Saturday, April 7, 2018

Youtube daily report w Apr 7 2018

oh yes I decided that exceed the limit

the super Saiyan but would like to become

stronger than God but you're super sayan

really sure that you can

I do not know but one thing is certain well

as I am now and then I could never

Never one to beat Android and I

I will train for one year and if there

I'll leave you to lose a whole year

I told you seems a little too is

quiet actually I know a place in

one day I will be more than


we are the usual kicking would listen

gohan going to bring you with me

do you agree

I agree

woe to you Goku this is what I

I would love to tell you but I know nothing

fail to stop

so if you feel it necessary

go ahead and take our son is trained

as it should thanks to warn you today that

is the last time when this story

cyborgs is over will not let you

più distogliere guanda i suoi studi

chichi è una donna straordinaria ha

capito che cosa significhi essere la

moglie dell'uomo più forte del mondo ma

devi promettermi che poi ti troverai un

lavoro d'accordo grazie tesoro

resta questa mela pochi


ma così


ma non capisco cosa succede ancora sel

sta subendo un'altra trasformazione

incredibile e suo corpo si stanno un

piatto come un pallone




adesso teatro vuole fare

attendono l'annuncio è arrivato la tua

figlia e dalle rotolo tra pochissimi

santi e salterà in aria ma ho il suo

adorato pianeta verrete con me ai capi

di voi non resterà altro che un cumulo

di cenere che ha intenzione di


lo farà in questa volta non si tratta di

un lato col estremi ci dia la forza

sufficiente per riuscirci






non te lo permetterò rilascio di livello

sai mi basta un niente per esplodere al

minimo urto il mio corpo andrà in mille


le gomme salterà in aria l'intero

pianeta è inutile che ti riscaldi tanto

moccioso perché il nostro destino è già




manca un minuto esatto nemmeno io posso

più fermarmi ormai non ci credo sta

mentendo che cosa facciamo

ci deve essere una soluzione purtroppo

non c'è niente da fare questa volta

arrivata la fine per tutti


ora mancano soltanto 40 secondi



forza col fai presto miglior ed evitati

colpo di grazia non c'è tempo da perdere


muoviti devi fatto fuori ho fregati

oppure pettinari tasse così

ap aveva ragione dovevo eliminarlo



sono stato irresponsabile ed è tutta

colpa mia se adesso salteremo in aria


mancano soltanto 30 secondi l'imminente

fine del pianeta mare in venuta tutti i

nostri amici sono paralizzati dal

terrore sembrava che gohan avesse la

vittoria in pugno

invece la storia dell'umanità rischia di

concludersi tragicamente tra poco il

nostro pianeta esploderà siamo finiti






ma che cosa ti succede amico mio

mi spiace ma per quanto mi sia sforzato

non sono stato in grado di trovare un

altro modo per salvare il nostro

ovviamente non capisco che cosa intendi


qual è il tuo piano


io devo lasciare addio è cosa nota

non è mica intenzione vaccaro 10 secondi

a quanto pare alla fine ha vinto io ma











hai combattuto in modo impeccabile ram


mi raccomando devi dire alla mamma che

mi dispiace tanto sono stato troppo

egoista ho fatto soffrire


in bocca al figlio

no io no le chiedo scolare caio ma non

sapevo in quale altro posto andare

avanti ora che facciamo







con una violenza spaventosa il perfido e

potentissimo sel è esploso insieme

all'intero pianeta dire caio così ancora

una volta goku è riuscito a salvare la

vita di tutti i suoi cari

ancora una volta il coraggioso super

sayan non ha esitato a sacrificare se

stesso per il bene dell'umanità


ti prego traggo affari ed esaudisce i

nostri desideri e poi


no no

ma che cosa che sta succedendo cos'è qui

ancora una volta il drago sharon ha

accettato di comparire in tutta la sua

maestosità di fronte a degli esseri


i nostri amici hanno già vissuto in

passato questo momento così emozionante

ma per loro è come se fosse la prima


e sempre bello vedere idra vero già

complimenti ottimo lavoro delle le sfere

del drago sono stati riattivati in

maniera per tre gradini grazia morto o

no a vostra disposizione possa esaudire

tre desideri

chiedete pure ho capito bene ah sì è

vero è invece l'aveva detto che questo

nuovo dragon avrebbe potuto esaudire 3

molto bene il primo desiderio è far

tornare in vita tutte le vittime di sei

accorto lo farò con il braccio piacere



e notizia vale stai sicuro abbiamo una

notizia grandiosa sembra che tutte le

vittime di said compresi i soldati

dell'esercito siano tornate intuito è

una cosa straordinaria del tutto merito

del grande maestro

grazie grazie a tutti


comincio a non capirci più niente

e accaduto ciò che temevo il piccolo

dente ci ha avvertiti che il drago si

sarebbe comportato come il vecchio cieco

e che quindi non avrebbe restituito la

vita chi è già resuscitato una volta per

questo lo sentiamo laura di tuo padre

con purtroppo per lui non ci sono


è un vero peccato qual è il vostro

secondo il desiderio

fate una richiesta io l'ho esautiro per

favore non puoi fare un'eccezione

riportare in vita anche cocco è un

Our dear friend and we would love

to have him among us please

He has already been brought back to life a

Once can not fulfill this


I am waiting for another request to

Apparently there's nothing to do

there must be no other solution

we must think I may have found

we could ask Sharon to bring us back

back in time before it goes well

He was carrying paintings but it sure is good

idea or safe so we will back to you

do with sel does not seem much of a

proposal is no reason I do not trade

we have to do is ask a

dragon bit long on the planet

Well lobbyists in tents effects

reason some long and original dragon

so you can bring back to life

People many times as you want

but certainly there are in fact also reported

resurrected thanks to the dynamic dragon

just that some of us

trasferisca sul pianeta di prolunga bene

allora il nostro prossimo desiderio sarà

questo ei aspettate un attimo ragazzi

sono io no

ma proprio lui gioia sentirti papa vi

sto parlando dall'aldilà

ascoltatemi attentamente dunque tanto

tempo fa bull ma mi disse una cosa che

mi colpì secondo lei era colpa mia se il

nostro pianeta veniva minacciato in

continuazione da strani mostri che a

pensarci bene non aveva torto

sì forse hai ragione quella ragazza non

imparerà mai a tenere la bocca chiusa

per questo mi sono convinto che la

giusta rete meglio senza di me ancora

caio da pensa così non è vero beh fiumi

in oltre ad essere sincero a me non

dispiace affatto questo posto a sapete

reca io ho promesso di farmi seguire un

allenamento speciale come ricompensa per

aver salvato il pianeta e poi di solito

quando si viene nell'aldilà di cui resta

solo laura rendace così ad ancona il mio

corpo e rimarrò giovane per sempre

inoltre qui ci sono molti personaggi

interessanti da conoscere come i grandi

maestri del passato quindi divertirò un

sacco quel ragazzo non cambierà mai

recai avrebbe potuto tornare in vita

grazie alle sfere del drago ma ha deciso

di rinunciare per restare qui insieme a

me a farmi compagnia

insomma ciò che voglio dirvi è che

apprezzo molto i sentimenti che nutrite

per meghni ma io preferisco rimanere

dove sono

il mio gol è grande e ormai io non avrei

più nulla da insegnare

no non è vero ho ancora bisogno di te

ciao a tutti ora devo andare

siate felici e non ti metti sono sempre

accanto al volo addio


joan che da bambino è stato protagonista

di strabiliante imprese ha festeggiato

da poco il suo sedicesimo compleanno

adesso è un adolescente forte e

volenteroso che conduce una vita molto

simile a qualsiasi altro ragazzo della

sua età

quest'oggi per l'appunto sta per

cominciare il suo primo giorno di liceo

fino ad ora aveva studiato a casa per

corrispondenza sotto la guida severa di

sua madre che come si era ripromessa

l'ha preparato al meglio per farlo

diventare uno studente modello

quest'anno però chi chi ha deciso di

scrivere tuo figlio presso il liceo di

satan's in

For more infomation >> So it was that Goku decided to sacrifice himself to save the Earth from Cell ... - Duration: 15:32.


Tema do Filme UP Altas Aventuras [Trilha Sonora] Married Life - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Tema do Filme UP Altas Aventuras [Trilha Sonora] Married Life - Duration: 2:29.


Cantando na cruz | Gilton Carlos - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Cantando na cruz | Gilton Carlos - Duration: 2:35.


Curiosity: ecco le prove della vita su Marte - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Curiosity: ecco le prove della vita su Marte - Duration: 5:04.


DROPSHIPPING é enganação? | LabEcom: Michelle Jakobs & Wesley Banza - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> DROPSHIPPING é enganação? | LabEcom: Michelle Jakobs & Wesley Banza - Duration: 6:23.


HOT NEWS !!! Olympus Pen E-PL9 4K Camera Now Available From $600 - Duration: 2:36.

photographers patiently waiting for the new Olympus PEN

EPL 9 4k camera to be made available after being unveiled earlier this year

during February 2018 will be pleased to know that the olympus pen ep-1 camera is

now available to purchase throughout the u.s. price from $600 for the body which

is available in three colors black white or brown olympus has also created a lens

package which is available for $700 and includes the penny PL 9 together with a

14 to 42 millimeters F 3.5 - 5.6 easy lens 16 gigabytes memory card and a

camera bag to recap the specifications of the olympus pen ep-1 4k camera

include a 16-megapixel sensor combined with a true pic 8 processor and 120 1.02

focused technology with contrast detect this technology allows the new Olympus

camera to capture 4k Ultra HD video at 30 frames per second other features

include Bluetooth connectivity enabling owners to quickly share photographs via

social networks using a connected smartphone or tablet

as far as stabilization goes the olympus pen ep-1 builds upon the technology

included in the larger olympus om-d e-m1 append EP l9 is limited to just three

axis rather than five axis of stabilization which is offered by the

larger mark three better photographs with no fuss and a beautiful camera to

take them on take your photography to a new level with the olympus pen ep-1 and

share your favorite shots with ease ie thanks to the built-in Wi-Fi that links

seamlessly to your smartphone it's your turn

stop taking snaps start taking photos

For more infomation >> HOT NEWS !!! Olympus Pen E-PL9 4K Camera Now Available From $600 - Duration: 2:36.


You Can Be With Candida Without Knowing - Here Are 8 Natural Remedies For Candidiasis Cure - Duration: 5:37.

Candidiasis is a problem caused by a fungus, called Candida, which leads to infections

usually in the genitals, but can the skin and other organs, occurring

more in women, but affecting men as well.

Despite the annoyance, the good news is that Candida has a cure, taking the necessary


The treatment is usually made with ointments or remedies that eliminate fungi that are

provoking the disease, helping in relief symptoms.

In today's video, we will explore 8 remedies to treat candidiasis:

Oregano Oregano contains natural substances antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory

which eliminate Candida fungal cells.

Put 1 tablespoon of oregano in 500 ml of hot water.

Mix them and put them in a medium bowl, washing the genitals with this mixture until

the water to cool.

Do this before bedtime, all and sleep without an intimate

symptoms disappear.

Bicarbonate of

Sodium The antifungal properties are already known sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of

various problems and this includes candidiasis.

Pour 50 grams of baking soda in a medium bowl with hot water and wash

the intimate region with this mixture for 20 minutes.

Repeat the procedure every day until a week.


Garlic is considered an antibiotic and antifungal that inhibits the development of a

series of bacteria and fungi, alleviating symptoms of candidiasis.

Consume 2 cloves of garlic a day, in their pure or mixed with other foods and thus

you will see a strengthening of the immune system, defending it from undesirable invaders.


Vinegar, especially apple, has substances that control the development of

fungi and balances the pH of the organism, because it has the same pH as the intimate area,

the acidity of the region and thus the of candidiasis.

You can put 4 tablespoons of vinegar in a bowl with 1/2 liter of warm water and wash

the region for 20 minutes every day or then put 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a glass

of 200 ml with water, the mixture being from breakfast until the infection passes.

Oil of

coconut Coconut oil contains substances considered antimicrobial (saturated fats)

exterminating various types of fungi, including to Candida.

You can eat 1 teaspoon of oil of coconut per day or mix it with your food

routinely, or even apply oil in the affected region 3 times a day until the symptoms

of candidiasis.


Dandelion is a plant and its sap is full of important vitamins and minerals,

problems caused by fungi and bacteria, that is, it has antifungal properties

which decrease the development of candidiasis.

Put 2 tablespoons of dandelion in 1 liter of boiling water.

Wait for the infusion of this mixture to act for some minutes and allow it to cool slightly.

Strain tea and drink 2 to 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear.

Natural yogurt

Natural yogurt has probiotics and bacteria that keep healthy living organisms

and eliminate those harmful.

In this way, they fight infections caused by by fungi, such as Candida.

For the yogurt to decrease the acidity of the region and fight the fungi, pass it a little

in the affected region (equivalent to one of soup), letting act for about 1 hour.

Repeat the process 2 times a day until the Candidiasis symptoms cease.


Honey is an effective remedy to treat since it contains antifungal properties.

Apply honey and wipe with water after 15 to 20 minutes.

In addition to these home remedies, some changes habits can help speed up treatment.

A diet low in sugar helps the body to combat the growth of

fungi, curing candidiasis faster.

For more infomation >> You Can Be With Candida Without Knowing - Here Are 8 Natural Remedies For Candidiasis Cure - Duration: 5:37.


Falling while riding ?! What Happened in a Hurry ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:46.

Falling while riding ?! What Happened in a Hurry ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> Falling while riding ?! What Happened in a Hurry ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:46.


Colours for Kids Drawing Lips Art for Kids Lips Coloring Page - Duration: 13:28.

Colours for Kids Drawing Lips Art for Kids Lips Coloring Page

For more infomation >> Colours for Kids Drawing Lips Art for Kids Lips Coloring Page - Duration: 13:28.


Grocery Shopping at the Mart. Hide and Seek. Family Fun. Cart Toy & RIWORLD - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Grocery Shopping at the Mart. Hide and Seek. Family Fun. Cart Toy & RIWORLD - Duration: 4:25.


Nhạc Trẻ Remix Mới Nhất Tháng 4 - Nonstop Việt Mix - LK Nhạc Trẻ Tuyển Chọn Hay Nhất 2018 ( Phần 2) - Duration: 1:12:25.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Trẻ Remix Mới Nhất Tháng 4 - Nonstop Việt Mix - LK Nhạc Trẻ Tuyển Chọn Hay Nhất 2018 ( Phần 2) - Duration: 1:12:25.


FIT FORNES Las mujeres necesitan un equilibrio de Omega 3s y de Omega 6s durante embarazo - Duration: 5:02.

Women need a balance of omega 3s and omega 6s during pregnancy

Wednesday, April 04, 2018 by: Jessica Dolores

Pregnancy is something all women should have the privilege of enjoying.

It means having the power to nurture life, feel it grow, and see it come alive before

a mother — and a father's — unbelieving eyes.

Not all women can enjoy this privilege, and responsibility, however.

Some can't conceive at all.

Others suffer short-term pregnancies.

Thus, those who get pregnant need all the help they can get in taking care of theirs

— and their unborn baby's health.

This is where omega (n)-3 PUFA and their metabolites come in.

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism attest to the value

of these polyunsaturated fatty acids in boosting a pregnant women and her fetus' health.

It enhances the development of the baby's brain and reduces the likelihood of premature

birth, especially in women with a history of nutrient deficiency and pre-term births.

There's more good news.

Taken in the right amounts, omega-3 and omega-6 in fish oil can prolong the duration of pregnancy,

reduce the danger of low infant weight, and enhance the baby's health in general.

As in everything, though, too much of anything is dangerous.

The same study shows that excessive amounts of polyunsaturated fat can overextend pregnancy

and raise baby's birth weight, thus endangering a mother and child's health — and even


Wise is the pregnant woman who seeks her obstetrician's advice in how to get just the right amount

of omega-3 for her unborn child.

Still, consuming fish oil from the moment she finds out that she's pregnant, is still

a good way to start.

Fish, of course, is the most common source of omega-3.

But pregnant women who are not into fish need not lose hope.

They can turn to these alternative natural sources of omega-3 instead:

Canola oil — The Institute of Medicine recommends that women take at least 1,600 mg a day of

canola oil.

Flaxseed and flaxseed oil — This contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the body

turns into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which the Harvard

Medical School Family Health Guide says are both present in fish.

Wild rice — Just half a cup has 240 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

Wild rice also has twice as much protein and fiber as brown rice, and is rich in B vitamins,

manganese, zinc, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium.

It is low in calories to boot.

Soybeans — Half a serving of boiled, shelled green soybeans has 300 mg of plant-sourced

omega-3 fatty acids.

It is also overflowing with protein (11 grams per half a cup) and fiber (nine grams per

half a cup).

Walnuts — This heart-healthy food packs in as much as 2,500 mg of polyunsaturated

fats per ounce.

So next time you cook vegetables, try using walnut oil instead of olive oil.

Dairy foods — Cows, goats and sheep that feed on grass produce milk with more omega-3.

You can also check out the label for dairy products that contain omega-3.

A healthy diet is just one of the many ways to ensure a hassle-free pregnancy.

An expectant mom needs exercise to control weight, boost circulation, stay positive,

and get better sleep.

She needs to dig into hers and her husband's family history for problems that may crop

up during and after pregnancy.

This way, she can discuss any medical concern with her obstetrician.

The expectant mom also needs to stay away from harmful chemicals like lead and asbestos,

and bacteria that lurk everywhere — from kitty litter to raw or spoiled food.

She should not lift heavy objects, stand for long periods of time especially beside a hot


She should check her weight regularly to make sure her baby is growing normally.

Pregnant women tend to have a larger shoe size because additional fluid in their feet

and ankles enlarges the feet.

So now is the time to get a new pair of shoes.

An expectant mom is not living for herself alone.

She has another life to care for and to love.

That's the privilege — and the miracle — motherhood bestows to those who embrace

its challenges and rewards.

For more infomation >> FIT FORNES Las mujeres necesitan un equilibrio de Omega 3s y de Omega 6s durante embarazo - Duration: 5:02.


Claudio Baglioni, Hunziker e Favino pronti per Sanremo 2019? - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Claudio Baglioni, Hunziker e Favino pronti per Sanremo 2019? - Duration: 4:45.


Uomini e Donne: Nilufar ignorata da Giordano Mazzocchi? - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Nilufar ignorata da Giordano Mazzocchi? - Duration: 4:25.


Eleonora Daniele via da Storie Italiane? La risposta a Tv Talk - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Eleonora Daniele via da Storie Italiane? La risposta a Tv Talk - Duration: 4:24.


DROPSHIPPING é enganação? | LabEcom: Michelle Jakobs & Wesley Banza - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> DROPSHIPPING é enganação? | LabEcom: Michelle Jakobs & Wesley Banza - Duration: 6:23.


БУДНИ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №53 - Duration: 48:04.

For more infomation >> БУДНИ ДНИ: РМ-чик и паблик №53 - Duration: 48:04.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Opel Crossland X 1.2 TURBO 130PK! INNOVATION - CLIMATE - NAVI - NIEUW ! T/M 02-2020 GARANTIE - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 TURBO 130PK! INNOVATION - CLIMATE - NAVI - NIEUW ! T/M 02-2020 GARANTIE - Duration: 1:00.


Trump Just Hurled His Prepared Speech Into Crowd, To Hell With It. - Duration: 5:08.

Trump Just Hurled His Prepared Speech Into Crowd, To Hell With It.

What makes people love President Trump is sometimes the exact same thing that makes

people hate him…

his straightforward attitude.

He is crass and tells it like it is.

Even if you do not agree with him.

One thing you can never take away from him is he always shares his opinions on issues.

At a recent event, he showed himself as exactly this kind of person and his constituents at

the rally loved it!

The Daily Wire reported,

"On Thursday, President Donald Trump participated in a roundtable discussion on tax reform in

West Virginia where he decided to throw out his prepared remarks literally.

Trump, flanked by Republicans Rep. Evan Jenkins and Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, started

off by saying, "This would have been my remarks.

It would have taken about two minutes … but to hell with it."

At that moment Trump threw his prepared remarks into the crowd which cheered in amusement.

Trump continued by saying that while he was reading over the first paragraph that the

remarks were boring and he wanted to "tell it like it is.""

At the event the President discussed a plethora of different topics such as immigration, voter

fraud, as well as tax reform.

The President argued that there is widespread voter fraud in the United States, and that

many people voted multiple times in California saying,

"In many places, like California, the same person votes many times.

You probably heard about that.

They always like to say oh that's a conspiracy theory.

Not a conspiracy theory, folks.

Millions and millions of people.

And it's very hard because the state guards their records.

They don't want to see it."

His argument was that Democrat politicians in power do nothing to remedy this issue,

because these individuals vote Democrat and the politicians want to stay in power.

When discussing immigration the president referred to the southern border between Mexico

and the United States.

He alleged that female migrants who have attempted to cross the border are being raped at levels

that nobody has ever seen before.

However, he provided no evidence of this allegation arguing,

"Remember my opening remarks in Trump Tower when I opened, everybody said, Oh he was so


I used the word rape, And yesterday it came out where, this journey coming up, women are

raped at levels that nobody's ever seen before.

They don't want to mention that.

So we have to change our laws."

Then turning his attention to the blue dog Republican Senator, Senator Joe Manchin, he


"So you're going to have a chance to get a senator that's going to vote our program.

That's going to help you in so many different ways.

And you're not getting that now."

CNBC reported,

"California's top elections official, Secretary of State Alex Padilla, said: "It

is sad the president continues to recycle the same old lies.

Frankly, it is tiring to have a conspiracy theorist in the White House."

Trump has been emboldened in recent weeks amid the departure of multiple top aides,

and a renewed push to appeal to his voting base.

Recently, the president has announced tariffs on China and directed National Guard troops

to go to the U.S. border with Mexico, two actions to follow through on campaign pledges.

Trump has also repeatedly attacked Amazon, one of his favorite punching bags, for what

he calls preferential treatment relative to other retailers.

The president was followed Thursday by West Virginia lawmakers and business leaders who

talked about how families benefited from the GOP tax plan passed in December.

Republican leaders have attempted to sell the tax legislation, the party's signature

achievement of 2017, ahead of November's crucial midterm elections.

Trump and some key Republican lawmakers have been pushing for a "phase two" of tax

reform, which would include making individual tax cuts permanent, among other provisions.

More inflammatory issues such as immigration have apparently resonated more with GOP voters.

Trump touched on the tax legislation briefly at the start of his remarks before moving

to other topics.

He criticized West Virginia's vulnerable Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin for opposing the

tax plan.

The president was flanked by Rep. Evan Jenkins, and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick

Morrisey, also a Republican, who are both trying to unseat Manchin in November."

When it comes to President Trump nobody is off limits and he will hold them all accountable.

Whether they are blue dog Democrats or conservative Republicans.

The people love him for the way he speaks and it is a message that has resonated with

middle-class America out West and in the Midwest.

Until Democrats are able to understand the struggles of these Americans they will continue

to lose their votes.

While Republicans continue to hold onto the majority and win elections.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Hurled His Prepared Speech Into Crowd, To Hell With It. - Duration: 5:08.


Vacation Vlog- Salman Twisted His Ankle - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> Vacation Vlog- Salman Twisted His Ankle - Duration: 7:48.


Skidstorm Hack 2018 – Skidstorm Unlimited money and diamonds cheats - Duration: 2:42.

Get the Skidstorm hack for 2018 here.

This 2018 skidstorm hack gives you unlimited money and diamonds on Skidstorm

in order to allow you purchase and buy and upgrade cars and other stuffs

Firstly, go to the online generator at the link in the comment

Enter your username and the amount of resources you want

You need to verify by downloading an app from Google Playstore or Appstore

Run the app for about 45 seconds

Then, refresh your Skidstorm game

Then, your resources should load as it is in this video

For more infomation >> Skidstorm Hack 2018 – Skidstorm Unlimited money and diamonds cheats - Duration: 2:42.


COMEY ANNOUNCEMENT ROCKS DC – Have Fun in Prison! - Duration: 21:27.


On Wednesday night, Judge Jeanine Pirro appeared on Fox News to tell host Sean Hannity that

she believed former FBI Director James Comey should be the target of an active criminal


Breitbart reported that Pirro said Comey should be investigated because he lied to the American

people and should have been fired long before President Donald Trump fired him.

"Comey needs to be the target of an active criminal investigation, I've said that a

million times," she said.

"Comey lied to the American people.

Comey should've been fired the day after he decided that he was 'the Attorney General.'"

Pirro went on to bring up Hillary Clinton, saying the Clinton Foundation should be investigated

as well.

"If the statute of limitations hasn't passed, go for it — or how about you start

looking into the Clinton Foundation?" she added.

Pirro did not stop there!

The former prosecutor said that the storyline surrounding the unverified Trump-Russia dossier,

the series of Congressional memos and texts between two "FBI lovebirds" reads like

a "Hollywood" screenplay.

She went so far as to say that if someone "wrote a script for Hollywood" based on

the events and revelations, producers would think it was "over the top."

Pirro also said the American people are beginning to put the "pieces of the puzzle" together

and exposing untoward practices by Democrats and bureaucrats.

"President Obama lied to us when he said 'I'm not involved in anything'" relating

to an investigation, she said.

In addition, Pirro criticized FBI love birds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and called for

Strzok to be brought up on charges relating to his politicized actions as Trump ascended

to the presidency.

She said that America is on the "brink of indictments coming down" on several individuals.

What do you think about this?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

For more infomation >> COMEY ANNOUNCEMENT ROCKS DC – Have Fun in Prison! - Duration: 21:27.


Yale campus police protest over contracts - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Yale campus police protest over contracts - Duration: 1:37.


America's News HQ 04/07/18 6PM | April 07, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:54.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 04/07/18 6PM | April 07, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:54.


I Ain't Saying She A Gold Digger... - Duration: 18:34.

For more infomation >> I Ain't Saying She A Gold Digger... - Duration: 18:34.


Oh IMPOSSIBLE HAIRCUT 😱😱😱! Cut Off LONG HAIR To SHORT || Extreme Long Hair Cutting - 40 - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> Oh IMPOSSIBLE HAIRCUT 😱😱😱! Cut Off LONG HAIR To SHORT || Extreme Long Hair Cutting - 40 - Duration: 3:11.


Comey Framed Lisa Page To Take The Fall, Scorned Lover Just Screwed Them All - Duration: 7:56.

Former FBI Director James Comey secretly framed Lisa Page to take the fall for his crimes

and those of the deep state rats, who illegally spied on President Donald Trump while plotting

to get him impeached.

Now, she is a woman scorned.

Mistress Lisa Page found out that her FBI lover Peter Strzok and his fired boss Andrew

McCabe used her as their "fall guy" with Comey, and she just screwed them all with

evidence that they thought she had deleted.

Most Americans know that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired for lying

to the DOJ, but what no one knew is the bombshell that FBI attorney Lisa Page set him up.

Page was the mistress of FBI agent Peter Strzok, and their salacious text messages became infamous

for their anti-Trump sentiments, referring to an "insurance policy" in case Trump

got elected.

Everyone assumed Page was on the side of the deep state rats, and she was, but not anymore.

We now have evidence that Page was so scorned that she got McCabe fired, this means James

Comey is going down next.

Let's go back to the beginning to paint the total picture of how Page turned on them.

McCabe's wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, had taken huge donations from those connected with Hillary

Clinton when the failed presidential candidate was under investigation for her email crimes.

Andrew McCabe was assigned to Hillary's case.

Of course, this was a payoff.

McCabe knew that, after this story got out in the press, he had to cover his tracks.

So, what did he do?

He got his DOJ friend and fellow deep state rat attorney Lisa Page to leak a story to

the Wall Street Journal which would "clear up" the mess, alleging that McCabe and his

wife really had done nothing wrong.

Obviously, the story was a big lie, but it was also a criminal act.

FBI and DOJ agents cannot leak stories to the press.

Terry McAuliffe's PAC was the vehicle used to get McCabe's wife the big payoff.

McAuliffe is not only the former Governor of Virginia but also the co-chairman of President

Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election.

Devlin Barrett is the reporter who took the leak from Page to concoct this favorable story.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz, while investigating the Clinton email scandal, found

out that McCabe had Lisa Page plant that Wall Street Journal piece.

Fox News reports, "According to the source, McCabe's lack of candor about the contact

with the Journal reporter led to his firing.

The source added that Page's testimony about the matter contradicted McCabe's.

Then-FBI Director James Comey claimed he never authorized the leak to the Journal."

Fox News' Catherine Herridge broke the story late yesterday afternoon:

So, here's how this went down.

Page knew she was busted.

IG Horowitz knows everything.

She was put under oath by the IG and thought, "I'm not going down alone for doing McCabe's

and Comey's dirty work."

They needed to cover their botched investigation into Hillary Clinton's email scandal, and

obviously, McCabe should have been recused by Comey over his wife taking those donations.

Here's the series of text messages naming "Devlin" the Wall Street Journal reporter,

where Page

is "outbox" and


is "inbox":

"Remember, Lisa Page was a DOJ attorney assigned to the office of FBI Deputy Director

Andrew McCabe specifically to provide legal guidance.

Imagine how pissed off she was when she discovered (July 2017) the Deputy FBI Director who told

her to leak a story – on his behalf – to the Wall Street Journal, denied ever telling

her to leak the story," reports The Conservative Treehouse.

They add, "It's no wonder why Ms. Page told FBI Agent Peter Strzok to 'never text

her again,' and she quit working for the Mueller team several weeks before IG Horowitz

informed Mueller about the conspiracy issues (which led to Strzok's removal)."

Was Lisa Page not fired from the Special Counsel Robert Mueller team?


Although to make Comey and McCabe think she was still on the side of the deep state, that

is how it was reported.

Why did Page turn on her lover Strzok too?

Well, Strzok was McCabe's number two, and he knew Comey and McCabe had planned all along

that Page would be the "fall guy" if any of these crimes were exposed.

Now, we come to James Comey, or "Cardinal Comey" as he is called by those at the FBI

who hated his arrogance.

How screwed is Comey?

Well, let's remember his testimony on May 3rd, 2017:


Comey didn't count on IG Horowitz actually delving into his deep state operations, flipping

attorney Lisa Page, and that his number two, McCabe, would be grilled and at first deny

that he ever leaked anything but then be fired for finally testifying under oath that, YES,

he did leak non-public information and that Comey knew all about it.

McCabe's stated on March 17, 2018, "The OIG investigation has focused on information

I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor.

As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that.

It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director,

were aware of the interaction with the reporter."


Forget McCabe's recriminations that it was "legal;" he was fired for leaking – actually

planting is a better word – a story to make himself and Comey appear justified for not

recusing him from the Hillary investigation after he took a payoff.

This all points now to "Cardinal Comey" as he tries to launch his sanctimonious book


What a joke.

Catherine Herridge mentions one more thing that points to there being evidence that Barack

Obama was being briefed on all of these crimes.

She says, "[T]he texts suggested a series of high-level briefings began on Capitol Hill

and at the White House."

So, stay tuned as we see whether Comey flips on Obama to save his own skin.

This is getting so hot, I bet we will see the former president jet off to parts unknown.

For more infomation >> Comey Framed Lisa Page To Take The Fall, Scorned Lover Just Screwed Them All - Duration: 7:56.


어벤져스: 인피니티 워 AVENGERS: Infinity War TV 예고편 - "Chant" (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 어벤져스: 인피니티 워 AVENGERS: Infinity War TV 예고편 - "Chant" (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:01.


Centrally Located Casita- Fresh & Bright Cottage House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Centrally Located Casita- Fresh & Bright Cottage House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 5:58.


DAY6 - 어떻게 말해 (How Can I Say) / FUWA【COVER】 - Duration: 3:32.

I hate me now

I hate the way I feel

At some point

I don't feel anything anymore eh

Hate me now

I wish you would stop

Looking at me the way you do

I want this love to end

Baby you say so brightly

That you love me

I want to say I do too (no no no)

When you tenderly

Look at me

Do you know that it's over (Sorry)

How can I say

Every time we are together

You are still happy

How can I say

That my heart has already left

I can't put the words together

Oh how can I say

I hate me now

I hate myself

When I'm not with you

I feel comfortable eh

Hate me now

I wish you could figure it out

With your clear eyes

Please don't smile at me

Baby you say so brightly

That you love me

I want to say I do too (no no no)

When you tenderly

Look at me

Do you know that it's over? (Sorry)

How can I say

Every time we are together

You are still happy

How can I say

That my heart has already left

I can't put the words together

How can I say

(I don't love you no more)

no more

(I don't love you no more)

Even though I want to love you, I cant (I don't love you no more)

My heart has already left (I don't love you no more)

I can't love you no more

How can I say

Every time we are together

You are still happy

How can I say

That my heart has already left

I can't put the words together

Oh How can I

Thank you

For more infomation >> DAY6 - 어떻게 말해 (How Can I Say) / FUWA【COVER】 - Duration: 3:32.


Colours for Kids Drawing Lips Art for Kids Lips Coloring Page - Duration: 13:28.

Colours for Kids Drawing Lips Art for Kids Lips Coloring Page

For more infomation >> Colours for Kids Drawing Lips Art for Kids Lips Coloring Page - Duration: 13:28.


Grocery Shopping at the Mart. Hide and Seek. Family Fun. Cart Toy & RIWORLD - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Grocery Shopping at the Mart. Hide and Seek. Family Fun. Cart Toy & RIWORLD - Duration: 4:25.


세균의 온상인 세탁조 청소 완벽하게 하는 법 ► Gift of Life ► - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> 세균의 온상인 세탁조 청소 완벽하게 하는 법 ► Gift of Life ► - Duration: 5:44.


Welcome To Iowa? - Duration: 0:49.

>>RAFEEO: Hey everyone! It's your favorite Hoosier here. Forget we're a state? Nope. We still exist.

>>RAFEEO: Uh, right here, uh, we uh, got some cornfields. And then, uh, and then, uh over here, uh we got some more cornfields.

>>RAFEEO: And then, uh, back over there uh, where those woods are, we got some more

>>RAFEEO: cornfields and possibly a windmill. And now just over here is some windmills.

>>RAFEEO: And then uh, right here, uh, you got a shoe in a ditch. And then uh, right here, uh, you have a sign that

>>RAFEEO: says you gotta go that way. And uh, over here's some snow. Uh, it uh hasn't melted yet. Here's some

>>RAFEEO: cracks. Here's some rocks. Up there's the sky. There's a telephone pole.

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