Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 4 2017

will be two departments even

a little beast but it's true one for

sell and another to sell in the

next five years because normally

work needed to sell today

obviously we have to survive but

many of the boys youth 13 December 14

years are not your customers today

it will be many times are bad

Balanced things that before

we did this and that maybe if

Equis spent time before in this I have

to quit and the second

Get up an hour earlier

I mean that is often

decimos balesquida de una hora de sueño

ya es que es que no es fácil competir

en el mercado cada vez es más




bush puso un poco y bueno ahora sí

ahora ya estamos hagamos de de llegar a

elche nos vienen a buscar por acaba de

llegar a alicante no viene a buscar y

nos vamos directos para elche

jepsen pichichi villa elsa quiroz y en

política para el campo el botón o la

magdalena que está encantado estar para

hacer campaña del pan

he venido porque el coche era más

grande valley genial a vale vale vale

hit al prado

bueno no va bien me pasa que ya unos

días acumulados que se complica porque

llegue el sábado nos vienen de canadá

pero un poco y que tenía una ponencia

sí y estaría servido para sí lo que

pasa que mal aunque la fuerte esta vez a

veces me da otra novedad y hasta esta

noche no podía dormir decentemente

había tenido alguna vez a elche sí

estuve pero hace bou seis o siete años

dando un curso de facebook en la

universidad no recuerdo era bush puede

ser pero seis o siete años se no

alicante sí estuve hace un mes y medio

en una conferencia a quien él en el

puerto en el volvo ocean race esté

encantado hacer el clima siempre las

maravillas y rossi

bueno ahora me hacía 31 cuando lo dejé

no está mal y si en verano hace calor y

lleno total no por lo que me comentó

nuria ita

aquí y mensajes y que tiene 400

personas de aforo de aforo pero se va a

habilitar otra sala de congresos con una

pantalla para poder

vale vale

claro que somos muy de las últimas 48


el mejor ayer estaba un poco

estamos aquí en la estación

llamando a la oficina y desaforado por


claro que me encanta edicto para estos

millán y logra mejillón de infra sí

claro me vigila sur estudio y en pista

para mí puso igualmente pues ahí

estamos haciendo las presas de genial

vamos a esperar la última vez pero de

mano si es mejor de inalámbrico algo

que me deja manos libres portátil mac

llevó todo pasador sí que saques hdmi

y vga genial llevó también salida

12345 perfecto 4 4 420 plazas a y avale

los pocos le valen ahora bien estos






acabamos de llegar a elche estamos aquí

en el centro de congresos y nada genial

a dos horas tan sólo de abrir las

puertas para el evento completo todas

nos han dicho más de 450 personas

habitando una segunda sala con una

pantalla en streaming porque parece ser

que ya ha tenido bastante éxito la

convocatoria estamos aquí encantados

ahora tenemos una comida con gente del

ayuntamiento de elche disfrutar la

paella plato típico de aquí a coger

fuerzas y volvemos en dos horitas

estamos empezando me quisiste listo way

you lie' ibense idea era mixto chase

pynchon enchúfate y estela cayendo un

making salvado beney quiso paqui pérez

y bey pues ya estamos en el que

justamente es la hora de la comida hemos

llegado al al hotel huerto del cura más

joven del restaurante justamente ahí es

capellans y la verdad es que es súper

simpático porque nada más llegar me

encuentro con esto que daría yo está

mostrando la verdad es que me da una

vergüenza horrible verme en un menú de

carga pero yo creo que vamos a comer muy

bien suficiente para coger fuerzas y el

entorno es brutal la verdad

genial así que vamos a llenar el

estómago no vosotros un placer


no no pero encantadísimo de estar aquí

había una vez un hecho pero desde hace

seis o siete años una vez pero me vine

corriendo y me fui para mi hijo y yo

también lo escuchado pero bueno

esperemos que no pero me divierto porque

a mí realmente me divierte es algo que

me gusta es decir hago y tengo miedo

escénico que es una cosa curiosa porque

yo lo paso lo pasa muy mal la

universidad para hablar en público de

antecedentes personales al rival el

river pero bueno al borrador

si lo pierdes el día que lo pierdas

eso me dijo una vez emilio duró que

coincidió con él en varias ocasiones y

de media al día que el que no tenga

sexo dice deja de la conferencia se dice

por qué no empezar a las 4

si tenemos algo de margen bueno como

siempre para

esta es la parte que más vergüenza me

da mucho cuando entras y la gente te

mira pasar tengo miedo escénico de


el avión está bien no me audio desde

la cual es genial y quiero dar las

gracias al ayuntamiento de elche por

invitarme ya todos vosotros también por

estar aquí permitirme compartir este

este ratito con con vosotros no podéis

poner la presentación ahí está bien

de que vamos a hablar como bien ha

comentado vamos a hablar de de presente

yo no quiero hablar del futuro porque no

me dedico a dominar y el futuro

sinceramente nadie lo sabe lo que suceda

en nuestros comercios en nuestros

negocios en los próximos 2 3 y 4 años

dependerá de lo que empecéis a cero y

no y muchas veces hay cosas que decimos

bueno pero esto nos lleva mucho tiempo

pero que te lleve mucho tiempo

el tiempo pasó igualmente por lo tanto

cuanto antes empiece es mucho mejor para

mí tenemos que cumplir tres cosas clave

lo primero hay que ser bueno obviamente

lo que hacemos

lo segundo tenemos que aparentarlo y lo

tercero tenemos que comunicar lo que

falla una de esas tres patas no te

quiere decir que no se vaya a funcionar

pero es seguro que no estás

consiguiendo todo lo que podrías

conseguir lo segundo porque la ue por la

tienda online nuestra casa digital es

importante porque cuando alguien tiene

intención de compra oa facebook no va a

twitter no va a instagram a google a

buscarlos por lo tanto mucho cuidado en

dejar en manos de terceros

parte importante de nuestro negocio

utilizar estos terceros canales como

satélites para derivar tráfico y

aprovechar todo el potencial que tienen

o e

según el último censo que he visto en

elche hay unas 230.000 personas no 170 5

mil registradas en facebook es un 75 por

ciento de la población datos de

facebook web contenido y contexto para

mí el contenido es la base de todo sin


y hablo contenido comercial y sobre todo

contenido no comercial y contexto crear

el contexto adecuado para que ese

contenido convierta tenemos medios

digitales porque porque para impactar y

que para esto que las redes sociales son

gratis no nos engañemos es decir el en

la velocidad es un factor de éxito a

día de hoy si no invertimos no tenemos

un presupuesto publicitario destinado

por mucho que te digan que tienes un

alcance eso no vale para nada porque

además tú no sabes el alcance que

estás teniendo al público que te

interesa es cuestión de micro nichos

no es cuestión de makro esto no es la

televisión tenemos que llegar a quien

queremos llegar no los negocios hacen

entre persona

la tecnología no quiere decir que

deshumaniza a las empresas

creo que permite humanizarlas mucho

mucho mejor escuchar a los clientes y

hacerles sentir escuchados no sólo

decirte escuchó demostrárselo

educarles y ayudarles

creo que todas las empresas tenemos la

responsabilidad de ayudar y educar a

nuestros clientes y futuros clientes

estoy totalmente convencido porque

personalmente yo prefiero clientes

informados que clientes desinformados

para mí a nivel de marketing debemos

trabajar doble línea de haber dos

departamentos aunque sea un poco bestia

pero es verdad uno para venderlo y otra

para vender en los próximos cinco años

porque normalmente trabajamos para

vender hoy es necesario

obviamente tenemos que sobrevivir pero

muchas de los chicos jóvenes 12 13 14

años que hoy no son vuestros clientes

lo van a ser en cinco años y tienen una

visión muy distinta de las cosas

incluso empresas que hoy no existen

pueden entrar en tres o cuatro años y

hacerlo y quitar cierto mercado y aquí

creo que debemos ser súper humildes y

por una simple razón y hoy hay una

palabra que quiero con graves a fuego y

la conocéis todos

blockbuster cuando tengas duda de

blockbuster porque si una empresa que

tenía el 80 por ciento de cuota de

mercado a nivel mundial llegó un

pequeño y en siete años la tira para

abajo siete años que no puede pasar a

cualquier otra empresa por lo tanto para

mí esa palabra es como muchas un golpe

de humildad

no lo va a hacer usted es verdad lo que

debemos buscar es ver cómo podemos

generar tráfico a nuestra tienda

física tienda online y combinar ambas

no mundo el mundo o mi canal y una vez

estén dentro enamorar los fijos del

mundo hoy el mundo para mí es lo mismo

tú lo tienes que enamorar en tu tienda

física pero tienes que enamorar en tu

tienda online también para que se quede

para que convierta al objetivo y regrese

más adelante

muchas veces decimos no tengo tiempo y

perdóname si aquí soy muy directo pero

es que para esto soy bastante radical

muchas veces están mal balanceadas las

cosas de que antes hacíamos esto y es

que a lo mejor si antes gastaba equis

tiempo en esto tengo que dejar de

hacerlo y la segunda

levántate ignorantes

lo digo en serio es decir muchas veces

decimos balesquida de una hora de sueño

ya es que es que no es fácil competir

en el mercado cada vez es más

complicado y es algo que lo digo desde

un punto de vista totalmente objetivo

porque realmente cada vez está más

complicado y si tienes a gente que está

haciendo hasta aquí y tú estás bien

hasta aquí es que es imposible que

llegues aquí entonces a veces es mejor

replantearse la disrupción además

está llegando a todos los negocios

absolutamente a todos de la música

está pasando en el de la ropa está

empezando a pasar el sector inmobiliario

no sé si alguien aquí del sector

inmobiliario pero está empezando a

hacer un artilugio muy fuerte hacia las

agencias los coches está chivu esto

esto pero es algo por lo que creo que no

podemos luchar entonces tienes que

buscar cómo balancear o cambiar cómo

invierte es el tiempo pero no es fácil

pero también digo una cosa no hay nada

imposible sólo es querer y ser cabezota

para acabar y no es porque quiera hacer


pero todos los días publicó un video

en mi canal de youtube sobre marketing

digital sobre negocios o sobre cómo

mejorar por lo que si os interesa esto

no es spam o los días soy un obsesivo

de generar contenido

muchísimas gracias


por fin ya una hora y media de

conferencia final con preguntas el aforo

lleno yo creo que ha sido genial es que

yo me sentí súper cómodo la gente

preguntando y espero por lo menos haber

aportado ideas para que mañana el

comercio local puedan hacer cosas e

implementarlas un placer estar aquí en

elche y ahora si volvemos corriendo al

tren para madrid porque mañana salimos

de viaje de nuevo a falcioni


bueno ahora sí son ya casi las once de

la noche hacia una jornada dura pero

bueno genial en elche

la verdad es que encantado muchas

gracias elche por tanto cariño por

vortal buena acogida esperemos volver en

breve y ahora ya sí toca descansar

hasta pronto



For more infomation >> Marketing Digital para Comercio Local | Elche (España) 2017 - Duration: 15:29.


2017 Audi S5 Convertible Review by AutoTopNL - Duration: 5:49.

we have a rare sunny day today

in this Dutch summer

and we'll more or less end the summer

with the new Audi S5 Convertible

a 3.0l Turbo

with 354 HP

roof down

sunglasses on

exhaust valves open

if you ask me

the Audi S5 is more relevant than ever

because we were all waiting

for the the Audi RS5

and when it was announced

they also announced this S5 Convertible

and what struck me?

the S5 has a bigger engine than the RS5

3.0 vs 2.9

and if you looked at and listened to

the press material

are they that much apart?

we've read some test

and heard it


it's more or less an S5+

for too much money compared to the S5

so I'd take an S5

but which one should you buy?

you can have it as Sportback, Coupe

and this Convertible

and I think that last one

suits this car best

the S5 is not a hardcore sports car

but a special and fast car

and that package

the sound and speed

is best celebrated

in a convertible

it's very enjoyable

yes, it's heavier than the coupe

and not as fast

it does 5.1s to 100 km/h

if you use launch control

and the coupe does so in 4.7s

you do have less performance

but that sound from the V6 Turbo

is really nice

in Dynamic mode

those valves open

the roof down

well, there's a special button for that

but you should really always do that

if you switch to Dynamic mode

even in winter

put that roof down!

it sounds really good

and I was worried

that the S5 would lose that feeling

compared to the previous generation

that drivetrain was very lively

with a double clutch gearbox

a 3.0 V6 with Supercharger

so that was a very rev-happy engine

that double clutch ramming through the gears

and now we have a 3.0 V6 Turbo

with a regular automatic gearbox

so you'd expect it'd be less exciting

a bit more sensible

but in the real world

really, really good

a very nice drivetrain

and as we know

the Audi S and RS Quattro models

they're no lightweights

and they used to look heavy too

like they ate too much

and that's what I like about this car

this S5 Convertible looks sharp

and sort of maskes its overweight

because it's still a heavy car

over 1.800kg

but that's not what it feels like

because they've clearly worked

on the handling

it's very nice to drive at 80% attack

but like I said in the intro of this video

it's not a sports car

and if you're done cruising

go for a drink

have a seat outside

park this car with the roof down

and it just stares at you

that's what this car is all about

that way of life almost

In this spec

in black

normally pretty boring

but with those silver Audi S accents

it's a custom-made suit


for sale at JC Baarse

where we get our special Audi's from

so if you're interested

check out the website

For more infomation >> 2017 Audi S5 Convertible Review by AutoTopNL - Duration: 5:49.


El Verbo Se Hizo Carne: La Declaración Ligonier sobre Cristología - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> El Verbo Se Hizo Carne: La Declaración Ligonier sobre Cristología - Duration: 1:35.


An Epic Tale About The Modern Workplace - Duration: 0:31.

(triumphant music)

- I try to become invisible

so that it's like I'm not even there.

- [Sloane] I was not good at my job.

I should've been fired.

- [Aimee] I'm not gonna put you on speakerphone.

- You're gonna put me on speakerphone, great.

- No.

(door knocking)

- [Lee] Thank you.

Have a nice night.

(door closing)

(typewriter clicking)

For more infomation >> An Epic Tale About The Modern Workplace - Duration: 0:31.


Herrera fulmina al docente catalán que marcó a un hijo de guardia civil en clase - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Herrera fulmina al docente catalán que marcó a un hijo de guardia civil en clase - Duration: 4:01.


Corpse bride cake | Tim Burton Halloween cake - Duration: 6:23.

Hi Happy Bees today i am going to show you how to make a Corpse Bride cake a perfect

tim burton halloween cake find a picture you like from google print it out this is a 6

inch cake trim around you cake using the picture as a template round off the corners so it

doesnt seem as flat colour some white fondant with baby blue food gel ive iced my cake with

white chocolate ganache now cover with the blue fondant that we have just made cut out

nose eyes and mouth from your corpse bride template use rolling pin to carve out eye

sockets and to mark mouth make some

indentations on both sides of the corpse bride face use a ball tool to mark her mouth create

her nose using some pale blue fondant mould it into a triangle shape create some nostrils

go in with some black and blue dusts g in with black dust first then blue depen her

eye sockets with the dust then define the outside with the black edible dust use the

blue edible dust to create some shadows on the outer side of her face i love the tim

burton movies so i had to make a tim burton halloween cake use

your blue dust to create eyelids colour some fondant pink and use pressure on either side

to create lips go in with powder again to define the

lips use some snowflake lustre dust on the middle part of her lip to make it stand out

a bit more insert white fondant into the eye sockets and use some black fondant to create

eyeballs use black edible paint to paint on some eyelashes and some white for catchlights

use renshaw powder bue fondant to create eyebrows hold agaisnt template to get the right shaoe

and size of eyebrow create her scar after you have the eyebrows on roll out a large

piece of blue fondant now this whill create a background for hair dont worry if it isnt

perfect place hair onto the cake board then place your cake on top create a neck and shoulders

using some blue fondant and give her some collar bones using a knife shade in with blue

dust if you like the corpse bride or halloween cakes i will put a link above to my tim burton

halloween cake playlist use two large pieces of your powder blue fondant to create a fringe

on either side roll out fondant create hair indentations fold over and scrunch

add in some curly bits of hair place white fondant on to the side of the cake and carve

out the veil shape use some scissors to fray the edges go along the edges with shadow grey

dust now i have two different shades of blue i am going to create leaves and flowers for

her headband shadow these with black dust stick the flowers and leaves on alternating

them between the light and dark flowers use some shadow grey paint to create shadow lines

on the corpse bride veil if you likes this video I would love it if you subscribe and

stick around for a while check out my other happy bee cake creations

For more infomation >> Corpse bride cake | Tim Burton Halloween cake - Duration: 6:23.


Tips para tener unos pulmones más limpios - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Tips para tener unos pulmones más limpios - Duration: 8:42.


ExpoGrow 2017 Alchimia & Philosopher Seeds - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> ExpoGrow 2017 Alchimia & Philosopher Seeds - Duration: 3:21.


La visión de Tite sobre el Paulinho del Barça - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> La visión de Tite sobre el Paulinho del Barça - Duration: 2:21.


El Barça estudia fichar a Ferran Torres - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> El Barça estudia fichar a Ferran Torres - Duration: 5:30.


🔆 El Chakra Básico ¿Qué es? · YOUTUPEDIA ESPIRITUAL 🔆 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 🔆 El Chakra Básico ¿Qué es? · YOUTUPEDIA ESPIRITUAL 🔆 - Duration: 1:28.


Le plus GROS PIEGE à éviter lorsque vous faites appel à votre VOLONTÉ ! - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Le plus GROS PIEGE à éviter lorsque vous faites appel à votre VOLONTÉ ! - Duration: 8:03.


Chronique | LA FETE A HENRIETTE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Chronique | LA FETE A HENRIETTE | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:00.


IA 13 septembre - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> IA 13 septembre - Duration: 1:05.


Humble Dunk (Sterven Jare Edit) - Duration: 3:34.

Ayy, I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances

Finesse a nigga with some counterfeits, but now I'm countin' this

Parmesan where my accountant lives; in fact, I'm downin' this

D'USSÉ with my boo bae tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts

Girl, I can buy yo' ass the world with my paystub

Ooh, that pussy good, won't you sit it on my taste bloods?

I get way too petty once you let me do the extras

Pull up on your block, then break it down: we playin' Tetris

A.M. to the P.M., P.M. to the A.M., funk

Piss out your per diem, you just gotta hate 'em, funk

If I quit your BM, I still ride Mercedes, funk

If I quit this season, I still be the greatest, funk

My left stroke just went viral

Right stroke put lil' baby in a spiral

Soprano C, we like to keep it on a high note

It's levels to it, you and I know

Bitch, be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, hol' up, hol' up)

Sit down (hol' up) Be humble

Jumping that, Jumping that, Jumping that

Who dat nigga thinkin' that he frontin' on Man-Man?

Get the fuck off my stage, I'm the Sandman

Get the fuck off my dick, that ain't right

I make a play fucking up your whole life

I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop

Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor

Show me somethin' natural like ass with some stretch marks

Still will take you down right on your

I know Bitch, be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, hol' up, hol' up)

Sit down (hol' up) Be humble

Jumping that, Jumping that, Jumping that

Ayy, this shit way too crazy, ayy, you do not amaze me, ayy

I blew cool from AC, ayy, Obama just paged me, ayy

I don't fabricate it, ayy, most of y'all be fakin', ayy

I stay modest 'bout it, ayy, she elaborate it, ayy

This that Grey Poupon, that Evian, that TED Talk, ayy

Watch my soul speak, you let the meds talk, ayy

If I kill a nigga, it won't be the alcohol, ayy

I'm the realest nigga after all

Bitch, be humble

My left stroke just went viral

Right stroke put lil' baby in a spiral

Soprano C, we like to keep it on a high note

It's levels to it, you and I know

Bitch, be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, bitch)

Be humble

(hol' up, hol' up, hol' up)

Sit down (hol' up) Be humble

Sit down (hol' up, hol' up, hol' up)

For more infomation >> Humble Dunk (Sterven Jare Edit) - Duration: 3:34.


Puigdemont ha perdido el control de Cataluña: es la revolución - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont ha perdido el control de Cataluña: es la revolución - Duration: 8:52.


Appliquez ceci durant 15 minutes sur vos cheveux et ceux-ci ne redeviendront jamais blancs - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Appliquez ceci durant 15 minutes sur vos cheveux et ceux-ci ne redeviendront jamais blancs - Duration: 5:46.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...



For more infomation >> FOOTBALL COACH "DISRESPECTED,& NOT APPRECIATED"..."U WANT BELIEVE THIS!!! - Duration: 16:54.


Just Dance 2018 Free Demo Trailer - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Just Dance 2018 Free Demo Trailer - Duration: 0:28.


Trey Gowdy Smells Something Fishy About Vegas Shooting | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:40.

Trey Gowdy is a man who's suspicions you don't

want to arouse.

He'll hunt down the truth with no hesitation.

And Gowdy isn't buying the narrative being sold by the mainstream media regarding the

Las Vegas massacre.

There are just too many unanswered questions.

Like, how did gunman Stephen Paddock, supposedly a "lone wolf" with no known motivation,

manage to get over a dozen assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition into

the hotel without anyone noticing?

It just doesn't seem feasible that one man pulled off such a horrific and well-planned


on his own.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Smells Something Fishy About Vegas Shooting | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:40.


Forgotten Realms Lore - Baldur's Gate - Duration: 5:45.

Hey everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

Moving north of Amn I'd like to talk about Baldur's Gate.

I am hesitant about this though as I still haven't finished the game Baldur's Gate,

Hollow Knight kind of took over my life for a little bit.

Check it out, great game.

A note that I'm going to try and conquer this video using book resources.

The Baldur's Gate video game is really a story that occurred in Baldur's Gate not

necessarily its whole history.

So let's start at the beginning.

Located South of Waterdeep and north of Amn, Baldur's Gate (also called simply The Gate)

was built on the north bank of the River Chionthar.

It is known as being "Halfway to everywhere."

I couldn't find an exact date when Baldur's Gate was built.

Near as I can tell it's between 227DR and 865 DR.

If you know, and know the reference material let me know in the comments below.

Baldur's Gate gets its name from the seafaring hero Balduran.

Balduran came back from the fabled Achorome, which is a region north of Maztica and brought

with him great wealth.

He used his wealth to build a wall at the end of the River Chionthar to control the


He later vanished on another seafaring expedition and never returned.

Local farmers then took over the gate, which was being referenced as Baldur's Gate, and

taxed incoming sailors.

Eventually the sailors didn't like the exorbitant taxes and overthrew the farmers.

Taking control of Baldur's Gate they started calling themselves "Dukes" and the name

stuck for future rulers.

The city eventually was led by the Council of Four, the Four Grand Dukes of Baldur's


It's actually two cities.

The first Baldur's Gate was originally completely walled, with gates to the north for the Coast

Way and to the south leading to the docks.

With the founding of Amn, trade became very profitable in the relaxed climate and the

city grew beyond its wall.

The presence of raiders forced the erection of a new wall.

Thus it is divided in two by it's original wall into an upper and lower city.

The upper city is home to nobles and the wealthy, while the lower city is for the poor and also

contains the docks and harbor.

Currently the gate exists solely for the convenience of the Upper City citizens.

It's kind of like a cut off point, keeping the poor out of the Upper City.

No-one is allowed except the local residents and you must have written documentation if

you have business in the Upper City.

The Lower City is where the harbor lies, and where the real work of the city takes place.

Hands that load and unload ships, tally cargo and haul goods, repair and mend sails all

live here.

Baldur's Gate curves like a great hand or crescent moon around its harbor.

In Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast it is better described as a hand, the fingers of

the hand are the many docks and wharves that jut out into the harbor.

The harbor itself has a massive chain that can be stretched from the outermost wharf

to the east side and bar the harbor to invaders.

It also contains four dry docks for boat building and repair.

Becoming too big for its walls Baldur's Gate grew around them.

The Outer City is home to the poorest of the poor, but some wealthy businesses that have

professions too noisy, or foul-smelling to operate within the walls of Baldur's Gate

also reside here.

Smiths, Masons, Tanners, and other tradesfolk make up much of the Outer City.

There is little law enforcement in the Outer City which has led to districts forming, people

banning together for protection.

One such district is known as Little Calimshan.

Finding a home away from home these refugees from Calimshan have banded together to bring

some order into their new lives at Baldur's Gate.

Speaking of law, Baldur's Gate has some interesting law enforcement.

Instead of a city wide militia a mercenary company police Baldur's Gate.

Known as the Flaming Fist, it's members serve as city guards.

The Flaming Fist was founded in the 1330s by one of the Grand Dukes of Baldur's Gate,


It didn't start out as the city guard for Baldur's Gate but by 1479 DR the mercenary

group is the police and military force.

Having base of operations in Baldur's Gate (obviously), but the Flaming Fist also exists

in Tethyr, and even as far south as Chult.

Baldur's gate refuses to be drawn into local political conflicts.

It remains neutral in most disagreements.

Because of this no other nation really has any ill will towards Baldur's Gate but the

thought of invading and taking the city over is an appealing idea.

However it is well known that the Flaming Fist protect the city and they protect it


The wall is impressive, and has numerous catapults and other weapons protecting it.

The flaming fist is a military power to be reckoned with.

Finally let's talk about Baldur's Gate the game.

This ties in with the history of Bhaal, and the Time of Troubles.

Spoilers if you don't want a historical summary of the game Baldur's Gate.

The Game takes place in the aftermath of the Time of Troubles.

Bhaal foreseeing his own death impregnated numerous women with his offspring known as

Bhaal spawn.

His goal was to use these bhaal spawn to resurrect himself.

By 1368 DR these children are coming of age unbeknownst to nearly everyone.

Side plot there is an iron shortage, all ore coming out of local mines is rotting soon

after it's been smelted.

This results in iron ore becoming more valuable than gold.

Baldur's Gate sends the Flaming Fist to tackle the increase in bandit activity over

iron and closes its walls to all traffic coming into or out of the city.

Ultimately the big bad end guy is behind much of this and is trying to force a war between

Baldur's Gate and Amn that will cause the deaths of thousands, which in turn will cause

him to ascend to godhood.

As (dun dun dunnnn!) the blood of Bhaal flows through his veins.

You the hero of this story stop this evil Bhaal Spawn and prevent all out war between

Amn and Baldur's Gate.

That's it for Baldur's Gate.

My hope is to tackle Waterdeep next and then I'll probably head to my list of topics

suggested by you guys.

One such idea was to cover all the deities in the Forgotten Realms, or perhaps cover

more areas on the map like my last few videos.

Give your vote in the comments below, or suggest a completely new badass topic to cover.

Thanks everyone and I'll see you next Wed.

For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms Lore - Baldur's Gate - Duration: 5:45.


Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis is live met HiX - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Albert Schweitzer ziekenhuis is live met HiX - Duration: 1:31.


Gesetz zur Änderung des Landtagswahlgesetzes - 28.09.2017 - 117. Plenarsitzung - Duration: 47:43.

For more infomation >> Gesetz zur Änderung des Landtagswahlgesetzes - 28.09.2017 - 117. Plenarsitzung - Duration: 47:43.


সরাসরি আজকের সন্ধ্যার বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৪ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:40.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সন্ধ্যার বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৪ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:40.


Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Best Learning Videos for Kids Finger Family song - Duration: 2:07.

Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Best Learning Videos for Kids Finger Family song

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying and Learn Colors with Dinosaurs Best Learning Videos for Kids Finger Family song - Duration: 2:07.


🔆 El Chakra Básico ¿Qué es? · YOUTUPEDIA ESPIRITUAL 🔆 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 🔆 El Chakra Básico ¿Qué es? · YOUTUPEDIA ESPIRITUAL 🔆 - Duration: 1:28.


Learn Colors with Spiderman for Kids Leaning Video for Kids - Duration: 1:54.

#Learn Colors with #Spiderman #for Kids Leaning Video for Children

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Spiderman for Kids Leaning Video for Kids - Duration: 1:54.


Catch the mother of all news t...

For more infomation >> Catch the mother of all news t...


Come scegliere i libri da leggere - Giorgio Nardone - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Come scegliere i libri da leggere - Giorgio Nardone - Duration: 1:39.


I'm Back!!! - Duration: 17:47.

So i am back.But better this time

I will try my best to keep my channel

Pls like and sub for more


For more infomation >> I'm Back!!! - Duration: 17:47.


I-94 LAC GAC Webinar - Duration: 59:56.

For more infomation >> I-94 LAC GAC Webinar - Duration: 59:56.


THANK YOU! (PO BOX #13) - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> THANK YOU! (PO BOX #13) - Duration: 14:28.


Here's My Canada: A Part Of Who I Am - Duration: 0:30.

Canada is beautiful, which includes with

natural forests, animals, historical

figures, the environment, and its tourists

in its tourist attraction, not

only is Canada beautiful, but also we

have many cuisines, and traditions that

are interesting, I think what makes us

special is that we are family-oriented,

we have many opportunities, and we are

welcoming to everyone, to me staying

humble and being yourself means to be Canadian!

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: A Part Of Who I Am - Duration: 0:30.


Met my favourite youtuber | VIDCON Australia | HelloRasmus - Duration: 13:21.

Hello Internet, it's your best friend Rasmus-

- and welcome to Vidcon Australia -

- and this vlog and let's get it started..

Three, two, one!

Woop, woop, woop, woop, woop..

Take this out! I got a fancy wristband -

- and now I'm going to some kind of YouTube party here at Vidcon

And I'm not sure what's gonna happen, but it.. -

- stuffs gonna happen so..

This is a much better place to take a selfie than earlier today...

There's another one but going the right way..

So uuh, the lighting here is pretty bad -

- but I found a candle..

And right now there's a dj playing..

There was another dj before..

It's a lot of fun. The cool thing about this..

Cool thing is the venue..

Ooh! look who I found..

Introduce yourself!

Hey guys! I'm Gretta..

Me and Gretta. We're gonna. We're gonna do some drawing..

Is that water?


It looks 10 times bigger than it is guys..

Everyone's licking my camera today..



You're in the vlog. You're out of the vlog..

But everyone's leaving now, because everyone has an early day tomorrow

Vidcon starts at like 8:30 -

- and right now it's like 12:30, soo..

Do the math..

Good morning guys..

So it's Vidcon day.

It's the first day of VidCon

I'm hungover already. This is my hotel room..

It's really early...

Now I'm gonna go down have some breakfast..

Make myself look decent -

- and uhh, I'll see you guys at -

- The VidCon place..

so.. uhh... bye!

Alright guys, it's Vidcon time...

Wait a second, wait a second..

Uuhh the magic doors opened...

The first thing you have to do at VidCon is..

You have to have a ticket and uum...

Someone told me I have to walk all the way to the other side of the Convention Center

It's in here.. the convention center of Melbourne..

Basically I have to find my ticket to get in and -

- I have a talk in a couple of hours

Where I'm like gonna say cool stuff about how it's like being an influencer..

Guys, we have a golden ticket for Vidcon...

I'm gonna put it on because it's already...

Whoa! it's almost 1 o'clock on the first day.. -

- and I haven't done anything. I haven't seen anything.

I haven't talked to anyone..

I got to step up my game..

So welcome to the community lounge.. I think that's what it's called..

This is the fun place. This is where all the fun stuff is happening..

And I hear fans... a lot of fans.

There's a lot of people here as well.

I found..


And this person..

Hey introduce yourself.

I'm Stringstory, welcome to the Future..

I'm one of the featured content creators for Vidcon Australia.. Welcome!


We're going inside..


The sparkles..

The snowglobe...

We're going in..

Wait, I need more...

Guys! I think I'm dying..

I ate the plastic, I hope it looked cool 'cause -

I ain't going in there again, I will die..

Hey guys!

OMG! we're vlogging..


We're vlogging and

And, OMG, Nat..

Nat's here with us..

What do you do if we have to go to the bathroom -

- while you're live..

You'll leave them, you'll just leave them..


They spind the chat with wet noodles

Do you then.. do you take it to the bathroom?

No you get banned, you get banned..

So guys..I'm gonna go on the stage soon and say stuff..

Do you wanna say something?

On the stage I'm gonna talk about how it's like to be an influencer

How to work with influencers if you are a brand..

So uum, exciting..

And look at this, I got instant coffee..

Or insta coffee..

Okay, guys so welcome to the...

Well, you can guess what lounge this is

I'm not gonna tell you

I had to burp

Check it! It's pretty cool..

I'm leaving..

Someone's following us..

I can't walk faster. No, leave me behind..

Leave me behind!


Introduce yourself!

This is very intimate, I'm not ready for this.

Oh hi! Sorry..

My name is James, hello..

Welcome to the video of dream. Oh!

Just go on and watch James do..

I don't know what you do..

I just.. I do comedy..

You do stuff.. comedy stuff

I do like positive stuff, make people smile..

Woop, woop, woop, woop, woop..

Think we either had too much or too little coffee, and we should stop this now so...


Just came back from VidCon, and I'm super tired -

- but I mean..

I only have this hotel room one more night.

I wanted to take a little jacuzzi..

so, uh, let's uh..

Let's take a bath together...

Not, not, that's not what I meant..

So while you do that, I am gonna -

- take off my pants..

Okay, let's try..

Uh! It's hot

This is so hot

But it's also very nice..

I had a great day...

The cool thing about umm..

VidCon is you meet so many different, uh, influencers.. -

- and they all have basically the same kind of job -

- as you do and like they have fans -

- and they all think alike..

I met my favorite youtuber today..

I met Liza Koshy, Liza Koshi, and I was pretty excited.

I didn't dare ask her if she wanted to be in my vlog -

- so she's not...

But we took at that great great selfie together

And it's on Instagram, and I was pretty excited

We had a really chill talk, just about nothing basically...

About a cucumber. I was eating a cucumber..

She is, just a sweet and amazing as she is in her videos -

- So that was a pleasure meeting her..

I hope I see her later tonight at the party..

which I'm currently...


An hour late for the party..

I should, I should get up

Okay, bye!

Good morning guys! Second day of VidCon..

I overslept again!

I don't know why this is the thing I've started doing..

I'm pretty excited for today..

VidCon is just so much fun and uuh -

And I only got to see a couple of presentations yesterday..

Today I'm gonna see even more..

That's where I'm going..

My voice is completely gone.

I don't know if it's because I'm kind of feeling a cold coming on...

Oh look!



How are you doing?


Look what he is wearing, he always looks very cool!

How are you?

I'm good!

I'm good I need coffee -

- because if I don't drink coffee before this presentation -

- it will go wrong!

I found it, this is me!

I'm all alone..

Great, that means I don't have to do the presentation..

I don't know if I sit here. No I'm not gonna sit here. I'm gonna, I'm gonna stand here..

Hello, everyone welcome to my presentation..

I might be seriously alone in here...


Hey, Jeannie you look so fash..

Thank you darling, how are you?

Oh? You look really really famous with the glasses and the hat..

Just chillin in a nice chair


I don't know what it is

But, check this out guys..

Waauw, look how fancy this is..

This is the best thing about the Instagram launch

Check it out..

Can't eat more candy

More candy candy candy candy.

I love you Instagram

no, I just love the Candy

Uh fancy..

Uh, fancy juice..

Fancy coffee..

Guys! so right at this spot yesterday, I met be amazing Liza, Koshy...

If you don't know who she is..

Something's wrong with you...

I met her here yesterday

I forgot to vlog it..

But there's a cool freaking photo on Instagram..

So go check that out! This is the Instagram so you can just go check that out..

Hey guys, so I am at the community part of VidCon, right now -

- and this is where the magic happen, this is where the party's going on..

Here was once a YouTube booth

It's gone..

Basically, there's a bunch of meet and greets..

There is -

- awesome people hanging around..

There's merch. There's cool things you can try -

- so let's take a look at it lookily look look look..

Check out these lines guys.. not under my eyes, but these lines..

These people are waiting for meet'n and greet'ns..

Who's having a meet-and-greet..

The gabbie show.. -

- Is having a meet-and-greet..

Ricky and Dylan is having a meet-and-greet..

We can't get close, because I don't want to stand in line for you guys to meet them -

- so you can look from a far

Look, look, look, look,

And we're done looking..

VidCon is actually closing down right now, so that's sad

Excuse me..


What's your YouTube channel name?

My youtube channel name is HelloRamus..



So it's Hello Rasmus?


Sup guys?

How's everyone?

Good, how are you? Are you enjoying VidCon?


You wanna see something?

Wait wait wait wait wait wait!

OMG! no way!

I meant Liza Koshy!

Backstage, she's so sweet.

You're making me jealous!

Well, i'm sorry. I'm sorry..

I'm pretty jealous of myself too.. -

- but she's very very nice. You'll meet her someday..

What's the thumbnail gonna be?

The thumbnail? I don't know..

What should it be?

I don't know..

Okay wait, we can zoom in..

What would be a great thumbnail?

Great meeting you guys!


Okay guys! So VidCon's over..

I am starving, so I need some food for body right now -

So that is why we're leaving Convention Center -

- and going outside to find some food, so ba-ba-ba-bye

I'll see you later guys, bye!

I'm back here in Fitzroy guys, and I'm looking for some place to eat..

Check out this restaurant, guys..

Okay guys, let's get some food..

Okay guys, so I got some food..

I wanted to... -

- share the experience of tasting this with you guys


This is super good. I love it.

I'm gonna take this one too, for you guys to watch..

To be honest guys, I don't want to talk to you guys -

- I just wanna eat this food so umm..

I'm gonna end this vlog now.. -

- and I'll just see you in the near future -

- in another type of video on this channel..

Make sure to subscribe because -

- I want subs dude -

- and make sure you like this video..

Comment: Where do you want me to travel next time -

- or what should I do here in Melbourne? 'cause I'm definitely returning to Melbourne..

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you...


Are you still here?

Just, just subscribe already..

Oh, sorry..

I did it again.. sorry!

For more infomation >> Met my favourite youtuber | VIDCON Australia | HelloRasmus - Duration: 13:21.


Lazy I DAHG Faces his fear - ep. 11: DEALING WITH HATE AND A DRAMATIC BACKGROUND [TURN ON CC] - Duration: 1:09.











I HATE .........I HATE.......I HATE......




I LOVE..... I LOVE..... I LOVE.....

For more infomation >> Lazy I DAHG Faces his fear - ep. 11: DEALING WITH HATE AND A DRAMATIC BACKGROUND [TURN ON CC] - Duration: 1:09.


10/2/17 12:45 PM (I I-80, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, USA) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 12:45 PM (I I-80, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, USA) - Duration: 0:59.


10/2/17 12:25 PM (Christopher Columbus Highway & I-80, Hackettstown, NJ 07840, USA) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 12:25 PM (Christopher Columbus Highway & I-80, Hackettstown, NJ 07840, USA) - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Matrix 1.8i GLS - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.8i GLS - Duration: 0:54.


10/2/17 11:50 AM (Christopher Columbus Highway & I-80 & Howard Blvd, Mt Arlington, NJ, USA) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 11:50 AM (Christopher Columbus Highway & I-80 & Howard Blvd, Mt Arlington, NJ, USA) - Duration: 0:59.


10/2/17 12:32 PM (Christopher Columbus Highway & I-80 & Co Rd 521, Blairstown, NJ 07825, USA) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 12:32 PM (Christopher Columbus Highway & I-80 & Co Rd 521, Blairstown, NJ 07825, USA) - Duration: 0:59.


10/2/17 12:51 PM (Z. H. Confair Memorial Hwy & I-80 & PA-33, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, USA) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 12:51 PM (Z. H. Confair Memorial Hwy & I-80 & PA-33, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, USA) - Duration: 0:59.


Honda Accord 1.6I LS airco lmv nap - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Accord 1.6I LS airco lmv nap - Duration: 1:01.


10/2/17 12:49 PM (Z. H. Confair Memorial Hwy & I-80 & PA-611, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, USA) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> 10/2/17 12:49 PM (Z. H. Confair Memorial Hwy & I-80 & PA-611, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, USA) - Duration: 0:59.


Delicious Ashure Recipe | Noah's Pudding | Ashoura Recipe | I LOVE COOKING - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Delicious Ashure Recipe | Noah's Pudding | Ashoura Recipe | I LOVE COOKING - Duration: 1:49.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V Caractère - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V Caractère - Duration: 0:53.


Oprah Winfrey Reflects on the Tragedy in Las Vegas: "I Feel the Soul of the Nation" - Duration: 2:10.

Oprah Winfrey Reflects on the Tragedy in Las Vegas: "I Feel the Soul of the Nation"

Oprah Winfrey believes prayer has the power to heal. The 63-year-old 60 Minutes contributor appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show Wednesday, where she shared concern for those affected by the mass shooting in Las Vegas Sunday night.

I feel the soul of the nation. I feel the ache that we all feel.

As the names are coming out and you get to see who they are by name, I speak their names out loud in thoughtful prayer, she told Ellen DeGeneres.

And I think this is a time for all of us to first of all appreciate the ordinary. Winfrey often thinks about those who lost their lives during the terrorist attack in New York City on Sept.

The thoughts will pop into her head at the oddest times, she said, like when Im putting on my shoes, when Im taking a shower, when Im going to pick up my robe..

I think, All those people that morning did the same thing, and it was such an ordinary day. And I think about everybody who went to that concert the other night—it was just an ordinary day.

And [I think about] how excited everybody was to be out in the open air and be at that concert, and then they didnt come home, she continued.

This is a reminder to all of us to appreciate the ordinariness of our days, because thats what makes life extraordinary. Winfrey then thanked DeGeneres, who tried to lift viewers spirits in Tuesdays monologue.

This is the best Ive felt in the past couple of days, being able to spend time with you and come do the show. You know, we all have ways of teaching and healing.

I did it for 25 years on the air. And I say this with just the deepest love for you: You make everybody feel better. You, she told the comedienne. You make everybody feel better and this show makes everybody feel better..

And its not just Winfrey who finds comfort in watching The Ellen DeGeneres Show in times of turmpil. A couple of days ago a friend called me crying, she recalled.

I said, Turn off the news! Turn on Ellen! Youll feel better! Turn off the news! Turn on Ellen! You will feel better!.

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