Friday, August 4, 2017

Youtube daily report w Aug 4 2017

Hi, and welcome to another episode of the trans 101 series.

Today we are going to be talking about Gender Dysphoria diagnosis.

In the previous video I talked about the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria in children

Today I'm going to be talking about the gender diag-the gender diagnose - the gender dysphoria diagnosis for adults and late teens

So there are some differences, which is why there are two videos on this topic,

between the diagnosis for children and the diagnosis for teens / adults.

The main difference is that for adults you need two out of the six criteria

and the criteria are just a little bit different than the children one

So I'm going to explain to you in detail what they are

a marked incongruence between one's assigned gender and expressed gender

a strong desire to rid one's primary and/or secondary sex characteristics

a strong desire for the primary or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender

A desire to be the other gender

A desire to be treated as the other gender

a strong conviction that the individual has typical feelings and reactions of the other gender

so gender dysphoria is associated with clinically significant impairment or distress

in areas of functioning like school or social things.

There are some people in the trans community and people who identify as trans

that do not like that this is seen as a medical condition.

Now, I'm going to explain to you why I believe that it is okay

that it is seen as a medical condition, all right?

And it's really easy: access to services.

Without it being a diagnosed medical condition, um, we wouldn't be able to have access to the

things that we have access to right now: uh, hormones and therapy and surgery

Especially in Canada where things are covered,

I'm able to get surgery and I'm able to get testosterone

as long as I have a letter from a therapist and as long as it's prescribed by a doctor.

So I have access to these services because it is a medical condition.

So this is also very important, especially if people live in the United States, because of insurance.

There are a lot of insurance plans that don't just take your word for it that you're trans

actually, I think all of them don't take your word for it,

and you absolutely need to have a letter from a doctor, um,

Saying that hey I'm trans and I want to have surgery so you need to cover it

and I mean it's not like that obviously, but,

Having access to these services with insurance requires you to have a diagnosis of Gender dysphoria

It's not a bad thing to have a diagnosis for Gender Dysphoria, honestly.

It's just the issue that we mainly have with this diagnosis is the gatekeeping.

and some people are not able to access these services because they're not able to get a diagnosis

Some doctors refuse to give a diagnosis while others have no idea what this is so they don't do it.

More on gatekeeping later on in this series, but basically that's- that's the main issue.

So, usually when someone gets diagnosed with something there's always the type of treatment plan that's associated with it.

Well, the treatment of gender dysphoria is transitioning.

Now people choose to transition a different way, right, so dysphoria means distress right it means a level of distress

so when you talk about Gender Dysphoria your...not your gender is distress,

but there is there is some sort of thing that's not clicking in your head.

Basically it's that your body does not match how you see yourself or how you are inside

and transitioning, for a lot of people, taking hormones, um, and uh, going through surgeries,

and changing your name legally and all of these things help alleviate that distress, so that's basically it.

So transitioning is the treatment plan for a lot of trans people in order to alleviate dysphoria and in order to be able to...

I don't know, live your life without feeling like there's something missing or something that is not connecting

So as a personal example, in order for me to alleviate dysphoria, I needed to transition.

I needed to go on hormones, and I needed to have top surgery

This is what I needed to do in order to make my body comfortable.

Not everybody who transitions decides to go on hormones and decides to have surgery later on.

Everybody has a different way of transitioning, in order to alleviate their own dysphoria.

so I can't tell you 100% that there is a cookie-cutter way to alleviate dysphoria. That doesn't exist.

but most people do go through hormone replacement therapy and go through surgeries

in order to feel more comfortable and more aligned with how they see themselves.

So as I stated before some people really don't like that it's seen that the medical condition.

They would much rather say that they're trans and have people believe them that they're trans

instead of having to go to a doctor, getting a letter and stuff like that.

So I can understand that part as well. I like that it's seen as the medical condition only because

we have access to the services that we need in order to transition and in order to alleviate dysphoria.

Anyways, if you want more info on the diagnosis for trans kids, that's the last video that I just made

and make sure to check back every day for a new video

and the videos on this series are going to be great trans 101 things that you can watch and that you can give to people.

Anyways, thank you so much for joining me and have a great day. Bye.

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 4 - Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis [CC] - Duration: 5:01.


Temecula Road - Hoping

For more infomation >> Temecula Road - Hoping


Ultime notizie: Alla Arena della Regina di Cattolica Al Bano e Romina Power in concerto. | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Ultime notizie: Alla Arena della Regina di Cattolica Al Bano e Romina Power in concerto. | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:46.


Começa HOJE - Treinamento Online e Gratuito! Vem Comigo!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Começa HOJE - Treinamento Online e Gratuito! Vem Comigo!! - Duration: 1:01.


LMC Passion 470 E - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> LMC Passion 470 E - Duration: 1:07.


Dota 2 The BEST TIPS and TRICKS at 7.06! - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 The BEST TIPS and TRICKS at 7.06! - Duration: 10:12.


Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC ACC/CRUISE/LED - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC ACC/CRUISE/LED - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 230 E Aut. | Uniek!! | NL-Auto | 2e Eigenaar | Schuifdak - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 230 E Aut. | Uniek!! | NL-Auto | 2e Eigenaar | Schuifdak - Duration: 0:41.


Overwatch World Cup 2017 | Riassunto della fase a gruppi di Sydney - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Overwatch World Cup 2017 | Riassunto della fase a gruppi di Sydney - Duration: 1:07.


CS:GO ITA : Economia e Mercato - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> CS:GO ITA : Economia e Mercato - Duration: 3:26.


Renault Mégane Scénic 1.6e RN Alizé Easy - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Scénic 1.6e RN Alizé Easy - Duration: 1:01.


How to download telegram links [UHD] *SUBS* - Duration: 5:24.

How to download Telegram links.

As you see,

this is not my usual desktop.

This is because my computer...

... I have it supertuned,

and anything is by default.

So to be as realistic as possible,

I do this in the virtual machine with...

...Windows 7 PRO newly installed,

as such, including Vivaldi.

Let us begin.

We can download the application...

...for all platforms,

But I'm going to focus on...

...the portable version for Windows.

We click here.

We'ill click on this link,

since the one above is an installer.

Here is the ZIP of Telegram.

That we'll download it on desktop.

We cleaned everything.

Extract the ZIP.

This no longer serves

And in this folder we've a single executable,

that we will execute.

We say yes to the warning.

Some files are created,

and we have this screen...

that I forgot to switch to Spanish.

Although it can be changed later.

Press on blue button.

We type our phone number.

And wait that Telegram sends us...

...the code through the mobile app...

...previously installed.

Although it gives us the option to send it by SMS.

My personal opinion is to install the mobile app,

It will give us a lot of play...

...when transferring files...

...without size limitations...

...between computer and mobile.

You'll also receive notifications of... publications instantly on mobile.

We type the activation code.

Here we have portable Telegram in running,

automatically load our contacts...

...that use Telegram.

Everything is all by default,

of course you can download themes... make him more awesome than is now.

I'm going to my channel.

And I'll choose a file I've shared.

This one.

The first part of a NT map.

Copy the link where the file is.

That will be the one that would publish in blog.

We run browser.

This would be the format of link.

Here the trick is that Telegram...

...knows that we have executed...

...a Telegram application,

and asks us if we want... it with her.

We mark,

so that when there are Telegram links...

...always use portable application,

and click on "Open".

Run portable application,

and select the message in point.

We just have to click on...

...the icon with the down arrow,

and the file would be downloaded.

Or, right-click to...

...define a different location.

And so we would repeat with the rest.

It should be mentioned that they can't... make parallel downloads,

only one file can be downloaded at a time,

All other downloads will be queued.

Be careful not to...

...close the application when downloading,

especially in large files.

Our obsession with closing unused...

... applications can do great harm.

Here is the downloaded file.

Although the paths have been modified by library,

Or by registry,

the downloads, by default will be performed... the user's original folder,

under the Telegram desktop directory.

This is the look of Telegram just to install it.

But downloaded the appropriate theme... ...can be so cool.


as these have been the steps to...

...can download any file...

...I publish on the channel.

Until the next videotutorial... beloved Padawans.

For more infomation >> How to download telegram links [UHD] *SUBS* - Duration: 5:24.


V-Ray 3.4 | Desafio 60 Materiais em 60 Dias | 10 de 60 | Ladrilho - Duration: 3:14.

Hello Masterfans

Welcome to Mastertuts

I am Henrique Barros

Architect and instructor of courses Mastertuts

And in this video lesson we will continue to challenge

60 Material after 60 days

And today we will learn how to configure the material Tile

Using the new version of V-Ray 3.4

And if you have not chosen your material

Go on the fixed post from Facebook

And put in the comments

Which material you want to learn in the next lessons

In this lesson we will use this image

In order to set our material

I will open the Frame Buffet to compare our image after

Look there

This is a very simple texture

I downloaded the internet

From this texture

I created but two other textures

I made a Bump mapping

And the reflection mapping of this material

So we will use these textures

To be able to create this view

So back here in SketchUp

Let's close the Frame Buffer

And now start setting our material

For this view will make the picture a little closer

I really want to see this material here on the screen

I'll click on add a new scene

To be able to keep the display

And then click the Asset Editor

To be able to configure the material

I'll click in the preview

Use the eyedropper to select the material on the screen

And here we have the Diffuse applied

To this material will use the V-Ray BRDF

Then we select this property

And then add the mapping

Let's go

To be able to select our texture folder


We already have our texture

Let's go back once

And then delete this channel Diffuse

We already have the BRDF layer applied to the material

And let's start by setting the reflection property

Select the slot to load texture

Click Bitmap

And then choose your mapping

Click back once

And set the Reflection Glossiness property to comma 65

The tile usually has a more matte reflection

But you can use other properties to create different effects

We will now select the Bump mapping

In order to finish the configuration of this material

So let's enable Bump

And then add to our texture

And open the saved mapping


Let's go back once

And reduce the value of the multiplier for coma 05

That's enough for us to have this view


We have set our material

We render to see the result

Come on


After the render finish

This is the result we got

With this configuration

And you can change the Reflection Glossiness settings

According to the tile you want to represent

So that there

I hope you enjoyed this lesson

Subscribe to the channel

For you can always get our videos firsthand

Also enable notifications channel

For you do not miss any videos that challenge

Thank you again for attending

A big hug

And thanks!!

For more infomation >> V-Ray 3.4 | Desafio 60 Materiais em 60 Dias | 10 de 60 | Ladrilho - Duration: 3:14.


PHILLIP NUTT - SINTONIA (Áudio) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> PHILLIP NUTT - SINTONIA (Áudio) - Duration: 3:57.


SAMUEL (사무엘) - Sixteen (식스틴) (Feat. Changmo (창모)) MV Reaction - Duration: 7:15.


Samuel released music

My Samuel

I loved Samuel

But like ... I really did love Samuel

I had a very bad time

I cried a lot

But a lot really

Who likes him, will realize what I'm saying

Here we have a example

This was me reacting

The departure of Samuel

Even today I don't believe he left

But what matters is that now he have a music

And now we're gonna react to this

We! Exactly me and you

Together so let's go

I'm not prepared, I don't want see, I'm gonna die


I hate ads

Fangirl mode: ON

I'm Seventeen

I'm not Okay

He is so beautiful

And now I ask you

Yes I ask you

Who has the guts to make this bolinho cry?


The question that everybody wants to hear

Did I get addict in the song?

Obvious that not! Is gonna be my alarm

The music I hear to brush my teeth

To take a bath

To eat

To sleep


Of course

It was everything for this video

I hope you liked

Put a like in Samuel's video

Help my babe, he deserve so much love

Leave in the comments what they thought of MV! I wasn't well and you?

Do not forget to click in the button 'like' and if you aren't subscribed join to the channel for you don't lose any video. Bye

For more infomation >> SAMUEL (사무엘) - Sixteen (식스틴) (Feat. Changmo (창모)) MV Reaction - Duration: 7:15.


Você está vivendo uma vida de aparências para mascarar a sua depressão? - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Você está vivendo uma vida de aparências para mascarar a sua depressão? - Duration: 4:03.


Volkswagen Jetta 1.4 TSI HYBRID COMFORT EXECUTIVE PAKKET Automaat.Navigatie.Leder.1e Eigenaar. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Jetta 1.4 TSI HYBRID COMFORT EXECUTIVE PAKKET Automaat.Navigatie.Leder.1e Eigenaar. - Duration: 0:59.


Nasil Yapilir ? - Duration: 0:02.

For more infomation >> Nasil Yapilir ? - Duration: 0:02.


Aula de lingam massagem (Deva Amny) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Aula de lingam massagem (Deva Amny) - Duration: 2:22.


Airsoft in the Woods! - Duration: 8:22.

Hey Tactical YouTuber! One more Sunday, one more Airsoft Sunday.

I'm standing in a forest, it's a private property that we leased from the owner

As you can imagine, the game experience in a Woods Field

it very different from what you can expect from a Paintball Field

and even more from a MOUT such as an abandoned housing project

I mean, encounters occurr at open spaces and the pacing is much more calm in between clashes

They do require that you are in better physical shape and you should make preparations to como here to play

because is not as easy as crossing the street and purchase stuff from the 7/11

You have to keep this kind of details in mind

but fear not, this is a great experience

and it's really worth it

even if the pace is a bit calmer, this is something that will stay with you

Something pretty neat about this type of fields is that maneuvering is king.

Distances are long and your Airsoft replica simply won't have the accuracy

Thus it is very important

to close the engaging distance as much as possible

at least to where you are really sure that your replica is accurate

Prepping counts. I already mentioned water but that's hardly all

How much gear will you bear? Sincerely, how much can you carry

and still be effective? Or at the very least, carry before you exhaust yourself

Plate carriers look great and they give you so much real state to carry stuff

but walking down the woods for hours with 10 extra kilograms, not counting your replica

require someone that is physically fit

and exercise almost everyday

Think what you really need. Here's a hint:

Batteries and just enough BBs. Other than that, it's up to you

Radio Comms are very recommendable but what else? Will you need light? What other means of communications will you use?

What other trinkets you carry? All this

is part of the prepping. And you don't this the day before.

You start a few days before going to the field, testing your load out at home.

Choose what you will take, and after the game, be sincere and decide what you won't be bringing back anymore.

In this kind of fields, it pays very good to know your replica

good preventive maintenance and knowing your Effective Range

If you don't know what that means, go to Facebook and find Airsoft Integral article about it

It is time well expend

A good maintenance will help you to have a decent Effective Range

You know why this is important? Because, in contrast with CQBf fields

encounters tend to be at a larger distance

and most likely it will be windy

So, before making the first BB fly, make sure you won't miss

Maneuver as close as you can and use your sights.

But above all: Don't miss

Batteries!Ican't stress that enough

They will come in handy

a good pair of boots, juice for your radio too

additional mags

All the sort of thing that usually are left at the Safe Zone because is 20 yards away

You have to think that you will have to carry them but the same rule still applies

You can't carry anything that you won't be using.

After 30 minutes of walking you are going to hate whatever you don't need

This game fields are spectacular, the sights are gorgeous, the gaming experience

can be awesome, make yourself a favor

and at least once, try playing in one of this kind of fields

just don't forget to have the owners permissions,

hang signs that it's an Airsoft game and if you like you can warn your local authorities,

take any precautions to avoid souring the experience

Remember to ground the expectatives,

this is not fast paced actions, there will be a lot BBs flying, that's for sure

it will be thrilling but also there will be a lot more of walking

than a Paintball field. Nevertheless, all gaming fields are fun

give yourself a chance to try all kinds

enjoy them, have the experience, Play Airsot and remember: Catch me at the gamefield!

For more infomation >> Airsoft in the Woods! - Duration: 8:22.


Unboxing... STEFANIA ROMPE TUTTO! #aiutatemi - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Unboxing... STEFANIA ROMPE TUTTO! #aiutatemi - Duration: 6:54.



Hy everyone, my name is Gianni

welcome back to a new action camera review

for today i have a MGCOOL EXPLORER PRO

It costs about 40 bucks.

For specs we have:

CPU: Alwinner V3 Sensor: Sony IMX179.

The camera comes in this black box,

Inside, we find the camera in the waterproof case,

the manufacturer suggested the waterproof

case is good to up to 30 meters in the water

I went swimming and the case is definitely waterproof.

Aside from that we find the user manual,

and lastly some mounts and accesories.

The camera is advertised to record in 4K 30FPS

keep in mind, the Alwinner V3 CPU cannot record any real 4K

therefore all the 4K recordings you are gonna get from this camera

are 2K recordings interpolated to 4K recordings.

This camera is called Explorer Pro but we don't have HDR mode and GYRO stabilization

The camera looks like most other action cam,

and it is completely made out of plastic.

On the front we have: the lens, the power and mode button

and the model number.

On the top you are going to find: the recording and okay button and led.

On the left hand side we find: the navigation buttons and wifi button.

on the right hand side you find: an HDMI port,

we also have the micro USB charging port

and a slot for a micro SD card up to 64GB.

The camera can be used while charging

We also have car mode available so you can use this as a dash cam.

On the right side we also find the microphone,

the microphone doesn't sound bad,

i recorded a quick sample so you can see how the microphone works.

The microphone sounds decent,

but if you move away from the camera it cannot record anything.

Moving back to the camera on the bottom we find a pastic door,

that lets you access the 1.050 mAh battery,

the recording time is about 90 minutes in 4K 30FPS.

Lastly on the back we find a 2" display,

the display doesn't have the best view angles and it isn't too bright.

Now you are gonna chek out some video recordings, i've done during the day.

For some of these i used a 3 axis gimbal.

And now some video recordings at night time.

The quality of the data recording isn't amazing

Now some pictures, i've done during the day.

Also the quality of the pictures is only decent.

The camera can make a wifi network,

and then you connect to that WI-FI network

you can control the camera right from your smartphone,

through an app called Explorer Pro,

you can access all the camera settings.

Using the camera is super simple,

first of all press the power button to start the camera,

the power button is also mode button, so you can switch between mode

For settings we don't have many options.

To concluding, this camera can be a good choice for a kid or something like that.

Please press like button and subs for more!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> MGCOOL EXPLORER PRO 4K ACTION CAMERA REVIEW & Sample Footage- ENG SUB - Duration: 9:06.


Stats Help-ThatTutorGuy

For more infomation >> Stats Help-ThatTutorGuy


Collins, Murkowski on their health care 'no' vote - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Collins, Murkowski on their health care 'no' vote - Duration: 6:09.


Senator: I stood up to Trump at White House - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Senator: I stood up to Trump at White House - Duration: 1:33.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI Comfortline Business R - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI Comfortline Business R - Duration: 0:58.


Trans 101: Ep 4 - Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis [CC] - Duration: 5:01.

Hi, and welcome to another episode of the trans 101 series.

Today we are going to be talking about Gender Dysphoria diagnosis.

In the previous video I talked about the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria in children

Today I'm going to be talking about the gender diag-the gender diagnose - the gender dysphoria diagnosis for adults and late teens

So there are some differences, which is why there are two videos on this topic,

between the diagnosis for children and the diagnosis for teens / adults.

The main difference is that for adults you need two out of the six criteria

and the criteria are just a little bit different than the children one

So I'm going to explain to you in detail what they are

a marked incongruence between one's assigned gender and expressed gender

a strong desire to rid one's primary and/or secondary sex characteristics

a strong desire for the primary or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender

A desire to be the other gender

A desire to be treated as the other gender

a strong conviction that the individual has typical feelings and reactions of the other gender

so gender dysphoria is associated with clinically significant impairment or distress

in areas of functioning like school or social things.

There are some people in the trans community and people who identify as trans

that do not like that this is seen as a medical condition.

Now, I'm going to explain to you why I believe that it is okay

that it is seen as a medical condition, all right?

And it's really easy: access to services.

Without it being a diagnosed medical condition, um, we wouldn't be able to have access to the

things that we have access to right now: uh, hormones and therapy and surgery

Especially in Canada where things are covered,

I'm able to get surgery and I'm able to get testosterone

as long as I have a letter from a therapist and as long as it's prescribed by a doctor.

So I have access to these services because it is a medical condition.

So this is also very important, especially if people live in the United States, because of insurance.

There are a lot of insurance plans that don't just take your word for it that you're trans

actually, I think all of them don't take your word for it,

and you absolutely need to have a letter from a doctor, um,

Saying that hey I'm trans and I want to have surgery so you need to cover it

and I mean it's not like that obviously, but,

Having access to these services with insurance requires you to have a diagnosis of Gender dysphoria

It's not a bad thing to have a diagnosis for Gender Dysphoria, honestly.

It's just the issue that we mainly have with this diagnosis is the gatekeeping.

and some people are not able to access these services because they're not able to get a diagnosis

Some doctors refuse to give a diagnosis while others have no idea what this is so they don't do it.

More on gatekeeping later on in this series, but basically that's- that's the main issue.

So, usually when someone gets diagnosed with something there's always the type of treatment plan that's associated with it.

Well, the treatment of gender dysphoria is transitioning.

Now people choose to transition a different way, right, so dysphoria means distress right it means a level of distress

so when you talk about Gender Dysphoria your...not your gender is distress,

but there is there is some sort of thing that's not clicking in your head.

Basically it's that your body does not match how you see yourself or how you are inside

and transitioning, for a lot of people, taking hormones, um, and uh, going through surgeries,

and changing your name legally and all of these things help alleviate that distress, so that's basically it.

So transitioning is the treatment plan for a lot of trans people in order to alleviate dysphoria and in order to be able to...

I don't know, live your life without feeling like there's something missing or something that is not connecting

So as a personal example, in order for me to alleviate dysphoria, I needed to transition.

I needed to go on hormones, and I needed to have top surgery

This is what I needed to do in order to make my body comfortable.

Not everybody who transitions decides to go on hormones and decides to have surgery later on.

Everybody has a different way of transitioning, in order to alleviate their own dysphoria.

so I can't tell you 100% that there is a cookie-cutter way to alleviate dysphoria. That doesn't exist.

but most people do go through hormone replacement therapy and go through surgeries

in order to feel more comfortable and more aligned with how they see themselves.

So as I stated before some people really don't like that it's seen that the medical condition.

They would much rather say that they're trans and have people believe them that they're trans

instead of having to go to a doctor, getting a letter and stuff like that.

So I can understand that part as well. I like that it's seen as the medical condition only because

we have access to the services that we need in order to transition and in order to alleviate dysphoria.

Anyways, if you want more info on the diagnosis for trans kids, that's the last video that I just made

and make sure to check back every day for a new video

and the videos on this series are going to be great trans 101 things that you can watch and that you can give to people.

Anyways, thank you so much for joining me and have a great day. Bye.

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 4 - Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis [CC] - Duration: 5:01.


Star Wars: The Star Forge (Legends) - Spacedock - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Star Forge (Legends) - Spacedock - Duration: 4:31.



For more infomation >> Freestyle


Oprah: 'I Can't Accept Myself If I'm Over 200 Pounds' - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Oprah: 'I Can't Accept Myself If I'm Over 200 Pounds' - Duration: 0:48.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T LEER/NAVI/XENON/SCH.DAK/19"LM - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T LEER/NAVI/XENON/SCH.DAK/19"LM - Duration: 1:02.


Volvo V70 2.0T Bi Fuel Stoelverwarming Cruise Clima 5 Cilinder - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T Bi Fuel Stoelverwarming Cruise Clima 5 Cilinder - Duration: 1:03.


Nissan Pulsar DIG-T 115pk Visia *DEMO -6-versnellingen, 16", Chromen raamomlijsting, Electrische ram - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar DIG-T 115pk Visia *DEMO -6-versnellingen, 16", Chromen raamomlijsting, Electrische ram - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo V70 2.0T 5-cilinder 180pk Ocean race /Climate/Cruise control/PDC/Leder/Stoelverwarming/16'LM! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.0T 5-cilinder 180pk Ocean race /Climate/Cruise control/PDC/Leder/Stoelverwarming/16'LM! - Duration: 1:01.


Volvo V60 2.0T Momentum - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0T Momentum - Duration: 0:51.


Fiat Tipo STATIONWAGON 1.4 T-JET 16V 120PK BUS. LUSSO - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat Tipo STATIONWAGON 1.4 T-JET 16V 120PK BUS. LUSSO - Duration: 0:59.


Gov't to conduct on-site environmental survey of THAAD next week - Duration: 0:33.

Seoul plans to conduct an environmental survey of the THAAD hosting site.

The defense and environment ministry will send a team of civilian experts to conduct

the study next Thursday, looking at levels of electromagnetic radiation and noise.

South Korea provided U.S. Forces Korea with around 320 thousand square-meters of land

in Seongju county, some 300 kilometers south of Seoul, to deploy the American anti-missile


Currently, two THAAD launchers are stationed at Seongju while four others are stored at

a closeby U.S. base.

For more infomation >> Gov't to conduct on-site environmental survey of THAAD next week - Duration: 0:33.


Learners' Questions: Using the word 'though' - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Learners' Questions: Using the word 'though' - Duration: 2:44.


Korea B-boy is the best!! and hidden story... - Duration: 3:55.

The dancer I recommend for "Get It Street" is the b-boy "T"

B-boy "Jerry"

'Jerry' recommended dancer B-boy 'T'

Part 2 starts now

Suddenly it rained and moved the place to the cafe.

There's a time when b-boys were hard, and there's a good time.

B-Boy has been an issue in Korea.

Then there was a lot of content like contests and broadcasts.

Korea B-boy has been recognized in the world

Suddenly, it became too commercial, and it disappeared.

The directors who make the show are investing a lot

They did not make as much money as they invested, so they gave up.

Some teams have this guarantee, and some teams have this kind of guarantee.

For the Director,

'Korean B-boys are good at everyone, right?' 'Call everyone at a cheap price, the public do not know'

There were a lot of such directors, and Guarantee went down and the event was gone.

'B-boy? Hip hop? Korea is the best!

The best is right, but there are a lot of people with low skills.

Due to these people lowering the guarantee There was a time when performance culture was hard.

Once upon a time there were a lot of dancers in each area.

I thought, 'How can I meet those dancers?'

So I started a motorcycle tour.

I met local dancers and danced together and busking.

Leave a hat on the street and dance. Thankyou guys put the money in.

I'm sleeping alone, so grab the inn with that money.

If I had enough money, I talked to the dancers about dancing while they were drinking.

This was so much fun!

I drove a 50cc motorcycle

Jeonju is friendly! Dancing is also a friendly feeling.

Daegu is cute. I feel like a dancing person.

Busan feels passionate

It's alive! I think I know why.

Guangzhou is a comfortable feeling

Jejudo did not have much dancers. About one or two?

When I talk about this, I think of old times.

I want to drink now

When I was a child, I had 6 to 7 bottles of soju.

Two or three bottles now?

I was such a character.

I can not do anything to my seniors.

"You drink" "Yes" I keep saying "yes."

Then the seniors say, "Are you not drunk?" I say "Yes"

Oh, he's a dreadful dancer. B-boy "Pop"

He has a lot of muscle.

'Pop' drinks with me, but I'm only fat...

Did you drink with strength?

When I meet my dancers' juniors... ah... soju!!

When I was a kid, my seniors bought me a lot of alcohol.

They always said, "It's okay, you guys will pay for it later."

"Are we?"

I'm old and I have juniors. I'm paying.

Then I think of my seniors!

So now I want to see Woo Sung Lee.

For more infomation >> Korea B-boy is the best!! and hidden story... - Duration: 3:55.


How Hard Does Doddy Shred? Blake Puts Him To The Test - Duration: 4:41.

- Right, you've all been asking about Doddy riding.

You guys want to see it.

And you've been loads of comments. Loads and loads.

So today's the day, and we're going to go ride.

So Doddy, lead the way, I'm going to follow you.

- Let's hit it.

(lively music)

(wheels rolling on dirt)


(Blake laughs loudly)

(Doddy laughs)

- [Blake] Are you all right?

- [Doddy] I don't know where my glove's gone.

- Bet it went down there.

- Oh, there it is.


- Let's do that again, but don't go down there.

- I won't go down there that time.

(lively music) (wheels rolling on dirt)


- Well, that answers your question.

He can definitely shred the trail.

But I've got a few questions for you.

Right, where's your favourite place to ride?

- Do you know what?

Lucky enough over the years I've ridden in so many

amazing different countries.

Canada, Mexico, France Spain, all sorts.

But do you know what, home trails.

- [Interviewer] Local trails.

- You know my local trails aren't the best,

but right out my door, lovely single track,

and sometimes that's all I need.

- [Interviewer] What sort of riding do you love to do?

- Do you know, just what we've been doing, single track

with the trees whistling past. - Nice.

- It doesn't even to be the craziest section of trail,

just that sensation.

Nothing beats it, I swear.

- Bucket list.

Do you have a bucket list trail that you want to do,

or mountain you want to shred down, or ...

- Do you know, I'm also lucky, I've kind of

ticked off what was always my bucket list,

and that was a trail called the Whole Enchilada

in Moab, and that's kind of got a bit of everything.

It starts up at high Alpine, and drops all the way down

to the canyon floor.

And I think it's like 27 miles long.

- Yeah?

- Like, of pretty much all downhill, yeah?

- Wow. - And it's got everything.

You've got roots, or schralpy turns at the top,

you've got river crossings, it's just ...

The famous slick rock, the canyon edge stuff,

it's just incredible.

- That's going on my list.

- Let's go tomorrow.

- That's going on my list.

- It's pretty brutal, as well.

- Right, I've got one more question.

You're sat down on your bike,

like chilling, how tall are you?

'Cause you're taller than me already.

- D'you know what, six three, six four,

somewhere around there.

A bit rangey.

- You should be a basketball player.

Well, enough of that.

Let's carry on shredding, because I've got a few more,

I've got some challenges for you.

(lively music) (wheels rolling on dirt)




Right. I want to see you get some air time.

Because I'm all about that.

Challenge number one. - Okay.

- Hit that jump right there.

- Okay.

- You got it.

- Yeah, I think so.

(Interviewer claps hands)

- [Interviewer] He's dropping.

(wheels rolling on dirt)

- [Doddy] (shouts enthusiastically)

(wheels rolling on dirt)

- [Interviewer] (laughs)

(wheels rolling on dirt)


Wow, it's been so long.

(slaps a high five)

Viewers have asked, I wanted to ride with you,

and it's been so good.

It's been a long time coming, and we've produced it

just for you guys.

He can shred. He can take some air.

And he can ride some trails. What more do you need?

- Yeah, so don't forget, click the globe in the middle here,

subscribe, if you want to find out the six things

you never knew about your bike, click down here.

- Yeah, and if you want to get a little more free-riding

when you're riding out there on the trail,

click just down here.

If you loved this video,

definitely give it a thumbs up Like.

For more infomation >> How Hard Does Doddy Shred? Blake Puts Him To The Test - Duration: 4:41.


Why is there manipulation in the stock market? #askmarcello - Duration: 6:29.


I couldn't tell you exactly if there are manipulation in the market

speculating a little bit,

I would say are the companies, government

that want to take profitability or probably one financia

area loves more than the other one.

The truth is that I don't know so much about this

because I don't care and never felt curiosity to know what happens there.

My plan of trading is

to search some point of profitability

and I don't one anyone taking me out of my Trading plan,

so you know now men

don't let anybody to give you wrong information.

For more infomation >> Why is there manipulation in the stock market? #askmarcello - Duration: 6:29.


Accounting for Beginners #57 / Purchase Supplies on Account / Accounts Payable / Accounting 101 - Duration: 20:06.

yoyoyo I guess that's my signature I don't know who are you bro

I am CPA strength I am the lace I am a strongest licensed certified public

accountant CPA in the state of Florida let's go what are you going to do today

I'm going to teach you accounting that's what I do baby that's what I do I teach

accounting to the world basics by basics by building block by building but

building block by building blocks I don't know what's going on today I

haven't filmed in a couple days I'm feeling outta control I always feel like

I'm doing the wrong thing cept when I'm filming or getting in my flow State with

these fps so let's go I'm excited about this one I think you're going to be

excited about this one we're going to have fun what is this what is this one

this one is accounting for beginners I have a classic series my classic series

this is accounting for beginners number 57 five and then a seven it's it's right

after 56 right before 58 can you believe is 57 can you believe that number oh my

god and it purchased supplies on account I'll tell you how I came up with this

how I came up with it ah but first if you're like hmm how are tips more this

dude out what's going on over here right over here is the best playlist in the

world this will make all your dreams come true it's basically oh there's look

there's a genie bottle of I Dream of Jeannie and you rub that our dreams come

true you basically click this simulates the rubbing of a genie bottle and then

on your dreams will come true over there so let's get into this video let's get

into 57 first have to tell you why I have all these subscribers and I have

all these uses because I came up with a mapping system for beginners and you

will now know where where does this go where does this go where does this go I

have no idea what mapping system is DC a blur it's a lifestyle you know what's up

that stands for debit credit asset draw expense liability equity

just go over a couple seconds of what the DCA's are actually means or where

transaction means we have a journal entry to do we have a journal entry

review then here when you have a journal entry review in accounting

you're going to have transactions you're going to have all these a debit that

equals our credit you're one of my students you've been following my

practices you've you've got a homework assignment you or you're at a test what

are you going to do okay let's get into this man I just want to have some fun

and you know I'm ready to have some fun number two block everything else out

this is just you know some DC Aylor some accounting fun I got people watching for

so many different reasons and I feel blessed to have somebody watch me but

now is you know let's just get our little zone I love doing this right here

I'm thinking how can I teach somebody how somebody going to understand you

know um let's just get into this right now basically you're going to have

you're going to have a transaction here and how something that happens and it's

going to have a debit and a credit and they're going to equal your you're brand

new to this and you see I have to do a journal entry what am I going to do what

are you I don't know don't freak out don't freak out go to your go let's go

you're sort of your mental toolbox here take a file cabinet it's going to talk

to our first thing because we're doing accounting so let's go to that

accounting drawer and top drawer or sorry we're going to our accounting file

cabinet top to our first thing is DC able to write that down debit credit

acid draw expense liability equity revenue DC a blur

oops now you should feel a little better because this right here is more than

most people know to be honest hey you know where does things go so calm down

chill you've got this you're in good hands

you're in good hands with DC a blur Jake from Jake from Allstate I got them

tan khakis boy so that's so you already feel a little bit better now the task is

to write a journal entry you know you know from following along and practicing

or you're coming back to in my videos or this this comes along with a journal

entry you know debits equal credits and that's the journal entry you have a

debit and a credit and a equal so you know that so you can give this and now

let's just go let's go let's go to the question you know so if you sup you got

your DC Euler you've got your journal and your your debits equal and credits

here so you know you're all set up now let's read let's read the oh oh oh and

this is this is accounting for beginners 57 purchase supplies on account I came

up with that because I got a viewer question I looked at my whenever your

question cut in the comment sections and over your question like can you do a

video on this I'd say yeah sure I just add it to my list have a little list

there on my phone and then like what I'm not really sure what video I want to do

I just look down my list and see which one seems the most fun to me and then I

do it that's how I come up with my video idea it's on my video some I think oh

that would be a good video or but if I don't know which one to do Brooke can

you just do the freaking can you just do the journal entry breath yes I can get

some it's a certain part of my lay lunar purchase supplies on account that's what

someone else can you do it can you do a video about purchasing supplies on

account so I say sure that sounds fun as you get to an interesting one so you're

a small business owner so here's the here's what you're supposed to make the

journal entry of this question here make a journal entry out of this right here

small business owner purchase $500 of supplies on account

you know if you didn't know anything you're like dude I just figured out how

to do cash I just figure it out cash I don't know milton elzar doodle cash

though all right cool we don't have captions one but you do

see $500 so you don't know anything and it's going to make you feel better

santino debits equal credit it's going to just make you feel better to put $500

debit equals five her daughter's credit so look you got some of the journal

entry you got you got some already now I tell you what how do you wearing what

how do you wearing we're going to figure out what hat we're going to wear for our

journal entry here small business zone all right so you're a small business

owner whatever but you know whatever it's called probably widgets Inc widgets

Inc over here so but you're a small business owner that's your hat okay

you're wearing this hat so that you know like so your small business you don't

know what hat you are you know are you are you put buying the stuff are either

business owner are you an employee exactly that depends a lot of times what

journal you know how the journal entries me purchase $500 purchased $500 you

purchased $500 you bought $500 of supplies

you bought $500 of supplies on account or something that goes into debit all

right and then there's going to be something that goes in this credit what

goes in there super-strength now let's kind of dig into this together the debit

or the credit is either going to be something inside the asset category

something inside the draw sometimes I the expense something inside liabilities

something inside the equity or something inside the revenue box it's going to be

something at one of these it's going to be a sub I guess the subgroup of one of

these six what is going to be in here purchase $500 of supplies on account I

make I think you've got you've got something with supplies and then it says

on account purchase 500 ollars now what if what if it said because you know how

to do cash you've been doing cash you know you know if cash is coming in it's

an asset and it's positive you debit you know for cash is leaving the company you

credit it because it's going down so you know that savings this is how I would do

it well the small business owner purchase five hundreds of supplies with

cats no you did it wiped out but you can see you what are you doing here what's

on account well they didn't say cash so it means you didn't pay for it

that means on account what that means if it said paid for it with cash it would

say paid for it with cash means unaccounted to do some repetitions in

volume when you purchase something so it means you got something in you've got

you've got supplies whatever supply like supplies to be a lot of different things

you're getting supplies in and nothing in this world is free let me tell you

that ain't not it God dang things for free so you have supplies coming in what

are you giving out what's going out account on account usually would be cash

going out but now you have on account that means that means that what is on

account you're getting supplies on account she basically has to figure out

you go out to $500 you're racing to have to figure out what the heck is on

account a channel on account alright and then he base what the heck is on account

here and then you have to figure out what it supplies alright that's your two

things here for this journal entry what detective supplies oh you know what what

what are these six boxes does it come out of

and on account one of these six boxes is to come out of C this is the great thing

this is a great thing as well as kind you can you can you can arrive to this

journal which goes in here and what goes in here what goes what you're doing

what's required you could arrive with this journal entry of thousand different

ways I want to try to give you the tools to come out of different different ways

maybe and something might hopefully some is going to click for you and one of

these ways that I do it you're like oh I didn't think about it like that but yes

that makes sense let's just let's just be logical you view for a needle or

let's be logical let's figure out on account let's let's do the small

business owner particulars of supplies on account we know debits equal credits

we know 500l are debit we know $5 credit on account

you got you got some supplies you got supplies coming in supplies in this

question we don't really know but I'm in for like what will excuse me what

supplies because these are just a you know in real life you're going to see

like it's not going to be like it you know do this journal entry it's going to

be like you see money coming out of the checking account for four different

things because we pump with your we saw widgets all day long we're starting over

starter we're starting to ramp it up because we're here every day we're

lining hard around here right in so Republicans widgets so we need some

supplies for the widgets but you would have like you know money come out of the

bank for tape and tape dispenser then we need something how many widget boxes and

then we need like no we're out of staples because we got our paper so

those are supplies these are supplies so we have that and I would and I would say

oh at the supply SS supplies so in this journal entry that's what we're doing

the supplies like those are supplies that I mean it's for its for our office

it's for the it's for as far as pumping some widgets so it's kind of I guess

this could be a bunch of a bunch of different things I think the main thing

in this one is that we're not paying cash

- to get our supplies we have it on account that means thing about this

logically here if we don't pay cash we get something we haven't given them

anything nothing's for free so we say I owe you for these supplies mm-hmm

Johnny Hancock you know you sign it or whatever you know it's a liability you

owe them you're liable to them this says on

account so what's in it you know it's an account payable that's you know you know

it's liability and you know on account it's a it's a it's an account payable I

usually I usually pay nothing's for free I got supplies I usually pay cash I

didn't pay cash I owe them I owe somebody $500 for these supplies what

which one of these boxes which one of these boxes I and in create $500 so I

have I owe someone in increasing amount but I owe somebody some money which is

that mask that you also learn any money no one's gonna draw you of somebody no

I'm done expense that you owe somebody money no it's not a liability I know

some bold yet it's a liability I know it's a liability I know what's a

liability okay yeah I owe somebody money a

liability going up going up ooh I know there's a liability in a credit because

I owe somebody money off a liability of going up $500 so I know our liabilities

India credit doggie liability let me look at my chart of accounts under

liability ooh

okay I'm in my chart of accounts and I'm looking out the liabilities all right

and there is there is under current liabilities there's a there's an account

called accounts payable we only have one vendor to make it easy you know

who you owe the money to we're just just one person for now so yes there's aniket

it's called accounts payable that's our credit accounts payable

jeezum crow bars counts payable $500 which is a liability and because we owe

somebody money owe money that on account owned the money what did we get we got

some supplies we've got a bunch of different things to help pump our pump

pump our widgets outrun our run our office to help run our office and what

it or run our caliber nervousness and what is the business what do we do when

we're running a business we're trying to we're trying to make money all right so

we're getting these we're going to need supplies and we already said supplies

we're getting that we're going to tape tape dispenser we're getting boxes to

sell our widgets we're getting organist aple staplers all this kind of stuff all

right so we're just we're just you know it's some so we're getting all this

stuff in hopes to make money later so it's going to help us sell widgets

that's what we do for money so all this stuff is going to help us sell widgets

that's an expense you're you're getting stuff you're going to use it up maybe

less than a year so it wouldn't really be an asset because it's it's so it's us

all stuff that's going to be used up in less than a year bouts there's so many

different supplies I bought for 500 dollars it's going to be worse can

expense it right now and because we're going to use all of it up by the end of

this period or the end of this year that's an expense right oh so sorry

sweet or like we go we're getting we're getting stuff to try to make twenty

flaker we're buying stuff to help us make money is that an asset draw Express

oh that's an expense expense does this expense account going up or down

it's going up by $500 okay so that means it's going to be a debit so our drive

it's going to be an expense we know that it's going our chart of accounts let's

look under expenses and see if we have something to put stapler tape stuff for

our office not so much the widget boxes that might be a cost of goods sold

I don't like it into that but maybe it was but other stuff for our offices

there's a there's an account called supplies expense under our expenses in

our chart of accounts so that's going to be that looks good for us so let's go

applies supply surprise see I'm sweating this is just like so support the

channels so you don't have to watch me sweat so I like doing just think how hot

I am some pit-stained action woman is a super

super long pretty ro I guess talk and talk and talk right I say oh it's going

to be a short one but it turns out to be super long what are you going to do

right think the motivational thing that I want to leave today I had two of them

that I was thinking what was making this board up but number one is just do your

best because that is all you can do really that helped me out so much is

just I get stressed I get overwhelmed I always feel like I'm doing the wrong

thing I just I just feel like like like I'm just always I'm just always just a

huge stress ball and I just try to just say like you know I'm going to I'm going

to get a good night's sleep you know me like I'm going to get a good night's

sleep and want to wake up I want to get some food in my body I'm just going to

do the best I can because then if someone has a problem with it I just say

I gave I did the best I could and that means the most for me internally like

well I tried okay sometimes it's going to be good now sometimes is not but at

least I'll try that's one thing about old GPA strength here he's done a lot of

different things his life will probably do a lot more and

he fell flat on his face flat on his ass 99% of the time like

I've probably done a hundred different things I've messed up I've messed up

9000 losses failures by against those other ten sometimes things work out but

you got to swing man anyways till next time I hope I see you in the next one

what's the next one going to be 58 I hope I see you there thanks for watching

leave a like oh yeah one more thing I do have a patreon page please look in link

description below if if you've got a lot of value and you want to give back all

right deuces

For more infomation >> Accounting for Beginners #57 / Purchase Supplies on Account / Accounts Payable / Accounting 101 - Duration: 20:06.


Spirit of Motherhood - Duration: 1:55.

Spirit of Motherhood

Spirit of Motherhood

Spirit of Motherhood

For more infomation >> Spirit of Motherhood - Duration: 1:55.


90s Disco - Golden Disco Greatest Hits 90s - Best Disco Songs Of All Time - Super Disco Hits - Duration: 2:32:47.

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> 90s Disco - Golden Disco Greatest Hits 90s - Best Disco Songs Of All Time - Super Disco Hits - Duration: 2:32:47.


Trans 101: Ep 4 - Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis [CC] - Duration: 5:01.

Hi, and welcome to another episode of the trans 101 series.

Today we are going to be talking about Gender Dysphoria diagnosis.

In the previous video I talked about the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria in children

Today I'm going to be talking about the gender diag-the gender diagnose - the gender dysphoria diagnosis for adults and late teens

So there are some differences, which is why there are two videos on this topic,

between the diagnosis for children and the diagnosis for teens / adults.

The main difference is that for adults you need two out of the six criteria

and the criteria are just a little bit different than the children one

So I'm going to explain to you in detail what they are

a marked incongruence between one's assigned gender and expressed gender

a strong desire to rid one's primary and/or secondary sex characteristics

a strong desire for the primary or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender

A desire to be the other gender

A desire to be treated as the other gender

a strong conviction that the individual has typical feelings and reactions of the other gender

so gender dysphoria is associated with clinically significant impairment or distress

in areas of functioning like school or social things.

There are some people in the trans community and people who identify as trans

that do not like that this is seen as a medical condition.

Now, I'm going to explain to you why I believe that it is okay

that it is seen as a medical condition, all right?

And it's really easy: access to services.

Without it being a diagnosed medical condition, um, we wouldn't be able to have access to the

things that we have access to right now: uh, hormones and therapy and surgery

Especially in Canada where things are covered,

I'm able to get surgery and I'm able to get testosterone

as long as I have a letter from a therapist and as long as it's prescribed by a doctor.

So I have access to these services because it is a medical condition.

So this is also very important, especially if people live in the United States, because of insurance.

There are a lot of insurance plans that don't just take your word for it that you're trans

actually, I think all of them don't take your word for it,

and you absolutely need to have a letter from a doctor, um,

Saying that hey I'm trans and I want to have surgery so you need to cover it

and I mean it's not like that obviously, but,

Having access to these services with insurance requires you to have a diagnosis of Gender dysphoria

It's not a bad thing to have a diagnosis for Gender Dysphoria, honestly.

It's just the issue that we mainly have with this diagnosis is the gatekeeping.

and some people are not able to access these services because they're not able to get a diagnosis

Some doctors refuse to give a diagnosis while others have no idea what this is so they don't do it.

More on gatekeeping later on in this series, but basically that's- that's the main issue.

So, usually when someone gets diagnosed with something there's always the type of treatment plan that's associated with it.

Well, the treatment of gender dysphoria is transitioning.

Now people choose to transition a different way, right, so dysphoria means distress right it means a level of distress

so when you talk about Gender Dysphoria your...not your gender is distress,

but there is there is some sort of thing that's not clicking in your head.

Basically it's that your body does not match how you see yourself or how you are inside

and transitioning, for a lot of people, taking hormones, um, and uh, going through surgeries,

and changing your name legally and all of these things help alleviate that distress, so that's basically it.

So transitioning is the treatment plan for a lot of trans people in order to alleviate dysphoria and in order to be able to...

I don't know, live your life without feeling like there's something missing or something that is not connecting

So as a personal example, in order for me to alleviate dysphoria, I needed to transition.

I needed to go on hormones, and I needed to have top surgery

This is what I needed to do in order to make my body comfortable.

Not everybody who transitions decides to go on hormones and decides to have surgery later on.

Everybody has a different way of transitioning, in order to alleviate their own dysphoria.

so I can't tell you 100% that there is a cookie-cutter way to alleviate dysphoria. That doesn't exist.

but most people do go through hormone replacement therapy and go through surgeries

in order to feel more comfortable and more aligned with how they see themselves.

So as I stated before some people really don't like that it's seen that the medical condition.

They would much rather say that they're trans and have people believe them that they're trans

instead of having to go to a doctor, getting a letter and stuff like that.

So I can understand that part as well. I like that it's seen as the medical condition only because

we have access to the services that we need in order to transition and in order to alleviate dysphoria.

Anyways, if you want more info on the diagnosis for trans kids, that's the last video that I just made

and make sure to check back every day for a new video

and the videos on this series are going to be great trans 101 things that you can watch and that you can give to people.

Anyways, thank you so much for joining me and have a great day. Bye.

For more infomation >> Trans 101: Ep 4 - Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis [CC] - Duration: 5:01.


Dota 2 The BEST TIPS and TRICKS at 7.06! - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 The BEST TIPS and TRICKS at 7.06! - Duration: 10:12.


Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump the most deplorable person I have met - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump the most deplorable person I have met - Duration: 6:23.


Heathrow Hilton T5 With Parking | Holiday Extras - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Heathrow Hilton T5 With Parking | Holiday Extras - Duration: 2:29.


Outdoor Toys Stories for Children from Steve and Maggie | Learn English with Stories Wow English TV - Duration: 10:29.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yes. Oh no, NO. Oh hey, hello. Ha, I am playing computer games.

Do you like computer games? Yeah? I do. See you in a bit. Hey Steve, Steve. Yes Maggie?

It's sunny, stop playing computer games and go outside. Yes, I think Maggie is probably

right. Come on then, let's go outside to play. Come on.

Haha. Yeah. Woo. Haha. Ou, hey. Hi, what am I doing? Haha, look. I am skateboarding. Yeah.

Look, this is my skateboard. What is it? Say it with me. It's a skateboard. Yeah. What

is it? It's a skateboard. Wow! What is it? It's a skateboard. Yeah. Oh no. Wow. Haha.

Wow! I like skateboarding. Let's go faster and faster. Say it with me. I am skateboarding.

I am skateboarding. I am skateboarding. I am skateboarding. I am skateboarding. I am

skateboarding. Wheee. Oh oh. Hey, what am I doing now? Skateboarding…

no. Look, I am riding a scooter. Hey. This is a scooter. So say it with me. What is it?

It's a scooter. What is it? It's a scooter. What is it? It's a scooter. Yeah. This is

better than playing computer games. Yeah, I am riding a scooter. Hey, let's go faster

and faster. Say with me. I am riding a scooter. I am riding a scooter. I am riding a scooter.

I am riding a scooter. I am riding a scooter. I am riding a scooter. I am riding a scooter.

I am riding … Haha. Oh hey. what am I doing now? Oh look.

I am cycling. Yeah. On my bike. Haha. Come on, say it with me. What is it? It's a bike.

What is it? It's a bike. What is it? It's a bike. Yeah. This is more exciting than playing

computer games. Let's go faster and faster. And say with me. I am cycling. I am cycling.

I am cycling. I am cycling. Haha, hey. So what am I doing now? Hoho. I

am inline skating. Look at my inline skates. Yeah. What are they? Say it with me. They

are inline skates. They are inline skates. They are inline skates. Yeah. I am inline

skating. I am inline skating. I am inline skating. Yeah.

Well that's great. Oh hi. I am just watching the video of me playing with all those different

outdoor toys. I am going to make a video and post it on my youtube channel. You can like

it, if you like it. Hey Steve. Yes Maggie? Catch. Oh, haha. Oh oh. Oh Maggie, you naughty,

naughty bird. Sorry. What is this? What is it? Oh, it's a frisbee. Hey, say it with

me, come on, what is it? It's a frisbee. What is it? It's a frisbee. What is it?

It's a frisbee. Yeah. But Maggie, a frisbee is an outdoor toy, oh

Maggie. Oh NO. Oh. It's Steve and Maggie.

Green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green, green.

Hello, hi! Can you say „hello"? Yeah! Say with me. Ready? Hello, hello, hello, hello,

hello, hello! Well done. Look, I am painting a picture. What´s this? What is it? Yeah,

it´s a tree. A green tree. Say „tree" with me. Are you ready? Here

we go. Tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree! Oh, well done. Look, it´s

a tree. Ok, what should I paint next? Look, what color is this? What color is it? Yeah…?

It´s y...y…y…y…ye… yellow, that´s right! Let´s get some yellow paint.

So what´s yellow? Yeah! The sun is yellow. Let´s paint a big yellow sun.

Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow.

Hello boys and girls! Time for Maggie magic. Abracadabra!

Hey, where am I? What´s going on? Oh, what´s that? It´s big and green. Oh look, it´s

a tree! Wow, it´s a big tree! And what´s that over there? It´s big and yellow. What

is it? Yeah! It´s the sun. Wow! What a strange place! Hey, what´s that? What is it? What

is it? Look, what is it? Yeah! It´s a flower. Hey, I wonder what else is here. Let´s look.

Come on, we go for a walk. Yeah! Great! Hey! What? How? Who? Hold on, where am I? I know!

This is my picture! Yeah!

It must be Maggie magic. Maggie! Coming!

Maggie! Abracadabra!

Hey, well that was fun being in my picture… Yeah!

…with the tree, the sun and the flower. Flower.

But it was naughty of Maggie. Maggie, you naughty naughty bird.

Sorry Steve. But hey, here is a flower. Wow!

Yeah! A flower for me? Thank you Maggie.

You´re welcome. Maggie!

Bless you.

It's Steve and Maggie.

Oh Maggie is faster than me. We're having a race, but ha I've got an idea. Here I come

Maggie. hey.

Steve is faster than me. I'm on a skateboard. Steve is faster than. I'm on a skateboard.

I am too slow. Yeah, you are slower. I am too slow. Slower than me. I don't want to

be so slow. So, faster run, faster run, go on a inline skates. Faster run, faster run,

go on a inline skates. Now, he is slower than me. Oh. He is slower

than me. Oh Maggie. Maggie is faster than me. I'm on a inline

skates. Maggie is faster than me. I'm on a inline skates.

I am too slow. Yeah, you are slower. I am too slow. Slower than me. I don't want to

be so slow. So, faster run, faster run, go on a motorbike.

Faster run, faster run, go on a motorbike. Now, she is slower than me. No! She is slower

than me. Oh hey. Steve is faster than me. I'm on a motorbike.

Steve is faster than me. I'm on a motorbike. I am too slow. Yeah, you are slower. I am

too slow. Slower than me. I don't want to be so slow.

So, faster run, faster run, go in a train. Faster run, faster run, go in a train.

Now, he is slower than me. Hey. He is slower than me. Oh Maggie.

Maggie is faster than me. I'm in a train. Maggie is faster than me. I'm in a train.

I am too slow. You are slower. I am too slow. Slower than me. I don't want to be so slow.

So, faster run, faster run, go in a helicopter. Faster run, faster run, go in a helicopter.

Watch this. She is slower than me. Hey. I'm going to win the race. what? Hey.

Heyyyy. Hey. Did you like that? Yeah? Then please like it, if you love it, you can subscribe.

Just touch here. Go on. If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here.

Yeah. Thank you.

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