Just accelerate ?
Lean Baby
So sick
THE YOUTUBE CONSPIRACY - Duration: 9:06.We're about to face the end of a generation
Youtube is plotting a purge
and the blame is...
Song: "Man I do love coca cola. That's the reason that the title of this thing is "DeivitCola".
Welcome to DeivitCola
First episode, first video, first... Whatever.
What the hell's been going on with Youtube lately?
I've spent a whole year without internet
and suddenly I find out youtube has become a complete sh*tfest!
Pewdiepie, Ethan Klein's h3h3productions...
and basically the whole creator community has been complaining during the last twelve months
about bugs on Youtube where they've seen major losses of views, subscribers...
videos not showing on feeds
and the newest issue, videos not showing anywhere at all
I have an explanation for this
Ok, there's a reason for all of this that you guys may have forgotten about
Let me refresh you guys so you can... um... remember, I guess.
Youtube's business is not on the content
Youtube's not your employee
Youtube's business is on advertisement
under Google's firm which it's business is also... advertisement.
*Burp* Facebook and Google together have hands on 60% of advertisement income in the worldwide network.
Text on screen: (I may be wrong I can't find the source I read this, but you get the idea)
Let that sink in
That said, I think its safe to assume that content creators are just employees, that you guys work for Youtube and not the other way around.
This is pretty obvious.
Still, do you think that with this amount of traffic Youtube will care about you guys crying on losing subscribers?
ermagewwd I'm losing subs
On the contrary, this is rather more simple
Youtube is continually changing
And this is a Battle Royale
Whoever doesn't adapt to its rules...
What I mean is that the rules are always changing according to the ways the audience consumes the content
It's your fault. The viewer.
Do I have to caption that?
All this features Youtube is setting like auto-play and the other stuff
Its because you guys do with Youtube the same stuff you do with TV, more and more.
You don't want to choose anymore.
The will to chose has faded away
You no longer go to Youtube to watch a specific video or channel
You bring it up like, meh, okay let's see what's up
The same way It's been done at Twitch, where you guys just play the first lol stream that pops out
and the same way It's been done on TV
Do you think its a coincidence to see all this new features Youtube is implementing on its interface?
Being implemented at the same time the subs and view losses are happening?
Youtube Heroes, the most disliked video on earth.
And the dislikes have not served any purpose yet.
I think all of you pretty much know about YT Heroes
It's this platform of karma wh*res that Youtube wants to implement for people to flag, judge and execute videos and channels.
And to reward this so called "heroes" with sh*tty stuff.
It's a sort of moderation system but instead of doing that themselves, they want it to be a "open for everyone" kind of thing.
For instance I'm pretty sure a Rubius hater is not going to mass flag all his content until he gets shut down.
Oh I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. (On screen infamous spanish youtuber Dalas)
Because what we do need now is a tool to execute subjective criteria on moderation of content
That does exist and it's called LIKE/DISLIKE ratio and the use for it is to let the creator know if he is resonating with his audience.
Not a tool for the audience that does not like him spams the sh*t out of flags in order to shut the creator down.
Next point
The subscriber bug is not a bug
What's happening is that the algorithm
Is purging inactive subscribers and subscribers with an age not fit for the content.
So Willyrex don't worry, if someday that happens to you, it won't be a bug
It'll be the algorithm being like "Oh well, I see you have a lot of subscribers that serve you no purpose
These users have been years without watching any of your content.
Don't worry I'll take care of them"
It's a shame but at least it will help clean some outdated channels like RWJ.
So they stop having 10M subscribers when they barely upload anything anymore.
Lately I have seen this.
The other day I realized that in my Creator Studio the interface told me that the anotations will no longer be available after May the 2nd.
Under the fact that those have become obsolete.
That the main YT audience comes from mobile devices and those are incompatible with annotations.
And that the end card is rather far more usefull.
This seems not like a big issue.
But tell me if it does not sound pretty similar to the conspiracy theories of the last days.
On screen: "I know I'ts keemstar, but you should watch it anyway. It's worth it."
With the new program being implemented on the algorithm
What is really happening is that deep inside the Skynet labs
new terminators are on the rise...
I have already seen them. Their shape?
They look like this
It's terrifying!
There is a change going on. It's the most radical change of the last years.
This change will crush the actual META of youtubers.
Aproximately 4 years ago. 4 centuries in teenager time...
Big channels like OneyNG or psychicpebbles used to reign over Youtube until they were purged and replaced by Minecraft gameplays.
The reason? Retention time.
The algorithm was changed to promote longer videos.
And so that would help gameplay content
and that would help gaming companies promote their videogames
And in such long and creative videos like the ones made by Vegetta777
Up to 4 ads could be stuffed down the video.
This meant money for youtube so they implemented the new algorithm all across Youtube and in months no ads and no business for animators... They were gone.
For all this I want to call out on the issue. History repeats itself.
There's been a BIG TWIST.
SKYNET rises again to change the rules of the game.
The ultimate program.
The ultimate business
The one that changes significantly the ones who will be promoted all across youtube and the ones who not.
So, what's going on with all this chaos?
This new program implemented a series of rules that are being tested on specific channels.
There's a lot of evidence pointing towards a link between this rumours and the channels losing views/subs.
Like Leafy ...
"You deserve it Leafy"
This experimental program is taking away promotion from content like this...
And giving it to this
Youtube plans to purge stupid dumb retard channels like me!
Youtube's plan is to become a 100% NORMIE PLATFORM
What am I going to do with my autism?
I can no longer be autist not even in Youtube.
Youtube is purging channels that offers content not suitable for specific ages.
This age gate is the new communism.
This is like Captain America but with no Captain America here to save us.
And now, if we do not obey their rules, we will be opressed, and nobody will watch our content.
Hail hydra.
Or... You can just go down here...
Where it can be read "Restriction mode" and set it to "No"
That solves the problem.
Also you can lie about your age when making an account.
Or you can enter Youtube without an account.
Yep. That should do the trick.
Hit that like button. Thanks.
Subtitles by DeivitCola
MY TOP 5 IN GROUNDS AKKAS AND PANNAS FROM INSTAGRAM THIS WEEK 250317 - Duration: 2:13.hello fellow Tubers this is Kieran and
welcome to my top 5's in grounds
akkas and pannas from Instagram this week
so let's get straight into this number
five is some panna's from Edward Van Gils
official I actually shared this video
it's an old video that I he put up quite a
while ago by shared it again this week and
was just some amazing clips, Number 4
is this little tandem combination from
@1005Miky some more excellent
Japanese young street players just
emerging their talent is amazing their
hard work as well and love for the sport
number three a panna from Hakim
lovely little panna from Hakim a nice retrieval as well
which is definitely what I like to see
love setup with the ankle
breaker type move and it's a nice
simple effective panna, number two from
is from @yuto.10 again the cute little
amazing, another Japanese little
Street baller that's emerginh, I'm not sure if
he's related to Shiou as well he
looks a lot like him but again this young
boy has got a very bright ground moves and
street football ahead of him
Number one this in game piece of skill from @ricozulkarnain9
the welsh
international futsal player who came
about from the streets uses this rocket
launcher in game and gets his amazing
shot off absolutely fantastic work from
Rico there look at the crowd's reaction
thank you for watching please like
comment share and subscribe if you have
enjoyed this episode be back next week
with more my top 5's in grounds, akkas and Pannas
5 Typical Men That Women Like - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Kara Sevda 62//Adelanto - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
PAW PATROL AIR RESCUE TRANSFORMERS TOYS - Paw Patrol Air Patrol Rescue Bots To the Rescue - Duration: 19:32.come on Robot we've got to get to
Barkingburg to help Sweetie take over
Barkingburg and to steal the crown jewels
come on robot lets go! okay Romeo I am
following you . Robot stop to you
hear a helicopter? I do oh no its the Air
drat! its those PAW patrol mission paw
pups I'm glad I've got a plan
Get Rid guys with my traps! come on robot
lets go say hi! hi there PAW patrol pups
Chase is on the case. We know what you are
up to Romeo and we know you're headed to
Barkingburg help Sweetie steal the
crown jewels yes we know your up to it
and we're here to stop you with our
mission PAW Air Rescue uniform hey you
think you can stop me PAW patrol puppies No
ha ha robot launch the slime trap!! oh no!
we've all been slimed is this the end of
the paw patrol mission pups? will Romeo
help Sweetie steal the crown jewels of
Barkingburg? I don't know but keep
watching this episode to find out what
happens in our fun adventure if you
like the paw patrol pups be sure and
give this a like if you like
transformers give this a like to and be
sure to subscribe to toy time tv by
clicking on the bottom for more
adventure Toy Time TV. oh look Mr hands it the Air
Patroller yes it the Air Patroller
it's our air rescue paw patrol
collection yeah well I'm now trying to
mix it up they did and we gotta fix up
to mix up but first we want to show
everyone our cool paw patrol collection
yeah Mr hands and we also want to say hi
to one of our fans. that right we do we
want to say hi to rocky pup say hi to
Rocky pup Bobby's hi Rocky pup we love
the PAW patrol too Air rescue. yes we
do we love the air rescue well let me
show you my air rescue paw Patrol
collection it's the air patroller this
is part of our Air Patrol Air Rescue
collection and we got robor
dog inside because he came with it
who put him right there because he flies
the air patroller this is part of the
Air Rescue series and its really cool we
love this toy it's the number 10 vehicle
from the air rescue and it's got cool
sound effects listen who the helicopter
and you turn it this way and it's a cool
airplane it's even got a little cargo
bay door on the back here let's open it
up oh wow all the air patroller pups can
get in there Air Rescue yeah we love i
love the helicopters down more than any
of them don't you body yeahhh mister
haha take a cow and of course Robo dog
is driving look at that and he is well
passenger seat mean like there were
someone else can fit two we love the air
patroller from the paw patrol and spin
master and this is a center stone of our
Air Rescue collection if you have any
air rescue pups you definitely have to
have the air patroller to go along with
it I'm going to set it right here and
let's show you some more hey look who's
coming and flying in whoa who is that
they just like rider mr Noonan yeah it's
writer dude it's writer in his Air
Rescue uniform this one's cool this kind
of hard to find like it's awesome cuz we
present legs together
yeah his little arms go out so that he
can fly around he's one of the really
Cohen's from our collection Air Rescue
writers who and who else do we have
flung in ringing oh what a hovercraft
hoverboards don't work on water go
rubble on the double I know ma'am we've
got rubble Air Rescue rubble and chase
is on the case there he goes Bobby look
at that Chase is on the case with Jesus
and trust him with his Air Rescue glider
look at that that's cool it's an
action-packed tick is you said it like
this looking good work it problems with
it some before they may not oh well he's
not gonna work me take it off and put it
back on it's not on SE yeah yeah no it's
ain't gonna we're extending the toys
don't work properly here we go it's
locked up and ready to go when pressed
his pup edge boom his glider shoot
chopped that's really cool Chile awesome
when he goes up to the top of speed the
bridge and jumps off in the air rescue
episode of paw Patrol Oh looky here
let's dive in with Zuma
cool air rescue and
looky here don't lose it reuse it with
rocky air rescue isn't school teachers
I put that in like that you press of a
pup badge and we pressed up up up
match sometimes they come loose oh it's
not working either then we go it a
little extra push and there's rocky and
then do it on this pups gotta fly oh
she's so fast to you it is its sky this
pups gotta fly did you have to kiss the
Skye and hello buttons like their
teeth when you press that wing shoot at
that's really cool she's got like a mega
jetpack and let's get fired up with
Marshall Marshall Marshall he's got his
fire back his hydro guider so it's
really cool you see if you see all in
here we got Marshall Skye rocky Zuma
chase rubble and rider too but that's
not the coolest part cuz there's even
more air rescue these are the mission ha
air rescue mission pie really cool hey I
wonder what's going to happen in our
atmosphere because you know irelia was
going to get sweetie and then the paw
patrol get in trouble I don't know
what's gonna happen i'm really excited
to see what's going to happen you know
what's gonna happen buddy no meetings
but i'm excited you know what's gonna
happen to you oh boy well we're going to
get tired at the end of it I opposite
here in a minute so as you can see what
happened from the beginning and also the
end so stay with us because the rest of
it's coming up here in a minute but you
want to show you the mission pop-up I'm
gonna leave these back and you will play
it but matching game q1 take too long
before we get to air a few adventures
whoa oh who is that it was you mentioned
ha Marshall blonde hair except the Hydra
provider but he's got his mission pine
uniform that's right this is Marshall in
his mission paw uniform wow that's cool
let's put him with the other marshal ok
where is rescue air rescue Marshall apt
oh that's right he's right here and Air
Rescue Marshall goes right behind
mission power SQ Marshall kill did it
end nnnn this pups gotta fly yes he does
its mission talks ty and she's got her
mission Paul uniform on hmm ok guys
where is rescue air rift you see I act
let's put mission paw Air Rescue Scout
next to her oh hey you're right she's
right here ok a whisper right there in
front ok ooh who's is don't know that
ring use it with rocky in his mission
hot air rescue uniform look at that he's
really cool this is what a rocky pups
favorite paw patrol characters and Bobby
loves Rocky dude ok guys let's play
let's should tell me where air rescue
rock years where's their rescue rocky
raising raising me please we're just hey
there he is serious he drank beers TM TM
ok let's put mission paw air rescue
I came right in front of him okay and we
want an egg paw patrol pup who's this
guy it's Zuma in his mission pot Air
Rescue uniform he's really cool like if
that he's got black and orange and he
looks like he's the ratings for us spy
mission maybe he's going to save the
crown from sweetie the crown of bucks
per 0 because sweetie wants to take over
barks burger barks borough I said it
wrong today ooh I can't wait I can't
won't let's put that down no no he's not
gonna sometimes these don't work
properly there we go hey guys where is
Zuma Air Rescue Zuma that is very you
pee in my pants thank you right now
right there yes right there okay let's
put our mission paw and rescue team and
problem okay okay oh boy this is so much
fun do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do
state took his chase okay dibs on the
case mr. hands hey chase you're looking
mighty cool with your mission paw
rescue uniform thanks mr. hands we have
to go save the crowns from sweetie take
a mean puppy dog and we've never
encountered them when my curb before
yeah you haven't had you chase well
that's going to be a really fun fun
mission and I can't wait to find out
what's gonna happen hey looky looky oh
oh oh where is boom Air Rescue chase huh
where is he can you find him loo look
hey there yes stays right there right
there damn there they rescue Jase let's
put our mission
consciously next to it and we hover
board it's a hoverboard hey look it's
rubble rubble rubble he rubble rubble
rubble on the double hey miss trans whoa
look at me and my mission Paul air
rescue costume yeah it's really cool oh
look at this not only can rubble hover
it also has put that the way it's let's
do good there we go hey yeah I'll do
this when you press the back button here
man looking at it she should to tap Wow
whoa and of course rubbles right here
because we looked at all other pups so
we know where their that but it's been
really cool we looked at our entire paw
patrol and rescue collection now we
better get back Josh story and finish it
up because I think our paw patrol
mission paw Air Rescue pots are about it
friends farm on the case we're trapped
this time but I know how we can get out
less transform paw patrol pups I'm going
to transform into Optimus Prime and get
out of here transformer I'm gonna splain
I'm out of here rubble rubble on the
double I'm going to transform in the
bubblebee transform rubble rubble on
the double okay I'm out of here let's
dive in I'm going to transformer into
a dinobot transform
distance easily bed fit
oh yes get fired up lenka transform into
sideswipe Transform oh boy I can get on
this stuff easy push Oh daisies on the
King run yo your plans are stop it
didn't work because we're transformers
now it's time to put you in jail you're
not going to go to Martinsburg and help
we build a crown jewels I may not be
going to barking birds but i am sure not
going to use your base Jill robot
there's the Attic years before they
kissed you may have won this time paw
Patrol but we'll be back ah I'm faster
than you are hahahaha look how fast I am
I am so fast I'm the fastest robot in
the world robot robot robot robot that I
am so so far too cannot catch me look at
me go I am mr. fast robot 5555 rubble
rubble on the double do you want me to
go get him case he's not a very fast
robot even though he thinks she is well
he's really slow Chase is on the case
well he's not going to fucking Birds we
don't have anything to worry about let's
just let it go because we need to get to
barking burg too sweetie is gonna steal
those jewels and we have to find them
and stop her no probably put me on guard
duty to you soon they'll be is able to
stop her okay come on up off the girl
buff transform and roll out
let me
we will go
Wow firm yes that was really fun I
enjoyed that a lot maybe a live action
yes I am robot yeah that was a fun fun
adventure with our mission paw paw
patrol air rescue pups now we had lots
of fun here on to a time TV today and if
you really enjoyed that be sure you give
this video a like right now and also
subscribe to us because when you
subscribe to us you get to see more fun
exciting videos just like this wooden
with our mission paw paw patrol pups and
our transforming paw patrol pups yeah we
found as it was it was exciting I love
playing mashup with our toys and making
them into all kinds of cool toys we're
going fast I'm not saying that that's
too high or weeks away reactions family
well I do too real transformers and real
paw patrol boat to be all through yeah
well guys hope you enjoyed our fun for
din playtime be sure to like this video
and also click down on the bottom and
subscribe to toy time TV one more fun
yeah that was lots of fun you can
subscribe to tweet i'm TV by touching
the little photo of body in the middle
of your screen and you can also touch
the other photos to watch more videos
right now
Lego 60074 Bulldozer Speed build.LEGO City Bulldozer 60074. - Duration: 6:51.Lego 60074 Bulldozer Speed build.LEGO City Bulldozer 60074.
[台灣大學法律服務社][免費法律諮詢][歡迎光臨][每星期六下午開放][網路掛號][現場掛號][猴子哥哥][工地主任+品管工程師][回訓及格] - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir Pop Automaat Airco - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Ghost in the Shell-------------------------------------------
Easter Egg Hunt Preview - Duration: 2:42.THE EAST EGG HUNT IS
How to send messages to your facebook friends without messanger Urdu Hindi - Duration: 4:42.WELCOME TO NOMAN GUJJAR CHANNEL
[WALKTHROUGH] Orcs Must Die 2 Episode 14 - Wind Up - Duration: 13:35.All hail from Purde Gaming!
Our first video series is the walkthrough of a game named One Finger Death Punch!
In this series, there will be around 18-20 videos that features videos around 30 minutes.
If you like this game, tell us and we will play it with commentary!
That's the system we have with walkthroughs: if you like it, there will also be Let's Plays! So don't forget to comment and tell us what you think!
Without further ado: please enjoy the walkthrough of One Finger Death Punch!
JAK ZROBIĆ FRONTSIDE SHOVE IT W NAJŁATWIEJSZY SPOSÓB PORADNIK - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
Ghost in the Shell-------------------------------------------
snip snip i cut my hair - Duration: 3:56.*clap clap clap snap*
I'm gunna cut my hair today.
When I first got my hair cut after I got my dreads out, I wanted it shorter, but when
she cut it I wasn't like mad about it.
I enjoyed the length that it was at.
But I want my hair shorter.
So, I'm going to cut it myself.
I'm not going to have someone else cut it, or pay $20 to have someone else cut it when
I own scissors and a brush.
I am going to chop a couple inches off, and then let you know how it goes.
I'm gunna section it, and then cut.
I don't want layers either.
This is just gunna be a blunt cut, if you will.
This is the back back part of my head.
Let's get into it I guess.
The first cut is always the scariest.
These are the scissors I'm using.
They're like sewing scissors.
They're really sharp.
Now I'm nervous.
See, okay, so I cut my American Girl doll's hair when I was like 8 or something, and I
just wanted to give her a trim and she ended up with a pixie cut.
I kept screwing up so much that I had to make it shorter.
I think we'll start down here.
Ta da.
I just cut my shirt! *popping noise with mouth*
Oooo I like this.
I like this, okay.
Ow ow ow ow ow.
I will use the back part, I don't know if you can see it, that part- I'll use it as a guide.
Also, sorry if I'm talking really quietly.
I woke up like an hour ago, and I'm really just tired an annoyed at life.
Oh girl, I am digging this.
Oh uh disclaimer I probably should have put at the beginning of the video: Not a hairstylist,
never have been.
I dont know what I'm doing....I say as I cuts three inches off my hair.
I like to let y'all in my life so I figured you'd like to see me make some poor decisions.
So I dig it.
I love this.
This is cute this is fun.
We will even up this mess, get all these loose hairs.
This side is definitely longer.
Awesome I'm covered in hair- oo!
Fix that mess.
I don't like how loud the scissors are, that's what scares me.
Sorry I'm being like super quiet, I don't really have much to say.
I think now I'm just gunna take the scissors to it straight- like that.
I like it.
I actually really love this.
I love how short this is.
I can put it up in a little tiny ponytail!
I'm gunna take a shower and style it and then I will get back to you and let you know.
I am in love with it.
I dig it.
I like it.
Sorry I didn't talk much.
Rejoice in the day and be glad in it and I will see you later!
Citroën Nemo 1.4i Multispace - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE [CRUISE/ CLIMATE CONTROL TREKHAAK] - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Jeep Patriot 2.4i Sport 4x4 Leder / Navigatie / 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i10 1.1 I-DRIVE COOL - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Chrysler 300M 2.7i V6 Aut. Full Options / Bijtellingsvriendelijk - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I SOL ECC_CRUIS_NIEUWE BANDEN. - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Atos 1.1I ACTIVE COOL FIRST EDITION - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Citroën PICASSO 1.8i 16V Exclusive - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai Atos 1.0 I Prime SX - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
iPad Pro 12.9 - review - Duration: 4:01.Today, it's very complicated to position the iPad on the market.
But the iPad Pro, has its own audience.
As the device aimed to professionals,
something that partially stands behind that "Pro" name are only a few aspects.
The first one is fantstic, colossal retina disaply.
The second are extraordinary speakers!
And, the third one of course is an Apple Pencil.
There's no doubt that this is powerful machine!
With its 4GB of RAM, dual-core A9X processor and octa-core graphics,
it's for sure faster than majority of PC devices on the market today.
But, one major flaw of this device is iOS.
Not meant in Android and iOS fight, but in macOS and iOS system war.
You can certainly do less things on iOS when compared to macOS, and that's the biggest flaw.
From the display, front camera and TouchID sensor, through the volume buttons,
quad stereo speakers and rear camera, it's made by Apple.
And we all know what that means!
Now already a cliche in videos that says - the quality is indesputable.
I'll dedicate the whole new section of the video to Apple Pencil - because that's what it is.
"Apple" - because it's made by Apple.
And "Pencil" because it doesn't mimic the real pencil - that's what it basically is.
When you press more, the stroke becomes broader and bolder.
When you tilt it, it shades!
Practically - a true pencil.
Only that instead of sharpening you have to charge it.
12-hour battery life with one charging isn't such a bad offer in comparing with the real pencil.
Only that for the apple pencil price you can buy 300 regular pencils.
And yes, charging doesn't look weird at all...
It also has the additional keyboard which is trying to imitate the Surface Pro devices,
but it surely is a good typing feeling,
and all in one, iPad cover and stand for watching videos.
Citroën Berlingo 1.6I 5-Pers. Panorama dak Airco/Elek.Ramen/Cruise - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Beauty & The Beast and more at ICC Nationals Cheer Comp Vlog 2 | Sophie - Duration: 11:21.S: Good morning everyone it is Saturday.
We are both dressed and haired
and makeup and ready to go for the day
We're doing some shopping because there's a shopping massive market complex it kind
of like.. Do you know what it reminds me of actually
Kate? Katie: What?
S: You know the lanes in Brighton, where there's just like loads of different streets with
loads of different shops. it's like that that kind of idea but it's just by our hotel.
I think we're going to go explore that. We have Beauty and The Beast booked for 5pm
tonight. K: Owchhhhh
S: She's just like, stubbing her toe literally every 5 minutes
and it's always the one that's broken. and yeah, I just thought I would give you
a quick outfit of the day I've got my trusty white leather converse
on again, ripped jeans, ripped high jeans from Topshop
This top, i'm actually making a video on. It is a little collaboration with another
Youtube called Dana Burkey I don't know if you've seen her. But i
will link her down below. And we hmm, spoke to this company and they're
really amazing i'm obsessed with their tops,
i'm obsessed with their service it was great and it was called Funnyshirts.org - i will
link it below again swell (i said funky but meant funny - was distracted haha)
and they have really amazing like cheer tops and i mean this ones just appropriate as well
being that my team is called Sapphire Elite Blue Queens.
But there's this one and there's also this one and she has a slightly different
one. But i think the video might already be up
when you see this. so you might already know about them anyway
but just incase you didn't see that video. funnyshirts.org (i said funky but meant funny
- was distracted haha) their service was incredible
they're from America but i got mine in like 10 days.
which is ridiculous for normal like postage and packaging to get to the UK from the USA
it's usually like a month. so i don't know how they did it but it got
to us in like 2 weeks. Kate, where's your top from?
K: Apricot - I know that one S: Nice
S: and your leggings K: Marks & Spencers
S: Snazzy S: and then you've got your Nike trainers
on again. K: the only ones i can wear. broken toe sucks.
S: But also, i just wanted to mention, i was talking yesterday that we got a fake tan,
which we did and we've got it from this really really
nice lady called tanning by tara. she's new. she was in old… old town?
K: Old Hatfield S: old Hatfield Town.
I'll leave all the links, like her Instagram and her website and everything down below.
But honestly, i'm really happy with the results.
Like i only really get spray tan for like comps,
but it went on really nicely, it came off really nicely
and i actually look tanned which is nice because i'm pale.
and she is doing a really good offer for cheerleaders -
so if you say that you were referred by Sophie or Maria
and that you are a cheerleader, then it will be £15 for a Fake Bake spray
tan. So i'm really really recommending that you
go and check her out if you are looking for a tan.
or whatever, she's really good and she does sun beds and contouring.
She did contouring for us and she also does spray tanned but i know
you (Katie) were looking at but i don't do sun beds.
But, she's not expensive at all. She's new but I really think she… she
knew her stuff so i will leave that link like to her Instagram
and everything below. [music]
S: so we've had a pit stop for a drink and Katie's gone for, is it an Oreo milkshake
Oreo Milkshake. Being healthy
Getting some sugar in and we may have done some damage
in Primark and H&M. But it's ok, you only live once so..
we're going with it. But i think we are done shopping.
Yeah and it's raining out. So i think we're going to go back to the
room for a bit. and chill
and then we've got the cinema soon. So we're going to leave in a couple hours
anyway to find our way to the cinema
because we've not been there yet *Katie coughing*
S: Katie's just chocking But i thought that i would lie everything
that we got out on the bed which when you put it like that looks like
quite a lot… we didn't spend that much actually.
So shall we start with Katie She got this top here from
Oops standing on everything it is from Dorothy Perkins
and it's got like two straps here then it's like off the shoulder
it's very Katie this shirt from Primark
This looks really cute on as well and like the sleeves roll up
well that ones not great but the sleeves do roll up
then she got, you know really exciting socks. these little bottles from Primark cuz she
uses them all the time and then from H&M
we found some really like we were actually both really surprised
they had some really good eye shadows and they were like £5.00?
£4.99 each and they have like really good color pay off.
so we both got a couple to try and they're these. and Katie got 'chin
chin' chin chin….
*giggles* and 'gala gown'.
K: they do make some random names S; moving on to me
so obviously, you know, sports bras what else you gonna get.
so i got this royal blue one here which i really like
i actually really like Primark sports bras. Hum, they're not like the most supportive
so it depends what kind of sports bra you want
so i also got a mint green one. and this one has like a cut out kind of back
i don't know how to explain that i'm not a beauty guru
then i got some hair stuff cuz i'm going to try and do my hair different for competition
tomorrow. because we haven't got a quiff so I'm
gonna focus on the pony tail so i'm not sure which one of these i'm
going to use some hair clips
and some hair pins. to try and work that
i got some socks some different colour shoes liner socks
then also some black ones cuz i always go to work and i have like funky socks showing
through my trousers and i'm pretty sure they don't appreciate
that at work but hey ho. then i got this top which Katie pointed out
and was like.. ha.. this is you Sophie and this top
which is like, kind of like the same material as Katie kind of went for with that top
where it's like a blousey material K: like what i was wearing yesterday.
S: yeah, similar to what Katie was wearing yesterday.
you can zip it up or down as low as you want. depending on how much booby you want.
got this power bank i was going to get a mint green one, then
i decided not to get one and then i saw a rose gold one in the queue
K: i tried to stop you S: she did try to stop me… she tried to
block it so i couldn't see it but… didn't work
and then i also got 2 eyeshadows from H&M. I more like silvery because i have more goldy
ones so i went for 'over the moon' and 'gala gown'
So yeah we are going to put this away and going to put stuff on charge
i don\t recommend these gluten free muffins or fairy cakes
they're a little bit dry and don't taste that great
but uhm yeah so…. we will catch up with you when we go
to the cinema if we find the cinema,,, good shout
and yeah… we will see you in a while. i just realised ….
i don't know if i can fit this in my case *Katie laughs*
are you filming me on the toilet? *Katie laughing*
K: NO! Look, exciting socks that she took the mic
out of and her laptop
and if you go away with Sophie you're going to end up being in a mess
because she's not tidy S & K *SINGING*: Thank you very much… need
some body with a human touch……. hey you always.
K: Do you know what my favourite song is? S: What?
K: Sia, I'm alive S: that song kinda annoys me
K: * Starts singing* S: i think it's because its been really
over played that it really just annoys me K: if i had her album … but you wouldn't
let me put it on in the car. S: i don't get her whole fringe thing.
S: i didn't say you couldn't put it on.. i said let's put on a mix besides little
mix… they're all a mix. ahh. little mixx…. mix get it mix..
get it? no?
just me? K: i secretly want the Justin Bieber album
secretly S; well it's not secret now is it
K: it is… um Queen
S: We've just got back from the cinema, it was really good
what did you think of it Kate K: really really really good
S: recommend it? K: definitely. go see beauty and the beast.
Amazing S: everyone clapped at the end it was that
good K: Yeh it was weird.
S; i didn't know they could sing K: Emma Watson's amazing at singing
and the hum Euer Mggregger? K: they have really great voices which we
were like.. they can sing? K: The rain killed my hair
S: i like it K: noo. it was straight and non frizzy and
now its frizzy and curly. S: But we are just about to have a lift party
S: just waiting for food. We've ordered
it's strange but it's kind of cool and i quite like the menu
and like they had so many dairy free and gluten free which is really great
K: and it's opposite the hotel S: and it's literally opposite the hotel.
So we're doing take away and then we're going back up to the room.
And i think we're going to carry on watching the programme we were watching called…
K: Santa Clarita? S: Santa Clarita Diet or something like that.
it was weird… it was really weird K: I don't know how they got her in that
S: Who? Drew Barrymore? K: Yeah… Netflix and Drew Barrymore do not
mix. S: it was weird. but it was kind of funny.
S: this was a peanut butter and chocolate milkshake….
Was being the key word. And food.
And what was…. They were really nice in there, oo if i can
turn you around they were really nice in there they were just
a little bit slow. S: and what have you got Katie?
So you've got fries, ketchup, mayo K: pulled pork, hollumi and lettuce and gherkins
S: oo i should have got gherkins good shout. i should have got gherkins
and i got, in here,
is a chicken burger which i haven't opened yet
and then in here we've got some sweet potato fries.
and then i've gone for ketchup and mayo as well
and our bed is not going to be white by the end of this i have a feeling.
K: it's a lot quieter out there today. S: Sounds the same.
She didn't have a very good sleep last night because all she could hear noise outside all
night because it was St. Patricks
K: Bloody Irish… joking i love the Irish - my best mates Irish.
S; so there was a lot of people drinking and shouting and bells going you said??
K: No that was this morning, there was a wedding… a trombone
S: yeah a trombone and i heard absolutely none of this yet again.
K: and a fight…. i woke up to hearing someone fight
S: and a fight K: i went to get water and they were saying
hi S: the advantages to being hard of hearing
of deaf is you can't hear any of this and you can sleep.
although i didn't really sleep but not because of noise, i just couldn't really sleep.
right anyway, K: you're weird when it comes to sleep
S: yeah i don't really sleep good. Right, so i will see you guys in the morning
Ed Sheeran - Perfect - Ukulele cover - Divide album - Duration: 3:17.I found a love
for me
darling just dive right in
and follow my lead
well i found a girl
beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine
baby, i'm
dancing in the dark
with you between my arms
barefoot on the grass
listening to our favourite song
when you said you looked a mess
i whispered underneath my breath
but you heard it
darling, you look perfect tonight
baby, i'm
dancing in the dark
with you between my arms
barefoot on the grass
listening to our favourite song
I have faith in what i see
now i know i have met an angel in person
and she looks perfect
i don't deserve this
darling you look perfect tonight
Coffee and Crazy | 100 Poems Challege - Duration: 8:03.Poem #82
Thank goodness for coffee, the bright warmth of my morning,
the promise that I'll make it through the day
or at least this one rainy morning sitting here with my Wonder Woman mug,
I'm beginning to think people are crazy who live their lives without it—
or maybe that is an addiction.
I'm Kaye Spivey and welcome to the final stretch of the 100 Poems in 100 Days Challenge.
We're getting so close to the end it's almost... kind of bittersweet and also kind of relieving.
So, I've been in another writing slump for this past week.
I don't know if it's cause we reached 80 this week, I think my last slump was at 20--not
20-- my last slump was at 60 poems.
It seems like I have a problem with intervals of 20.
So I'm going to read you a little bit of an earlier poem cause I really didn't like a
lot of my poems from this week.
I'm not even gonna tell you what number it was so you can't tell how far back I went
to read this one.
The light layers of mist blow like smoke in the wind,
catch and carry on every breath, swirl together,
the drops so light a breeze plasters them against my window
and they never touch the ground.
Spring is here!
April is going to be starting up.
We have one more week of March and then April and then it's the 10 day countdown!
I guess my challenge for you for this week is to see if you can reach the 90 poems, even
if you're a little behind.
Like, I am a little bit behind, but if you can reach the 90 poems by next Saturday which
is the 1st of April, then we'll all be on the home stretch.
10 poems for the beginning of April and we'll have reached the 100 mark!!
If you're behind, maybe you can join in just for that little bit and see if you can write
a poem a day for the beginning of April, or just go straight on in to National Poetry
Writing Month and start your 30 days of poems at the beginning of April.
The camera makes my hair look good.
I did redye my hair, did you notice?
It was fading out, but now it looks really good!
Hopefully it shows up as well to you guys.
I'm pretty proud of this.
The other poem that I want to read for this week, that I did write this week even though
it's number 76, so it should have been for last week...
This is what me writing a complaint poem really looks like.
So, I'm not going to get too far into details so we're not violating any HIPAA here, but
this poem has to do with an individual-- I say man in the poem-- so this man who has
been coming into my place of work for treatment and...
This guy needed a lot of medical treatment just in order to function day to day.
After he maxed out the number of allowed visits on his insurance for the services that we
offer at my work, ever since that day, every single time he comes in, because now he's
paying like, an out-of-pocket cost, which isn't even all that much more, but every single
visit since the day he maxed out his allowed visits from his insurance he's complained
loudly about Obamacare.
Every visit.
And the worst part is, his insurance is not an Obamacare insurance!
I don't know if he's mistaking having to have insurance for Obamacare, or if he doesn't
realize how much of the treatment he just had, from multiple places, not just our office,
his insurance covered the cost of.
I don't know.
But he's driving me crazy.
And this poem is about an interaction we had.
The man who, everyday complains about Obamacare
has a beef with our calendar because I don't see Easter listed on it.
"Must be one of those secular calendars," he scoffs.
But it isn't— Easter comes late this year,
and I point it out when I find it.
Religious man, worried about Good Friday, why didn't you know Easter came late?
Same reason you didn't know that you insurance is not Obamacare.
It's not part of the Affordable Care Act.
I should have said, "Of course it comes late, since
it's based on the lunar calendar and centered on a pagan fertility holiday,"
and seen what he thought of that.
Why is Jesus's death based on a lunar calendar, but his birth isn't?
I wonder if he'd even have an answer.
Maybe blame another religion for it.
Maybe blame Obama, since he had as much to do with
the placement of Easter as he had to do with this man's health insurance.
He says he can't come in on Good Friday.
I didn't really want to see him there today, but here we are.
That's relevant to what's going on since the ACA is trying (forcibly) to be replaced by
ACA-lite in our country.
Which basically means the same thing that most things with the Trump Administration
have meant: rich people get more tax breaks, poor people get none and are paying a larger
I thought this was something that we addressed in our country as a bad thing.
I thought it was something that we addressed all around the world, that the top 1% should
be paying an equal portion.
But now we have a fake millionaire in our office and his administration is gonna go
ahead and give themselves some tax breaks.
Because I work somewhere where we look at people's health insurance and we check it
and we bill health insurance, most of the people who are grateful for having health
insurance are people who, I mean, cancer survivors and people who have chronic illnesses or have
kids who have chronic illnesses, and most of the people who complain about it and insist
that they're paying out of pocket and their insurance is not paying at all even though
I can, I can see how much their insurance is covering in our computer system.
I can see how much their insurance is covering that's not coming out of their pocket.
I know you're paying your own deductible and I know you're paying your insurance as well,
and it seems like a lot of money, but it's not as much as your insurance is actually picking up
Most of the people who complain about it, are wealthier, quite a bit older, like 60s-ish
range white men.
And those are definitely the only people who complain about it loudly to my face, who didn't
choose their health insurance.
I just told them what their insurance told me.
I didn't choose it for them and they mostly complain about it to me, and they ALWAYS,
always call it Obamacare.
And no one who has complained about Obamacare to me has been on an Obamacare plan.
I do work in a medical profession.
I do have a day job!
Even with my blue hair, I have a day job.
Thanks for joining me here this Saturday, please leave a comment down below and be sure
to Like this video and Subscribe and I will see you back here again next Saturday!
Come 'ere!
Come here, crazy.
Let's get Pi in the video.
You wanna be in the video?
He's having a crazy.
There's so much footage of me cutting out moments of my cats going nuts.
My hair's lookin' so good!
Should you really be getting so political on your Youtube channel?
I dunno...
How to make Scrambled Eggs | Perfect Fluffy Scrambled Eggs Recipe - Duration: 4:16.I'm not telling you you're making scrambled eggs wrong, but there are a few tips and tricks
worth knowing for getting the best scrambled eggs you've ever tasted.
They're one of the quickest meals to make so it's worth knowing how to make them well.
Start with cracking the eggs into a bowl.
I usually go with two eggs per person depending on how hungry you are.
I'm using good quality free range eggs here, they are more expensive but the taste and
quality is just so much better than cheaper eggs.
When you're eating the eggs as a meal it's definitely worth spending that extra money.
Chicken eggs are one of the cheapest forms of protein, they're filling, delicious,
and full of nutrients.
There are so many different ways to cook them, so if you are trying to cut costs or eat healthier
eggs are a win win.
Let me know what your favourite way to cook eggs are?
They are so versatile.
Use a fork to give the eggs a good whisk until there is no longer any separation of the yolks
and whites.
I like to use a fork rather than a whisk here because you don't want to be incorporating
too much air.
You can add salt now to season the eggs or after they've cooked.
I've heard that adding salt before cooking changes the texture and consistency, but I've
never noticed a difference either way.
I always add it now as you can mix the salt throughout the egg rather than just sprinkling
it on top.
Once your eggs are whisked together grab your pan and place on the heat.
I usually always cook with stainless steel pans or cast iron but eggs somehow just love
to stick, so I do find you really need a good quality non-stick pan.
Heat the pan over low heat and add a knob of butter, about a tablespoon for four eggs.
I find butter gives the best taste as well as silkiness to the eggs but you can use oil
if you would like.
It's also very common to add some milk or cream to the eggs.
If you cook them right there's really no need for it.
As the eggs cook any liquid added tends to seperate out, resulting in quite dry eggs.
Pour the whisked eggs into the fry pan and leave them for about 30 seconds or so, just
so the bottom has a time to cook.
You're not cooking an omelette but the cooking process is very much the same at this point.
Just remember there's no rush, cook them low and slow, that way there are light and
fluffy while also being super creamy.
Once you see the eggs have started to set grab yourself a spatula and run it across
the centre of the pan, one side to the other, pulling a sheet of cooked egg to the side.
Repeat this a few times around the pan, before leaving it to cook for a while longer.
Cooking the
scrambled eggs this way instead of continuous stirring results in large ribbons of egg that
stick together, rather than small little pieces that are much more prone to over cooking and
drying out.
The centre of the pan tends to be hotter than the side so pulling all of the cooked eggs
to one sides helps with not over cooking.
Really the only reason you can properly mess up scrambled eggs is by over cooking, and
thats very easy to do if your not being careful.
Continue this method of cooking, running the spatula through the centre of the pan until
the eggs are looking nearly done.
This can take a few minutes, depending on the heat of your pan.
Once the eggs are mostly cooked, when there a few still quite a few runny parts pull all
the egg to the side of the pan and remove it from the heat.
You don't need to worry about eating raw egg as the heat from the pan and the cooked
egg will be enough to fully set the raw parts.
Doing it this way, theres basically no chance of having any over cooked eggs.
Scrambled eggs are definitely not a make ahead thing, serve them straight away on a piece
of toast with some freshly cracked black pepper and chives.
I hope you gained some tips and tricks for the next time you make scrambled eggs.
Thank you for watching and I will see you in my next video.
Aurat Ko Jaldi Farig Karne Ka Tarika│Serf 1 Chez aurat fori fargh - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Cat Eye & Snake Skin Nail Art Tutorial || My Wonderland - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
MY TOP 5 IN GROUNDS AKKAS AND PANNAS FROM INSTAGRAM THIS WEEK 250317 - Duration: 2:13.hello fellow Tubers this is Kieran and
welcome to my top 5's in grounds
akkas and pannas from Instagram this week
so let's get straight into this number
five is some panna's from Edward Van Gils
official I actually shared this video
it's an old video that I he put up quite a
while ago by shared it again this week and
was just some amazing clips, Number 4
is this little tandem combination from
@1005Miky some more excellent
Japanese young street players just
emerging their talent is amazing their
hard work as well and love for the sport
number three a panna from Hakim
lovely little panna from Hakim a nice retrieval as well
which is definitely what I like to see
love setup with the ankle
breaker type move and it's a nice
simple effective panna, number two from
is from @yuto.10 again the cute little
amazing, another Japanese little
Street baller that's emerginh, I'm not sure if
he's related to Shiou as well he
looks a lot like him but again this young
boy has got a very bright ground moves and
street football ahead of him
Number one this in game piece of skill from @ricozulkarnain9
the welsh
international futsal player who came
about from the streets uses this rocket
launcher in game and gets his amazing
shot off absolutely fantastic work from
Rico there look at the crowd's reaction
thank you for watching please like
comment share and subscribe if you have
enjoyed this episode be back next week
with more my top 5's in grounds, akkas and Pannas
How To Find True Friendship | Forever Transformed Coaching Episode #9 - Duration: 5:31.In today's lesson you will learn about the power of true friendship on the heart, soul,
and brain.
How can we find true friendship in this often phony, temporary world?
Friendship involves recognition or familiarity with another's personality.
Friends often share likes and dislikes, interests, pursuits, and passion.
How can we recognize potential friendship?
Signs include a mutual desire for companionship and perhaps a common bond of some kind.
Beyond that, genuine friendship involves a shared sense of caring and concern, a desire
to see one another grow and develop, and a hope for each other to succeed in all aspects
of life.
True friendship involves action: doing something for someone else while expecting nothing in
return; sharing thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative criticism.
I personally have a few friends that have backed me over the years, I bet you do also.
People who are willing to stand by you for the rest of your life.
They are the ones you are able to call 40 years from now to get you out prison or pay
your debt.
It is insane to think what it takes to find good friends now-a-days.
It is as if people are selfish and use each other for some kind of incentive.
Everyone should have a good friend that they are able to open up too about everything.
Someone who is willing to listen and give advice but at the same time share their life.
It is important for the conversations to not just be about one person because no one likes
self centered people.
One of my good friends named David has stuck by me over the past 8 years and I am truly
blessed to call him one of my best friends.
They say a best friend is someone that you are able to be yourself around.
Someone that would take a bullet for you if needed.
Someone that calls your parents mom and dad just as if they are their son or daughter.
Friendship takes time: time to get to know each other, time to build shared memories,
time to invest in each other's growth.
Trust is essential to true friendship.
We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations.
We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those
secrets will end up on the Internet the next day!
Failing to be trustworthy with those intimate secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry.
Faithfulness and loyalty are key to true friendship.
Without them, we often feel betrayed, left out, and lonely.
In true friendship, there is no backbiting, no negative thoughts, no turning away.
True friendship requires certain accountability factors.
Real friends encourage one another and forgive one another where there has been an offense.
Genuine friendship supports during times of struggle.
Friends are dependable.
In true friendship, unconditional love develops.
We love our friends no matter what and we always want the best for our friends.
You can look into the bible and see all kinds of examples of true friendship and how it
is expressed expressed by: love, trust, and happiness.
Even look into your life to see real life examples.
Now let's take a look into your life and make sure to be honest with yourself.
Do you have friends that would stand by you through thick and thin?
Do you have a best friend that would take a bullet for you?
Are you self conscious?
Do you have insecurities?
Are you willing to open up to your best friends about these characteristics?
Can you honestly say that you have a friend that would do anything for you?
The fact is that friends are indispensable in this life.
The older a person gets the more valued their friendship becomes.
Many friends are closer than brothers or sisters are to each other.
There is something special about having a friend that you can confide in, tell your
troubles too, and share your life with.
It has been said that a sorrow shared is halved, but a joy shared is doubled.
Proverbs 27:10a says, "Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family" because
you may need that friend in a day of trouble.
The value of friends is one of the most important things in a person's life: Their worth are
not diminished by time, not devalued by inflation, not worn out by use, but like a fine wine,
they improve with time.
So are friends to those who have them; like medicine to the soul or as Proverbs 27:9 says,
"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from
their heartfelt advice."
I was watching an episode of a show called Castle.
I learned that sometimes you just need to open up your eyes to potential.
To open up your eyes to people who need someone to change their life.
Because some people feel alone in this world where sometimes they feel as if they should
not be here.
No one should feel that way.
Be unique and different.
Allow yourself to open up to new people and not feel awkward.
Feel as if you are just trying to be a friend to someone who needs one.
There is never a dull moment when it comes time to saving someone's life.
You have successfully completed this lesson, we hope that this lesson inspires you.
We look forward to seeing you in the next lesson to come.
Ghost in the Shell-------------------------------------------
Hitoshi Matsumoto Decides - O-Lines (決めてほしい話 Oラインの話) - Duration: 1:37.Um, it was the other day but
After work I, Barbie, Sumita, and Abu-chan went to go eat
We went to a place that has tasty curry pots, so said let's order a curry pot
While we were waiting, well, it's four women so we started talking about love
And then we got onto the topic of how Barbie is really popular with guys
We started talking about how if, really, some guy sleeps with Barbie he won't be able to let her go
We were a bit like "that's a lie" but
But really, Barbie is really into her own beauty and keeping it to a high level, she really takes a lot of care
She gets her hair removed, paying attention to her hands and feet, and she does her arm pits too
And so we started talking about "down there" but
She said she gets her bikini line done (v-line)
There's also the "i-line" and she's also getting that done
She also said she gets her "o-line" done too
Apparently the o-line is the part around your anus
Sumita, as she is, chimed in saying who cares about the o-line, not like guys are going to be looking there, isn't it unnecessary?
But Barbie said, well actually the o-line hair, when you're doing number two...
it uh, kinda
can become a bit of trouble so I'm getting it done
and at that time the curry pot arrived and we just all started laughing our heads off
Well, Matsumoto, what kind of story is it?
Horrifying story
I was thinking "what a dirty story!"
GARTIC- DESENHEI O BLACK ?! (2/2) - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
Top Eleven 2017 Época 22 EP27= O jogo mais espetacular da época - Duration: 10:50.
Hello guys
Here speeks Revolta again
let´s now have a game for the league
let me be Thankful to
see my videos
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now we have a complicated game for the league
with Galatasaray FC
he has a very strange tactic, i´m going to play with 4-1-3-1-1
he will play in 3n-3-2-2
but with
with an ...................
the tactical orders i´m going to use will be
Mentality =Normal
Pass preference= Mixed , pass style= Mixed
i´ll show you the rest
let´s see
pression style = low Cut style=Hard
Marking style= zone, Offside = off
i´ll start with a change
i will play to the middle
i will give more possession and i will play in the middle
he has a few defenses and is playing a lot to attack
and i having the counter attack on it is possible
that i can
break his defense
let´s change
to attack in the middle
opponent get the corner
and my defense intercept
Ferreira de Souza
i start with few ball possession
fail the pass
my team starts badly
shots against opponent defender
i start the game with
2 adepts
Galatasaray FC press me a lot but already has a yellow
let´s see if i can
if i can score
no, ball intercepted, i have more ball possession but i´m not being effective
Jadidi runs
change the flank ball to the right wing
prelle crosses and intercepted ball
one more adept
the opponent with very few attacks moves but very dangerous
want to see??????????????
and score, dammit Galatasaray FC score
the only attack roo he makes and
no............................... he is attacking a lot
my team is playing good
but it is not effective
Come on Silva da Rosa... crosses as it should be......
crosses and GOALLLLLLLL
and Prelle to tie the game
assist by Silva da Rosa
let´s make a change
counter attacks off
to see if we can have better control of the game
more effective in defense
Silva da Rosa what are you going to do????? and is offside.
and ball intercepted
by defense
Murray has a yellow card
it´s being a tricky game
Murray passes to boateng and is offside
my phone starts
to slow down
Cobert is not playing anything and Pedrosa he´s also playing badly
Dammit, Fuc........
let´s put arrow on AMC
assist to Ferreira de Souza and..............
my team is playing poorly
First Half Ends
let´s see how he plays
88% is playing with sort pass the bastard
let´s replace
put another Striker
ball intercepted
Fuc**Ing opponent
if i have more ball possession
how is he with this tactic that is worthless
Silva da Rosa Scores
Come on Silva da Rosa AGAIN PLEASE
again Silva da Rosa
Look the pimp trying to win me
How the hell
the game is not over yet but it gives me more confidence
Pedrosa is playing poorly
Karim passes to Prelle
Shots against defender
ball intercepted
let´s try short passes
what happened????????
Red card???????????????
But what is happening here?????????? Everything is changed????????
What happened??????????
4-3 ???????
What happened????????
but what happened here? i´m lost........
what is up???
i do not even know what to do.........
ball intercepted but passes to Silva da Rosa
i´m completely lost i do not know what happened here
cross back and ball intercepted
ball cut
89 minutes Finish the game please kkkk
and the game is over
but what a strange game
Man of the match Silva da Rosa
i want to thank the supporters who game me support
Gene,Sazali,and Tomek
what a complicated game
let´s see the league
i win this game
2 place plays later
good game folks, so it was a very strange game today
i hopy you enjoyed, leave your LIKE :)
SUBSCRIBE to follow my team and see my videos
i wait for you until the next video
Thank you for visiting and Cya
Isso é Ridiculo - Um44k feat Ari (Cover Caio Lúcio feat Jeff e Ninho) - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Horizon Zero Dawn 1080p PT #8 - Duration: 59:58.Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD
MSP Welt #1 | Gibt sie mir wirklich Spezzie? | Tabea - Duration: 7:00.-------------------------------------------
How to send messages to your facebook friends without messanger Urdu Hindi - Duration: 4:42.WELCOME TO NOMAN GUJJAR CHANNEL
WATER BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE 😏 - Duration: 6:01.-------------------------------------------
Lego 60074 Bulldozer Speed build.LEGO City Bulldozer 60074. - Duration: 6:51.Lego 60074 Bulldozer Speed build.LEGO City Bulldozer 60074.
[WALKTHROUGH] Orcs Must Die 2 Episode 14 - Wind Up - Duration: 13:35.All hail from Purde Gaming!
Our first video series is the walkthrough of a game named One Finger Death Punch!
In this series, there will be around 18-20 videos that features videos around 30 minutes.
If you like this game, tell us and we will play it with commentary!
That's the system we have with walkthroughs: if you like it, there will also be Let's Plays! So don't forget to comment and tell us what you think!
Without further ado: please enjoy the walkthrough of One Finger Death Punch!
Cat Eye & Snake Skin Nail Art Tutorial || My Wonderland - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Maravilhoso - Marcelo A. Sousa - DVD #NoEsconderijoAoVivo - Duration: 11:19.-------------------------------------------
PAW PATROL AIR RESCUE TRANSFORMERS TOYS - Paw Patrol Air Patrol Rescue Bots To the Rescue - Duration: 19:32.come on Robot we've got to get to
Barkingburg to help Sweetie take over
Barkingburg and to steal the crown jewels
come on robot lets go! okay Romeo I am
following you . Robot stop to you
hear a helicopter? I do oh no its the Air
drat! its those PAW patrol mission paw
pups I'm glad I've got a plan
Get Rid guys with my traps! come on robot
lets go say hi! hi there PAW patrol pups
Chase is on the case. We know what you are
up to Romeo and we know you're headed to
Barkingburg help Sweetie steal the
crown jewels yes we know your up to it
and we're here to stop you with our
mission PAW Air Rescue uniform hey you
think you can stop me PAW patrol puppies No
ha ha robot launch the slime trap!! oh no!
we've all been slimed is this the end of
the paw patrol mission pups? will Romeo
help Sweetie steal the crown jewels of
Barkingburg? I don't know but keep
watching this episode to find out what
happens in our fun adventure if you
like the paw patrol pups be sure and
give this a like if you like
transformers give this a like to and be
sure to subscribe to toy time tv by
clicking on the bottom for more
adventure Toy Time TV. oh look Mr hands it the Air
Patroller yes it the Air Patroller
it's our air rescue paw patrol
collection yeah well I'm now trying to
mix it up they did and we gotta fix up
to mix up but first we want to show
everyone our cool paw patrol collection
yeah Mr hands and we also want to say hi
to one of our fans. that right we do we
want to say hi to rocky pup say hi to
Rocky pup Bobby's hi Rocky pup we love
the PAW patrol too Air rescue. yes we
do we love the air rescue well let me
show you my air rescue paw Patrol
collection it's the air patroller this
is part of our Air Patrol Air Rescue
collection and we got robor
dog inside because he came with it
who put him right there because he flies
the air patroller this is part of the
Air Rescue series and its really cool we
love this toy it's the number 10 vehicle
from the air rescue and it's got cool
sound effects listen who the helicopter
and you turn it this way and it's a cool
airplane it's even got a little cargo
bay door on the back here let's open it
up oh wow all the air patroller pups can
get in there Air Rescue yeah we love i
love the helicopters down more than any
of them don't you body yeahhh mister
haha take a cow and of course Robo dog
is driving look at that and he is well
passenger seat mean like there were
someone else can fit two we love the air
patroller from the paw patrol and spin
master and this is a center stone of our
Air Rescue collection if you have any
air rescue pups you definitely have to
have the air patroller to go along with
it I'm going to set it right here and
let's show you some more hey look who's
coming and flying in whoa who is that
they just like rider mr Noonan yeah it's
writer dude it's writer in his Air
Rescue uniform this one's cool this kind
of hard to find like it's awesome cuz we
present legs together
yeah his little arms go out so that he
can fly around he's one of the really
Cohen's from our collection Air Rescue
writers who and who else do we have
flung in ringing oh what a hovercraft
hoverboards don't work on water go
rubble on the double I know ma'am we've
got rubble Air Rescue rubble and chase
is on the case there he goes Bobby look
at that Chase is on the case with Jesus
and trust him with his Air Rescue glider
look at that that's cool it's an
action-packed tick is you said it like
this looking good work it problems with
it some before they may not oh well he's
not gonna work me take it off and put it
back on it's not on SE yeah yeah no it's
ain't gonna we're extending the toys
don't work properly here we go it's
locked up and ready to go when pressed
his pup edge boom his glider shoot
chopped that's really cool Chile awesome
when he goes up to the top of speed the
bridge and jumps off in the air rescue
episode of paw Patrol Oh looky here
let's dive in with Zuma
cool air rescue and
looky here don't lose it reuse it with
rocky air rescue isn't school teachers
I put that in like that you press of a
pup badge and we pressed up up up
match sometimes they come loose oh it's
not working either then we go it a
little extra push and there's rocky and
then do it on this pups gotta fly oh
she's so fast to you it is its sky this
pups gotta fly did you have to kiss the
Skye and hello buttons like their
teeth when you press that wing shoot at
that's really cool she's got like a mega
jetpack and let's get fired up with
Marshall Marshall Marshall he's got his
fire back his hydro guider so it's
really cool you see if you see all in
here we got Marshall Skye rocky Zuma
chase rubble and rider too but that's
not the coolest part cuz there's even
more air rescue these are the mission ha
air rescue mission pie really cool hey I
wonder what's going to happen in our
atmosphere because you know irelia was
going to get sweetie and then the paw
patrol get in trouble I don't know
what's gonna happen i'm really excited
to see what's going to happen you know
what's gonna happen buddy no meetings
but i'm excited you know what's gonna
happen to you oh boy well we're going to
get tired at the end of it I opposite
here in a minute so as you can see what
happened from the beginning and also the
end so stay with us because the rest of
it's coming up here in a minute but you
want to show you the mission pop-up I'm
gonna leave these back and you will play
it but matching game q1 take too long
before we get to air a few adventures
whoa oh who is that it was you mentioned
ha Marshall blonde hair except the Hydra
provider but he's got his mission pine
uniform that's right this is Marshall in
his mission paw uniform wow that's cool
let's put him with the other marshal ok
where is rescue air rescue Marshall apt
oh that's right he's right here and Air
Rescue Marshall goes right behind
mission power SQ Marshall kill did it
end nnnn this pups gotta fly yes he does
its mission talks ty and she's got her
mission Paul uniform on hmm ok guys
where is rescue air rift you see I act
let's put mission paw Air Rescue Scout
next to her oh hey you're right she's
right here ok a whisper right there in
front ok ooh who's is don't know that
ring use it with rocky in his mission
hot air rescue uniform look at that he's
really cool this is what a rocky pups
favorite paw patrol characters and Bobby
loves Rocky dude ok guys let's play
let's should tell me where air rescue
rock years where's their rescue rocky
raising raising me please we're just hey
there he is serious he drank beers TM TM
ok let's put mission paw air rescue
I came right in front of him okay and we
want an egg paw patrol pup who's this
guy it's Zuma in his mission pot Air
Rescue uniform he's really cool like if
that he's got black and orange and he
looks like he's the ratings for us spy
mission maybe he's going to save the
crown from sweetie the crown of bucks
per 0 because sweetie wants to take over
barks burger barks borough I said it
wrong today ooh I can't wait I can't
won't let's put that down no no he's not
gonna sometimes these don't work
properly there we go hey guys where is
Zuma Air Rescue Zuma that is very you
pee in my pants thank you right now
right there yes right there okay let's
put our mission paw and rescue team and
problem okay okay oh boy this is so much
fun do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do
state took his chase okay dibs on the
case mr. hands hey chase you're looking
mighty cool with your mission paw
rescue uniform thanks mr. hands we have
to go save the crowns from sweetie take
a mean puppy dog and we've never
encountered them when my curb before
yeah you haven't had you chase well
that's going to be a really fun fun
mission and I can't wait to find out
what's gonna happen hey looky looky oh
oh oh where is boom Air Rescue chase huh
where is he can you find him loo look
hey there yes stays right there right
there damn there they rescue Jase let's
put our mission
consciously next to it and we hover
board it's a hoverboard hey look it's
rubble rubble rubble he rubble rubble
rubble on the double hey miss trans whoa
look at me and my mission Paul air
rescue costume yeah it's really cool oh
look at this not only can rubble hover
it also has put that the way it's let's
do good there we go hey yeah I'll do
this when you press the back button here
man looking at it she should to tap Wow
whoa and of course rubbles right here
because we looked at all other pups so
we know where their that but it's been
really cool we looked at our entire paw
patrol and rescue collection now we
better get back Josh story and finish it
up because I think our paw patrol
mission paw Air Rescue pots are about it
friends farm on the case we're trapped
this time but I know how we can get out
less transform paw patrol pups I'm going
to transform into Optimus Prime and get
out of here transformer I'm gonna splain
I'm out of here rubble rubble on the
double I'm going to transform in the
bubblebee transform rubble rubble on
the double okay I'm out of here let's
dive in I'm going to transformer into
a dinobot transform
distance easily bed fit
oh yes get fired up lenka transform into
sideswipe Transform oh boy I can get on
this stuff easy push Oh daisies on the
King run yo your plans are stop it
didn't work because we're transformers
now it's time to put you in jail you're
not going to go to Martinsburg and help
we build a crown jewels I may not be
going to barking birds but i am sure not
going to use your base Jill robot
there's the Attic years before they
kissed you may have won this time paw
Patrol but we'll be back ah I'm faster
than you are hahahaha look how fast I am
I am so fast I'm the fastest robot in
the world robot robot robot robot that I
am so so far too cannot catch me look at
me go I am mr. fast robot 5555 rubble
rubble on the double do you want me to
go get him case he's not a very fast
robot even though he thinks she is well
he's really slow Chase is on the case
well he's not going to fucking Birds we
don't have anything to worry about let's
just let it go because we need to get to
barking burg too sweetie is gonna steal
those jewels and we have to find them
and stop her no probably put me on guard
duty to you soon they'll be is able to
stop her okay come on up off the girl
buff transform and roll out
let me
we will go
Wow firm yes that was really fun I
enjoyed that a lot maybe a live action
yes I am robot yeah that was a fun fun
adventure with our mission paw paw
patrol air rescue pups now we had lots
of fun here on to a time TV today and if
you really enjoyed that be sure you give
this video a like right now and also
subscribe to us because when you
subscribe to us you get to see more fun
exciting videos just like this wooden
with our mission paw paw patrol pups and
our transforming paw patrol pups yeah we
found as it was it was exciting I love
playing mashup with our toys and making
them into all kinds of cool toys we're
going fast I'm not saying that that's
too high or weeks away reactions family
well I do too real transformers and real
paw patrol boat to be all through yeah
well guys hope you enjoyed our fun for
din playtime be sure to like this video
and also click down on the bottom and
subscribe to toy time TV one more fun
yeah that was lots of fun you can
subscribe to tweet i'm TV by touching
the little photo of body in the middle
of your screen and you can also touch
the other photos to watch more videos
right now
Aquascaping Lab - ALTERNANTHERA Aquatic Plant technical description and management (all varieties) - Duration: 6:22.Welcome on Aquascaping Lab channel
in this video tutorial we are talking about Alternanthera plant
and all varieties
It comes from South America and spread to Africa and Asia
the family is Amarantacee and is called Alternanthera
because the flowers that grow in emergent forms
are alternate on the stem
is one of the first red variety to be introduced into the aquarium
Not live in the undergrowth, but on the tropical river banks
where the light is always beats
so is a plant with very soft leaves that in adaptation maybe lose
Often produces adventitious roots
this means that the variety in question has not needed nutrients
and then stretching them seeking the roots between internodes and nodes
where they should start only the leaves
let' see some of the most commonly varietes of this plant
Alternanthera CARDINALIS:
Shows an almost purple color
the leaves are among the largest and can reach 10 to 15 cm in length
It has a fast growth if well kept and is not recommended for small tanks
bear slightly more warmth, also can also stay in a more acidic water, as in nature
Althernanthera OCIPUS "TF":
It presents a very particular color
from pink to red fuchsia and orange
which depends from offered nutrients
With moore light, the color becomes more strong
presents a very thin and resistant stem from fuchsia color
rich in inflorescences in the form emerged, and very small leaf 5 to 7 cm
Is perfect for growing submerged in the aquarium
it seems almost a "bonsai"Althernanthera
but if not pruned it grows in height up of the water's edge
Much more resistant than the other and can also be kept in smaller aquariums
Althernanthera REINECKII PURPLE:
It has a very bright color that goes in purple
the leaves are very delicate, wide and elongated
but unlike the cousin cardinalis (more easy to grow)
leaves grows closer between internode so that in submerged form is thick and lush
but only if all macro and micro nutrients are sufficient
Althernanthera REINECKII MINI:
has a very narrow leaf less than 0,5 cm wide and a maximum of 2 cm long
has a very tough stems and colored but at the same time very subtle
for each node start many leaves
so in submerged form is more and thick and lush
It grows slightly in height, but we advise to prune all the time
so keep it low and lush
We believe it is an excellent variety for smaller tanks
and recommended as a variety of Alternanthera for newbies
as the crop is much easier than other Alternanthera
remember that Alternanthera tend to become high
so are for background tank
talking about reproduction and moltiplication,
they can be pruned and replanted in the substrate by cuttings
If desired we can also use them as epiphytic plants, on driftwood or stones
talking about fertilization and substrate
they need a lot of CO2 and very strong and direct light
otherwise the leaves tend to deteriorate
recommend more than 6000° kelvin
They need balanceed iron and copper
For all Althernanthera is better have more then 10 cm of substrate
PRICE: about 5 € per jar
for the proper management of the water values as PH GH and Temperature
for increase alimentation and fish care acquaintances
from fry breeding to disease prevention
I invite you to click on the English playlist "acquascaping and technical advice"
thank you for watching this video tutorial
write a comment for any question and click on like
Subscribe on Aquascaping lab channel for other video and news
Refugee Paralympian Ibrahim Chases Wheelchair Basketball Dream | Camps to Champs - Duration: 3:36.My name is Ibrahim Mohammed, I'm from Deir ez-Zor in Syria.
A lot of my friends here in Greece ask me,
"Ibrahim, how old are you?"
I'm actually 27 years old, but I say I'm 3 years old.
Because that's when I entered Greece.
For me, life in Syria before the war
was something beautiful.
I was very young.
I started swimming when I was five years old.
My father was my trainer for swimming.
After the war broke out,
my leg was injured as I was helping my friend.
My friend was in the street heading to his house.
He was injured on his sides, he yelled for me to help him.
So I went to help him
and another bomb fell.
So my leg was wounded.
I started playing wheelchair basketball
with the Marousi club two years ago.
When you play wheelchair basketball,
you're playing more than a sport.
You're playing three or four games simultaneously.
And it's such a wonderful sport.
It's such an amazing feeling when you're on the attack,
shouting, "Pass it, pass it!"
It's such a wonderful feeling.
My coach, Vayos, is to thank
for the level I've managed to get to in basketball.
Ibrahim is a fighter.
He has a lot of energy and wants to work hard.
With some hard work
I believe Ibrahim will become a great athlete.
In terms of sport and what I wish for the future...
There are some big players here in Greece.
I hope one day I can reach the level they're at,
to be able to face them and be successful.
I hope to one day play with the Greek national team
for wheelchair basketball in European championships,
in international championships.
Bravo. Very good.
MY TOP 5 IN GROUNDS AKKAS AND PANNAS FROM INSTAGRAM THIS WEEK 250317 - Duration: 2:13.hello fellow Tubers this is Kieran and
welcome to my top 5's in grounds
akkas and pannas from Instagram this week
so let's get straight into this number
five is some panna's from Edward Van Gils
official I actually shared this video
it's an old video that I he put up quite a
while ago by shared it again this week and
was just some amazing clips, Number 4
is this little tandem combination from
@1005Miky some more excellent
Japanese young street players just
emerging their talent is amazing their
hard work as well and love for the sport
number three a panna from Hakim
lovely little panna from Hakim a nice retrieval as well
which is definitely what I like to see
love setup with the ankle
breaker type move and it's a nice
simple effective panna, number two from
is from @yuto.10 again the cute little
amazing, another Japanese little
Street baller that's emerginh, I'm not sure if
he's related to Shiou as well he
looks a lot like him but again this young
boy has got a very bright ground moves and
street football ahead of him
Number one this in game piece of skill from @ricozulkarnain9
the welsh
international futsal player who came
about from the streets uses this rocket
launcher in game and gets his amazing
shot off absolutely fantastic work from
Rico there look at the crowd's reaction
thank you for watching please like
comment share and subscribe if you have
enjoyed this episode be back next week
with more my top 5's in grounds, akkas and Pannas
Shakes & Fidget #2 Sezon 1 -/Z Bezimiennym - Duration: 8:53.-------------------------------------------
Dirty Filthy Love (Amores Obsessivos PT/BR) - Duration: 1:34:02.-------------------------------------------
URGENT CALL OF PRESIDENT - Duration: 0:51.People (Cellphone Ring)
of the United States of America (Cellphone Ring)
I'm... (Cellphone Ring)
Just one moment...
WHAT? I've gain a iPad?
Yes, iCan!
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