Monday, August 21, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 21 2017

Alright guys, so we are back at the train station for another day trip and today we

are heading to Malbork (Marienburg) to visit this is the largest castle by land area in


No, in the world.

Oh, in the world.


It is the biggest castle in the world.

That is nuts.

It is going to be impressive and yeah it should be a really fun day trip.

We just bought our tickets and now we are waiting for the train to pull into the platform.

Let's do this.

Malbork Castle (zamek w Malborku - Ordensburg Marienburg) dates back to the 13th century,

and it is a medieval brick castle constructed in the Gothic style.

It was originally built by the Teutonic Knights, a German Roman Catholic religious order of

crusaders, and expanded a few times as the number of knights grew.

The Castle has an area of 143,591 square meters, making it the biggest in the world by land


Alright, so we have made it to Malbork (Marienburg) and now we're on our way to the castle.

We ended up taking the Inter City train which is a little bit faster.

It got us there in 30 minutes.

It is a little bit more expensive.

We paid 55 złoty per person but that was the next one that was leaving otherwise we

would have had to wait for like an hour and a half.

So something to keep in mind but I think we are taking the cheaper train on the way back

and that is only 11 złoty.

But anyway that is enough information.

Now let's make our way over to the castle.

Alright, so we just got our tickets.

It was 39.50 zł each and doesn't it already look massive this castle?

Like just walking to the entrance.

It is like woah.

Yeah, I think I remember reading online that like to do the audio guide or to properly

explore it it can take up to 3 hours.

So yeah.

It is massive.


I'm glad we gave ourselves a lot of time because we're not going back until about 4pm so we

have like 5 or 5 and a half hours.

But that also includes lunch.

That includes lunch and maybe I'm going to need some soon.


But let's go in.

First things first.

Cat friends.

Hello cat friends.

Hi meow meows.

Alright Sam.

So now that we've met the cats we can proceed with the attraction.


We got that out of the way and now we can actually enjoy the castle.

And we're also on the lookout for food.

There maybe food in here.

Oh my goodness.

So we are quickly realizing this castle complex is massive.

It is going to take us a while to walk around and we're going to need our energy.

So we found a whole bunch of like little outdoor restaurants and yeah we're going to go eat

probably there.

We've got a cauldron and in there it looks like sauerkraut and sausage maybe?

I maybe interested in this.

So we just met the coolest guy ever.

We randomly walked up to this restaurant because it looked kind of like Medieval.

They had this big cauldron with Bigos it turns out.


But anyways they have us like a tour.

He took photos of us.

He took video.

Um and yeah it was really fun.

What an awesome guy.

And the food looks amazing.

That seriously does.

So we got like these roasted potatoes.

We got the traditional sausage Kielbasa I think it is.

And the Bigos which kind of looks like sauerkraut with like bits of meat and some carrot.

I think it is Bigos.

And Sam also wanted Pierogi of course so we got a plate.

This is one portion.

Four big ones and apparently it is stuffed with spinach and feta.

A little bit of onion on top so yeah I'm just going to start with this first.

Dig right in.

It looks so good.

And it is just past eleven.

I think maybe he liked us because we were so enthusiastic about food at like eleven

in the morning.

We're like yeah lunchtime.

And that is how we roll.

It is like if we have an opportunity to eat before we sightsee we always do.

Oh my gosh.

Is it good?

The sausage is so good.


And the skin is crispy.

It is so big too.

So soft it like melts in your mouth.

It is like overflowing from the plate.

It is massive.

And potatoes perfectly seasoned.

Like oh my gosh.

I should be trying the Bigos actually.

Try some Bigos.

Let's see.


So a winning early lunch?

It is so good.

It wasn't that expensive.

I mean we got all of this and a drink for 53 złoty which is less than what we paid

for the train to get here.


I mean this is a lot of food and it is in a touristy place.

But seriously worth it.

This is wonderful.

While you tried this so than means I will be the guinea pig for the pierogi.

So let's dissect it.

Oh these are nice and thick I can tell.

Oh wow.


You do have a knife.

A fork knife.

Caveman style.


Oh, whoops.

Wow, that looks good.



Those are really nice pierogies.



We picked a great spot for lunch seriously.


Alright so we are feeling very well fed.

How was that Sam?

That was awesome.

I'm so ready to explore now that I've had food.

Yes now we can see the castle.

Let's go.

So once you're inside the castle.

Inside the main courtyard there are actually lots of little shops.

So we're seeing souvenir shops, candy manufactures.

There is an amber gallery.

Different restaurants you can eat at.

So yeah, there is like quite a bit you can experience inside the castle and right now

we're just climbing some stairs to go inside.

We'll see what we find.

While you're in Malbork Castle (zamek w Malborku - Ordensburg Marienburg), you can

visit the Castle Museum, which is home to 40,000 plus artefacts.

You can see religious sculptures, old weapons and military equipment, coin collections,

amber wares, landscape and portrait paintings, and a whole lot more.

One of our favourite spots in the castle was the Southern Terrace, complete with a rose

garden and sun chairs for lounging around.

I think Sam and I both agree it is time for siesta.


So we found a nice little patch of grass under a tree in the shade.


And yeah we need a break.

I'm feeling tired.

Like the castle is massive.

I feel like we've been walking around for hours and there is still more left to see.

Like we just exited the part that you have to pay.


But you can actually visit the rest of the castle grounds for free.

It is like open admission.

There is a lot of things to do, there is places to eat, there are things to buy.

So we've still got a lot to do but we are going to take a nap right now.

Rest first.

Do your thing.

Do what you wanna do now.

So I think we can officially say that we've walked the whole castle.

We've seen the inside and I think we've done a full loop at this point.

Yeah, as far as we can go.

And we know that because if you turn around there is a gate.

Where is it?

Can you see the gate.

That is as far as we can go.

That is as far as we can go but you know what?

It has been a while since lunch.

I think I could have some tea and cake.


Of course you could.

If we can find cake.

Let's go.

So there is this cool wooden bridge that you can take directly behind the castle and that

will bring you across the river.

On this other side you can catch a riverboat tours for about 40 minutes and then they also

have a few cafes so we're actually going to walk down and see if we can find me some cake.

No cakes on the menu.

Nothing sweet apparently it is only savory so we're going to keep looking.


Take two hoping for cakes maybe even ice cream.

I don't know.

So we are now saying goodbye to Malbork Castle (zamek w Malborku - Ordensburg Marienburg)

behind me.

We've decided to head into town for a little bite.

And yeah, it has been fun so far.

Take three.

Take three.

Hopefully we find cake.

I'm sure we will.

There has got to be a cafe there.

And yeah it'll be nice to see a bit of the town as well.

Not just the castle.

We've been sidetracked already.

Sam saw something of interest.

This is my doing.

I saw a cool place that looks like they have a bunch of different beer and I'm thinking

we've got time to kill before our train so let's go have beer before cake.

So it is actually going to be cake take four when we finally get some.

And we've found a very cool place to hang out and have our drinks.

This feels like glamping.


We've got like furniture like out on the grass which is pretty cool and I feel like our table.

Isn't this like one of those old laundry machines you use to ring out the water?

It could be.

It could be.

I think so.

They also have like singer and sewing machines and other cool stuff.

But anyways Sam got beer.


And I got apple juice with elderflower.

Which sounded really cool.

Need some help with that?


You've got it.

I can manage.



Does that smell nice?

It does smell nice.

Try it?

My experience with elderflower was like gin flavored elderflower and it was really good.

Was that in Edinburgh?



In the gin dens of Edinburgh.


Is that nice?


It has got a nice sweetness at the end.

Like floral honey.

Floral honey.


So refreshing.

Fancy apple juice.

Alright and I got the local beer.

Tell us about that beer.

Did you get the name?

No, I didn't.

I didn't look.

You're just like give me beer.

I just got whatever is on tap and they gave me a blonde.

So this is nice.

Nice draught beer.

Cold, refreshing and yeah this is just a cool place to chill and kill some time before we

catch our train.

Take four.

What have we found?

Cake take four.

We've actually found a place.

Cake and ice cream?

We're not missing this opportunity.

We are going in.

Let's go.

We're going to seize the moment.

Seize the moment.


Seize the sugar.

Ice cream.


Happy person.


I was starting to fall asleep and then I woke up all grumpy while Sam was drinking beer

but now I've got three different flavors of ice cream.

What did you get?

It was like a vanilla chocolate mix.

Then mint and chocolate chips and this is vanilla with blueberries.

Oh la lah.

Is it good?

Polish ice cream man it is the best.

It is so good.

Okay time for the Polish cheesecake.

I believe it is called Sernik (Polish cheesecake).

Oh ho ho.

Oh, it looks decadent.



You're going to like this a lot.


The cheesecake part.


Struggling here.

That was a big bite.

It is very decadent.

It is very rich.

And the cheesecake part like cream cheese part is like really really thick.

So ooh.

It is good stuff.

This is like a really nice way to finish off the day before heading back to Gdansk.

It really is.

(Train noises)

Well, we are back at the station.

It is so loud.

Anyways, we're catching the train back to Gdansk.

We had a really fun day visiting the castle.

It was massive.

Like seriously you kind of need a full day there.

And the food was great so yeah you can turn it into a full day experience.

Would highly recommend it.

Yeah, it was awesome.

And off we go.


For more infomation >> Malbork Castle Tour in Poland | Visiting the Largest Castle in the World by Land Area - Duration: 12:51.


Protein Fruity Lassi (Mango & Banana Lassi) | प्रोटीन फ्रूटी लस्सी | By Chef Garima Gupta | - Duration: 2:54.


Garima Gupta welcomes you to GG'Platter

And along with that welcome, I would like to offer you a Protein Lassi

Protein Fruity Lassi

Let's see how to make it

Firstly we'll add 1 chopped mango in the mixer jar

Along with 1 chopped banana

Though they are naturally sweet but since we'll adding milk and curd in it

So we'll add little sugar which is optional but if you are making this for kids especially

Then you must add sugar because children like a little bit of sweetness

And firstly we'll churn this

Adding some Milk in it

We'll blend it back again

Although you can serve it like this but to give it more protein, richness & creaminess

Since its protein lassi and lassi contains Curd so we'll add Curd in it

And the curd will give richness and smoothness to it

So we really need to make it blend

Now its blend and ready to serve

You can serve it into any kind of glass of your choice

You don't need to give anything along with this

If you child is going to have a glass full of this drink, so his entire day's energy is in this.

He'll not be tired even if he plays a lot

It will be more tasty if you'll serve it chilled

Everybody will like it more if you'll make it after subscribing GG's platter.

Do like, share and comment.

If you want to learn new dish, do comment and I'm waiting for your likes.

Only then I'll get you a new dish, til that time. Take Care

For more infomation >> Protein Fruity Lassi (Mango & Banana Lassi) | प्रोटीन फ्रूटी लस्सी | By Chef Garima Gupta | - Duration: 2:54.


Learn Colors With Horse Videos For Children Funny Horse Attack Car Racing Horse Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 10:34.

Learn Colors With Horse Videos For Children Funny Horse Attack Car Racing Horse Finger Family Rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Horse Videos For Children Funny Horse Attack Car Racing Horse Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 10:34.


Wild Animals Finger Family Song For Children Gorilla Tiger Colours Animals Cartoon Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 10:35.

Wild Animals Finger Family Song For Children Gorilla Tiger Colours Animals Cartoon Rhymes for Kids

For more infomation >> Wild Animals Finger Family Song For Children Gorilla Tiger Colours Animals Cartoon Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 10:35.


#4 Quick Guide To Pronouncing The Chamorro Alphabet┃PulanSpeaks Chamorro - Duration: 13:47.

Buenas yan Håfa ådai.

Guahu si Pulan.

And this is Pulan Speaks.

And today we are going to fly through the chamorro alphabet.

And just to give credit where credit is due.

The majority of my work.

Is based upon the authors.

Donald Topping.

And Bernadita Dungca.


The two books of Spoken Chamorro.

And Chamorro Reference Grammar.

So I owe them a lot because without these two books.

I wouldn't even be making these videos right now.

Anyways let's get right into the lesson.

Now just to make things clear.

Originally chamorro was not a written language.

It was not until the 17th century.

When the Spanish missionaries came.

Where the chamorro language became written.

Based upon the latin alphabet.

And over the centuries.

The chamorro writing system has evolved to what it is today.


Not without it's share of controversy.

Which is a video for another time.

So for those wondering why the chamorro language uses almost the same alphabet as english.

That was a super quick explanation.

Now that we got that out of the way.

Let's get right into the lesson.

Out of all the alphabet in the chamorro language.

There are seven.

Seven alphabets that I believe are crucial to know.

And let me tell you why.

The pronunciation for the majority of the chamorro letters are equivalent to the pronunciation

in english.

For example when you see the chamorro letters "A", "B", "D", in a word.

You can pronounce these letters just like how you would in english.

And you would get more or less the same equivalent pronunciation as in chamorro.

While this is true for the majority of the chamorro alphabet.

There are seven exceptions to this.

Which I am going to go through.

Number one.


I know it looks exactly like the letter "i".

But the pronunciation isn't.

You pronounce "i" like "ee" in the english word "see".

The second letter is "e".

Yes I know.

It is an "e", but the pronunciation is like "a" in the english word "ate".

At number three.


Whenever you see the letter "a" with a little circle on top.

Which is a lonat by the way.

You pronounce the letter "å" like the "a" in "father".

Now some people unfortunately confuse the letter "å" with another similar looking letter


So remember the lonat is the key distinguishing feature between the "å" and the "a" sound.


For many chamorro texts.

Especially older texts.

They did not use the lonat to distinguish the "å" and the "a".


They simply used the generic letter "a" to represent both sounds.

So you would have to rely on prior knowledge and context to find out whether the "a" makes

the "å" sound or the "a" sound.

So thank God for usage of the lonat.

At number four.

Is "Ch".

While it appears to be two letters.

It is in fact only one.

In english we would pronounce this letter as "ch" like in "chicks".

However this is not english.

In chamorro it is pronounced more like "ts".

Like in the beginning of the word "tsar".

Or at the end of the word "flirts".

So focus on the "ts" sound at the beginning of the word "tsar" and at the end of the word


The fifth alphabet involves an "n" with a squiggly line on top of it.

So imagine yourself like a cat.

What sounds do cats make.


Here is an english equivalent.

In the word canyon.

Focus on the "ny" part in "canyon".

Because that is your sound.

At number six.

Now out of all the chamorro letters.

This one is in fact probably the most difficult to master.

And this is not an exaggeration.

In fact, I still struggle with this sound to this day.

Now listen to how I pronounce it.



Here it is in a chamorro word.

"månnge' ". You're probably thinking to yourself.

I can't for the life of me pronounce this letter.

But believe me.

You can.

And it's not just cause I believe in you.

But it is because you have been pronouncing this chamorro sound for your entire life without

even realizing it.

Don't believe me. Well.

Try saying this word.


Ah did you hear it.

The "ng" part in singing.

Here's the trick.

Try saying the word "singing" without the letter "s" in the beginning.

So you would get "inging".


Simply drop the "i" and put it at the back of the word.

So you would get the sound "ngingi".


Now finally.

Simply drop one of the "ngi".

And you would get "ngi".

Now when you feel comfortable with this.

You can start adding vowels such as. "a" or "å".

And you would get sounds such as "ngå" and "nga", The last sound is "y".

As you can probably tell by now smart people.

The letter "y" is not pronounce like a "y" in english.


Chamorros pronounce "y" like an inbetween sound of "z" and "d".

And here is an english equivalent.


The "ds" part of "floods".

Focus on that.

Now I know.

I know only said there was seven.

But there actually is an eighth one.

And this chamorro letter has no english equivalent.

Well sort of.

And the eighth chamorro alphabet is represented by this symbol.

It is called a glota.

Now what exactly is a glota.

What exactly does it do.

Well that's a good question.

A glota is a split second stop.

Think of the split second pause in the english word.


Did you hear that.

That sudden pause in "uh-oh" is similar to how you would use the glota in chamorro.

And the glota completely changes words.

For example.

The word "chocho" without the glota means to "eat".

However if you add the glotas to "chocho".

You would get "cho'cho'".

Did you hear it.

Did you hear the split second stops.

"cho'cho' ".

By the way means to "work".

So the pronunciation of the glota.

Can mean the difference between saying I want to eat versus I want to work.

So knowing your glotas and recognizing it.

Is very important.

Now that we got that out of the way.

There are two more chamorro sounds that I want us to be familiar with.

And they diphthongs.

And yes I know they are not alphabet but trust me you will thank me later.

If you don't know already.

A diphthong is the combination of two adjacent vowels and it's respective sound.

So in english it would be like how the letters "o" and "i" combine together.

Form the sound "oi" in the word "coin".

And in chamorro the two most common diphthongs you need to know are.

"ao". and "ai".

As you can probably guess already.

"ao" is pronounced like "ow" in "cow".

While "ai" is pronounced like "ai" in "eyeball".

So in review written chamorro is identical to the english alphabet because they are both

based on the latin alphabet.

Also for most of the chamorro alphabets.

They can be pronounced approximately, to the english equivalent.

Except for eight letters.

Which are.








And finally " ' ".

And last but not least we have two of the most common chamorro diphthongs.

Which are "ao" and "ai".

I am now going to unfortunately going to end the video here.

However, if you want to hear the rest of the chamorro alphabet and its pronunciation and

english equivalent word.

the video continues on.

Starting with the very first chamorro alphabet.

And ending with the last.

Si' Yu'us Ma'åse for watching.

This is Pulan Speaks.

And Pulan has spoken.

"a" like in "nap".

Used in a chamorro word.



As in father.

A chamorro word using "å" would be "båba".

Remember try not to confuse this letter "å" with "a".


Similar to "bat".

Used in a chamorro word.


"ch" like in "tsar".

A chamorro word using "ch" would be "che'lu".


As in "dad".

Used in a chamorro word "dångkolo".

By now you probably have gotten the format already.

So for the rest of the alphabet.

I'm just going to say the letter.

And the relevant english equivalent and chamorro word.















"li'e' ".

" ' ".


"cho'cho' ".












"tåno' ".






"ngånga' ".















"tungo' ".







For more infomation >> #4 Quick Guide To Pronouncing The Chamorro Alphabet┃PulanSpeaks Chamorro - Duration: 13:47.


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How To Design Your Career For Success ✓ (And How To Ruin It) - Duration: 24:52.

Nowadays, It's a cool thing to say follow your passion, follow your interests, make

a career out of it, find that niche where your passion meets the needs of the community.

I keep seeing this everywhere in all the TED Talks.

It's crazy.

If you get a job that you love – your dream job – then you will never have to work a

day in your life.

I think it makes no sense.

You don't design a career around a single input.

Your career is a 4 decade long investment.

You want that career to appreciate as years go by.

And just like how you wouldn't go invest all your savings in to a particular stock

or a commodity just because you love that asset, you can't design your career based

on only what you are interested in.

If you do this mistake, you'll hate your 30s, 40s, and 50s when you get replaced by

a 22 year old fresh graduate right out of college and you'll find yourself unemployed

for a very long time.

In this video, I want to share with you how you can logically design a career that will

only appreciate in value as years progress.

Deloitte regularly runs studies analyzing the workforce dynamics, and one of their recent

studies indicated that 80% of today's corporate professionals do not like their jobs.

And that amongst the millenials, 66% are expected to leave their jobs within 2 years.

And that study led people most people to think that there is only one type of a job that

you can be happy about.

And that if you don't get that dream job, you'll be unhappy, you'll feel unfulfilled.

Then as a result of studies like this, so many career strategists and career consultants

popped up left and right, helping people find their passion and helping them design their

careers around those passions and interests.

So, I read the report a few times.

And I found it very misleading.

The study is extremely high level.

If you read the report, you'd definitely think that the reason most employees are unhappy

at work is because they work at jobs not properly aligned to their talents, strengths, and interests.

This is a wrong way to look at job dynamics.

Creating a happiness index for jobs makes you ignore the building blocks of jobs,

building blocks?

Yes, building blocks of jobs are tasks.

A combination of tasks make up a job.

So, it's almost like a job is the end product.

But tasks are what makes up that end product.

and that tasks are almost like living organisms, they change, they evolve.

From a project to a project, with promotion, with your employer implementing restructuring,

becoming more lean, with the advancement of automation, with changing market dynamics,

tasks change all the time.

It's just matter of finding a constant balance as these tasks evolve.

For example, If you are a junior consultant at PwC, you will be doing a lot of research,

preparing a lot of powerpoint presentation, a lot of internal process related tasks, fill

up this sheet, fill up that form, research this for this client, and so on.

But as you progress in your career, you assume more responsibilities, you start getting engaged

with clients, prepare proposals, work with subject matter experts, deliver client presentations,

run workshops, prepare reports for partners, and when you become a partner, then again

you have completely different tasks, and these tasks again completely change based on the

nature of projects we handle.

In simple terms, there is no dream job waiting for you out there.

There may be dream tasks, fine, but no dream jobs.

And those dream tasks will not stay for long.

Why is this important?

It's very important because you cannot achieve success in your career if you keep on changing

your industry just because you are thinking this is not your ideal job, or your ideal

industry based on the tasks you are required to do at that particular time.

That's insane.

So, how do you design a career then.

Let me walk you through the 3 criteria most people apply when deciding on a career.

And let me share my views on each one of them.

Once I am done with those criteria, then I am going to share with you a very very critical

element that will either make you a superstar performer or if ignored, will make you fail

in achieving success.


So, let's start with first criterion; First one is; The Appeal of the profession.

The "cool factor" Most kids who were born in 1960s, wanted to

be astronauts, right?

Started with Yuri Gagarin, first man in space in 61 then the Apollo missions of U.S.

Then, Apollo 11 successfully landing on Moon.

It was an era when most kids wanted to be astronauts.

It was the coolest profession to have.

For some, it still is.

. But now we have a better visibility into what

a typical astronaut does.

We now know that an astronaut spends less than 1% of his career in space.

The remaining 99% is spent on training, engineering, physics, simulations, and then training again

and again.

Becoming an astronaut is so dreadful that most aerospace engineers, or scientists who

are training to become astronauts never make it to space.

What does this mean?

It means if you want to become an astronaut, you don't say it's cool to be one instead

you look at certain tasks that you will be required to do for the lifetime of the profession.

And then evaluate your capabilities and willingness to carry them out versus your satisfaction

towards those tasks.

You have more chances of getting hit by a car than an astronaut in training to make

it to space and do a space walk.

Another cool profession is especially for MBAs is my profession management consulting.

Majority of today's MBA graduates, want to be either management consultants, or they

want to be investment bankers.

Somehow MBAs created this perception that management consulting is really cool.

We help solve the biggest problems of the corporate world.

We create strategies that are out of this world…

The reality is very different, in my almost a decade long consulting career, 4 years with

PricewaterhouseCoopers, in strategy consulting my typical day would be far from being cool;

Answer 100 emails everyday, attend at least 10 meetings or phone calls, 10 presentations

a week, manage multiple teams from all around the world, all at the same time, fly all around

the world all the time, this sounds nice, and it is, when you are in your 20s, but it

kind of sucks once you have a family and you are in your mid 30s, create hypothesis and

test them, carry out advanced statistics and run models, where is the cool in it?

and maybe only maybe and if I am lucky spend 1 hour every week, truly creating strategies,

and thinking out of the box.

So, 1 hour of tasks that I love doing, 40 hours of tasks that don't kill me that I

am fine with, and about 10 hours of tasks that I hate.

So, my ratios would be 2% I love, 80% I am fine with, and 18% I hate.

So, that "cool factor" is highly misleading.

Let's move on to the 2nd consideration when choosing a career.

And this one is Your Passion and Interests.

Follow your passion.

If you find a job that you are passionate about then you will never have to work a day

in your life!


Your passion and your interests change.

You are not passionate about the same things you were last year, or 5 years ago, or 10

years ago.

Your career on the other hand is a 4 decade progress.

You can't afford to become vulnerable to the change in your career as your passion

and interests change.

You cannot be successful if you change your career every 2 to 5 years and start over from

the beginning.

It's like similar to joining a 100 metre sprint race, but then every 10 metres, you

go back to the start line and start over.

Forget about winning, how are you even going to finish that race?

That's the exact formula to fail.

when you are building a career, you are building an infrastructure for a massive success in

your 30s, 40s, and 50s.

A side note here; I am not talking about becoming an entrepreneur.

That's completely out of my scope.

And out of the scope of my channel.

So, I am referring to building a successful corporate career.

I want to give you an example.

But before I do it, I want to give you a disclaimer.

My views, my opinions, aren't derived from a bunch of personal experiences that I have


That's not the right way to base an opinion.

My views are based on what I have seen in my 15 year career, being a consultant, having

over 200 clients, and having worked with more than 2000 professionals, observing their progress,

all around the world, and clearly seeing causations.

So the first example is a friend of mine.

I don't wanna say his name here.

But he had a brilliant career with an investment bank in London.

His last bonus was I think around 200,000 pounds.

Just a bonus not a salary.

He was relatively happy at work.

He was fine.

I mean we would meet after work and get a few drinks.

It's like a normal distribution, 10% of his tasks he loved, 80% he was fine with,

and 10% he hated.

So his passion is healthy living and body building.

He is a buff guy.

So, he left his career and invested his bonus in becoming a partner in a local gym.

And the other investors assigned him as the CEO.

He hated it.

Because he was passionate about healthy living and working out, not the accounting of a gym,

supply chain, marketing, sales, dealing with body builders throwing steroid tantrums in

the gym.

That wasn't his passion.

So the happiness ratio of his tasks completely changed.

Now it was more like 1% of the tasks he loved, 9% he was fine with, and 90% he hated.

So, he quit the job.

But he couldn't get back to his former career.

Or another one, like another friend of mine, he was passionate about a certain mission,

then his passion just changed, it disappeared, and he was stuck in a career he hated, and

eventually became jobless.

Makes sense?

I can give you 100s of examples like this.

The punchline is this; just because you are passionate or interested in a certain mission,

it doesn't mean you will have to build a career out of it.

See them as 2 separate aspects of life.

If your passion is mathematics, solve Millenium Prize Problems at home.

Get in touch with Clay Mathematics Institute.

You don't need to work as a math teacher.

Let's move on to the final one.

The 3rd factor in deciding a career.

And this one is an opportunistic view.

This is the viewpoint that is closest to my own beliefs.

As long as it doesn't violate my own ethics codes, that what I do doesn't harm other

people, I always shoot for careers that have the maximum potential for financial benefits.

Because those financial benefits will allow you to follow your passion and interests after

working hours or in the weekends.

Trust me, a 6 figure salary will let you follow all your passions.

You are passionate about butterflies, no problem, go set up a butterfly charity organization

with that bonus.

You are passionate about cupcakes, no problem, go make them all day long in the weekends

or after working hours.

You are passionate about sailing, cool, go buy a boat, because you can afford it.

So, that was always my first priority.

Maximum income potential without violating my own code of ethics.

For example, I can never work for a Tobacco company regardless of how much they pay me.

That would be my redline.

And remember this, your career is an investment.

You will not see the benefits immediately.

If you want a career in investment banking, Goldman Sachs is not going to hire you just

because you want it immediately.

But if you take the necessary steps you will eventually get there.

You want to be a management consultant, PwC is not going to hire you immediately.

But again if you take the necessary steps, you'll eventually get there.

Maybe in a few years, maybe in 5, maybe in 10.

But you'll get there.

Again, it's like an investment.

You put your money into your savings account, it won't double your money over night.

It takes time for the compounding effect to work for you.

But you'll only get there if you stick to it.

If you stay in the course.

Now let's get to the final part of this video; the most important part.

All of what I covered so far, the appeal, the passion, and opportunistic view, they

are all fine and you can consider them all as inputs.

They should not be necessarily the routes you take, but rather inputs.

Inputs to help you make your decision.

But there is one more input that rules over any of those I covered.

This one is the most critical one.

You don't get this right, you are guaranteed to fail.

You get it right, you are guaranteed to win.

It's a surefire way to succeed.

Now, It'll take me a few minutes to explain it, so please bear with me.

Your employer is like a currency exchange house.

You go and you deposit 230 hours and they give you 5,000 dollars or whatever the salary

you get in exchange.

230 hours – 5000 dollars.

So it's Hourly Rate * Available Hours = Salary This is fairly simple.

Now, if you are an employee, the available hours in this equation is a constant, you

can't work 24/7.

Meaning the only thing that can change is the hourly rate to get a higher salary.

And your hourly rate comes directly from the value you create for your employer.

Meaning to get a higher salary in future, your value to your employer must increase.

And your value to your employer doesn't just automatically increase just because years

pass and you accumulate more general experience.

Now, if you want your career to give you the future financial benefits you desire, you

will have to get significantly better at what you do which should result in more value to

your employer.

Career progression has nothing to do with progression in your job title.

Getting a manager title as opposed to a supervisor title means nothing.

It only helps fooling bunch of HR.

It's the new skills and experiences you develop that makes you more money.

That's what your current or future employer values.

So ask yourself the question, Are you more valuable to your employer now

compared to last year?

If the answer is no, then it means you just wasted a whole year worth of investment return.

As if it's like you are carrying out discounted cash flow analysis to give valuation for your

own career.

You know how DCF works right, you are discounting your future earnings to the present at a certain

discount rate, now by wasting 1 whole year, you just excluded that 1 whole year from the


Instead of taking 20 years for your DCF, you now have to take 19 years.

And I am not talking about made up skills or soft skills, handling meetings, or handling

more sales calls, or attending more presentations, I am talking about real tangible skills.

Project management, risk management, IFRS, prince 2, lean or agile management, or like

certain IT skills, become a subject matter expert in your industry, become a thought

leader, become the go to person when it comes to certain skills, get your CFA level 3, get

your CPA, CMA, enroll in executive education, attend seminars around the world, if you are

in sales expand your client portfolio because your client portfolio is your biggest asset

which will be with you whichever employer you go.

Whatever your domain is, you want to become unsubstitutable, inimitable, irreplaceable,

and you get there one step one training one skill at a time.

Step by step.

Don't deceive yourself.

It's one thing to find made-up skills or experiences for your yearly performance review,

but it's a completely another thing to deceive yourself.

Deniz, in all honesty, I don't think I improved this year.

I mean I come up with a few bullet points for my review, but in all honesty, I didn't,

the year flew by so fast.

But that's ok, my employer is happy with me.

They love me.

My managers love me.

You may say that now, but you know you are putting yourself under a huge risk.

You know what the risk is?

Let me tell you what it is.

Tomorrow, your employer may all of a sudden, stop justifying your higher salary over someone

with significantly less experience but who can do 95% of what you can do for half the


If that happens,You will then find yourself out of a job and be unemployed for a very

long time unless you reduce your salary demands.

Trust me, you wouldn't be the first person to lose his or her job to someone with less

experience At the moment, the economy is all booming.

But what happens tomorrow when the economy turns upside down.

And there are mass layoffs.

Who do you think will be laid off the first?

Or who do you think will survive?

If you deceive yourself now, and that you don't build the actual skills or experiences

you need to improve your value, I guarantee you that you will hate your 30s, 40s, and


You'll be working for managers that will be at the age of your children.

The good thing is, it's never too late.

Even if you are in your 30s or 40s now, you still have another 20 to 30 years of human

capital left in you.

That's 2 to 3 decades.

But if you don't take necessary steps now, your future will be exactly like how it is


Make an empathy, if you were an employer, would you be able to justify paying double

the salary for an employee but only 10% more value?

You wouldn't.

In simple terms, don't expect to get paid higher just because you are older.

Let me share with you my personal story.

But again a disclaimer, I don't draw conclusions based on my own experiences alone.

So, after I lost my job in 2008 with Standard & Poor's, I moved to Dubai started working

for a local company.

I was 26-27 years old.

This was 10 years ago.

And one of my subordinates in my team, person who reported to me was 36 years old.

Unfortunately for him, in the eyes of my employer and many employers, his 15 years of general

work experience wasn't as valuable as my only 3 years of experience with a big name

employer Standard & Poor's where I was exposed to pretty advanced technical skills.

At the time, I made twice as much as he made.

And worse, he had to put up with my bullshit.

I mean at the time, I was an arrogant little prick.

My professional character wasn't yet built, it was a work in progress, I was arrogant,

I was overly aggressive, I was sometimes rude, where as his character was pretty solid.

And I was the one learning a lot from him.

Not technical skills maybe, but how to handle confrontations, how to handle heated client

presentations, how to manage a team, I was learning a lot more than he was learning from


We both didn't last long in that job but do you see the lesson here?

You are as valuable as the value you create for your employers.

I didn't make up the rules.

I am merely sharing with you so you can design your own future for success, just like an

investment that appreciates each year.

I know you will do it.

Just don't deceive yourself.

See you next week.

For more infomation >> How To Design Your Career For Success ✓ (And How To Ruin It) - Duration: 24:52.


Top 7 Famous Bollywood Actresses who Looks Indian But Not Born In India | You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:59.

Top 7 Famous Bollywood Actresses who Looks Indian But Not Born In India | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> Top 7 Famous Bollywood Actresses who Looks Indian But Not Born In India | You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:59.


Six Foods You Should Avoid If You Want To Have A Flat Stomach - Duration: 2:05.

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Six Foods You Should Avoid If You Want To Have A Flat Stomach

Both women and men want to get rid of their stomach fat and lose weight.

However, our daily routines and diet habits might keep us away from achieving our goal.

We are all familiar with the fact that drinking a lot of water is crucial for losing weight.

But what about the food we eat?

These are the six food types you should avoid in order to reduce your stomach fat:


Dairy food

We all know that drinking milk is beneficial for our bones.

Nevertheless, milk can lead to having the annoying stomach gasses and bloating.

If you can't really stay away from dairy products the best choice for you is yoghurt.


Spicy food

This type of food should be taken out from your diet because it can damage the working

process of the digestive tract and increase the secretion of stomach juices which can

be quite irritating.


Processed food, refined sugar, and alcohol

You might want to eliminate all of these three ingredients mentioned above because they are

likely to stick onto your belly and lead to having a bulky tummy by obstructing the burning

fat process.



Eating bread, pasta, cakes, and other food that abounds with carbohydrates lead to stomach

bloating which is why you should avoid this food type.

You may want to substitute this food consumption by increasing the income of protein-based



Some fruits

The benefits of eating fruits might sometimes be taken for granted, even though there are

some fruits that are not as good for our health and stomach fat.

For instance, apples and pears cause troubles to your metabolism because of the high level

of fructose.

On the other hand, citrus fruits can help in the process of burning fat.


Salty food

If you want to achieve your goal of losing stomach fat try to reduce salt consumption

because of water retention in your body which eventually leads towards having bloating stomach.

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For more infomation >> Six Foods You Should Avoid If You Want To Have A Flat Stomach - Duration: 2:05.


Hazard Light Adapter with 10 Attractive Modes - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Hazard Light Adapter with 10 Attractive Modes - Duration: 1:57.


THAILAND HOUSE BUILD UPDATE Rural life Thailand Homestead THAI VLOG THAI VLOGG วิดีโอตลก - Duration: 37:51.

leigh and toon rural life thailand homestaed thai vlog

thailand house build update


Sonia say to sharlinda harmful animal net here maybe 50 and 150 in Muhammad as

- you know why with anyone enjoy him

yep Allen Omaha 29 years on fair fado Spitfire not see him properly

anything for my sword my my soul nothing

Mikey young my Delilah among there knock it down

you could cause some carnage that IATA here lumberjacking in Thailand someone

looks happy now your size hey sorry you're not doing anything

waste pipes and drain pipe spent down

waste pipe drain pipe or a pipe sunken into the wall that is living the dream

Wow always always good when you bury it

you're right it is your fault

you're going to get slapped I have to go into the soils have to go into the times

I know that others are from mark for young now you - I can wash I make that

one well PLA the super gongs wife not feeding him is about three stone hey

this is wife not feeding him is about three stone with a minor term acacia

classy guys here's a beer delivery

my Inman aligner warned of an airport one I know that Laguna Telamon would not

my custom at the end of the day a few beers so we're not being charged for

that well number five in the house earrings that was just buy some beers as

a classic case of monka cat in the sand

how old is it yeah Poli okay that's not his name it's got polio are you a lion

out the I went I can't be under list why Wow Sam harder Aleman of about four four

to five months hmm yeah he did perfect I hope you'll

remember normally when I am Yossef inside now start a flashback of being on

Skegness beach being buried by my sister

it looks like he's living that Dongmin you did me yep configure come along

column on minakata what holla monitor you need help from me long hi such a

much mister meatballs arrived Maurice and sausage no Ivan cheese the art dogs

none of my favorite eise and sausage ok yeah he knows it's my favorite man it's

not safe as a bad the only cat that bambi can catch in it

hi yeah I've been Tyler : you didn't

this is my name oh hell my one name for Miami getting stuff delivered that we

already said we wanted like why are you this left our own credit mrs. one yet

minor I am I am King yeah that's gonna get squashed the only one now look a

minute will get a lot of views on YouTube

these are the poo tanks

so we've got a renter digger dig a few holes and sink these into the into the


don't get too excited about food tanks

in the loser pose

out on the test that's disc right in the middle of the

windscreen tax thing right in the middle of it and Ibaka five of the unfaithful

now he is just so proud of attached disc he wants to show why still trying to get

down L all the way look at that face now I thought maybe today my mouth hey

Martha Wilhelmina and we're your father

you say credit for it but none for my fat man fan since a serious issue

Bismarck holding it fuckin way around a lot and left to get cold anyway so it

won't be there long enough to get cold

things not very thirsty today she's just scratch the soil a bit and threw a plant

in here any plant should put in too

you really really piss up i what happened you today don't think so it's

all pirate decree actually I don't know if you're allowed to show the beer

because it's Thailand whenever there's TVs always it's a

little bit disturbing noise I'm not sure

good job mum's my owner should be taking it back to our house putting it in the

shower and also know dr. King have ryaba tailgate mash dad or soon I'll be as hot

as a surface or the turn that I'm not sure if I can Inc with that cat there

it's put Samir I saw fit

for anyone that thinks pods aren't very healthy

these are deep-fried hot dogs get that in your arteries I'll hit Bachmann and

Herman Cain got a peon

they're a bit yummy in the middle of nowhere it's pretty busy I put on that

out oh dear well missus how's your day being I know

I'm total arm now can't be paste two bottles Aurelio between us Oh carne de

pon with our shrimp pots in there this could all kick off this cliff think so

if my shrimp aren't in the pot if I'm going to Jet Li all over them not a step

no just took everything element stick you put a stick in beautiful let's pray

in the rice and see Ivan chop down the spiky thing from hell and this one

even hot that night which bit I told you think I am I was going to get that yeah

you show me another flung that works as hard and and then moan oh bloody blah I

do it tomorrow then and see how well them I mean was not posted very actually

got a little bit of a tilt on myself

just topping up from two nights ago

well I even cut the spiky Bush from hell right I've left the spiky bits on the

fence give the coconut trees you check in your ring upload sickie

mommy mommy milk move your eye I think you severe they look how beautiful clean

these coconut trees are okay brownie point you can vehicle cannot vote now

look oh yes and the people who are renting the farmer just sprained either

weed killer or victim in or hormone on their rights me and tuna hunters

action shot guy on that video doing it it's not sharp when it goes near though

I'm not sure if his guy's cock datasheet

right then

here we are again how short this book is can it be big enough I've got a good

feeling I got a good feeling everyone and is they're canvassing here today

I didn't see them probably caught a lot of shrimp just jerking cheer yourself

that looks like that summit Wow I like wow like wow my black-headed gull next

I've got our favorite hey Lucy maybe you're right but it's not el eel like a

needlenose yeah something prettier that I believe

that's nominees like them okay all this run a bit before I go what

like a ping

it's not enough going with it again you think so

okay only me can leave that excuse me you know when you get married

everything's hard sleep has it you know that sometimes what are you looking for

those bitter bitter my lap doesn't know there's any on it hmm got the sorry yeah

yeah give me one of the common things where you call them

manic like a world vegetable super bitter yeah that's why I said to the

wall so they are a wild vegetable they're not like a wild vegetable hey

it's no wonder I'm losing weight is it a yellow one down I super knit why they

lie so when we say we're living off the land it's more like we've got a starter

that we're not ready to got the main dinner we've got a nib crab one snail

one bag Adi about 30 gun to baby eels which you can barely see and about five

little bit calmed my lap oh well eat properly tomorrow it's good food though

innit really oh the second one is isn't it yeah do I want you to wait here while

I walk all the way back and get the triple that sounds tempting

I just worry about about most I just worry about you without me to protect

you from those wasps and know what happened last time we went here you got

a wasp on the end of your nose

okay I'll go then you stay there

no wonder I've lost three stone in four weeks

that's hormone man going

he needs to check his emission levels out roof carbon monoxide poisoning boy

still on the B I need to get at all soak it in the bamboo also going angry

tonight just going to take away out here so not a bad day today put a few things

are great deal but still good fun there's a roll of thunder in the

background Burr and be electrocuted lost a few pounds working out on the farm cut

a few trees didn't get this all stick soon got stone apart from that not bad

good building progress as well alright the wife's got bamboo on the brain this

is going for the spiky stuff we did to see that there was one head the last

time we came as when she was viciously attacked by some rabid wasp I chose to

buy a right on the end of the snout

so unless someone's been here and swiped it oh my god

that leo's strong Italian no not pissed just a bit tilted noun it annoys Oh Oh

bamboo pole all right let's be careful this time

I mean what's the chances are getting stung twice Hey and this is why we're

doing a bamboo farm yeah my frames not getting in there

oh I see it I see it whenever you see those films guys but but the battle of

the somme and that sort of thing whether in going over the top into no-man's land

and all the barbed wires there it's got nothing on this stuff

this thing will shred you it's far sharper than barbed wire it's not that

I'm being a bad husband it's tooms highly trained in bamboo for

me we're going to get December to next year if you come in

I'll be stuck in that next year if I go in there I'll get snared yeah ok those

did you mean to it what one in there big one did you mean to hit cut three inches

to I

think about those silly little bugs air of their on it like we have at the house

because we've got posh bamboo at the house we get posh bugs dummy kill as my

sister says when we're playing Wii golf just twat it you know that's true sample

I could see the one next to the one you just got was another one is it well not

mean funny that is going into the bowels of hell if you're going to go in there

get that one them to never think about that's not coming how easy have it I'm

getting stuck and I'm not even in watch out for spike is I'm not going to carry

you again across the field mmm

hmm straight through your flip-flops flip-flops these you sure that was just

two beers lunchtime drinking it's not like my cock

for what it's not grade eights cup yeah it's probably got a great you know it's

got a ginger one any any what my sister told me oh I did hear that splash in the

pond what

yeah and he's been talking in front of fucking spilling

well if catching this time it's a flippin machete in the Swede for sure he

had is one chance turn

youie the triplet of bamboo triplets of bamboo three and three I still didn't

get any green bamboo did I so she cooked last last time when we go over some and

she could forward it with the green thing it's not the same was it was it

that's very nice thinking

hang on hang on you snared fuck you're off you said falls in it never enough

bamboo for this woman


For more infomation >> THAILAND HOUSE BUILD UPDATE Rural life Thailand Homestead THAI VLOG THAI VLOGG วิดีโอตลก - Duration: 37:51.


She Works 2 Jobs As A Waitress Then Kind Strangers Give Her The Surprise Of Her Lifetime - Duration: 3:35.

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She works 2 jobs as a waitress then kind strangers give her the surprise of her lifetime

Working in a restaurant is not easy.

I remember bussing tables for years in my early 20s.

The physical labor really took its toll on my body.

The hours were long and the environment was fast paced and stressful.

I would feel like the job was getting the best off me, yet somehow, I felt like I was

barely making enough to survive.

Many people have been through a period in their life where they were forced to do this

kind of work.

One of these people is Cayla Chandara, who lives in Hawaii.

Cayla moved from California to Wakiki, Hawaii, to finish her studies.

Sadly, she had to give up her dream of finishing school.

You see, Cayla had a student debt to pay off plus just simply couldn't afford being a

fulltime student.

She had to put her dreams on hold.

The young lady decided to take time off and work two jobs as a waitress.

That way she could save up enough to go back to school in the future.

She knew it was going to be tough and take time, but she was determined.

One night, she was serving a friendly group of customers who were visiting from Australia.

According to CBS News, the group was made up of two lifelong friends and a 10-year-old


They began talking and somehow got talking about Cayla and her life.

She filled them in on her story and her aspirations.

She found the customers very friendly and politely showing interest in her and her life

but didn't think much else about it.

She was just about to clear the table and collect the tab when she couldn't believe

her eyes.

They had left a $400 tip – the tip they left was double the price of the actual total

cost of their bill.

Talk about generous.

I guess Cayla sure had made an impression on these folks.

"I was then at a loss for words and all I wanted to do was hug them," Cayla told CBS


Cayla was overwhelmed with gratitude, she felt like she had to thank these kind strangers


She remembered the hotel they were staying at, so she decided to head over to thank them

after work the next night.

"I genuinely wanted to say thank you, I sent a thank you letter saying how much it meant

to me."

After that, she thought maybe she would never see the friendly Australians again.

But was she in for a surprise.

The next evening, the lady and the little girl showed up at the restaurant.

They wanted to leave yet another tip — this time for $10,000 to help pay off her debt

and invest in her college fees.

I think the word generous this time is an understatement.

"I initially told them I couldn't take that offer, but they insisted that it would be

just as great for them to do it for me, they told me the best way to thank them is to be

my best possible self, dream big and strive for my goals," she told CBS News.

She is now looking into going back to school in the fall to study business.

"They have truly changed my life, not only financially but in the way I look at things.

They are the most beautiful and kind-hearted people I've come across and I really look

up to them and I can't wait until they watch me graduate," Kayla says, adding: "Always

be genuine.

You will get it right back.

Good things happen."

Cayla's story is testament that there are indeed good and selfless people out there.

Please consider sharing if it moved you as much as it moved us!

For more infomation >> She Works 2 Jobs As A Waitress Then Kind Strangers Give Her The Surprise Of Her Lifetime - Duration: 3:35.


Mom Says Daughter Hurt Herself, When Dad Gets To The Hospital, He Immediately Sees Something Wrong - Duration: 4:04.

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Mom says daughter hurt herself, when dad gets to the hospital, he immediately sees something


There are a decent amount of good people in this world.

Thank goodness for that.

Unfortunately, there are also a good number of nasty people too.

The worst kind are the ones who inflict pain onto children.

It's mind-blowing how these people can look at themselves in the mirror or even sleep

at night.

What possesses someone to act violently towards an innocent child will always remain a mystery

to us.

This particular story about child abuse is from July last year.

It's a tragic story about a family in Slovenia, a small country in Europe.

It's not ideal to tell stories like this one, but we still feel it's important that they

are told, so that things like this never happen again.

The picture above is of a little girl named Arina.

Sadly, Arina is no longer with us.

She was neglected by social services, leaving her mother and her mother's boyfriend to abuse

her so badly she finally died.

Her biological father, Senad Kardasevic, loved his baby girl very much.

But not long after his ex wife, Sanda Alibabic, started dating Mirzan Jakupi, the father started

noticing bruises on his little girl's body.

It happened consistently but no one took it seriously.

Time after time, he contacted social services in Slovenia.

He explained to them that he was worried and didn't trust his little girl being in the

hands of her mother and the boyfriend.

Social services even made a home visit and conducted interviews, but apparently there

wasn't enough evidence to prove any real abuse, LifeBuzz reports.

That would have been the perfect opportunity to save this little girl's life.

Despite Senad's best efforts, one day he received a phone call that no father should have to


According to The Daily Mail, Arina's mother called an ambulance and claimed that her little

girl had run into a radiator by accident and hurt herself.

It turned out however, that Arina was in much worse condition than anyone could've imagine.

She had a severly swollen face, broken bones and horrible bruises all over her body.

There was no way a baby could have inflicted all of this onto herself from running into

a radiator.

It was finally clear what was really happening.

But sadly it was too late.

The doctors did all they could but the damage was done and the little girl passed away after

two days of fighting for her life.

Senad was by her side the whole time and kissed his baby girl goodbye.

The picture of him crying next to his daughter on her deathbed while she was connected to

a life machine has haunted thousands upon thousands not just in Slovenia but worldwide

in the past year.

Sanda and Mirzan have since then been arrested and their trial is still on-going.

They could face up to 15 years in prison, LifeBuzz reports.

Since the death of his daughter, Senad has been fighting for justice on behalf of his

little girl.

The case reached Anja Kopač Mrak, the Minister of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal

Opportunities in Slovenia.

She has since asked for a thorough investigation, according to LifeBuzz.

Here is a statement from the minister after the incident:

"My thoughts are with his father, sisters girls and relatives.

All its sincere condolences.

There are moments when you run out of words.

The story that should not happen, I was shaken, shocked, it is inconceivable and inexcusable."

As tragic as the fate of this little girl was, we hope it will help prevent innocent

children from being abused by cruel parents in the future.

Child abuse is something that still happens in every part of the world.

It needs to addressed and stopped.

Please help share Arina's tragic story to shine light on this very important subject.

For more infomation >> Mom Says Daughter Hurt Herself, When Dad Gets To The Hospital, He Immediately Sees Something Wrong - Duration: 4:04.


Males & Natural Progesterone - Duration: 4:59.

This is Dr. Lam from and the Adrenal Fatigue Center.

One of the questions we've been asked is should men be also taking natural progesterone?

That question is quite interesting because the use of natural progesterone is oftentimes

related and associated with women.

The question is why would a man need to consider that?

Let's take a step back.

The progesterone's main action is to oppose estrogen.

Now, estrogen is a pro-growth type hormone.

In the world nowadays, where we are filled with chemicals and environmental toxins and

hormones, it is impossible for the woman or the man to escape hormonal exposure.

These types of hormones, or what we call xenoestrogenic hormones, have molecules that are very similar

to estrogen.

So whether you are a man or a woman, if you take in these hormones, such as hormones from

animals such as chicken or beef, chemicals such as petroleum, ingredients in shampoos

and nail polish, they all have these types of chemicals.

These chemicals, derived from petroleum, have a chemical structure that is very similar

to estrogen.

When these molecules get into the body, they behave estrogenically by sitting on the estrogen

receptor sites.

Now, how serious is this?

It really depends on the person.

Most people have the ability to get rid of it, or at least a certain level of it.

But if you overflow the body day in day out with excessive amounts of estrogen or estrogenic-type

compounds, as we call it xenoestrogenic compounds as we mentioned earlier, then invariably the

body will have excessive estrogen whether you are male or female.

Now in the female, taking natural progesterone can help not only to oppose the estrogen but

also to reduce the menstrual symptoms such as endometriosis, fibroids, or PCOS and that

type of stuff.

In the male, the prostate gland can be vulnerable if there's excessive amount of estrogen.

Taking progesterone can be helpful and indicated with the right circumstances.

Of course, the dosage and frequency are very different because the body in the male does

not need the same level of estrogenic opposing as that in the female.

In men, if indicated, especially for prostate issues and hormonal issues that is well documented,

then the amount can be considered and is usually lower in quantity and a cream form is usually

quite good.

Normally, there's no downside, especially males with clinical signs of gynecomastia,

enlarged breasts, may consider these things with the right workup.

But it is not something that you want to just pick up over the counter and start taking

without any consideration.

In the case of adrenal fatigue, then the problem is further compounded because progesterone

is metabolized by the liver.

If you have liver congestion, as is commonly the case in adrenal fatigue, then even a small

amount of progesterone can make adrenal fatigue worse.

So for the male, we don't find that the use of natural progesterone is so indicated

unless there are very specific reasons.

In those cases, it has to be tracked and followed properly.

The use of natural progesterone for males falls in very different parameters as compared

to females.

If you do it right, it can be quite beneficial especially for the prostate.

At the same time, it is not something you want to embark on without the knowledge and

the supervision of an adrenal fatigue and natural hormone health care specialist.

For more infomation >> Males & Natural Progesterone - Duration: 4:59.


어쌔신크리드 오리진 게임스컴 2017 시네마틱 트레일러 영상 cc한글자막 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 어쌔신크리드 오리진 게임스컴 2017 시네마틱 트레일러 영상 cc한글자막 - Duration: 3:10.


Innovation at Edelrid: Inside/Out Episode 1 - Duration: 6:57.

We were invited to Germany to get a detailed look at the inner workings of Edelrid.

In exchange they asked only that we document and share our experience.

Going into the trip we knew a little bit about Edelrid's 150-year rope making history

but we wanted to understand how Edelrid became the innovative company they are today.

So we sat down with some of the employees to get the details.

Turns out 2006 was a big turning point for the company.

In 2006 Vaude bought Edelrid.

At that time the brand name was still considered to be very strong and

good but the company had not pushed product out recently or in recent years.

The boss of Vaude, Albrecht von Dewitz, he asked me,

"It would be great if you could take over the development department at Edelrid."

Daniel actually was here before me.

By that point our development department was not existing.

For the first two, three, four, years it was only me to do the development.

I mean he's a genius developer and has a really special sense for textile as well as product philosophy.

The whole team's now almost 14 people for development.

And since 2006 they've developed a host of intriguing products from some of the

lightest gear in the market to some of the most utilitarian.

The Edelrid concept is driven by having an idea and developing the product from ground, from scratch on.

We are very and still are a very product driven company so it's all about the product.

People are so dedicated here they want to invent stuff.

When you have so many people thinking about the product then

everyone says like, "Yeah, I don't care about the marketing side I want to have a cool product."

Since we use our products, we are mainly thinking about,

"Yeah, I have this problem, I want to have a solution for that."

So we are not a kind of marketing driven company who moves out and buys product.

We are the guys who have an idea, create a concept,

and then build the product from scratch, and then mostly produce it by ourselves.

But we were super curious where the inspiration to invent

these new products comes from and what does it take to turn those ideas into reality.

Right now I would say he's like the innovation driver at Edelrid.

It really sometimes happens that the new ideas it's just -- I don't know how it works.

I don't know, I wake up and then I say, "Ah, this is a cool way to make a new carabiner gate."

The other solution is: fireplace, outdoors, garden, beer, some friends, climbers.

It's crazy ideas. 95% of this is totally stupid and

senseless and crazy ideas which you will never sell and you're

never able to produce but out of this you say, "OK, this was a crazy idea but if you

take out this and this and this detail it's probably realistic."

Definitely 5 to 10 projects I'm thinking or we are in the department thinking about.

My colleagues are coming up with ideas sometimes it's just like,

"Woah, could we try this one who could we try that one."

And I can say like personally for me working

here at Edelrid, it was one of the most inspiring things that happened to me in

a way that you see those really really dedicated people, dedicated climbers, and

having this dedication and like dedication to detail and innovation this

is something really inspiring and it helps you to also push yourself to say

like, "OK, I have to really, I want to come up with an idea as well."

Phil is someone really creative as well. This is really fun working with him because

he is really open minded it's not this is something that is necessary if you

want to create ideas like this that you need someone who's really open to talk

about anything: stupid ideas. The most stupid are the best because

from there is the the further step that you can think.

I think it's not possible to say, "Next year we need three new innovative carabiners, now development

team please sit down and start thinking about new innovative carabiner ideas."

This is definitely not possible. It's either organised or it's innovative.

As, I mean, part of his nature is to not only to do the climbing but also think about this whole other

aspect of of safety behind it because I think he takes it his responsibility as

a developer of PPE equipment super seriously in a way that he says, "When I'm

going to develop a product and I bring it out to the market, I have to be sure that there's no flaw in it."

So I still have project in the in the box that are half-finished for almost 10 years.

Some of them they exist as prototypes and I use them already since years but I don't want to finish them yet.

And some ideas they -- it's like a rush and it can be done in, sometimes it can be done in weeks.

Our owner, Albrecht, is product driven and fascinated

by innovation as well as technical solutions. Not only in the way how to use

products also from the production point of view.

The process to takes the most time is the development process.

Sampling, testing, sampling, testing, sampling, laboratory testing, validation,

sampling, revision, sampling, and this is what takes the longest time.

This can take a year, two years, three years, sometimes and this

is what is really slow if you are not working in production.

But this sampling, we do here in production so we can be really fast.

It's really nice because we've got the option just even though the idea does sound strange at

the beginning we've just got the option to go next door and just try,

just give it a try and in case you realize, "Oh it doesn't work at all," then it

doesn't work at all. But in case even though its product is still far away

just give it a try and see whether it's going into a direction where you could

work it. And yeah, we've got a few projects, definitely projects,

definitely not coming in '18, 2018, but maybe in two years or four years time, we'll see.

After hearing the details of their hardware and harness development we wanted to

understand more about how ropes get made so we asked them to walk us through the entire process.

Join us in the next Inside-Out episode,

where we'll be covering exactly how climbing ropes are made at Edelrid.

For more infomation >> Innovation at Edelrid: Inside/Out Episode 1 - Duration: 6:57.


Malbork Castle Tour in Poland | Visiting the Largest Castle in the World by Land Area - Duration: 12:51.

Alright guys, so we are back at the train station for another day trip and today we

are heading to Malbork (Marienburg) to visit this is the largest castle by land area in


No, in the world.

Oh, in the world.


It is the biggest castle in the world.

That is nuts.

It is going to be impressive and yeah it should be a really fun day trip.

We just bought our tickets and now we are waiting for the train to pull into the platform.

Let's do this.

Malbork Castle (zamek w Malborku - Ordensburg Marienburg) dates back to the 13th century,

and it is a medieval brick castle constructed in the Gothic style.

It was originally built by the Teutonic Knights, a German Roman Catholic religious order of

crusaders, and expanded a few times as the number of knights grew.

The Castle has an area of 143,591 square meters, making it the biggest in the world by land


Alright, so we have made it to Malbork (Marienburg) and now we're on our way to the castle.

We ended up taking the Inter City train which is a little bit faster.

It got us there in 30 minutes.

It is a little bit more expensive.

We paid 55 złoty per person but that was the next one that was leaving otherwise we

would have had to wait for like an hour and a half.

So something to keep in mind but I think we are taking the cheaper train on the way back

and that is only 11 złoty.

But anyway that is enough information.

Now let's make our way over to the castle.

Alright, so we just got our tickets.

It was 39.50 zł each and doesn't it already look massive this castle?

Like just walking to the entrance.

It is like woah.

Yeah, I think I remember reading online that like to do the audio guide or to properly

explore it it can take up to 3 hours.

So yeah.

It is massive.


I'm glad we gave ourselves a lot of time because we're not going back until about 4pm so we

have like 5 or 5 and a half hours.

But that also includes lunch.

That includes lunch and maybe I'm going to need some soon.


But let's go in.

First things first.

Cat friends.

Hello cat friends.

Hi meow meows.

Alright Sam.

So now that we've met the cats we can proceed with the attraction.


We got that out of the way and now we can actually enjoy the castle.

And we're also on the lookout for food.

There maybe food in here.

Oh my goodness.

So we are quickly realizing this castle complex is massive.

It is going to take us a while to walk around and we're going to need our energy.

So we found a whole bunch of like little outdoor restaurants and yeah we're going to go eat

probably there.

We've got a cauldron and in there it looks like sauerkraut and sausage maybe?

I maybe interested in this.

So we just met the coolest guy ever.

We randomly walked up to this restaurant because it looked kind of like Medieval.

They had this big cauldron with Bigos it turns out.


But anyways they have us like a tour.

He took photos of us.

He took video.

Um and yeah it was really fun.

What an awesome guy.

And the food looks amazing.

That seriously does.

So we got like these roasted potatoes.

We got the traditional sausage Kielbasa I think it is.

And the Bigos which kind of looks like sauerkraut with like bits of meat and some carrot.

I think it is Bigos.

And Sam also wanted Pierogi of course so we got a plate.

This is one portion.

Four big ones and apparently it is stuffed with spinach and feta.

A little bit of onion on top so yeah I'm just going to start with this first.

Dig right in.

It looks so good.

And it is just past eleven.

I think maybe he liked us because we were so enthusiastic about food at like eleven

in the morning.

We're like yeah lunchtime.

And that is how we roll.

It is like if we have an opportunity to eat before we sightsee we always do.

Oh my gosh.

Is it good?

The sausage is so good.


And the skin is crispy.

It is so big too.

So soft it like melts in your mouth.

It is like overflowing from the plate.

It is massive.

And potatoes perfectly seasoned.

Like oh my gosh.

I should be trying the Bigos actually.

Try some Bigos.

Let's see.


So a winning early lunch?

It is so good.

It wasn't that expensive.

I mean we got all of this and a drink for 53 złoty which is less than what we paid

for the train to get here.


I mean this is a lot of food and it is in a touristy place.

But seriously worth it.

This is wonderful.

While you tried this so than means I will be the guinea pig for the pierogi.

So let's dissect it.

Oh these are nice and thick I can tell.

Oh wow.


You do have a knife.

A fork knife.

Caveman style.


Oh, whoops.

Wow, that looks good.



Those are really nice pierogies.



We picked a great spot for lunch seriously.


Alright so we are feeling very well fed.

How was that Sam?

That was awesome.

I'm so ready to explore now that I've had food.

Yes now we can see the castle.

Let's go.

So once you're inside the castle.

Inside the main courtyard there are actually lots of little shops.

So we're seeing souvenir shops, candy manufactures.

There is an amber gallery.

Different restaurants you can eat at.

So yeah, there is like quite a bit you can experience inside the castle and right now

we're just climbing some stairs to go inside.

We'll see what we find.

While you're in Malbork Castle (zamek w Malborku - Ordensburg Marienburg), you can

visit the Castle Museum, which is home to 40,000 plus artefacts.

You can see religious sculptures, old weapons and military equipment, coin collections,

amber wares, landscape and portrait paintings, and a whole lot more.

One of our favourite spots in the castle was the Southern Terrace, complete with a rose

garden and sun chairs for lounging around.

I think Sam and I both agree it is time for siesta.


So we found a nice little patch of grass under a tree in the shade.


And yeah we need a break.

I'm feeling tired.

Like the castle is massive.

I feel like we've been walking around for hours and there is still more left to see.

Like we just exited the part that you have to pay.


But you can actually visit the rest of the castle grounds for free.

It is like open admission.

There is a lot of things to do, there is places to eat, there are things to buy.

So we've still got a lot to do but we are going to take a nap right now.

Rest first.

Do your thing.

Do what you wanna do now.

So I think we can officially say that we've walked the whole castle.

We've seen the inside and I think we've done a full loop at this point.

Yeah, as far as we can go.

And we know that because if you turn around there is a gate.

Where is it?

Can you see the gate.

That is as far as we can go.

That is as far as we can go but you know what?

It has been a while since lunch.

I think I could have some tea and cake.


Of course you could.

If we can find cake.

Let's go.

So there is this cool wooden bridge that you can take directly behind the castle and that

will bring you across the river.

On this other side you can catch a riverboat tours for about 40 minutes and then they also

have a few cafes so we're actually going to walk down and see if we can find me some cake.

No cakes on the menu.

Nothing sweet apparently it is only savory so we're going to keep looking.


Take two hoping for cakes maybe even ice cream.

I don't know.

So we are now saying goodbye to Malbork Castle (zamek w Malborku - Ordensburg Marienburg)

behind me.

We've decided to head into town for a little bite.

And yeah, it has been fun so far.

Take three.

Take three.

Hopefully we find cake.

I'm sure we will.

There has got to be a cafe there.

And yeah it'll be nice to see a bit of the town as well.

Not just the castle.

We've been sidetracked already.

Sam saw something of interest.

This is my doing.

I saw a cool place that looks like they have a bunch of different beer and I'm thinking

we've got time to kill before our train so let's go have beer before cake.

So it is actually going to be cake take four when we finally get some.

And we've found a very cool place to hang out and have our drinks.

This feels like glamping.


We've got like furniture like out on the grass which is pretty cool and I feel like our table.

Isn't this like one of those old laundry machines you use to ring out the water?

It could be.

It could be.

I think so.

They also have like singer and sewing machines and other cool stuff.

But anyways Sam got beer.


And I got apple juice with elderflower.

Which sounded really cool.

Need some help with that?


You've got it.

I can manage.



Does that smell nice?

It does smell nice.

Try it?

My experience with elderflower was like gin flavored elderflower and it was really good.

Was that in Edinburgh?



In the gin dens of Edinburgh.


Is that nice?


It has got a nice sweetness at the end.

Like floral honey.

Floral honey.


So refreshing.

Fancy apple juice.

Alright and I got the local beer.

Tell us about that beer.

Did you get the name?

No, I didn't.

I didn't look.

You're just like give me beer.

I just got whatever is on tap and they gave me a blonde.

So this is nice.

Nice draught beer.

Cold, refreshing and yeah this is just a cool place to chill and kill some time before we

catch our train.

Take four.

What have we found?

Cake take four.

We've actually found a place.

Cake and ice cream?

We're not missing this opportunity.

We are going in.

Let's go.

We're going to seize the moment.

Seize the moment.


Seize the sugar.

Ice cream.


Happy person.


I was starting to fall asleep and then I woke up all grumpy while Sam was drinking beer

but now I've got three different flavors of ice cream.

What did you get?

It was like a vanilla chocolate mix.

Then mint and chocolate chips and this is vanilla with blueberries.

Oh la lah.

Is it good?

Polish ice cream man it is the best.

It is so good.

Okay time for the Polish cheesecake.

I believe it is called Sernik (Polish cheesecake).

Oh ho ho.

Oh, it looks decadent.



You're going to like this a lot.


The cheesecake part.


Struggling here.

That was a big bite.

It is very decadent.

It is very rich.

And the cheesecake part like cream cheese part is like really really thick.

So ooh.

It is good stuff.

This is like a really nice way to finish off the day before heading back to Gdansk.

It really is.

(Train noises)

Well, we are back at the station.

It is so loud.

Anyways, we're catching the train back to Gdansk.

We had a really fun day visiting the castle.

It was massive.

Like seriously you kind of need a full day there.

And the food was great so yeah you can turn it into a full day experience.

Would highly recommend it.

Yeah, it was awesome.

And off we go.


For more infomation >> Malbork Castle Tour in Poland | Visiting the Largest Castle in the World by Land Area - Duration: 12:51.


Comedy-Legende gestorben Was wir über Jerry Lewis wissen - und was nicht - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Comedy-Legende gestorben Was wir über Jerry Lewis wissen - und was nicht - Duration: 5:13.


Take This 2 Times a Day And Lose Weight Without Exercising - Duration: 1:46.

Visit Our Website Here :

Take This 2 Times a Day And Lose Weight Without Exercising

In this recipe it is important to use natural and good quality of honey, if possible some

local honey so you will know for sure is 100% pure, as well try different types of cinnamon

and see which one is giving the best results and you will get the results you desire.


2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon honey bee

1 liter of water

Preparation and how to use:

Combine the cinnamon and honey with the water in a small saucepan.

Bring the mixture to a boil.

Filter the liquid into a cup and divide into two half-cup quantities.

The best time to consume this mix is half an hour before breakfast and half an hour

before you go to bed.

If you make to much as we mentioned, don''t throw it, just store it for the next day.

It is only important for the during to be consumed on a empty stomach.

Primarily this beverage cleanses your body, but also helps you lose weight without making

any changes to your diet.

According to experts the blend of cinnamon powder and honey prevents the accumulation

of fat in the body.

During weight loss, the breaking down of stored fat molecules also causes the release of 'free

radicals' –which are known to be bad for our health.

When you are on this regimen, it is suggested that a dieter may easily lose three to five

pounds within one week without changing anything else within his or her diet.

We really hope you find this article helpful and don't forget to share it with your friends

and family.

Thank You!

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