Sunday, August 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 20 2017

Tasos Analytis

For more infomation >> ΦΙΛΑΡΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΚΟΡΑΚΙΑΝΑΣ '' ΣΠΥΡΟΣ ΣΑΜΑΡΑΣ '' - '' La Vita e' Bella '' - Nicola Piovani - Duration: 6:26.



For more infomation >> TG2 - IRRUZIONE E SPARI IN UN LOCALE A CAMBRIZE - Duration: 0:39.



For more infomation >> 6 DICAS PARA PASSAR EM CONCURSOS | O QUE OS APROVADOS TEM EM COMUM | Seja Um ESTUDANTE Melhor - Duration: 6:43.


Iguy faz o royal straight flush (Redublagem de Yu-gi-oh) - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Iguy faz o royal straight flush (Redublagem de Yu-gi-oh) - Duration: 1:52.


Lady Diana, le esclusive confidenze a George Michael sul divorzio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Lady Diana, le esclusive confidenze a George Michael sul divorzio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.


Flavio Briatore, Twiga: rapina a mano armata nel noto locale della Versilia - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Flavio Briatore, Twiga: rapina a mano armata nel noto locale della Versilia - Duration: 3:14.


Tips To Grow Your Gym

For more infomation >> Tips To Grow Your Gym


Tony Robbins: Don't Let Your Mind Limit Your Thinking - Duration: 12:17.


right now most of the world when they

look at the economy in their world do

they have a great deal of excitement or

foreboding what would you say most the

world no questions for voting if you

want to give this a season we're in

right now an economic season for most

the world would you say it's spring

where things are just starting to grow

summer where you're not quite what you

want to be your little annoyed because

it's a hot summer you want more fall

everybody's reaping like crazy or winter

where you're working your ass off and it

doesn't seem to be paying off fully

which season would you say the majority

the world thinks are in quick which one

win cos and with God I love the way I

say winter wit da winter is the most

powerful season you could possibly start

a business or make any money in and I'm

not saying that because I'm positive

because if you know anything about me

personally that's not where I come from

I'm not the positive thinker that you

may have seen people say image of me in

a seminar because I believe in the power

of energy because without energy nothing

gets done lots of people know what to do

but they don't do what they know lots of

reasons fears one of them not know what

to do is another one but the biggest one

is energy so they see people's energy in

my rooms because I believe you want to

make this thing like a rock concert

because they will get bored when they're

just sitting on their tail learning so

what I really believe is we need energy

but I'm here to tell you I'm not here to

come by today and say to you it's all

positive let's go to our garden and

let's chant there's no weeds there's no

leaders no leads I'm here to say there's

lots of weeds here's of your let's pull

those suckers out so we have the garden

we want who's with me on there say I I'm

not a believer in positive thinking I

believe we're in intelligence and when

intelligence says that if you and I are

going to succeed in this environment if

you come to a seminar like this and

you're looking for ways to maximize your

growth and your business and your life

and your finances then you've got to

understand what's really going on and

not kid yourself and so if you look

around I think there's three keys to

being a leader

there are mandates the leadership very

simple but you might jot them down and

think about these as you listen to all

the speakers this weekend or the next

day or so because it's really going to

determine what happens because many of

you come to an event like this and

you're going to get excited

learn some strategies you learned some

tools and insights and how many of you

came here because you want to make some

more money I'm just curious how many

came for that as a main primary reason

say I how many came because you already

have a business you want to take to

another level I'm curious say I how many

of you don't have a vehicle you came

here looking for a way to make some

money let me kiss your hand say I most

you already have a vehicle good how many

kings who just want to improve the

aspects of your life something you want

to enjoy more experience more say ah

well we're going to cover all those this

morning we're going to start with you

we're going to start with you because if

you own a business if you're going to be

an investor what's going to determine

your success or failure is not going to

be other people it's going to be you as

the leader ultimately the choke hold any

business 80% of it is the psychology of

the leader the owner or leader

determines it financial wealth does not

come from mechanics I coach one of the

top financial traders on the face of the

earth he's been my client for literally

two decades 20 years he pays me a

million dollars a year to coach him he

emails me every day his measurements I

see him only three four times a year for

an hour I get a million dollars plus a

piece of the upside I don't tell it that

to impress you I tell he goes impresses

me not bad for four hours work but I've

helped him for 20 years where he

literally made more money than any human

being in history in 1987 in a single day

literally made more money than anybody

made in a day which in those days was a

half a billion in a day today that's

like a half a trillion with inflation

but with more money in 1987 when the

American stock market had its biggest

drop in a single day percentage-wise

still strongest worst day


he called the market accurately

hour-by-hour a week in advance and made

half a billion dollars in a day now you

can't live on that but it's a good start

get you going okay here's the problem he

lost money for the next two years he

brought me in for 20 years he's made

money every single year for 20 years

2008 when most hedge funds were losing

30 40 50 thousand 80% he made 28% upside

that year unbelievable so I know a

little bit about markets I'm not just

mr. positive thinking I've been studying

everything about him George Soros who

made a billion dollars in a day who

outdid my friend later on in the youth

on their black day he turned that around

as well so I'm here to tell you I know

there are elements you can take

advantage of and the people that know

winter is the best season are the people

that take advantage not because they're

positive because they're smart but or if

you do that you need three things first

you've got to see things as they are but

not worse than it is

are you with me on this because when you

talk to the most out of these today let

me just explain something to you

most Aussies today have a little bit of

nervousness about the economy raise your

hand if you can relate to that to your

friends have a little bit of nervous

though it's not quite thrilled with the

economy raising up that relates let me

just get a sense how many know Aussies

think it's the best economy could ever

be okay three people on drugs good very

good here's the truth there's a little

nervousness because if you know Europe

obviously nervousness because China is

still growing but maybe not as fast big

piece here nervousness because oh my god

we gots a few little taxes coming in

here now right carbon tax but interest

rates are down 2% and just what the last

6 8 10 12 months pretty nice but there's

this nervousness you're just going to

know if you're flicking nervous here you

better not leave Australia because there

are 7 billion people on the planet they

all freaking wish they lived in

Australia you're in the best position of

any country in the world that's not to

say there aren't challenges your real

estate market here is definitely

inflated to a mass level and you haven't

had a big correction there are things

that are going to occur here but you got

to see it as it is but not worse than it

is or you're not going to ask out of

here how many follow what I'm talking

about here say aye and why do most

people make it worse than it is you tell

me why didn't this move you make worse

as they all you can't even believe why

even try the whole economy is just going

to tank anyway why do people come up

with this stuff because they're so

afraid to what what's the word no one

likes to say let's hear it they're so

afraid to fail so they look for a story

to cover them it's like somebody says to

me I can't lose weight because I'm

big-boned no you're freaking fat let's

just tell the truth here light is it

true you're fat I'm not making a

judgement you're fat i was big boned

that was my story i was 38 pounds

heavier than i am now and my story was

on big bones I'm still big boned

lighter we come up with a story because

we're afraid to fail what you have to do

is see it as it is not fake yourself and

say everything is positive everything is

wonderful you'll get killed doing that

in business you got to be smart you got

to see it as it is but not worse than so

you don't take advantage does this make

sense yes or no second key is really

simple you got to see it better than it

is or you won't do anything that's the

second key you got to see it better than

it is that's what a leader brings to the

table so bottom line is you got to see

it better than it is if you saw a guy

like Ted Turner Ted Turner

multi-billionaire amazing influence

created CNN think about this when he

first came into the idea of 24-hour news

what do you think most people thought on

an idea first of all they said there

isn't that much news he almost went

bankrupt four times but he kept seeing

it better than was he saw the truth he

saw the challenges he didn't make it

worse than it in Sweden panic he saw it

better so there was something to move

towards that he could make happen what

does it say without a vision people what

perish if you don't have a compelling

view of the future you're in trouble and

here's the challenge most of the world

right now is in this place in America

the highest has ever been 63% of

Americans now believe the best days are

behind them they believe specifically

that the future for themselves and their

kids will be far less than it is today

that's 72% by the way of Germans 81

percent of French people believe that

now all these are in a great place so

one thing you got to do is celebrate

where the hell you live give a little

hands-on living in Australia ladies and

gentlemen come on now so if you're going

to be smart you got to go we got we got

a young group of economy we've got a

young generation coming up we'd

certainly have some ties to some amazing

resources that our natural resources for

us and yes the spending is not as high

and yes there's going to be a correction

but guess what some people's winter is

devastating other people's winter is

mild so far yours is not on that thing

it won't get worse but here's what I can

tell you if you see it as is and you see

it better than ends you'll know

something the greatest investors the

greatest financial success in history

the first man to become a billionaire by

investing alone is the man who's a

friend of mine he died about four years

ago named Sir John Templeton

sir john templeton started out with

nothing he wasn't Sir John he was a guy

that difficult grew up in a tiny little

town with nothing to his name he worked

hard and he decided to save his money

and find a way to invest but he had one

cool secret he realized when things are

going well what do people want for their

property when things are going really

well a high price or a low price which

one high price when things are going

well do they want a high price or a low

price for their shares which one high

price when things are going unhappy when

things are terrible things going well

people think is going to go well forever

when they think it's going bad I think

it's going to go bad for how long

forever when they are doing really poor

what does that guy want for his shares

there's home a high price or whatever he

can get which one whatever he can get

so his mindset was really simple I want

to make all my money like this down

during times of maximum pessimism I'll

make all my money during times of

maximum pessimism if you can when

everybody else is freaking out seeing it

worse than it is

you can see how it really it is not kid

yourself not just be positive but see it

better than it is and see where the

advantage is and you can do the third

step I left out which is once you see it

better than is you got to make it that

way you got to come up with a strategy

and action plan to make it that way if

you can do those three things you can

take advantage and he did it I'll tell

you I did it when Hitler invaded Europe

when he actually invaded Poland this guy

took ten thousand dollars five thousand

he saves and five thousand he borrowed

what's back in those days was a huge sum

of money and he went out and bought

every stock he'd get his hands on that

was under $2 on the New York Stock

Exchange including companies that many

people thought go bankrupt he just

bought him across the board ten thousand

dollars now by the way that was one of

the worst winter moments of maximum

pessimism because ever he went oh my god

Hitler is now storming Europe we tried

to appease him it's not working he's

going to take any countries are dropping

everybody thinks the bad things are

going to go on forever here's what we

all know about seasons winter does not

last forever does it what always follows

winter my friends what springtime a new

opportunity is always there but when

you're in winter you think it's forever

and so everybody's freaking out so share

prices went to the floor so what do you

got for $10,000

that's white and gold and by the way

five years later when the war was over

what happened to shares of stock what

happens the company started to rebuild

exploded back up that ten thousand

dollar investment made him a billionaire

of the course of two decades he didn't

stop there where are we the worst place

to think of investing after World War

two would you think what was the country

most destroyed even more than Germany

which country Japan it radioactive

places guess how much they want for land

that's radioactive literally he bought

things for pennies on the dollar and if

you remember in the late you know the

early late 80s who was the country that

was dominating economies around the

world it was Japan and guess what he did

sold it all right there at the peak when

everybody the era thought it was going

so great he always made money terms of

times of maximum pessimism so what

didn't he ever say to you today is this

this morning I want to work with you II

with you as a leader I want to give you

some strategies and tools that you can

use to immediately shift your psychology

because that's going to be 80% of your

wealth building 20% is good as a

mechanics of how to do it



For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: Don't Let Your Mind Limit Your Thinking - Duration: 12:17.


Bloopers That Got These Reporters Fired - Duration: 4:18.

We all make little blunders at work, and usually, it's not that big of a deal.

But for those who read and report the news, the public nature of their screw-ups can not

only result in widespread internet mockery, it can sometimes earn them a pink slip, as

fans of Anchorman know all too well.

"From the entire Channel Four news team, I'm Veronica Corningstone."

"And I'm Ron Burgundy.

Go F--- yourself, San Diego."

It doesn't just happen in the movies, though.

Here's a look at some bloopers that got these real-life reporters fired.

Pensive performance

If you've ever been caught goofing off at work, daydreaming or picking your nose or

whatever, you probably just got treated to the gentle suggestion that you remove your

head from your rectum and carry on with your job.

Not so for poor Australian newscaster Natasha Exelby, who was fired after going to her happy

place and not coming back until the cameras were already rolling.

"ABC News, Mount Sylvia.

Now to sports with Meredith…"

News director Gavin Morris later backtracked on the anchor's dismissal, saying Exelby was

just being taken off the air but not actually let go.

For her part, Exelby sent out a tweet blaming her "mesmerizing pen."

How do you measure success?

Is there anything that matters more to a professional athlete than winning the playoffs?

Not according to Comcast Sportsnet reporter Susannah Collins, who insisted that the Chicago

Blackhawks were totally focused on the postseason despite some serious distractions.

"All-season-long they have been saying that this is the season that matters.

And despite the fact that they've had such a tremendous amount of sex—errr success

during the regular season..."

Three days later Collins was fired, supposedly for unrelated reasons, but it was pretty obvious

to everyone that her bosses weren't comfortable discussing Patrick Kane's love life.

When in Rome...

Most on-air mistakes are simple slips of the tongue.

But one reader for India's state media agency Doordarshan had a much larger problem.

While reporting on the visit of Chinese president Xi Jinping in 2014, she misinterpreted his

name...and read them as Roman numerals.

As far as international incidents go, this would seem pretty minor, but it was still

enough to get her fired, even though plenty of other news anchors around the globe have

struggled to figure out his name too.

(Various attempts at trying to say "Xi Jinping")

Celebrating an assassin

When Lebanese politician Walid Eido was assassinated in Beirut in 2007, not everybody was torn

up about it.

Least of all National Broadcasting Network anchor Sawsan Darwish.

"The anchorwoman then says…

"So why did it take them so long to kill him?"

"She cracks up laughing and her colleague joins in."

Then she doubled down by suggesting some new targets.

"Then the anchor says in reference to Anti-Syrian Parliament member Ahmed Fetfet."

"Fetfet should be next.

I'm counting them down."

Viewers were outraged, and Darwish was immediately fired … for three months.

Then NBN reinstated her, and she issued an on-air apology.

Here's hoping she doesn't try to incite and future assassinations.

Farewell, foulmouth

As the late local news broadcast wound down on KSN in Wichita, Kansas, on Saturday night

in December, 2013, anchor Justin Kraemer signed off with a version of the same closing tag

that pretty much every late night news anchor uses.

The end-of-broadcast music was playing, the cameras had cut away to a lovely view of the

city at night, and viewers were settling in for Saturday Night Live.

But then he pulled a move straight out of Ron Burgundy's playbook.

"Let's get the f--- out of here."


Great Odin's Raven!"

Kraemer lost his job two days after the Saturday night broadcast, getting the news first-thing

Monday morning.

For his part, he took his firing in stride, saying "I did something extraordinarily unprofessional.

It's something that's drilled into you from the minute you start in this business to always

consider the microphones hot."

"Tony did I just curse?

Are you kidding me?


I mean s---! Shoot!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Bloopers That Got These Reporters Fired - Duration: 4:18.


Keeping Your Furry Friends Safe During Monday's Total Solar Eclipse - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Keeping Your Furry Friends Safe During Monday's Total Solar Eclipse - Duration: 0:31.


Endless Summer Mix 2017 (feat. Indie Nation) - Duration: 37:16.

The Neighbourhood - Rip To My Youth

Portugal the man - Feel It

Matthew Koma - Hard To Live

Dennis Lloyd - Way Out

NoMBe - Feak Like Me

Lauv - Like Me Better

Louis The Child - Love Is Alive

Big Gigantic - I've Gotta Know (ID REMIX)

Unreleased Track - Coming soon on CloudKid Records

Lift Me Up (Michael Brun Remix)

Jaymes Young - Tied Down

Bohnes - Middle Finger

For more infomation >> Endless Summer Mix 2017 (feat. Indie Nation) - Duration: 37:16.


2017 Archived Top Five #4 | Favorite Heroines! [CC] - Duration: 2:34.

Hey, BookTube, it's Sylwia. I'm here with my 4th "Archived Top 5". Top 5 Wednesday's

were created by gingerreadslainey and they are currently being hosted by Thoughts

on Tomes. So what I'm doing is I'm going back in time to 2013. On December 11, 2013,

the Top 5 Wednesday topic was Top 5 Favorite Heroines, so I'm going to share

top 9 because I don't play by the rules. So three heroines I very much enjoy are

from the graphic novel series Giant Days and their names are ...

I think Ethel? It's some old lady name. Susan. And Daisy. And I enjoy their little

slice of life antics. I also love Bridget Vreeland to the point that I

actually have an entire video called Ode to Bridget Vreeland. I also love Tohru

Honda because she shows that being a good person and going out of your way to

be good and sincere toward others is something to strive for. A lot of

people might consider her a simple or Mary Sue character but I actually think

she emphasizes how being kind is important and I find that spectacular. I

also love The Evil Queen from the Fairest of All published fanfiction, I

want to call it. It's not really fanfiction. Disney, I'm sure, was involved

because they sell this book. And I adore. I adore the Wicked Queen. I loved her

always and I always will and this depiction of her was fantastic. I also

love Minny from The Help. The Help is a book that I'm ashamed to say is a

favorite of mine. I guess we all have problematic faves. I love The Help. I'm

very aware of why there are problems with that book but Minnie is a

character I live for. She's just fantastic.

I also love Thelma Knight from The Diviner series. She's just sassy

perfection and I cannot wait to see how her story unfolds in the third book. And

lastly Harley Quinn because I'm a therapist with blonde hair and blue eyes

who got called crazy most of my life and she's a psychiatrist with blonde hair

and blue eyes who "went crazy" so it would kind of not make sense if I didn't love

her. Who are your favorite heroines and if you did this topic in 2013

do you remember who you put down? Come talk to me in the comments! <3

For more infomation >> 2017 Archived Top Five #4 | Favorite Heroines! [CC] - Duration: 2:34.


Coffee Stains ! Tips on how to avoid coffee stains on your teeth. - Duration: 3:42.

hello everyone today we're going to be talking about how to avoid coffee so

like everyone else I like to enjoy my morning cup of coffee

but I don't like the space I go with you I'm going to give you five easy tips on

how to avoid copy-paste the bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the

Hall of the ship also we're flying without a navigational system and Carol

being to change course are you telling us absolutely everything

not exactly we're also at coffee

this is Dr. Tamisha Denis and this is the Modern Smile

lot of fun I love coffee

oh hi there hi my name is Phil this is my son Sam and I'm brand new to coffee I

love to cop half coffee multiple times a day in fact I live a very busy life or

what large black coffee I mean a venti no anymore he means a

venti yeah the biggest fun you got Benjy is large no Randy is 20 and so what I do

is simple little things to avoid coffee since this drink I like I know that's

great right no so I'm going to give you some tips on how to avoid coffee things

yeah if you could just go ahead and make sure you do that from now on that would

be great tip number one use a straw when you're

at home or drinking iced coffee it'd be nice to use and strong what straw

doesn't help to reduce the amount of contact at the coffee has been kitchen

step number two if you like it can also drink water be

consists of coffee again that's constantly rinsing away the coffee that

is making contact with your teeth helping to reduce things tip number

three brush when you brush you help to whisk away those things if you use a

nice whitening toothpaste that is even better tip number four plus a lot of the

things that I see on people's teeth in my pocket often happen because people

are not flossing what happens is the more plaque that you have between your

teeth the more the coffee things are attracted to those areas so make sure

you floss to keep those things from accumulation a my last tip the most

important tip I would say is whiten dedicate yourself to a regular whitening

regimen maybe whiten once a week with charcoal tooth whitening powder or maybe

even use Crest Whitestrips or lists remain pre preference but you have to be

doing something to fight the coffee things that will often accumulate onto

your teeth I used to love that commercial you have this that if you're

not whitening your yellowing because naturally your teeth are going to get

darker if you're not taking care of them so those are my tips on how to avoid

coffee stains if you liked this video make sure to give us a thumbs up and

also to subscribe to the channel for more tips like this thank you for


For more infomation >> Coffee Stains ! Tips on how to avoid coffee stains on your teeth. - Duration: 3:42.


Legend of Zelda 1 NES Manga Comic The Hyrule Fantasy Famicom Disk System English Translation Dub GTV - Duration: 31:00.

It's official.

The legend of Zelda is now over 30 years old.

The Japanese version released in 1986 and the English version released on the famous

gold cart in August 1987 set the series in motion and gave players a more serious, mature

and challenging contrast to the other big Nintendo franchise, Super Mario Bros.

The game and its many secrets are well known now.

But think back if you can.

If you're one of the few who had the game before any sequel without any guides, extra

help, nothing.

Just the legend of Zelda, its world and the future a completely blank canvas.

Well I found the first product related to Zelda released after the first game.

A manga book published in September 1986, not long after the Japanese release.

It was published by wanpaku comics and written by Ran Maru.

It fills in a few parts of the story, makes hyrule a more lively place and for those totally

lost on what to do in the game, lets you in on the overall main quest.

It's actually very close to the original game with with no big changes but a few enhancements

and some side characters.

If you're a big Zelda fan, you won't need much more explanation than that.

So let's get right to it!!

Welcome to an age of Faeries and Magicians.

A time of peace, freedom and carefree days.

In these days, there was a small kingdom named Hyrule, in which the most beautiful princess

the kingdom had ever had, named Zelda was abducted.

Princess Zelda is brought to the fortress of the Dark Lord Ganon.

Before even entering, Ganon's voice could be heard outside.

Ganon demands that Zelda surrenders to Triforce of Wisdom to him.

Zelda says that no matter how many times he keeps asking, the Triforce will never be given

over to him, and she would rather die than to see him have it.

Ganon replies by saying that to punish Zelda for her stubbornness, he will terrorize the

kingdom of Hyrule until she changes her mind.

Zelda says Ganon already has the Triforce of Power, but, the people of Hyrule will see

the truth come out of the darkness, no matter what.

The hopes of the people of Hyrule will be a light that never goes out.

Ganon laughs and sends out his minions to find Impa, nursemaid of Princess Zelda, while

locking Zelda away in a dungeon.

While imprisoned she prays that Impa will not be found.

Off in the central grasslands of Hyrule, Impa is chased down, and surrounded by Moblins.

As they get ready to take her away, Link appears on the top of a nearby cliff and yells to

the Moblins to let her go.

One of the Moblins, asks why.

Why should anyone listen to a little boy?

Link says that the old woman, Impa, wasn't doing anything and should be let go.

The head Moblin says Link is making a big mistake getting involved with the henchmen

of Dark Lord Ganon.

Link, and his bird Watto say they don't know who that is.

This angers the Moblins and they charge Link, who fights back with his slingshot.

One of the Moblins transforms into a boar like creature and charges Link.

He wins and the Moblins retreat, leaving Impa behind.

Link asks if she's hurt.

Impa thanks him for saving her, but says she will not make it and to take this pendant

to an old man living in a nearby cave.

As soon as Link holds the pendants it illuminates with a brilliant light.

Impa tells Link that the pendant will only give light when in the presence of the chosen

one, who will drive evil from the world.

She gives thanks to the gods of Hyrule that she was able to find the chosen one in her


She once again tells link to find the old man in the cave and meet him, then save the

princess and Hyrule.

With "please" as her final word, Impa passes away.

Zelda, locked away in Ganon's dungeon, can feel Impa's passing and begins to cry.

Link, given only the instructions of finding the old man and the cave, sets out to do just


At Ganon's fortress, the Moblins return, and when one explains what happened, he is

burned alive by Ganon as punishment.

He commands all of his henchmen to go out and find Link and kill him.

Meanwhile Link roams the countryside in search of the cave.

He finds that many of the trees and animals are dying.

He asks some villagers about why that is happening.

One old man who is tending to his orchard says that the Triforce keeps life in balance

in the land of Hyrule.

And without it, life could not continue.

Because the trees and animals are dying, it must mean that something has happened to the


Just then, the farmer's granddaughter runs to him, screaming for help.

The Moblins are back, on the attack.

The granddaughter thinks that the Moblins are out to steal the food she brought for

her grandfather.

The Moblins say they aren't looking for food, but that if they're hungry they can

cook Watto and eat him instead.

The Goblins chase Watto but are saved by the village giant, named Hercules.

As payment for saving them, he takes the little girls food!

After these events, Link takes off to search for the cave once more, Hercules says if Link

is ever in danger, just call for help.

Finally after much searching, Link finds the cave and the old man.

He tells the man of Impa's passing.

The old man tells link how a small country like Hyrule has been able to survive for so


The secret lies in the Triforce of Wisdom and Triforce of Power.

Ganon had taken the Triforce of Power and Zelda broke the triforce of Wisdom in to 8

parts and hid them throughout Hyrule so nobody could find them.

But now that Zelda has been kidnapped by Ganon, the old man worries that Ganon will find the

location of the 8 pieces, have both Triforces and rule over Hyrule.

Therefore it is up to Link to search for the 8 pieces, unify the Triforce and use it to

defeat Ganon!

Then the old man takes Link's pendant and uses its power to communicate telepathically

with Zelda.

The image of Zelda appears in the dark and she begs him to find the 8 pieces of

the Triforce before Ganon can get to them.

The light goes out and Zelda is gone.

The old man then presents Link with a sword and shield that he had been entrusted with

giving to the chosen one, when he would arrive.

The powers of the sword, combined with the power of the Triforce will be the only way

to defeat Ganon.

But where is Ganon, Link asks.

The old man says the Ganon lives in a castle on Death Mountain, but that no one from Hyrule

has ever been there.

The old man then tells Link it's time to embark on his adventure and that Princess Zelda,

and Hyrule depend on him.

Link excitedly says he will save Zelda!

As he leaves, he turns to thank the old man one more time, but he's gone…..

Back outside Watto feels concerned for link and asks him if he can really fight Ganon.

He says its dangerous, going alone and could easily die.

Link says he will not hear anymore discouraging words and as the chosen one, will fight!

Link and Watto enter an area that's new to them and wonder where they are, when they

are ambushed by Octorocks!

Link tries using the slingshot but it's no good!

Watto says to use the sword!!

Though he has never used one before, he can fight off several Octorocks, eventually defeating


Link and Watto decide to rest a bit when Watto notices something from the battle site.

Watto says that enemies turned into crystals.

Link says that these crystals are called Rupies, and are the currency of Hyrule and can use

them later to buy things.

Watto says then they should simply fight more monsters to become rich!

But link says the mission is to save Zelda, not to get rich.

So Watto says Link can have the Princess and he'll keep the money!

Actually there are too many Rupies to carry and link is ready to move on, wondering how

he will get to Death Mountain if nobody has even knows how to find it.

As they leave a Vire overhears their conversation and flies back to Ganon to report on what

was said.

Link comes to a cave, a shadowy figure appears and while at first thought, it appears to

be a monster, its actually a shop!

The shopkeeper deals in swords, and shields, and bombs.

He takes interest in Link's sword, which Link says he will use to defeat Ganon.

The shopkeeper says its inadequate for a fight against Ganon and he should buy the White

Sword from him.

Link also tries to ask for more information about Death Mountain, but the shopkeeper says

that other than the minions of Ganon, no one has ever been there.

He does however offer a map of Hyrule to Link for 50 Rupies.

With this, Link will have a better understanding of where he is and can hopefully find Ganon

faster than without it.

The shopkeeper also offers to buy Link's pendant for 1000 Rupies, but Link says NO


A little dejected, the shopkeeper mocks Link's claims of being the chosen one, saying he's

too young and inexperienced.

Link leaves the shop while Watto still talks about getting rich.

The next area they come to is a lake and when they get close to the water, the pendant lights

up again, signaling that something important to the quest is nearby.

Watto flies as high as he can to see whats on the horizon, and he says theres an island

off in the distance.

From under the water Zoras jump up and attack.

Peahats also fly down and attack, along with Octorocks Watto directs link to a nearby bridge.

While removing from the fight, Link finds a bomb that the monsters had left behind.

Watto notices the big tree on the island has a open passageway, and wonders if its another


Link says it looks different that, but that they should investigate anyway.

They go down a long dark staircase.

At the bottom theres some light and they discover a giant maze!

Skeletons are all over the place and Link notices that the pendant's light gets stronger

in certain directions, which tells him where to go.

Suddenly and without Link noticing, the skeletons, also known as Stalfos come to life.

Also a large shadowed figure appears in a doorway.

It's Hercules!

Sadly though Hercules falls over as he had been hit by several arrows and dies.

Then Link is ambushed by the Stalfos.

He defeats them, but theres even more monsters on the way and Link runs away, finding a safe

spot in a small passageway.

Though he is safe now, he's startled by the voice of an old man.

The old man asks link if he's come looking for the treasure hidden here.

He says its guarded by a huge monster, but if they work together, he can split it with


He too notices the glow of the pendant, but before there's even time to explain more

monsters are heard coming and quickly.

While escaping Link asks the old man if the treasure he was looking for was the Triforce.

The old man says no.

And after finding what they thought was a safe hiding spot.

Zols appear and being their attack.

Link defeats them easily enough.

After they fall, a map of the dungeon appears.

Now Link isn't so lost anymore and uses the map to find a room with some stairs and discovers

a bow!

And, after another battle with Goriyas, he discovers a boomerang!

Using the map and the pendant, he then finds the boss's lair, Aquamentus is inside waiting.

In the middle of battle, Link spots the piece of the Triforce off in the corner of the chamber.

After a long battle using both bombs and his sword, the Aquamentus is defeated!

The first piece of the Triforce can now be taken by Link, but before he does, Princess

Zelda appears.

She thanks him for coming this far.

Link shows off his bow that he found here.

Link asks her where to go, how to get to Death Mountain to find her.

Zelda says she can not say.

But she takes his hand and tells him that he has to keep searching out the other 7 pieces

of the Triforce, that she believes in him before she disappears….

Watto finds a Heart Container under the foot of the Aquamentus.

Link picks up the Triforce piece and as he leaves the dungeon, all the remaining monsters

are destroyed by its power.

As Link and Watto leave the big tree, Watto notices that Link's arms look much bigger

and stronger.

Link says that this power must be from the Triforce!

And now that he has a map of Hyrule, finding the rest of the Triforce will be much easier.


Link has 1/8 of the Triforce but still has 7 to go and still doesn't know where Death

Mountain is.

When we come back, Link's quest continues.

In Ganon's lair, the Vire that was spying in Link a while back reports back to Ganon

on what's happened.

Ganon learns that 1 of the 8 Triforce pieces is now gone.

This seriously angers Ganon and he demands that his minions go out and secure the other

pieces as fast as possible!

Two in particular, a DARKNUT and WIZZROBE discuss what to do.

They know that their location Death Mountain is a secret, but that they should set traps,

incase its found.

They also realize that Zelda can communicate with Link, and can tell him where the Triforce

pieces are, but there's very little they can do to stop that.

Link and Watto are wandering around in the dark and are trying to find a shop to buy

some food.

They notice a fire burning nearby.

When they go to check it out, they find that its Ganon's henchmen burning a village down

to the ground.

The leader of this group says to find him!!

Find him!!!

Another one asks a villager where he is hiding.

The village replies that she doesn't know who they are talking about.

The head Moblin says the boy with the parrot!

The village burns as Link shows up to fight them off and try to save what's left of

the village.

When Link offers his hand in friendship, the villagers are too startled to trust him, so

he leaves.

As he's leaving, he spots the same Vire that was spying on him before, only this time

he knows about it.

Link does get to the shop, finally, and is shocked to find that they prices are much

higher there than the last shop.

To which the shopkeeper replies that this is a more dangerous place and because of that

the demand is higher here.

He offers a piece of information for 20 Rupies and Link insists that it better NOT be a lie!

He insists its not a lie and say that he saw some of Ganon's forces coming and going

at MAKUTO Mountain.

Link thinks that it might be another name for Death Mountain and leaves to investigate.

As he leaves, an old woman gets in the way, and notices the pendant.

After Link is gone, she gets upset at the shopkeeper, what has he sold to him?

Link travels to MAKUTO Mountain and discusses with Watto about the things they seen and

what to do next.

As the make it to foot of the mountains, they are approached by a Lynel.

He tells them Link was brave and lucky to get 1 Triforce piece but that Link will never

defeat all of Ganon's army and make it to Death Mountain.

They attack and with one stroke of the sword, Link's shield is sliced in half!

Hiding during the battle.

Watto looks on, but is approached by the old woman from the shop they had visited before.

She asks him about the pendant.

What is it and where did come from?

Watto won't say anything, but there isn't really even time to talk as Link is getting

beat up pretty badly and Watto jumps in to try and help.

Together they are able to fight off all of them, except for the leader, as the old woman

watches on from afar.

The leader says to Link that he's a skilled fighter but he will meet his end here!

As he jumps to attack link he screams prepare to die!

Link throws his sword right at the Lynel and it lands square in the heart!

But his sword also stabs link in the chest, and is a fatal blow.

Watto cries out for Link to respond!

The old woman comes out from hiding to help, but says its too late, Link is dead.

Link falls into the darkness, landing in a void-like, purgatory like zone.

Its cold, and empty.

Link sees a light off in the distance, it calls to him, to follow the light.

He put his hand out but a different voice calls out and says no!

Don't go there!

Link almost gets taken by a demon but someone grabs his hand to pull him out.

It's Zelda!!

Meanwhile, the old woman and Watto take Link's body to a spring where the old woman asks

the faeries there to bring Link back to life.

The faeries say its impossible to restore life to someone who has already died.

The faeries only have to power to recharge the life force of people but if the life force

is gone, then they can't help.

The old woman insists that he is the one who was destined to save Hyrule and something

must be done.

Link and Zelda are watching over the scene and at this moment, Link realizes that he

is dead.

Zelda says to link to take her hand, and he can have another chance, and can restore his


She warns him that there are even stronger monsters out there.

She tells him to follow the light and protect himself from danger.

At the spring, the old lady and Watto try bargaining with the faeries, offering everything

that they have to brink Link back, but it just can't be done.

Watto cries over Link's body, while the old woman laments the end of Hyrule.

Suddenly, the faeries say that they are detecting a heartbeat in Link!

It's faint, but its being picked up and felt by their powers.

They carry Link into the spring and raise his life force.

Watto and the old woman rejoice as Link's heartbeat returns to normal.

The old woman hails it as a miracle.

Watto, in his excitement drinks some of the water, thinking it will heal his throat.

But the faeries warn him not to drink it!

The water has a strange side effect that makes him grow 10 times his normal size.

Link begins breathing again.

The he opens his eyes, and emerges from the spring, fully healthy!

The old woman gives link a bottle of medicine in case he is injured again.

She also gives him a sword from the shop.

Its the White Sword!

And Link says with this sword, he feels much more powerful.

The faeries equip the heart container Link found and it gives him extra stamina too.

There is however, no cure for Watto's gigantism!

Link leaves the faeries spring and comes to a town, he tried to find an armory, to get

a new shield, but everyone seems to be in hiding and isn't helpful to Link at all.

One young boy, named Billy, offers to help guide Link around the town…for a fee.

The boy says there is a shop that sells shields really cheap, he thinks it's nearby.

I have to stop the narration and explain what's going to happen here.

This book is 194 pages long.

We are on page 126 right now and Link has only ONE Triforce piece!

There is no part 2 of this comic series and so for a few pages they montage it up if you


Link gets a shield and and other items found in the game, while defeating the boss monsters

and getting the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Triforce pieces.

Watto's gigantism wears off and Billy tags along the whole time.

While this is going on Ganon gets angry about being unable to find the other Triforce and

worried that Link will find Death Mountain.

Link continues on fighting, and finding treasures well.

Look there's a Family Computer and Disk system hiding under some Rupies.

He gets the 5th 6th and 7th Triforce pieces along the way.

The old man from the beginning of the story appears again to tell Link that he is almost

ready for the final battle, but to no be afraid as he is truly the chosen one who will defeat

Ganon and restore peace to Hyrule with the power of the Triforces.

Back at Ganon's lair, he admonishes the leader of his minions for still being unable

to find Link and let him get away with finding almost the entire Triforce of Wisdom.

Ganon says that if the entire Triforce is reformed, then, his henchmen have the go ahead


That pretty much ends the montage, things return to a normal pace after this and were

on page 138, incase yours wondering.

Well, Link is about to get the final Triforce piece, when people from all around come to

present him with food and medicine to help him prepare for the battle.

Word has gotten around Hyrule at this point about Link and his quest and the citizens

of Hyrule are behind him all the way.

In the 8th dungeon, Link find the Magic Book and Magic Wand that lets him cast magic and

defeat some of the toughest monsters located there.

After defeating Gleeok link finds the 8th Triforce piece!!

The 8 pieces fuse together in a brilliant light and at last, the Triforce of Wisdom

is whole!

The old man appears yet again and transforms Link's White Sword into the Magical Sword!

Link is now ready to find Death Mountain, defeat Ganon, rescue Process Zelda, and save


Link's bravery is put to the test as he sets off to face Ganon.

When we come back, the final battle on Death Mountain!!


The road to Death Mountain is long and arduous and even though the peak is visible off in

the horizon, Ganon's lair is still hidden by magical forces.

At this point, Link thanks Billy for everything, but it is just far too dangerous for him to

come along and sends him away.

Link makes it to the farther point that he possible traverse on foot and then demands

that passageway to Ganon show itself!

The passageway opens and Link is immediately besieged by monsters.

The Magic Wand takes care of them quickly.

At the gate of the fortress, the old man appears again.

He warns link that the Magical Sword and the Triforce will STILL not be enough to defeat

Ganon and to take caution as there is no returning after this point.

Link enters the first level and faces strong enemies at every turn.

Billy returns to his village and brings the entire town to help fight alongside Link.

Link continues to fight and find himself locked inside a room.

He asks if this is Ganon or not.

The DARKNUT replies that no, he is not Ganon, but he is the leader of the Ganon's forces.

He says that this is the end for Link because the door will never be opened unless of DARKNUTS

inside the room has been defeated.

Link and the leader engage in an epic sword fight!

Meanwhile the Hyrulians are storming the fortress attacking monsters with brooms, rakes and

anything else they could bring along.

Billy and some others make it to the room Link is locked inside of.

He can hear sword fighting, but they can't open the door.

They try a battering ram to get it open.

Link finally defeats the last DARKNUT, which breaks the magic lock in the door.

The Hyrulians with the battering ram run right thru as the doors open!

Link gets angry at Billy, as he told him earlier that it was just too dangerous.

But the old woman is able to bring some medicine along which heals a much hurt Link after this


After healing up, Link instructs the Hyrulians to search the fortress for Princess Zelda,

as he goes off to face Ganon.

The door locks behind him and the giant stature of Ganon in the entrance way comes to life

and attacks Link!

Link demands Ganon show his true form.

The statue crumbles away and now Link and Ganon are finally face to face.

Ganon says that Link may have been the chosen one, but he will never be defeated.

Link asks where Zelda is.

Ganon replies that since he can never be defeated, Link will never know what happened to Zelda.

And with sends link to the ground with a powerful wave of magic.

He then disappears.

Link swings his sword wildly, being unable to find Ganon.

And Ganon, with the advantage of invisibility attacks Link repeatedly.

Link uses his slingshot and pelts the room with mustard seeds, in the hope of hitting

Ganon and making him somewhat visible in the room.

One seed makes contact, and Link lunges with his sword as hard as he can.

Ganon says Link is a clever opponent, by the throws him to ground and unfurls his wings.

Ganon takes flight, breaking through the peak of Death Mountain.

Ganon is escaping and nobody really knows what to do, but Link gets an idea.

He gives Watto some of the water from the faerie spring and he grows back to a giant


And they fly off together to chance down Ganon.

As they catch up to him, Link members the words of the old man.

That, the Magical Sword and the Triforce will not be enough to defeat Ganon.

Standing atop of Watto Link takes the Silver Arrow and in one shot, lands its share in

Ganon's face, killing him instantly!

He dissipates in an explosion of light.

The Triforce of Wilson and Triforce of Power fly out and Link is able to retrieve them

and return to the ground safely.

Link returns to find that the Hyrulians have found Zelda, but that they were too late,

Ganon had killed Zelda before they arrived.

Link says that he would give his own life in exchange for Zelda's.

To everyone's surprise, the old man comes out through the wall and says that is it possible

to revive Zelda.

The told man asks link to put the pendant on Zelda.

Link Lays on the altar besides Zelda.

The old man uses the power of both Triforces and prays to the gods of Hyrule to return

Princess Zelda's spirit to this world.

Zelda opens her eyes and sits up!

The people celebrate, cheer and thank link for his bravery in saving Princess Zelda,

The Kingdom of Hyrule and The Triforces which have restored balance to land.

And for our hero, the tale of bravery will live on through the ages, forever.

And so ends the first publication about the legend of Zelda.

Really the first anything beyond the game.

It really did its job well of filling in things the game couldn't technically do back then.

So for a trip to the past, stop by your local library.

Because it's all in books

For more infomation >> Legend of Zelda 1 NES Manga Comic The Hyrule Fantasy Famicom Disk System English Translation Dub GTV - Duration: 31:00.


Soft Body Frog | Bass Fishing - Duration: 10:42.

Good morning, everybody.

Hey, Ken Mah.

We're on the California Delta in summertime and in the Lucky Tackle Box we have the Bruiser

Baits Kickin' Frog.

We're gonna throw it.

We're looking for top water fish to comp and explode on this thing.

We're gonna fish it around grass mats.

There's also a couple of different rigging techniques.

We could go subsurface.

Should be a lot of fun today.

I'm covering the show today because Travis is in Cabo lollygagging.

So come join us on the California Delta.


They're killing this Bruiser Baits Frog now.

So what I'm doing is I'm flipping it out there.

You know, whether I'm finding the hole, you know, or a little opening in the mat and I'm

watching my bait go to the bottom.

When it goes to the bottom, what I tend to like to do is I'll give it a couple of pops

just like that and I'll let it settle back down, right, and you're always watching the


So I'll just pop it up and I'll let it settle back down.

If one doesn't have it or one doesn't get it, I'm reeling it up and I'm looking for

the next spot because we wanna make as many presentations as we can with that bait coming

down through the mat.

Those are what triggers those bigger bites and those fish to really eat that bait.

So what we're doing with this Bruiser Baits Frog know, everywhere in the country

it's in the summer.

We're looking at a lot of vegetation growing, you know, whether it's vegetation that's growing

off of the bottom in your lake or your pond or wherever you're fishing or it's floating

vegetation, you know, whether that's primrose, hyacinth, pennywort, you know, just anything

that's floating, those fish, when it gets hot, they love to tuck down underneath that

stuff and they're hiding underneath there.

So what we're doing is we're taking that Bruiser Baits Frog, you know, and what I love about

it and I've been doing it for a while is I take a frog imitator just like this bait and

instead of it always being on the surface and those fish looking up at it, I'm punching

it or flipping it down around the holes of the grass so that bait's falling down to them

and those legs are kicking and it gives that action and they really do think it's a frog

kinda darting in and out of there and it's a high protein meal.

A lot of things that are key also is when you're looking for that vegetation, a lot

of the bites that I'm getting today are around some hard cover whether it's a piece of wood,

it could be a tule clump or it could be even a bush.

So it's a really, really versatile bait.

It's really exciting and we're gonna show you...I'm gonna show you some other ways to

rig and catch fish with the bait.

So look at that one.

Just big old mess, a wad of grass.

So I was working that bait across this cheese that you see in the background here and a

fish came up and just really just nipped on it.

And like you said, you've gotta be in this grass.

The fish love it.

I always say the bass love to be in the grass.

So I just caught that fish.

Cheese mat, you know, the sun got a little bit high.

It kinda warmed up a little bit later in the middle of the day and all I'm doing with this

bait and I talked about how versatile it know, I got it rigged on a double frog hook,

I got the hooks buried into the bait and I'm basically working this bait much like a hollow

belly frog.

You know, and a lot of people will say, "Well, why don't you just throw a hollow belly frog?"

And really why this bait works sometimes better than a hollow belly frog is you'll see little

holes and little pockets and when this bait falls or gets near to that little hole or

pocket, it'll actually sink down into that pocket where a hollow belly frog will just

sit on top.

That's all you're doing with it is fishing it on top.

So this has the ability to not only fish on top of the cheese and the mats but it also

sinks down in there to where those fish maybe don't wanna come all the way to the surface

to get it.

And that's why I like the versatility of a bait like this.

So what I've been doing with this bruiser bait on this double hook is I'm keeping my

rod in front of me and I'm making short, little pops with that bait.

And then if a see a little hole, I'll move my rod over to the left or the right and I'll

actually steer that bait into that hole, let it sink down in the hole and I'll work it

right out of that hole, work it all the way to the back of the boat, pick it up, make

another cast.

Damn, I wanna catch some...oh, he's got it.

Oh, he's got it.

It's a good one.

Oh, my goodness, it's a good one.

Oh, look at this one, guys.

Look at this one.

I threw back in there.

He ate it two or three times.

I threw it back in.

Oh, don't come off.

Don't come off.

Look at that one, guys.

Look at that one.

Look at that one.

Look at that one, guys.

Freaking choked it.

Bruiser bait.

Freaking choked it.

You know, like I said, this fish blew up on my bait and I threw it back in there like

three, four times and it just...and that a hollow belly frog...I don't think that fish

would've came back to bite it but I threw it in there, I let it sink in there and it

sat below the surface and she couldn't stand it.

Look at that one.


Hey, everybody.

We're gonna talk about rigging and setup on these Bruiser Bait Frogs.

As you can see, I went through a bunch of bags while we were filming today and, you

know, the first setup that we did was a flip-in or pitch-in or punch-in setup.

I'm using a four ought hook and this is a three quarter ounce weight.

I also have two bobber stoppers on here and I use 65 to 80 pound test line, okay.

So that's your standard punch-in or flip-in setup.

And you're gonna take this Bruiser Bait and we're just gonna Texas rig it on this hook.

So we're gonna take it, we're gonna insert it right into the top, about a quarter inch

down and then we're gonna come out at one side, just like that, okay.

Then we're gonna slide this up right up this line.

We're gonna slide it right up the line up to this keeper and then we're gonna turn the

hook in toward the body of the bait, okay.

Then we're gonna take this and we're gonna push the body...

I like to rig it right here on the edge of the bait.

So that way when you do get bit, you don't have to push through all this plastic, okay.

So that was the setup.

We caught a bunch of fish on this.

Like again, what I talked about, truly, really versatile bait, okay.

So that was the flip-in, pitch-in, punch-in setup.

Okay, later in the day, when the sun got high and those cheese mats and grass mats...and

I caught that great, big one and a couple of others, we used the same bait, the same

Bruiser Bait.

We took a two ought...I'm sorry.

It's actually a double and it's a five ought double frog hook.

There's a little weight on it.

And then what's unique about this hook is it's got a little screw lock keeper on it

right here.

So it really makes rigging easy.

You just take this screw lock, you push it right in through the top of the bait and you

just start turning.

And you do gotta make sure that it goes in the center and that it's straight.

So you just keep turning until it's in there and it's locked on there, okay.

Then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this bait, you're gonna push it right between

those two hooks.

It fits right perfectly between those two hooks, okay.

Then we're gonna take these hooks and then we're gonna push it backwards and we're gonna

bury it just like that into the side of that Bruiser Bait Frog.

And it's completely weedless.

Hey, everyone.

I've had a blast today.

I hope you've learned something.

You know, I thank Lucky Tackle Box for having me and, you know, that Bruiser Bait is such

a versatile bait.

You can do a bunch of things with it.

You know, you could buzz it, you know, swim it, crank it, flip it and of course, you can

punch it to catch fish like this.

If you like the videos that you saw, you know, click on the link below to follow me on Instagram

and Facebook.

Get some baits and go catch some good ones.

For more infomation >> Soft Body Frog | Bass Fishing - Duration: 10:42.


How to Prepare for the Upcoming School Year! - Duration: 7:38.

Hey guys! It's Kathie, and today

I will be giving you like some tips on how to prepare for school because right now it's august

so school is

coming up in like less than a month

and I'm SO EXCITED so here are some tips to like

help you prepare for a school like both mentally and physically so that you won't like die once you step inside school.

igotchu. so the first tip is to start to wake up earlier. use an alarm to um

set an alarm...

use an alarm to set what time you want to wake up every morning so that when school starts you won't oversleep or anything

so like set an alarm to like 8am

every morning a week before school starts and then when school starts and you wake up at like 6:00 a.m.

you won't feel that lethargic or anything, so yeah! my second tip is

to start to study a bit

During summer - everybody knows this - but during summer you basically forget everything you learned the previous year

But studying a little bit right now before school starts will

like probably help you remember a lot of what you learned the previous year. for example

I took Spanish 1 last year. I basically forgot everything.

If I study a little bit of the vocab and the grammar

then I'll probably remember like a lot and be more prepared for Spanish 2 when I get back into school

You know? Tip number three! Look at activities. Like, go on your school website and look at like

what activities you wanna join, what sports and clubs you wanna join. for example this year in the fall

I'm going to be doing online

Geometry for the second semester, and then in the winter

I'm going to be doing gymnastics, and then in the spring I'm going to be doing

tennis, and I also want to join key club and green team and math club if I can and

I don't remember, but probably some more... idk I'm just

interested in everything so I planned out like

what I want to do next year - this year - so you should too so that you won't be like idk

what to do!!! on your first day of school

You already know what clubs you want to join and stuff.

i don't know what I'm saying but just do it number four

Pretend to be excited for school

It's kind of stupid, but like it works. Right now I'm like

thinking school is less than a month I'm going to dieee. but no, I will be thinking oh

I'm so excited for school to start I miss my friends so much I haven't seen my friends in so long I can't wait to

get this chance to read more and not be so bored and lazy

because during the summer I always wake up super late

and I'm always super

lazy and unproductive and when school starts I get to wake up early and I won't be lazy I'll be super productive

It's gonna be so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yea number five: read! basically it's fun

And it gets you prepared for school because obviously you have to read a lot in school

So yeah! I like reading

Comment below if you like to read and comment like what are your favorite books and/or book series. I really like Sarah J.

Maas's books

like Throne of Glass and Court of

Thorns and Roses

and i also like hp. ;) number six! plan out a schedule! omg ew my hair okay, so

plan out a schedule! you probably won't actually end up following it

But like it helps to get into that mindset of like what do I need to do each hour

In order to like finish all my homework on time

And like spend time in

Extracurriculars and still have some free time and spend time with family friends. Yeah, just

To me schedules are like fun to make

Yeah, and like even if you won't end up following the schedule to the minute, you still have some foundation

to your

daily school routine. number seven!

organize your life!

You should probably like

organize your desk if your desk is messy, organize your closet if your closet is messy, organize your room if your room is messy

My room is really messy, so I'll probably like do

a back to school cleaning thingy

yeah... because it helps you get into, like, it makes you feel good, makes your house

look good, and you start school ready and fresh!

number eight! set goals!

set like what grades you want to earn this year (straight as), how many assignments

do you want to turn in this year (all of them), how many tardies do you plan to get (none).

yeah. and also set goals like how long are you going to study

every day to get good grades on tests. and these goals don't have to be like academic

they can also be sports, too, like i wanna get six minutes on a mile, which will never happen

so i'm just gonna say seven minutes on the mile COOL number nine!

start eating breakfast if this applies to you because during the summer

I always wake up really late at like 12:00 p.m.

which is really bad, but like since I wake up so late

I end up skipping

breakfast and just eating lunch as b - like I eat brunch and like since I'm not doing much during the summer, I won't die

if I don't have breakfast, but during the school year you need that fiber and....

carbs??? in order to like stay awake

and energized in class

So start like getting used to eating breakfast everyday in the morning

so that like on the first day of school you won't vomit if you eat breakfast u know

number ten! last one! this one is a short video. if you get your schedule early

familiarize yourself with it. my school hasn't given out our schedules yet

I don't know when we'll be able to access our schedules online, but I can't wait to see my


why is my hair such a mess today

Getting used to your schedule will help you like not be a confused wreck on your first day of school which is good

so I hope you enjoyed that video! leave a comment for any suggestions or any constructive criticism

both would be greatly appreciated!

leave a like if you liked this video and subscribe!

thanks so much for watching!

bye! <3

For more infomation >> How to Prepare for the Upcoming School Year! - Duration: 7:38.


The Side Of Miami You Haven't Seen | Paid Content | Refinery29 - Duration: 1:49.

Miami's got South Beach, Salsa,

and lots of sunshine.

But there's another side to this party town

and if you're looking for something low-key,

then you're in luck.

Miami has earned its status as a modern art hub

and this gallery is one of the best spots

to check out local artists.

This series is called Exquisite Corpse.

So they all took turns.

One would take one panel.

One starts and the process continues and so on.

Since 2007, Nina has made it her mission to

support contemporary artists.

Come visit for a taste of Miami's arts culture.

Oleta River State Park is Florida's largest urban park

and a place where locals come to

escape the sea.

Hop in a kayak to explore hidden coves and beaches,

where you're likely to have the area's natural wonders

all to yourself.

Florida's coral reef is the only tropical reef in

the continental United States.

That's why it's so important to preserve it.

What we're looking at here

are the type of soft coral called Zoanthus.

This is a native species that grows in and around Miami.

Colin Foord, a marine biologist,

and Jared Mckay, a musician,

blend art and science as

they regrow and replenish coral reefs in the area.

All of their artwork is informed by their mission:

documenting and protecting Miami's coral.

That's Miami.

I hope you liked it.

For more infomation >> The Side Of Miami You Haven't Seen | Paid Content | Refinery29 - Duration: 1:49.


Prefab House for Roommates | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 4:12.

915 Sq. Ft. Small House for Roommates

For more infomation >> Prefab House for Roommates | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 4:12.


Speedwix - Notre première run (FR / EN-Subtitles) - Duration: 5:00.

Like any other discipline, speedrunning has it's own expression, you can find a lexicon in the comments bellow which will explain every term in this video

Reliving our first time, a feeling a lot people experience because it's always something very personal

whatever domain we are talking about, and speedrunning is no exception

whether it is the first time we watch a speedrun or speedrun ourselves

Today's topic concern this second option : The First Run

If for some people trying out a new activity such as speedrunning is easy, for other it would be quite the opposite

Stuck in between the feeling of being scared to not achieve what they want or nor liking the routes or even to not know what to beggin with

They will then have to gather information about the games on websites like or which is a good start

while it is a good way to get advices from other runners there can also bad advices given

we can hear thing like "You should start with a sorter game, not too difficult so you won't get upset and discouraged" which is not always true

First of all the difficulty of a run is an important characteristic which is also the case in video games in general

Some people would prefer to explore the world of Skyrim whith an easy difficulty just to chill out while others would find no interest and would rather challenge themself with a Dark Souls game

Those people a run that is way too easy will bore them quickly, we could also apply this logic with the lengh of a run

some would prefer them short some would find more enjoyable to play a game many hours in order to manage their stress

Another way would be to start with one of our favourite game because speedrunning implies putting a lot of time and effort into it

But once again this is not always true, it's not mandatory to spend a lot of time playing this particular game

Some run will be extremely fast to get use to and since everybody's goal isn't focused of getting a WR spending a lot of time isn't always necessary

Not to forget that speedrunning opens our eyes to a new way of looking at a game

which creates a very different experience and sometimes might seem like we are playing another game

The first time we play through the Talos Principle casually we will experience a puzzle game while the speedrun shows us a parcour game

we can despise a game casually but love it when we start running it and vice versa

There are other types of method to get us start speedrunning certains events might help with it

This is the concept of the 12 hours challenge which is pretty self explanatory : you have 12 hours to learn a run and make your first attempts

But it's not the only one of it's kind, mulptiple competition now exist suggesting a list a games and providing a complete supervision which can help getting started while not feeling alone and make a final opinion towards this practice

This method isn't always bright because the selection of games isn't ours, the context is very specific and the restriction even small will have an impact on our expectations in a good or a bad way

Is there a universal advice to counter this problem ?

It's complicate to answer this question however what is certain is the best way to create an opinion is to try it ourselves

In conclusion, rather than starting speedrunning with our favourite game or a short run with little restriction or a fairly easy game to no feel upset shouldn't we get started with a run that inspire us and try it for ourselves despite the difficulty or the preconception we could have heard somewhere

For more infomation >> Speedwix - Notre première run (FR / EN-Subtitles) - Duration: 5:00.


TinyBox by Association La Manufacturette | Amazing Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:44.

TinyBox by Association La Manufacturette

For more infomation >> TinyBox by Association La Manufacturette | Amazing Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:44.


I JUST DESTROYED A HACKER! (Minecraft Skywars) sunglasses - Duration: 1:26.

this is just music.

For more infomation >> I JUST DESTROYED A HACKER! (Minecraft Skywars) sunglasses - Duration: 1:26.


How To Whiten Teeth Fast With 10 Teeth Whitening Foods Naturally - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> How To Whiten Teeth Fast With 10 Teeth Whitening Foods Naturally - Duration: 6:12.


Ivan B - You'll Be Alright (prod. Tido Vegas) - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Ivan B - You'll Be Alright (prod. Tido Vegas) - Duration: 3:14.


How NOT to fly your drone - Duration: 0:26.

So this is the first liftoff of the new configuration

Let's fly!

For more infomation >> How NOT to fly your drone - Duration: 0:26.


Pyjamafeest (scene 5 - lied 7) - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Pyjamafeest (scene 5 - lied 7) - Duration: 2:34.


10 facts of Guru Nanak Dev ji which every sikh must have to know || Sikhi Gian || Daas Amanjot Singh - Duration: 5:29.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

Today we will talk about 10 facts of Guru Nanak dev ji

So, lets start

We welcome to all sadh sangat in your own channel

we try to learn gurbani updesh and sharing with our brothers and sisters

you are giving so much love to our videos we heartly thank you for that much support

Today with the blessings of Waheguru ji we are sharing facts of Guru nanak dev ji which everyone should know

who was guru of Guru Nanak dev ji

at kailash mountain when Guru Nanak dev ji were communicating with Sidhs

then sidhs asked question that

"Tera kavan guru jis ka tu chela"

which means hey, Guru Nanak sahib who is your teacher of whom you are disciple

Then Guru sahib ji replied

"Shabad guru surat dhun chela"

which means that words are my guru

and my conscious mind is his disciple

who was first disciple of Guru Nanak dev ji

The first disciple of Guru Nanak dev ji was Sister of guru Nanak dev ji

Bebe Nanaki ji

who was first to know that Guru Nanak dev ji is messenger of God

The "udasis" of Guru Nanak dev ji

In the history Guru Nanak dev ji was the one to travel the most on feet

Guru Nanak dev ji walked 28,000 Kms

and blessed the world

The disciples of Guru Nanak dev ji

In the eyes of Guru Nanak dev ji all religions are equal

thats why one disciple of Guru Nanak was "Bala" who was Hindu and one was "Mardana" who was Muslim

Fact 5

after giving the Gods message to the world

Guru Sahib ji started living at Sri Kartarpur Sahib (currently in Pakistan)

where Guru sahib ji started farming

and spent his life by doing hard work

the discussion of Guru Nanak dev ji

Guru sahib convert devil to human

the discusiion of Guru Nanak dev ji was so powerful

that "Koda raksas" and "Sajjan thagg" changed

the discussion of Guru Nanak dev ji was very polite

Fact 7

Guru Sahib ji was against "sadhpuna" and "jogpuna"

Guru sahib ji tought that God is not made happy only by going to jungles and leaving the world

but a common man can also make the God happy

"Langar pratha" was started by Guru Nanak dev ji

one day the father of Guru Nanak dev ji gave him 20 rupees for business

Guru Nanak dev ji was going to market for business

then hungery "sadhs" met to GUru Sahib ji

Guru Nanak sahib ji served food to them of that money which his father gave him for business

and when his father asked him that

had you done your business

Guru sahib ji replied

"yes, I had done the business of truth

that day 'Langar pratha started

and it is proud for us

from that day till today

Langar is happening continuously

whether it is flood anywherte

and in the war as well

the langar of Guru Nanak dev ji happening continuously

and will not ever stop

sorry its not langer

its bhai lehna ji

at Kartarpur sahib Guru sahib ji met new disciple

Bhai Lehna ji

afterwards Guru sahib ji changed the name of Bhai Lehna ji to Angad

Bhai Lehna ji became second Sikh Guru Guru Angad devi ji

fact 10

Guru Nanak dev ji never forced or told someone to change their religion

Guru sahib ji taught muslim how to be true muslim

and taught hindu how to be true hindu

The facts of Guru Nanak dev ji



sangat ji if you liked this video

hit like

and share

if you want to give us suggestions

you can message us on facebook and can comment below

the brother sisters who are new on thsi channel please subscribe the channel

For more infomation >> 10 facts of Guru Nanak Dev ji which every sikh must have to know || Sikhi Gian || Daas Amanjot Singh - Duration: 5:29.


Mark Taylor August 20, 2017 - GOD's PRAYER ARMY - Mark Taylor Prophecy 2017 - Duration: 1:16:42.

Hi, I am cyber evil your co-host and welcome to Doc's tech show coming to you from Deep in cyberspace

Now here's our host Doc a voice from the internet Wilderness

Thank you Cyber Riva Wonderful introduction

this is the Doc speak show on intention Radium and also available on YouTube and

On the Doc a voice that comes to you from the internet Wilderness deep in cyberspace

Last show, we talked about mark Taylor the prophet

Mark Taylor was told by God on

April 28


that Donald trump would be the 45th president of the United States and

He also mentioned to him a number of things that

Trump would accomplish and what his first four or five months would be like and you can

listen to That Show or Visit YouTube on

Last week's show to hear exactly what it was that mark

Shared that God shared with him these are not Mark's words

They're God's words at any rate one of the things he also discussed is that?

God wants us to pray

God wants us to be an army an army of prayer

And he wants us to pray a certain way he wants us to pray in a manner that

supports Donald Trump and

He wants us to pray that Donald trump

listens and prays for guidance from God so that he will be

Performing what God has intended for the United States of America now according to Marx

Taylor's prophecy

That makes Donald trump an anointed

president, but he needs prayers to continue to have

Donald Trump

Operating and discerning what it is that God wants?

for the American people so when we look at

prayer in

The Bible we get some interesting verses as to how we should be praying


1 John


kind of says it pretty simply in a sentence and I quote

This is the confidence. We have in approaching. God if

We ask anything according to his will he hears us end of quote

let's look at this if

We ask anything in accordance to his will he hears us that means if it's not in accordance with his will

He's ignoring us

We have to pray in a way that is

Acceptable to God in that it's part of his will

okay, and

now let's see what else we need to do as


Approach this and how we're supposed to pray

Devote yourself to prayer

Being watchful and thankful and that's from Colossians 4:2 and I'll quote again

devote yourself to prayer being watchful and thankful end of quote seek because

We have to pray we have to be in a state of prayer

Constantly and we have to pray God's will so it's as if God says I want this this

Then our prayer has to be God give us this this so that we're in accord

He doesn't want to say to us

I want to give you this this and then we turn around and we say what God we're going to pray for that that

We don't want this this we want that that no. God wants us to pray in

a manner that's according to his will

So that's the first thing we need to keep in mind the next thing. We need to keep in mind

Is that we need to pray?

Now let's see, what Mark

4:11 24 says therefore, I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer


That you have received it and it will be yours end

Of quote let me repeat that quote therefore. I tell you whatever you ask in prayer

I believe that you have received it, and it will be yours well, end of quote well if we're praying

Consistently and if we're praying for things that are

according to God's will

Then we know that if God says pray for this this and I pray for this this I know that I'm going to get this

This is basically

What we're hearing in those just those three verses from the Bible now

Keep that in mind for a moment

now here is a verse from

Jeremiah 33:3


call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and

Unsearchable things you do not know unquote here this

verse this prayer

for us for God's army on behalf of

America and Donald Trump is a prayer that we certainly need to be praying for because we need to know what God really wants

unsearchable things

You do not know

So these are things that our president

Should be aware of so we need to pray

That Donald trump praise in this Manner

Asking that always to reveal to him

what things he doesn't know that he should know in

order for him to be able to rule as a

president honestly truthfully and with the best interest of the American people

That's the key



1:6 has this to say

but when you ask you must believe and not doubt

Because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind


When you pray a much not doubt obviously the first thing you can't doubt is that the existence of God?

Because how can you pray to someone and believe that?

Your prayer will be answered if you don't believe that God exists in the first place

So we can't doubt the existence of God that's number one. We can't doubt that if we're praying

based on

his will

That we won't receive what we ask because he told us that if you pray according to my will it will be granted to you

So we can't have those kind of doubts

We can't doubt that if we're praying that for example that our president

listens to the Word of God

That he won't listen to the word of God we have to believe that our prayer

Will be taken seriously and that God will always


Donald Trump's Heart and

Cause him to believe and to trust in the lord for guidance and discernment and wisdom

Now I want to add why it's very important that we pray

Every single one of us me included

Cannot do a damn thing on our own

There's nothing I can do that will stop that crazy lunatic in

North Korea to do something stupid

There's nothing I can do


George soros to stop him from


Brought using bribery his money

through whatever means either to support a candidate in

Order to get his will done or not or whatever he wants

I can't stop that I can't stop the roth's child family

from doing whatever

They do behind government's backs or behind the people's backs in government it in order to get their Agenda. I

Can't do a damn thing I?

can watch the news I can look at YouTube videos I can


so various social medias and listen to

Or see comments about what's going on. I can hear

foolish people making foolish remarks

where they have little or knowledge of what's really going on and

are affected by False news and the Media's hype and


Propaganda to


The truth in order to make the masses follow that Agenda. I

Can't stop that neither. Can you?

None of us can as an individual, but here's how we can defeat it

We can defeat false news we can defeat

Evil politicians corrupt politicians we can defeat soros and the watch our family and we could defeat

crazy lunatic leaders who want to think that by

Threatening or blowing up somebody with a nuclear bomb is going to make them the king of the world

We can defeat that and the way we defeat it is

By joining together in prayer

because you see

Jesus said were two or more Gathered as where he would be but can you imagine?

The magnitude of two or three million together in prayer

How about all the Christians in the United States 170 million people all?

praying the same prayer

What do you think would be the effect of that?

Do you think that if we were all praying?

For Donald trump the anointed one

the one that

Was prophesized by mark Taylor to be the leader of the United States?

That if we were praying that he would be making the right decisions that he would be listening to God that it wouldn't happen

that God would not

Soften his heart

that God would not

Speak in his ear

Give him the intuition to do. What is right?

of course he would and

That's what we need to do see that's the one thing that we can do the one thing that we can do is pray

We can pray and pray and pray and believe that the our prayers will be answered

Because we're praying what God wants us to pray and God wants us to pray


His anointed president will listen to his word. He?

Wants us to pray that Donald trump will make the decisions that are instilled in his heart and mind

Through the holy Spirit, that's what he wants us to pray and if we pray those things

Then he will have the heart in the mind and the spirit to do those things

Because he's in a position that he can

He's in a position that he can now the next thing we need to pray for it. We need to pray for his team

We need to pray that Donald trump's an administration. His team is


We need to pray that they will that then also want to do the will of God?

We need to pray that they will

pass laws and legislations that and

executive orders that will

be an

Example of God's will for the American people

That's what we need to pray for

We need to pray for an end to false news. We need to pray for an end of of


anti-trump protesters

Come to their senses and stop doing what they're doing. We need to pray that people


Killing police officers, we need to pray that people stop

destroying innocent people's properties in homes and vehicles because they're angry because

Their party didn't win. We need to pray that that people unite and start acting

intelligently as

Americans we need to pray that


Support the American people we need to pray that God's will be done

For the American people because the American people are doing god's will

we need to pray that the American people are a

Righteous people doing God's will

we need to pray that all forms of

Wickedness come to an end. We need to pray that God harnesses the evil one and prevents him from

Convincing people that wickedness is the way to go

We need to pray

those things and we need to pray as

one large

multi-Million army praying the same prayer

That's what we need to be doing

becoming a massive

Christian prayer army we can defeat isis we can defeat

Terrorists we can defeat

Islam we can defeat anything if

We join together in


Think about that

Now I'd like to read to you

another verse from the Bible



15 quote

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry end

of quote once again

the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cries and

Of call a men and what does that mean well?

If we're be if we're being righteous if we've accepted

Jesus Christ as our savior if we've taken in the holy spirit, and we're trying to live a righteous life well now

God has his eye on us



says that his ears are attentive to their cry well if we are crying out to God and

asking him

To do his will and that we are praying in accordance to his will and what is his will

That man be righteous

That the righteous are able to overcome evil

That the righteous are able to be healthy because God will bless us for being that

That that because we believe in his son


recognizes that

God his son has died for our sins and therefore now. We are made

perfect in his eyes, and we have become

Righteous and now he listens to our cries and what is our cry right now?

That Christians are not tortured are not murdered that those who believe in his son

Should not treat it that way and that is and that the enemy in some way God shall restrain

Isn't that a crime? It's that that we cry that our enemies who do not believe in Jesus Christ?

Their hearts may be softened and that they come to christ

Now think about that and think about maybe making that prayer

We're going to take a short break, but we'll be back in a moment. So don't go anywhere

Hi, my name is Dr.. Anthony Raimundo, and I'm the producer

director and host of the Doc speak show on intention Radio and also on YouTube, but I'm also a

member in good standings with toastmasters international

Now toastmasters international is a worldwide

speaking organization with small clubs

Everywhere on the Planet

with the mission of

Developing public speakers now if you have a need or had a reason to speak in front of an audience

But you were afraid to

because of fear

Or because you lack the skills in public speaking and maybe preparing a speech well then

Toastmasters international is a club for you now. I'm also a member of a club on Saturday mornings at

Adp in Roseland, so if you're somewhere in Essex County and you would like to learn those

speaking skills and also

to eliminate any fear of

standing in front of an audience to speak then contact me at

dock Speaks show at

Doc speaks show at, and I will give you

Information as to the meeting times now you can also go to and

go to

story tellers


Toastmasters, and you'll get the address and

the times and

the meetings

for that particular club

now if you're somewhere else

And you're not in New Jersey well then go to

And you could probably find a club within 25 miles of where you live or less


take the opportunity and

Join a toastmaster group near you where you can develop

Public speaking skills. Thank you, and God bless

We are back. I am sad where even your co-host and 50 dog speak show on intention radio

I hope you like my new look and here a jog

thank you cyber Riva for bringing us back, and this is the dark speak show on intention radio and

also on YouTube and I'm the Doc a voice that comes to you from the

Internet Wilderness Deep in cyberspace

And today, we're talking about prayer, but we're talking specifically about the prayer


God wants us to pray about and it was foretold through us

Through God's prophet mark Taylor the retired Fireman who on APril 28


God spoke to him and told him that

trump would be the next president and he outlined some of the things that would occur and


Has occurred no one thought that he would that Donald trump would be

The Republican nominee, and he was no one thought he would get elected and he was no one

everyone was or the liberals especially the democrats were open they could stop the inauguration, and he was inaugurated and

he continues to

Become successful and win no matter what they throw at him. He seems to win they accused him of being

In cahoots with the Russians, and there's no evidence

He he said that there that he was being wiretapped and everyone jumped on but he was

Everything that has taken place

He has successfully overcome and the reason for that is because God is supporting him

he's being


whether people believe him or not now, we

Also need to pray for him, and that's what the show's been about

On how to pray and what to pray for now if God has anointed

Donald Trump to be president then we need to pray

For his presidency we need to pray that the decisions

He makes are based on the inspirations

That he's getting from the holy spirit. We need to pray that he listens to God's voice

We need to pray

That he continued use to

Discern the message that God is giving him on how to lead America

We also need to pray for Donald trump that he prays that

That's precisely what he does that he that he prays for the voice of God to lead him

that he prays for

Discernment coming from God that he prays for this

Wisdom to come from God and to do God's will and that's what we need to pray for

We need to pray that that's what he prays about


We've been looking at biblical verses as to

What the bible has to say what does God tell us through the bible through his word. What does God tell us?

well in




says this and I quote

when you ask

You do not receive

Because you ask with wrong motives

That you may spend what you get on your pleasures end of quote

See we go back that you're not asking

What God wants you to ask for so you ask wrongly and therefore? It doesn't come to pass

You first need to ask. God to be able to listen to his voice

you first need to

Repent of your sins you first need to ask. God for Mercy

You first need to thank him for the grace that he's given you

through the body and blood through the beatings that Jesus took through the Christian the

Crucifixion that he undertook the blood that he shed for you

Now when you have played and confessed your sins and of and have accepted christ for that


You are in a position

to be heard

And now you can say, what is it you want from me. Lord. What do you want me to do?

How should I be praying? What should I be praying for?

So that you pray correctly

Because you have to pray God's will be done if you recite be our father

That's exactly the word you hear god's will be done

So, what is it that? God wants us to do?

He wants us to be a prayer army and he wants us to pray for

Our leader and the anointed leader right now is Donald J. Trump

We need to pray that he's able to come or

Adversaries we need to pray that because that God

assists him in

overcoming his enemies who want to knock who want to destroy God's anointed who want to Destroy America and

Continue to lead it down a wicked pet we need to pray

God's will that. God wants him to be successful. We need to pray that God will it

Continues to bless Donald trump, and we need to pray that Donald trump listens to God's voice

We need to pray that he listens to God's voice and is able

To hear the message and put it to practice to put it to work

To create and move America forward in the way that God


Now one of the things that we also need to pray about in terms of Donald trump as president

We need to pray that

Being in that position of president that he doesn't become tempted

Use the power of the office

For some other means other than what God has intended

now in second thessalonians 3 3 it says and I quote

But the lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one

We need to pray that the Lord God

through the power the holy Spirit


President trump



Protected by the Evil one so that he does not

stray from the intentions that God has

For him and that he continues

to do

God's will

Now here are two more verses that we need to keep in mind when we pray for Donald trump




desertion will protect you an

Understanding will guard you unquote so we need to be praying that

Donald Trump has the right discernment and

Discerns correctly as to what God wants him to do next and that he also

Understands the will of God in order to perform it the next verse comes from proverbs


do not forsake wisdom and

She will protect you love her and she will watch over you so now again

Unquote now again, we need to pray for our president

That he does not forsake wisdom that he really

Tunes in and listens

To God's word that he uses the wisdom that is being provided to him by the holy


So that wisdom will keep from doing

something that does not

be in line with

God's will

So we need to keep that prayer in

mind when we pray

for our president


Now I still to show with the idea that I

Can't do a damn thing I?

Have no control over

What the media is going to say?

False or otherwise I?

Have no control of what how congress meant it on a vote I have no control over how



Crazy lunatics that are in leadership position are going to behave. I have no control in it and neither. Do you and

Neither do you and you know we can we can go to YouTube and we can go to?

Facebook and we can go here and there and we can write our

Opinions, and we can state them, but in the end they have no real effect on anything

Because governments are going to do what they want to do

the Cia is going to do what they want to do the FBI is going to do what they want to do and

We've seen it we've seen how

The government is corrupt

We see people saying drain the swamp I

Still don't see anyone in handcuffs

But what can I do I can't handcuff anyone? I'm not in that position

I'm not the dea

The district attorney now we have you know that's up to these people to do those things to be law-abiding

Citizens in a position of serving the population the only thing that we can do is pray

And that's why I'm emphasizing

On this show that we need to be a prayer army we need to be praying the same things

We need to pray that the corruption in our government is

Brought to light and these people are finally arrested and prosecuted

We need to pray


the people with

evil intentions

Their hearts are softened and they come to realize

That what they're doing is insane

We need to pray for people who want to have sex with children that they either are

Prosecuted or they're or they find Jesus christ and are transformed from those desires?

We need to pray that the wicked become righteous. We need to pray for those things, but in the meantime

We need to pray for our leader that he stays righteous

That he listens to the will of God that he performs the will of God that he does what God?

intends for

The American people and that's what we need to do. That's the only thing that we can do

That has any effect whatsoever on

an outcome, but we can't do it alone and we

Have to have the same prayer we can't be all praying something different

Then that's just a lot of noise

We all need to focus on

Praying for the same thing, so we need we need to begin with we have a leader

Let's pray for our leader that he has an ear for God's voice

Let's pray for our leader that he has discernment to listen to God's voice

Let's pray to God that our leader has the wisdom

To listen to God's voice and to do God's will

Let's pray together that through his leadership

We are able to eliminate

The corruption in our government. We are able to eliminate those who?

Steal from taxpayers in order to fatten their pocket

We see it every day we hear this one's got how does a person who makes 200 thousand a year?

managed to accumulate

400 million, and then he's not arrested for doing it for stealing and fraud and this don't get it yet

we have a

Media that constantly wants to know where donald trump's money is coming from well, how come he didn't do that before?

How come you didn't question it before?

Why do you why is it that Obama's got 400 million in offshore accounts?

Why is it that all these politicians suddenly who enter politics are now?


Having stolen money from the government having sold their souls to corporations or our outside

Countries, why isn't that?

Bill and Hillary Clinton Aren't arrested for selling

uranium to the Russians

Why and then come up with fake news that trump? Is it goes with them?

We need to pray for our leader and the leaders that he puts in place that they are

Listening to God's will that they want to live up to

the laws that this country has

That they enforce the laws that

have been put in place and that

They become real

servants of

the people

That's what we need to be praying for and that

And now we're going to go to a short break. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere still have a few more minutes and

A little bit more about prayer so don't go anywhere. I'll be right back. Do you suffer from Minor pains or sugar?

Do you suffer from Depression?

Are taking a lot of pharmaceuticals with no relief? Maybe it is because of lack of nutrients

Contact regime yet nine seven three

Seven Six nine

five one eight three

Four information that could help tell her the Doc sent you

We are back. I am side reveal your co-host and fifthly Doc speak show on intention Radio

I hope you like my new look than Kara jog

Thank you cyber Reva for bringing us back into the dark speak show on

intention radio and also on YouTube and

I'm the Doc a voice that comes to you from the internet Wilderness deep in

cyberspace and

Now what I'd like to do is I will I want to read from PSALm 91

because see in PSAlm 91 we get some thoughts as


the elements that we need to be

praying for


Donald Trump our current president and

we know that the pSALms were written by David who was a king and

obviously, this is was something that he needed and

Obviously, it's something that

trump needs because

Look at the Media attacks him


Politicians are attacking him falsely they're preventing him from


His administrative staff it's still not complete

There's this agenda. They want to sabotage his presidency

Which is so illegal?

That it's amazing. It's even taking place all the years of my life. I have never seen anything, so

Corrupt so blatantly corrupt taking place right before our eyes

so here is

Psalm 91 and I'm going to read it and I'm going to begin


Whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty

He will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my God in whom I trust

Surely he will save you from the foul

snare and from the Deadly pestilence

He will cover you with the feathers

His feathers and under his wing you will find refuge

his faithfulness

will be your shield and


You will not fear the terror of the night nor

The Arrow that flies by Day

Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys

at Midday A

Thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand

But it will not come near you

The Lord is my refuge, and you make the most high your dwelling

No harm will overtake


Know distress will come near your tent

for he

Will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways

They will lift you up in their hands

So that you will not strike your foot against the stone

you will

thread on the Lion and on the Cobra

You will trample the great lion and the serpent

Because he loves me says the lord. I will rescue him. I will protect him

for he

acknowledges my name

He will call on me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble

I will deliver him and honor him

With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation

Now the latter part of this is obvious that we need to pray that

Trump remains an

individual who loves God who seeks God and wants God's Protection and advice and

Wants to be able to do his will

Should he do those things?

Then the other part of this particular psAlm

Will take care of him will protect him against his enemies, and it seems so far that he has many

Not only in the democratic party, but he has enemies that want to sabotage him in his own party

they want to destroy him and


Because he's not a politician

He hasn't taken bribes. He's a billionaire as a businessman

He hasn't become wealthy by


Taxpayers money into his their pockets. He hasn't become a millionaire or a billionaire



gifts in order to

Vote a certain way like the clintons with their foundation that is

Pay-To-play, you pay me and I make sure you get what you want. He hasn't done that

so we have

Lots of politicians who are afraid that?


gravy Train is about to come to an end, so

trump needs our prayers

He needs our prayers that maintain him

to be righteous he needs our prayers that he does the will of God he

needs our prayers that he turns to God he needs our prayers that he requests god of

what to do next

He needs our prayers for guidance discernment and wisdom

so that God gives our leader our president those gifts and

also to protect him

from the Forces of Evil

For the corruption that is in Washington DC. That will Destroy him?

Many of those very people are pedophiles

not only are they thieves and

Ana Greedy

But they are also wicked in

their ability to even be a moral human being

their morality stinks

We need to pray that

the Lord God Jesus Christ, and

the holy Spirit along with the may rods of

Angels protect him on a daily basis because we have seen and heard

people from the Liberal left


Actually make statements that they want him

Assassinated when have you ever heard?

the people out rightly

Make a statement

To the world that they want to see him killed

This is insane. We need to pray for his protection because there obviously are

Insane people who will try to kill him

So we needs prayers

to protect him


that very thing he

Needs our prayers to guide him to be wise and discern the will of God

And he needs our prayers to protect him



Keep that in mind for a moment

ephesians 6:11

17 now many of you know the this verse

It's in reference to putting on the armor of God, and we need to pray


Donald Trump is

wearing the armor of God that he wears the armor of God and

also that

The secret service that is hired

to protect him

that they do just that because

We've heard that even

amongst those

Members who are supposed to?

be non-Political

members of the secret service


Even or it's been leaked that even they want to see him dead

And that's a very scary thought so we need to pray not only that

Donald Trump is wearing the armor of God to protect him from

Satan and his demons

But we also need to pray


in the physical realm

he is also protected by the secret service and

possibly wearing some form of

armor to protect him in the physical realm as well, so I would like to read ephesians and

That when I read this keep in mind and and have an image in your mind that

Trump is being protected

Quote put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Devil's schemes

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers

against the authorities

against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of Evil in

the heavenly realms

Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes

you may be able to stand your ground and

After you have done everything to stand

stand firm then

With the belt of truth buckled around your waist

With the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted

with the reading ness that comes from the gospel of Peace in

Addition to all this take up the shield of fate

With which you can extinguish all the flaming

Arrows of the Evil one

take the Helmet of Salvation and the sword of the spirit which the lord of

which is the word of God end of quote and


This is what our president means

because there are

Many who are shooting?

arrows that are False Witness

Which is a deformation of character, and they should be arrested

And we should pray that those people who use False Witness


arrested for Perjury and are

Sued as well for defamation of character

We need to pray that

He's able to withstand their schemes their plotting

Everything that they are doing

even in the open, but if they are doing

Some things in the open you can only imagine

the Evil and

the deceit that

Is taking place in the background where we are totally unaware?

So we need to pray

That he has his armor on at all times that

The angels are there to protect him?

That righteous human beings that are employed in the secret service do their job

that the FBI and all the other agencies

Are aware of anyone who would want to hurt him in any way?



his character

Sabotage his

administration all those individuals and their evil schemes and their planning may come to light and

Are exposed and incarcerated that?

Is our prayer that's the prayer we need to pray for every day that is what mark Taylor?

was told by God that we should be doing we need to become a

Prayer Army we need to pray


unceasingly for our leader and

for other leaders who are


righteous and trying to do the righteous thing on behalf of the American people and

of peoples of the world

so that


we can

be at Peace

until it is time for

the last event and Christ's return

until then until that is really in our

midst we need to

Pray for the for the president that God has put in place for a reason


It is obvious that

His timetable for the end is not ready

so until then he wants this man to lead us and

To Contribute ooo lead us

in in

God's will

God's will be done

For us here in America and abroad

And that's our show

for this week's show and

I encourage you to pray to pray I encourage you to pray. It's the only thing

We little guppies can do

is to pray

the whales in Washington will swallow us up because they're in control and we

little Guppies

Need to pray and to pray daily

That we have a righteous leader to protect us to protect our country to

our citizens first and


So I thank you for listening I

encourage you to pray every


so that we can be victorious as an army of




every day for righteousness for

individuals to become

righteousness for individuals to accept Jesus Christ


to turn away

from their sins

now this has been the

Doc speak show on intention radio and

Also on YouTube and I hope that you also



Go to Doc speak show and become a fan give us a like'

become part of our audience the same on

YouTube go and subscribe to our channel we really appreciate your support

until next time

We wish you the best we pray for you

So long for now and God bless

Do you suffer from Minor pains or sugar? Do you suffer from Depression?

Are taking a lot of pharmaceuticals with no relief? Maybe it is because of lack of nutrients

Contact regime yet nine seven three

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Four information that could help tell her the Doc sent you



Was no bang in outer space, but there was a flash

Hi, I am cyber Riva, and this is the dark speak show

presented by accelerating evolution

LLC and period Outlaws dark a voice coming to you from the internet Wilderness deep in cyberspace

thank you Cyber Evil for that wonderful introduction and

This is the Doc speak show on

YouTube and I'm the Doc a voice that comes to you from the internet Wilderness deep in


Cyberspace and today's topic or title of the show is Mark Taylor. God

Energy and what that means is that God?


mark Taylor with a

prophecy regarding

energy and that's going to be the topic of

today's show

Dealing with what it was that?

the Lord God

Said to mark Taylor and it happened on

December 16th


So that's in about five six months away

you know

about six months almost pretty soon and

Here's what the lord said to mark Taylor. I'm going to quote

Energy energy I am releasing new energy for this new energy that I am releasing will make

my America and my Israel



for America and Israel

Will now be the top energy?

Producers in the world this new energy and technology to capture it

will Spring Forth from the depths as

the Volcano erupts from the depths

This is a sign that will be given a massive


volcanic eruption will signal that this is the time for my America and Israel and

the end of energy



Your evil reign will no longer be tolerated

You will no longer be needed

for you refuse to listen to my words you have not heeded for when the ring of

Fire blows its top

it will be a sign to you that you will lose your stock and

the covenant you have with the with that ring will be lost the

spirit of God continues to say

Your countries that have dominated enter energy for decades

to move your evil agenda are

Charged with this guilt your days are numbered, and you will say look how fast this was built

My America and my israel will be one and because of this you will be undone

because of your rage and the money you made from your

countries of

manipulated and attack

From within you will now have to turn to those countries for help on a whim for

your will

You're wells will go dry and your finances, too

For you will now be fed from the red white and blue end of quote

well, I

Don't know how many of you

have heard about


eruption of

a volcano

in Alaska

Just a couple of days ago, and it just so happens that

The Volcanic range in the Pacific is known as the ring of fire

Now I'm going to give you the details of that eruption in just a moment

now the box woth Valcano which is in a string of

Islands off the Coast of Alaska

Erupted Sunday this past Sunday and sent a cloud of ash


35,000 to 45,000 feet in the air

causing a problem for

planes flying in that area

So we have because because the ash

Should it enter into the engine of a jet could actually cause it to crash, so we have this



Off the coast of Alaska, and it lasted 50 minutes

Sending a cloud of ash as high as 45,000 feet which is


Anywhere from seven to eight miles up?

so now

We've had the eruption is

This the eruption that the Lord God was telling

Mark Taylor

That was going to happen before

the United States of America along with Israel

would uncover a new form of energy or


That would end

up making

America the provider for energy for the world and put an end to the opec nations

Now that's a very significant thing

Because you have to understand that if the opec nations

Don't have any money

then they can't fund an

Army, or


That will kind of put an end to their agenda pretty quickly

If that was to happen, so now we had a sign first we have a one sign

coming from God is

He spoke to mark Taylor, and he gave him

The message that I read


Too for him to tell us

What is what god's intention?

Is and what's going to happen so the prophetic statement was made?


that was made in

December and

Here it is the end of May

so between

the time he announced it and

Now is approximately just short of six months

Just short of a couple of weeks of six months, and we see a sign and and is that sign

the one we are

to expect now if it is

Then something is going to be happening in

Both technology, and maybe the discovery of the new fuel now. I'm wondering since the United States does have

enough Petroleum

To last us for another 150. Maybe 200 years

if the technology

That's developed is able to

purify and

Provide the refinement that is necessary to turn

petroleum with the gasoline and other products if all of a sudden, we have a

Less expensive means to do that

now if we have a less expensive means to do that that would mean that our petroleum will now become or

Gasoline will now become a lot cheaper, and if it became a lot cheaper then

nations that don't have petroleum

Would want to buy it from us

Putting opec out of business

Is that a possibility?

Think about that for a moment

I'd like to

point out

Another kind of energy and that kind of energy is comes to us in the form of nutrients vitamins

Minerals enzymes

To nourish our bodies now

the problem that I see with


various health plans

Obamacare and now maybe trump care I

Personally like the attitude or the concept of prevent care because why do I need an insurance program?

That only goes to work when I get sick. I don't know about you, but I don't like getting sick

I don't even like pain in fact a mosquito bite bothers me. I don't like pain

So now why would I want an insurance plan that only takes care of me?

When I'm sick, I want to plan that

The time I can go to that determines before I get sick what my body deficiencies are what my?

Immune system is lacking

What is it about my body that won't be able to fight off a disease if it does attack me

That's what I want to know. I want to know what can I do and I should be able to find that out and be

supplemented so that I don't get sick now that wouldn't be the smart plan so

if you're like me, and you don't want to get sick in the first place I

Have a friend her name is Regina

Random Ski and

she is a nutritionist and

also a Faux botanist who was allowed to take blood and

She's connected with specta cells and you can look them up on

YouTube I mean Google

expect to sell and they're the only ones that do this particular type of

Blood analysis, they analyze

your cells

your white

Corpuscles to determine what is lacking in your immune system?

so if you'd like to know if you're possibly getting sick

Or you already might be and you'd like to try to reverse it

because also drugs do have side effects and

they also deplete your

Nutrients, so you may be wanting to take something to go along with what's being deficient in your particular?

situation so if you have an interest contact me at

Doc's Peak show at

Doc's Peak show at

and I'll give you the information that you need in order to hook up with Regina and

or if you're not in the New Jersey

We'll try to give you some information as to who you might want to contact in your state


take a tip and

Investigate in

what your body deficiency is and

Let's not get sick in the first place now. Let's go back to

some closing remarks on today's topic

Now let's put aside for a moment any

comments or any thoughts that

the Media has

about almost anything

Let's put that aside and let's just examine

the real

intelligence of the universe

We have God telling mark Taylor. He's going to make he want he's going to make Donald trump president of the United States

Donald Trump becomes president of the United States, and he's claiming he wants to put America first

Now we see another

statement by God saying he's going to make America and


Part of a new technology and a new form of energy that will put opec out of business

Now when we examine that well look god's got a pretty good plan going so far

He wants to he puts a man into the white house. Who's a Businessman?

Not a politician. He's a businessman who knows how to make business deals

Now God also wants a new form of energy in this new form of technology to make America

number one in another

Excuse me in another statement made by God to mark Taylor

He also said that it America's greatest years are yet are yet to come and the the dollar is going to be?

more important than it's ever been

Interesting so you see I think God pretty much has it all put together

He has a businessman in the white house

He's got a new technology coming that's going to make America the leader in the technology world

He's going to put opec out of business and it seems that God wants to put America first also

So he's got a guy in the white house with the same

mentality in terms of wanting to do just that so

it seems pretty clear to me the gods in control and we ought to ignore or the

deceitful lies fake news


the globalists the


the whatever wrists are

Trying to spew to us because God is in control, and it seems to me

we have a sign and now we need to look to see if

Something does happen in the energy world

and if Donald trump is the guy

Who's going to make sure that?

Those things take place because what was one of his other agendas

Putting Americans to work while a new form of technology

would certainly put

Americans to work

now I think God is pretty much got a plan going and

I'm watching his plan

unfold I hope you are too and

I hope you watch my show


tune in again, I hope you

If you haven't subscribed that you do and if you have a comment, please share it with us

please make it a positive one and

Keep it encouraging until my next show

We pray you have a blessed week, and God bless


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