it was a different location right now out of the jungle
let's go over a very good but cinematographer documentary in sha Allah
Xiang next next Guillermo kawazu Rock Oakland donkey anniversary then of
course it wasn't of the sister together so I said back to Thailand they said
they have the best leach fruits other they said there's more meat than the figs
business yes very very nice so yeah we shall explore there as well as Sharla
yeah because we cut the rope uh beautiful the road is foxy is left there
right amazing if I may to view either about a figure
tune into the distance perfect my soul
many animals
so we're about to go inside I know you need to tell me coral caves
come on yeah so we're going right now for this done with school this year but
so we're going inside another location inside the coral caves and see what's
that all about that we're officially now on I come to do what is better
Thank You Malcolm this is like a release little one the look on your anyway
trying to have any one product up over here
my remote Amanda's you know me
those just lying around without not only it's so funny so we're still in the
rugged roads trying to get through and then yeah and this is the atmosphere
around as you can see so the road is very it's getting thinner and thinner
and we're still not at the location yeah listen getting scary is for me John
River not many tourists visit here because it's a very very rare location
as the Sun the Berean man said insult isn't it right yes
Eli both turned up a location we needed at the location to run my I'm not even
ever looking at as you can see with at the location you can see the house right
there and what's the place called again
reception this whole place the rocks vertical it's very app clearing this you
and I can go on about I can all available okay
you can click on my chicken open daily
so here we are it looks like this place nobody really
comes here but but there's somebody there as you can see is very very
ancient tell observer rod so where the case at the moment what what about so
this guy's okay we're gonna go nadiyah Venable for you okay look okay available
the tendency to whom nama Pango Pango Mende when I'm a fan Wilma in Anna
Paquin bio Moscow
Wow was I can work for me or TV in stalker comically boring boring news
nobody a logical opinion okay at marathon why I know Macau like Delhi
number Onuaku Yagami Latoya wanna one of an illness on
chicken acacia canakkale second curve so basically these are the famous caves
that he's about to take us to their called amici Kenny
yeah I'm gigantic gigantic and what's your name brother forgot to ask you
sorry what's your name my name is Hassan Hassan for his name is a friend my name
is Muhammad by the way okay Mohammed just thank you very much
so right now he's about to give us a tour to the location and you see how
that place were turns out to be are so the guys giving us torches right now
what's your name brother mr. hedges give enough switches right
now we're about to go inside the caves and my dude right there have sent and
he's getting ready in any shala we shall go there safe and sound
all right so we got the torches and yeah we're about to get inside the caves
Sharla right in my dude right there oh my lord is tender so the torches off
right now and yeah we shall go inside the caves is the sign caves so we have
the little sign there visitor center / caves Koki lembeh billing giver
okay so about to go inside the caves
geez oh my god yo this is a madness so um what tumble pipe up Adele and call
you so we're about to go down the cage right now
bullshit the case fraud claim this trend is okay this is a Kara
so we then often occur in gigantic level J chemicals earth we can excel so can be
very into partying okay it also ended not started okay close the Phantom you
can you can see that many bidding but yeah so this is where the bats lives in
the sides underdog so you could finally no but yes let the fun began upon a
little me about yeah come on we're okay
so um as you can see that the flashing my torch
there's good very very dark indeed softly I hope nobody's in commerce and
attack of the shot so I'm here so so we had the famous case oh my god you're so
dot yeah I'm kind of worried you know
holy shit one second one second I wish acacia
shake-a shake-a shake-a shake-a one second chica I pinched him to see Monica
seem more hopeful so this is the cave right now we're in I am kind of worried
Syd I never taught you yeah say but to go in now
smother him yes going right now so the case got my torches
yo holy shit yo I'm gonna die oh my yo so I'm inside
the caves right now yo I'm actually scared as hell my locker holy shit holy
shit Bonnie oh my god you have to be careful you know because the so many
rocks here so don't you oh ah so just go ah
me hey kiddo giddy al hamdulillah so sad ah this is it less of your I can't see
shit Oh oh my god can't see shit look look at
that this is where we came from I can't see shit check this out you're
too much
holy cow yo look at this I got my torch I can't see shit
so what is this here so these are roots for what so what kind of planted it and
then they love it wouldn't want them on mom be sure what it was true that what
if I'm in Bombay yeah oh my god yuck holy shit I wonder nd we should I told
you tomorrow morning so I'm talking so we are the caves right now as you can
see that's where we came from and we're about to go deep inside you can't see
nothing but my torch seriously yeah the caves right now as you can see that's
where we came from and we're about to go deep inside you
can see enough about my torch seriously fuck is this coffee coolness so again
inside right now let the torch and just want to make sure where I'm heading it's
not too rugged because how to slip oh my god yo then I even be fuck now in two
men oh I'm scared shit yo be careful make sure you're very careful okay I
don't want you to tell you well dial it up okay spider spider
flipadelphia as you can see I don't know what there's no point in the spiders
with one no poisonous is so one this one here and you can see it got a bit of it
there is okay I could hear some bad is that okay holy
shit yo I'm scared yo yo yo yo yo yo I'm actually scared of Superman I'm fine
where's wizard is it what is your but that's about right there no no it's
about oh my God look is about Batman yo let's go let's go 2010 oh look so we're
not going through this way we're going through this over this way here I can
hear the sea you know so many bugs have to be very careful look at our back for
is really look at the bat right there as you can see we won't take majesty let me
just focus to the by right day is hanging right in the middle of the video
there's a bat literally just hanging that's funny
penis look at that shit oh my god this is my first time so I chose that
let's go let's go to an end hey let's go let's go first time was it oh yeah it's
fine now it's fine oh we take a stick from the Florentine
mushroom table like that Honda and out and opieop here it is a
go-go girl okay okay was it collected in this termite or
karaoke Corie Corie she does what they're like yeah look at
this back there sketchy so it's all flashy flashy sanam teri flashy and
there's back to me see them do you feel bad for them very bad
oh my gosh Appa be careful and make sure you looking at the floor will you walk
in yes man SMS I'm a screamer yo I don't know how y'all can't even see where I
came from and you look like one wet without a job y'all can't even see where
I can't see shit although you can't see nothing imagine if my light goes off
right now oh my god okay okay as many hurt
something it's nothing it but I'm joking like the big movie yeah for this is
gonna be a big celebrity Rosa okay we care for the stone they're either a
river make sure you look what you're going I'm gonna tell about another he'll
be supplied you
is a route that will take us straight to the main entrance oh we have to go back
the same route huh mm semi de Janeiro to connect Blake Omar's oh I will I will do
hope of making slow the bucket or Cameron Anna
so here so there's only one route that we have to come back as you can see I
can't see nothing behind me but we can only go forward with the torch that's
all like I'm scared I'm scared about my just by me because it's so steep you
wanna maybe no Noah - although you recorded upon Abram we recorded this
time record the beginning for the soil and now on a trip look at the case I
can't go I can't see nothing you're hanging all Asti is right in front of me
and that but everywhere oh my god oh my god I can't believe it
yes with Ibrahim s ok Shama hopeful next today and because I'm kind of worried
just in case what uh one of the buses come on just hit me you know that's one
thing I'm scared of look again oh my good Bonaparte oh my god that's
like my blood be careful don't hit your head is easy for him look look look what
it mean the Queen going yeah keep your truck we brain in there make sure you
look where you go in a room what this culture
what's cause we can share the same culture okay Sharon isn't it yeah it's
that crystal I don't know what it is but it's like some crystal stone it's really
shines very well I learned a tremendous oh my god they think that well we
finished the journey but you're taking us even
the bigger to me how much they worried seriously taking us to even a bigger
bigger place oh my god and all the delay min
ash-shaytani r-rajim where he'd go understand how scary this
is oh my god so bending down right now there's little my good here so we stop
right here Amanda you could go more but I choose
not to go because I'm actually worried so this is the end yeah I'll make it the
end that's it so we'll go back on it because this is
too scary look look at that look at that I've been begging
Allah maybe the end everybody wants so we're heading back to the entrance as
you can see you can't see nothing literally nothing as rocks he keep okay
dad okay I'm the normal the nice finest man hey didn't one babe ah I just heard
myself is my okay right he brings no day
know that yet don't you say it's fun spot yeah I know yo this is scary as
hell man economy pick up each other here okay
let's like on sex okay ready shit so that's what we came
from let's look at that yeah so you can't see nothing but the torchlight so
I'm boiling - oh hold on it it's nothing but bad still be careful you don't hurt
your head yeah be careful look up look up the soil we carefully back so you
just saw me just had my edger so um yeah about to go back you know this is crazy
still can't see the light yeah
why you have big tortoise your look at look look at that
still more be carefully but I know you're stepping into yet so there's
still more to go do you concede alarms
what about changes when it's like even darker than it is as you can see so you
look you can see nothing about tortures seriously Thunderball okay that's right
now there's so many spider slash and I hope there's no snakes in here there's
no snakes uncle there's no snakes okay good good fit my love this is my first
cave in Milazzo hole Oh I could hear the bat you could hear the
bats literally singing you're you don't understand how worried I am
it's a also we could see their life
well I'm gonna basket window time no no
okay so let me take a picture / let me take a picture
yeah you take a picture let me take a picture standard well together once the
music at each other's kid let's go thank you
agenda so yeah we're about to come out to the end of now and come out the cave
that was definitely scary I'm leaving in LA I am hot as hell I'm very very hot
down here we've seen bats we've seen some spiders and I had to keep the
journey to an end because I am NOT as brave as it is so yeah I'm still wanted
with all the other countries in the world and yeah so um we've come to a end
of our journey alhamdulillah we got there safe and
sound so I'm about to climb the stairs as you can see I'm not sure what this is
chicken oh yeah warning okay okay so oh yeah swine no problem let's go
Sunday so here we're about to leave the case that was scary I can't express the
feeling how scary that was like you guys
believe it or not I'm actually scared yeah we're safe and sound reward witches
bushes our dad and now we're about to call it a day because this was crazy
exactly the bluff to deliver and look at this yeah and here is a journey I'm
making sure you know what I'm like at Eugene okay Buffy be more like it
that's another hour to look over all did it is working on whooping yes yeah so
about to get out coconut kombucha so the journeys done and start whispers
I can't believe it seriously but alhamdulillah we got there safe and
sound oh this one was embraced and nothing no other family what it is you
see so hopefully now we're back into the main location hopefully uh should be
good so there you have it guys exams by caves so I'll leave all in the
description below so if you want to visit here just speak to the guy what's
his name again have fun so next time although you guys
come here you have to speak to assign a gnudi with the talk eventually will be
successful in charlotte because we added buckle a bit but yeah success or sweet
consolation des voix de vida de maurienne mecha-shiva
second article on Danny who Natisha ian oppa vemana mogilev oh but una
particular Papo Papo de los amo true one a santa one of this inshaallah fountain
this later
yo that was scary as hell so back in the club swing I want to
drink Sharla now we should get back safe and sound that was the most scariest
thing I've ever visited in Ganga
a brain how was your experience good yeah oh my god so we're here we were
right where we started and here alhamdulillah we got back safe and sound
nothing major and yeah we're back to the next location
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