Friday, August 4, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 4 2017

So far in our shows featuring the average person, we've focused on Europe and North


Today we're heading to Asia to compare what could be called a flourishing nation with

a country that is usually given the epithet of 'secret state.'

The two countries sit side by side, and yet today they share little in common.

One nation is viewed as a threat to western democratic capitalist values, and the other

an ally and exponent of those values.

Separated by a demilitarized zone, it's not often that the global public gets to see

what happens north of the border.

Even when we are given a glimpse inside the secretive nation, we are often told the reality

was only a show, propaganda.

Today we are going to take a look inside, in this episode of the Infographics Show,

The average North Korean vs. the Average South Korean.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

According to a fact sheet created by the Korean Economic Institute of America, South's Korea's

51 million people are currently living in the 13th largest economy in the world based

on purchasing power parity.

That number is 1.93 trillion dollars.

It's GDP is 1.4 trillion dollars, putting South Korea in 11th place in the world for


North Korea's 25 million people will not be enjoying an economic boom anytime soon.

It's GDP, according to the CIA Factbook, was 25 billion dollars in 2015.

Some sources say this number is lower.

The country's main industries are agriculture, mining, fishing and the services, while South

Korea's major industries cover more modern sectors such as electronics, automotive, shipbuilding,

and petrochemicals.

What this means in terms of wealth per capita, well, you can probably figure that out.

The average wage in South Korea in 2016 according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation

and Development was just over 32,000 U.S. dollars a year.

This was taken by calculating the total wage bill in the country by the number of full-time


As the North Korean government doesn't publish its salaries, it's hard to know exactly

what people get paid.

According to North Korean Economy Watch, a high paid official in the country could earn

as much as 1,000 dollars a month.

In an article published in NPR, it was said many talented North Koreans working in good

factory jobs were earning around 62 dollars a month.

It also said the workers were doing relatively ok, and some were earning 100 dollars per


This is certainly good when compared to the bottom rung of the ladder, with some reports

saying many North Koreans earned as little as 2 or 3 dollars a month.

If that is the case, how do they survive on such meager wages?

For starters, North Korea claims that it is the world's only tax free country, celebrating

Tax Abolition Day on April 1st.

Even if that's true, many studies tell us that a large number of North Koreans battle

with poverty.

A KUNI report stated that much of the population has to live on corn and kimchi, and doesn't

even have fuel to cook with.

The upside, if it can be seen that way, is that all North Korean property is owned by

the government.

North Koreans are given a place to live, but the condition of that place will depend on

what work you do and what rank you hold.

Your social status and which part of the country you live in will also factor.

This could mean getting a fairly decent apartment, or living in a place heated by an open fire

that does not have a flushing toilet or reliable electricity.

Education is also free, and North Korea says it has a national literacy rate of 100% for

children 15 or over.

Healthcare is free, although according to various articles, it is lacking.

This is because of underfunding, which is partly due to sanctions and a struggling economy.

According to one article published in The Guardian, sick people were using crystal meth

instead of medical drugs because the former was cheaper and provided a modicum of relief.

South Koreans could be said to be breaking good in comparison, but at the same time more

money does often mean more problems.

While the southerners enjoy higher wages, they also have high household debt according

to global averages.

In a 2017 article in Business Insider, South Korea landed in 7th position on the debt list,

with 90% household debt to GDP.

While working in North Korea doesn't sound like a walk in the park, South Koreans are

well known for overworking themselves.

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the South Koreans

worked the second highest number of hours in the world in 2015, at 2,113 hours.

This could include 12 hours of obligatory overtime on weekdays, and 16 hours on weekends.

South Koreans get 16 days of public holidays, one less public holiday than in North Korea.

We might also cite a recent Time magazine article that said North Koreans are forced

to work 70 days straight to get a day off.

Other sources have said they get 15 days off a year.

With all that hard work, South Koreans might hope to have good healthcare if they fall

ill from overdoing it.

That they do, with their free for all compulsory National Health Insurance.

South Korea also has very modern standards of medical care and highly qualified medical


The system is frequently rated as being one of the best in the world.

It can't, however, do anything for a successful suicide.

According to the most recent World Health Organization report on global suicide, South

Korea was the only developed country in the world to make it onto the top ten list.

Other lists include Japan.

Rates differ wherever you look, with some sources putting South Korea in third place

in the world, behind…North Korea.

Most reports don't mention North Korea because there are no verifiable statistics.

The rates are rising, and it stands at around 41.7 per 100,000 men in South Korea.

This is very high in view of all other developed nations.

Many experts say the high expectations of society on sometimes overworked men is to


The rate is also high for women, we should add.

This also applies to school in the South, where students study notoriously long hours

as well as after school study.

For this reason, its students are often in the top leagues globally for their academic


7 out of every 10 high school students in South Korea go to university, but this also

means competitiveness and pressure make life hard for youngsters.

One report says half of them think about ending it all during their school years.

It also means more expensive private schools popping up, while private university semesters

can cost anything from US$3,000 to US$6,000.

North Korea's 23,000 colleges and universities are all free.

Let's now turn to the body.

These two countries should surely have similar looking people, right?

Well, some reports say that due to ill-health, North Koreans are on average two inches, or

even three inches shorter than South Koreans.

Outspoken social critic Christopher Hitchens once wrote that it was more like a 5 or 6

inch difference.

Men in the South average around 5 feet 8 and a half and women about five feet 2.

The South Koreans are also quite well-proportioned, and not suffering an obesity crisis like many

developed nations.

Men average around 154 pounds and women around 123 pounds.

Unlike the paunchy leader Kim Jong Un, most North Koreans are on the lighter side than

their southern counterparts.

Some reports state that Kim Jong Un gained 88 pounds since becoming leader.

As for having fun when not working too hard or prostrating yourself to your most excellent

leader, a Guardian article that cited North Korean defectors said that the spirit of eumjugamu,

meaning the love of 'drinking, music and dancing,' is alive and well in the North.

This is where the two countries can say they still share a similar trait: they both love

karaoke and getting wasted on white liquor.

Although, said the article, North Koreans do it at home and southerners tend to go out.

We'll leave it on that merry note.

Can you think of other ways North Koreans differ from South Koreans?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Americans vs Europeans!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Average North Korean vs the Average South Korean - People Comparison - Duration: 6:41.



My camera's gonna die. I gotta go fast.


Today I'm going to be doing a collective haul.

I decided to put all my sh-- in a drawer.

And i've gotten a lot of makeup recently,

because i have a problem.

Um, my brother's friend is in the next room.

I really hope he hears me filming this video. Hi!

Also. if you guys want a tutorial on this look,

please let me know in the comments below.

This is my natural, everyday look.

And I actually used the Essence Pure Nude,

and look at my nose. It's not that bad.

It's not that bad. I mean . . .

Okay. We've got so much to go through.

I am so pumped.

My last package came today, of the sh-- that I ordered.

Let's get poppin.

So I ordered three palettes in the past two days.

i ordered the Subculture Palette by Anastasia, which,

if you haven't seen my review on that,

that went up on Wednesday.

It'll be up here.

F-in hate the palette.

I returned it.

Instead, I'm going to be getting the

Matte Spectrum Palette by ZOEVA.

They have very sm...

Why is there a white van pulling into my driveway?

So I returned that. I'm going to be getting

the Matte Spectrum Palette by ZOEVA

because that's supposed to be really good.

Rachel Cantu said that she liked it,

So, b---, I'm about to get it.

And also, they have really similar colors in them, so . . .

Anyways, besides that, i haven't ordered it yet,

I have the Zulu Palette by Juvia's Place.

I'm going to be doing a Weird Look Wednesday on this soon,

but this is what the palette looks like.

I love all the bright colors that also,

these are so pigmented.

Okay, that kind of looks like My Little Pony period blood.

This is totally coming out of Pinky Pie's vagina right now.

Is it not?

Oooh, now I don't think i can ever use that shade again.

Okay, but I have used that before.

I actually love it. I love Juvia's Place eyeshadows.

I think they work really well.

Then I got the Malibu Palette by LORAC.

When I ordered this, i was sure that LORAC was cruelty free.

But since then, I've heard mixed reviews,

and i don't think i'm going to be buying from LORAC

until they decide to come out and say,

"We're cruelty free,"

rather than people having to email them and stuff.

But I really like this palette.

It's definitely a nice, natural, everyday palette.

This is supposed to be a highlighter,

and this is supposed to be a bronzer.

But I'm just going to use them both as eyeshadows.

I might use "Afternoon Rose," that highlighter shade.

But I don't think I'm ever going to use this as a bronzer.

But anyways,

F---, I've already been talking for five minutes?

Then I have this bucket of things.

These things were sent to me.

For more infomation >> COLLECTIVE MAKEUP HAUL! ULTA, NYX, SEPHORA, AND MORE - Duration: 11:45.


Crédito Imobiliário Santander - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Crédito Imobiliário Santander - Duration: 1:01.


Temecula Road - Hoping

For more infomation >> Temecula Road - Hoping


Albano e Romina Power, una storia d'amore e musica infinita | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Albano e Romina Power, una storia d'amore e musica infinita | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:05.


Incentivos para salas de cinema e a situação da saúde no País foram destaques na semana - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Incentivos para salas de cinema e a situação da saúde no País foram destaques na semana - Duration: 1:09.


Uomini e Donne, Luca Onestini al Grande Fratello Vip: scoop e dichiarazione di Malgioglio - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Luca Onestini al Grande Fratello Vip: scoop e dichiarazione di Malgioglio - Duration: 3:16.


Come vivere fino a 100 anni - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Come vivere fino a 100 anni - Duration: 4:22.


Como editar um documento e selecionar o texto no Word Online - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Como editar um documento e selecionar o texto no Word Online - Duration: 7:39.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Limousine Automaat Taxi Edition - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Limousine Automaat Taxi Edition - Duration: 0:41.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Avantgarde Automaat WIDE-SCREEN - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Avantgarde Automaat WIDE-SCREEN - Duration: 0:57.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Avantgarde - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Avantgarde - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Avantgarde Automaat Panoramadak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Avantgarde Automaat Panoramadak - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 CGI Limousine Avantgarde Automaat Stoelverwarming - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 CGI Limousine Avantgarde Automaat Stoelverwarming - Duration: 0:55.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet AMG Sport Edition Automaat, 360gr Camera - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Cabriolet AMG Sport Edition Automaat, 360gr Camera - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat | COMAND Online | LED | 360* camera - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat | COMAND Online | LED | 360* camera - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 250 e Electric Drive Lease Edition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 250 e Electric Drive Lease Edition - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> COMPA' RIUALO vs MIKESHOWSHA, STORMY e MURRY!!!!! - Duration: 9:02.


How to live to 100 - ASAPScience parody - Duration: 2:49.

It is estimated that in 2050, the ultra centenarians will be 3 million more than today.

- MORE THAN 3 MILLION THAN TODAY - Think about which queues in front of the post office, to

bars, or to do the blood test.

How many men old chair and old women behind the windows.

How many phrases like "it's too easy as well, instead we were doing better

Then you can say "it's too easy to be 100 years old with medicines.

How many speeches like that with 20.5 degrees "Yeah but it's too hot"

19.5 degrees eh but it's too cold and with 20 degrees eh but that lukewarm

and so you have to arrange your day with an incredible stress for eating and

waking up in the morning to 4 in order to enjoy fresh air.

You still want to live to 100 years?

A research on the study of a research, It found that living is good for health.

And those who live, is more likely to get to 100 years.

Research has researched that those who take the highway in the wrong, he does not get to 100 years.

Same thing for those who take a pineapple pizza.

Or eating from a fridge managed only by men, foods that take up

life, you may not get to 100 years.

A research says that if you win the Nobel Prize, eat the chocolate or the other day you threw

the garbage with his right hand, has more likely to reach 100 years compared

who never won Nobel Prizes, does not eat chocolate and does not throw the garbage with

right hand.

A Taiwanese study found that those who buy stuff "made in China", is more likely to

up to 100 years, because there is no man on earth who has never bought

chinese stuff.

Studies say that good habits as screwing around and tease the conspiracy theorists reduce stress

and increase the length of telomeres, the the ends of chromosomes that are shortened

getting older.

A search instead tells her not to retire early, because those who worked up to

advanced age, has lived more So we have to work for a living 100 years

100 years?

But no way! The bottom line, a driver of ATAC,

should drive his bus to be a hundred, so if they're already late about a hundred years

now, imagine how it will be in 2117

You still want to live to 100 years?

Let us know in 100 years, and do not forget Channel forget to miss the next

ASAPScience parody clips

If you do not want to get to 100 years but want to travel in the future, take a look at this video

on time travels.

For more infomation >> How to live to 100 - ASAPScience parody - Duration: 2:49.


Cantor e compositor Luiz Melodia morre, aos 66 anos, no Rio de Janeiro|brazil news - Duration: 12:03.

For more infomation >> Cantor e compositor Luiz Melodia morre, aos 66 anos, no Rio de Janeiro|brazil news - Duration: 12:03.


Do not throw away the papaya seeds! See now, the benefits of papaya to your health! - Duration: 4:09.

See the benefits of papaya to your health!

You may have noticed that there are books sufficient diet at bookstores to fill

a library.

Some are emphatic in saying that we should avoid fruit, while others claim that

fruits are vital for good health.

Of course, most of the food should be consumed in moderation and that includes the fruit as well.

Some fruits, however, are little explored in our diet, so today we will learn

the benefits of papaya for our health.

Papaya is full of valuable nutrients like protein, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

papaya seeds are very rich in enzymes which are a natural remedy for

promote digestive health, destroying parasites, battling cancer, relieving inflammation

and detoxifying the liver.

See the benefits of papaya that not all know:


Improves digestive health

Digestive enzymes in the papaya seeds They work together with your body to

breaking the protein fibers, which help the natural digestion process of the body.

They neutralize and normalize the amount acid in its intestinal tract.

And its high concentration of properties antibacterial combat the bacteria E.

Coli, salmonella and staph infections.

In addition, they are an excellent remedy for those suffering from food poisoning.


Prevents Cancer

The most commonly discussed types of cancer They are breast, colon, lung and prostate.

papaya seeds have two compounds powerful antioxidants that help to delay

the growth of cancer cells, reducing the activation of carcinogens and increasing

its detoxification.


Intestinal Parasites fight

papaya seeds have proteolytic enzymes which are potent enough to break

protein and destroying intestinal parasites and their eggs.


Reduces inflammation

People suffering from inflammation associated conditions such as arthritis, joint pain,

gout and asthma thrilled to know that two powerful enzymes in the seeds can

drastically reduce this problem.


Detoxifies the liver

The seeds are also mighty warriors enzymes which can detoxify the liver

and kidney; In fact, the seeds are considered beneficial to combat liver cirrhosis.

Although tasty, the papaya seeds They should be consumed in moderation.

The reason?

They are filled with antibacterial properties that can contribute to diarrhea.

Just be careful to limit your intake 2 teaspoons daily papaya seeds


It may be best to start with a small amount, then you can gradually increase the

amount of up to 2 tablespoons.

papaya seeds are another way Mother Nature uses as a form of contraceptive.

If you are eager to conceive, avoid papaya seed completely.

And those who are pregnant should not eat the seeds or fruit.

The same goes for anyone with allergies the fruit.

For more infomation >> Do not throw away the papaya seeds! See now, the benefits of papaya to your health! - Duration: 4:09.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Reflexão: um profeta só não é estimado em sua própria pátria e em sua família! - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Reflexão: um profeta só não é estimado em sua própria pátria e em sua família! - Duration: 5:10.


Crédito Imobiliário Santander - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Crédito Imobiliário Santander - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >>


Average North Korean vs the Average South Korean - People Comparison - Duration: 6:41.

So far in our shows featuring the average person, we've focused on Europe and North


Today we're heading to Asia to compare what could be called a flourishing nation with

a country that is usually given the epithet of 'secret state.'

The two countries sit side by side, and yet today they share little in common.

One nation is viewed as a threat to western democratic capitalist values, and the other

an ally and exponent of those values.

Separated by a demilitarized zone, it's not often that the global public gets to see

what happens north of the border.

Even when we are given a glimpse inside the secretive nation, we are often told the reality

was only a show, propaganda.

Today we are going to take a look inside, in this episode of the Infographics Show,

The average North Korean vs. the Average South Korean.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

According to a fact sheet created by the Korean Economic Institute of America, South's Korea's

51 million people are currently living in the 13th largest economy in the world based

on purchasing power parity.

That number is 1.93 trillion dollars.

It's GDP is 1.4 trillion dollars, putting South Korea in 11th place in the world for


North Korea's 25 million people will not be enjoying an economic boom anytime soon.

It's GDP, according to the CIA Factbook, was 25 billion dollars in 2015.

Some sources say this number is lower.

The country's main industries are agriculture, mining, fishing and the services, while South

Korea's major industries cover more modern sectors such as electronics, automotive, shipbuilding,

and petrochemicals.

What this means in terms of wealth per capita, well, you can probably figure that out.

The average wage in South Korea in 2016 according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation

and Development was just over 32,000 U.S. dollars a year.

This was taken by calculating the total wage bill in the country by the number of full-time


As the North Korean government doesn't publish its salaries, it's hard to know exactly

what people get paid.

According to North Korean Economy Watch, a high paid official in the country could earn

as much as 1,000 dollars a month.

In an article published in NPR, it was said many talented North Koreans working in good

factory jobs were earning around 62 dollars a month.

It also said the workers were doing relatively ok, and some were earning 100 dollars per


This is certainly good when compared to the bottom rung of the ladder, with some reports

saying many North Koreans earned as little as 2 or 3 dollars a month.

If that is the case, how do they survive on such meager wages?

For starters, North Korea claims that it is the world's only tax free country, celebrating

Tax Abolition Day on April 1st.

Even if that's true, many studies tell us that a large number of North Koreans battle

with poverty.

A KUNI report stated that much of the population has to live on corn and kimchi, and doesn't

even have fuel to cook with.

The upside, if it can be seen that way, is that all North Korean property is owned by

the government.

North Koreans are given a place to live, but the condition of that place will depend on

what work you do and what rank you hold.

Your social status and which part of the country you live in will also factor.

This could mean getting a fairly decent apartment, or living in a place heated by an open fire

that does not have a flushing toilet or reliable electricity.

Education is also free, and North Korea says it has a national literacy rate of 100% for

children 15 or over.

Healthcare is free, although according to various articles, it is lacking.

This is because of underfunding, which is partly due to sanctions and a struggling economy.

According to one article published in The Guardian, sick people were using crystal meth

instead of medical drugs because the former was cheaper and provided a modicum of relief.

South Koreans could be said to be breaking good in comparison, but at the same time more

money does often mean more problems.

While the southerners enjoy higher wages, they also have high household debt according

to global averages.

In a 2017 article in Business Insider, South Korea landed in 7th position on the debt list,

with 90% household debt to GDP.

While working in North Korea doesn't sound like a walk in the park, South Koreans are

well known for overworking themselves.

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the South Koreans

worked the second highest number of hours in the world in 2015, at 2,113 hours.

This could include 12 hours of obligatory overtime on weekdays, and 16 hours on weekends.

South Koreans get 16 days of public holidays, one less public holiday than in North Korea.

We might also cite a recent Time magazine article that said North Koreans are forced

to work 70 days straight to get a day off.

Other sources have said they get 15 days off a year.

With all that hard work, South Koreans might hope to have good healthcare if they fall

ill from overdoing it.

That they do, with their free for all compulsory National Health Insurance.

South Korea also has very modern standards of medical care and highly qualified medical


The system is frequently rated as being one of the best in the world.

It can't, however, do anything for a successful suicide.

According to the most recent World Health Organization report on global suicide, South

Korea was the only developed country in the world to make it onto the top ten list.

Other lists include Japan.

Rates differ wherever you look, with some sources putting South Korea in third place

in the world, behind…North Korea.

Most reports don't mention North Korea because there are no verifiable statistics.

The rates are rising, and it stands at around 41.7 per 100,000 men in South Korea.

This is very high in view of all other developed nations.

Many experts say the high expectations of society on sometimes overworked men is to


The rate is also high for women, we should add.

This also applies to school in the South, where students study notoriously long hours

as well as after school study.

For this reason, its students are often in the top leagues globally for their academic


7 out of every 10 high school students in South Korea go to university, but this also

means competitiveness and pressure make life hard for youngsters.

One report says half of them think about ending it all during their school years.

It also means more expensive private schools popping up, while private university semesters

can cost anything from US$3,000 to US$6,000.

North Korea's 23,000 colleges and universities are all free.

Let's now turn to the body.

These two countries should surely have similar looking people, right?

Well, some reports say that due to ill-health, North Koreans are on average two inches, or

even three inches shorter than South Koreans.

Outspoken social critic Christopher Hitchens once wrote that it was more like a 5 or 6

inch difference.

Men in the South average around 5 feet 8 and a half and women about five feet 2.

The South Koreans are also quite well-proportioned, and not suffering an obesity crisis like many

developed nations.

Men average around 154 pounds and women around 123 pounds.

Unlike the paunchy leader Kim Jong Un, most North Koreans are on the lighter side than

their southern counterparts.

Some reports state that Kim Jong Un gained 88 pounds since becoming leader.

As for having fun when not working too hard or prostrating yourself to your most excellent

leader, a Guardian article that cited North Korean defectors said that the spirit of eumjugamu,

meaning the love of 'drinking, music and dancing,' is alive and well in the North.

This is where the two countries can say they still share a similar trait: they both love

karaoke and getting wasted on white liquor.

Although, said the article, North Koreans do it at home and southerners tend to go out.

We'll leave it on that merry note.

Can you think of other ways North Koreans differ from South Koreans?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Americans vs Europeans!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Average North Korean vs the Average South Korean - People Comparison - Duration: 6:41.



My camera's gonna die. I gotta go fast.


Today I'm going to be doing a collective haul.

I decided to put all my sh-- in a drawer.

And i've gotten a lot of makeup recently,

because i have a problem.

Um, my brother's friend is in the next room.

I really hope he hears me filming this video. Hi!

Also. if you guys want a tutorial on this look,

please let me know in the comments below.

This is my natural, everyday look.

And I actually used the Essence Pure Nude,

and look at my nose. It's not that bad.

It's not that bad. I mean . . .

Okay. We've got so much to go through.

I am so pumped.

My last package came today, of the sh-- that I ordered.

Let's get poppin.

So I ordered three palettes in the past two days.

i ordered the Subculture Palette by Anastasia, which,

if you haven't seen my review on that,

that went up on Wednesday.

It'll be up here.

F-in hate the palette.

I returned it.

Instead, I'm going to be getting the

Matte Spectrum Palette by ZOEVA.

They have very sm...

Why is there a white van pulling into my driveway?

So I returned that. I'm going to be getting

the Matte Spectrum Palette by ZOEVA

because that's supposed to be really good.

Rachel Cantu said that she liked it,

So, b---, I'm about to get it.

And also, they have really similar colors in them, so . . .

Anyways, besides that, i haven't ordered it yet,

I have the Zulu Palette by Juvia's Place.

I'm going to be doing a Weird Look Wednesday on this soon,

but this is what the palette looks like.

I love all the bright colors that also,

these are so pigmented.

Okay, that kind of looks like My Little Pony period blood.

This is totally coming out of Pinky Pie's vagina right now.

Is it not?

Oooh, now I don't think i can ever use that shade again.

Okay, but I have used that before.

I actually love it. I love Juvia's Place eyeshadows.

I think they work really well.

Then I got the Malibu Palette by LORAC.

When I ordered this, i was sure that LORAC was cruelty free.

But since then, I've heard mixed reviews,

and i don't think i'm going to be buying from LORAC

until they decide to come out and say,

"We're cruelty free,"

rather than people having to email them and stuff.

But I really like this palette.

It's definitely a nice, natural, everyday palette.

This is supposed to be a highlighter,

and this is supposed to be a bronzer.

But I'm just going to use them both as eyeshadows.

I might use "Afternoon Rose," that highlighter shade.

But I don't think I'm ever going to use this as a bronzer.

But anyways,

F---, I've already been talking for five minutes?

Then I have this bucket of things.

These things were sent to me.

For more infomation >> COLLECTIVE MAKEUP HAUL! ULTA, NYX, SEPHORA, AND MORE - Duration: 11:45.


Crédito Imobiliário Santander - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Crédito Imobiliário Santander - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> Freestyle


Coming soon... don't fall! - Duration: 0:27.

Today is gonna be a great day...

Working on heights will be CRAZY

Coming soon

For more infomation >> Coming soon... don't fall! - Duration: 0:27.


[Boy&Toey]Kammathep Hunsa MV|don't wanna fall in love - Duration: 3:31.

Khun Tim

get out

people say that...

people who are very different

gravity connects them together

a person who always do things right...

will feel comfortable

when he's with a person who likes to make mistakes

it's like...

she's able to reduce his seriousness

it's like darkness...

meets his light

you can't

Khun Tim can't die

ever since I met you...

my heart only has confusion

you're not a bad person like I thought you were

no matter what I do....

there's no way anyone would love me

everyone hates me!

your son...

is this close to death

but have you ever cared?

If I'm dead or alive!

when I'm with you

please smile

I'm comfortable

I feel like you're the only person...

who is able to accept my awful personality


Be my girlfriend Nu'sa...

I love you

I love you...

please don't leave me and go anywhere

For more infomation >> [Boy&Toey]Kammathep Hunsa MV|don't wanna fall in love - Duration: 3:31.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW 5D EDITION - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW 5D EDITION - Duration: 0:55.


Volvo V70 2.0T Bi Fuel Stoelverwarming Cruise Clima 5 Cilinder - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T Bi Fuel Stoelverwarming Cruise Clima 5 Cilinder - Duration: 0:59.


Why I Can't Make Video's - Reason 9 - Didn't get views - Duration: 1:50.

Why can't make videos, reason number nine! I made a video once it didn't get very

many views. You know what? I went jogging once and didn't get very far. Look making

one video and going by that as to whether or not you can be successful

making videos isn't giving it a fair shake and you know that. That's one of

these where maybe your expectations were of. Maybe you thought I'm going to make

a video and it's going to go viral, because I want it to. I'm not sure, but

there's a lot of people that make 10, 15 hundreds of videos and they have to

practice. They have to get their optimization right, which means your

title, your tags, your description. Are you sharing it where you need to be sharing

it? Are you building an audience? Audiences don't just appear out of

nowhere. You can't put up one video and think where the hell's all the people.

You have to build these things over time. There's a lot of things you can do to

help that, such as SEO your video or going out and interacting with other

people in your niche to to see if they'll come over and check out your

videos. But just putting a video up ain't going to work. So if you put up a video

and it didn't get views if that's your philosophy you're never going to get

anywhere. Get to putting out videos, put them out consistently take care of

everything that needs done with it. Work it. I bet you you see your views

increase if you really do put in the effort and keep making videos and working it!

For more infomation >> Why I Can't Make Video's - Reason 9 - Didn't get views - Duration: 1:50.


Beyond Today -- Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army - Duration: 28:27.

[Darris McNeely] Do angels exist?

Who are they?

How did they come to be?

Should angels be worshipped?

And what do they look like?

And above all, what is their purpose?

Angels are a common sight today.

At least the concrete or stone types that grace gardens or cemeteries.

Many people feel they have had encounters with angels and some even feel that they have

a guardian angel.

What's the truth?

Well let's consider this passage from the Bible.

"Do not forget to entertain strangers," it says, "for by so doing some have unwittingly

entertained angels" (Hebrews 13:1-2).

Notice what it says: "Some...have unwittingly entertained angels."

This simple statement shows us God's unseen hand in our lives and in the course of history.

Angels are God's servants in His divine, creative plan for mankind.

What are angels, and how do they affect your life?

Join us on Beyond Today as we open the Bible and take a look at "Angels: God Messengers

and Spirit Army."

[Announcer] Join our host Darris McNeely and his guests, as they help you understand your

future on Beyond Today!

[Darris] It was a hot sunny day in North Carolina.

My wife and I were driving home from spending a day visiting with members of our church.

We had been married for a little more than a year, and we were young in life's experiences

and new to God's ministry.

As we drove along the interstate highway that day, we began to pass over a large bridge

spanning a major river.

We all know what it can be like after several miles of such travel.

You're driving.

You're thinking about other matters.

You're passing cars and cars are passing you.

Everyone's driving and everyone assumes that everyone else is being alert and careful

with their vehicles.

Except this time a man driving a large truck wasn't.

Halfway across this bridge, a sudden jolt lifted our car and began pushing it toward

the railing.

The truck had hit the rear of my car.

In an instant, I realized we could be going over the rail and plunging into the river

far below—a fall that would have meant certain death.

But, before I could even react, my car came back into the driving lane and steadied itself.

The truck screamed past us only inches from my door.

I managed to get off the bridge and pull over on the shoulder of the road to look at my


The driver of the truck had also stopped and rushed up to me.

"I thought I had pushed you over the bridge when I hit your rear bumper," he said.

My wife and I were shaken, but relieved.

We were glad to be viewing the damage to our car and talking with the driver as well as

swapping insurance information.

It was a close call.

The driver had been tired and momentarily dozed at the wheel of his speeding truck when

he veered into my lane and caught the left rear of my car, sending it toward the side

of the bridge.

He'd thought we had gone over.

I thought we could have gone over.

But we didn't.

My wife says she felt the car move back to the left.

I know that I did not turn the wheel to make it happen.

We both feel that on that day at that moment, we had the hand of an angel move our car back

into the driving lane—keeping it from going off the bridge.

I didn't see an angel, but to this day we strongly feel there was a bit of extra help—an

angel helping us.

I have spent many years in pastoral ministry since this event.

I have heard other stories from people who have felt they, too, entertained angels unawares.

These are stories from stable, sensible people of faith who understand the Bible and they

understand a relationship with God.

Let me read you another scripture that shows why people feel this way.

It's in Psalms, the 91st Psalm.

It says this, "No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.

In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone" (Psalms


To this day, my wife and I do not start out on a trip without asking God to place His

angels about us.

We ask this in faith—not out of some primitive superstitious belief.

We've experienced this in our life and we also understand why God employs angels to

carry out His purpose and in many interactions within the physical realm.

And while we always look to God for physical protection, we also know that bad things can

happen to good people for any number of reasons.

These great and powerful angelic beings are not just personal bodyguards.

They are much more than that.

Angels serve to direct us to God.

They are powerful spirit beings, created by God as agents to accomplish His spiritual

purpose with humankind on this earth.

Angels even teach us how to look at God and His role in our life.

What do you know about angels?

Most of us have been given an incorrect view.

Some think we become angels when we die.

Well let's take a look at a few scriptures to understand the true nature and the role

of angels.

Angels were created by God before the foundation of the world.

Countless spirit beings, brought into existence for a purpose—a purpose that involves you.

The story of angels begins long ago before there was time as we know it.

We find in the book of Job, after experiencing a life-shattering trial, Job began to complain

that he was being persecuted without cause.

God responded to Job's complaints by asking a question, "Who…"

God asked, "laid its cornerstone—while the morning stars sang together and all the

angels shouted for joy?"

(Job 38:6-7, NIV).

Angels existed before our planet or the known universe was formed—they were shouting for

joy as God laid its cornerstone.

The Bible tells us that, through Jesus Christ, "all things were created that are in heaven

and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities

or powers" (Colossians 1:16).

Now this tells us that angels must be created beings.

But created for what?

The answer is found in the book of Hebrews; here in the first chapter, where it contrasts

the human creation with the angelic creation.

Man is created for a different purpose than angels.

Humans are created physical beings while angels are created spirit beings.

Humans have the potential to join the family of God, at a higher level than the angels.

Here in Hebrews it states that "angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people

who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14, NLT).

Angels were designed as servants of God, meant to aid and care for His people—those who

will inherit salvation.

They are agents of God's creative work.

Have you ever considered that God works?

Jesus said, "My Father works and so do I."

God created the universe.

He created life on planet Earth.

And God, along with Christ at His right hand, today continues to manage and direct this

creation to His intended purpose.

To help in this work, angels were created.

And they exist to help God bring many sons to glory.

You see, angels are sinless, immortal spirit beings with great power.

They can be "flaming spirits of fire" the Scripture says (Psalms 104:4).

So let me ask you a question.

Is it appropriate to worship angels?

Is it okay to pray to an angel?

This is where popular religious and spiritual thinking goes way off the track.

A few years ago, my wife and I were house hunting in a new city.

One home I remember well.

As we walked through the rooms, I remember seeing dozens of angel statues and figurines.

The homeowner was obviously obsessed with angels.

As I looked at them, I wondered if they might be even worshipping those angels.

Many people today do this as a form of New Age spirituality.

The Bible tells us angels should not be worshipped.

Notice what it says here in the Scripture.

The apostle John made the mistake of falling down before an angel sent to him with a message.

It says, "Now I, John, saw and heard these things.

And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me

these things.

Then he said to me, 'See that you do not do that.

For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep

the words of this book.

Worship God'" (Revelation 22:8-9).

This is perhaps the most important thing that you need to know about angels.

Angels point us to God.

They are ministering servants of God, agents of God, with one focus—to worship God, to

serve God, to assist God in His great purpose for human life which is to bring many sons

to share His glory for all eternity.

We should not worship angels.

We don't need to fashion images from our own imaginations and place them around our

home or in our yard.

But when we look into the Bible and we see what they do, angels then serve as an example

for us to have a singular focus in life on God and His Kingdom.

Learn this, and we come to the real biblical teaching about angels.

Angels do exist, just as God exists.

The work of angels always points to God.

Angels worship and serve God and are examples for us in our lives.

So what have we learned about angels?

What yet do you need to understand?

We have to go to the Bible to learn the answer.

Let's take a closer look at the righteous angels God uses to monitor and further His


Have you ever wanted to see God in heaven?

Well, the Bible gives us a glimpse into this scene—the scene in heaven.

Let's look at a couple of places.

One is where the prophet Isaiah received his commission from God through a vision of the

throne of God in heaven, and he wrote about it.

He said that he saw the Lord sitting on a high throne that seemed to be floating without


The throne was in a large room, like the temple that Isaiah frequently visited in Jerusalem.

Knowing that the Jerusalem temple was modeled after a heavenly temple, the prophet Isaiah

clearly understood that what he was seeing was the throne of God (Isaiah 6:1)

Above the throne, he saw large angels called seraphim.

These are six-winged beings that hover over the throne and their words were clearly heard

by the prophet.

The seraphim spoke loudly to each other with powerful voices that must have echoed through

the temple saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full

of His glory" (Isaiah 6:2-3).

In Isaiah's vision, the voices shook the entire temple.

Smoke filled the room.

The prophet was overwhelmed by the scene.

He felt inadequate to view the events and felt that he might come completely undone

by his own personal sin.

"Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean

lips; For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts" (Isaiah 6:3-5).

In saying these words, a seraphim flew toward him with a live coal in his hand.

The angel touched his mouth with the coal and said, "Behold, this has touched your

lips; Your iniquity is taken away, and your sin is purged" (Isaiah 6:6-7).

Two things come out of this passage.

First, these angels, these seraphim, seem to have a primary function to promote and

to preserve the holiness of God.

Their words remind the other angels what God is about.

God is holy.

His holy glory, His divine purpose and His mind is upon the earth and can be seen by

those who seek Him.

This reminds us of what is said in Romans where it says:

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being

understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they

are without excuse" (Romans 1:20).

The creation and the intricate interdependent nature of earth gives brilliant testimony

to God for any who open their hearts and their minds to Him.

He can be found.

God hears those who diligently seek Him.

The second lesson from this scene is the forgiveness or the reconciliation made possible by God's


Fire purifies and here the fiery ember touching Isaiah's lips purified him to be able to

stand in God's presence.

Holiness is not for the fearful.

God is holy and this angelic scene shows that eternal truth.

What should we be taking away from this?

Righteous angels are placed in close proximity to God to show His glory.

On our lips should be such words.

God is holy!

The creation about us reflects that glory.

These seraphim point us to God's holiness.

They remind us that praising His glory should be something that we not only think about,

but we also talk about.

Too often our talk is of things that matter very little compared to the lasting beauty

and truth of God and to His work.

Like you, I get caught up in the chatter of media, television, talking heads—taking

far more time than you and I should give them.

Have you ever asked yourself, what exactly have I learned after putting in several hours

of my time listening to these news shows—instead of directing my mind and my life to the true

values of the Kingdom of God?

It's one of those hard questions to ask yourself.

Studying the Word of God and understanding what happens around His throne, well, it makes

you think.

It makes you think very long and very hard about such matters.

When we read about angels in the Bible we see that they are pointing to God.

It's a healthy reminder that we should fill our minds with more of God and less of the


So, what do angels look like?

What do you picture when you think about them?

How powerful are they as God's agents?

Can we respect their power?

Let's look at another scene from God's throne.

It's found in the book of Revelation.

Another vision where Christ gives to the apostle John—in chapter four—as John is invited

to come through an open door into heaven and see future events.

Before the apostle is a throne and God is sitting on that throne (Revelation 4:1-2).

Around the throne are 24 additional thrones with 24 beings described as "elders" clothed

in white robes and wearing crowns of gold on their heads.

Here is another high level of angelic being functioning close to the throne of God.

Next, we see in the midst of the throne upon a sea of glass, what are described as "four

living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.

The first living creature was like a lion, the second" it says, was "like a calf…the

third…had a face of man and the fourth …was like a flying eagle" (Revelation 4:6-8).

Verse 8, again tells us that these beings have eyes around and within and they do not

rest day or night, saying "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to


Now stop and imagine these powerful beings, similar in description to a vision that Ezekiel

had of what are called cherubs.


This folks—this scene is a far cry from the normal picture of cuddly, fat, little

cherubs hovering around with bows and arrows doing who knows what!

These angels have eyes—many eyes that see everywhere.

And this gets us to a main point today: God uses angels to monitor His creation and human


We can be encouraged and we can be strengthened by that understanding.

The angel's vision takes in the entire universe.

They see all and report all to the throne of God.

These angelic beings are better than the most sophisticated satellite today.

Technology today has eyes on any part of the earth with great detail.

We know that.

You know, on my smartphone, I have an app that allows me to track any airplane in the

sky, in any part of the world, at any given moment.

You can even watch the plane land at its destination!

You can point the phone to the plane and the app will tell you the type of aircraft, the

carrier name, the flight number and its destination.

This amazing technology gives you eyes to see anywhere—well, not quite anywhere, but

you get the point.

But nothing that we have devised with human technology compares with what is described

in these verses.

God's "satellites"—His angelic force—gives Him the best on-the-sight spirit sight to

serve His needs and His purpose.

Looking at these verses helps make more sense from other scriptures like this one in Proverbs

that tells us that "The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil

and the good" (Proverbs 15:3).

You and I may look around today's world and get very discouraged over the evil that

we see—and we see quite a bit with cable television and the 24-hour news cycle.

One way to deal with the blitz of bad news today is to "look up."

Look to God.

Look to God and trust in His hand.

Look at what He shows us in these Scriptures about His angelic hosts and armies who are

deployed throughout creation (Luke 2:13 GW).

God has made every provision to guide this world and human events to His planned end.

Angels play a key role in doing this.

We have only begun to touch on the subject of angels in the Bible and what can be learned

about God's spiritual armada of beings who fan out around this world monitoring, helping

and serving God and His elect.

In a moment, I'll be joined by my fellow presenters, Gary Petty and Steve Myers.

But first, to summarize:

Many of us have been given an incorrect view of angels.

Understand that about yourself.

Secondly, angels glorify God.

And third, angels direct us to God.

Now today's program has been focused on the role of angels in the plan of God.

We have only begun to scratch the surface.

So I have brought in my fellow Beyond Today hosts, Gary Petty and Steve Myers to get their

view on this very important subject.

When we look at what the Bible tells us, we find out that there is actually quite a different

view from the Bible and what we are accustomed to.

[Gary] I think when most people think about angels, they think as someone appearing as

a human being.

And obviously in the Bible they do appear to human beings as a human being.

But when you look at the Scripture and you look at all the descriptions—and that angelic

world in that spirit world, it's amazing!

I mean we're looking at beings created by God who in that spirit dimension are so unique,

so incredible, so beautiful, so multi-faceted that we can't even imagine when we look

at those descriptions, what they actually look like.

[Steve] Sometimes the Bible describes them as spiritual hosts.

Literally armies of heaven.

And even Christ talked about calling 12 legions of angels to His defense if He wanted to.

And so sometimes we forget that aspect and we paint them as little cherubs...

[Darris] Yeah the fat, cuddly kind.

[Steve] Yeah, little babies, or even sometimes women with wings.

And we see the little statuettes and it all gives the wrong impression of what angels

really are, and it takes away from the awesomeness that God made them in.

And so, I think that is such a contrast to what the truth of the Bible is really about.

[Darris] And when you get there, the image of what is shown in the Bible, there is a

lot more confidence inspired, I think in us, as to what really God can do through His angelic


You mentioned little statues of angels, I had the story of going through a home and

every room filled with little figurines of angels.

Do you think people's lives are missing something that they are trying to capture

by the obsession that they might have with angels, and what might that be?

[Gary] We were designed by God to have a relationship with Him.

To connect to the spirit world, to Him.

And what happens is if we are not careful, we know angels exist.

We know that God uses them, they are messengers.

We actually become so fascinated with angels, we try to have a relationship with angels.

And yet there is nothing in the Scripture that talks about us having relationships with


We are to have relationship with our God, with Jesus Christ, His Son.

And so, what happens is if we are not careful, our fascination with the spirit world creates

almost like an intercessor between us and God, using angels that way.

And they are not, They are messengers of God.

But our relationship is directly to God.

That's where we should be focused.

[Steve] Yeah, we get off track when you consider the purpose of angels verses, well, we want

to feel spiritual.

We want to have this connection and yet it shouldn't be through that source.

And then it's all these wrong images anyway.

Where do you find an angel appearing that way in the Bible?

If you really take the challenge and look, you won't' find angels in the Bible with

just two wings.

But that's the way most of the time people imagine them.

Or, if they were to appear to people, they don't' appears as women or babies.

They appear as young men.

And so just take the challenge.

Look in your Bible and you will find a totally different perspective on what angels really


[Darris] Alright.

Let's go a little bit deeper on this.

Let's go beyond just the appearance and some of the popular ideas.

I've talked to people as I've studied New Age Spiritism and I've actually talked

to people who feel that they have channeled angels from some other dimension.

Benevolent angels for good that help them, and it's quite popular.

People pay a lot of money to spend time in a room channeling angels.

What's going on here?

[Steve] Sometimes I think it's what you've said.

They are making money.

Make money because everybody is interested about themselves...

[Darris] Yeah, I've noticed that.

To channel an angel, put down the money.

[Steve] Yeah and they have books galore about the whole thing, and so they want your money.

I think that's an important point.

The other thing is there is an evil realm out there.

Satan appears as an angel of light so even sometimes these types of things can interfere

with us and in that sense, short circuit what God's purpose and His plan is.

And so, the satanic realm is powerful.

[Gary] You don't see in the Scripture where anybody channels an angel.

Now you see people who are demon possessed...

[Darris] Yes.

[Gary] But that's a totally different thing.

So, channeling is something we need to stay away from.

In fact, it's mentioned in the Scripture as something that is forbidden by God.

So the channeling of angels is actually wrong spirituality.

[Darris] So, really what you're talking about is earlier Gary, you were saying that

we have a relationship with God.

We don't have a relationship with angels.

[Gary] No.

[Steve] This channeling that people get into is trying to have a relationship with an angel

contrary to Scripture.

[Gary] Contrary to Scripture.

And that's very important.

It is against Scripture.

[Darris] So what do we learn?

What's the most important take away that we should have as we try to wrap our mind

around this huge topic about angels?

[Gary] How awesome God is!

He is the Great Creator.

We look at ourselves, we look at this physical creation and it's amazing!

And then to realize there is a whole other creation out there.

A whole other dimension that we get to interact with once in a while.

And whether these, who knows, millions, billions of angelic beings that are amazing, creative,

intelligent beings.

Then this whole other world.

It draws us in to realize just how awesome God is.

[Steve] And to go along with that, how awesome His plan is.

That this angelic realm which is so amazing, that for a moment we are below that realm.

And yet in the future, we have the opportunity to be in God's family and above that angelic


And so, God is awesome and He has an amazing plan for us.

[Darris] Let's put God first and keep angels in their proper role.

I certainly hope you that have learned much about the subject of angels during today's


As God's messengers and His spirit army, angels faithfully carry out God's vital

purposes and plans and they diligently serve the needs of "those who will inherit salvation."

But first, to help you understand even more about what the Bible says regarding angels,

we have prepared a valuable, free study aid entitled, Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit


This important publication will aid you in better comprehending this key subject and

learn why it has significant meaning in your life.

I really encourage you to order your own, personal copy of Angels: God's Messengers

and Spirit Army.

You can do so by calling us toll free, 1-888-886-8632.

Again, 1-888-886-8632.

Or you can go online at or write to us at the address that is shown on

your screen [Beyond Today, PO Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254].

And, when you order your free study aid, we'll also send you a free subscription to Beyond

Today magazine.

Each bi-monthly issue of Beyond Today is packed with exceptional, well-researched articles

designed to assist you in better understanding many remarkable and exciting biblical truths.

Again, to order your free study aid, Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army and your

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In addition, when you visit, we welcome you to watch BT Daily.

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Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku and other streaming-enabled devices.

Angels are real.

They impact the world in ways we can't begin to imagine.

Angels are powerful agents employed by God to monitor great events.

They can also at times impact your life.

It is possible that your life has been touched by an angel of God.

Angels serve as a reminder to worship God.

They are His servants sent to do His work.

Be encouraged by this.

Begin to look to God in your life and worship Him and serve Him in every part of your life.

That's our program today.

Remember to pray with us, "Thy Kingdom come."

I'm Darris McNeely.

Thanks for watching.

[Announcer] For the free literature offered on today's program, go online to

Please join us again next week on Beyond Today!

For more infomation >> Beyond Today -- Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army - Duration: 28:27.



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often do you see that tell me I think I know you agree with me tell me in the

comments you join a game your team is down 40-plus kills its TDM you asked

yourself what in the world am i doing place in this Lobby what does this game

possibly want for me how can I possibly win this now the answer is you're not

going to and it's away it's your time just back out that's the answer if we

got kill streaks and everything thank you so much this game has blessed me

there we go oh is every yell UAV yep walk right by

me thank you very much and I call in the car right here and we're going to hit a

skirt skirt or not no we're not we're going on our trip boys it is an

adventure the audio are 9 new sample car from Audie

shoot burner set-top see yeah right on your head top dog we coming right here

watch three two one I lied a little swap feed I'm 11 - know

what I haven't died yet I'm going up here in the car can't go up here the

hives aren't gonna get me he's not expecting yeah you're not expecting that

buddy nice try nice try pal but you cannot defeat the skrt skrt one like

equals one screwed no I don't want to die

UAV if I go flawless I'm a legend if I go flawless I'm a legend and I die from

the max gl what are the odds that's the launcher that takes me out

what are they are they just just jumping off the map now oh my god I don't even

know where that guy what I'm just gonna leave you be men I'll see you later

have a good day I'll catch you tomorrow maybe a another day another time

oh geez you got electrocuted fifteen to one little 15 KD action right there

quick little TDM one thank God okay I was sweating so much my room is so hot

with every step I took in game if I'm like I was taking a mile run in real

life it's unreal ha ha my room is Aeronautics it's disgusting

I'm literally sweating so hard and I'm not even I'm not even talking about

tryharding I'm just talking about my body

we got the total victory the weapon Brian in the 10 rare supply drops

quickly take a look at his weapons he's missing all the DLC SMGs he has the ffar

before he even has the emitted seven kind of funny no shotguns LMG Zord

snipers no pistols no launchers no melee weapons at all and no special weapons he

literally has one DLC weapon and it is the FAMAS he has 1700 card points as

well let's open these Cowboys smash like down below for the like luck let's get

this light going on the video we can smash 5,000 likes that be absolutely

amazing I know we can do it I know you guys can come through so click that

little like button down below in the video make sure you subscribe that

little red button press that as well if you haven't already we're going to fly

through these very supply drops we're going to fly through the bundle we're

going to open that bribe hopefully pulling a banger DLC weapon is a very

very difference though was the triple play and the total victory the triple

play guarantees you two weapons both being you one range one

melee the total victory is very very different okay

you only are guaranteed a DLC weapon it might not even be in you and it could be

arranged or a melee goes both ways but these comments they're not hooking it up

at all this is so strange I haven't seen anything of value from these cowboy

straps only is a few drums it makes six or seven we're going to burn these dupes

No oh my god we got some keys we still have

the ten Marissa project Oh nunchucks let's go his first DLC weapon his first

melee weapon on the account pretty awesome right there I'm not - I'm not

too bothered by that the nunchucks received you know you can see it's legit

boys nunchucks melee weapon that is the first melee weapon on this boy's

accounts taking a look right there BAM lethal martial arts weapon deadly and

deceptive in the right hands very very true alright black-market ten more

supply drops leave your predictions in the comments down below what you think

we are going to pull from the DLC weapon bribe itching and guy store Jason I've

literally never been able to pronounce that and I've talked about it in so many

videos in the past I literally couldn't tell you if my life was on the line is a

just guys yeast yeast I have no clue okay and I have no clue how I could even

get taught in the comments because the typing would be so hard to you know read

AHA I don't even want to begin firebrand Elysium monochrome that's pretty cool

rainbow drop and three banger camos not too bad right there we're going to

flatten these timbers supply drops toxic emblem rpm for the Reaper not too bad

I'm pretty happy about the nunchucks it's a pretty solid melee weapon it is

first on the account so obviously anything goes

so this opening is pretty difficult if you think about the stats that you know

the odds of pulling a good weapon it's very low a melee weapon is bound to pop

up and I think Oh July contraband death rates to ruin head team not too bad

right there any dupes to burn nothing damn this guy doesn't have much under

two count all those drops not a single crypto key so every single item we got

is new that's so strange it's such a weird occurrence we got a few more drops

though with these keys then we're going to go right into the weapon bribe

hopefully pulling a decent weapon you got 30 keys on the done for the last

were Supply Drop Illuminati for The Spectre

okay not too bad any dupes damn no dupes all right guys in the comments down

below predict what you think we're going to

pull any melee weapon any primary any secondary it could be anything it does

not guarantee a new weapon so hypothetically we could pull the

nunchucks again which would be an absolutely incredible feat which I've

never done before never pulled a weapon and then in the bribe I pulled the same

weapon but it's possible with this particular weapon grab but it's free

nonetheless three two one smash like down below the

like luck always comes flush I know you guys are hovering over the button right

now tap it real quick let's see what happens the reward the bribe the free

DLC weapon BAM come on baby let's go what oh my god no way but candy cane

what no this is the best total victory I've ever opened in my entire life bro

bro look at everything we could have pulled we could have pulled any of the

DLC smg's okay any of the ARS we pulled a freaking kbk as the FAMAS and the kv k

this guy's pretty lucky on the range weapons we could have put any of these

any of these look at it all of these weapons up for grabs the launchers any

melee weapon just think about that it's not a guarantee range it's just a melee

weapon or arranged the chance of a melee weapon especially being legendary way

higher we can pulled any of these bro any of these things men we pull the

friggin KDK are you kidding me are you kidding me the luck is unreal if you

smashed a life I love you I love you thank you smash like if you haven't

smashed to like toe down there and smash it like what are you doing the K BK my

luck isn't it's unreal the Supply Drop luck is unreal for the Ottawa sorry for

the first two rounds of each burst are fired and it's faster rate than a 94

from black ops 2 now in BL through the K BK 99 an unreal opening this is I never

experienced what this is it's disgusting what was this and that is how you finish

the total victory contract 75 wins we got the 10 Marisa products we open

1,700 worth of components and we got that weapon of bribe what do we pull the

Andreea luck smash alike on the video follow me on Twitter to make sure you

answer to my $20 PSN giveaway I will be dropping that very soon so make sure

you're subscribed and follow me on Twitter and Instagram Patten I've taken

and if you guys have any recommendations any ideas any suggestions for giveaways

in the future let me know in the comments as well smash your like thank

you so much for watching have an awesome

day stay safe and I will catch you guys in

the next one are you broke windows are points man I found a solution I'm gonna

say this quick so there isn't any term for every Californian pokey toys no

games and squid boy there's a link in the description all you've got to do is

click it click the link down below and download a you happy reliable and easy

way to bf 110s acts to enter this month $50 Xbox PSN or steam card giveaway all

you have to do is drop a like leave a comment and be subscribed the more

active you are on the channel the more entries you have a possibility of

getting the better chance you have of wanting to give away



My Trustee Was Mean To Me; Can I Get A New Trustee? - Duration: 1:56.

I filed bankruptcy and my trustee is really mean.

Can I get rid of him and get a new trustee?

My name is Ron Dresscher, I'm an attorney filing bankruptcy and creditor's rights in

Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Virginia and the sad truth is unless the trustee is

engaging in fraud or really gross misconduct you can't get rid of your trustee.

You're stuck with him during the life of your bankruptcy.

Trustees can feel mean, they've been through thousands and thousands of bankruptcy cases.

Many of the debtors have lied to them.

They go into a situation, not having the slightest idea of what's really going on except for

what the debtors have written in their schedules under penalty of perjury and then can seem

gruff, insensitive and mean to you during what is really a very difficult time in your

lives, but you can't get rid of a trustee.

You can't pick and choose and their assigned randomly, so whatever a lawyer might say,

you can't game the system to get a better trustee.

You're going to get the trustee that you going to get, and going to have to make the most

of your case and for the most part it's going to turn out okay.

My name is Ron Drescher, I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's right, and if you're

a little nervous about how the trustee's going to deal with your bankruptcy case, please

pick up the phone and call me.

I would love to hear from you.

For more infomation >> My Trustee Was Mean To Me; Can I Get A New Trustee? - Duration: 1:56.


[ENG SUB] [放不下中文会话] EP 8 정국 & 지민 || Can't Let Go Mandarin Conversation Ep 8 - Jungkook & Jimin - Duration: 0:25.

JK: Hyung, if you were given a summer break, what would you do?

JM: I will go on a trip

JK: Off to where~?

JM: (The) beach~~ You??

JK: Then I would like to follow (you) and go to the beach

JM: What would you do there?

JK: Take photos

JM: OhhHh, jungfeels //Like Jungkook's Sight/Sensibility)

JK/JM: Everyone, are having fun spending your summer break

Twitter @ jeoniies

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [放不下中文会话] EP 8 정국 & 지민 || Can't Let Go Mandarin Conversation Ep 8 - Jungkook & Jimin - Duration: 0:25.


Comic Con Seoul 2017 - Duration: 2:42.

It's hip to be square these days.

'International Cartoon and Animation Festival' captivated the ever growing fans of anime

and comic books in the capital last week.

The festivities don't end there.

A renowned international comic book convention, also globally known as 'Comic Con', has finally

arrived here for the first time.

Won Jung-hwan pinpoint what to keep an eye out for at the event.

It's the highlight of the year for comic book lovers, 'Comic Con' is an event where they

can meet creators, experts, and celebrities, as well as dress up and have a bit of fun.

And this year, for the first time in its history, 'Comic Con' has reached Korea.

'Comic Con' is best known for 'cosplay', the elaborate costumes worn by fans.

Attendees dress up as their favorite characters and compete for prizes awarded for the best


I have decided to pick some of my favorites from among many attendees.

"I heard this would be Comic Con's first time in my country, so I've been preparing since

last year."

"I am planning to participate in Sunday's competition because I really enjoy these characters.

I will try my best to get first place."

Indeed, on Sunday, 'Korea Championships of Cosplay' is held at the main stage.

The winner will be sent to represent Korea at the 'Crown Championships of Cosplay', which

will take place in Chicago in April 2018.

Besides the costume play, there will be also planned celebrity meetings and greeting events

held at the convention.

Hollywood stars Mads Mikkelsen and Steven Yeun will meet the fans in Seoul.

Mikkelsen played a villain in the Marvel Movie, 'Doctor Strange' and Korean-American actor

Steven Yeun appears in the well-known TV series 'Walking Dead'.

Comic-con is about more than just comics.

There are movies, dramas, toys, webtoons, and of course games.

There have been some new launch showcases from the games industry.

Among the many presentations, I have got the chance to speak with the developer of the

mobile game 'Thine' , and ask him what he thinks about this mega-event.

"Comic Con fit our identity as a company.

And since it's the first time, we have decided to become the event's main sponsor.

This is a great way to stay abreast of pop culture, and to help people enjoy and experience

more to do with comics."

"Seoul Comic-con will be held for 3 days from Friday here at COEX mall in Southern Seoul.

Of course, there are lots of interesting events planned for fans this weekend, but the highlight

is expected to be the costume competition on Sunday, Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Comic Con Seoul 2017 - Duration: 2:42.


Albano e Romina Power, una storia d'amore e musica infinita | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Albano e Romina Power, una storia d'amore e musica infinita | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:05.


Artificial insemination for queen bee turtorial - Duration: 12:17.

For more infomation >> Artificial insemination for queen bee turtorial - Duration: 12:17.


Let's Play The Long Dark Story Mode - Part 3 (Blind) - Duration: 42:14.

Let's Play The Long Dark Story Mode

For more infomation >> Let's Play The Long Dark Story Mode - Part 3 (Blind) - Duration: 42:14.


Top 5 des spécialités bretonnes - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Top 5 des spécialités bretonnes - Duration: 2:28.



Tarana! when did you start to cover?

I haven't started yet! But what to do!

Ms. Sato always watch your videos!

Yea! Ms Sato can watch! Ok!

Where are we going?

Mount Aso

Where is Mount Aso

No idea.

What are we going to see there?

Mount Aso and a park

But I am really hungry

Its too fast!

You have just eaten an icecream!

No not ice cream! I have not eat anything in the morning!

You ate chips before :( I have not

I have not had breakfast yet!

We are eating :p

Hadika, you eat right! But you did not give your sister Sayeeba :(

It looks like crystal

This one is Amethyst

Back round- Sayeeba!! started volg again!! cover cover cover!

I drove round round right?


Tarana and Mariyam playing- Ok you put less ingredients!

I put besan and potatoes

Dont touch my hands during game! Wrong its wrong!

Pakoda, potatoes and samosa! ok?

Remove your hands then!

For more infomation >> HALAL TRIP IN JAPAN || KUMAMOTO AND SAGA - Duration: 8:42.


Traditionally Styled Home | Amazing Luxury House Design - Duration: 3:20.

Traditionally Styled Home

For more infomation >> Traditionally Styled Home | Amazing Luxury House Design - Duration: 3:20.


수상한 메신저 OP (Mystic Messenger OP)- 'Mysterious Messenger' | Cover by yoonsu - Duration: 1:41.

Every morning I wake up to the same sweet sound

Picking up my cell phone that's been ringing

Wondering what's new? What have I missed I was offline

Anyway I will end up hearing your story

How are you doing today?

Same questions every single day

Please know that I'm not good at asking you

Your face lights up laughing from the jokes I've made

You would never guess that I am suspicious

Ticktok Ticktok time is running out

What are you doing now?

I don't know where you are, Don't even know your name

They think I'm crazy

My heartbeat goes up

Words cannot express my love for you

It's a piece of the puzzle

The letters are the only clues to solving

hidden mysteries

Did you get mysterious messages?

If you can feel the trace, that is me

I've been watching you from the start

For more infomation >> 수상한 메신저 OP (Mystic Messenger OP)- 'Mysterious Messenger' | Cover by yoonsu - Duration: 1:41.


Kagetsu Tohya y Fate/Hollow Ataraxia [Reseña] - Duration: 10:34.

Today we'll talk Today we'll talk about that Type-Moon sequel with a comedic tone, which focuses on it's hero stuck in a time loop, about that Type-Moon sequel with a comedic tone, which focuses on it's hero stuck in a time loop,

where he spends most of the time goofing around with the cast instead of trying to solve the problem, and that game undoubtedly is

Kagetsu Tohya/Hollow Ataraxia.

Yeah, this'll be fun…

At this point we've seen enough visual novels in this channel for me to seriously reconsider my life choices.

And on the other hand while Type-Moon roughly represents 1/10th of the channel, I doubt there's someone out there who doesn't know what the company is all about by now,

so let's focus on something very common in the visual novel medium, fan discs.

A fan disc is a product released by the company after the success of the original, while it can consist only of images or music,

in the world of visual novels it usually is a spin-off which reuses the assets of the original, in a lighter story, something that is not a sequel nor a new game.

It's also guaranteed to sell even with the lower effort, never change capitalism.

Today in the origin of species, Type-Moon' two fan discs, which continue their iconic novels, Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night.

Mahoyo is deader than the PS Vita, so it doesn't count.

So, our eroge protagonist gets involved in a rather comical but still serious accident due to one of the ladies from his harem, and without anybody noticing, not even himself, he gets stuck in a time loop,.

The same days repeat, but the events change based on his choices, and the first step to solve it is to notice there's an issue.

Not before coming across the flat one in the middle of changing.

The usual deal.

See, kagetsu Tohya and Hollow Ataraxia have at their core the same premise, something triggers the repetition of the days, and Shiki and SHirou slowly realize something unusual is going on, while everybody else doesn't seem to notice.

The difference is in the details, Shirou is stuck in 4 days, Shiki only has one, Shirou has a vague recollection of something going wrong when Rin tried to replicate Zelretch's magic, Shiki, well, Shiki isn't even sure what day it is.

One way or another, in their current world, all routes seem to have happened, Saber still lives with them, even though Shirou won the war, Rider and Illya are around too, and all of the Servants from the 5th war are enjoying ordinary lives in Fuyuki.

On his side, Shiki faced Roa with Arcueid, but at the same time he found out the secrets of his family.

The days of violence have passed by, replaced by a quiet life.

Or as quiet as it gets when everybody in your harem wants to murder each other.

But certain circumstances break the normalcy, the world collapses as soon as Shiki gets close to certain places, there are monsters roaming the nights of Fuyuki, and neither of them has access to their iconic skills.

On the way, Shiki can't help but cross paths with a young lady of empty eyes, and Shirou's story runs parallel with that of bazett and her Servant, Avenger,

who seem to be stuck in their own version of the 5th war, even when the Servants say there's no longer a grail.

The nights are nothing but a false tranquility.

While the summary does aim at a mystery, for the most part both novels are a comedy, there's a basic arc to complete, and it's serious in tone, but most of the unlockable content consists on slice of life scenes.

Skipping classes to take a nap with Arcueid, spend an afternoon roasting potatoes with Saber, playing poker with the Tohno family, or reading in silence with Rider, kagetsu and Ataraxia are defined by that feeling of peace.

The wars and secrets are gone, and as the name says, a fan disc is aimed at fans, an the whole experience is something like emotional fanservice.

Which does sound kind of weird.

Being able to see the characters you like in a world without the consequences or tragedies from the original works is recomforting, everybody no matter how small their role comes back, and they have various scenes to their name, where they are happy.

The heart of the game is to collect short scenes about the characters, where you laugh or smile with them. And that's what anybody who grew to care for these stories needed.

The mystery angle is weaker, okay, yes, I already had an inkling of where both of them aimed at, but the conclusion is too obvious from the first minute, maybe because they aren't completely linear stories, more on that on a minute,

but it's rather hard to feel the need to progress to the next page when you know how it'll end.

Shiki's journey is too simple, the prologue and terminology make it very clear what's going on, and as soon as Arc mentions a certain familiar of hers, there's no room for doubts, even so, the serious moments tend to flow better,

in big part because tsukihime was by it's nature a tragedy, and Shiki's journey closes many open door or wounds in regard to the past of both the Tohno and Nanaya.

Hollow Ataraxia is another beast, while Shirou does walk toward deciphering the 4 nights, the weight of the narrative mostly falls on Bazett and Avenger, a duo of new characters, which, simply lack the time they needed.

They are fairly charismatic, Bazett is both though and naïve, actually, somebody should give her a medal that reads "I'm the only person who believed Kotomine was a good guy", while Avenger is quite simply insane.

Angra Mainyu, All the World's Evil, is a weakling who can't stand against any Servant, and his vision of mankind and society are so twisted and removed from common sense that I could talk for hours about him.

But Hollow does not give them those hour, their scenes are scarce in comparison to Shirou's,

and instead of fully experiencing their adventure in this alternate Grail War, we only see fragments, brief moments of the story, which leads to a rushed conclusion.

And if you are wondering who's the lady on the cover.

Well, she's only relevant for 20% of the game or so.

Actually, based on how you play chances are you'll only see her 4 times, because…

These games do not work like regular visual novels, if you remember my Tick Tack review.

(This is a flashback.)

I have no idea what possessed me that day.

In Tick tack you didn't choose dialogue, but rather events, you have a certain amount of actions per day, and it was your call how to spend them.

The Type-Moon fan discs are more of the same, the day starts, and during the different times of the day there are certain action you can choose, usually focused on a character.

Feel free to go visit Arihiko, or maybe shop with Medea, why not?

The key difference with Tick Tack is that only are the secondary scenes at your command, but also the main plot, the story only moves forward with specific events, and it's up to you to choose when to trigger them,

nobody forces you to learn why SHirou can't go past the 4th night, recovering the lost time with Illya is as valid.

The opposite is true, if you don't want to spend time with Assassin or Ciel because your taste is sh-

You don't have to, in fact, you can choose to ignore the comedic scenes and focus on the mystery.

All the progress is in your hands, the balance between the slice of life and the drama is your choice, and that's amazing,

because Nasu never fully understood how to balance them by himself, and both tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night suffered from large portions where nothing was going on.

Though there are problems in paradise, not so much from Hollow, because it's incredibly intuitive, and if you miss out on scenes, it's likely going to be your own fault, not the game's.

But rather in kagetsu Tohya, there's no map, or an indicator for new scenes, or anything really, as a result going from point a to point b is incredibly hard, there's like four different tutorials just to complete the story,

and the game apologizes time and time again about it's issues, the diea was good, but it's clear the engine they used wasn't designed for this kind of game.

And while this is an eroge, I think Tucker can take a break for this video.

All of the sexual content is basically optional, in fact, I completed kagetsu Tohya without triggering any scenes of that kind, which makes me think how useless one must be not to get a single sex scene in a dating sim…

In Hollow it's somewhat different, there's only one obligatory scene in the main campaign, which is so weird in so many levels that rather that question it's prose or tone, you'll just end up uttering a flat What.

Fate's 3 heroines and rider also have that sort of scenes, but only in an optional section, Eclipse, so yay.

In fact… dang, I'm talking too much about this.

But in fact, they aren't bad, for Type-Moon standards, as they are optional they don't have weird explanations, no man or worms, but simply, when two people feel affection, that sort of stuff happens.

Though, Rider's scene does involve Noble Phantasms, and Rin's has this…

Which you can, but shouldn't' read.





Kagetsu Tohya and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia are extremely similar, if they share a review it's because I have no way to make two scripts without repeating myself,

they are ultimately fanservice, an excuse to see the characters again in a lighter work, just being happy.

And that ultimately is what should drive you to read them, don't expect a great mystery, because while it has good ideas, not much happens in practice, and if you are hoping for that, it'll be a letdown.

From day one I've made it clear that I love Tsukihime, and if there are doubts, yes, I prefer it over Stay Night, but when it comes to it's sequels, the balance is inverted.

Hollow Ataraxia is simply a much more intuitive and polished work, not to mention the larger cast lends itself better to humor, and even while incomplete, the story of Avenger and Bazett has it's moments.

But at the end of the day, both are a way to revisit their worlds, and if you are a fan, you won't want to miss out on that.

List of words the Nasuverse ruined for me:





For more infomation >> Kagetsu Tohya y Fate/Hollow Ataraxia [Reseña] - Duration: 10:34.


The Roanoke Tiny House From Tumbleweed Tiny House Company | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 4:33.


For more infomation >> The Roanoke Tiny House From Tumbleweed Tiny House Company | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 4:33.


Mutual Fund Q&A----August 4, 2017 - Duration: 8:17.

While making an ELSS investment, which option should you choose? The growth option or the dividend option?

Opt for dividend option in mutual funds when you need regular income

In equity linked savings scheme, dividend option may not be a great idea

This is more so if you are young since you would want the fund to keep the money with itself and re-invest for growth

What you don't need is money coming away from the growing corpus of money of the fund

Ideally, opt for the growth option in ELSS. Ideally, opt for the growth option in other equity funds too

When you want regular income, dividends from equity funds is not a great choice

For regular income, opt for dividend option of debt funds

The risk of not receiving regular dividends in an equity fund is much higher than debt funds

While making ELSS investments, consider it as a long term investment for growth

There could be exceptions when ELSS dividend option works for you

This is when you have a long retirement period left and you don't depend on the dividend for regular income

Dividend income from equity funds are tax free. So, is dividend income from debt funds

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