How to I.T Say 4 Inam Jeeto Or Subscribe Kro
Peugeot 208 Style 1.2 PureTech 82pk 5-deurs | NAVIGATIE | NETTO DEALDAGEN - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Watch Music Happens Here-------------------------------------------
[sub español] TimmyXu, Xu WeiZhou "2016 Asian Tour Concert" I - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
Luna and Matteo - bitwa na słowa | Soy Luna na koncercie | Buenos Aires | PL | - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Coming soon ... two eco-printed cotton shirts - Duration: 1:04.Hi everyone this is Aannsha and it's just a
really quick video to let you know about
two more shirts that I'm eco-printing
this afternoon. I've got them boiling in that
pan. I've videoed the process of eco-printing
it already and as soon as these have
finished boiling, I'll take them out and
I'll record the unbundling - and we can
have a look at the results together! And
once I've done that, I'll put another
video together and I'll put them up so
that you can see the whole process. So this is
just a heads up to let you know what's
coming next ! Thanks for watching this. If
you want to see more videos from me in
future, press "subscribe" - but importantly
thing the little bell next to it because
when you press that bill you get
notified of all future videos when I
put them up here on Youtube. So thanks
for watching. This is Aannsha, over and out!
Pj Masks My little pony Learn Colors COLLECTION more 15 min for Kids Finger Family Learning Video - Duration: 16:40.Pj Masks My little pony Learn Colors COLLECTION more 15 min for Kids Finger Family Learning Video
MINIMALIST GEOMETRIC LOGO DESIGN ILLUSTRATOR TUTORIAL - Plus Q&A! - Duration: I will show you how to create this
cool minimalist geometric logo design
in Illustrator as well as have a
statesman with recent Q&A at the very
welcome back to satori graphics today's
video is a minimalist geometric logo
design illustrator tutorial but you can
use these exact skills to design any
kind of minimalist geometric logo design
you could incorporate your own style and
ideas for follow along and try this one
out for yourselves and on the very end
you will have my QA answers so thanks a
lot all of my subscribers who posted
their questions to make our myristic
geometric loader design you will need to
make a triangle so your color panel to a
stroke and then take your polygon tool
and double click on the artboard this
window will appear to type in three
sides and the pixel dimension is don't
really matter at the moment I'm going to
resize my in a bit here changing the
stroke way and the sides just make us to
a thickness similar to mine
once you've done that you need to
duplicate the triangle so hold down the
Alt key on your keyboard simply to this
icon up here and then click and drag
highlight both the triangles and
underline them with the line cool like
so if you wind it is my apron go to
window and then align on one of your
triangles use a direct selection tool
aka the white arrow tool bring down the
top point in it kind of way
if I wear the triangle strength to fill
shapes hourly basis them then goes
objects pass out line stretch move the
slanty triangle to the back and then
changes colors so we do not get confused
between the two shapes
we now want to learn triangles at the
furthest point on the right the left
side we can do later
the cast how the triangle to make it
seem like a basket behind take the
pencil and pray a pass like this fitting
into a film
duplicate the shape we're holding down
old as we're going to need this later
when you pass find the window and
insulate the new shape and the slanted
triangle we select the minus front
option which will cut out a section then
it's time to triangle to the back of the
logo design and then rotate it 180
degrees and align in place minus from
the front again and then in group the
slanted triangle shape leading the
section that we don't want in the middle
send you to the back again our
minimalist illustrator logo design is
taking shape and there's no more left to
do actually now with the direct
selection tool move the box on the left
point along to this behind the front
triangle making sure the left slant is
aligned you can carry on using the
direct selection tool adjust the points
here as we see fit
highlight mode shapes and with a path
finder window United myself to let the
member list explode the design and add
the gradient fill you can obviously add
any color you wish I'm going to go for a
blue gradient from light to dark
they're it's one variety of hours later
design but we can do a bit more
duplicate the logo and then change it to
white flint your first logo design
access the gradient and then make a
circle head send the circle a bag and
then drag your later over the top
we can change the gradient of the circle
to radio grade at mike's hair looks
pretty neat huh obviously we can change
the servals any color we wish so that
was my minimalist geometrical logo
design illustrator tutorial coming up
next so the answer to my Q&A thanks a
lot all the subscribers I did shoot me
some questions I was going to videotape
myself but I need to get new camera my
phone or webcam just think of it when it
comes to quality feeds are a lot to ask
and sorry for pronounce your name drawn
by the way when did you start correctly
design and how long for also can you do
some more photoshop tutorials yes I can
do some photoshop tutorials by have a
playlist already I haven't done many
recently but I I'm going to see to that
don't worry when did I start designing
well in 2005 I started to study graphic
design at the end of high school I
didn't really know what I was doing and
it took a long time for me to formulate
my path in the industry I've been doing
everything so 2004 here that's about 12
13 years now I guess black nose asks
what would you think of 99 designs and
what was the best cycles you know like a
designer well 99 designs is like one of
those competition website and I would
suggest that they're good if you are
learning to mix design for clients and
you're still student or studying I don't
think they're that good for someone who
is trying to get a career they're really
good for for the client side of things
because it can choose from a wide range
of designs and it doesn't doesn't cost
them any more money before a designer
you have to compete with so many people
and you have got a slim chance of
winning and you're up against in a 10 20
100 other designs there's no guarantee
of money coming in as far as websites go
just you need to get on social media and
you need to
sell yourself as a designer you need
have a good portfolio and then you need
to tell yourself as a designer on
Twitter on Facebook into Facebook groups
here in website you need to get yourself
out there because I my designs ask what
do you think about a design contest it's
really spicy diagnosis question and like
I said put designers is a good way to
practice your skills and refine your
skills but it's not going to get you a
lot of money and you have to compete
against a lot of people for some of them
not guaranteed you ideally ones have
clients where you are paid a deposit up
front normally fifty percent twenty-five
percent of the budget that way you know
you have kind of fall back on and you
know you're not going to working for
nothing you need to make sure at times
well spent and you're not working for
free basically unless you're a student
or something like that some fish asks do
i have a solemn so start working an
illustrator of course you do everyone
has the ability to work well in this
illustrator it just takes time it takes
practice there's a saying that says it
takes 10,000 hours to master anything
now that's quite a gross famine but it
just shows you that you need to put in
the time and the effort to get good at
anything musical instruments the sports
that all takes a lot of time you don't
see someone to pick up a basketball and
then obtaining the NBA six months later
you need to put in the time George dms
asked are you a freelance Simon well I
started off I left in University and I
started freelancing straight from there
I'm I did spend time working in a design
agency for a bit and then also a
printing agency i'm working the printing
that seems really good actually because
it showed me the printing process and
how to set up a file perfectly for
printing it can be troublesome sometimes
but i work for myself and I move around
the world since dif different places
just enjoying life so hip answered your
question so thanks again to everyone you
ask me this passion next time we'll try
to get myself in video also if you liked
the tutorial smash that like button and
share this video someone else you might
like it too until next time design your
future today here
Dialing Desire To "Get What You Want" - Duration: 5:24.hello Candice Oneida here welcome to
feminine success secrets the place where
we women come to become powerful
feminine what the video is about today's
about how to dial desire toward what you
want i wanted to make this video today
because in these troubled turbulent
times under these new presidency i'm
watching so much desire and energy going
toward what people don't want has been
focusing on reacting to freakin tweet
and press conferences and bad behavior
by the administration i have been
trained in how to work with desire and
what people want for over 20 years it is
why the art of desires such a core part
of the trainings i do with women on how
to become powerful feminine so I'm here
leedahay to implore you about your
desire your attention and your intention
now when you're in reaction to something
you're focusing what you don't want and
I am literally watching the press corp i'm
watching people put so much energy on
facebook in tweets on Twitter in the
press on reacting against bad things and
bad behavior because not about burying
your head in the sand of pretending
think this is not going on
it is going on unfortunately the way
that you affect change in the world is
to ward asserting your value focusing on
what you want on what you value now I'm
really heated to help you to define the
difference between the focusing on what
you don't want this is the focus being
on what you do want now with all the
noise that's going on maybe i am here a
little bit to implore you to turn off
some of the noise it's a little bit like
people that slow down when there's a car
crash or an accident on the road
code it slows things down it backs up
the traffic
nobody's I also get to where they want
so in order for you to get what you want
in order for you to actually bring what
you're about in order to you actually
live a life full of your values you need
to dial your desire away from what you
don't want to reward what you want now
when there is an accident on the side of
the road staying focused two-headed you
where you're driving and where you're
going can be a little bit difficult when
everybody else is what do they call that
gateway everyone else is actually gazing
at the accident right now I really want
to stress here
focus on what you want focus on where
you're going
focus on being an integrity with your
self with your mission your purpose and
your values if the world could stop
focusing on the car accident of the road
we'd actually be flowing toward a new
goal a new direction now the upside of
what I'm starting to see under this
situation at the moment that's happening
politically is that there is this
uprising of power at this very
grassroots level in people
now this is what we need to do this is
what we need to focus on if you're a
person that he's building tribes or
speaking things that you know about are
out there with social justice things
that you are interested in then focus on
the positive aspect of what you're
bringing focus on the change that you
can afford you see the weird thing where
people are feeling disempowered under
this administration is those are getting
this are actually going we have to be
awake and we have to be in our power we
have to focus on our vision and we stop
staring at the car accident let's
continue this discussion toward what we
want my mission is to make 10,000 women
powerfully feminine what is your mission
if you don't know what you're missing is
then get some sort of coaching
leadership will help to find that out
not because whilst you're in reaction to
what you don't want it is not helping
it is not facilitating for you what you
want and what I'd love you to do today
is below here is comment on what you do
want comment on things that are
positively focused this is not just
about power of positive thinking this is
about asserting what you want so put
your comments below about what you want
and how you feel you can contribute to
the world and provide real
transformation and change if you like my
video today i love a thumbs up
I love your comments and questions I
mean here frequently and remember when
you have the courage to go out there and
shine give others permission to do the
same so let's go out there and shine
this week bye bye for now
Atak na zamek Burgistein [DB #7] - Duration: 8:51.Hey! Yarpenn here!
Welcome in the next episode of the Dwarven Bike series
Today's episode is sponsored by my wife Helga,
Who decided to pull me on a trip to Burgistein
Where stand a castle
In front of us
38 kilometers
800 kilometers ... ;)
800 meters of climbing
We will see if we can manage this because it looks like a good challenge
And oh ...
By the way
In a moment we will meet our two friends
Who decided to give us some accompany today
And laugh about how slow we ride
The first part was very easy
It was in fact a little downhill, we rode into the Belp valley
Well, the first part didn't tell us
What will later happen
Helga has already decided to rest
We have just left the house
And she already sat down by the creek
Come on, we have to ride
Shortly afterwards
We reached Toffen, where Jacek and Malwina joined
And we went further in the direction of Burgistein
And from that moment when we started cycling together
First small approaches appeared
Still no signs about that what awaited us later
From Rümlingen again a little bit flat
What aroused anxiety in me. Why?
Well, today we had to overcome
A few hundred meters of climbing
But the road was still flat
Which meant that
The entire climbing, the whole burden of today's journey
Waited for us right before the castle. You know, true conquering
And here I was especially worried about Helga
Which was not accustomed to such mileage, or to the climbing
And such elevations
But in fact she was the one who suggested this trip
So I suspected that she wanted to do everything just to
Get to the top
While approaching we reduced the speed to minimum
And some of us fought really hard for every breath
For the survival
Slowly but ahead
At the approach to the castle
I gave up and lead the bike, there was no sense to cycle on that gravel
The rest of the course climbed bravely to the bitter end
Tough guys :)
The castle itself was built
In 1260 by Jordan I
Founder of the family Burgistein
Well, unfortunately, the family died out in 1397
And the castle itself over the course of centuries passed from hand to hand
The current appearance dates from the seventeenth century
And well, unfortunately the building is privately owned
And what's interesting, I didn't find an information in Internet, to whom it actually belongs
Who should I talk to
To look around inside
From what I was able to learn
"Do not enter", period.
According to the weather forecast very dark clouds began to appear somewhere behind the Stockhorn mountain
Similar to those in the foreground of Mordor
Therefore we decided to escape and return home
During this return we had a very nice reward
A very long downhill, you know ...
It is not exhausting, you could go a little bit faster
Exit from Riggisberg
Until Rümlingen and in the second part - until Toffen
Meanwhile it got very coldly
A little bit dark, very unpleasant, penetrating wind appeared out of nowhere
Therefore we knew that rain is coming
And it was only a matter of time
In Toffen our fellowship of the ring has divided
And we went with Helga home
And of course at the end: last approach before home, very hilly
Approach, which we really don't like but Helga made it
And a few minutes after we entered home
It started raining heavily
If you like this movie, leave the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel, thanks!
Well, unfortunately the family in nineteen ...
This and so well that we were able to drive up nearby the building
And no dog whipped us up
And now I will read because names are quite difficult ;)
In Toffen our fellowship of the ring divided...
In Toffen our fellowship ...
of the suffering ;)
Clash of Clans | TH10 Farming Base 2017 | TESTED IN CHAMPION LEAGUE! | BEST Town Hall 10 Hybrid Base - Duration: 14:51.Clash of Clans | TH10 Farming Base 2017 | TESTED IN CHAMPION LEAGUE! | BEST Town Hall 10 Hybrid Base
【MUKBANG】 [Sea Urchin Soy Sauce] 7 Rice Cups Mixed With 18 Raw Egg..etc 4.5kg 6071kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 6:38.Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~)
So, today! I'll be eating 7 cups of rice n' eggs
what I've got today is this urchin soy sauce
it looks like its a product from shimogaseki ~wait... whats up with this? they stewed the urchin?~
well whatev's just think of it as urchin soy sauce
I'm guessing is that they stewed urchin in this soy sauce its made with soy sauce some Sake leftovers and urchin
shimonoseki its a town near my hometown
and I made some onion using this soy sauce and I've got 30 eggs standing by here
I'm not sure if I'm going to use every single one of them yet I also have 1kg of miso soup with this 7 cups of rice
and using these I'll be making some rice n' eggs
firstly lets place these eggs on the rice oh and another thing... these eggs expire on april 10th..
eggs last quite some time...... but its already april..... time flies
K, so I'll be using 15 for now
tadaa and this is some onion I made with the special soy sauce and I'll add them
~guess I'll place them around it ~ the urchin is so rich you can really smell the aroma of it
tadaa and now its time for the urchin soy sauce look... this is the color of the soy sauce
its super brownish
now I'll use it
whoooooaaa wow.. its almost like a dressing ~I'm almost out of it already~
~there isn't that much of this in a bottle~
well I did end up using about half of this to make the onion garnish here
that's it for this bottle
tadaa the dish is complete ~heavy~
you can really smell the urchin the soy sauce was so rich and thick
itadakimasu I'll start breakin' eggs
I'm going to break only half the eggs I kinda like them separated so that I can enjoy
each individually with so much raw egg it looks so delish
the urchin is so rich tasting and the yolks are so rich on top of that...
the urchin and yolk combine together to make something extremely rich tasting its so ...Craaaazy delish
and the onion has that urchin soy sauce soaked right into it its so rich and delish as well
here we go
crazy delish
Guys..... this is really truly delish ~cat~ how many times you goona say that meow?
it makes me so happy to think that you can make something this delish tasting so darn easily
I really like how super rich this all tastes
its so sinful
and I've made some miso soup
this is so nice as well
ahhh look at how richly colored this yolk is
there's only 1 word to describe it... Rich
a color that looks sort of like orange juice
maybe I'll add a bit more
the color is so thick and dark wow... this stuff really is delish
use it for: sashimi, rice n' eggs. fried rice, pasta, tofu, salads and to add depth of flavor to anything
its got so many uses... ~for reals I'm not advertising their product~
this would probably taste great on plain white rice but still its great with when its mellowed by a some eggs
don't they look yummy
just by topping it with the sauce it feels like I'm eating an urchin dish
well that's basically what this is an urchin soy sauce
its feels like its been a while since I last had white rice I almost forgot how delish white rice really is
the rice has a hint of sweetness I really think the urchin soy sauce will go great with wihite rice
perhaps its because I'm so hungry right now
Hey peeps things have been SRS BZNS for the last little while show you care, leave a kind word #YukaFam
wait is there too much headroom here this white space between my head and the top of the screen?
I should have adjusted my camera
I'll fix it by sitting up
I kind of wanted to go all out and eat a whole yolk and indulge in that but I can't manage to pick one up
oh oops I didn't open this yet lol
think I'll add 3 more
its best not to skimp out on eggs when having rice n' eggs
Eggs are safe in Japan Salmonella from Eggs is nearly unheard of
and to finish off I'll add even more of this soy sauce
so indulgent
its so sweet and salty and the urchin flavor is so rich
final mouthful itadakimasu
all done
the urchin soy sauce on top of rice n' eggs was crazy delish
this was made by suirikubusan LTB out of shimonoseki
well its the soy sauce that they made it truly was super delish
I purchased this off of amazon ~I'm always amazon shopping~
I'd be kind of happy if they served me this for breakfast somewhere
~I'd feel as though they've gone the extra mile if they did~
this urchin soy sauce on rice n' eggs was so delish won't you all give it a try?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Learn Wild Animals Names | Learning Animals Sounds Learn Colors Animals Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:32:08.Learn Wild Animals Names Learning Animals Sounds Learn Colors Animals Finger Family Nursery Rhymes for kids
Easy Upma || Breakfast Recipe || Miss Beautiful - Duration: 3:14.Hello guys welcome back to miss beautiful I m priya first of all thank you so much for
your support and if you are new here please don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button
😊 Today I m going to make upma its very easy
to make so lets get Started things required 1 chopped onion, green chili some curry leaves
Mung beans peanuts mustard seeds, now take a pan and heat some oil and mustard seeds
into it Let the mustard seeds pop and after that add
some Mung beans lets the Mung beans cook for 2-3 minutes
once your Mung beans has cooked add some curry leaves to it
Add peanuts after curry leaves now add 2 spoon semolina in it Let it cook for some time untill
it turns slightly brown
add some some chopped onion and green chilies in it Let it cook for 2-3 minutes until the
onion turns slightly brown
cook well now add some salt to taste andd add half cup of water in it mix well now add
some Lil more water in mix well untill it becomes thick add 1 spoon
tomato ketchup and mix well your upma is ready
WHY SCHOOL SUCKS - Duration: 3:43.hey guys workers who when I was in
school I used to hate school a matter of
fact everybody knows school son if you
are in school you could relate to this
school sound like an awesome place but
in well-being it's a place where your to
study 24-7 when I was in school the only
reason I woke up early and go to school
is because of my friend I used to have
crazy friends in school the some of them
are still to this day my best friend I
remember i have a friend whom not gonna
name used to get down under the sea and
from them they're both old teacher pussy
through them panties yeah he was bad on
me and at the same time creepy then i
had a friend who's crazy as fuck once we
were at the school picnic and we were in
the museum that crazy friend came to me
and said shawn i have to shake and i was
like boom there's the bathroom go there
he said I can't make it I'm gonna shit
here so he did he shit in the fucking
museum beside dinosaur bone then I have
a friend who I'm still friends with to
this day who had his ears peers and I
used to put matchsticks and other party
stuff through his air now speaking of
school the whole school process is
fucked up why school had to start to
worry I remember I used to hate my mom
and she tried to wake me up for school
in school night like eight classes
estimate time of one hour and after that
what you get only 15 minutes of recess
time I remember we used to have reset
after four classes I used to go to the
cafeteria to get my lunch and as I take
one bite of my food the research used to
get over it was bad shot I know when I'm
hungry I decide when I'm gonna eat food
not that fucking ball alarm everybody
has some favorite subject and some not
so friendly subject I remember I used to
hate math whenever it was math class I
used to go to the bathroom and stay
there and either class is over you get
so tired you can't even sleep I used to
hit kindergarten kids as they get nap
time and all i got is homework homework
is the ultimate torture teacher wants
you to do ok i'm spending eight hours in
school and you want me to spend three
more hours to do my homework what the
fuck is wrong with you and by the
homework is always so massive I'm not a
fucking robot but the thing I hate about
school is the dress code everyone has to
rear same uniform every fucking kid
looks the same I remember I kicked a guy
asshole thinking it was my friend why
can't I real normal clothes to school
subjects are boring I don't know about
sitting in the classroom hoping death
will come and take me because I can't
take any more of this mutant shit and
when you sit with your best friend that
he can use to replace you or your friend
with your enemy so you can talk to her
big I don't like this case by have to
sit with him Google is like hell on
earth if you didn't need education you
wouldn't be here I don't know about you
but my backgrounds were heavy as fuck I
remember wondering what happen if I lose
control or get flipped over or die as of
many of you I also get bullied in school
as it was the shortest guy in the class
it is the worst thing that can happen to
you at school you don't even appear that
somebody gonna hit you or abuse you it's
not about the physical clean that hurts
but the world that hurt more you wish
you will never have gone to school when
you win school it's not about getting
hot girlfriend it's about having cute
girlfriends and in every fucking
classroom you only can see like two or
three cute girls many stuff to choose
girls is cool when I was in school I
used to like a girl and I tried
everything to her to notice me those are
all her friends were interested in me
and after that I spent rest of my school
years with her friend whom i don't even
like so that number of all material
thumbs up subscribe i posted is like
every week links to also hear me know
down below and i'm gonna feel next week
Mutton Yakhni | How to Make Mutton Yakhni Recipe - Duration: 1:59.Mutton yakhni recipe you can follow the
step-by-step process to prepare mutton
yacht me at home I hope you will love
the experience ingredients a half
kilograms muddin 1 kilogram curd yogurt
4 tablespoons mustard oil to baileys 1
inch piece cinnamon stick 526 cardamon
green one teaspoon ginger garlic paste a
half teaspoon cumin powder a half
teaspoon fennel powder coriander leaves
for garnish salt to taste method of
preparation one clean and wash the
mutton properly take the mutton salt and
1 cup of water in a pressure cooker and
pressure cook it on a high flame for 1
whistle then keep the flame low and cook
for another 15 to 20 minutes or till the
mutton is properly cooked switch off the
flame to take the curd in a bowl and add
fennel powder and cumin powder mix it
well till the curd is creamy and texture
3 heat the oil in a wok and temper with
a cinnamon stick bay leaf and cardamom
green saute for a few seconds then a
ginger garlic paste cook for another one
to two minutes till the raw smell gone
from the paste for had the beaten curd
in the wok and cook it on high flame
with continuous stirring with spatula
for seven to eight minutes five ed
mutton stock the leftover water after
boiling the mudman step 1 and mutton
pieces in the wok six cook covered on a
medium flame till the gravy is thick
garnish with chopped coriander leaves
delicious mutton yakhni is ready to
serve serve hot with chapati and rice
thank you for watching the video please
subscribe my channel for more videos
史上最高物傷! 2500+ 物傷麗珊卓 暴擊85000+ ?! [CC中文字幕] - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Star Wars Rebels - Zero Hour: Part 1 - Duration: 22:08.-------------------------------------------
CHALLENGE | Inktober #02 : Little Red Riding Hood (Le petit Chaperon rouge) - Duration: 4:20.Hello everybody, Dreamy here ! This is my second video of the Inktober challenge collection.
I made these drawings in october 2016, a few months ago...
Sorry about the delay !
I was inspired by fairy tales. In the first video, I drew Cinderella.
This time, here is the Little Red Riding Hood, which is one of my favorite stories.
In the first place, just wanted to say that this drawing was made during a livestream.
That's why the quality is maybe a bit lower. I used my webcam instead of my camera and it was not full HD.
Also, I couldn't zoom in so you won't see the details. My webcam had to stay put.
And it will be the case for all the drawings done this way.
About this fairy tail, it was originally written by Charles Perrault. Then it was edited by the brothers Grimm.
Let's say the original story ends up very badly !
The red riding hood and the grandma are eaten by the wolf. End of story.
What can I say ? Why can't she just listen to her parents and stay on the road huh ?
However, the Grimm version is more optimistic.
The ridind hood and the grandma are saved by a hunter.
He pulls her off the wolf's belly... in one piece... Everything's normal.
As far as I am concerned, I focused on the beginning of the story.
I drew the riding hood in the forest, she turns back a bit, looking puzzled.
Like, you know, when you walk alone a bit insecure and you need to look back sometimes to see if there is anything behind you.
She is looking at us, wondering / asking for our advice.
Unfortunately for her, the danger is not behind her but in front of her.
I wanted to hide the wolf, I'm not sure if you can see him right away.
The shape of the foliage looks like the wolf's head, well the silhouette.
Maybe it is more obvious when you look at the general picture and not just a piece.
Look at the pointed foliage on the top, that's the ears !
And in the middle, I used a grey pen to do a light background. Which also looks like the snout.
It's a good thing if you don't see the wolf at the beginning though (but not a good thing if you don't see him at all >_< ).
It was also a good exercice to work the strokes. Quite different from the Cinderella drawing.
I especially wanted to bring out the patterns and textures.
Using the thickness of the lines or even the direction, you can create some relief.
Look at the hood. Using several layers of lines creates lights and shadows.
For the basket, the shape of the lines shows it is made of wicker.
The trees also. And it's ok if it's not realistic, this is illustration !
The hatches create the texture of the bark. Look at the foliage too.
I used both techniques : different layers of shadows to create some depth...
...and the hatches for the leaves.
Voila ! This was the Little Red Riding Hood for the Inktober Challenge 2016.
See you next time with Sleeping Beauty ! Cheers :)
Silk - Gisellle Rosselli [ Flute Cover] | Candice_B - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Star Wars Rebels - Zero Hour: Part 2 - Duration: 22:08.-------------------------------------------
XCOM 2 Multiplayer (или XCOM 2 Мультиплеер) Япошка on PC - Duration: 25:19.hi
Giveaway For All Subscriber!! How to I.T Say 4 Inam Jeeto 🎁 Giveaways 2017 Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 9:34.How to I.T Say 4 Inam Jeeto Or Subscribe Kro
Dads Who Play Barbie®-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 [Sea Urchin Soy Sauce] 7 Rice Cups Mixed With 18 Raw Egg..etc 4.5kg 6071kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 6:38.Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~)
So, today! I'll be eating 7 cups of rice n' eggs
what I've got today is this urchin soy sauce
it looks like its a product from shimogaseki ~wait... whats up with this? they stewed the urchin?~
well whatev's just think of it as urchin soy sauce
I'm guessing is that they stewed urchin in this soy sauce its made with soy sauce some Sake leftovers and urchin
shimonoseki its a town near my hometown
and I made some onion using this soy sauce and I've got 30 eggs standing by here
I'm not sure if I'm going to use every single one of them yet I also have 1kg of miso soup with this 7 cups of rice
and using these I'll be making some rice n' eggs
firstly lets place these eggs on the rice oh and another thing... these eggs expire on april 10th..
eggs last quite some time...... but its already april..... time flies
K, so I'll be using 15 for now
tadaa and this is some onion I made with the special soy sauce and I'll add them
~guess I'll place them around it ~ the urchin is so rich you can really smell the aroma of it
tadaa and now its time for the urchin soy sauce look... this is the color of the soy sauce
its super brownish
now I'll use it
whoooooaaa wow.. its almost like a dressing ~I'm almost out of it already~
~there isn't that much of this in a bottle~
well I did end up using about half of this to make the onion garnish here
that's it for this bottle
tadaa the dish is complete ~heavy~
you can really smell the urchin the soy sauce was so rich and thick
itadakimasu I'll start breakin' eggs
I'm going to break only half the eggs I kinda like them separated so that I can enjoy
each individually with so much raw egg it looks so delish
the urchin is so rich tasting and the yolks are so rich on top of that...
the urchin and yolk combine together to make something extremely rich tasting its so ...Craaaazy delish
and the onion has that urchin soy sauce soaked right into it its so rich and delish as well
here we go
crazy delish
Guys..... this is really truly delish ~cat~ how many times you goona say that meow?
it makes me so happy to think that you can make something this delish tasting so darn easily
I really like how super rich this all tastes
its so sinful
and I've made some miso soup
this is so nice as well
ahhh look at how richly colored this yolk is
there's only 1 word to describe it... Rich
a color that looks sort of like orange juice
maybe I'll add a bit more
the color is so thick and dark wow... this stuff really is delish
use it for: sashimi, rice n' eggs. fried rice, pasta, tofu, salads and to add depth of flavor to anything
its got so many uses... ~for reals I'm not advertising their product~
this would probably taste great on plain white rice but still its great with when its mellowed by a some eggs
don't they look yummy
just by topping it with the sauce it feels like I'm eating an urchin dish
well that's basically what this is an urchin soy sauce
its feels like its been a while since I last had white rice I almost forgot how delish white rice really is
the rice has a hint of sweetness I really think the urchin soy sauce will go great with wihite rice
perhaps its because I'm so hungry right now
Hey peeps things have been SRS BZNS for the last little while show you care, leave a kind word #YukaFam
wait is there too much headroom here this white space between my head and the top of the screen?
I should have adjusted my camera
I'll fix it by sitting up
I kind of wanted to go all out and eat a whole yolk and indulge in that but I can't manage to pick one up
oh oops I didn't open this yet lol
think I'll add 3 more
its best not to skimp out on eggs when having rice n' eggs
Eggs are safe in Japan Salmonella from Eggs is nearly unheard of
and to finish off I'll add even more of this soy sauce
so indulgent
its so sweet and salty and the urchin flavor is so rich
final mouthful itadakimasu
all done
the urchin soy sauce on top of rice n' eggs was crazy delish
this was made by suirikubusan LTB out of shimonoseki
well its the soy sauce that they made it truly was super delish
I purchased this off of amazon ~I'm always amazon shopping~
I'd be kind of happy if they served me this for breakfast somewhere
~I'd feel as though they've gone the extra mile if they did~
this urchin soy sauce on rice n' eggs was so delish won't you all give it a try?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Luna and Matteo - bitwa na słowa | Soy Luna na koncercie | Buenos Aires | PL | - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
GACOR!!! Vietnam Kacer GACOR NGALAS - Duration: 19:02.GACOR!!! Vietnam Kacer GACOR NGALAS
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WATERCOLORS // How to paint the moon with watercolors - Duration: 6:06.The first step is draw with a pencil a circle, that don't need to be perfect
I decided to cut a little my circle in the high part
So, what you need to do is just draw the form you prefer for your moon
For the second step I decided to use a water brush but you can also use a normal brush
You just need to make wet the entire surface of your moon
It spread water on my paper
As you can see I prefer use the water brush because just by squeezing it
When you finish to make wet the entire circle
Take a clean brush and choose the color
I choosed a blu mixed with the black, for make it more dark
Now start the fun. You just need touch the paper with your brush, and wait for the magic
This is really so fun
You can continue with this little touch and add dark colors
More pressure you give to the brush, more the color will spread in the water
Just continue in this way. Add color, add water, use your fantasy because there are no rules
All time the color will spread in a different way in the water
And it will give you a different result
For adjust some area, clean good your brush and dry it
And use it for spread the color and water already on the paper
For example here in the top or for mix other areas
Use the dry brush also for adjust the outlines
If you added too much color or the surface is too wet
A trick that will make the moon also more realistic is use the kitchen paper
And dub gently
In this way you'll remove some water and color
You can dub in all the areas where you want more luminosity
Now you can continue to add details until you like the result
After adding enough shadows with darker colors
And some areas with lighter color for make contras
If you like how your moon look likes...
The only thing you need to do is wait until is dry.
When it's dry, you can add more luminosity
Cover your workspace with a paper
And with a clean brush take enough white
Now, spray the color in the surface in this way
I really like the final result
And of course you can decide to make other galaxies using different colors
The possibility are endless
I decided to use my watercolour moon as decoration in the bedroom
Infact I find it a nice way for decorate your hom
I hope that you liked this video and that you find it interesting
If you have some questions or suggestion let me know in the comments below
And subscribe to the channel for new creative videos
and activate the bell for the notification
Thank you and see you next time. CIAO :)
QUE AZIA! 😤 Primeiro TORNEIO | ADRENALYN XL LIGA NOS - Duration: 19:59.-------------------------------------------
Atak na zamek Burgistein [DB #7] - Duration: 8:51.Hey! Yarpenn here!
Welcome in the next episode of the Dwarven Bike series
Today's episode is sponsored by my wife Helga,
Who decided to pull me on a trip to Burgistein
Where stand a castle
In front of us
38 kilometers
800 kilometers ... ;)
800 meters of climbing
We will see if we can manage this because it looks like a good challenge
And oh ...
By the way
In a moment we will meet our two friends
Who decided to give us some accompany today
And laugh about how slow we ride
The first part was very easy
It was in fact a little downhill, we rode into the Belp valley
Well, the first part didn't tell us
What will later happen
Helga has already decided to rest
We have just left the house
And she already sat down by the creek
Come on, we have to ride
Shortly afterwards
We reached Toffen, where Jacek and Malwina joined
And we went further in the direction of Burgistein
And from that moment when we started cycling together
First small approaches appeared
Still no signs about that what awaited us later
From Rümlingen again a little bit flat
What aroused anxiety in me. Why?
Well, today we had to overcome
A few hundred meters of climbing
But the road was still flat
Which meant that
The entire climbing, the whole burden of today's journey
Waited for us right before the castle. You know, true conquering
And here I was especially worried about Helga
Which was not accustomed to such mileage, or to the climbing
And such elevations
But in fact she was the one who suggested this trip
So I suspected that she wanted to do everything just to
Get to the top
While approaching we reduced the speed to minimum
And some of us fought really hard for every breath
For the survival
Slowly but ahead
At the approach to the castle
I gave up and lead the bike, there was no sense to cycle on that gravel
The rest of the course climbed bravely to the bitter end
Tough guys :)
The castle itself was built
In 1260 by Jordan I
Founder of the family Burgistein
Well, unfortunately, the family died out in 1397
And the castle itself over the course of centuries passed from hand to hand
The current appearance dates from the seventeenth century
And well, unfortunately the building is privately owned
And what's interesting, I didn't find an information in Internet, to whom it actually belongs
Who should I talk to
To look around inside
From what I was able to learn
"Do not enter", period.
According to the weather forecast very dark clouds began to appear somewhere behind the Stockhorn mountain
Similar to those in the foreground of Mordor
Therefore we decided to escape and return home
During this return we had a very nice reward
A very long downhill, you know ...
It is not exhausting, you could go a little bit faster
Exit from Riggisberg
Until Rümlingen and in the second part - until Toffen
Meanwhile it got very coldly
A little bit dark, very unpleasant, penetrating wind appeared out of nowhere
Therefore we knew that rain is coming
And it was only a matter of time
In Toffen our fellowship of the ring has divided
And we went with Helga home
And of course at the end: last approach before home, very hilly
Approach, which we really don't like but Helga made it
And a few minutes after we entered home
It started raining heavily
If you like this movie, leave the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel, thanks!
Well, unfortunately the family in nineteen ...
This and so well that we were able to drive up nearby the building
And no dog whipped us up
And now I will read because names are quite difficult ;)
In Toffen our fellowship of the ring divided...
In Toffen our fellowship ...
of the suffering ;)
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