Detects the miracle of the plant for the relief of painfulness
Vợ HỨNG TÌNH thoát y trong ĐÊM TÂN HÔN khiến chồng ƯỚT ĐẦM ĐÌA - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Chồng LIÊN TIẾP nôn mửa khi thấy vợ thoát y trong ĐÊM TÂN HÔN - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
ĐÊM TÂN HÔN chồng nôn mửa LIÊN MIÊN khi vợ thoát y - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
World's First Wearable EMG-------------------------------------------
Japan avatar NEW!!!! - Duration: 15:02.-------------------------------------------
cow and camel coloring pages for kids - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
¿Cómo han cambiado las cosas en Maricopa desde que Joe Arpaio perdió su cargo de alguacil? - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Sim Dara - What's Skill I Should Choose if I Want to be Rich | Success Reveal - Duration: 4:28.Success Reveal
Sim Dara - What's skill i should choose if i want to be rich
Sim dara 2017
Tôi MÂN MÊ để sếp VÉT MÁNG thoải mái khiến tôi có cuộc sống dễ dãi hơn - Duration: 5:32.-------------------------------------------
Detects the miracle of the plant for the relief of painfulness - Duration: 12:19.Detects the miracle of the plant for the relief of painfulness
Lynn - Rise High [Official Mus...-------------------------------------------
Sim Dara - What's Skill I Should Choose if I Want to be Rich | Success Reveal - Duration: 4:28.Success Reveal
Sim Dara - What's skill i should choose if i want to be rich
Sim dara 2017
The True Secret Of The Universe! - Duration: 7:49.The True Secret Of The Universe!
by Jude Fullmer,
If you�re reading this, I�m sure you�ve heard about �waking up� and �ascending.�
Do you understand what the end looks like?
Do you know where we�re ultimately trying to go?
In this article I�m going to do my best to explain what ascending truly is, and how
you can help guide yours!
Hello, co-creator!
That�s right, you are a co-creator; aka you are part of the essence of the eternal
original consciousness, congratulations!
Just by being, you are being extraordinary!
Along your journey I�m sure you�ll hear about Nikola Tesla and the great discovery
that the secrets of the universe can be discovered by looking at it in terms of energy, frequency,
and vibration.
You�ll wish you understood energy the way he did, then you will begin to uncover the
true meaning of this saying.
You�ll also realize that you can not be any more divine than what you already are,
you can only change your awareness of it.
It�s extremely interesting how so much of �ascending� seems to remind me of being
a little kid.
When you are young, you do things seemingly without explanation.
You avoid the dark like the plague, you explore new avenues and ideas such as what makes a
good surface to color on, or perhaps what you can paint with.
You are so new to the world, uninhibited by any lifelong beliefs or previous experience
or fears of future outcomes, you are fully submerged in every moment of your early years.
As you ascend, you realize everything you did that was �weird� actually makes perfect
sense in terms of energy!�
Here�s why it seems like they�re related.
As you begin to face your past selves, converging all of your aspects into one, you truly begin
to understand how everything is energy.
You realize that everything is created from the same energy source, but we�re all simply
separated by the frequency and vibration of our energy.
You realize that nothing is bad because creation itself is beautiful, which is what we�re
all constantly doing.
But you�ll understand that in order to have a high vibration and frequency yourself, you
can�t include low frequencies within your own person.
You�ll begin to face every negative part of yourself and transform it with understanding
into higher vibrations.
You�ll realize that both ascension and intelligence seem to be directly related to AWARENESS.
You�ll combine everything you�ve learned to understand the ultimate function of the
human body: to allow as much energy to flow as possible.
I know, that might seem strange, but think of it like this.
Everything is energy, and as long as you are breathing energy is flowing through you.
You�ll realize that the �negative� energies of 3D are simply of a lower frequency and
Do you know what frequency and vibration are?
There is a ton of information on both matters all over the internet if you need any info
or reminders.
But all you need to understand here is that the higher the vibration or frequency, the
more energy flow is allowed.
Also, the lower the vibration or frequency the less the energy flows.
Therefore, when you focus on these lower frequency energies which have been deemed negative,
all you�re really doing is choosing to lower the vibration and frequency of your own consciousness,
thereby lessening the flow of energy in yourself, which is ultimately limiting your awareness!
That�s right, the secret of full ascension is that you are using your maximum possible
level of awareness, which is always increasing, but is directly related to the amount of energy
your body allows to flow through your consciousness at any given moment � by raising the frequency
and vibration of the single point of consciousness that is you!
The truth is, you can access any level of awareness you want to at any point in time,
you simply have to regain enough of your energy and raise your awareness high enough to access
Next you ask, how do you get the highest energy flow?
You have to increase your frequency and vibration, of course!
You need to realize that you are a constant source of energy, constantly deciding where
to put your energy.
As we grow up, we slowly begin giving our energy away to things like money, drugs, lust,
attachment, acceptance, etc., without realizing it because nobody knew to teach us better.
It�s nobody�s fault, just a learning experience!
But by having unresolved issues with people, or wanting to change the past, or not facing
your shame or guilt, or wishing for the future, or by having many other types of blocks in
your energy you are constantly giving your energy away.
Every moment you spend thinking about Timmy that spilled your juice is energy given to
Every moment you wish you wouldn�t have gotten drunk and peed on that bush, you�re
giving your energy to your past ignorance.
Every moment you spend denying that you really did start that fight with Stacy in 5th grade,
you�re giving your energy away to support this dream of an alternate reality.
As you can see, the common theme in all of this can be understood in terms of time, space,
and energy.
Think of yourself as a single point of awareness.
Now, imagine that you reach back into the past to Stacy, Timmy, and yourself, and give
some of your energy to all of them.
Obviously, we now see that if you�re diverting some of YOUR energy away to other points of
space or time, you�re not allowing all of your energy and divine essence to flow through
Thus, decreasing your frequency and vibration.
Yet within the problem lies the solution!
By facing these past events, by correcting our mistakes, by forgiving ourselves and others,
we are actually beginning to take back our energy, thus increasing our awareness by increasing
our flow of energy through raising our frequency and vibration!
Because ultimately, being as ascended as you can will come down to being as consciously
aware as you can possibly be, using as much of your full conscious energy in the here
and now moment as possible.
Being absolutely and completely free of any limiting beliefs or thoughts, being unhindered
by thinking of the future: simply letting your divine essence flow through every fiber
of your being with the highest vibrations and frequencies possible creating pure magic!
Now that I�ve given you a word of direction, please allow me a word of advice.
We all came to this dimension for this journey!
We came here to experience the lower frequencies!
We�ve already experienced the highest dimensional levels possible, this journey is about experiencing
and learning from these lower frequencies.
Although the end will be amazing, don�t forget to truly enjoy and incorporate your
highest level of awareness possible in the here and now to help create a magical world
you and to enjoy what we came here for!
A Guest On Murder Mystery. (turn captions on) I Roblox - Duration: 2:31.hi people im going to be playing DA MOST POPULAR GAME IN ROBLOXIA...
murder mystery..
oki so.. lets get started...
wen does the game start ;-;
aw inno :(
well it should not be that boring..
weres dat music coming from ?
Hi afk person
Hi again
oo coins r MINE >:D
so anything gonna happen..
hi sheriff
ay afk person anything happening?
pls notice me
* screaming at top of lungs irl*
o-o found u.
I just wanted you to notice me ;-;
Toyota Yaris 5 drs 1.3 VVT-i Bi-Tone Automaat Navi - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Chevrolet Epica 2.5I EXECUTIVE lpg-g3 export - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 1.4I DIFFÉRENCE Airco, Cruise contr, Trekhaak, 89.000 KM !! - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
News Conference: Xavier Elite Eight Postgame - Duration: 11:45.-------------------------------------------
cow and camel coloring pages for kids - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
News Conference: Gonzaga Elite Eight Postgame - Duration: 21:00.-------------------------------------------
New Godzilla Destruction City With Muto Vs King Kong Skull Island Stop Motion Battle Unboxing - Duration: it's great to see you again I got
another awesome Godzilla toy today I
found this one on amazon i'll have a
link below the video if you want to go
purchase it this is destruction city it
New Godzilla Destruction City With Muto Vs King Kong Skull Island Stop Motion Battle Unboxing
little helicopters jets looks like some
type of submarine a bridge and city that
you could like destroy so this says pack
of destruction on the back let's go
ahead and open this up and check it out
okay let's see what was in here I look
cool there we go
okay so that's what it looks like before
our removal okay so anyways there is a
whole set put together so if you are a
big fan of Godzilla and you like
something that has posed ability and
playability this is definitely a set for
you and it's rather inexpensive to all
like i said if you look at the link
below this video or you could actually
buy this on amazon i do get a small
Commission from them bought it costs you
the same price so you're getting up
awesome Godzilla toy and helping off my
chin okay guys ah this is a cool little
set as you can see once you put it
together you got to off cool like
skyscraper sets you can see this one
breaks off into several parts and so
does this one so you could have like
Godzilla like come in here knock apart
the building not that part off and then
you could come to this one here high
kick it off hey break it into pieces
destroy the whole city you got little
gets here flying inning cross them on
hair a little helicopters with spinning
wow you got a little shit here in the
harbor step on it and then you got a
mute oh that he could fight Bob before
we take a look at mute all let's also
take a look at the break so the bridge
to you could put together there and as
Godzilla comes through that would
probably be like the golden great gate
bridge i'm guessing so Godzilla could
like break the bridge right apart and
rip it apart so let's take a closer look
at what comes with the set you've got
two little helicopters here with actual
all spinning rotors we've got two
fighter jets over there and then you got
some type of log destroyer ships
probably a nuclear you're dealing with
Godzilla and then you have Godzilla
himself this is a really cool little
Godzilla when I first seen the package I
thought everything would be like you
know super cheap because it did look
like you know almost like a dollar store
type package what did a great job with
Godzilla for a set like this actual
moving arms a really nice paint job on
his head for how small it is the legs to
move that leg just pops right off okay
you gotta rethink this hahaha but
anyways not not he is a really cool
looking a little Godzilla if you walk a
fun little set where you could have them
go and destroy stuff
definitely the set wow I like it and
then you have a middle finger so I did
not watch any movies or anything with
noodles so I have no idea who you know
is if you guys know let me know in the
comment section down below so odd he is
freaky looking he always looks like da
one of the alien creatures from the
million movie that with little arms like
big so I mean he definitely looks like
one of the aliens and he is like the
size of Godzilla they could have some
good battle here God villa good brah
what is this really fun set guys I
really do enjoy it
you mean can be awesome Wow guys that
was a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the
video make sure you click Subscribe and
the thumbs up button down below the
video in today's secret word is the word
go ahead put that in the comments
section below the video on those you
remember my club do it to the video ends
there's an awesome it curves off more
fun with you tonight click the boxes
below for a lot more fun videos and if
you want to see even more go ahead and
click the subscribe button
WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN || Survival Games || MCPE - Duration: 4:34.Hey guys it's Lanxee and today we're playing some Hunger Games!
So yeah, I'm on ""
So I'm very sorry about my last video, the audio was really bad and so was the quality.
But now it's fixed. So uhhh, this is just a voice over. I will be switching over to when I actualy voiced and record
to it very soon so yeah. Lets get the video started.
Adele When We Were Young Live in Skavlan (Captioned) - Duration: 4:52.Everybody loves the things you do
From the way you talk
To the way you move
Everybody here is watching you
'Cause you feel like home
You're like a dream come true
But if by chance you're here alone
Can I have a moment
Before I go?
'Cause I've been by myself all night long
Hoping you're someone
I used to know
You look like a movie
You sound like a song
My God, this reminds me
Of when we were young
Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time Lou
We might be exactly like we were
Before we realized
We were sad of getting old
It made us restless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
I was so scared to face my fears
Cause nobody told me
that you'd be here
And I swore you moved overseas
That's what you said
when you left me
You still look like a movie
You still sound like a song
My God, this reminds me
When we were young
Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time Lou
We might be exactly like we were
Before we realized
We were sad of getting old
It made us restless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
It's hard to win me there
Everything just takes me back
To when you were there
To when you were there
A part of me keeps holding on
Just in case it hasn't gone
I guess I still care
Do you still care?
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
God, this reminds me
Of when we were young
When we were young
When we were young
When we were young
Let me photograph you in this light
In case it is the last time
We might be exactly like we were
Before we realized
We were sad of getting old
It made us restless
I'm so mad I'm getting old
It makes me reckless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
When we were young
Just Sick: Take two - Duration: 7:33.Hey YouTube, it's me Mia and welcome to my channel.
So recently a buddy of mine was sick and I thought,
that would be. This would be a great opportunity to
kind of
do a redo of my just sick video.
'Cause honestly I feel like it was kind of vague and
I am Just you know lazy AF
So I am most likely not going to take down the video.
So you are free to go and
check that video out and
I don't know comment how terrible it was or if you have gotten great tips from it.
let's get started.
For a lot of people including myself,
uh headaches are
terrible, I mean like let's be real.
Headaches are terrible for everyone.
So I thought,
Oils would be a great thing because I am not really into taking medications so.
These are actually home remedies.
Something that I recommend for headaches are
Frankincense is great for headaches.
You just put a little dot of oil on your Finger
Rub it in the roof of your mouth
There you go.
It should work,
I would say give it a little bit of time.
Fifteen-thirty minutes I am not saying it will be like,
(Container slides)
instant relief.
Another thing I recommend for headaches and dizziness,
Peppermint oil
You just take a little bit of peppermint oil, it is kind of like Frankincense except.
You don't put it uh you don't put it in your mouth.
You put it on your fore head.
You just rub it on your fore head and uh.
It works pretty, it works faster than the frankincense.
Which is honestly ironic since you,
put the Frankincense in your mouth none the less.
Frankincense does work.
Peppermint oil is definitely a great,
second choice.
You just it on your fore head.
fair warning though.
Peppermint oil,
kind of has a little bit of a sting factor.
Not so much that it will burn your skin but I mean like just the.
I don't know it's just.
You have to try it out for you self.
It is kind of hard to explain.
It is just a sensation that is a little uncomfortable.
None the less you will feel better.
Lastly for headaches I definitely recommend,
eating a piece of chocolate.
Eating a piece of chocolate I think is the fastest method.
Of the three.
The antioxidants, I am not sure I am not a scientist but if I remember correctly.
The antioxidants of the chocolate,
I don't know do some science-y stuff and
help your head feel better.
On top of you will have a nice sweet treat unless,
you like dark chocolate like me.
have a thing for dark chocolate I guess.
and uh
If you were wondering how much chocolate to eat.
I typically have one or two pieces of bite size chocolate but um.
If you want to go for a whole bar.
Go right a head.
I recommend having just chocolate though. Not like,
chocolate and peanut butter or chocolate and caramel or chocolate and nuts just you know.
Just chocolate itself.
By itself.
Oh and um also,
for the oils.
I recommend having a little case.
Actually my mom gave me this.
I think she got it from some oil shop or something.
But um if you don't have something small or nifty like this.
um definitely a travel container.
will definitely help 'cause you know.
You are at work or school.
Take a little bit of this
put it on your
This is Frankin what I have in here is Frankincense Actually.
Take a little bit of this put it on your finger.
In the roof of your mouth.
Your done.
Just let it do its job.
Pretty simple.
so yeah
So I guess that will do it for headaches and going on with your head.
I recommend um
eating spicy things I mean that is basically
all that I ever done for my sinuses.
Basically eat something spicy or uh.
I don't know something like that
that is basically
that is pretty much
now that I think of it
That is pretty much all I have done for sinuses is eat something spicy.
You know
the spicy
the spices
really get the uh
the mucus going out of.
So, I don't know eat something spicy.
For sore throat,
uh like I said I the last video.
Sore throat is definitely
uh something I definitely do for sore throat.
Lemon and honey with a cinnamon straw.
You know with the cinnamon sticks you will find in I don't know in your grocery store.
What I normally do is heat up the lemon.
The lemon juice you know,
take one of those juicers or whatever and
take one of those juicers
and get the lemon out
and put it in a cup.
warm up the lemon juice
put it in, put some honey in there.
Mix it around a little bit.
And then suck it though a cinnamon straw.
And that is basically how you
Make that it is actually a pretty simple recipe.
Fair warning though.
It is very effective, it works pretty much instantly.
Like even when I had it when I was younger it worked pretty much instantly.
But uh
The thing about is, it's a little.
It's a little of an acquired taste.
So I mean just.
It is definitely something to try out but uh.
Just a fair warning it is an acquired taste.
You may not like. You may,
like it.
Just uh
Let me know
if any of these remedies worked for you in the comment section below.
Uh definitely
share this video.
I guess that is all I got for you guys today.
Bye, no I am kidding.
um I
If you like this video please give this video a big thumbs up.
and uh
like I said before just it.
I would like to help as many of you people out there.
and um
If you like this video and would like to see more of my videos.
I encourage you to hit that subscribe button.
Give you the new exclusives on my videos coming out and I would like for you to have the exclusives
on my new videos coming out.
So, I hope you are having a great day,
a great week,
I will see you next time.
{Makes whoosh noise with mouth}
News Conference: Xavier vs. Gonzaga Postgame - Duration: 50:43.-------------------------------------------
Guns N' Roses - 1991-07-16 - Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, Washington - Duration: 2:22:53.-------------------------------------------
Do you want to run with me every day? - Duration: 0:37.
Limited Time Free Dex Weapons for ALL! Warframe's Fourth Anniversary! [1080HD] - Duration: 1:20.Ahoy thar, Legion!
Bonus weekend upload today just to remind yall that the most rarest, stylish, and pretty
darn hard hittin' Dex weapons are available for the next two days!
IF you wanna have looks to kill and damage to boot, be sure to login right now for Warframe's
fourth anniversary event!
Well, to be honest it's not so much an event as it's just three alert missions but you'll
still get some sexy weapons durin' the process, which I think we can all agree that's what
this game's all about.
Each weapon will arrive fully built, with it's own slot, and a free catalyst to boot!
So if you have friends new to the game or anyone that doesn't log in often that can
use the boost to damage or fashionframe alike, be sure to pass on teh good word and get em
to do those missions ASAP!
Shouldn't take ya very long, probably in an out of all three in less than thirty minutes.
Well worth the time investment for every level of player as even if you have a spare copy
of each from last year that's still three free weapon slots so from brand newb or jaded
veteran, everyone gets something from this event.
So logon and snag it!
Update 20 dropped as well, but free weapons kinda overshadow a new warframe and quest
so, ya know.
But I just wanted to drop ya a quick heads up in case you haven't played in awhile that
if you can only log in once a year, NOW is the time to do that.
Thank-you for watchin' and catch you next time, Legion!
Take care!
8 CELEBRITIES Who Are MAIN CHARACTERS In ANIME - Duration: 12:06.-------------------------------------------
[Kagamine Rin, IA] Memory - Andrew Lloyd Webber (from CATS) - Duration: 5:16.Daylight See the dew on a sunflower
And a rose that is fading Roses wither away
Like the sunflower, I yearn to turn my face to the dawn
I am waiting for the day
Memory Turn your face to the moonlight
Let your memory lead you Open up, enter in
If you find there the meaning of what happiness is
Then a new life will begin
Memory All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then
I remember a time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again
Burnt out ends of smokey days The stale cold smell of morning
A streetlamp dies - another night is over Another day is dawning
Daylight I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin
Sunlight through the trees in summer Endless masquerading
Like a flower as the dawning is breaking The memory is fading
Touch me It's so easy to leave me
All alone with a memory Of my days in the sun
If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has begun
Bad Baby crying and learn colors-Colorful M&M candy vs Masha- Finger Family Song Collection - Duration: 2:03.Bad Baby crying and learn colors-Colorful M&M candy vs Masha- Finger Family Song Collection
Dads Who Play Barbie®-------------------------------------------
Guns N' Roses - 1991-07-16 - Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, Washington - Duration: 2:22:53.-------------------------------------------
Ziemia Obiecana [#11] Mit Powrotu [PL\ENG] - Duration: 5:18.The Myth of Return
Throughout our retreat the Book of Exodus has accompanied us.
While reading Exodus, we learn how God lead the Chosen People to the Promised Land,
the land of milk and honey.
During their time in the desert, the Chosen People experienced God's presence.
However, despite His interventions and messages, they became discouraged.
In Chapter 16 we read an interesting story.
The whole Israelite community came into the wilderness of Sin, between Elim and Sinai.
In the absence of water and food, the Israelites started complaining
and saying: "Was it not better in the land of Egypt, as we sat by our kettles of meat and ate our fill of bread?!
Here, we were led into this wilderness to die of famine."
Consider this episode and apply it to our reality of immigration.
In the face of various difficulties, which we often experience in our exile,
stirring our hearts, we remember the country we left.
We start idealizing the reality which was difficult and burdensome.
As a result of this, we think about our return, an unrealistic dream.
Because we concentrate a lot on our reminiscences from the past,
we are not open for the present, for the new gifts that we now receive in our new place.
Hence, we become conscious of living temporary, provisional lives.
We therefore tend not to finish things;
we do not achieve anything.
We just dream about the land where we sat by our kettles of meat and ate our fill of bread.
However, God is with you today.
Even though you did not consult your immigration plans with Him,
He did not abandon you.
He supports you through your struggles
and He just wants to tell you that He is always with you, as He promised.
If you trust in Him again and entrust your life to Him,
He will lead you.
He never abandoned you as He did not abandon the Israelites, who transgressed against God many times.
The Lord will lead you through life.
So, I ask you, do not live for yesterday,
do not live for tomorrow.
Live for today,
because even though this today may be difficult and challenging,
the Lord, who promised you His fidelity, is present.
Hence, look around in the present time.
God's grace is not given tomorrow nor was it given yesterday.
We receive it today, for the current moment of our life.
Open your mind as much as you can
and observe God's inconspicuous presence.
This recognition can be difficult, as it was difficult for the Israelites wandering through the desert,
but He was there.
Open your heart,
and you will be surprised that in your everyday life
you can find the bright moments of God's presence.
God is telling you "Do not be afraid, for I am always with you!"
In your prayer today, your personal meeting with the Lord,
entrust your life to Him
and start asking Him:
"Lord Jesus, what do you think about…..?
Let me know. What would You do in my place? "
Baked Doughnuts recipe/Bomboloni al forno ricetta light - Duration: 4:52.Hi everyone!
There's nothing like starting your day off with a delicious, fresh doughnut and a cup of coffee!
Everyone loves doughnuts, but they are usually deep-fried, high in fat and sugar, they're
not exactly a healthy food - in fact, quite the opposite.
So today, i'm happy to share with you a healthier baked version of the fried donuts.
These homemade doughnuts are made with applesauce, there's very little sugar and butter, and
no eggs, but still so fragrant and delicious.
let's see the ingredients we need:
250g/8.8oz Strong flour, sifted - Bread Flour (Manitoba type), a pinch of salt
160g/5.2oz unsweetened applesauce (for the
applesauce recipe, click on the link above)
50g/1,7oz melted butter 50g/1,7oz brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla powder or extract 50ml/1.7 fl. oz slightly warmed milk
10g/0.35oz fresh yeast or 5g dried yeast 1 tsp organic lemon zest
For the topping: 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp olive oil
Now let's make some doughnuts!
First, preheat your oven to 190C (375F).
In a bowl, mix 1 tsp sugar with crumbled yeast, pour in the lukewarm milk, stir to dissolve and
set aside until foamy, about 10 minutes.
In the bowl of your standing mixer, beat together, butter, brown sugar and vanilla on medium-high
speed until light in color and the sugar begins to dissolve.
Reduce speed to low, add the applesauce, the foamy yeast mixture, the lemon zest and mix
just until blended.
If the mixture starts looking curdled or separated, don't worry that's normal.
Change the attachment to the dough hook and gradually add the flour and salt, then knead on medium
speed, until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes.
Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl (it can be the same bowl) then cover and allow
to rise until double in volume, about 2 hours.
After the first rise, turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, knead few times,
then roll out to 1cm/ 0.4 inch thickness, and cut out rounds using a 7cm / 2.5 inches cutter.
Place all rounds on a flat baking sheet, lined with parchment paper, cover with a towel and
let rise until double again.
Bake the doughnuts for 15-20 minutes, until puffed and golden brown.
As soon as you remove them from the oven, brush them lightly with olive oil and sprinkle
with sugar.
My kitchen is completely filled with the wonderful smell of freshly baked donuts, that sweet
delicious smell is impossible to ignore, especially when they're warm straight out of the oven.
If desired, cut the donuts in half horizontally,
then spread with your favorite filling.
These baked donuts are very soft, fluffy, and unbelievably delicious.
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