Sunday, August 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 21 2017

Health Network, Community Health Quantities

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Get rid of dengue fever mosquitoes in the house

Suspended water tanks must have a tight fitting and tight lid, which will allow dengue fever mosquitoes to fly to reproduce, develop and transmit the disease to the family.

Hanging ponds may be breeding grounds for mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever.

In fact, some households use a water tank to pump water from the bottom to create high pressure so water can flow through the pipeline leading to the site.

But if the water tank does not have a lid or cover, but does not cover it or accidentally blows up the wind, it will allow the mosquitoes to transmit dengue fever to reproduce, develop and spread the disease.

Preventive medical staff checked and monitored the field finding of many mosquito larvae and mosquitoes. Aedes transmitted dengue fever in this water container.

Therefore, to prevent the use of suspended water tanks as mosquito breeding grounds, the following measures may be taken:


Pour a layer of polystyrene bloom covering the entire surface of the water to prevent mosquito breeding and reduce evaporation.

Grains can be hatched into water tanks with water pipes at the bottom, but if the water level is equal to the mouth of the hatch, the hatched seeds will clog into the tube.

To overcome this situation, it is possible to cover the water pipe with a net or to bend the tube downward.

By the second way the mouth of the tube curves downward, the dirt floating on the water of the reservoir will be prevented from escaping into the mouth of the water pipe.

However, water tanks should also be covered to prevent birds, weasels, squirrels, mice and lizards from spreading on the water.


As considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a relatively safe means of treating water used for human consumption and living.

Methoprene active ingredients divide fairly quickly in water, containing 1.8 to 8% methoprene and chemical granules of varying concentrations are produced to maintain a long lasting effect.

In aquariums, chemical pulses are also capable of dispersing slow methoprene and are effective in killing mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever for about 5 months, but the cost is usually higher than that of temephos.

Bacillus thuringiensis:

Producing mosquito-borne mosquito-borne diarrhea is very effective after mosquito larvae eat the bacteria.

At normal doses, Bacillus thuringiensis does not harm other insects and organisms, including humans.

The product is produced in the form of waterproof powder and granules

Recently, there are more flavored cake, quite safe for drinking water and living

When dropped into the water tank, they are capable of floating on the water surface and disperses slowly with effect for a period of 30 days.

Mosquito larvae:

Some species of mosquito larvae can be released into a water tank installed in a shady location and without significant temperature changes.

However, when stocking fish, it is necessary to provide them with a minimum and appropriate amount of food.

Fishes have to survive long periods of time with little food and adapt to changing environmental temperatures and have to have fish available for stocking.

Gambusia affinis and guppy (Poecilia reticulata) are often considered to be most suitable for stocking in tanks because they are easy to grow in large quantities.

In China, people use the Clarias fuscus to get good results because just dropping a fish into a water tank with a capacity of 20 to 100 liters of water is enough.

Because fish have the ability to live long, there should be measures to prevent fish from jumping if the water level is high.

In Somalia, people often use tilapia (Oreochromis spiluris) to effectively kill mosquito larvae in water tanks and just drop a fish for a tank of 3 cubic meters of water.

Households, when designing and installing water tanks, pour water from the bottom up through the piping system down to the places needed in the house to use water for drinking and living.

It is important to keep in mind that the reservoir will allow mosquitoes to transmit dengue fever, develop and infect the disease.

Therefore, one of the measures mentioned above should be selected to actively prevent and contribute to the prevention of the disease.


The content of this article is coming to an end, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Get rid of dengue fever mosquitoes in the house - Duration: 5:28.


Hip Hop Instrumentals

For more infomation >> Hip Hop Instrumentals


❝Error. — COLLAB | HBD Ruby!♥ - Duration: 1:34.

I couldn't help it so I threw it all out

I erased all of my emotions

But I couldn't erase you

Because my heart was too sad

I just need to live like this, I just need to breathe

I just need to be alive, why can't I?

I said it's okay

This is better for me

I was afraid that I'd get cut by your sharp, knife-like words

I just need to breathe and eat to endure through this

I was a coward, I wanted to endure through

I'm holding my heart in my hand

I chose a life that is for me

I don't want to let go of myself

I don't want to ruin myself anymore

Memories that aren't ending even when it's over

I have no confidence to win over it

Saying that I'll forget you

Is all a lie that remains in me

Your face spreads throughout my heart again

It hurts even more than before

I think I miss you even more

I think it's even more dangerous

For more infomation >> ❝Error. — COLLAB | HBD Ruby!♥ - Duration: 1:34.


Writing A Joke Using The Digits of Pi (Pilish) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Writing A Joke Using The Digits of Pi (Pilish) - Duration: 1:14.



For more infomation >> WEEKEND RIDE TO MALSHEJGHAT | GOPRO HERO 4 EXTERNAL MIC - Duration: 7:11.



For more infomation >> TY SZMATO! / VLOG + HAUL JAPOŃSKICH DUPERELI - Duration: 11:48.


김한석 이상아 이혼이유 - 3가지 루머중 진실은 - Duration: 12:49.

For more infomation >> 김한석 이상아 이혼이유 - 3가지 루머중 진실은 - Duration: 12:49.


최여진 모친 욕설글, 기보배선수에게 날린 저격, 개고기논란 - Duration: 10:39.

For more infomation >> 최여진 모친 욕설글, 기보배선수에게 날린 저격, 개고기논란 - Duration: 10:39.


이휘재 아내(부인)문정원 배우 류진 아내에 질투 - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> 이휘재 아내(부인)문정원 배우 류진 아내에 질투 - Duration: 12:56.


IT'S THE SHIP PARODY US !! |BENVLOG 331 | 16082017 - Duration: 8:09.

Ben :You should use to play this with Sushi Peach Peach : I can't reach it

Ben :Yes take that to play with Sushi

Peach : She will kill me

Peach : Make me won a lottery

Peach : Sushi said fuck off

Ben : Good morning , it's Wednesday

Ben : look at that car? lol what on earth parking like that ?

Ben : May be they still think because everyone can do any shit here?

Ben : It's half of the street bro!!

Ben : Fuckdup Thai mind

For more infomation >> IT'S THE SHIP PARODY US !! |BENVLOG 331 | 16082017 - Duration: 8:09.


결혼 김병만 아내 부인 연상녀의 유혹법은 거짓말 - Duration: 13:09.

For more infomation >> 결혼 김병만 아내 부인 연상녀의 유혹법은 거짓말 - Duration: 13:09.


How Global Demographics Threaten to Change the West - Duration: 13:46.

According to the United Nations, the global population, as of mid 2017 numbers around

7.6 billion people.

Of that number, only 15% live in Europe, North America and Oceania combined.

By 2050 the global population is projected to rise to between 9.4 and 10.2 billion.

In 1950 that number was only 2.5 billion: even then an unprecedented high.

With this growth comes unavoidable challenges - from ecosystem destruction, the using up

of clean water sources and much more.

Much discussion is had about how this growth will affect the developing world, But much

less is said about how the western world fits into these projections.

In particular, little is ever communicated to the public at large about how this growth

is already impacting the demographics of Europe and the west more generally, and what contribution,

if any, the west is making to this growth.

So let's examine: where is this incredible population explosion coming from?

Population growth is often described as an inevitable product of the technological advances

of modern civilization.

Indeed, since the industrial revolution the number of humans on earth has ballooned as

never before.

But this isn't really the whole story.

In recent decades most of the world's population growth has been in the less industrialised

nations of the developing world, whilst in the more industrialised nations the population

has grown only minimally, with the number of births only barely exceeding the number

of deaths per year.

It is estimated that at present 82% of the world's population lives in the developing world

Most of the world lives in Asia - with 60% of the global population and 6 out of 10 of

the world's most populous countries on that continent.

As well as this, a significant amount of the world's population growth in the 20th century

was down to growth in Asia.

But if we look at the fertility rates of the different continental regions we see a changing pattern

Asia overall currently has a relatively stable fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman

enough - to replace its present population with a modest rate of growth - a change from the pattern

of the last 70 years, when it added 3 billion more people to the world.

Bear in mind though, that as modest as the rate of increase may be, in real numbers Asia's

population increases by 40-50 million people every year.

If we look at Europe though we see a fertility rate of only 1.6 - below what would be needed

to keep a stable population.

At the other extreme is Sub-Saharan Africa, with a fertility rate of 4.8 children per

woman - which, when coupled with the decline in child mortality over the last century,

makes for a large rate of growth.

In fact, if we look at individual countries we see even bigger numbers.

for example: Zambia 5.67, Burkina Faso 5.79, Somalia 5.89,

Burundi 6.04, and Niger 6.62 children per woman.

If we look at the percentage shares of the global population - Europe has already fallen

from 21.7% in 1950 to only 10% in 2015.

Africa and Asia, meanwhile, have both increased their share of the global population, whilst

Africa is expected to keep on increasing that share into the next century.

According to one UN report on population trends: "Most of the additional 3 billion people from

now to 2100 will enlarge the population of developing countries"

Most of which will be in Africa.

Let's look at some side by side comparisons.

Western countries vs countries that are major sources of immigrants to the west.

For the moment, we'll leave aside the United States, as that probably deserves to be looked at

separately and in more detail.

Let's also compare how long it took each country to double its population - meaning we'll look

back in time to find the year in which its population was half of what it is now and

note how long a time that was.

This should give us a sense of the scale of growth that we are looking at.

First up: Germany, current population - 82.7 million - fertility rate only 1.4 children per woman.

Its population has doubled over 145 years, approximately 41 million more people added since 1871.

Next, India - the country with the largest diaspora community in the world:

current population 1.32 billion, fertility rate 2.45.

India's population doubled in 39 years, that's an additional 650 million people since 1977.

The United Kingdom - population 65 million, fertility rate 1.89.

Its population doubled over 105 years, approximately 32 million more people added since 1911.

Pakistan - the country with the world's 6th largest diaspora living outside its borders,

and one of the largest diaspora communities in the UK.

Its population: 193.2 million, current fertility rate 2.68.

its population doubled in only the last 30 years, that's 96 million more Pakistanis now

than in the middle of the 1980s.

France - population 66.9 million, fertility rate 2.07.

Its population doubled in the last 185 years.

Nigeria - current population 186 million, current fertility rate - 5.13 children per woman.

Its population doubled in only the last 27 years.

Italy - 60.6 million people, fertility rate only 1.43 children per woman.

It took 116 years to double its population.

Bangladesh - 162 million people.

fertility rate 2.19.

Its population doubled in the last 37 years, adding an extra 81 million to its total - note

that that number is bigger that the entire population of Italy.

Recent statistics also show Bangladeshis are the 2nd most numerous nationality to arrive

in Italy via the Mediterranean migration route.

Sweden - 9.9 million people.

current fertility 1.88 children per woman.

Its population took 117 years to double.

Afghanistan: 34.6 million people.

current fertility rate 5.2. Despite the recent conflicts in the country, and the displacement

of people that resulted from it, its population doubled in only the last 22 years.

Canada - population 36.2 million, fertility rate 1.6.

its population doubled in the last 55 years.

In recent years Canada's growth has been driven almost entirely by immigration.

The Philippines - Canada's no.1 source of immigrants in recent years, perhaps surprisingly

beating even China and India.

Its population: 103.3 million.

fertility rate 3.06.

Its population doubled in the last 33 years.

Australia - population 24.1 million, fertility rate 1.77 children per woman.

Its population doubled in the relatively brief period of 48 years.

Overseas migration accounted for more than half of Australia's population growth in 2016.

China - the nation with 4th largest citizen diaspora in the world.

Han Chinese are also the largest ethnic group in the world.

Migrants from China, India and The Philippines combined are now a larger source of migrants

to Australia than migrants from the UK, the country traditionally seen as its parent nation.

China's population: 1.3 billion.

Its fertility rate has fallen in recent times after the intervention of government policy,

nevertheless its population doubled in the last 53 years, adding an extra 685 million

to its total - the equivalent of more than 28 Australias.

Let's take a quick look at examples from some specific regions, first the Middle East and North Africa:

Syria, population doubled in 35 years

note that these numbers are only up to 2010, as since then the conflict has displaced or killed

about 3 million people.

Yemen - population doubled in the last 24 years

Iraq - its population doubled in the last 24 years, in spite of recent wars there.

Iran - its population doubled in 35 years.

and Algeria it took 34 years to double its population.

Next, Sub-Saharan Africa:

The Democratic republic of Congo - doubled its population in the last 23 years

Ethiopia - recovered from serious famine to double its population in the last 24 years,

adding an extra 51 million people.

Mozambique - doubled in 23 years. Uganda, doubled its population in the last 21 years.

And finally Niger - incredibly doubled in only 18-19 years.

In fact, Sub-Saharan Africa's population explosion is so phenomenal it has more than quadrupled

since 1960.

Some African countries in that time, including Uganda, Tanzania, and Niger, have increased

by 5 or even 6 times.

Those unprecedented increases are only projected to continue.

By 2050, the entire continent of Africa's population will have doubled.

Meanwhile, Europe's aging population will shrink.

What's more, by that time - 40 percent of all births and about 40 percent of all children

will be in Africa.

The reason for this growth: modern medical techniques and innovations in food production,

all largely developed in the west, have helped more people in Africa survive childhood and

go on to have children of their own.

To quote one article on the matter, "modern medicine and healthcare on the continent means

more babies are surviving birth complications, and fewer adults are dying of preventable diseases.

But the number of children being born is not dropping, or is doing so very slowly."

Note also that this article cites a study that puts the birth rate in both Africa and

Niger specifically, higher than the one cited earlier in this video, just in case you thought

the scenario I was presenting was particularly alarmist.

Despite significant efforts from western governments and other global bodies, Africa's population

remains overwhelmingly poor.

To quote another article: "Today, Africa is home to about three-quarters

of the world's poor, and while poverty is falling globally, the reverse is true of Africa.

According to the World Bank, more people in Africa are poor today than in 1990."

While the share of Africans living in extreme poverty dropped from 56 per cent in 1990 to

43 per cent in 2012, the number of people living in poverty actually rose by 100 million

because of population growth."

This poverty, and that like it throughout the developing world, fuels much of the migration into the west

But incredibly, the efforts by western powers and various global institutions to alleviate

this poverty, in fact helps worsen the poverty and encourages more population growth.

According to one academic study: "foreign aid affects population growth primarily

through its effect on fertility" further:

"aid flows from advanced economies to the impoverished nations foster population growth

in the recipient countries and adversely affects the recipients' incentive to invest in human capital."

And who sends that aid money?

The west.

A quick look at the following map reveals the incredible reliance of most African nations

on aid, and gives an indication just how much the expansion of the continent's population

is down to the intervention of western governments and the apparatus of global governance.

But it gets worse.

Population growth in the developing world, also fuels conflict, which in turn drives

the migration into the west.

From an article on Stanford University's 'consensus for action blog':

"As the migrant crisis in Europe continues to heat up, everyone is quick to recognize

the immediate cause: people are fleeing war-torn regions, this time primarily Syria and ISIS-controlled strongholds.

But, hiding underneath that proximate cause is a long-term driver that will need to be

recognized and dealt with.

That driver is rapid population growth."

"Rapid population growth ultimately results in an intensified competition for resources,

jobs, and even such basics as food and water.

If this takes place where long-standing animosity between different religious and/or ethnic

groups also exists people literally flee for their lives."

And so, If we take Italy and its experience in the

recent migrant crisis as an example, breaking down the demographics of those who are arriving

we see very definite patterns.

Besides the overwhelmingly adult and male nature of the migrants (putting the lie to

the image of 'women and children fleeing war' we are given by the media) we can see that

what connects the different nationalities of those who are arriving, is not so much

war, as population growth.

In fact, the only nation in the top 10 list of arrival nationalities that isn't in Africa

is Bangladesh - which is neither a warzone, nor even country nearby to Italy.

Figures from Greece for the same period reveal a similar story, with an emphasis more on

the Middle East, compared to Italy, but the same impression that the overarching connection

is population growth.

And so: western people pay money to their governments and charities - who via various

global institutions redistribute that money to Africa, the Middle East and other developing

nations, which in turn increases the population in those places - creating more conflict and

poverty and finally driving migration from those parts of the world into the aging, low fertility west.

On the basis of these numbers alone we begin to see how potentially suicidal any kind of

open-door policy on migration will be for the west.

For every refugee escaping conflict allowed into the west, every economic migrant fleeing

poverty - millions more are sure to be following behind.

When declining western birth rates combine with a virtually inexhaustible influx of people

from Africa and Asia, we have the recipe for an unprecedented and almost total transformation of western nations.

Which all begs the question: if western people knew this would be the ultimate effect of

their generosity, if they knew this was how their money was being spent - ultimately against

their own interests and to create more misery and problems for everyone -

would they be happy about it?

Is it perhaps incumbent on governments, especially those global entities, under whose remit aid

and global migration are managed, to do something about this?

But is this really such a mistake on their part?

Or, is it in fact proceeding more or less as those institutions intend?

Are global powers, perhaps, actually encouraging migration to the west?

Subscribe to this channel if you want to find out more, as I intend to cover this subject

in much more detail in future videos.

For more infomation >> How Global Demographics Threaten to Change the West - Duration: 13:46.


My First Year Acrylic Painting 2016-2017 - Duration: 5:28.

Maud Lewis

2 Paintings for my Brother.( I wont show anymore doubles)


The bottom portion of this painting was done with a palette knife. When I scraped away the paint to the side I noticed there were Faces in the painting so I stopped. Later I put eyes on the faces or made slight adjustments to the faces.

there are more faces that you can see better with the painting in front of you

box from walmart. closes like a book. Magnet locks it


For more infomation >> My First Year Acrylic Painting 2016-2017 - Duration: 5:28.


"왜 기를 쓰고 살아왔을까" 최준희, 의미심장 심경글 - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> "왜 기를 쓰고 살아왔을까" 최준희, 의미심장 심경글 - Duration: 1:52.


황신혜 딸 이진이 비율 논란과 엄마빽- 이진이 성형전 - Duration: 13:34.

For more infomation >> 황신혜 딸 이진이 비율 논란과 엄마빽- 이진이 성형전 - Duration: 13:34.


Classic Face Massage at Home - #FacialSkinCare after 50 Years / Facial Massage Techniques Video - Duration: 16:20.

Hello again, friends!

Today, I want to show a classic facial massage.

This video I want to devote to those women to whom lymphatic drainage facial massage is contraindicated for some reason.

This especially applies to women who have a thin face,

as lymphatic drainage massage is aimed mainly at fighting puffiness and swelling.

Classical facial massage is suitable, both for owners of any type of skin, and for owners of any face format.

Well, I think we can start.

First I do a little preparation before the massage procedure.

I clear the face tonic, removing the rests of cosmetics, etc.

I use simple not alcoholic tonic.

I want to say again that I do not use any expensive cosmetics.

Today I use a fine, inexpensive, cosmetic massage oil of wheat germ.

For massage of the face I do not use essential oils!

Please, be careful, only cosmetic oil!

I also often use coconut, almond or jojoba cosmetic massage oils.

Hands should slide smoothly and easily over the skin of your face.

I start to do massage from a neck.

Do not forget that the hands must always be oily with massage cream or oils,

since we do not want to stretch our skin.

While doing facial massage, we try to resist and postpone for a longer time impending age-related changes,

and also maintain the skin in a fresh and healthy condition.

Do not press strongly on your skin!

Only gentle and easy movements!

After a few movements, you will feel how the blood flow has improved.

Facial massage is performed only on massage lines.

Only gentle, easy movements.

Movement similar figure eight.

These movements work well against the appearance of early wrinkles on forehead.

Area of eyes, where often appears early wrinkles called "crow' feet".

Maybe someone thinks that I'm showing something wrong,

but I do as I have been doing for many years and see the results on my face.

I believe that the basic elements of a classical facial massage are correctly observed.

In these places we make a small pause for a second.

As if the rotational movement. After awhile you will do it professionally.

Work with the nasolabial folds.

Do not press on the face with force, only light and sliding movements.

Certainly this procedure is more pleasantly held in the beauty salon,

but unfortunately, for various reasons, we do not always have the opportunity to visit them.

I believe, that if you wish, anyone can learn how to do facial massage at home.

Now, I am working on the decollete zone, which for us is also an important action,

as in the summer, we like to dress more open dresses and the like.

After all not a secret, that the status of a neck and a decollete speaks about our age.

Now I'm doing some kind of pinching movements.

Try to do it gently so as not to hurt yourself.

These movements are good for blood circulation.

Now we will work with a chin and an oval of the face.

With these movements we stand against the second chin.

These movements also support the tone of our chin.

Not with force, only light tapping with your fingertips.

And we finish with stroking movements.

You will not spend much effort to learn to massage your face,

and do not worry if something does not work out at first.

I try to do my videos for women from 40 years and above to say to you that you can lead an active life at any age,

and as long as possible prolong the time of the coming age-related changes.

Thank you for your attention!

For more infomation >> Classic Face Massage at Home - #FacialSkinCare after 50 Years / Facial Massage Techniques Video - Duration: 16:20.


故 최진실 딸 최준희 "날 사랑하는 법 몰라…" 계속되는 SNS 활동 - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 故 최진실 딸 최준희 "날 사랑하는 법 몰라…" 계속되는 SNS 활동 - Duration: 2:40.


주노플로 의대출신 금수저 쇼미더머니6 1차경연 결과 요약 - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 주노플로 의대출신 금수저 쇼미더머니6 1차경연 결과 요약 - Duration: 5:59.


태연 자카르타 사건 '가슴과 엉덩이등 불필요한 신체접속에 당황' 슬기롭게 대처 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> 태연 자카르타 사건 '가슴과 엉덩이등 불필요한 신체접속에 당황' 슬기롭게 대처 - Duration: 5:12.


[ #BF1 ] P.O.G. : Battlefield 1 I get Rekt'd Stream - Duration: 44:44.

For more infomation >> [ #BF1 ] P.O.G. : Battlefield 1 I get Rekt'd Stream - Duration: 44:44.


Fastest Missile Speed Testing!| Brick Rigs {TURN ON CAPTIONS} - Duration: 6:39.

Hello everyone, my name is FrameZ, and welcome back to another Brick Rigs video.

In this video I will be testing the speed of "The Fastest Missile". Enjoy!

It's hard to tell, but the first test went to about 3 thousand miles per hour, but because the game has speed in kilometers, that's about 5 thousand kilometers.

Some of these are fails at a bad launch. Most of the bad launches range from 2 thousand kilometers to 3 thousand kilometers.

That was just weird, but that one lasted to about 5,600 kilometers.

As you can see by the bad attempts that this work of art is extremely fragile and you need to time your taps right. Just holding W will make is unstable and crash right at the beginning.

It looks as though I'm not doing so well but this is much harder than it looks. timing the short bursts could lead to keeping it straight to smashing into the wall and getting no progress made.

That time the missile just got stuck in the wall for no reason, you can slow down the video but it still doesn't make any sense.

When you hit the wall, you need to make sure you're slowing down in advance. So if you're at at least 600 kilometers, you're going to slightly skid on the wall and explode.

Now lets try a different car. Just for experiments, that is.

This is called the rocket car.

Lets see if it can brake the 6 thousand kilometer streak.

Definitely not, I just wanted to do that because it was fun.

It just looks majestic in slow motion.

I didn't know a human could blast off into space.

Lets go back to the missile.

For real this time, let's try and break the 6 thousand kilometer streak.

Bam, slightly hit the wall and explode into a million bits.

There! Did you see that? If you even tap your sla-character on the wall he just dies!

Things aren't looking to good for this missile.

So dang close! If I can at least stay until the end of the track and keep going I MIGHT just break it!

Wow! That's truly amazing, my theory worked, and the speedometer showed 12 THOUSAND KILOMETERS! That is completely insane!

I'm not even sure if that can be topped, but I'll find out in a later video. It's about time I wrap up this video, and I'll have to make my special announcement at a later date. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this video, and If you did, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe! Thanks for watching, Peace!

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