Sunday, August 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 27 2017

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For more infomation >> ♬93【暑假結束大合唱】 TFBOYS 《剩下的盛夏 The Rest of Our Summer》周杰倫作曲(歌詞附注音/pinyin ピンイン) [YYTV / 許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 2:16.


Mayweather vs McGregor, con la mayor apuesta en la historia de Las Vegas - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Mayweather vs McGregor, con la mayor apuesta en la historia de Las Vegas - Duration: 8:45.


Huy Đức gọi tên Nguyễn Thị Kim Tiến: Tai họa gì sẽ ập xuống đầu Bộ trưởng Y tế? - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> Huy Đức gọi tên Nguyễn Thị Kim Tiến: Tai họa gì sẽ ập xuống đầu Bộ trưởng Y tế? - Duration: 15:24.


Sequences that should not be followed - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Sequences that should not be followed - Duration: 6:47.


Japanese summer encephalitis, need to prevent encephalitis Japanese - Duration: 7:30.

Medical Network, For Public Health

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Summer, need to prevent encephalitis Japanese

Summer is also a time when many scurvy diseases appear, which should be aware of encephalitis Japanese.

This is an acute viral infection in the central nervous system, so there are many complications if not treated promptly (20% to 30% of patients with symptoms of encephalitis die.

30% to 50% of survivors continue to exhibit neurological, cognitive, or psychological symptoms).

Danger is so but the disease can be prevented if the parents pay attention.

Mode of transmission.

The Japanese Encephalitis Virus is a flavivirus, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito, usually a mosquito.

Wild birds (eg, heron) are the main reservoir of viruses in nature and pigs are the most important reservoir of livestock in the wild.

People are usually just random hosts of the virus. Transmission route is blood sugar, mediated by Culex mosquito.

In Vietnam, Culex tritaeniorhynchus mosquitoes breed strongly during the summer (especially from March to July), and are active in the evening.

This type of mosquito is high density in the delta and midland, it is the main infectious agent of Japanese encephalitis in our country.

High patient satisfaction with children under 10 years of age.

Adults with high antibody levels are therefore less susceptible.

Clinically, there are cases of Japanese encephalitis, such as:typical, meninges, hidden, marrow, stunted, paralyzed.

The transmission of Japanese encephalitis.

The typical of Japanese encephalitis.

Incubation period:5 to 14 days, average of 1 week.

Onset:The onset of illness is very sudden with a fever of 39 to 40 degrees Celsius or more.

Patients with headaches, especially the forehead, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

In the first to two days of the disease appears hardened, increased muscle tone, eyeball disorders.

Psychiatric disorders may appear confused or unconscious.

The early days reflecting ribs tend to increase, the blood vessels dilate clear.

In some young children, in addition to high fever can be seen loose, abdominal pain, vomiting like bacterial contamination - eating poisoning.

Full-blown period (3-4 days to 6-7 days):On the third to fourth day of illness, symptoms of onset are not reduced but increased.

From the delirium of excitement, overcast at first, gradually the patient goes into coma deeper.

Symptoms of neurological disorders also increase:excessive sweating, redness at the skin, redness, dyspnea and increased airflow in the bronchial gas, so that when listening to the lungs can see many whistling, Snoring and snoring.

Circuits in patients are often fast and weak.

The cranial nerves are also vulnerable, especially the labeling strings (III, IV, VI) and VII strings.

Respiratory distress syndrome leads to rapid shallow breathing, excessive bronchial secretion and possibly lung pneumonia or lobar pneumonia.

Period of recovery (from day 7, 8 onwards):Usually the second week, infection syndrome toxicity and brain syndrome, meningitis gradually.

However, focal neurological damage is more pronounced than before.

Patients may suffer from paralysis or paralysis of cranial nerves or motor coordination disorder.

This period may appear early complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or bronchitis due to multiple infections.

Pyelonephritis, bladder due to pee or drainage; Ulcers and inflammation of veins due to lying and disordered nutrition.

Complications and sequelae.

From the second weekend onwards is a period of complications and late sequelae.

Late complications may include:inflammation, pyelonephritis, bladder, bacterial ulcer, sympathetic disorder, metabolic disorders.

Delayed sequelae can occur after several years or even decades, which are often epilepsy and Parkinson's.

The advice of the physician.

This is a viral disease so there are currently no specific therapies that primarily treat symptoms, including cerebral edema, convulsions against convulsions

Control of temperature, circulatory support, respiration, prevention of superinfection and nutrition, anti-ulcer.

It is important that the disease be treated in a specialized medical facility.

Japanese mosquito-borne encephalitis is dangerous because of the high mortality rate, leaving severe neurological sequelae.

The best preventive measure is vaccination, however, if only one injection is not effective protection.

Two injections of 80% protection effect; All three shots are 90% to 95% for 3 years.

In addition, people need to pay attention to environmental hygiene, keeping clean house, clean sheds to mosquitoes without shelter.

Should sleep on the screen, do not allow children to play near the barn, especially at night to prevent mosquito bites.

When there are signs of high fever along with symptoms of central nervous system damage such as headache, especially forehead, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, appear hard stool ...

Need to take your child right to the medical facility for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

In our country, according to some clinics, the death rate from Japanese encephalitis has been reduced to about 10%.

Mortality usually occurs within the first 7 days of a patient with coma, convulsions, and traumatic brain injury that lead to severe respiratory or cardiovascular disorders.

Mortality in later stages is mainly due to special complications such as:pneumonia, exhaustion.

Patients who pass may leave life-threatening sequelae or mental disorders.

Therefore, vaccination for Japanese encephalitis vaccine is the best prevention.

Can be used for all ages, priority for children from 1 to 5 years old in the circulation.

Dosage:children under 36 months:0.5ml / dose; Over 36 months:1ml / dose.

The basic immunization is 3 doses:the second dose is 2 weeks from the first dose; 3rd dose a second dose of 1 year.

Repeated injection:3 years injections 1 ml 1ml to maintain immunity (subcutaneous injection into delta muscle).

Doctor:Tran Kim Anh.

Content is here to finish, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Japanese summer encephalitis, need to prevent encephalitis Japanese - Duration: 7:30.


Exceso de vello facial en las mujeres: causas y cómo no empeorarlo - Duration: 19:43.

For more infomation >> Exceso de vello facial en las mujeres: causas y cómo no empeorarlo - Duration: 19:43.


¿Padeces de sangrado menstrual abundante? Prueba estos consejos para controlarlo - Duration: 22:20.

For more infomation >> ¿Padeces de sangrado menstrual abundante? Prueba estos consejos para controlarlo - Duration: 22:20.


Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor: Demi Lovato interpretó el himno de Estados Unidos - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor: Demi Lovato interpretó el himno de Estados Unidos - Duration: 1:08.


4 remedios caseros que disminuyen la hinchazón en el estómago - Duration: 18:43.

For more infomation >> 4 remedios caseros que disminuyen la hinchazón en el estómago - Duration: 18:43.


Oh my god _ Hot Girl Fight - Duration: 0:31.

Hot girl fight

For more infomation >> Oh my god _ Hot Girl Fight - Duration: 0:31.


New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOY - Duration: 10:50.


New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOYS

For more infomation >> New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOY - Duration: 10:50.


funny animal videos facebook| funny animal videos|land of fun - Duration: 2:46.







For more infomation >> funny animal videos facebook| funny animal videos|land of fun - Duration: 2:46.


HLV Lê Thụy Hải " NÓI J " về việc dẫn dắt đội tuyển Việt Nam? | tin seagame | - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> HLV Lê Thụy Hải " NÓI J " về việc dẫn dắt đội tuyển Việt Nam? | tin seagame | - Duration: 4:42.


Đây là cách Ông Già Ấn Độ lấy Dầu Dừa từ 100 Quả Dừa.Ông ấy hay quá 🤤🤤 - Duration: 12:47.

For more infomation >> Đây là cách Ông Già Ấn Độ lấy Dầu Dừa từ 100 Quả Dừa.Ông ấy hay quá 🤤🤤 - Duration: 12:47.


[ENG SUB] BANGTAN BOMB - 613 - (BTS HOME PARTY Practice) - Duration: 6:33.

[The day before the Home Party, R&V practice their song '4 o' Clock']

[He practices and even thoroughly checks the mic that will be used]

RM: So, I could stop at the 'You'?

[On the day of the performance, R&V use their 'emotional voice' to rehearse as if it's the real one]


[The rehearsal ends after they make comments to each other to make the best performance possible!] - '4 o' Clock' is finished. Now, the 3J team. Please get ready.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] BANGTAN BOMB - 613 - (BTS HOME PARTY Practice) - Duration: 6:33.


Big Sean ft. Chris Brown Typ...

For more infomation >> Big Sean ft. Chris Brown Typ...


Wymiana olej silnikowy i filtr oleju MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:45.

Use an oil filter wrench

Use a socket №19

For more infomation >> Wymiana olej silnikowy i filtr oleju MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:45.


Miód Okłady leczyć kaszel i wyeliminować śluz z płuc # 4 Health Tips with Recipe Polish Sub - Duration: 3:15.

Kaszel jest jednym z tych mimowolnych funkcji organizmu, który jest niewygodny,

bolesne i irytujące, że wszystko w tym samym czasie. Jest to szczególnie ważne, kiedy

pracować w biurze czy podczas udostępniania niewielką przestrzeń z innymi.

Kaszel może pozostawać na pozornie długi czas, także po wirusa lub

zakażenie, które go spowodowały zniknął. Over-the-counter leki mogą być

pomocny w leczeniu kaszlu. Jednakże oni również zwykle powodują nieprzyjemny stronę

skutki, takie jak senność, zawroty głowy i zawroty głowy. Te działania niepożądane

może też trwać dłuższą chwilę. Jeśli chcesz znaleźć bardziej naturalny sposób

leczyć, że kaszel, dać miód „wrap" spróbować. Do tego domowy środek musisz:

Surowy miód organiczny, olej kokosowy, mąka, serwetki, taśma klejąca medycznych. Jak

zrobić okład miód: zacznij od mieszania łyżeczką mąki z miodem. Dodaj

ciepły olej kokosowy. Nałożyć na serwetce i umieścić w środku klatki piersiowej z

Taśma medyczna. Przechowywać noc stosowane dla uzyskania optymalnych rezultatów. Po pierwszym użyciu, ty

Należy zauważyć poprawę w swoim kaszlem. Jeśli kaszel jest nadal obecny, zachować

stosowania miodu owinąć kilka razy w ciągu jednego tygodnia. Jak

ta praca? Miód jest coś nazywa się pożywienie. Oznacza to, że zwykle ma

wiele korzyści, jeżeli jest spożywany i zwykle składniki odżywcze. Miód jest często

zalecane przez lekarzy w leczeniu kaszlu i bólu gardła. Okład miód koncentruje

na płucach, co prawdopodobnie źródłem kaszel. Miód jest wchłonięta

ciało bezpośrednio powyżej płuc. To pozwala organizmowi wchłonąć go do

System szybko. Kolejnym pomocnym składnikiem, który prawdopodobnie już w

Twój dom jest olej kokosowy. Olej kokosowy jest bogaty w kwas laurynowy, który pomaga przełamać

tam, gdzie to wirus ukrywa się w swoim ciele. Olej kokosowy jest również w pełni naturalny, tak

nie ma żadnych skutków ubocznych związanych. Proszę zrozumieć, że to jest wielki

Znaczenie aby sprawdzić, czy nie wrażliwość na którykolwiek ze składników preparatu w tym przepisie

przed zastosowaniem. Ma to ogromne znaczenie dla dzieci. alergiczna

Reakcja na dziecko może szybko stać się ciężka, wymagająca natychmiastowego medyczny

Uwaga. W celu zbadania reakcji nanieść niewielką ilość pasty do listy

ramię pacjenta. Oglądaj uważnie każdej obrzęk lub zaczerwienienie. Jeżeli którykolwiek zaczerwienienie lub

Obrzęk występuje, nie należy używać tego leczenia w jakimkolwiek charakterze dla tej osoby.

Jeśli podoba Ci się film, to dać kciuki i podzielić się nim ze swoimi przyjaciółmi

jeśli chcesz więcej przepisów i wskazówek, zapisz się na kanał!


For more infomation >> Miód Okłady leczyć kaszel i wyeliminować śluz z płuc # 4 Health Tips with Recipe Polish Sub - Duration: 3:15.


How to say "How are you?" in German - "Wie geht's?" - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> How to say "How are you?" in German - "Wie geht's?" - Duration: 1:01.


Unboxing MacBook Pro 2017 - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Unboxing MacBook Pro 2017 - Duration: 5:42.


Madalina Ghenea cancella i tatuaggi del flirt - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Madalina Ghenea cancella i tatuaggi del flirt - Duration: 2:46.


"My Momma moved us from #1 to #2 murder capital!" - Drive-by Shooting- Stand up Comedian - Duration: 1:16.

Im originally from Chicago, thats where I was born and raised

Southside in the house. We the only ones left FROM Chicago aint it?!

Everybody else gone! ( you know what Im saying)

I've been staying in Memphis for 15 years, I keep telling my momma, "You just moved us from the #1 to the #2 murder capital in the world!

What you trying to do, Kill me TWICE momma?!

You were supposed to move us to SAFETY momma!

I love my momma though, I love my momma.

I don't know, that's crazy stuff.. You know Im used to all that violence, you know what

I'm born and raised in Chicago, so when I moved to Memphis that wasn't nothin' to me.

We used to have drive-bys all the time in Chicago, you know, just do what my momma do

She used to just cut off all the lights, then put my two sisters and I in the tub. That's what she used to do.

Only thing about it, we had a window right above the tub, So when they started shooting, they shot the window out,


Now all the glass started falling on us.

I looked at my momma and said "Look, we would have been safer in the toilet, atleast it got a top on it."

Now I'm going to school with glass in my eye...

While I was trying to prevent from getting shot, now that don't make no sense right there.

For more infomation >> "My Momma moved us from #1 to #2 murder capital!" - Drive-by Shooting- Stand up Comedian - Duration: 1:16.


MaNy ScOuT || CS:GO - Duration: 0:46.





For more infomation >> MaNy ScOuT || CS:GO - Duration: 0:46.


Manchester United 2 Leicester 0 – MATCH HIGHLIGHTS: Marcus Rashford and Marouane Fellaini - Duration: 8:08.

Manchester United 2 Leicester 0 – MATCH HIGHLIGHTS: Marcus Rashford and Marouane Fellaini come off bench to fire Red Devils to victory

MARCUS RASHFORD bounced off the bench to be the Manchester United hero as their 100 per cent winning start to the season kept going.

Rashford will have been disappointed to have been left out the starting line up as Anthony Martial was promoted.   Manchester United 2-0 Leicester: Marcus Rashford and Marouane Fellaini come off bench to fire Red Devils to victory.

Marcus Rashford came off the bench to fire Manchester United to victory over Leicester.

Fellow sub Marouane Fellaini added a second shortly after. His response was perfect as just three minutes after coming on for Juan Mata he met Herikh Mkhiatryan's corner on the full for the 70th minute opener.

It was another sub Marouane Fellaini who added the second in the 82nd minute as he deflected in Jessie Lingard's goalbound shot.

It was instinctive reactions from Rashford for his goal as both Romelu Lukaku and Paul Pogba had stopped to head the ball but missed before the young attack stuck out a foot and sent the ball goalwards.

Leicester goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel got a hand to it but the shot had so much power he could only palm it into the roof of the net.

Schemiechel was in despair as he had done so much to keep the visitors in the match not least when he saved Lukau's 52nd minute penalty. That was awarded when former United player Danny Simpson handled Martial's cross.

Wes Morgan celebrates with Kasper Schmeichel after the Danes penalty stop.

Juan Mata shows his frustration after missing a chance against Leicester.

Lukaku side footed the spot kick to Schmeichel's right but he had gone the right way and the ball was at the perfect height for him to save.

United had done everything they could to break the deadlock in the first half but Schemeichel and the Leicester defence stood firm.

The home side did have the ball in the back of the net on 18 minutes but Juan Mata was ruled offside when he followed up Romelu Lukaku's parried shot.   Daily Round-Up: Watch all the action from Saturdays Premier League matches.

Rashford had only been on the pitch for two minutes before he broke the deadlock.

The strike was Rashfords first of the season.   Marcus Rashford comes on for Manchester United and scores against Leicester.

The late goals spared Romelu Lukakus blushes. It was a very tight decision but the assistant referee must have seen part of Mata's body ahead of the last defender.

Paul Pogba was having efforts from all sorts of distances and angles. When Martial crossed to the far post, Pogba slid in and sent an effort back across goal and just wide.

The Frenchman was coming forward from deep to receive cut backs at the top of the box before letting fly but his efforts were just off target.   Kasper Schmeichel saves Manchester United's Romelu Lukakus penalty at Old Trafford.

Schmeichel saved Romelu Lukakus penalty on 52 minutes.

Schmeichel has now saved three of the last five penalties he has faced.

It looked like it was going to be a frustrating afternoon until Rashford pounced. Juan Mata also had an effort from an angle 20 yards out but his shot was brilliantly saved by Schmeichel.

But the Leicester goalkeeper's brave resistance would finally be broken. INTERACTIVE LINE-UPS– CLICK on a player's number below to see their stats. When Martial crossed to the far post, Pogba slid in and sent an effort back across goal and just wide.

The Frenchman was coming forward from deep to receive cut backs at the top of the box before letting fly but his efforts were just off target.

Juan Mata also had an effort from an angle 20 yards out but his shot was brilliantly saved by Schmeichel. But the Leicester goalkeeper's brave resistance would finally be broken.

INTERACTIVE STATS – CLICK on the categories to find out how the teams fared .   Sunday Premier League preview including Chelsea v Everton. FACTS, STATS, GOALS & LOLS.

Jose Mourinhos side were backed by Olympic legend Usain Bolt this afternoon. The Jamaican was guest of honour at Old Trafford.

Manchester United went into the clash full of confidence. They had only ever lost two of their 22 Premier League meetings with the Foxes prior to today.

Olympic legend Usain Bolt was among the spectators at Old Trafford Kasper Schmeichel has now saved more penalties than his dad at Old Trafford Just one of those has come at Old Trafford when the Leicester triumphed 1-0 in January 1998 at the Theatre of Dreams.

Penalty saving is becoming something of a habit for Kasper Schmeichel. This was his third stop from the last five spot-kicks he has faced.

And despite his dad Peters long reign as goalkeeper for the Red Devils in the 1990s, Kasper has achieved something the Great Dane couldnt. Schmeichel senior had surprisingly never saved a penalty at Old Trafford.

Henrikh Mkhitaryan continued his great runs of assists Rashford had been on the field for just two minutes when he broke the deadlock on 69 minutes Henrikh Mkhitaryans fine form continued.

His assist for Rashford equalled the Premier League record for most assists in his first three appearances in a season. He levelled Ruel Foxs record from the 1994/95 campaign.

Rashford will take most of the plaudits but Marouane Fellaini is proving to be something of a game changer. Mourinhos men have netted seven times already this season after the Belgians introduction from the bench.

My Saturday @ManUtd — Usain St. Leo Bolt (@usainbolt) August 26, 2017  . All Leicester in that first half. Manchester United somehow hanging on.

For more infomation >> Manchester United 2 Leicester 0 – MATCH HIGHLIGHTS: Marcus Rashford and Marouane Fellaini - Duration: 8:08.


China Revenge On USA ( Roblox ) *DON'T TAKE IT AS REAL* - Duration: 1:12.



Yo! Trump! The poop of USA!

I have mans to fight!

Do you want to fight? Come Then!

Proof! That You Are Stronger than me!

If my country is a piss of poop, What about yours?

Is your wall bigger? Bigger in your dreams!

Try to get me back! I bet you can't!


Thanks For Watching And Cya Next Time!

Bye! :D

For more infomation >> China Revenge On USA ( Roblox ) *DON'T TAKE IT AS REAL* - Duration: 1:12.


Top 10 Iranian Most Beautiful Women | Top 10 iranian beautiful Girl - Duration: 3:08.

Top 10 iranian beautiful muslim women

Top 10 Iranian Most Beautiful Women

For more infomation >> Top 10 Iranian Most Beautiful Women | Top 10 iranian beautiful Girl - Duration: 3:08.


Against Animal Cruelty!!! - Duration: 5:05.

hi everyone? what's up? welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel

always down here wanna talk about animal cruelty. honestly, animals are so cute

if they look scary then maybe it isn't cute anymore

i have cat in sydney and indonesia

my cousin looks after my cat in there. i can't bring her here

cause it's too expensive men, i can't afford it

anyway, i have cat here. i love cat so much! i also love dog too and every cute animals

but it doesn't mean i don't like scary animals

i like lion cub actually, but me having lion?that's impossible

btw i remember one day when i was driving, i saw a kid about 4 or 5 years old boy kicked a small kitten

i feel he was so cruel!

when i was in indonesia, i was so happy because i feed street cats and dogs around my house there

but, i think no one of my family member continue it. because you know not everybody cares with the animals

and when you see in media or people around or they might have a reason to not caring the animals

like my mom she has allergic, so she can't have a pet

i think animals have soul and parents like us

they also breath like human *breath sign

so we are just the same

i just wanna remind you guys. please don't treat animal bad and treat them as a human. don't kick and throw water at them

don't matter how ugly you think they are. however, if they are dangerous of course it's different story

you know cat and dog are different and save

even though you're not allowed to have a dog in your religion

you couldn't take care of them, but you still can give them food

at least please don't do harm to them

as long as you're not doing it, it's okay

and be able to feed them and see them happy that's happiness

so they don't take food from the rubbish bin

if you guys wanna be more human, you have to treat them good

and treat people around you good. you can't expect people to respect you

you can't even appreciate animals. how could you expect people to appreciate you? are you dreaming?

you can't do that!

event though someone respect you, doesn't mean they does it sincerely

because you have to see yourself first. do you like it if you're treated as bad as you treat those animals?

do you want someone kick or throw water at you? of course you don't!

and if you have a pet, treat them good like the way you treat yourself and other human

because they are beautiful! they are! your day I devoted a tackle

that's all from me.hope you guys enjoy! love you so much, thank you for watching. bye!

For more infomation >> Against Animal Cruelty!!! - Duration: 5:05.


Connect and Protect - Duration: 45:19.

For more infomation >> Connect and Protect - Duration: 45:19.


Transfer at Helsinki airport, Amsterdam - Bangkok - Duration: 3:17.

Passing the Schengen passport control, fully automated.

For more infomation >> Transfer at Helsinki airport, Amsterdam - Bangkok - Duration: 3:17.


SELVA 560 gommone usato [prova in acqua] - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> SELVA 560 gommone usato [prova in acqua] - Duration: 6:22.


Vietnamese Rice Pyramid Dumplings/ Reismehlkuchen mit Fleisch- und Garnelenfüllung - Duration: 11:57.

Hello, it's nice that you tuned into thuskochtour again.

Today I want to take you into the vietnamese kitchen and want to show you these delicious rice flour cakes with a meat and shrimp filling called „Banh gio".

These cakes are often eaten for breakfast and are very easy to prepare.

And now I will show you what you need:

For the dough: 3L vegetable stock

300g rice flour

300g starch

300g tapioca flour

First put the rice flour, starch, tapioca flour and vegetable stock into a pot and stir well

Put it aside for approx. 10min.

Let it then bring to boil while stirring continuesly and until the dough becomes viscious and then take it off the cooker and let it cool down.

Meanwhile prepare the filling and therefore we need:

500g pork mince

200g shrimps (already peeled and without the intestines)

100g morels (already soaked in warm water)

1 onion

Seasoning: 2tsps salt

1tsp sesame oil

some pepper

First peel the onion, chop it and add it to the meat.

Then cut the shrimps into small pieces and also add it to the meat.

Sieve the morels, add the salt, sesame oil and pepper and mix it together.

Then brown it in a pot in some oil.

Put it off the cooker. And now I will prepare the banana leaves.

First wash the banana leaves, dry them with some kitchen towels and cut them into big pieces.

Additionally you need a roast tube for wrapping it up.

Cut the roast tube as bi gas the banana leaves.

Cut the foil open and into halves.

Now put the banana leaf down with the smooth side facing down.

Put the next banana leaf down with the rough side facing downwards.

Then fold the leaves into a triangle with the tip facing upwards.

Fold both edges crosswise.

And now you have got a pyramid shape.

Now open up the pyramid so you can see the smooth side inside.

Now take some dough and spread it with a spoon and create a hollow in the middle.

Then add the filling and put some dough above it.

Press down the pyramid at the bottom side and fold the edges crosswise.

If the banana leaves stick out, just fold them in.

Repeat the process until everything is used.

Now I will show you another variation that is easier and quicker to fold.

Therefore I take some foil and take a banana leaf with the smooth side facing downwards and then I put another banana leaf on top with the rough side facing downwards.

Put both sides together and roll it up.

Now I fold the two ends.

And that's another option.

Now steam the rice flour cakes for approx. 20min.

Let them cool down afterwards and serve it with soy sauce.

And now you have got these delicious rice flour cakes with a meat and shrimp filling in a pyramid shape.

Try it out!

Don't forget to subscribe and until next time!


For more infomation >> Vietnamese Rice Pyramid Dumplings/ Reismehlkuchen mit Fleisch- und Garnelenfüllung - Duration: 11:57.


Timelapse Under the Milky Way - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Timelapse Under the Milky Way - Duration: 7:34.


Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette AMV Unstoppable ( 4000 sup special!) - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Miraculous Ladybug - Marinette AMV Unstoppable ( 4000 sup special!) - Duration: 4:20.


New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOY - Duration: 10:50.


New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOYS

For more infomation >> New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOY - Duration: 10:50.


Osborn Academy - Duration: 22:08.

For more infomation >> Osborn Academy - Duration: 22:08.


10 amazing facts about horses 🐴😱 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 10 amazing facts about horses 🐴😱 - Duration: 4:37.


Magic Fun House

For more infomation >> Magic Fun House


R'es - O Sensin | Lyric Video #osensin - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> R'es - O Sensin | Lyric Video #osensin - Duration: 3:34.


Cuentas de papel reciclando revistas - Paper beads recycling magazines - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Cuentas de papel reciclando revistas - Paper beads recycling magazines - Duration: 6:26.


♬93【暑假結束大合唱】 TFBOYS 《剩下的盛夏 The Rest of Our Summer》周杰倫作曲(歌詞附注音/pinyin ピンイン) [YYTV / 許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 2:16.

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For more infomation >> ♬93【暑假結束大合唱】 TFBOYS 《剩下的盛夏 The Rest of Our Summer》周杰倫作曲(歌詞附注音/pinyin ピンイン) [YYTV / 許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 2:16.


New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOY - Duration: 10:50.


New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOYS

For more infomation >> New Box of Dinosaurs Toys #4 – Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Dinosaurs Toys for Kids NomNom TOY - Duration: 10:50.


Wymiana olej silnikowy i filtr oleju MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:45.

Use an oil filter wrench

Use a socket №19

For more infomation >> Wymiana olej silnikowy i filtr oleju MAZDA 3 BK TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:45.


Miele Wraps per curare la tosse ed eliminare muco dai polmoni #4 Health Tips with Recipe Italian Sub - Duration: 3:14.

La tosse è una di quelle funzioni corporee involontarie, che è a disagio,

tutto quel tempo stesso doloroso e fastidioso. Questo è particolarmente vero quando si

lavorare in un ufficio o quando si condivide un piccolo spazio con gli altri.

Tosse può indugiare per un apparentemente molto tempo, ben dopo che il virus o la

infezione che ha causato è andato. Over-the-counter farmaco può essere

utile per curare la tosse. Tuttavia, hanno anche solito causano lato sgradevole

effetti, come sonnolenza, stordimento e vertigini. Questi effetti collaterali

può anche durare per un bel po '. Se si vuole trovare un modo più naturale

per curare quella tosse, dare il "impacchi di miele" una prova. Per questo rimedio fatto in casa avrete bisogno di:

miele grezzo biologico, olio di cocco, farina, tovaglioli, nastro medico adesivo. Come

fare un impacco al miele: avviare mescolando un cucchiaino di farina con un po 'di miele. Inserisci

olio di cocco caldo. Applicare su un tovagliolo e posto al centro del petto con

nastro medico. Mantenere applicato durante la notte per ottenere risultati ottimali. Dopo il primo utilizzo,

dovrebbe notare un miglioramento nella vostra tosse. Se la tosse è ancora presente, tenere

applicando il miele avvolgere più volte nel corso di una settimana. Come fa

questo lavoro? Il miele è qualcosa chiamato un superfood. Ciò significa che ha di solito

molti benefici se consumato ed è di solito nutrienti. Il miele è spesso

raccomandato dai medici per curare la tosse e mal di gola. L'impacco al miele si concentra

sui polmoni, che è probabilmente la fonte della vostra tosse. Il miele viene assorbito nel

il corpo direttamente sopra i polmoni. Questo permette al corpo di assorbire nella tua

sistema rapidamente. Un altro ingrediente utile che probabilmente già in

la vostra casa è l'olio di cocco. L'olio di cocco è ricco di acido laurico, che aiuta a rompere

verso il basso dove che il virus si nasconde nel vostro corpo. L'olio di cocco è anche tutto naturale, in modo da

non ci sono effetti collaterali associati. Vi preghiamo di comprendere che è di grande

importanza per verificare eventuali sensibilità ad uno qualsiasi degli ingredienti in questa ricetta

prima di applicare. Questo è della massima importanza per i bambini. un allergica

reazione in un bambino può diventare rapidamente grave, che richiede immediata medica

Attenzione. Per provare una reazione, applicare una piccola quantità di pasta al vostro

il braccio del paziente. Guardare da vicino per qualsiasi gonfiore o arrossamento. Se qualche rossore o

gonfiore si verifica, non utilizzare questo trattamento a qualsiasi titolo per quella persona.

Se ti è piaciuto il video, dare pollice in alto e condividerlo con i tuoi amici

se volete più ricette e consigli, iscriviti al canale!


For more infomation >> Miele Wraps per curare la tosse ed eliminare muco dai polmoni #4 Health Tips with Recipe Italian Sub - Duration: 3:14.


GALATASARAY - BU DAHA FRAGMAN - 27 AĞUSTOS 2017 - Youtube - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY - BU DAHA FRAGMAN - 27 AĞUSTOS 2017 - Youtube - Duration: 1:42.


Đây là cách Ông Già Ấn Độ lấy Dầu Dừa từ 100 Quả Dừa.Ông ấy hay quá 🤤🤤 - Duration: 12:47.

For more infomation >> Đây là cách Ông Già Ấn Độ lấy Dầu Dừa từ 100 Quả Dừa.Ông ấy hay quá 🤤🤤 - Duration: 12:47.


SELVA 560 gommone usato [prova in acqua] - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> SELVA 560 gommone usato [prova in acqua] - Duration: 6:22.


Japanese summer encephalitis, need to prevent encephalitis Japanese - Duration: 7:30.

Medical Network, For Public Health

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Summer, need to prevent encephalitis Japanese

Summer is also a time when many scurvy diseases appear, which should be aware of encephalitis Japanese.

This is an acute viral infection in the central nervous system, so there are many complications if not treated promptly (20% to 30% of patients with symptoms of encephalitis die.

30% to 50% of survivors continue to exhibit neurological, cognitive, or psychological symptoms).

Danger is so but the disease can be prevented if the parents pay attention.

Mode of transmission.

The Japanese Encephalitis Virus is a flavivirus, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito, usually a mosquito.

Wild birds (eg, heron) are the main reservoir of viruses in nature and pigs are the most important reservoir of livestock in the wild.

People are usually just random hosts of the virus. Transmission route is blood sugar, mediated by Culex mosquito.

In Vietnam, Culex tritaeniorhynchus mosquitoes breed strongly during the summer (especially from March to July), and are active in the evening.

This type of mosquito is high density in the delta and midland, it is the main infectious agent of Japanese encephalitis in our country.

High patient satisfaction with children under 10 years of age.

Adults with high antibody levels are therefore less susceptible.

Clinically, there are cases of Japanese encephalitis, such as:typical, meninges, hidden, marrow, stunted, paralyzed.

The transmission of Japanese encephalitis.

The typical of Japanese encephalitis.

Incubation period:5 to 14 days, average of 1 week.

Onset:The onset of illness is very sudden with a fever of 39 to 40 degrees Celsius or more.

Patients with headaches, especially the forehead, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

In the first to two days of the disease appears hardened, increased muscle tone, eyeball disorders.

Psychiatric disorders may appear confused or unconscious.

The early days reflecting ribs tend to increase, the blood vessels dilate clear.

In some young children, in addition to high fever can be seen loose, abdominal pain, vomiting like bacterial contamination - eating poisoning.

Full-blown period (3-4 days to 6-7 days):On the third to fourth day of illness, symptoms of onset are not reduced but increased.

From the delirium of excitement, overcast at first, gradually the patient goes into coma deeper.

Symptoms of neurological disorders also increase:excessive sweating, redness at the skin, redness, dyspnea and increased airflow in the bronchial gas, so that when listening to the lungs can see many whistling, Snoring and snoring.

Circuits in patients are often fast and weak.

The cranial nerves are also vulnerable, especially the labeling strings (III, IV, VI) and VII strings.

Respiratory distress syndrome leads to rapid shallow breathing, excessive bronchial secretion and possibly lung pneumonia or lobar pneumonia.

Period of recovery (from day 7, 8 onwards):Usually the second week, infection syndrome toxicity and brain syndrome, meningitis gradually.

However, focal neurological damage is more pronounced than before.

Patients may suffer from paralysis or paralysis of cranial nerves or motor coordination disorder.

This period may appear early complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or bronchitis due to multiple infections.

Pyelonephritis, bladder due to pee or drainage; Ulcers and inflammation of veins due to lying and disordered nutrition.

Complications and sequelae.

From the second weekend onwards is a period of complications and late sequelae.

Late complications may include:inflammation, pyelonephritis, bladder, bacterial ulcer, sympathetic disorder, metabolic disorders.

Delayed sequelae can occur after several years or even decades, which are often epilepsy and Parkinson's.

The advice of the physician.

This is a viral disease so there are currently no specific therapies that primarily treat symptoms, including cerebral edema, convulsions against convulsions

Control of temperature, circulatory support, respiration, prevention of superinfection and nutrition, anti-ulcer.

It is important that the disease be treated in a specialized medical facility.

Japanese mosquito-borne encephalitis is dangerous because of the high mortality rate, leaving severe neurological sequelae.

The best preventive measure is vaccination, however, if only one injection is not effective protection.

Two injections of 80% protection effect; All three shots are 90% to 95% for 3 years.

In addition, people need to pay attention to environmental hygiene, keeping clean house, clean sheds to mosquitoes without shelter.

Should sleep on the screen, do not allow children to play near the barn, especially at night to prevent mosquito bites.

When there are signs of high fever along with symptoms of central nervous system damage such as headache, especially forehead, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, appear hard stool ...

Need to take your child right to the medical facility for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

In our country, according to some clinics, the death rate from Japanese encephalitis has been reduced to about 10%.

Mortality usually occurs within the first 7 days of a patient with coma, convulsions, and traumatic brain injury that lead to severe respiratory or cardiovascular disorders.

Mortality in later stages is mainly due to special complications such as:pneumonia, exhaustion.

Patients who pass may leave life-threatening sequelae or mental disorders.

Therefore, vaccination for Japanese encephalitis vaccine is the best prevention.

Can be used for all ages, priority for children from 1 to 5 years old in the circulation.

Dosage:children under 36 months:0.5ml / dose; Over 36 months:1ml / dose.

The basic immunization is 3 doses:the second dose is 2 weeks from the first dose; 3rd dose a second dose of 1 year.

Repeated injection:3 years injections 1 ml 1ml to maintain immunity (subcutaneous injection into delta muscle).

Doctor:Tran Kim Anh.

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Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

1 comment:

  1. hello i want to used this opportunity to thank a great doctor, doctor OLTA who helped me to cured my LUNGS SCAR i was directed by a friend who also received healing from LUNGS SCAR. i almost lose hope in life when my friend told me about this great doctor who has healed many people from this sickness, i thought it will require many things but by the special grace of God every thing was simple, now i am healed from LUNGS SCAR, i am now a normal human with out sickness. please my brothers and sisters if you are facing same problem please remember to contact doctor OLTA for your own healing, contact him now via email: or call +2348153292656

    love you all
    wish the best

    best regards
