In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful..
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
and salat and Salam and blessings from Allah upon His servant and messenger Muhammad..
and upon his family and companions.. then.
Now, we've reached a beautiful Name!
and a nice site..
We've reached [Basmalah]..
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful..
We begin with the name of Allah..
and we end with the name of Allah.
Do we have better than His name?!
And, didn't living at Dunyah, become better with saying His name?!
and, didn't Akhirah become lovable with seeing Him?!
His name is the sweetest thing.. upon the hearts of believers!
and the most peaceful.. upon their hearts..
If His name was said over the little, It will make it plenty!'
And, when It is mentioned on a few.. It will make it increase..
or on wickedness, It will make it vanish..
or on Shaytan, It will defeat him..
with failure and frustration.
The name of Allah is amazing..
The Name of our Lord eliminates all the evil..
from all time..
and from all places..
And this is observable..
You can see this with your eyes..
and practice it yourself..
As, evilness in places is concerned.. the prophet, SAW, said:
'If you are to enter a place..
say; I seek refuge with the complete words of Allah from His most vicious creatures.
so, nothing will cause him harm till he leaves'.
This is the Dua'a of place!
So, if you say it..
Allah will protect you in that place.
What about protection that is in relation to time?
It is the Dua'a that you are always saying it, day and night!!
The Name of Allah protects you all the time..
Don't you know the Hadith?
listen to it!
Aban Ibn Uthman said; I heard Uthman Ibn Affan saying that the prophet, SAW, said:
'Who says every morning and every night..
Bism Allah[In the name of Allah], three times.. three times..
Who is with His Name no harm can happen, on Earth or in Heaven.. and He is The Hearing and The knowing..
Notice this; No harm can happen with his Name!
He said; he will not be harmed by anything.
One narrator who said this Hadith, was suffering from paralysis of one side of his body..
So, the other narrator was looking at him..
and the man noticed that, so, he said to him.. The Hadith is true as I told you..
But, for me..
I didn't say it that day!
i.e. You claim that nothing will harm you.. and I see that you are hurt!
He said; But I didn't say it that day..
because, Allah has a destiny that must happen!
So, he didn't say the Dua'a, and he had his fate!
Ibn Al-Qayyim said: 'The perfection of the Name is derived from the perfection of the named Entity..
So, if with His Name alone, nothing can harm you on Earth or in Heaven..
then He, Himself is greater and more powerful!'
He said; this is the effect of the Name, what about the effect of the Named Entity?!
And the lover loves to say the name of the beloved..
Allah, Almighty, said:
"O you who have believed, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm.."
" and remember Allah much that you may be successful."
Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, said about this verse,.. he said:
'The lovers, at such situation, they are proud to remember the beloved!'.
When you say: "In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful".
this will be the beginning of the talk between you and Allah, Almighty..
When you begin with Al-Fatihah..
you will get a response.. Allah will respond to you!
Ibn Jareer said: 'I wonder how can a person read Qur'an without knowing its meaning.. its interpretation..
how can he enjoy its recitation?!'
Don't you know what happens when you read Qur'an?!
Al-Fatihah is the only Surah that we were told that Allah will respond to us when we are reading it!
And the first verse in it is; "All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds."
Praising[Al-Hamd] is a confirmation of perfection for Allah, with loveing..
Praising[Al-Hamd] is great..
that it fills out The Scale[Al-Mezan]!!..
The prophet, SAW said:
'Praising Allah[Al-Hamdulillah] fills out The Scale[Al-Mezan]..'
So, this word can top up the Mezan!..
and as you thank others for anything..
you are actually..
you are Praising Allah, Almighty!
because, Allah is the One who has put this merit on him.
So, when you praise others for their characters.. or for their beauty.. or for anything..
Allah is the One who made these things..
so, actually, you are Praising Allah.. at the end!!
Suppose that you've done a good thing..
a righteous thing..
as standing to do Salat in front of the Hands of Allah!
in fact, Allah, Almighty, is the One Who has assisted you to do this action..
And when you say: [Alhamdulillah], actually Allah is praising Himself..
because, He is the One Who has put this good merit on you..
Allah, Almighty, sais: "And you do not will except that Allah wills - Lord of the worlds."
So, when you say; Alhamdulillah..
actually, Allah is praising Himself.
because, Allah, Almighty, is who inspired you to say that!
It is amazing..
that He rewards you after all of that!
Every time you praise Allah, you need to praise Him once more!
because when you say; Al-Hamdulillah, it is a grace by itself!
then you will need another praising..
for this last grace!
the grace of praising!
And all the bounties that are given to us from Allah, Almighty, at this Dunyah.. they are graces!
So, praising Allah for these bounties..
.. is a greater grace.. by itself
than the original bounties..
"All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds."
The lord[Rubb] is the provider.. the sovereign.. the manager..
We say; [Rubb] of the family..
i.e. the provider for the family..
e.g. Yusuf said about Al-Azeez;
"Indeed, he is my master[Rabbee], who has made good my residence.".
he meant Al-Azeez, as the interpreters of Qur'an have said.
.. of the worlds[Al-Alameen]..
it is the pleural of world[A'alam]
It is everything.. that is other than Allah!
.. is a world or a part of a world..
Angels are [A'alam]..
And Jinn are [A'alam]..
And human are [A'alam]..
even insects are [A'alam]..
and plants are [A'alam]..
and also Bacteria are [A'alam]..
and cells are [A'alam]..
All these are worlds.. and Allah, Almighty, is the Lord of them All
"All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds."
He manages everything.. even the minute things that we can't see with our bare eyes..
Allah is keeping them under his control!
Allah, Almighty is our Lord.. the Lord of all the Worlds!
So, [Al-Alameen] is everything that is other than Allah, Almighty..
they are a number of A'alams..
and we are part of that A'alam..
But, what part.. there are small parts.. and parts that are bigger..
Alhamdulillah, who is the controlling, by His Lordship..
There is an amazing thing here..
It is that..
after sometime..
you will be standing in front of the Hands of this Great Ilah..
Who is the Lord of everything!
Then, you will praise Him for His being The Lord, saying: "All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds."
Then He will reply to you saying; 'My slave has praised Me.'
Abu-Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the messenger of Allah, SAW, said:
'Allah, Almighty, said: 'I've divided Salat between me and my slave in halves..
.. and my slave will get what he is requesting..'
In another narration..; '.. so, half of it is for Me and the other half is for My slave .'
So, when the slave says; "[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds "..
Allah will say; 'My slave has praised Me.'..
So, when he says[ the slave]; .. "The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful," [while reciting]..
He will say; 'My slave has Glorified Me.'
and when he says; "Sovereign of the Day of Recompense."..
Allah will say; 'My slave has exalted Me.'..
and when he says; "It is You we worship and You we ask for help."..
He will say; 'This is between Me and My.. [ beautiful conversation!!]..
'This is between Me and My slave, and my slave will get his request,'
Then Dua'a begins..
He said: '.. and when he says; "Guide us to the straight path"
"The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray."..
He will say; ''This is for My slave, and my slave will get his request.'.
Narrated by Muslim.
Ibn Al-Qayyim says beautiful words:
'How much is the enjoyment of his heart and the comfort of his eyes..
and the happiness of his soul.. as his Lord is calling him 'My slave '.'
'My slave has Praised Me.'..
'My slave has Glorified Me.'
These two words; 'My slave' that were said three times..
Ibn Al-Qayyim said: 'By Allah.. [he swears]..
'By Allah, if it wasn't because of the fog of desires over heart..
they would have been utterly rejoicing.. happily that its Lord.. its creator.. is calling them by; 'My slave has Praised Me.'..
and 'My slave has Glorified Me.'.
A poet said:
' It was my honor and my pride and I was almost able to step on stars with my feet'..
' because, I was included within Your saying; 'My worshipers.' and that You've made Ahmad my prophet.' May Salat and Salam be upon him.
Notice this, When Allah wanted to honor His prophet by bringing him up to Him[ At the journey of Isra'a And Mi'rag]..
He said: "Exalted is He who took His.. " Whom?!.. His messenger?.. No!
.. His prophet?.. No!
"Exalted is He who took His.. Slave
So, he named him a slave. in the most honorable place.. and at the most honorable event.
Slavery is humiliating, but being for Allah, Almighty, with loving, is the ultimate honor.
Is there a situation in life that is better than this?
that you can talk with Allah.. with intimacy and love.. He talks to you and you can talk to Him..and He is the Lord of the worlds!!
mind that you are not the only one who is worshiping Him now..
and He is listening to you till you finish!
'Allah, doesn't get bored till you do!'
Most probably.. I believe..
That you will enter Salat.. with all these feelings..
By the will of Allah, your submission [Khushu'a] will increase.
I'm optimistic!
I swear by Allah, Fatihah is beautiful!!
By Allah, you are to feel submissive with Al- Fatihah, more than with any other Surah.
Some people may begin to focus more, only after Fatihah..
and they feel that it is unlikely to attract them in any part of it!
However, if you were able to know its secrets, you would experience a new taste of it!
But, there is a question..
Allah, Almighty said: "[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds" then He said after it:
"The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
Why not saying Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, after; "Sovereign of the Day of Recompense."
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah put mercy upon him, said:
'The Lordship of Allah, Almighty, is about His widespread Mercy that covers all the creations!'
Because after saying; ".. Lord of the worlds". some may ask; What is the kind of this lordship?
Is it about captivity and revenge?!
or is it about mercy and provision?!
So, my Lord said next, as an explanation: "The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,"
Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem.
both words indicate mercy..
So, what is the difference between these two Names?
Ar-Rahman means a Mercy that is widespread..
Linguistically, it is tuned as [Fa'lan]..
as an indication of [the widespread]..
So, the word; Ar-Rahman means that Allah is characterized by Mercy..
and that this character of Mercy is His, Almighty..
The word; Ar-Raheem..
it also indicates Mercy..
but, as; He delivers Mercy to His worshipers..
So, linguistically it tuned as [Fa'eel]
i.e. it means that an action is to happen!
Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allah put mercy upon him, said;
' For example, they say, resentful[Ghadban]..
for the person who is full of resentment!
and sorrowful[Nadman].. for the person who is full of sorrow!
and doubtful[Hiran]..i.e. full of doubts..
So, the words that are tuned as [Fa'lan]..
as [Rahman]; they indicate a widespread and a complete acquisition of the character..
For this reason, Allah has used only His Name Ar-Rahman, in his Book, at sites where He was talking about His Istewa'a[establishment] above Al-Arsh [the throne]
Allah, Almighty, said: "The Most Merciful [Ar-Rahman], [who is] above the Throne established."
Ibn Al-Qayyim said: 'So, He established Himself above the Throne, by the Name; Ar-Rahman.'
because Al-Arsh is surrounding all the creations..
it contains them..
As the chair[Al-Kursi] that is less in might than Al-Arsh..
is able to contain the creations..
Allah, Almighty said: "His Kursi extends[Wasia'a] over the heavens and the earth, "
And Al-Arsh is surrounding the creations.. and His Mercy is surrounding that..
Allah, Almighty, said: ".. but My mercy encompasses all things."
Listen to these beautiful words, Ibn Al-Qayyim said:
'He has established Himself over the biggest creation.. with the most widely-spread Attribute!'
For that reason, His Mercy encompasses everything!,
And he, may Allah put mercy upon him, said also:
'And the word Ar-Raheem indicates that it is connected with thing to receive the mercy[ Marhoom]..
i.e. the first word is to describe the action and the second word is to do the action.'
So, Ar-Rahman means that Mercy is His attribute..
And Ar-Raheem means that he puts Mercy upon His creations.'
So, try to understand the meanings of these words; Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem!
then you will have a new dimension..
Ibn Al-Qayyim said: 'And if you want to understand that..
then reflect upon the saying of Allah, Almighty; "And ever is He, to the believers, Merciful[Raheem]"
And His saying, Almight, ; "Indeed, He was to them Kind and Merciful[Raheem]."
So, Raheem, means that He delivers Mercy.
So, in Qur'an, you will never find as; He was to the believers, Rahman. Never.
It is always as; " ever is He, to the believers, Merciful[Raheem]."
Ar-Raheem; is Who is merciful with His Mercy.
And the Mercy from Allah can be, by preventing as will as by giving..
So, when Allah deprive you from having a thing, there is a Mercy behind that..
Allah, may deprive you from a thing that you love to have it.. you want to have.. and this is a real favor that you are getting!
How is that?
This matter may be desirable to you..
but it is vicious.. immoral.
more than its being beneficial..
and, Allah, Almighty, knows this and you don't!
because, He is the creator of that matter..
this matter that you want to have, Allah has created it.. and you know nothing about it!
Allah, Almighty, said:
"Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?"
So, depriving you from having it is more beneficial to you than having it!
sooner or later..
Allah, Almighty said: "But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not."
Why the verse; "The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful," is before the verse; "Sovereign of the Day of Recompense."?
now, we know why it is after; ".. Lord of the worlds "
But, why it is before; "Sovereign of the Day of Recompense."..?
Al-Gharnati said at the Book of[Malaki At-Ta'weel]:
'Allah, Almighty, talks to his worshipers with words of Mercy.. Kindness and Care..
He said to His prophet, SAW, : "May Allah pardon you, [O Muhammad]; why did you give them permission [to remain behind]?"
Notice this manner, He did' say to him; why did you give them permission? then ; May Allah pardon you,
He pardoned him first!
"May Allah pardon you..".. To comfort the prophet, SAW.
then; ".. why did you give them permission?"
He said: ' He pardoned him first before saying that is a gentle admonition..
so as not to hurt the heart of the prophet, SAW.'
Same way, Allah was gentle with His worshipers from the Ummah of the prophet, SAW..
He said: "The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful," then He said:
"Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.".
because, Allah has described that Day as..
".. a Day when eyes will stare [in horror].".. "..and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy.."
a tough Day!
So, He said the verse: "The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful," in advance..
and that He is the Sovereign of that Day to comfort them!
i.e. the Sovereign of that Day is Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem.
Our Lord, Almighty.
He is our Beloved, Who will never let anyone down..
and He never drives out anyone out of His Mercy..
Actually, some people may do this to themselves!
They see the path of Mercy, but they leave it..
And they see the path of suffering, with their eyes, and they go along it!
So, they expel themselves from the Mercy of Allah!
Allah, Almighty said: "Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful."
And if the slave didn't know that this way will lead him to eviction, Allah won't evict him..
Allah, Almighty said: ".. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.".
Allah, Almighty.. The Forgiver.. He said to them:
".. But indeed, I am the Perpetual Forgiver of whoever repents and believes and does righteousness and then continues in guidance."
So, are we going to be among those whom will be forgiven, by the will of Allah?
We hope so. [Narju]
we want that, by Allah.. but!!
we must work for it.. show Allah that you want His Mercy.
Show Him this!
because, Allah, Almighty, likes to see that His slave is striving for Him.
He loves to see that he wants Him.
Because, He, Almighty, wants to give you Mercy..
"Allah wants to accept your repentance.. "
All the universe, from beginning to end, is full with the Mercy of Allah..
as the sea is full of water , and the atmosphere is full of air..
all of it is full with the Mercy of Allah!
And also, He, Almighty, has filled up the universe with His remembrance and His praising!
As he has filled it with His Mercy.
Allah, Almighty said: "And there is not a thing except that it exalts [ Allah ] by His praise.."
"but you do not understand their [way of] exalting.."
Every thing is saying Tasbeeh, but we don't know how!
Why don't we try to be a part of this remembrance?..
Why don't we try to be within this remembrance .. that is remembering Allah?
or do we want to be anomalous from all of that?
By Allah, this is our choice!
And Allah, Almighty, said:
"Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful."
But, I'd like to bring you good tidings that is our Lord is Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem!
And when you say in Salat; Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem..
Allah would say to you: My slave has Glorified Me.
Do you remember the Magical Key of Salat? .. talk to Allah, Almighty, during Salat.
After talking about His Mercy.. at Surat Al-Fatihah; Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem..
Allah has mentioned the Resurrection Day!
And he mentioned Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem before that, so as to show us that His Mercy comes before his wrath.
And that He has decreed Mercy upon Himself, Glory to Him..
And we read this verse: "Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.".. in two ways; [Ma'lek.. the common way] or [Malek].
[Ma'lek] or [Malek].
Both, [Ma'lek] and [Malek] are among the Names of Allah, Almighty!
but, there is a difference between them..
Ma'lek; means the owner..
owning things..
as saying; I own a house.. I'm the owner of the book.
A Possessor!
But, Malek..
is related to Sovereignty..
which is the supremacy, the authority to handle..
And the slave can be Malek [ have authority], but not Ma'lek [have ownership].
and he can be the reverse..
But, Allah, our Lord, Almighty, is both; Malek and Ma'lek..
Glory to Him, He has both kinds of Mulk!
"Ma'lek[Owner]of the Day of Recompense." and "Malek[ supreme ruler]of the Day of Recompense."
the Day of Recompense[Yawm Ad-Deen]..
But, this doesn't mean that Allah owns only that Day, defiantly not.. Glory to Him!
actually, this means that..
Who owns Akhira..
definitely, He owns Dunya that is of less importance than Akhira.
Moreover, He has told you that He is the Lord of the worlds in a verse before..
which includes Dunya and Akhira!
However, He emphasized upon His Sovereignty in that Day, specifically, because, all the Monarchs will cease to exist at that Day
except His Sovereignty, Al-Malek.. Glory to Him..
Who is the Owner of the Day of Recompense.
The King of kings!
So that, no one can speak at that Day without His permission..
Allah, Almighty, said:
"The Day that the Spirit and the angels will stand in rows, they will not speak except for one whom the Most Merciful permits, and he will say what is correct."
Even the intercession, no one can do it! except with His permission.. "Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission?"
Resurrection Day, is not only the last day at Dunya..
But, for each person, there is a Resurrection Day of his own!
Imam Al-Qurtubi said: 'Learn that; when a person dies, then it is his Resurrection Day..
It is a minor Resurrection Day, that is when the person's soul comes out of his body.'
So, the time the soul comes out of the body, it is the time of the Resurrection day of the individual person!
And everyone has his Resurrection Day, at a certain time!
And it is difficult..
And Allah, Almighty has described it as a disaster.. He said: "and the disaster of death should strike you."
The problem is that every one has to pass through it!
And if it was possible to escape from it.. then, the prophet, SAW, would have escaped it!
Aisha tells us about the prophet, SAW,..
At the time of his death, he was introducing his hand in water, and passing it over his face..
Saying; 'No Ilah except Allah.. Death agony is real.'
Allah, Almighty, said: "And the intoxication of death will bring the truth; that is what you were trying to avoid."
The prophet, SAW, said:
' At Resurrection Day, Allah will hold the Earth.. and will infold the Heaven with His right Hand..
Then He will say; I am the King, where are the kings of the Earth?!
Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim..
"Sovereign of the Day of Recompense."
Ibn Katheer said in his book of Tafseer..
'Allah will order Israfeel to blow the shocking blow..
Then people on Earth and Heavens will die, except those who are not to die, by the will of Allah.
And after they settle down, The Angel of death will say to Allah; O Lord all inhabitants of Heaven and Earth are dead, except those You've kept by your will..
Then, Allah, Almighty, will say; who are left..? and the knows!..
he will say; You, the Ever-Living who does not die, and the Angels carrying Your throne..
And Jibreel and Mikaeel
And me, are left.
Then Allah, Almighty will say; let Jibreel and Mikaeel die.
So, they die!
Then the Angel of death will come to Al-Jabbar, Almighty, saying;
O Lord, Jibreel and Mikaeel are dead..
Then Allah, Almighty will say, and He knows; who are left?
he will say; You, the Ever-Living who does not die, and the Angels carrying Your throne..
And me, are left!
Then Allah, Almighty will say; let the Angels carrying My throne die, so they die!
Then the Angel of death will come saying; O Lord, the Angels carrying Your throne are dead..
Then Allah, Almighty will say to him, and He knows; who are left?
he will say; You, the Ever-Living who does not die, and me are left..
Then Allah, Almighty, will say to him; Angel of death, you are one of My creations..
So, die!
Then, only Allah will remain.. all are dead.
he said; ' Then after only Allah Who is One, the Eternal Refuge, Who neither begets nor is born, is left..
Allah will fold the Heaven and Earth, like the folding of a written sheet for the records.
Then, He, Almighty, will call upon all the universe.. upon Heaven and Earth..Allah is the Great!
The, Almighty, will call upon all His Sovereignty.. He will say;
' I'm Al-Jabbaar.. 'To whom belong all authority, this Day?!'
A question, but no one will answer.
because, all are dead.
Then He will say again; 'To whom belong all sovereignty, this Day?!'
But, No answer.
'To whom belong all sovereignty, this Day?!'
No answer!
Then He, Almighty, will answer Himself.. He will say;
"To Allah, the One, the Prevailing.''
"This Day every soul will be recompensed for what it earned. No injustice today!"
How can we be saved at the Resurrection Day?!
Allah has told us how to be saved at that Day!
at Surat Al-Fatihah..
Read the next verse.. it says;
"It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
This is how we are to be saved!
Worshiping Allah, alone, is what will save us..
Because, Allah, Almighty, said:
"We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a tremendous Day."
So worshiping Allah will save from the punishment of that Day.
So, if you do not worship Allah and you disobey Him, this will lead to punishment at Resurrection Day.
And saving is explained in the next verse..
It is a great verse that we have here..
Sheikh of Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah said words about it..
that are amazing!!
He said that Allah, Almighty, has sent 100 Books and 4 Books..
i.e. 104..
and He has put their meanings in the Qur'an!
and the meanings of Qur'an were put in Al-Mufasal part of Qur'an..
and in Imm Al-Kitab[the Mother of the Book]..
And the meanings of Imm Al-Kitab[the Mother of the Book.. i.e Surat Al-Fatihah]..
are in these two words..
Do you see how much were put in these two words?!
what are these two words?
Sheikh of Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah said:
"It is You[Iyaka] we worship[Na'budo] and You[Iyaka] we ask for help[Nasta'een]."
"It is You we worship[Na'budo] and You we ask for help[Nasta'een]."
I.e. I worship only You!
and I ask help only from You!
And linguistically, when the Object [Iyaka=You] is mentioned before the verb, this denotes that the action is restricted upon this pronoun.
But, why did He mention worshiping before the asking for support?
Now, we know that having the Object before the Verb indicates that the action is restricted upon this Object.
So, I worship You, only .
He didn't say, asking for help first.. actually it is said after; worshiping!
It is the rule of; mentioning the objectives before the means.
So, the objective is worshiping..
and the means to do that is by; asking for support.
So, I count on Your support so that..
I can worship You!
A second point is that; worshiping is for Allah.. and requesting for help is done by the slave.
And, no doubts that, what is for Allah has a priority over what the slave wants.
The most important act of worshiping in hearts.. is Ikhlas[faithfulness]!
as that, the worst sin in hearts .. is association with Allah.
The prophet, SAW, said:
'Allah, Almighty, said; I'm the most, un-needy for association[Shirk]..
so, if a person does a deed, and he associates others with me on that..
I'd leave him and his association.'
Another narration says:
'I refuse his work.. and it is for whom he did it.'
you meant so-and-so with your action.. then I'll leave you with him.
Ibn Al-Qayyim said; to work without devotion[Ikhlas].. and without following the steps..
i.e. of the prophet, SAW..
it is like traveling..
carrying a bag of sand..
transporting it, without a benefit!
Imagine this, a man travels long distances..
with a bag of sand..
he carries it on his ride, uselessly!
all the trouble is in vain.
So, the first step on the path of Ikhlas, is that when the heart observes only Allah while worshiping Him.
So, the Ikhlas in worshiping is to direct your heart towards Allah alone.
If you want to devote your work to Allah, never mind others!
Never mind others when you give charity.. who would know about it?!
Never mind others, when you pray.. who is hearing you?!
Never mind others, when you discuss a matter.. just be keen to find the truth..
to follow it.
Ibn Al-Qayyim said about the cure for [loving compliments]..
that, only the expression of admiration or criticism by Allah that counts.. that will bring you good or harm..
You can cure, the loving of compliments by putting this statement inside your heart.
because this disease diminishes the level of; "It is You we worship.." in your heart.
Honorable brother..
If you were listed with Allah as a truthful person..
and all people say that you are a liar..
would this harm you?
If you were listed with Allah as a hypocrite.. [ we seek refuge with Allah]
and all people say that you are honest and righteous...
would this benefit you?
Are they going to admit you into Jannah?!
So, why do you care about them?!
as they are not going to change anything in your life.
If people know that you are doing your worship for their sake.. they would reject you!
If people know that you are showing your good work.. for their sake, to see it..
and your work is a lie.. it is just for them..
you would fell off from their eyes.. become unaccredited
As this is the case with people.. How can you do your deeds for them, knowing that if they knew they would reject you.
and you neglect who would love that.. if you work for His sake
Be with Allah!!
Put "It is You we worship and You we ask for help." inside your heart..
and make it as your only objective..
"It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
It will cure you from the disease of hypocrisy and self admiration.
Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allah put mercy upon him, said:
'I frequently heard Sheikh of Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah bless his soul, saying that..
'It is You we worship' prevents from hypocrisy..
and 'You we ask for help' eliminates arrogance .
But be careful of one thing, that is the hidden eagerness in hypocrisy..
People, sometimes, they do not watch their devotion]Ikhlas] attentively ..
So, they may be shocked at Resurrection Day!
as they might find their good deeds at the site where bad deeds are!
There is a verse about this situation..
"And there will appear to them from Allah that which they had not taken into account."
"And there will appear to them the evils they had earned,"
Pretension grinds the good deeds..
You do a good deed.. with efforts.. and then at Resurrection day you find that it is with the bad deeds!
not with the good deeds!
Allah, Almighty said:
"Say, [O Muhammad], "Shall we [believers] inform you of the greatest losers as to [their] deeds?".. Not losers, but the greatest among losers..
"[They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing well in work.""
The problem is that we are brought up caring about the opinion of others upon us..
The thing that we need to do is to wash our hearts with.. "It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
For example..
they say; don't do so-and-so, so that people won't think about us so-and-so!
People.. people.. people..
even children, they start showing off, early in their lives..
train your child to stop doing a thing.. because Allah doesn't love us doing it.
Because, our religion instructs us to act thins way.
if it was the case.
Because, Allah can see you when you are in private..
Why?!.. This way, he will completely stop doing this behavior..
and will be rewarded at the same time.
But, if the principle of discipline was about people..
then, he will do it when they are not seeing him..
and even if he didn't do it, then he will not be rewarded for that..
Why, won't he be rewarded for stop doing bad deeds?
because, he stopped doing it for the sake of people.. not for the sake of Allah!
People are indulged in pretending remarkably..
Sometimes, the person is alone, yet, he is pretending!
He admires his way of worshiping, and he wishes that he is seen by someone!
as he is praying at Qiyam Salat!
He wishes that someone would have heard him while he was crying..
Then he goes on imagining the response of others..
after they know about this Ibadah that he is doing..
or for example.. he will imagine that he would die having the good ending..
as dying in Sujood position of Salat!
or while he is doing Umrah, and wearing Ihram garment!
then he will think about people talking about him..
praising him..
He doesn't think about how he is going to meet Allah.. as he has died having the good ending..
He is still alone, yet he is unable to escape hypocrisy!!
"It is You we worship and You we ask for help.".. is amazing!
It has impressed righteous people.. people before us..
they used to weep when they are reading it..
Muzahim Bin Zafar said:' we were praying Maghrib Salat, behind Sufyan Al-Thawri..
So, he began Surat Al-Fatihah till he reached.. "It is You we worship and You we ask for help."..
he said; He cried till he couldn't continue reciting..
then he repeated it from the beginning, "[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds -"
Muhammad Ibn Ouf Al-Himsi said:
I saw Ahmed Ibn Al-Hawari praying Isha..
So, he began with Surat Al-Fatihah..
till.. "It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
Then I went all around the wall.. then I came back, he was still reciting the same verse, he didn't move from it!
"It is You we worship and You we ask for help.".. reciting it and crying!.
then, he said; I went to sleep..
and then I passed by him at the end of the night, he was reciting.."It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
So, he kept on repeating it till morning!.
Do, you think that this is an exaggeration!
By Allah, when someone is influenced with Al-Fatihah.. this is not too much.
it is more influential than any other Surah in the Book of Allah, as it is the greatest Surah..
I'll show you a video..
At Al-Haram Masjid, at the end of Ramadan, it gets crowded at night prayers..
especially at the 27th and the 29th nights..
At the 27th night most of the people come from outside Makkah..
While at the 29th night.. the night of Khatmah of Qur'an..
most of the visiting people at Al-Haram come from Makkah and the surrounding cities as Jeddah and Al-Taif.
at the year; 1414. Hijri
the night of ending recitation of Qur'an [Khatmah] was..
at the 27th night of Ramadan..
at the 27th night of the month the Khatmah of Qur'an was to be done..,
So, at that night, the Haram Masjid was full of people..
Sheikh Saud Al-Shuraim was the Imam of the night Salat.. for the first time..
He was the Imam of Haram Masjid all the month of Ramadan, he prayed with the people Taraweeh and Qiyam Salats all through the month..
It was the first time for him to pray all the month.. as Imam of Haram Masjid..
What happened after Al-Sheikh began his salat..?!
and the place was crowded with people, reminding us of the Resurrection Day!
what happened when he said; "It is You we worship and You we ask for help.".?
let's see..
The Day when.. "[Some] faces, that Day, will be humbled,"
[Qiyam Salat, may Allah reward you]
Allahu Akbar
"[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds"
"The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,"
"Sovereign of the ...."
"Sovereign of the Day of Recompense."
"It is You we worship...."
"Sovereign of the Day of Recompense."
"It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
"Guide us to the straight path "
"The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor,"
" not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray."
May Allah put mercy upon these gentle hearts..
You may say to me that; I want to be sincere.. faithful..
I want to worship Allah alone..
I'll say to you..
You won't be able to be devoted without the help of Allah!
For that reason, Allah, Almighty, said "It is You we worship" before saying; "You we ask for help."
Allah, Almighty, said: " And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, not one of you would have been pure, ever."
So, you would say; you mean that I won't be sincere without the help of Allah.. Yes!
So, what am I going to do?
I say; you ask Him to guide you and he will give you!
In Hadith Qudsi, Allah, Almighty, said: 'O My worshipers, all of you are astray except those I've guided..
so ask Me for guidance and I'll guide you..
So, what is the verse after.. "It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
It is; "Guide us to the straight path .".
we will continue..
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