Wow guys great to see you again today we're going to be opening up five
awesome Jurassic Park dinosaur toy set we have the electronic command compound
animatronic spinosaurus the bull t-rex a huge box the Jurassic Park dinosaur toys
and fully awesome drastic world Lego dinosaur tools awesome let's get good
also lots of cool dinosaur battles guys today we have an awesome huge classic
New Jurassic Park Command Compound Center Playset Vs Spinosaurus Dinosaur Toys Compilation Unboxing
this place has been abandoned for years but they left all their research
material behind we're just gonna Ram the gates and take whatever we want let's go
for it
Wow guys check this place up they left all their gear right behind computers
and everything in DNA samples let's get going okay men spread out take whatever
we find in let's get rich today yeah man I can't believe there's little dinos
left in this place grab a partner Vic you'll lose it it's just an old computer
hey guys our sensors are picking up movement in the fence
there's nothing here this place is empty let's just take everything that's not
nailed down there's nothing left alive in this place who's that
guys there's something here
hey guys guys Jin's gone there's a huge hole in the wall I have no idea what
happened here spread out guys be on the alert man this place is creepy
I wonder what happened to Jim okay good Bob's not responding anybody know what
oh yeah I see something man I'm seeing stuff huh there's nothing nothing there
man what nothing's gonna get me up here oh wow there's nothing there
got me guys he's invisible he could go visible good no he's gonna
get me man there's anything alive out there now I got it can't possibly be
anything left alive getting out here this guy said something about visible
that's impossible nothing could be invisible huh just my
imagination man am I getting spooked around here huh I'm getting at here
Wow guys today we have an awesome huge classic this is from Jurassic Park this
is the electronic command compound I found this one for you guys on eBay I
really wanted to show you guys this one because this is one of the older ones
made by Kenner and it's so much better quality funner everything than the newer
stuff so let's go ahead and take a look at some of the options here
there's electronic computer that announces over a hundred phrases press a
button for security alert dinosaur tality or hatchery report and then down
there we have Dino damage breaks away then dinos attack pieces fit back in
easily you got a fire tranq missile to stop an attack and some dinos the dinos
did not actually come with it but I will show you guys some drastic park dinos in
there you got out launch net to capture an escaping dinosaur and as you can see
there by the red Rex biting off a piece it does have pieces that break off of it
this is a totally awesome set guide and here's a good look at the side of the
box it says there gate can break in or out Dino damage pieces fit together
easily then here is some other pieces Dino damage breaks away when dinosaurs
attack pieces fit easily you got the tranq launcher gun over here
you got the electronic computer console with alarm white electronic computer
probe and you got a hatchery with more eggs you've got a diagnostic screen
you've got a hypodermic injector and the net launcher
open this up and set it up and this is a big set guys up
I bought the drastic world set and it's tiny compared to day I have to show you
guys that gate enclosure for that this one is huge and it's got a lot of people
check that that is a big set guys with a lot of parts and this one is a hundred
percent complete I wanted to make sure I got that for you guys on eBay and it was
not cheap okay so let's start for this one you got the gate pieces which are
about twice the size of the Jurassic world gate pieces you've got six of them
they got cool off stickers on them that says danger 10,000 volts you've got a
couple of Nets here with with weights on them so you could use them on the net
launcher which is here the net launcher here it locks into locking position
there you would put the neck right onto it there push the button and launch the
net how sweet and here's a good look at the net launcher okay and then moving on
what else came in here was the gates which are about two to three times the
size of the Jurassic world gates ascent Jurassic Park and got the flames on top
the doors open and closed it has a locking bar you could put on the back of
it here so you would take the breakaway piece here you would put it together and
lock the gate together and that way if you Ram it with the vehicle or a dino
it's still going to break right over here so that is awesome
then it came with the box of lots of accessories I will take a
closer look at these when we set it up this is like the breakaway pieces the
egg the incubator all of that and then we have the tower itself which has oddly
three breakaway pieces on there so I'm going to go ahead and set all of this up
for you guys and we'll take a closer look at it oh and this set also came
with the instruction it's very hard to find something find this a hundred
percent complete with the box and instructions but I did want to show it
to you guys because Kenner did a great job with this okay so here is the set
set up I only put four gate pieces because it's so huge I put all six it
will not fit in my uh in my area here so I could show you guys
the entire thing first of all we are going to start with the gate so these
gates are massive when you put the bar behind there like I said it's a
breakaway bar so if you go ahead and hit this the bar the wooden bar behind it
won't break and it will open either in or out
nice like I said really nice big gates on Jurassic Park logo up top you got
these fire emblems on the two sides so it does look a lot like it does in the
movie and then we're going to go ahead and take a look at one section of fence
like I said these are about to at least double the size of the drastic world
fence pieces they do look similar but they're much more detailed nice sticker
on there danger ten thousand-volt and they fit together the same as the
Jurassic world one if for any of you guys bought that set if not go ahead and
check out my review in my Jurassic world playlist at the end of the
video and then the computer does have over a hundred phrases and also if you
shake the fence here off it does give different messages and sometimes the
light will flash there was like an alarm then one of the coolest things is this
computer console that's inside the actual like hatchery here you've got
four different buttons it gives a lot of different messages less flashing light
so here's here's the security button
kind of are okay well either gun to fire fire erratic part number secure
harassing park um secure okay come on Horace right her job Haga Soros
Coelophysis good good good
he'll get complete check security now okay good good good good
power failure power failure then dr. choake dinosaurs Oh dinosaur power
failure power failure then we had this concert okay dinosaur the hatch Reba
Creek Czech TV it shakes loose files now good good
Czech hatchery and then it comes with a cool probe so if you go ahead and push
the probe here it gives you different messages also Oh
for PA damage check all dinosaurs for PA damage check all dinosaurs or Ebay okay
stuck on that but it does give different
so like I said this set is awesome then it fits right on to this stand here and
then over here we've got the hack tree this thing will come out you've got like
a it's like a round cylinder it says biohazard on the back and it does have
four eggs that are removable here so that is really cool I'm sort of
wondering if this incubator thing and designed to pick up the eggs let's check
that out you could but it would be kind of hard like I said the four eggs are
removable and this fits into this back area here so I mean guys I love these
older toys where they put like all the detail into it not just not just slap
something together I me check out the inside of this place I mean this is
awesome and as you've seen at the box one this was new it was $65 that was
probably back in I believe the first one came out 94 maybe so guys that was a
long time ago maybe 22 years ago and back then no 65 bucks
Wow how did you get a lot of quality here here you've got a breakaway door
we'll take a look at in the moment in a moment up here you got like a nice
platform area you can set your guys up to look out the window got a bunch of
stickers this top is removable also so if you want to go ahead and take the top
off and like I said guys this set is huge so let's go ahead and look at it
piece by printer
and so here is your first breakaway pieces a Jurassic Park on it if you go
ahead and hit it well maybe from from the inside let's just break open so you
could have like a dinosaur like attacking here yeah it does fit back
really nice and easily there and then here you could actually see the alarm
light it doesn't all that turns away there but solid it's cooperating with me
and the thing is I love it how many different messages so here you got a
nice walking area for all like security or personnel and here is where you got
another breakaway piece so you could have one of the dinosaurs that grab here
the chomp it and the whole piece just breaks right off of you see jagged edges
here and while we're at it ah this door here also is a breakaway
door so let's address it Clark the Jurassic Park there so you can go ahead
and put that back and this piece does fit back on here nicely easily
so there is three breakaway pieces and a breakaway door here is the other
breakaway piece at the hatchery this whole outside window is here this
pulls right off you can have a dino let's grab it rip off the whole piece
you got jagged edges and everything guys I can't fit enough of this set if you
get any chance to get this set by it because it is an awesome retro set that
they put great quality in and then on top of all that it also comes with like
a cool little like missile or this could be like a tranquilizer or something so
it actually fires out the tranquilizer darts it comes with two of these so the
better players are here and then the computer does keep talking for a while
so that's kind of cool too is seeing swivels up and down here you've got the
screen this would be like a video screen or something nice detail on this too so
these three could actually fit into the lab there and this is like a DNA
injector so you would use that to like inject DNA into yes so that my friends
is the whole set like I said this set is too perfect I wish to put the quality of
failure this is set here now like this good okay dinosaurs now we're going to
take one more look at that metal and try because that will be all thank you sorry
okay so here you just go ahead and put that down since the edges are way dead
dinosaurs you just lay it right on top you push the launch button and off it
goes I mean launches a pretty good distance and it does come with all cool
stickers on here says danger on the front they're really
nice make really nice bleep launcher so like I said I can't say enough about
this set because it is totally or for a long time this is the animatronic
Spinosaurus from Jurassic Park three great guys when engine abandon this
place they left all their expensive electronics behind we're just gonna Ram
that gate take what we can and get out of here boss what about dinos what if
there's still some in there oh they starved to death a long time ago by now
hey man our goal is to grab everything that's not tied down and get rich quick
yeah go for it let's separate and search this place Wow they left everything
behind even the electronics still work
right man there's nothing in this place
what was that I thought I seen something just my
nerves playing tricks on me
I got me me and Jim disappeared I wonder what happened to him what I mean I
wonder what happened to the other guy I
got whatever is out there what oh man I'm getting married
just a minute it got away
okay guys this is a toy I've been looking for for a long time this is the
animatronic Spinosaurus from Jurassic Park three toy line this is the huge one
the biggest one they have and it has really cool animatronic action also uh
let's first of all go ahead and take a look at that because I think it's
awesome so there the head moves and it roars and then if you push the wood it
has a wound on the other side if you push it it's got some action feature
and then also if you push its neck here the head will move down and up and you
can also move the head yourself because these things the animatronics are
surprisingly go bad very so let's take a closer look at the action here on its
head because a lot of the videos I've seen on
this they don't really show the action
here would be if you push the moves on the side and if you push the tail if you
swing the tail back to the fork you could get into this Lincoln's head and
another cool thing is even for its age it has a loose leg but it will stand on
its own even a lot of the newer odd Jurassic world ones will not do that ok
so let's go ahead and start taking a look at this guy from the head down to
his day so I was starting with the head I mean they did a great job with his eye
it almost looks like they used like a glass eye so that looks really cool his
teeth they did a good job with the teeth but I don't like this they're not bigger
I wish they want to use bigger teeth this guy is also covered in rubber over
probably about 90% of his body so that is really cool too and then ah he does
have a big wound here on the head here's where you'd get the action by pushing it
so that is really cool like I said this is all rubber here
when you get to his arms his arms will move 360 degrees they put nice tuned
really nicely plank painted claws onto his arm and then you've got the sail on
his back this thing is coated and rubber also the
coloring is awesome it's like a dark brown tan very textured very realistic
feeling rubber I mean this is a really sweet toy it was expensive but in my
opinion it was worth it a very nice texture all the way down the legs they
did a great job with all the Austrians and different texture and everything
across the whole leg painting the toenails the tail is really awesome - it
does Bend over here but that helps it to stand up straight and the whole tail is
also rubber so and this is where you got one of the other action features you
push the tail right over there and then here is a look at the back as you can
see this is an older one so it is losing some of the coloring here but ah for its
age I mean this one is in great condition so I mean I really like the
fact it's very hard to find these with the electronics working because the
electronics on this guy almost every one of these electronics feel very easy so
to find it with working electronics is awesome here you've got the speaker here
you've got the blue line sorry push it his head will move he'll bangs oh I got
that Bobby the feel of this guy is so cool and I mean it this is
a cheap toy I mean I wish jurassic world toys would be like this they would be
phenomenal I mean all I reviewed just about every Jurassic Park Jurassic world
toy this one is the best by far guys I mean if you get a chance to get this one
go ahead and buy it even if it's a little more because it's super cool here
you can see the jp3 right there which is a little weird they didn't actually put
like the logo into his leg or something because that is painted on so over time
that might actually fade and then let's take a look at this guy from the front
and top also first of all the front on this side like I said I'm going to
really like the fact of the eye that they gave this one
yeah I don't do I don't get tired of doing that guys that is awesome okay
let's take a look at her mouth - I mean they did a really great job with the
tongue also the tongue is also rubber so it gives it a very realistic look and
almost like a feel to it and the top of the mouth is also rubber the teeth here
are rubber also which is very surprising so this is like a rubber mold fitted
right onto like a wire frame which makes it move and feel very realistic guys I
mean I like I said if you want to just move the head yourself you could push
this there's like a lever right there slimy that's really cool too so let me
know what you guys think if you ask me this is by far the best Dino toy you
guys are going to fly super cool
Wow guys it's great to see you again I'm so glad you came back we're going to
have another awesome Jurassic Park show today I've done
reviews on pretty much all of the Jurassic world toys you could check my
playlists and I got a lot of comments from viewers that they would like to see
the Jurassic Park toys reviewed also so I bought a lot of the Jurassic Park toys
and I will be reviewing a lot of them in the next couple weeks but this guy is
really awesome this is the bull t-rex from Jurassic Park and the best part
about this guy is he could eat a lot of action figures I mean this guy could fit
three action figures into his stomach this here is a full size action figure I
mean you can see it in my hand here so this guy's mouth will open way up and he
could eat three of these guys you've got one there you've got another full size
action figure here and then you got a third one and I will show you that all
three of them are in his stomach you have the stomach slit here as you can
you can see it's a little hard to see all the guides are in there so this guy
will hold three full-size action figures in its stomach and that is awesome
could also eat a couple of these whole good-sized velociraptors and you can see
there I mean he could eat these guys whole check this out the slide right
down his throat and stick it up I mean the whole thing just slides right down
his throat and then you could take them out from the stomach ha ha ha that is
cool this is the biggest t-rex you could get in either Jurassic world or Jurassic
Park I'll show you a size comparison of him with the stomp a roar t-rex which is
the biggest one from Jurassic world this guy is quite a bit bigger the only thing
I don't like about him his legs are solid so you can't move him up or down I
mean basically he's stuck there in a running position ok well let's take a
closer look at this guy he is an awesome looking dinosaur as you can see I mean
they did a great job with his teeth here and you could open his mouth way up so I
mean he could swallow a lot of characters let's see if I could get a
better view there and then I mean I really like the job they did on his
teeth he's got a lot of individual teeth there that are like well they are
individual and they did a really great job painting I mean you see the paint's
fading on some of them because this is an older toy that has been well played
with but it's still in great condition after I mean this is probably about 15
to 20 years old and they they did a great job on this guy's eyes and they
put actual glass eyes in here so I mean his eyes look really cool and the paint
job they did on guys awesome let's go ahead look at it
okay we're going to go ahead and take a look at his whole body first and then
we'll take a look at his articulation and other features okay well there is
his mouth again and going down and they did a great job with like a blueish
green and like aa greenish brown with black stripes so I mean they did a
really good color combination and then he's got the little spindly t-rex arms
which do articulate and his whole body here his whole upper body is rubber so
it is flexible so you could do a lot of different things with him which you
can't do with a lot of the Jurassic world dinosaurs and it does make it look
and feel a lot more authentic than going down and then these these guys do suffer
from the bent tail because they bend their tails when they were in the
package because their packaging was too small and let's take a closer look at
his legs they did a really good job with the stripes on his legs and the claws
are phenomenal on this guy I mean I love the job they did with the claws let me
take a look at that and the legs I mean the individual plates and everything
that they put on there and like did a great job coloring it it looks really
cool and then here's the bottom of his feet unfortunately somebody put a stripe
on there because I'm not the original owner of this guy as you can see I mean
they did a great job with striations the striations even on the bottom of his
feet so I mean the detail they put into these guys is really cool and here is a
top view of the guy I really like the color ink
and he does have a really nice long rubber tail so it's great for dinosaur
battles and then with with these guys just like the Jurassic Park ones they
did go ahead and brand the legs so here you have JP 28 so you could go ahead and
identify these guys even if you don't know exactly what they are
you could look that off on the internet the number and it would tell you and
then just like that a lot of the Jurassic Park ones
well actually though the white on the bottom of this guy is really good a lot
of them that white fades really easily and peels okay then we're going to go
ahead and open this guy up this guy's really cool because of the slit he has
on his stomach like I said I mean he could hold three full action figures in
his stomach and you could pull them out but inside there he has a battery
compartment which controls the sounds so I mean he does have sound to which I
will be showing you very shortly I'm his best feature is you know that you could
play I mean he could swallow whole action figures I mean they fit right
into his mouth and take a look at that there that is cool which you don't have
that with a lot of dinosaurs and then this guy also does have authentic roar
but before we go there let's take another look at his head because I mean
I love the job the detailed job they do on these guys with their teeth and their
heads I mean down to like a bunch of little individual bumps and everything
to give his head like a more authentic look here you've got all kinds of ridges
and stuff on his head and then here also you can see like he's got like thick
Ridge plate above his eyes which I really like and then let's go ahead and
listen to the roar it's his roar the loudest because he is
an older toy well let's go ahead and listen to it okay that actually is his
eating action if you hold it down he will make a chewing noise and there is
his roaring action then his eating action so I like his eating action it
sounds a lot more authentic than his roaring does and you make the sound by
pushing down on his back right so that's really cool too
so what do you guys think do you guys like the Jurassic Park or the Jurassic
world toys better I mean in my opinion they are both fun but they did make the
Jurassic Park ones a lot more durable and because I mean this guy is probably
close to twenty years old as you can see I mean he's been played with and he's
still in great condition we forgot to look at his arms also this is the only
place that he is articulated it's his arms so you could turn his arm around
like that and like I said I'd be doing a review on a lot of these Jurassic Park
toys and make sure you leave it in the comments down below which ones you would
like to see battle I mean they could battle either other drastic park toys or
Jurassic world toys and here he is in size comparison to the indominus rex so
you can see he is quite a bit bigger than the indominus rex I just wish they
would have made his legs more flexible so he could stand up I
mean this is hard plastic and it is molded together so you can't stand him
in any other position if they would have done that I mean it would be would have
been a lot more fun toy to play with today's secret word is dinosaur make
sure you leave me a comment if you watch this whole video make sure you leave me
a comment down below with the word dinosaur in it and I will know you are a
true drastic world Jurassic Park fan and we will have a lot more fun together
with a lot more Dino battles awesome ok I have a giant box of drastic park toys
this is a 50 gallon plastic box and and as you can see I've got a lot of the
Jurassic Park toys let's go ahead and take a look at these and also guys I got
overviews and battles of olivines at the end of this video if you want to check
out on it's actually in a drastic rolls off lately
they are both ok guys first we're going to start off with the bull to Drax this
guy is totally awesome most of these I bought on eBay and they are not cheap so
I apologize for that I mean it's going to be really hard for
you guys to get ahold of them if you do like them but I did buy them to review
them for you guys so you guys could check out what they're like it's got a
big split on his stomach and then like I said are forward views of all of these
at the end of this video in Jurassic world playlist ok next one is the stop
of red t-rex this guy has a very flexible neck so if you want to have him
like some cool battles and stuff this is Jay P o 9 so here is a good look at him
then next I got 2 Thrasher t-rex is if you want a realistic dinosaur I mean
this is about as close as you are going to get is totally awesome and he's
called Thrasher because you grab him on the tail here and you swing him back and
forth and he's in it he's like in a cape almost that like fits to him with like
the bark was like God changing stuff so when you thrash him he bust out of there
oh this guy's got very realistic paint and mouth he is rubber so he does feel
very real with it actually is me sheep because all of the Jurassic Park and
drastic world toys are female and then in my opinion you've got the best
Jurassic Park toy but this is unfortunately also the most expensive
this is the animatronic Spinosaurus with working electronics which is very hard
to find because their electronics go bad very easily so this one off if you push
back here on the tail he roars and moves his mouth where his head okay and then
you can also push him on the side here
makes a different noise
I said I keep saying him but it's her and then you could also push her on the
neck here so this is the biggest - or you're going to find Spinosaurus you're
going to find all covered and rubber very realistic-looking it looks like
it's gotten glass eyes and everything and it is just totally awesome I also
have a full review on that at the end of the video and then I get a little
miniature spinosaurus mac and ask come now it's supposed to be a puppet puppet
but it's so hard plastic it's so small that even a child would have a hard time
using that then I got this big t-rex puppet here see if a little spindly arms
and it is Jurassic Park there is the logo then I got a Jurassic Park
Triceratops with action feature if you pull back on its leg it raises its head
here I did not review all of these Jurassic Park ones I plan on doing them
in the future I got a lot of the bigger ones that you hear you got like a really
freaky looking say front tooth tiger I guess the action feature is if you
close the mouth his tongue actually like retracts so that I don't I don't see any
way to actually activate the action picture this is JP 12 it looks like and
I got one of the Jurassic Park hatching eggs basically if you open it up you got
a little odd Jurassic Park hatchling here probably
t-rex got a really ugly looking Jurassic Park philosoraptor with sound
so this is like a big puppet spindly wobbly rubber arms kind of weird-looking
but it does have all really nice booty and here is the Jaypee logo on it and
then you got the head ramming Pachycephalosaurus so basically you push
his head down here it's got this button here you push it and his head rims out
so that's really cool here this guy is JP 23 then you got a spinosaurus which
is from ah the Jurassic Park Hasbro game you have a utahraptor which is like a
huge raptor it has ah they had the retractable claws but these claws are
like really big and they actually move up and down so you can put them into
different positions got really long arms really big claws very detailed mouth and
tongue for this guy isn't really cool too because JT 22 and you've got two
Jurassic Park Blocks Raptors with action features that you push their life
together looks almost like they're at concert or something so this would be in
Tepito six I think guys I got a bunch of all miscellaneous Jurassic Park
dinosaurs you've got this guy here this is JP 19 we've got this guy here I think
this guy's the Bronx is JP 63 he also has an action feature there you could
see his head will move if you move his legs so this guy is really cool looking
then you've got JP Oates - this looks like a Dilophosaurus here we've got one
of the ah the chaos dinos this is our got two minutes I believe
this is JP 58 and then guys I have a box of the smaller ones here let's take a
look at some of these sorry I meant bag this is the young t-rex the JP 42 looks
like his mouth does open and close but no action feature this is one of the
other chaos dinos it looks like a chaos Velociraptor this is JP did that the
water age and here is Spinosaurus with no action
features second Stig a Stegosaurus so some of these are small and then you've
got this Jurassic Park action feature one if you
tilt the Dino forward the little guy pops out right into the dinos mouth so
it looks like the dinosaur is eating him so this one's a really cool one
this engine on the side and then you got a bunch of the off smaller ones this is
like pterodactyl probably JP not really sure what that is it looks like a small
t-rex here JP 28 maybe
yes yes Jurassic world one kapahala go there
you got a little odd Jurassic Park next box vehicle here got another this looks
almost like a glossary after maybe is it JP and three on the side there I've got
several of their trading cards
another drastic park line looks like a t-rex
probably another velociraptor Triceratops another Stegosaurus JP 24
and then another JP 42 this is a little tiny one and then I got some of their
gear here and I also have one of their Jurassic Park watches we've got a couple
of their bigger vehicles in not very great shape this one here I do got the
propellers but they keep falling off so I'm gonna have to find out where those
at at they've got like the opening cockpit you could be to any character
it's carrying some type of an action feature on the bottom there this world
is unfortunately broken so that was not in that great shape then a house will
have this Jurassic Park vehicle which is also not into great shape some of these
I got in a set buying a whole bunch of them at one time then I've got three of
the Jurassic Park figures here this is the hunter that actually goes up
to the velociraptors collaborative and then besides the Spinosaurus this is the
most expensive one I bought and also besides the Spinosaurus the clip this is
the electronic command compound with the big gate it's got a talking computer
with over a hundred phrases and it is really awesome you can also check that
one out at the end of the video and that guy is guys is my Jurassic Park toys
eventually I want to end up buying all of them and reviewing them for you guys
but it is a slow process because they are hard to find and they're pretty
expensive and today we have 40 Lego dinosaurs most of these are from drastic
world some are for a mod Jurassic Park - some are vintage some are brand new ones
let's go ahead and take a look at somebody there you got some older
Raptors that's the warm Raptors there there you got a bunch of Raptor hide it
we've got some many t-rex's most days most of the are really
bright ones or the off-brand ones good on you could buy on eBay firm like China
and then there you've got original any bracket big one and there you have the
original dominance and the knockoff indominus we've got some three little
baby and dominance is over there we've got a bunch more rafters on this side
over here you've got three trainer Don Gallimimus you've got a bunch of
Dilophosaurus is there some vintage Raptors from Lego bunch of all
Triceratops you've got a big Raptor back care and
big vintage t-rex so let's go ahead and take a look at visually because they are
a lot of fun and I also have videos of all of these being on box
speed build battles stuff like that so if you want to go ahead and check out my
Jurassic world playlist at the end of this video or go to my channel and check
out my Lego
okay so with so many it's kind of hard to know where to start but what I'm
going to do is I'm going to clear our area here we're going to go ahead and
take a look at these three little vintage rafters first these are original
Lego ones but the weird thing is you don't build them I mean they are Lego it
says Lego right on the dyno but they come pre-built with Lego ones that is
really kind of weird and then I got four velociraptor blues you can see the one
with the headset is actually the original one aw but they all they all
pretty much have the same features the opening mouth the only difference is
this one has the video camera you got the arms that move legs that move and
the way you could identify if it's Lego or not it's kind of hard to see it's
hard to zoom in on that read it but it says Lego on each of the little blocks
on top there so this is the original the other three are knock-offs so you can
see this knockoff one here that came from China it's a little dirty
here I did some stop-motion and got some clay on it but this one is really
similar to the original one and then you've got a couple knockoffs that are
totally different this one's like God beyond green you could see it's blue by
the blue stripe here in the blue stripes on the head and then you have this one
that's like brown you can see it's Velociraptor poo
because of the blue coloring there and then I got the Lego Gallimimus this is
another one of the weird ones that it's just a single piece I mean you can see
it's Lego because it's got the Leto Lego block up there and it's labeled Lego but
it's kind of weird that you don't actually put it together and then I've
got three velociraptor Charlie's once again you identify it by looking for the
Lego name on the blocks there so this is the original one they got 360 degree
head movement the mouse open up all the way the arms move the legs move the arms
legs and head detach from that one and then this one is the off-brand one which
is from China very similar to the original one the coloring is a little
bit different there and then this is an off-brand one that's totally different I
mean it comes with a yellow body but you could see it's supposed to be by the
coloring it's supposed to be Charlie and then I got three velociraptor oo echoes
this is the original one that comes with the video camera same movement as the
other Raptors with the arms the legs so once again you identify it by looking
for the Lego on the back there and then here is a knockoff one I got which is
like neon green but you could see its echo by the coloring over here on his
head and then here is another knockoff echo one which is green you can see the
coloring it's echoed by the coloring on the back of it and then I got three
Velociraptor Delta's also you can see this one is the original one because are
you once again you look for the lego name on the blocks on its back same
movement as the other velociraptors they all do have the
which would be the ripping cloth movement on his head mouth does open up
and close and then you have the knock off one so this one is similar but the
coloring is a little different they include some brown or this one and they
do not paint the third cloth so most of the knockoff ones you can tell by
looking they are a little cheaper build and another thing is some of the
knockoff ones break really easily I mean the tails and the plastic is really
gradual and then I got three little indominus rex as you can see little
because here is the full size one so I usually call these the baby
indominus rex is this is the one that's got the same coloring as the original
one but it's tiny so when you do buy them make sure you check the sizes if
you buy it on ebay because a lot of times they'll sell this one as the
original and when you get it it's tiny and you're very disappointed and then
this is another are tiny off-brand one you can see the coloring on this one is
different he's like white with brown stripes so
that is really cool too and by the way none of the off-brand ones you're going
to say Lego because they don't want to give in trouble so this is a neon green
and dominus Rex here with the same movement as the other ones and then I
got four Dilophosaurus as you can see this one's original because once again
it says Lego on it so great movement on the head
mouth open up and close nice Christmas napping noise there you hear from the
Lego one so like I said the Lego ones are better quality and then here is the
off-brand one which this one is really surprising good quality for an off-brand
one so you could also get all this on eBay
see this one you actually have to put it head together the original one the head
came together and then this is another off-brand one with different coloring
it's more like neon and dark green with some orange on the would be like fins or
flaps or something and then there's a bright orange and red variant that you
could also buy on eBay and then you got three little odd t-rex ones there you
can see this is the original full-size one so you could buy the big ones as
knockoffs but be careful look at the size because a lot of them will sell you
this little one as their original once again like the indominus you can get it
you're going to be very disappointed because it's tiny okay I mean it's got
good detail and everything but it's just not the same as the big ones so that's
one knockoff one and then they got a knockoff blue variant you could tell us
the t-rex by the look of the eyes and the coloring there and then you got a
bright neon green one here with like brown coloring and like I said I mean I
barely touched this guy's tail and it snapped right off so some of these are
really cheap quality then you got three Lego Triceratops
none of these are original I did not actually buy the original set but ah
they're still cool their heads will turn 360 degrees the legs will move back and
forth they've got the Lego blocks on top and then that is the purple variant then
here is the neon green variant with brown
I like the coloring on this one it's really cool and then this is the one
that would look just like the original ones this would be the colors from the
original ones and then here is a couple vintage ones which came from a Jurassic
Park 3 Lego set you can see these ones they're very generic I mean the head
will move up and down and turn 360 degrees the arms will move but their
bodies are like all block their legs are block so solid and the tails on them
will also from that you guys are original Lego t-rex so this guy is much
better quality you can hear when I turn its neck listen to the snaps that's it
locking into different positions there so you could move its head around in a
circle you can move its head up and down the jaw opens and locks into different
positions the arms move the legs move the tail does pop off it's got the Lego
brands brand embedded right into there so I only have one of these I actually
ordered off-brand one because I don't want to damage the original one when I
do some of my videos and here is two big indominus rex is could you guess which
one is the original and which one is the knockoff okay let me show you the
knockoff is the one with the darker coloring the original is the one with
the lighter coloring a really good quality actually on the knockoff the
only differ this really is is if you look at the
arms here if you pop it off this one has like the peg already in there so it's a
little bit more flimsy there or this one the peg is included in one piece on the
arm movement wise this one seems to be getting a little bit looser where this
one is still pretty tight after more use you can see this one's head moves up and
down it snaps into different positions this one does not I mean the head will
turn its arms will move and turn but I still like how they're original the
original one is much smoother action and then they both have like the clicking
locking action on the legs so uh actually the off-brand one is
surprisingly pretty good quality compared to a lot of the Austrian Lego
ones you're going to buy and then I have a big vintage t-rex one this one it's
eyes light up its head turns if you push this you can see the eyes light up it's
a little harder to see because of my lighting I have really bright lights
here but it still does and the neck moves down and locks into different
positions turns 360 degrees the mouth does open up the arms move the legs move
they lock into different positions you have like one Lego block in the back
detail is one piece so it doesn't detach or anything but he does look really cool
and then finally one more Lego original one the mouth does open and close this
is another vintage one you can see it says Lego on the blocks here the arms
move and lock into different positions the legs move and lock into different
so this one is quite a bit bigger than most of the Velociraptor movies so here
is like a normal jurassic world velociraptor and then there a and guys
let me know which one of these is your favorite also let me know if you guys
like the stop timing animation of some of them being put together because that
was a lot of fun to make but it was really difficult I mean dad it's a
little over a minute and it took about 900 pictures to put that together so if
you did enjoy it please click like the thumbs up button also drop me comments I
read all your comments I love reading your comments I'll get
back to you as soon as possible and I also take suggestions if you guys want
to see certain LEGO sets build or just whatever toys drop suggestions I had a
lot of people do it I've done a lot of the suggested toys well I just want to
thank you for viewing and being awesome wow that was a lot of fun and if you
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