Friday, August 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 4 2017

50 korean names for baby girls



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres coreanos para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.


PROGRAMA HACIA LA LUZ - 05-08-2017 - Duration: 23:32.

For more infomation >> PROGRAMA HACIA LA LUZ - 05-08-2017 - Duration: 23:32.


Paragon - Word of the Day with Lance Conrad - Duration: 1:51.

Welcome back to Word of the Day with Lance Conrad.

Today's word is "Paragon."

Let me tell you a story!

A paragon is the best of the best, a perfect example of some quality or characteristic.

Michael Phelps was a paragon swimmer, someone who never did or thought anything wrong would

be a paragon of virtue.

And today I'd like to talk about a lifeguard who was considered a paragon in his local


Over four or five summers, this lifeguard had saved nearly eighty people from drowning

in the town of Dixon, Illinois.

The people there made him a plaque, honoring their paragon of watchfulness, athletic ability,

and devotion to saving people.

Naturally, we don't hear much about paragons who were only local legends.

I'm quite certain that there were other lifeguards who did much more.

However, you have heard about this lifeguard, because he didn't stay in Illinois.

He went on to become a radio announcer who once narrated three innings of a baseball

game from pure imagination because the receiver had gone out.

Then he went on to Hollywood and starred in several movies, even beating out John Wayne

for one famous part.

Still, we might have forgotten our Illinois lifeguard by now if he hadn't turned his

eye towards politics, running for Governor of California and winning.

And then, he achieved the paragon of politics by becoming the President of the United States.

Our paragon lifeguard was Ronald Reagan.

Please take a moment to support us by sharing this video with your family and friends.

If you enjoyed it, I'm sure they will too.

We also have classroom versions of the videos and some related curriculum available for

download at

Thank you so much!

For more infomation >> Paragon - Word of the Day with Lance Conrad - Duration: 1:51.


If you laugh, you lose. - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> If you laugh, you lose. - Duration: 10:18.


LaLiga frenó a Neymar con la Ley de blanqueo - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> LaLiga frenó a Neymar con la Ley de blanqueo - Duration: 3:22.


Capacidades lógicas para un juicio exitoso LOGICA JURIDICA HD - Duration: 21:30.

For more infomation >> Capacidades lógicas para un juicio exitoso LOGICA JURIDICA HD - Duration: 21:30.


Liberman reveló cómo era la relación entre Messi y Neymar al inicio - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Liberman reveló cómo era la relación entre Messi y Neymar al inicio - Duration: 2:24.


El adiós a su "hermano pequeño": la emotiva despedida de Gerard Piqué a Neymar - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> El adiós a su "hermano pequeño": la emotiva despedida de Gerard Piqué a Neymar - Duration: 2:30.


How to get FREE STEAM GAMES - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> How to get FREE STEAM GAMES - Duration: 2:11.


JUST IN: Creepy, Crazy Maxine Waters Targets Pence In Shocking Attac | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:33.

We're just going to come out and say it — Maxine Waters is a nutty, bitter old woman.

Like, seriously something is likely wrong with her mental faculties, given her recent

history of making bizarre statements about Republicans and specifically, President Trump.

But she's now turning her sights on Trump's right-hand man, VP Mike Pence.

Her recent attack on Pence was weird, creepy and downright humiliating.

Daily Caller reports:

California Rep. Maxine Waters, the Democratic lawmaker leading the campaign to impeach President

Trump, already has her sights set on his likely replacement, Vice President Mike Pence.

Waters discussed her impeachment fantasy on Friday during an interview on ABC's "The


"Do you think Pence will be better than Trump?"

Waters was asked by View co-host Joy Behar.

"No, and when we finish with Trump we have to go after Putin," Waters said, mixing

up Pence with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Waters was the first national lawmaker to directly call for Trump's impeachment.

She has called the Republican a "pathological liar" and led her supporters in "Impeach

45" chants.

In a separate interview on Friday, Waters said that Trump was "the most deplorable

person I've ever met in my life."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Creepy, Crazy Maxine Waters Targets Pence In Shocking Attac | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:33.


Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"

For more infomation >> Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"


WHERE AM I? - Duration: 2:46.

Wave and particle behavior is the key to future forms of online communication.

With quantum technology you can simulate atoms.

Simulating atoms.

I'm not sure you understand the gravity of that statement.

Everything is made up of atoms.


With quantum technology, you can simulate...


Cells, Organisms, Space, Technology that doesn't even exist yet.

If you gave the processor enough room, it could simulate itself an entire reality. And within that reality create infinite universes.

Where am I?

For more infomation >> WHERE AM I? - Duration: 2:46.


Move-in tips 2017: University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - Duration: 3:36.

The volunteers on move-in day were really helpful.

Getting people's stuff out of their cars and waiting for them to sign in then we

bring it all back up their room. (background: Welcome to Lehua!)

They were greeting us, it was so friendly.

Weʻre the movers!

They made it really easy of like where to go or who talk to, where to get your room key from.

The barcode is always on your left, and the blue is on the left corner.

My view is realy, really cool, itʻs great, itʻs Hawai'i, itʻs everything, Iʻm excited!

If you lose your key, go downstairs to the front desk or call your RA.

There's live-in support that includes RAs, Resident Assistants.

Definitely get to know your RA. That's a good, good tip.

Pretty much know everything there is to know about living in student housing

We also have a resource called, we call them CIRs, which stands for Counselors in Residence

that's just if you need someone to talk to you after hours.

There's really nothing to be nervous about. A lot of people are willing to help you.

The University Health Services is really useful too if you're not

feeling good. If you feel sick you can do a walk-in appointment and all you need is your student ID.

The Warrior Rec Center, it's a convenient place to work out between or after classes.

Get your student ID, itʻs included in your tuition, and your ID card is pretty much everything.

You need that to eat, you need that to

rent equipment, you need that to get into the rec center and for health services

and for pretty much anything you want to do.

You go and pick it up at the ticket office in Campus Center it's right above the bookstore.

When they give you a packing list really pay attention to it.

Try to coordinate with your roommate and get in touch with them prior to moving in.

Try to stay on top of your studies.

Just step out there and introduce yourself and see where it goes.

Just enjoy your time, meet new people you learn new things.

My experience was really nice, everyone's really friendly.

I can get together with people and study or we can just all get together and hang out and have fun.

For more infomation >> Move-in tips 2017: University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - Duration: 3:36.


WHAT PENCILS I USE? a guide and some tips | ENGLISH SUBS! - Duration: 13:19.

What pencils I use because that's the...

I dropped my phone

my hands are purple because of the cold weather

I hope you don't get distracted by them


This is like the 100th attempt to film this intro

and I don't know how to do it and I still don't like it

but... yeah...

deal with it

it's not important


I'm going to show you

what pencils I use!!

because that's the questions that you guys ask the most, everywhere

on instagram, on youtube, in all the comments sections


even on my live streams there's people asking what pencils do you use

so today I'm finally answering in a video specially dedicated to this

because I think you guys deserve it

you deserve it

for all your support, for all your love

I'm going to share my biggest secrets

the pencils that I use are

too many

I use a loooot of pencils, different brands

but I started drawing thanks to these pencils

I mean I've been drawing my whole life

but I never tried drawing portraits

and when my mom gave me these pencils

I was like this is it, this is what I needed

I'll start drawing now

so in this video I'm going to show you guys exactly which ones I use

because I don't use all 36 of them

I'm going to show you

which ones I use, how I use them, how I mix them

for what I use each color

all your questions

everything, everything, you'll know everything today

so keep watching because this is going to get interesting

so now I'm going to show you what's inside of the box

it's pretty obvious which are the colors that I use the most

there are a bunch of them that I don't use

for example the green ones, they're pretty brand new, the blue ones too

the yellow and oranges are almost brand new as well

I haven't use them much because I don't really need them for my drawings

but over here

these are the top 5 colors that I use the most

and the white pencil too

a lot of people have asked me for recomendations

which box they should get

the 36 set, the 24 set, 12

and I have the 36 pieces box, but I use

6 colors


so maybe it's not necessary to spend a looot of money

on getting a bunch of colors

if you actually need just a few


I use other pencils

that are

right here

these two are also Polychromos

I bought them separately at a store

they're sold separately

so I went into a store and asked for a light brown

and a light pink

and these have worked really really really good

and this one is a common Faber-Castell

from the set that you would get to go to school

and this one

I don't even know the brand (CARAN d'ACHE)

I went into a store and asked for like a peach color, or a skin tone color, however you call it

I wanted to get one that was really really clear

and this is what they gave me

and it has worked really well

so I recommend you guys to do the same thing

if you need a color, go to get it at a store

because these are all sold separately

and keep trying different pencils because they're obviously not the same

not all of them work for what you want

so yeah

now I'm going to show you how to use them

in this blank paper I'm going to show you real quick

which ones I use, how I use them, how I mix them up

I use these two for the skin

they're obviously very different

this one is more orange-ish

and I like it because

it's more like realistic, more alive, more saturated

compared to this one which is like really really clear

but it depends on the portrait that I'm coloring

there's people who's really pale so I use this one

Sometimes I don't use this one

sometimes this one is the one that I don't use

it depends on the drawing that I'm working on

and on the person's skin color

sometimes I mix them together

sometimes this one is too dark

so I use a little bit of this one on top of it

and they KIND OF mix up

or this one is not dark enough

so I add some color

with this one, but it barely changes

trial and error

I bought this pink color becuase

even though the box already has a pink color

this one is too intense

so sometimes I wanted to colour just a little bit

like to add some blush to the face

but it was too intense or dark

so with this one, I was good

and also this one

when I try to mix it up with the skin

it was too much color

but the new one, gives it just a soft touch

which was exactly what I needed

so you just have to try

this one

I bought it to use it for shading

beacuse this brown is too intese/strong

so if I wanted to do a shading like... soft

it didn't work

but this one was like perfect for it

and when mixing it with the skin it's still soft

not like this one that's too dark

and the box already has a light brown in it


it is like yellow-ish

so, it didn't work for me


I use this pencil a lot

I use it a lot to do all the shading, for the eyes, the nose, etc etc etc

I actually love it very much, I think it's my favorite pencil

the white one

I use it for example in these cases

when the colors are too sharp

when they don't blend well

I cover them with white to like blend them, to blur them a little

so the brown is not too strong anymore

look, I'm going to show you

I could leave this one like that

but if I add some white

the brown fades, it's like it blends

and that's something that I like

it's more realistic

the real skin doesn't have like sharp shades on it

so I like using the white pencil, sometimes it's necessary


there are some shades that are darker


i use the grey pencils

and it also depends on the photo, the reference

if it has very very dark shades

or if you need a not so strong shade

you can barely see this one

but it does make the difference when I use it

so you just have to try

and now I think this is the moment that you've all been waiting fore

because it is also what you guys ask the most along with what pencils I use

you guys ask a lot for this pen

you guys are like "what's that white pen? how is it called?"

"where did you get it? I want to get it" etc etc

just like you guys, I used to see some artists using a white pen

so one day I went into a store and asked the lady like

"I'm looking for a white pen"

and she was like

"this is what we have"

with it you can coulour


and this pen...

it doesn't work at the very beginning

in fact, I always try it on my hand or on another paper

until it works

and when it finally works it's not too strong

in fact, in my time lapses videos I always speed up even more the clips where I'm using this pen

because I have to use it for the longest time to make it visible

I don't know if this is the best one, but it's the only one I've found

and at least it works

so far, it works its magic

to add the sparkles in the eyes, the shinny hair

sometimes I mess up

I don't know, I'm colouring the skin

imagine this is a face haha

I'm colouring the skin

I'm adding some shades

I'm adding some shades

and idk I suddenly go too hard and I drew a line that I didn't mean to

so I take the white pen

and I cover it up

I colour on top of it

I let it dry a little

and I cover it again with the peach color

it's not going to work right now because I'm doing it too fast

but it does work for fixing problems

sometimes a draw an eye, I'm going to show you now

so sometimes I'm drawing

and I

draw a line over here

and then I realize I don't like it

so I cover it up with this pen

I cover it a looot of times, it's like layer after layer after layer

until the black color disapears a little

I mean, from up close you'll be able to see it's a little dark there

but sometimes, in cases of emergency

this helps

so I let it dry

and then I go and colour over it and you can get away with that

also you can use it on top of the colouring

to add the little sparkles that I want and I like that

so if you guys can get one of these pen, do it

because it is really really really good

and now. a quick recap

these are literally the pencils that I use THE MOST

I own the 36 pieces box, but I use like

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11.

so you don't NEED to buy the box of 36 colors

maybe you can save up some money and buy

6 Ploychromos

and some others from different brands

these two aren't Polychromos

and they work anyway, they're good

and maybe, if they were Polychromos they would probably be better

but if this is good enough... I'm not a demanding person

there's people who think that if they don't have the BEST pencils in the market they won't be able to draw well

but no. That depends on every single person

you set your own limits

if you get the polychromos box, don't stick to using only those pencils

because I bought this one separately, I bought this one separately, this one separately

so, you can do it too

if you think that the pencils you have are not good enough, go and buy ONE pencil

some people is like "why did you buy only ONE pencil?" and I'm like "because this is THE pencil that I need"

and that's it. I don't need to buy 24 pencils if I'm going to use just one

so take the risk, try it, fail

it can heppen, like it happened to me, that I bought this pencil and I didn't like it at all

and those are experiences, you can learn from that

so... yeah...

I think that's all I can say about the pencils that I use

if you liked the video please please give it a thumbs up

because it is really important to me to know

if you like my videos, if they're helpful

any doubts, any questions

if there's something I didn't answer, let me know down below

I'm happy to reply to you all

I like to reply to your comments, even if there are 300 comments

even if you comment on old videos, I always reply to all of them

so don't be afraid, leave some comments, I'll be happy

a lot of people have asked me to do tutorials

so I think I'm going to start doing that

a how to colour eyes tutorial, how to colour noses, how to colour mouths

you'll be seeing everything in the future, so if you're interested, please subscribe

and once again, you can let me know anything in the comments section

I honestly read and reply to all of them

any doubts, any questions, any video idea that you may want to see in the future

let me know, I'll be glad

so yeah... Thank you so much for watching, for supporting me

thank you so much for all of your sweet messages

I love them

see you guys in a next video


For more infomation >> WHAT PENCILS I USE? a guide and some tips | ENGLISH SUBS! - Duration: 13:19.


Life Scenes: Splish, Splash, I am Taking a Bath - Duration: 2:00.


And see?

The water is getting all ready for you.

We've got to test it out and see if it's nice and warm.

All right, here we go.

All right, I'm going to fold up your diaper, nice and tight.


Let's check it out.

Ooh, nice and warm, I think we're good to go.

You ready?

Let's turn it off.

Turn it off.

Say, off?




You'll get a nice bath.

Ready to wash your body?

Wash, wash, wash, wash our body.

Wash, wash, wash.

Nice and clean.



We're going to clean the toys too.

They're dirty.

We got to make sure they get a nice bath too.

Yeah, you like that bath?

I'm going to get the soap and some shampoo.

I'm going to wash your hair with the shampoo.

I'm going to wash your body with the soap,

going to wash your toes.

Look at that.

Can you scoop up some bubbles?

Look at that.






Blow it.



All the toys are getting a nice bath.

Good job.

Wash, wash, wash, wash, wash.

Wash, wash, wash.

OK, are you ready?

Let's get out.

All done.

All done.

I'm going to (SINGING) dry, dry, dry you off,

we're all nice and clean.

There you go. (SINGING) Then put some night clothes on

and read you a bedtime story.

There you go.



For more infomation >> Life Scenes: Splish, Splash, I am Taking a Bath - Duration: 2:00.


If I made a McDonalds commercial. - Duration: 0:52.

Okay, bill. What do you want for lunch with a Taco bell, okay? The same Papa John's?

McDonald's, I didn't say McDonald's McDonald's

It's not an option

McDonald's, but do you see McDonald's near us. No okay? Thank you

I want McDonald's

Geez okay look I'll bring us to McDonald's I know it. Oh

Okay, yeah, McDonald

Welcome to McDonald's may. I take your order. Yeah. I'll have a big Mac. Then I'll uh try

McDonald's, that's to die for this is


For more infomation >> If I made a McDonalds commercial. - Duration: 0:52.


British and American words for clothes (in 90 seconds) - Duration: 1:45.

















Turn ups.





It's short for wellington boots.







Fanny pack.

Bum bag.

Bath robe.

Dressing gown.

Bathing suit.

Bathing suit.

Swimming costume.


Bowler hat.

For more infomation >> British and American words for clothes (in 90 seconds) - Duration: 1:45.


Arsenal transfer news: Who is Thomas Lemar? Monaco ace linked with £45m move to Arsenal - Duration: 5:26.

Who is Thomas Lemar? Monaco ace linked with £45m move to Arsenal

ITS no real surprise that clubs from across Europe are looking to buy some of Monaco's best players.

The Monegasques won the French league last season and reached the Champions League semi-finals, knocking out the likes of Manchester City and Borussia Dortmund on the way. Monaco star Thomas Lemar is a wanted man across Europe.

And it looks like winger Thomas Lemar could be on his way out of the Stade Louis II, thanks to interest from around the continent, with Arsenal linked with a stunning £45m move.

Our friends at Football Whispers have profiled the 21-year-old French international. Who is Thomas Lemar and where does he come from?.

A product of the Caen youth system, Lemar made his senior debut in the opening game of the 2013/14 season in August 2013.

He went on to make 31 appearances in total for SMC, before he attracted interest from across Europe – he was subject of Chelsea transfer rumours and was linked to Liverpool, Lyon and Bordeaux too, but he opted for a move to Monaco.

Thomas Lemar (left) made his senior debut for French side Caen. The midfielder moved to the principality for just £3. 5million and has shone for Leonardo Jardim's team since then.

Since moving from Caen, the 21-year-old has played in a variety of midfield positions.

He's featured in the middle of a two or a three, but since Jardim switched to 4-4-2, Lemar has really started to excel, earning him the first of five international caps so far in November.

You can see how he's kicked on from just his return in 2016/17 – 14 goals and 17 assists in all competitions is hugely impressive.

Thomas Lemar enjoyed a steller season last campaign with 14 goals and 17 assists in all competitions.

While Kylian Mbappé, Tiemoué Bakayoko and Bernardo Silva may have got a large amount of the praise from onlookers for, Lemar's role in Monaco winning Ligue 1 and reaching the Champions League semi-finals can't be underestimated.

He plays with his head up and his left foot is capable of magic – he never looks to complicate things and although he can beat players by dribbling, he has a superb range of passes which he uses to the opposition's detriment.

  All the information Arsenal fans need to know about target Thomas Lemar.

Thomas Lemar is renowned for his dribbling ability. Even though he plays on the wing, he's not blessed with pace as his team-mates Benjamin Mendy and Mbappé, but he doesn't need it.

Lemar prefers to link up and play one-two passes and use movement and the threat of his delivery to open up space.

No Monaco man played more key passes per game last season (2. 2) than Lemar, and he also made more crosses (1. 4) than any of his team-mates.

And out of those who played regularly in Ligue 1, only striking options Radamel Falcao (2. 8), Valere Germain (1. 8) and Mbappe (1. 8) had more shots on goal per game than Lemar's 1.

The 21-year-old helped knock Tottenham out of the Champions League with this strike.

How much will he cost?. Recent reports suggest Monaco have put a €30million (£26. 3million) asking price on Lemar.

But when you consider they sold Silva for a fee that could total €70million (£61million), and that a nine-figure fee is being quoted for Mbappe, that seems a fair bit short of what you would expect the Monegasque side to ask for.

Monaco are finding it difficult to hang onto their star players including Bernardo Silva who left for man City.

In fact, when Lemar was the subject of Liverpool transfer gossip last year, the talk was that the Reds would have to shell out a fee similar to the £58. 8million that Manchester United paid for Anthony Martial in 2015.

And given that the midfielder was a key part in Monaco winning the Ligue 1 title in the 2016/17 season, his stock will only have grown since last summer, so it would be very strange indeed for his asking price to drop.

Whatever Monaco do want, if there's any justice in the world, what they get will dwarf the £3. 5million fee they paid to Caen just two summers ago.

Monaco signed Thomas Lemar for just £3. 5m from Caen two summers ago. Where is his most likely destination this summer?.

Lemar has been linked to clubs all over Europe, although French media outlet Telefoot claim there is currently a four-way scramble for his signature. Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool, Arsenal and Juventus are all thought to be chasing with the France international.

Perhaps him being a Tottenham transfer target would make most sense as Spurs fans, and Mauricio Pochettino, got to witness first hand how effective Lemar could be in the Champions League.

Arsene Wenger is just one manager interested in signing Thomas Lemar. The winger scored home and away in the group stage against Tottenham, with both goals settling the matches.

Juventus also of course got to see what he could do in the Champions League semi-final, although he failed to hit the back of the net in those two games.

Although Arsenal would of course be an attractive prospect, perhaps the other three would have an advantage over them though as the Gunners don't have Champions League football.

Mauricio Pochettino is also prepared to rival Arsenal to his signature.

With Mohamed Salah's arrival at Liverpool imminent, they might not look for wide men anymore, so it would be a 50/50 chance for both Tottenham and Juventus, and that would be down to what they could offer the player.

And given that Erik Lamela and Son Heung-Min will miss the start of next season through injury, the Frenchman would be a welcome addition to Spurs' squad.   These flops show why Kylian Mbappe may want to avoid Arsenals number 9 shirt.

For more infomation >> Arsenal transfer news: Who is Thomas Lemar? Monaco ace linked with £45m move to Arsenal - Duration: 5:26.


How to Answer the "What About Socialization" Question - Duration: 4:04.

Hey guys!

ToriAnn here!

And from my homeschool to your homeschool, I've got a question for you.

Have you ever heard someone ask you, "So what about socialization?" You're in the

grocery store or maybe you're at a family event and someone's going to ask you how

you're going to socialize your kids.

Do you know how you're gonna answer that question?

Or do you start to get all squidgy and squealy inside and feel all rumbly cause you don't

know what to say.

And behind that question, you can hear the real question which is, "Are you gonna destroy

your kids?" Yeah.

So I used to get this question all the time.

My in-laws would ask it, my parents would ask it, my siblings asked it, I would hear

it in a church, I would hear it at the store.

What are you gonna do about socialization?

And I got the question so much that I decided I was gonna come up with an answer that was

going to work every single time.

Because I was tired of fumbling around it and trying to come up with something that

didn't really feel like it satisfied them and usually took us down the rabbit hole of

a whole bunch of other questions that didn't really make a lot of sense and made the whole

conversation harder.

And it made it sound like I didn't really know what I was doing with my homeschooling.

Which is never a good idea.

So I came up with the answer to the "socialization" question, and ever since then every time I

use this the answer just puts everything to rest.

I can feel everyone I'm talking to take a deep breath.

And I don't get lots of follow up questions that aren't just interested.

They're not critical questions, they're, "Oh tell me more about that." So are you

dying to know what this is?

Okay, so here's the answer to the question.

When someone comes up to me or we're in a conversation and they say, "So what about

socialization?" this is what I say.

"Well you know I treat socialization just like any other subject.

I'm the facilitator of my kids' education and development.

Which means that I make sure that they get lots of socialization opportunities and they're

getting educated in how to interact with human beings whether they're adults or kids in

a really great way."

That's the answer.

That you are creating opportunities and that you're treating it like a subject, like

any other subject.

And then if I feel like it, I follow up with something like this.

"And besides, there are so many opportunities for homeschoolers to socialize with kids their

age that if we wanted to, we could be gone every single day of the week and never be

home and actually actually educate.

But we don't do that.

So we just pick and choose.

But my kids get so many opportunities to interact with other people, yeah they get tons of socialization."

Between those two answers, it pretty much puts all the fears to rest.

And that's how I want to end this little video.

Remember that when people are asking you questions, they're coming from one of two places.

They're either curious.

Which means you don't need to feel defensive because they really are just curious and they

wanna know what's going on.

And they're learning more about homeschooling and they're trying to figure out how it

works and they figure you're a good source of information because you are homeschooling

or you're thinking about it or you're just getting started.

Or they're worried.

They're worried that these kids that they care about, either because they're in your

neighborhood or they're a neighbor or they're a friend or maybe they're a family member.

You know grandmas and grandpas, they worry.

They wanna make sure the kids are gonna be okay.

That's what they're really asking.

So when you have an answer that's confident and when you have an answer that's clear

that you're in charge and you have a plan, it calms everybody down.

And when everybody's calm, the conversation gets a lot easier.

Alright, I'm ToriAnn Perkey, and I bring you these videos every week so that you can feel

like a confident, successful homeschooler.

For more infomation >> How to Answer the "What About Socialization" Question - Duration: 4:04.


#InTheLimelight Austin Lubetkin - Duration: 1:33.

Hello my name is Austin Lubetkin.

I'm a Lime fellow from the class of 2017.

When I was a child I was lost in the emotional chaos of my autism.

My mother and my grandparents each in their own way showed me how to channel my autism

into creativity.

To this day, I'm finding new creative solutions that improve the lives of people with disabilities.

My grandpa used to make the most beautiful piano music.

We'd sit together, write music together.

He was a huge inspiration on my creativity and my musicality.

About 4 years ago he had a stroke and lost significant motor function.

To see someone so creative lose that part of their life, and everyone say he'd never

make music again.

I just couldn't let that happen.

So I set out to find a new creative solution.

This past winter break I developed an iOS app that works with a headset that reads EEG

brain waves and lets him control a virtual piano with his mind.

I created a solution that can have immense applications for art therapy and music therapy

in a new way no one else was looking at.

That's my own creative perspective.

To see that music being brought back to his life, bring that creativity full circle, its

everything I live for on my day to day basis.

For more infomation >> #InTheLimelight Austin Lubetkin - Duration: 1:33.



Matt speaking in spanish: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.


Captions by me :D

Matt: Hello everyone!

Welcome back to my channel!

Today, I'm here with two very special guests,

my neighbours, Emma and Lisa.

So, today we're going to be doing a quick and easy and fun

summer snacks that you guys can make yourself.

Emma: They aren't the healthiest snacks but they are better than regular, store bought snacks.

Lisa: Let's get to it!

Emma: For the first snack, you'll need:

a banana,



and any type of toppings you'd like.

Firstly, peel the banana and cut the ends off.

Then, lightly coat the banana with yogurt and sprinkle your toppings.

Lastly, drizzle some honey, add your popsicle stick or straw and freeze it for 1-2 hours.

Lisa: Moving on, for the smoothie, you'll need:

washed strawberries,


a banana

and milk.

To start, cut your washed strawberries and put them, along with the grapes, into the blender.

Then, peel and cut the banana into pieces,

and finally, add the banana pieces into the blender and add the milk.

You can now blend the ingredients in the blender.

Put your smoothie in the cup, and voila!

Matt: For the third snack, you'll need:

one tortilla,

one banana

and Nutella.

To start, peel the banana and cut the ends off.

Then, thoroughly spread Nutella over the tortilla.

Then, roll the banana in the tortilla.

You can then cut it into pieces.

We also decided to sprinkle some sprinkles over each sushi roll to make it fun and more colorful.

Emma: For the fourth snack, you'll need:

an apple,

peanut butter,


and Nature's Path cereal.

First, cut your apple into thin slices.

Coat your apple slices with peanut butter

and drizzle some honey over them.

Then, dress your apple slices with toppings [of your choice].

Matt: And finally, for the fifth and final snack, you'll need:

one egg,

one bell pepper

and Sriracha.

Begin by cutting your bell pepper.

Make sure to remove any seeds inside of the bell pepper.

Set your pan to medium and grease it with cooking spray.

Then, place your bell pepper and crack the egg inside of it.

Add flavor with salt and pepper.

Remove the egg once it's cooked and add your Sriracha sauce.

This snack is also great to have in the morning.

I usually make two of them and they're packed with nutrients

which is a great way to start your day.

Thank you guys so much for watching our video!

I hope you enjoyed the little tips we gave you for snacks for summer.

Make sure to:

Emma: Subscribe,

Lisa: like and comment

Matt: and share this video with your friends.

Have a good day!

All: Bye!


For more infomation >> DIY HEALTHY LATE NIGHT SUMMER SNACKS 2017 - Duration: 4:59.


Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga CO-OP #1 - Silent Voices - Duration: 57:16.

This video has no vocal audio. I thought the mic was recording us talking, but it wasn't :(

Voices will be there in episode 2 (I checked)! For now, enjoy this first episode!

For more infomation >> Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga CO-OP #1 - Silent Voices - Duration: 57:16.


NEW INTRO!!INTRO GIVEWAY! (Great Plays)800 subs - Duration: 0:11.


For more infomation >> NEW INTRO!!INTRO GIVEWAY! (Great Plays)800 subs - Duration: 0:11.


The Easiest Way To PASS An English Exam (or ANY exam) - Duration: 8:38.

Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

in this video I am going to share with you the easiest way to pass an exam okay

so there's a few things that I'm going to say about how to do this but for the

record I've pretty much passed every exam I've ever taken with flying colors

passing exams never was a problem for me unless you guys saw the video that I

made about the easiest way to fail it an exam I will go ahead and link it for

you but yes if you want to know the one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made

on an exam and why I failed go ahead and watch that video but in this video we

are going to talk about the easiest way to pass an exam okay so first things

first if you want to pass an exam with flying colors you have to understand

that your being tested on very specific things okay and most of the time it's

not really about your creativity it's about showing the teacher or whoever is

giving you the exam that you have mastered these specific skills that they

want to know that you have mastered okay it's kind of like a weird cycle or a

circle it just goes around like this they you need to master this do you take

the test to show them that you have mastered this I mean that's pretty much

all there is to it okay so first you need to know exactly what is going to be

on the exam okay you can't just guess you can't just go into the TOEFL the

IELTS or any kind of English exam and go oh my gosh I hope I pass no that's dumb

that's stupid I mean you really shouldn't do that and it's silly because

people do that all the time they just go oh you know I haven't really been

understanding what the teacher has been talking about this week but we have an

exam on Friday and I hope I pass that you guys I feel like I shouldn't even

have to say this that's an awful strategy so your first your first

assignment okay in order to pass an exam with flying

colors is to know exactly what you're going to be tested on it's your

responsibility to figure this out because let's just be honest sometimes

teachers aren't very good at explaining things sometimes

they don't teach well or sometimes you know you just don't understand the way

your teacher teaches maybe you have a fantastic teacher but you have a

different learning style so step one you need to figure out what you're going to

be tested on and then you need to investigate each area each aspect of

whatever that is thoroughly on your own using Google using YouTube using the

material that the teacher gave you what I have found that is that for me I learn

a lot better by you know investigating on my own using the Internet not

necessarily the materials that the teacher gives sometimes I will use

whatever the teacher or whoever is testing me on whatever gives but for the

most part I just figure out the important names dates events or whatever

it is that I'm going to be tested on subjects themes and then I go and I do my

own investigation because then you become like a mini expert in whatever

that subject is and you prepare yourself so much more for a test okay so for

example I had this teacher in college for one of my Spanish classes actually -

she taught like Spanish literature ancient Spanish literature and the

history of the Spanish language her classes were pretty boring all she would

do was sit in front of the class with her handwritten notes and she would just

lecture for an hour and 20 minutes for every single class there was no class

discussion there were no visual aids nothing to make the learning interactive

and interesting so all the students would pretty much just take notes on

whatever she said and I'm assuming that when it came time for the midterm or the

final exam they just studied their notes and took the test but that is not what I

did I didn't take notes on every single thing that she said I would just listen

for whatever I felt was an important point and then I would write I would

write it down okay like again names dates themes whatever and then I go home

and I would research it so for example one of the events that we studied was

the Spanish Inquisition and I can't tell you how many hours of YouTube videos I

watched all about the Spanish Inquisition

now that interesting thing is when our teacher

would talk about it in class it was pretty boring because of the way she

would lecture but then when I would go watch these videos on YouTube I was like

oh my gosh this is you know both horrific and interesting all at the same

time so I just got so interested I would look into it more and more and then when

it came time to take the exam it was a written exam and there were probably

like 15 to 20 questions that I had to answer in like mini essay format or

paragraph format by the time I got the exam I knew so much about everything

that I passed that exam with flying colors I just knew exactly what I was

doing exactly what I was getting tested on and when the teacher got my exam and

you know put that big fat a plus on it she also wrote something along the lines

of wow you really know a lot about this stuff and I was like yeah because I

investigated it and I looked it up and I made the mistake of watching videos

about the torture devices that were used in the Spanish Inquisition I don't

recommend doing that you guys because I seriously cried after watching those

videos like I said horrific very sad time in human history I don't recommend

looking that up but you know it helps me understand the time period what was

going on with the different people hierarchies etc so yes in the end it

worked out and I passed that exam I also did something very similar in high

school when I had to take a chemistry class the teacher you know I didn't like

her teaching style I thought the class was boring I thought the subject was

pretty boring they made us use this big fat college textbook because it was an

advanced class they made us use his big fat textbook

that had writing that was about that small so there was tons of information

to go through and in that for those exams and so that particular class my

strategy was just pretend to I would pretend to love chemistry even though I

didn't love it because I was like look I realized that if you're not interested

in a subject it's very hard for you to master that subject so even if you have

to pretend to be interested until you do become interested it's worth it and

usually you know things are pretty interesting we just have to be taught in

a specific way or experienced things in a specific way whether it's through

discussion or videos or documentaries or whatever for us to become interested

so to recap my methods for passing any exam is simply to know as much as the

teacher knows about the subject or more if I can I really try to become an

expert I try to enjoy the subject even if I don't really enjoy it I just try

because if not it's going to be really boring and the best way I have found for

me to enjoy a subject is for me to research it to look up blog posts about

it to look up YouTube videos to look up testimonials from people that are

talking about you know their experiences or what they've learned or stuff like

that so anyhow I hope this helps you guys with the exams that you guys have

to take for English don't rely on your teacher to just teach you everything

okay become a little scientist a little investigator whatever you want to call

it look stuff up and also if you have any strategies that you would like to

add on how to pass exams feel free to add them in the comments okay so

everyone that reads the comments is going to get more tips okay that's all

guys and I will see you in another video bye hey guys thanks so much for watching

this video if you liked it go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure to

subscribe too if you're new here so you get more videos from me and also go

ahead and check out the description because I often include extra tips there

or resources or links to other things that I think you might find helpful so

go ahead and check that out so for more English stuff from me you

can also go ahead and follow me on Facebook and check me out at my website all the links are in the description thanks again and I'll

see you guys in another video bye

For more infomation >> The Easiest Way To PASS An English Exam (or ANY exam) - Duration: 8:38.


ANNOUNCEMENT ‼️❗️ || Faceless Vlogs with Cutie #1 || Animation !! || CutieKawii101 || - Duration: 4:42.

Hey Guys its CutieKawii101

And in todays video I'm going to be showing my first faceless vlog !

i don't know if anyone else came up with this idea yet



im going to be doing these vlog whenever

an intersting day happenes in my life because..

My life isn't exactly exciting...


Todays vlog is going to be my famliy and I going out on the beach !

So thank thank you guys so,so,SO much for watching

dont forget to hit that subscribe button

and comment down below what my next video should be

and bai guys !


For more infomation >> ANNOUNCEMENT ‼️❗️ || Faceless Vlogs with Cutie #1 || Animation !! || CutieKawii101 || - Duration: 4:42.


My Life Story... - Duration: 6:20.

what's up with good guys my name is Aldrin and welcome to another video on my

channel. If you see a little bit of a temperature colour change, it's just the

video. See! right now, it just made it warmer and now it's turning lighter, and

the person that was jumping out in the background was my little sister. I have

both my little sisters in here they're both just playing around. If you see her

dancing don't mind that or you can just mind that I don't know! Today is not

going to be one of those skit videos or anything it's going to be story time as

you can tell by the title I'm going to be talking about me and how being an

international student is like. I wrote a few things down on my notes so that I

don't forget because the first time I tried to doing this ad there was lots of

um yeah so yeah and like that so I don't want to make it sound boring, too boring. So,

I'm going to try and make this look a little bit dramatic so there's going to be

dramatic music and a dramatic look to this video. So, I'm going to be starting

from where I came from. I basically came from Malaysia and I was born in 2003

August 23rd. I stayed in Malaysia until the middle of grade 3 which is when I

left because of my dad's job, they offered him to go to China, so we went to

China because of my dad's job! there's my little sisters. Why does the

temperature keep changing? I think it's because they're in the background

Basically when I moved to China, I became an international student

because I can't I can't go to the public school in China because I don't speak

Chinese and so the only way I could communicate was to speak English, and yes

I did learn English, I learned English since I was in pre-k. when we moved to

China we went to a Canadian International School and I started grade

3 again I started grade 3 again because in Malaysia the public schools

use the British system which starts in January and the American system starts

in September and at the end of the school year I got an award for being

good in class, so here's a picture of me holding that award

yeah I'm still chubby. So, after the end of the school year, we moved schools but

we didn't move homes, we still stayed in China but we went to a bigger

International School, like the big brother of the small international

school and it's called International School of Beijing. There I stayed for two

years and met a lot of my friends that I still

talk to on skype. During those two years I met up with a neighbor at a park in

our complex and he became my best friend. His name is Qayyum. Qayyum if you're

watching this we need to like hang out, even though you live like pretty far away

from here. So, after those two years I left China after grade five and we moved

to Canada, again another job offered. Now we live in Canada, which is where I am

now. We moved in the middle of summer and at

the end of summer I attended Confederation Park Elementary School. In

some places in Canada there is no middle school so in that city it's just

elementary school and high school seventh grade is the last year you're gonna be

in elementary school and eighth grade here's the start of high school. After

grade seven ended, oh yeah I didn't, I forgot to tell you guys this I skipped grade

six because of my age and I didn't explain it, so it's gonna be a little bit

confusing for now so basically when I was in China, the

school, they have mixed age groups so it was either look somebody, it was there

was people in your class that were either a year older than you or a year

younger than you. I was put in a class where I was one of the oldest students

in that class so that's why I skipped plate six is because my age didn't suit the

curriculum. After finishing off grade seven we had a big ceremony and then we

went to Playland at the end of the school year, which was pretty fun. Then I

went to grade eight into the high school but I only went to high school for two

weeks because we moved again and we moved to another city

this area has a middle school so I attended middle school in grade eight

and you know grade eight is last year that you're going to be middle school so

I had two leaving ceremonies in a row my life's pretty great. Now I'm going to

grade nine and you know a lot of things been happening I don't know where I'm

going to be headed next but we'll see what the future takes us but I just want

to tell you this because you're always on the move and you're always

and lose friends gain lots of friends why are taking pictures. So, you're

always going to lose friends you're always going to gain friends and I have lost

lots of friends I didn't lose them as in like I don't like them anymore like I

hate them no it's not like that it's just that I

don't I don't see them often anymore but I do still talk to them and I'm still

and we're all so nice with each other that's what I mean by losing friends you

just you got to know that you're not gonna be able to be with them for a

permanent state I just want to make this video just so you guys can know my life

and why a lot of things have been changing hopefully this video wasn't too

boring and hopefully you guys learned something new I want to learn something

new about you guys too so I want you guys to comment down below anything

about your life that's interesting nothing negative I want something really

positive and maybe I can read them in a future video and maybe we'll see but

I'll see you guys in the next video click the like button and click the

subscribe and click that notification Bell icon so you can get notified of

when I upload and I'll see you guys in the next video. BYEEE!!! What are you doing with that

flashlight, Adina?

For more infomation >> My Life Story... - Duration: 6:20.


Scanning 100 Mysterious Rare Eggs - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Scanning 100 Mysterious Rare Eggs - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 2:48.


Król Lisz w Blizzardzie – część 1 (napisy PL) - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Król Lisz w Blizzardzie – część 1 (napisy PL) - Duration: 2:02.


Paragon - Word of the Day with Lance Conrad - Duration: 1:51.

Welcome back to Word of the Day with Lance Conrad.

Today's word is "Paragon."

Let me tell you a story!

A paragon is the best of the best, a perfect example of some quality or characteristic.

Michael Phelps was a paragon swimmer, someone who never did or thought anything wrong would

be a paragon of virtue.

And today I'd like to talk about a lifeguard who was considered a paragon in his local


Over four or five summers, this lifeguard had saved nearly eighty people from drowning

in the town of Dixon, Illinois.

The people there made him a plaque, honoring their paragon of watchfulness, athletic ability,

and devotion to saving people.

Naturally, we don't hear much about paragons who were only local legends.

I'm quite certain that there were other lifeguards who did much more.

However, you have heard about this lifeguard, because he didn't stay in Illinois.

He went on to become a radio announcer who once narrated three innings of a baseball

game from pure imagination because the receiver had gone out.

Then he went on to Hollywood and starred in several movies, even beating out John Wayne

for one famous part.

Still, we might have forgotten our Illinois lifeguard by now if he hadn't turned his

eye towards politics, running for Governor of California and winning.

And then, he achieved the paragon of politics by becoming the President of the United States.

Our paragon lifeguard was Ronald Reagan.

Please take a moment to support us by sharing this video with your family and friends.

If you enjoyed it, I'm sure they will too.

We also have classroom versions of the videos and some related curriculum available for

download at

Thank you so much!

For more infomation >> Paragon - Word of the Day with Lance Conrad - Duration: 1:51.


IKEA shopping & cousins visiting 🙋 - Duration: 5:54.

We bought a SMEG!

With this you can adjust the temperature

And with this you can keep the temperature

Does it still work? I don't know

And it matches with my Kitchenaid

We are at the Praxis (big hardware store)

We're looking for taps, I mean shower things

I think I want this one

The one with the backmassager?

Is it there?

With 30% discount!

Edwin is disassembling the old shower

and he will place the new one

So high

We are at the IKEA looking for some things

YC also found something

Slippers and a drain thingy

My vegetables will go in this sink

What an invention!

We did some shopping at the IKEA

I don't know why she has a big cart at the back

I don't know either

The groceries flew out of it because of my speed

I see that I'm also tilting

My legs are heating up

Are you filming that guy?

I think I'll wear these slippers, because my feet are hot

We have a cart full with IKEA things and my laptop

and Edwin and YC

We stayed till the end

We're not done yet. We want to buy ice cream as well if it's still open

Edwin is sad because his small kitchen garden wasn't there

That sucks, maybe next time - Oh we didn't take a good look at the bicycle

I might buy a bicycle

That bike that I just showed you a video of

I need to have you on my vlog as well!

Vlog what

She vlogs

No I don't want to

Are you filming right now? - I'll blur you

The whole time you'll see a blur on your face

You should put a smiley on her face

From a distance it's ok

Pretty, my parents have this as well

Yes a Wisteria (Blue rain in Dutch)

I'm afraid it will rain for real - It should actually be in bloom right now

At my parents it doesn't bloom yet either

You're not filming are you? - Nah

Yes that guy made it (previous owner)

He said that apparently

Be careful

Oh it's a single bed

You can look at the sky from your bed - I would totally sleep there

Cool right?

This is the guest bedroom

If you're going crazy then you can sleep here instead

If you are argueing

You haven't lived together before so you can still argue

We never argue

People told me as well that when we live together then..

I said we'll be fine

We've also been on holiday together

That's almost the same

Holidays are apparently much worse

If you're in a tent -Then you're stuck with eachother

Oh that was pretty good of myself

Do it again

Have you been practicing all the time in my room?


Look isn't that awesome and she just does it again!

Do you train or can you just do it?

Are you an annoying person that's just able to do it

Don't be annoying

I wanted to try it again. Oh you're filming again

I hate you

No you don't hate me!

If I did it with jump then I would be able to do it

Do you dare to go upstairs?


It's really exciting

You have to say hello to the man that's sitting up there

What if someone's sitting there

She's going to fall off

You can stand in front of me

But you won't be able to see my pretty pose anymore

My modeling pose

For more infomation >> IKEA shopping & cousins visiting 🙋 - Duration: 5:54.





5 passos para escolher o seu NICHO DE MERCADO - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> 5 passos para escolher o seu NICHO DE MERCADO - Duration: 5:46.


¿Tomar o no tomar medicamentos? - S. N. Lazarev - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> ¿Tomar o no tomar medicamentos? - S. N. Lazarev - Duration: 2:02.


Shell - Una promo de película versión McQueen 15" - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Shell - Una promo de película versión McQueen 15" - Duration: 0:16.


Ya muti ka wazifa | Har dili hajat ko pora karne ka wazifa | hajat ki dua - Duration: 2:26.

Ghaib Se Hajat Pori Karne Ka Wazifa in Urdu \ہر حاجت پوری ہو گی | Kamran Sultan

For more infomation >> Ya muti ka wazifa | Har dili hajat ko pora karne ka wazifa | hajat ki dua - Duration: 2:26.


Lich Rei na Blizzard - 1ª Parte - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Lich Rei na Blizzard - 1ª Parte - Duration: 2:02.


Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today 8/4/17 ,Trump Destroys Hillary Clinton & Democrats - Duration: 29:34.

For more infomation >> Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today 8/4/17 ,Trump Destroys Hillary Clinton & Democrats - Duration: 29:34.


Video Institucional Microware - Duration: 3:27.

Hello! I'm Bella, virtual business consultant of Microware.

Nice to meet you. We'd like to support you in your projects of Information and Communication Technology.

Have you already heard of Microware?

We are a company specialized in ICT projects.

that operate in five areas of expertise:

Professional Services, Datacenter, Connectivity, Workplace and Business Processes.

We support companies, like yours, in facing the challenges of their business and for this, we rely on a highly trained technical team.

I'm here to analyze the best way to contribute to the success of your projects.

Today Microware has offices, distribution centers and services in

São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and Espírito Santo, operating across Brazil through our partner network.

The quality of our projects and services is crucial and, therefore, our systems are certified by ISO 9001.

Come meet the areas of expertise of Microware that will be involved with your projects.

My first buddy is Handy. He is responsible for Professional Services.

His specialty is the development of projects and design solutions that are exactly what your company needs.

He is well aware of the details of your business.

Dante is responsible for Datacenter projects, hybrid cloud infrastructure, processing and storage of informations.

Conne is my friend that is an expert in Connectivity.

There is no one better to deal with networks, security solutions and integrated communication.

Mobi is the name of my friend from Workplace.

and he is an expert in End User Computing solutions, mobility and work tools.

If you need to optimize the productivity of your business, he can help you.

Maggie is the most organized person you will ever meet.

She is committed to keeping the organization, scanning, and management of your informations and processes.

No one knows like her ECM, BPM, and Outsourcing.

Do not miss the opportunity to take your business to higher levels of competitiveness.

Learn how well-designed and executed ICT projects can contribute to the achievement of your objectives.

Is your company ready for success? Please contact Microware!

For more Information come in contact with Microware: international Request:

For more infomation >> Video Institucional Microware - Duration: 3:27.


50 nombres coreanos para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:04.

50 korean names for baby girls



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

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