Topic of this issue us in the comments below
Video offered Rogan, for which a special thank you to him.
It is often a good idea spoils after
it is raised to the absolute.
Today we decided to raise really interesting
and extremely voluminous theme, - namely, the combination of the raw food diet
and sports.
Raw food is a kind of diet
in which the food consumed products that are not subject to
heat treatment.
Mostly it in this case is carried out on the
plant products origin.
Raw food itself is divided into an omnivore, vegetarian,
vegan, carnivore and fruitarianism.
When omnivorous allowed the use of all types of
If a vegetarian diet from fish and meat are excluded.
When fully vegan excluded any products
animal origin.
carnivore raw food diet It involves the use of a
food in the vast majority raw fish, seafood,
meat, poultry, eggs and animal fat, with fruit and
Vegetables are used in minimum amount.
fruitarianism means forming a ration
exclusively from fruits, berries and vegetables.
Of course, this is only a basic species.
There are also a variety of combined version
such diets.
Such a diet It originated from the hypothesis
that in the course of evolution in the diet people could not naturally
thermally exposed manner cooked foods.
Thereby imply raw foodists unnatural heat
processed food and, accordingly, reducing its effectiveness
and the emergence of a variety of diseases and intoxications
against the background of its reception.
In defense of his theory they lead examples
as people had converted a similar lifestyle
They lost weight and improved own health.
Often experiments are bodybuilders who shared
impressions received lightness and excellent state of health.
However, it should be understood, that professional bodybuilding
in principle, nothing to do It is not a healthy way
life, like any other professional sports.
Secondly - weight loss at similar power method
are inevitable due to a sharp deficit
Third significantly deteriorate indicators such as muscle
mass and strength.
Fourth - depending from raw food type occurs
various deficit active substances including
including vitamins B-group and essential amino acids.
Fifthly reduced level collagen decreases
bone strength, is broken nails, hair structure
and teeth.
Sixth - hormonal changes background, reduced production
preliminary improvement well-being, as a rule,
It occurs because of restrictions nutritional carcinogens
cholesterol and total surplus calorie level.
However, the same effect It can be achieved simply bringing
your diet in order.
If we consider the human organism from the point of view
his addictions to food, we can find
a comprehensive set of teeth, having both incisors and canines
for ease of use meat and premolars and
molars that are perfect milling plant
Our gut has a length about 9 meters, which is
a cross between 7 meters from predators and 12
meters from herbivores.
Thus, it becomes it is clear that the person being
Moreover, our ancestors - monkey happy
juicy snack caruncle green leaves, if they
provided such opportunity.
However, there are raw foodists, who claim that we
are not the descendants of primates.
Checkmate, atheists.
Moreover fanatical commitment some representatives
like diet It becomes comparable with fanatical
For example, they are often called people consuming meat
- Carrion, obviously forgetting that there are different
variants of the same raw food diet, which is capable of receiving
food of animal origin.
Our view is that the idea of saturation
own diet natural products,
without heat handling pretty
is quite good in the event that it does not erect an absolute.
Most of the known we Representatives of this
diet are pretty mediocre
sports achivments, simultaneously trying to sell
own diets, training system, itineraries
day and a variety of natural additives.
Marketing in its purest form.
We are strongly opposed to the use of like diet
people younger than 25 years since how their bodies are still
It stored in the step of forming and without proper use
all necessary components consequences for the organism
can be sharply negative.
Of course there are exceptions the rule.
For example, Aleksey Voevoda openly advocates
raw food diet, but as a we have said in one
of our issues Alexey Already in childhood showed that
has exclusive genetics, demonstrating
great physical strength.
Moreover, he switched a similar lifestyle
after having been body formed
A number of formal studies showed that about 30% syroedok
suffer from the cycle of loss, more than half of the surveyed
raw foodists noted strong disruption of
enamel, almost 100% study noted
substantial reduction levels of omega-3 and B-12.
As well, most researchers suggest that heat-treated
food served extra impetus in the development of the brain
the brain, since it contains in its composition of polysaccharides,
easily absorbed by our body and employees
more energy for the brain.
Summarizing all the above I want to say again
that everything is good in moderation.
Diversify your diet natural food supply,
but do not cross the line reasonable, because the mind is
It is what distinguishes people from animals.
Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,
if we do something not told within the scene.
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