Pratique e Seja Feliz) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 3 DICAS PARA VOCÊ TER PAZ NA SUA VIDA - (Pratique e Seja Feliz) - Duration: 3:08.


Crema al latte bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Crema al latte bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 5:22.


Metti uno spicchio d'aglio in bocca e aspetta qualche minuto - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Metti uno spicchio d'aglio in bocca e aspetta qualche minuto - Duration: 1:56.


小小孩怎麼玩義大世界遊樂園E-DA Theme Park Vlog Ft. Robin軍團/恩恩老師/許洋洋愛唱. /SisiTV思思TV - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 小小孩怎麼玩義大世界遊樂園E-DA Theme Park Vlog Ft. Robin軍團/恩恩老師/許洋洋愛唱. /SisiTV思思TV - Duration: 4:04.


SUBSTRATO - Como Fazer Substrato para Orquídeas Passo a Passo em Casa - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> SUBSTRATO - Como Fazer Substrato para Orquídeas Passo a Passo em Casa - Duration: 6:35.


Cristiano Ronaldo perde posto de mais bem pago e nova lista surpreende - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo perde posto de mais bem pago e nova lista surpreende - Duration: 4:29.


Tutta la verità su Gemma Galgani: amori, trono e molto altro | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Tutta la verità su Gemma Galgani: amori, trono e molto altro | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:41.


Atacante nega sondagens e garante foco no Fluminense - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Atacante nega sondagens e garante foco no Fluminense - Duration: 4:49.


Paola Di Benedetto e Matteo Gentili: cosè successo dopo lincontro - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Paola Di Benedetto e Matteo Gentili: cosè successo dopo lincontro - Duration: 4:13.


DESAFIO DE 1 MÊS Isso é o que acontecerá no seu corpo se você comer pepino por 30 dias!/ - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> DESAFIO DE 1 MÊS Isso é o que acontecerá no seu corpo se você comer pepino por 30 dias!/ - Duration: 4:14.


Abraham Hicks 2016 😃 - Como visualizar melhor aquilo que você deseja - Duration: 9:08.

GUEST: - The Law of Attraction ...

You know, I've read a lot of books on it

To, like visualize what you want.

Write down what you want.

To visualize what you want.

Write down your goals.

Before you go to bed, think about it.

When you wake up...

You know, constantly think about it

and I noticed like after like two or three weeks of, like, doing that

It kind of stresses me out more than anything

ABRAHAM: - Here's the approach that we would take

The way that we teach this is that

You can't miss with this because contrast is gonna cause you to ask

So, you're asking whether you write it down or not

Life is just causing you to ask

And Source is gathering everything that you're asking for

And putting it in this perfect relationship with each other

And adding emphasis to it

So that your desires are growing and getting clearer

And bigger and better

And cooperative components are already gathered in this vibrational realm

So to speak.

So if your intention is to feel good

If your intention is to focus upon things that allow you to feel good

If your intention is to resonate with love and appreciation

Then what happens is, in this receiving mode impulses occur to you

The reason that is sort of exhausting to you

It's like pushing a noodle

It's like getting out ahead of yourself

Here's the best way to explain it to you

The asking mode and the receiving mode

Are two entirely different vibrational frequencies

So, if you are hammering away

at what you want and why you want it

And you're trying to talk about it and visualize around it

And you're not really there

You're setting up an unnecessary resistance within yourself

And we call it "too much effort"

We call it "trying too hard"

We call it "not letting the laws of the universe do what they will naturally do"

That make sense to you?

GUEST: - Perfect!

ABRAHAM: - So, just be easier about it.

If it feels like a struggle

Become more general

Give us an example of something that you have been wriding

Or something that you've been wanting

If you want to

Give us an example of it in the way that you've been offering it

In the way that's sort of making you feel tired of it

GUEST: - Well, like, I mean anything I would say, maybe financially

ABRAHAM: - Take the thing that matters the most.

GUEST: - Maybe financially.

ABRAHAM: - yes.

GUEST: - Like stuff. You know, once I graduate from college

I've a year left in

ABRAHAM: - So, what kinds of things are you trying to script

Or write about or visualize?

GUEST: - To really never worry about money

Money being an issue

And save money or say

ABRAHAM: - Give us the words that in the process

In the way you were describing it that feels a little problematic to you

GUEST: - I would say "I am", so I would say "I am", you know?

I am a millionaire!

Or I am...

ABRAHAM: - Alright! So when you say "I am a millionaire"

But you don't believe that you are

You're introducing resistance into the equation right there

So, you're being specific

More specific than your current vibration is able to sustain

So, whenever you feel that tension

Just back away from the specifics

And say something that is more general

Such as:

"I have the potential for anything that I want."

There'll be no resistance in that.

"I'm getting better and better at this."

There'll be no resistance in that.

"Already I can feel improvement."

There'll be no resistance in that.

"I know that this universe is abundant."

"I know that others who are now billionaires were one time standing right where I'm standing."

"I know that these processes work."

"I know that I'm coming closer into alignment with what I want."

"I like the idea of abundance."

"I like to look for the abundance in my own life experience."

"... not just the financial."

"But the clarity abundance and the well-being abundance..."

"And the physical energy abundance and the beautiful in the world abundance."

"I'm doing really well in this."

"I'm looking forward to the universe yielding to me a steady path."

"I understand that all of my abundance won't come all at once."

"That's all right!"

"I like the steady stream of abundance that will be flowing to me."

"That is flowing to me."

"I love knowing that I'm the creator of my own reality."

"I love knowing that I can dream big."

"I love understanding how big what I put into my vortex is."

"And I love knowing the energy that creates worlds and my own inner being..."

"And everyone's gathered to assist me in that."

"I can feel that my work is just to relax and allow it."

"I don't want it to all come at once."

"I want to savor it as ideas and pieces of it come."

"I like the idea of having my own hands in my own clay."

"... as I'm processing all of this."

"I like watching the abundance squirt into my experience in different ways."

"I like knowing that it will always be good for me."

"I like feeling my power of understanding."

"I like understanding the Laws of the Universe."

"I'm crazy about my own guidance system."

"I like knowing by this calm that I'm feeling right now..."

"...that I'm right on track with what I'm wanting."

"It feels good to me to know that I can be or do or have anything that I choose."

"I like knowing that I can massage the energy."

"I like knowing that when I'm really sure of something I can really lay on the specifics of it..."

"And really get the momentum going because I love that fast ride."

"And I love knowing that when it feels a little halting to me..."

"...that that's the time, it's all right, for me to just slow down and catch my balance..."

"And be more general."

"I know that this is a sure thing."

"I know that now this idea has occurred to me about something that I want..."

"...that it must be."

"I can feel how long the journey has been..."

"Even for me to get into the receiving mode and receive that idea."

"I understand that having received that idea means that I'm well along the way."

"I'm so looking forward to the details of how that will play out."

"I'm thrilled with the idea of the entrepreneurship that's flowing to me."

"It is exciting to me to think about those that I will meet."

"And that's exciting to me to know that I will know them when I see them."

"It's exciting to me to know that I can't miss in this."

"And that there is so many avenues through which things will flow."

"I love the power of my fascinating mind."

"I love the interest I have on so many different subjects."

"I love knowing the freedom I have to choose lots of different arenas at the same time."

"I can feel the co-operative Universe surrounding me..."

"And participating with me."

"I look forward to each and every idea as it comes."

"I don't have to look out into the future..."

"...and figure it out all at once..."

"Anymore than I have to plan a trip across the country..."

"And know every turn I'm gonna take along the way."

"I know that I've got my feet under me and my stability"

"And I know that I will intuitively know which way to turn "

"And which way to go"

"And when to put on the gas and when to slow down a little bit"

"I love knowing that I'm the creator of my own reality."

"There's nothing about this that I don't like."

"There's nothing about this that I don't know."

Can you feel how productive that conversation was?

Can you feel how easy it was just to step back from it

And not try to cram it

And not try to force it

And not try to figure it out

Just acknowledge the things that you can acknowledge

And feel the vibrational frequency that you accomplished in that

Feel how your cork is floating

Don't all things feel possible right now?

Doesn't it just seem perfectly logical

That is you're writing the rhythm of that vibrational frequency?

That an idea will come and that you'll know it when you see it

And then it will be good

Here this...

And that it will feed your appetite

Your realization appetite as you go

You don't want to eat all the food that you're gonna eat in the rest of your lifetime today

You think you do, but you really don't want to

It's nice when it keeps showing up

And it keeps evolving given the different tastes that you have

Do you remember the things that you used to like to eat compared to the things that you now like to eat?

Are you recognizing that your palate is becoming more sophisticated?

And your creative palette is too. You see?

Your inner being knows everything that you've created

Your inner being knows not just the potential but the vibrational reality is for you

And your inner being also knows where you stand in relationship to that

And what resistance is on your trail

And how to call you over and under and around and through this resistance

Not because you have to get past that resistance in order to get to the ending places you want

But because that's the fun of the journey!

It's just being flexible

And going and knowing and feeling sure

Don't you feel sure right now?

Don't you feel sure for him right now?

In other words...

But to say: "I can do this."

"And I'm really good at this"

"And by the end of this month, I'll have this much money."

"And by the end of this month I'll have this much money."

"These are the specific things that I..."

In other words, sometimes you work against yourself

GUEST: - That's exactly what I do!

ABRAHAM: - You got this!

GUEST: - That's it! Thank you!

ABRAHAM: - And now we want to say something to you...

That Jesus said to you long ago...

"Go forth and try to explain nothing to no one."

Because understanding it is all that is necessary for you to demonstrate it.

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks 2016 😃 - Como visualizar melhor aquilo que você deseja - Duration: 9:08.


4 Come collegare il tv dex e il tv adapter apparecchi acustici - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 4 Come collegare il tv dex e il tv adapter apparecchi acustici - Duration: 1:45.


Grande Fratello, diretta sospesa su MediasetExtra: la scelta clamorosa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello, diretta sospesa su MediasetExtra: la scelta clamorosa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


Loredana choc: 'Romina Power ha fatto ammalare Albano' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Loredana choc: 'Romina Power ha fatto ammalare Albano' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Ascolti tv 23 aprile:clamoroso risultato per il Grande Fratello 15 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Ascolti tv 23 aprile:clamoroso risultato per il Grande Fratello 15 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:47.


Gundam Build Divers-Episode 4: Tigerwolf of the Sacred Mountain(EN,TW,KR,FR,IT sub) - Duration: 25:43.

Too many Gunpla!

There's Zaku, Dom, Gouf, Zudah, Gyan...

They're all nonsense names, and I don't know which to choose.

I totally know what you mean.

When I was told to memorize the names of all our products, I felt dizzy.

So how about...

a rental Gunpla?


For people who can't decide, or want to try out lots of Gunpla,

we do Gunpla rentals.

Well? Any Gunpla that interest you?

Feel free to pick them up.

This Gunpla...

Oh, that's...

Yes, Nanami?

Oh, right.

That Gunpla's name is...

Kapool...yeah, it's Kapool.


It even has a cute name.

All right, I've decided.

I'll use this Gunpla.

This never gets dull at all.

His Gunpla building and control skills are top notch.


The presence of Mass-Divers is causing bugs in the game.

I want to do something about that.

I want to protect the GBN world.

Protect the world, huh?

I built my Gunpla as best as I could,

but it's nowhere near the champ's.

How can I become like him?


How can you become like the champion?

Too easy. It won't go so sweetly as eating the Magnoia Bakery's cupcakes.

There are no shortcuts on the road of Gunpla Divers.

You just keep building Gunpla and fighting battles.

The more you do it, the stronger you become through experience.

You won't get better overnight.

I understand that, and how incredible the champ is.

But what can I do to get a bit closer to where he is?

I want to know!

All right, then I'll introduce you to someone I know.

You can learn from him what path you must take.

Hey there, Riku. I finally found you.

You are...?

It's Momoka! Momoka Yashiro!

I see, you set up an official GBN account.

How could I not? This looks so fun.

The champ's battle was so cool too.

Oh, and my Diver name is Momo.

Got it?

Thank you, Magee.

I'm going.

Good luck.

Riku, where are you going?


Hey, wait for me, Riku.

You don't even realize I'm here, do you?

(Tigerwolf of the Sacred Mountain)

- Momo, you chose a Kapool? - Yup.

In the Gundam series, mostly girls have used it, like Sochie and Miashei.

Nice choice.

This Gunpla is pretty.

It's a rental, though.

Oh, but it's well-made for a rental.

I wonder who built it?

Yukki, we should get going.

OK, I'll get ready right away.

Say, Riku...

can I come too?

Huh? Sure, I don't mind.

Riku, Gundam 00 Diver.

Here I go!

Yukki, GM III Beam Master.

Taking off!

Momo and Sarah, Kapool, launching.

Huh? What's going on?

We're falling!

- It's deja vu! - It's deja vu!

Are you OK?

- Thank you. - That scared me.

That Kapool doesn't have flying skills with such a good build?

It's faithful to the anime settings. I bet the builder is a purist.

Anyway, Yukki, where's the Estania Area?

We need to move to the Asian Server to get there.

We'll go through that gate to get to the Asian Server.

- Are you ready? - Yup.

I can't wait.

Oh my gosh!

This is amazing!

It's like a foreign country.

This is unbelievable.

You haven't seen anything yet.

You can even go to outer space in GBN.

There's a force based in the Estania Area called Toraburyu.

Go meet the man named Tigerwolf there.

I'll tell him you're coming.

Tigerwolf...I wonder what he's like.

I see it.

That's it?

- Ready to go? - Yeah.

Stop right there!

This is Toraburyu territory.

Those not in the force cannot enter.

And if you insist on passing...

Hold on a sec!

We came to meet a man named Tigerwolf.

Didn't you hear about us from Magee?


You're acquaintances of Master Magee?

Yes...we are.

Please forgive us.

Pardon our rudeness.

Please, follow me.

What are they doing?

Practicing, I think.

Riku, you look excited.

What? Really?

Yeah, maybe I am.

Master Tigerwolf, you have guests.

N-Nice to meet you.

Magee told me about you.

I am Tigerwolf of the Toraburyu force.

A tiger-like wolf.

Perfect name...

So, what is it you want from me?


I want to be more like the champion.

Please teach me how to become stronger--

Do as you please.

I said do as you please.

If you want to become strong, work hard.

Of course, it's fine if you don't.

This is GBN, a world of freedom.

And I'm free to take on your request or not.

But I--

I said no.

Please. Listen to what Riku has to say.

Yeah, he came all the way here.

I don't like the way you're treating him.

Oh, well...

It wouldn't kill you to teach him a bit.

Please, cute doggie.

I guess so...

I can't just turn you away when you came all the way here.

Tiger-cub, you're not such a bad guy.


Thank you, Tiger.

Sure, no problem...

They've tamed him.

He's got no immunity against girls.

My understanding is that you were sent here by Magee

in order to learn our style.

Toraburyu is a force that was created to master close combat.

We have but one goal.

Polish thyself. And polish thy Gunpla.

That is all.

That was two goals.

Listen up!

- Y-Yes, sir! - Y-Yes, sir!

Riku and Yukki, was it?

I'm going to polish you two.

You'll be shining, like a seam line polished down with compound.

(Training #1: Hang upside down and pour water into bucket)

This is training?

It'd be hard in real life, but it's easy in GBN.

(Training #2)

(Hold weights, squat, and balance plate on head)

Is there any point in this training? (Hold weights, squat, and balance plate on head)

Divers don't get tired. (Hold weights, squat, and balance plate on head)

(Training #3:)

(Carry weights with mouth and climb stairs with Hindu squats)

Again, you don't get tired. (Carry weights with mouth and climb stairs with Hindu squats)

(Training #4: Jog through wasteland)

Like I said... (Training #4: Jog through wasteland)

(Training #5: Improve sense of balance at highest point)

I'm telling you...! (Training #5: Improve sense of balance at highest point)

Is this really making us stronger?

How's my control?

Nice going.

I'd never guess that you're a beginner.

Do you do any sports?

I'm in the soccer club.

Makes sense.

Mr. Tiger...

I feel like the training we're doing is pointless.

So you finally realized.

GBN is virtual reality, after all.

Divers don't get tired, and even if you lose your life,

you can restart with a small penalty.

Everyone knows that...

Why close your eyes?

You won't get hurt in GBN.

That's right. You still have your senses from reality.

That means you've yet to assimilate into your Diver in this world.

In the GBN world, depending on how you do it...

you can even do things like this.

Th-That's awesome.

In this world, you must first know thyself.

And if you know thy enemy as well, you'll never lose in 100 battles.

You'll be invincible.

In GBN, work to assimilate into your Diver.

And in reality, hone your Gunpla building.

Discern the difference between GBN and reality,

and ingrain it into your body.

These are the fundamental basics for those living in GBN.


Now you're moving like real Divers.

It seems you've learned how to live in GBN.

Yes, thank you, Mr. Tiger--

Yes, you've got it.

Even if you're running low on life,

Divers can move normally, unlike in reality.

You can fight till the end.

There is no need to chicken out. Understand?

- Yes, sir! - Yes, sir!

Now, time for actual combat.

I'll have you two fight a Non-Diver Gunpla.

Y-You want us...

- ...to fight this? - Exactly.

Riku, I bet it's a simulation battle where there's no damage.

Right, Mr. Tiger?

No, this is for real.

A defeat means a loss of Diver Points.

Keep that in mind.

Tiger-cub, that's too much.

If you wish to simply enjoy GBN,

there's no need to fight.

But if you want to become stronger, that's a different story.

So, will you fight or not?

- I'll fight. - Me too.

That's the spirit.

But be careful.

I've fought this thing many times.

Getting hit by the beam really hurts.

At least it feels that way.

All right, the time has come.

Diver Fight...

Ready, go!

- Let's go, Yukki. - Yeah.

Whoa, hold on!

No good. It's way too strong!

This is just torture. There is no God in this world!

- Riku! - Yukki!

You're still stuck with your senses from reality.

Remember, this is GBN!

You must first know thyself.

And if you know thy enemy as well, you'll never lose in 100 battles.

Riku, I got it.

Yeah, that Leo has an opening between rapid-fire bursts.

- That means... - Right.

- Now! - Now!

Hey, over here!

Know thy enemy...

And know thyself.

Then you'll never lose in 100 battles!


- Yukki. - A-Are you all right?

They did it!

Still standing?!

Stop right there!

M-Mr. Tiger.

You fought without running away. Not bad for your first time.

Those who reject possibilities

and those who chicken out are the first to lose here.

Remember that.

- Y-Yes, sir! - Y-Yes, sir!

What's going on?

W-We have a challenger.


Toraburyu, masters of close combat...

Not as strong as rumors say.

A customized Tequila Gundam...

Daniel of Desperado?

Who is that?


The ace of Desperado, a small elite force that

gains points by challenging high-ranking forces.

Basically, a vagabond bounty hunter.

A bounty hunter?

S-So that's him.

I can't earn many points from you.

Then tell me what I came all the way here for?

Watch out!

Mr. Tiger!

All such weaklings.

Why, you!

We'll take you on.

Such low-ranking Gunpla.

He's fast!

You really think...

you can beat me with that?

H-He's strong.

His Gunpla building and control skills...

We're not in the same league.

So this is the power of a high-ranking player.

It's about time I finish you.

How dare you.

This is for Tiger-cub!

- Momo! - Momo!

You don't belong here.

Momo! Sarah!


To be honest, we can't beat him at our current level.


- We'll do what we can right now. - We'll do what we can right now.

A reckless suicide attack.

Think you can reach me by stepping in so weakly?

Know thy enemy.

A two-stage attack? Such brats!

And know thyself.

Then you'll never lose in 100 battles!

But even so...

your defeat...

is decided!


What's that?

That Gunpla...

Good job not running away.

I'll take over from here.

- Mr. Tiger! - Mr. Tiger!

That Gunpla...

So you're the famous Tigerwolf.

I'm going to get loads of Diver Points from you!


Riku. Yukki.

Let me show you.

The power of my comrade, Gundam Jiyan Altron.

What is this light?

They call me Tri-Fang.

Suffer the wrath of my ultimate secret!

Ultimate secret, Ryukorodo!

Th-This can't be.

All the points I've saved up...!


These are...

the three fangs...

of Tri-Fang!

Tiger-cub, you were so cool.

That was amazing.

Yes, I know.

Mr. Tiger.

What was that move at the very end?

My special move.

Special move?

If you save up Diver Points and reach Rank C,

upper level skills are unlocked, and you can use special moves.

So if I become Rank C, I can use that move you did?


The special move you get depends on what sort of Gunpla you've built,

and how you've fought in battle.

That move is a culmination of my life in GBN.

Only I can use it.

The move is totally unique to me.

You must stick to...

your own style.

Riku. Yukki.

Polish thyself.

And polish thy Gunpla.

When you've done that,

you'll become able to use your own special move.

So keep at it.


Riku and Yukki...

They must be learning from him right about now.

That there isn't just one way to becoming strong.

You can do as you like.

You can be free.

Because Gunpla and GBN...

have infinite possibilities.

All right. I'm going to build...

my very own Gunpla!

The champion and Magee...

and Tigerwolf of Toraburyu have acknowledged this boy's power.

- Come. - Yes.

Keep watching him.


As you wish.


Yukki Finger!

What are you doing, Yukki?

I'm practicing my special move.

So that's your image of a special move...

Something like that.

As Mr. Tigerwolf said,

if you want to use your own special move,

you have to increase your skill at building Gunpla.

To do that, let's go and take a look!

Go to the town where skillful builders gather!

Next episode, Holy Land of Perisia.

This hand of mine is burning red!

You're not done yet?

For more infomation >> Gundam Build Divers-Episode 4: Tigerwolf of the Sacred Mountain(EN,TW,KR,FR,IT sub) - Duration: 25:43.


Come cucinare le verdure in modo corretto - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Come cucinare le verdure in modo corretto - Duration: 6:07.


Writing, Sending, & Refilling Electronic Prescriptions - Duration: 11:58.

Hi, I"m Jacob with AltaPoint Data Systems,

the makers of the HealthBiller and AltaPoint practice management softwares.

In today's video, we're going to be talking about e-prescribe, powered by MDToolbox,

and how to actually write, send, and refill prescriptions for your patients.

Let's get to it!

This lower section is the patient medication section of the e-prescribe screen.

Here you can view medications that have already been entered, write a new prescription,

or complete prescriptions that haven't been finalized yet.

I'm going to click on the "New Rx" button to bring up our prescription writing screen.

Before I get into writing this prescription, I want to point out the "New Order",

as well as the historical ("Hx"), radial buttons here on the side.

By clicking the historical button, we can enter in information

without writing a new prescription for the patient.

We can put in a date when that was prescribed,

we can select whether that's a current medication, historical medication, or a discontinued,

and we can tell the system who it was prescribed by as well.

If that's someone from our practice, we can just click on the drop-down menu

and select that.

If you don't know any other details other than the drug name,

you can also click this box.

So let's start writing a prescription.

I'm going to search for a penicillin.

And before I do that, I'm going to point out again that I have that amoxicillin allergy there,

as well as some other drugs that we've written before, already in the system.

Now, you can see here that there's a check mark for the things that are on the formulary

that aren't preferred.

You've got the star with the 1 that's the preferred level 1.

If you want to see the information on the drug reference, you can click that here.

There's also a similar icon up here for when you have that drug selected later on.

And, I'm just going to choose a tablet, because I like the tablets.

And, here's our first interaction warning.

Obviously, we can cancel and search again. We don't want to make a patient sick.

But if there is a reason to continue and override, we can do that

and write the reason for that override here.

If you want to see that drug interaction again,

you can have it search manually by clickingon this heart.

If you're not finding the drug that you're looking for, we can come to the drug search tools--

this drop-down menu--and select the kind of drugs we're looking for.

Maybe you want a supply rather than "All Drugs", or something from the favorites list...

"All Drugs" will bring up all.

If you're searching with "Begins With", like I did with penicillin,

you can start out writing "Penicillin".

If it's something more along the lines of a dextroamphetamine, for example,

if you were to start writing "amphetamine", it's probably going to miss that

because it doesn't start with it.

So you can select "Contains" and it will catch that anywhere in there.

If you needed a brand only, or a generic only, you could search that way.

"Obsolete", if you wanted to do that.

"Common" directions.

Favorite directions.

Those we'll be entering later.

And then the "Save to Favorites".

So if you write a prescription for penicillin frequently, for example,

and want the same dosage, the same frequency, and all of that information,

you can save that to the favorites list and not have to rewrite that every time.

Now, the nice thing is you can save that prescription for the prescriber themselves,

or you can save that for all of the prescribers,

and that way you don't have people writing the same prescriptions over and over again.

Now, let's say that the formulary isn't what we want.

I'm going to go ahead and change this because this one has a mail order, for example,

and I don't want that.

So I'll change that. It will find the formulary information, if there is any,

and enter that here.

We have our little dosage check down here to kind of give you a dosage range,

if you want. You don't necessarily need that.

Per day.

Per dose.

You can close that if it's in the way.

For our directions, we can enter our directions manually here, if we want.

"1 tablet", for example, uh...

1 to 2 times a day.

2 times a day.

If you know the shorthand, that can be entered as well.

I'm just going to select that.

You can also enter that down below where it has a little more laid-out way.

1 dose.


We want that orally.

Two times per day.

Two total in a day.

If we want to do "after meals", "before meals", whatever that may be.

So that's an option.

If you want to clear that, or if you want to hide that you can either click [the x]

or the little open/close here.

If you needed to do "1 in the morning and 2 at night" you could enter that up here as well.

You know, any of those directions that you need.

Of course, we'll tell it how many tablets to dispense and how many days.

Number of refills.

Substitutions or "As Written".

And then if you need to write a note to the pharmacy, of course, that can be entered here.

This is only for the pharmacy, it won't be seen by the patient.

Diagnosis and ICD you really don't need to worry about with AltaPoint/HealthBiller.

This is more for other systems or people who use the MDToolbox e-prescribe all by itself.

Internal notes.

And then, "Auto-Expire" / "Auto Renew".

If you write something that's going to be renewed, you can select "Auto Renew"

and that way the pharmacy can renew that for the patient.

If "Auto-Expire" then they have to get ahold of you to renew that, or be seen again,

or whatever the case may be in your situation.

At the top we have these buttons to finish off our prescription writing.

So we can "Save and Send Now", which, of course, will save the prescription and will send it

off to the pharmacy, or select the pharmacy in this case, since we don't have one.

We can save it and it will [save it and] sit here on the screen.

"Save and New" allows us to write a new prescription as well,

so we'll be writing multiple prescriptions for this patient...

The "Save and New" button allows us to write another prescription, so if we wanted to write

multiple prescriptions for the same patient and send it all at once we can do that.

Or we can click "Save and Close" and that will close our screen here

and take us back to the main prescription page.

If you already have a prescription saved to your favorites list with all of it's details,

simply come to this pull-down menu to add a prescription of your choice.

Now let's take a look at dealing with some of these pending medications

that have been written, but haven't been finalized.

So if I were to look here and see that something's wrong

or if I wanted to see the details of that prescription, I can click on the "Open Rx Detail" icons

or on the medication name and information links here.

I've got a "Pending" and a "Pending-Approved"--because I've got this "approved".

You can either click on the "approved"

or you can click on the way you want to deal with it to approve.

And in choosing that, you can choose to send it electronically,

you can choose to print it,

or you can choose to mark it complete, which will add it to the current medications list,

but not send it anywhere.

It won't go electronically, it won't be printed, it won't be faxed,

it won't go by carrier pigeon.

So, whatever you want to do with that.

Just to be a little different, show you a little variety, I'm going to click on "Print".

Of course, if you don't need a prescription anymore for one reason or another

and need to take it off the list, you can always delete and remove that.

So I'm going to go ahead and click on "Complete" and that brings up our "Prescription Preview".

So you see different tabs here for the "e-Send" and the "Print Preview".

Here on the e-Send we can choose the pharmacy we want it to go to and search it.

If you already have that saved previously, that will show up here as well.

We've got all our information.

You can choose to e-send the prescriptions that are going electronically,

you can choose to print those that are being printed,

or you can choose both.

If you need to print, you can come into this "Print Format"

and choose from the different kinds of prescription paper you want to use.

With the printing, you also have the option to either print and hand it to the patient

or, of course, fax it in yourself.

If the prescription is being written for a controlled substance and the prescriber hasn't

signed up for 2-factor authentication credentials, or hasn't been granted access to use it,

the system will default that drug to print and the e-send will be disabled.

I would still highly recommend using the e-prescribe to write those prescriptions rather than, say,

writing it out for the patient because you have the drug interaction check,

as well as SureScripts having a history so that they can help prevent fraud.

If the prescriber has been issued a valid 2-factor authentication credential,

and granted access in the access control screen, the system will allow that e-send.

Sending a controlled substance with e-send really isn't all that different from sending

a non-controlled drug.

Of course, you do want to check and make sure that the pharmacy can receive the controlled substances,

so they've got the "EPCS" label next to the pharmacy,

and then when you click "e-Send", as you normally would,

any non-controlled substances will be sent first

and you'll get a message saying those were sent.

Of course, if there aren't any, you won't get that message.

So now the "Controlled Substance Signoff" screen will open

and the prescriber can enter their password, as well as the VIP Security Code

from the second-factor authenticator.

So if they're using the software token, you enter the security code

from the app installed on the phone;

or if the hardware token, use the key fob device, push the button

and generate the security code.

Once either of those are entered, you click on the "Sign + Send" button.

You'll then receive the notification message that that prescription has been sent.

Of course, with a patient's medication list you're not just looking to see

what's been written and what needs to be dealt with.

You're also looking to see what's current, what's historical, or what's been discontinued.

And, of course, like anything here, if one of these statuses need to be changed,

we can come over and do that with these icons.

I'm going to kind of take this from a "green means go" to a "red means stop"

sort of an order.

So, of course, with the full-green button, we add that as a "Pending" medication,

so that gets ready to go.

We can mark the medication "Current" again.

If we need to mark a medication as "Historical", we can do that with this little,

negative, "don't come this way" sign.

And, of course, the red stop hand means it's been discontinued.

Another nice feature with this e-prescribe is that if I'm finished with this patient

and have some other pending medications to look at, I don't have to go out,

find our patient in AltaPoint or HealthBiller, come back into the e-prescribe again

and deal with it that way to make sure we have the right patient.

We can click on the "Show Menu" and under this "Pending Rx" option

we have a list of those pending prescriptions.

So I'm going to go ahead and just click on "David Cross"

and it takes us straight here with his pending medication.

The last thing that I want to point out briefly is something you may have already noticed

as we've been going back and forth through the system,

and that's where the pharmacy refill requests are.

So I'm going to come back over to the "Show Menu"

and we have our tab for the "Pharmacy Refill Requests".

Now, here you'll be shown how many refill request are currently waiting in the system,

but, of course, as my demo data doesn't have any pharmacies sending refill requests,

I don't have any to show you specifically.

You can also click here to see some of the details on these refill requests.

Thanks for watching this video.

For more tips and tricks on using your AltaPoint or HealthBiller practice management system

to more effectively run your practice, click on the subscribe button,

and click the bell notification to know when more of these videos are released.

Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Writing, Sending, & Refilling Electronic Prescriptions - Duration: 11:58.


U&D, i tradimenti di Andrea Damante: le prove dalle presunte amanti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> U&D, i tradimenti di Andrea Damante: le prove dalle presunte amanti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


#EverydayHeroes - Jordan Farah - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> #EverydayHeroes - Jordan Farah - Duration: 2:01.


PSYCHOLOGIA SZEFA - wywiad przedkonferencyjny R.Zych - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> PSYCHOLOGIA SZEFA - wywiad przedkonferencyjny R.Zych - Duration: 9:16.


I Don't Want to Be a Christian - Duration: 9:49.

I remember telling her: "I don't want to be a Christian. I can't be a

Christian." I was very upset.

hi! welcome! If you are new, my name is Shawn and today's video is on how I

became a Christian. Christian! So serious. I don't know if this is going to be

a serious video or not. If you are new, I would love for you to subscribe by

hitting that red subscribe button down below. I post new videos every Tuesday

and Wednesday so ring the little bell so that you get notified when I post. But,

let's get into today's video. If you hear any babbling, baby girl - my seven-month-old,

she's sitting right over here. She may join me for this video like she does

sometimes. So here we go. Thank you a Nikki Schumacher for

suggesting that, for my birthday week, I talk about how I became a Christian- my

salvation story- and share that with you all. Nikki Shumaker is also a Christian

youtuber and you should definitely check out her channel. I will post a link to

her channel in the description box down below. You will love her cleaning videos

so I will send you to one of her cleaning videos which is one of the

reasons why I watch her. I love that she talks about- her slogan is-

"practically imperfect in every way". She talks about being a mom and how you

don't have to be perfect in being a mother. That kind of leads me into my

story. Let me get baby girl here. That leads me into talking about my story.

Growing up I've always thought that I had to be perfect to be a

Christian. I'm not quite sure where I got that from. I have a feeling it's from

growing up in the Southern Baptist tradition. I'm not knocking Southern

Baptists. I had a very positive experience growing up in the Southern

Baptist Church but looking back on it I think that my idea and my notion

as a child of having to be perfect all the time and in everything that I do came

from, not only my parents, but also from the church that I was raised in. The

whole concept of you can't sin in order to to be saved. I feel like

my salvation story has led me up to this YouTube moment and the reason that I do

YouTube. I'm just going to give you a little snippet here but the reason I do

YouTube is to walk along with other moms, like myself, who are Christian, who are

non-christian, but who are trying to raise their children in the Christian

faith. I feel like we need to do that together.

I feel like Christianity isn't an individual choice but is a community. It

takes a village to raise children. It takes a Christian village

to raise Christian kids. I feel like that is my main purpose on

YouTube. To come alongside you and help you raise your kids in the

Christian faith. Also to connect with you all because I'm not perfect in my

Christian faith and how I raise my kids. I don't know everything

so I'm also looking to connect with you all on how you raise your kids. That is

my purpose. We need to raise our kids together in the Christian faith. It takes

a community. It takes a village. It's a struggle. The mom struggle is real! So

whether you have a different salvation story from mine, you are welcome here in

this PrayerLights community. We will raise our tribe of Christians together!

Most importantly, we will be imperfect Christians together. We will be imperfect

Christian moms together trying to raise our kids imperfectly and love Christ

imperfectly. My grandpa was a Southern Baptist pastor.

He would call us kids out while we sat on the front row. He had no problem calling

his kids and grandkids out if we were misbehaving as

we sat on the front row and tell us "hey Shawn! sit down." there's that. As I

was growing up, my mom did an amazing job of making sure that we kids were in

church every Sunday. I'm not just talking about just on Sunday morning. We were in

church- I was in church- all day long. I don't know about my brother and sister.

We are seven and eight years apart. I was in church for Sunday school,

worship, and then I came back for choir practice -what else?- then we had

discipleship training they called it, and then we had another worship service on

Sunday night. Then I was back again on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Wednesdays for

Girls In Action and Acteens which were kind of mission programs that were

just for girls. Then I think I came for youth group later and

any special stuff in between. She's getting fussy. I had wonderful, excellent

Sunday School teachers. I remember they were so loving and encouraged me and my

Girls IN Action leaders encouraged me in missions. Everybody said "you know

Shawn's going to do something in the church." When I was in one Bible School, I was

probably 6 or 7 years old, the church had a tradition of asking for kids

if they want to be saved. Well, I didn't really understand what that meant but

everybody was getting up so I got up as well. I was probably 5 or 6 so I went up

with my friends but I did not accept Christ then because I did not understand

salvation. At that young age, I understood I did not understand what I

was doing. I was just following along with everybody else. I was not saved even

though there was the call to salvation at that point. By "salvation," for those

of you who aren't aware, it just means "being a follower of Christ, recognizing

that there are bad things in your life that only Christ can help you

with and help you through." There are a lot of "churchy" words that churches like

to use: salvation, redemption, repentance. I don't really

like using those words too much because I feel like they put us in a category.

But, anyways, that's a whole other story. Fast-forward to I'm probably 9 or 10

years old, I remember standing in my room by my dresser. My mother asking me why I

didn't want to be a Christian. I remember telling her: "I don't want to be

a Christian. I can't be a Christian." I was very upset about it. Mom asked me why and

I said something "because I have to be perfect and I can't be perfect. I'm not a

good girl. I can't be perfect." I remember my mom

saying to me: "you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian. you just have

to try to be perfect. you just have to try to be perfect." I'm not sure, mom, if I

got the words correct but that's how I remember it.

You probably said some variation of that. That triggered something in me. oh ok

so I don't have to do everything perfectly.

I can still mess up at times. ok. I can do that. Then mom asked me: "you know what

do you believe in Jesus Christ?" and I said "yes." "and do you believe that Christ died

for the bad things that we do and then God rose Christ again and Christ is

still alive and Christ will come back again the end times?"

and I said "yeah I believe all those things." okay so I am a Christian. I still

didn't get saved. I still didn't make the public decision because, in the Baptist

Church that I was a part of, you had to make a public affirmation of faith.

Meaning, you had to say to the entire congregation that you were Christian. It

was a big deal and that scared me. I was a very shy kid. I didn't like to talk in

front of public. Majorly got the sweats. I'd start sweating everywhere.

Fast-forward to when I was 14. I decided to become a Christian. I remember

walking down the church aisle to "I had to follow Jesus." I sweated so much you

guys. Everybody was standing up. They always did an altar call at the end of

the worship service where they play the music like either "victory in Jesus" or

"I have decided to follow Jesus" or some kind of emotional hymn. Then they

invited people to walk forward and proclaim Christ as their own. Proclaiming

I am Christian so I did that. I felt God giving me the courage to walk

down that aisle. That's how I became a Christian. I didn't really understand

everything to be a Christian. I believe that Christianity is a journey. Yes, you

can make a public affirmation of faith. I like that aspect in the Baptist Church.

It's a lifelong journey and we're constantly learning how to be a

Christian. I don't understand everything about my own salvation now and so I'm

not going to judge anybody else on their walk through life and walk with

Christ. So that is my story of how I became a Christian. If you would like to

hear my story of my call into ministry- because if you didn't know I

have been a children's minister for 13 years now.

I'm not ordained. Now, I have a call to youtube. If you'd like to hear

my call story into ministry then let me know in the comment section down below

and I will make that video for you. Come back next week because I'm going to be

talking about what it's like to be a woman in ministry and my struggle as a

woman in ministry. I'll give you a little bit of a story of my struggle as

a woman in the ministry. If you're interested in that video, come back next

week. Tomorrow is my birthday, so make sure you watch video tomorrow. It's a fun

video. It's going to be my birthday game suggestions. No, I'm not going to tell you

how old. I am- no seriously- I'm going to be 38. Honestly, it's not that big a deal.

It feels just like 37. 40 will be the big deal. I think I can handle 38. So let's

grow our tribe of Christian children together, imperfectly,

and love Christ, imperfectly. Don't forget to check out Nikki Schumacher officials

YouTube channel for a lot of other imperfect ways to raise kids. Again I will

have one of her videos linked in the description box down below. Thanks Nikki

for asking me to tell my salvation story on video. I will see you guys in

tomorrow's video. Thanks for watching! The struggle. The struggle is real.

For more infomation >> I Don't Want to Be a Christian - Duration: 9:49.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL Airco - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 GL Airco - Duration: 1:04.


The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer

For more infomation >> The Crazy Rich Asians Trailer


Sting & Shaggy: Don't Make Me Wait - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Sting & Shaggy: Don't Make Me Wait - Duration: 4:11.


Pourquoi, en Afrique, l'Église catholique s'engage-t-elle dans le jeu politique ? - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi, en Afrique, l'Église catholique s'engage-t-elle dans le jeu politique ? - Duration: 3:13.


I Don't Want to Be a Christian - Duration: 9:49.

I remember telling her: "I don't want to be a Christian. I can't be a

Christian." I was very upset.

hi! welcome! If you are new, my name is Shawn and today's video is on how I

became a Christian. Christian! So serious. I don't know if this is going to be

a serious video or not. If you are new, I would love for you to subscribe by

hitting that red subscribe button down below. I post new videos every Tuesday

and Wednesday so ring the little bell so that you get notified when I post. But,

let's get into today's video. If you hear any babbling, baby girl - my seven-month-old,

she's sitting right over here. She may join me for this video like she does

sometimes. So here we go. Thank you a Nikki Schumacher for

suggesting that, for my birthday week, I talk about how I became a Christian- my

salvation story- and share that with you all. Nikki Shumaker is also a Christian

youtuber and you should definitely check out her channel. I will post a link to

her channel in the description box down below. You will love her cleaning videos

so I will send you to one of her cleaning videos which is one of the

reasons why I watch her. I love that she talks about- her slogan is-

"practically imperfect in every way". She talks about being a mom and how you

don't have to be perfect in being a mother. That kind of leads me into my

story. Let me get baby girl here. That leads me into talking about my story.

Growing up I've always thought that I had to be perfect to be a

Christian. I'm not quite sure where I got that from. I have a feeling it's from

growing up in the Southern Baptist tradition. I'm not knocking Southern

Baptists. I had a very positive experience growing up in the Southern

Baptist Church but looking back on it I think that my idea and my notion

as a child of having to be perfect all the time and in everything that I do came

from, not only my parents, but also from the church that I was raised in. The

whole concept of you can't sin in order to to be saved. I feel like

my salvation story has led me up to this YouTube moment and the reason that I do

YouTube. I'm just going to give you a little snippet here but the reason I do

YouTube is to walk along with other moms, like myself, who are Christian, who are

non-christian, but who are trying to raise their children in the Christian

faith. I feel like we need to do that together.

I feel like Christianity isn't an individual choice but is a community. It

takes a village to raise children. It takes a Christian village

to raise Christian kids. I feel like that is my main purpose on

YouTube. To come alongside you and help you raise your kids in the

Christian faith. Also to connect with you all because I'm not perfect in my

Christian faith and how I raise my kids. I don't know everything

so I'm also looking to connect with you all on how you raise your kids. That is

my purpose. We need to raise our kids together in the Christian faith. It takes

a community. It takes a village. It's a struggle. The mom struggle is real! So

whether you have a different salvation story from mine, you are welcome here in

this PrayerLights community. We will raise our tribe of Christians together!

Most importantly, we will be imperfect Christians together. We will be imperfect

Christian moms together trying to raise our kids imperfectly and love Christ

imperfectly. My grandpa was a Southern Baptist pastor.

He would call us kids out while we sat on the front row. He had no problem calling

his kids and grandkids out if we were misbehaving as

we sat on the front row and tell us "hey Shawn! sit down." there's that. As I

was growing up, my mom did an amazing job of making sure that we kids were in

church every Sunday. I'm not just talking about just on Sunday morning. We were in

church- I was in church- all day long. I don't know about my brother and sister.

We are seven and eight years apart. I was in church for Sunday school,

worship, and then I came back for choir practice -what else?- then we had

discipleship training they called it, and then we had another worship service on

Sunday night. Then I was back again on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Wednesdays for

Girls In Action and Acteens which were kind of mission programs that were

just for girls. Then I think I came for youth group later and

any special stuff in between. She's getting fussy. I had wonderful, excellent

Sunday School teachers. I remember they were so loving and encouraged me and my

Girls IN Action leaders encouraged me in missions. Everybody said "you know

Shawn's going to do something in the church." When I was in one Bible School, I was

probably 6 or 7 years old, the church had a tradition of asking for kids

if they want to be saved. Well, I didn't really understand what that meant but

everybody was getting up so I got up as well. I was probably 5 or 6 so I went up

with my friends but I did not accept Christ then because I did not understand

salvation. At that young age, I understood I did not understand what I

was doing. I was just following along with everybody else. I was not saved even

though there was the call to salvation at that point. By "salvation," for those

of you who aren't aware, it just means "being a follower of Christ, recognizing

that there are bad things in your life that only Christ can help you

with and help you through." There are a lot of "churchy" words that churches like

to use: salvation, redemption, repentance. I don't really

like using those words too much because I feel like they put us in a category.

But, anyways, that's a whole other story. Fast-forward to I'm probably 9 or 10

years old, I remember standing in my room by my dresser. My mother asking me why I

didn't want to be a Christian. I remember telling her: "I don't want to be

a Christian. I can't be a Christian." I was very upset about it. Mom asked me why and

I said something "because I have to be perfect and I can't be perfect. I'm not a

good girl. I can't be perfect." I remember my mom

saying to me: "you don't have to be perfect to be a Christian. you just have

to try to be perfect. you just have to try to be perfect." I'm not sure, mom, if I

got the words correct but that's how I remember it.

You probably said some variation of that. That triggered something in me. oh ok

so I don't have to do everything perfectly.

I can still mess up at times. ok. I can do that. Then mom asked me: "you know what

do you believe in Jesus Christ?" and I said "yes." "and do you believe that Christ died

for the bad things that we do and then God rose Christ again and Christ is

still alive and Christ will come back again the end times?"

and I said "yeah I believe all those things." okay so I am a Christian. I still

didn't get saved. I still didn't make the public decision because, in the Baptist

Church that I was a part of, you had to make a public affirmation of faith.

Meaning, you had to say to the entire congregation that you were Christian. It

was a big deal and that scared me. I was a very shy kid. I didn't like to talk in

front of public. Majorly got the sweats. I'd start sweating everywhere.

Fast-forward to when I was 14. I decided to become a Christian. I remember

walking down the church aisle to "I had to follow Jesus." I sweated so much you

guys. Everybody was standing up. They always did an altar call at the end of

the worship service where they play the music like either "victory in Jesus" or

"I have decided to follow Jesus" or some kind of emotional hymn. Then they

invited people to walk forward and proclaim Christ as their own. Proclaiming

I am Christian so I did that. I felt God giving me the courage to walk

down that aisle. That's how I became a Christian. I didn't really understand

everything to be a Christian. I believe that Christianity is a journey. Yes, you

can make a public affirmation of faith. I like that aspect in the Baptist Church.

It's a lifelong journey and we're constantly learning how to be a

Christian. I don't understand everything about my own salvation now and so I'm

not going to judge anybody else on their walk through life and walk with

Christ. So that is my story of how I became a Christian. If you would like to

hear my story of my call into ministry- because if you didn't know I

have been a children's minister for 13 years now.

I'm not ordained. Now, I have a call to youtube. If you'd like to hear

my call story into ministry then let me know in the comment section down below

and I will make that video for you. Come back next week because I'm going to be

talking about what it's like to be a woman in ministry and my struggle as a

woman in ministry. I'll give you a little bit of a story of my struggle as

a woman in the ministry. If you're interested in that video, come back next

week. Tomorrow is my birthday, so make sure you watch video tomorrow. It's a fun

video. It's going to be my birthday game suggestions. No, I'm not going to tell you

how old. I am- no seriously- I'm going to be 38. Honestly, it's not that big a deal.

It feels just like 37. 40 will be the big deal. I think I can handle 38. So let's

grow our tribe of Christian children together, imperfectly,

and love Christ, imperfectly. Don't forget to check out Nikki Schumacher officials

YouTube channel for a lot of other imperfect ways to raise kids. Again I will

have one of her videos linked in the description box down below. Thanks Nikki

for asking me to tell my salvation story on video. I will see you guys in

tomorrow's video. Thanks for watching! The struggle. The struggle is real.

For more infomation >> I Don't Want to Be a Christian - Duration: 9:49.


Sarah Drunkabee Sanders - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Sarah Drunkabee Sanders - Duration: 1:19.


Why John Piper's "Shells" Illustration Transformed a Generation - Duration: 14:33.

- If you were one of the 40000 students at the Passion One Day conference in Memphis,

Tennessee back in May 2000, just one little word may well have changed your life. You

know the word, don't you? Shells. Yes, shells. Seashells. It was the most memorable illustration

and the most powerful sermon from one of the most influential Christian leaders of our

time. John Piper's sermon, Boasting Only in the Cross of Christ, sent waves through a

rising generation of Christians. And we still feel its impact around the globe today. The

sermon turned money makers into missionaries, American dreamers into cross bearers and lovers

of the world into lovers of Jesus.

- I'm old enough to be the father of almost everybody on the grass, and I speak to you

as the father, perhaps, that you never had. And I speak to you, perhaps, as the father

that you did have who never had a vision for you. Or maybe the father that you had who

has a vision for you, and it's all about money and it's all about status.

- Out of all the messages delivered at Passion conferences over its 20-year run, and

out of the hundreds of sermons Piper has preached over his nearly 40-year ministry, this sermon

stands out above them all. So what made Piper's classic shells message so powerful? Let's

give it a closer look.

This video is brought to you in part by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. You

can download a free book from Southern and learn more about training for preachers at


It's easy to see from the video of this sermon that John Piper doesn't exactly look like

your average college conference speaker. Against the backdrop of a sea of designer jeans and

loose tee shirts and snapback hats, a 54-year-old man with curly grey hair, glasses and a tucked

in button up stands at the podium. But make no mistake, he's at home among this Passion

crowd and for thousands of those students, he is the one they've come to hear. This event

marks the fourth time Piper has spoken at a Passion conference. In his first appearance

in 1997, he preached a two-part sermon titled Passion for the Supremacy of God. And there he outlined

his key theological belief, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. The

next year he preached a sermon titled Did Christ Die for Us or for God? These were a

long, long way from the fluffy motivational speeches that so often pass for sermons in

that day. But the students loved it. Many of them had been ordering his cassette tapes.

Many of them had been devouring the expository exaltation of the glory of God that has so

long marked his preaching. The stage is now set for what comes next.

So why and how has Piper caught the attention of this generation? I think we can sum it

up in one word: authenticity. The college students attending those early Passion conferences,

they're a mix. They're the last of Gen-X and the very first of the Millenials. A generation

that, above all, values authenticity. This rising generation wants genuine, authentic

faith and they've grown weary of preachers who water down their messages in a desperate

attempt to be relevant. In Piper, that rising generation has found their authentic preacher.

They've found someone who really, really believes what he's saying and who is not going to pander

to them in any way at all. And they honor that. They can't listen to Piper and be unaffected

by his passion. From his unglamorous clothes to his sweeping hand gestures to his dramatic

facial expressions, to his booming voice. Students know that Piper truly sees the glory

of God and just can't help but declare it. Even if they don't know what they believe,

they sure know what he believes. And it is contagious. His authenticity is the bridge

to his theology. Students are first drawn by his authentic passion, then they're captivated

by his view of God.  So when Piper takes the stage toward the end of that rainy day

at the conference, hundreds of young people have made sure to shuffle back from the porta

potties to their seats. They're now leaning forward expectantly. They're ready to hear

his passion again. But even they could not have expected what happened next.

- You don't have to know a lot of things in order to make a huge difference for the Lord

in the world. But you do need to know a few things that are great and be willing to live

for them and die for them. People that make a difference in the world are not people who

have mastered a lot of things, they are people who have been mastered by a very few things

that are very, very great.

- If anything competes with authenticity for the top spot in the hearts of these early

Millenials, it's purpose. They want to make a difference. They want to change the world.

They want to do great things for Christ. But at the same time, they find it difficult to

even know where to begin. They've been raised on teaching that's long on excitement, but

so short on content. They've been entertained, but never really challenged. They've come

to doubt their ability to make any real impact for Jesus. And even if they want to, they

don't even know where to start. Here Piper makes purpose accessible for the students.

To make a difference in the world for Jesus they don't need to get a masters in theology,

they don't need to be experts, they don't need to have it all figured out. All they

need is to be gripped by Jesus. But as soon as Piper peaks their interest in the sermon

by talking about purpose, he masterfully turns it back on them.

- But one of the really sad things about this moment right now is that there are hundreds

of you in this crowd who do not want your life to make a difference. All you want is

to be liked. Maybe finish school, get a good job, find a husband or a wife, a nice house,

a nice car, long weekends, good vacations, grow old healthy, have a fun retirement, die

easy, no hell. And that's all you want. And you don't give a rip whether your life counts

on this earth for eternity. And that's a tragedy in the making.

- Here's Piper's point: many of the students may say they want to make a difference for

Christ, but in truth, they've got a greater desire. Even more than purpose, they want

prosperity, they want the American dream. They're torn between these two worlds. Their

parents and pastors and youth leaders, they've never shown the incongruity of these things.

Many of them think they can make a difference for Jesus and work toward a long and leisurely

retirement, but Piper desperately wants to show them these two dreams are opposed to

each other. Those who are pursuing the American dream are showing that deep down they'd rather

have a comfortable life than make a difference for Jesus. Piper is holding up two desires

within the student's hearts. One, to make a difference for Jesus, and the other, to

have a happy, successful, comfortable life. And he's then pitting these desires against

one another. He wants to show it's glorious when we spend our lives for Jesus sake, it's

tragic when we buy the American dream. And he needs a strong illustration to drive this

point home and that's where we come to those famous shells.

First, he sets up a contrast. He tells about two members of his church who had been killed

in a car accident while serving overseas as missionaries. He asks the question, is this

a tragedy? Now the obvious answer resounding from the crowd is, no. That's when he shows

them what a true tragedy looks like. He pulls out an article from Readers Digest and he

begins to read.

- The title of the article, Start Now, Retire Early. February 1998. Bob and Penny took early

retirement from their jobs in the northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was

51. Now they live in Punta Gorda, Florida, where they cruise on their 30-foot trawler,

play softball and collect shells. That's a tragedy. That's a tragedy. And there are people

in this country that are spending billions of dollars to get you to buy it. And I get

40 minutes to plead with you, don't buy it. With all my heart I plead with you, don't

buy that dream. The American dream. A nice house, a nice car, a nice job, a nice family,

a nice retirement, collecting shells as the last chapter before you stand before the Creator

of the universe to give an account with what you did. Here it is, Lord, my shell collection.

Look, Lord, my shell collection. And I've got a good swing. And look at my boat.

- Piper holds up the American dream, and he tests it against the light of eternity and

the judgment of Christ. And it fails miserably. He takes a respectable part of the American

dream, a long leisurely retirement, and he shows it to be nothing short of foolishness.

He shows that it's evidence of a dream that is far, far too small. In this way, he brings

a whole generation to a fork in the road. They want both the American dream and authentic

faith, but now he forces them to choose. They can choose comfort and success and prosperity

and waste their lives, or they can choose Christ and experience the glory of making

their life count for Jesus. But either way, they have to make a choice. They can't do

nothing. It's impossible to objectively measure the influence of Piper's sermon, but many

have argued, it may be one of the most important sermons in our generation. Personally, I don't

think there's any doubt. Countless Christian leaders point to Piper's sermon at Passion

One Day 2000 as the turning point in their lives. Some were there that day, some watched

the video later. Some encountered the message in Don't Waste Your Life, the book that was

based on the sermon. But one way or another, they saw the fork in the road that piper presented.

Standing there, they looked down one road, and saw the folly of the American dream, they

looked down the other road, and they saw the beauty of Jesus. They chose in that moment

to make their lives count. The message of the shells lives on. Shortly after the shells

illustration, Piper condensed his main point to a short rhyme that was first written by


- "Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." 48 years,

I've seen that almost every day of my life. And I am here to plead with you to make your

life count for the cross.

- "Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." It's an

apt summary, and it's a great motto. There's little doubt that the impact that this short

little sermon which was done for Christ and through Christ and to the glory of Christ

has lasted and will continue to last for many years and for many decades to come.

If you're passionate about preaching like I am, I want to tell you about a seminary

I've grown to trust and appreciate because I know they care deeply about preaching the

Word of God. I'd encourage you to visit Southern Seminary, which has been under the leadership

of Al Mohler for decades now. Southern is absolutely committed to training pastors to

know and defend and exposit the precious Word of God. If you visit their site, they'll give

you a free book that can serve as a resource to help you with the kind of bold preaching that

we've been talking about here today. Simply visit sbts.edu/challies

For more infomation >> Why John Piper's "Shells" Illustration Transformed a Generation - Duration: 14:33.


Volkswagen T-Roc €2.918,- voordeel 1.5 TSI Style 150 pk DSG (vsb 18526) voorraaddeal Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc €2.918,- voordeel 1.5 TSI Style 150 pk DSG (vsb 18526) voorraaddeal Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:51.


How do you describe this?(35) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:42.

Hi everyone! Welcome to ForB's English lesson videos.

I'm Rianna, and today, we're going to show you another video.

I'd like you to describe what he is doing.

Let's take a look!

What is he doing?

He is pumping his fist.

He is pumping his fist.

Pumping your fist is an act of celebration.

You move your fist up and down or front and back.

You can see this in many sports because a lot of athletes do this.

Let's practice this sentence together.

Please repeat after me.

He is pumping his fist.

He is pumping his fist.

Very good!

So, if you just won a game or finished a very hard task, you can pump your fist to celebrate!

Thank you for watching!

If you enjoyed this video, please like, share and subscribe.

See you!

For more infomation >> How do you describe this?(35) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:42.


In the MIDDLE of the STORM! (Tiu Kelep Waterfall, Lombok) | Alex & MJ - On the GO - Duration: 6:56.

Oh no, they're coming!

Whats up?

The monkeys!

There's one coming up the stairs! There's one coming up the stairs Alex!

Good morning and welcome to this part 2 of our weekend in Lombok.

This morning we are leaving Kuta, which is on the South point of the island to go North.

We're going to a little town called...what's it called?

Senaru. - Senaru.

It's about a 3 and a half hour drive.

We have a private driver.

We're going there to visit a very popular waterfall according to MJ

which is called Tiu Kelep Waterfall.

That's it.

He passes every car and motorbike he says.

Sometimes it's a little scary.

Welcome Anak Rinjani guesthouse! Do you have a reservation?


What's your name?


Mister Alex Normand, yes?

You made a reservation for... - One night.

So we made it, alive!

Yes, alive!

It was a crazy drive!

But it's cool, I like this place.

What I like about it is the fact that the shower is separate from the toilet.

There are a lot of accommodations in Indonesia, or even Asia for the matter,

that have everything together.

So the shower is right beside the toilet but there are no walls to separate them, which gets everything wet.

It's not fun. Especially when I get up in the middle of the night to pee. Then my feet are all wet.

But here there's a wall between the two. I'm happy.

Alright, today's mission is to find the waterfalls.

I don't think it'll be that complicated.

All we have to do is follow that little river and we'll be there. That's it that's all.

It's really cold in there. Like a mini AC machine.

It's nice.

Try it.

Jump inside.

Jump in the whole.

This means that the water from the waterfall will be super cold.

I don't think I'm going to go swim.

Your nipples will be hard.


There are monkeys in the forest.

Mj doesn't like it.

But I think it's funny.

What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?

I don't know what to do.

We're going to keep going.

Really? - Yes.

Ok go, I'll follow you.

We need to confront the buffalo with the plow (?!)

We can't look at them straight in the eyes.

You go first.



He's eating.

This is the first waterfall of 2. Apparently it's not the nicest of the two.

Either way, people seem to be having fun.

Too much fun.

Alright with have an obstacle in front of us.

We have to cross.


Rock, paper, scissors to decide who goes first?


What does it mean?

It means that I choose who goes first and I choose you.

Challenge accepted.

Oh it's cold!

And that's how we do it!

Hey MJ! MJ is over there. I'm over here.

I got stuck. - But it was easy.

Yes but it was still deep for me. I'm short.

Your bum is not even wet.

Yes, my shorts are a bit wet.

Second waterfall! It's wet!

But it's nice!

We're in the middle of the storm! In the middle of the storm!

We're in the middle of the storm!

At least it's not a snow storm. I'm not trying to piss off anyone!

It's true. That would be crap.

It was really wet.

So that's all we filmed.

Congrats to Isabelle Castonguay who wins this week's postcard on Facebook!

And congrats to Freestyle Nath who wins this weeks postcard on YouTube!

Send us a PM on Facebook or Instagram, send us your address

and we'll send that to you as soon as possible!

Yep, that was clear.

For the rest of you, if you'd like your chance to win next week's postcards

all you have to do is very simple:

Like and comment below and answer this weeks' question.

We want to know: What is the nicest waterfall you've seen while traveling?

We all agree... - There are some everywhere.

Yes and it's always the biggest and the nicest one. So where was the nicest one you've seen?

That's it!

See you next time, ciao!

I hate that! Why does she rub herself on me?

The cat scared MJ.

Are you still recording? - Yes.

Show the cat.

I let her go through MJ's legs. It was funny.

You saw her coming? - Yes.

For more infomation >> In the MIDDLE of the STORM! (Tiu Kelep Waterfall, Lombok) | Alex & MJ - On the GO - Duration: 6:56.


How Native Won't Suffer the Same Fate as Display Ads - with Josephine Kvarnström - Duration: 5:54.

I think that good native advertising and the characteristics of that is to

have a win-win-win connection.

So it's working towards the audience so that

they engage with the content. And to write content that has the same tone and

voice as the editorial content on a publisher site. Also, of course, to do

content that really works for the customer. When you get that win-win-win

then it's a good campaign. If you only do content that people are

engaged with, but they don't understand that it is from a brand, then I

understand that the brand will not be satisfied with a campaign.

And that's quite tricky to do, of course, but you have to start with your audience because

those are the ones that will engage with your content. And then you have to be

good at listening to the customer and what they want. But also get the customer

to listen at you as a publisher so you get that nice mix.

Doing good stories isn't easy. Working as a journalist you need to have -- at least in

Sweden -- three years of education at a university. So I think you have to

respect that when working with native advertising or content marketing as a

customer. If you want to engage with an audience on a publisher platform, you

really have to listen to and trust the publisher so that you get the

tone and the type of content that works for that platform. If you are

working with content on your own web page then, of course, the users that

visit your web page, they know that it's your content and then you

can write it in another way. But if you would like to be seen on a

publisher's new site, then it needs to be like the publishers other content,

otherwise it won't work. So it is hard I think you can see that a lot of brands

are hiring journalists, I think that's a good way of doing it. But if you should

do content that really works on a specific newspaper, then you need to

listen to that publisher and and get the tips and tricks from

the brand studio, for example, at the publisher's.

I think one of the biggest

challenges is that you are so into your brand and you love your brand so much

that you forget the audience. You forget what is interesting for the reader.

You have to start with that, you have to start with the reader, you have to take a

step back and look at your brand from an outer perspective than the ones you look

at when you are within your company. And that could be quite hard and it could be

hard when a publisher says that an idea that you have as the customer isn't

really gonna work. No one will read it. I think as a publisher or working within

a brand studio, we need to be good at explaining for our customers why one

thing will work and another thing won't work. We also need to be bold to say

no to some campaigns or to say that 'We can't publish that piece because you

won't get the results that you want'.

To make native sustainable and

to make it still be a good way of doing advertisement, I think we really need to

work together. I think that is the main thing we need to focus on.

We need to respect each other and we need to listen to each other. If we don't do that I

think there's a risk that native advertising will have the same destiny

as display ads. Because if we don't do engaging content for our customers with

our customers, and no one will engage in it, no will click on it, or no one will

watch their video, then we'll walk the same path as we have done with the

display ads. The first display ad, I think, had a CTR of like

40 percent, and now we're down to 0.000. So we need to be very very careful with

the native advertisements and I think we need to see this as an

opportunity to do more intelligent ads, but also respect our readers even more

than we did with the display ads.

I think to be better with native

advertisements or to work better together

for a brand and a publisher, I think that publishers really need to focus more

on education and to prove for the customer that this really works.

Not just to walk in and be sure about that, but to really take the customer in

your hand and show them the way and get them to trust you. As brand I think

it all starts with the trust as well. To listen to what the publisher has to

say, maybe to lose some control and to to be more - to leave that to the

publisher. Of course we would love the customers to spend more money on native

advertising and to put more of their budgets to that area, but I I understand

that this is, as I said in the panel earlier, quite new for a lot of customers

and it's a lot of big customers that have tried it, but for the middle or the

small businesses I understand that this feels a bit frightened

maybe to try this kind of advertisement. But I think we'll keep on growing.

I think that is what we'll see. I hope that there will still be a big focus on

quality. I think it's a risk with programmatic native and so on, that the

quality will decrease and I think that will not be good for

publishers as I work for.

For more infomation >> How Native Won't Suffer the Same Fate as Display Ads - with Josephine Kvarnström - Duration: 5:54.


Sing a Song of Sixpence | Nursery Rhymes by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:14.

Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,

Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,

Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?

The king was in his counting house counting out his money,

The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey

The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,

When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!

Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,

Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,

Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?

The king was in his counting house counting out his money,

The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey

The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,

When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!

For more infomation >> Sing a Song of Sixpence | Nursery Rhymes by Little Treehouse - Duration: 2:14.


Cosby Retrial: Defense Rests; Cosby Doesn't Testify - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Cosby Retrial: Defense Rests; Cosby Doesn't Testify - Duration: 0:25.


Selfmade Table Saw for Kids - DIY JIG - Duration: 11:52.

This is a so-called multifunctional tool

Because with this machine

you can both grind,

here you'll find grinding attachments,

as well as sawing.

But as you can see

this saw blade is

not quite round but

it has only such a segmental arch


it doesn't spin

but only vibrates

I'll turn it on.

And it makes very small


This result is

you can saw wood with it

and all other hard materials

but you can't saw anything soft.

because soft materials

make this vibration with

and are therefore

not cut.

That also means, however,

That you can't

injure the skin

because the skin is also soft

and so it makes sense

with this tool

to build a small circular saw for children

where they can't get hurt.

As you can see, this works quite well

However, I would like to say something else about this machine,

This is the Bosch PMF 180 E

This machine is by far

the loudest machine in my whole workshop

And if I'd have known

how loud it is,

I probably never would have bought them.

For more infomation >> Selfmade Table Saw for Kids - DIY JIG - Duration: 11:52.



If you have an event company

you let one of the events organized to

someone I've never done if you

barber'd let his hair cut to

a person who has never cut her hair

anyone if you have a company

stock market investment would put in the hands of

one person who never has done the

portfolio of several thousand euros

one of your customers then why

for marketing digital one

Very few business enterprises

They decide to hire professionals

industry and they prefer to leave it to

someone who has no inner nearby

experience for me the answer is

simple and is that still many

entrepreneurs and managers do not give the value

you really have for their business the

marketing digital and therefore decide

invest in it in a lackluster manner

rest assured that generates mediocrity

Mediocrity want that for your business

Video of today I want to talk about the

Why you should hire a professional

del marketing digital



Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome to a new video if you

first time and want to learn all

trucos sobre marketing digital y cómo

ser un emprendedor de éxito suscríbete a

mi canal estoy seguro de que en tu

negocio no quieres nada mediocre y

quieres conseguir buenos resultados y

por ello quiero que sea realista quita

de tu cabeza cualquier pensamiento que

te acerque al no conseguir resultados

como el no tengo recursos es que no

puedo el no tengo tiempo y

transformarlos en cambio es decir que

puedo cambiar en mi negocio de hoy para

poder hacer eso que necesito de la

manera más adecuada y eso puede ser

marketing digital o cualquier otra

inversión que debas realizar en tu

negocio para hacerlo sostenible he

querido hacer este vídeo para ayudar a

todos los que siguen pensando que hacer

marketing digital es fácil es casi

gratis que dar resultados inmediatos que

puede hacerlo cualquiera créeme que si

piensas así estás totalmente equivocado

si fuera fácil todo el mundo tendría

excelentes resultados y cuando analizas

te das cuenta que quienes tienen buenos

y excelentes resultados son aquellas

empresas que

adecuadamente no te pido que me creas

quiero que lo compruebes por ti mismo

por ello sólo quiero animarte a que si

crees que el marketing digital e

internet puede ayudarte en tu negocio a

mejorarlo a tener más clientes a

tenerlos más contentos a mejorar tus

procesos a reducir costes a captar

nuevos clientes a fidelizar a antiguos

clientes hacer que tu empresa llega a

nuevos públicos a generar nuevos modelos

de negocio que te crean nuevas líneas de

ingresos sólo si crees que puede

contribuir a tu negocio déjame darte una

sugerencia no pierdas más tiempo el

tiempo es dinero no dejes escapar más

oportunidades y plantéate desde este

mismo momento profesionalizar tu

marketing digital empezando por crear

una sólida estrategia personalizada para

tu empresa que esté alineada con tus

objetivos globales en el negocio ya que

estoy seguro que a tu alrededor tiene

esas grandes profesionales del marketing

digital que quieren ayudarte a conseguir

esos buenos resultados que te mereces ya

sean freelance agencias o personas

internas tan sólo déjales ayudarte en

aquello que realmente saben hacer

y confía en ellos porque solo la

confianza y el delegar tareas en

profesionales es lo que te permitirá

hacer crecer tu negocio todo lo que

podría recuerda la gran frase de uno de

los más grandes emprendedores y

empresarios de la historia que hemos

tenido steve jobs que decía las empresas

contratan gente para decirles que tienen

que hacer mientras nosotros contratamos

gente para que nos digan que tenemos que

hacer por lo que dejó en ti la pregunta

quieres que te diga lo que tienes que

hacer para hacer crecer tu negocio con

el marketing digital

entonces ya sabes lo que debes hacer a

ver yo no recomiendo usar estas

herramientas te digo porque por una

simple razón al final si en algún

momento instagram te pilla te carga la

cuenta que sucede que a día de hoy

instagram es una maldita granja de bots

es decir está súper pervertida de está

llegando unos puntos exagerados estoy yo

en mis cuentas personales ya clientes yo

no les recomiendo nunca usar esto es

decir yo las uso para pruebas web que

veo que es muy similar a esta y es

cierto que te sube la cuenta te permite

automatizar muchas cosas y te hace

crecer la cuenta lo que pasa que bueno

tienes que saber los riesgos que corres

con ellos

y yo es que lo veo más para productos o

empresas más que para personas más que

nada porque al final sería raro es decir

coger un influencer de marketing para

que hable de ti de marketing sería muy


claro al final eso es como clientes

decía al final conseguir con los

clientes y recomendaciones en vídeo

etcétera etcétera para tú utilizar y

mover no tanto para mí esa es la parte

de marketing de influencia en este tipo

de cosas a ver claro realmente eso está

que te pillen porque no debería ser así

es cierto que se puede hacer hasta que

alguien reclame incluso te podría

exposición a ésta por tú el nombre de tu

competencia lo que tarden y tal y cual

ahí está la parte ética es decir te

compensa creo que puede ser interesante

lo que pasa que bueno muchas empresas

por tema ético no les interesa hacer eso

porque después se puede ver dañada su

imagen de marca

ahora bien imagínate un profesional con

un pintor que a lo mejor no tiene una

marca fuerte y le da igual pues puede

tomar ventaja interesante de ello vamos

a hacerlo lo que pasa que las pruebas

que hemos hecho a nivel comercial con

captación de leads a tema de agencia no

funcionan es más tuvimos hace un par de

años contratamos hicimos una prueba

contratamos un director comercial un

tipo es senior muy bueno le tuvimos

durante un año

y al final la conclusión fue que no sale

a cuenta es decir igual que la captación

de leads lo que hemos visto que cuando

captan leads en agencia lo único que te

llegan al final son micropymes y porque

todo se mueve más por el vocablo que es

la parte

marketing todo es de ciudad porque al

final la transformación digital ya que

yo no me meto ni en recursos humanos ni

me meto en temas de gestión del tiempo

es decir tengo conozco a gente que se

dedica a ello pero nosotros los

especialistas en la parte de marketing y

ventas entonces en eso sí todo lo que es

marketing y ventas estrategia de negocio

podríamos llegar a meternos a presiones

de marketing surge no nos metemos tanto

yo me meto a nivel de estrategia negocio

pero con grandes empresas cuando el

trabajo como consultor quiero conocer tu

opinión por lo que déjame los

comentarios con el hashtag marketing

digital si estás de acuerdo conmigo en

que es necesario contratar a buenos

profesionales para conseguir buenos

resultados en tu negocio entre todos los

comentarios de los vídeos del mes

sortear en mi curso online de estrategia

de marketing digital si te ha gustado

este vídeo y quieres que siga haciendo

más vídeos como éste dale me gusta y

suscríbete a mi canal


ahí se podía

te queremos

For more infomation >> CONTRATA a un PROFESIONAL de MARKETING DIGITAL - Duration: 6:46.


Scrambler Sandwich | Cartoons For Kids | Funny Deviled Eggz Videos - Duration: 3:23.

Scrambler Sandwich Cartoons For Kids Funny Deviled Eggz Videos

For more infomation >> Scrambler Sandwich | Cartoons For Kids | Funny Deviled Eggz Videos - Duration: 3:23.


जो आपको अमीर बना देंगे ऐसे | Top 10 Small Business Ideas | Best Business Ideas - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> जो आपको अमीर बना देंगे ऐसे | Top 10 Small Business Ideas | Best Business Ideas - Duration: 7:49.


Get Yo A** Up - Duration: 3:14.

Hi everybody It's Justine Froelker and it's Take Care Tuesday and I want you to

consider and perhaps even really change your life to get your ass up at 5 a.m.

so I get it 5:00 a.m. is super early I have been a '5 AM-er' for it's been a

while maybe a couple years at this point and what I have really found is that

getting up early I love having that time to myself it also helps me feel very

productive like the rest of the day like I have all of the day left and I will

tell you that it first had to start with my nighttime routine so there are most

nights that I do not get enough sleep however I get very good at sleep because

I have good gut health obviously I get good sleep because I do a nighttime

routine so I first when I started getting up early I really first had to

start with my nighttime routine to make sure that I was getting good sleep so

that even if it wasn't enough sleep it was good sleep and then I started waking

up earlier to practice my self-care and I got a lip got up a little bit earlier

every single month basically till I got to the 5 a.m. this is what makes 5 a.m.

so special it's dark the rest of the world is sleeping literally the rest of

the world is sleeping when you get up at 5 a.m. to practice intentional self-care

and pour into yourself while the rest of the world sleeps not only is it

intentional and so powerful it just means a lot more so are you getting up

at 5 a.m. already what's stopping you if you're not with your lifestyle or with

your family does it need to be 6 a.m. basically what would it take for you to

get up 20 to 60 minutes before everyone else in your

family when the house is still asleep so that you can take time to pour into

yourself I want to hear what you think and I want to know if you're gonna join

me in the 5 a.m. club as always thanks for being here make sure to LIKE if that

you found this helpful and share with anybody that you think might like it and

don't forget to subscri- blah blah - subscribe subscribe to my

channel please because sometimes we leave stuff in

there like that subscribe and if you never want to miss

a video make sure to click the notifications

thanks so much and I will see you next week

For more infomation >> Get Yo A** Up - Duration: 3:14.


6 Things You Need To Know Before You Buy Honey Again - Duration: 7:03.

Six things you need to know before you buy a honey again

Americans are making a a a ham beeline for honey

we consume 400,000,000 pounds of the sweet stuff each year

according to the national honey board

and with the popularity of the natural sweetener soaring not only our farmers markets full of fancy flavors grocery stores are following suit

that the selection can be overwhelming are certain types healthier or tastier than others

we hit the hive to find out

one you can probably skip the organic and non GM oh honey

did you know a standard jar of honey requires a bee to make a million flower visits cap on just one collection triple beacon hit 100 flowers and

travel a 2 mile radius from the hive he's really are busy

so for a honey to be labeled organic all the plants and the entire foraging area need to be pesticide free

the capers may be doing their part meaning no pesticides or antibiotics in the hive but some experts say it's near impossible to prove that

these aren't exposed to pesticides and synthetic fertilizers on their long flights

ditto for contact with te amo crops

to where you buy honey matters

that you can't necessarily trust all made in the USA varieties honey has a dirty little secret Chinese honey

which may come to the U.S. via India or Malaysia

can be tainted with lead and antibiotics

that finding a quality honey isn't as simple as buying a maid in the USA product

turns out spiking honey is a common practice in the U.S. says mark frese to the keeper and founder of Arizona honey market

meaning you could be getting honey that's been tainted with corn syrup or other sweeteners

either fed to the bee's or blended into the honey directly to make it more affordable

but Howell is a consumer to know that proof is in the pollen says frau to the presence of pollen which gets stuck on bees legs when their

collecting nectar and makes its way into the honey can tell you the origin and potency of the honey

a study by food safety news found that 75% of honey sold in big box retailers and grocery

stores contained no pollen while 100% of honey bought at farmers markets

coal OPS and natural grocers like trader joe's had their full pollen content

so where you buy your honey could very well make a difference

something else to keep in mind choosing wrought honey which means honey has not been heated or filtered

doesn't guarantee quality or presence of pollen label laws are loose but if it's opaque cream colored

or crystallized that's a good sign if you want more proof

there is a labeling program called true source honey which can help consumers feel confident that the honey they purchase is the real thing

says Sharon Palmer RT and dietitian and author of plant powered for life

three light honey tastes much different than dark honey is graded based on color clarity

flavor and moisture

not on nutritional value

notes Rebecca screech field

RT and a registered dietitian in Washington, DC

as a rule of thumb that means lighter colored honey is

grayed see are milder than amber shades

grade be or their darker the older counterparts

grade a match the color to the food

more delicate hun ease like clover work well in salad dressing while more assertive varieties buckwheat

the make great marinades

what's more honey reflects the flavor of its source and with the influx of single flavor and local varieties flooding store shelves

the Liu berry chamomile

lavender orange blossom there are more types than ever play with a different flavors

says Shauna sever cookbook author of real sweet by changing up the honey you use it's almost like a adding additional flavor

four sure pick any over sugar

but don't pull a pooh bear honey gets a lot of props it has slightly more nutrients and antioxidants than traditional table sugar

plus it's less processed and lower on the glycemic index

says Palmer what's more it contains 25 different oligosaccharides

cards that feed the good bacteria in the got which has been tide to boosted digest and immunity and mineral absorption

while it has more calories than the white stuff

23 calories per T SP compared to sugar 16 calories it's sweeter and dancers so you can use less of it sweet right

that keep in mind that it's still a sweetener and chemically not that much different than sugar

so moderation is key

no eating it by the pa awful five then you call honey isn't a miracle cure all

but it does have some cool perks

that named liquid gold

with a price tag to match man yuka honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native man yuka bush

and even though it gets the stamp of approval from skin glowing selects like Gwyneth Paltrow and Kurt meeker - Ian for its complexion cure

all powers slathering it on your face it isn't a proven at me or wrinkle two are we wish

that said manu kid does have a medicinal leg up over conventional honey

in addition to the natural moisturizing and at the microbial properties true to all honey

than you can contains high concentrations of methyl glee oaks low a compound proven to fight off wound infecting bacteria

so applied topically

it could make your cuts and scrapes heal faster

it's also used to heal sore throats and ulcers

and scrooge field note the higher you MF number on menu call Abeles means higher antibacterial potency

six farmers market honey isn't necessarily local how do you know farmers market honey isn't just shipped in and sold in Penn trustworthy jars

unless you go inspect the far more beehive you don't

says frau to there's no guarantee that farmers market vendors harvest the honey themselves or that it's even from your home state so asked

plenty of questions before plopping down your money

also note local honey isn't necessarily healthier and there's no evidence that relieves allergy symptoms

For more infomation >> 6 Things You Need To Know Before You Buy Honey Again - Duration: 7:03.


Five Little Piggies | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 21:56.

Five little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

One little Piggies jumping on the bed

Four little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

One little Piggies jumping on the bed

Three little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping on the bed!

Two little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping on the bed!

One little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said

Put those Piggies right to bed

For more infomation >> Five Little Piggies | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 21:56.


Good Vs Evil | Water Tank Vehicles | Videos by Kids Channel - Duration: 10:23.

Good Vs Evil Water Tank Vehicles

For more infomation >> Good Vs Evil | Water Tank Vehicles | Videos by Kids Channel - Duration: 10:23.


Disney Comic Con Haul!!! PINS, VINYL'S & KYLO???? - Duration: 7:56.

Hey guys my name's Haley welcome back to the Disney cupcake Channel today

I'm going to be showing you guys what I got from Comic Con, so let's get started

If you guys would like to check out my Comic, Con

vlog video

The link will be down below in the description or up above

As well as at the end of the video if you guys are interested in watching that and seeing what other items were available

At Comic Con now this haul I definitely did not get that much stuff compared to what I bought last time

So if you guys like to see other haul videos make sure you go check those out

And the full playlist will be linked down below as well

I didn't want to get that much this time because I'm saving my money for something very very special coming this year

So make sure you guys are subscribed at the channel

So you guys do not miss that I was able to get some pretty good deals

And I'm very excited to show you guys what I got so let's get started. I got this happily-ever-after

Ornament for $10. Also you guys hear me barking my dog kylos in the background barking out the window so I

Apologize for that the next thing about was just Mickey Mouse to Steamboat Willie blind bag

And these are those domes I have a stitch one and whenever I saw these ones. I like freaked out

I'm not sure if they're new if they are I would definitely like to get more, but I got this for six dollars

And I thought that was a pretty good deal, and I have not opened it yet

so let's see who we get there are eight total to collect and I'm

Hoping to get Steamboat Willie or Minnie would be really cute, too

Right oh

My gosh shoes are so cute

So we got the Minnie Mouse

With the fiddle this one is so cool the bases connect to each other so if you complete the whole set or by other domes

You can connect them to each other

So I'm definitely going to attach this to the stitch one but these little domes really help when you go to dust and stuff

Too, it's just a lot easier just to wipe off this than to go in the little figure as well

so I really do like the design of these and inside is the black and white mini holding her fiddle and the little case and

This is just so cute, and it's a Steamboat Willie on the front

I really really like these and I hope to get more

I hope this set is newer

And I can make a full video on them next I got these blocks by Funko

And these are mini vinyls and it includes Mickey and Donald and I got this for $15

I also got four Vinylmations

And they were all $5 each which was absolutely amazing and I was able to find some really really cute designs

so we have Russell from up to Disneyworld 40th celebration Sauron and

Indiana Jones also along with animations

I was able to get the park stars 60th anniversary Tower of Terror animation from Disneyland

And these are the park start series and one of the main reasons

I wanted to get this is because I have a few of the other Disneyland 60 ones from the 60th anniversary and I

saw this and

Once I realized. Oh my gosh the Tower of Terror is gone

And this is like merchandise for ian's and as for the 60th anniversary like the last year was open

I was like I need to get it so

I'm not gonna open this right now, but it does look very very cool

And I'm glad I was able to get it and I was able to get this for

$15 next on to the pins. I was able to get all these pins from 2 to $1 each

I take pins I would like to hang on to and keep and I also bought

About 30 traders for something I have coming this year I have a huge announcement coming up

kind of soon and

These will be used

So I will kind of glance through the trader so you guys can see

But I really do want to show you guys the ones that I am going to keep and put on my pin board

So we've robot Dale

California chip the Epcot 30 figment a Tinker Bell and this is a Disney member-exclusive

This really cute, Pluto, and then we have a prince from Shanghai, New Zealand we have that elsa carousel pane from Hong Kong

Disneyland we have a Mickey Mouse and a Skitch Mickey head and some of the treaters. I purchased our mainly all Star Wars

I'm just gonna give you guys a quick little glance through the ones that I have

Some of these are traders from past Disney trips as well

that's just a quick little bit glance through of the traders that I got and I also got a

four pack of

Vinylmations when I saw this I was like amazed this is from Park series 12

and these are inspired by the atrium of mosaic at the Contemporary Resort, and these are limited edition of

1200 these are just some of the characters from the actual mosaic and

That mosaic inside of the contemporary is beautiful, and it's very very fun to look at and

Whatever I saw this. I was really surprised. They made these for it

I've never seen them before and I was able to get these for

$30 and the last thing I got actually to turn my camera around to show you

Because it's too heavy for me to like show you so I did get this snow globe. I absolutely love it

This is based off the first Cars movie it includes Doc Hudson the King Lightning McQueen and Chick Hicks

And then it has the design of the building that they were in for the first race the Los Angeles International

Speedway and has a moving type picture in the back and a little checkered flags on the top

And then this is the little pit stand and it does have lights sounds and it moves and I was able to get this for

$40 so it has a little button on the sign here

to make it start spinning and all the little glitter starts floating around I absolutely love how Doc Hudson is the center of this and

If I push this the sounds and lights will go

Now there are also lights on it just with the lightning right now

You guys can't really see you guys couldn't hear Kyla barking at the background because he did not know what that noise was

But that is the last thing I got from comic-con I had so much fun at comic-con

And I hope you guys enjoyed these past two videos. I love going to comic-con

It's so much fun. And I didn't really see many new things there this time

I was kind of surprised, but I still had a really really great time

Thank you guys so much for watching this video make sure to LIKE and subscribe to my channel

For that major surprise coming later this year

I'm super super excited to tell you guys and it's gonna be so much fun

So thank you guys so much for watching and Kyla wanted to say hello

New videos every Tuesday and Thursday all about me and my Disney collection do what you love and do what makes you happy and I?

Will see you guys next time


What do you see what do you say

CP oh

The bike I know fine

Good boy

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