Saturday, March 25, 2017

Youtube daily report w Mar 26 2017



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video offered Rogan, for which a special thank you to him.

It is often a good idea spoils after

it is raised to the absolute.

Today we decided to raise really interesting

and extremely voluminous theme, - namely, the combination of the raw food diet

and sports.

Raw food is a kind of diet

in which the food consumed products that are not subject to

heat treatment.

Mostly it in this case is carried out on the

plant products origin.

Raw food itself is divided into an omnivore, vegetarian,

vegan, carnivore and fruitarianism.

When omnivorous allowed the use of all types of


If a vegetarian diet from fish and meat are excluded.

When fully vegan excluded any products

animal origin.

carnivore raw food diet It involves the use of a

food in the vast majority raw fish, seafood,

meat, poultry, eggs and animal fat, with fruit and

Vegetables are used in minimum amount.

fruitarianism means forming a ration

exclusively from fruits, berries and vegetables.

Of course, this is only a basic species.

There are also a variety of combined version

such diets.

Such a diet It originated from the hypothesis

that in the course of evolution in the diet people could not naturally

thermally exposed manner cooked foods.

Thereby imply raw foodists unnatural heat

processed food and, accordingly, reducing its effectiveness

and the emergence of a variety of diseases and intoxications

against the background of its reception.

In defense of his theory they lead examples

as people had converted a similar lifestyle

They lost weight and improved own health.

Often experiments are bodybuilders who shared

impressions received lightness and excellent state of health.

However, it should be understood, that professional bodybuilding

in principle, nothing to do It is not a healthy way

life, like any other professional sports.

Secondly - weight loss at similar power method

are inevitable due to a sharp deficit


Third significantly deteriorate indicators such as muscle

mass and strength.

Fourth - depending from raw food type occurs

various deficit active substances including

including vitamins B-group and essential amino acids.

Fifthly reduced level collagen decreases

bone strength, is broken nails, hair structure

and teeth.

Sixth - hormonal changes background, reduced production


preliminary improvement well-being, as a rule,

It occurs because of restrictions nutritional carcinogens

cholesterol and total surplus calorie level.

However, the same effect It can be achieved simply bringing

your diet in order.

If we consider the human organism from the point of view

his addictions to food, we can find

a comprehensive set of teeth, having both incisors and canines

for ease of use meat and premolars and

molars that are perfect milling plant


Our gut has a length about 9 meters, which is

a cross between 7 meters from predators and 12

meters from herbivores.

Thus, it becomes it is clear that the person being


Moreover, our ancestors - monkey happy

juicy snack caruncle green leaves, if they

provided such opportunity.

However, there are raw foodists, who claim that we

are not the descendants of primates.

Checkmate, atheists.

Moreover fanatical commitment some representatives

like diet It becomes comparable with fanatical


For example, they are often called people consuming meat

- Carrion, obviously forgetting that there are different

variants of the same raw food diet, which is capable of receiving

food of animal origin.

Our view is that the idea of ​​saturation

own diet natural products,

without heat handling pretty

is quite good in the event that it does not erect an absolute.

Most of the known we Representatives of this

diet are pretty mediocre

sports achivments, simultaneously trying to sell

own diets, training system, itineraries

day and a variety of natural additives.

Marketing in its purest form.

We are strongly opposed to the use of like diet

people younger than 25 years since how their bodies are still

It stored in the step of forming and without proper use

all necessary components consequences for the organism

can be sharply negative.

Of course there are exceptions the rule.

For example, Aleksey Voevoda openly advocates

raw food diet, but as a we have said in one

of our issues Alexey Already in childhood showed that

has exclusive genetics, demonstrating

great physical strength.

Moreover, he switched a similar lifestyle

after having been body formed


A number of formal studies showed that about 30% syroedok

suffer from the cycle of loss, more than half of the surveyed

raw foodists noted strong disruption of

enamel, almost 100% study noted

substantial reduction levels of omega-3 and B-12.

As well, most researchers suggest that heat-treated

food served extra impetus in the development of the brain

the brain, since it contains in its composition of polysaccharides,

easily absorbed by our body and employees

more energy for the brain.

Summarizing all the above I want to say again

that everything is good in moderation.

Diversify your diet natural food supply,

but do not cross the line reasonable, because the mind is

It is what distinguishes people from animals.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told within the scene.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will greatly help the development of our channel.

On our site are gathered all editions and text

articles to them.

Not to miss the next Video - subscribe

to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to


And yes, one more thing.

If you still do not done, then click on the bell

near the subscribe button.

Put a tick "report me all the news of this

Channel "and click save.

So you will not miss our new release.

For more infomation >> Raw Food and Sports, Harm and Benefit - Duration: 6:54.


Lynn - Rise High [Official Mus...

For more infomation >> Lynn - Rise High [Official Mus...


Espiritualidade em Gotas / Ep. 84 - Descansar é Divino - Duration: 4:06.

Rest is Divine

- The rest is also a Law of Nature? Is it not?

It is question 682 of The Spirits' Book..

[ ♪ Soft Music ♪ ]

Spirituality in drops

- The Rest is for the repair of the

forces of the body, as well as for giving

a little more freedom to the intelligence.

It was the response of the spirits who point

out the need for us to balance

two terms of the equation of life: work and rest

which signify two expressions of the natural law,

of existence when on and off the earth.

We need to articulate the work in

a coherent way, so that it does not usurp

the energies of the body by dilapidating our

vitality unduly.

Just as we need to respect our body giving

it the necessary rest, so that the

vitality to be recomposed can allow that

the spirit, endowing this body of

work, can act in the world,

in the relationship with other people,

establishing its evolution inevitable.

Establishing an exaggerated rest for the body

is as harmful as being someone who

works exaggeratedly.

The vicious work, the 'workaholic',

is capable of being able to lead and abbreviate

existence thus determining

a disembodiment ahead of time.

Just as one who goes into

too much rest establishes for

himself a predisposition to infirmity, since

the body put into

inactivity gains calories,

becomes available to infirmities, and thus

we are invited out of the body ahead of time.

Balancing work and rest is a

common sense attitude that should offer

us the understanding that

if we spend eight hours, a third of the day sleeping,

resting, is the opportunity to give freedom

to the soul so that the spiritual

being, disconnected from the body - which Asleep,

rests, goes out to the spiritual

world for his fruitful experiences,

making spiritual contacts

with his tutors, learning,

working so that when he returns to the

physical body, after the restorative

sleep of the physical energies, the person does not

only come back better physically, but

also come back with new ideas, with

intuitive processes that brings the spiritual

world to concretize when


Therefore, it is very important, more than

a pause, rest, so that in this

balance of work and rest

we can have a long life, but

not only in terms of time, but of effectiveness,

evolution, it invites us

to observe the Laws of Nature.

Work and rest are two expressions

of the same coin that consecrates the observance

of the Godhead in our daily lives.

[ ♪ Soft Music ♪ ]

For more infomation >> Espiritualidade em Gotas / Ep. 84 - Descansar é Divino - Duration: 4:06.


TRANSFORMERS 2017 | TRAILER 2 (EXTENDIDO) - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> TRANSFORMERS 2017 | TRAILER 2 (EXTENDIDO) - Duration: 10:19.


★Как правильно ТОЧИТЬ НОЖ бруском, мусатом и точилкой. Это должен знать КАЖДЫЙ мужчина. - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> ★Как правильно ТОЧИТЬ НОЖ бруском, мусатом и точилкой. Это должен знать КАЖДЫЙ мужчина. - Duration: 6:20.


Going In Style Movie

For more infomation >> Going In Style Movie


Raw Food and Sports, Harm and Benefit - Duration: 6:54.



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video offered Rogan, for which a special thank you to him.

It is often a good idea spoils after

it is raised to the absolute.

Today we decided to raise really interesting

and extremely voluminous theme, - namely, the combination of the raw food diet

and sports.

Raw food is a kind of diet

in which the food consumed products that are not subject to

heat treatment.

Mostly it in this case is carried out on the

plant products origin.

Raw food itself is divided into an omnivore, vegetarian,

vegan, carnivore and fruitarianism.

When omnivorous allowed the use of all types of


If a vegetarian diet from fish and meat are excluded.

When fully vegan excluded any products

animal origin.

carnivore raw food diet It involves the use of a

food in the vast majority raw fish, seafood,

meat, poultry, eggs and animal fat, with fruit and

Vegetables are used in minimum amount.

fruitarianism means forming a ration

exclusively from fruits, berries and vegetables.

Of course, this is only a basic species.

There are also a variety of combined version

such diets.

Such a diet It originated from the hypothesis

that in the course of evolution in the diet people could not naturally

thermally exposed manner cooked foods.

Thereby imply raw foodists unnatural heat

processed food and, accordingly, reducing its effectiveness

and the emergence of a variety of diseases and intoxications

against the background of its reception.

In defense of his theory they lead examples

as people had converted a similar lifestyle

They lost weight and improved own health.

Often experiments are bodybuilders who shared

impressions received lightness and excellent state of health.

However, it should be understood, that professional bodybuilding

in principle, nothing to do It is not a healthy way

life, like any other professional sports.

Secondly - weight loss at similar power method

are inevitable due to a sharp deficit


Third significantly deteriorate indicators such as muscle

mass and strength.

Fourth - depending from raw food type occurs

various deficit active substances including

including vitamins B-group and essential amino acids.

Fifthly reduced level collagen decreases

bone strength, is broken nails, hair structure

and teeth.

Sixth - hormonal changes background, reduced production


preliminary improvement well-being, as a rule,

It occurs because of restrictions nutritional carcinogens

cholesterol and total surplus calorie level.

However, the same effect It can be achieved simply bringing

your diet in order.

If we consider the human organism from the point of view

his addictions to food, we can find

a comprehensive set of teeth, having both incisors and canines

for ease of use meat and premolars and

molars that are perfect milling plant


Our gut has a length about 9 meters, which is

a cross between 7 meters from predators and 12

meters from herbivores.

Thus, it becomes it is clear that the person being


Moreover, our ancestors - monkey happy

juicy snack caruncle green leaves, if they

provided such opportunity.

However, there are raw foodists, who claim that we

are not the descendants of primates.

Checkmate, atheists.

Moreover fanatical commitment some representatives

like diet It becomes comparable with fanatical


For example, they are often called people consuming meat

- Carrion, obviously forgetting that there are different

variants of the same raw food diet, which is capable of receiving

food of animal origin.

Our view is that the idea of ​​saturation

own diet natural products,

without heat handling pretty

is quite good in the event that it does not erect an absolute.

Most of the known we Representatives of this

diet are pretty mediocre

sports achivments, simultaneously trying to sell

own diets, training system, itineraries

day and a variety of natural additives.

Marketing in its purest form.

We are strongly opposed to the use of like diet

people younger than 25 years since how their bodies are still

It stored in the step of forming and without proper use

all necessary components consequences for the organism

can be sharply negative.

Of course there are exceptions the rule.

For example, Aleksey Voevoda openly advocates

raw food diet, but as a we have said in one

of our issues Alexey Already in childhood showed that

has exclusive genetics, demonstrating

great physical strength.

Moreover, he switched a similar lifestyle

after having been body formed


A number of formal studies showed that about 30% syroedok

suffer from the cycle of loss, more than half of the surveyed

raw foodists noted strong disruption of

enamel, almost 100% study noted

substantial reduction levels of omega-3 and B-12.

As well, most researchers suggest that heat-treated

food served extra impetus in the development of the brain

the brain, since it contains in its composition of polysaccharides,

easily absorbed by our body and employees

more energy for the brain.

Summarizing all the above I want to say again

that everything is good in moderation.

Diversify your diet natural food supply,

but do not cross the line reasonable, because the mind is

It is what distinguishes people from animals.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told within the scene.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will greatly help the development of our channel.

On our site are gathered all editions and text

articles to them.

Not to miss the next Video - subscribe

to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to


And yes, one more thing.

If you still do not done, then click on the bell

near the subscribe button.

Put a tick "report me all the news of this

Channel "and click save.

So you will not miss our new release.

For more infomation >> Raw Food and Sports, Harm and Benefit - Duration: 6:54.


World's First Wearable EMG

For more infomation >> World's First Wearable EMG


Raw Food and Sports, Harm and Benefit - Duration: 6:54.



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video offered Rogan, for which a special thank you to him.

It is often a good idea spoils after

it is raised to the absolute.

Today we decided to raise really interesting

and extremely voluminous theme, - namely, the combination of the raw food diet

and sports.

Raw food is a kind of diet

in which the food consumed products that are not subject to

heat treatment.

Mostly it in this case is carried out on the

plant products origin.

Raw food itself is divided into an omnivore, vegetarian,

vegan, carnivore and fruitarianism.

When omnivorous allowed the use of all types of


If a vegetarian diet from fish and meat are excluded.

When fully vegan excluded any products

animal origin.

carnivore raw food diet It involves the use of a

food in the vast majority raw fish, seafood,

meat, poultry, eggs and animal fat, with fruit and

Vegetables are used in minimum amount.

fruitarianism means forming a ration

exclusively from fruits, berries and vegetables.

Of course, this is only a basic species.

There are also a variety of combined version

such diets.

Such a diet It originated from the hypothesis

that in the course of evolution in the diet people could not naturally

thermally exposed manner cooked foods.

Thereby imply raw foodists unnatural heat

processed food and, accordingly, reducing its effectiveness

and the emergence of a variety of diseases and intoxications

against the background of its reception.

In defense of his theory they lead examples

as people had converted a similar lifestyle

They lost weight and improved own health.

Often experiments are bodybuilders who shared

impressions received lightness and excellent state of health.

However, it should be understood, that professional bodybuilding

in principle, nothing to do It is not a healthy way

life, like any other professional sports.

Secondly - weight loss at similar power method

are inevitable due to a sharp deficit


Third significantly deteriorate indicators such as muscle

mass and strength.

Fourth - depending from raw food type occurs

various deficit active substances including

including vitamins B-group and essential amino acids.

Fifthly reduced level collagen decreases

bone strength, is broken nails, hair structure

and teeth.

Sixth - hormonal changes background, reduced production


preliminary improvement well-being, as a rule,

It occurs because of restrictions nutritional carcinogens

cholesterol and total surplus calorie level.

However, the same effect It can be achieved simply bringing

your diet in order.

If we consider the human organism from the point of view

his addictions to food, we can find

a comprehensive set of teeth, having both incisors and canines

for ease of use meat and premolars and

molars that are perfect milling plant


Our gut has a length about 9 meters, which is

a cross between 7 meters from predators and 12

meters from herbivores.

Thus, it becomes it is clear that the person being


Moreover, our ancestors - monkey happy

juicy snack caruncle green leaves, if they

provided such opportunity.

However, there are raw foodists, who claim that we

are not the descendants of primates.

Checkmate, atheists.

Moreover fanatical commitment some representatives

like diet It becomes comparable with fanatical


For example, they are often called people consuming meat

- Carrion, obviously forgetting that there are different

variants of the same raw food diet, which is capable of receiving

food of animal origin.

Our view is that the idea of ​​saturation

own diet natural products,

without heat handling pretty

is quite good in the event that it does not erect an absolute.

Most of the known we Representatives of this

diet are pretty mediocre

sports achivments, simultaneously trying to sell

own diets, training system, itineraries

day and a variety of natural additives.

Marketing in its purest form.

We are strongly opposed to the use of like diet

people younger than 25 years since how their bodies are still

It stored in the step of forming and without proper use

all necessary components consequences for the organism

can be sharply negative.

Of course there are exceptions the rule.

For example, Aleksey Voevoda openly advocates

raw food diet, but as a we have said in one

of our issues Alexey Already in childhood showed that

has exclusive genetics, demonstrating

great physical strength.

Moreover, he switched a similar lifestyle

after having been body formed


A number of formal studies showed that about 30% syroedok

suffer from the cycle of loss, more than half of the surveyed

raw foodists noted strong disruption of

enamel, almost 100% study noted

substantial reduction levels of omega-3 and B-12.

As well, most researchers suggest that heat-treated

food served extra impetus in the development of the brain

the brain, since it contains in its composition of polysaccharides,

easily absorbed by our body and employees

more energy for the brain.

Summarizing all the above I want to say again

that everything is good in moderation.

Diversify your diet natural food supply,

but do not cross the line reasonable, because the mind is

It is what distinguishes people from animals.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told within the scene.

If you like the video, then support us huskies

and share this video with friends.

This will greatly help the development of our channel.

On our site are gathered all editions and text

articles to them.

Not to miss the next Video - subscribe

to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to


And yes, one more thing.

If you still do not done, then click on the bell

near the subscribe button.

Put a tick "report me all the news of this

Channel "and click save.

So you will not miss our new release.

For more infomation >> Raw Food and Sports, Harm and Benefit - Duration: 6:54.


Special Announcement: Restarting the "NFS: HS" (PS1) Gameplay Walkthrough Series Soon! - Duration: 2:56.

Karl: Hello, and this is Karl of AmazingWizardStudios!

Karl: This is a special announcement regarding the restart of the "Need for Speed: High Stakes" Gameplay Walkthrough on the Sony PlayStation.

Karl: As of the time in which this video was recorded, I've already recorded one part of the Gameplay Walkthrough series, and hopefully, I'll upload it on YouTube soon.

Karl: Like I said before, "Need for Speed: High Stakes" is a racing video game released back in 1999 for both the PC and the PlayStation, and the PlayStation version is what I'm covering right now.

Karl: The game is the fourth installment in the "Need for Speed" series, as well as the first installment in the series to feature a damage model, where damage to a given car affects both its appearance and performance.

Karl: I love "Need for Speed: High Stakes," by the way.

Karl: And I'm so glad because with myself having gotten the physical copy of "Need for Speed: High Stakes" for both the PC and the PlayStation and myself also having an original PlayStation, I can play that game on either platform whenever I want, but soon, the "Need for Speed: High Stakes" Gameplay Walkthough series on the PC (My bad, I meant "Sony PlayStation") will restart once I upload the first part of the series that has started on the day in which this video was recorded.

Karl: Don't forget to hit that thumbs up button! Also, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and leave a comment, as well as follow me on social media! This is Karl of AmazingWizardStudios signing out! Peace!

For more infomation >> Special Announcement: Restarting the "NFS: HS" (PS1) Gameplay Walkthrough Series Soon! - Duration: 2:56.


Slinky Brand Cold Shoulder MockNeck Tunic and Pant Set - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Slinky Brand Cold Shoulder MockNeck Tunic and Pant Set - Duration: 10:53.


Nail Art Compilation March 2017 Part 4 💓 Easy Nail Designs 💓 - Duration: 11:27.

nail art compilation 2017

nail art compilation 2017 march

nail art compilation 2017

For more infomation >> Nail Art Compilation March 2017 Part 4 💓 Easy Nail Designs 💓 - Duration: 11:27.


Safety Precautions During General Electric Maintenance - Duration: 10:54.

Marine Online

Understanding the need to take necessary safety

precautions during maintenance for the

electrical installations before

attempting any electrical work there are

some basic precautions you must bear in

mind the possible dangers arising from

the misuse of electrical equipment are

well known electric shock and fire

caused loss of life and damage to

equipment regulations exist to control

the construction installation operation

and maintenance of electrical equipment

in order to reduce the element of danger

as much as possible where danger arises

it is usually due to accident neglect

off another contravention of the

regulations electrical equipment and

services and board ships must meet the

minimum standards specified by the

various national and international

organizations the standards specified by

the various organizations are met when a

ship is designed built approved and

classified it is the ship owner and is

staffs responsibility to maintain the

vessel and its electrical equipment in

compliance with the requirements of the

classification society throughout the

ship's lifetime the periodic electrical

survey every four years is for checking

that the installations meet the

requirements the classification society

the ship's staff must operate equipment

in a safe manner and maintain it in a

safe condition at all times failure to

do so is dangerous and could have

disastrous consequences the ship staff

should keep in mind an essential list of

do's and don'ts when working on

electrical equipment do get to know the

ship's electrical system and equipment

study the ship's diagrams

to pinpoint the location of switches and

protection devices supplying

distribution boards and essential items

of equipment right down this information

in a notebook note the normal indication

from switchboards instruments so that

abnormal operation can we quickly

detected do operate the equipment

according to the manufacturer's

recommendations do maintain equipment

according to the manufacturer's

recommendations or the ship owners

maintenance procedures do check that

circuits are dead by using a voltage

tester before touching conductors and

terminals do switch off and lock off

supplies remove fuses and display

warning notices before removing

equipment covers prior to maintenance to

ensure that all guards covers and doors

are securely fitted and that all bolts

and fittings are fitted and tightly

secured don't neglect or abuse equipment

don't leave conductors or rotating parts

exposed don't touch rotating parts don't

touch live conductors under any

circumstances you should think safety at

all times and developed an attitude of

safety consciousness this may well save

your life from the lives of others most

accidents occur due to momentary loss of

concentration or attempt the

short-circuit standard safety procedures

do not let it happen to you nearly

everyone has experienced an electric

shock at some time at best it is an M

pleasant experience at worst it is

faithful anyone who has access to live

electrical equipment must be fully

familiar with first aid and safety

procedures related electric

och as described in relevant safety act

copies of these safety procedures should

be displayed on board ship electric

shock is caused by the flow of current

through your body this is often from

hand to hand off from hand to foot a

shock current as low as 15 milli amp AC

or DC may be fatal obviously the size of

the shock current is related to the

applied voltage and your body's

resistance and fortunately your body's

resistance goes down as applied voltage

goes up this means that the shock

current is further increased at high

voltages the amount of your body

resistance also depends on other factors

such as your state of health the degree

of contact with live wires and the

amount of perspiration or dampness on

your skin typical dry full contact body

resistance is about 5,000 ohms at 25

votes fall into 2000 ohms at 250 volts

elect shock is often accompanied by

falling which may cause additional

physical injury and require first-aid

action if the shock victim is

unconscious resuscitation must take

place first before doing anything else

check the resuscitation techniques

illustrators on the electric shock

posters displayed on board all equipment

is subject to wear and tear eventually

reaching the end of its useful life when

it must be replaced as equipment nears

the end of its life its condition

determines to what an extent it poses a

danger to personnel and other power

plants the purpose of maintenance

therefore is to extend the useful life

of equipment by

air and or replacement of defective

parts and to maintain it in a safe and

serviceable condition the marine

environment is particularly arduous full

elective equipment to the damp fault

Laden atmosphere extremes of temperature

and constant vibration shitball

equipment is in particular need of

correct maintenance the continuous

operation of equipment on board a ship

demands high operating efficiency and

optimum economy in order to keep down

costs to maintain financial

competitiveness nearly all equipment

needs maintenance an efficiency engineer

or electrician must get to know his

plant he must be able to check the

ship's drawings and diagrams and relate

them to actual equipment equipment must

be kept under continuous observation so

that normal healthy operating conditions

become familiar and abnormal operation

can be quickly observed faults should be

pinpointed and corrected before

breakdown occurs caution if it is

necessary to work on live equipment and

the operator must be fully protected

only rubber gloves that are specially

made for this purpose should be used

caution always ensure that the generator

prime mover is shut down and locked off

before you begin your maintenance also

check that the generator circuit breaker

is locked off auto start circuits are

disabled and generate electric heaters

are isolated caution generator circuit

breakers must be switched off and

isolated from the best spas for

maintenance and testing name

for the generator is normally limited to

inspection and lubrication of bearings

according to manufacturers

recommendation clean the generators in

case of dirt in accordance with the

manufacturers recommendation it is

rendered that you check the generators

controlled equipment and compare them to

the test protocols delivered from the

manufacturer Limited maintenance is

generally all that is necessary in the

main switchboard however specified

maintenance on the different

manufacturers should be carried out

generally the maintenance on a main

switchboard consists of cleaning

lubrication of mechanical devices and

checking contacts note that unnecessary

tightening of contacts and terminals are

not recommended this may cause

deformations and in turn break or weaken

contacts some circuit breakers may have

pneumatic delay relays which tend to

change delay time due to dirt these have

to be cleaned and checked eventually

readjusted inspection of the instruments

accuracy may be carried out according to

maintenance schedule inspect the

generator circuit breakers in accordance

of manufacturers recommendations typical

failure on the generator may be one or

more of the following

very big

For more infomation >> Safety Precautions During General Electric Maintenance - Duration: 10:54.


Schedule YouTube Video When "Schedule" Option Doesn't Appear | QuantumBuddy - Duration: 2:37.

hi guys welcome to quantum buddy in this

video I'm going to show what we have to

do when we didn't get the schedule

option without any dealy lets go

see here the upload page I am NOT

getting the initiatives option i am

going to getting public on the schedule

private why i am not getting fable

option is because i am not enabled the

Montes option ok let us go and enables

the monetized option so we're enable

amount Egyptian we need to go to our

pages section let us go to that one here

I need to enable the Mont Egyptian

before that I need to choose my country

choose the country

okay remaining we can chat later alpha

now I choose in the country let us go

back to features just see physician now

we are eligible and we need to enable

this one click on enable clicking 1

enablement Joe in the YouTube program

set up and a ten-second choose we guess

you want the quantizer just join the

partner program you need to read all

these things I already read and I am

agreeing to these things you also just

need to redone by agree now set of

patterns who can go to that later let us

see whether we are getting the shit

eruption or not I am the fishing the

page see I got the shit eruption so cook

at the shedule option we just need to

enable the monetization by making the

youtube partner ok guys thank you for

watching please don't forget to

subscribe to my channel quantum body and

click on the big belly button and my

other channels also coming please

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For more infomation >> Schedule YouTube Video When "Schedule" Option Doesn't Appear | QuantumBuddy - Duration: 2:37.


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Song of Life" (Len ver.) (Romaji/English Subs) - Duration: 3:18.

"Song of Life" Music & Lyrics by Toraboruta

I was born in this world

And I am living here even now

A lot has happened since then

But I am breathing even now

A small child who knows nothing

Grows up and learns to walk by itself

I sowed flower seeds

I prayed for pretty flowers to bloom

However, they do not bloom easily

Even so, I water them daily

And they grow bit by bit

One day, even for me

The time will come when my life will end

Before that day comes

I wonder if I'll grow a flower I can be proud of?

Flowers eventually wither

But I pray that they will bear many seeds

And pass them on future generations

I hope that they carry on

The proof that I have lived

Repeating eternally

The never-ending song of life

Repeating for ever

The never-ending song of life

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "Song of Life" (Len ver.) (Romaji/English Subs) - Duration: 3:18.


How to create 3d intro video using mobile- techy sagar - Duration: 6:26.

download link in the description below

For more infomation >> How to create 3d intro video using mobile- techy sagar - Duration: 6:26.


How to pull off a tremolo flutter (Guitar Lesson) - Duration: 1:56.

Hey, nakedShredzz here

Today, i'm gonna show you how to pull off a tremolo flutter

I've used this technique in 2 of my original songs. I will link the link of the playlist of it in the description below

Before I jump into showing you how to pull off a tremolo flutter

Your guitar needs to have a floating bridge

Floating bridge is a bridge that allows your whammy bar to go forwards and also backwards

The vibrations is key to help give off the flutter

The best way to practice a flutter or cricket as some people would call it

You move your whammy bar to the opposite way of the neck

You pick a note, then put pressure on the edge of the whammy bar, then slide your finger off

It'll take a bit of practice but after an hour or so of playing with it, you'll get it down no problem

Another way you can pull off a flutter is by moving the whammy bar to here

Hit your note then give the whammy bar a little slap to start a small flutter

It'll take some time to understand how much pressure is needed for the uhhh flutter to go on

Also, make sure your whammy bar is screwed in tight because if not, it's not gonna give out a strong flutter

As you can see, the whammy bar just goes down and doesn't flutter so just make sure it's screwed in tight for it to... for it to give off that flutter

Thank you very much for watching! If you haven't subscribed, click on the subscribe button down below

I upload originals, covers, guitar lessons, slow mo playthrough and more

So be sure to subscribe for that!

If you have any recommendations or question, comment them down below and i'll try to answer as many as I can

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